#rami malak! Freddie Mercury
frogcabbage · 4 years
Queen is just The tall one, The disaster gay, The little bitch boy and The mum friend and I think that's beautiful 😌
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rtdrowze · 3 years
Freddie *talking about a night at the opera*: we can only have 4 songs on the b-side
Roger: why’s that
Freddie: cause Brian wrote a fucking 8 minute one
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chiarodilunasworld · 3 years
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lolipax · 3 years
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Too bad he’s in love with his car 
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movie--posters · 3 years
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haywaggon · 3 years
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Rami Malek played an amazing Freddy Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody. And in every day life, whenever I see the word pressure, I hear it as though Queen/David Bowie are singing it. True story.
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cuzimmathug · 4 years
On all levels except physical, I am a hoe
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fatbottomedgirl · 4 years
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nic-214 · 4 years
Rami Malak vs. Freddie Mercury
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Fainting | Roger Taylor
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,412
Summery: Roger’s girlfriend has some rather big news for the drummer, so big that she drives out to Rockfield Farm in the middle of the night to tell him.
Requested by the lovely @killer-queen-87​
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Positive. Adjective. Defined as “Consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of features or qualities rather than their absence” or as “expressing or implying affirmation, agreement, or permission.”. In (Y/N)’s situation, the former more so applied to her as she stared down at the range of five positive pregnancy tests that sat on the bathroom sink in front of her. Her mood however, was more accurately represented by the latter definition. She stared at her belly in the mirror, grinning ear to ear as she tried to take it all in. She was pregnant with Roger Taylor’s baby. There was a soft knock on the door behind her. “Come in…” She sighed happily, in a dreamlike state, completely overjoyed by the news.
Veronica Deacon slowly pushed open the door before slowly entering the bathroom. (Y/N) had asked the only Queen wife and only one of the four ladies involved with the lads to be pregnant to come over when she had had persistent bouts of morning sickness. (Y/N) was, at first, trying to deny that she was pregnant at all, but some part of her in the back of her mind always seemed to know.
“When was your last period?” Veronica had asked her after listening to all of (Y/N)’s symptoms. Having gone through the same thing herself only months prior she was pretty sure she knew exactly what this was.
“I don’t know before the boys left, I guess.” (Y/N) shrugged. “Or at least that’s the last time I remember it happening for sure.”
“Did you and Roger have your sexy fun time at all before he left?”
“It’s Roger, Ronnie. Of course we had sex.” She playfully rolled her eyes with a giggle.
Veronica gave the girl a knowing smile before standing. “I’m going to pop down to the shop and get you a couple of pregnancy tests.”
“Preg...what? I can’t be.” (Y/N) leapt to her feet in protest. She couldn’t be pregnant. Specifically speaking, she and Roger weren’t exactly always careful when they had, but she couldn’t be pregnant.
“All the same can’t hurt to check now, can it?”
Veronica walked up next to the female, smiling softly at the stupid grin plastered to the drummer’s girlfriend’s face. “Judging by the look on your face, I’m going to assume that the results have come out in your liking?”
“All five are positive.” She smiled with a happy smile, gently placing a hand on her belly. “I’m pregnant with Rog’s baby.”
“Awe, I’m so happy for you (Y/N/N).” Veronica hugged her tightly. “You’re going to make a fantastic mum.”
“Thanks…” She smiled, hugging the bassist’s wife back. “How did you…you know…?”
“How did I tell John I was pregnant?” Veronica giggled softly. “Well let’s see...I made him a nice dinner that night when he came home from rehearsals for the Japan press tour, and when he asked why I wasn’t drinking wine with him like I normally do, I dropped the news on him and he dropped to the floor.” (Y/N) laughed at the image of John fainting at the news of finding his wife of barely a month was pregnant. Slowly her laughs died out as a depressed look overtook her features. “(Y/N), what’s wrong, love? You were so happy before?”
(Y/N) sighed, slowly walking into the bedroom before laying down on Roger’s side of the bed. Even after almost two months of him being away, his pillow still retained his scent, cigarette smoke and his aftershave. It comforted her to some extent as she tried to reason out her thought process. “I just...I want to tell him...like right now. But it seems so impersonal to do it over the phone. And they’re not to be home yet for a few weeks more.”
Veronica sat on the edge of the bed, gently rubbing (Y/N) calf with an eye roll, as if the answer was so painfully obvious. “So? Drive out to Rockfield then.”
(Y/N) shot up, beaming with excitement as she pulled the bassist’s wife into a bone crushing hug. “This is why I invited you over!” (Y/N) she all but yelled in excitement before shooting up, quickly bolting from the room.
