#reader and levi are finally together
temis-de-leon · 8 months
Pick me girls and OM! Brothers - Part 1
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon and Levi (x reader, separately)
Part 2 - Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie (x reader, separately)
Part 3 - Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon (x reader, separately)
CW: pick me girl behavior, suggestive, mentions of sex between the brothers and mc, mentions of violence, a bit of magic, mentions of cheating (not actual cheating), mammon and mc taking a shower together, jealous mc, some fluff, some hurt, some comfort, kinda ooc but i had so much fun with this
Wherever you went, rumor followed. Haven't you heard? The mighty Lord of Pride has a significant other. Who could it be? Maybe the prince or his butler? Both of them? Or perhaps it was just some random demon? Surely not the human... right?
"Of course not!" said the witch, surrounded by both curious and jealous nobles.
You weren't in the balcony, but you could still hear the conversation in your spot near the open door. You could also hear the gasps and the murmurs. It was ridiculous.
What to do next? You could interrupt the gossip and make your relationship public; after all, it was only a matter of time before someone spotted you both in Ristorante Six or an empty hallway in RAD.
Ignoring them was the better option, however. No words sounded aggressive and yet polite enough to get the witch to shut up without making a scene. Plus, Lucifer was looking exquisitely fine that night. His wings did wonders to his appearance.
"Then who?" the voices asked while you walked away towards your boyfriend.
"Well, I wasn't supposed to say anything..."
Oh no she did not.
"But we're just so in love"
I'll be damned, you thought. She did.
The wrath you felt was primal and it provoked a worried glance from Satan, who was chatting with one of his many contacts in the other side of the ballroom.
You wanted to make an entrance, a dramatic one, but you could only watch as the witch talked and talked about her supposed first date with Lucifer, their first kiss, their first time, his performance in bed (which... No. She was so wrong about that one).
Finally, you opened your mouth.
"You don't say?"
But that wasn't your voice.
Beside you stood Lucifer in all his glory, with a smile that didn't reach his eyes and a hand hugging your waist. The floor trembled under your feet as he walked and, if it wasn't for his tight grip, the magic induced vertigo would've send you to the ground.
You could tell he was trying not to harm you too much, but the group in the balcony wasn't so lucky. All of them were on their knees and some even coughing blood.
"Do tell all your stories tonight, by dawn you'll have no tongue to keep lying"
The witch had tears in her eyes, too focused on her own pain to be aware of her surroundings or his words. Was he being serious? You wanted to ask what would really happen to that woman, but Lucifer was always two steps ahead.
He cradled your face and kissed you, slowly yet firm. His cold skin felt good against yours, already blushing under his half lidded eyes.
"Dance with me?" he asked, caressing your bottom lip with his thumb.
Damn, did he know how to distract you.
"You're dating the Great Mammon!" he'd said with his characteristic smile, both of you eating ramen in your bed while watching bad romcoms "That's something to be stoked about! You need to tell everyone about it!"
Of course, that translated to: please, please, please, I need people to know that I bagged YOU and YOU chose ME.
So, there you were, chatting with his makeup stylist and some other models while he posed in front of the camera. It was better than you expected, actually. You thought the fashion world in the Devildom would be full of self righteous assholes and insufferable divas, but you couldn't be more wrong.
Well, of course, there's always an exception.
There was a demoness in the other side of the studio, taking selfies with a pout in her lips and a fake, nauseating, innocence in her expression. She looked toxic from a mile away.
And yet, your boyfriend dated her for three months; three long and excruciating months, yes, but still. They'd dated.
And you were cool with that. So so cool with that. You were chill. A freezer, even. You loved Mammon and everyone and their mother could tell Mammon loved you. Everything was fine.
Except... well...
It was easy to forget the brothers were famous and popular bachelors, princes of hell, that, just like in every human monarchy, had fans to spare. People that would support them no matter what they did and no matter who they dated and people that would hate everyone they dated because... You don't really know why.
You just had some haters.
And this bitch was taking advantage of this, you knew it in your heart.
Rumors of Mammon cheating on you with one of his model coworkers had been there since the beginning of your relationship. It was something you just had to live with, one of the reasons the Avatar of Greed doted on you with everything he had.
Mammon loved you.
So why did you panick so much when he stood up in the underwear he was advertising, getting ready for the next picture, and the demoness took a selfie of her lips with his half naked body behind her?
"That whore" whispered another model behind you. You liked them.
But it was okay, you didn't mind. No, really. You didn't.
Except you did.
And so did Mammon.
Everyone looked at him and you could swear his demon form was starting to show, blending with his siluette in blurred edges.
"Delete that"
She could've laughed at him, like everyone tended to do. She could've ignored him and tempt fate, but it was not a wise idea.
There was static in the air, black mist barely clouding your vision and a faint voice whispering in the back of your brain. The sound of feathers filled the room and soon crows started to surround the studio outside the window.
After a couple of sickening minutes, a loud pop settled the place back to normal and caused the birds to fly away.
The demoness gasped, letting her DDD fall to the ground like it burned her. Looking at her smoking hands, it probably did.
After that, everyone acted like nothing happened. You, however? Your whole body was buzzing, leaving you paralyzed with feelings you needed to explore in the future and making Mammon look at you with a knowing smile.
"...sick of those rumors..." he'd say hours later while he washed your hair in the shower "and you dumbass humans believe everything you see, even if it's stupid"
He'd wait until you were both in bed, ruminating about every little thing that happened back there before talking again.
"Because it's stupid, you know? I'd never cheat on ya. The Great Mammon would never do that to you. I mean, I'd never to that anyway, but specially not to you. Keep that in mind, human! You catched the best demon of all hell! Lucky you!"
Lucky me, he wanted to say instead.
You understood him anyways.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu sent you a message!
You stared at the screen and the screen stared back at you.
Reading the user name physically hurt you and you'd lie if you said you weren't worried about it. Did you trust Levi? Yes, absolutely. Did you trust f3istyk1ttenuwu? Not really, no.
So (this time voluntarily), you opened the gates of hell.
It was the Devildom version of Discord, which was worrying enough, and the user's pfp showed a cute pinked hair girl with dainty horns and half of her boobs out.
With a frown and your heartbeat in your throat, you opened the chatroom.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: r u lone?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: did ur frend leef?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: their a party pooper
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: didnt let u join the grp
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: :(
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: leviachsn?
Oh, heeeeell no.
First of all, it was leviachAn. Second, YOU were the only one who could call him THAT.
Ignoring the voice of reason, you checked the door before investigating the previous messages. Levi was in your room, retrieving your nightwear as punishment for not letting you win in Devil Kart YET AGAIN, so, knowing how flustered he got everytime he saw you in the Ruri Chan's inspired piyamas he got you for your birthday, you were sure you had another couple of minutes alone in his room.
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: thx 4 sving me !!
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: we shld team more
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: were zo good 2gether
wEre Zo gOoD 2gETheR
You couldn't help but mock her in the privacy of your mind. Did she think writing like a 10 year old was attractive? If so, what the fuck?
@/f3istyk1ttenuwu: call? brke my pc & cn't fix it alone \(-o-)/
"Call a fucking tech" you whispered to yourself.
You turned around like a deer in headlights. Levi's cheeks still wore a furious red, but he remained quiet at the door when he saw you snooping through his private conversations.
Fuck it, you thought after some uncomfortable seconds. If someone could understand jealousy, it would be him.
"Who's this girl?"
Levi frowned and got closer to you, leaning over your shoulder to see his computer, probably giving you the closeness he'd crave if he was in your place.
"Oh, I don't know" his final answer disappointed you "Some girl the others wanted in the party"
But why was she talking to him like that?
"And why is she talking to you like that?"
He shrugged his shoulders, knowing that both of you knew the answer. Then, he straightened like he had an epiphany, and looked at you with shining eyes and a smile too big for his face.
"Are you jealous, MC?"
Levi jumped in happiness before you could say anything, unable to truly express how happy he was upon his sin affecting you.
"My Henry is jealous!! Because of a yucky disgusting otaku like me!! This reminds me of that anime: 'Help?! My crush snooped through my pc and now they're jealous because someone else is flirting with me??'"
It was obvious by now you had nothing to worry about, so you let him be. You let him appreciate how much you loved him.
In the end, you had to shower his face in kisses to shut him up and, for great measure, you also changed into that extra large Ruri Chan t-shirt in front of him.
Hours later, both of you were sweating in the comfort of his bathtub and Levi was completely sure you fell asleep.
And if you saw how he offered himself to fix this girl's computer only to hack her camera and post her real face all around the internet, no you didn't.
Tagging them lovely people: @hello-gloomy @the-sassiest-toaster @hero-nii-blog @yourlocalyin
Hope you like it!
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amywritesthings · 2 months
war of clarity. / levi ackerman x f!reader
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for @levievent #levimonth24. (day nine: soulmate au / day six: love at first sight)
pairing: captain levi ackerman x f!scout reader word count: 1.6k summary: They say finding your soulmate is like getting a migraine. When you've lived with chronic pain your whole life, the legends seem like a joke.
tags: soulmate au, love at first sight, mild language, reader has a chronic pain/illness condition, migraines/headaches credit: dividers by @saradika-graphics
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They say when you meet your soulmate, the pain is worse than a migraine.
A rush of blood to the head so twisting, blinding, that the colors of the world bleed together and bleach white; then suddenly, clarity.
Funny enough, you’ve suffered through your entire life with ear-splitting headaches.
(Call it a cruel twist of fate.)
If this were the case — if being in pain from your earliest known memories in childhood all the way into enlisting in the cadets meant that you were playing the long game to experience the myth of finding The One — then you’d be quick to joke that everyone you’ve ever met could be your soulmate.
The girls in your bunk that offer to press a cold, wet rag to your forehead when the worst of your chronic illness hits — unlikely.
The boys failing at their ODM aptitude tests, where you zip by with flying colors — absolutely not.
You push—
Through training.
Through graduation.
Through choosing the Scouts, because for some reason it feels like the most noble option.
(The one that will make a difference, pushing past what’s beyond the Walls.)
So when you finally make it to the ranks, the emerald cloak draped across your taut shoulders like a badge of honor, you expect that continued dull ache in the base of your skull to follow you until your final days.
A comfort, really, to remind you that you’re still alive.
(If it’s quiet, then you’re probably dead.)
— —
  They call him Humanity’s Strongest.
That much you’ve heard through the grapevine; a man of unbelievable strength and resolve, an unstoppable myth in the very flesh. If there is anyone to strive towards, to look towards, it’s him. 
He’s resilient. Bold.
And you don’t care that he’s visiting your small squadron on the Special Operations in the early morning hours of this mundane Sunday, not when you’ve woken up with the most vile headache you’ve had in quite some time.
It takes all of the effort in the world to drag yourself out of your cot, breaking out in a cold sweat as you beg the pain to ease up a little.
The importance of this moment isn’t lost on you.
Special Ops is where you’ve hoped you’d end up.
After fighting tooth and nail to place within the top ten of your graduating class, you refuse to let your body win this fight.
Most of your squad has already scrambled outside, tripping over their knee-high boots and fastening worn leather in order to get a glimpse of Captain Levi.
You just barely make it out of the barracks in time for your visitor’s arrival, shrugging your tan cropped jacket over your shoulders with immense effort.
The sun.
(Why the fuck did it have to be sunny again?)
Nostrils flaring, you slowly make your way to the line-up of your comrades as they stand shoulders back, chins tall, to greet the incoming troop of horses.
Your squad leader’s voice rings out, and you manage to step your way in line with the rest of your colleagues.
With considerable effort, you lift your chin and keep your eyes closed against the rays of the morning light.
Horses whinny as they come to a halt in the dehydrated earth beneath your boot.
Two or three octaves of grunts can be heard as the representatives from the Special Ops squad make their descent from their saddles.
A few minutes.
Just a few more minutes and you can return to the barracks where it’s cool, it’s darker, it’s—
“At ease,” a deeper, baritone voice rings out against your mental pep talk.
Bored, as if already disinterested in being here.
It forces your eyes to open, despite yourself.
The sun seems blinding, like you’ve somehow lost your vision in the process of squeezing your eyes so tight — until the world returns.
When your eyes catch black fringe cascading over a gray, narrowed gaze, you let out an exhale you weren’t aware you were holding.
Your mind, oftentimes its own hurricane, eases to the eye of the storm.
And there is…
No pain in the base of your skull.
No sensitivity to the sun that beats down on the halved squad that has come to visit to discuss an upcoming mission that your squadron can assist with.
No jolting pain from a bird chirping, or the huffs of exertion exiting like clouds out of the horses’ mouths, or the murmured excitement from your colleagues that feel intimidating to be even near the man who turns on the heel of his boot to stare the six of you down.
It’s him.
It’s really him, that’s Captain Levi.
His bluish-gray eyes blink down the line of bodies willing to lay down their lives for the cause, acknowledging each person —
Until they find you.
You see it: the way his fist bunches against the leather reigns in his hand, how the muscles of his neck tense when his jaw clenches, the whites of his eyes growing as he stares.
Right. At. You.
Suddenly your stomach bottoms out, but not out of nausea — terror.
A rush of blood to the head so twisting—
—blinding, that the colors of the world bleed together and bleach white—
It can’t be real.
—then suddenly—
The noise ceases.
All you can do is stare back.
— —
— —
  The silence knocks you off your axis for the rest of the day.
Everyone is so much quieter than you anticipated.
What used to be deafening now sounds at a normal octave. 
Your colleagues aren’t boisterous, or inconsiderate, or even loud. 
They’re just a baseline of noise, a soundtrack to the soup you stare at in the mess hall without an appetite.
You even enjoy the dimly lit warmth of the lanterns surrounding the building where you sit alone.
The other five of your squad are bombarding a woman and a man — you think they’re called Petra and Oluo — about their adventures outside of the Walls.
You only realize someone is moving into your space when the wooden chair screeches against the floor of the hall, waking you from a trance.
When your chin lifts, you know who it is already.
You may know nothing about him, but your heart thrums like it does.
Like you’ve known him your whole life.
His jaw is set, expression in an eternal scowl as he drops down unceremoniously in front of you. You idle your hold on your spoon, no longer interested in swirling the utensil like you plan to take a bite.
It’s too much.
It’s so—
“You should eat.”
That honey-smooth voice breaks your thoughts. 
When he had first arrived in the courtyard on horseback, it was gruff. Devoid of emotion.
Now? It’s just under his breath, tickling your ears. Soft.
“Not really hungry,” you confess to the stranger — this Captain Levi — unable to look away.
You see his jaw tense before he inhales, slow and measured through his nose.
“If soup isn’t your ideal, then I can give you my share. Your leader went overboard with spoiling us.”
“Did they?”
“Yeah, shit’s annoying.”
You aren’t sure why you huff through your nose in amusement, but you do. The blunt curse takes you by surprise.
“Why’s it annoying to be offered the good food?” you ask without thinking.
“Because there’s no reason to give my squad special treatment,” he reasons shortly. “We’re all running into the same shitstorm no matter the rank.”
So he’s admirable on top of his resilience.
Your heart feels like it’s growing on overdrive with each syllable, but you hold back anything beyond a bland smile in return.
Setting the spoon down, you let your palm rest against the wooden table’s surface.
He’s still studying you like you’re a war plan, a strategy he has to conquer.
“I don’t understand,” he finally states out of the blue, baritone voice softer this time.
“What… don’t you understand, sir?”
The command causes your stomach to flip. Captain Levi’s shoulders deflate as he shakes his head.
“Don’t… use that, for me. Not when we—”
He cuts himself off, dropping his attention to your chin.
Your lips.
“Not when we, what?” you ask after a pregnant pause, though you’re afraid to ask.
Visibly swallowing, the Captain shakes his head. “Thought maybe it was a myth.”
So he did feel it.
(An overwhelming flare that consumed the sun.)
“I thought it was, too,” you confess after some time, keeping the conversation quiet between the two of you. “I just — it never happened, for me. And I’m prone to migraines—”
“Migraines?” he repeats, eyes narrowing to temporary slits.
“Yeah,” you breathe humorlessly. “By legend, it meant that everyone was my soulmate.”
Laid bare on the table between you, the word makes the confessional.
Two strangers with an invisible string, warring with the reality of clarity before them. You may not know this man, and he may not know you, but suddenly the only thing in your world that brings you peace is the sight of his face and the sound of his voice.
“But it was never them,” you add after a beat. “All my life, it was never them. The only person who ever broke through that haze was you.”
Yet Levi doesn’t flinch. 
All he does is nod, as if resigned to the idea, before reaching over for your hand. 
Wordlessly he picks it up from the table, uncurls your fingers, and places the spoon back in its center. For a minute he pauses, his thumb running along your knuckles as if to commit them to memory.
“Eat,” he urges like it’ll break him. “Eat, and tell me about yourself.”
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authors note:
Thank you so much for reading! This one shot was unbeta'd and written in an hour as an exercise for Levi Month '24, so I hope you enjoyed my take on the soulmate au.
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littlexdeaths · 2 months
scotty doesn’t know - e.m. iii.
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eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: cheating, lil sprinkle of angst, shitty (ex) boyfriend behavior, some major fucking CHEESE (sorry if ur lactose intolerant), reader is the ultimate tease, dom!eddie, light bondage, degradation kink, oral (m receiving), ass/pussy spanking, multiple orgasms, unprotected piv sex, cream pie
series masterlist
based on scotty doesn’t know by lustra
a/n: honestly about to dedicate my entire life and blog to @strangerstilinski because i couldn’t have gotten this one done without her help. also thank you everyone who has been so incredibly patient with me, i hope you enjoy xx.
word count: 8.2k
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The weekend had come and gone way too fast.
And now Monday was staring you right in the face, and with it— a very important decision.
You spent the rest of your weekend with Eddie, cuddling, talking and just enjoying each other's company. For those two days you were in your own little world together and you honestly never wanted it to end. But realistically you knew you had to go home and return back to your reality.
A reality where you belonged to someone else.
Your parents were absolutely livid by the time you returned home late Sunday evening, getting the biggest lecture of your life after Eddie had dropped you off. To add fuel to the fire, Scott had been calling your house nonstop since Saturday morning, much to your parents' annoyance. But that was a conversation you weren’t ready to have just yet.
Especially not over the phone.
You tossed and turned all night, desperately trying to figure out what you were going to say to him.
Monday was going to be rough, you knew that. But the thought of being able to finally show everyone who your heart really belonged to made things a little easier. You hadn’t exactly let Eddie know of your plans to dump your boyfriend the following day but he could tell something was up.
From the way you kissed him goodbye in his van, right out in the open for anyone to see, including your parents. And the look you gave him as you glanced over your shoulder before continuing up your driveway. It gave him a spark of hope that maybe this wasn’t just a silly fling to you either.
You got ready that morning with shaky hands, tucking one of Eddie’s band tees into your Levi’s. The male had let you wear it home the previous day, mostly because he enjoyed the sight of you in his clothes a little too much. You fiddle with the belt loop of your jeans as you stare at your reflection.
A mixture of nerves and excitement swirled in your belly as you took in your appearance, smoothing your sweaty palms over your thighs.
You can do this.
You take one final look before grabbing your backpack and bound down the stairs with a newfound pep in your step. You can’t help the goofy smile from spreading across your face as you think of seeing Eddie, and it makes all this seem a little easier. You all but ignore the curious looks from your parents as you bolt out the front door.
They hadn’t seen you this happy in months.
But as you drive to school, those pesky nerves begin to creep back in as you pass Scott’s jeep. You will your heart rate to slow as you search for a parking spot. A sense of relief fills your chest when you notice one just a few spots down from a very particular van. Your hands shake as you pull the key from the ignition, taking a moment to collect yourself before you head inside.
You try to ignore the curious eyes of your peers as you enter the school, knowing the events of the previous Friday were still fresh in their minds. And you reach your locker without incident, quickly yanking it open to put away your textbooks. You keep your head down as you walk to your first class, part of you was just waiting for Scott to sneak up on you.
