#rant sess
my dm broke my boy (dnd character) in the most horrible and gut wrenching ways (it was the most delicious thing you wouldnt believe it) this most recent session (it ended like five hours ago) and i cant think about anything else. brain is like an angry hornet nest help
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kabhi-kabhi-aditii · 2 months
i am fighting
my losses
and everything bringing ache
because i don’t want
to look in the mirror
and see a tragedy staring back
fuvk this is so relatable like i dont want to be a tragedy i just want to live and somehow i can't even do that i feel like i'm falling again and looking in the mirror is so scary whatif i see everything i am trying to hide or bury behind this fake facade? whatif i see the little girl in me who wanted to just be happy?
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reanimatedgh0ul · 1 year
i need more danny being like valerie and constantly flip flopping btwn not being able to stand her bc of how insufferable she can be and in the same breath being like yeah she's rlly great i'm so glad we're friends
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talkfastcal · 7 months
rant is done and now im watching m*rkiplier :)
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sinning-23 · 10 months
Surface (Sanji x Mermaid!Reader)
Hey everyone! This is part of themermaid/siren series with all the opla/op characters uhhh this one may or may not be a two parter but I actually really like how it turned out! Enjoy!
Warnings: none, jsut some kissing at the end lol
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Your father had warned you about humans. He said they were cruel and unkind. Barbaric creatures filled with greed. Of course, you knew he was right, having seen countless pirates raid ships and leave behind sunken treasures for you to collect.
However, among your most recent attempt at running away, you found yourself hiding beneath a mysterious doc. It was dark but also...kind of quiet. Too quiet, and if you knew your humans, it's that they were far from that.
All the boats from earlier were long gone and all you could hear was bickering from inside. You curse yourself for not having your legs yet but quickly hide when the door bursts open. Out storms a taller-looking young man, his sleeves rolled up his forearms as he lights what you had learned long ago was a cigarette.
Your eyes glow with the light briefly. He's pretty, his brows furrowed in anger as he mutters to himself. Something along the lines of "That's idiot..." and "I'd rather die than serve that." The water moves around you when you try to move closer and his gaze flickers to you.
First it's fear, he scoots away, startled that you had been watching him. In turn, the action frightens you and you dive beneath the surface, feeling like swimming away was foolish considering you'd been spotted and the whole point of running away was to not go back to where you ran from...well swam in this case.. His voice is muffled with the water but you peak just above the source to hear him a little better.
"I-Im sorry if I scared you, are you alright?" He hums, leaning over the edge as you place your hands over the top of his, using your upper body strength to lift upwards. There was no such thing as personal space with how close you were, noses were centimeters away.
He swallows hard, the cigarette long discarded but you can smell the tobacco on his lips. Speaking of which those looked awfully pretty, slightly pink and glossy as his face seemed to brighten with a nice hue of red. You pull yourself further out of the water, resulting in him scooting back.
At this point, you might as well be straddling him with the way your arms cage him in this one spot. You still didn't answer his question but that didn't matter. Your father would kill you if he saw how close you were to this human. Your lips part as you go to speak but you can't seem to form words when he's pushing wet hair from your face to reveal more of it to him.
"Much better." He hums, swallowing hard at your features. Were all mermaid this beautiful?
"What is this place?" You finally ask, looking over the shape of the building in awe. You fin flops over the deck the slapping making him flinch a bit but he soon focuses backto answeitn your question.
"It's a resturant, angel fish." He hums, making you snap your gazse back to him.
"I'm not angel fish? You've met my her? She doesn't even like the surface! Wait 'til I tell-"
His laugh stops your rant and he shakes his head. It's obvious any flirting or metaphor would go right over your head. Maybe they used different expressions under the sea.
"It's not funny! Call me Y/n! I'm a Princess you know! My father rules the sess!" You boast, despite knowing you practically went AWOL on the whole royalty thing.
"Well Princess, why aren't you at your castle? Hm?" He questions making you narrow your gaze. Sure he was cute but how dare he question royalty?!
_____________1 week_______________
You didn't expect to find yourself falling for the blonde. Every day he would come out for his smoke breaks and talk to you, tell you about the kitchen inside, share his food with you, and even tell you about his dream...which you found particularly interesting considering that's where you came from. You keep that bit to yourself though.
One evening, the blond who you had come to learn was named Sanji took his usual break with you, your head resting in your hands as you listened to him talk. You had found yourself doing everything all merfolk were forbidden of...Falling in love.
