#rapha watches netflix
rapha-reads · 1 year
I don't remember which blog I'm following kept recommending Lockwood & Co, but damn, you were right as hell. This is excellent. I'm can't bring myself to stop, surprised Netflix hasn't asked me if I'm still watching... Nope, scratch that, right as I was writing that sentence, it did the thing.
Anyway. This is a really, really fun show (even tho I'm scared of ghosts), and now I'm very interested in the books.
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gravedangerahead · 2 years
The Invisible City tag is so funny, like
I watch invisible City on Netflix for Brazilian folklore.
Brazilian folklore:
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@glitttercore @muri-chan @notgwene @bcstired
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So like,,,, a cuddle pile. Who’s on the bottom? Who is on the top? Who is squished in the middle?why is it Raphael? I imagine them eating pizza and watching Netflix. Maybe there’s some like ✨shenanigans✨ happening under the covers and eventually rapha is just like “if you guys are gonna grope each other I’m gonna leave” and they’re like “we respect that but also no we want you to stay we’ll behave” and then they eat ice cream and maybe get in an ice cream food fight.
hhhhhhhh i love you more than anything
i like raphael in the middle but consider this: rapha at the bottom because the whole cuddle pile thing started because he as always was being a snob (probably over food because the rest of them were eating cheetos or something and he is like "all of you are terrible, taste-lacking heathens") but they all know REALLY he is a fucking softie so they start tackling him to make take him down a notch lmao
so maia is in the middle probably because she and simon are the most likely ones to have that brilliant idea, with like simon and meliorn under her and clary and izzy on top (also maia is the only one dating all of them so makes sense that she's at the middle. plus, maia squished in cuddles!). also no one has to worry about smothering rapha because he has superstrength and even if he didn't he doesn't really need to breathe
(fun fact: he wouldn't mind. he's hyposensitive to pressure and it feels Really Nice)
and maybe he's being smothered in cheek kisses from his partners too and everyone is giggling and they are extremely close to tipping over but it's sweet anyway
with that being said! maia being at the bottom of the cuddle pile also. because she is adorable and everyone loves her and they just all kind of orbit around her instinctively because she is the sun. brb crying
she's just showered in all this affection and again, Pressure Good and they are all very careful to make sure she can breathe and it's comfortable for her and there are probably like a million pillows under her also (did meliorn summon them? that's their sexy little secret ;). yeah they did) so she's also comfortable and stuff, you know? and again lots of kisses and she's giggling like crazy and maybe they even tickle her because they are in fact the worst. she has no complaints
or like not as much pile but a long cuddle wall or something and maia in the middle so everyone is kind of leaning on her chest in a way and they're also all over each other and she gets to hold them all at the same time? nice
also see: cuddle wall but maia is at the very end lying on someone else's chest and getting her hair played with carefully and lovingly until she dozes off and gets some forehead kisses and they take A Billion Pictures of her all cuddled up and cute
and yess watching a movie so they're all cuddled up in the couch in the weirdest least practical position ever. half of them are leaning on each other, at least one is lying on everyone else's lap at once, meliorn is Literally Under The Cover, they can't see the fucking movie but they refuse to get out. none of them are watching the movie anyway, they're just bantering with each other
ohhh and like. during sukkot they all help build simon's sukkah and he just straight up has a room where the floor is all made of pillows and blankets and shit and it's just The Cuddle Room. so they all get to just lie there at the same time, in different cuddling positions (either all together or like... separated groups/pairs but still Together you know?). and yeah some of them get nasty and rapha is like "hmm time to go back to the hotel methinks" and they're like "no! we're sorry, we'll behave" and raphael's chest blooms with warmth that you know, him being there is more important. and they do behave daiojsda
basically... cuddle squad... we love to see it
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havocinthebluebox · 4 years
Tagged by @demonindistress​ thank you ! 😉
Last song: The Yonder Beckons by The Devil’s Blood
Last movie: I needed a comfort movie and they took Top Gun out of the Netflix catalogue (traitors !). So, I watched Les Tontons Flingueurs, French seventh art at its finest. The vitriol scene !