Oddly enough you hadn’t seen him or Eddie all morning, which was extremely unusual. By now Scott would've walked you to first class and you’d be spending your second period study hall with Eddie. So seeing neither of them had your mind racing, and your anxiety spiking.
Had Scott figured it out? Did he confront Eddie?
A pit begins to form in your stomach at the thought, and you don’t think you could ever forgive yourself if Eddie was hurt because of you. You’re so wrapped up in your own head that you don’t notice someone beginning to approach you. A look of determination on their face.
“I need to talk to you.”
The voice startles you, panic rises in your throat as your eyes lift. You are expecting to meet Scott’s icy glare, or the warmth of Eddie’s gaze. But instead, you are met with the soft but stern cerulean of Dustin Henderson.
“Me?” you ask softly, glancing around you before back at the younger male.
“Yes you,” he huffs in annoyance.
“What could you possibly need to talk to me about?” you keep your tone hushed as he takes the empty chair across from you.
“I know you think you’re fooling everyone, but you aren’t fooling me.”
You’re stunned into silence for a moment, fingers gripping the arm of the chair as he raises a brow at you.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t bullshit me, I know you’re sneaking around with Eddie,” he snaps.
Your heart leaps into your throat, mouth drying as Dustin continues to glower at you. A sting of betrayal suddenly fills your chest, and you feel foolish for even thinking Eddie would actually keep this secret between you.
But maybe he was just like Scott, who loved to brag about his sexual conquests to all his friends.
“He wasn’t supposed to tell—”
“He didn’t.” Dustin cuts you off, taking off his hat to run a frustrated hand through his hair. “I’m just not blind.”
You both sit in silence for a moment then, feeling even more confused than you were when he initially sat down.
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
Dustin sighs, folding his hands together before he meets your gaze again.
“Eddie doesn’t know I'm here right now and honestly, he’d probably kill me if he did know.” The male winces slightly, before he continues. “But I am through with sitting around and watching one of my best friend’s hearts get stomped on.”
“Dustin, that’s not—”
He holds up his hand to cut you off, shaking his head.
“Just let me finish.”
So you hold your tongue, despite wanting to tell this kid that he has it all wrong.
“Eddie’s a good guy, one of the best I've ever known. And over the past couple of months we’ve all seen a change in him, he’s happier.”
That thought warmed your heart.
“But I can also see how all this is weighing on him. You may not notice it, but it’s definitely there.”
A lump has formed in your throat, watching in silence as the younger boy stands and slings his backpack over his shoulder. He glances at you once more, that look of disdain still written across his features.
“Now I know I can’t tell you what to do, but Eddie doesn’t deserve to be someone’s secret.”
And without a glance back in your direction, you’re alone again.
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Fourth period.
The moment you’ve been waiting for and simultaneously dreading since Sunday evening. It was the only class you shared with Scott, and while you’d been able to avoid him most of the day— it was time to face the music.
When you step into the classroom, he is already seated in his usual spot in the back corner of the room. The empty desk beside him is practically calling your name.
But your whole body freezes when his eyes meet yours expectantly. And as he begins to wave you over, you make a beeline to the opposite side of the classroom. You keep your eyes low as you find an empty seat, chewing nervously on your lower lip.
When you flip open your notebook, you hear the familiar squeak of sneakers in front of you. Your eyes slowly lift to reveal the hardened features of your boyfriend. His jaw is set in a grimace, and he rests his knuckles harshly on the front of your desk.
“Babe, we need to talk.”
But before you have the chance to reply, Mrs. Jones enters the classroom in a flurry. The bell rings immediately after, signaling the start of class. And it’s hard to tell whether the abrupt noise or his harsh glare causes you to flinch in your seat. She claps her hands to attention then, but Scott still doesn’t move.
“Mr. McGuire, take your seat now.”
He merely scoffs before he stalks away, returning to his own seat. Feeling defeated, you slump down in your chair. Any confidence you’d had this morning seemed to dissolve under his angry gaze. The rest of the class period goes by in a daze, as you can’t seem to focus on anything besides the daggers that Scott has been throwing your way the entire hour.
Once the final bell rings, you shoot up from your seat so fast you nearly take a couple other students in your rush. You practically sprint to your locker, hoping to make it to the lunchroom before Scott can corner you.
But you underestimated his speed, especially when he was sober.
His hand suddenly slams your locker door shut, and he backs you into the cool metal. He leans his palm against the line of lockers, closing you in completely. There was no way you could escape him now.
“What is going on with you? Why are you being such a frigid bitch?” he seethes.
You can’t help but wince at the insult, shrinking under his increasingly angry gaze. People were beginning to stare, causing more nerves to twist in your gut. This was a much more interesting sight than anything the cafeteria had to offer. And while you hated the attention, you knew you had to do this.
Just like ripping off a bandaid.
“I want to break up.”
He clearly wasn’t expecting that, confusion quickly replacing the anger on his features. You let out the sigh you didn’t realize you were holding, relief filling your chest as you finally spoke the words aloud.
Scott runs a hand through his dark locks, pulling away from you ever so slightly.
“You want to break up?” his voice raises, “Why? Is this about that stupid fucking party?”
You knew it wouldn’t be that easy, he wouldn’t just agree and walk away. While you had tried to prepare yourself for what you wanted to say all night, your brain was struggling to string any words together.
You rub your temples, trying to prolong the inevitable but the male could only take your silence for so long.
“Well?!” he shouts.
You take a shaky breath as you square your shoulders, attempting to feign some kind of confidence. Dustin’s words from earlier echoing in your ears. He doesn’t deserve to be someone’s secret. The sea of students had only begun to grow in the past few minutes but you don’t notice that Eddie was amongst them.
“I don’t love you, and quite frankly I don’t think I ever did.”
You could hear a pin drop.
“You're an arrogant, selfish prick. And honestly, I just can’t keep doing this anymore…” you pause, now meeting his stormy eyes.
“Especially when my heart belongs to someone else.”
If you thought Scott was angry before, you hadn’t seen anything yet.
His hand suddenly slams into the locker next to your head, causing you to shrink instantly. While he’s never been violent towards you before, you aren’t entirely surprised by it. It was just in his nature.
“So you cheated on me? Is that what you’re saying?”
Before you can get another word in, you hear the familiar clearing of a throat. And a ringed hand reaches out to harshly tug the male away from you.
“You just don’t learn do you, Scotty?”
Eddie is beyond fuming as he shoves Scott back into the lockers before the male can properly react. And while Scott wasn’t the smartest guy, he quickly seemed to put two and two together.
He looked between you and Eddie before he started laughing.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Munson? You’re fucking the freak?”
You instantly turn on defense mode, entirely fed up with his treatment of him. Before you can stop yourself, you copy Eddie’s actions and shove Scott back into the lockers. Surprise crosses both of the males' features at your actions, knowing you were never a violent or angry person.
But everyone has their limits and you’ve just hit yours.
“Yeah, and he fucks me so well too. Eddie here actually knows how to make a girl come— but I can’t say the same for you, McGuire.”
An astounding ‘oooh’ resonates through the crowd at your words.
Scott’s cheeks are flushed from a mixture of embarrassment and anger. No one has ever stood up to him like this before and he’s suddenly at a loss for words. Eddie is grinning like a mad man, clapping excitedly before he wraps his arms around your waist. You welcome his embrace, leaning back further against his chest.
Scott just stares at the two of you, gritting his teeth as you smile sweetly.
“Now, I think we’re done here. Let’s go, Eddie.”
The metalhead willingly lets you drag him away, only your destination wasn’t the cafeteria anymore.
You pull him into the nearest empty hallway, shoving him up against the wall and locking your lips together. Eddie eagerly accepts your advances, fingers lacing through the loop of your jeans to keep you pressed against him.
Adrenaline is pumping through your veins, making every touch of his skin feel like a live wire.
You curse softly as you realize you’ve been caught, and quickly glance over your shoulder.
Mr. Mundy looks between the two of you with a deep sigh, “Now come on, you know the rules. Break it up or you’re both getting detention.”
You unwillingly pull yourself away from him and lean against the brick wall beside him. A glance out of the corner of your eye shows how the male is biting back a grin.
“Try not to infect your girlfriend with your delinquency, alright?” Mr. Mundy gives you both a disgruntled look before heading back into his classroom.
Once the door shuts behind him, Eddie lets out a soft chuckle and coaxes you back into his arms.
“Y’hear that? Girlfriend,” he teases, wiggling his brows but the title makes your stomach flutter nonetheless. “Didn’t even ask me out on a proper date though, sweetheart. I’m offended.”
He laughs as you playfully pinch his side, shaking your head fondly. You lean your forehead against his chest, letting yourself indulge in the scent of his cologne.
“Did you really mean what you said back there?” he says after a while.
The sudden change of tone has you lifting your head, gazing up at him curiously. Eddie pulls you in even closer, letting his hands rest on the curve of your waist.
“That your heart belongs to me?” he prods.
You look down at your feet shyly, not realizing that he had heard that part of the conversation. Eddie doesn’t let your gaze wander for long though, as he gently tips your head back up to meet his.
“Yes, I meant it,” your voice shakes, your nerves getting the best of you.
But the look that flits over his features has your heart skipping a beat and butterflies erupting in your belly.
“All mine?” he questions, nervously licking his lips as he awaits your answer.
“All yours, Eddie.”
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Being Eddie Munson’s official girlfriend is more than anything you could’ve dreamt about.
While sneaking around with him was fun in the moment, the amount he wanted to show you off made your heart sing. You had never felt so wanted or taken care of in your entire life.
But it wasn’t always easy, as graduation continued to grow closer the two of you barely had any alone time together. Between Hellfire, band practice and constant cramming for finals— time was not on your side.
But busy schedules be damned, you both manage to carve out enough time for a date at Benny’s.
“The usual, kids?”
Benny calls from the kitchen with a grin as you both take a seat in your normal booth. The diner had quickly become your favorite place for date nights, in your opinion they had the best food in town. Despite Eddie’s futile attempts to take you to Enzo’s, you prefer the easy going atmosphere of the small diner much more.
“Nah, just two chocolate milkshakes and an order of fries. We only got a few minutes before this one abandons me for prom shit with Wheeler,” Eddie teases.
You can’t help but pout, nudging his foot under the table.
“Says the one who abandoned me for movie night with Henderson yesterday.”
What you aren’t aware of though is how Dustin was actually helping Eddie pick out a tux and tie for prom. Laughing hysterically as the older boy panicked over what color tie would match perfectly with your dress.
Benny watches you both playfully bicker back and forth, shaking his head fondly. He brings out your order a few minutes later and unable to contain your excitement any further, you grab a fry and dip it directly into your milkshake.
Eddie’s lips freeze around the straw, gazing at you in absolute bewilderment when he pretends to gag.
“Sweetheart, that’s disgusting.”
You roll your eyes at his theatrics, taking a bite out of the fry before dipping it back in.
“You really shouldn’t knock it till you try it, Ed,” you say in a sing-song tone as your boyfriend urgently pulls the basket of fries away from you.
“Yeah— no way. I’m not doing that, you’re pretty sick in the head, baby,” he muses between bites of a plain fry. “Shit… and people call me a freak?”
You stifle a giggle as you lean forward, stealing the half eaten fry from between his fingers. You dunk it back into your milkshake and pop it in your mouth with a soft but exaggerated moan.
Eddie shifts slightly in his seat, his cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. It was almost too easy to get him so worked up. You ignore the warning look he shoots your way as you reach for another fry.
“Come on, just try it.”
You scoop as much of the shake onto the fry as possible, holding it towards him. The male just shakes his head, leaning back against the cracked leather of the booth.
“You know, I don’t know if this is gonna work out between us, doll face,” he chuckles, watching as the chocolate cream begins to drip down your fingers.
His petulance continues but you’re still trying to goad him into taking a bite, dangling it in front of his scrunched nose, inching closer and closer. All in an effort to tempt him. You watch patiently, waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip it between his pouty lips.
“This level of blasphemy might be crossing a line, even for me—”
Before he can finish his thought, there’s lukewarm milkshake and salt smeared across his cheek and the corner of his mouth.
Eddie sits in shock for a moment before you burst into a fit of giggles at his expression.
“Oh, you are asking for it now, baby,” he taunts.
You are unprepared as he dips two of his fingers into his own glass, reaching forward to smear the sticky chocolate across your cheek. You gasp when the male leans forward, mischief sparkling in his eyes. His tongue darts out, causing a loud squeal to escape you as he licks the milkshake from your cheek.
“Eddie, that’s gross,” you whine as you reach out to steady the glass before he dumps milkshake everywhere.
“Hm, you didn’t seem to find it that gross when it was buried inside your—”
You toss a fry at him before he can finish that sentence, hitting him square in the forehead. He looks shocked, ringed fingers dramatically grasping at his chest when he slumps in his seat.
“You wound me, sweet thing.”
It’s then that you take the time to really look at him, and a surge of utter fondness fills your chest. While he goes on a dramatic rant about how french fries could be considered a deadly weapon, you’re only half listening.
Instead admiring the way his dimple indents his cheek when he grins sheepishly at you, and his hands flail about when he speaks. And it really hits you just how lucky you are to have him, that he was all yours.
So when you lean forward to capture his lips and ultimately silence him— he’s a little surprised. But he cups your face between his palms and kisses you back with just as much fervor.
“What was that for?” he asks a little breathlessly when you pull away, and you just smile.
“Just… cause I can.”
His eyes soften and he reaches out to thread your fingers together. Eddie knows the significance of what that means, so he can’t help but lean in to press your lips together again.
“Fuck yeah, you can.”
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You really wonder if the universe was playing one big joke on you.
After your mini date at the diner a few days prior, you’d barely seen Eddie the rest of the week. The guys had a big gig at the Hideout the following evening and have been using any spare moment they had to practice. While you understood the reasoning for it, the other part of you was becoming increasingly frustrated.
Eddie could definitely tell something was up, but he didn’t exactly have the time to ask you in the five minute intervals you had together between classes.
So in an effort to make up for his absence, Eddie asked you to tag along to practice that night. But you might have had some ulterior motives for agreeing. Since it had been well over a week since you had any proper alone time together, you were past the point of needy.
Despite still seeing each other, the rushed kisses and subtle touches weren’t enough for either of you.
This was the longest either of you had gone without sex, so you can only imagine he was feeling the same way. But if his longing glances told you anything, it was that he needed you just as much— if not more. So that’s why you showed up to practice in your shortest skirt you owned.
What the metalhead doesn’t know is that you aren’t wearing any panties under said skirt.
However, he’s going to find out soon enough.
You’d given him a quick peck on the cheek when you got there, nothing too much though. You really did want his friends to like you, and they seemed to hate the constant displays of affection you both exhibited on the daily. So you kept it subtle, mostly for that reason.
But a small part of you did it just to rile him more.
In the short time you’d been officially dating, it became quite apparent how much Eddie craved your touch, whether it was sexual or not. He’d subtly tap his fingers on your knee during group hang outs, or press his lips to your temple when he walked you to class. You found it utterly endearing, but you also knew you could use it to your advantage.
So you could immediately tell from the slight pout that your boyfriend wanted more than just a peck on the cheek.
Hook, line and sinker.
As practice continued on, you found yourself sitting on an unused amp, with no other chairs in sight. The group wasn’t exactly used to visitors during practice, so you had to make due. You didn’t mind it though, as it put you in Eddie’s direct line of sight.
About half an hour in they decided to take a small break, the other three males were chatting excitedly about their upcoming dnd campaign. Eddie was more focused on tuning his guitar, but his eyes continued to wander back over to you.
This was the perfect opportunity to let him in on your little secret, while the other members were too preoccupied to be paying attention to you.
You sigh heavily and lean your arms back, uncrossing your legs and letting them fall open. Giving him the perfect view of what you were hiding… or rather not hiding, underneath your skirt.
His eyes flick up to your face before they begin to travel lower, and it takes him a full minute before he notices. But once that recognition flashes across his features, his mouth hangs open in shock.
A playful smirk plays on your lips and you quickly cross your legs again, acting as though nothing had happened. Eddie’s jaw is clenched when he returns to tuning his guitar, feigning as though it had no effect on him. But you could tell from the growing bulge in his jeans, that it definitely did.
He was grateful he had the ability to hide his boner for the rest of practice, not wanting to explain himself to his bandmates. But you knew by his stiff posture, you were so in for it when this was over.
The thought had you squirming with excitement, and you tried your best not to make a mess all over your makeshift seat. Now that would be something you could never live down.
Thankfully Eddie decided to end practice earlier than normal, claiming they could all use a break after their busy week.
But only the two of you knew the real reason.
Eddie all but drags you out to his van once his gear is packed up, gently shoving you against the back door. He opens the other side to put his guitar back into the vehicle, and quickly slams it shut. You bite back a grin when he cages you in against the cool metal.
His jaw is still tense, eyes darkening when his hand begins to caress your bare thigh.
“That was quite the peep show, sweetness.”
You try to keep your breathing even, but his roaming hands are making that very difficult.
“I don’t know what you mean, baby,” you feign innocence, knowing it’ll only rile him up more.
While he loves when you’re his good girl, he also loves any excuse to treat you like his little slut. The brunette chuckles humorously, grabbing your chin in his free hand to keep your eyes aligned with his.
“Come on now, don’t play dumb with me,” he tuts.
You just continue to gaze up at him all doe-eyed, hands resting on his chest. You don’t answer him, which only makes him more frustrated than he was to begin with.
“I see how it’s gonna be... You wanna be a brat? I’ll treat you like one,” he hisses. “Now, get in the van.”
He pulls away, and you feel a sudden chill from the loss of his body heat. When you don’t move an inch his brow raises, cocking his head at you.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, sweetheart.”
As much as you would love to continue to push his buttons, you know you’re in enough trouble as it is. So you squeak out a quiet ‘yes, sir’ and round the side of the van to hop in the passenger seat.
Eddie is silent for most of the ride, but the tension in the air is palpable. While he says nothing, the glances he keeps tossing your way have you squirming in your seat. In an effort to stop your distracting movements he reaches a hand out, ringed fingers digging into the meat of your thigh.
And in your desperate state you can’t resist pushing him just a little more. So you rest your smaller hand atop his and guide his fingers in between your legs. Eddie suddenly slams on the brakes and your body flies forward when he pulls off on the side of the road.
He puts the van in park before turning to face you.
“In the back, on your knees. Now.”
You grin excitedly at his demanding tone, already anticipating what was to come. So you quickly unbuckle your seatbelt and scurry into the back of the van without another word. Eddie takes his sweet ole time before joining you, as part of your punishment. He knew your patience would only last so long.
He flicks through his cassette tapes and fiddles with the radio volume… anything to keep you waiting.
So when he does finally join you in the back, you’re practically trembling with need. His hands cradle the back of your neck, titling it to bare your throat to him. He presses harsh kisses along your skin, nipping every so often. You can’t help but whimper from the contact, your hands reaching out to grip the fabric of his shirt.
But he stops you, immediately pushing your hands aside.
“Only good girls get to touch me,” he grunts.
Your eyes widen when he pulls the skull bandana out of his back pocket, maneuvering himself around you. He pulls your hands behind your back and binds them together with the soft fabric. Once he was happy with the secureness of the knot, he’s back in front of you.
This was something new.
His fingers gently grip your chin, but he forces you to meet his gaze.
“What’s your color, baby?”
As your sexual relationship began to delve deeper, the more safe words and communication became his highest priority.
“Green… neon fucking green,” you hum.
The smirk quickly returns to his features, and his lips go back to sucking on your neck.
“Watch that pretty mouth of yours, doll or I’ll put it to use.”
You can feel the wetness starting to drip down your thighs, having absolutely no barrier due to your lack of undergarments. His hands have found their way to your breasts, kneading them in his large palms before he continues lower. Once he reaches the apex of your thighs he nearly growls, feeling your arousal coating your supple skin.
