#ramen the prompt box
thebookishwallflower · 6 months
today marks the birth of prompt box!! say happy birthday to him (his name is ramen). if you would like a random prompt send in an ask and the number of prompts you want ramen and i to give you :}
(i copied over a ton of @/scealaiscoite's prompts, printed them out, cut them up, and threw 'em in a box for random writing inspiration, because choosing one is far too hard, and this is way more fun)
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yuzukult · 3 months
from home 03 || jjk & reader
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title: from home pairing: jungkook x reader genre: richkid!jk, baker!reader, fakedating!au, fluff, angst, e2l, smut in future chapters word count: 8.1k prompt: jungkook is the youngest of five boys, the last in line to truly inherit any his parents’ money. but what if his mom suddenly cuts him off due to his current poor behavior and he’s forced to learn how it feels like to be part of the working class? a/n: .......... LMFAOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOLKS I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE ORIGINAL... anyways hopefully i copied the right chapter hahahhahahah
“You going to the staff dinner tonight?”
Raising a finger at Hoseok, Jungkook slips his phone from his pocket, skimming through the pages before landing on an app, typing a few things in before he looks up with a saddened expression on his face. “... I guess not.”
“Why? What’s wrong? Why can’t you go?” He turns his phone to show the both of you. 
“Jungkook!” You and Hoseok in unison exclaim in disbelief. “How the fuck do you only have $30 in there?” Jungkook shrugs, slumping his shoulders as he leans against the conveyor belt. “My mom hasn’t given me the modeling money yet. Our accountant is still calculating all of my earnings. You’d think with how much my parents pay him that he’d work a little faster...”
“We just got paid two days ago,” Hoseok points out, completely baffled as to how Jungkook was able to go through that money so quickly. “What did you do?”
Standing in the middle of Jungkook’s apartment, you and Hoseok just heave out a heavy sigh, shaking your heads in disappointment. He has new curtains, one that makes it easier for the sun to shine through in the mornings which has been an incredibly huge mood booster for him. His futons now have pillows and a blanket to claim their own. Then there was the fridge— full of almost every type of frozen meal from the aisles of the grocery store. And the pantry was an entirely different story; stacks of ramen, chips, cookies— they were practically spilling.
“Jungkook, you need to learn how to control your spending.” You say with great dismay, skimming through the labels of all the ramen bowls and packets that pile on top of each other. “If you keep going at this rate, you’re going to be so broke that you’ll be living on our couches on rotation.”
His face brightens. “You’d let me live on your couch if I needed to?” 
Ignoring his question blatantly, you start browsing his apartment with Hoseok. His suitcases and boxes remain full of things that he brought back from the estate which has you going through them in pure amusement. “You guys... wanna help me unpack or something?”
“Unpack or something. Either or.” You pull out a velvet royal blue suit from one of the boxes that’s still in its clear plastic jacket for the outer protective layer. “Jungkook, want to give me a reason why you have this?”
“Oh. That’s this year’s Hugo Boss. Haven’t worn it yet, I needed to get it fitted.”
Your nostrils flare at the words. “... OK, so why do you still have it? You’re a lower middle class guy living in a studio apartment that’s still probably being paid by his parents who have a butt load of money so they honestly don’t even know they’re still putting money into this. Why they hell would you have a suit that’s...” flipping the label around, your jaw nearly pops off when it drops to the floor, “₩665,175,000.00? Jungkook, what the flying fuck—”
“What?” Hoseok drops the bag of chips he’s in the midst of opening from his hands. Despite also coming from money, he was never that rich in comparison to Jungkook. “Yeah, Hobi, you heard that right. $600,000.00 buckaroos. That’s the cost of a house right there.”
“The Jeon estate is actually—“ You place your index finger against Jungkook’s lips to hush him. “Don’t even. You need to sell this suit.”
“Sell—“ Breathless, Jungkook looks like he’s going to pass out. “I can’t sell a limited edition suit. It was hard to even get it in the first place! What makes you think I’m going to sell it?”
“Because you have 30 bucks to your name.” You respond bluntly before picking up another suit that he has lying underneath the first. “Or sell this one.”
“Not the 2021 Vintage Gucci Men’s Suit!”
“How— One, how can something be vintage if it’s in 2021? And it’s not even 2021 yet?”
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The sun begins to set; the rays peering through the curtains gradually dissipates, leaving the three of you sprawled across Jungkook’s new apartment with clothes splattered on every possible surface in the poorly lit room. He still lacked another lamp, but the one his mother left was going to have to do. The staff dinner plans are cancelled, mostly because reorganizing Jungkook’s belongings has been an unanticipatedly gratifying yet a fraught chore that took up more time than predicted. Jungkook was hoping to attend the dinner, but after seeing how much effort you and Hoseok put in trying to make his living space a bit more comfortable, the hope for going to the event has been pushed to the back of his mind.
“Do you guys want to order take-out?” Jungkook suggests, and both you and Hoseok nod while sharing each halves of the futon. “But we’ll pay since you barely have any money. You can get us next time.”
Next time, which means that you guys want to hang out with Jungkook again. 
To him, this is a huge step in the friendship direction. Throughout the entirety of his life, having friends had never really been a thing. Sure, he had play-dates per request from his mother, but those kids were fans of the stuff he owned, they didn’t even like him for him. It had become a recurrence up until high school, where the replacement for the need for friendship had been occupied with flings with women instead. People hung around him for the image, but he never felt a connection with anyone.
That was, until he met you and Hoseok.
Although he’d known Hoseok from showing up at the same parties, he never actually got to talk to him on this level until he visited the supermarket that fateful day. He was always the fun guy at parties; attention constantly gravitating toward him, whether he liked it or not, and he came from money as well, so Jungkook wasn’t sure if those people were surrounding him because of it. Sure, Hoseok’s parents weren’t as rich as Jungkook’s, but they were pretty high up there and could afford almost anything they desired.
Yet, he preferred this sight of Hoseok. Baggy hoodie and jeans, skin greasy from spending the day at work then coming to Jungkook’s apartment to unpack. He’s nagging at you for taking up too much space, covering the surface area that Hoseok had claimed to be his under an unspoken contract as you frown when he slaps your leg.
He likes this. There’s no gowns and tuxes in a ballroom with hors d'oeuvres worth the price of a car per bite; there’s no young people at a party, getting wasted and high, fucking in bedrooms that they weren’t sure who it belonged to; there wasn’t a dining room full of both family and strangers that attempted to start small talk about things he didn’t care about— there was none of that. Just comfort from people he genuinely wanted to impress and make proud of him. He’s not sure if he’s ever felt this way before and he’s barely even known either of you that long. Jungkook has been spending most of his life trying to fill a void in him and has been unsuccessful. He’s finally feeling like he’s going somewhere.
You and Hoseok finally agree on what to eat and he learns that it’s your favorite. Pizza. Extra cheese, pepperoni, sausage, spinach with an ungodly amount of jalapeño peppers, Hoseok mentioned earlier that night that your tolerance for spicy foods is stronger than the pits of hell. 
“Jesus, how are you eating this?” Jungkook cries, snot dripping from his nose while Hoseok wipes his tears after taking another bite. You sit there, unfazed, picking up the abandoned slices of peppers that sit in the box, dropping them into your mouth. “It’s honestly not that spicy. Don’t be dramatic.”
“Bitch, we are not being dramatic, your stomach is made out of whatever Captain America’s shield is made from...”
Jungkook’s phone buzzes in the midst of your argument with Hoseok and just from the name on his lock screen, his heart drops. Jeon Junghwan.
There were a couple things in life that Jungkook wanted to attain— the acceptance from Junghwan and his parents being on top of that list. Ever since Jungkook was younger, Junghwan had been the golden child, the rest of the four were just barely making it, arduously following in his footsteps. But he failed, he hasn’t been able to win the approval from him.
Jeon Junghwan [7:55PM]: Mother is having a charity banquet on Saturday. She would have called you but figured it’d be best if I contacted you instead. Something about ‘inspiration’. Please be at the estate at 7:00PM sharp.
Jeon Junghwan [7:55PM]: Goodnight, Junghwan.
“Why does he text like an old man?” Jungkook flinches, head turning sideways to meet with Hoseok hovering over his shoulder. “Junghwan, I mean. But cool, I was supposed to go to that banquet too, until I got called on a shift. Luckily you’re not scheduled.”
“Yeah...” He says quietly, seated on the floor as he leans back against the sides of the futon. “This is the first time I’m seeing my family after moving out. I need to plan this out right.”
“Well, what’s the plan?” Cheeks full of fries, you’re munching away on the other side of Jungkook as he contemplates the next steps he’s going to have to make in order to reach his goal. “One thing is for sure. You’re going to be my date.”
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The breath has been stolen away from his lungs and his heart feels like you’ve pierced through his chest cavity and squashed it into the palm of your hands. He doesn’t know what it’s called (maybe a blowout) but the way your hair cascades down to your shoulders is marveling. In a black long dress with a slit that exposes the entirety of your legs, his breath hitches when his eyes meet the skin of your thighs, the spaghetti straps drape over your décolletage with the v-cut neckline only finishing it off right. He thinks this is his fatal moment. He’s never seen you dolled up like this before; cheeks brushed with a peach blush, lashes emphasized with mascara, liner that makes you look even more fierce, and lips... so buttery pink and plump that almost wishes he could—
“Jungkook?” He shivers, immediately pushing the thoughts out of his head. You’d probably stab him in mere seconds if you knew what he was thinking about. “H-Hey. You look good.” 
You grin, adjusting the fabric that hangs around your legs. “Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself. Anyways, let’s get going. You said your brother sent a car for us?”
Even though Jungkook is a model and has posed in magazines in suits, it’s still a surprise to see how stunning he manages to look in person. He keeps his hair casual today, despite the formal attire, but when his fingertips rake through those luscious locks, it makes sense why he went with that decision. If you didn’t know any better, you wouldn’t believe that this hunk was living off of frozen meals and instant ramen for the past week. 
He’s pretty, yet there’s something that you can’t help but loathe about him. 
Jungkook is still from money, despite the amount of times you’ve seen him in the supermarket’s uniform and apron. It’s something you’ve been trying to force yourself to remember when you feel yourself slowly falling into the traps of his smile and looks. The reminder is there when a Mercedes Benz S-Class pulls up and Jungkook isn’t as astonished as you are. The window of the driver’s side rolls down, revealing a middle-aged man who wears a chauffeur’s hat and a grin upon his lips. “Jeon Jungkook, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”
“Hyungjin,” He dips his head in acknowledgement before saying your name, “... this is my date. This guy has been my driver since I was born. Park Hyungjin. He’s going to be taking us to the estate tonight.”
Jungkook opens the back door for you as you slide in with ease, completely in veneration at the characteristics of the vehicle. It feels luxurious, from the leather seats to the center console, and when you see Hyungjin beginning to raise the customized partition between the front and back seats, you’re shocked it can even do that until Jungkook halts him from doing so. “Uh, sorry, Hyungjin, she’s not one of those nights.”
Oh, you think to yourself, this was a routine. His preceding lifestyle is starting to unfold before you.
Arriving at the ‘estate,’ which was something you’d had been stuck with trying to adjust yourself in calling Jungkook’s family home, it’s an unreservedly different part of the home compared to your first visit however a sudden coldness hits your core from incredulity. How could anyone need a home this big? Jungkook guides you out of the car before you could even register the visuals of the home, waving Hyungjin goodbye and brisk “thank you.”
“Hold my hand.” His fingertips brush against the back of your hand discreetly, and as a reflex, you slap him away while he whimpers in pain. “What the hell was that for?”
“Sorry. Habit.” When you try to reach for him again, he opts for resting his palm on your lower back instead, keeping you close. “It’s okay. Is this alright?” You nod. “This is better anyway. We look close yet at the same time professional.”
When you step into the ballroom, you quickly learn that your previous time at the Jeon estate had only been a glimpse of what Jungkook’s sumptuous home had to offer. There’s something of a mezzanine or indoor balcony of some sorts with staircases that branch around the perimeter where a couple people stand idly. The chandelier that you saw in the dining room before was no comparison to what was currently hanging from the ceiling right now— there’s diamonds that hang like raindrops, intricately scattered with clear clarity that only the rich could identify and have the opportunity to see in person. The guests are dressed like those diamonds— sparkles and jewels of women that bathed in the crystals, accompanied by men who simply wore tuxedos and suits. 
But the real stars of the show were the Jeons. With Mrs. Jeon’s hair in an updo, it accentuates her collarbones and shoulders where her dress lies; a beautiful detailed lavender gown that you can already sense the weight of when she drags it behind her. You see where Jungkook gets his genes from.
The filler music from the orchestra that plays in the corner stops, the chattering along with it as they all divert their attention to the Jeons that stand by the railings of the balcony— the four boys and their dates. All that’s missing is Jungkook who stands beside you, hand graduating from your lower back to your waist. 
“Hello, everyone,” Mrs. Jeon greets, a pearly white smile upon her lips. “I am so thankful for your attendance here. As you know, tonight is dedicated toward the Cancer Research Foundation of Seoul, known as the CRFS, and I will be the host tonight but the true genius behind this all is my son, Jeon Jungsik.”