Currently watching: Nothing.
Currently reading: Reading Soul Kitchen by Poppy Z Brite and admiring my Chrismas gift to myself : Fire at Will with Tom Bejgrowicz pictures of Watain.
Currently craving: Live music, festivals, cinema, book fairs, l’apéro avec les copains, crêpes and galettes made with my father’s recipe.
Tagging : @tasha-lemon (je compte sur toi pour une inspi niveau lectures en cours car je ne vais pas tarder à faire un raid chez mon dealer de livres !) @rapha-writes @omarandjohnny @magical--wizard @misfit-on-a-journey @my-space-and-all-within, anyone who wants to do this.
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Tagged by @par-merlin​ and @to-the-pine​ thanks 🥰
1. How has your day been?
Yesterday was not that good actually! Very absurd, very unwelcome. Not very productive, not very anything
2. What’s the last thing that made you smile?
Today I’m making some hot cocoa (with caramel) 🎶♥︎
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
For entertainment (and not just being busy, for which I have other things): reading, learning how to play the guitar, watching some TV/Netflix
4. If you are currently in some kind of quarantine/self-isolation:
Currently self-isolating! It will never be stressed enough: Stay home. It is not just about you. It is about your neighbour’s kid and your own grandparents. If anything, do you really wish anyone, with or without a preexisting disorder or predisposition, to get respiratory problems because of you? Assuming your answer is no, please, stay home.
5. Post a selfie if you’re comfortable with it:  
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Tagging: @rapha-writes​ @jasministheb​ @wolfsnape​ @antonomase​ 😘
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katiemcgrath · 7 years
rapha-senna replied to your post: john simm is back as the master???? fine! you’ve...
YES ! As a fellow Whovian, welcome back in the Tardis, hold on tight, less than a week to go and GERONIMOOOO. (Sorry, I’m super excited about the new series)
holy shit! is it back in a week??? I haven't been seeing constant ads for it on tv as I usually do. I haven't been enjoying the last few series so I'm going to go in with an open mind and watch the first two or three episodes and see how it goes.
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marcy-lark · 6 years
olympian aesthetic: larkin ode
Rules: Bold what applies to your muse!
laughter-loving, sweet smiles, dressed in silk and satin, flower in their hair, thrives on attention, sees the world as a runway, unapologetically sexual, the sea washing their ankles, in love with love, stirrer of passion, cunning concealed by painted lips, secret daggers, doves, revolution in their kiss, delighting in the waves, flirtatious winks, strolling along the beach, staring wistfully from a balcony, this is how to be a heartbreaker, your girlfriend thinks they’re attractive, wants to be adored, gets turned on by danger  
glitz and glamour, art galleries, turning the volume up, being made of gold, neatly-organized music sheets, notebooks filled with poetry, bathing in the sunlight, the powerful urge to create, collecting vinyl records, beautiful cover of Wonderwall, playing multiple instruments, tasting like sunshine, healing touch, speaking in prophecies, smile mingled with wrath, shunning lies, sporting shades, hanging out at music festivals with their friends, sleeps naked, arrow to the heart, paint brushes
armed for battle, wants to raise a dog with their significant other, soft spot for children, gives piggyback rides, scarred body, blood on their hands and face, willing to fight the world for the ones they love, fights against injustice, warm hugs, well-worn combat boots, boxing gloves, bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles, fist raised in protest, ignites revolutions, fear is a prison, more sensitive than what their tough shell may have you think, exhausted, damaged goods, force to be reckoned with, red roses, curses under their breath
keen senses of a hunter, freckles like constellations on their skin, piercing eyes, disheveled braid, moonlight peeking through the shadows, the calm of the forest at night, lying on the grass and staring at the stars, mother doe and her fawn, protecting their kin, the moon shimmering on a still lake, quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree, running with wolves, bonding while circled around a campfire, not being much of a people person, arrow hitting its target, popping egos, patience on 3%, touches heaven and returns howling
