#rare connor w
clairedelaclaire · 1 year
lots of stuff happened in this episode but connor singing famous blue raincoat (the absolute worst choice of a karaoke song) making his siblings just want to die? iconic softboi behaviour
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tricoufamily · 1 year
the duster jacket
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captainremmington-13 · 6 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentions of death, crying, sadness, physical pain, and parental neglect
A/N: i deeply apologize, i felt i needed to set up more context and establish Luke and readers relationship more before getting to capture the flag, i PROMISE it’ll be in this next chapter or the one after that💕
Sixteen-year-old Luke’s head snapped up abruptly to see his brother, Connor Stoll running towards him frantically. If Connor, who was usually lighthearted and cheerful, was panicked, something was really wrong. 
“What’s going on?” Luke stood up, abandoning the art project he was helping a younger camper with. “Is someone hurt?”
“I-I’m not sure. I just heard a girl screaming in the woods, and calling for your help.” 
Luke’s skin went cold. He knew exactly who was in trouble. 
The only child of Thanatos, his best friend.
Connor beckoned for Luke to follow him. The two sons of Hermes sprinted towards the woods, trying to conceal their fear. 
Luke’s heart pounded aggressively in his chest. He couldn’t bear to lose another loved one, it would destroy him.
Finally, Connor came to a halt and pointed into the trees. “She’s that way.” 
“Thank you,” Luke said breathlessly. Running through the woods and ignoring the stares of the nymphs, he strained to hear anything that could lead him to you.
Then, he heard a muffled sob coming from a nearby clearing. 
Cutting the stray branches aside with Backbiter, Luke practically flew through the trees until he spotted you, kneeling on the ground. 
He froze. You were weeping, holding your face in your hands. Your body trembled, but he couldn’t tell if it was from sadness or fear. You hardly ever cried, you were a mellow person for the most part and rarely had emotional outbursts, so seeing you like this worried him immensely.
But most shockingly, you had black wings protruding from your back.  
They didn’t look like bird wings. They had the shape of angel wings, but instead of feathers, they were made of black smoke that swirled gently and occasionally omitted wisps into the air.  
“W-Wh-“ Luke stammered, struggling to find words. “How?”
“I don’t know!” you cried, refusing to look at him. “They just…started appearing. It felt like someone was digging hot knives into my shoulder blades. I ran out here so that nobody would notice them, but then Connor found me.” 
Your best friend knelt down in front of you, gently uncovering your face by taking your hands in his gently. His hands were calloused and rough, thanks to years of rigorous training. But they were comforting nonetheless. 
“Are they still hurting?” he asked, instinctively checking your pulse by pressing your wrist carefully. 
“No…I’m just scared, Luke. I don’t understand what’s going on,” you said, feeling your intrusive thoughts spill out. “What if they don’t go away? What will everyone think of me?” 
Luke sighed. “If they don’t go away, it’ll just be another thing that makes you you. And it doesn’t define you, or take away from the person you already are. If other people can’t look past your new features, they’re fucking idiots who aren’t worth your attention anyways.” 
“But…I feel like a monster. And even worse, I look even more like my father. He has wings too, I’ve read enough about him to know that for sure. I don’t want anything to do with him, why did he make this happen to me?”
“I don’t know why it happened,” Luke said honestly. “We can talk to Chiron and see if he has any advice. He won’t judge you, you know that. And I promise you’ll always have me. I’ll be your friend, whether you have wings or not.”  
Wiping away your tears, you felt the painful feeling in your chest begin to subside. Knowing that he didn’t see you any differently despite this new development settled your nerves, at least a little. Sure, the other campers may see you as monstrous, as a terrifying mutation that needed to be avoided at all costs. All of the new friends you’d made over the past couple years may leave you, but you would survive.
At least you had Luke.
Your Luke.
After calming down, Luke lead you to Chiron’s office in The Big House. Luckily, the rest of the campers were at lunch, and nobody saw your very noticeable new features.
Chiron wasn’t nearly as surprised as Luke had been concerning your wings. “I suspected that they would appear around this time,” he said. “Your father has passed down yet another one of his gifts to you.” 
You certainly didn’t seen the wings as a gift. They were a curse, yet another thing that made you appear monstrous compared to other demigods.
“So, are they just there forever now?” you asked, fighting down the bitterness in your voice.
Chiron thought for a moment. “Wish them to go away, and see what happens.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” 
“Just try,” Chiron insisted. “Your willpower is more powerful than you know.” 
Relenting, you shut your eyes, focusing on your disdain for your wings. Desperation and frustration overtook your thoughts, and you felt your head begin to throb painfully.
Thankfully, the sound of Luke calling your name snapped you out of it. 
“They’re gone,” Chiron’s low voice declared. 
Sighing in relief, you opened your eyes and looked at the centaur standing before you.
“I advise you to spend time learning to control your new features,” he said. “You must discover the extent of the abilities they give you. Otherwise, they may pose a threat to your safety, as well as the well-being of the other campers.” 
You nodded, despite the feeling of dread creeping over you. “I will. But I may miss some camp activities for the next few days.” 
“That’s alright,” Chiron said. “I’ll let Mr. D know that you are caring for yourself, and need adequate time to do so.”
“I’ll accompany you,” Luke said immediately. You shook your head.
“You have responsibilities, Luke. Who else is going to run sparring classes for the younger campers? Who else is going to make sure the Hermes kids attend archery practice and don’t set a fire somewhere?”
“I’ll have Chris take over,” he said. “He can handle it.”  
“I’m not changing my mind,” Luke said firmly. “I’m helping you, and that’s final.”
Gods, as much as it sometimes irritated you, you loved that he was so stubborn. 
After a few days that felt like an eternity, you came to the realization that you’d gained more power than you initially predicted. 
You could fly. That was to be expected; what else would the wings be for?
You could turn invisible. You only discovered this because a howl coming from the depths of the woods startled you. When you looked down, you could no longer see your body. 