It didn't exist where you came from...well at least that's what your father said. And it was partially why you left. Maybe Sanji could tell you more about it? You swallow down any anxieties and speak, seeing his gaze grow ever more fond wherever you open your mouth. You'd probably never know this, but Sanji thought your voice was the most beautiful sound in the entire ocean.
"Sanji, tell me more about love." You ask, seeing his face go red again.
That was always so funny to you, humans, and how they change colors. But he was special, you liked to think he only turned red when he talked to you. You wouldn't be wrong.
"U-Uh weel, what about it?" He chokes, leaning against a wooden post as you chatted.
"What does it feel like? Do you feel like that forever?" You ask, feeling your midsection dry with how you were positioned. Sanji looked up as if to think for a moment before answering. Gods he always looked so beautiful.
"Well, sometimes. Love is, complicated. It's warm and it can be unforgiving sometimes. It's like finally feeling like you have something no one else does. Love is like...." He pauses, biting his lip when he sees you, how intrigued you are.
"Is it like...how it feels to talk to you?" You whisper, pulling yourself more forward, the water sliding past your hips and thighs.
It's quiet now, Sanji's hands can't seem to figure out what to do so he settles for keeping them at his sides.
"What does that feel like?" He whispers curiously, watching you crawl toward him now, your tail somehow disappearing the closer, and dryer you got.
You can't help but revel in how he looks. As if he'd fall apart with your next words. He's breathing heavily now, eyes moving up and down your body and to your lips. There's a look behind his eyes that tells you everything you need to know
"It feels just like you said...warm."
And witht hat his hands are firm at your hips as your lips more impatiently together, your newly formed legs smoothing against the fabric of his slacks when you sitt pretty on his lap. This feeling could have very well just been lust, but like Sanji said, love is complicated.
Perhaps this is why your father forbids the surface.
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sophsicle · 1 year
Thoughts on Red, White and Royal Blue? (If you’ve seen it) and also the jegulus parallels?
cw me being a hater LISTEN i am willing to see jegulus parallels in many places but rwrb is not one of them, like seeing either of those characters as james or regulus feels like a stretch 2 me
alas, i did not like rwrb, which is a little disappointing cause i went in just wanting to have a fun time and did not have a single mote of fun (actually that's untrue Zahra was very fun)
4 m3 the things that sell this book are a) how much personality those two main characters have, Henry being the sappy romantic literature/history nerd, Alex being a literal psycho so obsessed with politics he blocks every other thought out of his brain - including any introspection about his own feelings or sexuality and the only thing that can break him out of that is a make-out sess with the british prince (10/10 incredible) b) the family dynamics, Henry and Bea, Alex and June, Alex, June, and their divorced politician parents (like that phone call where Alex rants on the phone to henry about his parents on christmas, was IMPORTANT to me as a child of divorce okay???????)
c) the politics and the whole betrayal and then not betrayal of rafael luna the movie strips all of that away, thinking that the thing that made that book interesting was two hot guys making out and like tbh that is boring 2 me. on top of that the acting was a lil rough in my opinion, the dialogue also a lil rough, and in general the way it was shot, the framing, the lighting, all felt very "sitcom" which just made it harder to like get into it or believe?
they made a whole bunch of changes they didn't need to, that didn't save time but did suck all of the stakes out of the plot which is honestly unforgivable to me
could not get through the whole movie
0/10 pardoned turkeys from me
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #23
23. POLAND Luna - "The Tower" 29th place
Decade Ranking: 85/153 [Above Luke Black, below Tvorchi]
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JK, I wish that were canon, but I cannot reverse-engineer our reality into a fiction where Serbia qualifies over Poland by a hair because they blanked them after Xi's visit hijacked the live broadcast.
Anyway, this section of the ranking is always chaotic and inconsistent. Bad songs with acts that made me lol, alongside kind of charming hopeless filler, alongside great songs with painfully bad lives.
Enter "The Tower". People been saying it's a bland, generic song and as is often the case in a democracy, the people are fucking WRONG!!!! Quirky indie wenches with brittle voices singing metaphorical build-me-up synthpop is MY safe zone and you won't make me leave it!
This came with the addition of Luna having the best warbled pronunciation since Maggie Burger ("BREAUXKEN BAWDEEZ SCAATERT FRUE MAHISTERRY" OB*SESSED*.) and being relatably bad at chess (same, girl.) I refused to believe Luna was birthed into this world. She emerged fully formed from a pod, (designed by the same crazy medical students that have now captured Slimane to use his live voice as ethical (for the patient) cancer therapy), created with the sole purpose of fitting the template of a Bubblecore Fave. Luna represents EXACTLY the sort of act I would love to overrate at my leisure.
