#ratld prompts
shy-peacock · 8 months
do you still take ratld fic requests or are they closed now?
I do 🥰❤️
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could u do a bit where Raya is telling Namaari how much Noi loves to make her life a nightmare and Namaari is like ...??? Raya she is a baby, and a cute one.
Turns out Noi only bothers Raya and is an angel with everybody else
Hi, thanks for the prompt! This is a bit long and slowly turned from 'Noi is been a nightmare to Raya' to 'Noi is being a nightmare and wants the girls to stop being useless and just get together already'. I have a feeling Sisu would approve.
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
For a long time in both of their lives it had been them with their parents, and no one else.
Raya opens up to Namaari one sleepless night, the both of them sitting on one of the Fang Princess’ large concrete windows, looking at the silent sky.
“It was hard for my Ba, having to lose the woman he loved and raise a six-year-old child all alone”
“I don’t remember much about my father, he died when I was two or three years old. Mother never really liked to talk about him”
It had been a pretty sudden shift after the last battle with the Druun, Raya inviting the girl to taggle along with her as much as she possibly could – it had been a hard task at first, but slowly Namaari stopped resisting her and enjoyed her company being requested.
All of the sudden it’s like they had a family, a weird and loud yet somehow functional family.
And if Chief Benja was surprised to see her daughter befriend the quirkiest group of people he ever saw in his life, he didn’t say anything, just welcomed his daughter’s new friends.
They all saw each other at least once every two weeks, usually it was Boun that would accompany the others with his boat in Fang or Heart, the Princesses incredibly busy in their kingdoms now that no one was made of stone anymore.
It came as a complete surprise to Raya that Namaari bonded the most with Little Noi, becoming her favourite if Tong wasn’t around, and all of her warnings felt short and were amusingly dismissed by her friend.
“You’re not listening to me, I’m telling you to be careful, Princess Jewellery”
“Please, you’re just jealous because you’re awful with kids”
“I’m not awful with kids! I was the one who recruited her!”
“Raya, you realise what you just said doesn’t make it better, right? She is a toddler”
“She is a con-baby! She tried to steal the dragon gems, I told you!”
Little Noi had been in Namaari’s arms while they were arguing, playing with the dragon earring the girl had on her ear, making babbling noises.
“Sometimes you got to make choices if you want to survive, she is just a smart baby, and she is an angel now. I mean, look at her”
Both of the girls turned to look at the toddler, who started to pinch Namaari’s cheek, letting out a ‘Maari’ which the girl responded with a – disgusting, if you ask Raya – ‘ahw’ sound.
“See, nothing to worry about”.
The thing is, Raya knew that baby was a cunning little thing, and playing a baby was only a façade Noi put on. Every time the gang would reunite in Heart, suddenly something in her room or the palace would go missing.
At first, she thought she just forgot where she had put her stuff, but one time she caught Little Noi stealing a golden plate from the kitchen, and it all clicked for her.
She started to alert her staff in the kitchen to be careful of the baby, but everyone looked at her like she was the crazy one.
She tried to tell her father who laughed at first, and once Raya started to argue with him about it, Benja told her that it didn’t matter and to let the toddler have fun if that was the case.
Raya didn’t let it go.
She played like she did, suggesting that they meet in Heart for their next hang out, and put a few objects in sight for the baby to steal.
She was going to catch her this time.
She knew Noi liked shiny objects, so she placed a few items of unused jewellery on her bedroom, applying some wood glue to the objects so that she couldn’t get away with it.
To her disappointment, Tong couldn’t come this week, busy with some family matter in Spine, and Boun could only stay for a few hours, having to return for the night to help his parents with the new chain of restaurants they were opening.
“Sorry guys, but what about…the baby? Is her mother going to pick her up?”
Boun chuckled at her words, knowing how much Little Noi had been a nightmare to deal with as of lately. He was the only one who believed her, and told her that, for some reason, the baby did it only with her.
“She knows it drives you insane, I think you should pretend it’s doesn’t affect you and she will stop”. But Raya couldn’t really let it go.
“No, I was thinking she could spend the night here” said Namaari who was making funny faces at the toddler and making her laugh.
“Oh, well. This is just great” muttered the other girl under her breath.
Raya kept both of her eyes on Noi for the whole day not saying much and suggesting that they all slept in her room so the baby would feel safe for the night. She noticed Namaari slightly blushing at her words but decided to not say anything. A lingering tension had been growing between the two of them for a while now, starting when they realised they both had trouble sleeping without a nightmare eventually waking them up. They silently shifted to sleeping in the same bed when with each other, even tough it would often end up with them talking for the entire night instead of trying to sleep.
Little Noi, on the other hand, didn’t seem to have the same problem, and after an entire day spent playing and running around, she was sound asleep, curled up on the bed between the two girls.
“Still thinking she is a nightmare?” asked Namaari, soft smile turning into a smirk when her eyes landed from Noi to Raya, who was looking at the baby with her brows furrowed.
“Have you checked her pockets by chance?” retorted the girl. She had saw Little Noi put something in them earlier that day but hadn’t seen what.
Namaari scoffed, but did it anyway, as if to prove a point. Her hands seemed to find something, brows furrowing in confusion.
“Aha! Told you s—” the words left Raya all of the sudden, smug expression replaced by a an embarrassed one.
“You…you managed to find it again? Why didn’t you tell me?” Namaari was holding the pendant in her hands, the one who started everything between them six years prior and that Raya had been keeping after the Druun battle.
“I was planning on giving it to you for your birthday, actually” she whispered, hoping her friend couldn’t see her blushing in the darkening of the night.
Namaari scooted closer to her, hand cupping her cheek. “You flushed, dep la?”
Both of them could feel the tension growing in the room, and Raya decided to break it and stop this cat and mouse game they had been playing for a while, pressing her lips firmly on Namaari’s, finally shutting her up.
They slept peacefully that night, holding each other, Namaari’s arm protectively on her waist, the baby between the two of them.
Raya was the first one to wake up, sunshine beginning to illuminate her room, the other girl’s arm still resting against her skin, and Little Noi nowhere to be seen.
She scooted closer to Namaari, head nuzzling into the crook of the girl’s neck, drifting herself to sleep once again, smiling when she felt the girl hugging her tighter.
Maybe Little Noi wasn’t such a nightmare after all.
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
Rayaari headcanon - mothering moments with Virana learning to accept Raya
(inspired by this lovely anon)
Virana admittedly struggles to like Raya at first, the girl that has stolen Namaari's heart. Raya is the Princess of a land that historically has not been on the friendliest terms with Fang. Furthermore, she can remember the showdown in Heart all those years ago, when the Gem broke, and she remains suspicious that the young girl who was so impacted by that moment could now be so forgiving - of Namaari, of herself, and of Fang.
