#/ oh i had to go into my ARCHIVES for this one.
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Serennedy Pride Week day one- First Date/Raccoon City!!
He’s nervous for his first date ok!!!!!!!!
Bonus Drabble I wrote for @hamartia-grander under the cut!!!!!! :DDD you can also read it here!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/56844493
“Thank You for taking me out today”
“Of course, ¡quierido! It’s been my plea-“
“I really mean it, Luis…”
Luis was cut off by the sudden, gentle lilt in Leon’s tone; a sharp contrast to the easy, usual flow of laughter that erupted from their conversations. Luis paused, just outside of the water fountain that sat square in the middle of Raccoon Cities park- the bubbling of water just loud enough to hide the quiet gasp that escaped his throat when he turned to face Leon.
His face was flushed, more so than usual; Cherry-pink cheeks accompanied big, wide darting eyes and wringing hands to paint a picture of nervousness Luis had never seen on Leon. Regret sunk deep in his chest- had it been a bad idea to ask Leon out for a walk about the city? Had he regretted saying yes, and was too shy to speak up hours earlier?
Or…. Had he caught onto Luis’ more…. Nuanced intentions?
Had he finally caught on that it seemed rather odd for an Umbrella scientist to take the entire day off of work just to hang out with a rookie cop he’d met only a day ago? Or that his flirting and warm touches went a little further than just friendliness and foreign charm? Had Leon seen straight past his confidence, his bravado, flamboyancy and his charm to stare down the secret he kept buried deep between his ribcage like a hawk circling its prey?? Had Leon figured out Luis was-
“You, ah… you're easy to talk to, and, um…”
Luis was snapped back to reality when he realised oh. Leon was trying to compliment him.
If his heart wasn’t racing before, it sure felt like he was running a marathon now.
Luis couldn’t lie to himself- he adored Leon. That boyish smile and scruffy blonde hair and uniform that looked too heavy on his shoulders caught his eye the second he met him. He wanted to give the man the world and more, if he’d let him. Unfortunately, a tour around Raccoon City was all he could afford for the time being- but not once did Luis ever even consider that Leon might like him back.
He held his tongue as he waited for Leon to finish. He didn’t want to get his hopes up… not yet.
“I-I’m really grateful that you, um, wanted me t-to, uh, I mean- that you-“
Luis’ heart squeezed tight when he saw the way Leon hung his head in defeat, kicking the rocks beneath his heels all the while.
“ Fuck, sorry, I’m messing this up-“
“No, nonono, look at me,”
Maybe it was a little bold, but without thinking, Luis brought his fingers to Leon’s chin and tilted his gaze up to meet his own; his big blue eyes going wider than Luis had ever seen them. He couldn’t help but laugh.
“You’re not messing anything up, ¿sí? Nothing at all…”
He didn’t know why, but Luis felt compelled to lower his voice. He let his eyelashes droop a little and chose to ignore the way Leon seemed to instinctively copy him.
Mierda he wanted to kiss him so bad.
“I’ve had a lovely day with you, too, Leon. I’m grateful I got to spend it with you”
If Leon’s face wasn’t flushed before, it sure as hell was now.
He opened and closed his mouth multiple times before Luis chose mercy and let go of his chin, still holding back giggles like his life depended on it. Leon took the opportunity to take a step back, still stuttering over his words and scratching the back of his neck awkwardly but at least this time with a little bit of space between them.
“U-Uh, t-thank you very m-much-“
“There’s no need to thank me,”
Luis made a show of opening his arms out and resting his weight on one foot, jutting out his hip a little.
“Just another day of changing lives for Doctor Luis Serra Navarro, ey?”
That made Leon giggle. Messy, boyish and terribly contagious- finally giving Luis the opportunity to let go and laugh alongside him. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d laughed so freely, but it felt warm in his chest and even a little bit like home.
“W-Well!! Maybe you’ll need to come back and, uh, ‘change my life’ again sometime??”
Poor Leon cringed at his own attempt at flirting. Luis, however, was totally enamored.
“¡ Por favor!! I think I may die if I never see you again!!”
“Hah. Yeah, ah, don’t do that. That’d be a bad idea”
An awkward silence hung between them. That lucid, in-between state of needing to leave but not wanting to weighed the both of them down like sinkers to a fishing line.
Luis (while desperately fighting against his body to do otherwise), looked away and coughed awkwardly to break the spell.
“Well, my dear Leon, I guess this is adiós for no-“
Luis was cut off by Leon’s lips against his.
