#ramsom :]
ellypop99 · 4 months
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thetruemxpink · 4 months
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I am studying. This is perfectly sane.
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dxppercxdxver · 1 year
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forgot to mention it at the time but @chiropteracupola and @firstmatedville and i went and saw a boat!! together!!! also a naval museum but i don’t have pictures of us at that really
but it was soooo cool and we had a great great time and autism was had by all
bonus: meeting TINY KEITH AND EWEN!!!!
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paperweight91 · 1 year
Like I’m Gonna Lose You
Part 2
Summary: After “ending” things with Andy your life takes an unexpected turn at a work function.
Warnings: fluff, Ransom being completely OOC
A/N: here is part 2. I’m letting the story take me where it goes. Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
Characters: Andy Barber, Ransom Drysdale, mentions of Laurie Barber
Before you knew it it was February and your work was hosting a Gala in hopes of wooing some of Boston's most elite. The girls in the office were gossiping about who they were going to bring with them, when the spotlight suddenly shined on you.
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“Are you bringing anyone to the gala tonight?” Tammy asked with a coy look. Did she know something?
“Uhh nope, we’re all working anyways, doesn’t seem right to drag someone there and not be able to see them.” It was true you were supposed to be “wooing” all night.
The other girls seem miffed at your lack of gossip contribution, and move on to their owns dates and what they are wearing. Effectively cutting you out of the conversation.
You were starting to look forward to the event, even if you were the only one from your office going alone. A night to get dressed up and rub elbows with some of the most influential people on the east coast was exciting. You rushed home from the office and made quick work of getting ready in your emerald green dress. It was a little prom-like, but cute and more importantly easy to move around in.
Arriving early, you greeted your boss Levi and his wife and started to make the rounds of the guests beginning to arrive.
What you didn’t realize was the entire DAs office had been invited as well. Seeing Andy laughing and talking with Laurie you knew. He was never going to leave his wife, and definitely not for you.
It was too much, you went to the bar and ordered a tequila shot. Your drink of choice when you wanted to get absolutely shitfaced.
“May want to slow down there Kitten, you’ll drink the whole bar at that pace.” You looked over at the smug stranger. Surprised at his boyish good looks. He was clearly arrogant, but there was a glint in his eye. Was it concern? He doesn’t even know you, it’s definitely not that.
You give him a confused look. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” You ask.
“Hugh Drysdale, but you Kitten can call me Ramsom. I’m here in hopes of being, what was the term ‘woo’d’” you start giggling right away. “And what’s so funny about that Kitten?”
You introduce yourself as well, “well I’m supposed to be ‘wooing’ but too busy drinking I guess.” Ransom laughs at your half hearted joke.
“So what are we drinking about?” He looks at the bartender to ask for two more shots, “tequila?” You nod with a smile, “definitely about a guy. Want me to take your mind off him? You are supposed to be ‘wooing’ me after all.”
You playfully slap at his arm. Wow, are all men this muscular? Between Andy and Ransom they both seem ridiculously built for the lines of work they were in. Stop thinking about Andy! Your brain screams at you, “Wooing Ransom not flirting!” He laughs with you.
“Then at least let me have you on my arm tonight. It would be a waste for such a pretty girl to be here all alone.” Your face heats at his words, and you glance over at Andy. He’s dancing with Laurie. His wife. With that image burned in your mind you take Ransom's hand and let him lead you around the room.
Ransom true to his word keeps you on his arm all night. You don’t even notice the stolen glances Andy repeatedly sends your way. After your fourth time around the room you excuse yourself to the restroom.
“Don’t keep me waiting long kitten.” He winks at you as he watches you walk away.
You feel giddy as you reach the thankfully empty washroom. You select a stall to quickly do your business. Going over all the wonderful moments you’ve had with Ransom and all you’ve learned about him so far.
You hear the door open and shut - was that a lock clicking? Probably your imagination. You flush and open the stall door just to come face-to-face with Andy.
“Andy? What are you doing in here it’s the ladies room.” He locked the door, you’re trapped.
“Sweetheart, I’ve missed you. I just want to talk it will be quick I promise.”
You huff as you walk past him to wash your hands. Surveying your appearance in the mirror.
