heavenlee773 · 1 month
Fairly Odd Parents; A New Wish finale spoilers!!
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Okay so am I the only one who didn’t like the fact that Hazel’s friends now know about the fairies?
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Because like, how do you go on from that? Maybe it’s because I never really got attached to her friends the same way I did with Dev, but it’s just racking my mind over how the episodes in season two will go.
It kind of feels like them knowing about the fairies will only cause troublesome situations like “oh it’s fine! Hazel can just wish us out of this mess” or “Hazel can you wish this for us please?” Which will probably cause a lot of problems, and there’s no going back from that.
It could be because on every site I watched FOPANW for free, it’s missing “The Wellsington Hotellsington” episode which I’m pretty sure is the episode where Winn gets formally introduced, and the trio’s friendship cements. I’ll probably have to buy that episode since websites don’t want to add it for some reason…
But now Season 2 most likely will be focused more on the trio and their shenanigans, so I don’t knowww… I’m really biased though, I love Dev as a character and I love his and Hazel’s dynamic (before the whole taking over fairy world thing)☹️
I like Jasmine and Winn but I just don’t care for them, you know?
And onto Hazel’s brother Antony, he’s cool and all but why does he need to know about the fairies?
Like I know this makes it SO much easier for Hazel, and it’s basically a huge weight lifted off of her, but story wise?? Eughhh I don’t know😖
I mean, if they explore his and Deja’s relationshipppp hmmm okayyyy😋😋 But I just know how they’d segue way into that, and thinking about it makes me uncomfortableeee!!
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PLEASEE don’t have Dev just be a one off antagonist☹️☹️
The theory that Dev keeps his memories because of his shades (and also his similarities to some other rich kid that was in the original series of whom I forgot his name) is cool, but also awkwarddd— because what does he do with that information?? Like okay buddy, you remember. Now what? He never had the best relationship with Peri in the first place!! I’d prefer if maybe season one went on WITHOUT Irep interfering or at least appearing but not appearing again until the next season, because THEN Dev and Peri could’ve connected at least a little, and Dev could have more realizations about “maybe I don’t need my father’s approval” or something— then in season two when Dev goes on a spiral or something, let’s say his dad ticks him off;
Dev tries to have a heart to heart with his dad after Hazel and Peri push him to,
“I feel like you don’t care about me, and all I want is for you to be proud of me—“
And his dad is like,
“Come back to me when you do something I can be proud of.”
SO THEN he becomes bitter at Hazel and Peri for “making” him go do that, and turns to Irep to take over Fairy World.
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Eughhhh but this is a kid’s show after all, and they want to cater to their attention spans so a show that takes a while to fully flesh out their characters would probably go right over some kid’s heads (or not, they could probably become smarter.)
I still love the show, and fanfiction exists for this exact reason—
I guess that’s enough of my Ramb-Lee’s for now, if anyone wants to talk about FOPANW, I’m here😝.
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(Dev looks so CUTE in this scene🥺)
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I’ve been listening to Narcissus Under the Knife by Jessica Law. I’ve been feeling very Normal about Narcissus Under the Knife by Jessica Law. I’ve been writing an analysis-ish thing about Narcissus Under the Knife by Jessica Law. I’ve also finished it, and if anyone wants to read it, that’s what this is. So. TW: mentions of mental health issues, namely Orpheus’ depression and Narcissus’ extreme Narcissism. Also plastic surgery. Also this is basically just incoherent rambling.
You have been warned.
Narcissus Under the Knife is a song by Jessica Law. It’s based on a fiction by the Mechanisms called Orpheus and Narcissus Go on a Trip to the Seaside. It (Narcissus Under the Knife) is written in first person from Narcissus’ perspective. Instead of talking to someone, or telling a story of some kind, it’s Narcissus’ own thoughts and reflection about his relationships, with Orpheus, his friend, and Echo, his ex, as well as his own relationship with mental health and his appearance.
My mind was ringing with echoes
When I told you to let go
When I sent you from me
The first verse is about Echo. In Orpheus and Narcissus Go on a Trip to the Seaside, Narcissus tells Orpheus about Echo, his ex from seven years ago. He says that he only realised that he truly loved her after she’d left him, saying that he loved his reflection more than he loved her, and had thought about her ever since. Orpheus said something about him only loving her once she became unattainable, but Narcissus never addressed this with anything other than a glare.
Now sitting here at my mirror
With the light getting dimmer
I can see myself clearly
You see, it’s ironic because the lights are getting dimmer. But it’s also ironic because his mirror is broken. Narcissus said that Echo broke it when she left, and that he never got around to getting it fixed. But, in the fiction, Orpheus thinks he sees an older, more beaten down and aged version of Narcissus for a moment in the reflection. He chalks it up to the drugs he’s on and the lack of nutrition, but that’s likely similar to what Narcissus sees in the mirror: a combination of how he looks and a distorted version, what his mind shows him.