Jungsik approaches his mother from the side, dressed just as well as the rest of his siblings, shaking his head in disapproval. “Mother, I couldn’t have done this without you,” He says humbly, eyes browsing the crowd but pauses when he sees Jungkook with you by his side. There’s something hidden behind his stare, Jungkook hypothesizes, because his modest brother suddenly wants the spotlight whereas previously, he’d be standing in the audience. He can’t tell if it’s because it’s the first family event where he’s sober or if truly there’s something about Jungsik that’s different. “But tonight is a different kind of night. We’re here today not to just donate what we can to a good cause, but celebrating as well. I’m announcing my engagement with Kim Nari.”
An abrupt realization washes over Jungkook.
Kim Nari. The daughter of a tech mogul whose relationship with Jungsik would further advance the Jeon Corporation and skyrocket their profits. Her marriage with Jungsik would link the two companies together, creating possibilities for what seemed to be impossible. Which brings to question, why would Jungsik be interested in Nari? She’s a reflection in the mirror of Jungkook himself— uncontrollable, spoiled, and dependent with no future planned. Why would Jungsik, someone with passions, dreams, and stability want to be with someone like that? Something was up, and Jungkook can taste the bitterness in his mouth.
“Penny for your thoughts?” You ask, but you genuinely don’t care. Anything would be better than listening to conversations that were beginning to start up again at the hasty announcement. Nari has one of her hands sitting upon the rail, waving as if she’s the Queen of England, with a dress that may be deemed inappropriate for a setting like this. It seems that the rest of the family is hearing the engagement for the first time though because Mrs. Jeon looks like she’s going to faint and Mr. Jeon is holding in his anger rather than noticing Nari’s attire.
“Nothing, just... something weird with my brother.” He says before turning to give you his attention again. “Anyway, should I introduce you to my horrific bloodline?”
When Jungkook guides you toward his family members that have begun trickling down the staircase, you’re appearing to have heart palpitations from the suspense. The way the Jeons walk is intimidating alone; shoulders pushed back, straightened posture, and smiles that resemble authenticity on the surface but daggers will be pulled at their disposal if anything goes haywire.
“Mother, Father, this is my girlfriend...” You altogether miss when Jungkook says your name from the sight of his family up close until he squeezes your waist gingerly to capture your awareness again. “Oh, yes, hi,” You bow speedily, “I’m uh, Jungkook’s girlfriend.” Wait. Didn’t he just say that?
“Are you now? Last time we spoke, you said you weren’t,” Mrs. Jeon comments, and albeit her words sound harsh, the draw of her lips upwards say otherwise. It feels a bit forced, but you know it’s from the sudden news coming from Jungsik. There’s a façade of happiness when deep down, she’s disappointed. “We... we met after that night and he treated me to dinner for taking care of him. We’ve been... seeing each other ever since.” 
Mr. Jeon stands there in silence, observing the conversation between you and his wife before unexpectedly speaking up. “Did you attend University? And have you graduated yet?”
Jungkook knows what this is. The Interrogation. Every Jeon child’s significant other has gone through this and you were next. He had completely forgotten about it— mostly because his other brothers had gone through it years ago, and Jongseok’s ‘girlfriends’ had never really been girlfriends, so their dad had given up on that until someone serious came by.
He never thought it’d be him before Jongseok.
“Yes, back in 2016.” You state, fingers fidgeting with the metal chain of your purse. It was a simple question yet the way it’s executed is as if he’s searching for a particular answer.
The older gentleman tilts his head, the space between his brows crinkling in perplexity. He looks so much like Jungkook, except matured with wisdom, and if Jungkook was of any replication of his father when he’s that age, he’d probably still have a line of women after him. “So you’re older than Jungkook.”
“No, father,”  Jungkook chimes in, “... Quite the opposite. She’s actually a year younger than me. Graduated University rather early. Or... well, she finished high school early.” He can see from his peripheral vision that he has captured the ears of his other siblings that stand languidly. “Gifted, really. Child prodigy. Despite all the talented Jeon children, we’ve never had one of those.”
There’s a glimmer in his father’s eyes. He’s impressed. “Really?” His stiff tone has shifted to a lighter one. “Did you study in Seoul? What was your degree in?”
“No, uh, I actually studied abroad in New York after graduating high school. I was about... maybe fifteen at the time? I chose Food Science— I thought about being a Chef because my inspiration is Guy Fieri but someone told me to be a bit more realistic with my brain so here we are.”
Guy Fieri? Jungkook stifles a laugh at your secretive role model, rubbing your sides comfortingly. It’s something to tease you about later, but right now, you have a job to do. Swoon his father.
Mr. Jeon nods, hands slipping into the front pockets of his slacks. “Remarkable. We could use someone like you in the Jeon Corporation.”
Both you and Jungkook choke, clearing your throats at the sudden suggestion, glancing at one another. “I’m sorry?”
“I’m thinking about opening a chain of restaurants, something high end, something different.” Jungkook’s brothers are stepping in closer to listen shamelessly to the conversation, the look of disarray stamped onto each one of their faces as if it’s the first time they’re hearing this information, for the second time tonight. “I would love it if you gave me your take on how to proceed on some things, and help the chef formulate something that makes sense without him cheating me out on prices. Jungkook, tell Maeri to schedule something for us so I can discuss further details.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” You blurt, palms growing sweaty. “But you just met me, and Jungkook and I just started dating. Are you sure you trust me?” It’s another experience of déjà vu; Jungkook mirroring his father’s actions at the yacht party when he claims that he’d pay for your aspirations.
“Of course. Jeon Jungkook doesn’t have girlfriends.”
Just then, someone taps his shoulder and whispers something ineligible into his ear before he turns to you with his hand extended, and you take the offer with a firm shake. “I’m needed elsewhere. It was nice meeting you. Glad to know Jungkook chose someone fitting.” And with that, he leaves.
“Well, that was pleasant,” Mrs. Jeon comments, hand resting on Jungkook’s shoulder. “Seems that sending you off to live alone has brought nothing but good impressions on your father. Keep it up, Kook-ah. I’m going to go accompany him, so in the meanwhile, introduce her to your brothers, why don’t you?”
Turning your body to face Jungkook, you let out the hugest breath you’ve ever held in your entire life. “What was that?”
He looks equally as stunned as you. “I don’t know but that went so much better than I actually thought. I think that was the fastest he’s ever been fascinated by any of our girlfriends.” 
Jungkook’s father had strict outlooks for the company, one of them being that he wanted nothing but pure Jeon blood leading the corporation. This meant that the significant others of any of his children weren’t allowed to be part of the trade. So why did he ask you particularly for a hand in the family business?
“Jungkook,” One of his brothers calls out, your heads sharply jolting at the sound of his voice.
Have you ever watched Boys Over Flowers? When the Flower 4 walk through any entrance, it’s like time slows down and their hair flows through the wind like they’re models?
That’s what pretty much happens.
“Hyungs.” He says; it’s their own version of a hello and the atmosphere between them is tense. “It’s nice to see you sober, Jungkook.”
His jaw tightens. “I wasn’t an addict, just you so know. Made it easier being around you all.”
“Yeah, yeah,” The one you assume is Jongseok from your previous google search waves his hand, disregarding Jungkook’s statement before pointing his finger directly at you. If only you could bite it off along with his rude mannerisms. “Girl toy?”
“Girlfriend,” Jungkook corrects him and his other brothers are intrigued. “This is my girlfriend,...” As he says your name, your eyes immediately are drawn to the woman behind one of the males; shiny caramel colored hair with the simplest white dress that hugs her small waist that still manages to make her look like a goddess with a smile that was so sweet your teeth start to hurt. You recall catching a sight of her in the same magazines that Jungkook featured in and on the posters at the mall whenever you’d walk into a store but how she looked in person was flawless compared to those photos. She was like the real life version of a photoshopped picture.
“This is Hayoung, my brother Junghwan’s wife.”
“Uh, H-H-Hi,” why does she make you so nervous? Do you get anxious around extremely beautiful women? “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” She hums, cheekbones high with her grin. “Kookie never mentioned he had a girlfriend, let alone brought anyone to meet his family before.”
“Kookie?” You reiterate with a mocking tone. He knows you’ll never let him live this down. Least he still had the Guy Fieri thing up his sleeve. “Noona, it would’ve been nice to keep that away from her for a bit. I’m trying to ease her into this madness. She’s probably still recovering from that conversation with our father.”
“As if!” Hayoung counters back. Her husband, Junghwan, wraps an arm around her waist before dipping his head slightly toward you. “I’m Junghwan, Jungkook’s older brother.” He then begins to point at the other gentlemen. “Jonghyun, Jungsik, and Jongseok, respectively.” 
Frankly, it had been a lot to unpack for the night, and you assumed that the boxes back at his apartment were a lot, but this was truly a lot. Within an hour, Jungkook introduces you to almost anyone that plays a significant role in his life and elaborates on each of their backgrounds. 
Junghwan, his eldest brother, is married to the international supermodel Na Hayoung, and he’s the next in line to inherit the CEO position when his father steps down from the company. He’s been trained all his life for this role, apparently, and it’s evident in how he carries himself. Jonghyun, the second oldest, stands behind Junghwan in the company, supposedly his right hand man when it comes to business, joined at the hip although their personal relationship with each other isn’t as close. He’s also married, Jungkook mentions, but his wife is currently very pregnant and at home. He skips over Jungsik, only because you’ve met him over dinner, but he doesn’t miss a beat when he says that Jungsik is purportedly the angelic Jeon. Lastly was Jongseok, the last sibling before himself, and was described as something along the lines of, “the most useless, right after myself, and if it weren’t for his involvement with the marketing department because of his diploma, he’d be living in a studio apartment downtown, cut off from this family too.” Jungkook’s words, not yours.
The night slowly reaches an end, people scattering to leave the estate, thanking Jungkook’s parents for hosting such a charitable event. Just before you’re about to step out along with Jungkook, his mother had her fingers wrapped around your wrist. “Jungkook, you and your lovely girlfriend should stay the night. Downtown is far and your siblings will be here as well. Maybe you can show her to your bedroom? I know you’ve been missing your bed and well... maybe show her around your childhood home.” She pauses for a moment as Jungkook hesitates as you eye him suspiciously before interrupting his thoughts. “Your father wants to speak to you and your brothers in the morning anyways, so it would be nice for you to stay for breakfast, dear.”
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“Are you fucking dense, Jeon Jungkook? I do not want to stay the night here.” Contradicting your angry words, you’re already unlatching the attachment on the straps of your heels, sliding them off while seated on the bay window seats of his bedroom, rubbing the soles of your feet. “I’m sorry,” He mutters weakly, falling on the foot of his bed. “I don’t know how to say no to my mother.”
“Well, quit being a fucking momma’s boy and call an Uber. I want to go home, Jungkook.”
“Uber’s don’t run this late at night in the area. We live too far off the grid.”
“Well, then ask Mr. Hyungjin to pull up in his whip and take us home.”
His face drops, a guilty look pooling in his orbs. “We sent him home. He’s technically off on the weekends. Hyungjin only came out because Junghwan asked for him beforehand.”
You grumble, laying back on the cushions, locks tangling along with your mood. “What are we supposed to do here? Share a bed? What am I supposed to wear to sleep? Did you already ask your housemaids?”
“No,” He answers bleakly, standing up. “But I’ll go ask now. In the meantime, you can watch some TV? Then when I come back you can shower and do whatever you need. I think I have a spare toothbrush for you to borrow. As for the bed thing...” Jungkook looks over at that California King that he misses so much. “... it’s more than big enough for the two of us, I’ll keep my distance from you without a problem.”
Before you can counter the suggestion, he’s already out the door.
Perusing through his bedroom, you soon learn that this ‘room’ of his is the size of your childhood bedroom times five with a closet the size of your apartment with a connecting bathroom that was equivalent in surface area.
Then it has you thinking. Jungkook grew up like this, in a life of grandeur where everything he had, he had a plethora of. Whether it be education, belongings, or the aid of people who tended to every need he had, it never seems to run out. He had a driver since he was born while you struggled to learn how to take the bus alone at the age of 7. Or running out of money to pay for a new notebook for class since you’ve been using the same one for the past two grades in order to save cash so your parents could put food on the table. While Jungkook over here was probably tearing down trees in his yard to make all the paper in the world. What about noticing that you were ahead of the kids in your class? No one seemed to have realized it until you said to someone that you were bored, and needed more challenging material when you got sent to the Principal’s office per request, begging to be with the bigger kids.
If you had the money Jungkook had, you would’ve been able to pay off both yours and your parents’ debt in addition to opening your bakery all within the same year. 
But you aren’t Jungkook, and jealousy just runs through your veins alongside the enmity. 
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Entering through the housemaids’ chambers was a nostalgic feeling that he couldn’t exactly say was his favorite. Sneaking down here during the late hours of the night for quick sex and running back up to his bedroom felt like such a teenager thing to do at the age of twenty, so he instantaneously gave up on that. 
There’s two wooden doors to choose from. Nayeon, the house servant he slept with several times before realizing that she had falling for him while thinking it was some forbidden love, and Hana... also a servant that he had sex with until she also fell in love with him.
So which one of them would be less upset about him asking to borrow their sleepwear for his new girlfriend?
Answer to that question: neither because they both slammed their doors on him after asking. He should’ve figured that sooner.
Next stop: Junghwan’s room. Maybe Hayoung had something for you. 