Raya also struggles to like Virana at first, although she refuses to say as much out loud. Namaari has never once placed blame of That Night on anyone except for herself, but Raya is mature enough now to recognize that a twelve year old was unlikely to be the mastermind behind the Gem theft, as well as smart enough to know exactly who was the likely instigator. She sees Virana for who she is, or so she thinks - a cold and calculating leader, who will stop at nothing to defend her people, everyone else be damned.
But Namaari...Namaari loves her mother with all her heart. Raya can see it in the way she smiles at Virana whenever the Chief says something encouraging, in the way she still seeks her mother out for an embrace sometimes after a long day, in a thousand small ways that remind her how Virana is all Namaari has left for family, just like her and Ba only have each other.
However, Raya is missing one thing...Namaari also loves her, although she has yet to say those exact three words. Virana can see it in the way she lights up whenever Raya enters the room, in the way she tries to make everything perfect for Raya's visits to Fang each time, in the way she can't stop talking to Raya or about Raya, and the thousands of words Virana has to hear about The Amazing Raya.
The first few visits where they all spend time together, Namaari is clearly a bundle of nerves. Her shoulders are tense, her gaze flicking back and forth between Raya and Virana, as if expecting things to implode at any moment even as they feast on congee.
Raya and Virana come to the same realization at the same time: Namaari wants them to get along, because they are the two most important people in her life. And so, a silent truce is born, built upon knowing glances and sometimes narrowed eyes. Namaari doesn't notice; she's too busy enjoying the fact that Virana and Raya remain perfectly civil through all their discussions.
This tense but "civil" relationship could have gone on indefinitely, neither being willing to evolve it into something more. But then, Namaari falls ill.
It starts off fairly innocuously, with Namaari simply feeling more fatigued and losing her appetite. But by the next morning, Raya can't wake her, and when she presses the back of her hand to Namaari's forehead, it is burning up.
At first, Virana and Raya sit in silence by her bed, whilst the doctors flit in and out of the room, prescribing different medications and treatments. As night falls, and Namaari's condition remains unchanged, they settle in for the long haul, unwilling to leave her.
Some time after midnight, Virana extends a peace offering, by way of words. 'She was so small as a child,' she says quietly, eyes still fixed on her daughter. 'And so often sickly, not helped by the food shortage at the time. She's been strong for so long, I had almost forgotten what this feels like.'
Raya can't help but lean slightly towards the older woman, sensing the pain in her words. It's a shared pain, but she tries to alleviate the moment by adding 'I bet she was also a troublemaker as a child too though, right?'
Virana laughs shakily, and agrees. 'Although no more so than she is now, when you and she go off on adventures together.' Raya can't help but smile at this thought too, and they spend the rest of the night quietly reminiscing about some of the different ways Namaari has managed to get herself into trouble.
When Namaari awakens three days later, it is to her mother and her girlfriend both leaning over the bed and smiling at her.
After that incident, it's impossible to go back to the icy relationship they had before. Raya catches herself exchanging silent gestures with Virana sometimes, but now it is in full view of Namaari, and usually along the lines of 'can you believe the ridiculousness of what your daughter is saying?' or 'She's your girlfriend - make sure she takes a break and stops working today'.
Namaari always narrows her eyes at this, unsure how thrilled she is at her Ma and Raya ganging up on her now.
Sometimes, although Raya would never admit it, she feels a small spark of jealousy when she sees Namaari and Virana together. She loves her Ba deeply, but there are days where the loss of her mother sends a spark of sadness through her. She was so young when her Ma died that she has barely any memories, but she has a sense of longing over the idea that she could receive advice or a loving hug from a mother figure.
Fang hosts a large celebration a year after the defeat of the Druun, as a way to bring all the lands together and also to offer a hand of diplomatic friendship to those who are still unsure of their intentions. Raya will be representing Heart for the evening, but since she's being staying in Fang for the last fortnight, she is preparing for the evening in Namaari's room.
Namaari is busy getting her own formal outfit on, when Raya for some reason unbeknownst even to herself begins to have a meltdown in front of the mirror over her hair. She wants to look every inch the important Princess tonight, both for her Ba and Namaari, but also to intimidate all the political dignitaries who still doubt her ability to help lead her own country. Yet, it is the one day where her hair refuses to cooperate, and she's embarrassed to feel hot tears of frustration leak down her cheeks.
'Are you alright?' Virana's voice interrupts her internal spiral. Raya tries to hide her face quickly, ducking her head and mumbling quietly about being absolutely fine.
Then there are soft hands cupping her cheeks, and thumbs wiping away her tears with the practiced strokes of a mother used to comforting her own daughter.
'Come on, let's get this sorted,' Virana's voice is no-nonsense, but her movements are gentle as she pulls the comb out of Raya's hand and begins to brush her hair.
She hums as she works, expertly twisting Raya's hair into a beautiful style and pinning it place so it will last the full evening, including through dancing. When she's done, she places both hands on Raya's shoulders, and smiles at her reflection in the mirror. 'Beautiful,' she says, just as Namaari returns from her own preparations, and echoes her mother's thoughts.
Several years later, Raya asks Virana to recreate that same hairstyle - this time, for her wedding to Namaari.
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animalgirl225 · 2 years
Even healthy relationships have spats! Raya and Namaari are no different.
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: A few weeks after the turong attack, Raya visits Fang to meet Namaari as she returns from her first big outing since her shoulder injury. Unfortunately, things didn’t go quite according to plan.
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faithfulwarrior-og · 3 years
Prompt request from @isitbussinjanelle (sorry it took a while lol hope you like it!)
And now, Officer Namaari pulls over Raya and Sisu:
Raya slams her hands on the steering wheel and lets out a stream of obscenities.
Sisu sighs. “Okay let’s calm down... it’ll be fine.”
Raya looks over her shoulder at the flashing lights. “It is NOT gonna be fiii...” she trails off and her jaw drops as a tall, gorgeous woman with dark, short hair and piercing eyes steps out of the car. “Fine. Wow. Yeah it’s fine alright. Everything's fine. Y’know Sisu, I think today’s gonna be a great day, actually.”
“What are you-?” Sisu looks. “Oh no. Oh spirits I hate it here.”
Raya pops a mint into her mouth. “Don't worry, I got this.”
Sisu snatches the mint container away. “Just calm down and put your hands on the steering wheel for goodness sake!”
The officer walks up and knocks twice on the window with a knuckle.
Raya rolls it down. “Hello, Officer.”
The woman’s brow is set. “Do you know how fast you were going?”
Raya leans her arm on the window. “I don’t, but I’m glad it was enough to get me pulled over if it means I got to meet you.”
The officer blinks. “You were going sixty. Speed limit’s forty-five.”
