#random static
doctornolonger · 7 months
The original print edition of this book featured a large Faction Paradox logo at the top of the cover. This had a marked tendency to prompt the question ‘so what’s this Faction Paradox thing, then?’, the answer to which is long and complicated and distracts from more important questions like ‘what’s the book about?’ and ‘is it any good?’. Assuming the potential reader bothered to ask any questions at all, and didn’t write it off immediately as a worthless tie-in to something they’d never heard of. We’ve decided to leave the Faction branding off this online edition in the hope that readers will be more inclined to judge Newtons Sleep on its own merits. Everything you need to know to read this book can be found in its own text, and its story is complete and self-contained. If after reading this book you’re intrigued by the Faction Paradox mythos, then by all means explore the universe further, but the other novels tell different stories about different characters in different times and places – they’re not sequels or prequels.
— Newtons Sleep ebook, 2009
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tagidearte · 2 days
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DCA Sketch dump from the last few days... Well, mostly Moon, but what's new?
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entomologize · 1 year
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Fun fact: Green forester moths (Adscita statices) aren't always green— on cool nights they become a rusty orange, then change back to blue-green in the morning.
This color change is possible due to the unique structure of some specialized wing scales:
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The layers of tiny air pockets in these scales absorb water vapor from dewy night air, changing the way the light refracts:
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Their color change reverses as the wing scales dry out in the sun:
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Top photos: Joachim Wimmer and Linda Kjær-Thomsen. Everything else from Wilts BD, Mothander K, Kelber A. 2019 Humidity-dependent colour change in the green forester moth, Adscita statices. (Photos cropped/relabeled for clarity)
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gg-ladybug · 4 days
Apparently, desktop can support 30 images in a single post… I could become 3 times as insufferable if I wanted to be. (Take another group collection while I find frames for a Husk centred version.)
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Alastor: (Part 1)
Lucifer: (Part 2)
Random Groups / Duos / Ships: (Part 3) (Part 7 - Here)
Charlie: (Part 4)
Adam: (Part 5)
Angel Dust: (Part 6)
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life-of-a-rat · 8 months
Hi I’m obsessed with the reverse time travel AU what if Jon got like a big eye painting for Elias to “spy” on him out of but then they just take turns making the most horrendous poses and or putting up the absolute worst art in front of it just to annoy him.
And every now and again Jon uses his Favorite-Kid privileges to have the Eye make Elias look. Just to be sure he can’t escape
Idk just an idea I had lol. Love your comics!
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they just print out and tape random cursed images to it.
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sorry for the absolute shit quality. it was so the random realistic eye would be funnier.
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radracer · 8 months
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NEW VS OLD pickup sizes!
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bucket-crafts · 9 months
This is what you see before you slowly lose consciousness
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fatedroses · 5 months
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He laid at the brink of death once more, staring at the face of despair. He remembered the path that led him to this purgatory, and with a smile could only ask:
"Shall we be friends?"
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chiquitafresa · 4 months
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Am not sure which to draw next (since I like both) so I decided why not leave it up to y’all! You have a whole day to pick which ship I draw next
good day! (Also is it me or Vox with big pupils looks like a cat on catnip?)
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bapple117 · 2 months
I love you. I would die for you. I can’t wait for Bluest Monday to tear my heart out and stomp on it. I humbly thank you for your service
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no but for real I did pass away a little
Y'all are so nice to me I can't cope my fragile little heart is so FULL thank you thank you THANK YOU SO MUCH AURGH! ❤️
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chibishortdeath · 5 months
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Started playing Fear and Hunger recently and this guy is pretty silly. I like that he likes bugs, that’s a green flag in my book, bugs are great.
Nothing in this post in particular is mature, but the game itself is, it’s a pretty dark horror game, so I’ll be putting some content warnings in the tags so any talk about the game on my account can be filtered out easier!
