feathersontheclyde · 6 months
@rcckstars gets an Abby ~
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" You do understand that I am not a barber right, sug? I can't promise this will come out even let alone good. " She comments while setting up a mirror, stolen from Arthur's tent, on a barrel with all the supplies they needed.
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tugsheartstrings · 7 months
It’s dark. The air is brittle; the moonlight that illuminates the little clearing where they sit and keep watch is chilly and silver with wintertime frost. Solomon keeps stealing glances at John’s wound.
It’s bad. Puffy and red and crusted with blood and pus—and while he’s no doctor, he picked up a few first aid tricks from one, and these stitches… Well. They’re lacking. To put it politely. They need to be redone, or at least cleaned.
He clears his throat. First noise he’s made since he joined the gang.
“Your stitches are infected.”
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moonrevolutions · 6 months
Who is Michael? What does he mean to you?
°✩₊˚.⋆ ft. @rcckstars because i love love!
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❝Michael? Well… That's the love of my life.❞ Ew, he thought to himself. He felt yucky, in a ' who do you like, who do you love! ' playground crush kind of way that was a little too sweet. ❝Not many people like him because he's grouchy. Rude, sometimes. Hot-headed and his sarcasm makes it hard to talk to him, sometimes. Simultaneously an open book while still being THE most guarded person I've ever met. Even then, I love him. He's always been sweet to me. Not sure why... But, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. It's hard loving Michael. He has a lot of baggage. However, like, I think he's worth the work it takes. I like those moments when it's a little quiet on Vespucci around 7am and we hold hands. He means the world to me. I hope he feels the same way.❞
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rcckstars asked : ❛  you're only saying this to please me.  ❜ / for cass, from sadie <3
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑷𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑨 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. / @rcckstars -- selectively accepting
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        ❝ I’m not, ❞ Cassie replied with confidence, her dark blue eyes catching the sun’s light. Cassie’s hand rests over Sadie’s, a soft hold, as she looks over from her seat on the wagon. ❝ You’re strong. One of the strongest women I know. I think you’re the strongest woman in camp, Mrs. Adler. Truly. ❞
        If Sadie imagined Cassie was laying compliments at her feet as a way to show gratitude for the ride into town, she would be far from the truth. Cassie hardly talked to Sadie, only observing her and knowing her by association. Through her observations, she had realized how she had grown into herself. She didn’t know the whole story, but if it was true that Sadie didn’t want to be a part of this gang in the first place, she had grown into her role now with her gun belt and revolvers hanging on her hips. 
        Cassie moved her hand away, resting it back on her skirt, hovering over her knee. She looked back on the road, squinting through the bright sunshine. ❝ It’s alright if you don’t believe me, Mrs. Adler, I understand. I just wanted you to know that. ❞
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opportuning · 6 months
@rcckstars (Tracey) // starter call .
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      The Los Santos heat seemed to reflect off the hood of Trevor’s old, beat up truck, yet it also came up from the cement under him. He wanted to say it was worse than Sandy Shores–that was a dry, desert’s heat. This…was similar, but not quite. (Maybe he was looking for reasons to further loathe the city.) Yet, despite the frustration and the pressure this whole situation put on him, Trevor seemed particularly relaxed, picking restlessly at a hole in the jeans he wore just above the knee. 
      So…the TOWNLEYS were back–or the De Santas, now. The hot, tight pinch of rage that sat in his gut over that was moreso toward Michael than his kids–or even Amanda. As much as he had a decade of grief, anger and catching up to do, he tried to keep his acidic vitriol pointed at the right person. TRIED. 
      At the moment, however, a part of him couldn’t help but feel mildly SURPRISED that Tracey had agreed to hang out with him. Had to prod Jimmy to even get her number, but if he was anything, he was certainly persistent. Still, regardless of the mixed emotions and thoughts that plagued him, Trevor couldn’t help but perk up somewhat at the familiar face. She had changed–far from that kid in his mind, though nothing was quite what he REMEMBERED it being. Tracey was just one of the number of people he had to get to know again. Still, he pushed himself off from where he was leaning against the side of his truck, spreading his arms out toward her in a (only slightly, actually) exaggerated show of excitement. 
      “Tracey!” he greeted, “Ohh–I missed you! How’ve you been, huh?”
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gaskills · 7 months
@rcckstars (jack) prompted company.
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it was a quiet day in camp, and the mood was somber. mary beth couldn’t quite figure out why, was clueless and always the last to know if anything had gone wrong. . . so she simply put it down to frayed tempers, the loss of all that faith dutch spoke about to frequently. after completing all her chores and reading the same book from page to page once more, she was starting to feel restless. just beyond her tent she caught sight of little jack nestled in between a patch of flowers, a book in his own lap as he tapped his feet together whimsically. the sight brought a smile to her face, made her chest feel all warm inside. often mary beth thought that they would all fall apart if it wasn’t for the little boy depending on them for safety, warmth. . . shelter.
