#rayne brothers
creepyscritches · 2 years
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Some ocs and a dude
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purarupu · 2 months
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mashle rkgk
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owl-bones · 7 months
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finally figured out a design for this guy that i like (✿◡‿◡)
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apleijuic · 2 months
HEELLLOOOOO i've done more redesigns
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little-demy · 3 months
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The Sword Cane; Rayne Ames
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madorosenpai · 2 months
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Summary: Rayne adoece e agora cabe a Finn cuidar de seu irmão mais velho.
Notes: Enquanto escrevia esta fic, percebi o quão intimamente ela se relacionava com "Reflexo" e "Compreendido", ainda que não fossem sequências diretas. Com isso, decidi criar essa trilogia. O ponto era destacar as inseguranças tanto dos irmãos mais novos, quanto dos mais velhos e acompanhá-los em suas evoluções como personagens, sempre destacando os laços que eles possuíam como irmãos, além da formação de uma sólida amizade entre Wirth e Finn que teria se iniciado devido às suas angústias similares.
Agradeço quem acompanhou até aqui. Boa leitura!
Fanfic dedicada a H4l0_MyC. Obrigada pelos comentários sinceros e gentis! Espero que goste da história que escrevi com muito carinho :)
Numa pacífica manhã da Easton, o sol raiava com intensidade prenunciando um bom dia. Ou pelo menos assim deveria estar sendo para a maioria dos alunos. De todos os dias possíveis dentro de um ano letivo, Rayne havia sido agraciado com uma gripe justamente naquele.
A chefia do dormitório Adler, em particular, estava encarregada de muitos afazeres no dia e por mais diligentes que Max e Aorio fossem, duvidava seriamente que ambos pudessem ser capazes de dar cabo de tudo sozinhos.
No presente momento encontrava-se deitado sobre a cama de seu quarto, enquanto assistia os suspiros preocupados de seu irmão mais novo que encarava o termômetro acusando a temperatura de 40℃.
- Por Merlin! Você está ardendo em febre! – Exclamou o mais novo, sua apreensão era visível.
- Isso não é nada. Eles precisam de mim. – Retorquiu o maior enquanto fazia um esforço quase que sobre-humano para levantar-se da cama. Não fosse Finn a segurá-lo, este teria certamente desabado e se ferido, por conseguinte.
O mais novo, então, tornou a posicioná-lo com cuidado confortavelmente de volta à cama. Cobriu-o com os lençóis e em seguida espremeu o pano úmido, que estava submerso na bacia de água morna situada sobre o criado mudo, depositando-o sobre a testa do maior a fim de abaixar sua temperatura o mais rápido possível.
- Os veteranos e eu já estamos cuidando de tudo. Às vezes soa como se você nos subestimasse... – Respondera Finn com um leve tom de frustração em sua voz.
O primogênito podia ser bastante teimoso e insistente quando queria, o que por um lado configurava uma característica positiva, já que Rayne era o tipo de pessoa que daria a própria vida por aqueles que ama. Por outro lado, o fato de que também podiam perdê-lo justamente por isso incomodava aqueles que o amavam, principalmente Finn.
- Mas há missões com risco de vida. E se vocês se ferirem gravemente ou...vierem a óbito por minha causa? Não posso ficar aqui deitado e relaxando sabendo que aqueles que eu amo estão se arriscando por mim...
- Nesse ritmo você vai acabar se matando! – Retrucou veemente o mais novo, o que pareceu espantar um tanto o mais velho chamando sua atenção.
Esperava qualquer outra reação, menos uma resposta ousada do seu irmão mais novo. Desde quando ele teria se tornado tão corajoso? Percebendo a brecha, Finn segurou as mãos de seu irmão com ternura e prosseguiu:
- Irmão, você é uma pessoa maravilhosa, por mais que não acredite nisso. O tanto que você já teve que sacrificar em sua vida pelo bem dos outros demonstra claramente isso. Mas não acha que está sendo injusto consigo mesmo? Estou sob seus cuidados desde que me entendo por gente e a quantidade de feridas abertas que você carrega, sejam elas físicas ou emocionais é insano! Magoa profundamente apenas ficar assistindo você carregar esse fardo e não fazer nada a respeito... – A este ponto, o menor já se debulhava em lágrimas pela aflição.