He almost didn’t even notice it’d happened. Leon was so soft and so quick with it, it was over before he could even blink- his gaze being greeted with an incredibly red, incredibly sweaty and incredibly trembly Leon standing in front of him. He was wringing his hands out like crazy and his eyebrows seemed to be permanently knitted together in concern.
He was staring at Luis like a frightened deer; each second that passed only fuelled the anxiety and concern clawing away at his chest.
“O-Oh my god, I-I-I’m s-so sorry, Luis, I don’t- I didn’t know what- I-“
“ Hey,”
Luis was quick to place gentle hands on the rookies shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze
“ Sssssshhh, está bien, Alright? Está bien…”
“I’m so, so so sorry I shouldn’t have assumed-“
Luis cut him off again. A little more stern, this time.
“It’s OK. I liked it”
“ What??”
Leon looked as if Luis had just confessed to a murder. He tried his damndest not to laugh, but the relief in his chest that Leon wasn’t here to snitch his queerness out wasn’t helping.
“I, hmm, how do I put this-“
“You’re gay?”
“Well that’s one way to be blunt about it”
The two of them burst into inevitable laughter; joy, solace and relief filling their stomachs like a drug they couldn’t get enough of. If Luis felt like his laughter could be free before, then he sure as hell felt like he could fly now.
“ Dios mío, Leon, you have no idea how grateful I am right now-“
“ You’re grateful?!”
Leon blurted out with a smile,
“How do you think I feel right now!! I was convinced I was so dead!!!”
“Lo siento, cariño, I didn’t mean to scare you-“
“No no, it’s okay,”
Their laughter eventually died down, but at least for Luis, the adrenaline never really left his body.
“I just feel a lil bad now I didn’t give you a proper kiss…”
“Don’t be! How about I strike you a deal,”
Luis handed Leon a little Umbrella business card with his number etched on the back,
“Meet me here again same time tomorrow, and I can take you home and show you how to kiss proper, deal?”
“ Proper? You mean-“
Leon cut himself off and blushed profusely.
“ Ooooooohhhhh-“
“Soooo, is that a deal…?”
“ Please.”
Luis threw his head back and laughed, giving Leon one last kiss on the cheek- that he was sure left the poor blonde short-circuiting- before spinning around on his heels and waving him goodbye.
“ I’ll see you then, cowboy!!”
“Uh- yeah!!”
Leon shouted back, still recovering from his own kiss.
“I’ll see you then!!”
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lewkwoodnco · 2 days
You look like shit - Lockwood x Reader
One time you told lockwood he looked like shit and four times he told you you looked like shit
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“You look like shit.”
“Oh, I see how it is. You’re in a hospital bed but I’m the one who looks like shit.”
“Exactly, you look spectacularly terrible. Did you sleep at all last night?”
“I tried, but my sorry excuse of a boss got his ass kicked by some Type Two, so here I am.”
“Doesn’t your sorry excuse of a boss write your cheques?”
“Have I mentioned how fond I am of my sorry excuse of a boss?”
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a/n: just a little drabble i typed up having been inspired by this post :)
tropes/warnings: mostly fluffy, some mentions of grief, slight description of injury, smidge of flirty-ish banter 🙈🙈
wc: 1.5k!
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“You look like shit.”
Lockwood froze with his mug halfway to his mouth. He gaped at her briefly before setting the mug down once the shock passed. She was Lockwood & Co.'s newest employee and it was only recently that the ice had been sufficiently broken for their interactions to evolve into something more than a passing smile or greeting. This, however, was more than he had expected. He was possessed by a sudden overwhelming urge to laugh.
"It's like, 10 in the morning, and you already look exhausted. Do you ever sleep?"
He struggled with his words for a moment. "...yes. Sometimes."
"Not enough, clearly."
He did look especially worse for wear that morning. Only just recovering from a mild flu, his insomnia was at an all-time high and the lack of sun over the past week had his skin looking nearly transparent. He was a frail, washed-out thing flitting restlessly between rooms, bemoaning all the cases he was missing out on while cooped up here.
He smiled for what felt like the first time in days. She coughed, embarrassed, feeling like she had grossly overstepped.
"I mean...you don't look that horrible."
Fortunately, Lucy chose that exact moment to walk in and sufficiently distract Lockwood with the details of their newest case and she took the opportunity to duck out of the room. What the hell had she been thinking?
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"H- oh, you look like shit."
