#re2 remake noir
crimescrimson · 14 days
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The Alternative Costumes of Resident Evil 2 (2019): Claire Redfield & All Five Costumes
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sharkl-e · 8 months
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[no bc actually this was so fun to do GOD]
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grayrazor · 10 months
Mildly disappointed that the Alone in the Dark remake made the male protagonist into a standard grizzled film noir fedora-wearing gumshoe instead of a redhead in a fancy suit with a walrus mustache.
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sapphire-weapon · 6 months
Adding onto pre-REmake info and intentionality in the scripts... this is one thing that will irritate me to the grave. "I was told to stay away" tells us SO MUCH BUT SO FUCKIN LITTLE, in both story (though this has the potential to be called back to someday) and character (unlikely to be addressed).
Who called Leon? WHY? WHAT did they know? WHY did young Leon decide to ignore the advice? What happened in his life to drive him into a potentially dangerous situation (whether he knew the full scale is irrelevant.) He was 21, with zero mentioned conmections, no friends, relationships or family. I could ramble about it for hours but the fact we got a lil golden nugget of a ridiculously important throwaway line, that nobody who made this game probably remembers anyway... I just... *grieves enormously*.
the likeliest answer is honestly jill or barry (but probably jill). we only have OG to go off of, but at the time that leon got this call, chris was in europe taking the fight to umbrella and jill was planning to join him. barry was in the process of moving his family to canada, and then he was also going to join chris. they both would've known that leon was starting soon, and they both would've known that he'd be coming in from out of town (out of state?) to do so.
the reason why i say jill over barry, though, is because jill stayed behind specifically to keep an eye on the workings of the umbrella research lab in raccoon city, whereas barry was distracted with his own family. it would've been at the forefront of her mind.
if RE3make had been done with more care, this probably would've been addressed in it. but it wasn't, so that didn't happen.
and again, only having OG to go off of, leon took the job in raccoon city specifically because of the murders that led the STARS team to the arklay mountains in RE0/1 in the first place. for him to want to be involved in a case like that and then get a mysterious call "stay away from the city"? of course he'd want to know what the fuck that was about. of course he'd want to be involved even more. that's like some classic noir shit right there. he had no way of knowing it was less noir and more romero, so it makes sense that he'd never expect a goddamn zombie apocalypse to be the reason behind that call.
RE2 leon (even in RE2make) is a 21 year old with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. he's the kind of young person who would get this call and then continue to go to the city just out of sheer spite (in addition to his overwhelming curiosity), because he thinks he can handle whatever it is that he's being warned against. he even says to marvin "i wish i'd come sooner."
maybe this will be addressed in a later remake, if it really WAS jill. but for now, it's still a pretty safe assumption.
and always bet on RE2 leon being a dumbass.
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dirtfullofwork · 17 days
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(I made this in may 2nd and now it’s the 29 0>o)
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biohazard-4ever · 3 months
What's your favourite designs/costumes of Claire/Sherry/Leon?
Ooooh I am W E A K for NOIR Leon in Re2remake. But!
I am kind of a basic gurl, too and RE4 Leon with that leather jacket will ALWAYS be peak design for me!
Nostalgia be hitting really hard! Design wise, I really try to not let nostalgia speak too loud but... I cant help it. RE4 (Original) Leon just has it.
But Infinite Darkness Leon? He is a M E A L! ARGH-- There are too many good Leons! H E L P me!
So I am going with Infinite Darkness Leon AND Claire. I think there they did them too fucking good! Claire is like a Disney princess with her delicate features and fun personality.
I mean, not everyone can follow up with Leon's sarcastic comments, except for Claire! HAH.
But Claire with short hair in Revelations 2 is SUCH A MILF! HMMMMFFF
Sherry, Honestly? I am staying with Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles design.
In RE2Remake she reminds me too much of what Ashley Graham would look like as a child and that is... Weird 🤣
Leon costume wise:
1 -Re4 (Remake and Original - Costume wise)
2 - Re2Remake Normal Outfit (he is so cute with his little white tenis 🥺)
3 - RE2Remake ( Noir )
1 - Infinite Darkness and RE4 (Original)
Claire costume wise
1 - RE2Remake standart AND RE2 Original
1 - Infinite Darkness
2 - Revelations 2 with short hair
Sherry design: RE Darkside Chronicles and RE6
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yhrite · 1 year
First time I played RE2 Remake I made it past the intro to the first safe area, bought Leon’s cool noire skin, took some screenshots of him in it and then proceeded to drop the game completely for several years because I was too scared of going any further
It is now RE4 Remake release day, the game is downloading and I have just bought Leon’s cool bomber jacket skin. Hopefully my weak gay ass can cope with the horrors and I won’t be leaving this for me in 4 years to finish
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Love your gifsets! Can you drop the mod links for posts post/714279411164332032 and post/714867559177011200 ? Thank you!!
