#re3 remake spoilers
chaotic-tired-fox · 1 year
Resident Evil obscure facts PART 3
Since y’all like these so much
(Probably the last part since I really scraped the bottom of my brain here)
Part 1 Part 2
☠️ Hunk telling Nighthawk to go and leave him during RE2 4th Survivor is the first time we see him respond with any emotion or concern for anyone else other than his mission.
☠️ Nikolai and Sergei Vladimir were friends and fought together in the soviet war.
☠️ Sergei Vladimir and Ozwell E Spencer were also old friends which is how Sergei came to rule over the UBCS in the first place. He was completely loyal to Spencer.
☠️ Chris bulking up between Code Veronica and RE5 was a direct response to Wesker being able to beat him so easily. He wanted to get stronger despite Wesker possessing superhuman strength.
☠️ Claire and Leon have a really shaky relationship thanks to Leon’s loyalty to the US Government. He doesn’t deviate from this until RE6 when he decides to defend Helena Harper and sympathises with her actions.
☠️ The knife Leon carries in the RE4 remake is the same knife Marvin gives him in the RE2 remake
☠️ Jake Muller said he was trained by an unnamed mercenary, some speculate this could have been Hunk as he became a mercenary after the Umbrella trials in 2003
☠️ The metal band Ice Nine Kills made a song based on the Resident Evil franchise called ‘Rainy Day’ (and its very good I recommend)
☠️ For Hunk to snap necks the way he does would require a hell of a lot of strength
☠️ Umbrella Corps (which is canon) set after Resident Evil 5 has voice lines from Wesker in it which implies he may be still alive.
Quote: “The circumstances of my death were greatly exaggerated.”
☠️ In Resident Evil 4 The Merchant’s eyes are blue but glow yellow in the dark/at night. In the Remake he doesn’t do this.
☠️ Luis Sera was Catholic which was the original religion of the village before Saddler moved in.
☠️ In Operation Raccoon City Nikolai has a scar on the side of his face but in the Resident Evil 3 Remake he doesn’t
☠️ Chris’s height was changed from 5’11” to 6’2” in later games
☠️ In Resident Evil 7, Ethan loses his left hand, in RE8 he loses his right.
☠️ ‘Master of Unlocking’ is perhaps the most well known ongoing Resident Evil reference not only in the series but many other games as well including most recently as an achievement in the game ‘Killer Frequency.’ You’ll find it most commonly as the name of trophies.
☠️ In Resident Evil 3 Remake RPD, Carlos makes a quote about cameras being used to kill monsters which is a reference to the Fatal Frame series.
☠️ Also in the RE3 Remake, we never truly find out who Nikolai’s client was and Jill never does the ‘detective work’ on it either. It’s theorised that it was Sergei Vladimir as he is the only person Nikolai had any kind of contact and relationship with.
☠️ There is an unofficial Resident Evil 4 inspired puzzle game on the Switch called Safe Room where you organise items into differently shaped grid boxes. Perfect for those that enjoy the satisfaction of good inventory management.
☠️ Crimson head zombies are a mutated variant of regular T-Virus zombies that can happen sometimes if you ‘kill’ them. But they are actually the midway point between a regular zombie and a Licker. (Note the sharp claws)
☠️ Rebecca’s coffee order is an iced caramel macchiato
☠️ Extra fact: I write Hunk related short stories on AO3! I’d love if you checked em out! The link to my fics is HERE
Death Island spoilers below!
☠️ In Death Island, Chris and Leon have matching watches
☠️ As of Death Island, all five of the main characters have been infected with something and cured.
☠️ Chris mentioning Piers in Death Island is the first we’ve heard of him since RE6 (and it hurtttt)
☠️ It’s implied that Chris finding Leon in Vendetta and bringing him back saved his life. We see his mood has greatly improved since then
☠️ We don’t actually have an answer for when Leon and Jill first met but it could have been around the same time he met Chris in 2010
☠️ Once again the trend of Leon crashing every vehicle he touches continues!
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lawtistic · 1 year
spoilers for resident evil village, vendetta, and death island. this is however mostly just what i want to see for re9 which is probably coming out either next or after whatever remake is coming up
i hope leon isnt in RE9 as much as i love him because i have this feeling that hes gonna die
hes doing better. you can see in death island that he is doing so much betteem im unsure how theyd take this since death island takes place in 2015 and RE9 would probably end up taking place in the future (due to rose's age) but killing a character in the middle of their arc when they feel like theyre doing better is the OPTIMAL time to do so
im not 100% sure on the fact that capcom would kill their current moneymaker because even before RE4R came out everyone still loved leon but theyve still managed to release titles that have done well without him, anyway, like biohazard and village
i do however hope that jill is involved. she hasnt been in a game since re5 and she's an important part of chris' story. we know thanks to shadows of rose that mia mainly raised rose but we also know what chris was involved as well, and i just think it'd be cute if chris had no fucking clue what he's doing and jill was there to help him. death island makes it very clear that jill is still extremely traumatized, not only from the events from RE1 and RE3, but also from RE5 (mainly) and the events that happened in between.
theres so many things that they can do with her and since she hasnt been in a game for a while, it's total free real estate on what happened to her between the events of DI (or more importantly, RE5) and RE9. is jill still working with chris? what has she been doing ever since she (assuming she did, but she almost definitely did) left the BSAA? has she started her own independent thing similar to the hound wolf squad? or does she help chris with the hound wolf squad? it's not like jill to retire, especially since her role in death island is about her getting back into the field after RE5 and presumably a few years break after that.
i hope shes still lowkey mean too. like in the RE3R irritable way that she's just a little bit fed up because i want to see those resident evil fandom misogynists cry about it. its fine when leon's a total dick in vendetta bwcause hes traumatized but when a WOMAN is a dick to an organization that DESERVES IT because SHES traumatized, its suddenly a problem.
and i know leon isn't constantly a dick and he's not necessarily a violent drunk like chris is shown to be, im fully aware that leon has a good heart and isnt an asshole completely, but he was kind of a dick in vendetta. just a little bit. and people think its hot so my point stands.