And I'll never reconcile
Those bright eyes and flashing smile
With the mind that whirs and winds
And finds fault in all I see
But I think I'll stay awhile
Sit and stare and sulk in style
When Narcissus looks in the mirror, he sees himself. Sometimes how he physically looks. Sometimes his mind’s own version. Physically, he’s very attractive, young, obviously upper class. However, all he can see is what’s wrong with him. Yes, that makes no sense with what I said earlier about how sometimes he’s seeing what he actually looks like, but that’s why he can’t fit that version of him that everyone else sees with how he sees himself. He looks in the mirror, and what he sees is different from what he is. A young man with years and years ahead of him, perfect. Nothing about that is meant to imply someone who stares in the mirror for hours looking for faults. And it doesn’t, since no one is that kind of perfect without any insecurities.
And I never said that everything would be the same
And I never promised I would be OK with change
And I never meant to hurt you
But if you feel no pain, then
That's enough for me
That's enough for me
Here, Narcissus is struggling with change. He knows it happens, and he isn’t denying that, but that doesn’t mean he’s alright with the changes in his life. This whole verse could be about Echo or Orpheus, and it’d fit just the same. Echo left. It’s unclear if he actually realises that he hurt her, but either way he didn’t mean to. (Doesn’t make it okay, but there’s a reason Narcissism is called Narcissism.) And if she wasn’t really hurt by him (his perspective. Obviously that hurt her feelings), then he has a chance of her coming back. It also fits Orpheus because of Eurydice’s death. Since she died, Orpheus got careless, depressed, suicidal. He changed, and Narcissus wasn’t ready for it. And at the end of Orpheus and Narcissus Go on a Trip to the Seaside, Narcissus is actually the one to suggest that Orpheus try and get Eurydice back from the Acheron. Because Orpheus ended up dying before he could do anything, Narcissus never found out if it worked or not. So there was equal chance of his suggestion failing, hurting Orpheus more, and of it succeeding, in which case Orpheus would feel much better.
Looking is all I am doing
I would face my own ruin
If these looks didn't stay
Narcissus’ entire livelihood relies on his physical appearance. His job is people being attracted to him. His job is how he gets the money to throw fancy parties. (And, as is implied in the fiction and later in the song, plastic surgery). His fancy parties get him exposure, and exposure helps him keep his job. HE DOES NOT HAVE BACKUP MONEY. If he loses his looks, he loses everything. Also, the “Looking is all I’m doing” bit is a reference to the original Narcissus myth, where he has a pond instead of a mirror. Touching his face in the water would cause ripples that would ruin his otherwise perfect reflection. In the song, it’s less of an actual thing that could happen, as just touching his face or reflection couldn’t actually do anything to ruin how he looks. It’s just his fear that if he disrupts his perfect reflection, it’ll shatter everything he’s done to maintain his appearance.
I can't decide if I miss you
There are more pressing issues
Like remaining this way
So I think this bit is more about Orpheus than Echo, but could, again, be about either. About Orpheus: his best friend is missing, likely dead, possibly having killed himself, and Narcissus can’t stop maintaining his appearance for long enough to think about him. About Echo: Narcissus has spent so long keeping himself looking the same for when he thinks Echo’ll be back that he hasn’t thought about whether or not he actually loves her/wants her back.
And I'll never sympathise
With that place behind my eyes
Cells that order me to lie
And buy time with money
But I'm kind of mesmerised
By the face they hide behind
Narcissus’ actual reflection is perfect. Just like his face. But this is a mix of the actual reflection and his mind looking for something wrong. The something wrong here is what he sees behind his eyes. Y’know the whole ‘the eyes are a window to the soul’ thing? Pretty sure that’s the reference. Narcissus looks at his soul, who he is as a person, who he really is, and he doesn’t like it. The cells are his actual cells. He’s ageing. There’s a bit more allusion to him getting plastic surgery here, because it costs money and plastic surgery can hide ageing. So he’s forced to alter his face artificially in order to look younger. A sort of lying. Then the last two lines are him admiring his face. For anyone who’s ever dyed their hair, it’s kinda like the bit of time right after it’s been dyed where you pull it in front of your face because it’s a new colour and that’s interesting. He doesn’t feel like it’s his face. It’s a marvel, it doesn’t change, it’s constantly new.
And I know I need someone who feels and thinks the same
And I know that person isn't real and can't be named
And I never meant to spurn you
But if you feel no blame, then
That's enough for me
That's enough for me
The needing someone who feels and thinks the same is because he knows it would be good for him to talk to someone who went through/is going through what he’s going through. But there isn’t anyone he can talk to. (In the fiction, Orpheus thought about how he could have helped Narcissus, but wasn’t in the right mental state to be able to.) The spurn bit: he ignored Echo in favour of his own reflection, and he sort of did the same to Orpheus. Not as much, but he did leave him waiting three hours. But if they don’t feel any blame, then that’s good enough.