“Fine. Speak fast.” You cross your arms across your chest.
Andy runs his hands through his fluffy hair before he starts, “I’m sorry, I was an ass. You said…you said that you love me. And it scared me. And now I see you here with that trash Drysdale. Do you know anything about him by the way?”
You hum, you’re not going to dignify that with a response.
“Fine okay, I shouldn’t say anything with who I’m here with. But Sweetheart, I can’t say that to you yet. Not until I leave Laurie.” He’s giving you hope. You realize now you have to make a decision.
You open your mouth and are shocked with the response you come up with. “I’ll believe it when I see it Andy. For now you’re keeping me from working, and spending the evening with a man who is single. Good night”
You storm past Andy to the door to unlock it and leave. You’re so lost in your own head your walk face first into the person you were looking for.
“Woah there Kitten. Something happen?” He glances behind you and spies Andy leaving the ladies room. “Barber bothering you?”
You look up at Ransom, his blue green eyes staring straight at you. Not sure how to respond, you shrug.
He wraps both arms tightly around you, and you sigh at the warm safe feeling encapsulating you. “Why don’t we go somewhere more relaxed and talk. No funny business.”
Searching his eyes you see nothing but warmth and care. “Please Ransom.” Your voice is just above a whisper. But with those two words Ransom becomes a man on a mission. Grabbing both your coats from coat check and ordering an Uber on his phone.
The next thing you know you’re pulling up to Ransom's home. He gets a bit pink high in his cheeks and rubs the back of his neck, “I wasn’t sure where else to take you.”
You give him a warm smile and follow him to the front door. He takes your coat and offers to get you some clothes to change into. You gratefully accept and wander around his living room. You stop only at the floor to ceiling windows looking out into the woods. Eery, but strangely calming as well. The freshly fallen snow makes the trees look like something out of a fairy tale.
“I don’t have any girls clothes, I hope this will be okay?” He’s rubbing the back of his neck as he hands you one of his college hoodies and a pair of basketball shorts.
“It’s perfect, thank you Ransom. Where can I…?”
“Down the hall first door on your left.” He points.
You change quickly in the guest room, loving the scent of Ransom all around you. When you return Ransom is sitting on the couch with his foot propped against the coffee table. You admire him for a few moments, taking in his long legs, and perfectly placed hair. His large hands, one gripping what appears to be a scotch keep grabbing your attention. Before you can make a fool of yourself you head into the room.
Ransom’s face lights up as he sees you, and he gestures you to sit beside him. “So tell me about you and ADA Barber.”
He couldn’t start small could he?
“Ugh, where do I start?” He gives you an encouraging smile and it’s like it word vomits out if you. Your embarrassing crush, the too perfect ‘first date’, all the sex and finally your love confession.
“Huh,” Ransoms response leaves a lot to be desired.
“‘Huh?’ What do you mean?”
“Nothing! It’s just, it sounds like he has one foot in both relationships.” Ransom scowls. This isn’t at all what you expect from him. Of course you had heard about Ransom and his playboy lifestyle. But those rumours didn’t seem to match the man sitting beside you.
“I don’t know what I thought our relationship would be,” you look down as you play with the ties of his shorts that you wear. “I felt like, at first it was a harmless crush, but I knew I wanted more and when it seemed like he did too…”
“You got swept up.” He states, taking a long sip from his drink while he thinks. “I think I know a way to help you get over him.”
“I’m not sleeping with you Ransom.”
He gives a full bellied laugh at that. “That’s not at all what I was suggesting.”
“What then?” You have no idea where he’s going with this.
“Go on a date with me. Like a proper date, we had fun tonight before Barber came in and ruined everything, didn’t we?” He looks a little nervous now.
You’re shocked. The only thing you can think to say comes out before you can stop it, “Why?” At Ransom's pout you quickly follow up with, “Why me?”
He lets out a puff of air before he speaks. Clearly contemplating each word before he says them. “I think you’re pretty, you seem smart, funny and you have spent an entire evening with me without throwing a drink in my face.”
You feel yourself getting giddy at his words. Would it be the worst thing in the world? To go on a date with Ransom?