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mimzalot · 1 year
talkin’ about the narrative function of Luis Serra
specifically in relation to plot pacing. there are a million things that I could commend about the way the remakes handle narrative, but I want to specifically talk about chapter 11 of Resident Evil 4 Remake and what it accomplished for Luis Serra, my beloved, re: creating character impact and transforming the RE formula
⚠️  MAJOR SPOILER WARNING FOR RE4R (plus I briefly mention all the other games and Vendetta, too)
so. chapter 11 sucks. but not in a bad way.
at the time of Luis’ death, I remember thinking: oh no, too soon. he just started opening up about his past. I was just getting used to his company! Leon hasn’t had enough time to really connect with him, to make this death scene hurt! it wasn’t until I finished the game for the first time that I realised that it would not have worked any other way, and I’ve been circling it since.
let’s wheel back a bit to think about why Luis exists in this narrative. this could be a whole different post, as he fulfils a lot of roles in the plot, but for this I’ll narrow it down to this key trait: Luis is The Scientist.
Resident Evil has a lot of returning archetypes:
The Survivor – our protagonists, usually some sort of trained professional
The Kid/Civilian – who we look after and protect
The Corrupt Power Structure – our CEOs, Mayors, Police Commissioner, Aristocrats, etc
The Scientist – usually Umbrella (though sometimes we get an Umbrella-aligned person that isn’t a scientist, but is still evil)
each of these play into an existing formula, the purpose of which is to convey more or less the same RE story: behind all suffering is the powerful and corrupt, and funding that corruption is the greed of big pharma and capitalistic evil. The Scientist is attached to that big pharma part, as they always bring in the infections that give us the zombies, Ganado, Tyrants, etc. thus, Umbrella is evil.
this formula creates a very strict black and white picture of Good vs. Evil, with little room for grey. it is Resident Evil after all, not Resident Everyone-Has-Their-Reasons.
RE7 and 8 are significant because of how they started anchoring the POV around “the Civilian” Ethan rather than the professional. you could argue that Claire is a civvie, but she is a Redfield and cannot be counted among the mortals
in RE1 it’s cut and dry: the scientists are the evil behind everything, Wesker is a traitor, and it’s all downhill from here. RE2(R) has William Birkin echoing that Evil Scientist thing, with a slight bit of grey appearing with Annette. but her death isn’t necessarily framed as a tragedy, even so.
you could say that Ada is kinda evil-science-aligned seeing as she is the person transporting the science, but Ada is Ada and, again, cannot be counted among the mortals
in RE3(R), we don’t have a significant science-guy as it’s more about the high-octane, military stuff. but we do have Carlos, and his stupid sexy syringe bite scene – he is an important predecessor to Luis in that he is only saved by the consequences of his employment by ignorance: Carlos didn’t know that UBCS were the bad guys. Luis, arguably, performed his actions knowingly, which is one of the great tragedies of his character and the cornerstone of his atonement.
it’s that knowledge, that conscious alignment with evil that makes each of the Scientist characters slated to die. The Scientist always dies.
we do need to talk about Mia Winters but that’s another text post
Luis Serra, according to his alignment, according to his actions, could be our final boss. if Mendez had re-injected him, he may well have been; a mutated scientist pushed back into his lab, guarding the machine that would heal Leon and Ashley, infected by the virus that he might have helped create. at which point it wouldn’t matter how he felt about it, whether he regretted it: he, like all the other researchers, would need to die or be put down.
but RE4 isn’t about that. RE4 is about change.
if we look into the future, we know that Leon ends up being a guy that sees the grey in all things – even to his own detriment. in Vendetta he asks ‘who’s the bad guy here?’ to throw criticism at the government that would open fire on the wedding of an evil guy, and Chris barks back ‘THE EVIL GUY!’ which perfectly highlights the different journeys these characters have been on, and the unique roles they hold in the RE universe.
one thing they highlighted rather early in RE4R was that Leon did not start with an eye for the grey-zone. he is pissed off by Luis’ mysteriousness, because he’s Umbrella. Leon’s heated about that in particular, and the game reminds us constantly that Leon is not cool with it. and why would he be? Umbrella ruined his life.
the remakes have been paying close attention to cause-and-effect continuity, and at this point in time Leon has been absorbed into the rigmarole of US govt and moulded into an agent, against his will. he is exploited because of the events of RE2, and it’s clear that he has a lot of unresolved (and justified) anger towards Umbrella for creating this traumatic situation for him.
without anything to challenge this, he’d end up like Chris: staunchly black-and-white about who is responsible, who must be held accountable, forcing himself into positions to bluntly counteract Evil where he can.
but instead, Leon encounters Luis.
and the purpose of Luis is to change what it means to be The Scientist, and thereby affect Leon’s outlook of the world. the significance of Krauser then killing Luis is the convergence point of Leon’s worldview shifting: my own people betrayed me and sided with evil. and my enemy saved my life.
Krauser as a cautionary tale almost shows Leon who he could have been, too: not just a guy so affected by fear that he becomes the monster, but also the guy that blindly followed orders and murdered Luis. basically this game is developing Leon’s ability to think critically as a compassionate, traumatised and exploited person. y’know, a guy like Luis.
Leon spends over half of the narrative on the fence about seeing Luis in a grey light. in a game of sixteen chapters, Leon spends two-thirds of his time with Luis grumpy and wary about him. finally in chapter 11, we get a chance to actually see the potential of a friendship grow – and then it’s all too quickly cut short. while Luis is preparing to proceed, and see the light of his actions realised, he is killed.
and what I’m rather stunned by is that I certainly felt it when Luis died, but I felt it worse as the game progressed. the game gives you Luis just long enough to feel attached, and then takes him away so that the potential itself haunts you until the final chapter. the resounding impact of his loss is felt in absence, rather than in presence, and so the heart grows fonder, and the game gives you time to process it, until finally in chapter 15 you’re on the cusp of tears because of the flavour text about a Key. everything that happens after his death is attributed to him. he ends up lingering on the mind after the game ends. hence why I’m writing this friggin text post at 11pm instead of playing Zelda. RE4R created a ghost and he is haunting me.
so, logistically: what happens if Luis dies later in the game? in terms of overall pacing, his death is undercut by the climax, thus the player is not given enough time to really ruminate on his absence. you need those chapters after Luis dies to get that real sense of loneliness, to match the steep downslide of shit hitting the fan that RE4 does so well. moments where you can say to yourself “would be nice if Luis were here”, especially apparent as you are plunged into those horrible labs and begin to receive many insights into the other scientists and researchers. it’s all finally punctuated by Ashley asking where he is and a moment of on-screen grief to keep his absence fresh in our minds. there wouldn’t have been space for this if he died any later than chapter 11. the game would just have to be longer, but then that jeopardises the snappy pace and replayability.