I know they'll soon come and get me
You would never have let me
Reach the state I'm in now
Narcissus is going to end up in an asylum. He knows it. Orpheus knew it. He believes that either Echo or Orpheus could have helped him get better.
Counting the cracks in the pavement
One more day of enslavement
To the lines on my brow
He counts the cracks, he counts his wrinkles, he only steps on the black tiles in his house. Every day he sees something new wrong with him, namely wrinkles, and hyper focuses on it. All he can think about is his imperfections.
Just another little tweak
Rolls the clock back one more week
If I could I would rewind the time I was with you
All those years I can't reclaim
But my youth I shall retain
So this is the big plastic surgery thing. “Just another little tweak” and all. One little change, and he’s so much younger. And the “my youth I shall retain” bit. He’s using plastic surgery to look younger. Obviously. Kinda. Already implied that. Whoop. But there’s more Narcissusism here. The 3rd and 4th lines are basically him saying that if he could take back all the time he spent with Echo/Orpheus in favour of his youth, he would.
And I'll never have that natural glow or natural grace
And I'll always have to cast my spell in other ways
And these dotted lines are painful
But that's the price I pay, and
That's enough for me
That’s enough for me
That’s enough for me.
Last verse! He can’t have a natural glow or grace because his looks aren’t natural. So everything he does has to be accentuated by something artificial in order to keep up the facade of effortless beauty. He has to spend hours on makeup and hair. He has to pick out fashionable clothes. He has to walk right, he has to speak right, everything he does, he has to do because if he doesn’t, people will see right through him, right through what he wants, no, needs them to see. Anyways, next line! More plastic surgery shit! When someone gets plastic surgery, the surgeons draw dotted lines around the area they’re doing surgery. The dotted lines are guide lines. The price he’s paying is both the price for the surgery, and also the ever so slight price on his soul that comes from living longer than he should have. Which makes sense for something related to the Mechs. Themes of the consequences of extended life and life in general are common themes in their stuff. If someone who’s reading this somehow hasn’t listened to them, Then What Are You Doing, Go Listen Now. Anyways, continuing to look young and pretty is all Narcissus feels he needs. It’s reaffirmed by the fact that he only says  “That’s enough for me” three times, one of which as the last line of the song. Every other time that line has popped up, it’s been sung twice. Like he’s trying to convince himself. But here, it’s sung three times. I’m taking it as convincing himself, convincing himself, convinced. Especially since the last one’s sung differently than every other time he sings that line. And there’s nothing else he needs to say after that. The whole song has been building up to and backing away from a sort-of admission of his own obsession, and now that he’s finally said it, there’s nothing else to admit.
Also, I really like that the song’s slow with lonely-ish melancholy vibes. Really lends to the contemplative aspect of it.
Wow! You stuck around! Wasn’t expecting that for my nonsense!
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songsfrompluto · 2 years
ok so i’m maybe hugely obsessed with dancing with the stars and SCREAMING at tonight’s finale!!!!! and i have to say if i see ONE (1) more person bitching about how the judges are “favoring” charli bc she’s trained???? no they’re favoring her bc she’s a better dancer than the other three, adore them though i do. and does it make the most sense to have a celebrity trained in dancing on the show? no! but i didn’t see ppl complaining when jordan fisher was on… almost like it’s more fun to hate on a teenage girl… 🤔🤔🤔
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diseaseriddencube · 8 months
normal people: alastor is aggressive with lucifer because he's actually under the control of lilith and needs to keep him away/help charlie or sth
me: alastor is aggressive with lucifer because he saw someone with two ounces more power than him, someone who could help charlie more than he has and show him up as worthless, and he Is Not Having Any Of That anyways do you wanna hear my npd headcanons and why he is actually me and
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an1muuarts · 23 days
why is klavier's name just "piano" in german
he doesnt even play the piano
he plays the guitar
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reanimatedgh0ul · 5 months
@they-bite it's my hc that the ONLY reason kwan paulina and valerie bother to keep dash and star's white asses near them is bc they're all studying them like how jane goodall was studying primates in the sense that there's smth so fascinating abt how hilariously stupid and ignorant white ppl can be that they simply need to know more lol
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illegallyexisting · 3 months
just finished watching sweet tooth!! im gonna sob wheeze and cry. i need to draw them IMMEDIATELY
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catboy-dummy · 1 year
Tthis numming liquid fffeels sooooo good I can’t stop rubbing and barely feel anything but still feel myself get close to the edge at the same time but edging feels sooooo good rn
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queen-scribbles · 5 months
I love writing combat until it's 6v6 and I have too many people to keep track of RIP😂
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zafiro-anyejo · 5 months
I will never forgive that one youtuber who said "chuck mcgill is worse than walter white".