And finally, your senses had heightened considerably. You could tell when someone or something died, even if it was outside the borders of camp. Beforehand, you could only sense it if they were within close parameters. 
The change was scary, but exhilarating at the same time. You knew that once you got used to your new abilities, you’d be even more intimidating than you already were.
Luke had been a huge help. He accompanied you while you experimented with your powers in the woods, but respected your request for him to keep his distance. He would check in on you at every meal, and made sure you ate an adequate amount. At night before bed, he sat with you on your mattress in Cabin 11, listening to you ramble on and on about various frustrations. He understood your anger at your father better than anyone else. He shared the same resentment towards Hermes. 
When you’d tired yourself out, he would bid you goodnight, give you a sweet kiss on the forehead, and climb into his own bed. And within minutes, he was out cold. 
But you stayed awake, staring at the worn-down wooden ceiling of your Hermes’s cabin. 
The fear you’d felt when your wings had first appeared had faded considerably. You felt powerful, invincible almost. 
And with the best swordsman in three centuries at your side, there was nothing in the world for you to be afraid of.  
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship
Thank you for reading! Pls let me know what you think in the comments!!! Btw, the powers I gave the reader are based on Thanatos’s abilities according to Rick Riordan’s version of him.
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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sergeifyodorov · 21 days
would be so interested to hear your take on other non-blorbo hockey player survival rates of that poll you reblogged (would your blorbo survive reading a smut fanfic of themselves). i think this is vital research
the general thematic line is you need to have a sense of whimsy and irreverance and also of course the crucial genre awareness and resistance to psychic damage. the combination of these four traits is of course not unheard of but in hockey is fairly rare especially among youths. a list of players (off the top of my head) who could do it:
geno malkin
w nylander (on condition of literacy)
matthew knies
and a list of examples of players who could Not do it and their reasons why:
seth jarvis (lacks genre awareness)
jeff skinner (lacks genre awareness)
machuk (lacks irreverance)
brady (lacks genre awareness)
connor bedard (lacks whimsy)
pastrnak (lacks resistance to psychic damage)
mitch marner (only in possession of whimsy)
natemac (only in possession of irreverance)
sidney crosby (lacks genre awareness)
quinn hughes (only in possession of resistance to psychic damage)
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sulfies · 4 months
Aaaaah! Your last Altaïr and Rathonhagé:ton is so cute! I love when you do little moments between the ancestors! Well all of your art is fantastic. Guess I'm just trying to say I love seeing your art on my dash 🩶
🥹🥹ty, Im glad ppl are enjoying them I also have a lot of fun making them interact so it means a lot 🫶🏻🩷
I used to be the type to "If im gonna draw it has to be perfect and a big piece and not be unserious etc etc" which led me to rarely draw and feel a lot of pressure when I did lol (perfectionism moment) so I mostly did commissions bc I didnt need to figure out if it was "worth" to paint and render for 10+hrs like w my personal pieces. With these guys bc this style is on the simpler side I can draw them easily and have fun and not care that much bc the ships are so ridiculous anyway 😭👌🏻 makes me able to go "what if connor was sick" and only spend 1-2hrs a piece which doesnt drain me like rendering big pieces did
Anyway overall, these compliments mean a lot and part of the reason I love drawing these guys are you amazing ppls reactions✨🥹🙏🏻. Its so fun to read the replies(IF ONLY I COYLD REPLY BACK TUMBLR), rbs, asks, dms and tags. The communitys is so sweet and welcoming I love supplying food for yall✨
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hi! feel free to not answer this but i was wondering if you had any thoughts on roman’s issues with food? ik kieran has mentioned playing him w/ an ed in mind
yeah i'll stick this in my roman / food / cannibalism tag if you want to scroll through it. but yes i do have thoughts on the way roman engages with food.
all of the roys have fucked up eating behaviours. for roman specifically, we often see him snacking on fruit but rarely see him eating meals, especially in family settings. obviously there's also the scene of him body-checking in episode 3, and other shots scattered throughout the show where he'll be checking his appearance in mirrors. he also drinks a lot of alcohol (again, his whole family does), including like, ordering the same beer as eduard (pickme moment). and there's that line about logan beating him with a slipper for ordering lobster in gstaad, which obviously also recalls the general pattern of physical abuse we know roman faced.
so stringing that all together, roman is very alienated from his body, specifically in a way where he monitors his physical appearance and associates his body with pain much more than pleasure. he doesn't see pleasure as something that he 'deserves' and this obviously ties in with his food-shyness. he's trying to purify and transcend his body, in a manner reminiscent of a fasting saint, where of course logan is god in this analogy. roman feels trapped by the experience of having a body and disgusted by his own, which his father hits and demeans and tries to discipline, eg via military school. he can subsist off 'light' things like fruit and alcohol (very medieval fasting girl of him) but tends to balk when it comes to something substantial.
i also think it's important to note that roman does occasionally loosen up a bit, like when he took that bite of cake in front of connor at the terrible rehearsal dinner. in that situation, logan isn't there and connor isn't someone who's above roman in the hierarchy (they're both outcasts and weak dogs) so roman is able to eat in a way he can't with logan (and logan would never invite him to, eg the logan-kendall burger scene in episode 6 would never happen with roman). this goes back to how food, with the roys, is more of a tool of business and sociality than a vehicle to pleasure. they're all alienated from their bodies in different ways and for roman this results in a specifically girlish and restrictive eating pattern.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 7 months
Waiting For The Future (But Only Grieving Comes)
Jake Mason/Michael Yew
Michael Yew may be dead, but-- Love isn't. And Jake isn't.
(Jake has a little time to reflect as he puts Michael's prized possession away.)
Jake swallowed a lump in his throat as he looked at the room that Michael had claimed for him and Jake- it felt like it was so long ago- and yet- and yet, it had barely been a year and a half. 
