radiophd · 7 months
raxon -- beskar
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post-futurism · 1 year
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omanxl1 · 3 months
Defected Radio Show: Green Velvet Takeover - 12.07.24
Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue with this O-Dog Day Party! The saga /struggle continues as we broadcast live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta so naysayers shouldn’t even start with me! We’re setting up shop in other venues in local  / national  / international and intergalactic frontiers as Brotha O steers the mothership to safe havens and…
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australmixing · 2 years
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gatual · 2 years
saben si sos un summer lover voy a empezar a asumir q tenés una cierta condición económica para disfrutarlo como una casa fresca aire acondicionado pileta y esas cosas a menos q te guste achicharrarte sin tener una fuckin fuente de aire y estar todo sudado pegajoso incómodo y q todo esto no te deje dormir como yo en este momento cosa q me enfada tanto q me tiraría por la ventana del edificio..lo cual si disfrutas esto equivale a un desequilibrio mental de otra manera no me lo explico
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missannetropic · 3 months
Camino a Ventas de Narón
La mañana del viernes dejamos atrás Portomarín y partimos rumbo a Ventas de Narón, un pueblito de apenas cinco casas a doce kilómetros de distancia.
Al principio fue raro, porque por primera vez no sabíamos si ibamos por el camino correcto. Durante casi dos kilómetros anduvimos a ciegas hasta encontrar la confiable flecha amarilla que nos desvió por un caminito de piedras vecino a la ruta. Los paisajes que atravesamos hoy fueron más discretos y sencillos que los de ayer, o quizás nos encontraron con los ojos embriagados de belleza y más exigentes. De cualquier manera, fue un camino agradable y marcadamente agreste. Cruzamos granjas, establos, huertas y pastizales. Vimos vacas y chanchos pelados y convivimos en algunos tramos con la pestilencia de los fardos de engorde.
Pasada la mitad del tramo entramos a una pequeña fonda en un pueblito de un puñado de casitas, a tomar una caña con limón. La cantinera, Paula, una jovencita despierta y curiosa, comenzó a darnos charla. Hablamos del dialecto gallego, la estructura de las frases, el castrapeo (resultado de mezclar el español y el dialecto), las comidas típicas de la región, los carneos, y el sistema educativo. A los pocos minutos de conversar pudimos notar que era una persona muy culta e inteligente, con una mentalidad abierta y ganas de comerse el mundo. La pregunta obligada la disparó mi madre: ¿qué hace una persona con tantas ambiciones y sueños en un pueblo tan pequeñito? "Un peto" contestó y como leyó que no entendiamos el término rápidamente dijo "vamos, que estoy ahorrando dinero para estudiar enfermería". Nos contó la historia de una vocación que tardó en madurar y de su determinación por materializarla. Salimos felices de haberla cruzado en el camino y con el subidón de energía que generan las conexiones espontáneas e inesperadas.
Seguimos camino y cruzamos un monte llamado Castromaior. Del otro lado nos esperaba lo más bello de la jornada: un bosque repleto de helechos bajos. Nos quedamos un rato a contemplarlos moverse como olas de un océano verde hasta que uno llamo particularmente nuestra atención. ¡Era un helecho bailarín! Yo había leído sobre el tema en La inteligencia de las flores, el libro de Maurice Maeterlink, pero no recordaba con precisión las causas del fenómeno, así que investigamos y descubrimos que se trataba una nastia, un movimiento pasajero de determinados órganos de un vegetal frente a un estímulo externo. En el caso de los helechos es una hidronastia, pues el movimiento responde a la presencia de humedad en el ambiente. En ese momento me sobrevino la misma sensación que al leer aquel libro, ¡que sorprendente y simpática es la naturaleza!