discerning gaze, unreadable face, the patience of a life-long teacher, quiet museums, owl perched on their finger, armor that intimidates, eye for architecture, plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses, studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid, big fan of logic, loves brain teasers, go-getter, balls of wool displayed on shelves, ancient buildings, sweaters in neutrals and cool colors, hair done up, can kill you with their brain, heads to the library often to research, sharpened pencils, abs that can cut steel, stoic statues, pottery classes  
soil-covered hands, smile that can bloom flowers, skin loved by the sun, being the mom friend, can lift you and all of your friends, flowers kept in the pockets of overalls, takes pride in their beautiful garden, speaks to their plants, leaves rustling in the wind, stalks of wheat,picking fruit, greenhouses, heart as strong as a mountain, values simplicity, daisies dotted across a collarbone, curls crowned with flowers, folded pile of sweaters in warm hues, pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
drunk shitposter, on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second, seductive smirks, untamed curls, rich fabrics on dark skin, sleek-furred panthers, theater masks, stage productions, receiving a standing ovation, rose caught between their teeth, being the baby of the bunch, wild parties that last from sundown to sunup, creeping vines, inspiring loyalty, grand opera houses, masquerade balls, rolls of film, shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, pouring champagne into flutes, lives for the applause
the calloused hands of someone who knows labor, sweaty brow, flame burning in their eyes, inventive mind, broad shoulders, steampunk goggles, nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes, ashes, striking a match, blueprints for future projects, fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades, wrestles with bitterness, work boots have seen better years, wrinkled plaid shirts, iron melted by blazing fire, huge jackets, crafting masterpieces, greased-stained overalls, fascination with robotics, pain is fuel, stack of weaponry, even their muscles have muscles
resting bitch face, dressed to the nines, cows grazing on a pasture, cool rain, loving and hating fiercely, hand clutching a string of pearls, large chandelier with glittering crystals, plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims, romance to realism, pictures of the sky while flying on a plane, files that under fuck it, downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix, like their selfie or you’re grounded, knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man, dark eyes that penetrate your soul, marble and gold
devil-may-care smile, ink-stained hands, always up-to-date on the latest technology, will steal your french fries, does it for the vine, shitposter, puts googly eyes on everything, meme hoarder, long drives on the highway, ma and pop diners, spontaneous road trips, folded maps, fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop, shooting hoops on the basketball court, chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations, goes jogging in the morning, mixes red bull with coffee, menace on april fool’s, hoodies and sneakers  
storm with skin, colorful coral reefs, waves crashing against the shore, the sea casting its spell, stroking the soft fur of a cat, their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop, tousled locks, clothes smeared with paint, owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more, leather jackets, fondness for diy projects, handwriting that flows across the page, nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin, velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams, mood as ever-changing as the sea, the roar of a motorcycle, compass with a spinning arrow
thunder in their heart, running on coffee AND tea, flash of lightning, natural charisma, eloquence, badass in a nice suit, aficionado of history, force of nature, lenny face, pretends that they don’t have feelings but they do, nightmare-filled nights, proud arm around their lover’s waist, high-rise buildings, planes soaring through a cloudless sky, technician on the piano, maintains order, strong handshake, juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with apparent ease, most likely to be voted class president out of their peers, expensive watch, like a boss
thank you for the tag @sleepy-moon-spite~ (heckin’ glad rapha has his page now!!)
tagging: @drakeandstray @captain-rummidew @mathemagiks @cahli-tia @violetsandvines @spotofmummery& anyone else who wants to? i’m sure some of you already did this i’m so sorry i’ve been absent from tumblr lately ;-; 
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 6 years
tagged by @spacepandar and @estherlyon, thank you both :*
Rules: tag 9 people with excellent taste
Color(s) I’m currently wearing: white blouse and blue-and-white patterned skirt (and a gray wristband on my watch?)