He hesitates when he’s standing outside of his brother’s bedroom door. It takes him back to when he was a kid all over again, desperate for his big brother’s attention who didn’t even have enough time to dedicate to him. Taking in a deep breath of courage, he does it yet again, his knuckles tapping against the wood that makes the same knocking sound.
Peeking out, Junghwan looks at Jungkook with a perplexed expression. “Jungkook, what’s up? Are you alright?”
“Uh, yeah. Is noona with you?” He nods. “Yeah, of course. She’s washing her face right now, wanna come in?” Jungkook steps into the room, ambivalent with each movement because he’s never been invited into Junghwan’s room before. It’s almost exactly what his room looks like, except all the shades are dark, varying from grey to navy, with his bed, closet, and bathrooms in the same locations. 
“Hayoung, Jungkook is looking for you.”
“Kookie?” Coming out the bathroom with a robe on, her hair is drenched as she attempts to towel dry it, face pretty even without makeup. “What’s up, bub?”
“Uh, my girlfriend,” He starts, rubbing the back of his nape anxiously because he’s never said those words before, “She doesn’t have anything to wear tonight. I have some clothes, but I think she’d feel more comfortable if she at least has some pants.”
“Tell her to sleep in her underwear, what’s the problem?” Because she’s not really my girlfriend, is what he wants to say, but he takes a different approach. “We’re... still in the early stages. So, uh, you know. She’s shy.” She shakes her head with a smile upon her lips. “Okay. Give me a second. I have a bunch of clothes that I left when we used to live here.” With that, she disappears into the closet.
“I’m... proud of you, Jungkook.” Junghwan speaks up, protruding through the silence. Jungkook just stares in bewilderment, unsure what he even did to make Junghwan say those words he had dreamt to hear coming from his eldest brother. “Other than landing a girlfriend who is definitely way out of your league, you’re actually showing some progress living alone. I honestly didn’t really agree with the plan that Jongseok proposed but... I see it’s working well.”
“W-What do you mean?” Jungkook questions. He still can’t believe what he’s hearing.
Junghwan hums. “You were able to find a job yourself. I haven’t seen you coming back begging for money again, and you found someone who doesn’t have the facilities to give you the lifestyle that our parents gave us. You found love without money and I think it really makes a person humble.” He’s fiddling with the strings of his sweatpants now, comprehending that the two of them don’t really talk one-on-one. “I know I changed a lot when I met Hayoung.”
“Kookie, I think I have a couple options for you— whoa, why does it feel so sad here?” She remarks, stopping in the midst of her walk toward Jungkook. “You guys... alright?”
“Nothing,” Junghwan responds quickly. “I just wanted to tell Jungkook that I’m proud of him.” This does nothing but prompt Hayoung to roll her eyes, laying out a pair of shorts and a silky baby blue nightgown. “Junghwan is always proud of Kookie, just not always the decision he makes. Anyways,” She completely brushes off the topic that Jungkook wants to hear, but he’ll circle back to that later. He had a pretty girl waiting in his room who had the temper of the Hulk. “I have two options for you to give her. Maybe you’ll get lucky and she’ll wear the night gown?”
Jungkook scoffs. “If I brought that to her, she’d probably wrap it around my neck and choke me within seconds. Keep the gown, I’m taking the shorts. I’ll let her wear one of my T-shirts.”
“Are you sure?” Hayoung sings and Jungkook tells her he’s almost confident that he’s going to die tonight if he so much reaches the door with that thing in his hands.
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Jungkook chucks the shorts at your face while you’re laying on your back on his mattress. “Here you go, Mrs. Fieri. The girls wouldn’t lend me anything because well... I may have slept with them both and they were hopelessly in love with me. Hayoung noona gave me those shorts instead.” He’s babbling on about how rude the housemaids had been when he asked, but you’re canceling his voice out because the coolest chick you’ve ever met just lent you her shorts.
“... Are you even listening to me?”
He snaps his fingers in front of your face but registers that it’s no use. You’re too busy trying to decipher how God decided to gift Hayoung the looks and the personality that you miss when Jungkook leaves the closet, throwing a plain white t-shirt at your direction. It’s huge compared to you, yet seems like it would fit him well. “Go shower. I’ll be in there after you.”
It’s awkward.
So goddamn awkward. 
Jungkook is wearing a black T-shirt of some band you can’t recognize because the majority of the print has been worn off paired with grey sweatpants that hug his ass so beautifully. Scratch that. You never thought that. They look soft. That’s what you meant.
While you’re currently occupied with attempting to avoid looking at Jungkook, he can’t stop staring at your exposed legs and notice how small and cute you are. Soft. It’s tempting him to want to wrap his arms around your frame and snuggle his nose into the crook of your neck while inhaling the scent of his body wash on your skin. He wants to blame it on the dry spell he’s having because all he does is work nowadays that once he gets home, he’s completely drained. Alcohol doesn’t even appear in his mind either. Or maybe he genuinely thinks you’re pretty and having you in his bed doesn’t make it any better.
Sitting on the farthest opposite ends of the bed, Jungkook clears his throat. “See? I told you that the bed is way too big for the two of us. Should be easy to steer clear from each other.”
Wrong. Incorrect. You should’ve known that Jungkook would be fallacious.
The sun gleams through the sheer white blinds of his prodigious windows, illuminating your faces on an unironically Sunday morning, emitting a groan from a stiff beside you. Your body feels heavier than usual, almost like something was pressing down on you. 
You panic. Were you having a stroke?
After forcing your eyes open from the dry boogers, you can’t believe the sight. Jungkook has his arms and legs tangled in the sheets with yours, nose brushing against your shoulder. He’s so cosy, the most he’s ever been, and the warmth from your body is like a different feeling of home for him. It’s comforting like a cup of hot chocolate during the harsh weather in the Winter or swaddling yourself in a blanket in front of the fireplace. Now knowing how it feels to be in your embrace, he’s not sure if he wants to let go.
“Jungkook, please get the fuck off me.” You bite. Cuddling was not what was discussed in the terms of agreement. Not that there was one but having a buff guy curled up beside you that wasn’t actually dating you was making your heart do cartwheels when it shouldn’t be. He doesn’t seem a bit rattled knowing that he’s snuggling up against you because he scoots even closer. “Five more minutes.” He mutters. His dreams of taking in the aroma of your natural scent mixed in with his shower gel were coming true.
You push him off with as much strength as your body could gather, yet you fail underneath those muscular arms. Those big, thick—
There’s one knock and someone just immediately flings the door open with a gasp. 
But then you see them. Jungsik and Jongseok. 
You don’t know why but you care about how Jungsik sees you, but you care. He’s the closest to your ideal type— as unrealistic as it is for him to ever have a relationship with you, especially since he has a fiancé now— yet at the same time, he knows you’re ‘dating’ Jungkook, and whether or not he believes it, you’re not sure, but your chances were already wearing thin as it is, even worse now that he’s witnessing you in the same bed as his youngest brother. You may have a teensy weensy little crush on your fake boyfriend’s brother.
“Cute,” He chuckles, already dressed in his daily attire; grey slacks that crop at the ankle and a navy dress shirt that doesn’t button up all the way, hugging tightly around his pecs that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. “Well, we’re sorry for intruding. Father wants us down for breakfast within an hour. Wake up your boyfriend for us, will you?”
“I’m not sorry,” Jongseok adds with a devilish grin before he quickly shuts the door and leaves promptly with Jungsik. Jungkook hasn’t even moved, not even twitching the slightest bit despite his brothers’ abrupt invasion.
You officially hate Jungkook even more... if that was even possible.
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There's an abundance of choices for breakfast foods that sits on the length of the dining room table that you had gotten a glimpse of during your first visit to the Jeon estate, more food than you've ever seen in one place. They had waffles, pancakes, sausages, bacon, toast—all that’s expected of a typical American breakfast laid out like it’s a picture from the Food Network Magazine. He has servants, shuffling through in and out of the room, placing plates and utensils in specific detailed orders before they pull out the heavy upholstered wooden chairs for each and every member of the family in invitation. 
"Uh, it's okay, thank you, I got it—" The woman who has her hands gripped on the framing of the seat tightly as she clenches her jaw, has a glare shooting lasers in your direction. Maybe you'd just take the offer and sit instead. She might be one of Jungkook's late night affairs, you never know what she'd do to your food if you didn't comply.
Sticking out like a sore thumb, you settle yourself by your now claimed to-be-boyfriend who sits comfortably in his own seat since he's owned it for two decades now. You, however, it's your first day and you're not even sure how to feel. Hayoung seems to be doing the opposite; eyes shiny from excitement at the sight of all the options that are laid out in front of her. You can agree to her interest, the Belgium waffles that's stacked at the center of the table with a square of butter residing on top makes your mouth water.
"Thank you all for coming," Jungkook's father announces, the chair he's rested on makes him look so tiny at the head of the table. "I want to discuss some matters with all of you and also invite Jungkook's new love into the family. Honestly never thought this day would come where I'd see my most troublesome child make such advancements in a short span of time."
There's reticence along the table, Mrs. Jeon beside him, eyes searching the table for something in particular. "The proceedings with this engagement with Kim Nari, Jungsik. What did you expect would happen with that?"
And there it was. The conversation that had been put off last night due to guests being on the residence. It's because of two of the things that Mr. Jeon stood by when it came to his family and business: no bloodline, no business entrance had been challenged and the Interrogation had never been in place. 
"Father," Jungsik clears his throat, pressing his back against the cushion. "I'll have you know that I'm only thinking of the future of our company."
"Without talking to me about it?" He snaps, agitated. He doesn't even care that a complete stranger is sitting at the table with them. "What gives you the right to be the only person to know what's good or not for the company? Why not consult with Jonghyun and Junghwan? Why am I told that no one knew about this?"
"Well, I thought—"
"You thought wrong." He confirms, and the Belgium waffles don't seem as appealing anymore. His firmness makes your stomach queasy, despite not being his current victim. "Terminate your engagement. You don't love her anyways. I don't need any affiliation with a self-obsessed tech company."
"But father—"
"None of that." He shushes his son, laying a beige cloth napkin on his lap. "I'm tired of having to teach you how we run this business. I gave you a percentage of the company and I expect you to know what to do with it, which is not to share it with some airhead who doesn't even understand what her own father's company does." Jungsik's body stiffened at his father's lecture after he made a decision solely for what he believed was beneficial for the family business. "Anyways, let's eat." 
"Why do you favor Junghwan over the rest of us?" Jungsik spits, fist slamming against the table. The cups, silverware, and plates trembled underneath his strength, startling you. "I can't believe that I let you walk over us for so long. I can't believe that any of us has let you do it. In reality, none of us get your fortune, just Junghwan. What about the rest of your children? Do you have the only one? Or did mother have an affair for the remaining four?"
Yum, drama. You admit you were getting a little bored last night at the banquet, but his conversation was perking you up in interest. Jungkook oddly remains cool, turning to tap one of the housemaids to pour you some apple juice, patiently waiting for the go to eat. 
Jungsik is disparate in this light because he's not the compassionate and gentle soul you had assumed he was during your first encounters and what was seen on the internet. He’s fierce and competitive, in actuality, with this hidden duel behind doors against his eldest brother. The description written of him was all an image that was portrayed to the public and you start to see what Jungkook means now when he says "apparently" or "supposedly" whenever talking about his older brother.
And Jungkook... he's strangely distinctive as well when sitting amongst his siblings. He's quiet, actually, and attentive, but you take note that he mentions before how he often comes to these things under the influence, and that your presence was what halts him from doing so. 
"Just eat. We'll talk privately later." Mr. Jeon says through his gritted teeth, tips of his ears fading red from Jungsik talking back.
"I saw you eying that waffle earlier," Jungkook says in a hushed tone, leaning into you. "Want one? I'll grab it for you."
OK, maybe he wasn't that bad. He knows what you like and he’s getting it for you. You’ve waited long enough.
The Jeons are awfully good at pretending the argument between Mr. Jeon and Jungsik didn't occur. Everyone sits in lull, occasionally exchanging comments with whomever sits beside them but consuming their breakfast with glee. It wasn't something you were used to.
When you're back into Jungkook's room, you slip on a jacket that you brought the night before, zipping it up. "Is that... normal?"
"What's normal?"
"That whole thing with Jungsik and your dad. Do they fight often? And do you guys normally just... sit there and forget it even happens afterwards?"
He slides onto the bed one last time, inhaling deeply in the scent of lavender, wishing he could take this bed with him as he absentmindedly responds, "Mmm. Yeah."
What kind of family dynamic is this? "Yeah? And you just... watch?" 
"Well, what else are we supposed to do? Join in? Take sides? Hell no. It's a different sibling each meal and every time there’s always someone being jealous of someone else. We don’t really get along here and it’s just what we’re used to.”
Treading into Jungkook’s reality was starting to become comprehensible. Almost justifying the way he is, how he’s utterly clueless in basic situations and disconnected he was from the world. Because this is his world; his parents, four brothers, and house full of servants, and he knows nothing outside of it. Their home is completely off the grid, separated from people living regular lives, he even has his own tennis court (you learned from the view from his bedroom), and no one normal has their own private tennis court. His mother has been shielding him his entire life, letting him grow and become a shell of a man in an empty home.
Family isn’t family to him, is what you’ve come to terms with and something he hasn’t yet accepted because he hasn’t seen what a real family looks or feels like. His home isn’t a real home but brimming with employees who work for his family that probably see him more than the people who he called relatives.