Raya purses her lips. “Uh-huh. Okay but like you’re gorgeous.” Raya hears Sisu slap herself in the face but ignores it.
The officer huffs. “Ma’am, please let me see your license and registration.”
Raya leans over to get it out of the glove box but Sisu smacks her arm with the documents, having already retrieved them for her.
Raya thanks her, then turns back to the officer. “I suppose, since you said please.”
The officer takes the documents firmly out of her hand. “Ma’am are you trying to get a ticket?”
Raya smirks at her. “I’m trying to get your name, but I would not complain if you gave me your number too.”
The officer is visibly agitated at this point. She glances at the license again. “Ms. Hart. I would appreciate it if you would remain respectful.”
Raya eyes her up and down. “Oh you have my full respect, Officer.” Sisu has slumped forward with her head in her hands. “I just feel like you get to know my name, but I don't get to know yours and it doesn’t seem fair.”
The woman smiles tightly. “It also isn’t fair that you were going twenty miles over the speed limit. Let’s get to your ticket then, shall we?”
Raya shrugs and leans back. “Whatever you say, dep la. Can’t blame a girl for trying.”
The officer huffs again, a blush creeping up her neck at the nickname. “Namaari. It’s Namaari. Now-”
“Namaari... that is a beautiful name.”
“Ms. Hart--” Namaari leans her forearm against the doorframe in annoyance until Raya mumbles “hot,” then she rolls her eyes and decides to cross her arms over her chest instead. 
Raya coughs. “Still hot.”
She uncrosses her arms. “Ms. Hart may I remind you to please keep things professional. I’m going to go check up on this,” she holds up the documents, “and then I’ll be back.”
“Real quick, before you go, if I keep flirting with you does that mean you’ll have to handcuff me?”
Namaari blinks and her jaw drops. She quickly shuts it. “What?”
Raya leans forward against the window again. “Cuz if you want to, I'd totally be into it.”
Sisu smacks her. “Raya!”
Namaari shakes her head at the horizon, dumbfounded. “I cannot believe this is how my day is going.”
“Right? I feel that,” Raya says. “But you gotta keep things interesting. What’s say we skip this whole thing and you and I go get a drink instead, huh?”
Namaari pinches the bridge of her nose.
Raya quirks an eyebrow. “I know you’re thinkin’ about it. And just for the record, I know what I’m doing in bed--”
“Raya!!” Another smack from Sisu.
Namaari holds up her hand. “Okay, enough. You know what? You’re free to go.”
Raya sits back in her seat. “Awwww. I knew that grumpy face was just a façade. You know, your ears are pretty red... does this mean I’m doing something right? Cuz I’ll give you my number--”
Namaari is flustered on so many levels. “No, Ms. Hart. I do not want your number. But you are free to go before I change my mind about that ticket. Good afternoon.”
Sisu sighs in relief as Namaari walks back to her car.
Meanwhile Raya holds her arms out the window and yells, “You sure you don't want to change your mind about the cuffs??”
Namaari pulls open her car door with an even stare at Raya’s flirtatious one. “Goodbye Ms. Hart.”
Raya falls onto Sisu’s lap. “I’m in love.”
“Shut up and drive! Great spirits you are so ridiculous--”
“I think she’s into it.”
“She was definitely just doing her job.”
“I think I skip class tomorrow and stop by the police station instead.”
“Raya no--”
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*Once a* Villain
An AU where Namaari and Raya are parents.
Timeline: Late twenties or Early thirties
Warnings: None
"Gia, Sinh! Bedtime," Raya exclaimed as she made up Gia's bed. The older of her two children.
Gia is six year old who closely resembles her Mama, Namaari. Which makes no biological sense as she was adopted from the heart district. Even so, her tiny face displays a broad nose and plump lips missing their cupid's bow; her skin the same pigments as her Mama. The only resemblance to her Mommy Raya is her long wavy brown hair. 
Sinh is their four-year-old. They resemble Raya almost exactly that many still believe Raya carried them to term. When in reality, they adopted them from the Fang district. The only resemblance to Namaari is their undercut, which wraps around their whole head, leaving some hair on top; their favorite way to style it is a top bun.
With a loud squeak, Gia ran into the room, jumping onto her bed; no sooner had Raya finished adjusting the sheets.
Namaari entered shortly after, making helicopter noises as Sinh sat on her shoulders; their arms extended outward as they were flying.
"Storytime," Gia exclaimed as she crawled under her sheets.
Raya nodded as she settled herself at the edge of the bed. Namaari taking a seat right beside her. 
Sinh now clinging to Maari's chest as if they were a koala. "How about the story of the princesses Nam and Ray?" Namaari questioned with a snicker; she knew this was their favorite bedtime story.
Raya only grinning as she shook her head to the side; they've been telling this story to their children for years, adding more information as they grew; and yet their children still had no idea they were the princesses of the tales. But how could they? To them, their parent's names were Mama and Mommy. 
Both the children nodded excitedly before Sinh buried themselves back into the crotch of Namaari's neck, Maari rubbing circles onto his back. "Once upon a time, the districts we know now as Fang, Heart, Spine, Talon, and Tail were separate lands," Raya spoke in a whimsical voice, "Lands that very much disliked each other, even so, one a day. The brave chief of the Heart asked all the other lands to come together for dinner. Hoping it could be the start of unity between the lands."
"He was wrong," Sinh sighed into his Mama's chest. 
"SHHHHH." Gia whisper-yelled as she pulled the sheets high above her torso, her eyes beaming in excitement.
"That day, all the lands come together only to argue with one another. Even so, the two princesses, Nam and Ray, connected so much that Nam gifted Raya---RAY her favorite necklace" Namaari shuttered, realizing she missed up, Raya elbowing her and snickering. Yet as Namaari glanced over at their children, they lucky hadn't caught her mix-up, so she continued. "Ray was so touched by this that she decided to trust Nam..."
Raya intertwined her fingers with Namaari's, knowing that this is always the most challenging part of the story for her. "Because Ray believed Nam was her friend, she trusted her with Heart's most sacred possession."
"THE DRAGON GEM," Gia yelped as she grasped onto the necklace around her neck. The same sisu necklace Namaari once gave Raya now sits around the neck of their daughter.
With Raya's free hand, she leaned over to her daughter, blooping her nose, "Correct my evening mist" Gia only giggled simultaneously Namaari squeezed her fingers, indicating she should continue. "So Ray took Nam to a hidden location that stored the dragon gem, only for Nam to betray her; setting off a firework that led everyone to the secret location...This betrayal making Ray so anger with Nam; that she made her the villain of her life." Raya looked back at her wife, who was already looking at her, the guilt still prominent years after she corrected her mistake.