emotionally, if he died later in the game, Luis might have begun to develop a confidence that things were going to be okay. he might have started feeling Leon was enjoying his company, thus making Leon the crux of his atonement, rather than Luis’ own actions. he might have met Ashley, who would undoubtedly be nice to him, and then his death would have been more about the protagonists’ reactions to him than the consequences of his own actions. pacing is a bit of a balancing act, and if you push Luis’ death into chapter 12, the rest of the game starts falling a bit wonky.
any sooner in the game, and the player hasn’t been given enough time to attach to him, so it falls short anyway. this is something that I felt keenly in the original, where Luis was unfortunately too absent from the mainline plot for his loss to be felt, though it did have the shape of this narrative structure – with Luis arriving, and dying, and then being developed in the aftermath of his death via his work, and the truth. I’m so glad that the Remake refined it, so now I can suffer endlessly about it.
and what happens of Luis doesn’t die at all? as I said, The Scientist Always Dies. this is the turning point of the series for grey-zone evil science guys, and to completely switch gears and then let the scientist live just doesn’t feel right for the thesis statement of Resident Evil. any other game, maybe, but RE is so committed to their formula that it would undermine itself. it’s not enough to say “one good scientist <3” then reward him with life; he still dies, and unfortunately that death has massive implications for the series at large – because it is tragic. not disturbingly necessary like disposing of William Birkin, not lowkey victorious like dropping Wesker into a volcano, but tragic and preventable, tragic and heartbreaking, tragic in a revolutionary kinda way. it creates a sense of grief that falls in line with RE’s sense of justice, thus hurts more. and it sucks. 
and that’s the real kicker about Luis, eh? I am haunted not just by his absence, but by the fact that he never got to see his actions take form. he died not knowing that he saved the world. he died questioning whether he’d actually made a difference, in himself, or with anything.
all that to say: the purpose of Luis is to begin to subvert the existing narrative structure. to introduce the idea of grey, not as something that absolves you, but as something that bestows nuance upon the ‘enemy’ that RE constantly, consistently holds accountable with rocket launchers. change is possible and difficult and sometimes completely without reward, but it must be done anyway. even if it outlives you. because Resident Evil is about the long-lived legacy of evil – so Luis is about the long-lived legacy of compassion, of atonement, and necessary change. and that’s a legacy that he grants the survivors, and in a larger scope, the world.
while capcom really pulled out every tool in their arsenal to show this death’s tragedy, the pinpoint accuracy of how they timed his death in the larger scheme of the game is so pristine that I almost can’t be mad at them for ripping my heart out. ‘cause they earnt it, through careful build-up, and poignant resolution, right up until the moment that Leon quotes Luis upon escaping the Island to make your heart warm up and break at the same time.
so, in short: nailed it. thanks. I will be thinking of Luis Serra forever. amen.
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if you’ve made it this far – hi! I’m Mim, I really want to start making video essays with these sorts of analyses for RE, Devil May Cry, Ace Attorney, Zelda and a bunch of other games I love. let me know if you’d be interested in that, I have one lined up for Leon and Luis’ meeting scene that needs video footage. also like 2394823 other thoughts about Luis in particular, but I’m stopping myself now because I want to stream TOTK. pardon any lore inaccuracies I was possessed by Luis feelings and wrote four pages in one unblinking sitting. CHEERS!
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spookymystery67 · 11 months
I Wish I Could Walk In Heels
AN: Getting closer and closer to when Ada makes her appearance guys! I said it was slow burn and I meant it. On a seperate note, my motivation is draining and it's scaring me because I've done this shit before and have an entire other story I have yet to finish. I will not say what it is. I will try not to do that for this one.
Also. Also! Fucking Neil Newbon guys. Honestly, didn't pay much attention to him or know his name until very recently because of Astarion from Baulders Gate 3. Point is, did y'all know he played Karl Heisenberg from RE Village? Or fucking Nicholai Zinoviev from the RE3 remake? The very rude Russian dude that, spoiler, makes another appearance in this chapter? I didn't! Found that out this morning actually. Those dots did not connect! I was shocked. Dude has range. I'm impressed. And slightly jealous of his talent.
I guess I didn't pay attention because I was more of a Lady Dimitrescu girl than a Karl Heisenberg girl. Thought I finally figured out I was a lesbian too until Astarion existed. So thanks to Neil Newbon, I'm confused again.
Okay, I'm done ranting. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
TW: Zombies, violence, fire, Nicholai, Nemesis, ect. The usual. Idk, I didn't re-read again. Sorry if I traumatize anyone. NO MINORS!
Chapter 5:
-September 28, 1998-
You both made it back to the station safely. You were out of breath, but continued to run down the stairs hurriedly to your destination.
You finally made it down the stairs and saw Carlos.
"Nice job, supercop. I'm impressed. You did good too." He added the last sentence for you and you waved him off. 
"She did most of the work." You said.
"We back in business?" Jill questioned.
"Yeah, mostly. But we need thirty to forty minutes to finish maintenance." Carlos said.
You all jumped when the shudders to your right opened. Nicholai and another U.B.C.S soldier appeared.
"Nicholai. How we doing?" Carlos asked.
"The town's crawling with those freaks. No chance of fighting our way out of the city." Nicholai said. He noticed Jill and I. "Why is she here?" He asked, pointing to Jill angrily.
"She's helping get the trains running again."
"Bad times to start carrying dead weight, friend." He made his way closer to Jill. "She's unreliable. Can't pull the trigger when it counts." 
You move to stand slightly in front of Jill, ready to fight the man if necessary.
"Hey, take it easy." Carlos tried to calm him down.
"She can't even fight her own battles. Has her pretty friend here protecting her." Nicholai said, smirking at you in a way that made your stomach curl in disgust.
"If anything, I'm protecting you from her." You scoffed. 
He stared at you for a moment and you raised a brow at him, challenging him. He tsked. "She'll get you killed." He finished, walking away.
"Sorry about that. Everyones a little worked up." Carlos said. You shrugged.
You all jumped when you heard a loud bang. You sighed, already knowing what it meant.