Thank you!
Here are the links:
Have fun!
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alamusprime · 4 years
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Decided to finish bring that noir sketch to finish.
Also super excited about the Infinite Darkness leak!
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crimescrimson · 14 days
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The Alternative Costumes of Resident Evil 2 (2019): Claire Redfield & Noir
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softdadleon · 2 years
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Ladies, gentlemen, honored enbies, I proudly present my favorite fictional character of all time!
I love Leon so much hhjwdnkjwefne
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residentevil2remake · 4 years
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[5] Outfits - 1/5 - Elza Walker (resident evil 2 remake)
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heyciry · 3 years
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Claire Redfield noir cosplay
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BREAKING NEWS: I'm in love
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I’m just gonna say that I think ur being a wee bit too harsh on remake 2 Leon with saying everything is his fault because a lot of it is timing and no one would know what to do in that moment.
With the gas station dude, the only thing Leon does wrong is distract the dude by calling out to him, the zombie is on top of the guy in a second after that and biting a chunk of flesh off of him— I think anyone would be frozen in shock in that moment.
Also with Ben, Leon has no idea if Ben is a criminal and why he’s even locked up in the first place— they only hear Mr. X for a moment before he busts through the wall and Leon can’t shoot without shooting Ben in the face too, you see Leon try to aim the gun or find another point to shoot but it’s too late by that point. Also Leon has no idea about Mr. X at this point and arguably, Ben has clearly been safer in his jail cell so far, so of course Leon hesitates to let someone who could potential be a dangerous criminal out on top of everything going on. I’m pretty sure him saying ‘I’ll have to ask chief irons’ was before they heard anything and the guy was just asking to be let out — also Im pretty sure it is him covering himself to get more time to figure out what to do with Ben or get my information of why Ben is in there in the first place. He’s in jail, someone who is a trained cop is gonna hesitate before opening up his cell.
Also another thing I just wanted add that Leon doesn’t trust Ada, it’s what he says to her at the end ‘I realized as much as I wanted to trust you I didn’t’ so obviously he regonize she was shady but what else was he going to do in that situation besides take her at her word, after the fact she showed him her badge and has knowledge about the situation. how is he gonna guess that she’s a super secret mercenary that’s using him to steal this secret virus to sell
While I get what you are trying to say, I don’t think saying he’s a complete idiot makes much sense when it’s just how, a normal person would react to things. In fact I think he did a bit better considering the circumstances. Just my two sense tho, def not attacking u or anything, just noticed ur post in the tag and wanted to add my perspective to it since I’ve been like, religiously playing that game rn 😭.
But homie, what you're saying is exactly my point.
Leon was the everyman in RE2. He didn't have military experience like Chris and Jill -- and he wasn't raised a Redfield like Claire -- so he was never taught how to handle a legitimate combat situation. So, he did, for the most part, what a normal person would do in that situation. And that was the problem. It wasn't a normal situation, so reacting like a normal person ended with people dying.
Well. Actually no he doesn't get a pass on Ada, even still. Even if he didnt trust her completely, that bitch was in a tight dress and stilettos and Leon still looked at her and was like "yeah I mean I guess it could be possible that she's FBI." Like. No, dumbass. Stop thinking with your dick. You're not in a noir film.
The journey through Leon's character development was that he had to step outside of his normal bubble and into the actual literal nightmare that Raccoon City really was. He does eventually learn that lesson, but unfortunately, it's one that he learns too late. By the time he gets there, there's already a bodycount.
So in RE4make, he can't be that everyman anymore if his mission has any chance of succeeding. He has to be more than the everyman. He can't hesitate, he can't hope that things will work out okay. He has to own every single one of his decisions, the chances he takes have to be calculated, and he can't fall into the same well-meaning traps.
Leon can't be held to "normal people" standards. To do so erases the progression of his character arc. And he doesn't hold himself to those standards, either. He has to be better, because if he isn't, people will die. That was the lesson he had to learn.
When I criticize Leon for his flaws, I'm not hating on him or trying to be mean. His flaws create the conflict that fuels his story -- and that's what makes him a good character.
Within the context of the story itself, what would normally be seen as virtuous qualities in a person are actually the problem. And that's what makes him so sympathetic and compelling. You want to root for him because he's trying so hard to do the right thing, but him doing the right thing is what gets people killed.
I love him for that.
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evilwvergil · 5 years
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~名探偵 “Detective Claire” 🕵️‍♀️🌹 ↳ : バイオハザード RESIDENT EVIL II REMAKE
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