Last band I saw live: The Game of Thrones soundtrack live in concert in Berlin
Last song I listened to:  Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” but actually Nino Rota’s “The Godfather Waltz”
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick, my lips are too dry for it but I love lipstick
Last movie I watched: The Godfather Part I damn I love that movie I forgot how gorgeous it looks too
Last 3 TV shows I watched:  Brooklyn 99, Suits, re-watching S2 of The Americans because we haven’t even got S5 yet *sobs* Netflix why
Last YouTube video I watched: Currently watching a clip from The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
3 characters I identify with: Simon Tam (Firefly), Jyn Erso (Rogue One), Elizabeth Jennings (The Americans)
Books I’m currently reading: I just finished Neil Gaiman’s retelling of Norse Mythology, and I really really enjoyed it!
tagging @rapha-writes, @thereigning-lorelai, @runakvaed, @shotgunkitten, @jenniferjuni-per, @movioletta, @pingou7, @rapidashpatronus (I bet you’ve all already been tagged but this is the prize  of our lovely tightly-knit fandom ^^) only if you feel like it obvs :)
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ladystylestores · 4 years
London’s Digital Showcase Underlines Importance of the Live Runway – WWD
LONDON — Blindsided by COVID-19 — which closed their stores, shut their factories and forced them to stay at home — British designers took a great leap into the unknown, piecing together collections, films, exhibitions and creative projects for London’s first, all-digital fashion week instead of showing their wares on the runway, a familiar — if flawed — format.
In late March, as London locked down, the British Fashion Council snapped into action and started organizing the three-day event in a bid to give designers — who had been cheated of their fashion week, showroom appointments and spring 2020 retail sales as a result of the coronavirus — the chance to strut their creative stuff.
Even if those designers couldn’t show new clothes, the BFC wanted to give them the opportunity to engage with end consumers whom they need right now to shop. With all stores in England allowed to reopen as of Monday, June 15, the timing could not have been better.
The showcase, which wrapped on Sunday night, was a mixed success: Anyone looking for newness — and clothes — would have been disappointed because there wasn’t much of either.
There were some fun films, though, and lots of creative projects that gave viewers insight into the designers’ worlds. Some conversations and Q&A’s were interesting, while others ran too long and turned dull pretty quickly.
In putting together the new London Fashion Week site, which is now a permanent fixture meant to house designers’ digital assets, the BFC looked to Netflix and wanted to allow everyone to watch what they wanted, when they wanted.
  An image from Charles Jeffrey Loverboy’s latest collection, which will land in-store in December.  Photo courtesy of Alex Petch for Charles Jeffrey Loverboy
  While the events ran smoothly on the site, it is clear there is still much to be done in terms of improving the user experience; curating the multitude of content available on the platform, and building a sizeable, engaged audience that’s willing to tune in to three days of virtual events.
While the runway format may be under fire right now — it’s expensive, wasteful, damaging to the planet and to London designers’ limited resources — there is no doubt it remains an exciting, engaging way to show collections.
Like a West End stage play or a concert at the Roundhouse or the O2 arena in London, a fashion show is live entertainment with scope for surprise and spontaneity. Neither pre-recorded events nor livestreaming can match it.
Bruce Pask, men’s wear director at Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus and a longtime advocate of British fashion (and one of very few U.S. retailers to attend London Fashion Week season after season) argued that a digital showcase is no substitute for “in-person shows, conversations, introductions and all other occasions and places where inspiration and discoveries can arise, often unexpectedly, while attending each city’s fashion week.”
Derek Blasberg, head of fashion and beauty at YouTube, which partnered with the BFC for the three-day London event, echoed Pask during one of the many scheduled talks that took place.
“Fashion week is the time when the industry gets together and plans their future. Of course, right now we’re all doing that over video conferences, but I think photographers, stylists, editors, makeup artists, models, hair stylists, and the rest of the fashion world looks forward to the day when we can sit in the same room and talk shop again,” Blasberg said.
Indeed, a lot of the online conversations that took place over the course of the event felt flat or repetitive — they ranged from designer diaries to chats around collection inspirations to designers’ conversations with collaborators and mentors. The online films, even when they were at their most charming, didn’t evoke the sort of emotion that a physical catwalk show usually does.
