projapotimusichd · 4 months
ঘাম ঝরানো জনপ্রিয় গান || আমার রাধা রানীর মন ভালো না || আলো || Amar Radh...
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projapotistudiohd · 11 months
আমার রাধা রানি প্রেম দিবানি । রাধারানীর মন ভালো না। Amar Radha Ranir Mon...
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ranir · 1 year
Devo lasciarti andare.
E devo farlo adesso.
Ho bisogno di andare avanti.
Ho bisogno di vivere.
E non posso farlo se ti permetto di vivermi dentro.
Questo amore è diventato ossessione.
Il vuoto dentro è sempre più profondo.
Ogni singola cellula del mio corpo grida il tuo nome.
Eppure anche questo mi sembra un altro modo di torturarmi.
Eppure tu esisti.
Eppure tu ci sei.
Eppure tu Vivi.
Ma senza di me.
E invece io sopravvivo senza te.
È così triste l’amore.
Eppure io lo so che avvolte mi cerchi.
Lo sento.
E so che in fondo hai scelto tu per entrambi.
Perché lo abbiamo sempre saputo.
Tra me e te solo tu potevi aver la forza di farlo.
E allora restiamo così.
Tu vivi e fallo anche per me.
Perché io non sono ancora pronta.
E credo che resterò ancora un po’ qui.
Ad aspettare che tu mi venga a prendere e mi porti a casa.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
on a cheerier note, shoutout to céline’s double take at morgane’s outfit 😄😏 il lui en faut peu pour oublier ses problèmes avec le préfet… (while we’re at it, prayer circle she dumps fachoman sooner than later, c’est la saison des ruptures anyway 🕯️)
let’s also note it’s the outfit morgane shows up in at the date/debrief debacle. bourge coinços vibes much? 👀 loved how out of sync they were, adam was trying SO hard and morgane just couldn’t wrap her head around what was going on 😂😂 (meanwhile, ranir hovering around them, tu crois qu’il avait été briefé sur Le Date™ ? they weren’t seated at the usual table, iirc 🧐) ahh. the way they don’t fit together… delicious. without a case to fall back on they’re completely lost!!
Idk, I’m just a sucker for the contrast between the glimpses of vulnerability they let on and their general uselessness on the day-to-day. something about the miscommunications being trumped by a deep trust, yknow? 🥹 (and I kinda loved how they talked about ~décryptage. it has a blorbo débrief ring to it)
when morgane comes for adam’s help… gaaah. 🥲❣️ (the music had me think we’d get les démons 2.0, tbh) best interaction of the ep. and then she backs out because she doesn’t want to be a burden????? sign me up for that sweet sweet angst!!!! 😱 followed by "vous avez pleuré ?"--😭😭😭❤️💔 pfiou, my hearttt ⚰️ we need more of this healthy gut-wrenching stuff, don’t we? (ils nous doivent bien ça 🥲)
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on all of this, the good & the bad. thx for reading and bye til next time! 👋💖
Lololol, I love how Céline like... freezes whenever she sees a co-worker presenting unusually. Be it Adam without a beard or Morgane in fancy clothes, it never ceases to amuse me 😅 But yea, Céliane vibes all the way 🤗
Also let's not forget how Adam's eyes were falling out of their sockets when he saw Morgane climbing off the car (in his defense, she does look amazing in his clothes lol), so it's very likely that he really enjoyed that she came to the date in her "bourge coinços V2" outfit, this man probably has a kink and now I can't stop imagining the kind of roleplay they'd be into if they were a couple 🙈
The date was SO fun!!!! I've said this before, but a few months ago I had this idea of a disastrous date fic about them, and I just LOVE that the show went this way, it was just SO them, the out-of-sync-ness, le malaise absolu, "et sinon vous êtes allée au cinéma ?", "Ninja Warrior, c'est japonais ?", somebody puts them out of their misery already 😅😅😅, the fact that they only get their chemistry back as soon as they talk shop... Ranir awkwardly standing in front of the table after bringing the wine (btw, "Ranir, le Languedoc s'il te plaît", is it me or did they imply that Adam knows all of Ranir's wines list? This man takes ONE glass of wine at a housewarming and now he's a patented alcoholic I'm losing my mind here) was HILARIOUS, as was Morgane cheering with him out of despair 😆 Also I can't help thinking that Ranir has seen Adam bring all his dates here, he must bet with himself on how many times he'll see this one again, c'est sa télénovela à lui lol!