“That…that sounds lovely Ransom. But I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I-“ you huff. Why is it so hard to put your thoughts into words sometimes? “I want to take things slow, I don’t want to lose myself in someone else again.”
The smile that spreads across his face lights up the room. It’s like his eyes start to sparkle. “I expect nothing less Kitten. Now you have two options, you can grab your clothes and go home, or…”
“Or what?” You ask not wanting to leave Ransoms presence quite yet.
“Or I can get changed we can watch a movie, you can sleep in my guest room and tomorrow we’ll go on a breakfast date.” His eyes are full of mischief, but also something tender.
Meekly, you look up at him through your lashes and giggle as you say, “can I take option number 2 please?”
Ransom gives you another one of those warm smiles, and stands to cross to the TV stand. “Pick something while I go change. Please know I will be judging your choice.” He winks as he leaves you flustered on the couch.
You settle on a romantic comedy you’ve seen about a hundred times, but never fails to make you smile.
He snorts as he walks back into the room in a white t-shirt and flannel pants. “I did tell you I was judging you right?”
You laugh as you playfully push at his arm as he sits beside you. “This is a classic!” You say with mock outrage.
By the end of the movie your cuddled up against Ransom's side. Loving the feel and scent of him.
“C’mon Kitten,” he whispers to the top of your head. “Time for bed if we want that breakfast date to actually be breakfast.”
You both walk along the hall to your respective rooms. “Thanks Ransom - for everything tonight. Really.”
He smiles as he cups your face in his hand and strokes your cheek with his thumb. “The pleasure is all mine Kitten.”
As you enter the guest room you smile softly to yourself. Are you already falling for Ransom? You push the thought out of your head and climb into the bed. Drifting off quickly.
You wake later than normal, feeling well rested. Disoriented by your surroundings, it takes you a moment to realize where you are. Suddenly, last night rushes back to you. The gala, Ransom, Andy cornering you. Ugh, what were you doing?
You get up and listen at the door to see if you hear movement. Nothing. Probably safe to go freshen up in the bathroom. You find Ransom has left you a spare toothbrush out and a fresh pair of joggers and sweatshirt in case you want to shower.
After freshening up, you walk out to the main living area to see it empty. Listening closely, you don’t hear any movement around the house. Should you look for him?
Before you can make a decision Ransom appears from down the hall. Dressed in slacks with a white sweatshirt he looks like he stepped right off of a photo shoot.
He sidles up beside you where you stand by the floor to ceiling windows. “Like the view Kitten?”
You give him a small smile and look back out towards the woods. “I love it.” You say, “It’s beautiful, but haunting at the same time. I didn’t know views like this existed outside of books, and maybe my imagination.”
Ransom just watches you intently while you speak, taking in all the small ticks in your facial expressions. He realizes then why Andy was able to lure you in. All of your feelings are bare on your face, even if you try and hide them, it’s still obvious how you are feeling.
“Yeah I like this view too.” He whispers, only looking straight at you. “Come on, let’s get over to your place so you can get dressed and I can take you for the most wonderful breakfast.”
“Okay.” Your voice is small, but you take the hand that Ransom offers and follow him out to his Beemer.
Ransom drops you at your apartment with a promise to be back in no more than 30 minutes. Once you get upstairs you breathe for a moment. Realizing your phone is almost dead you throw it on the charger, and go to look for an outfit for your breakfast date.
You realize that the feeling leading up to this date is so different from your “first date” with Andy. Ransom has clearly shown he’s interested in you, he’s not married, so why are you still thinking about Andy?
You pick out your favourite winter outfit, a brown wool skirt, black panty hose and black turtleneck. You do some light makeup, and feel happy with your look. Simple, but definitely date worthy. You decide to take your phone off of do not disturb and check the time. When you do you see there are a dozen notifications. All from Andy.
You decide to ignore them. He didn’t want you when you were available to him, then why would you want him now.
You grab your purse and stuff your phone in, before going downstairs to meet Ransom. Smiling as you see the Beemer parked right in front of your building waiting for you.
“You ready to go?” You ask as you slip into the passenger side of his car. He shoots you a cocky smirk and throws the car in gear.
“You look beautiful, Kitten.” He winks before pulling into traffic.