Cada palavra que proferia era como uma facada em seu coração. Nem mesmo a dor que sentira no confronto contra Carpaccio se comparava ao presente momento. Ele sabia que jamais poderia vir a se tornar tão forte quanto Rayne, mas desejava ao menos ter uma chance de retribuir todo o amor do seu irmão.
- Eu sei que é pouco, mas peço para confiar um pouco mais em mim e me deixar cuidar de você neste momento de fragilidade. Não sou feito de porcelana. Se for preciso, eu suportarei a carga que for por você, mas me recuso a te abandonar. Você mesmo não faria isso. Divida o peso comigo, por favor. – Suplicava Finn em meio às lágrimas, porém com firmeza em sua postura e um brilho de confiança em seu olhar, o que não passou despercebido por Rayne.
Finn crescera tanto em tão pouco tempo. Teria sido seus amigos o motivando ou Kaldo e Ryoh incentivando a insurgência de seu potencial? Qualquer que fosse a razão, Rayne não poderia estar mais orgulhoso de seu irmão.
Sempre soube que Finn era capaz de grandes feitios, podendo até mesmo superá-lo em questão de magia, mas a carência de autoconfiança do mais novo era o que o abalava e nada podia doer mais do que ser incapaz de poder ajudá-lo nesse aspecto. Porém, os sentimentos ali expostos por Finn foram capazes de remover qualquer resquício de culpa que ainda restasse em seu ser, tal qual um afago gentil em sua alma.
Inconscientemente, um sorriso sincero abria-se no semblante de Rayne, que gentilmente enxugou as lágrimas que insistiam em cair dos olhos do menor e no segundo seguinte, não segurando sua felicidade, puxara Finn para um abraço apertado e tão requisitado por ambas as partes.
- Não sei o que fiz em vida para merecer um irmão tão precioso como você...
- Irmão... – Respondera o mais novo, que agora esbanjava um rubor em sua face enquanto retribuía o gesto do mais velho.
A sintonia existente em seus corações era forte o suficiente para silenciar quaisquer tormentos ou inseguranças que viessem a assombrar suas mentes, pois nada poderia ser maior que a pureza do amor entre os irmãos, que outrora trilhavam seus caminhos separadamente, mas de agora em diante andariam lado a lado.
Notes: Rayne é extremamente dedicado ao Finn, o que faz com que se preocupe excessivamente com o mesmo e que se questione se é de fato um bom irmão mais velho. Já o Finn, por outro lado, carece de autoconfiança. Então trabalhar esses aspectos me pareceu algo bem interessante de se explorar.
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belsasim · 4 months
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Kit indeed had a different approach than his twin sister. When Zinnia would listen and talk to their brother, Kit was a young man of action. He dedicated himself to teaching his brothers how to ride a bike.
With mixed success, to be honest. Aspen being a little more sensitive than his brother and seeking Zinnia's soothing company, Halo often was the one left with Kit to practice riding his bike. The active young boy caught onto it quickly and before Kit knew, Halo was performing wheelies and racing down the street.
Aspen took some more convincing, but to humour his brother, he would also practice his bike riding skills. But he felt a lot more self-conscious and embarrassed.
Kit (nodding with approval): "You're doing great, buddy! But you need a little more speed to make momentum. Just, you know, feel the bike." Aspen (looking at his brother with confusion): "Feel the bike?" Kit (thinking of a way to explain what he meant): "Yeah, you know, you've got to put some trust into yourself and your bike. It'll be easier to keep your balance when you move a little faster. But of course you've got to hold the handlebar steady too. Like this." Aspen (after a mildly successful attempt): "I think I'm starting to get it now. But Bro, you look a little dumb like that."
For a moment, Aspen froze. Not because his little brother had called him dumb looking. But a memory had popped into his head. Of himself learning to ride his bike and him thinking (not saying though) the exact same thing about his father. To his own surprise, he didn't feel anger, like he used to do when thinking about Rayne. He just felt a pang of sadness. It had been fun to have Rayne teach him stuff like riding his bike. And he missed his father.
He quickly regained his cool, gave his little brother a smile and cleared his throat. "If looking dumb is what it takes to make you understand, then I'll keep looking dumb, Bro. Go on, another try. You're so close!"
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ace-sailor-uranus · 8 months
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am I getting emotional over the fact that my stepmom got me a tiny baby music box that plays part of the sailor moon theme song?
fuckin. maybe.