"Awe come on. Not again." Carlos said.
Jill rushed to press the button to close the shutter gate. She crawled under and you and Carlos followed.
"It's me he's after. I'll buy you some time." Jill quickly ducked under the gate again before it fully closed. Leaving her on the side of danger and you and Carlos on the other side.
"Hey. Hey wait. Stop!" Carlos said.
"Jill no! Damn it, Jill! Don't do anything stupid!" You shouted, watching her run away from the persistent monster.
You huffed as she and the monster ran out of sight. You didn't know what to do. You can't help her with the gate blocking the way. And she clearly didn't want your help at the moment. You just hoped she would be alright.
"I have to make sure everything is prepared for when this train leaves." Carlos said.
"What do you need me to do, Carlos?" You asked, wanting to help.
"Well, if you're up for it, there's a building not far from here that has some supplies we need. Ammo and the like. We left it behind when it was our temporary safe house. If you can get them, that would be awesome."
"Sure, which building?" You asked.
"The one under construction near here. You know it?" You nodded. "It's just the one case. Not a lot, but it's something. I'll even let you take your pick of whatever you'd like. Here, take a radio. I'll let you know when we are ready to leave. You'll hear Jill too if she calls." He said, handing you a radio.
"Like a three way call. Got it. I'll be back." You told him, making your way out of the station through a different exit.
-September 28, 1998-
You made it to the building a while later, finding the case of ammo, first aid and food supplies that could be useful. You pocketed some of the handgun and shotgun ammo and a single first aid kit. You also took a couple clean water bottles and granola bars, before shutting the case and turning to leave.
"Carlos. Can you hear me now?" Jill asked over the radio. You quickly grabbed the radio with your free hand.
"Jill? Oh thank god. Everything okay?" Carlos asked.
"Yeah, I'm alive. I lost him." She said through the speaker.
"Jill, you're okay! I told you not to do anything stupid, you stupid woman." You scolded her, tying the case to your backpack. It's a little heavy even though it's not that big, but you will make do.
"Relax. He's gone. For the moment at least? Where are you?" She asked.
"Gathering supplies the U.B.C.S left behind in some building under construction. I was about to leave." You said.
"Great. The subway's ready to go. We'll leave as soon as you two make it back." Carlos said.
"Sound's good." You said. But Jill remained silent. You hoped she was okay.
Just as you thought that, Jill came running through the opened shudder door. She tried shutting it, but flames made her back up. You quickly ran up and kicked it fully shut.
"Y/n!" She yelled, surprised you're there.
"Jill! Run!" You grabbed her arm and started running.
"It can use weapons?" You asked as you ran.
"I just found that out." Jill answered.
"Where did it get a flamethrower?"
"No idea."
You both made it to a yellow ladder and you climbed up first. As Jill was starting to climb, the monster found her and began shooting the flamethrower. Jill barely escaped unscathed as you quickly pulled her up.
"Thanks." She gasped.
"Don't mention it."
You both run up the stairs, having nowhere to go but up. As you passed a set, the monster used its tentacles to grapple up through the gaps in the floor, scaring both you and Jill. You and Jill moved quicker. Continuing to run through the construction sight, over temporary planks used as bridges and carefully avoiding the flames being shot at you.
You jumped over a gap and realized the flames were spreading quickly. You need to get out of here. 
The flames licked your back as you climbed and made you feel sweaty from the heat. You jumped over another gap and waited for Jill. She too jumped, but the plank gave out and you quickly grabbed her hands and pulled her up, preventing her from plummeting to a fiery, painful death.
Another set of ladders, this time making Jill go first as she is clearly more danger prone at the moment. You both finally made it to the roof, jumping down from the temporary structure onto concrete.
As you both landed, the monster crashed through the roof and landed in front of you. You sighed and grabbed your shotgun.
"You don't suppose that this will do much, do you?" You asked Jill.
"No, but this might." She said, holding up her new weapon.
"Is that a grenade launcher?" You asked incredulously.
"Yup, found it in the sewers." 
"Ah, that explains the smell." You joked. She glared playfully and gave you the middle finger, before focusing on the matter at hand.
"Alright, let's do this." Jill said. You both dodged a stream of flames shot at you, hiding behind piles of construction materials.
"How about you distract it and I shoot the tank on its back?" You suggested, assuming it would explode like those red barrels lying around.
"Good thinking." She nodded in agreement. 
Jill distracted the creature, avoiding flames and shooting generators to stun it as you aimed your shotgun at its back where the fuel tank sat. You eventually succeeded at getting the tank to blow up. The creature was now on fire, but somehow still alive.
And even more pissed off.
"It's still kicking?" Jill asked incredulously.
"Maybe you should use your special grenade launcher." You suggested as you dodged the creature speeding toward you, shooting a couple rounds at it.
"Yeah. Might have to." She said as the creature growled. The growl sounding like the word 'stars'.
It felt like you two did a lot of running in circles and wasted a lot of ammo to finally get that thing stunned. It fell to its front and you gasped for breath, the air incredibly hot and hard to breathe in due to the flames.
Things begun to explode and Jill tugged you to the edge of the building, pulling you off the side to slide down some slanted glass windows before you even had time to think.
You screamed as you both fell onto one of those outside elevator things that window washers use. It shakes violently and snaps on one side. You screamed again as you rolled off and Jill caught your hand to keep you from plummeting to your death, hanging on as tightly to the elevator edge as she could with your added weight. Which was a lot thanks to the bags on your back.
She looked down, and before she could even try to pull you and her up, the elevator went down lower, shaking you two off and making you land painfully on the ground below you, Jill landing on top of you and knocking the air out of you.
You noticed the elevator about to fall and quickly rolled yourself and Jill away from your spot on the ground, just barely missing it as it fell where you once lied.
You two gasped and groaned in pain, Jill still on top of you. You stared at the burning building and sighed, feeling her elbow digging sharply into your ribcage. 
"Jill, you're crushing me." Jill quickly rolled off of you.
"Sorry." She panted, trying to calm her rapid heart.
"It's fine." You noticed that your back was touching the solid ground and sat up. "Where are my bags?" 
Jill pointed to where your bags had somehow come off in the process of the fall. You slowly stood, groaning in pain from your left shoulder and torso area. And your legs. And pretty much your whole body. You had been badly beaten up the last few weeks and the pain meds are clearly wearing off.