“Wait you mean you’re going right now? But it’ll be dark soon.” Veronica asked with a raised brow as she followed the female out into the hall watching as she haphazardly pulled on her shoes. She couldn’t honestly be thinking of driving from central London to Rockfield Farm in the middle of the night.
“Of course! I can’t wait to tell him! It’s now or never.” (Y/N) grinned as she pulled on her coat.
“Or you can go first thing tomorrow morning and drive through the country when it’s light out.” Veronica tried to reason with her, watching as (Y/N) slung her hand bag over her shoulder. “There’s no convincing you, is there?” Veronica asked, picking up her own bag and keys with a sigh after shrugging on her coat.
“Nope.” (Y/N) smiled popping the ‘p’. She and Roger had talked about getting married before in the past, so she was fairly certain that he was going to be just as excited as she was to hear the news.
“Well then, I wish you the best of luck my love.” Veronica smiled giving the girl one last hug after she had locked the door to her flat as they stood out on the front stoop. “And congratulations, love.”
“Thanks Ronnie.” She smiled, hugging her tightly. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow morning so you know I got there in one piece.”
“You better.” Veronica smiled as they both got into their separate cars, Veronica on her way back to Putney, (Y/N) on a three and a half hour journey to Rockfield to see her drummer.
John stood out in front of the barn, smoking while he took in the fresh night air. The stars were so beautiful out in the country, never had he seen a sky like this in London. He only wished his Ronnie could see it. He sighed, a smile twitching on his lips as he thought of the blessed event that was about to come their way in a month’s time. Being the only member of the band who was married and going to be a father, other than Brian he felt like the most responsible of them. He squinted as lights from a car turned up the gravel road toward the barn. Who could be here at this time of night? Normally they were all tucked in for the night, off in their separate rooms, reading, sometimes still messing around in the studio but this was a late work night for them as they were already over schedule with the album. Freddie, Brian, and Roger were all still screeching away in the booth trying to perfect their vocals for what they had affectionately dubbed ‘Fred’s Thing’ since day one of recording it. The bassist, though still slightly blinded, watched as a small figure got out of the car and started to strut toward him. He thought he was either going to be brutally murdered or kidnapped...until he saw her (h/c) locks floating in the wind as she walked closer, the slight slight coming through the crack in the door illuminating her face. “Best not let Paul see you here or he’ll throw you out on the curb.” John teased softly, hugging the female as she approached him. “Great to see you again, (Y/N). What on earth are you doing here so late?”
“Had to see Rog.” She smiled into the bassist’s embrace. “Ronnie says hi by the way.”
“Awe, I’ll have to call her later and tell her hi back.” He chuckled. “Had to see him so bad that you went driving on country roads in the middle of the night? Must be important.”
“It is Deaky...some rather...big news I need to share with him…” She smiled brightly at the bassist.
Even in the minimal light, the bassist recognized the tone in the words ‘big news’ and the slight twinkle in her eyes paired with the beaming smile stretched across her features. It took all but a few moments for him to put everything together as a smile stretched its way across his face. “You’re pregnant?”
(Y/N) nodded happily, tears in her eyes, as the bassist pulled her into a tight hug, congratulating the female. “I just couldn’t tell him over the phone, I had to see the look on his face when he found out. Waiting for you lot to finally come home was going to be far too long to keep the secret from him.”
John chuckled. “Well if it’s anything like when Ronnie told me earlier this year, then I’d say it’s going to be quite an ordeal.”
“Yeah…” She trailed off, her smile fading ever so slightly.
“Hey...what’s wrong?” The bassist asked with concerned filled eyes.
“I just...you don’t think...that he...well that he could....” She stumbled trying to lace together the one thought she had been dreading the whole drive out here into a coherent sentence. What if Roger didn’t like the fact she was pregnant? What if he left her when he found out she was knocked up?
“(Y/N).” John tutted the female with a smile, resting both his hands reassuringly on her shoulders. “He hasn’t shut up about you since we got here. Every bloody day he’s telling us about what you said on the phone, or how he misses you, or rattling on about some other nonsense related to you. He loves you...deeply. He’s not going to leave you just because you’re pregnant and you two aren’t married.”
“You think so?” She asked, sadness still in her eyes as a smile crept its way over her features.
“I don’t think, I know.” John smiled pulling the girl into another hug, gently kissing the top of her head to calm her like he always did with Veronica. “He loves you more than you know.”