And I'm with you on the contrast between the deep connection they share, but also their absolute incompatibility regarding mundane things, that's the kind of stuff we want in this house!! 🥹🥹 The décryptage argument was a great moment too, especially when lit up with Morgane's bad faith (but also Adam's inability to call a date a date lol), ambulant disasters 😅
But also. I love SO MUCH that he tries again. He asked her out on a date, it was a complete mess and it would be easy to give up, but he doesn't. And he asks her out again because he believes in them while I turn into a puddle of goo 🫠🫠
Finally finally, Morgane knocking at Adam's door... 🥹🥹🥹🥹 Gah indeed! Bonus point for the implication that Adam listens to love songs while eating dinner alone 🤣 but the simple fact that she comes to him. And he lets her in without even protesting. And he SEES THAT SHE CRIED AND HE WON'T TAKE HER BULLSHIT ABOUT THE RAIN AND SHE'LL QUIETLY ADMIT IT AH BAH OUAIS EN FAIT IL PLEUT PAS -> we were THIS CLOSE to Morgane openly admitting to him that she cried and ugh, my heart 😭❤️
And then cue the case-solving where Adam BLATANTLY is only thinking about kissing Morgane, and they work her way (🥹) and end up in a post-orgasmic haze (it's been two episodes in a row where the final resolution sounds like they're having/just had sex, just saying) where he ASKS HER OUT AGAIN BE STILL MY BEATING HEART ⚰️⚰️
All of this was such a great scene altogether and I agree with you, we need more of this gut-wrenching angst of Morgane taking bad decisions not to be a burden and actually making things worse 😈 Something tells me 308 will deliver in that regard...😏
I honestly can't wish you a happy finale-watch for reasons that I've mentioned too many times already, but when the time comes I'll be happy to hear your thought if you have any. Stay strong, and see you on the other side anon 😘🫂
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disgracediron · 1 year
Looking For Contact!
「 general information 」
FULL NAME: Koen Asranir Me’daras
NICKNAME(S): Ko | Ranir
TITLE(S): Ironfist | The Disgraced
AGE: 34
DATE OF BIRTH: February 17th
RACE: Half Elf (Human / High Elf)
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
PROFESSION(S): Brawler, Mercenary, Monk, Master of  The Monastery of the Crimson Fist.
LANGUAGES: Common, Thalassian, Orcish.
「 physicality & appearance 」
HAIR: Koen's hair is a striking blonde, with a natural wave to it that gives it a tousled, carefree appearance. The length of his hair falls just past his shoulders, and it has a slight sheen to it as if it's well-maintained. His hair is parted to one side, allowing it to frame his angular face in a way that accentuates his sharp features. In the sunlight, his hair seems to catch fire, glowing like an ember in the midst of the flames. Despite his tendency to engage in fist fights, Koen's hair remains untangled and free-flowing, a testament to his impeccable grooming habits.
EYES: Koen's blue eyes are striking and intense, seeming to radiate with a fiery determination. They are a bright, piercing shade of blue that appears almost electric in certain lighting. His gaze is sharp and focused, with a sense of unwavering purpose that can be both intimidating and captivating to those who meet it. In moments of intense emotion or concentration, his eyes may seem to glitter or even blaze with an inner light, lending him an otherworldly, almost mystical quality. Overall, Koen's blue eyes are a defining feature of his appearance, conveying both his strength of character and the depths of his passion.
