#rc rant
nepthys-merenset · 2 months
just a little ranty rant
i'm sick to death of seeing people complaining about wanting achievements, but thinking it's unfair that they have to replay to earn them or thinking they should be able to just "check off what they've already done" and get the achievement that way.
y'all! think! this feature literally exists to SELL TEACUPS. romance club is a business that needs to MAKE MONEY. it makes NO sense from a business perspective to just give people achievements without requiring replaying the story. what on earth would the advantage for them be if that was how it worked?
it's not just like the romance club devs just sat down and were like "hey, you know what would be fun to spend a ton of time and resources on? creating a whole new panel of the profile feature, going back into the code of all of our stories, doing a ton of QA and testing, and designing 100+ icons! our users will be so happy to have pretty icons on their profiles, and that's enough for us!"
no, they sat down and were like "it's going to make us a LOT of money if users have to replay everything multiple times to get these achievements."
romance club has a great social media game and they do a fantastic job of listening to the community + appearing generous (see also: diamond rushes. these are NOT done because RC is "generous"--it's all about selling teacups). however, at the end of the day, they are a business that exists to make money. the achievements feature was created to make money, not give you cute little icons on your profile because you played Heaven's Secret one time three years ago.
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missbloodstone · 9 months
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a whole year yay congrats to me and my obsession
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he-hehe-he · 2 years
I had so much faith in DLS :( yet the story turned out to be so underwhelming for me lately. Why are they still stuck in Lastville? Why is the action taking place in the US and not in Romania? The story is so out of place as well. Vlad lost all his powers and yet the plot has to drag along for another season. The routes are all over the place (let me not start with the fact that we barely get any Sandra moments and her romantic route is poorly developed). I found myself just clicking through the story in the last 2 updates, and reading only through Laia's flashbacks in the Ottoman times.
(Also can anyone explain to me the plot with Agnes and that Hungarian writer? And why was Laia's face painted in that chapel?? istg this story is becoming ROTT #2)
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reneedenoailles · 1 month
kinda crazy to me how there's ONE amrit hate confession and everybody and their mother is crying their eyes out about poor baby doobay so mistreated by mean mean lizzie but then characters like vincent get hated on every 3 to 7 business days and no one really gaf
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samissobsessed · 23 days
Damn i am thinking of making a 'female rage in rc' edit but god i can remember only a few cgs like bro.....😭😭😭😭
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seerasworld · 1 month
Alright I usually post once every 10 years but I gotta rant about the state of the fandom rn:
I'm floored by this new "trend" of entitled haters writing mind-boggling things like "you MUST take the hate without defending yourself or your LIs cause I'm right and you're wrong" or "you don't have the right to feel upset by what I wrote, you're just too sensitive, go touch grass". Obviously paraphrasing a little here but that's legit the gist of it.
As if that wasn't enough, the same pro-hate blogs will fly off the handle and gang up on anyone who doesn't rain praise on their own faves no matter how polite the discussion which is hyprocrisy at its highest level.
I could maybe close an eye about the character hate even though it wouldn't kill anyone to express dissatisfaction in healthy/funny/constructive ways, but being rude to real people over pixels? The gratuitous disrespect? Shaming people because they don't have the same tastes/likes/dislikes? Attacking strangers just because you don't agree with their personal opinions? Invalidating anyone who isn't a fellow hater? Not letting someone share their thoughts because that's "excusing" a fictional dudebro you don't like? The disgusting intimidation tactics?? HOW ABOUT NO??
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romance-club-daily · 3 months
Still about HS1 and HS2...
One feeling I got from playing both HS (after finishing both) is that they are essentially the same book, with the same plot and basically the same things happening. Except for the introduction of the new characters as LIs, the story seems to repeat itself.
There's a big bad (Malbonte, Mother)
Vicky has powers she doesn't understand and trains
They become captives
There's more training, and training, preparation to stop the great evil
It has something to do with Vicky's bloodlines (half-bloods and their descendants, the seals).
Resistance, resistance, plan, fail, spying.
Army, last big battle, Vicky connects with her goddess powers and wins.