“whatcha reading there, jack?” she asked softly as she approached, bending down to sit beside him. mary beth had little to no experience with children aside from jack, but she knew well enough that their moods changed just as often as the weather. it seemed today jack was withdrawn, not in the most talkative of moods — and who could blame him? this was no place for a boy of his age.
she didn’t need an answer to her question. she could already recognise the book in his lap as the dime novel arthur had brought back for him one day, could still see the smile on both of their faces when he’d received the gift. “i bet it’s real fun. all my books are fun, but they’re a little silly.” she smiled over to him, noticing that she’d piqued his attention.
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r4chelamber · 7 months
what's going on? tell me everything. / from trace <3 (for sum reason, i feel like they'd vibe??)
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“ Alright, where do I start... Oh, I know, why did I think I had it in me to own a goddamn nightclub? I'm in over my head, Tee. I don't know what I'm doing, and like... every night it's, 'Hey, we're going to need a hand on the dancefloor, someone's starting shit!' Like, that's what security's for. You would think that that was it, right? Wrong. Tony's on my ass too, because I haven't put the warehouse to use... and I'm like... I didn't ask for a warehouse, first of all, and second, if you want it to be used so bad, you use it. You know? I'd ask Nathan for help, but he's doing his own thing, starting a business or something. ”
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✉    ˎˊ˗    THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES  ▪  from @rcckstars
feat. mentions of Nathan Prescott (@amesstms)!
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dehvils · 5 months
@rcckstars 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 : ❛ books mean more to me than people anyway. ❜ ——— ( AN ASSORTMENT OF DIALOGUE ⟋ ACCEPTING )
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˘    DARK EYES SCAN THE OTHERS FACE FOR A MOMENT  ﹐ rafael &. books were fairly simple , they existed &. if life managed to slow down &. offer a rare moment of peace , he picked one up . that's where it started &. finished , there wasn't an ounce of passion within him regarding them , no excitement , no investment - for him , he read because he could - his mother wasn't literate , nor was his father - the only reason rafael had the ability was because his local church offered lessons for kids in the area - learning was hard , it was complicated , frustrating , but he came out the other side with a skill that was a luxury to most , meaning there was a sense of obligation to not become complacent .
❛ never understood books . ❜ he admitted , though despite his own neutral stance on the topic , he understood where jack was coming from ; books were simple , predictable - there was a beginning , middle &. an end . . . it's a sense of structure while getting away from the life around you ; those points were exactly why rafael couldn't call himself a real fan of the things ; it felt empty , nothing but words prattling on for several pages until it's end , it was a bore . perhaps it was because of the life lived , nothing can compare to experience - that included other people , rafael wasn't fond of them ; couldn't claim to care about thm , however there was still a charm to be had in their existence ❛ you've gotta have met some fucked up people to give more of a shit about books , though . ❜
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feathersontheclyde · 7 months
WIP New muse
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NAME: Ashe Samuels. FANDOM: Original / crime / GTA. GENDER: Female. She/her. AGE: Mid-twenties to early thirties. HISTORY:  Ashe grew up with wealthy absent parents and started street racing as a hobby way back when at like 15. When she was following her ex-boyfriend around everywhere and paying for whatever he wanted but she was played by him and then, disowned by her family after they used her to rob them and picked up by a man whom she'd never seen called Mr. X. He came exactly when she needed it with a fulltime job driving. Bank heists mostly and that's been her thing for a while but she wants to dip her foot into more of the criminal underground and make a lot of money so she can buy a big house, fill it with all her favorite things, and travel. APPEARANCE: Tall, lanky, red hair, hazel eyes and freckles everywhere. PERSONALITY TRAITS: Sarcastic, flirty, blunt, and as grumpy on some days as she is energetic on others.
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tugsheartstrings · 7 months
[ 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 ] / from john, for sol!
[ 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 ] : sender carries injured receiver to safety.
Some nameless desperado wannabe had brought a hunting knife the size of his forearm to play with--something Solomon hadn't realized until the precise moment the blade bit into his chest. It was a deep cut, too, and it burned like fire and wept like a waterfall, soaking his shirt scarlet and spilling down his front. John had promptly put paid to that with a bullet in the idiot's shoulder before hauling Solomon away, and--stunned and losing blood fast--he had no choice but to stumble along with him.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. He balled his fist over the wound, found it hot and wet and red. He'd dropped his gun somewhere in the woods.