Namaari cleared her throat, pushing away her feelings so that the kids couldn't pick up on them. "After the rest of the lands found the dragon gem, all their fighting led to the breaking of it; releasing the--"
"Druune," Sinh whimpered as they finally pulled away from their Mama's chest. Namaari nodding yes.
"The only thing powerful enough to stop the druune was the gem, so each land took a broken piece, running towards the water; a repeller of the druune," Sinh yawned as they laid their-self face down across both their mother's laps. Raya running her fingers through their hair while Namaari continued to rub circles onto their back. "After Nam's betrayal, everyone from Heart, besides Ray, was turned to stone--Sealing the Fang sector as the villains; most specifically Nam."
"Even after Nam betrayed Raya several times, Ray still gave Nam a final chance to make everything right by giving her what she once tried to steal...the dragon gem even if that action turned her to stone," Raya finished before yawning. 
Raya was now laying beside Gia, running her fingers through her hair, while Namaari had left minutes ago to put Sinh to bed as they had fallen asleep.
"And something happened within Nam when she saw Ray turn to stone. She no longer wanted to be a villain--She never did!! Nam just wanted to do what she believed was best--" Ray closed her eyes, letting herself relax into the mattress, her head leaning against her daughters. 
"Mama realized she loved you...so she rebuilt the gem...hoping to fix what she broke," Gia whispered as the story finally clicked in her mind. Raya's eyes opening rapidly from the shock of her daughter's intuitive mind. Quickly looking over at her, while Gia was already staring at her with a smile. "Mama said, Raya."
"My mistake," Namaari admitted; she had been standing at the door leaning against its framing just listening to the end of the story. "Should have known nothing gets past you!" She exclaimed, smiling widely, as she wiggled her fingers, running towards the bed.
"OHH NO, YOU DON'T," Raya squealed as she covered her ribcage with her arms, trying to avoid Namaari's hands.
Once reaching the bed, Namaari began tickling the most important females in her life. The room full of giggles, grunts, chuckling, Raya's swearing, and overall joy.
And to Gia, her Mama will never be a villain, just the person who makes her laugh so hard she pees herself a little. 
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isitbussinjanelle · 3 years
A Fanfic idea that I might write about..
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After the druun-apocalypse, life had to get back to normal for Raya some how. This meant that she had to go back to doing princess things for Heart, and occasionally for other lands, since they became kumandra once more. In Heart, every child of the Chief must have a personal trainer(like how Namaari may have general Atitaya). Someone who can train them to be an elite fighter. Raya’s trainer (I haven’t decided on gender yet) begins to catch feelings for her, especially because they’re together 75% of the time. Namaari notices and is NOT amused. The trainer however, soon picks up on subtle looks that Namaari would give Raya when she would visit Heart, and realizes that they weren’t the only one with their eye on Raya. This leads to the trainer challenging Namaari for Raya’s hand.
(I apologize if this idea may have already been used, I don’t think it has been though, but let me know.)
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raointean · 4 years
RatLD Prompt 2
Some time during her travels, Raya gets pregnant. Maybe it was a boyfriend who broke her heart (and contributed to her trust issues), maybe it was a one night stand, maybe she was captured, who knows?
Anyway, she has a son and, because she’s soooo good with kids, she names him Nhan (Vietnamese name meaning “person”).
One day, when Nhan is about 1 1/2 to 2ish, he wanders off while Raya is otherwise occupied. Raya realizes that he’s gone after about a minute of quiet and runs off to find him.
She sees him and then almost immediately afterwards, sees a druun bearing down on him. She gets the gem out and runs as fast as she can, but she’s just a second too late. Her son is gone.
She stays there and mourns for days but eventually she has to move on.
Not much changes during the movie. She doesn’t mention Nhan because the pain is still too near to her heart and she refuses to trust anyone enough to help her through it.
Even though she tries to compartmentalize and shove the pain away, Nhan still influences almost every decision she makes. She takes on Noi because she reminds Raya so much of her own child. She’s still not good with kids, but she loves them to death.
She ends up actually trusting Tong somewhat because she knows what it’s like to lose a child and to be alone. She doesn’t tell Tong about Nhan, but he has some vague suspicions.
At the end of the movie, as soon as she realizes people have been de-stoned (bad wording, I know but...), she goes into a flat out run towards where Nhan was frozen. Tuk-tuk figures out where she’s trying to go and rolls up beside her. She hops on and they roll as fast as possible.
In the meantime, her new friends are trying to figure out what’s come over her. At first they think that she’s going to see her Ba until Namaari points out that she’s going in the wrong direction.
Namaari then, tentatively brings up a rumor she had heard a few years back; that the Heart Chief was with child. She had dismissed it at the time because she hadn’t seen any evidence. Tong agrees that that would explain a lot.
After half an hour’s hard roll, Raya finally reaches the area where it all went down. She gets off of Tuk-tuk and calls for Nhan. She runs around calling him until finally, she hears a child crying.
(Of course he’s crying! The last thing he remembers is his mother’s terrified face and then getting consumed by a druun. The next thing he knows, he’s all alone.)
Raya runs to him as fast as physically possible and scoops him into her arms. She reassures him that he’s alright and that she’s not going anywhere.
After a few minutes, he cries himself to sleep. Raya, now finally, mostly, out of raging mama bear mode, thinks about her next move. She makes a sling out of her cloak and gets back on Tuk-tuk. They head toward the bridge at a somewhat-less-than-breakneck speed.
When they get there, no one’s on the bridge. Raya panics and runs toward the palace. She bursts in and frantically asks the nearest person if they’ve seen Chief Benja. The person tries to calm her down first (probably because she’s obviously in the midst of a panic attack) but that doesn’t help so they just tell her that he’s in the kitchen. (He cooks when he’s nervous, fight me).
Raya tears off to the kitchen and Nhan senses her anxiety and starts crying, forcing her to take a moment to calm him down. She gets to the kitchen and walks in the door.
Benja is cooking up a storm and doesn’t notice her right away. Nhan definitely notices the food though. He starts making happy little sounds which alerts Benja to their presence. He spins around, drops his spoon, and embraces the both of them.
Raya’s exhaustion finally hits her. She’s been going at breakneck speed all day, running on nothing but adrenaline and it’s finally hitting her. She starts shaking, and then crying. Benja does his best to comfort her but Nhan needs more immediate attention.
He doesn’t understand what’s going on. All he knows is that his mother is crying and this old guy is hugging both of them and he’s crying, so Nhan decides that he should be crying too.
Raya tries to comfort him but she’s too much of a mess to do much so Benja steps in. He may not know specifics, but he definitely knows that this is his grandchild.
He gently pries him from Raya’s arms and starts talking to him. He introduces himself and tells horrible jokes until eventually, Nhan calms down. Benja then moves on to the next kid (Raya will always be his little girl).