She emerged from behind the counter through a cloud of steam, her hair resting on her shoulders like a large, frizzy, brittle rat. While he and George had spent the morning at the Archives, she had spent it at Portland Row preparing Fesenjān for their lunch as part of some stupid bet she had made with George.
"Oh, good, you're back. You took your time."
"George is still there so Lucy's going in to hel-"
She cut him off by shoving a spoon of hot stew into his mouth.
Lockwood spluttered around the spoon, mouth working furiously to cool the scalding food while she watched him intently.
"It's...it's good."
"As good as George's?"
He grimaced. "I don't think I should be taking sides in this." He didn't even want to think about George finding out.
"This isn't taking sides. But also, if anyone asks, you weren't here. So...?" She fixed a desperate look on him. Lockwood sighed.
"It could use a little more salt."
"Angel." She turned around, pulling out the salt while he watched her with a flicker of amusement in his eyes. The crazy hair suited her in some odd way.
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“You look like shit.”
He had meant for it to come out as teasing but at the sight of her tearstained face, it sounded terribly mean. He had found her sitting on the front steps late one evening when he was about to turn in, only a thin hoodie insulating her from the harsh cold. Her head whipped around at the sound of his voice, a hand carelessly dragged across her face. He took a seat next to her, dropping his voice.
"Everything alright?"
She swallowed, eyes trained on their shoes. Her voice was hoarse with disuse.
"One of my friends moved away a couple of years back. She's been in an accident."
"How bad of an accident?"
There was a tightness in her chest that made it difficult to go on. "The worst."
In a rare moment of weakness, she crumbled, sagging against Lockwood like she had no spine left to hold herself upright. He wrapped a warm, comforting arm around her, and the simple gesture was enough to break her down. She cried into his shirt, cried for the friend she would never see again, cried for the part of her childhood that had chipped off and floated away into some abyss. Cried while he held her.
"I can't -" she hiccuped, unable to hold back a poorly concealed sob. "I can't even remember the last thing I said to her." It felt like an awful thing to admit, something sinful and evil, something that made it impossible for her to shake the tremble from her hands. His hold on her tightened a fraction, like he was holding her shattered pieces together, and she clung to his shirt with all the despair of a shipwrecked passenger.
Maybe it was selfish, but she didn't want him to leave. And so he stayed.
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“You look like shit.”
They had just returned from a job at some old, abandoned building set to be torn down in a few months. George and Lucy were handling some other case at the other end of the city, so the sounds of them shucking off their coats and gear echoed through the empty house. Between the two of them, she was always more prone to going ham on their cases. Today, it was in the form of her barrelling full tilt through a series of cobwebs to serve as a distraction. The case had ended with Lockwood hurriedly bagging the Source and her pink-faced and speckled with the grey strings.
Back at Portland Row's kitchen, there was still a lingering tinge of warmth to her cheeks. Lockwood paused by the cupboard where she was pulling out some mugs and plates, idly picking off the remaining strands still loosely clinging to her hair and shoulders. As his movements slowed, fading into something more gentle and meticulous, she glanced at him. He looked back. The cobwebs now littered the little space between them, but still he did not move away. The back of her neck prickled under his wretchedly attentive gaze. She did not know how to look away.
"Tea?" she croaked out, throat embarrassingly taut with choked-back emotion.
Whatever spell that had settled over them broke. Lockwood reeled back, almost noisily busying himself with fishing out the biscuit tin, forcing something nonchalant into his voice.
They spent the rest of their night operating with an invisible bubble between them, neither of them daring to get too close to the other lest a brush of the hand shattered the pallid illusion they were play-acting in. The house was far too quiet that night, filled with the unbearably soothing sounds of their cutlery, the rain and their breathing. Lockwood fiddled with his mug. She scratched at a particularly obscene message etched into the thinking cloth. He dragged a shoe along the scuffed kitchen floors. She drummed her fingers restlessly, watching the seconds tick by excruciatingly slow on the clock.
Where the hell were George and Lucy?
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“You look like shit.”
“Oh, I see how it is. You’re in a hospital bed but I’m the one who looks like shit.”
She was in a gleaming, sterile hospital room, painfully twisted into some uncomfortable plastic chair after a night of fitful sleep and checking to make sure Lockwood was still alive. Lockwood had gone out for a solo case and she had been waiting up, expecting him to return any minute when the hospital called. Luckily, it was nothing fatal, but enough to keep him out of commission for a while. Enough to make her worry.
“Exactly, you look spectacularly terrible. Did you sleep at all last night?”
“I tried, but my sorry excuse of a boss got his ass kicked by some Type Two, so here I am.”