The viewer numbers laid this bare: Some online panels on YouTube got as little as 20 or 30 live viewers and Instagram Live presentations clocked no more than 200, maximum 300 views. Charles Jeffrey Loverboy’s lively online fundraiser for U.K. Black Pride, where he “passed on the mic” to creatives of color on Saturday night, was filled with some terrific live performances.
As of Sunday, it was struggling to notch 130 views on YouTube.
The consensus here is that the physical iteration of London Fashion Week is bound to make a return as early as September, depending on quarantine rules, social distancing measures and whether COVID-19 spikes again.
The BFC is already preparing for the return of the physical showcase. Last month it drafted a manifesto with the Council of Fashion Designers of America that looks ahead to a time, post-crisis, when in-person events can resume. The reset manifesto recommends that brands attempt to show during the regular fashion calendar and in one of the global fashion capitals.
While this first digital showcase may have been imperfect, it kept creative wheels spinning, gave designers a platform to shine, and forced them to experiment and to keep an open mind.
The event also gave a voice to a new generation that’s eager to address the industry’s knotty issues and rebuild the fashion system post-COVID-19. To wit, during his Instagram Live conversation on Sunday, the designer Matthew Miller said fashion needs to think beyond the catwalk, and align itself with different industries.
“We are so chained to the catwalk right now, but we need to be looking beyond clothes to design” in its greater sense, he said, adding that he’d be interested in creating more digital fashion with PlayStation 5, or working with the music industry, Netflix, Amazon Prime or Marvel Entertainment.
“It’s time for multimedia to start working together,” said Miller.
He wasn’t the only one looking to other media: It’s clear that many young brands are taking control of their narratives and business models rather than trying to keep up with the relentless pace of the traditional system.
Some, like Bianca Saunders or the LVMH Prize finalist Priya Ahluwalia, showcased personal projects. Saunders made a ‘zine while Ahluwalia staged a virtual photo exhibition. Both moves embraced the more current, forward-thinking attitude that Miller was talking about.
Kaushik Velendra, who debuted his label in January and began making a name for himself with a glamorous take on men’s tailoring using sculptural, defined shoulders, decided to keep things simple.
Instead of trying to come up with a full collection, he created one-size-fits-all shoulder molds and debuted them via a film on the LFW site. The molds can be added to any outfit, and come in black and white. They can be made to order or customized.
“Doing the collection I had [originally] envisaged was not an option. It got me thinking how I could design a piece that would work for now — potentially with little or no clothing underneath or when more dressed up. I was thinking about how one size could fit all,” said the designer.
Palmer Harding designers Matthew Harding and Levi Palmer chose to participate in the showcase via the now-familiar Zoom call, chatting with Tank magazine’s Caroline Issa about the story of the brand, their personal relationship — a one-night stand that turned into marriage apparently — and their signature shirts, instead of presenting any new product.
The duo also highlights a series of new commitments the brand is making to replacing the majority of their fabrics with natural or organic ones as of spring 2021 and incorporating a charitable element to their work through a partnership with Chayn, a charity addressing gender-based violence. They will also be shifting collection deliveries to avoid early markdowns.
During the three days, designers also banded together to address anti-racism and fashion’s diversity challenges. The University of Westminster’s Class of 2020 kicked off its graduation showcase with a demand for better representation at fashion schools, while Saunders presented her ‘zine with the photographer Joshua Woods in the context of a conversation about Black creatives and diversity in fashion.
Others chose to prioritize their brand message — and their end consumer — with smaller, more focused collections: Daniel W. Fletcher presented a fall 2020 see-now-buy-now range of just 12 looks, which he said is far more “aligned with the size of the brand;” Preen by Thornton Bregazzi created a seasonless capsule of signature dresses, while Marques’ Almeida debuted a new subsidiary line featuring one-off pieces made out of deadstock fabric.
Fashion’s ongoing diversity issues were also addressed as part of the “How to Become” conversation series between Wonderland magazine’s editor in chief Toni-Blaze Ibekwe and stylist Solange Franklin Reed.