“Fuck— I need you, Eds.” you whine, already forgetting what he had just told you only moments prior.
Eddie promptly removes his hands from you, the sound of his belt clinking open has you shivering in anticipation.
“You really want to test my patience tonight, don’t you?”
You now realize your mistake.
But you can’t find it in yourself to regret it when he finally releases his cock from the confines of his jeans. You glance up at him expectantly, licking your lips at the sight of his pre-cum coating the tip. His fingers guide your mouth open and can feel your body practically buzzing with excitement.
“Since you can’t seem to listen, I’m going to use your mouth however I want. If it’s too much I need you to snap your fingers twice. Okay?”
You give him verbal confirmation and snap twice to demonstrate that you are still able to do so even with your hands bound. Satisfied with your response he grins and opens your mouth wider.
“Lemme see that tongue, baby,” he instructs.
You obey immediately and he rewards you by slapping the head of his cock against it. Once… twice… a third time… before he slips it past your lips with a groan.
Eddie’s hand fists your hair, pulling your mouth even further onto his cock. You take every inch willingly, eagerly swirling your tongue around the base of his shaft. His eyes squeeze shut, mouth slightly agape as you take him even deeper.
But you already miss his piercing gaze, now desperate for him to look at you. So you pull back until his cock slips past your lips.
His eyes shoot open and he raises a brow at you, “Did I say you could stop?”
The utter dominance in his tone and stature makes you even wetter, your thighs pressing together as he continues to stare you down with those dark eyes.
“Want you to look at me,” you plead, batting your lashes at him.
He just chuckles, keeping his gaze locked on yours when you eagerly take him back into your mouth. His fist tightens in your hair, another groan escapes him when he hits the back of your throat. A wicked grin tugs at his lips when he feels you gag around him.
“That’s right, gag on it,” he coos.
Your eyes remain locked with his as he continues to use your throat, mascara tears running freely down your cheeks with each thrust. His groans fill your ears, each one sending heat straight to your core. His lips pull up into that signature smirk as he admires the absolute mess he’s made of you.
But before he reaches that peak, he slips himself out of your mouth. It’s too soon for your liking, despite the throbbing ache between your legs. He notices the pout on your lips, now eyeing the string of saliva that keeps you connected.
“As much as I’d love to come in that bratty mouth of yours…” he pauses, wiping up some of the drool from your lips with his thumb. “I’d much rather see it dripping out of that pretty pussy instead.”
You can’t help but whimper in response, letting Eddie bend you over the center console of the vehicle. He flips your skirt up, landing a harsh smack to your ass as he nudges your legs apart with his own. You’re suddenly grateful for the console beneath you, knowing you wouldn’t have the strength to hold yourself up with your hands still bound.
Eddie grabs your bound wrists with one hand, the other slipping between your thighs.His calloused fingers run through your slick folds, and he moans at the wetness he finds there.
“God… always so wet. You’re such a little slut for me, huh? You like when I use you like this, baby?”
You merely nod, your thoughts far too jumbled from his touch that words are escaping you. But Eddie isn’t having any of it, and really you should know better.
Another harsh slap lands on your pussy this time, a shaky gasp leaving your lips.
“Come on sweetheart, tell me…”
Eddie slips two fingers into your entrance with no resistance, curling them up to hit that sweet spot inside of you. But his actions stop just as quickly as they start due to your continued silence. And when he begins to slip his fingers out, your walls contract around them in an effort to keep them nestled inside you.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” he taunts.
You want to cry from frustration when he fully removes the digits, guiding your hips back towards him. Eddie just chuckles, before you hear him noisily suck your arousal from his fingers.
“Y-Yes, Eddie. Just please, fuck me,” you cry.
While you can’t see him, you know he’s grinning like a madman. Any further plans of begging disappear when you feel the tip of his cock rubbing through your folds. As much as he’d love to continue teasing you, his own impatience takes over and he slides into you with one hard thrust.
It doesn’t matter how many times he’s fucked you, you still feel so full. Stretched out beyond belief— it nearly takes your breath away.
Eddie doesn’t give you much warning before he’s snapping his hips back into yours. The sudden motion causes your head to lull forward and rest against the console. Your walls practically suck him in deeper, and he enjoys the pathetic little noises that leave you as he continues to slam into you.
“Fuck— you feel so good, sweetheart.”
Eddie uses your bound wrists to pound into you harder, hitting that spot inside you that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. You can already feel your orgasm bubbling up inside you, that band getting tighter as he continues his ruthless pace.
“You gonna cum already? Such a little slut…” he nearly growls, “Go on, do it. Let’s see how many times you can make a mess on my cock.”
Between his words and the constant pounding into your g-spot is what tips you over the edge, feeling your knees wobble from the force of your orgasm. Eddie begins to slow his pace, letting you ride the waves a little before he slips one of his hands between you to gently rub at your clit.
Your soft whimpers only seem to spur him on further, keeping a steady pace. But he rams into you so deeply, you swear you can feel him in your throat. Despite how slightly overstimulating the feeling is… it’s too good to stop. And you’d do anything to show Eddie how good you can actually be.
“That’s it… feels good, baby?”
You let out a small but breathy ‘uh huh’, that being the only response you can muster at this point. One orgasm has turned your brain to mush, and all you can think or feel is Eddie Eddie Eddie.
Your response has him chuckling, as the male continues to rock his hips into yours. He loves getting you to this point, so drunk on his cock that you can’t form a coherent sentence. His fingers start to pick up their pace against your bundle of nerves, feeling how your walls clench even tighter around him.
While he wants to fill you up so badly, he also wants to see how far he could push you. It was only fair.
“Wanna show me you can listen, sweetheart? Give me another one. You can do it.”
You nearly sob as your second orgasm suddenly crashes over you. While not as forceful as the first, it’s powerful enough to make your legs give out beneath you. Letting all your weight rest against the center console. Eddie is quick to help guide your hips back up, and stops the movement of his own.
You can feel the tears slipping down your cheeks when he frees your wrists, finally slipping out of you. You whimper at the loss of contact, but it’s not gone for long. As Eddie helps guide you into a sitting position, before carefully laying you back onto a pile of blankets.
He brushes the tears away from your cheeks, and presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Can you give me one more? Doin’ so good for me, sweet thing.”
You practically preen at his praise, eagerly nodding when he situates himself between your legs again. He carefully lifts your trembling thighs, his touch much more gentle now. He caresses your supple skin before he slips back inside you with a deep seated groan.
You can feel how your hands begin to twitch at your sides, desperate to reach up and tangle your fingers in his curls. But his previous warning rings in your ears, only good girls can touch me. Eddie catches the subtle movement and reaches down to guide your hands up towards his head. And a loud grunt leaves him when he reaches your deepest point.
“You can touch me baby, you’ve earned it.”
He barely finishes his sentence before you’re threading your fingers through his wild curls and tugging him closer. Until your clothed chests are pressed together and you can feel the weight of his ribs against yours. Your mouths meet with a soft urgency and his tongue glides over your lower lip before slipping past them.
His pace has slowed tremendously, all in an effort to cherish the feeling of being inside you. Despite how rough can be at times, this was his favorite way to be with you. With your bodies entangled in every possible way.
While Eddie may put on a tough exterior, he’s a big softie underneath it all. And you’ve come to adore both sides of him.
He pulls away from your lips with a small gasp, greedily inhaling your mingling breath as his chestnut hues meet yours. Eddie looks beautiful like this, hovering above you all sweaty and flushed. It's truly a sight you wouldn’t grow tired of seeing. He doesn’t let lips stray too far though, leaning down to press hot kisses along your jaw towards your neck.
The brunette eagerly sucks onto the skin of your throat, tongue darting out to soothe the ache he leaves behind. One of your hands untangles itself from his tousled curls, slipping between your bodies to rub at your overly sensitive clit. Judging by how sloppy his thrusts were becoming, you knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.
Eddie buries his face into the crook of your neck, whining when you clench harder around him. The feeling of his cock twitching inside you has your head reeling, already so close to finishing for a third time that night.
“Fuck— I love you,” he pants, each slam of his hips becomes more frantic with his admission. “I love you, sweetheart.”
His confession is all it takes to push you both over the edge. Eddie’s hips stutter as he fills you, and your body arches further into his embrace with a cry of his name. It’s so intense that you can feel how his body trembles above you, and the stars begin to dance behind your lids. The weight of his words finally starts to sink in when he collapses on top of you, blinking away the tears that fill your lash line.
The mixture of your heavy breathing fills the silence and you gently stroke his curls while you both come down from your highs. Eddie must have felt your tears dripping down onto his cheek and his head lifts to regard you with concern.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he asks.
You just shake your head, pressing another kiss to his awaiting mouth. But when you pull away a little too soon for his liking, he practically pouts. You just smile fondly, nervous fluttering in your belly at what you were about to confess. Despite hearing him utter those same three words only moments prior.
“I just… I really love you too, Eddie.”
The grin that stretches across his face has your heart thumping faster, your giggles soon fill the silence in the van as he presses tender kisses everywhere he can reach.
“Love you so much, sweetheart.”
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The Hideout was packed, which seemed to be an unusual occurrence for a Saturday night in small town Hawkins. But the promise of multiple live bands quickly filled the seats that usually remained empty during the week.
Ever since you became official, you easily fit in amongst his large group of friends. Even Dustin, who was weary of you in the beginning, had quickly begun to warm up to you. But you had clicked with Robin the fastest and the two of you became very close in such a short amount of time.
Most of them had come out to support the band, besides the group of freshmen. As Eddie all but forbade from stepping foot in this establishment. His overprotective nature towards them was something you found to be incredibly endearing.
You were standing at the front of the crowd, snugly in between Robin and Steve. Mostly due to Eddie’s strict instructions to keep an eye on you. He could already anticipate just how rowdy this crowd might be from the moment you entered the dingy bar.
You anxiously shift in place, taking another swig from the flask that Robin had snuck in. You hadn’t seen Eddie for more than a few minutes since he dropped you off at home earlier that morning. And you were beyond impatient for the show to get started.
It was a little annoying how much you missed him when he wasn’t around, how uneasy it made you.
But the vodka was definitely starting to help soothe your nerves.
You continued to shift from foot to foot, partially from your growing impatience and partly due to the soreness between your thighs. The round in the van had only continued once you got back to Eddie’s trailer. He buried his tongue inside you while he showed you how much he loved you from between your thighs.
It’s as though the universe could tell you were getting antsy, as the lights on the small stage finally dim. You cheer loudly and the rest of your friends join in when the four males walk out onto the stage. They all take their respective positions, and Eddie slings his guitar strap over his shoulder and adjusts the mic stand.
“Good evening Hawkins, we’re Corroded Coffin. Thanks for coming out!”
A round of boos suddenly erupt from amongst the cheers, and your head instantly whips around to find the source. You see Jason and Scott’s whole crew leaning up against the back wall of the bar, a prominent smirk on your ex’s face. Your hands balled into fists and you quickly flip them all the bird before turning your focus back towards the stage.
Scott’s incessant torment had cooled off for a bit, but that entire week it was seeming to ramp right back up. While you knew your boyfriend could take care of himself, it still didn’t stop the fury from bubbling up inside you over it. Especially knowing it had only gotten worse because of you.
You find Eddie’s gaze again and he shoots a wink your way, not even fazed by their presence. They started off their set with a cover of Bang Your Head by Quiet Riot, already getting the crowd ramped up. Eddie was totally in his element, carefree as his fingers danced along the neck of his guitar. While they played mostly covers, they were able to sneak in a few original songs.
The crowd was overly enthusiastic, which was a nice change of pace from the five sullen drunks they usually had in attendance at their normal Tuesday time slot. While Eddie was riding that high, his eyes always seemed to find their way back to you.
“Thank you guys for being such an awesome crowd, this is our last song.”
In the time that you’ve been together, you’ve come to recognize almost all of their songs. Eddie was always bouncing lyric ideas off of you, or playing them for you any chance that he could. But hearing the first few chords ring out into the bar, you knew this one was clearly new.
And if shit eating grin he was sporting was any indication, he’d been preparing for this moment. Eddie’s eyes drift from yours to the back of the dimly lit bar as he begins singing. The opening lyrics make your eyes widen in shock.
“Scotty doesn’t know that Fiona and me do it in my van every Sunday. She tells him she’s in church, but she doesn’t go. Still she’s on her knees and Scotty doesn’t know.”
Your heart begins to race and that cocky grin never leaves his face. Your eyes follow his line of sight and you turn around, watching in amusement when you notice how Scott’s fists are clenched at his sides. This is by far the angriest you’ve ever seen him, and you can almost see the metaphorical steam coming out of his ears.
“Fiona says she’s out shopping, but she’s under me and I’m not stopping…”
A smug look graces your features when Scott meets your gaze, giving him a little wave before turning back to focus on your boyfriend. Eddie’s husky voice is full of confidence as he continues onto the next verse. That sound alone could bring you to your knees.
“I can't believe he's so trusting, while I'm right behind you thrusting. Fiona's got him on the phone, and she's trying not to moan. It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing…”
Your mind instantly drifts back to that fateful phone call, that night being a major turning point in your feelings towards the metalhead. Your whole body flushes at the vulgarity of the lyrics, but in an odd way you find it kind of sweet.
Once he has your attention again, Eddie blows you a subtle kiss.
“The parkin' lot, why not? It's so cool when you're on top. His front lawn in the snow, life is so hard 'cause Scotty doesn't know! Scotty doesn't know!”
You watch in fascination as his fingers work diligently over the guitar strings, banging his head along with Jeff. The song aside, you really were enjoying yourself. Eddie lets his guitar fall to his hip, gripping the mic with both hands.
“I did her on his birthday…”
Your curiosity has gotten the better of you again, and you glance back to where Scott had previously been standing. The spot was now empty, much to your surprise. Scott was never one to back down without getting the last word. So you let your eyes wander around the bar, but Scott and his posse were nowhere in sight.
When the song starts to come to a close, Eddie and the rest of the guys have gathered at the front of the stage. Huddled together as they chanted a chorus of, ‘Scotty doesn’t know’, the crowd joining in unison. When you glance over at Robin, her grin practically matches that of your boyfriend’s.
While you had never explicitly told anyone (besides Robin) the details of how everything played out between you two, your ex definitely had his suspicions.
But now, one thing was for sure…
Scotty definitely knew.
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sdk taglist: @xxbimbobunnyxx @munsonhoneybaby @mugloversonly @lemme-slytherin-that-dick @transparentenemypenguin @calumfmu @vamp-bunny @eddiesxangel @nailbatanddungeon @deathst9r @comeonatmebruh @mrsjellymunson @eddiesghxst @eddiesguitarskills @callsignraver @eldermayfield @potatobeans99 @loserboysandlithium @em0220
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leviismybby · 5 months
Cat and Mouse
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Levi Ackerman x fem!reader, mdni, nsfw 18+, fingering
Levi's eyes scan the rooftops, he can hear you, hear your footsteps. He launches his gear at the nearby building wall and steps on the rooftop, spotting your figure he hides behind a wall and waits for you to pass by. This time, he won't let you off the hook easily, you were gonna rush past him but Levi surprises you, spins you around and pushes you against the cold surface harshly. You grunt as your back hits the concrete, your eyes narrow immediately before they meet his grey ones. He will never learn.
"Captain." That sarcasm in your voice isn't something Levi appreciated, he jas had enough of your games. Before he speaks, he pins your hands above your head, last time you pulled a stunt, he isn't letting that happen again. "What the fuck is your problem?" You know why he is mad, you've caused him quiet the trouble, not that you regret it. "My problem? I don't have one. You clearly do." A brat, you were such a brat and he couldn't fathom what keeps him so infatuated with you. Maybe it's the fact that you're a thief that the MPs can't seem to catch or maybe is the fact that you outsmarted him both time he caught you. Either way, Levi wants it to stop.
"You have to stop. The military police will get a bounty on that shitty head of yours. You fucked it up badly this time." He was right, you did fuck it up, stealing from the Garrison just for the thrill of it. If Levi didn't know any better, he would say that you're crazy, than again, he isn't exactly normal either and he is the last person to judge you given his past as a thug. "Aww, thanks for caring, I don't care." You try to stir out of his grip and he only tightens it, keeping you still. "You're fucking insufferable you know that?" It was true, you were an annoyance for him, he had better things to do than to chase a petty thief around Trost but there was something about you that kept him coming back. He hated himself for always giving in.
"I can only say the same, Captain. Why do you care so much?" You roll your eyes, trying to find a way out of his grip but nothing seems to come to mind. He is too close to you, you can feel his breath on your cheek, this is getting dangerous. "I don't dammit. I will be the first to celebrate when your ass gets thrown in jail." Maybe he should do it, bring you in and let the militray police do as they please with you but his inner turmoil isn't letting him, he hates to admit it but he enjoys this, the chase and the games between you. His comrads would be disappointed if they knew, he knows your face, knows how you work so why doesn't he just report you? It's a problem that he can't slove tonight.
You don't say anything, the words coming out of his mouth were harsh but true, you did keep him on his feet and you enjoyed the attention. "So report me. Or is your ego not letting you." He hides things well behind that indifferent expression but his eyes tell you a different story, there is hate there, of course there is, you two hold mutual hatred for on e another however there is desire there too, it shouldn't be. It really shouldn't. Levi scoffs at your words, his fingers wrap around your neck and he squeezes, his other hand still firmly holding your wrist together. "You're the egotist one here. You and your shitty criminal jobs. How much money did you earn by selling sealed information huh? What is your game here?" That was his main problem, you stole from the survey corps too and he doesn't appreciate it one bit.
His fingers squeeze your throat again, he wants you to answer but he won't approve if you lie to him. "Enough and I enjoy the chase. Noel matter how big or minor my crime is, you always comr running after me. Why is that captain?" Now there is a question he wants answer at least not with words. Hos face inches closer to you, your noses touching. "Fucking annoying brat." You smirk, your eyes drifting to his lips, will he finally do it or will he run away from it like all those other times? You don't move away or lean in, you simply wait, eager to feel his lips agsint yours.
And just like that, a groan leaves his lips, his hand moving down to your hip and his lips crashing agsint yours. Returning the kiss immediately, you feel his grip on your wrist loosen and insted he interlocks his fingers with yours, his kiss getting more passionate. You let your hand fall to his hair, pulling him into the kiss even more, his body presses up agsint yours, the heat between you making a shiver run down your spine. You moan as his hand moves to your ass and he squeezes, loving the sounds that are leaving your mouth. He needs to hear more and he plans too. His grip gets more and more possessive, his hands start to roam your body, feeling your every curve. You can't go all the way put here, both of you know that but Levi is letting his desire for you cloud his judgement and he can't keep his hands off of you even out here.
The two of you keep kissing for some time until Levi pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your mouth to each other. Levi's eyes look you up and down, he wants to fuck you here and now but it's too risky, so he will simply have to do something else. His mouth starts kissing your neck, each kiss more sloppy than the other, you throw your head back, giving him more space, you're enjoying this more than you thought you would. A gasp leaves your swollen lips when he bites into your skin leaving marks behind. "You smell so fucking good." He says against your skin before biting again, this time he hits your sweet spot directly, making a shiver run down your spine. You grab onto his shoulders, your body pulling it self closer to his. "Desperate are you? Fucking brat." He turns you around, your hands on the cold wall, he bucks your hips sligthy and gives your ass a firm slap, fuck the things he would do to you.
He lands another slap on your ass, his body pressing fully into yours, you can feel how hard he is for you. You bite your lip and reach out for his bulge but he slaps your hand away. "No. Keep your fucking hands on the wall understood?" You nod at his words, as much you want to talk back to him, you don't want to ruin this moment so you keep quiet and listen to what he says. You keep your hands on the wall feeling his run up and down your sides before the reach your pants. His hand slides in and you gasp at his cold fingers as they reach your core, he rubs you over your panties making soft moans come put of you. "Wet aren't you? Is this waht this whole thing is about? You want me to fuck you don't you?" Bingo, thats exactly what this whole thing is about, him finally breaching his breaking point and taking you.