“Doesn’t your sorry excuse of a boss write your cheques?”
“Have I mentioned how fond I am of my sorry excuse of a boss?”
He quirked a smile at that, then immediately winced. She lightly tilted his bruised face just as he raised a tentative hand to the stitches on his lip, their fingers brushing against each other for a fraction of a second. He looked at her questioningly, unable to see how it was healing himself, and she thought it was extremely unfair to have eyes as disarming as his. She shoved down the stab of sympathy at the unexpectedly vulnerable sight. Hospital gowns really did a number on how strong, or lack thereof, a patient seemed.
“Poor baby. Do you need someone to kiss it better?”
“You could kiss me better.”
“You…are clearly still concussed. Where on earth is your nurse?”
She stood and busied herself by sticking her head out the door and looking for his nurse, which was most definitely not an attempt to hide the flush creeping up her neck. After a few minutes of futile searching, she returned, alarmed at how wan Lockwood was starting to seem.
“I don’t remember getting a concussion,” he murmured, closing his aching eyes.
“Of course you wouldn’t. That’s how concussions work. Idiot.” She tried to keep her tone light, but he cracked an eye open as if he had heard something in her voice. He slipped her fingers through hers casually and she felt the tension in his stiff shoulders ease.
"You should sleep," she tried gently. His thumb slowly traced hers drowsily. Still, he forced his eyes open with considerable effort. Looked at her like she was all he wanted to see for the rest of his life.
"In a minute."
It was the first of the lifetime of minutes ahead of them.
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TAGLIST: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @cielooci @midnight--raine @mohinithoughts @neewtmas @snoopyluver20 @ahead-fullofdreams @elenianag080 @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @mitskiswift99
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muchmossymess · 3 days
A Revali Fanfic Recommendation
I urge you all to put your life on hold for a moment and go read this brilliant fanfiction:
A hundred years after the fall of Hyrule to Calamity Ganon, and the hero Link has finally sealed the darkness and freed the Divine Beasts of their curse - and with it, their pilots are finally free. But not just as spirits. Awake once again, the four Champions of old have a second chance at life and must re-adjust to this future world with their decendants. Well - all except for one Champion, who doesn't have a decentant. Or even anyone left alive that knew him. Teba is happy to take in his revived ancient idol as one of his own, but sharing a living space with a hundred year old Champion with an ego the size of his divine beast and who might have some issues he's not willing to share can be a lot sometimes and they don't always see eye to eye. Revali thinks he should return to leading the new generation of Rito warriors. Teba thinks this actual child should never have been leading warriors or fighting a war in the first place. Tulin is just excited to have the infamous Rito Champion in his house.
Beautifully written and lovingly crafted, this baby can fit so much trauma and whump into the most gut-wrenching and heat-breakingly found family story you may ever read. 130,000 words, 36 chapters (and still regularly updating!), and a CRIMINALLY low number of kudos. If that doesn't sway you, here is some gushing under the cut <3
You think you've read a champions revival fic before? This will have you saying "how the FUCK have I not seen this before" and completely change the way you view everything (mild exaggeration. m i l d). We have all of your favourite revali tropes: being a dick and getting owned, being a dick and being right, getting own and never showing those feelings to the light of day, getting killed, getting unkilled and loved, showing emotions but being super weird and revali about it, bonding with tulin!!, bonding with teba and the rest of rito village, bonding with the champions, having panic attacks and trauma, vah medoh being the best ever, being a terrifying force of nature, being an idiot kid, and so much more!
Do you like grumpy dad teba? Do you like revali swallowing his pride? Do you like revali immediately spitting his pride back up and being a bitchy bird? Do you like mipha and revali as gossip buddies? Do you like the complete and utter fool revali makes of himself everytime he so much as hears the name link? Do you like people seeing right through his facade and calling him out on it?
AND NOT TO MENTION THE WORLD BUILDING??? this fic is so in depth of the political climates, racism, lore, changes in culture during times of war, colonisation, biology of the races and just fucking everything?? It adds so much life to the world of hyrule I am genuinely shocked at how much this person clearly loves these games (botw/totk/aoc) and they are able to incorporate all of this amazing information in a way that flows so naturally and just hhrnngngg I am fucking insane about it. THE SCIENCE, oh my god how did I forget all the wonderous thoughts surrounding the divine beasts and the sheikah tech, oh god and how they write the magic system? Guys I swear it's so good.