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cardboardfeet · 1 month
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start | last
APRIL FOOLS...!!!!....this is a joke ep lmao i hope yall enjoy
Dialouge under cut
Rayne, thinking: ain't no way he called it that.
Finn: s-so...
Rayne, thinking: OMFG. he did. wtf. augh.
Rayne: sounds like a confession
Finn: DA FUCK?!?!
[Rayne chews his snack. Finn worries. Rayne is amused]
Rayne: Y'know, I got a confession from the light divisionary once.
Finn, internally, very loudly: HUH.
Finn, internally: RYOH GRANTS????
Rayne: trust me bro.
Finn, internally: RAYNE?? RYOH GRANTS confessed??? Isn't he super rich and famous? why's Rayne still here and not in some penthouse?? Is he just here to-
Rayne: It was...for murder...
Finn, a Penguin in shock: what.
Rayne: I didn't tell-
[Finn, mid jump to curbstomp Rayne]
Rayne: wait- waIT CALM DOWN
Finn, internally, breath of relief: Whew! I thought he'd drag me into one of his schemes, and I'd be complicant into another crime... never again.
Finn: now...
Finn, staring at Rayne's passed out body: What do I do with this?
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eve-e-jane · 6 months
Happy Spotify wrapped day to all who celebrate. I enjoyed mine but I also was not surprised by any of it. Is anyone ever? (Well yes, I have been before but-) certified good Spotify wrapped
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im-bush3d · 10 months
I'm all for Lyney 🛐 but I ran out of thoughts for him and now his brother is occupying my mind more, even with the little content he has
Any specific brain rot you have about Freminet?
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
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aclaralille · 2 years
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t4tbedehopmar · 2 years
Koha….. :stares into ur eyes deeply nd romantically:
wna b in an edit 🤤🤤🤤
YES PLS WAAAA can himeru be in the edit too I MEAN nono i hate himeru sm what
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caelivir · 4 months
hidden lights | rayne ames
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— synopsis. reading rayne ames is impossible. that's why you don't get why he offers to take you out on a date after you've been stood up again.
— pairing. rayne ames x fem!reader
— genres. modern au, you and rayne are roommates, fluff, you’re so oblivious it hurts, rayne's most likely ooc towards the end but we do it for plot,
— warnings. one kys thrown in at the end but it’s not in a serious manner
— word count. 3.2k
— notes. in honor of triple liner rayne being animated. i have quite literally been waiting to see it animated for years. also hi.
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you can never tell what rayne ames is thinking. he wears the same cold, uninterested glare on his face at all times of the day. he never speaks unless spoken to, never lets you know when he leaves the apartment, never does anything to show that he actually has emotions.
you're asked on the daily how you survive rooming with him, and in all honesty, it's really not that bad. he does his half of the chores, and he doesn't leave his shit all over the apartment. really, the guy's only problem is his lack of emotion. it drives you up the wall.
finn says not to take it to personally during the one day he visited his brother. apparently, he's like that with everyone, but he's still a good guy. it just takes time.
you would like to believe that, but rayne makes that extremely difficult to believe when he looks like he wants to kill every person who so happens to exist in his direction.
so naturally, seeing him so angered after finding out that you've been stood up is surprising. it's an even bigger shock when he offers to take you out on a date instead.
you don't know what compels you to agree. even if you hadn't accepted his offer, something tells you that rayne would've found a way to get you to leave with him so there's no use in trying to deny him in this matter.
that's why you allow him to drive all the way to marchétte street, where a night market is being held in full swing. the road has all sorts of stalls lined up one after the other, ranging from foods to clothes. but because the marchétte night market is ridiculously popular, the place is packed to the brim with people.
rayne offers his hand once he notices that you're daunted by the crowds. you stare at him with surprise. when you don't make a move to accept this action, rayne huffs before grabbing your hand. he interlocks his fingers with yours and drags you into marchétte street's traffic.
the first thing you note is that rayne's hands are surprisingly warm and soft. for someone so incapable of talking, his touch is strangely reassuring.
he drags you to a vendor selling takoyaki. and even as he orders, rayne doesn’t let go of your hand.
“what do you want?” he says into your ear so that he doesn’t have to yell over all the noise. the feeling of his breath fanning over your skin sends shivers down your spin. it's maddening.
“oh. uh-” your eyes quickly scan over the menu, and you blurt out the first item that you read. out of habit you reach for your wallet, but rayne is quick to shut you down.
