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Tomorrow is the big day everyone! We are as excited for this event as some of you guys are.
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leo-ne-vinci · 5 years
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Day 8: Confession
Inspired by my friend’s confession (They’re engaged now)
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nurayahart · 5 years
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@rayllum-week Day 8: Confession
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snadwick · 5 years
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@rayllum-week Day 1 — Fireflies
(Totally inspired from that boat scene in Tangled)
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tydy-the-megnet · 5 years
You Would Not Believe Your Eyes
for @rayllum-week day 1: fireflies
They finally made it to Xadia. And it only took swimming in freezing water, breaking a primal stone, leaving old friends behind, riding a ship captained by a blind sailor, nearly getting electrocuted, using dark magic, losing their father, sending Ezran home to be the new king, and nearly drowning in lava.
It sounded like a lot, Rayla new, but really, it could have been worse.
Callum could have actually died -- multiple times!
She glanced over at the mage. She had been doing that a lot lately. Not like, an inappropriate amount. But a normal, friendly amount of glancing was happening. She was worried about him. Between the dark magic fever and the regional heat, he was looking very red. And he wouldn’t look at her. Not that he needed to look at her, or even that she wanted him to look at her like she was looking at him.
Not that she was looking at him -- aside from the aforementioned glancing which was done out of worry rather than any actual desire to just look at him she was sure -- but he wasn’t looking at her. More than normal, that was.
But every time Rayla looked to Callum, it seemed he was specifically looking away. He also appeared to get redder and redder each time, so Rayla was getting worried over it. Hence the glancing.
She had nearly lost him too many times for him to die of heatstroke or something. So, Rayla looked toward the dying sunlight and decided they should rest.
As Callum began preparing a spot where they could lie down, Rayla trotted into the foliage to forage some extra food -- and maybe get some water, too. But she remained extra vigilant, listening from any cries of discomfort from her companion.
She was watching him for his own health, and no other reason, she insisted. She wasn’t even really watching him, either. More like she was --
She was tripping over trees, more like. Rayla spat out a bit of dirt, glaring at the large root over which she had fallen. The elf stood up, giving the wood a hardy kick for good measure as she dusted herself off. Where had she been?
Right, the not-quite-watching-Callum-but-still-watching-Callum.
Then, as Rayla emerged into another clearing, her face lit up, and a smile wound it’s way onto her lips. She looked out to the flickering and fluttering, the soft buzz of the night soothing her erratic emotions -- not that she felt emotions just from thinking about Callum.
Well, other than worry, of course. And, the girl allowed, sometimes annoyance.
But still, Rayla found herself enamored with the sight, and decided then that she should get Callum to see this, too. Not that she wanted to share such a possibly-romantic-but-probably-not sight with him, obviously. But just because it was a breath-taking, beautiful sight that more people should see.
So, the assassin walked back toward their makeshift camp and brought Callum to the field of fireflies. She watched him again -- just to gauge how he was feeling -- because she was still worried, of course! -- and not because he was nice to look at -- not that he wasn’t -- not that she’d have noticed anyway! -- because he was -- though she didn’t notice, duh -- but this time, he was looking back at her.
Her breath stopped. Her heart quickened. Her world faded out, leaving only the boy in front of her.
He blinked, and she noticed his face reddening -- right! He was unwell at the moment! Hence why she brought him to the fireflies! To make him feel better, that was, not because she -- she had explained this earlier.
“What’re ya staring at me for?” He was supposed to be looking at the fireflies.
“Right! Sorry.” He turned away quickly, an even worse flush on his face.
Not that she noticed, because she definitely was not staring at him.
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seaweedraindraws · 5 years
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@rayllum-week - Day 1 - Fireflies
All I can think about is that scene from The Lion King
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hello-fish-here · 5 years
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Rayllum week day 6: scarf
(I almost forgot...)
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thehappyspaceman · 5 years
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Yo! It’s been a hot minute since I posted new art, hasn’t it? Well, I wanted to participate in @rayllum-week, so I started drawing something for the Day 4 prompt “Moonlight,” with Callum and Rayla lying under the moon. I wound up spending extra time on it and being a day late, but hopefully that’s not a big problem for you guys.
Characters © Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond Art © me
And don’t forget to support me on Patreon!
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mimosaeyes · 5 years
Summary: Callum and Rayla care about, look out for, and love each other long before either of them says it. For Rayllum Week, prompt: “scarf”.
Alternative summary: in which the author thinks up every possible use for a scarf she can and crams them into one troped-up fic.