One of the differences I can say for sure is that the first is lighter and the second more depressing and bloody. And in the second there isn't as much of a dichotomy between angels and demons as in the first. But the main story is always the same, there aren't many changes in the way things happen, it's the same events, changed here or there in terms of locations or characters, but at their core they're the same.
And the third one I'm judging would be basically the same thing, only with Shephamalum. But let's see.
They repeated the formula that worked, and it worked again. But I think that if they had released requiem before, which is a story set in the same universe and with a different protagonist, it would have been better so as not to be so repetitive, or even create more anticipation for the second story. Perhaps they were afraid that HS1's popularity would wane too, in the mean time.
As always, this is just my opinion.
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harmonyverendez · 15 days
Awww, apparently I missed all the actions. What has happened since I've been gone?. 🥹🥺
Since no one wants to respond to me, I'll just disappear again.
Bye!. 🙄😒
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I'm sorry but being whispered poetry in such an intimate fashion is my highest standard now. IF YOU YOU CAN'T DO THAT GET OUT OF MY FACE 😭😭😭
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raleigh-edward · 1 month
Why is the manager lady acting up? the audacity she displayed while pulling mc away from her parents' house without even letting them say goodbye was quite baffling ngl. And all this mentor and songwriter drama seems shady as f to me. Especially the mentor, he seems more like a pawn to gauge mc's emotions, predict and monitor her actions.
These two episodes were rather bland ngl, despite being on high popularity path my mc was scrapped from the drama idk why the stats were less?
Jin Doo-Yeong also seemed very aloof and weird in this update, which is the case with most characters I feel, like after an entire season of building stuff season 2 started off with the vibe that these people aren't close at all and don't know shit about what's up!?
I also think they made us choose LIs very early in the story, we know very little about each character so it just feels a bit off? Perhaps it's just me idk
Everyone always wants the mc gone, she's chasing God knows what, everyone tries to act nice and hates each other. It's lowkey vexing ngl, and I get the fact that they are trying to capture the vibe of the korean entertainment industry with the indifference and unspoken mental health issues but it's getting rather ambiguous.
I did like season 1, but the beginning of season 2 left a bitter taste. It's just 2 episodes so I should probably wait before drawing conclusions.
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fiddleabout · 7 months
every time im like oh the football industry can't possibly get any stupider the ifab will kamikaze its way off a building hollering at the top of their lungs that i should never ever ever underestimate them
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nepthys-merenset · 1 month
i'm probably never going to play seven brothers because i'm not comfortable with reading about teenagers having hardcore sex. but, i just have to say, it's an actual crime that the male LIs in this book are a sickly Victorian child with flashlight eyes and hideous shorts, and the most boring, generic man to ever be boring:
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to be fair, i don't actually have much of a problem with Grant. i don't really feel much of anything at all about Grant. but what the FUCK is going on with Tristan? why does he look like a corpse, why doesn't he have an eye color, and WHY IS HE WEARING THOSE HORRIBLE SHORTS?!
and most importantly, why on earth did langley pick these two--the walking corpse and mr. boring--as LIs and decide to relegate these guys to side characters?
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these guys are attractive! they have unique appearances! they look interesting! why can't THEY be LIs?
i just...really don't understand langley's decisions when it comes to this story, at all. the characters are way too young and the male LIs suck. i'm really disappointed, tbh. i was really looking forward to langley's new story, but not only do i not *want* to read about teenagers doing BDSM, i'm not even *comfortable* reading about teenagers doing BDSM. ugh.
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missbloodstone · 9 months
hate that ill have to restart vfv season 2 again to become a duchess but FINE it's just that i find the first episode so magnificently boring.. but it's okay everythings gonna be fine at least ill get to replay that alexandre scene
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seth-burroughs · 7 months
People are actually telling others to fucking die over shipping Makoto with Yomi because he... looks like a child. While being an adult. What the fuck is going on on rain code tumblr
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reneedenoailles · 1 month
before i go to sleep i predict that there will be a dr announced tomorrow
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Let’s abolish gender based gifts. No more pocket knives cuz ur a guy or makeup cuz ur a girl. Just get people what they as an individual would want pretty fucking please
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