It makes you pity him and want to show him what it’s like to be home.
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genshin-scenarios · 5 months
caught! - maid!heizou x reader
Summary: you’re a regular citizen (in a vague royalty-historical AU) who’s recently hired a maid! Heizou is charismatic and dependable, but one day you come home, discovering his real motives and occupation. 
Wordcount: 1.4k+
Adopt a Wanderer: Digital Store / Red String of Fate Prompt List
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If it wasn’t for you moving from a small village to Inazuma city, you never would’ve been able to justify hiring a maid. 
You aren’t someone who can afford this in the long-term, after all. But you have to admit that having Heizou’s help with unpacking, settling down, and maintaining the house while you start at your new workplace has been a godsend. 
Most days, you’d be lucky if you returned home with any energy left at all. Heizou would always leave dinner on the table for you after he finishes his shift. He’s been nothing but kind and patient as you peppered him with questions about groceries and how to navigate around, along with your awkward first-meeting where your home was empty save for a few boxes and zero furniture.
All in all, you’re extremely grateful. And now that you’re starting to get used to city-life, it was about time to consider when to end Heizou’s freelance contract; you’d love to keep him around, but your future plans require some savings. As such, today you bought takeout from what you learned is Heizou’s favourite restaurant, hoping to treat him to a better meal by the end of his term. Perhaps you could stay friends after that, but you didn’t want to get ahead of yourself:
“Heizou? I’m back.” You push open the door with your foot, arms occupied with takeout boxes and other belongings. “I brought…”
You’d normally return to a greeting and Heizou busying about, but there’s no-one in sight right now. 
Odd. Maybe he left to throw something out. There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach as you realise he might have left early after finishing his work, since you didn’t tell him about your plans aside from a simple ‘there’s no need to cook today’.
Setting down the food on the dining table, you step around quietly to check the other rooms. The longer you wander in the silence, the more random scenarios fly through your head with burglars or some other incident. There’s one door left—the storage room—but when it swings open with a loud thunk against the wall, you’re dumbfounded at the sight of Heizou changing, halfway through taking off a shirt.
“I—I’m so sorry!” You squeak and immediately slam the door close, dashing away. 
You’ve seen Heizou dressed in casualwear before, but you don’t think he’s ever worn that particular top. It was dark in colour, almost like a uniform for a different job, with a golden crest that…
Heizou exits the storage room, ears dusted with a slight pink as he coughs into his fist. “Master, you’re back early!” He tries to smile, but the ribbon on his maid dress is a little crooked and he looks out of breath. “Is that ramen I smell? I can’t mistake it—you brought back dinner from the tonkotsu place I recommended!”
“Heizou…” Your brow furrows in an effort to remember what he was wearing seconds ago. “Why did you change back into your uniform? It looks like you finished all the chores already.”
“Whaaat? No… I haven’t dusted the windows today!” He steps forward to lead you back to the kitchen, throwing a glance back at the storage room where he’s forgotten to turn off the lights. “I’ll just tidy up before catching up with you—”
“That was a Tenryou Commission crest, wasn’t it?” You finally make the connection, remembering it from when you visited their office earlier in the day. But why would Heizou…
Heizou’s smile strains. “I… suppose it is.” You can tell he’s making a bajillion calculations in his head; a stressed version of the Heizou who’d ramble to you about mysteries and theories. “I can explain.”
“You don’t have to if you can’t.” You raise your palms. “I won’t question what a Tenryou officer is doing.” In your house, though? You highly doubt Heizou would need a side job. Horror washes over you, realising that you might’ve been a subject of investigation. “I’m not in trouble, am I? I swear that anything I might’ve complained about isn’t—”
“It’s not that, but you can’t tell anyone I’m an officer!” Heizou’s grip on your shoulders pulls you back to reality. Seeing his panic, you’re struck by the reminder that secret-officer or not, he’s still the Heizou you’ve known in the past two months. “I’m not exactly here on official business.”
“You can’t tell me you were just considering changing jobs.”
“Not at all—but I’m part of the investigation team and there’s a case that I can’t solve using regular means.” Heizou surmises. “Head Kujou might wring me out for going independent, but I’ve been making progress and I really need to maintain my cover as your maid.”
You maintain eye contact, and it’s awful how Heizou’s desperate expression is enough to disarm you.
“Is there anything I need to know before I agree?” Your shoulders sag, but Heizou lights up at the hints of agreement in your attitude. “No one’s going to get hurt, right?”
“No innocent bystanders, nor you.” He promises easily. Aside from his current maid dress, you can easily imagine Heizou in the Tenryou Headquarters solving crimes. No wonder he’s always had a confident charm. “If you were ever at risk, I’d leave your hair without a trace.”
You notice the pattern in his speech. “But what about yourself?”
“Are you likely to get hurt?” You frown. And for a moment, Heizou’s capable aura wavers, freezing as he tries to come up with an answer. 
“I’m quite adept in combat, so there’s no need to worry.” His grin is a little less practised now. “It’s part of my job.”
Instead of giving him a direct yes however, you purse your lips and continue into the living room, starting to unpack the food. 
“I’ll overlook your lack of personal-concern if you’ll eat with me.” You say. You’re not close enough to Heizou to start giving him a speech, but he reads your effort to connect and his mouth tugs into a small, gentle smile. 
“How can I refuse my Master?” Heizou gets the cutlery, putting a kettle on the stove to boil tea as he sets the table up quickly. “Let me plate the dishes before they get cold. I’m still being paid for this, after all.”
“Where did you learn to do all this?” You tilt your head curiously. “I didn’t suspect you at all.”
Heizou makes a guilty hum. “I just did regular cleaning like I would at home. I believe the only reason you didn’t notice my blunders was because you were too stressed yourself.” He sets the bowl of premium ramen before you. But surprises you by picking up chopsticks and raising a mouthful of noodles to your lips. “Say aaah.”
You back away in embarrassment. “This isn’t part of—”
“The food is getting cold, Master~”
Helpless against his teasing, you sigh and lean in to let Heizou feed you. When he continues this for another few minutes, you finally reach your limit and demand that he eats with you, earning you a laugh that finally sounds like his usual self.
“Thank you.” Heizou says, calling you by your real name. You feel like a sort of barrier has been lowered with that simple act. “I won’t burden you with my work, so if anything happens I’ll send an actual maid to replace me, however long you need.”
“Would it be childish to say I’d only want you?” You admit, catching Heizou off-guard. “I was actually thinking that I’ll need to end our contract soon, since I can’t afford maids long-term. But I was considering extending it just because the house might feel empty.” And if earlier is anything to go by, you definitely aren’t used to coming back to an empty home anymore. 
“Well… In that case…” Heizou holds his chin. “Part of the reason I’m here is because your location is good for keeping tabs. Maybe we can figure something out.”
Roommates? “I don’t know, what if we get too used to it?” You joke, taking Heizou’s outstretched hand and shaking on it. “Housemates it is, until you fulfil your job for the greater good.”
“Do you think my work is so noble?” He muses. 
Maybe not his work, but certainly him.
“You simply remind me of the heroic type.” You say lightly. “Stopping criminals even with a broom, or while you’re mopping the floor.”
Weeks later, you find out (ironically,) that your statement couldn’t ring more true.
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puddingyun · 7 months
Hi sweetie 🥰
After reading the prompts i would like to ask for hongjoong
"there are some things that no one teaches you, love."
Thank you so much
Have a wonderful day/night
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joong x reader
: 1.3k words, fluff, domestic :
a/n: thank you for the request! ah i really loved writing this (╥ᆺ╥;)♡ i hope you have a lovely day/night as well! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Hongjoong had been learning all his life. First the alphabet and all the different sounds that animals made, lessons that carried the smell of apple juice-boxes and the sound of building blocks tumbling down. Then literature and algebra, formulas for essays and equations that he'd long since forgotten in lieu of the memories of studying them, powered by energy drinks and instant ramen. Most recently came the ins and outs of music, composition and writing, subjects that were infinite and that he would no doubt go on learning about for the rest of his life. 
All the different things he'd learned over the years had come in stages and all carried with them their own special shine, holding special spaces in his brain like boxes full of beloved bric-a-brac stacked in the sunlit corner of an attic. The other kind of lessons came and went with his experiences – how to show his friends he loved them, how to move past disappointments without lingering for too long, how to keep himself from burning out. These were things that came without a learning system, things that advice and his own sore heart had taught him. Regardless of how the lessons came about, he was sure for a time that he had learned all he needed to get by. That was, until he met you.
No classroom and chalkboard had taught him how his heart would skip a painful beat when he saw you smiling or laughing. No late night talk with his brother or mother had warned him to watch out for how he'd ache when he caught you trying to learn the recipes for his favourite foods. No lecture or book held the knowledge of how to deal with the urge to call you at random times of the day to tell you about an oddly-shaped stain on the pavement or the way the sun shone through an overcast sky. 
There seemed to be so much to you. You were vaster than the space beyond the Earth's atmosphere and deeper than the Mariana Trench, holding in every blink of your eyes more knowledge than every encyclopedia and research paper combined. If he could, he'd watch you for the rest of his life, casting aside everything else he'd learned so that he could learn the secrets of the universe just from being in your presence. 
Waking up beside you on a Sunday morning, Hongjoong felt the first breath of the day get caught in his throat when he turned over and saw you laying beside him. The skin beneath your eyes was speckled with mascara from the night before and you were still wearing the jewellery you'd worn out to the bar (a ring your best friend had given you as a graduation gift and a necklace he'd given you last Valentine's, a pairing of the two people you loved most you'd told him when you were putting them on). Slowly, so as not to disturb you, he pushed himself upright and reached out to touch your forehead with a shy knuckle. The action reminded him of a priest baptising a child, but he was surprised as always by how he felt as though he was the one being blessed by you rather than the other way around.
He padded through your apartment, taking note of his possessions scattered around on every surface. Some of his bracelets left next to your house keys in the bowl by the door, a few notebooks nestled among your collection of novels. In the kitchen his favourite mug was upside down next to yours, drying by the sink in a pool of water, and when he glanced at the coffee table he saw his hoodie left on the loveseat, worn by him and used as a blanket by you when you fell asleep watching TV. All of these items seemed to him like displays in a museum, so amazing that he hardly viewed them as real objects. He smiled and let out a soft, awed breath.
After the cocktails and beers you'd shared last night he wasn't sure you'd want breakfast this morning, but still he went about making coffee and slicing bread for toast. He'd make you breakfast every morning if he could and would never complain if you didn't take a single sip or bite. He was satisfied just at the thought of putting food on your table for you to eat, satisfied that he knew how many sugars you liked in your hot drinks and satisfied that you liked to brag to your friends that he knew just how much butter to put on your toast. Nobody had taught him these things, nobody had quizzed him on them, and yet they carried the weight of the world in a way that nothing else did.
He hummed softly as he put out two plates on the counter, the morning chill inviting goosebumps to rise on the skin of his forearms. Steam rose from the coffee as he filled your mug and then his (always yours and then his) and he bathed in its warmth like it was steam in a sauna. He had been through this routine many times, making coffee for his group members the morning after a harrowing schedule and soaking in the silence of an apartment before the day began, but standing in your kitchen it all felt brand new. The view from your window, as mundane and familiar as it was, still seemed awe-inspiring as he watched passerbys going about their lives. He wondered where they were heading, and if any of them knew all of the things he'd learned from being with you.
Buttering toast and tipping teaspoons of sugar into mugs of coffee, Hongjoong found himself sinking further and further into the quicksand of his life with you and never once felt the need to struggle against its pull.
Your figure filled the doorway to the living room just as Hongjoong set down your two mugs of coffee on the table. A smile played on your lips, eyes still sleepy as they watched him walk towards you. Without a word he wrapped his arms around you, both of you swaying languidly from side to side, dancing to music that nobody else could hear. You smelled of toothpaste, lingering perfume, and salty lime wedges. He breathed you in like he was coming up for air. 
"How'd you sleep?" he asked, smoothing a hand over the top of your head. You hummed softly, leaning into his touch.
"Like a rock," you answered, kissing his chin. He smiled at the feeling of your lips on his skin, knowing he'd carry it with him for the rest of the day, his wandering fingers always coming back to touch the first spot you'd kissed that day. "What about you?"
"Just fine," he mumbled.
The two of you parted, though your fingertips lingered on the small of Hongjoong's back the way he'd learned they loved to do. You saw the coffee and toast on the coffee table and smiled once again, this time laughing softly. Leaning into him, you kissed his cheek with a smile still on your lips. 
"Smells amazing," you hummed. Hongjoong followed you as you threw yourself onto the couch, landing with a happy sigh. He sat beside you and watched as you took your first bite of toast and then your first sip of coffee. He sat and watched you while his own coffee cooled, eyes taking in everything from the way you licked crumbs from your lips to the way you breathed in the smell of the coffee before you drank from it. Everything was endearing in its own way, and he noted each and every action down to keep with him. He pressed a kiss to your temple and thought to himself how appropriately named the warm spot on your head was – temple. 
He looked at your empty ring finger curled against your mug and wondered when it would be right to put his impression there. Just like everything else, he supposed he'd figure it out in time. Maybe love just wasn't something meant to be taught.
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izgnanik-a · 1 year
NSFW 18+ x Reader Edition - Minors DNI!