Characterisation is on point, everyone feels so full of life and that they are reacting exactly how you would expect them too, and they just seem so real, like they are right beside you as you're reading. The author does an IMMACULATE job of drawing you in and making you feel a part of the story, all the while being just beautifully written?
Don't get me started on the attention to rito culture. I have never seen someone pour so much love into something before, genuinely on of the greatest things I've seen. I've always had a fascination over how the races of hyrule view each other, similarities and differences, how their cultures and histories intertwine, and conflicts that may arise. But oh. my. god. My jaw was on the floor every time, it's so rich and beautiful but not without the horrors (and oh god, they are Horrors tm) and again it's just so real!!!
Be warned, however, that there is gore and viscera and terror and hurt and war crimes and death (duh), but for each terrible thing to happen it is repaid tenfold in love and kindness somewhere down the line. (Unless you are into hurt no comfort, then sorry buddy!) It is a beautiful narrative and the exploration of trauma and self is mind boggling and just go read it!!! 😭 😭 😭 I just love this fic so much, it has instantly sky-rocketed to one of my top 3 favourite fics I've ever read, and I'm so grateful to have found it and now be along for the ride that if I could bring that to one more person then by god I will fucking do it
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 days
turtely's otp challenge
now on ao3!
read day 22 here: (prompt: competing)
(this is a sequel to day 21! read it on tumblr or ao3!)
summary: After John finds out who his secret admirer is, him and Sherlock go to a fair and it's the perfect date.
Gen, 1,572 words, AU - High School. First Dates, Holding Hands, Fair, Roller Coasters, Cotton Candy Fluff, they are so in love it hurts, Flowers, First Kiss
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here is a snippet:
At the fair, it was loud: people screaming on the rides, children laughing, and music from everywhere. Sherlock was unsure of where to go, but John already headed purposefully to the highest roller coaster.
“The highest right away, John?”
“Duh. I am not wasting my money on the small ones. This gives just the adrenaline kick you need for the start,” Once again – it was the third time (yes, Sherlock had counted) – John grabbed the taller boy’s hand. Sherlock was pretty sure he would follow John if he jumped off a plane, if he only held his hand. Oh, no. Sherlock realised his crush on John Watson was intensifying with every minute spent together.
“Come on! Look, look at it and tell me this doesn’t look fun!”
Sherlock glanced at the roller coaster, it even had a loop in it. Then his eyes landed back on John again and, yep Crush Intensified. John looked up in the sky, the sun making his eyes sparkle, a childlike look of excitement and fascination on his face.
Still staring at John, Sherlock said, “It looks breathtaking.”
John looked back at him, realised Sherlock was staring at him with an intense look in his eyes and blushed. Was he talking about him or…?
“Hey, you two!” A woman with short purple hair yelled at them. “Get on, love birdies, or you have to take the next ride!”
continue reading -> tags ✨
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @francj15 @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful @kabubsmagga @sunshineinyourmind @booksoversleep @startrekker2011
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Thirst Trap: Chapter 18
Midnights Become My Afternoons
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Before I say anything else, I must give a shout out SO LONG AND LOUD AND EVERLASTING that it will be heard the world over. @purplelupins did me the honor of betaing this chapter, and boy I'm glad. This wouldn't be half as good without Nora's suggestions, candor, and perceptive feedback.
I'm *so* excited for the first chapter of her new piece, Red Sky of a Shepherd's Warning - I feel just like a kid on Christmas Eve (at Midnight Mass, perhaps?)
In other news, I know this has been slow going. I suspect that Thirst Trap is one or two chapters away from being complete.
For all of you who have hung in there with me, I thank you.
It's been....oh, hell...three years now?
Good gravy.
I'm also going to slap a big ol' trigger warning on this chapter. I had to spin the wheel-o-death, kids.
Herein are the results.
So. Is everyone comfortable? Is everyone ready for John to make more bad decisions?
I know I am!
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And *another* shout-out to the brilliant @error4343 - fan art truly is worth a thousand words.
@everythingbutresolved @agirlinherhead @honey-tree-evil-eye @thenookienostradamus @pinksiamese @purplelupins @lakesofneptune @thevampireauthoress @prettyblondguys @midwestmisfit @rothko-mirror @jyngerpeach @chronic-ghost @yepthatsacowalright @ebiemidnightlibrarian @choosekindly @lovepollution @p-e-r-s-e-p-h-o-n-e @perpetual-fangirl900 @vintageglassheart02 @hamishlinklaters
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midfight-artchive · 1 month
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evilwizardcrab · 6 months
Assinging popular UK rollercoasters TMA fear entities.