“absolutely not.” he grumbles, letting your hand drop to your side so he can pull out his cash. rayne hands the amount to the girl at the register, and she hands back his change that he drops into the tip jar.
“thanks.” you say quietly, still so flustered about the entire situation.
rayne only studies you before humming in acknowledgement. “come on.” he guides his hand to your upper back, moving you out the way so you can wait on the side for your orders.
it’s during this time you really look at rayne as if that would provide you with the answers you need to understand him. you try to wrap your head around it. you draft up every possible explanation, but none of them seem to make sense.
unless… it couldn’t be… does rayne like you? you shake your head, dismissing the thought as soon as it crosses your mind. no, that’s absurd, the furthest thing from logical. this is rayne ames we’re talking about. in the five months that you’ve been living together, you two have never had a solid conversation. how could he ever like someone he’s barely talked to?
you're about to confront rayne about his intentions until your number order is called, and all the courage you built up crumbles away as rayne leaves you to go pick up your takoyaki.
still, whatever his reasons for doing this may be, this is a rare opportunity to come by, and that means that maybe rayne doesn't have to continue being a stranger. maybe you can get under those layers and find that good guy finn said was there.
"i never knew marchétte had a night market." you say, breaking the silence as the two of you walk side by side through the market.
"i didn't either." rayne admits, poking his fork into one of the octopus balls, and shoving the whole thing into his mouth.
"what?" your face scrunches in disbelief. "then how'd you find out?"
"i asked finn as we were going down to the garage." your date shares nonchalantly.
you turn to look at rayne with the intent of questioning him further, but the sight of his cheeks bulging with food makes you burst out in a fit of giggles.
"what?" rayne asks, narrowing his eyes at you. you bite your lip to contain your laughter. your gaze falls on a mixture of crumbs and sauce that sits on the corner of his mouth, only causing you to smile wider.
"you got a little something there." you gesture at his lips. rayne fumbles for a moment, swiping his fingers around various sections of his mouth, somehow only cleaning half of the mess up.
you shake your head, still grinning up at him. he tenses when your thumb grazes the edges of his lips. you can feel his eyes staring deep into you, and you have to ignore the way it makes your stomach flip.
"all done." you whisper, wiping the remainders on the napkin in your hand.
rayne doesn't say anything regarding what occurred, only urging you to follow him further down marchétte street.
you swear that you see the tips of his ears go red, and something about that makes you all fuzzy inside.
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as the night progresses, you and rayne abide your time by visiting stalls. well, it's more like you choose which ones interest you the most, and rayne follows behind. you comment on certain items that look nice; sometimes, you ask for your roommate's opinions to decide on whether something will be worth your money or not. to your surprise, rayne's advice is solid, and you end up listening to him.
at some point, you convinced him to buy a pair of absurdly looking mugs for the apartment. he fought you hard on it, saying that a mug shaped like a fish is extremely inconvenient, but in the end, you won with insistent begging.
when the two of you both got bored of the market, you decide to take rayne to one of your favorite spots in the city.
"the park? really?" rayne gives you a dead stare.
"hey, don't judge." you pout. "i love this place."
"why? no offense, but i don't think parks are all that special."
"i feel like i can take a step back here and just a catch a break from everything," you answer honestly. "sometimes, i sit down and watch people as they live their lives, and something about that is strangely comforting. it makes me want to keep going."
rayne doesn't follow up on your words, but you can tell that he's really considering them, and that brings a smile onto your face.
"plus, i feel like it's a good place for when you want to talk to someone." you grab onto your roommate's wrist. "come on let's go to the swings."
you practically drag rayne to the playground, which is completely deserted, but that's to be expected when it's already 10p.m. no parent would be dumb enough to bring their kid out this late.
you force rayne onto the the swing next to you, and all he does is sit there, unwilling to indulge himself in such a simple joy. annoyed with him, you hop off your own set, coming behind him.
"what are you doing?" rayne whips his head around as your hands plant themselves firmly on his back.
"oh live a little." you huff, mustering up enough strength to push him. the swing rocks forwards and comes back. even as rayne complains and threatens you, you continue to push him, watching as he goes higher and higher. he may be masking it, but you can tell that he's enjoying it.
you finally give up when your arms grow sore and a layer of sweat coats your face. slumping back into the swing beside rayne, you breathe heavily. "man, that was a workout."