Sadly... nope. It all kinda went the way of Roxen in Malmö. It was badly performed and badly mixed. I feel like a lot of Poles (I'd say "people" but do "Poles" count as such? Isn't selling your entire soul for the first bad banger a mandatory initiation for Eurofan Poles?) would just scapegoat Luna because THAT WITCH BEAT JUSTYNA, but I disagree. I sympathize with her and I think her team did her dirty. This Polish NQ was a group effort and Luna was only one cog in that machine. 🙂 Besides, Justyna deserved a break from the spotlight so she can enjoy her four remaining Christmases.
The capital mistake was to not recognize the level of performance maturity Luna had. She's fairly inexperienced and not the most powerful vocalist. She's also NOT a dancer. At the time of the contest she was at a level of "can hold a tune when standing still, on a good day."
So if she struggles to perform the act you've planned, somebody's got to step in and make it so she can perform it every time.
Simplify and practice it until she's able to do it.
and do not, for the love of Sennek, make her MOVE WHILE SINGING?!!
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(lol sorry for the rant but i'm writing these late at night on whatever energy reserves I have left so I can to keep up with 1 update per day. Anger's all I have left. 😔)
It's not like the MV didn't offer an easy way into good Eurovision-friendly staging. Dear TVP, what exactly was wrong with this?
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Just stick her in the middle of the cross on a podium, and drape finery around her until she resembles the titular tower. The song was about self-discovery and growth, and that would send the message across with minimal confusion.
But Poland went with what they went with and sigh. It was the opposite of Slovenia, really - it looked AMAZING but didn't really compensate from the fact that it sounded VERY BAD.
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But if the staging looked that good, then why was it bad? Well, Poland had a concept, an idea and it could have worked, but it didn't.
Conceptually, this is good staging. The backdrops and floordrops were rad and the chess-themed styling worked gave it a beautiful and unique feel like we'd never seen before.
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However, it came across as Poland making an attempt at directing the part of Europe that weren't on Xi Jinping's visit schedule away from their song, and this an erroneous display of disrespect. Visualize according to what the song needs in order to shine as a song. Don't obfuscate it with flourishes that don't synergize with it.
There were too many elements. You don't need three chess piece dancers, AND LED sorcery AND an elaborate choreography AND two giant rook props AND two fucking dress changes (one of which happened in wideshot because ofc it did).
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The beauty of Art is knowing what elements you can keep and which you can (and should) take away. (does not apply to "minimalist art" which lands somewhere between "decoration" and "scam".) Simplify, rather than complicate. Don't thrown in all the ideas you have as a Hail Mary (notice that this route is often taken by desperate countries that are notoriously shit at Eurovision - Poland, Denmark, Malta, etc). Test out which elements work, and choose those that suit the artist the best.
Poland's failure is choosing excessive staging that pushed too hard for (1) a performer who was not ready to execute all the pieces (2) a really simple, fun basic synthpop song. It overwhelmed both Luna and "The Tower".
It was not Luna's fault. Not entirely. The Polish creative team had a series of lapses in judgement, and it ended up in a shock NQ that I didn't see coming until it actually happened. Even though I like the overal package (the song's really that good!) I didn't feel it was an undeserved elimination.
What killed Poland wasn't just inexperience, politics or overambition.
It was foremost a lack of confidence in their own product.
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inukag · 1 year
Hello, so I'm not heterosexual (I'm ace) and as you can tell I do like one of those ships in the poll. I thought your language was very harmful. Now, I'm not here to say those characters are nice people but that doesn't mean their fans like them because they are "hetero" and just like a hot guy. They are good characters and had cool dynamics with Kagome (yes that's subjective and you might disagree with it but some people did enjoy it). I do agree that Sango should have been on the poll but there are legit reasons people enjoy darker ships or enemies to lovers trope, they can be engaging to some. So to dismiss it as just "hetero girls liking a hot guy" is very bad. The reason I'm sending you this ask is because I think you are a good person and might recieve well my comment. I considered sending an anon but I wanted you to "see" me as we talk and I hope I don't get any harassment over this from others. Anyway, thank you for reading.
First of all thank you for sending this message non-anonymously! I know it can be stressful but it is definitely better for discussions. If I see anyone sending you hate over this I will fight them personally.
When I said “this fandom is painfully straight” I did not mean “every single person who likes these ships is straight”, that would be ridiculous. But it IS a straight ship. My point is that gay ships are almost never taken seriously in this fandom, as shown by the fact that people ship Kagome with all the male characters she canonically doesn’t like before shipping her with girls that she actually likes. I find that sad. Literally the only gay ship in this fandom that has a sizable fanbase is Inu/sess, but that’s another can of worms.