He holds her through her tears and, when she’s sufficiently calmed, he tries to distract her by asking her about the child. He asks his name, how old he is, what was his first word, etc. And eventually Raya stops crying altogether and tells him how they all came back.
Over the next weeks and months, they relearn how to be a family. Benja teaches Raya parenting tricks and is the best grandba to ever live. He also tells the worst jokes in history. Raya learns how to trust again and introduces Benja to her friends.
He’s a little surprised by Namaari and doesn’t really understand the rest of them, but he’s glad his daughter has a good group of friends. Namaari comes to visit more than might be considered “normal” but she says it’s just to visit Nhan. It’s not just to visit Nhan.
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miabellaholtz · 2 years
Me: *Should be finishing the WIP that is nearing completion because it’s been several hot minutes since its been updated*
Also me: *Saw writing prompt and immediately needed to complete it so throws everything else aside*
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shy-peacock · 1 year
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Overall I sorta didn’t entirely fill this prompt- but I came close maybe?!?
Rated G/T cause it’s just conversations. Here you go my friend <3 thank you for the prompt I hope you enjoy it! ❤️ @miabellaholtz
She’s not mad that it’s Raya.
She’s mad at the secrecy.
Virana knew Namaari had feelings for the girl well before she admitted it to her. Her teenage years spent chasing her from Talon to Tail, obsessing about what the Princess of Heart had planned or what she was doing - on the lie that she was “checking in” with the enemy. Keeping tabs on her, as if one girl could overthrow all of Fang.
Well- it was one girl’s ambition that catapulted them to where they were now.
Still, Virana had tried to sway her attention to other pressing matters. Giving her the tools she needed to be a successful leader, putting her in charge of a small scouting group, keeping her focused under General Atitaya’s guard. No matter what she put before her, Namaari’s eyes were focused towards Heart- whether her daughter realized it or not. Following her Heart to be with the literal Princess of Heart.
When the Druuns were gone and the world was at peace, Virana assumed Namaari wouldn’t dare hope for Raya’s affection. The peace was far too new, their history was rooted in far too much pain. This and Namaari displayed no outward affections towards Raya, none that couldn’t be dismissed as friends just being friendly.
So when at last their relationship was brought to her attention, it was a shock to both her and Chief Benja to see how much had transpired before they were let in on their secret.
“We’d like to announce that we are together-…..dating.. for about a year now,”Namaari stated, her hand enclosed in Raya’s as they sat across from their respective parent, “we’ve decided that we want to go public with our courtship.”
Of course Benja was pleased with this. He had the luxury of being absent from Raya’s life the last six years, if that could be considered a luxury, which made this transition smooth and easy for him. He only wanted to see Raya’s happiness, he only wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t waste the time he now had with his child spent arguing on trivial things.
He was happy for them both, giving his blessing immediately to Namaari and her intentions to pursue his daughter.
Virana gave hers, but there was no celebration in her tone.
“Your future is your choice-…” she had said, “I respect your decision.”
Maybe that was the wrong thing to say, maybe it was far too blunt. She could see the disappointment reflected in her child’s face, how Namaari had wanted her to be far more excited for them. Happy for them, wanting them to be together as much as they did.
She was happy for them, for their own choices. But it felt like a blindside, as if Namaari had lied to her all these months. Here she had believed Namaari and Raya were friends, close sure, but nothing more. Now it was certain that she had been with her this entire time, sneaking about, hiding their relationship from everyone.
Including her own mother!
She had believed they were closer than that. She believed Namaari would have told her about Raya the first week they had begun seeing each other as she had in past relationships- the very few Namaari did entertain.
She felt hurt by this, so when the meeting was at its end- Virana simply left. She did not pull Namaari to the side and speak with her, or belittle her choices or even express frustrations or anger with her. Nor did she tell her the opposite- joy or happiness, that she was thrilled for this courtship at all. She feigned indifference- which was potentially worse than anger or acceptance.
Namaari did not approach her, letting her leave, and in the days that followed there became tension between them. Awkward, stuffy and tight.
Namaari only approached her for tedious things- hoping to spark conversation, only for the discussion to fall flat. The last important task they discussed was that of their announcement to the lands. This- Namaari and Raya wanted to do before their friends, holding a party, celebrating their new devotion to one another.
It was the right thing to do- an event that was more brought up out of respect than anything. A means to let their fellow peers and the lands know of their official status.. Again, Virana felt slighted by this. Seeing their need to do the right thing only now that they’ve seen the repercussions of how they wronged Virana.
The day came and they made their announcement. It was well received, which was an understatement, as cheers rang out so loudly that it could have been heard all the way to Tail. The party continued thereafter, people drank and ate and danced while the couple was approached again and again- congratulating them, giving them their blessings. It was almost as if the pair were getting married and not only dating, Virana couldn’t imagine how excited the world would react if they made it to marriage.
Of course they would- Virana was sure of that.
She found herself lingering away from the festivities, outside at the balcony where Fang stretched before her. A guard or two was posted at the entrance that led inside, though otherwise she was alone now. Allowing her thoughts to flow easily around her, the cool air of the late evening wrapping her in a hug- her breathing easy and calm. Unknowing until that moment that she had been overwhelmed with everything inside, thanking her mind for maneuvering herself here without even realizing she needed it. Enjoying the solitude, briefly, before the guards behind her shifted and she knew someone was coming out to join her on the balcony.
She thought, if anyone, it would be Namaari.
Yet as she turned, glancing back, she saw that it was Raya instead.
She was casual yet careful with her step, coming to Virana with a sheepish sort of look to her face. Hands behind her back like her Father did, resting them.
“Mind if I join you?” She asked, cocking her head somewhat to the side.
Virana motioned for her to come, yet said nothing more. The Princess of Heart finding a comfortable distance at her right, watching the same view that Virana was trying to enjoy alone.
Silence came easily, to her surprise, and Virana waited until Raya was going to speak. Knowing she didn’t come this way to sit in total silence with her. Expecting she intended to clear the air with Virana about this whole dating thing between her and Namaari. Again, to her surprise, Raya wouldn’t speak again until several long minutes later- truly enjoying this silent moment between them, taking her time at finding the words she wanted to say. Virana letting this time pass, then she listened as Raya began to speak.
“Please don’t be cross with Namaari about all of this..” she began, getting right into it. Causing Virana to scoff in response.
“And what makes you think I am?” She challenged, her tone even and calm, yet she gave Raya a stern look. One that Raya hardly seemed intimidated by.
“I didn’t, however Namaari does.” She explained, giving her a smile, “but now based on your reaction- I do too.”
Virana looked from Raya to the scenery again, staying silent despite being caught. Allowing Raya to continue, while she feigned indifference once more.