HEIGHT: 6′1″
BUILD: Koen is lean and muscular, with a body honed by years of training in the monastery. He is tall, standing at about 6 foot one inch, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His limbs are long and sinewy, his muscles rippling beneath his skin. He moves with a fluid grace, and his every motion seems effortless and controlled. Despite his slim build, Koen exudes an air of strength and power, suggesting that he is capable of great feats of physical prowess.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Koen’s teal lightning tattoos on his collarbones are sharp and jagged, resembling an electrifying storm captured in ink. The tattoos are perfectly symmetrical, each lightning bolt starting from the center of the collarbone and extending down towards the chest. The yin and yang symbol between his shoulder blades is intricate and detailed, with each half of the symbol perfectly balanced with the other. The black and white halves of the symbol are intricately woven together, creating a perfect circle that seems to be in constant motion. The teal lightning tattoos and yin and yang symbol complement each other, with the lightning bolts seemingly radiating energy that's contained and balanced within the yin and yang symbol. The overall effect is both striking and balanced, an expression of both power and inner harmony.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: The necklace is a simple silver chain with two wedding rings dangling from it, one slightly larger than the other. The woman's ring is finely crafted in traditional elvish style, with delicate filigree and swirling designs adorning the band. The ring bears the initials "ZMR" engraved in the band in elegant, flowing letters.The man's ring is simpler in design, but still bears the hallmarks of fine craftsmanship. It is engraved with the initials "HM" in Thalassian script, etched into the band with precision and care. The engravings are small and subtle, but still visible upon closer inspection.Despite the simplicity of the necklace and its components, there is a sense of deep meaning and emotion attached to it. It is clear that these rings represent a powerful bond between two individuals, and that Kaelen holds them close to his heart as a reminder of a love that has been lost.
「 personality & traits 」
Koen is a complex individual with a multifaceted personality. On the surface, he comes across as stoic and withdrawn, keeping his emotions in check and rarely displaying them openly to others. However, beneath this exterior lies a deep well of loyalty, determination, and honor that drive Koen's actions and decisions.
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•assertive / timid / in between
「personal information 」
HOBBIES: Engineering, Blacksmithing, whittling, reading, painting, martial arts, music, cooking.
SKILL(S): Hand-to-hand combat Musical instruments (Harp, Violin, Guitar) Weapon proficiency (specifically, swords) Acrobatics and agility Healing and herbalism Stealth and infiltration Tracking and survival skills Leadership and decision-making abilities Negotiation and persuasion Meditation and mental fortitude Traditional Monk techniques. Blood magic.
RESIDENCE: Stormwind City Outskirts
AFFILIATIONS: The Alliance, House Me’daras.
「 relations 」
PARENTS: Deceased
「 habits & vices」
SMOKING:  never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
「 other/ooc 」 FACE REFERENCE(S):
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Josh Hutcherson
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
SERVER: Moonguard - Alliance
OTHER: Discord can be given out on request!
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ariathenovice2 · 2 years
Continuing for my after linked universe thing, the ages they were when each of their children were born
Inea- 19
Carron- 21
Keathá- 24
Ereta and Ranir (twins)- 35
Erin- 21
Marian- 37
Fado- 39
Nami- 17
Tera- 23
Talom- 26
Avri- 25
Rera and savari (twins)- 26
Tama- 28
Yareta- 29
Umi, karasa, and Rena (triplets)- 31
Emira- 32
Nova and Safi (twins)- 34
Marim- 36
Gya, seva, and temía (triplets)- 39
Fasia- 40
Farima- 42
Parevta- 43
Ira- 18
Darah- 22
Tavri- 23 (123)
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binodkumarsposts · 15 days
রাধা রানীর ১০৮ নাম | Radha Astami Special| Radha Ranir 108 Naam |Srimati...
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skyquesttinsights · 28 days
Oral Care: The Foundation of a Healthy Smile
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Oral care is a fundamental aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being. While often overlooked, proper dental hygiene and regular care are crucial for preventing a range of issues, from cavities and gum disease to more serious conditions like oral cancer. This article will explore the essentials of oral care, including daily practices, dietary considerations, and professional treatments, to help you maintain a bright, healthy smile for life.
The oral care market, encompassing products and services designed to maintain and improve oral health, is experiencing significant growth driven by changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and heightened awareness of dental hygiene. As people increasingly prioritize their health and appearance, the market for oral care products—ranging from toothpaste and mouthwash to electric toothbrushes and orthodontic solutions—is evolving rapidly. This article explores current trends, innovations, and the future outlook of the oral care market. Oral Care Market size was valued at USD 33.7 billion in 2019 and is poised to grow from USD 35.86 billion in 2023 to USD 58.9 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 6.4% in the forecast period (2024-2031).