"Next time you want to jump off a building, a little heads up would be nice." You jested weakly as you limped to your bags.
"There wasn't any time. Sorry." Jill said, joining you on her feet.
"It's alright. You saved me by doing that. And we're alive, so I'll call that a win." You said. You both started to make your way out to the street, slightly limping due to pain.
Jill took out her radio. "Carlos, it's Jill. Do you read me?" She gasped out.
"Loud and clear. You alright? I can't get a hold of Y/n." He asked. As you were checking your pockets to make sure the drive was still there, which it was, you pulled out your radio from your back pocket and saw that it was broken.
"She's fine, she's with me. She just broke her radio. And the bastards' dead." She finished.
"Good. Fuck him." You snorted at his simple response. "But what were you thinking? Turning yourself into bait? You could have been killed."
Jill sighed. "Don't start. I did what I had to."
"I know. And uh…thanks." Carlos said. "The subway's ready to go. Hurry back." He finished.
You and Jill started forward, doing the usual dodge and kill with any zombie that game near you. You realized the area you were in was near the police station and made a mental note to make it back after you saw Jill off.
"Hey, wait. I wanna check something out real quick, okay?" Jill said, pointing to the "Gun Shop Kendo" sign.
"Alright." You agreed. She'd know this area considering this was right next to her place of work. Maybe she knew Kendo.
You walked into the building with her in the lead. As you explored, you jumped when a man in a yellow plaid shirt jumped out from behind a wall with a shotgun.
"Don't move!" He paused in recognition. "Shit, Jill." He said, putting the gun down. He noticed you, but determined you weren't a threat since you were with Jill.
"Kendo. You're alright."
"Yeah, well, alrights a stretch. Who's your friend?" He asked, seemingly a little nervous.
"Y/n, this is Kendo, the owner of the shop. Kendo, Y/n. She's been helping me." She explained.
"Hey. Nice to meet you." You said with a wave.
"Nice to meet you. Sorry I got a little jumpy there. Didn't know quite what to expect." He frantically looked around for any signs of something.
"No shit. Look, we're using the subway to get people out of town. You in?" Jill asked him.
"Subway. Well…that's good thinking." He glanced at a door in the far back, seemingly in thought.
"When we get out there's gonna be a lot to do. We could use a man of your skillset." As she said that, he continued to stare at the door, debating something in his head. Jill tapped his shoulder to get his attention.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing. Just uh…just bad timing is all." He seemed almost worried. Were we too late for something? "Look uh, don't worry about me. I'm gonna make other arrangements. Okay?"
"You better. You're the best gunsmith around." Jill said.
"Oh no." He laughed nervously.
"Don't do anything stupid." Jill said sternly.
"Oh that's-that's your job right? Take care, Jill." He said, walking to the back and through the door he was staring at before, you assumed it was his current hideout.
"If you're heading to the station, take that service alley out in front of the shop, okay? The key's hanging on the wall." He shouted from behind the door.
Jill nodded, and after one final glance at the door, she turned to grab the key hanging on the wall.
"Alright. Let's go." She said, leading you out the front and to the service alley gate. She unlocked the door and you pulled out your shotgun, shooting one of the mutated zombies with something parasitic on their head, killing it instantly.
"Nice shot. Your aim is getting better." Jill praised.
"Thank you kindly." You joked with a country accent, curtsying like people used to do in the olden days. That's what the movies told you anyways.
"Pfft, last time I will compliment you." Jill snorted, amused with your behavior.
You laughed and walked through the back door to someone's house. Was it Kendo's house? Whose house was it?
You shot another zombie with a parasite on its head, hitting directly on the orange eyeball, making it explode and die.
You searched the house for anything useful, finding a couple explosive rounds and handing them to Jill. You didn't think you were ready for anything like that. Plus, her weapon was the only one compatible with the rounds.
Finished with the house, you walked through the front door and out onto the street. This street, like all the others, was ruined and filled with debris and wooden fence blocks. Once again. Too quiet. You followed Jill, as she seemed to know where she was going.
Before you could make it any further, an object on fire suddenly fell from the sky right in front of your path. Clearly thrown by something. You and Jill turned and saw that, once again, the creature was there. Alive and still on fire. It carried a fancy box that looked like something Umbrella would use to hold something high tech.
Oh, it's Umbrella. Duh, Y/n. They sent this thing to kill all S.T.A.R.S members in the city. No wonder why it's so persistent in killing Jill. You felt stupid for not making the connection sooner. Maybe the lack of sleep was getting to your brain.
The creature slammed the box to the ground and it opened. It pulled out a, what was, IS THAT A ROCKET LAUNCHER? And it had a light pointer on it to help aim. Fancy.
"Rocket launcher, really?" Jill exclaimed.
"Fucking bullshit! Pardon my language!" You grabbed her hand and pulled her to a run, miraculously avoiding any rocket that was aimed in your direction.
You turned the alley, avoiding a zombie as you had no time to even glance in its direction, let alone kill it. The creature ran towards you, clearly not in the mood for taunting with slow walking anymore.
You dodged and Jill aimed her grenade launcher at the rocket launcher, shooting it and stopping a rocket from hitting us. It briefly distracted the creature and you took that to your advantage to get more distance.
A rocket hit a car in front of you, causing it to flip in the air, making you and Jill jump out of the way, landing harshly on the ground. You both gasped in pain and Jill's radio went off, signaling Carlos trying to get a hold of the two of you.
Jill stood up and answered the radio. "Jill, are you two okay?" He asked.
"Carlos, that monster on my ass again!" Jill exclaimed.
"Are you shitting me? I thought you killed it!" Carlos said.
"Me too!" She exclaimed as the monster landed on a truck not too far from us. It was taking the height advantage to get a better aim at us with its seemingly endless amounts of rockets.
"How many rockets does that thing have?" You asked.
"I don't know, why don't you ask him?" Jill snarked as you both dodged another rocket aimed at the two of you still running.
"No, I'm good." You told her.
You weaved through cars on the street, getting cut off by another rocket in front of you making the area ahead burst into flames. You looked over just as another rocket aimed at the two of you hit the road, just nearly missing you two, but knocking you off the side of the street.
You and Jill managed to land near each other, yelling in pain as the hard surface of the street scraped your skin and made you bruise.