“It’s my fault Namaari waited to announce our relationship…” she admitted, “she was only considering my feelings…as I was scared-“
“You hardly strike me as the type to be scared or anything.” Virana interjected, chuckling at the dea, “considering how you handled far more difficult matters such as the Druuns.”
“Druuns are easy-…they just seek out to destroy…there’s no second guessing what their angle is, or putting your faith in them only to be let down..” Raya stated, “people can be difficult-…they can say one thing and do the exact opposite or lie right to your face..”
She paused, waving her hand.
“But I trust Namaari-…because she’s shown me that I can-..though I am still new to all of this…I’ve never dated anyone before or felt the feelings I have for her with anyone else before..” she explained, “so-…as far as Druuns and surviving on my own and even something tedious as making jackfruit jerky, I know those things…I’m used to those twists and turns…the trial and errors-…but dating and being amongst people again like this-…? That’s like jumping off a cliff and hoping there’s water below to catch you.”
Virana nodded, her face still despite her mind traversing through time at the mention of this. Thinking then of her own past relationship, her husband who had departed from this world many years ago. Recalling of those early days when they were young and in a that newness of their budding relationship. There were so many worries and what if’s, yet she recalled how confident they both were about it all working out for them. How, truly, they were soulmates. Still were, despite losing him to death.
“Namaari was waiting for me to be ready-…and so we kept our relationship a secret.” Raya finished, stepping right though those old memories that Virana had briefly lost herself in, “if I had been braver, we would have spoken to you about it ages ago…which I know is the proper way to do things and what we should have done…so for that, I am sorry..”
Virana nodded, watching Raya carefully. Seeing the clearness in her eyes, the determination in her face. She was telling the truth, probably sharing more than Namaari would have with her if they had done this ‘properly’. Hell- she imagined that she still wouldn’t speak on it even if Virana had demanded an answer of her the last few days. If Raya had asked her to keep it a secret, she would have, which was now slowly making more sense as to why her daughter hadn’t told about their relationship.
She huffed, shaking her head then.
Of course her child of all people would show such unwavering loyalty. Keeping Raya from baring the weight of the blame, silently taking some for herself.
Virana felt grateful for that, seeing they were already working as a unified force, yet almost a little guilty. Realizing she had been so caught up with feeling hurt and angry that they hadn’t told her right away and assuming the worst, instead of respecting the reasoning why they may have chosen to wait.
She felt a little foolish now, a little old and struggling with the notion that she was stuck in her ways. Feeling then as if she had to explain herself to Raya as she had done to her.
Maybe that’s why she shared her own concerns with Raya then, opening up their conversation more, a concern she didn’t even realize she had until she spoke it out loud.
“Namaari is my only child-…my greatest accomplishment…and I am not lost on the poor choices both of us have made over the years-…choices that, at the time, seemed to be for the benefit of our people who were struggling…yet still, we were wrong to do what we had done.” She explained, “still- I don’t want this to be a matter of Namaari needing to prove her worthiness to Heart…or for her to feel beneath you because of the past-.”
“She is my equal-!“ Raya interjected, her cheeks reddening as she realized her rudeness, “uh- I’m sorry-..I just mean-…I don’t feel that way…at all.”
Virana chuckled, shaking her head somewhat at her insistence.
“But does Heart?” She asked then, “will they agree with your choice?”
“Heart will recognize her as my equal as well as my choice.” She stated, clear and decisive “because that is what she is-…it’s how we will present ourselves…and I will remind them again and again that Namaari’s place in Heart is just as fitting as my own.”
Virana took her in again, her eyes and her stature- seeing again that she meant those words. A warmth filling her as she noticed herself relax, feeling at ease by her statement. Gaining peace that she hadn’t realized she lost over the last few days.
There was much she wanted to say then, things she wanted to apologize for too, but before she could say another word- one of the guards at the door awkwardly shuffled in her direction. Finding her, delivering a message from another who had made their way to him.
“Your Majesty-…the Princess was looking for you…” they said, giving her an apologetic look, knowing they were intervening her and Raya’s conversation.
Virana almost laughed.
Of course Namaari noticed the absence of both her Mother and Raya now. Leaving her daughter panicked, no doubt, quite possibly thinking the worst of her in that moment. If only she could see how their conversation had transpired.
“We’ll speak later..” she said, giving Raya a kind smile, “thank you-…”
At this, she began to walk away, following the guard that would lead her to Namaari, who would be thrilled to hear about the conversation they had just had. Only Raya walked a few steps behind her, wanting to have one final word with the Chief of Fang before they parted ways
“I just want you to know…I have every intention of asking your permission to marry her one day…when all is settled and we’ve had our time as a couple together...” she practically blutered out, confident and loud in the hush surrounding the balcony- her face reddening then as she realized her voice carried high into the air, lowering it then as she added, “if you’ve gathered anything from our conversation- I hope you understand that-..despite my hesitance before ..I am serious about my commitment to Namaari…I love her.”
Virana couldn’t help it, she smiled. A happiness finding her in those words. She turned, laying a hand against Raya’s shoulder gently. Allowing her to see said joy on her face at her words. Leaving Raya then with these final words.
“Then I have every intention of giving you my blessing, when that day comes.”
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how do you think a combat session would between Raya and her Ba? like Raya has this idea her Ba is THE best and Benja is totally not ready for how skilled Raya became.
Hi, I'm not very good at action scenes so I don't know how well this turned out, let me know and if you have some more prompts, send them in! I will do them all eventually (i have a bit of a habit to take a prompt and run with it until it becomes something else, so...my apologies hjksghk)
Cause you were the first that really loved me
Raya had missed it immensely.
She had missed her hometown, now lively and fervently celebratory as she had never seen it beofre, her people incredibly happy and proud that their Princess had fixed a broken world and brought everyone back.
She had missed her Ba, the hurt and burden of loneliness suddenly gone away as soon as she had hugged him, his body warm and strong and protective of her exactly as she remembered.
Chief Benja was the exact replica of the man she knew when she was a child, the passage of time visible only when both of them were standing close together, Raya being almost as tall as his father these days.
He was still recovering, his leg still wounded from the arrow that struck him six years ago, and he was adamant on training to get back into shape as much as possible.
And while his body was still the same, he felt older than ever when sparring with his daughter. Raya had grown to be a fierce and strong woman, and her combat skills were completely different now than when they last fought.
His daughter may have gotten taller and heavier, but she was still much more silently swift and quick witted than he remembered, giving him a run for his jade.
They had been sparring for almost an hour now, alternating between eskrima sticks, swords and hand to hand combat, and if Benja was starting to sweat, his daughter seemed as fresh as if they had just started.