Your hips buck into his hands, you want more. Levi chuckles, sending another shiver down your body, this is the first time you hear him chuckle and it's making you feel things. "Yeah? Oh you would love to have my cock deep inside of you right now. Too bad you're not getting it." He nibbles on your ear as he says that, his voice horase and rough, he is turned on beyond belief. He starts to rub you again, feeling the way the fabric of your panties is getting wet, you're phehetic, acting all though while all it took is a single touch for him to get you under his control, you melt so easily, he will indulge in that. Finally his fingers slip into your underwear and feels your pussy, his fingers runs down your slit, feeling your slick and walls, you're so wet for him, fuck he really is in trouble.
He kisses your shoulder, his fingers finding your clit, you thighs close against his hand, whimpers escape your mouth. "How cute. You're phehetic, so fucking easy to break." His fingers enters you without warning, it starts of slow, he loves teasing you but as soon as he feels your warm walls clench around his finger, he starts to finger you faster. "Fuck Levi." You say, your hands steady on the wall, he knows what he is doing. As soon as you said that, he adds a second finger keeping the fast pace, your eyes start to water as he curls them hitting that soft spot. He keeps pumping his fingers in and put of you, your actions are getting him more drunk, he loves how your body shakes just from him fingering you. He needs to control himself or else his cock will be buried deep inside of you and he can't afford that.
The more you react, the faster his pace gets, you forget completely where you are. That people can see and hear you but that's the last of your worries right now. You have Levi, the captain of the survey corps, humanity's strongest soldier fingering you on top of a building. This isn't how you wanted your afternoon to go but its far better than you ever imagined. His fingers keep moving inside of you, his other hand runs under your shirt and he grabs your breast, massaging it in his hands. "Are you gonna cum for me out here?" That makes your pussy clench aagsint his fingers again, you're getting close, that pit in your stomach starts to build up but you're not queit there yet. Levi knows how to push you over the edge, his thumb adds pressure on your clit and he keeps fingering you in a fast pace, the moan that leavs you is something you should be ashamed of, oh someone definitely heard you now, not that you care. "That's it. Good girl, cum for me, let me see you fall apart."
You can't keep your hands on the wall anymore, your grabs onto his arm with both of your hands, digging your nails into his shirt as you cum. You roll your hips, riding out of your orgsam against his fingers, he keeps them inside of you even after you cum. You catch your breath, your head falling back on his shoulder, he kisses the side of your face, he removes his hand from your underwear, his fingers are soaked. "Took about two fucking minutes to make you cum. Aren't you embarrassed?" He asks you as you open your eyes, your cheeks flushed, his hand is still on your breast and he squeezes it once more before letting go and setting both of his hands on your hips. He kisses you on the lips again, the kiss is quick and sloppy.
Eventually, Levi pulls away from you, cleaning his fingers with his cloth. You turn back around, leaning against the wall. The sun is starting to set and you don't know what to say. Levi looks your way again, he fixes his gear. "Stay out out trouble or next time I am fucking you on the wall for all to see. Understood?" That makes you laugh, he had a way with words but you wouldn't mind at all. "Oh captain my captain, if that will be the outcome, I will be gladly robbing the bank next." Your words make his eyes roll, you really were a brat. You fic yourself, fix your hair and look at him again. "See you around, Captain." You wink and get off the rooftop. Levi is left there, staring at the distance until he realised something, his wallet was missing. Damn you.
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lou-struck · 2 months
Made With Love Part 4
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OM Brothers & Datables x reader pt.4
Featuring: Diavolo, Barabatos, and Solomon.
Warnings: Love Potion based personality changes, obsessive behaviors, mention of suggestive behavior, lots of teasing, kissing, touching, etc.
A/n: I know it has taken me wayyy too long to post this, but thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to continue this series. I really hope you enjoy this part and chose to come back to read the finale!
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The Banquet Hall has exploded into quite the mess. Books and pillows are strewn about the room as Mammon and a still-drying Levi tear through its nooks and crannies with fearful urgency. 
"Keep searching," Lucifer orders his younger brothers from his seat. His symptoms have somewhat subsided, but even in this urgent situation, his Pride would never allow him to be seen recklessly tearing through the castle's cupboards like an idiot. "Beel hasn't eaten anything in hours. Once he recovers, he will devour anything he comes across. If he ends up eating another one of those cookies accidentally, Mc will have even more of a mess to clean up than they currently do. 
"Yeah, yeah, I get it." Mammon groans. "This would be a lot easier if I had some help." He mutters the second part under his breath while shooting daggers at Satan and Asmodeus. 
From the loveseat in the corner, The Avatar of Wrath flinches in pain at the slightest noise as he recovers from the Potion's hangover-esque after-effects. A large pillow rests in front of his face, shielding his eyes from the glare of the moonlight that shines through the windows. 
Asmodeus on the other hand, is faring much better than his brother and is just boredly twirling a lock of his champagne colored hair in his fingers. His ability to rally after years of partying has prepared him for this. 
Feeling the three pairs of eyes now resting on him, the Avatar of Lust hides a grin and sinks deeper into his cushion with a dramatic groan. "Oh nooo, I feel soooo sick." He lifts an arm and places the back of his hand on his head in a distressed manner. 
Not caring for his brother's theatrics, Lucifer rolls his eyes and lets out a deep sigh of disappointment. "Stop complaining, Mammon; we have had time to recuperate, and so shall they. "
Before Mammon can complain further about the other's work ethic, Satan mutters something incomprehensible from under his pillow. 
"What was that, Satan?" Lucifer asks, lowering his voice as an act of mercy towards his brother; the Potion affected his head far more than the others, so he cannot help but pity the fourth born for the headache he is feeling.
He removes the pillow to reveal his pained and pale features. "I said Beel is close, and so is Belphie; it seems they are traveling together, so it is safe to say they have both been freed from the love potion."
"Then there is no time to waste," Lucifer declares, crossing his arms. "Double time Mammon. And Leviathan, please stay off the furniture; I'd hate to cause any more damage due to your carelessness."
The Avatar of Envy covers his face in embarrassment as he recalls his earlier interaction with you. And he understands pulling you into the pool with him could've been dangerous, even deadly. His head spins as he tries to think of all the ways he will try and make it up to you.
Mammon drops to a crouch and tears open the cabinet drawers with a start. His worried features brighten into a look of elation as he lunges forward suddenly. "Ah ha, I found 'em." he slides the little plate of sugar cookies out victoriously." That damn Chihuahua must've stashed ‘em here when we were going all crazy for Mc."
"What should we do with them?" Levi asks, "If we throw them away, Beel will just eat them out of the trash."
"We could burn 'em? Ya know? Toss 'em in the fireplace?" Mammon offers, turning his head to the grand fireplace. Enchanted flames dance eagerly within the confines of their stone hearth.
"And make the potion airborne?" Satan questions, narrowing his eyes at the second, and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Absolutely not. You are such an Idiot."
"Seriously Mammon, you do know that you don't have to choose between being pretty and being smart." Asmo quips, "But it would be a good idea to do at least one of them."
Mammon opens his mouth to make some kind of comeback but is interrupted as Lucifer snatches the plate of tainted sugar cookies from him. 
"I will create a temporary solution for these cookies until we have a safe method for disposing of them." He flicks his wrist, and a dark sphere of energy encases the plate as it disappears from view. Mammon lets out an involuntary shudder when he realizes that Lucifer could very well make him disappear like that whenever he feels like it. Maybe he should try and return those records of his he was going to pawn off.
Just as the last of the plate fades away, the Banquet door bursts open, and Beel steps into the room urgently, a napping Belpheghor clinging to his back like a koala.
The Avatar of Gluttony looks famished, there is a ferocious hunger in his eyes that seems to only be searching for sustenance. He doesn't even seem to notice his other brothers are in the room.
"I. Need. Food." he breathes, zeroing in on the full banquet table of treats. The mahogany legs seem to tremble under his hungry gaze as he grabs the nearest platter of sandwiches and begins shoveling them into his mouth. 
The room is silent as they watch Beel chow down on a second try of sandwiches. He even eats the little heart-shaped toothpicks that stick out of the top of the mini brioche rolls.
As the sixth-born reaches for another try, his features look much more pleasant. Lucifer clears his throat to get his attention.
"Glad to see you both have  returned to your usual selves." He says, "Hopefully, you didn't cause Mc too much trouble."
Beel's face takes on an expression of guilt as he lowers the barely conscious Belphegor onto an open chair. 
"I broke a wine bottle, but it's fine. Mc found me and convinced me not to go on a hike." The youngest brother from his seat. He hasn't opened his eyes yet. The pure exhaustion of ignoring his sin and running about the castle has hit him far worse than any symptom would've.
"And why do you look so guilty, Beelzebub?" Satan asks, sitting up a bit straighter in his seat.
"I didn't mean to, but they gave me a piggyback, and I think they overdid it." He says, casting his eyes to the floor. "I'm a lot stronger than they are; I could've really hurt them."
No one has it in them to give Beel a scolding. The kicked-puppy expression on his face says it all. 
"So all Mc has to do is find Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon?" Mammon says, letting out a sigh of relief. "That means this nightmare is almost over."
"While it is true Mc has done a great job finding everyone so far, the others are unpredictable," Lucifer says, crossing his arms. "I hope that they take their time and make sure they are not putting themselves at risk."
"Especially with Simeon," Levi adds with a shiver, "He’s final boss status for sure."
"He was super hot, not gonna lie." Asmo giggles, kicking his feet and tucking his hair behind his ear.
"Oh, come on, it's gotta be in here somewhere." Luke cries as he finishes searching through another stack of books with no luck. It's like the potion book that Solomon used earlier has vanished into thin air.
His little cherub cheeks are red, his hair is disheveled, and he thinks he has caught a head cold from breathing in all this dust.
"I need water." He murmurs weakly. His knees buckle as he drags himself over to the faucet so he can pour himself a quick drink.
He drinks greedily from his little paper cup, downing the cold water in one gulp and immediately reaching to refill it. This little water break does wonders for the Angel, and he takes a deep breath, ready to continue his quest to find the book and make an antidote for his friends. 
He sets his little cup down on the countertop to use later, and his eyes rest upon something that makes his heart want to break. 
An open recipe book
This cannot be happening…
Luke winces as he timidly lifts the corner of the book to read the cover. Ensure enough, it is the same book he has been searching for for hours.
Instead of being tucked away on some shelf or miscellaneous pile of books, Solomon never actually put this book away, it has been out on the counter in plain sight.
How is it possible that he didn't check here first?
The Angel can feel hot tears of humiliation pulling in his big eyes and he clenches his little fits together so hard he feels like he's about to break the skin.
But he can't cry. How could he?
Back at the castle, you must be subjected to some terrible horrors; he imagines you running through the dark halls of that spooky castle, getting chased until you are out of breath, and then captured by those demons with those creepy heart-shaped eyes. 
He flips through the book, reading with a speed that would make even Satan proud as he looks for an antidote. 
He finds a recipe and wastes no time pulling each ingredient out of Solomon's storage room. He may not know what half of this stuff does, but what he does know is that when all of the stuff comes together, it will create exactly what he needs to break the spell.
Luke begins mashing some herbs with a mortar and pestle, just the way Solomon taught him to do so. He cannot tell if it is the bitter scent of the herbs upsetting his stomach or his own worries.
If he manages to successfully make the antidote, will the others be mad at him for ruining the day?
What if Mc gets hurt? It would be all his fault.
He pours a bit of devil pine sap into the foggy mixture with a sigh. Whatever punishment he is given, he will accept with open arms.
He will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.
Now you understand how Theseus felt inside of King Minos's labyrinth. All these dark, winding hallways and flickering shadows that just love to play tricks on you have your poor heart beating anxiously in your chest.
Technically, in Greek mythology terms, you have a one-up on Theseus since you have four Minotaurs to "defeat." 
A large cloud covers the moon, sending a shiver down your weary spine as you wonder who you will find next.
The Prince of Hell?
His Trusty Butler, who controls time itself?
The Cunning Human Sorcerer?
Or the Angel the others seem to be very afraid of?
Although you should be scared out of your wits, you are brimming with curiosity as you wonder how your loved ones have changed due to the Love Potions effects. 
Your tired feet drag you down another hallway. Like all the others, it is spotless, and every door is darkened and shut. You scan each one carefully, trying to find any sign someone has wandered through them today with little luck. 
The next thing you know, your steps are interrupted when you kick into something awkwardly and stumble forward, lurching toward the wall and grabbing onto it for support. 
Taking a deep breath, you steady yourself and wearily glance back at whatever it was that you just tripped over.
There, in the middle of the pristine carpet, lies a lone leather shoe. The tense muscles in your back stretch uncomfortably as you crouch down and pick up the obstacle. As you hold it in your hand, you cannot help but notice its style. It's nothing like the shoes you and Asmo see when window shopping down Majolish. It's clearly older but remarkably well-maintained. 
Its old leather is polished with an expert hand, and its dark untied laces sit unmarred by a single fray. These can only belong to Barbatos.
Come to think of it, his chambers are fairly close by. Is it possible that he lost his shoe on the way there?
In a castle as ginormous as this, leads are hard to find, so you and the shoe head off in search of its owner as you play out this little Demonic Cinderella Story.
Barbatos' room contains many dangers, so the fact that his door sits ajar makes your skin crawl. You push the door open gently with one hand and spot the demon resting atop his quilt. 
His legs hang off the mattress, and aside from the shoe currently in your hand, he is completely dressed. Seeing the usually pristine-looking Butler so out of sorts is unfamiliar. You know he often works himself past the point of exhaustion, but you have never seen him look so open, so unguarded.
Love Potion aside, you know he needs a little bit more rest. A gentle smile tugs at your lips as you start across the room and sit on the edge of the bed. Setting his shoe on the nightstand next to you. The mattress dips slightly, but he continues to sleep. His chest rises and falls steadily, and cute little puffs of air escape his open lips.
His cheeks are flushed a soft baby pink color as his body seems to shift magnetically closer to you. He may not be conscious, but he definitely is aware of your presence.
"Mmnnnm Mc," his sleep-addled voice murmurs as his hand stretches blindly across the mattress to brush yours. The minimal contact is just enough to stir him. His Green eyes blink open sleepily; you see your reflection in his heart-shaped pupils as he intertwines his fingers with yours.
In an instant, he gently tugs you into his chest. It's far warmer than it normally is as he settles you both deeper into the mattress. "Mc," he yawns fondly. "I was just dreaming about you. I knew you would come to see me." 
"I hope you don't mind me letting myself in," you say softly, using your unoccupied fingers to busy themselves with fixing his bedhead. "But I believe I found something of yours." You jerk your head toward the shoe you found earlier with a smile. 
"Oh, that troublesome thing," he chuckles, his lids growing heavier by the second. "Earlier, I just felt so fatigued I chose to simply kick it off."
"In the middle of the Hallway? That's unlike you."
"It's silly, but~" he yawns and leans into your touch. "I simply do not care for trivial things such as messes and responsibilities. All I need is you. Please come rest with me."
His words seem to form a lasso around your heart; it pulls you towards him instantly. "I suppose a few moments of rest wouldn't hurt." You chuckle, leaning back onto the mattress. Barbatos clings to you eagerly, snuggling into you for warmth. A look of pure contention lies on his face.
Butler's bed is remarkably comfortable. The mattress and quilt are stuffed with some kind of otherworldly feather. Simply laying down upon them is a decadence. You imagine that if you knew you had a bed as heavenly as this to return to at the end of the night, you would work as hard as he does to earn the pleasure.
All of your aches and pains seem to melt away in the butler's arms. With each breath he takes, he seems to bring you closer to him.
He can barely keep his eyes open. Seeing him in a state of exhaustion is fascinating. "You must've been exhausted," you say aloud. "You work way too hard, Barbatos."
"I'm a fool." he yawns. "I have wasted so much of my existence doing chores when all I should've been doing is laying here with you. This blissful feeling is incomparable. We should stay here forever."
"Forever is a long time," you murmur, toying with his gloved fingertips. "You may get tired of laying around all the time."
"Not if I'm with you," he yawns again. The dreamy lift in his voice kinda creeps you out, but the Butler is too enthralled by the spell to notice the shiver that crawls down your spine.
"Let's just lay here and watch the dust float around us as we bask in the pleasure of each other's warmth."
Okay…. That's it.
Although these uncharacteristic words may have escaped his drowsy mouth, that is not the real Barbatos speaking. He may need to rest more, but you know that you have to break this spell on him as soon as possible.
"That sounds amazing," you lie in a soft voice. "If we are to spend forever like this, can I at least have a kiss goodnight?"
The offer of a kiss is enough to get him to pry open his eyes. "Of course, you may. I apologize for not doing so earlier." His movements are slow and perhaps the most uncoordinated yet as he tries to scoot closer to you. Sitting up is a challenge for him, but when he finally succeeds in doing so, he can barely keep his head up. A silly smile rests on his face as he leans in to try and place a kiss on your lips, but thanks to the effects of the Potion, he almost completely misses your mouth, only managing to kiss the corner of your lips. 
Like Lucifer, it only takes a few seconds and the briefest contact of lips on the skin to break the spell. His eyes go wide, and his posture returns to perfect as he springs from his bed in alarm. 
"My goodness, Mc, what time is it?" he breathes, smoothing out a wrinkle from his quilt and fluffing the pillow anxiously. "I fear I have failed in my duties as a butler, how fares the celebration?"
You look at him nervously, worried that if you say the wrong thing, you'll send him into a heap of distress. He works too hard to plan these parties for them to end up the way they do. "Lucifer and his brothers are back in the banquet hall, recovering from the effects of the spell you were under. Apparently, only I can lift the effects, so I need to find Solomon, Simeon, and Diavolo." 
He nods solemnly, "I see, so the young master is still entranced. There is no time to waste if the Devildom were to see him in this…well…. State, It could cause quite the uproar." His cheeks flush a barely noticeable pink color as he recalls his earlier actions before clearing his throat. "The crown should not have to shoulder this sort of embarrassment; allow me to accompany you in retrieving him and the others."
"While I appreciate the offer, I'm afraid I'll have to refuse. Everyone is acting so unpredictably that I'd hate for anything to happen. I promise I have this handled."
His eyes flash with disappointment, but it quickly fades and a smile more genuine than his usual polite one shines at you reassuringly. He takes your hand and gently presses his lips to the back of it. "I understand, if that is your wish, I will do as you say. Please know that I believe in you wholeheartedly."
"Thank you, Barbatos," you say, taking in his slightly paler skin. The after-effects of the Potion must be hitting him about now. "I do have a favor I would like to ask you."
His eyes are full of wisdom and adoration as he looks at you with his usual round pupils. "Of course, what is your request? I would gladly do anything you ask of me."
You smile devilishly, "it would mean a lot to me if you would take some time and rest. You work far too hard, and I can tell that you aren't feeling your best."
He looks shocked, "but the mess."
"Can be taken care of later. But for now, please return to the banquet hall and do something good for yourself."
He takes a deep breath and relents. "If that is what you wish, I suppose I could partake in a little bit of what Asmodeus calls 'self-care.'"
"That's what I like to hear." You grin as he escorts you to the door. Just before you exit, you feel his presence behind you. The gesture is tender. He places a Soft kiss on the top of your head.
"Thank you for always caring about my well-being." He murmurs, "I pride myself in being good at many things, But tending to my own needs has never been one of them. It touches my heart that you continuously take the time to worry about me."
"And it makes me feel good to know that you allow me to care for you," you respond, wrapping your arms around the Butler; you feel him relax in your hold as he lets out a soft chuckle, wondering what this demon did to deserve your love.