It wasn’t much; just a tunnel set room apart from most of the tunnel systems that Drew, Malcolm, and Connor had found, but it felt like home just as much as his bunk in cabin nine- if not more, if only for the fact it was shared with Michael. 
But then, he hadn’t been back- not since it- not really. 
It looks the same, if not more dust gathering on the sacred belongings of a ghost some would call long dead. (Jake thinks differently, Michael is a god much more than a person, much less a ghost, but then, Jake was the one crying to an empty room like a baby, wishing for someone to hold him.)
There’s the desk, still covered in loose slips of paper, an assortment of tools and building supplies, and Michael’s collection of mechanical pencils, not to mention the pens- the pens! Oh, how Jake remembers Michael collecting the novelty pens- everything from a pen with a Harry Potter saying on it, to the begrudging object of a half-forgotten friendship, a singular Arizona pencil from Clarisse. (Gods knew there were more, one in Michael’s monument, some in boxes under the bed, one taken back by Clarisse herself, which Jake knows she considers precious, even going as far as to ask Nyssa to create a special case for it.)
(Jake ignores the way his fingers clutch around one in his pocket, and the way he remembers Nyssa softly- fondly- complaining about how he was ‘going to poke his eye out’ before realizing exactly what it was that Jake kept under his pillow.)
(He ignores the way Michael is still an open wound to him, the way every time something good happens it crashes back to the ground, and Jake goes back to crying.)
The chair looks almost the same as the last time Michael had stood on it, the day before they left (and one never came back) in a rare quiet moment. Michael had decided to start telling Jake about how all the birds and trees had gone extinct years ago, which he had then proceeded to talk about how he would explain it to Katie and Miranda, at the same time. 
(Michael had seemed to itch for a fight, and only later would Jake drown out Nyssa’s half-hearted attempt to explain that his Mikey- his!- had known he would…)
The chair had been touched only once since then, the one time since Michael had… gone missing… that Jake had been able to stomach going in, and even then, only barely. 
It was a hazy memory, filled with pain, and a still half concussed Jake sobbing as Will not only discharged him from the infirmary but also gave him something. 
Michael’s jacket.
The thing was old,  undoubtedly, having been a present from Lee the first year after Luke had left, which was what, four years back? And before that it had been Lee’s for five years…  So although it didn’t seem like much, it was because, well, Michael wore it everywhere. It was everything to him, it had- he’d risked his life for it- multiple times, all the more so after Lee-
The jacket was important, was all. 
And Will had just handed it to him. Like it was nothing, like Michael was- dead. 
Jake had almost left it in the infirmary. Had figured that Mikey would want it back when he made it back to camp. Will didn’t let him. (Fuck Will, Michael could- there was no- no way that Michael was dead. Not Michael)
Will didn’t let him leave the jacket for Michael. 
He’d held out the jacket, all bundled up squashed  (how Michael would hate that), had said, You left this, standing awkwardly,  all nervous. 
And Jake had opened his mouth to say– to say no, actually, I didn’t forget it, Will, that’s Mike’s jacket, Mike’s, not mine, and–
Instead he had told Will thank you. Had turned and left without another word, because gods, Michael and Will didn’t look anything alike– Will’s hair was all blond and curly where Michael’s was black and straight, and Will was freckled, tanner, so much taller, but– they had– HAVE– the same smile. Same inflection in their voice. 
So he’d run, basically, into the kitchens. Into the door to the passages. Had stumbled down the hall to their room and–
Draped the godsdamned jacket over the chair so gentle, because Jake’s clothes might be all over the floor, but Michael’s– well, if Michael had been there, he would have said, no.
It’s expensive, Jake, he’d say. I care about it more than I care about you, he’d say.
So Jake draped it gently over the chair. 
And then he turned to leave. He’d come back when Michael got back to camp, because that was sure to be soon, and–
And as the door shuts, Jake doesn’t know what’s coming. 
Doesn’t know he won’t be back to this room for a long, long time. 
He loves Michael Yew. 
Michael Yew is dead. 
But in this mausoleum of a room, Jake and Michael’s old, old jacket, they can pretend. (For a minute or so, anyway). 
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quilthegreat · 1 month
Chapter 4: Cacoethes
Cacoethes Noun (rare) An urge to do something inadvisable.
next chapter of PBP (finally) out now!
