#raptor noises
the-grove · 8 months
Raptor Noises
when we were younger and we were in really loud places like a school cafeteria or something and we would get anxious(what we now know was probably from being overstimulated) we would cup our ears together. And that was the start of it. We eventually discovered that if we cupped our ears and then lift our hands up and quickly, the sensation/reaction of the air and sound rushing in and rhen being muffled again reminded us of the screeching and sounds the "raptors" made in Jurassic Park.. this brought a level of comfort and control to the sounds. We would close our eyes and repeat that motion over and over again and imagine we were in some jungle on some island hanging out or sometimes being chased by the raptors(somehow this was more comforting and safe then a room full of loud noises)
We grew out of it, might be that we got used to the overstimulation or we are around those types of enviornments less. But its still a fond memory, a special type of stim we enjoyed before we knew what stimming was.
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bogos-bint3d · 3 months
Tumblr in the jurassic world universe must be crazy man. Like imagine
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👽bogos-bint3d Follow
Wait what was that noise
Guyss I hear a raptor outside </3
SHIT is it like right underneath my window?????
#one day of peace that's all I want
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🌌la-creechura Follow
3 notes 🗨 🔃♥︎
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🧊existencebringsonlypain Follow
Hey does anyone know how to get ankylosauruses to move there's one blocking my door??? It's not really doing anything its just sleeping but I'm going to be late and its just ignoring me
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🩵ultrabean Follow
Oh my gosh there's a tyrannosaurus over in the forest right now like it's just chilling omggg this is so incredible this is so cool
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👽bogos-bint3d Follow
Guys. Guys why does my school have a fucking compy problem. AGAIN
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hawkpartys · 2 years
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(species: changeable hawk-eagle)
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sinestrosmind · 6 months
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so more shenanigans with @tinyghostotus this time with @so-called-yokai
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littleaipom · 1 year
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"I shouldn't be here!!"
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just-a-carrot · 6 hours
Hai carrot I hope your having a good day 😊 (and even if you aren't that's ok too)
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take this genzy I doodled instead of paying attention to school I hope you like it :3
both of their faces are so precious...
i shall perish... 😔💕
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storm-called · 1 year
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I make a new character with every expac (or every story release, at this point really), so used the character slot from SOtO's deluxe edition to make a kickass gothic wizard character
meet Helter Skelter
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sillybilly-room21 · 6 months
Would you perchance draw some other snethal sneeg characters
this took me a while since i barely know how to draw any of the other characters except candyman but errr i’m assuming you mean “snethal sneeze” from my other post of candyman sneezing. i only drew half of the characters tho might draw the other half someday (sadly no candyman this time since i already drew him)
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Luke on IG Story
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savage-rhi · 1 year
There's a pack of them, living in the tunnels outside of town. Two big ones, and maybe a litter. No one knows what they are, or how the hell they got here. All I know, is that if you hear birds laughing in the shadows, it's too late...they've found you.
I was inspired by a recent dinosaur horror thread on Twitter.
All the noises, screeches, clicks, etc. are made by my voice. The only edits I did was adding the echo/ambience sound to the background and cleaning up the audio.
Creatures of influence: kookaburra, turkeys, parrots, JP raptors, raven/crow mimicry, hyenas/coyotes.
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specimentality · 8 months
Me: yeah, in the raptor hospital I volunteer with we see a lot of birds with gunshot wounds, even though it’s super illegal to shoot the
Them: oh my grandparents shot a hawk last year. Totally justified though, it kept killing their free range hobby chickens
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so was anyone going to tell me that the fulgurite ridgeback jackal skin comes with all sorts of unique electrical sound and visual effects when it's summoned and teleports or was I just supposed to find that out myself
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hawkpartys · 2 years
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sinestrosmind · 2 months
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haha idiots /aff
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now that i actually have a laptop that works, with a headphone jack that works, heres something ive become obsessed with:
turn off the music, turn on environment volume, and just. run through the maps. listen to your characters footsteps, the way the sound changes, the way your mount runs and jumps, all those noises it makes when it moves. listen to the sound effects of your attacks and skills, the sound effects when you finish a heart or level up or collect event rewards.
no music, but the rest of the game on full volume. something about it is so mesmerizing. i do love to turn down the volume every now and then to turn up the games music, but doing the opposite is just as nice. i love myself a good noise and guild wars 2 sure is providing that
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lettherebemonsters · 7 months
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Hazbin Hotel except everytime Adam gets mad he screams like a Velociraptor.
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