You may not be a world-class detective, but you have a hunch…
If Barbatos ended up returning to his bedroom after getting spelled, maybe someone found their way into Diavolo's quarters. 
Surely, someone would want to enjoy the amenities the Prince of Hell's bedroom has to offer, especially if they aren't thinking the clearest at the moment. 
You haven't even reached his massive double doors when your suspicions are confirmed. The shuffles of heavy footsteps seem to pace back and forth anxiously. You can tell from the light flickering under the door frame that someone is standing just on the other side of the darkened oak doors. 
You hold your breath and curiously press your ear against the wood to try and make out who is waiting for you. But your cheek had barely brushed the surface of the wood when the doors (that may not have been completely shut) swings open, and you tumble forward into the Prince's bedroom, letting loose a surprised screech that surely would put a banshee to shame. 
Your limbs are sprawled across the deep red carpet when you make eye contact with the heart-shaped pupils of none other than Lord Diavolo himself. Upon seeing you on the ground, his features twist and worry, and in an instant, he strives over to you.
"MC, you poor thing." he looks so concerned for your well-being that the mighty demon trembles as he looks you over. "Are you hurt?"
"Not at all," you laugh, placing your hands on either side of your body to try and hoist yourself up to a less humiliating seated position but he stops you hurriedly.
"Please, don't move." he pleads, lowering his hand as if he were speaking to an injured animal. "I need to check you for injuries. I once read that humans who are injured can enter a state of shock." His golden gaze scans you worriedly, and you feel your skin growing warm from the attention.
"Dia, it was just a little fall," you say, trying your best to comfort the Prince. "I promise I'm unharmed."
"Are you sure?" he breathes. You may have been the one to take a tumble, but he is the one who looks in pain. His arms are painfully tense at his sides, as if he needs to hold you close, but the potions hold on him is quite different. Instead of smothering you with affection like the others, it seems that he is lovingly devoted to your well-being.
"I promise everything is fine," you say, once again, reassuring the frazzled noble and allow him to help you to your feet. His touch is much warmer than normal, but he handles you as if you are made of glass. 
"I see, I am relieved you were not injured." he says seriously, "now tell me, what can I do to assist you?"
"Assist me?" You parrot, unsure of what he means by those words.
"Yes, I wish to assist you in whatever it is you ask of me." He says seriously. His posture is rigid, almost as if he is waiting for something to do. "What have you been doing?"
"Oh, I've just been walking around, you know, trying to find everybody. That's pretty much been my day so far." You chuckle.
When his eyes widen an alarm, you realize that maybe you shouldn't have told him that. in an instant, he scoops you into his arms. "you have been walking for hours? Please, you have been doing too much lately, allow me to take care of you so you can relieve your body of any stress it may be feeling."
He carries you over to his bed and text you gingerly underneath the covers. His brow is furrowed as he fusses over the wrinkles. his voice is too soft for you to make out what he is saying, but you think it's something about how he needs to care for you.
"Diavolo, please, I promise I'm fine. Could you please just sit down with me for a moment." You say, giving him a little pout. "I feel like I haven't gotten to see you all day."
"I'll be just a moment My Love; your voice sounds a little weak; have you had water today? Humans don't drink nearly enough water as they should, and that includes you."
Potion or not he's got you there. 
You sit back and watch as he stumbles across the room to pour you a cool glass of water. His uncoordinated movements must be due to the potion's effects. As he walks back, he splashes a few drops of water onto the ground but is too focused on you to care about the mess he made.
"Here, drink Love." he says, holding the edge of the half-filled glass to your lips. As you drink, he smiles, feeling accomplished. The water is magically cool and you taste its slight citrus flavor as you gulp it down.
When you finish your glass, he takes it from you and sets it down on the nightstand, you could've done that yourself, but he seems to be enjoying waiting on you like your own personal butler. But as nice as it is to be fussed over sometimes, you hate how worried he is over the smallest things. 
You miss the real him.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" he asks, his little heart eyes shining in admiration as he sits on the edge of the bed. 
"Actually, there is something…" you say in the most innocent voice you can muster.
"Of course, whatever it is you want, I will get it to you." he says instantly; there is a hunger in his expression that yearns for a request to leave your cute little mouth.
"Could I please have a kiss?"
"Oh, of course." he says quickly, his eagerness betrays him as he cups your face tenderly "I apologize for my neglectful behavior. It would be my pleasure to steal away your breath."
And that he does. He goes in softly as if he is afraid of his own strength, but his fear leaves him quickly as he comes to his senses, allowing you to drown in the slight honey taste of his lips. The real him knows that you can handle a steamy make-out session or two.
He pulls away and looks remarkably well. His loud laughter fills the room as he pulls you to his chest in a firm hug. "Well, that was certainly an interesting feeling, I apologize if my behavior unsettled you earlier."
Now that he is back to his usual self, you find yourself relaxing immensely. "I am glad you're back to normal, although I did appreciate you taking care of me."
Although his skin doesn't flush in embarrassment you can tell from the way he clears his throat you have flustered him. "Well, if I am being honest, my behavior wasn't completely due to the." he pauses and looks at you questioningly. "spell? 
"Love Potion."
"Ahh I see." he smiles knowingly. "I thought so. Anyways there has always been a part of me that has wanted to be seen by you as someone who can take care of you."
"But you do take care of me," you say, placing your hand on top of his. "You do so much for me and make me feel so loved."
"I just feel that I only express my Love for you with grandiose gestures. It's wonderful to show everyone just how much I care for you, but I wish that I could do more of the little things the others do." he frowns "There has always been a part of me that envy's the way the others get to do the little things for you. Such as cooking you your favorite meal from the human world or stopping by the market to pick you up something you forgot to cross from your shopping list. I think that this little desire of mine was twisted beyond recognition when I consumed that love potion earlier. And I apologize If I caused you any trouble."
"It is no trouble at all. "You say suddenly, your heart swelling with admiration and a newfound perspective into the mind and heart of the Prince.  "Dia, I love you, and I think you express yourself wonderfully. We may not get to spend as much time together as we wish, but you do plenty for me in those little moments too. The grass isn't always greener on the other side and I'm sure the others envy you as well. After all, you are pretty darn wonderful."
His eyes light up as he absorbs your words; neither of you was anticipating a heart-to-heart today, but there it was. Looking much recovered, he smiles and has a devilish look in his eyes. "Speaking of the others, how many of us have you broken the spell on so far?"
"all except Solomon and Simeon," you reply. "the others are waiting in the banquet hall and recovering from some negative side effects. Are you feeling alright?"
"I am perfectly well. It's strange, but I don't feel fatigued at all. Perhaps this will be the perfect opportunity to observe the others. I recall how Lucifer, in particular, was acting earlier, and I would very much love to tease him about it. Barbatos too."
Laughter spills from your lips until it brings tears to your eyes. "That is all on you, if you wish to tease them I won't stop you but you should know that my lips are sealed. Barbatos and Lucifer can be scary when they are mad, they may decide to get revenge."
In response to your lack of gossip, Diavolo gives you a rather un-princely pout. "I suppose you're right, I must do this part myself. But before I go, will you please indulge me and allow me to kiss you once more?"
His request makes you giggle as your heart flutters. Although you still have a job to do, you find yourself nodding eagerly. A pleased smirk appears on his honey-tasting lips as he strides closer and closer to you. After all, you could never say no to the Prince?
'Two to go! Two to go!  Two to go! Let's go!'
You chant this cheerful little mantra softly under your breath as you walk through the halls with a pep in your step. Soon, you will be able to go to the banquet hall, play some party games, and eat some of Barbatos' amazing cooking.
Although today isn't exactly what you hoped it would be, this twisted little scavenger hunt is one you will never forget.
You find yourself down one of the narrower hallways the servants use. Unlike the room meant for entertaining noble demons of all shapes and sizes, these doors are much smaller and closer together. Each one houses items like extra china, party decorations, and cleaning supplies. You recall coming down here with Barbados a few times to grab supplies for one of Diavolo's spur-of-the-moment celebrations.
Although it's faint, you hear a sound that seems to come from somewhere behind you. You spin on a dime and squint your eyes to try and see better, but no one is there.
Curiously you keep your steps light so as to not make a sound and walk past a lonely looking supply closet. You hear the unstable sound of wood against stone and lightly grab the handle. taking a deep breath for courage, you twist the cold metal handle and throw it open. 
Solomon sits cross-legged on the ground next to some fallen broom handles. His snow-white hair is unruly, as if he had worriedly ran his hands through it over and over again. Beneath his heavy red blush, his fair skin seems paler than normal as he looks at you, but quickly becomes too shy and covers his eyes before you can see the hearts. 
"Sol, what are you doing in here all by yourself?" You ask gently, sweeping aside the hand the wooden handles that had fallen on top of him. 
"H-hiding," he murmurs, tucking his knees to his chest. 
"Who are you hiding from Sol?"
His response is so soft that if you didn't have all of your attention focused on the man cowering in front of you, you would've missed it. "I'm hiding from you…"
Your heart sinks at his words, and your weary head begins to spin with doubt. What if the feelings you have for him are not reciprocated to the degree required to break the spell? What if he is not truly in love with you? Is there someone else whose image spills from his heart and floods his mind?
All these questions that dizzy your mind compel you to your eloquent response. "Oh. I see." You try your best to hide your emotional turmoil, but you can't help it. You frown and can't bring yourself to look at him. "Is there someone else you want to see instead?"
His eyes go wide, and he leans toward you frantically. If anything, he looks offended that you would even ask that. "No, no, no. I don't want to see anyone else."
"Then why were you hiding from me then?" you ask, crossing your arms. 
He casts his eyes to the ground, "I-I just don't deserve to see you right now, not after what I have done." 
This is not the Solomon you are used to. The handsome and cunning sorcerer who loves to make your heart race has been tucked away. The man in front of you seems to be aware that he is partially responsible for the current predicament you are in. But the Potion seems to be making him more than a bit timid. You want to make him feel at least a little bit better about himself before you break the spell, but you have to do it carefully. 
"Sol, I could never hate you," you say, reaching your hand out to help your fellow human to their feet, but he stubbornly shakes his head and cowers away from you.
"C-can't," he whispers, shaking his head. "I can't do it."
"Sol? What can't you do?" you ask gently. You feel your face scrunching up in confusion as you couch down to his eye level and try to make him look at you. 
"I-if I touch you or say your name, I'll go all blank and embarrass myself in front of you, and you'll hate me forever."
"Hate you?" you repeat those words softly. "Solomon, why would I ever hate you? I love you."
Those three little words are tempting enough to compel the human to look at you. Finally, you get a glimpse of those heart shaped pupils that have adjourned everyone else so far, but it breaks your heart to see that his eyes are full of tears. 
"B-because I ruined your day…again. I swear it was an accident. I never thought Luke would use a bowl from my lab, but he did, and now all I know is that you're gonna hate me forever, and it breaks my heart because I love you so so so so much," his wails despair bounce off the walls of the tiny closet.
It's strange to see the usually wise and confident sorcerer reduce to an ashamed, blubbering mess, but you can't take it anymore. You launch yourself into his arms and hold him as tight as you can.
He leans into your touch and tightens his grip as if you're about to turn into smoke and disappear. "It's not your fault." you murmur pulling one of your hands free from his hold to gently rub comforting circles into his back. "It's actually not that bad."
"It's not?" he sniffles, meeting your gaze.
"Not at all," you say brightly. "I have found almost everyone and was able to break the spell that was on them. Almost everyone is back in the banquet hall resting up. If anything, you made today unintentionally more memorable. I got to explore more of the castle, spend some time with everyone one-on-one, and got to see some sides of everyone I didn't know existed."
"Is that true?" he asks, visibly relaxing amongst the brooms and buckets. When you nod, he looks like he's about to go over the moon. For the first time since you've seen him, he gives you a little lovesick grin.
His smile warms your heart and eases your conscience, which means it's time to get down to business. "Hey Sol, would it be all right if I gave you a kiss?"
The human opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out; as his brain tries to spill out a response, you wait patiently, enjoying the fact that, for once, you are the one who renders him speechless and not the other way around. Eventually, he decides that nodding would suffice as an appropriate answer, and you give him a little peck. He's already so overwhelmed you wouldn't want to do too much.
Pulling back, you watch his handsome features as he regains his sense of self. After a moment, he blinks away the heart in his eyes and is a bit confused as to why he has tracks running down his face.
"Oh my. Was I crying?" he asks; the look on your face tells all, and he looks a bit embarrassed. "I apologize Mc, I never would want you to see me in such a state of vulnerability, but I fear that this is my punishment for the current predicament we find ourselves in."
He is taking far too much blame, and being one who often finds themselves in an overly apologetic position, you feel for him. "I know you Solomon." You say, "This wasn't your fault, but I know that you want to take more than your fair share of the blame out of guilt. At this point, the only thing we can do is not let this little accident ruin our day and move on."
He smiles, spurred by your kind words. "Once again, you're right. Sometimes, I feel that you are the teacher and I am your student. I find myself learning much about myself in your presence."
"Hmmm, is that all you think of our relationship?" you ask, looking at him coyly. "Student and Teacher?"
Your question brings a smirk to the cunning sorcerer's lips as he grabs your chin, tilting it upwards and leaning in close. His breath fans your skin as his lips ghost over yours. You pout, waiting for his kiss to consume you, but it never comes. "As much as I wish to have you all to myself, there is more work to be done. Isn't there Mc?"
"Work?" you ask, too entranced by the Sorcerer's proximity to think clearly, and you can tell by his wicked smirk that he is loving it. "Oh, right. I have to find Simeon."
At the mention of the lone cursed party guest, you see his posture go rigid. "Is Simeon all you have left?"
"That's right," you should feel proud of yourself, but it's hard to do so when you see the worry in the man's eyes. 
"Please be careful, Mc," he warns. "The Potion that I created has never been tested on Angel's before. Although the details are foggy, I recall the drastic change in Simeon's behavior. It could be possible that the Potion had a stronger effect on him than the others."
Your stomach lurches as you take in his grave expression. "So what are you saying?"
"What I am saying is that a kiss may not be enough to cancel out the effects of the potion on Simeon."
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Tagging: In the comments because there were wayyy to many of you! Thank you so much!!!
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jjkeremika · 11 months
AoT men in your class hit on you
description: you’re in classes with the men from attack on titan; they try to flirt with you.
pairing: reiner x reader, armin x reader, connie x reader, jean x reader, eren x reader, levi x reader, erwin x reader, zeke x reader, galliard x reader
*unspecified gendered reader*
Reiner flashed you his prettiest smile, the one he’d practiced in the mirror on occasion, the one he knew looked nice. The smile was contagious, sparking a small smile to grow on your face as you peered at him out of the corner of your eyes.
He’d keep the smile as he’d scratch at the back of his neck, asking, “Want to study together for the next quiz?” Reiner would flex his bicep a little more, raise his eyebrow and smirk seductively, run his hand through his shirt blond hair. “I’ll test you. Tonight”
You were surprised when Armin asked for your help with studying. He’d been scoring the highest in the class until recently, which you had assumed to have been a fluke.
Armin would curl his toes into the ground and bite the inside of his lip as the heat rushed to his face, as he lied about his level of understanding and hoped you’d believe it. Hoped you’d spend extra time with him, one-on-one.
“If you have the time,” he’d added cautiously, your silence unsettling him. “There’s no pressure, but Id repay you however you… please…” He swallowed hardly, you watched his adam’s apple bob. “However… unconventional.”
Connie would scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment, faux-confidence reeking off his skin as he flexed his muscles and tried to appear solid. The light sheen of sweat and pink blush across his cheeks exposed the truth, but you were willing to look past it because it was so warm out.
“Hey, y/n…” His usually loud voice was quieter today, a usually unbound announcement finally directed towards someone—you, “how are you feeling for this next quiz? I-I can help you if you need it.”
You couldn’t stifle the laugh in time before it was bubbling off your lips, making Connie’s face darker but also causing him to chuckle a little too. “H-hey, why is that so funny?”
Jean always tried too hard to impress you. Fumbling the ball because he checked to see if you watched him catch it; missed the goalpost because he focused on you being on the sideline and not the direction of the ball; wiped out during the mile run because he spent more time waving at you than watching the trail.
You tended to any wounds after, unsure if the blush that intimately graced his face was from the embarrassment of failing or the fact that your hands were on his body or both. Maybe it was on purpose, always needing your help.
Both yours and his gazes were fixed onto his ankle, where your hands were slowly and wrapping a bandage around the bruised skin. "Thank you... for always helping," Jean uttered coyly, looking up to make eye contact, his skin warm. "Maybe I can return the favor somehow." He looked away, the pink turning a deep red, but his fingertips were brushing your upper-arm. "Help you..."
Eren had sat next to you today, waving slightly. You greeted him and Mikasa as she sat on his other side. "Hey," he greeted softly, "did... did you get a haircut?"
"Yeah," you nodded, running your hand through the strands quickly. He blushed and looked away, facing the table.
"He thinks you look nice," Mikasa said plainly, smiling at you from behind him, which prompted him to look at her in a flash of horror and embarrassment and whisper-shouted, "Mikasa! Stop!"
You laughed, the magnetic sound pulling Eren's attention back towards you. "I think you look nice too, Eren," you complimented, biting your lip shyly.
He froze for a moment, struggling to remember how to breathe. "I, uh, um," he started, swallowing in between, "You look... nicer."
"He'd think you'd look nicer on a date together," Mikasa chirped from behind him, settling into the chair. He shouted at her again, the blush deepening.
Since you normally spent time in a group, having it be just you and Levi felt a little awkward. Most of the time he didn't speak anyway and you silently traced his features, appreciated each angle. You fiddled with a ring as you debated topics to bring up, wondered if he wanted to even speak to you at all. That was the thing with him. You had no idea where you stood.
You had opened your mouth to speak when he interrupted, "Did you get a haircut?" Same tone as always, but he was looking at you now with that iron gaze, the one that sucked the air out between them like a vacuum.
You hummed and nodded. "It looks nice." He reached his hand out and briefly touched the loose strand in front of your ear. "Suits you."
Erwin had called out your name in the hallway to grasp your attention, his tight t-shirt immediately catching your eyes as he rushed over to you. It didn't help that he was so tall, and your eyes met at his nipples, and his shirt was so tight.
He repeated your name which caused your attention to move from his chest to his lips. He'd said something. You weren't paying attention. Shit.
"Sorry, what?" you asked sheepishly, blushing from embarrassment. Because it was him, the guy who always gave off the perfect persona, the guy who didn't need to ask because he was always listening.
Erwin laughed and repeated his offer to carry your textbooks to class, taking them from your hands before you could respond and walking alongside you.
Then you watched him unintentionally ignore a friend, someone who tried to say hi to him but he was oblivious to it. You couldn't explain it, but the fact that he didn't hear it made your palms sweat. You thought he was always aware, always listening.
But maybe that was just because he was always listening to you.
You had fallen into step with Zeke after Jean and Eren ran off together, racing and arguing over some obsolete, absurd test of masculinity.
"Are you going to join them?" you asked him jokingly, pointing towards the immature boys trying to trip the other one as they both ran.
Zeke sighed, "I'd hoped you knew me better than that." He slumped his shoulders dramatically, and clutched his hand over his heart. "Oh, how your words wound me."
You rolled your eyes. "You're so dramatic, just like your brother." Zeke scoffed as you shrugged. "But that just means it runs in the family. Besides, you're way more mature than your brother. Like, he's not even on the board. So--"
"You are quite mature... and remarkable," he interrupted. You blushed, automatically retorting with a sarcastic commend, "Okay, well I didn't say you were remarkable."
"I'd like to be," he said plainly, stopping to look at you, "to be remarkable to you. To mean something to you."
Normally Galliard only approached you on days where Reiner was all over you, picking on Reiner in front of you every chance he got, puffing his chest out slightly whenever you laughed.