She effortlessly deflected the punch aimed at her stomach, moving to her left with a backflip and grabbing the sword that had fallen to the ground, pointing it at her Ba as soon as he turned in her direction.
“Point for me. Again. Are you sure you wanna keep going, Ba?” Raya was grinning now and had been cockily teasing him for a good ten minutes.
“One more” simply replied the man, and they both assumed their positions, testing each other before lunching and meeting in the middle.
Benja put one foot in between her legs, making her loose her balance and grabbing the sword, but Raya was quicker, loosing the sword to roll around and grab the two eskrima stick from the ground, twisting them between the blade, making it fall far to the ground. In a couple of seconds, she knocked him down again, a stick pointed to his throat and another at his wounded leg, effectively blocking him.
His father nodded, painting visibly. “A rather unorthodox method, but clever nonetheless.”
Raya smiled, shrugging while putting away the eskrima sticks “That’s what happen when you fight with Namaari, I guess”
They both sat down, feet deep into the water around them as they paused for a minute.
The secret chamber was no longer used to hide the Gem, both of them had decided that it was best if the dragons had the relic, so the room had been slowly turned into a temple accessible to anyone who might seek quiet and peace. The Heart servants often saw them head there to enjoy the time that they were able to have together when not busy with their diplomatic matters, careful not to disturb them.
“I’m still waiting for that sparring session” said Benja, washing the sweat out of his face with the fresh water.
Raya snorted “Pretty sure Namaari would let you win. She still doesn’t know how to act around you, I think she still feels guilty”
His father hummed, an amused smile on his face. “I’m not sure it has to do with that”
Benja may had been missing from his daughter’s life for a while, but he hadn’t lost his perception, and he prided himself to be the one able to know his daughter deeply. Raya, on the other hand, seemed to be highly always aware on the battlefield, but far lacking when it came to social situations. Benja found it quite amusing how oblivious his daughter could be, especially when it came to Namaari.
“What do you mean?” his daughter turned to him, with her head tilted in curiosity and brows furrowed. She almost looked like a child again, her features softening up a bit. It would always bring a tug in Benja's heart seeing how much she had grown without him.
He contemplated telling her, but decided not to, feeling it was something the two of them had to figure out how to navigate. And maybe, a selfish part of himself still wanted his daughter with him for as much more as he could get.
“Come on, up. We’re going again” smiled his father, Raya groaning as a response.
Benja might still be a bit out of shape, but he will make sure he is the best warrior his daughter ever fought with.
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Yes. I have another Elsamaren headcanon: double date with Raya and Namaari 🥺❤️
How about a little drabble of just before they go to the date? ☺️
"You have a giant cat??" Repeated Elsa excitedly.
Her eyes sparkled, like Namaari had just brought her a Yule gift.
"Yes, though if you wish to pet her, I'm so sorry but we came here on a boat, so..."
"Oh, yes. Right." Replied the blonde, trying not to sound disappointed but failing at it. She also remembered when they arrived on the shore and she almost slammed her forehead at her own forgetting. After all, it's been a while since she last used actual transport to cross water. However, if she was honest with herself, she never sailed of her whole life either, too traumatized by an old memory from her parents.
"What are you envious of?" Asked Honeymaren with a laugh, taking her out of her daydream. "She has an adorable yet dangerous big cat. You have an adorable yet dangerous tiny salamander."
"You do?" Smiled Raya.
Elsa blushed. "Bruni isn't my... Pet. He's a... I don't know, he's a colleague? A buddy?"
Raya and Namaari had matching smirks.
"You really gotta tell me more about your job." Smiled Namaari. "That sounded awesome in your letters, but I'm still confused. In the good way, of course."
"I will." Chuckled Elsa.
Raya rolled her eyes. "How many letters did you two exchange in the last week alone again? I felt like we were visited by that ancestral wind every day and night."
Both women smiled timidly.
"We have a lot to talk about", defended Namaari.
"She's very passionate about magic, that's all." Explained Elsa.
Honeymaren and Raya exchanged an amused look. The Northuldra shrugged.
"Bottoms. They get along very well."
A concert of gasps followed her sass and she received a tap on the arm from her girlfriend. They all laughed and started walking to the spot they had planned.
"I hope we're not too late for the double date." Worried Raya, who, even if she didn't do much correspondance with them, still cared about punctuality. "I could have asked for dragons to speed up the water stream to gain time, but... They're busy with the new irrigation system, and I don't want to monolize them."
Namaari allowed herself an eyeroll. 'And I'm the nerdy one, uh?' She thought.
"Not at all." Assured Honeymaren. "Come on, I set up everything. It's going to be PERFECT."
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thedragonnerd · 3 years
Rayaari headcanon - let us be sad with some angst and hurt/comfort
(inspired by a lovely anon)
With the rebirth of Kumandra and the return of their lost loved ones, everyone tries to sweep away the last six years, in a desperate attempt to move on with their lives and not waste any more time dwelling on the past.
But the scars, both physical and mental, still remain, and trauma endured cannot simply be washed away. There is a disconnect between people now - especially between those who had to endure the threat of Druuns hanging over their heads for years, and those who have awoken to a new world and changed people.
The most heart-wrenching discovery for Raya is that she doesn't always know what to say to her own Ba. It's been so long since they spent a lot of time together, and she is a very different person now compared to the 12-year-old little girl he threw into the water. Sometimes, she's worried he won't like the person she has become.
She also has more arguments with him than before, especially whenever he treats her more like a small child than the young woman she is today, who has survived hardship he never wanted her to experience. They don't always see eye-to-eye with each other regarding trade, politics and what is best for Heart, with his optimism and her realism clashing. If they don't resolve their disagreement quickly, Namaari will find Raya crying softly in their bedroom; she hates fighting with her Ba.
Raya sometimes sees children from her past, who were turned to stone in the original Druun attack and been frozen in time until now. It feels a lifetime ago that she was the right age to play with them, and when she sees them laughing and playing games, she wonders was I ever really that young?
She carries a weapon on her at all times, unable to shake off the feeling that something might go wrong. She learnt this the hard way when she was thirteen: a market deal in Talon had gone wrong, and she was attacked by two large men when she was only a child and without a weapon or knowledge how to fight back. Her ability to run fast had saved her that day. Since then, she has vowed never to be caught weaponless again.
One morning when Namaari tries to wake her, she accidentally pulls a knife, holding it up to Namaari's neck. Raya is almost sick with the idea that she could have seriously injured Namaari just through instinct, but Namaari just holds her hands until she calms down, rubbing her thumb back and forth. 'I trust you with my life,' she tells Raya.
Raya also still has moments where waves of anger wash over her, striking her unawares and in an uncontrollable manner. One time, Namaari makes an innocuous comment about Benja that sets Raya off, words of anger and blame falling from her lips with malicious intent. She feels awful after having done it - she never meant for Namaari to become the target of her bad emotions that day, and she can see how far it sets back their fledgling relationship. Namaari spirals into several days of guilt before they reconcile again.