The ride to the restaurant is spent getting to know each other. Most of the things Ransom told you about himself you knew: his grandfathers empire, his mothers real estate business. What you didn’t know was he had been writing under a pen name for years, but of course wouldn’t tell you any of the books yet.
As Ransom guides you in, you realize this is one of the most expensive restaurants in town, and you stop short.
“Ransom, this is too much, I uh..” you trail off not quite sure how to tell him this is way out of your budget.
“Don’t worry Kitten, I chose the place so I’ll pay. Besides, I have been craving their French omelette.” He guides you over to your table where the hostess is waiting. She takes your drink orders, coffee for you, tea for Ransom, and leaves you two.
“So Kitten, tell me that movie you put on last night is not your favourite. Because if that’s the case I’m going to have to seriously re-evaluate you as dating material.” He gives you a sly wink as he puts his tea together.
The laugh that bubbles out of your throat is one of pure joy. “Of course not! But it’s definitely my go to if I just need to chill out, or do some house work.”
The date with Ransom is completely different from your date with Andy. There is a connection, beyond his good looks. Something inside is telling you to take this slow and see where it goes.
After you both finish your meals you decide to take a walk in the nearby park. Ransom surprises you by grabbing your hand as you both walk and talk. Once the silence settles between you both, you find yourself leaning onto his shoulder and just enjoying his presence. After a couple rounds of the park Ransom leads you back to his car.
“As much as I hate to say this Kitten, I have to take you home. Because if I don’t, I may just bring you back to my place and keep you forever.”
You smile as you drop into the passenger side. “Thank you Ransom, this has been the best first date I’ve ever been on.”
Once back at your apartment Ransom walks you to your door. “I know you want to take things slow, but how about a kiss to end our first date?”
You nod up at him and he slowly moves closer. You let your eyes flutter shut as he presses your lips together. There’s heat there, but something sweet and almost tender about the way his lips move against yours. By the time he draws away, you’re left breathless. He slowly slides his hands up and down your arms, “Please say we can do this again Kitten…”
The answer for you is simple, and you don’t have to think twice before you’re responding.
“Yes Ransom, I can’t wait to do this again.”
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ostermad-blog · 9 months
Gubat banwa good game.
After traveling to the nearby Isylaberde and getting beaten up by the Obispo in charge there, my kadungganan returned to their home (the Green Isle) for some downtime. The whole session was downtime actions and some drama bubbling over from character creation - the door guard who hates one of the kadungganan (a flippant sword poet who's big on talking and small on being considerate) learned that the local datu ships them and another kadungganan due to that second kadungganan's Feast downtime action. They understandably started commissioning fanfic to garner the datu's favor, which got around and now people are looking at them funny and sniggering.
The besotted son of the obispo the war band just lost to? It joined the revenge raid on the Green Isle and voluntarily stayed behind/surrendered to be near the object of its affections. Said kadungganan learned it was imprisoned, went to get the guards to make its stay uncomfortable and terrible, the guards pushed back, and in the ensuing argument, the guard discovers that this kadungganan was the person the prisoner had been writing love poems to, nonstop since arriving in custody. The kadungganan needed to stop anyone else from hearing about this, so she beat the poor fellow up in a hallway.
The local datu, wanting to keep the pow for ramsom purposes, decides keeping it in custody is risking a rescue raid by the obispo and releases said pow into the kadungganan's custody, and sends them on a long journey into the wilderness while the datu gets the ransom worked out.
Oh, and also that kadungganan's brother (heir to the Dawneater Crown) is coming to chase a lead on the murderer of another kadungganan:s father (that is another member of the war band). The murderer had decided to confess to the brother, but had to leave a letter instead, since the warband was getting shipped off on this long trek. And the kadungganan whose father was murdered? Burns the letter so the brother never reads it.
This game absolutely fucks.
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akai-anna · 6 months
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pisachio · 2 years
Hi Winnie and Pisachio and Sprinkle!
Maraschino Chino wants to know if you like his new sweater!
He calls it his "ransom sweater" 😎
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i love your new sweater maraschimo ! hehe um , it does remimd me of thatguy ramsom 😅 did you um 😅 eheh 😅 didyou kimd of take that from thatguy ?