“Thanks Deaky…” She smiled, wiping the tears that had started to fall from her eyes as she pulled away from the bassist’s embrace. “You can’t tell him that you knew first.”
“Oh he’d be fuming if he found out. Probably would lose my head if I weren’t careful.” John chuckled softly. “Come on, let’s go in so you can see your drummer. Reckon you two have a lot to talk about.” John said putting an arm around her shoulders before they proceeded into the barn.
In the studio, Brian, Freddie, and Roger were bickering about how the harmonies should sound as John and (Y/N) entered the control room. The sound engineer, Gary, was half asleep in his chair, the argument having started shortly after John had left fifteen minutes prior. Paul looked up hearing the door open and quickly strode across the room blocking (Y/N) from view from the recording studio. “(Y/N), I didn’t know you’d be here otherwise...well…” Paul cleared his throat a little unsure of how to quickly dispose of the female without pissing off the bassist standing next to her. John was rather soft spoken a lot of the time, but he could rival Roger with his outbursts and aggression if provoked enough. “We don’t have much room, you know.”
“No matter, I can always spend the night with Roger in his.” (Y/N) shrugged.
“Well I mean they are busy boys, might not have as much time as you’d hope.”
“Busy, my arse.” John snapped with an eye roll. “The fact of the matter is she’s here now, and if nobody else does, I want her here. She isn’t going anywhere.” The bassist defended the female pushing past their day to day manager before walking over to the controls. “Hey, you lot want to stop arguing for a few seconds?” John said into a microphone while pressing a blue button. There were a few squabbles directed toward the bassist asking him not to interrupt their conversation...if you could even call it that. “Guys, come on...there’s something you need to see.” John pressed again, to the same result. (Y/N) giggled softly at John’s rising frustrations, finding the situation rather funny. John looked at the female with a bemused grin as an idea popped into his head. “Roger your car is here.” Confused, the drummer turned to look at the bassist to demand an explanation, ready to tell him off if he was making fun of ‘I’m in Love With My Car’ again. Immediately, all the anger drained from his face as he felt his heart melt into a puddle at his feet at the sight of her smiling face and (h/c) locks cascading down. She waved slightly as John smirked at the drummer who’s eyes had turned to hearts. “Look who I caught trespassing and snooping around outside.”
Roger threw off his headphones before sprinting into the booth. He practically tackled the female in a bear hug, kissing every square inch of her face. He hadn’t realized how badly he had missed her until he laid eyes upon her for the first time in what felt like forever. “How? Why? Oh god, I’m so happy to see you.” The drummer beamed brighter than anybody had ever seen before. He held her close to his chest, scared to let go of her in fear that she would suddenly vanish in the blink of an eye. “I missed you so fucking much love…” He whispered softly.
“I missed you too Rog…” (Y/N) whimpered, tears brimming in her eyes. “So much…”
“It’s alright...we’re together now that’s all that matters.” Roger cooed to his softly crying girlfriend. Roger turned to look at Freddie and Brian who had also come into the control booth on their own accord. “I’m done for the night lads.”
“Roger I really do think you shouldn’t…” Paul started to try and dissuade the band.
“No, you know I do believe he’s right, half past ten, is quite late for us, wouldn’t you say lads?” John asked Freddie and Brian with a raised brow.
“I agree. I’d reckon my vocals are quite shot for today.” Brian agreed looking to Freddie with raised brows.
“Freddie, just think how far behind we are, we really need to get this…” Paul tried to convince the singer.
“Oh do stop being such a spoilsport Paul, afterall you can’t rush great art.” Freddie rolled his eyes at their manager before walking out of the studio, Paul hot on his tail.
“Are they an item or something?” (Y/N) asked with a raised brow watching as Paul followed Freddie like a lost puppy.
“We don’t even know anymore, all we know is we hate him.” Roger sighed. “Come on, love, we’ll go back to mine and get...reacquainted.” The drummer raised his eyebrows suggestively at the female causing her to giggle before they too left the studio.
This left the two guitarists standing there awkwardly with the half passed out sound engineer. “So uh...fancy a game of scrabble?” John asked awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I still can’t believe you’re here.” Roger smiled pulling the girl in close as they walked toward the house. “It’s really beautiful here, I’ll show you around the farm in the morning and we can…”
(Y/N) glanced up at the stars in the sky as the drummer continued to ramble on next to her. She stopped walking, staring up at the star filled sky as Roger took a few more steps forward before looking back at her. She had never seen so many in her entire life. “Wow…” She whispered. Roger smiled softly at the female a few meters from where she stood. She looked so happy, and in her element as she stood there star gazing. He was so in love with her, he didn’t know if he could wait until they were back in London to propose to her like he had originally planned. “It’s so beautiful...”