I’m not here to change anyone’s mind about sess/kag or kog/kag, I’m very much a ‘ship and let ship’ person. Those ships have existed for years so I know very well that me saying “Kagome Higurashi would never canonically love these guys” is not going to change anyone’s mind. So I’ll spare you the whole rant but I’ll say that I’ve read some sess/kag stuff (Raindrops and other fanfics I found years ago) and I’ve never seen Sesshomaru portrayed as anything other than a kind, suave, gentleman who saves Kagome from Inuyasha the toxic, two timer. His canonical racism and lack of empathy for others is gone. So I have a hard time believing people when they tell me they love the ship because it’s a “sexy villain/heroine, enemies to lovers ships” lol. Anyway like I said, I’m not going to change your mind and you won’t change mine, so no need to argue about this.
Also for added context regarding the “gay ships aren’t taken seriously” issue, a couple weeks ago a bunch of people on Twitter (inukag shippers) made tweets saying they were “disgusted” by the fact that many people headcanon Moroha to be a lesbian. That her blushing at and complimenting girls is “not evidence that she’s gay” and that the “real canon” is that she will end up with Koga’s son (who doesn’t even exists in any Inuyasha media!!!). It’s not an isolated issue with Sesshomaru or Koga fans, as I pointed out the people doing this were inukag shippers and they were called out by other inukag shippers. This fandom as a whole is just not the most friendly when it comes to lgbt+ stuff.
So yeah, I have nothing else to add. I don’t see how my language was harmful if I’m being honest. Regardless of people’s own sexual/romantic orientations this fandom mostly talk about and support straight ships. This isn’t really a call to action either, I’m not telling people what to ship, I was just jokingly pointing that out and hoping that next time people would just consider the fact that gay ships exists as well.
Thanks again for the message and I’ll take this time to remind everyone following me that I use the tag #<ship/character>-critical tag when I criticize stuff, so you can blacklist that if you follow me and don’t want to see negativity about characters or ships that you love. I didn’t tag my first reblog of the poll so that’s my bad, I’ll go back and fix that.
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hello! i sent this, i also used to use wattpad hm, i do have a few unifished stories on there.. anyways, sorry for the late reponse, i only go on tumblr on my computer but im busy with school.. didn't get to do my wriitng sess yesterday, def did it today.. hm what else, oh thats funny, me and my friend made a book on an account together too, this was during quaarratine and it was fun because we both loved cm so we did one shots on it and it was funny ebcause we'd work on these on zoom and we actually did stuff llike "how they would react to you burning down your house" and funny stuff like that, i dont know if we posted them though..
my account is still on watpppad too and you see very eneteratining,, looking forward to getting to know you too Stray Storyteller, i rambled a bit too so don't worry about ranting with me haha..
i try not to get addicted to my computer so i dont really havr a lot of time to do everything on my computer so after i finish scrolling thru my feed i'll get off tumblr for tonignt, hoping to be back tommorrow but i will def be online friday!
signing off,
sincerly, red
The amount of things that we have in common....
I also access tumblr more often on my laptop than my phone. I actually use it on my phone once a blue moon.
Me and my friend had also written during quarantine. We however did it during online classes while the teacher was figuring how to share her screen and yelling at the class to unmute.
However unlike you I am already addicted to this laptop. At this point it is background noise for me. I usually go thru my feed after I come back from school because after that I will have tuitions and then I will have to study and at the end of the day I will be too tired to do anything else.
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burgirrrr-rants · 1 year
just realized I need a ranting sess w my bf soon or I am gonna go insane real quick
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leam1983 · 2 years
On Sessler
I don't get the guy.
So G4's rebirth failed spectacularly, as you all know. It wasn't needed, it worked off of an outdated format and I, a lifelong Progressive, will freely admit that they pulled the most basic-ass, predictable cards in the deck. Frosk's rant wasn't wrong in its context, but it felt like the last twenty years' worth of discourse hadn't happened and Olivia Munn was still clutching a mic in front of a camera.
Welp, Sess went on another Twitter meltdown and more or less expectorated on what he feels is an audience that's betrayed him. He wants to come across as the martyrized high-brow analyst of the art form that's beset with thuggish rubes from the trenches of the Doritos-and-Mountain-Dew Corps, but it just doesn't click.