"i told you to stop." your date reminds you, shooting you a look.
"you can be honest, rayne. i know you liked it."
"i did not."
"yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that." you wave him off, laughing.
for a minute, neither of you say anything. you're the one who said that the park is a place where you can talk openly with someone, yet there's not a single topic that you can think to bring up.
luckily, rayne swoops in to save it. "can i ask you something?" your half-blonde roommate asks, something more serious laced in his voice. it makes you swallow a lump in your throat. an anxious feeling creeps into your body.
"of course you can."
"why did you bother giving that guy a chance?"
it's easy to know exactly who he's referring to. you shrug. "he's nice and has good energy."
"but he had stood you up two times in the past though. clearly he isn't as nice as you make him out to be. you seriously can't be that dumb to have fallen for it three times."
that statement in itself should get you mad (even though he would be right), but there's something peculiar in what he said that had you ignoring the jab altogether. "how'd you know he stood me up twice before? i never told you that."
at that, rayne freezes, eyes blowing wide open. it's so obvious that he's trying to find an excuse right now, but you push further.
"who told you that, rayne?" you lean closer, watching as his ears turn beet red. you're not even angry with him. it's mostly curiosity making you push him. not to mention that seeing him in a flustered state is entertaining and quite cute.
"max did." your roommate finally admits albeit quietly.
you pull your head back. "max? as in max land? how the hell does he know?"
"your dates happened to be at the restaurant he works at."
"why would he bother telling you that though?" you wonder. "up until tonight, i don't think it concerned you."
"it did though." the half-blonde mumbles, thinking you wouldn't hear, but you do anyway.
"what?" you press.
"forget it." rayne shakes his head, growing irritated.
"no. fuck that.." you seethe, annoyed at his unwillingness to be honest with you. rayne bites his tongue to hold back. you see it. "don't act like this. just tell me, or i swear to god i'll text max right now-"
"it's because i knew that i could treat you better." the words rush out of rayne's mouth as he snaps his head toward you. the fire in his eyes die as he locks his gaze onto you. the harsh emotion written across his features softens. you can feel your own exasperation slipping away like that of a retreating ocean tide. he grimaces in regret, knowing that he didn't mean to let that slip out, but he did anyway. it's out in the open, and now you knew.
surely, you're hearing things wrong. perhaps you're misunderstanding what he just said. how could that be misinterpreted though? it's such a painfully straightforward statement, yet it still doesn't make any sense.
rayne sighs. it's like he can already hear your thoughts and your confusion. the least he can do is clear the air and dump everything onto you while he can. "i didn't expect to feel like this," he begins to explain. "when i moved in, i just assumed you'd be another person i wouldn't pay attention to. i'm sure you know how i am. i don't bother getting to know people, but a lot of people feel the need to force themselves into my life, and shit like that pisses me off. but you didn't do that. you introduced yourself, explained the ground rules of the apartment, and then left me alone."
"so... you like the fact that i leave you alone?" you tilt your head.
"shut up. let me finish."
"but yeah, that's part of it. you keep your distance, but you still try to show that you care. you don't do anything groundbreaking. it's just that the small things you do for me got to me. it may sound dumb to you, but it meant a lot to me."
suddenly, you're hit like a train because you know exactly what rayne means. you recall all the times you ensured that there was dinner for him, the times you moved his laundry into the dryer when he forgot to do it himself, and the times you restocked his favorite snacks when they ran out. you hadn't realized that you did any of that. it just came naturally, no hidden meaning behind it.
"oh." you breathe out, blinking.
rayne nods, continuing. you're honestly floored over the fact that he still has more to say. "you don't notice it. at least, i don't think you do, but at some point, i tried doing the same for you. i started paying more attention to you and what you liked and how you liked things done. i did it mostly to pay back your kindness, but over time i continued just 'cause i liked seeing your smile."
you have to process that for a minute, piecing together how certain events lined up until it finally clicks into place. "s-so the island vase-"
"i replace the flowers because you like them fresh."
"the key holder?"
"you always forgot to bring your keys until i installed it."
"when you put on movies-"
"i check your letterboxd and hope that you'll sit and watch them with me."
