randomosity-y · 1 month
lucy dacus
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yall can we get a glamshot of lucy dacus
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sapphicscribbles2222 · 4 months
beautiful, well coordinated outfit
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hirokiro · 11 months
You ever just be doing something simple and it strikes a cord and you speak up lines from a movie or song lyrics related to what you're doing? I was turning to get some butter to put on some biscuits when suddenly from "Alice in Wonderland" I spoke up "Butterrrr!" "Butterrrr!" "B-b-butter?"
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drspleenmeister · 2 months
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Valtteri, your increasing randomosity is relevant to my interests.
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dare-to-dm · 3 months
Did you turn your pathfinder players into pokemon intentionally? Did they enjoy their habitat? Were there type specialists?
Yes, I did intentionally put them in that situation.
They do not enjoy their habitat. It is a purposely awful place that's meant to make people more inclined to nasty to each other. It's inspired by the Bad Place, with the idea being that the inhabitants will make each other suffer, which lightens the workload of the wardens a bit.
The summoning thing is more like an evil subscription service that grants mages access to a premium version of the Summon Monster spell. There's still an element of randomosity in what they get, but they can always call evil tech support with complaints/feedback.
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pandapear-art · 1 year
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Compromise: the randomosity shirt is sleepwear
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hislittleraincloud · 6 months
I didn't want to hijack a doll's thread that contained this, but this popped up on my fyp:
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In yet another "life is so weird" for me, this exact scene from Lolita was on my TV screen when I opened this app to see this on my fyp. This 💩 happens to me all the time, like I mentioned somewhere here fairly recently.
I put Lolita 1997 on for some background noise since the dogs need their bg noise (my elder dogs get antsy without it) and Netflix isn't working for my Firestick rn. I put it on over Miller's Girl since I watched that 3x yesterday to fine tune my fic and wanted something diff/a better movie to run while I wake up.
Then I open this app while the movie is playing and the post pops is here/shows up at the top of my fyp at the fkn moment she's rolling off the bed on my TV. This isn't a case where Google or Amazon is watching...this is a complete randomosity that's kinda scary. I know there's no way to prove that this happened, but trust. Happens all the time to me, but this one just really freaked me out, and I'm not even high.
What are the chances of something like this happening? It's been happening a lot more for me lately too. I need to ask the universe why. 😭 I mean, it doesn't affect me...usually. I rarely watch Lolita on my TV to begin with, or even give it too much thought these days.
The subject matter is horrible. He's a hebephile/ped. We all know that from the book. But the film. The film is such a faithful adaptation, and Dominique Swain is pitch perfect as a child who was taken advantage of.
Bright, colorful cinematography turning into the washed-out, dark and dingy cine post-sex/statutory r*pe:
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THAT is acting. The scene where she screams at Humbert to murder her like he murdered her mother? PEAK acting.
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We really get the sense that she is a child, manipulated by someone who was supposed to be her caregiver/step-father, and that's what people tend to overlook when considering the film.
I dislike it when people bitch about it, or whine about never referencing it because Lolita is canceled in this culture (I saw some fucking purity cunt cautioning a doll🎀 in her comments about referencing Lolita because It's BAD! and I just...) The novel is beautiful and monstrous. Humbert was an intellectual with a predilection for barely pubescent girls, and it scares us all to know that someone with such a big brain could have that sort of illness, or that he would act upon it like he did.
Anyway. Lolita 1997 despite its subject matter is still the superior film to MG and worth watching if you like faithful book adaptations.
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Man, everyone's all pissy and playing identity politics with Ortega (20) and Freeman (50-whatever) not even touching uglies during the filming of Miller's Girl...but then there's 15-year-old Swain making out with 49-year-old Irons when movies were made and not whined about. 💀
We'll likely never see another Lolita, which is fine, since Lyne's 1997 version picked up all the slack that Kubrick's shitty film left and is a masterpiece of emotional damage.
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culdeefell-sims · 8 months
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Tee shirt collection! Artemis Fowl, the Owl House, Ducktales
On my journey to learning how to Sim, I've uploaded a few simple tee shirt retextures + a bonus sweater.