Word count: 4902
A/N for tumblr: I started writing this fic one afternoon to procrastinate working on my Honours thesis. Well, I submitted my thesis this morning and it’s the right day for the prompt, so here: enjoy the fic I wrote for stress relief!
More detailed notes about the decisions I made, under the cut!
One scene (two snippets: ii, iv) takes place in Xadia; one scene (two snippets: i, iii) takes place in the human kingdoms, and one scene (v) takes place right on the dissolving border. This was highly deliberate yet happened quite naturally. 
Does this count as a five times fic if there’s technically only three scenes in five parts? In my seventh year as a fic writer, have I finally written this basic form? :O
I think I subconsciously had slightly more examples of Callum fussing over Rayla than vice versa, perhaps because season 2 made it seem like she was closer to realising her feelings than he did and I just like to be contrary. Eh. I contemplated changing some scenes to make it more ‘balanced,’ but I figured it was mutual enough.
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araminia16 · 5 years
Scarf Thief (PG)
Rayla noticed small things about Callum. More since they crossed into Xadia. She knew he missed his brother though he put on a front to hide it. He missed his home and even though the plants and creatures in Xadia enthralled him enough to stare at sleeping creatures to sketch them in silence. His silence today grated on her though she chose not to fill it either. They ate breakfast in silence and walked in silence save for Zym’s antics while those brought a smile to their faces Callum went back to his silence. So distracted he didn’t notice the red scarf he usually kept close to him loosened. The piece of clothing precarious in its position around his neck and shoulder.
Some time before Rayla took up the rear of their short expedition and while she watched the red cloth flap in the wind her fingers twitched. Before she could stop herself she reached and snatched it from his shoulder. It slipped easily away and she clutched her prize with a grin. He really was lost in thought as it took him a few more minutes to snap out of his reverie and glanced down. She knew the moment he realized his scarf was no longer where it should be.
Callum’s head snapped up and cold panic gripped his chest and squeezed his heart painfully. He stopped and looked around the ground before he looked up at Rayla with the question on his tongue, “Rayla. Have you seen--.” He hated his voice and the octave it climbed to as he took in his friend. His elven friend with his scarf wrapped around her neck and a grin upon her face.
“Yes, Callum?” She decided to play dumb, “Have I seen...?”
“My scarf. Give it back.”
“If you want it you’ll have to take it from me.” She challenged and he lunged for her.
“Come on, Rayla. We don’t have time to play games.”
“I disagree, Callum. We have as much time as we need to. You’ve been of a mood recently you know. Even Zym has noticed. I know you miss Ezran but I’m still here with you. You need to talk to me.” Rayla stopped and regarded him with a hopeful open expression.
Callum’s hand darted out and he took his scarf back. “I’m fine.” He wrapped the garment around his neck and set off to leave her there.
“Fine my arse.” She huffed softly and trotted after him with Zym in tow.
After the first successful snatch she took every opportunity to take his scarf from him and keep it in her grasp. She used trees, rocks, and even Zym decided to participate in the game of keep away.
Callum knew she only wanted to cheer him up but she couldn’t know what that scarf meant to him. A gift from his mother. One of her last gifts to him and he kept it with him wherever he went.
They were under the cover of a rather large luminescent tree as Callum sketched away. His attention to detail as his pen traced line after line on the page. He had his tongue slightly poked from between his teeth and suddenly he felt a whisper of sensation at his neck but ignored it. It was important to finish his portrait. Callum’s memory had always been excellent as he could bring up minute details with only a moment of a glance. The arch of her horn he couldn’t seem to get right no matter how he looked at it.
“What are you drawing then?” She asked from above him. “Is that me?”
Callum slammed his book shut and pink tinged his cheeks. “It’s nothing.” Then with a glance downward and the absence of red he sighed, “Give it back, Rayla.”
“I don’t have it.” She returned as she dangled from the tree above and dropped to the earth with barely a sound.
“Nevermind. Keep it. I’m tired of you constantly taking it from me.” He grumbled out and moved away from the tree and the elf underneath it.
“Callum I’m telling you the truth. I don’t have it.”
“It was a gift from my mom.” He blurted out. “And every time you take it its like you take her away from me.”
Callum looked up at Rayla and found her face a mask of horror, “I’m sorry Callum. I didn’t know. I just thought--. I’m sorry.” She finished lamely.
Once he started he couldn’t stop as if a dam broke within his chest as he continued on, “She died. My father is gone, my step dad is gone but he was more a dad than the first one. My best friend betrayed me and tried to hurt us. My brother’s gone. It just feels like things keep happening and I keep losing people I care about.”