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jenmedsbookreviews · 2 months
Cabaret Macabre by Tom Mead
Today I am delighted to join the blog tour for Cabaret Macabre, the brand new Joseph Spector novel from Tom Mead Review on the blog (link in bio) @tommeadauthor @headofzeus #books #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #cabaretmacabre #goldenage
Today I am sharing my thoughts on the really rather wonderful Cabaret Macabre by Tom Mead. It is the third book in the Joseph Spector series, and obviously the first one that I’ve read. I have the other’s in my library so they will be advanced up the reading list very soon! My thanks to Poppy at Ramsom PR for the invite to join the tour, and publisher, Aries, for the advance copy via Netgalley.…
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] For Suraj (Venkatesh), the world revolves around his mother (Reema Lagoo). Poor but unhappy, Suraj one day learns that he is in fact a wealthy man cheated out of his inheritance. Then one day lady luck smiles on him. The Celestial Book of Prophecies (where the future is forefold), falls into his hands. Brahma the Creator, sends his henchmen Yama (the lord of death - Kadar Khan) and Chitragupta (the celestial book keeper - Asrani), to earth to get the book back. Meanwhile Suraj has used this book to his advantage and becomes a rich man. While Yama and Chitragupta search for the book with disastrous consequences, Chhota Ravan, a criminal kidnaps Suraj's mother. The ramsom, he wants the Book of Prophecies for himself. The stage is set for the all powerful Yama to take on Chhota Ravan. Fast, Funny and Delightful. Rated ‏ : ‎ U (Universal) Language ‏ : ‎ Hindi Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 80 Grams Director ‏ : ‎ K Murli Mohan Rao Release date ‏ : ‎ 4 May 2012 Actors ‏ : ‎ Venkatesh, Shakti Kapoor, Kadar Khan, Laxmikant Berde, Asrani Dubbed: ‏ : ‎ Hindi Studio ‏ : ‎ Shemaroo ASIN ‏ : ‎ B006QQBRHW Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Shemaroo Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 80 g [ad_2]
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sobre-mi · 4 years
A veces las personas están demasiado orgullosas para enfrentar el hecho de que no siempre están bien por sí mismas.
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ellypop99 · 4 months
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guys I’m begging you his name is ramsome ok it’s ramsome no matter who tells me otherwise it’s ramsome
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duranduratulsa · 3 years
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie & TV Marathon...Ransom (1996) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #suspense #thriller #suspensethriller #Ransom #dvd #90s #90sfest
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dxppercxdxver · 1 year
At once, Pauling is all business, and Sniper’s agent issues a series of buzzes in quick succession. When he taps the screen, hundreds of files begin downloading themselves locally automatically, and a green progress bar flickers in the corner of his vision. The sheer wealth of data is almost enough to give him a headache. “You copying?”
“The files? Or you?”
“Both, wiseass,” Pauling deadpans, before drawing up a series of specs in Sniper’s ocular HUD. “This should be the gist.”
cyberpunk tf2 au that i'm still hashing out the details on :]
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capibuck · 3 years
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Steve (Fresh) x Ransom (Knives out) 🔪
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impalapark · 2 years
This are the best fics I've ever read, enjoy my selection!
Chris Evans
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Steve Rogers
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What are Queens compared to a Goddess? 😢
Match Maker 💜
Steve Trying to Make You Jealous 😢
Andy Barber
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Release 🔥
All His Series 🔥💜
Ransom Drysdale
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Mine 🔥
Handmaiden 🔥⭐
Curtis Everett
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Mistletoe 💜🔥 (AU)
Ari Levinson
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Always the Bridesmaid🔥
Lloyd Hansen
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The Dutiful ⚔🔥
🔥 smut
💜 Romance
😢 Angst
🤲 Sub
🙎🏼‍♂️ pov
🍌 Threesome
🌬️ Same age reader/character
🍒 Virginity/innocence
⭐ Personal favorites
🐺 A/b/o
🌺 Sex polen
Reader's Masterlist
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acocktailmoment · 3 years
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6oz of your favorite lighter beer
3oz orange juice
Add orange juice to flute and top with beer. 
Garnish with an orange slice.
Photograph by James Ransom
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.
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