Today, though, you were sat at your desk alone when he walked over and sat in front of you. “Hey, Porco,” you greeted, smiling, originally intending to quickly glance up but your irises caught on his and now they felt tethered.
“Good morning, y/n,” he replied smoothly, his tone different when Reiner wasn’t around, when it was just you two. It was silent for a moment, the only sign of time passing being the other students moving around you. “Heard Reiner asked you out. Wanted to hear what charity you were a part of that made you say yes.”
You laughed, covering your mouth in embarrassment when other students looked at you. He smirked, a light pink embracing his cheeks. "We should go out sometime," he added, winking, "Whatever time Reiner's thing is."
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eli0004 · 4 months
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Long Distance with the AoT Men
Contains: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Levi
Synopsis: what is it like to be in a long distance relationship with the AoT boys? Let’s find out 👇
Warnings: none really, pure fluff, gn!reader
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Eren Yeager wants to sleep on FaceTime. Every. Single. Night. If you try to hang up he will sulk so bad, it’s ridiculous. He looks so insanely gorgeous when he’s sleeping though, so you wouldn’t dare complain. Eren has a whole goodnight routine too. You say you love him, he says he loves you more, and bitch you better say you love him most, or else. Eren is not the Eren he is in public when he’s sleepy and missing you from miles away. There’s a certain longing in his voice when he talks about your future together, when you talk about your plans to move in together and get to lay in each other’s arms. Sometimes he thinks about just quitting school, packing his shit and booking a one way flight to your city, but he knows how important it is to you that you’re both secure and ready for a move like that. Until then, he’ll save every penny and he’ll look forward to every opportunity to visit you.
Jean Kirstein watches movies with you. Jean is the type of guy that: A. Can’t sit still and do nothing, and B. Has probably seen every movie that exists in the world. He loves FaceTime dates where the two of you stream a movie together. Absolutely will go old school with it and start a movie at the exact same time, making sure to count down from three if there’s an interruption so you can pause at the same time too. Believes it’s mandatory to have pizza for a movie date. Always Orders himself pizza, and will door dash one to your place too😭 Mans looks so soft and comfy in bed, all clad in a warm hoodie, hood up, chewing on the strings. You can see the light from the screen flashing, illuminating his sleepy face. It’s those moments when the distance aches a little more, missing the feeling of being there snuggled up against his warm chest.
Armin Arlert just wants to lay there and look at you. If you’re gonna be in a long distance relationship with Armin, you must understand that he is a highly emotional, sappy, clingy guy. When his days are busy and his schedule is packed and he finds himself talking to you less, when you finally do have an hour or so to really sit and talk about things, those are the days when Armin struggles extra hard with long distance, and needs a lot of reassurance that you’re still happy with him, even though he can’t be there with you, especially when he knows there are plenty of other people who could be. More than likely, he spends a lot of your calls shedding intermittent tears, expressing his desire to snuggle up with you every time the thought crosses his mind. When he starts to get sleepy, his eyes droop and he lays his head on his pillow. He’s looking over every feature on your face, making sure to etch every minute detail into his memory for when he’s missing you the next day. He’ll fall asleep, doing just that.
Connie Springer just carries you around everywhere on FaceTime. He’ll go into the grocery store with you in his pocket, talking to you through his AirPods about what flavor of instant ramen he should buy. He sets you up on the counter while he cooks said ramen, so you can watch his chaotic ass burn a cup of noodles. Like eren, Connie probably wants to sleep on FaceTime, but he never remembers to put his phone on the charger so it dies at like 2 in the morning, and he’ll CALL YOU BACK just to be like “sorry babe, goodnight, i love you *snores*”. When Connie is in public, if you crack a joke while you’re in his pocket and he’s wearing his AirPods, he’ll laugh out loud, and you get the pleasure of overhearing people ask him what the fuck is so funny like they’re concerned for his mental health 😭 and he’ll play into that shit too, just to keep hearing your laugh.
Levi Ackerman doesn’t know how to just say he’s missing you, so he’ll call you periodically to ask what you’re doing and then just listen to you breathe for about 20 seconds on the other line after you answer. He visits you every weekend, even if you’re hours away, he will take public transportation for you if he has to, and that’s saying something because he knows how filthy those buses/trains are. Once every few months he’ll take a whole week off to come stay with you, and he’ll probably try to straighten up around your place, pick up your groceries, cook dinner for you, water your plants, in your own home 😭. Literally morphes into your lil househusband for the week, and you have to be like No? Go sit down you’re literally my guest. Distance doesn’t mean shit to Levi. Where there’s a will there’s a way, he believes. The definition of “if he wants to he will” because he will. Every time.
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justauthoring · 5 months
Heeey, I saw you are writing for fairy tail😍😍 I am obsessed. Can I please request a Natsu x Reader fiction. I don't have anything specific in mind. Maybe they are on a quest and reader is cold and Natsu helps them warm up. I don't know, just pure fluff!!! Thank you!!!!!!
just a lil drabble while im sick :) natsu was my first ever anime crush and ive been feeling so nostalgic about him <3
late night cuddle.
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you tried not to make it obvious, but it was getting harder by the second.
just why the hell was it so cold?
it had been like that for the entirety of the mission but bearable in the midst of everything. natsu and gray's bickering, coupled with light chattering with lucy and erza had been enough to keep your mind off of it on the trip here, and then once you were in the thick of it, it was pretty easy to ignore too. fighting, after all, built up quite the sweat.
but now? with no sun and just the dark, lonely sky, and a sleeping bag that was as thin as the shirt you were wearing it? it was so much more harder to ignore now.
a glance over your shoulder to your teammates tells you they're pretty much all asleep themselves, except for natsu who'd elected to keep first watch. happy had first volunteered to join him, but twenty minutes in you'd heard natsu chuckle affectionately and send him off to bed too.
so, that left just him and then the rest of your teammates peacefully asleep.
your eyes flicker to lucy next to you; you could ask her if she wanted to share a blanket and sleep close for warmth. you knew the girl never really wore the most appropriate clothing so she wouldn't mind and it wasn't like it was your first time ever having to share a sleeping bag before.
but.... but she looked so peaceful. her eyes shut and her lips parted just slightly as her chest rose and fell with soft breathes and you remember how she'd gotten hit partically hard earlier in the fight. the large bandaged bruise on her cheek a swift reminder and you didn't want to wake her up especially when rest was probably the best thing for her.
not to mention, wendy was off with gajeel and levy for a mission so she didn't have wendy's soothing healing magic to ease any of the pain.
yeah. no. you definitely were not disturbing her.
you glance to your other teammates. you loved gray, but he definitely wouldn't warm you up—if anything, he'd probably just make you more cold. erza wasn't an option either. you'd made that mistake once before and your head still hurt from being slammed against her armour (which she wore to bed, of course) and then kept against it for the entirety of the night.
happy was nice to cuddle with but he wouldn't keep you all that warm.
finally, your eyes flicker back to natsu. his back is turned to you and he's sitting crossed-legged by the edge of the camp, completely in his own world. he'd be warm, the warmest out of everyone, given him being a fire dragon slayer. but... the thought of... of asking him to warm you up brought an instant flush to your cheeks, embarrassment coursing through your entire veins and that idea gets reected instantly in fear of your feeligns.
so, relectantly, you're turning back around, letting your head fall against your thin pillow again.
you shut your eyes, forcing them shut and pull your knees to your chest, holding your blanket tight against you, praying that even just a bit of warmth will allow you to fall asleep.
a cold burst of wind has you shivering a second later and your teeth practically chitter against one another and you give up on sleep all together then.
with your blanket still wrapped around your shoulders, you make your way to where natsu's sat, sitting an appropriate distance from him.
natsu's voice is soft, an odd tone you've never really heard on him before as his head tilts to face you, confusion written across his face.
"what're you doing up?"
"couldn't sleep," is all you offer in explanation, pulling your blanket closer around you. sending him a soft smile, you gesture behind you. "you can head to bed if you want. i can keep watch."
for a split second, he looks like he's gonna agree, the exhaustion clear on his face as he moves to thank you. then, wind brushes through the camp once again that has your hair swishing and your shoulders pulling in, a hiss leaving your lips as you try to fight through the bitting wind. natsu halts to a stop.
"why couldn't you sleep?"
you barely realize natsu's asked you a question until suddenly his face is right in front of you, concerned.
"o-oh!" you let out, startled, leaning back and using your hand to catch yourself. regrettably though, just the mere presence of natsu so close already makes you feel warmer. "it's no biggie!" you laugh off lightly, despite how good he feels so close. "i was just a little cold so i thought—"
whatever you're about to say gets promptly cut off the second you're being pulled flush against a firm chest. it all happens in a second. it's like you blink and suddenly you're being lifted off the ground and into a lap where a pair of arms wrap snuggly around your waist and you're completely surrounded by warmth.
"here," natsu whispers, gruffly and it nearly sends you into a heart attack. "i'll keep you warm."
you blink, turning back to see him grinning brightly down at you. that same toothy grin natsu always has and the same one that always sends flutters through your stomach and has your heart racing madly against your chest.
you can barely stand it in general and even less when it's directed solely at you.
"oh," you manage to force out. "you—you don't have to, natsu!" you wingle in his grasp, trying to scoot off of his lap, but natsu's grip stays tight around you. "i meant what i said. you should get some rest and—"
natsu's grin fades but only to turn into something softer. a warm, gentle grin falls on his face as he shakes his head. "you're practically shaking. you even feel cold, and that's a lot coming from me." you frown, just then realizing how cold you really had been. "it's fine. i offered to keep watch in the first place and besides? who better than me to keep you warm, right?"
there's a possessive edge to his tone that you don't quite catch.
the way he says it so nonchalantly has you absolutely reeling. so much that all you can manage in response is a weak hum and a nod as you turn back ahead of yourself, slowly and cautiously letting your back fall against natsu's chest.
you can feel his chest rumble as he speaks.
"y-yeah," you nod, letting yourself sink into his touch more, unable to deny how warm he is. a good warm. a really good warm. you can already feel the exhaustion you'd been feeling all day catching up to you as your eyelids grow heavy.
"thank you, natsu."
you say it just as your eyes fall shut, unaware of the warm smile natsu glances at you down with as you fall asleep in his arms and in his lap.
"no problem, y/n/n."
"damn, natsu, i didn't think you had it in you."
"shut it, droopy eyes."
"they're in loveeeee~!"
"seriously, though, natsu. i... i certainly wasn't expecting to wake up to this."
"yeah, natsu. if you forced her, i—"
"what! no! what kind of guy do you take me for! i didn't force her to do—"
you let out a moan at the flutter of noises overwhelming your senses. all you can really register is how warm you are and how comfortable you are. the thought that you could stay here forever crosses your mind and you move to just go back to sleep, and then—
then. you remember everything.
being cold. unable to sleep. going to natsu. and then... then him pulling you into his lap and—
you snap awake, bolting out of natsu's arms who pulls back in surprise at your sudden movement. it takes you a second, blinking the sleep out of your eyes, before your gaze shifts from natsu who's smiling at you, with a faint pink to his cheeks, to the rest of your teammates stood in front of you.
gray looks smug, sending you a smirk as you turn bright red. erza looks utterly confused, her eyes snapping between you and natsu. happy is barely able to contain his laughter. and lucy's looking at you like you've grown a second head.
it occurs to you that you should say something.
turning to them, you raise your hand; "it isn't what you think."
"it's exactly what you think."
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mysicklove · 1 year
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With: Levi Ackerman
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: gn! reader, sub! levi, nightmares + insomnia mentioned, oral (m! receiving), handjob in dreams, implied age gap, set in around season 2 timeline? im kinda forgetting which season erwin was in... kissing..lots of kissing, reader being puppy coded and levi is sick in love
A/N: sorry this is late!!!! i hope this also isnt too confusing considering it switches back and forth between his dream and irl. idk. also title is named after a song by The Mamas and The Papas that i LOVEEEE
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Levi Ackerman finds himself plagued with nightmares. It was always like that though, since he could remember at least. Three to four nights a week he awakes in the middle of night dripping with sweat with his heart nearly beating out of his chest. He has grown used to the lack of sleep by now, it barely bugs him anymore.
That is, until he found someone to share his bed with. 
You were his light, as dramatic and sappy as it sounds, and something he will never admit out loud. But it was true, finally in this dim world he finds himself in, you came crashing in, brighter than the sun. He had fallen for you in record time, and you, drawn to his stoic and feisty aura, came tumbling down after him.
It's been a year now since you've gotten together, and Levi swears the nightmares are getting less frequent. 
Well, at least in the nights where you lay beside him. The nights where you hold him, and he has easier access to your heartbeat. The steady rhythm of your chest rising and falling. Alive.
He doesn't go into too much depth about the nightmares, but you know the general scene of them, usually relating back to his comrades deaths. He has mentioned that the recent ones involve you, and it makes your heart crumble for your beloved each time his voice cracks through the explanation. You don’t press too much on the matter – the nights he wakes up in a cold sweat, you are there to ease him back to sleep, reassuring that you and he are safe. He almost gets a full night of sleep with you around.
But alas, you aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, and neither is he. Nope, you happen to be one of the most erotic people have ever met (though, he hasn’t met many). A sick brat is what he calls you, or sometimes a disgusting pervert, if he’s feeling extra grumpy. The nicknames fly past your head, as you pepper his face with kisses. It was all in good spirit, is what you remind yourself at least. 
“Soooo, Hange recommended–”
You pout at the man, pulling away from his chest to glare at him. “You didnt even let me finish my sentence.”
His cold face doesnt let up, even if his eyes hold a playful light to them. “I am smart enough to recognize that anything having to do with Hange is a bad idea.”
You playfully hit his chest, and the man raises his eyebrows at you. A smile pulls at your lips, and Levi cant help but stare whimsically at you. It was unfair, really. “Fine, get on with it, brat.”
“How would you feel if I woke you up with a blow job?” His reaction is immediate, first shock, and then as a couple seconds go by he seems to be much more inclined to agree, but then finally settles on an scowl.
“Why were you talking to Hange about these things?”
You cock your head to the side, tapping on your chin. “Well, I mentioned that your nightmares have started again, and they told me that oral sex helps stop them. Something neurologically with your dick and brain? I don't know.”
He stares at you for a couple of seconds, bewildered at your explanation. But, he realizes quickly what is up, and he immediately pinches the bridge of his nose with a long sigh. “They are fucking with you, idiot. Just trying to get me laid. Hange has always been like that.”
Your face falls at the words, and Levi swears you managed to master the kicked puppy look. He grabs your hands and pulls you back onto his chest, rolling his eyes when you hum into his skin. The warmth brought him comfort, and he finds himself more at peace. “I mean…It won't help with the nightmares, but who would turn down waking up to a blowjob?” Levi mumbles into your hair, while rubbing his hands up and down your arms.
You twist to look up at him, the familiar grin back on your face. “Yeah?”
He scoffs at you, an embaressed blush coating his cheeks. “Just dont wake me up early, alright. Just gonna piss me off.”
He swears he can see you wagging a tail. “Of course, Captain!”
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Two weeks have gone by, and Levi has not woken up to your face anywhere near his dick. He has awoke to kisses along his cheeks, and neck, but that wasnt new, you were always disgustingly affectionate in your half awake state. He holds a content (half) smile for about ten seconds as he shuts the door of your room, only for it to drop when he sees Hange.
He wasnt the one to complain though, maybe you were just teasing him. You always did like to press his buttons. He wasn't going to give you the satisfaction of knowing he wants it. So, the dark haired man continues on, nightmares and all, through the weeks.
By the time a month came passing by, he knows that you forgot all about your stupid little promise – your stupid naive words that only worked to piss him off. He glared at you from across the halls for a whole week – never daring to actually show you real signs that he was upset. But after you accidentally caught him frowning at you from across the training grounds, he was immediately dragged back your shared rooms, and fucked lovingly, as you apolgized for everything you could think of that would piss the man off.
You didnt mention the blowjob, but Levi was content with the disheveled hair, and the hickeys and bite marks littering his body, so he forgives you. 
He forgets about the blowjob after two months. You were more horny than usual, so the two of you were at it multiple times a week. He would end up too exhausted to hold any real dreams, including his nightmares.
Levi was okay with it.
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9 am. Levi, for the first time ever, was oversleeping. Of course when you woke up at 8 am, on your day off from training, and found your lover by your side, you couldnt help but be shocked. He was usually gone by 5 am to get to training. 
But you heard him woke up multiple times in the middle of the night. The nightmares were back. His shaky hands wrapped around you, and he panted into your neck, trembling like you've never seen before. You don't know what triggered it, but Levi seemed to have a really bad night. 
He deserves to sleep in. So, at fifteen past 8, you scamper to Erwins office and beg the commander for Levi to have a day off. He always did have a soft spot for you. For one, you brought happiness to humanities strongest, and also because his friend silently threatened him death if he was to mistreat you. Erwin agreed without much hesitation. 
You crawl into bed next to your lover, and begin to trace his content face. At least the nightmares were gone for the night.
Then, the realization hits you. This was the perfect time for you to finally do as promised.
You waited months because you wanted Levi to forget about your words. Of course, you assumed he forgot them after a couple of days, paying no attention to your promise, but you waited it out just in case. 
And now, the both of you dont have any plans today. A once in a lifetime experience, it has got to be.
So with one more glance at your lover, you kiss his cheek, hold back a small giggle, and slowly remove the blanket from his lap. Then, you slide yourself down on the bed, and carefully manevuer yourself in between his legs. He doesnt sleep with much attire, growing hot in the night. Plus with the addition of the cold sweat he often finds himself in, he learns that going next to bare was easier. 
You pull down his boxers, and are immediately exposed to a dark patch of hair. It's trimmed properly, but he prefers to have a little hair down their over being completely shaven. Something on the lines of protecting his dick from germs or whatnot. You dont listen to the details, only thinking about how hot it is.
The boxers make it past his thighs, and you glance back up at the man. He doesn't even seem to flinch when the cool air comes into contact with his skin. He snoozes peacefully into the pillow, his dark hair covering his eyes. 
His dick lays limp against his leg, and you pick it up slowly, careful to not wake him up. You run your fingers over it a couple of times, and then, holding the back of it with your fingers to support it, you run your tongue from bottom to top of the length. 
Levi doesn't move. You take that as a sigh to continue. 
Another stripe of the tongue, and then two more, and nothing happens. You grow bolder by the moment. You place his still soft cock into your mouth, and this time you do hear a reaction. Its a quiet sigh, but it was something. His eyes still remain shut.
Slowly, you begin to suckle on the tip, finding it easier to fit it in your mouth while soft. Your tongue roams the shaft, and you press sloppy, wet kisses to his veins. Blood rushes to his cock unconsciously, and Levi still has not stirred, even with his cock now hard. You chuckle with amusement, but dont stop your movements, now dragging your hands along his thighs to appreciate his body.
Levi was having a good dream. It wasnt like the past couple of nightmares, no, this one seemed to have a light hue. It was just the two of you, laying with your backs against grass. A open field, far away from everyone, and not a threat in sight. Titans were gone.
A peaceful world for the two of you. A world Levi craved. 
His hands trace your face, and he stares at you, admiring every crease and divot of your skin. You slide your way over toward him, leaning forward to kiss him. “I love you.”
He hums, eyes falling shut, as he wraps his arms around your body. “Yeah, yeah. Love ya too, brat.”
You giggle at him, and suddenly the smile on your face shifts. It turns soft, the tips of your mouth curling up in an almost feline way, while you eyes become hooded. He watches you lean forward and press your lips to his. The man doesnt stop you, gently kissing you back while your tongue slips into his mouth. Levi gulps when your hands trace down to his pants, and he quickly looks around the meadow, afraid to discover an unwelcomed guest. Of course there was nobody, it was a dream, not a nightmare. Your hand slips into his pants, and Levi’s back arches in the grass.