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loyalpromise · 5 months
“Hey, you did nothing wrong…” / for miss mary beth, from sadie <3
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          she  knows  that  she  didn’t,  but  it  didn’t  make  the  guilt  subside.  it  hadn’t  been  her  fault  that  kieran  had  gotten  taken,  tortured,  and  then  put  on  display  for  all  to  see,  but  she  couldn’t  quiet  the  voice  in  her  head  that  blamed  herself,  anyway.  she  could’ve  done  something  and  maybe  it  all  could’ve  been  different.  she  knew  that  thinking  about  ‘what-ifs’  wasn't  going  to  change  anything,  but  she  couldn’t  just  turn  her  brain  off  from  them.
          hearing  sadie’s  words  of  reassurance  and  sympathy  brought  mary-beth  out  of  her  thoughts.  she’d  been  keeping  to  herself,  not  too  keen  on  allowing  others  to  see  her  grieving  the  loss  of  a  man  who  had  hardly  been  liked  by  the  group  as  it  was.  she  didn’t  like  the  attention  that  could  be  brought  to  her  from  her  grief,  either,  but  it  seemed  as  though  sadie  had  caught  her  and  her  red-rimmed  eyes  gave  her  away.
          taking  quick  swipes  at  her  puffy  cheeks  with  the  backs  of  her  hands,  mary-beth  let  out  a  slightly  shaky  sigh.  she  couldn’t  bring  herself  to  meet  sadie’s  gaze,  instead,  training  her  eyes  on  the  grass  at  her  feet  as  she  murmured,  “ i  know,  i  just…  keep  thinkin’  there  was  somethin’  i  coulda  done—i  dunno… ”
/ @wildlcck
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moonrevolutions · 6 months
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go insane, go insane, throw some glitter and make it rain.
kesha / ❝blow ( crikut remix )❞
september / ❝satellites❞
david guetta / ❝little bad girl❞
dev / ❝in the dark ( dj kue remix )❞
kaskade / ❝fire in your new shoes❞
kaskade / ❝dynasty❞
capsule / ❝in the rain❞
andain / ❝you once told me❞
late night alumni / ❝keep up with me❞
capsule / ❝i'm feeling you❞
iio / ❝rapture ( starkillers dirty girl made single edit )❞
kerli / ❝zero gravity❞
₊‧.°.⋆˚₊‧⋆. LISTEN HERE.
for @rcckstars who is one of the hottest hotties to ever hot! ilysm!
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madxwonderland · 6 months
&. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
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@rcckstars ❛ you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. ❜ / from john, for al's apocalyptic verse! <3
Alice jumped at the sound of his voice, turning and taking a step back. Her fight or flight response was ready to kick in if needed. A knife was sheathed in her boot and her hand almost reached for it but she stopped herself. It would be best to assess the situation before acting. As far as she could tell, the man seemed to be in his right mind. But that didn't mean he wouldn't try to hurt her. Even the sanest of men were capable of terrible things.
"That can't be helped. Everyone I know is dead." Alice wasn't about to approach strangers for help either. Her paranoia and distrust made her keep to herself even in the most dire situations.
"I could say the same to you. Unless you have friends hiding nearby to pounce on me." Her green eyes darted around her surroundings.
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houseofwisteria · 6 months
you're making "the face" again. / from john for abby (u got a big storm comin boah)
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" Because YOU aren't listening to me, you big dumb oaf! " She huffs and tries another tactic, just for now, if he continues to not listen and brings home the wrong gift she's going to lose her MIND. " John, please. Listen to me alright? There's an adoption shelter in town and a store. I couldn't do anything or I'd ruin the surprise and our little jack deserves a sweet good birthday so I need you to do this for me, you hear? " She cups his cheek. " Brown, white, and black big pup, his name is rusty and the train set. He's been into them of late. You should see em it's so cute. " Just thinking about her baby smiling gets her to smile herself. " and if yer thinin' about tellin' me it's a bad idea I don't care. You can deal it. I told dutch the same thang. "
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rcckstars asked : ❛  stories like this can't come true.  ❜ / last of the spam, from lil jack for cassie <3
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑷𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑨 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. / @rcckstars -- selectively accepting
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        ❝ Of course, they can! ❞ came Cassie’s optimistic reply, face full of smiles and voice filled with certainty. Maybe Jack wasn’t as naive as other children his age to believe a wolf lingered in the woods, but any person could symbolize the wolf that went after Red Riding Hood. It mattered how one looked at it. ❝ Has your mother ever told you not to talk to strangers? ❞
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opportuning · 6 months
@rcckstars sent: where’s your sense of adventure ? / for trev, from catalina (the epitome of prepare for trouble n make it double SDFSD) -- a meme I can't remember the name of -- still accepting
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     “Riiiight here,” Trevor stated, patting his chest with a tattooed hand, “I’ll do whatever I fancy, alright? It’s not about ADVENTURE.” 
     Plus, as impulsive as he was, Trevor took his business seriously. His PRIDE AND JOY, really, the soon-to-be viable empire of drugs, weapons, and whatever else he could get his hands involved in. It was an EVOLVING venture, which only meant that he had to approach it with a sense of caution that he didn’t really afford most other things in his life. 
     He also had no idea what she was even about, anyway. 
     “It’s about risk assessment,” he stated, “Sunken costs. I don’t just work with the first people who show up at by doorstep.” (As much as the proximity of his business associates said otherwise.)
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