Masterlist here
S - Spectrophilia (Simon Riley x Reader)
Tags: Somnaphilia, dubcon, fingering
Not beta-read, we die like men 🤷🏽
Prompt: For a week now, you’d been living alone in your new house and having strange erotic dreams of a man approaching you. This night, like others, are no different.
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Ever since you’d bought your first home, scrounged by the skin of your teeth, you had done it. Made the purchase, and with little to your name—this accomplishment made you feel like you were in the clear.
The first night went quietly; only the mattress set up on your frame and box spring, the head board still lingering aside, but you had a place to sleep. Everything else had been left in boxes, and you had been so exhausted that you fell asleep the moment every mover and friend who helped left.
Your dream was uncanny—a shadow of a man lingering at the foot of your bed, staring down at you with curiosity. You almost thought that someone had broken in with how vivid the dream was.
You went on with your day.
Unloading boxes left in your car, putting things in their corresponding room, and stopping in between for snacks and sips of wine. Buying your first home came with its sacrifices, and one of those is your groceries. You’d live off of Ramen and pasta for the first two months before figuring out a working schedule.
But going to bed the second night introduced a whole different kind of dream to you; you’d dreamed about the man from before, massive and mysterious, standing at the end of your bed again. Only this time he rounded the side, fingers grazing your exposed body, and laid up beside you. Just as his lips grazed your ear, you felt a shock of arousal course through you.
You felt like you’d been touched and teased, ravished, and no one had even touched you. You felt alive. And horny.
True, you’d been out of a relationship for more than a couple of years now, but you’ve had a few (non-sexual) flings that didn’t work out as you had planned. You weren’t going to start calling yourself pathetic, but there was something about the new house that made you feel strange.
You hadn’t connected the dots until you’d been through a week of these wet dreams.
Laying in bed, you readied yourself, knowing the phantom mirage of the man would appear. And like clockwork, when you shut your eyes, dreaming or not, the apparition appeared. The familiar smell of tarmac and gunpowder filled your senses.
Not a completely solid form, just hardly enough to see the feature of this masked man, he wafted along the bedroom towards the bed. You kept leaned on your side as the familiar draft of his body pressed up against your back. Cold fingers grazed your shoulders, goosebumps appearing in their wake as his hand slithered along your shoulder to your hand.
You stared at the pale illumination of his skin under the crescent moon, peeking in through staggered curtains.
A pair of lips pressed up against your ear, and it was the only thing needed to edge on your arousal. You quivered, uttering a moan and watched as the ghastly weight of his hand pressed lower, waiting between your thighs.
Like a good girl, you lifting your knee, spreading your legs, and offering him the goodness of warmth between your legs. There was no time wasted, an act done time and time again throughout the week, as his two thick fingers curled their way into your awaiting canal.
You arched your back, clutching onto the pillow, and sobbed in pleasure as you rocked against his fingers. Mumbling with a mantra of “yesyesyesyes”, you felt the familiar weight of his other hand against your throat. You rolled onto your back, the image of him replaced between your legs, and his body hovering over you.
In his eyes, you saw looming darkness. An unknown landscape of shadows and emotion; desperation and despair breeding together to make a monster. If he had come to you because he saw you were alone, figuring that he’d been alone for however long the house had been foreclosed, you thought he was a saint.
Even as he curled his fingers up against the inside of your cunt, making you arch off the bed in pleasing agony—
“Right there. Oh—god. Yes.” You cried up, rocking down into his hand in measuring thrusts.
His hand moved in unison, pushing up into you when you pushed down. Cold strokes across your clothed nipples made them harden, and the scrape of your nightshirt were only edging you on. He leaned forward, mouth over your nipple, and you could feel the cold press of his tongue.
You arched again, orgasm nearing as you tilted your hips upward. “Fuck—“ you staggered, “Harder. Please. Please, fuck me harder—“ before you could even get the last syllable out, you felt the urgent flutter of your cunt being fucked rigorously.
You met it with equal urgency. Reaching down to rub at your clit, you arched off the bed, lathering the wetness up and coating your clit before returning to rubbing circles into it. You gasped noisily, head leaned back.
“So good, I’m—“ you gasped heavily, feeling your edging orgasm, “ah—cumming.” You warned before the immediate flush of your orgasm brushed through and you felt like you were in a never-ending release as you rubbed yourself softly, jerking with each overstimulating stroke.
You whimpered, with realization that his fingers were doing the same. Thrusting softly against your pulsating and scorching hot walls, watching you with a renewed color in his form. He seemed fuller, solid compared to the apparition that had joined you at first.
This was your compromise, your deal with the paralysis demon, or whomever he was. You continued to live in this home, but at the cost of a good night’s rest and however many orgasms he demanded of you.
The perfect deal for a lonely bachelor.
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multifanhoe99 · 11 months
Kinktober Day 17- Camgirl/boy
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Pairing: Camboy!Soobin
Warnings: No pairing really, solo camboy!Soobin doing his thang, masturbation on camera,
=Let me know if I missed any.=
18+ MDNI
Soobin loved his side job. While some people might criticize it he embraces it. There is nothing wrong with showing yourself off to complete strangers for a little bit of extra money. Even more so than liking it, he was good at it. When he means a little side money he actually means a few hundred dollars every week. Sometimes his subscribers sent him cute little gifts and toys to use in his lives too. He also enjoyed doing his livestream because it made him feel really good about himself. That was especially good when he was feeling down and needed a little pick-me-up.
Tonight was one of the nights he went live and he was very excited about it. He had just gotten a new toy that he was very excited to try. It is a small vibrator that also moves in a thrusting motion. It has a circle at the bottom. The idea is that he puts his dick in the circle part and the part that thrusts will go into his ass and the whole thing vibrates. The part that makes him the most excited is that he can set it up so that it responds to the tips he gets. The more money he gets the more intense it will get and if he goes a long period without getting tips it'll stop.
He was excited, not only to try it out but, also to see what it would do for his interaction. He had been looking for more ways he could make his audience feel more included in the live and this was a great idea to do just that. So, when he got home he right away started preparing for his live. He likes to do a little more than just whip it out and start jerking off. He has a little snack with everyone talks about his day and interacts with everyone before starting. He got a snack ready and pulled out the boxes of gifts so he could thank everyone before he started. Then, he changes into a sweater and sweats and nothing underneath. Now he was comfortable but also taking everything off later wouldn't be a hassle.
He was ready and comfortable 5 minutes before the live started which was the perfect amount of time to log in and get settled before starting the live. He started his live right on time and waited for people to join. As more and more people started coming in and saying hello he got more and more excited.
"Hello, everyone," he said, waving to the camera. He looked at the chat reading the responses to himself.
Then, he saw one and read it aloud, "What do you have for snack today?"
"Today, I have some cup ramen to eat while we chat," he answered. He continued to chat while eating. Then, he went through the gifts and thanked everyone. When everything was put away it was time to start the real show.
"I have something very special for you all today," he said. He pulled out the little black toy.
"I got this as a gift from one of you," he began, "I am very excited to try it out. With this, you'll be able to be very involved in what happens tonight. The more you tip the more intense this will get. I am sure you all will take good care of me tonight, right?" He finished talking and got up to begin stripping himself of his clothes. When he was naked he got comfortable and picked up the toy and some lube. He first lubed up the thrusting part of the toy very generously and then he lubed up his cock. Part of it was so that he was able to squeeze through the ring on the other side of the toy and the other part of it was to get himself nice and hard for everyone to see. He was now officially ready. He put his cock through the ring and made sure the audience had a nice view of him slowly pushing the toy into his ass.
The view of that itself had the tips rolling in. The toy began thrusting at a decent pace. He stroked himself slowly as well. He was moaning loudly which made more tips roll in. The toy went faster. The thrusting, the vibrating, and the stimulation from jerking himself off were all so good. He couldn't remember another time he had felt so good. The better he felt the more tips would roll in and the more tips that came in the better he felt. He wished he could personally thank whomever it was that sent him this toy because he was feeling amazing. It was so good that he was starting to get light-headed. He wasn't sure how much longer he was going to last.
"I am so close, everyone," he moaned out, "Do you want me to cum? Should I cum? Tell me you want to see it." The chat went crazy. More people kept tipping big amounts and everyone kept typing that they wanted to see him cum. The little toy went as fast as it could. The vibration mixed with the thrusting motion and he adjusted so now it was at an angle that reached his sweet spot. Plus he was still stroking his cock as fast as he could. All of this pleasure built up and it was ready to explode and so was he. A few pumps later and he was cumming. Long white ribbons shot out from the top of his cock. It got all over him and even reached up to land on his chest and neck rather than just his stomach. It was the most he had ever cum before. When he finished the toy was still moving as tips kept coming in. He didn't think it was possible but, the toy's continuous movement had him cumming again so quickly. He couldn't take anymore though and even though it was still going he had to remove the toy.
"That was amazing," he said, "Thank you everyone. I will definitely be using this toy again. Thank you for coming to hang out and make me feel good. I will see you all later this week. Bye!" Then, he ended his live. He got himself cleaned up and put his sweats back on afterward. He couldn't wait to use that toy again.
A/N: I hope you all like this one! I know it's a little different but, I still like it a lot. Let me know if you have anything you want to see! My asks are still open.
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lorewriter · 4 days
Aizawa/Oboro first date prompt please!
Hope you like it!!
It was raining the day Oboro had asked him out. He’d been holding an umbrella over a box of abandoned kittens when Oboro had come up behind him with an umbrella of his own. It was sky blue, like his hair. He’d looked up at the other, the only sound around them being the small mewls of the kittens and the soft beat of the rain against their umbrellas.
“Go out with me.”
It was so sudden that Shota had needed to do a double take before simply replying; “Sure.”
He’d never seen Oboro smile so bright as he did that day. Of course Hizashi was ecstatic, hopping up and down repeatedly as he asked for details in school the next day. Oboro had told him to let him do all the planning and to just be ready this upcoming Saturday for their first date.
He’d sighed as Hizashi’s patience seemed to completely diminish causing the boy to all but tackle him for answers. He explained what happened, but his mind still drifted off to what he’d need to prepare. Just what exactly was etiquette for someone’s first date. Finishing off the school day, Aizawa headed home to his one bedroom apartment, his parents having long since abandoned him to live on his own, but they at least sent him an allowance every few months.
He began with what he wanted to wear, looking through his closet in hopes of finding something suitable for his first date. Upon finding nothing but his UA uniform and a few cat sweaters, he decided a trip to a local clothing store would be needed. Next he checked his hair, did he need to style it? How dressed up did he need to be?
Deciding he was getting nowhere with his lack of knowledge, Shota turns to the internet to solve his problem.
“What does one wear on a first date?”
“Do I need to style my hair?”
“What topics would be good to bring up on your first date?”
“Funny cat video compilation.”
Hizashi ended up being his savior as his previous online search led him nowhere. The excitable blonde rushed him around Musutafu mall, grabbing whatever he could force onto Shota before finally stopping at a small cafe for some coffee.
“Is all of this really necessary?” Shota spoke, fidgeting with his now styled hair.
“Of course, you need to look your absolute best to woo him. Who knows, he might even ask you out again the moment he sees you.” Hizashi replied, laughing to himself as he did.
“You’re ridiculous.”
Soon Saturday was upon him and his nerves had ended up keeping him awake all night. He’d been told to meet Oboro at their normal crossroad where they met to head to school together. He’d picked out a plain black t-shirt along with a long gray jacket that went down to his knees. His hair had been half way tied up, leaving only a few strands left to shadow his face.
With one final glance into his bathroom mirror, he decided he was prepared enough and set off.
Walking up to their meeting spot, Shota could already see a fidgeting Oboro messing with his fingers. His hair was the same as always with those clunky goggles pushing up his bangs. He wore a brown jacket over a navy blue shirt with black pants.
A blush rose to Oboro’s face, matching his own as he realized he’d said that out loud. Not wanting to make the situation any more awkward, Shota coughed a little before asking where they’d be going. Seeing the Oboro’s eyes light up like starlight, Shota knew he was in for a day full of surprises. And surprised he was as Oboro dragged him around Musutafu. Their first stop had been a small hole in the wall bookstore that held his favorite author's new book, which he’d thought had already been sold out. Next was a hero exhibit on his favorite underground hero Smoke-Eater. He’d been wanting to go see it for a while now but hadn’t had the time due to all of their training at UA.
Next came a small lunch at his favorite ramen shop followed by their final stop at his favorite cat cafe.
The day had been perfect but from the beginning Shota had had a knot in his stomach, a feeling he couldn’t help but focus on as Oboro returned with their coffees in hand. Sipping his coffee, Shota finally gained the courage to ask the question he’d been replaying in his head all week. “Why do you like me? Don’t get me wrong, today was perfect. This was honestly the best day I’ve ever had in my entire life, but, why? Why me?” He asked quietly, eyes firmly fixed on his coffee in hopes of not meeting the others' eyes.
“Well that’s simple, it’s because I like you. I’ve liked you since I saw you fighting your hardest in the sports festival. You’re incredible, you face odds that most of us don’t have to and you still come out stronger. You fight for what you want, I admire you for that. But you’re also kind, you look after others in your own way and that makes me want to work harder to be a hero just like you.” Oboro responded, shattering Shota’s view of himself so completely that all he could now was gape.
“I’m glad to have met you Aizawa Shota, and if you’ll have me, I’d very much like to be your boyfriend.”