“We’re going to see accountability and coalition — that’s the future. We started with representation and we have moved to inclusion: There’s a huge difference in power structure and the people who now have a seat at the table are ready to make sure we don’t get lost. It’s a time to rebuild and when you have systems where the typically privileged folks are no longer benefiting, it leaves room for change,” said Franklin Reed, who has styled the likes of Serena Williams and Tracee Ellis Ross.
Jeffrey released a capsule collection of knitwear, jersey, T-shirts, hoodies and accessories with splashes of color, and lots of placement prints, including sensual mouths, images of the designer with long lashes and kiss curls.
Restraint, upcycling and sustainable practices played a role in almost every collection that was presented during the event: Christopher Raeburn returned to his roots of repurposing military garments. Robyn Lynch worked with Rapha to source deadstock fabric and create a sporty capsule featuring pieces that melded technical fabrics with Aran knits, cut up and sewn back together.
The designers’ output this season also signals a shift to new creative and selling models based around one-off pieces or limited-run capsules that retailers will need to embrace.
Still image from 8on8’s fashion film “The Crown of Ruins 2020.”  Courtesy Image
During the three days, other designers switched up their presentations with tech, VR and special effects.
The Shanghai-based brand 8on8 debuted an immersive video to showcase hats from its upcoming spring 2021 collection. Anyone in possession of a virtual reality headset will be able to enjoy a panoramic view of the Shanghai skyline and the brand’s embellished newsboy hats. Gong Li, founder of the brand, has had to move his show date to August since most of his fabrics are stuck in Italy.
Stephen Jones, meanwhile, showed a preview of what to expect from his signature millinery for spring 2021. He did a video in collaboration with Noonoouri to show the creative process of creating a hat. The spring 2021 collection, which will be showcased in full in September, is called “Analogue Fairydust.”
Pronounce, designed by Yushan Li and Jun Zhou, designed a flipbook in response to the chaotic 2020, using the ancient folktale “Nezha Conquers the Dragon King.” The duo drew the story frame by frame with the brand’s signature rope element, in purple ink. Li said the flipbook is a teaser for its upcoming spring 2021 collection.
Motoaki Higashino, a great-great-grandson of Japan’s Emperor Meiji, featured in a series of films presented by Japanese retailer GR8.  Courtesy Photo
Tokyo retailer GR8 presented a series of short films with painter Motoaki Higashino, a great-great-grandson of Japan’s Emperor Meiji, talking about how he has embraced punk music and British design over the years, from Vivienne Westwood to Charles Jeffrey. The film’s backdrop was Meiji Kinenkan, a former royal residence where the emperor met with Albert Victor and George V in 1881.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/3fjCAAA
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rapha-reads · 2 years
Two thirds into the last episode of Shadow and Bone season 2 and I have one and only one question :
Seriously, no. What the fuck is happening?????????????
Why are they pulling a Lauren Hirsch NOW after 6 solid episodes????
Episodes 1 to 6 made sense. They were good, coherent, fun and still true enough to Canon to be enjoyable.
Episoded 7 and 8 just threw out the entire saintsforsaken script out of the window and decided to go full AU, with some elements kept, some elements completely discarded and others moved around to early or to late in the timeline.
And I don't like it. It changes too much. It's not enjoyable anymore, not in the sense that the episode isn't entertaining to watch (I'm finally getting some Matthias screentime), but in the sense that it closes too many doors to tell future stories. It doesn't make sense, both inside the canon story, and inside the two-degrees-to-the-left alternate version thry had started to tell. The same way Lauren Hirsch fucked up The Witcher by completely changing the characters' personal timelines and the events of the story, the SaB team ft Bardugo also changed too much.
Yeah, if they had actually stopped season 2 at episode 6, and then kept following the events of the Ruin and Rising book with some prequel Six of Crows stuff, and made them into a 3rd season, it would have made more sense. And then give us the Six of Crows spin-off standalone show. (I demand an actual 6oC show, that actually follows the books, thanks)
Again, this is just my (and apparently the others too) opinion as a book-reader. I do wonder if none bookreaders who went into the show without knowing anything feel about season 2? Are you guys liking it, is it objectively good when one stops trying to reunite show with book?