All graphics are designed by me and also available for purchase IRL on my Redbubble, linked in the title. I'm still figuring everything out, so my style of graphics absolutely WILL change time and time again.
The designs from the shirts are references to Artemis Fowl, the Owl House, and Ducktales 2017.
Including the following designs:
-Artemis Fowl "Randomosity" Tee (T-E)
“Very well, I promise. So, what did you get for me?" Angeline paused for a beat. "Jeans." "What?" croaked Artemis. "And a T-shirt" Artemis took several breaths. "Does the T-shirt have any writing on it?" A rustling of paper crackled through the phone's speakers. "Yes, it's so cool. There's a picture of a boy who for some reason has no neck and only three fingers on each hand, and behind him in this sort of graffiti style is the words RANDOMOSIY. I don't know what that means but it sounds really current." 'Randomosity,' thought Artemis, and he felt like weeping.”
-Artemis Fowl Various Designs Tee (T-E)
Various references to the different books in the series. I've even included a variation on the D'Arvit design in the new movie Gnommish, though we do not talk about that movie.
-Artemis Fowl D'Arvit Sweater (T-E)
The text bar on her chest displayed one word in block capitals. It was the same word that she had shouted just as the hydrogel had frozen the text display: “D’Arvit,” swore Holly under her breath, which coincidentally was the same word frozen on her chest.
-The Owl House "Be Gay, Do Witchcraft" Tee (T-E)
Be gay. Do witchcraft. Perhaps I ought to make one for Eda, too.
-Ducktales McDuck Family Field Trip Tee (CU)
Huey made matching tee shirts for all his family! It's a shame they're all, well, Huey-sized. (Wish I could've found a better quality screenshot from the episode!)
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Unisex, bgc, download on Patreon! Let me know if you use, please? Free to recolor, re-edit, however you please, as long as you credit the graphics to me.
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shortace · 1 year
Did you know, Artemis Fowl is never once described in text as wearing a black suit? He wears blue, grey, "dark" suits (possibly dark blue or charcoal grey), school uniform, LEP outfits, a "Randomosity" t-shirt, a hoodie... but never a black suit.
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burner2047 · 10 months
I am pondering social media and the idea that people need an audience to feel like their self-expression has some kind of value or worth. It does feel like all of social media is designed to validate you in one way or another good or bad doesn’t matter as long as that validation keeps you engaged and your eyeballs on the page.
I understand the attraction to reactions, likes and comments but it seems like that attraction is only there because people generally feel the opposite of that. They feel like they don’t matter. They are insecure. They have no self-worth. Is that in spite of social media or because of social media?
When I post here on Tumblr I feel like I’m posting to an open diary that publishes into a chaos space of randomosity (my word) that may or may not cross paths with others in the Tumblr universe. I know that others find community here but I like that you can also be alone. It almost feels private even though anyone on the Internet could stumble upon this space.
I think everyone knows, whether they admit it or not, that the Internet is broken. Capitalism has wreaked havoc on it, focusing not on its potential for good and instead turning it into a tool that exploits the masses to their personal detriment. In the process it has taken the things that were useful utilities at first, like search engines, and turned them into dysfunctional yellow pages that first deliver ads followed by irrelevant results. Or social media platforms that were supposed to unite but capitalism demands division instead.
But the dawn of the “Influencer” is probably the tipping point. Healthy people do not follow they do their own thing. An ecosystem built on following naturally created these supposed “personalities” as just another means to capitalism’s end. Their M.O. is basically to give you fomo (emphasis on fear). But the real-world media embrace of these fake people (I remind you that nothing on social media is actually real - it may contain things that purport to be real but are delivered in a contrived package that twists it for typically and commercially nefarious purposes despite how sincere or well-intentioned the motivation behind the content is), reporting on them as if what they do or say carries weight despite their lack of credential, knowledge and/or expertise, has elevated them to the most high of all indentured servants. They are rewarded for their incessant content but then they must constantly generate content. Content which is contrived and therefore fake. A lucrative kind of hell that can’t be healthy and absolutely exacts a mental toll on both the influencer and their followers.