Gold eyes met red and for a moment, Shota felt like he could do anything, if only Shirakumo Oboro was by his side.
“So, did Nemuri get to you too?” Oboro asked, walking him back to his apartment at the blue haired boy’s insistence.
“Huh? No, but Hizashi helped me prepare for today. Told me I needed to look my best so we just spent a day at the mall picking out an outfit and getting my hair done.” He responded, feeling more relaxed as the knot in his stomach had disappeared.
“Wha? Lucky, Nemuri was like a wild animal, she spent this past week drilling me on what to wear, how to act and what to say.” Oboro replied, a small whine in his tone as he lamented on his past hell week with Nemuri.
Laughing quietly, Shota thought; there’s nowhere he’d rather be, than by Oboro’s side. And he hoped they’d stay together forever.
Lore: Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.
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ravencincaide · 9 months
Oh Sweet Memory of Mine 
Summary: Dazai basks in your bright smile even if tomorrow you won’t remember a thing. OR a walking red flag will always be a walking red flag- even when he tries to be sweet.
Pairing: fem!Reader x Dazai Osamu
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 14: (Back) scratching
Warnings: Dark content inside including things like; cursing, blood, biting and fighting, early onset of memory degenerative disease, a walking red flag with very light hints at intimacy and abuse, 
Enjoy ?
The flowers were as ridiculous as his behaviour.  
A huge rather unorganized bunch consisting of carnations, roses, tulips and lilies– pretty much any and every flowering blossom he could get his hands on at this time of year. They were accompanied with some nameless greenery awkwardly stuffed in between. Dazai was beginning to regret buying said greenery- the stems were hard and awkward to carry, the shrubs almost painfully digging into his bandaged fingers. And while he didn’t mind the pain- relished in it- he was adamant not to let you get pricked by them. 
Still you insisted each bouquet was not complete without some filler leaves to guide the eye or a branch to give it more asymmetrical volume. No, rationally Dazai knew it was best he bought the shrubs directly instead of having to run out to the store to get them. Even if at that moment he wasn’t particularly fond of them. 
Looking from the outside however, that was impossible to tell. If anything, Dazai appeared almost happy; a skip in his step then a playful twirl as he sidestepped a flirtatious butterfly of the night. Then paused, took her hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a kiss of apology. “ You’re so gorgeous today. But not now unfortunately- another time maybe, Belladonna” he winked then off on his way he was, not stopping once until he reached a gated community on the very outskirts of the city. 
The walls were high: an almost unscalable construction of sanded down brick and barbed wire on top. The entrance was also the only exit, a large anglo saxon metallic gate with both an old fashioned knocking mechanism and modern keycode with intercom. Balancing the box of wine on his knee and gripping onto the flowers with his other hand, Dazai put in the code. The sound of electricity buzzing echoed before a click could be heard. Hopping on one foot he leaned his weight into the left side of the gate, making it swing open with surprising ease. He caught himself from stumbling, eyes whining for a brief second. Then he chuckled and shook his head at himself. Of course they would finally oil the hinges after six months of complaints- and not a day too soon. 
Turning his back to the gate Dazai drew in a deep breath, his nose stinging with familiar dust and grime of Yokohama from ten years ago. The smell of food stalls, traders and alcohol reached his senses. He could hear the yelling; orders called out in a ramen stand, men laughing at the others' jokes, merchants pushing over-priced tinkets onto naive customers and women bargaining with each other over the cost of overripe fruit. The only thing missing were children: homeless brats pickpocketing passers by or vandalizing houses. Despite how big of an issue this used to be, at that very moment, there wasn’t a single kid in sight. 
It was almost amazing how they managed to replicate the Yokohama of ten years ago. Down to the chipped paint on buildings and gravel filled holes in the ground.
Feeling eyes on him, Dazai turned his head to the right, in the direction of a set of benches where half a dozen men sat, dressed in worn out suit pants, white shirts and with the matching suit coat thrown haphazardly over their shoulders. A distance away from them was a small stall serving local sake. The man from said stall had his attention on Dazai. Dazai flashed a smile at the man, as if to say that he was fine and didn’t need the man's help. The man in turn rolled his eyes and turned back to his duties: watching this group of young men on the benches throwing rocks and dealing cards as if it were dead serious poker. Then as one of the men won, the others started yelling at him: their hands darting to the inside of their coat pockets- typical mannerism of someone reaching for a gun. 
“ You dare cheat the port mafia? That’s it I’ve got you red handed now and I’m bringing you in!” the man yelled. The temper quickly rose in the group. Surely a fight would break out at any second. 
“Port Mafia?!” The cheater questioned before he smirked and nodded, looking at ease “ Ahh yes Nakahara-san is such a good executive.” 
“ The very best!” The others agreed in unison before settling back down and beginning to deal the cards and rocks again. Acting as if nothing had happened- back to silently studying the other men in the circle. Reading their body language and clues about one another. 
Information gathering at its finest. 
Turning his back to them, Dazai barely made it two steps before he heard the man yell again;“ You dare cheat the port mafia? That’s it I’ve got you red handed now and I’m bringing you in!”
This time however he did not spare them a second glance. No, his feet began carrying him further inside this replica of the once familiar city. His body knowing where to take him without his mind needing to think- after all he had walked that same road more times than he could count. Past the Port Mafia base, round the corner from the old ADA office and then to the obscured apartment complex at the very edge, inches away from the park. Through that park was the Yokohama river- a perfect place for sunny dates and late night swims. 
It was a shame the wall cut off this place half way through the park- he would have liked to see the government replicating an entire river. Seeing them panicking and scratching their heads in fear as the engineers and economists screamed at one another from the opposite sides of the room simply because one sheet of seemingly meaningless paper was covered in faulty edits. 
Edits that Dazai may or may not have been responsible for. 
Coming up to the apartment door, Dazai balanced his purchased gifts with the help of his leg while he dug in his pocket for a set of keys. Pulling out an old fashioned, worn down tag with the large key attached to it, he pushed it into the lock of the door. He turned it once, twice and then when it wouldn’t turn anymore he pulled it out and swung the door opened.
“ My dear, I’m home~” Dazai yelled out, dancing inside and kicking the door shut behind himself. The smell of herbal tea and freshly baked cookies filled his senses. The familiar smell made his grin wider, yet somehow the smile did not quite reach his eyes anymore. 
“ Oh love, you’re already home?”
 He followed the sound of your voice to the kitchen where you stood above the newly baked treats, with a cute little white apron om. Your shaking hands gripped a piping bag full of cream frosting. It seems you were trying to outline the baked out snowflake cookies to make them more festive. The sight made him chuckle slightly as he set down his gifts on the floor before he waved the huge bouquet of flowers back and forth. “ Tada! I thought it’s been a while since you arranged some, right Y/N?” 
“ Oh my love you got me flowers! “ You exclaimed, clasping your hands together in glee, after having tossed your current project to the side. The bag of frosting found its way back into the bowl with the rest of the fluffy mixture from which it came- but just barely. But you didn’t care about it one bit.  “ Dazai, they’re beautiful” you exclaimed, reaching out to take the bouquet from him. You buried your face in it, inhaling deeply the fresh sweet smell before looking back up at your lover. “ Help me arrange them?” 
Dazai chuckled a little and reached his hand out, his thumb and finger wiping off the bright orange specks of pollen off the tip of your nose. You giggled sheepishly at him, your heart soaring from happiness. Dazai moved over and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your shoulder. “ hmm in a moment” he hummed his nose buried in the crook of your neck. 
You laughed again before laying the flowers out beside your baked goods. You studied each and every blossom, leaf and branch Dazai gifted you with. Your mind begins to envision one- no two different designs you could create. You were so engrossed in the task you almost missed Dazai’s hands playing with the edge of your shirt. Almost. 
“ H-hey Dazai?” You stuttered your face a dark tomato red. One of your hands reached up and grasped his hand in your own, interlocking your fingers together so he’d stop trying to undress you. Still his long fingers reached for your skin, his nails scratching at your clothes, your waist, your stomach and your back. Anywhere those long appendages could reach. His lips were more passionate on your neck, making you shiver under him. Your body grew warm with desire. The way his lips lingered over your pulse, his hot tongue on your skin– it drove you a little mad.  You felt nervous and perhaps a little embarrassed; it was not even noon yet and all the windows in your apartment were wide opened and- you cut your trail of thought off as you felt him lick at your skin more desperately now. 
You shivered again, biting your lip to prevent a needy moan from escaping. As he nipped at your neck, you blushed a darker shade of red. “D-Dazai,--” you swallowed and gripped his hand tighter “ I– ehh we should put the flowers in water before–” you gasped, your eyes widening
The desire and burning need was replaced by icy dread as you heard a quiet pop; the soft skin giving away to his sharp fangs.
Your cry broke the silence of the apartment; a blood curling scream as your mind registered what was happening. What your so-called lover was. A blood-sucking beast! A goddamn vampire of all things. The very thing you hated the most in this damned world. Before you could say anything Dazai shifted, his free hand reaching up and clasping over your lips muffling your cries. Your struggles- a pitiful attempt at fighting back against him- were easily fought off.
 Dazai pushed you forward-- one knee wedged between your legs, while his weight pushed you up against the counter; one hand over your mouth, one hand clasping your interlocked fingers in his own. Not letting go no matter how much you pulled, trashed or tugged. Your non dominant hand was free and you did your best to pry him off your neck. But it was completely futile. 
He was stronger- as a man and as a beast. 
The sound of gulping filled the room. An eager sucking sound that drained your very lifeforce right out of you. You bit at the hand on your mouth- expecting him to pull it away from you. Instead Dazai moaned against your neck, his knee pressing harder between your legs. You felt burning in your eyes as tears ran down your face. Your heart tearing itself apart at the knowledge that the man you loved more than life itself was nothing but a blood sucking demon. 
The very definition of an abomination! 
Once more you tried to struggle- to resist and fight back. You bit harder at his hand on your face and felt him tighten it- bruising you- a warning to behave or he’d snap your jaw in half. You could feel the ache in your face and had no doubt that he’d do it without blinking an eye. It made you freeze in fear and betrayal. How could the man you love do this to you? 
You felt weak; weaker and weaker for every clunk he took until you no longer had the energy to fight back. You slumped against him, dark dots playing in your vision. Was he going to kill you? 
Dazai detached himself from your neck and licked at the wound like a dog. It made you shiver again- this time in disgust rather than affection and desire. His hand dropped away from your face and landed on your waist, squeezing tightly. “ See Y/N it wasn't so bad, now was it?” he purred with an all too pleased smirk. 
“ I fucking hate you, you bastard” you hissed as you felt the room sway. His knee between your legs being the only thing keeping you up. 
“ Sure you do my love, sure you do” Dazai taunted before he let go of your hand and moved his knee back quickly. You stumbled, your legs giving out from you. Before you could crash to the floor completely he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and under your knees, picking you up bridal style. His eyes staring down at your own, watching with boredom, as your expression slowly changes; the emotions of hate, betrayal and anger dulled away into a blank expression. 
Then he began carrying out of the kitchen, going exceptionally slow. 
After a few moments he felt you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder, a drained  expression on your face, your voice hazy with sleep: “ Oh my love, you got me flowers.” 
Dazai hummed and pressed a kiss to your cheek, leaving a dark red bloody print of his lips on your pale skin. He continued moving towards your bedroom. Some days it broke him that your mind was too damaged to make new memories- forever stuck in that same last safe moment you experienced ten years ago. Other days however it came in handy. 
After all, no matter what he did to you, you would always forget all about it by morning. 
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NCT Spooky Season [Day 3]
Dearly Departed
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TW: Ghosts Genre: Romance, Comedy Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 1.3K Prompt: “If I die first, I will haunt you”
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Yesterday] | [Tomorrow] [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: Day 3 babyyyyy Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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"I am so sorry for your loss," your coworker rubs your back comfortingly. "If you need anything, just let me know, alright?" He says.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it," you hid your mouth behind your hand and opened your door with the other. Once it was closed and locked, you let out a sigh of relief.
"Who was that?" Chenle's head pokes out of a wall. You shrugged.
"Just a coworker," you hummed, walking past him.
"Just a coworker?!" Chenle walked out of the wall and poked his head out of the front door, and you could hear him laugh.
"What's so funny?" You pulled a box of ramen from your pantry and started to boil water. Chenle floats back in and settles on one of the counter stools.
"Babe, he's pumping his fist in the air right now, he really things he scored with you," Chenle laughs. "Little does he know."
"Who knows? Maybe I want a living boyfriend now," you joked.
"Huh?! Babe, that's racist," Chenle shoots you an exaggerated frown and you laughed.
"Wouldn't it actually be speciesist?" You thought about it while you mixed in the flavoring packet.
"Oh, yeah, huh?" Chenle chuckles. "You know it's a huge trend to date ghosts now," he shrugs.
"I do know, I'm dating one," you placed the finished bowl of ramen on the table and Chenle grabs at it, pulling up a ghost-version of it to eat with you.
"As cool as it is to possess inanimate objects for you... I do miss touching you," he blows on the noodles before eating them.
"Yeah... me too..." you rest your head on your hand. "Still, it's nice to still be able to talk to you like this, you sure you're not going to head toward the light soon?" You tossed another joke,
"Why? Do you want me to?" He jokes back.
"Hell no! You made me a promise!"