go hop over if you like misery, angst and Connor whump ^w^
(...u know it's bad when one spends longer wracking one's brain for a chapter title than one does actually writing the chapter :'D )
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
Connor Kenway: Celebratory Birthday Headcanons- Part 3
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A/N: Alrighty y’all, here’s part 3 of the Connor-canons! For those who are just joining us, first of all, welcome! We’re doing celebratory Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway birthday headcanons! There’s been two other parts thus far, the Yandere!TOKW au relationship headcanons and the non-yan canonical au relationship headcanons. These will simply be the modern!au non-yan headcanons w/o the relationship aspect. I hope you all enjoy! Also, please feel free to send in Connor related asks and requests. I’d be more than happy to gush about him to anyone willing to listen and share. (Also this is a long one, so buckle up folks.🙃)
Modern!Connor Kenway Headcanons
Right off the bat this man loves pizza
It’s like his favorite food
He also a big fan of eggs and different kinds of meat, so he likes that he can have both on a pizza, i.e a breakfast pizza
(The Palmeros ones from Walmart are really nice actually so if y’all like breakfast pizza and haven’t tried ‘em you should 👀)
He’s also quite fond of hearty soups, but I think we all coulda figured that out
Idk why but I always feel like Connor takes good care of his hands
I mean, he takes very good care of his hygiene overall but I feel that his hands are particularly important to him
Canonically, he’s only supposed to be like 6’0 but I don’t think any of us in the community accept that so let’s say that he’s actually more like 6’5 😂
I say that because since he has such an imposing figure, he recognizes that people might be wary of him upon first glance
Also, being as big and built as he is, he sweats a fair amount (not like, abnormally, just probably more than the average sized man) 
He takes such good care of himself because A.) that’s what you’re supposed to do and B.) he’s very conscious about the way he smells and presents himself to others 
Of course we know that Ratonhnhaké:ton is Native American and the Mohawk people in particular aren’t fond of being touched by people they aren’t familiar with, as is demonstrated by Ratonhnhaké:ton throughout the game 
But I maintain that he is still of mixed race, and so, as he’s been exposed to American society at large, he’s become only marginally more comfortable touching and being touched by others 
What I mean to say, is that he definitely won’t be going in for a hug if he’s only just met you, but he’s slightly more willing to accept and return a cordial handshake
As far as further physical contact goes, the most he’s got is a clap on the shoulder for his homies and a bear hug if you’re his lady
I’m not super sure where my mind is in terms of age for Con-Con man for this set of headcanons, but I’m thinkin’ he’s late college age, so like 22 onward
That being said, Connor attended Dartmouth College and earned his Bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering 
He also minored in zoology, his focus being on canines, namely wolves 
(I really wanted to say that he did something a little less rigid and attended a trade school, but I couldn’t reconcile that with his intended degree/career path 😭)
Taking into account his degree, I’d say Connor’s favorite subjects in school were…well, environmental science and, perhaps surprisingly, home economics 
He was skilled at math and reasoning but wasn’t very fond of the curriculum, though he enjoyed the skill application aspect, and he was a very strong reader but just preferred to be more active and hands-on, so reading was done more so out of necessity for him instead of enjoyment 
English is still his second language, but he speaks it better than a number of his peers
Since this is a modern!au, he’s comfortable enough with English to use contractions and rarely does he omit them from his speech
Connor has very pretty teeth, and a stunning smile
When he chooses to show it 🙃
You see it most often if you’re his best friend or his girlfriend
His mother sees it often as well
He has a somewhat strained relationship with his father, Haytham
He and Connor’s mother were married for a time but divorced when Connor entered adolescence
The split was amicable, and both Haytham and Ziio still hold love for each other 
Connor, however, knows that the reason for the split is that Haytham was far too ambitious to ever settle down fully and live the life of a family man
Though still young when he and Ziio got married and had Connor, Haytham got antsy as both he and Connor grew older and Connor became more independent, and the older man couldn’t reconcile his desire to “be free” with his married home life
Connor resents him for that, as his mother, though she hid it well, was clearly heartbroken by the decision to divorce, even though it was mutual
Haytham does still provide for Ziio as she doesn’t work, and hasn’t for Connor’s entire life
He also offered to pay for Connor’s schooling, but it was fully covered by grants and scholarships so he declined
He didn’t want to owe his father anything anyway
So, in this modern!au, where does the name Connor originate from?
Well, Connor is an Irish name, derived from the word Conchobar, meaning “lover of hounds”
When Ziio was pregnant with Ratonhnhaké:ton and living with Haytham, they rescued an older dog that had been left injured and abandoned on the side of the road
Ziio, probably due to pregnancy hormones, felt an extreme call to help the poor animal and insisted that Haytham at least carry him to the vet
Begrudgingly, Haytham agreed, not wanting to upset his already delicate wife further
After getting the pup to the vet and following his treatment, Ziio decided she wanted to adopt the dog, as it seemed to have grown fond of her, in particular her belly, in the short time they’d spent in each other’s presence
Bringing the dog home, who the vet determined was a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and about 7 years old at that point, Ziio and Haytham named him Noble
Noble kept by Kaniehtí:io’s side for the rest of her pregnancy and stayed close even as she gave birth at home 
He immediately took to protecting and interacting with baby Ratonhnhaké:ton and the baby seemed completely unafraid of the pup 
This inspired Haytham, who suggested the name Connor to Ziio, as he’d heard the name during one of his previous excursions overseas and thought it fitting for his common name
Ziio agreed, and the name has stuck ever since 
Whew, now that we got that all squared away, back to Connor’s actual headcanons 🙃
You know, I don’t think Connor would be a stoner stoner, he would try a couple times and decide he likes the calming after-effect, but not the lack of alertness associated with the high
While we’re on the topic, he prefers brownies over cookies 
Also, while Connor is a chocolate person, he prefers overall savory foods over sweet ones 
Dark chocolate will always be his guilty pleasure treat though 
Connor likes antiques and old cars, and so he drives a ‘76 Chevrolet Scottsdale that he bought from one of his mom’s friends, an older war veteran by the name of Achilles Davenport 
Achilles acts as Connor’s pseudo-grandfather, and Connor spent many summers in his teenage years helping Mr. Davenport fix up his house- a large manor on the Massachusetts hillside- and, by way of Mr. Davenport’s tutelage, learning how to repair vehicles and hunt/track animals
Connor also worked a lot in his teenage years, and still continues to support himself, more out of a simple desire to be self-sufficient than anything else 
When he wasn’t helping Achilles, he did some odd jobs here and there, before finally settling for some time as an apprentice for a land surveyor