"when i put on movies-"
"i sit with you because i want to be near you."
your jaw falls open. never in a million years could you have expected this. you thought that rayne could care less about your existence, but the reality was that that was far from the truth. cold, aloof rayne was always doing things for you. all this time, you've been so oblivious.
still, there's more to the story so you stay quiet, letting him get his feelings off of his chest. "to be honest, i was never going to say anything. max tried convincing me to confess on multiple occasions, but i was dead set on letting it pass. i didn't think you liked me in the same way anyway.
"but then you came home today and you told me about your date and i just got so... angry," rayne clenches his fist around the chains of the swing. the whole situation infuriates him every time he thinks about it. "it just wasn't fair. you spent so much time into looking your best just for that asshole to go and waste your effort. you're so beautiful, so kind and understanding, and i fucking hate the fact that he's been taking advantage of that.
"i really wasn't thinking clear when i proposed this date to you, but god after tonight, i'd do it all over again. i wanted you to know what it's like to be with someone who does care about you. i wanted to see you smile. i wanted to hear stories. i want you so badly it's all i can think about sometimes.
"i know this is a lot, and i'm freaking you out right now. i'm sorry but you-"
"rayne." you interrupt with a big smile on your face. he was unaware to the fact that you had got up.
"for fucks sake, can you let me finish? this is already weird enough for me to talk about as is." he rolls his eyes, narrowing his gaze at you, blush splashed across his cheeks. still, without any resistance, you pull him up from his swing by his wrists.
"then don't." you whisper as you pull him in.
and the moment you crash your lips onto rayne's, the world stops. he instantly melts into you, the palms of his hands finding the soft skin on your cheeks. your hands tangle themselves into his hair. his lips are incredibly soft. a faint taste of matcha and sugar syrup dances on his tongue from the boba he drank earlier. a noise of approval vibrates down his throat, and you can't help but smile against his lips.
rayne wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer as he deepens the kiss. you get what he was talking about earlier. this kiss is all it takes to prove it to you. you feel his affection and desire all at once. every single bone in your body is so aware of how much rayne ames cares about you.
when you finally pull away for air, it's like a smile is permanently tugged onto your lips. rayne trains his eyes onto you, engraining every detail of this moment into his head.
a comfortable silence falls as each of you take your time to catch your breaths. your stare finds its way up, admiring the night sky. there are barely any stars out tonight. no, that part isn't remotely true, not fully anyway, because light pollution drowns out stars and their lights. the reality is that there are billions of stars hanging high out of reach; they just go unseen.
rayne is kinda like that you realize. finn was right. his brother is a good guy. there's a hidden light within him behind all those aloof layers of his. you just have to squint and maybe put on some prescription glasses is order to see it. it's a shame it took you five months to to really acknowledge it. but now that you've finally found a glimpse of it, you'll continue to clear past the fog. you want to know every part of rayne and see his light just as he did with you. you want him to be able to shine at his full brightness with no fear. you'll take rayne ames for all that he is.
"come on," you coo, a lovestruck look in your eyes as you slip your hand into rayne's. "let's go home."
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rayne: finn, give me a date spot quick finn: are you actually going on a date? rayne: stop asking questions finn: there's a night market on marchétte street. finn: are you seriously going on a date though? finn: hello? finn: rayne. finn: stop leaving me on read. finn: is it (y/n)? finn: it is her, huh? finn: asshole.
delisaster: hey sorry delisaster: can we reschedule for next saturday? y/n: kys y/n: lol sorry that was my bf delisaster: bruh what? delisaster: did you have a bf this whole time? *this message could not be sent* delisaster: did you fucking block me? *this message could not be sent*
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ace-sailor-uranus · 10 months
so i unfortunately and hilariously realized that i, like, don't actually remember the address for the house that i lived in for nigh-on ten years? or longer? i lived there for most of the formative years of my life. i walked past the mailbox twice a day every goddamn school day, one of my chores was CHECKING said mailbox, it had the address written on the side in big-ass three inch high numbers- but i don't remember what those numbers are? i should, my mother still lives in that fucking house.
when i want to visit my mom i have to look up the address for the little gas station that's nearby-ish and go off memory from there.
also i autotuned out like so much of that drive from my childhood that could only give you a vague guestimation on most of the route unless I was actually physically doing it. tho it would basically be 'turn right onto this road and go forward until you see a straight stretch with a little market at the end. if you actually pass the market you've gone too far. no i don't actually know how long the drive is. somewhere between 20 and 40 minutes. i think.'
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