Seguimos camino y al cabo de un rato llegamos a Ventas de Narón, un pueblito de cinco casas regenteadas por dos familias que viven de la atención a los peregrinos. Allí comimos la mejor comida que hemos comido hasta el momento: platos cien por ciento caseros, elaborados con productos cosechados de la huerta familiar. Una exquisitez. Comimos empanada gallega, raxon y caldo gallego, tomamos vino y de postre pedimos natilla y torta de queso. Luego nos acostamos un rato a descansar, lo que para mí significa dormir dos o tres horitas y para mis compañeras, una. Así que yo dedique buena parte de la tarde a descansar y reponerme y ellas fueron a mirar los cultivos y conversar.
A la tarde hicimos una práctica de yoga para estirar un poco el cuerpo, entumecido de tanta caminata, y luego fuimos a cenar a la misma fonda.
Mañana partimos rumbo a Pala de Rei.
Buen camino!
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city-of-rifts · 4 months
City of Rifts: Diagnostics
Chapter 2: The Hub
Tosh stared expectantly at her monitor. Nearly an hour had passed, and none of the rift aftershocks she predicted had occurred. In that time, she had double-checked every program, sent Ianto to assess every connected equipment throughout the Hub, and found nothing. She chewed idly on a pen as she ran diagnostics for the fourth time.
Ianto reappeared, smoothing his suit as he approached. "Anything?"
She shook her head. "Ianto, are you sure-"
"Tosh, I've checked every scanner, every battery, every nook and cranny of this place. I can assure you it's all functional," he said firmly but softly.
"It doesn't make sense," she murmured, eyes fixed on the monitor.
Ianto shook his head, silently agreeing. "Maybe it's outside interference?"
Tosh quickly turned to face him, eyes wide. "You don't think... alien?"
Shrugging, Ianto replied, "Usually is."
At that moment, the lift in the Hub lowered. It slowly moved to floor level.
Ianto raised an eyebrow. "You know he doesn't use that entrance unless he's showing off for someone new."
Turning back to her screen, Tosh agreed. "Usually calls ahead when he's bringing a visitor, though. Are we supposed to put on a show?"
As the lift reached the floor, Ianto grabbed the most impressive piece of tech he could find, a useless dark box with flashing colorful lights that they had deemed as nothing more than an alien art piece, and strode purposefully towards an empty computer desk. He pulled up a video of nonsense text, filling the monitor screen with impressive-looking code, and pretended to be very intrigued by what it said. Tosh didn't even have to pretend. She busied herself with renewed effort to diagnose any rift tracking failures, the code on her screen very real.
"Welcome to Torchwood," Jack boomed, dramatically spreading his arms to reveal the Hub.
Owen stalked over to Ianto, a scowl on his face. He grabbed the mouse and clicked off the code video. "Don't bother, tea-boy," he snarled, "just an American doctor."
Ianto raised an eyebrow, but said nothing as Owen stalked away.
Hurrying over, Gwen gave Ianto an apologetic smile. "Sorry about him. Bit of a disappointment, this mission."
As he knew all too well, Ianto was the easy target of Owen's rage. Just as Owen knew that payback was imminent.
To Jack's disappointment, Dr. House merely glanced around with a mild curiosity, taking it all in as if the Hub appeared no more impressive than an office cubicle. He followed the Captain off the lift, his cane clacking loudly on the floor as he limped along.
"Bit damp in here, isn't it?" House mused.
Jack deflated. "Well, yeah. It is underground."
House wandered around the room, aimlessly poking at various objects without enthusiasm. Jack followed, naming them for him, even the ones that didn't really have names. "The Mars Extractor. Ah, Andromeda's Spehere. The Prism Device. The Code of Raxon."
No responses came from the doctor. He walked as if in a daze, then finally settled on an office chair next to Tosh's desk. He glanced at the monitor in front her, then drew his focus to his leg, massaging it as he winced in pain.
Jack peered over Tosh's shoulder. "Any excitement while we were out?"
"No, sir. Not even a ripple," Tosh replied, "It's... odd."