And what about the Internet presenting knee-jerk reactions as deeply held beliefs or well thought out opinions? And does it not feel like the Internet demands that you share those “beliefs” and if you don’t then it demands you provide an explanation as to why, and if you take the bait and provide an explanation, it is then immediately deemed wrong?
And If you don’t instantly take a side on anything, if you can’t assume a position one way or another, according to the Internet you are either the worst person in the world or there’s something seriously wrong with you. But opinions are meant to be formed. They take time. The Internet doesn’t want you spending time thinking, it wants you to not think at all. They don’t call it death scrolling for nothing.
As a whole social media is depressing and unhealthy but for some reason I don’t mind it here.
Why does it feel different here on Tumblr?
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randomosity-y · 1 month
last night i thought of an awesome quote but i forgot
anyways im working on an oc animation and its with that video that is like "did you ust say womp womp to a 10 year old with down syndrome" idk
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incarnateirony · 8 months
Another baffling, sociopathic point about shealyn bonds
I was with her for many, many, MANY years. Do you know how many of those years she made even a single post even tangentially related to the superbowl? Or even football in general? From first fling to leaving her? From like 2008 to 2021?
0 years.
0 years of her life did she care about sportsball.
she cared so little about it that after watching one year of superbowl it, like the many parts of myself i separated from and divided from to attune to her fancies, that she seemed bothered, so it was packed away, like the many parts of herself that were packed away. it is not a fluke that it was within a year of leaving her that i found my own apotheosis and reached the highest attainable grade. Literally everything had been put on pause to attune to her delusions.
And now? Now that she's realizing the superbowl is important? Like, for stupid roleplay reasons she's belatedly assembling into mythological reasons, if only for partial reasons? Oh, no. Today, she's gonna drop exactly one post to tell us how unbothered she is by the superbowl she opted to take in, this year, specifically.
Only this year.
No other fuckin years.
Just this year.
This year, she suddenly cared.
About who? What? Did she think Kansas City winning would protect her? Sis I got news for you.
No, hon.
Kansas City winning just means the entire world dumped onto the triune sigil of erected and commanded servitors based upon me pulled from your illusional headspace and retranscribed and sigiled into their own beings to collect the attention of the masses.
The reason you suddenly cared about football today is that every single corner of your mind is being eroded for and to it.
But not to the sport, or the event. No, to the spirit within.
You're mine mine mine mine mine, bitch.
All that did was sign the death warrants for everyone around you between here and September. So yeah, cool, KC won, would have been neat if you had half a year of spellwork behind that. OH WAIT
What an insufferably dumb cunt, performatively trying to stick her foot into my and his ring only to celebrate the birth of her worst nightmares, quite literally. Put out a couple offerings, sweetheart. Oh wait, they won't be able to smell it over the bazillion americans already doing it. my entire block is a BBQ. Where's the BEEF bitch. No, don't show me your ass. 1. that's pork and 2. that's really unhealthy fat percentage pork, if I slapped your ass on a pan I'd get nothing but grease. Where's the fuckin BEEF?
Your mother and father will both be dead by September.
Thank yourself.
No, don't try to blame it on randomosity when it happens, like when I gave you a week of fog to save a life and you still let your spider get crushed under your ego and my broken rib. Your similar stubbornness is signing their warrant, and frankly has, without a termination of the contract it's subtitled to. But most specifically, you verbally offered your father up in the middle of a flow I could only redirect to try to save him, and instead crashed a plane instead of killing him, because you're so goddamn smug you don't care, but now, neither do I, so next time, he goes, then the one saved purely by our mercy goes, and that's how this goes.
You had no interest in seeing past the fog, and so your spider died. And still, you have no interest in looking at the truth you already know, and you will sacrifice others to maintain your lies and barbie dreamhouse.