Some thoughts about the game under a cut :3
I haven’t played as Enki tho, I picked Cahara because he’s easier and it’s my first playthrough, and he’s pretty cool too. I really love the character and monster designs in this game. The art is super cool :3. I’ve had the worst luck this run tho oh my god; I started the game took like two steps and immediately got blindsighted by three dogs. All the enemies in the first left entrance area spawned in the first room. Two elite guards spawned in the room past the prisons instead of the usual one. Moonless would not spawn for like a solid few reloads and then ended up on the bottom of the map instead of the top where they usually are. I talked to Nosramus (love them, they’re great, they were off screen the whole conversation tho whoops) and immediately afterwards got the crow mauler text and had to leave the room. Got D’arce and promptly ran into a yellow mage and lost my arm! It’s been wild and I’m even just playing on easy mode 💀💀💀!!! My computer also kinda sucks and lags sometimes, but yeah! The game is fun!!!!! I have no idea how far I am in it, but I’m almost to where Le’garde is captured. My whole strategy has been fuck around and find out and it’s working XD!!! I kinda expected it to be scarier, but that might be because I’m a little used to horror as a genre in general, but it’s a nice balance of spooky atmosphere and usual RPG action stuff in a way that comes off sincere and not like edgy for the sake of being edgy if that makes sense. It’s cool :3
Anyway there’s a lot of games I’ve started recently and haven’t finished so I guess I’ll be playing those for a while. I still need to beat CV64, I’m just currently stuck on the uh gear platforming section with the bomb. If you know, you know 💀💀💀. It’s hard. I also have to beat Curse of Darkness, but I’m really close to the end in that one I’m just getting all the random side rooms and stuff. Raising more innocent devils besides my main team just to be able to open a door is a little tedious tbh, but eh it’s an excuse to play the game for longer so I’ll take it. But yeah, hopefully life actually lets me beat all these games so I can talk about them more (TwT ;).
#fear and hunger#funger#fear and hunger 1#enki ankarian#fear and hunger enki#f&h enki#f&h#f&h fanart#art post#yippie! gaming moment#my laptop SUCKS though ong#sometimes it just makes loud static sounds whenever it needs an update at random times#I have a video of it yelling at me to update it in the middle of when I was playing funger like shut up I am going to update you after this#also the lag makes it really really hard to enter doors help me—#I’ll press the arrow key once and Cahara (whom I’ve named TheRizzler) will take TWO STEPS#I gotta do all the extra bullshit to accommodate my dumbass former highschool laptop’s antics like 💀💀💀#here’s to hoping it doesn’t suddenly lose sound on me like it used to lmaooooooo#yeah the game is fun tho ong I have no idea what I’m doing 😎#my guy TheRizzler has died of infection and bleeding a lot cause I couldn’t find the items to cure it lmao#once I do manage to beat the game eventually I’ll probably play Enki next even though he’s like a bad beginner choice cause he’s silly!!!#I found out recently I have enough stuff to closet cosplay him and did that a while back and the fit slays honestly#if I ever get comfortable enough to show my face on here I might post about it but for now ehhhhhh#tw horror#tw horror game#cw horror#cw fear and hunger#incoherent rambling#this game is also making me wanna work on my game too like#I’m stuck in the process of making it cause I can’t decide thematically if I want a battle system and enemies or not#and also map making is hard and tedious aughhh I will do it for the silly ocs tho rahhhhhh funger bestow upon me inspiration pls
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spiralfucker · 6 months
The second demo I just finished 4 EP coming out next year >:)
The lyrics:
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tanyakennedy1899 · 1 month
dude a fucking phone rang this is just liek whos lila
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outlying-hyppocrate · 1 month
fucking love grape soda. it is my favorite drink. they should make grape soda perfume so i can smell like sugar and artificial fruit all the time
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unfriendly-aesop · 5 months
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so i finally found a shiny alpha gardevoir after 1525 resets ♡♡♡ i however have no ideas what to name her. suggestions welcome
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radracer · 11 months
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😱 57’ Cadillac Coupe Deville
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