Rayla approached him cautiously with a hand outstretched as he slowly sank to his knees a river of tears down his cheeks. “Ezran is alive. He didn’t die. He’s just doing his duty just as we are.”
“They all leave me eventually. You’re going to leave me too. Someday when this is finished you will go back to your home and forget all about me.”
“That will never happen. Who could forget about you?The first human that made me think not all of you were bad. The one who taught me things about war and breaking the cycle of hate.” The first boy she felt anything for even though she was hardly old enough to feel anything for boys.
“You can’t promise that.” He whispered in the small space between them as she knelt down a hand width from his face and brought her hands up to place them on his cheeks.
With a gentle motion she brought his eyes to meet hers, “That will never happen. I care about you and even when we bring Zym back ta his mother we will still be friends. I won’t leave you. Not ever.”
Callum finally nodded and gave her a smile. “I’m sorry I’ve been so much of a grouch these past few days.”
“I forgive you.”
“Will you give me my scarf back?”
“I don’t have it this time.”
A sharp yip drew their attention to a dragonling with a splash of red at his throat. He puffed out his chest and gave a bark as he pranced around. Callum began to laugh first as Zym continued to act the part of a prince with his red cape and Rayla joined in. The stresses of the past few days washed away from them as their sides heaved and they turned breathless as they clung to each other for support.
In the end neither were sure who initiated the embrace only that they poured their shared affection into the hug. She breathed in Callum’s scent as he breathed in hers and they just stayed that way for a long while.Things would be fine now with just the two of them. Rayla just knew it.
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Here are the prompts! Mention @rayllum-week or be sure to tag your post with #rayllumweek or #rayllumweek2019.
We look foward to seeing what you all come up with.
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leo-ne-vinci · 5 years
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Callum: I told you not to kiss me when I'm sick
Rayla: How was I supposed to know elves could catch a human cold?
Day 5: Illness
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nurayahart · 5 years
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@rayllum-week Day 5: illness
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blehblarghblah · 5 years
TDP: Magic Between the Moon & Sky (5)
Ahh, yes, day 3 of @rayllum-week. I was excited to write this one because I’ve never written a college AU before, and I wasn’t really sure where to go with it. But, nevertheless, I still had fun making it! This is fic is lightly inspired by @fmayyy‘s High school AU of TDP. Instead, college, of course, and they’re all in the same college. Still, check it out! It looks great!
Anyways, enough explaining, enjoy!
Come again tomorrow! Day 4: Moonlight! I hope y’all will enjoy it!
Until next time,
-- Bleh
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tydy-the-megnet · 5 years
You Look Beautiful, Probably
for @rayllum-week‘s day 4 prompt: moonlight
It was a beautiful night. Perfect for a moonlit stroll. Rayla smiled down at her clothes. She had changed out of her normal adventuring outfit for a nicer thing she had gotten a couple of towns ago.
Tonight, she was gonna make Callum fall in love with her.
She had fixed her hair up nicer than usual, she was wearing a nicer-than-usual-outfit, she was even wearing a bit of makeup that a nice lady in town had suggested and she looked amazing.
Now she just needed to go ask Callum to go on a romantic walk under the moonlight.
It was much harder than she anticipated. She must’ve stood in front of his tent for hours, the full moon steadily rising into the sky, not a cloud in sight to cover the twinkling stars above.
She kept feeling more and more empowered as the night went on, but every time she would almost call him out, she’d chicken out at the last second. It was nearing midnight, now, and she didn’t want to wait too long, or else he’d be all groggy.
She was surprised when she heard her voice -- she hadn’t realized she had spoken until she heard the response accompanied by a yawn.
“Ah was wonderin’ if you wanted to come outside with me real quick? There’s a cool cliff a short walk away from here, and the view is beautiful.”
Another yawn, “Uh, sure. Okay.”
Rayla heard rustling in Callum’s tent, and waited with a brilliant smile for the boy to come out.
She was beaming by the time he finally emerged.
His brows furrowed, his eyes glanced around, and he queried in a befuddled tone, “Rayla?”
“Yes?” She asked teasingly, enjoying the look of shock on his face. She felt invigorated just looking at him. She felt like she could do anything. “How do I look?” She asked, twirling in place to let him see every angle.
“Um,” Callum’s tone grew even more confused, and Rayla stopped spinning, self-consciousness creeping into her heart, “Can you turn off your powers, so I can actually see you?”
Her powers--oh.
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seaweedraindraws · 5 years
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@rayllum-week - Day 5 - Illness
Hey remember that time where Callum decided to save a dragon using dark magic? Yeah, me too.
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