Get Your Free Sample Report Here - https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/oral-care-market
Market Trends
Rising Health Awareness: Growing awareness of the links between oral health and overall well-being is one of the primary drivers of the oral care market. Consumers are increasingly aware that good oral hygiene can prevent systemic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. This awareness is translating into higher demand for products that promote comprehensive oral health.
Personalized Oral Care: Advances in technology are enabling more personalized oral care solutions. Companies are developing products tailored to individual needs, such as customized toothpaste formulations and personalized electric toothbrushes that adapt to users’ brushing habits. Personalized oral care is becoming a significant trend as consumers seek solutions that cater to their specific oral health needs.
Sustainability and Natural Products: Environmental concerns and a preference for natural ingredients are shaping the oral care market. Consumers are increasingly seeking out eco-friendly products that use biodegradable packaging and natural ingredients. This trend is pushing companies to innovate with sustainable practices and green formulations.
Digital Health Integration: The integration of digital technology into oral care is revolutionizing the market. Smart toothbrushes with built-in sensors, apps that track oral health, and AI-powered diagnostics are becoming more prevalent. These innovations provide consumers with real-time feedback and personalized recommendations, enhancing their oral care routines.
Growth in Orthodontics: There is a growing demand for orthodontic solutions, driven by an increased emphasis on aesthetics and functional benefits. Clear aligners, like those offered by Invisalign, have gained popularity due to their discreet appearance and effectiveness. The orthodontics segment is expanding rapidly as more adults and teens seek solutions for straightening their teeth.
Market Segmentation
Product - Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, denture products, and dental accessories
Type - Countertop and cordless
Age group - Kids, adults, and geriatric
Application - Home and dentistry
Companies covered - Johnson & Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Procter & Gamble Co., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Unilever plc, Church & Dwight Co., Inc., Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Lion Corporation, Sunstar Suisse S.A., Dabur India Ltd., 3M Company, LG Household & Health Care Ltd., Dr. Fresh, LLC, High Ridge Brands Co., Ranir, LLC, Amway Corporation, Kao Corporation, Ultradent Products Inc., Ivoclar Vivadent AG, GC Corporation
Want to customize this report? Get Your Free Customize Report - https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/oral-care-market
Future Outlook
The future of the oral care market looks promising, with continued growth anticipated across various segments. Several factors are likely to drive this growth:
Technological Advancements: Continued innovation in digital and smart technologies will likely lead to more sophisticated and effective oral care products. Advances in AI, machine learning, and biotechnology are expected to drive new product development and enhance existing offerings.
Increased Consumer Spending: As disposable incomes rise globally, consumers are expected to spend more on premium and specialized oral care products. This trend will likely boost demand for high-end toothbrushes, advanced whitening treatments, and personalized oral care solutions.
Expansion into Emerging Markets: Emerging markets are becoming increasingly important for the oral care industry. Rising awareness of oral health and improving economic conditions in these regions are driving growth. Companies are targeting these markets with tailored products and marketing strategies.
Regulatory Changes and Innovations: Evolving regulations and standards will shape the development and marketing of oral care products. Companies will need to stay abreast of regulatory changes to ensure compliance and maintain consumer trust. The oral care market is undergoing a transformative phase, characterized by technological innovations, increased consumer awareness, and a shift towards personalized and sustainable products. As the industry continues to evolve, companies that embrace these trends and adapt to changing consumer preferences will be well-positioned for success. With a focus on health, technology, and sustainability, the future of oral care promises to be dynamic and full of opportunities.
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fara-posts · 6 months
stii cum iubesc eu?.....arata mi....iubite ,glasul tau .....cand strig fara cuvant ,cand ploua,cand dansez ,cand rad ,arata mi chipul tau de lut si fa mi din trup un asternut de flori.... pentru ranire,si uitarea dintre noi ,in noi ar fi prapad de s ar putea si gura ta ingemanata cu a mea ....ciresii ar innebuni, si iarna ar lua o razna, la poli zapada s ar topi,desertul..
ar grai ,o floare nemaintalnita ...ar imboboci ....si ploaia ar cadea pe ochii mei , pe gura ta ...desertul...ar canta....