“Innit…?” The drummer smiled, walking up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist with a smile, gently leaning his head on hers. “I was hoping you’d get to see it…”
There was silence between the pair for a few moments before she looked down. “Rog...there’s a reason I came here…”
“You’re not breaking up with me are you?” The drummer asked, stiffening slightly.
“What? No of course not I just...I...well…”
“Go on love, you can tell me…” He cooed, pulling her tighter into his chest. “I’m always here to listen…”
“I just...I’m not sure how you’re going to react to it…” She sighed sadly.
“Are...are you scared I’ll leave you over whatever it is you’ve to tell me?” She nodded slightly at his remark. Roger chuckled softly, gently kissing her head. “Oh love, wild horses couldn’t drag me away from you…” He smiled, gently rocking them back and forth.
“Well...in that case…” She sighed, turning around to face the drummer, her (e/c) eyes connecting with his ocean blue orbs. She searched his gaze trying to pinpoint what it might be he was feeling at that moment. There was nothing but concern for the girl in his gaze. “I...I…” she sighed, a bit defeated, suddenly so nervous to tell him.
Roger smiled softly, gently raising her chin with his pointer finger and thumb to meet his gaze. “Please tell me love…”
She smiled softly at the drummer, tears of joy brimming in her eyes as she imagined the rest of her life with Roger. “I’m pregnant…” She said barely above a whisper.
Roger blinked a few times unsure of how to process the information before it registered with him fully. “You...you’re...there’s a...we’re going to...I’m gonna be…” Roger stuttered over his words, a rare sight for the female. She nodded at him confirming his suspicions. “Oh (Y/N)...” He smiled, tears brimming in his eyes from the immense amount of joy he felt toward the female. “I can’t believe it, I never...I just didn’t think I’d...that I could ever be…” He continued to stutter, his heart going a million miles a second.
(Y/N) furrowed her brows seeing his eyes start to roll back in his head. “Rog...are you okay…?” She asked as he began to slump in her grip. She quickly caught him, gently laying him on the ground as he had passed out at the news, just as John had. “Rog! Roger. Come on love wake up!” (Y/N) called to him, gently slapping his cheeks to try and get him to come through.
“HA! Now he can’t make fun of me for fainting anymore!” John laughed from the door into the barn before Brian forcibly pulled him back inside to let the pair have their moment alone.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the bassist seeing her drummer’s eyes start to flutter open. His ocean blue eyes connected with hers for only a second before he knew what had happened. “Marry me…?” He asked barely above a whisper.
(Y/N) felt her heart flutter in her chest as the tears begin to cascade down her cheeks, the smile returning to her face. She hadn’t figured this is how she’d be proposed to, but coming from anybody but Roger, she’d have been disappointed. (Y/N) leaned down to place her lips against the drummer’s. “Yes...yes…a million times yes.” She smiled, leaning her forehead against his.
Slowly the drummer sat up with her help, wrapping his arms around her. “I swear...I’m going to devote my life to protecting the two of you...no matter what. I love you…”
“I love you too.” She smiled at him connecting her lips with his again.
Slowly he leaned down so that his face was level with her belly. “Hi there...this is your daddy speaking to you…” Roger smiled, as he softly spoke to her belly. “I already can’t wait to meet you...try not to make things too hard on your mum you hear?” Roger chuckled before looking up at (Y/N) with a smirk. “Think I’m going to make a good father?”
“The best…” she smiled.
“Wow...some night...I’m engaged and I’m going to be a father. Don’t know how we could top that.” Roger chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
(Y/N) smiled before she stood offering her hands to the drummer to help him up. He stood but a lips distance away from her when he rose to his feet. “I think I have a few ideas.” She smiled mischievously at him.
“Ah my saucy minx, how I missed you.” Roger chuckled before pulling her along into the main house.
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sweetsugarxo · 5 years
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everything was so sweet
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rtdrowze · 3 years
Freddie: do you want some coffee
Brian: what are the options?
Freddie: yes or no
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Freddie: Oh, Rami is at the special age where a boy has one thing on his mind.
Reporter, smiling: Girls?
Rami: Homicide.
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actorsandcanines · 5 years
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Rami Malek
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nkp1981 · 4 years
Me reminding my boyfriend about this, when his favorite football team loses a match!!
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my creation: text
gif: https://tenor.com/
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lunastar92 · 4 years
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I'm sorry! I had to! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤭🤭🤭
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