"Right, if I died first then I'd haunt you," he points at you with his chopsticks before slurping down more noodles. Then your doorbell rang.
"Huh, who could that be at this hour?" You looked at the clock and walked over.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, let me look first," Chenle walks through you, sending a cold chill down your spine and freezing you in place for a moment with goosebumps, all the while Chenle stuck his head through the door again. Once you regained your senses, you shook your head and groaned.
"Seriously, Chenle?! You did that on purpose!" You wait for the warmth to move back to your fingers. Chenle walks back inside.
"It's no one, ding dong ditcher probably," he shrugs. Then the doorbell rings again.
"What if it's an axe murderer?!" Chenle worries behind you.
"Then we'd both be dead together, that would be fun, right?"
"And have some rando move into our apartment?!"
"We'd torment them together," you waved him off and looked through the peephole. You glared at Chenle before opening your door. "Mark, hey! What are you still doing here?"
"Turns out the cabs don't run at this hour," your coworker laughs nervously. "Is it... would it be okay if I spent the night?"
"Oh, babe, he's making a move on you, say no," Chenle says behind you.
"Sure, it's dangerous right now," you opened the door wider and let him in.
"Babe!" Chenle groaned.
"Wow, nice place you got here, (Y/N)," Mark whistles.
"Thank you! My boyfriend and I decorated it," you slipped it in so that he wouldn't get his hopes up.
"Damn, you both got good taste then, is he okay with me staying over?"
"No!" Chenle shouts.
"Yup," you answered for him.
"Cool," Mark sits on the couch.
"Let me grab a pillow and blanket for you," you disappeared into the hall and Chenle sat on the coffee table in front of him.
"Listen here, you little shit," Chenle glowers. "Don't you dare try anything with (Y/N), or I swear I will haunt you next!" Chenle grumbles.
"Here, Mark, you can use these," you placed the two things down at the side of the couch.
"Thanks, (Y/N)!"
"Say, do you believe in ghosts?" You ask him. Mark shakes his head. "Huh, no wonder," you laughed.
"What? What do you mean no wonder?" He tilts his head to the side and Chenle groans behind him.
"Look, he's horny and ignorant, kick him out of our apartment, (Y/N)," Chenle grumbles behind him.
"Well, Mark, why don't you look at your reflection on the TV?" You left to grab him a glass of water, and when you heard him scream behind you, you could only laugh.
"I got you some water," you walked back and Mark was on the floor, pointing at Chenle behind the couch.
"G-G-G-Ghost!" His voice cracks.
"Boo," Chenle responds and Mark screams again.
"Oh, come now, he's harmless," you crouched down next to Mark and handed him a glass of water. He looks between you and Chenle with shaky eyes.
"Y... You're okay with this?!"
"He is my boyfriend, I'd ought to be," you shrugged.
"You're dating a ghost?!" Mark half whispers.
"Hey! I used to be alive!" Chenle crosses his arms and reaches for the glass, pulling up a ghostly version of it. "Now get off of the floor, be lucky I can't kick you out right now," he huffs.
"I... I am so sorry, (Y/N), I was so ignorant," he shakes his head, "my, uh, my brother is also dating a ghost..."
"But you didn't believe him?"
"I didn't think it was possible," he shakes his head and sits back on the couch. "I... uh... thanks, (Y/N), I..." Mark shrinks under Chenle's gaze.
"It's fine, Mark, as long as he doesn't walk past you, you'll be fine."
"What happens if he walks past me?" Chenle rolls his eyes and does so and Mark freezes up, hand gripping onto the glass and pupils shaking.
"That," Chenle snarks.
"Babe!" You reprimand him. "He's a guest!"
"Yeah, and he has a gaga crush on you," Chenle floats next to him. "I don't blame him though," he laughs.
"Oi," you cracked a smile. "Is he alright?"
"First time is always the worst," Chenle shrugs. You wrap the blanket around Mark's shoulders and take the glass from his hands.
"Well, I'll check on him in the morning."
"Yup, let's go to bed."
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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Hi Bunny.. me again.. This might seem a weird question but you’re the queen of finding clutter items for your builds.. i’m attempting to rebuild the Curious home today and I really want some cute lil ‘nerdy’ clutter for their home n thought i’d ask you since you seem to have this ornate superpower of finding every lil odd n cute piece of clutter :)
Hi @squidshit ! Sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation and didn't see this until now! Thanks for the fun treasure hunt prompt. I haven't ever played the Curious brothers before but I tried to think of some good nerdy/house full of dudes type stuff. Hope you can find something cool!
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This 3t2 into the future set by Veranka has some fun scifi-ish clutter and art
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GOS secret santa 2011 anon gift for FadetoBlack. Cool maxis clutter that I think would fit well! More pics and links under the cut!!
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I like the box of ramen in this Veranka 3t2 set, and there's bonus crafty hobby clutter as well!
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Huge Lunatic repo'd simventions extracted maxis clutter and theyre in this sfs folder. Look how many awesome desk/study clutter items!
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Crisps&Kerosene made these fun hobby puzzle items and they are useable and build skills too!
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Queen of France made these fun supernatural pinups, maybe some alien ones would be fitting
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this awesome alien abduction lamp by wndy26 at mts!
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decat is also a great person to check out for lots of great clutter items! Here is 4t2 clutter from parenthood that would be good around studies or tinkering areas.
Hopefully something here is useful for you! And be sure to check out my deco cc pinterest board for more clutter stuff
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beetlegoose01 · 8 months
🧁Chainshipping Week Prompt 1: Cooking/Baking 🧁
Summary: In order to help Diana with her school's fundraiser, Adam and Lawrence must work together to face their hardest challenge yet: baking.
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Read on AO3!
"A bake sale?" Adam quiered, raising an eyebrow as he leaned against the fire escape, amused as he listened to his partner's plea. 
Lawrence gave him an equally pointed look. Unlike Adam, he was merely poking his head out the window. With his foot or lack thereof, he didn't want to risk stumbling on the rickety platform. "Yes, it's a fundraiser for her school.” 
“She goes to a rich private school, how much money does it actually need?” 
“It’s the principle of working hard for something in return. And it sounds like a sweet idea. Pun not intended.” 
 "No, it sounds like a recipe for disaster." He waited for a moment, before adding belatedly. "Pun intended." 
Lawrence sighed. "I know, I'm not thrilled about it either."
"I can barely microwave ramen, Larry, what makes you think I'm at all qualified to help make something remotely edible for small children?" He pinched the tip of his cigarette between his thumb and index finger before taking a long drag. His eyes lit up. "Wait. Can we add edibles?" 
He pinched the bride of his nose in exasperation. "We are not feeding edibles to fourth graders, Adam!"
"Hey, keep your shirt on, there can be two batches. One for the kids, one for the adults." Smoke swirled around him as he exhaled once more. He only smoked outside, since Lawrence hated it, but sometimes he moved close enough just to mess with him. 
"Will you please be serious?" Lawrence asked wearily, forehead lines creasing from stress. He looked exhausted, both with work and from personal life taking a toll on him. His blond hair was even starting to see some silver streaks in his temple. "I promised Diana."
"Why would you promise her that?" 
He chewed at his lip, thinking for a moment on how to answer. "Ali was usually the hands-on parent. The one who would do this sort of thing. She would go to meetings, host birthday parties, and see her piano recitals. I was always too busy with work. And um, other excuses. I found myself disappointing both Ali and Diana more than once."
Adam frowned, flicking the cigarette on the ashtray. His angry eyes spoke more volume than any words could. 
"But I want to be different for their sake. Give Alison a break, and bond with Diana. Especially since we have her this weekend. I don't know, perhaps it is stupid. I don't know the first thing about bakin---"
"I'll do it." Adam said firmly. 
"What? You will?" Lawrence stared at him in astonishment. "Are you sure?" 
"Hell yeah I am. We'll make the best damn brownies her school has ever tasted." 
"I was thinking we would bake cookies, since they're easier."
"We'll make the best damn cookies her school has ever tasted." 
Lawrence laughed. "Thank you. Now, I should pick her up, speaking of which. Would you mind getting the ingredients while I'm gone?" 
Adam waved him off. "You can count on me. I'm totally prepared---"
"No edibles." 
Adam heard Diana before she even arrived, with her high pitched voice echoing through the halls. The door swung open and lo and behold, she burst in charging at full speed the moment she plopped down her My Little Pony lunch box.
"We're home!" 
"Hey Princess!" He chuckled, lifting her up and twirling her around. He was only able to do this for about three seconds before putting her down again. "Oof. You need to stop growin', kid. My back can't take it."
Diana giggled. "You're just old, Adam." 
Adam put a hand to his heart in faux offense. "Ouch. You wound me." he teased, poking at her nose. 
"Sorry, it's just the truth, and I gotta be honest."
"Huh, can't argue with that. Speaking of old, where's your Dad?" 
"Coming!" Lawrence called out. In typical Dad fashion, he was carrying Diana's backpack and handling his cane. Though he tried not to show it, he was clearly struggling to manage both, as judging by his limp being more obvious. Immediately Adam rushed to his partner's side, taking the backpack off his hands, hanging it up on the hook. 
"Diana, don't forget to take your shoes off." As she was about to do so, he said, "and don't kick them off, please." Begrudgingly she obliged and unbuckled them right next to the closed door. 
"I didn't have a good day at school today." She said, shuffling towards the couch and flopping on it. Adam made a note of her mismatched socks, one rainbow, the other blue with puppies. 
"Aw no, what happened?" He asked, to both Lawrence and Diana. Last week they both heard from Alison that she had been repeatedly picked on by a bully named Brayden. They had spoken to the school and the parents, so he was hoping the little shit wasn't causing her any more grief. Otherwise he would have to resort to violence. 
Diana made a face. "We had to do fractions." 
Adam winced, pulling the exact same expression of disgust as Diana. "Ugh, man. I hated fractions when I was your age. Useless, if you ask me. In fact, I promise you that you won't use fractions anywhere except for school." 
"That's not true," Lawrence interjected, handing Diana a plate of apple slices from the kitchen, which she happily started to devour. "Fractions are important, honey." 
Diana didn't look convinced, but she nodded. "Can we watch SpongeBob before I do my homework?" 
"Actually..." He said with a shared smile at Adam. "We have a surprise for you in the kitchen." 
She gasped. "For real life?!" 
"Ye---" But before either of them could tell her what the surprise was, she sprinted into the kitchen and let out a squeal. Together (although Lawrence hobbled behind a bit) they discovered Diana rummaging through the grocery bags. Adam had bought regular stuff: sugar, butter, flour, salt; he also took the liberty of buying all sorts of confectionary decorations. The latter of which Diana was more invested in: sprinkles, silver balls, icing, chocolate chips, walnuts and little candies. 
"Can we bake now?!" She begged. "PleasepleasePLEASE!"
Lawrence nodded. "Alright, let's get cracking." 
As expected, Diana did little to help with the baking. After helping crack a singular egg, she scampered off to watch cartoons while Adam and Lawrence attempted to follow the recipe to the book. Mostly Lawrence, since Adam was rather distracted, despite being in charge of the dry ingredients. 
"Don't forget to add salt."
"I won't."
"But not too much salt."
"Yeah, yeah."
Lawrence had successfully combined the wet and dry ingredients into one bowl, but it was hard to celebrate when all he could focus on was Adam staring at him dreamily. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing his strong arms, and it was impossible not to look.  
"Do I have something on my face?" 
"You do."  
Automatically Lawrence started to touch his cheek, and in that moment had taken the bait, Adam flung some flour into the air, swirls of dust hitting Lawrence right in the face, and in his hair. 
"Don't worry, I gotcha." He used his fingers to brush it with a cloth. With a cheeky grin, he moved over to bump Lawrence's hip, sliding his hand over to graze it slightly. 
Lawrence, though startled, accepted the affection by pulling him closer, combing his hand through a mop of messy dark hair and tracing his fingers against the man's jawline. Adam took this as an invitation to make another move, heart aflutter as he finally pressed his lips against Lawrence's, at last closing the gap between them. He took this opportunity to slip some tongue in, a soft moan escaping him as he reached for Lawrence's belt----only for the latter to pull away. 
"Not in the kitchen!" He hissed, cheeks flushed. "Are you out of your mind?" 
"S' not my fault." He whined.  "You're so fucking sexy when you roll your sleeves up."
"Need I remind you that we are not alone?" He warned, waving his finger. 
"It was just a kiss."
Lawrence snorted at his attempt at innocence. "Just get the mixer out, please." 
Adam rolled up his own sleeves as if nothing happened. "You got it! We'll continue this later." 
"Diana, honey, would you like to sprinkle some chocolate chips in?" He asked, ruffling her hair fondly.
Diana squealed,. "Yes!"
"Ready kiddo?" Adam said, preparing to open the oven with Diana by his side. 
A blast of hot air hit them at once, smelling of sweet chocolate goodness as they reached inside to retrieve the pan of cookies. To their delight, they looked absolutely delicious. They were crispy, but not burnt. Fluffy, but not too soft. Round with the perfect chocolate chip to cookie ratio, they couldn't have looked better. 
After they let the cookies cool off, Diana was practically bouncing with excitement. "Can we decorate them?" 
"Maybe we should taste them first?" Lawrence suggested, already cautious.
"Man come on, they look amazing! And they probably taste amazing too!" 