He twitches in his sleep and you smile fondly at the man. The tip of his cock rest against your cheek, as you admire him for a second too long, only to be rewarded with jolt of his hips from the source unknown, sending it slapping across your face. You hold back a laugh, and then grab at it again, mumbling out a, “Even a brat in your sleep, huh Captain?” 
You lean forward and wrap your lips around him again.
“D-Don't stop!” Levi groans out, hands clutching at your shirt while he squeezes his eyes shut. It doesn't stop the sun from getting past his eyelids, so he moves closer to you to hopefully block it out. You press your lips to his neck, nibbling at the space just beneath his ears.
“Would never,” You purr, and the man glances at your hand. His pants are pulled down completely now, and your pace was rutheless in its up and down motions. It sends him shivering, and covering his face with the back of his arm. He breathes through clenched teeth, and tries his best not to let out a whimper. The man hears your giggle, and before he could stop himself, the whine slips out.
The first noise of the morning was a low whimper. Not much, but definitely there, and unbelievably cute. You grip at his hips and try to take him deeper, but his hips thrusts back into your mouth with another paired whine. Your eyes widen, and you gag out at the unexpected movement, having to pull away to catch your breath. His dark hair whips back and forth, and he continues to make low mewling noises. “Huh, and you call me the pervert. What are you dreaming about, pretty?”
Levi moans into your mouth, wrapping his arms around your neck. His hips buck up into your hands, and you playfully bite his lip, earning a dramatic grunt in complaint. He grips your hair and pulls you back to his lips before you try and let out another teasing remark. Precum leaks onto your hand, and he swears that it provides more of the makeshift lube then usual. Your hand feels better than normal, strangely damp, and so warm. Did handjobs always feel this good?
He can feel his high approaching and his breaths come out quicker. “Gonna..cum. Fuck!”
You detach yourself from his lips. “No, no, no! Not yet!” You tease, voice light and almost giggly. It wasn't the first time you denied him of his release, but it was rare. You always di did pamper him. 
The man scowls at you, borderline on the cusp of baring his teeth. “Why?” He demands, short and simple, but shows exactly how peeved he is. Levi is more than surprised to feel that you didn't squeeze his cock in warning. No, still the warm, tight feeling, that does not make any sense to him.
“Can you do something for me first?”
A demand from you? Unheard of. “Get on with it, I-Im close”
Your hand movements become louder and louder, and it shouldn't sound like that. It's so lewd, and the squelching noise are never that loud. 
You press you lips to his ear, and a shiver runs down his spine at your breath, which is strangely cooler than usual. “Wake up, Captain.”
His eyes snap open immediately and he pants into the dark room. Levi hears it first, before he feels it. A loud slurping sort of noise, and the man feels his cock trapped between something warm, wet. 
A throat. Not a hand. 
He is quick to manevour himself to hold his weight on his elbows, and glances down at you, breaths coming out shallow and quick. You smile when you catch his eye, and for a second you pull away from him. You pepper his length down with kisses. “Well, well, good morning, sleepy head,” You mumble, letting another swipe of your tongue graze his thick blue vein. Then, with little hesitation, you dive back onto his cock, taking it as far as you can into your mouth.
“What are you–Fuck!” His legs instinctually bend outward, and his back arches. His head was still foggy in his half sleepen state. Was that all a dream? Was this real? He grips onto your hair, and does his best not to force you deeper onto his cock.
Levi could feel his orgasm approaching and rapidly, same as the dream. But this time it was real, and by god did it feel that way. His hips buck into your mouth and he lets out loud moans, tucking his face into the pillow to try and muffle them. 
He tries to ask for permission again to cum again, hoping that this time real you wouldnt lead him on. It comes out more as a command, but you just roll your eyes with a smile, the giggle in the back of your throat sending him spiral. 
“Cumming. Oh god. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He chants, and your eyes widen in shock, but you don't pull away from his cock. He was never the one to be polite in bed, the little brat was always barking commands and half hearted complaints. He must be really enjoying this treat if he was to thank you.
You dont have time to dwell on it much, because he forces your head lower onto his cock and cums into your mouth. You wince at the taste, but bear no mind to it as you watch your lover unravel. His back still continues to arch (which you will never get over) while his eyes are shut. The noises he lets out are soft, more of a mewl and a groan, but adorable nonetheless. His whole body trembles and his legs lay out wide, shaking under the force of the orgasm.
You pull away when he is done, and wipe your lips with the back of your hand. “Taste perfect as usual. Always so good on your diet!”
He rolls his eye at you, but it doesn't hold much bite considering that the man seemed to be basking in the post orgasm glow. “You are gross. I know that shit tastes bad.”
“Nope! Anything that the Captian makes is amazing”
He throws a pillow at your face, and you pout at him, a dramatic whine slipping past your lips. “Don't call me that, I am not even your Captain anymore, brat. And stop pouting!” He demands, pulling up his boxers before letting out a big stretch.
“Why are you so mean to me?” You complain, crawling forward to lay on his chest. “After I gave you head too!”
The frown does not drop from his face, but he does trace his fingers along your face. A silent token of affection that you purr into. “Took ya long enough. Thought you forgot about it.”
You fake hurt, taking in a dramatic breath. “Of course not! I would never lie to you.” The words are light, and holds a smile in them. “And hey, dont you think you are a little spoiled? Complaining that you got a blowjob too late.”
Levi doesnt even seem to react, his facial expression remaining neutral, and his words flat. “No ‘m not. Said thank you and everything.”
To this, you do nod, practically vibrating with affection to give. It was too hard to really be upset with him. “Super polite of you! I was so impressed!”
This does make him roll his eyes. “You really think low of me, huh?”
You poke at his cheek with a smile plastered on your face. “Aww cmon dont be dramatic again. You know I dont. Oh! Also, did it help with the nightmares?” You tease, knowing exactly what type of dream he really was having. “You sounded very….Scared in your dream.”
He seems to flush red, but alas, Levi was never the one to be on the losing foot. “....Yes. Seems like you are going to have to do this for me everyday. To stop the nightmares.”
You burst out laughing, and fail to see the small grin that creeps up the dark haired man's face.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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a/n: this is for a friend that celebrated a birthday this week. I hope it was a good one! 🎉
when it's mc's birthday | the demon brothers
2.6k words | nsfw | gn!reader | fluff and non-explicit smut
cw: my fav bias is showing again. mostly soft!demons. car sex; levi's tail gets its own warning; bathing together and bath tub sex; dream magic and implied dream sex.
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Lucifer plans your birthday with the utmost care. He booked a reservation at your favourite restaurant so that he can treat you to an intimate dinner. He remembered the various items you've pointed out to him in the past while browsing through the Devildom's shopping district. He went back and bought every single one of them, and they're already wrapped and tucked away in the back of his closet for later.
After he walks you home from the restaurant, there's a bottle of Demonus on ice waiting in his room. You share a toast while he watches you open your gifts. You kiss his cheek, eyes shimmery and warm with so much affection, and he can't resist the urge to kiss you properly. A soft, booze-sweetened kiss leads to another kiss, and another, and another after that. He strips your clothes off slowly, like he's unwrapping a gift of his own. He memorizes the sight of your body stretched languidly against his dark sheets. He almost feels selfish for a moment because he wants you so desperately, but the lust simmering in your gaze makes his heart race. He knows how much you want him too, and he's powerless to deny you.
The first time he makes love to you, it's heat and frenzied passion, the build-up of coy anticipation that finally boiled over. He reaches for you throughout the night between quiet conversation and short naps. Each time he pulls your body close to his again, his lips whisper tender confessions against the delicate shell of your ear while he worships your body with his over and over again.
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Mammon isn't very subtle. In the days leading up to your birthday, he asks random questions about things you might like or activities you're interested in. He wants to get a head start and beat his brothers to the punch. His fake nonchalance isn't convincing, but it's still endearing how much he truly cares. Who else should celebrate your birthday if not him? He's your first, and he's not going to let anyone else spoil you more than he does.
He tries to budget his money and curb his spending so he can afford whatever it is you ask for. If that fails, he takes on some less-than-prestigious part-time gigs for extra cash. You could ask him for the world and he'd find a way to scrimp and save and scavenge and steal if he has to so he can give you whatever you want. He doesn’t realize (or doesn't believe) that his company is what makes your birthday really special.
He dresses up nice and polishes his car to a high-shine to match your own stunning smile and natural radiance. It doesn’t matter what you wear because when he tells you how gorgeous you are, he’s so sincere. You outshine all the riches and jewels he used to dream about—now he dreams of you instead.
He takes you on a date that's sweet and light-hearted. He holds your hand and stares at you across the table with a dopey grin on his face when he thinks you're not looking. Once you're alone in his car, that boyish giddiness fades into something greedy and confident. You meet him halfway when he leans over to give you a kiss. When kissing isn't enough for either of you, you push the seat back so he can climb over and settle between your legs. He takes you apart in the cramped front seat of his car until your voice is hoarse and you push him away from sensitivity. The car smells musky with sweat and cum and he doesn't care that you made a bit of a mess on the seat. He palms himself on the drive home, and by the time you get to his room, he's eager to do it all over again in the comfort of his bed.
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Levi isn't sure what to do for your birthday, but you offer to plan a little outing for the two of you. All he has to do is keep you company, right? He braces himself with a mantra he repeats over and over in his head: do it for them, do it for them, do it and LIKE IT because you love them. It ends up being a lot more fun than he expects: a lunch date at one of the cafes you both like followed by a movie you’ve been excited to see. You don’t make fun of his sweaty palm when you hold hands in line to buy movie tickets and overpriced snacks at the concession bar. There's a cute plushie on display where they sell collectible merch. He buys that for you too and shoves it into your arms before you can protest.
He relaxes when you take your seats and the theatre lighting dims as the movie starts. You lean against his shoulder and he's glad you can't see how pink his cheeks are. Partway through the film, he decides he likes the movie, but not as much as he enjoys your warm fingers laced with his.
He jolts suddenly when you pull your hand away and slide your fingers onto his denim-clad thigh instead. Your fingers squeeze with the tiniest bit of pressure and he nearly gasps at the unexpected wave of lust that washes over him. He glances at you in confusion—you're still focused on the screen, but he can see the little smile curling the edge of your mouth. He squirms a little and pretends not to notice your fingers drawing lazy circle-eights across his jeans, inching higher up his leg when he doesn’t stop you. And you're right, he's not going to stop you. You run a fingertip over the growing bulge hardening against the zipper of his jeans, just as you feel his tail slide onto your lap and tease the sensitive skin between your legs.
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Satan decides to take a different approach when he sees how overwhelmed you are by his brothers' plans for your birthday. Sometimes simple is best and what could be more relaxing or romantic than your favourite home-cooked meal? He fusses in the kitchen until everything is cooked exactly to your liking, and the dish he serves you looks as good as it smells. His room is tidied enough so that a small table fits—he doesn’t want the others bothering you if he serves you in the dining room. There are dozens of candles that cast you both in an ethereal glow while you eat together. His room might not offer the rich ambience of Ristorante Six or the electric atmosphere of The Fall, but nothing outshines the romance he creates here, just for you.
Once dinner is finished and he tidies up the mess, he pulls you to your feet and wraps his arms around you in a slow dance. It's more like swaying back and forth together as a classical record plays quietly in the background. Candlelight flickers playfully along the walls of his room, and your face is painted by a mirage of shadow and flame. He eagerly traces those shapes on your skin with his tongue after he lays you on his bed, and by the time you're shaking and falling apart in his arms, you'll know how much he loves you.
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Your birthday is another chance for Asmo to spoil you. Throughout the afternoon, he leads you to each of his favourite boutiques in the Devildom's shopping district. He holds up dozens of clothes against your body and admires how the colours bring out your eyes or compliment your complexion or how luxurious the fabrics are. He pretends that he didn't pick all these out to show you (and buy them for you) in advance.
When he finally takes you to Majolish, his greatest gift is revealing that he personally designed this outfit specially for you. It fits flawlessly and even you think you look amazing. It’s obvious that he poured his love and passion into creating this for you when no one else ever has before. It’s almost overwhelming, the way his smile radiates warmth when he looks at you. His eyes burn with all the ravenous love he feels for you. He loses control of himself and kisses you, pressing you against the changing room wall and sliding his thigh between yours. He doesn't want to stop, but he doesn’t have the time or space to touch you properly here. When he pulls his leg out from between yours, he misses the searing heat of your body against his. Perhaps it’s for the best that he take you home first—he would hate to get stains on your new outfit so soon.
(He originally planned on taking you to The Fall but he changed his mind. He’s not in the mood to share you with anyone else tonight.)
When he takes you home, he leads you straight to his private bathroom and urges you to get undressed while he gets everything ready. He draws a warm bath and the steamy air clings to you both like a second skin. You feel self-conscious about being naked even though he stands before you, waist-deep in the bathwater and just as naked as you are. He takes your hand and pulls you gently into the water with him. He supports your weight when you lean against his chest and his hands start to wander over your body. His fingers leave a soapy trail up and down your spine. He cradles your neck and leans forward, capturing your lips in another kiss because he can't possibly wait anymore.
The kiss reignites both your desperate desires to touch and be touched. He walks you back towards the edge of the tub. When your back touches the cool marble stone, he reaches behind your thighs and lifts you onto the edge; he swallows your half-hearted protest with his lips moving greedily against yours. His mouth moves away from yours, ghosting along the curve of your jaw and down your neck while his fingers gently pry your legs apart. He bends his head low once you’re spread open for him, hot and trembling and all his. His eyes glow bright when you tangle your fingers in his hair, and it’s the last thing you see before he dips his head between your legs.
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It's not surprising that Beel plans to take you out for dinner on your birthday. It's a tricky proposition because it's easy for him to lose control of his hunger when he goes out to eat. He doesn't want his sin to ruin your birthday dinner, so he eats a meal's worth of food beforehand. Having a partially-full stomach means he's not going to be completely distracted by hunger—he wants to focus on you.
He likes taking you to nice restaurants and your birthday is no exception. You put on a new outfit he’s never seen you wear before, but it looks so good on you that he's drooling from the corner of his mouth before you even leave the house. The restaurant is cozy and everything on the menu sounds delicious. Your nose bunches up adorably when you can't decide what to order, and Beel suggests ordering one of everything. He laughs deep in his belly when you glance at him skeptically over the brim of your menu. His eyes are bright with mischief even though you know he's dead-serious. He simply grins at you from across the table and reminds you that he won't let the food wouldn’t go to waste.
It doesn't take long for your food to arrive. Beel enjoys watching you eat while you make little sounds of contentment between bites. He offers you food from his own plate to try. When your plate is empty, he worries you might still be hungry; he's only satisfied when you promise that you're close to bursting and completely full. He leads you out of the restaurant by the hand, and his other hand carries a bag full of leftovers to share with you tomorrow.
When he walks you home, he doesn't want to seem needy or presumptuous even though he's reluctant to end the night so soon. He pauses outside your door and kisses you softly, whispering happy birthday against your lips that still taste sweet from your dessert earlier. He can’t resist swiping his tongue across the seam of your mouth for one more taste, and the kiss deepens when you part your lips for him. You only break the kiss just long enough to open your door and pull him inside your room before slamming the door shut again. Your hands tug impatiently at his waist, and he shivers at the metallic clink of his belt buckle coming undone. He can sense hunger rising inside you again, and when he pushes you gently onto the mattress and covers your body with his own, he realizes your appetite is as insatiable as his own.
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Belphie doesn't mind if the others want to take the initiative and plan your birthday party. He prefers it that way, actually. When his brothers ask for his input, he recommends something casual at the house, nothing too fancy. He wants you to be happy and relaxed and spoiled where you can be comfortable.
He sneaks into town to buy you a gift before the party, of course—something you mentioned to him in passing once that was too expensive for you to justify buying at the time. He and Beel wrap the presents they bought you in their room. Belphie's present looks insignificant compared to the large pile of gifts stacked near your birthday cake. He's not worried, especially when your eyes light up when you open it. You're just as appreciative of his small gift as you are of the others you receive. He knows you so well.
(You keep the contents of his card to yourself: a reminder that he has something special to give you later.)
Sometimes when he takes you to the attic for bed, he falls back against the mattress and waits impatiently for you to crawl on top of him. There's no hint of his lazy smugness tonight though. His hands are gentle but efficient when he strips your clothes away first before taking off his own. He follows you down onto the bed and smothers your body with his. The soft mattress cushions you when he grinds against you, and it squeaks from the force of his thrusts when he rocks inside you too. Your skin is littered with the little marks he sucks and nibbles into your skin. He cleans you with a warm, damp cloth after because your thighs and belly are covered in a sticky mess of you and him. He takes care of you with so much tenderness. You’re already snoring lightly by the time he's finished, and he cuddles against you with a yawn.
Shortly after you fall asleep, you dream of him. It’s a shared illusion between you conjured with the sleepy brand of magic he commands. You writhe against him in your sleep as the embers of lust continue to burn deep inside you. When the dream ends, you both wake up and instinctively reach for each other as the remnants of the dream fades away. He kisses you breathless despite your stale morning breath. You whimper against his mouth and he rolls over until you're underneath him again. After indulging in a night of dreamy, lustful sins, you're both still desperately eager for more.
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read more: obey me masterlist
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r0-boat · 2 months
Whb kingley group chat and reader
Sfw and NSFW sprinkled throughout but this is mostly just crack
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[Beel summoned Satan to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Mammon to the group chat]
Satan: Oh, are we actually doing this?
Beel: yur
[Beel summoned Lucifer to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Belphegor to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Asmodeus to the group chat]
Lucifer: an interesting way to improve political relations, very well My interest has peaked.
Mammon: agreed it would be useful to have all of you at my fingertips.
Satan: That sentence pisses me off and I don't know why.
Mammon: is there something wrong with having easy access to your possessions 🤨
Satan: Al'right adding 'beating your ass' to my list of things to do today
Asmodeus: kinky.
Lucifer: Asmodeus I thought you were on earth?
Asmodeus: I am, it's lovely here by the way, but the cell phone service is relatively lackluster compared to hell, so that I won't be talking here as much.
Mammon: speaking of my possessions Beelzebub You have forgotten Leviathan.
Beel: Actually no I haven't you'll see why.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
Satan: LEVI!!!
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Satan: LOLOL
Mammon: I don't know why I'm surprised.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Lucifer: if he does not wish to be in the group chat that much then don't add him.
Beel: nah cuz if he's not added then I won't hear the end of it later. That kind of shit drives him crazy.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Satan: Wait I have an idea.
Satan: add him again.
Beel: Aight
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
Beel: Levi is still typing quick Satan!
[Satan summoned MC to the group chat]
Mammon: lmao he stopped typing.
Beel: btw Thank you for that I was going to add them anyway.
Satan: no problem! Happy to help you annoy Levi
Leviathan: if you annoying Fucks what me to waste my time so badly then so be it!
Lucifer: That is not why you stayed...
Mc: ??? What's happening?
Satan: we planned a group chat about a decade ago and we're finally doing it. And we thought you would like to join us! :)
Mc: ooh! I hardly see all of you together like this!:3
Mammon: Master seems extremely happy and excited we will not disappoint you.🥰
Belphegor: 👋
Mc: Hi Belphie
Satan: Oh? did the king of sloth just wake up?? 😏
Belphegor: Actually i've been awake for the past 30 minutes my phone wouldn't stop going off
Mc: I'm surprised you didn't have your notifications turned off.
Belphegor: They were but i turned them on when i got your phone number
Mc: Aww! 🥰
Satan: regretting giving you a phone suddenly.
Mc: You can pry out of my cold dead hands♥️
Mammon: the current phone MC has is so outdated I could get you many more up-to-date models. Ones with advanced AI features are all the rage in tartaros
Mc: no thanks I'm not interested in anything with AI
Mammon: 😭 I understand Master
Asmodeus: I would assume that phones on Earth would have a hard time connecting in hell just as much as hell devices have a hard time connecting on earth.