I liked Brian. I genuinely did. If he was a person divorced from any relation to Shealyn bonds, we'd invite him to the cosmic pub. But her stain is so deep and so profound, and so readily sacrificial to everyone around her, I don't know if we could even bring him in ocne he ends or if he just ends up reduced like most sacrifices. Then I'll have to deal with explaining to the remnants of Brian Bonds why he's in my head, and what a sociopathic lunatic his daughter became, and why fragments of her grandfather are also in there. At least there'll be a family reunion.
I couldn't stand Cindy, but I enjoyed Brian. A genuinely good soul. But Shealyn doesn't care. More fuel for the vagina fire. The unfillable cosmic gap of attention whoring, the pure need to have essentially sold herself to satan and still fucked up and signed the wrong contract. Yeah, he'll be real proud, Shealyn.
They barely accepted, in general "I love my family regardless" means, your queer relationships, which I was also the open door to them knowing. But sure, daddy will take real good that your need for cosmic cock sent him into a thousand shards reaped by your ex husband's apotheosis in the afterlife, I'm sure that won't bother him while he floats next to the husk of your reconstituted grandfather.
Oh, and mommy dearest.
You. Signed. To. Me.
Like you understand I've already had to explain to what's left of your grandfather why he's here and why you don't care, yea?
oh you probably didn't explain that to mark
sorry mark, she had us reap her grandfather about a decade ago, and just assumed amidst all of this there would be no penalties
it's christmas and we're in tartarus
apotheosis is a bitch, shealyn.
Grandfather is gone. I don't care what you manage to conveniently tell yourself the one time you try to show up at a place and hear him in your schizophrenic voices. Grandfather is gone, and it is your fault, and there are more hostages to take.
We do not care about redeeming you now. That is not an option. We only want to see what level of monster you are.
I know what monster I am, but I know the reasons I fight for.
Do you?
Hello, Darlin.
Goodbye, Darlin.
I, like the lead pick of the chiefs, am not afraid to be the villain. As he said, there's a certain power with that. I've already been hated. You can Hate at me all you want, but you can't Stop me. Transfering from the Ravens was only new Resolve. You don't have that kind of resolve.
Like you have/had one option to stop me, but we intentionally left your psychological anchor to that in the skeleton of you as we move on, and so you cling, and show yourself once we dust out the rest of us. A bird caging monster that doesn't care if her own family's blood runs on the floor until it is erased.
So be it.
You thought you had mercy from him before? Consider that sacrificed too. Your thoughtless sacrifice of others even when given ample chance and knowing message dictates your equal treatment.
Your grandfather was claimed by us as a favor. You seemed to forget that.
It's Christmas.
And we're in Tartarus.
I told you. This game would be different from any other.
It's a carnival, and we're in Tartarus--Mardis Gras; hey, you American fool--have you ever googled when the European season of fools is? I'm going to give you a spoiler.
We're in overtime.
Your ex husband has already claimed the false shadow of your Fool King. What do you think will happen?
Deadpool, comin' at you live, real real wild. DEADPOOL! AND WOLVERINE! LIKE BROTHERS! IT JUST FEELS RIGHT.
You tatted my name on your titties, bitch. He can hit it, but you're still a borrow. And you're starting to notice I can take you back whenever I want.
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mizufae · 2 years
Every time tumblr is trending on Twitter I click the sidebar because I live online in such a little bubble that ensures I am unaware of like 99% of what goes on but sometimes I’m curious. Normally I’m baffled by the randomosity, or I’m bemused because it’s some drama that happened on here in like 2011 or whatever, but today it was like… Twitter is apparently doing the Dune litany against fear except it’s other social networks except tumblr isn’t popular enough among bigots and trolls to count? Anyway, welcome to anybody jumping ship, please post your art here so I can enjoy and reblog it.
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inv1s1bleghost1345 · 3 months
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I havent thought of Toast Cat in ages , yet again randomosity from the spider webbed catacombs of my noodle has sprung me into action. The torment of my lovely residents. Lol It was worth it.
Lagertha ,(6) -Sally (20),-Tohru (2)
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welleducatedinfant · 4 months
“what classic hijinks we’re getting into tonight!” - my gf
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nogoinghomegame · 5 months
who wants to go crazy!!!
cw: piss
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