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mlpmoviemerch · 11 months
New My Little Pony: Make Your Mark Power Toothbrush with 3D Character Cover
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New My Little Pony: Make Your Mark Power Toothbrush with 3D Character Cover available here: https://amzn.to/3uax5B5
Details below:
INCLUDES: This My Little Pony package includes 1 Clean N' Protect electric toothbrush, 1 3D character toothbrush cover and 1 AA battery 
3D COVER: This Firefly My Little Pony themed hygienic toothbrush cover contains silver which naturally inhibits growth to help protect your child's toothbrush 
KID-SIZED: The compact rotary toothbrush head is designed to make it easier to clean hard-to-reach areas of the mouth; more oscillations and brush strokes mean more plaque removed from the teeth compared to a manual brush 
ENCOURAGE BRUSHING: Proper brushing habits begin with a kid-friendly children’s toothbrush; help your little one learn to brush away plaque to help prevent gum disease and tooth decay 
DENTISTS RECOMMEND: Brushing for 2 minutes twice per day and changing your toothbrush every 3 months 
RECYCLE TOOTHBRUSH AND CAP: Firefly participates with Terracycle for recycling of toothbrush and cap
Perfect gift for any My Little Pony fan!
Features a power toothbrush with 3D character cover.
Brands: Ranir and FIREFLY
Character: My Little Pony
Color: Multicolor
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 9.49 x 2.76 x 1.81 inches
Assembled Product Weight: 3.35 Ounces
Ages 3 years and up
Inspired by My Little Pony: Make Your Mark
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projapotimusichd · 4 months
আমার রাধা রানীর মন ভালো না । কুলসুম সরকার । Folk Song । Amar Radha Ranir...
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365store · 2 years
Manipur News: अवैध प्रवासियों को आश्रय देना सबसे बड़ा खतरा, ऐसे लोगों की पहचान के लिए घर-घर होगा सर्वे: एन बीरेन सिंह
Manipur News: अवैध प्रवासियों को आश्रय देना सबसे बड़ा खतरा, ऐसे लोगों की पहचान के लिए घर-घर होगा सर्वे: एन बीरेन सिंह
छवि स्रोत: ANI मणिपुर के मुख्यमंत्री एन बीरेन सिंह हाइलाइट खतरनाक खतरनाक खतरे: बीरेन सिंह घर में कभी भी सक्रिय नहीं होंगे: बीरेन सिंह आई लड़ाई के बाद की लड़ाई में मदद करने के लिए मणिपुर समाचार: खतरनाक खतरनाक लोगों और घोषित की जाने के लिए I 🙏 मुखthauthirी ने kaya, “पिछले rayar-kana दिनों में में में में ranir प ranirमिट (आईएलपी) rastay kayta उलthurने में में में में में में में में क्या इनलाइन…
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stormxpadme · 4 years
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The “Females done with everyone’s crap” aesthetics edition
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | pt. 6 | pt. 7 | pt. 8
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * (Tales Untold - a “The Lord of the Rings” series "Tales Untold" aesthetics | "Tales Untold" glossary) * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
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Yavas yavas ortaya cıkıyor. . . . Bilgi ve siparis icin 🧡DM🧡 . . .🧡💚💙💜💛 .❤♥️🧡💛💜💙💚 #kanavice #crossstitch #crossstitcher #crossstitchland #crossstitchlove  #etaminkumaşı #ajur #salontakımı #nazende #embroidery #embroiderydesign #embroideryart #insta #instagood #islemeyehazir #islemeyehazirortu #puntodecruz  #puskul #runner #ranir #kanaviçe #köseyapimi #dmcmuline #ajur #kreuzstich #craftsfeed #etamin #regrann #kanavicesablon https://www.instagram.com/p/B7GrZR6Hjqu/?igshid=1awbzxtde4o24
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ranir · 2 years
Erano tre giorni che non ti vedevo, ti chiedo scusa se sono stata stronza, ma cerca di capirmi, non posso più essere il tuo amore.