But when they each took a bite out of the smallest three cookies, they promptly spat them out in unision.
"Eeeew it's salty!" Diana said.
"Mine has a weird salty after taste too," Lawrence tilted his head. "Adam, how much salt did you add?" 
"It might have been a bit more than I should have." He admitted. "But it's not that bad---" He took another bite, forcing himself not to gag. "Oh God, thisissogross. I mean, wow! So good." Wiping his mouth, he said, "Yeah, no I wouldn't feed this to my worst enemy. What do we do now?" 
"Box mix?" Diana piped up.
"Box mix." Lawrence and Adam agreed. 
As it would turn out, Pillsbury Cookie Dough tastes just as good as homemade. 
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judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
From one of your prompt lists: "Why are you still awake at this hour?" + "You were snoring again" with Rey Mysterio?
Snoring problem
Pairing: Rey Mysterio x Fem reader
Description: Rey's snoring keeps you up and you finally throw in the towel and make him wear strips for the snoring
Gif credits to @salirophiliac
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You tried to sleep but finally at 1:30 you had enough going downstairs to grab a drink of water along with your stomach acting weird as it did due to how sensitive and weird it was and your IBS definitely didn't help with matters. You had been trying to sleep for the last hour but Rey's snoring kept you awake and you had reached the point where a week back while he was out of town you bought nasal strips to give to him so that not only could he breathe better while he slept but so that you could sleep better, after making ramen you eat and watch tv on low volume sitting on the couch with your cat Dewey laying in your lap who slowly purred and made biscuits on your leg which along with the quiet and the warmth of the blanket draped over you made you doze off on and off until you fell asleep a few minutes later until two and a half hours later "Bebe what are you doing down here?" you jump awake startling poor dewey on top of you who quickly hisses calming him down with pets as you look up at rey "You're snoring" he raises a brow knowing he did snore but he didn't know it was bad enough to make you go and fall asleep in a separate room because of it "I tried to fall asleep for an hour since 12:30 but I couldn't no matter how hard I try I couldn't" he gently rubs your arms with his hands before you get up going in the bathroom and pulling out a box of nasal strips laughing at the look on his face. He grabs a drink of water before the two of you go back to the bedroom laying down as he watches you laughing at dewey taking refuge close to the front of you under the blanket falling asleep to his purrs as rey put the strip over his nose already feeling more air when he breathed in before he fell asleep which is how things stayed for the rest of the night smiling when you wake up to see rey asleep with the strips on his nose.
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aifastic · 2 days
I'm very deep into Apex so I wanna try something
Apextober 2024
You're in Their Sights
Least Played Legend (that you own)
Bombs Away!
Dressed To Kill
Fave Legend (lore)
Pick Me Up
Fave Legend (gameplay)
If you want to try it, you can tag your art/fics here on Tumblr as #apextober2024 ✨ You can take the prompts literally or think outside the box of course. I'm making these for fun and as an excuse to draw more this next month hehe. I might check on the tag occasionally. Best of luck!
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qqtxt · 2 years
[❣️] take care of you [allt_🐯]
✿ beomgyu x reader / idol!txt / non.idol!you / word count: 386 words / mentions of food and eating / mentions of a minor injury, a small, faded cut ✿ drabbles and blurbs based on this list! [reblogged list] ✿ [tag: #a love like this_drabbles] / [a love like this_drabbles masterlist] ✿ prompt: upon noticing a recent injury on the receiver’s person, the sender carefully moves closer, running a thumb (or hand) across the wound in a gentle, troubled manner. [masterlist 🌸] / @kflixnet​ ✨
note: if you would like some prompts to be written for another member (other than beoms), you can send in an ask! 💖
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it was late into the night; the boys had long slept based on how quiet it got... except for the two of you night owls helping yourselves to make instant cup ramen. you’re setting the kettle to boil as beomgyu gets comfortable with sitting on the kitchen counter despite the functioning dining chairs merely a couple of steps away.
beomgyu has his hands in the connecting pocket of his hoodie, swinging his legs a little as it thumps against the cabinet. his eyes watching you the entire time, with a fond smile on his face... until his gaze trail to your hands and he notices... you flinch a little just as you put the kettle to boil and beomgyu’s hand gently wraps around your wrist. he gives you a small tug and you’re standing between his legs, peering up at him with a raised brow.
you watch as he pushes the sleeve of his your hoodie. his brows meet the centre of his forehead as he analyses the way the back of your hand has a small, faded cut running from the knuckle of your index finger, halfway down to the knuckle of your thumb. it was a small cut but it was still noticeable. he doesn’t realise he’s frowning until he looks up to you for an explanation, to which you chuckle and use your freehand to pinch his cheek but it still doesn’t ease the way he looks worried.
“it’s nothing,” you start, but his previous frown now turns into a pout as he looks back to your hand, using one hand to hold onto yours, the other gently caressing your skin. “i think i got when i was moving a couple of boxes the other day and hadn’t noticed one of the corners sticking out.”
his eyes meet yours once more, as if to question does it hurt? you scoff a laugh and shake your head, to which he playfully hits the back of your hand where your wound was. you don’t respond, only blinking at him that he breaks out to a grin and lifts your hand up so he can plant a kiss. then he murmurs against your hand, “be careful, you idiot.”
“your idiot.”
he rolls his eyes, but relents to press another kiss to the same spot. “yeah, mine.”
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vinnbe · 3 months
mute sky starter for @betaeha
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vinn stands in the middle of the aisle, surveying the shelves he just finished restocking. he takes his time scanning over each item one more time, his lips curl into a satisfied smile as he nods in approval of his own work. he managed to complete his weekly task much faster than the last time, treating it like a personal challenge, timing himself each time he restocks the shelves. it’s mostly to pass time and have a bit of fun while being stuck with a mundane job like this.
he stretches his arms above his head, feeling the satisfying pull of his muscles, then rolls his shoulders to shake off the stiffness. helping his aunt at her store is something he genuinely enjoys, but being here seven days a week can get pretty bland over time. after two years, things have become a routine he’s memorized so well that he’s confident he could work at the convenience store blindfolded and still do an excellent job.
or maybe his confidence is misplaced and he could still improve a lot more. suddenly, his accomplishments don’t seem that great anymore. vinn notices an item missing from one of the shelves, prompting him to shift his gaze to the empty boxes stacked on the side. his eyes search for the missing item, but it doesn’t appear to be inside the boxes.
“taeha?” vinn calls out as he rounds the corner, head peeking out to get a clear sight of his coworker, who is currently busy checking out one of their regulars. “did the delivery for the spicy shin ramen not come in today?” if the delivery hasn't arrived, he'll have to call the service and sort out the mess—something he really doesn't feel like dealing with right now.
when he doesn’t get an immediate reply from taeha, vinn strides over to the counter with a sigh. he plants his palms firmly against the surface, feeling the coolness of the marble under his skin as he leans forward to support his weight. “hey, did you hear me?” taeha, who’s been working here with him for about four months now, has been a refreshing presence. unlike the usual workers who prefer to stay glued to their phones for the entire shift, taeha actually puts in some work to help vinn out as much as she can, and he’s grown used to her face—so much so that he now looks forward to their shifts together. especially on slow days like these, when there isn’t much else to do, her presence makes the hours pass more quickly. “did they not deliver the spicy shin ramen?” he repeats, now that he is certain she will hear his question.
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chellesdump · 11 months
Sweater Weather - MiHyo
"Mina and Jihyo decided to spend a day together by going to the mall for a while, in there they were going to the arcade, had some lunch, and maybe browse through the stores to find something cute. At one point the noise from the arcade was replaced by the drip-drop of rain through the ceiling, Mina got so excited since she loves the rain."
word count ─ 1.2k
tags ─ little mina, middle mina, middle jihyo, rain, sweaters, cozy feeling
notes ─ This is for the Sweater & Rainy Day prompt, this is sorta joined to the Binnie story, in there we saw Mina and Jihyo going out, so this is what they did while hanging out. But you don't need to read the Binnie story to understand this one.
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Mina was standing outside of Jihyo's Mercedes, waiting for the older girl to come out of the house and finally be able to go hang out - it’s been a while since they hung out just the two of them, without supervision or little kids tagging along - just a few moments later the sound of the front door was heard by Mina and she got excited.
When she heard the door unlock she quickly got into the passenger seat, putting her bag at her feet and buckling herself in, Hyo was more normally paced in getting into the driver's seat, but soon enough she turned it on and gave Mina full control of the music for the ride.
The ride to the mall wasn't a short one but it passed quickly since both girls were animatedly talking about all the things that they would do once they arrived. Once Hyo parked the car near one of the entrances Mina was quick to get out of the car and go to Hyo's side to make her walk fast, the penguin girl was focused on getting the most of her time at the arcade.
As soon as they stepped into the arcade Mina went to buy some game cards for them to use, meanwhile, Hyo texted Jeongyeon to let her know that they were already at the mall, it took the Japanese girl less than 5 minutes to come back saying “I've bought us the best deal they had, this are wristbands with 300 credits each and 50 physical tokens to spend. If we show them our wristbands at the food station we can get them larger without extra charge and some games give us double points" gushed Mina with a glimmer in her eyes.
They played a few rounds of skee ball, battled in the basketball machines, joined forces in shooting games, and hit several jackpots, only about half of their credits were gone but all the fun opened their appetites so they went to buy some snacks. It took around 10 minutes for their food to arrive and boy did it look delicious, the waiter served them a plate of nachos, a basket of fries, a cup of ramen for each, and 2 milkshakes, one chocolate, and the other strawberry.
The moment the waiter turned around they attacked the food, all their food was shared between the two, exchanging their milkshakes every so often to have the whole experience. "You really like the food don't you Ji?" asked Mina with a few giggles escaping her mouth, "Yesh, It tastes sho good" responded Jihyo with a mouthful "Why did you ask that?" questioned Ji staring at Mina, "You have a perpetual frown on your face, it's a clear sign that you are enjoying it" answered finally letting her laugh fully come out.
After they finished their mini feast, they went back to playing until all their credits and tokens were gone, once the moment came they combined the tickets won and decided on a prize for both. Their big prize was a bungeoppang maker, and each got the opportunity to choose another medium-sized prize, Mina picked a box of LEGO, Jihyo a board game, and each girl got a little plush.
They went back to the table they had previously occupied to see if it was doable to carry everything until it was time to go home or if it was better to go put them in the car, analyzing the dimensions of the things they decided that it was better if they put them on the trunk of the car.
Mina stopped in her tracks when they were getting closer to the exit, "Mina, are you okay? Why did you stop?" asked Ji when suddenly the Japanese put a finger to her lips and whispered, "Shh, can you hear that?" putting a hand to her ear. Jihyo tried to listen to what the other girl was listening to when Mina yelled, "It's raining!! Let's go see" grabbing the elder’s hand and pulling her outside.
Both girls got outside into the rainy weather, Ji was thankful that only a few drops of rain were falling so they would not get drenched, after quickly putting their things inside the trunk it was Ji's turn to grab Mina's hand and pull her back to the safety of the mall entrance. Once they were safe from getting wet Ji let go of Mina’s hand, the younger girl proceeded to cross her arms and pout, "I wanted to see the rain!" whined the now more regressed girl stomping her feet to show her discontent.
It was clear to Jihyo that Mina had regressed further than before, both girls had already regressed since they woke up but they were just back into their teens, now Mina was more in the child zone.
“I know that you love watching the rain, but we don’t have sweaters and we’ll get sick. So let’s go find some warmer clothes and then we'll watch the rain. How about that?” explained Ji hugging Mina by the shoulders and going towards the stores to find sweaters for both of them. "Okay, let's go and get sweaters. But if you don't keep your promise I'll make sure that you will regret it" stated Mina throwing a sweet smile, an action that made the thing she just said even creepier, and just like she hadn't just threatened her Mina kept walking and taking the elder's hand.
The quest to find their sweaters was not an easy one, some were super itchy, others too toddlerish, not soft enough, too ugly, just not what they wanted. They went from store to store without having luck finding something they liked, they almost admitted their defeat and just bought any sweater they found, the last 2 stores left were not exactly to their liking since they were where Mama and Mommy bought their clothes for when they were in toddler space.
Luckily they were able to find sweaters that they liked and even some more clothes in one of those stores, they got out of the store each one with a bag filled with clothes, and of course the sweaters. Mina's sweater was a white and beige one, with some zigzags and hearts as the design, while Jihyo's one was a white one with red strips on the bottom half of it, once they got into their sweaters Ji guided them to a little special place.
Mina kept whining the whole way there, trying to get Ji to tell her where they were going, suddenly they found themselves in front of a cafe, "Ji you said we were going to watch the rain not coming to eat" whined Mina stomping her foot and huffing, "We are, I swear just trust me" responded Jihyo saying something to the waitress.
The waitress took them to a little terrace area and gave them the menus, telling them that she would come back in a few minutes to take their order, "See, I told you we were going to see the rain. Just that we're doing it while keeping ourselves dry" said Jihyo browsing the menu, Mina did the same thing, throwing some glances to outside the terrace to watch the rain fall.
When the food came it made the moment so perfect, having a warm meal paired with cups of warm drinks and having a conversation with someone so dear to you accompanied by the sound of rain, was just the most ideal way to spend a day like this. Mina said a little Thank you, saranghae unnie, and gave a quick hug to the older girl, before turning her attention back to the rain.
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