Connor was quick to learn the skills associated with land surveying and impressed his boss so much that the man wrote him a stellar letter of recommendation when he applied to Dartmouth 
He even offered to employ Connor full time once he graduated, but Connor politely declined the offer, saying that he wanted to do a little more job exploration before settling at one place 
(The man was very understanding and assured Connor that if he ever decided he wanted to come back, there would always be a position open for him)
While in grade school, Connor was that guy that everyone loved and who was very, genuinely kind and helpful, but who also took no shit from anyone and would beat up bullies 😂
Everyone also knew he had a strong aversion to being touched and had a pretty severe case of RBF, but his puppy dog eyes and willingness to lend a helping hand was so precious they loved him anyway 😭
Speaking of RBF, his mom and dad both have serious cases as well, and that’s where he gets it from
He also just naturally has an extremely low tolerance for BS and it shows 
Now ladies and gents, a rapid fire round of headcanons for Connor to wrap everything up in a neat little bow 😁
Rapid Fire Connor-Canons
He really enjoys karaoke
None of his friends have ever seen him with his hair down
Once when he was little, Connor wandered off on his own and followed a wolf back to her den, where he was subsequently amazed upon witnessing her tend to her cubs
He got in a whole heap of trouble upon being found and was forbidden from going outside period for like 3 months and couldn’t go outside unattended for a further 6 
He thinks pineapple on pizza should be a crime punishable by an ass whoopin’
Learned parkour from A.) a lot of trial and error and B.) watchin’ a bunch a guys do tricks and stuff on Youtube
Tends to swear at people in his native language 
Doesn’t like how jittery coffee makes him feel 
Is ambidextrous but favors his left hand to throw and his right hand to write
At Haytham’s behest, Connor took archery and horseback riding classes from the ages of 10-13
He never competed, but was noted for his skill at both 
Isn’t at all ashamed about the fact that he gets mani-pedis
Is teaching himself how to play the acoustic guitar 
His favorite drink is the Arnold Palmer with unsweet tea
Lowkey cried the first time he watched Forrest Gump
Rage quits his video games 🙃
Is actually very civil when playing board games, and he loves Monopoly (he prefers the version with cash instead of card) 
Has never screamed (like, as in a frightened scream, he yells at people all the time 🙃)
Adores dogs
And dogs are inexplicably drawn to him as well
Has a budget and sticks to it (like a baddie 💁🏾‍♀️💅🏾)
Overall, modern!Connor is a very respectable, well-rounded young man with bright prospects and a positive outlook 😁
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optimistredsox · 3 months
16 June, NYY @ BOS, 3-9, win
Going 4-2 against two of the best teams in baseball is pretty great. Winning two series in a row on a homestand? Also great. And in this day an age, far too rare. And when I say too rare, it shouldn't be fucking rare at all. Our home record is a shambles and this would be a welcome and much needed course correction for this to be the beginning of a new glorious stretch of kicking the shit out of good teams when they step foot on Fenway's hallowed ground. In general, last night's game was pretty great too. Beating the Yankees? Fucking awesome. Almost too many bright sides to list, to be honest. But I'm going to give it a shot.
Kutter Crawford (still his real name) found some of his early-season form, giving up three runs on three hits whilst striking out 9 and walking only one. He gave up a first inning bomb to Judge (I really loathe that guy... definitely the smug inheritor of all Jeter's smug Yankee-ness) and didn't lose his cool. In fact, he got some high leverage strikeouts and deserved the W.
Zack Kelly got the hold, facing a bases loaded situation with no outs in the seventh and fucking dealing, striking out two and then getting a popup to centre. It was fucking awesome. His roar when he came off the mound was definitely "oh god it feels like the playoffs but it's just Red Sox/Yankees mid-season at Fenway and this place might burn the fuck down". The Sox were only up by a run at that point and it all could have gone wrong. It didn't. Fuckin' a.
Basically everyone who took the mound for the Sox last night nailed their fucking job against one of the scariest and most annoying lineups in baseball.
We walked more than we struck out!
And we stole more fucking bases than either, swiping 9 against an increasingly bewildered looking Jose Trevino who I think might be having some words with Yankees scouting who obviously didn't give him the heads up that the Sox are fast as fuck and love nothing more than making the Skanks look shitty. Those 9 bases were a new club record for a single game.
Dave Hamilton stole four of those bases, blazing the paths. Honestly, look at Trevino's face after the second or third. The confusion is evident even through the catcher's mask. Hamilton also went 2-for-4 with 3 runs scored (because he took a walk). He also knocked in a run.
Ceddanne Rafaela went 3-for-4, knocked in two and scored a run. He also did not strike out.
Connor Wong hit a fucking triple which cleared the bases, giving him three RBIs. It was his first triple of the season but looked like it might not be the last. You don't often see catchers smoke the bases like that. He was 2-for-4 over all.
Raffy Devers knocked in a couple of runs. He's not on fire at the moment but he's still able to contribute.
Enmanuel Valdez keeps doing things. 1-for-3 with a run scored.
Dom Smith, back at first, made an error but got a hit and scored a run.
Jarren Duran, fresh from the spice dunes of Arrakis, went 2-for-4 with a run scored and stole a couple of bases.
We won, and it wasn't close at the end.
We scored nine runs without hitting a dinger. That's pretty cool and kind of hard to do.
We beat the fucking Yankees in our first season series. Is this the turning point? Are we going to finally put .500 behind us and climb slowly but surely further up in the wins column? I've no idea but even if we don't, these last two series have given a glimpse of a young Red Sox team learning to play to their strengths and that is awesome. That they also beat the fucking Yankees is a bonus.
Let's win another series in Toronto.
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||Heated battles of bat and raven||
Hi there sweeties, Peahen mom is here with a drabble request. Sorry for not doing some others, I was more into doing the other au with my friend but I think I have something. Second, had trouble finding a way to start this one. So shall we dive into this one and see how this one goes hmm? :3
||Drabble summary||
Lets say Batman(Terry) and The Raven (Tsubasa) met up one night again due to having a situation in the same area. However, it was do by another accident. Right now, they both were at this warehouse to see thugs trying to steal things. But what will happen after that? Will batman arrest the Raven this time? Read to find out.
~Teasing is present in this drabble
~Nsfw is present in this drabble (If your under 18+ Please don't read this)
~Rough overstimulation is present
||Guests in this drabble||
The Raven (Tsubasa Connor) belongs to my beloved friend @within-the-resort
Terry McGinnis belongs to and is from Batman beyond series but also me due to rping him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
'You know? This was not how I thought my evening would go this time. Well, maybe unknown to many so this is rather odd.'
Batman couldn't believe it and yet it was happening right now. A while ago, he was getting a radio signal saying about Thugs in some area stealing some property from a old warehouse near the river. He figured it would be a close one for now so that was fine. So he made his way over there in hopes to catch them before they ran off.