You gasped and sat up as fast as you could, taking in your surroundings. Let's see, there's really only one way to go. The entire street is blocked by debris on fire so you'll have to climb up the stairs on the side of the building.
"You good?" You asked Jill, offering her a hand up.
"No." She gasped, taking your outreached hand and using you for stability for a moment.
"Great. Come on, up the stairs." You said. Still holding her hand, you dragged her to the stairs of the temporary build on the side of the building. 
You walked the long, wooden, walkway and reached a ladder. "Are you good to climb?" 
"Yeah. You?" She asked, noticing your slight limp.
"Barley. After you." You tell her.
She does as you said and you kept watch for any monsters or rockets. When the ladder was clear, you climbed up after her. You took a right and jumped to the roof of the building next to you. The radio went off once more.
"Jill, you there? I think I know how to slow that fucker down. Head back towards the station." Carlos's voice sounded through the speaker.
"And lead him right to you?" Jill asked incredulously.
"It's okay, trust me." He said. Jill sighed and shut the radio off.
"I guess we're going to the station." She told you.
"Okay then. Lead the way." You said.
You made your way down the building and to a street full of shops. One shop being the "Toy Uncle" with a giant statue of a head of a mustached guy on top of the building.
You ran up the stairs toward the Toy Uncle. As you did you saw a rocket fly toward the head, knocking it right off and making it roll down stairs toward the two of you.
"This is insane." Jill sighed tiredly, pulling you to run away from the head taking up the whole street. It would surely crush you if you get too close.
You quickly ducked back into the alley you came from and the head slowed to a stop. You maneuver around it and head back up the stairs toward the Toy Uncle. You take a right and see a dead end. You take another right and see a gated alleyway. The gate was, luckily, unlocked and you ran through it.
You took a left and saw Carlos up ahead.
"Jill! Y/n! This way!" He yelled, beckoning you to take a right and follow him.
You made it to a gas station when a rocket launcher exploded at your feet. Sending you and Jill sprawling on the ground for what felt like the millionth time that's night. You quickly stood and pulled Jill with you, taking a left around the corner.
Once the creature made the same turn, a bomb lit up with a red light and exploded near it, knocking the monster into a military truck.
Carlos came up behind you two. "Hey, you okay?" He asked.
You and Jill looked at the creature, which was now back to its feet. "Go. GO!" Carlos yelled.
You two started to take off as Carlos tried shooting it with his machine gun. You both paused.
"Come on! Forget about him!" Jill yelled.
Carlos grunted and ran after you two. You made it to a building and Jill pressed the button closing the metal shutters. Carlos shot a gas truck before it closed and made it explode, rolling under the shutters just as it shut to block the explosion.
The shutters dented inwards from the impact of something. You assumed the monster. Carlos stood. "Come on. Let's get out of here." He said. You both nodded in agreement and began making your way to the subway platform.
"Carlos. I know we didn't get off to a great start, but, thanks for the save." Jill said.
"Yeah, thanks Carlos. That was awesome of you." You said.
"Hey, you saved my ass first. You're a hell of a lot braver than me. So don't mention it. You have the case?" He asked you.
"Yeah, please take it. My back is aching from the weight." You said, handing him the case.
"Could also be from being thrown onto concrete and walls over the last few hours." Jill added.
"Hey, that could be it." You laughed weakly.
"Well, what matters is we can get everyone out of the city now." Jill said.
"Yeah. You'll both be safe." Carlos said.
"What about you?" She asked.
"From the sound of it. I won't be catching the train."
"Why not?" You asked.
"There'll be new orders. If it means I can help save the city, that's fine by me." 
Damn, he's probably the nicest man from Umbrella that you've met so far.
You finally reached the train and walked up to Mikhail and another man. Mikhail turned and saw Jill.
"Good work. Your reputation is well deserved. Get inside. The train is about to leave." He turned to Carlos and the other man. "Carlos, Tyrell, you have your orders. You need to go back out into the city and find Nathaniel Bard."
You perked up at the name. The same Nathaniel Bard that Irons and the Senator befriended. The guy who works for Umbrella. Why do they need him? Is there a cure for all this he was working on?
"This isn't the last ride out of town, right?" Jill questioned from near the train door.
"Do not worry. Once the civilians are safe the train will be back." Mikhail said.
"It's alright, you two go on ahead. I'm not gonna die on you and leave you in a cold, cruel, Carlos-less world." He joked.
You huffed a weak laugh. "Now would be a good time to mention that I'm not leaving." You said as you leaned against the train by the door where Jill stood.
"Why not?" Carlos questioned.
"Well, like you, I have a mission of my own. Something I've already put off for too long. Hopefully I'm not too late." You said.
"You know, he might not be alive anymore. You might not be able to get out once this train leaves." Jill said with a furrowed brow, worried. She didn't want you to go back out there alone.
Your chest ached at the thought of leaving her alone, but you had to go back. You had to see if your friend was alright.
"I'll be fine. Maybe when this is all over we can find each other and have that sleepover we talked about." You joked. "Now, give me a hug before I go. I'm not usually one for hugging, but I think you've earned it super cop." 
She snorted and put her arms around you. "The flash drive is in your front pocket. Don't lose it." You whispered in her ears, having to tiptoe slightly to reach. She nodded and you gave her a tight squeeze, before letting go. 
"Take care of yourself. If I find out you died, I'll kill you." You pointed at her.
"Pfft, yeah. Okay. Take care, Y/n." After one last smile was shared between you two, she turned and made her way into the train.
You turned to the other three. "Okay. Nice meeting you three. I'll see you around, Carlos."
"You gonna find me too?" He joked. 
"If you want me to. Maybe you can join the sleepover." You chuckled at his confused face, before walking away with one final wave.
"You'll need to find this scientist. His vaccine research could save us all." You heard Mikhail say as you walked away.
You didn't have time to focus on that Nathaniel Bard man. You had to get to the police station.
Hopefully you weren't too late.