Avrei scelto sempre te, ma quando capisci che dall’altra parte non c’è la stessa cosa è meglio togliere il disturbo.
Dentro me ci sono tutti i nostri ricordi, tutti quei sentimenti che non sanno più dove andare. Adesso non mi resta più niente di te, solo l’amaro in bocca e quella canotta rossa che ti ho rubato.
Mi dispiace per tutto ma non sono più in grado di donare il mio cuore senza garanzia di fedeltà. Mi mangio le mani se penso a quanto potevamo essere felici con le nostre piccole ambizioni, ma tu hai dovuto fare lo stronzo ed io adesso devo imparare a stare a galla da sola e non è facile cazzo.
Se ci penso mi viene una risata isterica, ma che ci devo fare? Devo solo capire come si fa a mettersi il cuore in pace e poi finalmente andrò dritta per la mia strada.
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shir0ch4ns-art · 7 years
Chapter 10: Juveniles
The heart of Eldin had four major groups: the Aefros, the Dinolfos, the Lizalfos, and the Dodongos. The first three were a bit more evolved than the latter. They built the grand structures about the mines.
That being said it takes a lot of work and time to build said structures and expand their homes. The adults barely have enough time to watch the hatchlings let alone the juveniles. Once the young are able to act autonomously they are left to their own devices. Which allowed the current events to happen.
A small group of five mismatched misfits found their way into a secluded cavern. Usually there would be two occupants but one had to leave to help with an accident and the other was dozing away. As they neared the sleeping occupant they began to converse in hushed whispers.
"He'sss sso ssmall," cooed the small dinolfos.
"I think it'ss ugly," stated the older aefros.
"D-d-don't be mean, Ranir," the other firery aefros chided.
"I want t-t-to hold him," the middle lizalfos exclaimed. Quietly of course.
Slapping the reaching arm away the fiery aefros chided the younger lizalfos. "Hey! No t-touching, he'ss ssleeping!"
"But, he d-d-does not wake when Aida c-carries him, Fer," the other lizalfos reasoned.
"Oda's right, he d-does not wake when she c-carries him," the younger rebutted.
"Val, you are not Aida. And Aida is careful when she holdss him, Oda." She countered back.
"I think he'ss waking." While the others were bickering the lone dinolfos was watching the sleeping hatchling. It seems that despite their low tones it was still a bit too noisy for the previously lone occupant.
The hatchling was an odd thing. If it weren't for a few things it could easily pass for a Hylian babe. It had a round face, pudgy body, slightly pink skin, and hair. But that's where the similarities end. It also had small horns, scattered scales, wings, and a tail. Oh, and it hatched from an egg. As it opened blearily hazy eyes, one can also notice the slightly slit pupils.
But there is one universal thing that all infants do.
And that's cry.
Especially when nap time is interrupted.
And that was exactly what the hatchling did.
The group of five were now hastily trying to calm the screeching infant. Oda and Val were making silly faces, Fer was trying to negotiate, and Ranir was just panicking. None of it worked and the hatchling was starting to turn red in the face. Until Yir picked it up under its armpits and hugged it. Shocked, everyone else just stared as the youngest of the group managed to quiet the screaming babe.
Unfortunately that was the exact moment the infant's actual minder arrived.
And the screeching began anew.
"And that'ss why master d-doesn't like to be carried," explained a much older Fer.
"Oh," expelled a slightly less forlorn Darunia. He was currently sitting and rubbing a slightly tender spot on his ribs.
Who knew rock people could bruise.
AN: Soooo sorry about the missed updates. Life got a bit hectic and my beta was having some technical difficulties. (It's still not fixed but we found a way). Anyway enough about me, let's move onto the chapter.
Yeah baby Volga. Everybody wants that right *crickets* right moving on. The hardest part of this chapter was giving names to the group. And I thought it'd be funny if they were responsible for Volga's no random carry rule. Come on let's be real I'm pretty sure most of us have been dropped as a baby. And after that there was always adult supervision.
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