The man is literally just a socially anxious, unfunny, jealous older sibling. What he does to Jimmy is in no way comparable--in any universe--to what Walter White, or even Mike--did to Albuquerque. The harm that Chuck internalized himself was far worse than anything he did to anyone in his life.
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Random Bright Family Headcanon
Liking chickens is hereditary for Jack Bright's lineage.
Jack fucking loves chickens and would keep a few of them if she weren't either on-site at all times or lives in an apartment building.
Yoric keeps at least 3 hens. One of them is his "wife" called Bethany and she's very mean to everyone.
They bond over their fondness of chickens. It's one of the rare times they aren't weirded oout by each other.
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diseasedcube · 1 year
Cutthwoat thwows uppy
Something must have been wrong with you, accepting a meal from a stranger. But hey, when someone offers to buy you mcnuggies, do you decline? Hell no, even if said stranger looked suspiciously like a man you’ve seen on the news many times before, what crime did he commit again? Well, it didn’t matter at the time, free food is free food, even if the coins he used to pay came from what looked to be a woman’s wallet that certainly couldn’t be his, and his fingers had dark flecks of red to match those on the cash. You’d never seen a man scarf down so many nuggets in your life, but who were you to judge when he was feeding you? 
You had nothing to worry about in life except the nuggets in your belly as you thanked him for the meal and turned to walk home. It shortly became apparent that you were being followed, and by who other than the white clad nuggets man himself. The wanted pictures of him started to take shape more clearly in your head as you glanced back, only to see a knife in his hand. Well, your luck for the day could only have lasted so long, hopefully it could last just long enough to outrun him though. 
The holy Shinkansen had other plans for you that day though, giving your short legged figure the tallest murderer in the world to outpace. And really, for as much as you strained, the sloshing nuggets in your stomach were not giving you any strength that they appeared to grant him, for he had already caught up to you. 
His speed and weight sent you both tumbling over the pavement in a roll, he ended up on top. Breathing oh so disgustingly close to your face, his teeth were surprisingly gorgeous and perfect, though his breath stank of processed meat and…was that fresh blood you smelled? Just stab me already, thank you for the meal, I guess this is my payment for trusting strangers, you thought. 
But he didn’t do anything, his breathing became open mouthed and almost heaving, this was quite the pale man, but you could swear he was almost turning green under the red street lights. Beads of sweat dripped onto you, and you wished you could squirm away from the saliva that dripped from his open mouth. A drop landed on your cheek and if you hadn’t been pinned to the floor by a wanted murderer, you’d be wiping it off and maybe screaming and running by now, but you could hardly move away. 
You wished he’d just do something already, kill you, release you, anything. The dry heaving was getting really concerning, more so than the predicament you already were placed in. He could at least move his face a few inches back, it was as if he was going in for a kiss but he never tried to close contact. 
Then, oh god no, retching sounds. With his body pressing upon yours, you felt every convulsion he made, and you were far too close for comfort to watch his pink eyes water and roll back. You wriggled and writhed but there was no escaping your fate. The nuggets you had both enjoyed only minutes earlier were being sent on a projectile course right towards your face. An involuntary gasp at the liquid and chunks splashing your cheeks allowed some to drip in your mouth, and this only led to your gag reflex activating too. Now you felt your nuggets coming up, his vomit scented breath in your nostrils was only quickening the bile making its way up. Laying on your back was the worst position for this, as your own mcdonald’s sludge burbled like a geyser in your mouth, allowing his liquids to seep onto your tongue for your vomits to mix. You could feel yourself choking on it, unable to even turn your head to properly swallow it or spit out this abhorrent mixture of fluids, you felt consciousness fade as the mysterious mcdonalds man hovered over you and you aspirated to death.
“Rip in peace, my precious nugget darling” he whispered to you as you died. 
@herdisturbedheart big mcthankies from mcspankies for the idea 🥰
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diseaseriddencube · 8 months
@hystericfae for our anniversary, the only courier edit I'll ever make 😍
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songsfrompluto · 7 months
yall ever just sit and cry thinking about who you used to be and how sad you felt all the time and how you’ve been through a lot but now you’ve found happiness and you’re so proud of yourself and there are so many people who have the privilege of loving you and who you have the pleasure of loving and you deserve every morsel of it
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lemonade-juley · 10 months
Another Aevia thought but damn she loses Ana twice, and just after Ana remembers her too.
Even worse that she had to do the killing blow...
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illegallyexisting · 6 months
once i can properly gather my thoughts i am going to yap so hard about Cabaret. just yoy WAIT
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