Also they need to stop pushing Nikolai/Alina and Inej/Tolya, especially that second one, DO NOT BREAK KANEJ OR I WILL BURN YOU DOWN. And freaking give us Zoyalai ya cowards.
Okaaaaaay, as I was composing my review, I reached the end, and... the end of the episode makes as much bloody (see what I did there) sense as the beginning, that is to say: NONE.
STOP TRYING TO RUSH THE PLOT. The advantage of TV show is that you can take the time to establish your characters and your timeline of events. Stop. Trying. To. Make. Everything. Happen. At. The. Same. Time. Show is not movie!!!!! I'm getting upset now. Ugh. What a letdown. And it had started well.
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rapha-reads · 2 years
Right, I'm stopping on Shadow and Bone season 2 episode 6 for tonight, binge-watch got too long.
I have to admit, I'm a huge fan of all the ways it's different from the books. Usually I find it hard to like a show when it's too different from its source material (again, pointing directly at you, Lauren Hirsch), but here, it makes sense. It makes sense, it's good, it's entertaining, and it adds to the original instead of devaluing it. I've actually forgot completely for the past 3 episodes about the books and just enjoyed the ride as it is.
I saw someone calling it Leigh Bardugo's fanfiction of her own fiction, and yeah, that's exactly how it feel? These are characters that we know, in a universe that we know, but a different version. Two degrees to the left alternate. And it's just as fun as if I was reading a Canon Compliant AU on AO3. Of course, I can only talk about from my experience as a book reader, and to other book readers. For everyone who only watches the show without having read the bookz, I hope you're liking it!
And I especially like that they didn't try to make the Ice Court Heist right now. But this means that everyone needs to watch it now because we absolutely need a Six Of Crows spin-off. I need to see my six Crows on screen. And maybe if ma'am Bardugo feels like it, maybe deleting that one chapter of Crooked Kingdom... And that one from Rule of Wolves... Please?
Things I particularly like: the Kanej angst! Never ever gonna get enough of that particular brand of angst. The Wesper fluff with a tiny bit of angst is fun too! Not enough Matthias, my big son, but enough Nina's sass and strength to make up for it. Zoya! Literal Queen. Genya and David, they're babies. Malina, because I'm a basic b and they're just adorable, okay. Tolya and Tamar. Man I love the Shu twins.
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rapha-reads · 2 years
Okaaay, Do Revenge is really fun! Maya Hawke and Camila Mendes look super hot and like they're having the time of their life, the soundtrack is cool, and I absolutely did not see that plot twist coming (in the good way of "not seeing it coming", not the "unrealistic and out of nowhere" way). Fucked up soulmates, hell yeah, I'm so in.
Also I want Sophie Turner back on screen, her unhinged Erica was a highlight.
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rapha-reads · 2 years
I am in denial and I am looking for breadcrumbs.
- We actually don't see Eddie's death scene
- as of the last scene, Eddie or Eddie's body is still in the Upside Down
- Dustin uses present tense when he's talking to Uncle Munson
- Vecna loves mind tricks
- everyone also thought Hop was dead
In conclusion
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rapha-reads · 2 years
That jeweler seeing Kate and Anthony in the same room : YEAAAAH, I don't think I need to see more, the ring obviously is going to go on her finger, not the other girl. Duh. Is everyone else seeing that? No? Just me? Ok then. I'll just. Ship them on the side. Proceed with your drama.
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rapha-reads · 2 years
Anthony and Kate realising that they've fallen for each other :
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Absolutely EVERYONE watching since they first met and having a brain cell :
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Us when Edwina went "I need your help to make him fall in love with you" to Kate :
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rapha-reads · 2 years
Sweet candid little Edwina turning out to have a steel of spine and deciding that hell no, she doesn't want anything to do with the whole dramatic, absurd, bullshit mess Anthony and Kate have going on and getting the hell out of dodge :
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46 notes · View notes