Asmodeus: Hi sweetheart, sadly I won't be able to talk to you very often but we will soon have a more proper meeting.
Leviathan: I don't think Asmodeus and MC should be in the same room.
Satan: for once Levi, I agree with you.
Beel: they're combined horniness will be enough to take out heaven hell and earth
Lucifer: lol
Mammon: All hail King horny of the three realms
Leviathan: All hail
Lucifer: All hail
Satan: All hail
Beel: All hail
Belphegor: all hail
Mc: Y'all are such assholes
Satan: That's like 90% of my personality
Beel: you like it
Leviathan: demons are assholes and the sky is blue, What are you expecting??
Mammon: Master, I, for one, do not mind if you actually start your crusade.
Asmodeus: Don't listen to them dear They don't understand our power 😈
Lucifer: is this what an 'inside joke' is? It was actually quite funny.
Asmodeus: honestly I should be jealous of you guys, while I'm on vacation you guys are having all the fun...😔
Mc: Don't worry, will have plenty of time to make it up for the lost time.🫣
Leviathan: DIE.
Lucifer: ... I'll prepare your medical bed preemptively.
Beel: Make sure you film it.
Mammon: without me 😔 smh
Belphegor: y'all are so funny I think I might like it here.
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mammon-s · 5 months
I feel like Levi is usually pretty subby but when his envy and jealous bubbles up too much he definitely gets rough and kind of mean.
Cw: my first longerish writing so it’s kind of rough, gn reader, poly reader, Levi is mean calls you a slut & whore, slight dub con possibly (reader says he’s being too rough but he doesn’t slow down) but he gets subby and apoplectic after everything lol
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Seeing Solomon brush your hair from your face as you lean over a spell book together, causing you to get flustered.
Seeing Belphie cuddling up next to you on the couch resting his head on your lap as you play with his hair.
Seeing Mammon come out of your room with that smug look on his face, smelling like you, like your cum.
He can’t take it anymore.
He has you on your bed, laying on your back grasping at his shoulders and moaning as he fucks into you hard and fast. “I can’t fucking believe you.” He snarls as he grabs your hips roughly. “You act like a fucking slut with all my brothers, with Solomon too, and you even managed to slut it up with an angel, and you expect me to not get upset?” You let out a choked cry, “I’m sorry Levi! Please it’s too much slow down!” He narrows his eyes, “You don’t care when they are rough with you. I know you don’t, I hear you moaning like a whore when my brothers are rough with you.” You can’t manage to say anything in response instead just letting out a soft whimper. “That’s what I thought.” You start to feel that familiar build up to release deep within you as he continues to roughly pound into you. “Levi I’m going to cum! Please!” You moan out, gripping him harder. “Me too.” He groans. “Going to fill you up with so much and leave it dripping out of you so everyone knows you’re mine. ”You cum with a loud moan as he digs his nails into your hips giving one final thrust as deep as he can and spilling into you. He collapses on you, burying his face in your neck. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was too much! Are you mad at me?” You let out a short breathe and stroke his head. “No Levi it’s ok, I actually kind of like it when you get all rough and jealous.” He picks his head up to look at you, his cheeks covered with a soft flush. “Really?” You give him a kiss on the forehead. “Yes! It’s hot when you take control.” He hides his face back in the crook of your neck before picking it back up again. “Um… what I said about keeping it inside of you… can you actually do that for me?” His face even redder now. You grin at him “of course I can. Hand me my clothes.”
The whole rest of the day Levi smiles to himself whenever he sees you walk past one of his brothers. The face they make and the glare they shoot at him when they smell his scent on you and his cum leaking out of you. Lucifer was bound to give him a talking to later tonight but it was worth it to have everyone know that at least for today you are all his.
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lost-in-lamentation · 7 months
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a moment of respite.
the brothers have nightmares, but you're there.
all brothers × gen!reader (separate. you/your).
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sloth slips into your room without a sound, footsteps muffled against the floor as he climbs onto your bed. with more hesitance than usual, belphie places a hand on your shoulder, timidly shaking you until you blink your eyes open. he stares at you awkwardly, hints of shame and fear flitting across his expression, but as you hook your arm around his neck, belphie melts into your hold. sometimes, the one who is in charge of dreams needs someone else to take control.
═  ˎˊ˗
not yet asleep, you hear shuffling and what sounds like sniffling coming from the kitchen. you can't deny the curiosity or the concern that bubbles up inside you, so you make your way over to find none other than beel. he rummages through the fridge half-heartedly, eyes lined with red and stifling the occasional sob. you step into the kitchen as you knock on the doorway to announce your presence. you walk up to him carefully, and as soon as you're in reach, beel grabs you and pulls you close, relieved that there is something other than food to bring him comfort.
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the fifth born knocks on your door with the usual energy, but when you come face to face with him, you see the light in his eyes has been snuffed out. you invite him inside, guiding him to sit on your bed before flicking your lights off. only when asmo is confident that you can't see him do the tears begin to fall. you feel around in the dark for him, wrapping your arms tight around his waist as he clutches at your clothing. and even now, at his lowest, asmo now knows that you accept him today, and will accept him tomorrow, tears and all.
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the doorknob to your room turns with alarming speed, but as it quickly as it does, it returns to its original position, and you hear a soft rapping of knuckles instead of the click of a door. you call them to come in, and when satan finally reveals himself to you, you can't help but clamber off the bed to move towards him. there is anger, sorrow, confusion, and helplessness clouding his gaze, all brought together by the tears that slip down his cheeks. gently, you take his face into your hands, thumbs swiping away at the tears as he shows you that he is much more than just wrath.
═  ˎˊ˗
your phone wakes you up with a series of notifications, all coming from one place. you rush over to levi's room, reciting the password as quick as you can before pushing the door open. to your dismay, you find levi trembling in the tub he uses for a bed, his hands white knuckled as he curls in tightly around himself. your heart twists when he calls out your name, his voice smaller than usual. you pad over to the side of the tub, prying his hands away from himself to take them into yours, running your fingers over his as you remind him that you'll always be here.
═  ˎˊ˗
the door is slammed open with a bang, your heart nearly jumping out of your chest when suddenly there is a pair of arms nearly choking you in their embrace. the light that floods into your room from the hallway reveals the head of white hair that is now pressed into your shoulder, and you realise quickly that your shirt is becoming damp. you take a second to ground yourself before bringing your own arms up to envelop mammon, one of your hands playing with his hair as you pull him down to lie next to you. mammon doesn't say anything, but you know he'll be okay as long as you don't let him go.
═  ˎˊ˗
lucifer doesn't bother to knock, and simply opens your door to find you sitting at your desk. when you see the fear that fills his gaze, you quickly shuffle over, coming to a stop in front of him. your own fear is mirrored in his eyes as you raise your hand to cup his face, the other slowly trailing down his side until it lands on his waist. at your touch, lucfier unravels, a quiet sob breaking free from his chest as lowers his head. you meet him in the middle, pulling him to rest his head on your shoulder. his heart, marred by everything that haunts him, finally feels clear as it beats in tandem with yours.
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a/n: idk man i can't sleep
reblogs are really appreciated (´ω`) ♡
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koolades-world · 2 months
can i request MC randomly staring at them, and when questioned abt it, MC responds with something similar to “sorry you’re just so pretty” or maybe “do you know how pretty you are?”, or anything else like that with satan, solomon, barbatos, and lucifer?
side note completely unrelated to the headcanon: if i was sent to hell to hang out with the most beautiful men in existence, i don’t think i would be able to stop staring. you know? and i think they need some more compliments and praise. luci, that poor old man working and trying to keep the boys out of trouble 24/7. i don’t think i even need to explain mr. barbs, bro lives, eats, and breathes his job. AND BOTH OF THEM STILL LOOK BEAUTIFUL DOING IT. my excuse for adding solomon and satan is just that they’re pretty and they need to know it. i am just yapping at this point but if i was MC i would probably start with mammon and levi. it has probably been centuries since mammon has heard anything positive said about him and levi is just literally the epitome of insecurity. OOH and maybe even prioritize asmo while we’re at it, someone has got to tell him that his looks are not his only lovable trait 😭😭idk, am i allowed to ask for your opinions on silly questions outside of the headcanon request?
hello!! it's totally fine to ask my opinion on non-headcanons requests <3 it's so fun just getting to rave about things like that and it's always great to get the creative juices flowing haha. if you and other readers ever want to do this, feel so free!! i'd love to chat with you guys about the reason we are all gathered here today haha
you are so right anon. you are so incredibly based because omgod what the hell how are you all Adonis????? if I got teleported suddenly to the Devildom like that, I think I might pass out because hello??? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with so many gorgeous people? how are they so effortlessly attractive 😭 all of them need positive reinforcement and i think we would all jump at the chance to be their cheerleaders haha. knowing me, I would try to call them pretty and stumble over ever single word in the process, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
cute request btw!!
enjoy <3
Mc calls Lucifer, Satan, Barbatos and Solomon pretty
he was probably working but you somehow managed to get him to take a rare break
you’d brewed him his favorite; hell coffee. the smell plus youe big puppy dog eyes did the trick
he kind of expected you to want to chat, but to his surprise, the two of you sat mostly in silence
when he asked what the matter was, since you loved to talk during his breaks, the last thing he expected was for you to call him pretty
he blinks a couple times and stares at you back
he couldn’t get many words out, but he did manage to say thank you
as he sips his oh so bitter coffee, he couldn’t help but smile and wonder how he got so lucky
he probably acted like he expected it and responded smoothly while behind that put together, suave expression was a overthinking mess haha
the cafe you were at was busy, so the two of you were patiently waiting for your drinks
he was telling you all about the book he’d finished reading this morning, but you weren’t engaging with him like you usually do, so he asked if something was wrong
when you told him you were distracted by how pretty he was and how his excitement only made him even more attractive, he knew the perfect counter
despite that well timed and ready compliment back, he still found himself thinking about and getting bashful over your words
thankfully for him, your drinks finally arrived and the conversation took a different turn
but he won’t stop thinking about what you said
he doesn't notice you spacing out at first
he's in the middle of cooking dinner, and is currently refusing to let you help because you're his guest
in the middle of multitasking, he finally notices your eyes on him
he didn't stop working but he called out to you, asking if something was wrong
after you told him you were just admiring his beauty, he thinks about your words but continues to work
your words and unfaltering gaze actually managed to fluster him
congratulations :) you’ve done the impossible
he thinks you’re joking at first actually
being silly and poking fun playfully is just so very him and he was probably in the middle of doing just so
maybe the two of you were attempting to do some homework or just lounging around together
you said that he was pretty so suddenly that he didn’t really register what you’d said so when he treats it as a joke, you repeat yourself
now you’ve got his attention and he makes you repeat it one final time
he calls you a cutie, or something along those lines and continues his fun banter, but you notice his lingering, adorable grin
it’s moments like this that make you realize you should tell him just how pretty everything about him was
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cntloup · 10 days
Levi x pregnant!reader
fluff, Hange being too excited :)
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"oh my god! you'll be so big and round! so cute! much more beautiful than you are now!" Hange exclaims at you in sheer excitement.
ever since you announced your pregnancy, she's been super excited about it, even more than the two people involved it seems.
"hey! stop hitting on my wife, four-eyes!" Levi shouts from the other side of the yard while tending to his horse.
he finally finishes his work and walks up to the two of you sitting on the chairs around the table on the porch.
"can't help it. you've got such a gorgeous wife." Hange says with a wide grin as Levi takes a seat beside you.
"I know." he murmurs, eyes locked onto yours and his thumb swiping over your cheek as he leans in to kiss your lips.
he's been trying to open up more and he's come so far with your help.
that's why he doesn't really care if there is an audience present when he shows his affectionate side.
you’ve had such a huge and strong impact on his life and he believes that he could achieve anything with you by his side.
Hange squeals in excitement as you deepen the kiss and wrap your arms around Levi's neck.
"beat it, perv." Levi says, disdain visible in his voice as he stops for a moment to look at Hange enjoying the show a little too much.
"hey! I'm just excited and happy for you guys." she pouts and stands on her feet to leave.
"whatever..." Levi gestures with his head for her to leave quickly, then turns to you again after she does.
"where were we?" he asks with a smug grin when he looks at you and locks your lips together again as you giggle into the kiss.
and in moments like this, he feels truly alive and grateful for everything he has, and most of all for you.
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sonamytrash · 7 months
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I missed you
Warnings: Sex, vaginal penetration, breeding, breeding k1nk, vaginal fingering, fem receiving, fem reader, female anatomy used and described, rough sex, possessive behavior, dirty talk, squirting, creampie, multiple orgasms, mentions of pregnancy.
A/N: No plot, just smut.
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Levi cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure as you sauntered into his office, a mischievous glint in your eyes as always. "You've finally decided to grace me with your presence. Do you have those reports?" He asked nonchalantly, trying not to make his excitement too obvious having not seen you in three weeks. He couldn't help but tease you, even as his heart raced a little faster in his chest.
You roll your eyes, your lips curling into a playful smirk. "Oh, shut up, Levi. They're here." You say, waving them and placing them neatly onto his desk.
Levi glances at the clock. "I suppose it isn't quite 6 pm yet, so they aren't late." He says with a hint of amusement.
You chuckled softly, your gaze never leaving his. "Yes, but that's not why I really came, is it?" You say taking a step towards him.
He smirked, rising from his seat and taking a step towards you as well. "No, I don't suppose it is." You both stood there in the dim light, just inches apart. He could feel the desire rising between the two of you, thick and palpable. He reached out to brush a strand of hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear. Levi finds himself staring into your eyes, "I've missed you," he managed to croak out. An unusual display of affection for him. It had only been a few weeks that the scouts were away. You knew he was the most likely to return of anyone, but it didn't stop you from worrying each and every time. Being without him was always agony.
Your breath hitched, and eyes fluttered shut for just a moment as you lean into his touch.
"Levi..." You murmur, your voice husky. He leans in closer, his lips mere millimetres from your own. "I've been thinking about you..." Your words trailed off. His hand moved lower, cupping your cheek before sliding down to your neck, where he gently tugged on your collar, revealing the smooth skin beneath.
"Have you now?" he murmured, his voice laced with desire. He leaned in closer, your bodies moulding together perfectly as his lips brushed against your earlobe. "And what have you been thinking about?" He moved his hand to the small of your back, drawing you even closer.
Your response is a low moan that vibrates through him. "Things I shouldn't," you whisper, your fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. "Things I want to do, things I want you to do to me." You paused, your lips parting as you take a shaky breath.
He seizes the opportunity and leans down, pressing his lips against yours, his tongue plunging into your mouth with fervour. The kiss deepens, his tongue dancing with your own. Tugging your shirt over your head, revealing your soft, full breasts to his hungry gaze. Levi moves his mouth down to your breasts, taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking gently enticing a moan from your lips.
He lifts you onto his desk, your bodies tangled together in a frenzy of need and desire as he trails his hands over your body again, feeling every curve and dip before finally hiking up your skirt and sliding your underwear from your hips. He reaches between your legs. "You're so wet," he murmurs, his finger tracing over your folds. "Do you want me like this? Do you want me to breed you like a bitch in heat?"
He pushes your legs apart and lowers himself before he buries his face between them, his tongue sliding over your clit. His finger slides inside you, curling to find your g-spot.
"You're so wet for me," he growls. "You're practically begging for it, aren't you?" He thrusts his finger harder as he talks, pushing you closer to the edge.
Levi slides a second finger into you, feeling how tight and wet you are. Pumping them in and out of you rhythmically. "Tell me you want it," he growls. his mouth closing over your clit. He flicks his tongue quickly over it, making you shiver with pleasure.
You whimper under his touch. "L-levi, I want it, I want you."
He drives you wild with pleasure, his skilled tongue and fingers working you expertly until you're writhing with need. Finally, unable to hold back any longer, you come with a loud cry, your body shaking with ecstasy.
"God, you're nasty little pussy is sucking me in, it's so fucking tight" he murmurs, as he continues to plunge his fingers into your needy cunt, letting you ride your orgasm out on his hand, moving his fingers over your folds. "So goddamn ready for me."
He reaches down, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants, revealing his aching erection. Your hands work at the buttons of his shirt, eager to feel his skin against your own. Reveling in the sight of his muscular chest, the trail of hair leading down to his pubic hair and beautiful cock. You wrap your hand around it. "Let me feel you inside me," you whisper,
Levi groaned at your words and the sensation of your grip around him, his hips moving of their own accord, pressing against your slick folds. "You're so fucking sexy." he says, his voice husky with desire. "I love hearing you beg for me like this." With one swift motion, he impales you on his length, filling you completely as you moan loudly in a mixture of pleasure and pain. His breath coming in ragged gasps as he feels your tightness engulf him.
You arch your back, crying out as you digg your nails into his forearms as he buried himself to the hilt, he's big and thick, stretching you to your limits, but it feels so good. He begins to move in a rhythm that is both primal and desperate. "You're so fucking tight," he murmurs, his eyes meeting yours. "It's going to feel so good when I come inside of you and fill you up."
Levi hisses as he looks down at the sight of his cock moving in and out of you, feeling the tightness of your body as your pussy tried to milk him. He could feel the heat building inside him, feel his release growing closer with each thrust. The tip of his cock pressing against your cervix as your legs wrapped tight around his waist, arching your body to meet his own.
He pounds into you relentlessly, his body slick with sweat. He's completely focused on making you feel good, on using his member to fill you up and make you scream with pleasure.
He's rough and unrelenting, his hips slamming against yours with an almost bruising force. But you don't mind - in fact, you love it. You love the feel of him inside you, of being fucked in such a desperate and animalistic way.
He sets a punishing pace, driving into you with all the pent-up desire he's been holding back for the time you've spent apart. Your breasts bounce with each thrust, and you can feel yourself approaching another orgasm with frightening speed.
You feel your eyes roll backwards as you beg him to go harder and faster to take you until you can't take it anymore.
He is more than happy to oblige, reaching inbetween your legs to play with your clit, pounding into you with a ferocity that leaves you gasping for air. You come a second time, your body shaking as you cry out in pleasure, fluid squirting onto his cock and mixing with the already sodden mess where your bodies were joined.
Levi looked down at you, your eyes half-closed, lips parted, moaning incoherent words, and knew that this was it. This was what he wanted. Deep down, he loved you. He drove himself deeper inside of your cunt, feeling the tightness yield to his invasion, feeling your body quiver as you cum around his cock.
"Fucking insatiable aren't you? Did you miss my cock that much?" He asks proudly, you whimper and nod, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes from the overstimulation. "Y-yes, I missed your cock so much, I missed you." You mewl as he continues his assault on your body, smirking as he wipes your tears from your eyes "Come on princess, you can take it, you're doing so well."
He grips your face as he leans down to kiss you, his tongue exploring your mouth as he continues to pound into you. You can feel his muscles tensing.
sweat beading on his forehead. "So fucking perfect. This is where you belong, with me." Your body begins to tense again at his words and the anticipation of him filling you. "You're going to look so beautiful when your belly is swollen with our baby." He says, as his hands grip your hips tighter. "Come for me," he says, his voice low and intense. "Come for me again and I'll fill you up with my cum."
Your body convulsed, muscles tensing so tightly around him that it felt like you were trying to milk every last drop of his seed from his balls. Cries of pleasure filling the room as your juices spilt over you both as you came, your body squeezing around him as a hot, salty liquid splashed against his skin.
Levi smirked at the sight of you, his thrusts become rougher and more intense as he approaches his climax, as he feels your walls clenching around him, watching you cum around his cock again. Finally, with a loud groan, he spills himself inside you, his body pulsing with pleasure as he fills you up, your name rolling beautifully off his tounge.
He collapses on top of you, both of you breathless. He pulls you into his arms, kissing you deeply. "I love you." he murmurs against your lips. "I'll always come back to you."
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