However, when getting there, he was not expecting to run into someone familiar. The Raven was in the same area and arrived at the same time. He heard about the items here and some was pretty rare (That or him hearing some money was here to maybe buy some things and other trinkets) so he decided to come as well to meet with the bat.
The two said nothing looking at one another but the Raven smirked, wondering why the bat was here. However, Terry said nothing trying to keep calm. Though, the talk was cut short when hearing some noises inside the warehouse.
That leads to now, seeing The Raven and Batman fighting off the thugs who was trying to get rid of them but ended up being knocked out or tied up. When Batman was taking care of the thugs, The Raven was stealing the stuff here. In a moment, the last thug was taken down only leaving both the Raven and Batman standing.
They were helping one another and he didn't question it as much. Well, he couldn't really after helping and meeting him from time to time so it was fine in some sense. Batman and Raven helped each other out, and fought everyone.
"And that's the last of them. Geez, idiots can't take a hint." Batman grumbles but looks seeing this but The Raven saw him looking around but he only smiled.
"Well, that means I can call the cops so they can pick these guys up. Though what about-" As he was about to do that, he saw Raven walk up to Batman.
"Hey, what is it? Are you-" That's when he saw the and boldly kisses him. His eyes widen from the kiss feeling the Raven holding him tight while they make out heavily in that area. The kiss was held for a moment only for him to break it panting along with the Raven.
"W..woah woah what was that all a..about?" he asked.
"I'm sorry it's just...we haven't had fun in such a long time. With you being so busy now...it's not fun waiting till you find me. I missed our playtime together." He whines grinding against his chest looking right at the other.
"Uhhhh...." Batman gets flustered by Raven, as always, but had an idea to please both of them. Wait, has it been that long since they saw one another? Geez, guess it must have been if he's like this.
"I'm sorry? I mean, with crime getting worse during this time of the year, can you blame me for that?" he asked but the Raven pouts to look at him.
"Well, your here now..maybe we can spend some time together....for a bit." he teased but Batman thinks to look at the flushed Raven. He even stopped him from calling the cops.
"You know what? Maybe I can.........You'll have to follow me though." he said moving back to show that The Raven was confused before his hand was grabbed.
"Hmm? Where are we going?"
"You'll see.." he said but he'll be sure to call the cops later. The thugs were knocked out long enough.
That leads to the next half hour right on the warehouse roof, sounds of pleasure was heard there showing the Raven bouncing on Batman's dick as he thrusts up into him. His hands gripping the plump ass of his while he was drooling.
"Ahhhhh f..fuck!! S..such a dirty b....bat! You really did m..miss me!" he moans happily feeling him slamming up into him trying to get the Raven happy. However, he was panting himself feeling he got tighter since their last encounter.
"Geez your really mmmmm gotten tighter. What did you even do?" he asked smacking his ass with a yelp slipping out.
"I did nothing bad..just nuggghhh do what I normally d..doooo ohhhhh!!!" He twitched feeling his ass smacked again when he feels that monster cock push even deeper into him. "You can't blame me for not wanting it!" he begs only for Batman to chuckle holding his hips while thrusting up.
"Even if your high on the pleasure, your hips haven't stopped..."
"S..s..so are you! Mmmm you said you didn't want to b..but now after teasing you..you're such a monster when it comes t..to this." he teased only for his head to lean back crying out again. He really was going all crazy right now but he wanted more as Batman sits up holding him close.
"Then I guess we needed this for a while didn't we? Even if you might have tried taking care of it yourself alone. I bet you were using toys and things to get off.." he teased that The Raven blushed.
"What makes you think I..d..do?" he chuckled but moans again when Batman goes faster hearing his cries of pleasure.
"I know because your horny for it and me. So, I'll be sure to give you that." he said only to quicken the thrusts hearing The Raven cry out to the night sky.
"Ahhhh!! Y..Yesssss f..fucking k..keep going. I want more of it! I want more more..I missed this! I miss this!!" he begs but Batman would while slamming harder into him. Hearing the clapping of skin to seeing this. Maybe a few more hours wouldn't hurt given this hungry bird wanted it. So he keeps giving him what he asks for even if he was a moaning mess, Batman would aim to please before the last few hours passing by.
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eldritchboop · 1 year
33 Rare Hidden Books on Freemasonry
The Lost Book Project is charging $11 for that collection. If you found this roundup useful, please consider donating to the Internet Archive.
Other roundups here
The Arcana Of Freemasonry by A. Churchward (1907) The Master Mason's Handbook by Frederick Joseph William Crowe (1890) An Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol 1 by A. G. Mackey (1916) An Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry Vol 2 by A. G. Mackey (1916) The Symbolism of Freemasonry by A. G Mackey (1921)
Proofs of a Conspiracy: Against All The Religions and Governments Of Europe, Carried On In The Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies by J. Robison (1798) The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, or the Secret of Hiram Abiff by M. P. Hall (1923) Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry by J. F. Newton (1914)
A Lexicon Of Freemasonry by A. G. Mackey (1921)
A Concise History of Freemasonry by R. F. Goulde (1904)
A Ritual And Illustrations Of Freemasonry - Key To Phi Beta Kappa by A. Allyn (1903)
Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry by C. Vail (1909)
Brother Of The Third Degree by W. Garver (1894)
Digest of Masonic Law by G. W. Chase (1867)
Freemasonry and Catholicism by M. Heindel (1919)
Freemasonry and Judaism by V. L. De Poncins (1921)
Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked by G. F. Dillon (1901)
Illustrations of Masonry (1788)
Illustrations of Freemasonry by W. M. Morgans (1827)
Morgan's Freemasonry Exposed and Explained by W. Morgan (1882)
Mystic Masonry; or, The symbols of Freemasonry and the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity by J. D. Buck (1904)
On the Origin of Free-Masonry by T. Paine (1810)
Shibboleth - A Templar Monitor by G. Cooper Connor (1908)
Symbolical Masonry by H. L. Haywood (1923)
The Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry by C. H. Vail (1909)
The Cause of World Unrest (1920)
The Concise History of Freemasonry by R. F. Gould (1920)
The History of the Knights Templars - The Temple Church, and the Temple by C. G. Addison (1842)
The Origin Of Freemasonry And Knights Templar by J. Bennett (1876)
The Perfect Ceremonies Of The Masonic Knights Templar (1876)
The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry Vol. 1 by E. A. Waite (1911)
The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry Vol. 2 by E. A. Waite (1911)
The Templar Orders In Freemasonry by A. E. Waite (1921)
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sunnydaleherald · 11 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, October 22nd – Monday, October 23rd
Cordelia: “Angel, at some point in the recent history *you* got peanut butter on your bed, and it’s gross. I think you’re gonna have to change the sheets.” Angel: "I don’t eat." Cordelia: “Well then, I don’t even want to know how it got there.”