Because sometimes your roller coaster autism and magnus archives autism combine into a secret, third thing.
Also, obviously most roller coasters are kind of inherently tied to vast/spiral, but for the sake of variety I'll only be assigning those entities when it happens to be really thematically relevant.
All clear? Good. Then in no particular order, let's begin.
1 .The Smiler (Alton Towers)
Figured I should start this out on what is quite possibly the UKs most iconic rollercoaster. At a whopping 14 inversions this Gerstlauer infinity coaster holds the world recor-
The spiral. It's the spiral. Yes, I know I literally just said I would be reserving spiral judgements for certain rollercoasters but just. Just look at this fucking thing:
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This is quite possibly *the* most spiral aligned rollercoaster you could possibly make. In fact it might literally be the most spiral aligned rollercoaster ever, because with 14 inversions it literally is the most amount of spiraling you can physically do on a rollercoaster.
I mean, watch the goddamn TV Advert for this ride and tell me Fuckhands McMike didn't have a (yaoi) hand in the creation of this thing. Fuck Sanakov land I'm pretty sure the smiler singlehandedly counts as a failed spiral ritual.
It literally sends you insane! That's it, that's the theming! It's logo is a literal fucking spiral! Words themselves cannot get across how quintessentially Spiral this coaster is!!!! Even the FUCKING MUSIC is spirally!
It's even yellow.
So yeah, 10/10 spiral aligned coaster would ride again.
2. The Swarm (Thorpe Park)
From one heavily themed rollercoaster to another, let's take a trip down south to The Swarm, Thorpe Park. I'm going to be biased off the bat and say that the swarm is absolutely one of my faves (just look at that inverted drop!) not to mention the being only wing coaster in the UK.
That being said, despite my fanboying The Swarm was initially a hard one to place. My gut feeling was the Vast (mainly due to how it emulates the feeling of flying) or the corruption (literally called the swarm).
But then I took a step back,actually looked into the theming and lore itself, and it became clear. The Swarm is the Extinction through and through.
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For those of you FREAKS no well aquiantted with Rollercoaster Lore, the story of swarm is as follows - an evil Swarm has destroyed humanity).
Thorpe Park even went as far as to put up fake posters around the park and release ARG Style adverts about it (and this song, because Merlin is nothing if not excessive when it comes to it's parks)
So with that in mind, swarm absolutely embodies the two main aspects of the extinction; both the active destruction of the apocolypse and the fear of something new replacing us (in this case presumeably sentiant rolercoasters)
3. Oblivion (Thorpe Park)
I'll keep this entry to roughly the same length as the ride itself.
You go in a Big Hole In The Ground
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It's The Buried.
4. The Roller Coaster Formerly Known As The Pepsi Max Big One (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)
Finally, a coaster entry that isn't from a Merlin park. And being both the tallest and steepest rollercoaster in the world, let us introduce the pepsi max big one.
(off screeen whispers)
Wait what do you mean it's no longer the tallest rollercoaster in the world
(more whispers)
What do you mean, "or the steepest"
(even more whispers)
Wait, what do you mean it's not even the Pepsi Max Big One anymore? The Big One? really?
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The Big One is an interesting case to me, in that despite technically being the tallest rollercoaster in the UK, there appears to be somewhat of a relative lack of discussion surrounding it. It's just ... there. Hell, while making this list I actually forgot it was the tallest rollercoaster in the UK. Not to mention the whole deal with its changing, corporate name. It just feels so Bizzare. Strange, even ...
That's right motherfuckers we got ourselves a Stranger rollercoaster! It perhaps isn't the most obvious choice, but I'll be damned if I hand over the tallest rollercoaster in the Uk to the Vast, that’s just boring. Plus, I personally find it quite thematically pertinent. Something about the idea of an object getting so subsumed by it’s corporate identity that when that is removed, it’s left with nothing. Something about staking a permanent identity on inherently shifting factors leading to a [redacted] Big One shaped void. 
If you want to, if you can imagine it was initially Vast before Fairchild enterprises took a hit and Nikola Orsinov swooped in to claim it. 
5) Stealth (Thorpe Park)
We've got ourselves our first pure Vast rollercoaster here folks! Coming in at a hot 5th place we have the 1st most fastest rollercoaster in the UK, that launches you 0-80 mph up 62 meters of pure steel baybe!!
And um.
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It doesn't do much else.