"Hm," Jack agreed, "that doesn't seem right."
"I've checked every program! Had Ianto look at every sensor; they all seem to be functioning, except... they can't be." Tosh sighed and leaned back in her chair. She crossed her arms in frustration.
Jack patted her shoulder. "The rifts are always trouble, never playing by the rules. If you can't detect any, I'm willing to believe they're inactive." He offered her a smile as she turned to look at him.
"I'll keep looking," she assured him, leaning back towards her keyboard.
Jack nodded. "Let me know if you find anything." He turned to Dr. House. "And if you need anything, let me know."
The doctor nearly asked for vicodin. His last pill must have worn off, and even in what he assumed was a terribly patched together fever dream, the pain seared through his leg. But he shook off the idea. What good would that do, anyway? "Sure, got anything to wake me up? Captain."
"Coffee?" Ianto was at their side in an instant, a tray of freshly brewed coffee and a stack of mugs in hand. He had been preparing it for Tosh anyway, and was pleased that the timing worked out for this request.
House snorted. "No, I don't think that'll do."
From across the room, Owen called out, "cocaine?" He laughed to himself, just liud enough the others could hear and roll their eyes.
"Any of your gadgets give a sharp pinch?" House asked dully, "I've heard that'll wake you up from a dream."
Jack eyed his guest. "You... think you're dreaming?"
"Now don't try to convince me otherwise. The more lucid I stay, the more likely I am to wake up," House countered.
"Why don't I show you a few things, and you can decide for yourself if you're still dreaming," Jack offered, reaching out a hand to help up the other man.
He sighed heavily, then grabbed his cane and, ignoring Jack's offer of help, dragged himself to his feet once again. He waved a hand, indicating that Jack show the way.
They passed through the Weevil cages, wandered briefly into the archives, and visited Owen's lab before ending in the meeting room. Jack told House an abridged history of Torchwood, how aliens and creatures from other times frequented this area and others. He told him of the rifts that popped up, and how his team would seek them out in an attempt to stop trouble before it started. He told the doctor of cybermen, of weevils, of blowfish. At the end of it all, he asked, "So, Dr. House. Do you really believe your subconscious could come up with all this in a single dream? Or is it possible that reality is stranger than fiction?" (Prev Chapter) --- (Next Chapter)
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aobashi · 9 months
AOBASHI HOUR 20240113 24:00- #AOBASHI
talk & select : hide shino
Marc Romboy & Timo Maas - Der Rhythmus feat. Fadila (Original Mix)
Adam Beyer & Raxon - The Signal (Day Mix)
Nahto - Release (Original Mix)
REMO-CON - Hat Trick
Homma Honganji - Wiseguy (Original Mix)
06R - This Shimmering Night (Erich Logan Deep Space Remix)
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raxonrally · 1 year
Matrix Exchange Token (MUSD): A revolutionary digital asset
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About Matrix Exchange Token (MUSD)
Matrix Exchange Token (MUSD) is an innovative digital asset that represents ownership in Matrix Global Exchange, an emerging cryptocurrency exchange under the esteemed Matrix Groups Holding Co in Turkey. This article delves into the token's essential features, distribution model, and the unwavering commitment of Matrix Groups Holding Co to ensure its sustained value. The Matrix Exchange Token (MUSD) presents a unique opportunity for investors to become shareholders of Matrix Global Exchange and participate in its success. Backed by the credibility and commitment of Matrix Groups Holding Co, MUSD offers a secure and potentially lucrative investment option within the blockchain and cryptocurrency domain.
The Matrix Group is a company that collaborates with doctors across various medical specialties. We also facilitate relationships between doctors and hospitals to offer exceptional services to patients seeking treatment in Turkey. Our primary goal is to ensure patient satisfaction, meeting their requests while upholding their rights. However, patients from Arab countries face challenges in accessing funds for treatment abroad due to restrictions on money movement. Consequently, they resort to paying exorbitant commissions on the black market. In response, our team has developed the 1- Matrix Global Exchange 2- Matrix USD (MUSD) 3- Matrix Token (MTIX)
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Token Specifications
The total supply of Matrix Exchange Tokens (MUSD) is fixed at 200,000 ntokens. This limited supply ensures scarcity and potential value appreciation for token holders.