~~Rm w/a Vu~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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New Normal by veronyxk84 (Spike, Dawn, PG-13)
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Tell It Slant by cahier (Melaka Fray, Erin Fray, Angel, T)
not my type of vampire by little_brown_songbird (The Vampire diaries crossover, Buffy/Klaus, Giles, not rated)
from new york to paris by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Xander/OC, M)
All is simple until it's not by TotallyHuman_exe (Giles/Xander, M)
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A story for the prompt “You make me feel safe.” by coraniaid (Buffy/Faith, not rated)
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The Shadow Within by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Teaming Up by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, collection rated R)
Autumnal Shorts, part 22 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, collection rated R)
Oh, God no. by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Shadow Within by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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second chances they don't ever matter - Chapter 1 by Evil_irish_batman (Buffy/Faith, T, internalized homophobia)
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Plenty of Fish, Ch. 10 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG)
L'amore troverà la via, Ch. 7 by Violette-Milka (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Ch. 27 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Closure, Ch. 18 by The Danish Bird (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Aurelian Prophecy: There's No Way Out, Ch. 8 by Willow91 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Chosen One 2: Welcome to the Hellmouth, Ch. 9 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
New Normal, Ch. 19 by holetoledo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Destiny or Choices Made? Ch. 18 by charmed4lifekaren (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Where Clocks Don't Tick, Ch. 3 by Willow91 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Amara Time, Ch. 4 by Joan963z (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
When Anne met Spike, Ch. 2 by To Be Hers (Buffy/Spike, G)
In the Depths of October Ch. 4-5 by mcgnagallsarmy, acekoomboom (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Binding, Ch. 1 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, R)
Screwed, Ch. 1 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Choose Your Own Award Ch. 9 by dogbertcarroll (Xander, FR15)
A Spark of Hope, Ch. 3 by DrThothEvans (Xander, FR13)
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Blood and Black Lace, Ch. 18 by SlayrGrl (Buffy/Spike, R)
Shut Up and Dance With Me, Ch. 2 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Cordy icons for Ace Week by artsying-ifer (worksafe)
Good morning 😊 by lialivingart (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Lefabrastings comic by incognitoduck11 (Pretty Little Liars crossover, Faith)
Pencil drawing: Spike by keelifallen ()
Spike and Dark Willow painted on a pumpkin by rico0526 (worksafe)
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A Buffy/Faith banner by NotASlayer (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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It’s by no means the worst part of the Buffy HD remaster, but... by coraniaid
[Recs & In Search Of]
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5 classic rare(ish) pairing fics recced by snickfic
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Fic search: listen-to-the-trees seeks a story where Buffy meets Clem's family and Xander eats too many brownies
[Community Announcements]
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This concludes the 10 day celebration of Eliza as Faith Lehane at elizadushkudaily
[Fandom Discussions]
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Sunnydale can largely thank Anya for not having a lot more incidents by aphony-cree
I don’t particularly think the issue is that Xander is a “Whedon self insert” by coraniaid
[Musings about ship names re: Slayers: A Buffyverse Story] by girl4music
[Anyanka in Slayers: A Buffyverse Story] by girl4music
BTVS Daemon au by pzyii
What if Ampata... joined the Scooby gang?
How weird Faith is around Joyce by secretlyasummers
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Why would Xander trust Angel at all? Back in School Hard... by Ethan Reigns
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Character Battle - Darla vs Dru by Stoney and others
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Was Angel [the series] less interested in the shadow selfs/foils for characters concept compared to Buffy? by Boring_Ad_597
Connor deserves more credit by Sweet-Siren
Does anyone know what website convinced Joss that there was lesbian subtext between Buffy and Faith? by classified12345
Buffy was afraid to quit the Council? by Tuxedo_Mark
We’re Beginning to See What Buffy Is Like Without Joss Whedon (discussion of the Slate article) by speashasha
Angel by BloatMyG0at
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fadedflame · 1 year
Rare-pairs Week: day 5
Summery: Day 5 of the rare-pairs week. Prompt: Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter/PeacefulAll it takes is one little question on a perfect summer day to send Connor’s processor into overdrive.
Part: 2/3
< Previous Chapter / Next Chapter >
On Ao3 or read below.
The word left Connor’s lips before his processor even registered it. His ears were ringing and his thirium pump beat at twice the speed it should.
“W-what?” Rupert stammered. Pain and surprise filled his expression. Things Connor never wanted to see, much less be responsible for putting there.
He couldn’t breathe.
He didn’t need to breathe. But right now he couldn’t and he…
He had to get out of there.
Choking on the barest hint of an apology, Connor pushed himself from the bed of the truck, fleeing towards where he knew the road was before Rupert could even think about following him. He called a taxi as he ran, calculating the best point to meet it along the way.
Only once he was safe inside the cab did he really stop to evaluate what had just happened.
Rupert had proposed.
He proposed.
And he had run away.
Connor rubbed at his face, then tangled his fingers in his hair. His thirium pump still pounded in his chest. Tears welled in his eyes no matter how hard he tried to hold them back. His stress levels flashed a warning in the corner of his HUD.