But that simplicity is exactly what makes it so vast! The Vast wouldn't fuck around with complex things like "inversions" or "ride experience". It goes up. it goes down. If Simon Fairchild made a rollercoaster it would look like this. Take one look at this thing and tell me it doesn't embody the spirit of Mike "sought out the tallest ride at the carnival" Crew.
If the Spiral gets The Smiler as its quintessential rollercoaster, The Vast gets this.
6) Wickerman (Alton Towers)
Now, the Wickerman is another personal fave of mine, and (in my personal opinion) a key example of how amazing theming can elevate practically any rollercoaster. (To go on a tangent, I'd absolutely recommend riding this during the evening at fright night, if you can. The night serves an already great ride experience into something amazing)
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Not only that, but the central theming of said rollercoaster centers around both a) Cults and B) Copious amounts of fire. So, in a manner clearly befitting its assigned entity, it doesn't exactly take an expert to put two and two together and get Ouch. That’s right, it's desolation. 
RIP Agnes Montague you would have loved this ride.
Scratch that maybe not considering how she seemingly felt about her cult. Let me change track.
RIP Gertrude Robinson you would have FUCKING LOVED this.
8) Nemesis (Alton Towers)
What, you thought I could make a UK coaster list without bringing up Nemesis? Surely not,I wouldn’t dare shaft  everyone's favorite (and currently unavailable!) B&M invert. Wait, what do you mean you don't want to hear about how it "holds up amazingly well over 30 years" and it's "Intensity rivals even that of modern coasters"?
Jokes aside, Nemesis was another hard one to place. Like Swarm, I had a very strong initial preference - this time for the slaughter, mainly due to the whole "trapped alien" deal it has going on.
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But, once again like The Swarm, another look into the deeper RollerCoaster Lore (TM) revealed another core aspect of nemesis - this time, that of the Buried.
Specifically, the Lore of Nemesis centers around a mysterious alien entity (aptly named nemesis) found Buried deep underground, and having to promptly be pinned down with tons of steel (which also coincidentally, happend to be the exact shape of a rollercoaster). Hell, the lore even had a comic book made of it. 
Not only that, but the actual construction of Nemesis actively involved digging up the earth in order to create the space for it. And if that doesn't scream "buried" it's probably because you can’t hear it under all the layers of dirt. 
Honerable Mentions - Kiddy Coaster Edition
9. Flying Fish (Thorpe Park)
It's everones favourite Thorpe Park Kiddy coaster, Flying fish - a coaster with a title that is only 50% inaccurate.
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In all seriousness I only chose this coaster because for some inexplicable reason I associate it with the Lonely. Specifically, Peter Lucas. No, I cannot justify this choice other than the fact that look at it and tell me you can't picture Lucas sitting on this, alone, going around and around. He doesn't move or make a sound. Just sits there. Silently .Having the time of his life.
 I like to imagine he buys out the entirety of the park for a day with the Lucas family fortune just so he can enjoy this one ride without having to see another human being (you wouldn't catch him dead in a theme park otherwise)
And this is probably as good a point as any to finish the list. Obviously there are way more UK rollercoasters you could assign fears to but these felt like some of the more interesting ones to explore. Anyway if you made it this far then damn. Well done, but also thanks for sharing in this incredibly niche magnus brainrot with me :)
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 months
Shinigami 🌡️ Sprite Edits
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So can Death Gods catch a cold?
They can because "I" say so 😈🌡️
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With a confused and concerned Yuma in the middle of an investigation. It doesn't take a detective to know something's wrong with her 😵‍💫
Too bad Yuma can't tell since she's a ghost and they cannot touch each other.
(Pt. 1 to something else I'm making later XD)
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eldritch-nightmare · 6 months
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yeah it's still on my mind i'm bouncing between working on a draft here and jotting down my thoughts there.
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iggyfing · 6 months
man... dffoo shutting down at the end of february.....
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moonrevolutions · 6 months
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go insane, go insane, throw some glitter and make it rain.
kesha / ❝blow ( crikut remix )❞
september / ❝satellites❞
david guetta / ❝little bad girl❞
dev / ❝in the dark ( dj kue remix )❞
kaskade / ❝fire in your new shoes❞
kaskade / ❝dynasty❞
capsule / ❝in the rain❞
andain / ❝you once told me❞
late night alumni / ❝keep up with me❞
capsule / ❝i'm feeling you❞
iio / ❝rapture ( starkillers dirty girl made single edit )❞
kerli / ❝zero gravity❞
₊‧.°.⋆˚₊‧⋆. LISTEN HERE.
for @rcckstars who is one of the hottest hotties to ever hot! ilysm!