The Name : Matrix USD(MUSD)
The Symbol : MUSD
Total supply : 200,000
Circulating supply : 100000
Smart chain: BEP20
Contract address : 0x3e21309896182d5830dd0c124c5e2988907e794e
Token Distribution and Presale
50% of the total MUSD supply (100,000 tokens) will be offered during the presale. The presale will be divided into four price stages, with each stage having a specific allocation and token price:
Stage 1: 25,000 tokens for 10 dollars per token
Stage 2: 25,000 tokens for 15 dollars per token
Stage 3: 25,000 tokens for 20 dollars per token
Stage 4: 25,000 tokens for 25 dollars per token
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Use of Presale Funds
Funds raised during the MUSD presale will be allocated primarily to the development and expansion of Matrix Global Exchange, ensuring a robust and feature-rich platform for token holders
Phase 1: Preparation and Development
Phase 2: Token Creation and Allocation
Phase 3: Initial Subscription Offering
Phase 4: Launch and Listing
Phase 5: Marketing and Adoption
Phase 6: Continued Development and Improvement
Phase 7: Future Expansions and Partnerships
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For More Information about Matrix Exchange Token
Website: https://matrix-exchange.global/ Whitepaper: https://ico.matrix-exchange.global/assets/whitepaper-78fb009b.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/matrixtoken1 Telegram: https://t.me/Matrixexchangeglobal Discord: https://discord.gg/DwqWQaCGZA
Bitcointalk name: Raxon Rally Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3474913 Telegram username: @RaxonRally Wallet address: 0x076970322eb0482c818dE1886d39Ec14950dE1Ff
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radiocasanikolassy · 1 year
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satyabhaig · 1 year
Raxon Innovation PVC Door Guard (39 Inches, Pack of 3) Gap Filler for Do...
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fellarjaven · 2 years
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Profile for the character: Name: Splashdrive 
Gender: Male 
Age: 10 billion years old 
Height: 35 meters 
Species: Runadian 
Alternate mode: Spherian submarine 
Elements: Water, ice 
Weapons: Water trident, Raxon Ice Sword 
Personality: Likes the color blue 
Starry eyed 
Easily excited  
Outwardly confident 
Likes maths 
Note: He transforms into an aquatic vehicle. He likes math more than science. 
Like comment and watch me!
Splashdrive belong to me
Kairdeas belongs to me as well
Gacha Club belongs to Lunime
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omanxl1 · 1 year
Deep House Mix | Summer 2023 | Refresh Yourself #05 | Carlos Grau
Digital Crate Digging Continues as this Saturday afternoon shifts into Saturday evening! its going down  / were putting work in out here  rocking hardhats and uniforms with our names stitched on the front of them; blue collar style, were at the construction site!                  Surrounded by yellow caution / crime scene tape!  over in Decatur / Dekalb County Georgia authorities set up…
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Raxon Innovation Microwave Stand is Made From Premium Quality Metal with Layered Powder Coated Process (Made in India). It can be used for multiple purposes i.e. in the office for a monitor riser, laptop stand and for microwave shelf, etc. Single Piece Top Flat Bed, Good Texture, Versatile, Sturdy, Non-Slip, Removable Legs. You can easily clean your kitchen platform after putting the microwave on the stand. Our Microwave laptop monitor stand comes with 1 platform and 4 legs, all you need to do is just screw the 4 legs into the platform and its ready to use. No tools needed! Size:- 50cmX34.2cmX15 [ad_2]
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kojisapple · 2 years
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electromirror · 4 years
Raxon - 2121
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