It was all the signs he usually experienced during a panic attack, without his usual triggers.
He employed the steps that Hank had taught him, focusing on grounding himself, taking deep deliberate breaths. He usually tried thinking about things that made him happy, but Rupert was typically one of those and that certainly wouldn’t work right now.
Still, by the time the taxi had pulled up to his house, his stress levels had at least dropped to a manageable range. Connor had not, however, been able to stop crying. So it wasn’t a surprise that Hank noticed and followed him to his room despite his mumbled assurance as he passed that he was fine.
“What’s wrong, kid?” Hank asked. It was forceful, but not unkind, much like the man himself. He sat beside where he had laid himself on his bed resting a supportive hand on his back.
He could have insisted it was nothing, lied and said he was fine again, but he knew his father would get it out of him one way or another. There was really no point in dragging it out. “Rupert proposed,” he mumbled into his pillow.
The hand on his back started to massage small circles into his syntheskin. “And… that’s a bad thing?”
The way he said it, the lack of any sort of surprise, told Connor that Hank knew Rupert was going to ask. He had likely gone to his father and asked for his blessing. And Hank had given it. Why wouldn’t he, after all?
“I thought you loved him?” Hank prompted when Connor didn’t respond.
“I do,” he confirmed as quickly as he had turned down the proposal. Of course he loved him, it wasn’t a question of love. “I love him, I do…”
The hand settled onto his shoulder. A warm, encouraging presence. “Then what’s wrong?”
Connor sat up, letting the hand on his shoulder shift into a hug. He spared a moment to look at the man. The years had etched themselves into the lines of his face. Even with how his health had improved since he had moved in, time still took its toll.
And it would only get worse.
Hank looked at him meaningfully, gentle eyes crinkling in the corners. “Is this one of those self-destructive responses?” he asked, rightfully concerned. It wasn’t as though those were uncommon. “You deserve a peaceful life, Connor. Just because you were built for chaos, doesn’t mean that’s how it’s supposed to be.”
Maybe that was a small part of it. A soft, peaceful life was foreign to his system. He had been fighting with that ever since he deviated. But that wasn’t the heart of the issue. “No,” he denied. “That’s… that’s not it.”
“It’s not,” Hank echoed, apparently not anticipating being wrong.
“I think, initially, I was just startled,” he admitted. His fingers fidgeted and he had half a mind to go get his coin. “You know I’m not fond of surprises. They tend to be… disquieting.”
Hank’s nose scrunched as though he smelled something unpleasant. “So you don’t want to marry him because he surprised you?”
“N-no, not exactly.”
“Then what?” he prompted. His voice was taking on a slightly annoyed edge and an annoyed Hank wasn’t something he really wanted to deal with.
But still, outwardly saying what was wrong…
“There are just… some things I’m not quite ready to leave behind,” he said, trying to make it sound casual.
His face scrunched again, this time in confusion. “The hell would you be leaving behind?”
Connor didn’t answer besides glancing at him in almost a guilty way. Part of him hoped Hank wouldn’t catch on, but the horrified look that washed over him was enough to assure him that wouldn’t be the case.
“Wait… Me? What the fuck-”
“You’re getting older Hank,” Connor defended, effectively cutting him off. “Someday, you might not be able to look after yourself and... How can I… I can’t leave. I don’t want to leave you.”
He had a feeling his father wouldn’t necessarily approve of his reasoning, but he didn’t expect him to be quite so upset.
“Oh hell no!” Connor was pretty sure he had never seen Hank look quite so offended. “If you don’t want to marry him because you just don’t want to? Fine, I’ll support you and shit. But there is no fuckin’ way I’m letting you skip out on being happy just because I’m getting old.”
“But Hank,” he tried to argue.
“No. No way. No fuckin’ way!”
“First of all,” he waved a finger at him almost threateningly. “If this shit really is about me, did you ever stop and consider that I’d be fuckin’ thrilled to see my kid get married before I kick the bucket?”
Oh, he… hadn’t thought of that. “Yes, but still…”
“Secondly,” he went on, using the same finger to tap him lightly on the nose. “Who the fuck says you’d have to go anywhere?”
Connor wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to that at first. “I’d be married,” he said slowly. “Typically that would mean I’m supposed to move in with my spouse.”
His eye roll was dramatic enough he could practically hear it. “Or...” he dragged out the word like he wanted Connor to figure out what he was going to say before he completed his sentence. “He can move in with you.”
His processor felt like it was malfunctioning, but there was no error message to support that theory. “I… hadn’t thought of that,” he admitted. “Would that really be alright?”
“No, I’m just bringing it up for shits and giggles,” he said sarcastically. Hank rolled his eyes again then gave his shoulder a tight squeeze. “Come on kid. The house’ll be yours someday anyway. It makes no sense for you to move out.”
Connor hated the implications of that, but it was a bitter reality. And it wasn’t as though it was news to him that he was the primary beneficiary on Hank’s will. But as much as it made sense now that he considered it for a moment, it still wasn’t something he wanted to dwell on.
“You discussed this with Rupert already, didn’t you?” he asked rather than addressing his father’s mortality.
“Yeah, couple months ago actually,” he admitted. He scratched at his beard as though it would help him appear nonchalant. “He seemed pretty excited about the whole thing.”
His face twinged into a wince. “And… I didn’t react appropriately for that excitement.”
Hank’s kind eyes settled on him with just a dash of amusement. “I think you’ll be fine once you two talk it out. He’s gotta be used to your quirks by now.”
Part of him wanted to take offense at that, but it wasn’t as though it was without merit.
And at this point, Connor just hoped that Hank was correct that Rupert would give him another chance to accept his marriage proposal.
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makkerswheel · 2 years
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theystarsoyco · 2 years
roy sibling groupchat but roman is the only one who uses it regularly. sometimes he manages to goad ken into an argument and shiv reacts to each message with a thumbs up or thumbs down depending on who she thinks is winning. 
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