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eggmeralda · 8 months
listening to my february-june 2022 playlist which led to ⬇️
#oh my god it was sooooo gooooooood#what do you mean there were 12 months. no there weren't. 2022 ended in mid august. perfect year with no bad months at all#anyway i'm thinking about the 2022 that exists in my mind (january-mid august) it was so good#i listened to. so many albums. and got introduced to so much music#specifically down the route of electronic stuff like eurodance and techno and happy hardcore and that#and also down the route of i guess more atmospheric stuff? like shoegaze and dream pop and droney noisy stuff#and then there was. The Hyperfixation. call me bitter bc i was experiencing extreme truffula flu brainrot aHAHAH- *is shot*#one of the hyperfixations of all time. it was so intense it gave me agoraphobia#okay i had agoraphobia anyway but my camp entre obsession did contribute to it a bit#bc it released so many chemicals in my brain it would just give me anxiety#okay but the actual agoraphobia was so weird like what was going on there#i was so scared of eating food that might annihilate my digestive system i just wouldn't eat. and wouldn't leave the house#i mean i did leave the house but only if i had to and i DID NOT enjoy it and i would start zoning out if i was out for too long#and i did eat but it was limited to like. porridge and bread and for some reason sushi. like they were the only foods i didn't fear#what was wrong with me#then i got over it by the summer. like the slight fear comes back sometimes for a few weeks but it'll never be as bad as it was then#my god the summer though. unreal time#july we have such a complicated history but you did a great job in 2022#the swag archive..........the career awakening...........(don't tell my 22yo self trying to apply for archiving jobs is the absolute worst)#(let her have her dream)#omg speaking of the dream. and also swag. the night i found out swag was asexual. wtf. great night#i guess it was a mixture of always being in search of a canonically asexual character that i was interested in since i was 18#like there was todd chavez but i wasn't like Obsessed with him or anything. and i can't think of any other character i knew#and then i find out just as I'm going to bed that the character that has been absolutely obliterating my soul for the past 6 months#is canonically asexual?? so then i didn't sleep for another 2 hours#unreal night#I'm running out of tags but anyway i love you first 8.5 months of 2022 i love you 2nd year of uni i love you camp entre truffula flu#i love you every album i listened to then i love you job i had at that sweet shop i even love you agoraphobia no i don't you were awful#but you were part of the vibe. anyway 2022 jan-aug my beloved#ramble
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crescentfool · 11 months
oh firefox we really in it now... (they have 130 tabs open AGAIN)
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bumpscosity · 11 months
I can never see mr beast the same way everyone else does bc I knew him as the worst intros guy
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This is the piece (and the sketch) I was talking about yesterday in the tags of that one other drawing in my previous reblog
#I hate twitter. It's impossible to find anything and it's impossible to use it as an archive#I *knew* the time around which these drawings were posted by the artist#and yet I had to spend over half an hour scrolling down their twitter media page to find it#ALL FOR NOTHING#Because (and it has happened a lot of times to me on twitter‚ even in my own account) after a certain point back in time#Twitter won't show you more stuff. As if anything too old had been deleted. But it hasn't! It's just unreachable unless you have a link#Or you find a retweet#I remembered I had liked these posts in my personal account where I don't have a lot of things and that's why I was able to find them#But it's infuriating how twitter works#I'm not an artist so idk but it's truly beyond me why artists use it as main media to post their works#It's impossible to find anything if you don't happen to see a retweet‚ follow the artist or twitter suggest the tweet to you#And it's impossible to look for anything after a week if the person is a bit active on twitter#Even worse to go back a decent amount of time because things just disappear for no reason. The tweets are not deleted so why#How can it work this way? How can it work so bad? And it's not even Musk. This happened way before him. It's always been wonky this way#Anyway... I don't even want to say how long I spent yesterday looking for these pieces but here they are haha#Several people liked the other one I reblogged so I wanted to share them#Oh another thing twitter does that I hate is that it dislikes stuff. I go into my likes and even though they are in my likes page‚#most posts have the heart of having liked it removed. I go to someone's twitter and see a piece of theirs#I *know* I've liked and retweeted and the retweet symbol is marked but not the liked#Thus far I've not lost anything that I'm aware of but I don't trust this at all#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later
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Yeah but imagine Buck as Iriali, having fled his homeland (ostensibly to bring more and varied experiences to the One, but also, you should meet his parents) ending up all the way in the shattered plains, and by chance meeting Eddie, a darkeyed soldier of the Kholin army
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