For Namaari sees the trauma Raya carries, and can't help but feel responsible. She adds this to the weight of the guilt she has already carried for the past six years, and then bottles it up inside, with the opinion that she doesn't deserve Raya's sympathy, or indeed sympathy from anyone.
She has been raised to place the safety of her people before herself, growing to accept and embrace the risk to her own life every time she had to go out on a mission beyond the Fang borders and into Druun territory. It is something she has always been willing to do if it means keeping the rest of Fang safe, and in this new, safer world it is difficult to shake off these feelings of self-sacrifice being a worthy endeavour.
Indeed, she sometimes thinks that it would have been nobler to have turned to stone herself at some point over the years, but she is also too pragmatic to believe that would absolve her of her sins.
Her way of trying to atone therefore is to help as many people as possible now. Her self-sacrificing thoughts are channeled into working herself to exhaustion, as she tries to juggle fixing Fang's city and palace, expanding her citizen's homes back out into their previously Druun-infested lands, and offering up her services to any of the other lands who need extra support in rebuilding.
All of this responsibility and guilt weighs her down enough that she sometimes gets hit with extreme panic attacks. She manages to get herself to a private location the first few times it happens, but then it strikes in the middle of a sparring session with Raya, and she just sinks to the floor and covers her face with her hands.
She can faintly hear Raya asking 'what's wrong?' and feels a hand being placed on her trembling shoulder. She opens her mouth to tell Raya to go away, but instead chokes out 'Please stay?' It is the first time she has managed to ask for help.
Both of them have scars scattered across their bodies, each with a different story to tell, and some even caused by the other person. Raya is concerned at first that Namaari will find hers ugly, but Namaari soon puts those fears to rest by peppering them with tiny kisses. A couple of Namaari's old injuries give her trouble still, so Raya returns the favour by giving her massages when the pain behind those scars grows too much.
Trauma and loss is not a new concept to either of them, even before the arrival of the Druuns. At night, sometimes Raya sings a song that she can remember her mother using as a lullaby. Namaari doesn't like to discuss her father, but occasionally, safe in the dark, she will mention a story about an adventure they had together.
Over a long period of time, they are both able to release themselves of some of their fears and traumas; others, they learn to live with, or learn how to help the other cope. The most important thing, they find, is being together through it all.
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Solving a Mystery  (RATLD-October Prompts)
Benja catches Raya with a mysterious person on multiple occasions
Warnings: None
3rd perspective: Focused on Benja
Benja sighed tiredly as he quietly walked through the darkness of the Heart. He had just returned from an important meeting in Spine and was looking forward to getting some well-deserved sleep. What he didn't expect was to catch Raya sneaking someone out for the first time.
He entered the Heart palace, making his way to his bedroom, but was distracted by clatter, following it.
Once he turned a corner, he spotted Raya kneeling in front of an open window, with a hooded person sitting on the ledge of it. Wanting to stay hidden, he quickly hid behind a pillar, peaking from the side of it.
The only source of light being the torches that hung on the walls.
Benja narrowed his eyes, recognizing his daughter as her back was perfectly illuminated; however, the unknown individual was engulfed within Raya's shadow.
He watched as Raya leaned forward, locking her lips with the other person, leaving him utterly confused as she had never talked about liking anyone. Yet, he was witnessing her making out with someone in the darkness of the night.
As the smacking of their lips reached his ears, he became quite uncomfortable, turning away; wanting to grant his daughter privacy, only peaking once the sound of lips smashing together stopped altogether.
"Time for you to leave before I get caught! I love you, idiot," Raya spoke, not in a whisper, but low enough that Benja barely heard her.
He watched as Raya lovely readjusted the hood over her secret lover before aggressively shoving them in the chest, resulting in the person tumbling backward. The sound of them hitting the ground, making a big bang. Luckily for the secret individual, they were pushed off the second floor.
Benja then watched as Raya peaked out the window, giggling as she waved goodbye. Also, noticing how she stood there watching them disappear into the night.
Benja knew his daughter would see him once she turned, so he made his presence known, walking loudly down the hall, Raya quickly turning around and smiling at him.
"BA! You're back!!" She exclaimed, running over and engulfing him in a hug.
"Dewdrop! Why are you still awake" He smiled as she hugged her tightly, waiting for either the truth or a cover story.
"I couldn't sleep, so I came out here to look at the stars" He chuckled as he pulled away; of course, she chose the cover story.
"Ohhh, aren't the stars more visible through your bedroom window? On the fifth-floor?" He asked with a smirk on his lips, her face turning red, caught in her lie. Yet, she didn't budge, only shrugging her shoulders.
"Felt like a change of perspective was best."
That was the first of many times Benja watched someone sneak into his palace late at night, sometimes staying for only a few hours. Other times the individual remained till the early hours of the morning, sneaking out when they believed everyone was sleeping. Benja even caught Raya sneaking in and out, disappearing for hours on end, having no clue where she would disappear too.
These secret make-out sessions occurring once a week for roughly five months, and he still had no idea who this mystery person was.
This mystery person was cautious, always wearing a hood and covering most of their face with a scarf. Benja would have certainly thought they were a thief he hadn't watched and heard his daughter exchange salvia with them on several occasions.
Catching the corporate wasn't working, so he asked his daughter on several occasions whether she was seeing anyone, to which she always responded, "You'll know when I want you to know."
After a while, he stopped lingering in the shadows and stopped asking questions. Even so, he remained frustrated and confused on why Raya's mystery lover had to stay top secret.
The answer to this mystery came about a month after he stopped trying to solve it. He was walking through the heart gardens when he spotted Namaari; confused about her presence in Heart, hiding behind a tree, he got closer, noticing how she lovely ran her right hand against Raya's cheek.
Benja then understood that his daughter didn't want their high professional relationship to be watched and judged by others, so they kept in the shadows. He knew it was only a matter of time before they announced it publicly, and he was more than delighted.
Knowing they hadn't seen him, he turned around with a smile on his face. He had finally solved the mystery and was happy with his findings.
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isitbussinjanelle · 3 years
Namaari: okay, you need to chill.
Raya: or else what?
Namaari: or else I’m not gonna talk to you for the rest of the day.
Raya: :0
Namaari: you gonna chill?
Raya: [pouts] yes.
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verthanthi · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Namaari/Raya (Disney) Characters: Raya (Disney), Namaari (Disney), Virana (Disney) Additional Tags: rayamaari, Namaaya, Post-Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) Summary:
Prompt from Tumblr. Raya tries to have a sweet surprise for Namaari, but things go terribly wrong.
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