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lipglossanon · 1 year
Hope you had a good break girlie! So I looked into it and you unfortunately cannot get OG 2 or 3 on PS. I finished Leon 1st route! I was literally cheering as Ada fell and was yelling at her when she kissed him I was pissed. I started Claire 2nd and I’m having trouble understanding how her run lines up with Leon’s. I’m doing basically the same exact things I did with him which is honestly kinda annoying. I’m also trying to figure out the timeline between this one and the first one. Ik that 1 takes place in July & 2 is in September, but what happens in between that with the STARS members? Hoping it touches more on that in 3 (it was on sale digitally for like $10 I’m so excited!). Mr X is terrifying I see why people said this one was the scariest. Anyway sorry for all the info but I couldn’t remember which comment section we were talking g about this before on. 😂😅
Hi!!! 🥰 Never apologize for talking Resident Evil with me cause I’m a huge fucking nerd for this series 🤣
Read more cause it’s long lmao also spoilers for 3 😬 but nothing crazy I don’t think plus 3make is a little different from OG
Also sorry this is like another rant lmao
Yeah I didn’t think it was possible but I always hold out hope cause Capcom are so weird about their IPs 😒 and yes Mr. X was so fun in RE2make (way better than Nemesis but that’s a whole other tangent 🤣)
You might if you can find the GameCube versions of the OG RE2 and RE3 games. They play as well as the PS1 versions and it’s the exact same so not missing anything 😉
Haha that kiss is what I was talking about! Like she’s such a user —which I get that’s her character she’s a spy (first mentioned in RE1 as John’s password-his girlfriend’s name- and that’s why she’s in OG RE2, looking for her boyfriend who was a researcher for umbrella).
And to be honest the B scenarios do NOT complement the A scenarios. I am 100% of the belief that they were last minute additions 😒 for the most part they don’t really add too much in the way of story aside from a few little anecdotes.
So yeah sorry for that big disappointment 😆 oh man that’s a whole can of worms sorta? Lmao. Capcom is notorious for retconning or having confusing timelines 🤣 So buckle up I’ll try to keep this pretty streamlined:
RE1 takes place in July of 1998 and RE2 and RE3 take place at the same time with 3 lasting longer as Jill becomes infected and is in the city a bit longer. Like another disappointing factor is not having any crossover from the 2 and 3 remake cause come on! That would’ve been sick as hell for Jill to run into Claire or Leon in the RPD 🙄
Anywho, but as for the time between RE1 and RE2 is that Umbrella has Chief Irons in their pocket and so has him disband STARS and sweep everything under the rug. So no one believes them about the Spencer Mansions incident and so everyone’s oblivious to the shit storm about to happen 🤣
Brad is a chicken so hides away from everything. Rebecca peaces out. Barry takes his family and leaves for safety; Chris goes off to Europe to look into some Umbrella connections (which is why Claire didn’t find him and what leads into her looking for him a la Code Veronica).
Jill stays behind in Raccoon but she’s legit about to peace out to go after Chris when all that shit goes down and Nemesis is hunting the STARS members down; he fucking annihilates Brad, like tentacle through the mouth out the back of the head (so in 3make his death was way lame in my opinion 😒)
So unfortunate in 3make they don’t touch on anything inbetween 1 to 2 and 3; with OG RE3, there were epilogue scenes that explained what happened to everyone which was really cool but they took those out for some reason. They’re online if you wanna look it up. It explains why Leon ended up working for the govt, where Claire went, what happened to Jill, Barry, Chris, Ada, etc. All really cool and idk why they didn’t toss it in 😞
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poselyssgeekos · 1 year
RE1remake - RE2remake - RE3remake
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- Quite goofy since it was done in 2000 right after RE3:Nemesis
- Love that we play Claire!
- Steve is as annoying as I was told…
- The game doesn’t really have music, you only hear it during intense fight sequences, cinematic or the save room (love the save room music 🫶)
- why did Claire send a email to Leon so someone could come get her??? Like, lore wise, how would she know that send an email to, LEON? Like once they separate she immediately goes back to searching for Chris, so how do they even keep in touch during the months in between RE2 and code Veronica???
- The map in this game is SO ANNOYING, it’s really hard to figure out what the rooms are sometimes, and the colour scheme is not the best….
- The Steve sequence has no real purpose 💀…HE has no real purpose
- I play with a friend on her ps4, and to me it’s really challenging to play it on the ps4 with the controls, so she plays, and I help
- Love how goofy the antagonists feel (Wesker and Alfred)
- hm the INCEST??? Why did they feel like that was necessary?
- Alfred having a split personality disorder… he dresses up like his sister and becomes her sometimes while she was in her coma, like he loves his sister so much he… ???uncontiously??? Becomes her…
- Enemies are cool ig, just regular resident evil enemies…
- The Tyrant boss fight on the plane was SO DIFFICULT it took at least 10 fucking attempts
-talking about planes… how the fuck does the 17 year old know how to drive a cargo plane?
- The Antarctic part is hell, we had to go and find a walkthrough….
- Nevermind the Chris part is worse 🗿
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- Please Capcom I beg you, do a remake!!! You can make some things better!! Please!!!
- Too many rooms that don’t really have a purpose other than give you ammo or plants, with too many objects to collect to be able to move forward in the game
- AleXIa???
- Chris’s hair is BAD in the cinematics that are supposed to look better than the in game models and “low” cinematics
- actually Chris doesn’t really look like Chris…
- Alexia looks like some jenovah wanna be during her first phase
- Alexia obviously has to still look like a woman after mutating…. 💀
- I wasn’t the one playing but it sure looked a bit annoying
-They had the opportunity for Wesker and Chris to have to unwillingly work together against Alexia… and they didn’t
- they could also have made Chris and Claire fight Alexia together but obviously they didn’t
- once Chris arrives Claire becomes the damsel in distress 💀 like come on she went through Raccoon City
- you play Chris a bit more than Claire
- Like it was supposed to be HER game
- And you play her just ONCE more after Chris arrives and it’s 2 seconds, then she cries about Steve and then Chris has to save her AGAIN
- also he’s the one who fights Alexia…
- I mean at the beginning of the game I felt that she was “badass” and independent, so reminiscent of her in raccoon City kinda
- And, again, once Chris arrives….like we french people say, MISKINE! Like her energy completely changes, the man arrives let’s let him do everything 💀
- it’s so weird when the game before this one was re3: nemesis, with Jill as the main protagonist trough out the whole game AND Girlbossing her way through the game… Claire deserves to girlboss too…..