Seeing him screech online, I was reminded of all the frustrated wannabe Postgrad alumni I've worked with whose features constricted at the slightest provocation, and who'd then find supposedly advanced, but actually entirely sophomoric ways of landing put-downs. You know the type: they take Dark Academia far too seriously, wonder why they're the only ones with expensive Moleskine notebooks and attend Pop Culture Studies lectures at the Postgrad level because they're a requirement of the Master's Degree program. They really rather we went anal over the latest hot-button counter-cultural theorist when the name of the class more or less translates as "Get out your Potter books and your Weyland-Yutani-issued pulse rifles, 'cause shit's gonna get nerdy."
Picture one of these guys going from disinterest to blatant disgust over a little over six weeks, because some girl who's still stuck on Anamanaguchi decided to use The Walking Dead as a vector for her long years of literary observation. Picture them having the nerve to stand up and start a diatribe in the middle of the one class on campus where the closest other guy to the type of student they are's actually overdosed on Alighieri because he played the EA-published video game on PS3.
That's basically Adam Sessler, as of recently. Frothing at the mouth, jabbering away at all the CoD-bros he's never hung out with, likely reliving the halcyon days of his likening BioShock Infinite to Samuel Beckett's output.
I don't get that.
Yes, there's cultureless hacks in the medium. Yes, some people look like their K/D ratio eventually came to become the one dominant facet of their personality. Yes, there's former potentates of twitch reflexes and vaunted quickscoping heroes who haven't caught on to the fact that aging slows you down. The sick shots you landed in your teens get insanely hard to put out in your twenties, unless you relentlessly train for it. Yes, these people tend to mask a sense of inadequacy with toxicity.
The thing is, they don't matter. I game in Single Player, or on closed servers my friends and I administrate. We catastrophically fail and simultaneously laugh it up, then pick ourselves back up and go back to fragging. Whenever shooters get involved, pot usually enters the picture. Try quickscoping when half of your brain is busy coming up with a constant parade of brain farts.
I also don't let my past define my hobbies. I don't need to analyze everything I like. Not everything needs to have narrative value. There's days where all I fucking want is to skip the tutorial and campaign cinematics and build the worst Goldfinger lair ever in Evil Genius 2. There's days where all I want is One Finger Death Punch on Survival mode.
There's days where all I want is Mortal Kombat. As in, the shitty one on SNES. I am under no obligation to be high-brow.
It would help if some journalists remembered that.
Oh - and yes. I do still call myself a gamer. The label fits, as I don't simply pick up a controller when I'm at someone-or-other's house. That's it. It's the same reason why someone who's serious about Lego builds could consider themselves a model maker, or why the term maker came to define anyone who has a valid excuse to go for Prusa's top-shelf extruder, if not two or three more 3D printers.
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yunospotpotatoes · 3 years
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Here me out: this but Magic Mike edition where the reader has a bachelorette party. And she gets to pick one of these FINE men for a special dance
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yusukenui · 3 years
puking n cryin im simply gonna unlearn the english language these novels arent worth the heartbreak $!&*@
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ub-sessed · 4 years
Last week my best friend invited me to break quarantine to go over to her place to hang out (this in spite of the fact that we live in the city with the highest infection rates in the country, and at the time the death rate hadn't even started going down yet). She ended her invitation with an acknowledgement that this would be illegal, as though that was the part of this whole idea that would bother me.
I was so horrified that I didn't even answer her until the next day, and I'm still so cranky a week later that I'm still coming up with imaginary retorts in my head.
"You think I base my actions on whether or not something is legal?? Honey, there are times within living memory when my very EXISTENCE was illegal!"
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i just read your tags on my post about stuff i hate lmao and yeah! like why can’t people understand that i don’t always do something to please or get the attention of someone else but if i did, then so what? you know? but for someone to go out of their way to make those kinds of comments?? clown shit
It’s like did you ...Did you really? just use time and effort for that? No really, honestly you opened your mouth and wasted valuable oxygen for this, wow. Wow oh wow oh wow.
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lordyouko · 6 years
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My inucest-tinted shades can’t help but feel like the look of bewilderment and confusion and horror on Inuyasha’s face is because this is the first time he’s been so far away from Sesshomaru all by himself and he doesn’t know what’s what but here, he’s thinking that if his big brother had been around, he would never have allowed the strange lady to touch him like that.
Most of the times, he likes that humans don’t think of him as a monster, that they’re not afraid of him, but sometimes, he can’t help but think that it would be nice to have Sesshoumaru’s vibe of you-peasants-better-not-think-you-can-come-anywhere-near-me, whether it’s with humans, or with youkai royalty, or even a few stray gods.
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