- Steve’s design after the mutation is uh… not the best design we’ve seen
- The ending??? Like my friend said “looks like the ending of a power rangers episode”
- My friend who is used to rating games gives it a 12/20
Notes: Oh! Here’s how we did btw, keep in mind I touched the controller for a few minutes, but kept cursing and getting angry because of my inability to play 💀 so my two friends took turns playing
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sparkie96 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 14: Spit-Roasting/Pegging/Double Penetration (And More!)
Post Vendetta and Bayonetta 2: All he had intended to do was go to the bar and drown his sorrows and drown out the horrible day. Sure, they had won the fight, but Rebecca was right, and Leon couldn’t help but wonder how much longer they could keep going on like this.
What he hadn’t intended was to go to the home of two self-proclaimed witches, be sandwiched between the two incredibly hot and incredibly tall Alpha women, letting them do whatever they wanted to him and letting them breed him like there was no tomorrow.
Christ, he might let them keep him like they had suggested.
Rated M for Sexual Themes, Language and inappropriate use of magic.
(Kinktober Day 14: Spit-Roasting/Pegging/Double Penetration (ABO): (Leon S. Kennedy/Bayonetta/Jeanne)
(Also, fear not! There are no spoilers for Bayonetta 3 because not only have I not played it, but I haven’t pre-ordered or bought it. Also, in honor of the RE4 Remake. Hopefully it will live up to the original and not get messed up like Re3 Remake.)
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Resident Evil 4 (HD re-release 2014)
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Platform played on: PS5
Being in my late 20's and only just finding the time to play through Resident Evil in it's entirety is bizarre. Being a lover of the survival horror genre (let's be honest, the horror genre in general) this was just one game that I had always heard to much about, seen countless playthroughs and videos about. I'd seen most of the games pro-tips and secrets before I ever made it into the castle.
This isn't my first time *playing* the game, no that was many years ago on the PS2, but my young mind could not handle the aggression and threat of the enemies. After that experience I essentially wrote the game off as not being for me.
With news of a brand new remake of this game (likely in the vein of Capcom's recent RE2 and RE3 remakes) made me give this another honest go. This also made me ponder an interesting question, how does this game hold up in it's own after all these years? I have no rose tinted glasses for this game so will I be able to find something special, even after playing and enjoying games that have built upon the legacy left behind (Dead Space etc).
To my surprise, yes, the game holds up surprisingly well...with some caveats. The control scheme and the way you control Leon does take a LOT of getting used to. I am no stranger to tank controls as a lover of the old survival horror days (Silent Hill being my personal preference) but with the increased enemy counts and more fast paced encounters Leon's rigid movements can be incredibly frustrating...until it starts to click. About midway through the Village you'll find yourself getting used to the games language, this isn't a shooter that encourages movement, your goal as a player is to find advantageous positions, plant your feet and pry you don't miss!
The level design is about as linear as linear gets, there are a couple of side paths for optional treasure and goodies but the main aim of these levels is to take you from point A to B with as many interesting combat encounters as possible. The freedom comes from how you tackle these encounters, the weapons at your disposal can vastly change how you play the game, at first your pistol and shotgun will do most of the carrying but this initial restriction is also a very important lesson before you're allowed to use all the tools in the box. The combat should be treated as a puzzle (a very stressful one of course), You need to look at your environment for the best locations, treat your weapons like tools and learn the quirks of the enemies movements.
I won't go much into the story for 2 reasons:
Spoilers for those like me who haven't give this game a chance and might want to dive in before the remake.
It's not particularly engaging, it definitely serves it purpose as motivation for the games events but wouldn't really benefit from much analysis.
That all being said, other than the graphics being dated, this game absolutely holds up and is definitely still worth playing all these years after it's debut!
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lockhvrts · 4 years
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minilev · 4 years
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Umbrella and whoever Nikolai worked for are going down
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v-jolt · 5 years
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Resident Evil Evil 3 Remake Coming April 3rd, 2020.
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poetscinema · 4 years
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gojo-sensei · 4 years
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❝ A rocket launcher? Really? ❞
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roderickstrongs · 4 years
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Fucking hell! Gets worse every night.
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poselyssgeekos · 1 year
RE1remake - RE2remake - RECVX
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- From the very beginning I already felt that the game was a bit rushed….. it seems much more fast paced than RE2 remake
- I didn’t really feel the same danger I felt with mr.X chasing me around the RPD, while nemesis was chasing me trough the apartment building. Because it’s pretty much all cutscenes…
- Loved the scene with Nemesis emerging from the flames
- I’m not that scared, but zombies are a bit more annoying….
- I love Jill!!!
- feels more like an action game than an horror one, doesn’t have the same feel as RE2 remake at all
- Nemesis is kind of stressful, he is a fucking MENACE, he’s faster, has tentacles…. Damn Luis and his team were not playing around
- Would have been great to have been given more time/space to explore like in RE2remake
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- Just like RE2 with the second phase of Birkin, I had a hard time figuring out how to defeat nemesis, and when I did, I didn’t have any mine rounds anymore 🗿 but once you get it it’s quite quick and easy. For the last nemesis boss fight I died 3 times before actually finding what I needed to do….then it literally took me FIVE MINUTES TO END THE BOSS FIGHT, why? Why the fuck was it so…easy?
- Carlos is funny I like him
- The Carlos and Jill dynamic is cool
- I like Tyrell!!!
- Um??? I don’t get the mechanic to stop zombies from munching on you??? Okay I need to press X but it does nothing??? What???
- Carlos’s parts are more horror like I’d say
- The fucking hospital part with Carlos… I HATE THE MUSIC IT’S SCARY!!!
- hunters??? Like the battle toads from RE1?
- Took me two tries to do the whole killing zombies to protect Tyrell and Jill
- Um the ????hunters??? Are annoying to fight when you’re surrounded by other enemies…. Well unless you have a grenade launcher…
- Nah the ending is soooo rushed
- Okay so overall…not bad? But really low on the rating when it comes to resident evil remakes right now….
- Like I’m just neutral? About it? Like I don’t hate it, But I’m not crazy about it either
-Jill deserved a better remake…. And I HOPE that if one day Capcom does a Code Veronica remake, Claire gets better treatment….
Notes: here’s how I did. After playing RE2 I was muuuuch more comfortable, and well the only stressful part were the hospital with Carlos in my opinion. Cause well RE3 is more of an « action game than an horror one. Half of the 9 deaths were mostly because I was a dumbass though….
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defaultjane · 4 years
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Jill’s horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day.
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