cntloup · 12 hours
one-night stand Simon can't help the inevitable
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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‘What are you doing to me?’ you think to yourself as you reach and grab your phone from the counter for the hundredth time, grappling with the thought of calling him or not. 
You stare at the screen for a few minutes and decide to finally dial his number. 
“Hey.” his deep voice reaches your ear after four rings, “Hey, Simon!” you say a bit too excited, then mentally slap yourself for sounding too eager. 
“Sorry to bother you. Just wanted to ask... if you... umm... would want to go out for dinner... together... on Saturday?” you ramble and shake your head and let out a quiet sigh, ‘Why the fuck am I being so weird?’ you think. 
“ ‘s no bother at all. Yeah, I'd like that.” he responds and you sigh in relief, a wide grin forming on your lips. 
“Great. See you then!”, “See you, dove.”  
You almost melt on the spot when you hear the nickname. 
He arrives at your place and the moment he walks inside, you’re all over each other, dinner long forgotten. 
Your hands roam around his body, exploring the expanse of his scarred skin, evoking soft moans, almost whimpers from his parted lips while he sloppily, desperately kisses your eager lips. 
The feeling of your skin softly, yet passionately caressing his, your warmth surrounding him and seeping through his soul invokes the emerging of a foreign, obscure sensation from deep within his heart, a feeling he only now realizes he’s always longed for. 
He can barely contain himself anymore as the warm tingling feeling in his core only increases by the second. 
You both quickly and desperately get rid of the confines of each other’s clothes and throw them somewhere on the ground.
His arms wrap around your waist and lift you up only to place you down on the bed before he climbs on top of you. 
A rough hand seeks the plush of your hips until it finds shelter on the soft flesh, extending his palm over your skin and grasping tightly while the other rests beside your head to support his weight above you. 
His eyes are fixated on yours, burning with the seething flames of desire and it is as though time stops, his rough and rugged, scar-adorned features portrayed in the faint, soft moonlight, the pale light delicately caressing his skin. 
“You’re beautiful, Si!” you confess in all honesty, your heart nearly bursting out of your ribcage at his sight. 
His cheeks heat up and his breath hitches in his throat, “Don’t be mistaken, dove. You are the beauty... and I'm the beast.” he states in his deep, gravelly voice, making the ever-increasing heat in your core abruptly rise up to the point of being almost unbearable. 
You're completely trapped under his bulky weight and fully exposed before him and you happily surrender to him in that moment. 
“Take me now, Simon!” you breathe out while pulling him in to kiss his lips with the fervent passion roaring in your heart. 
And he accommodates your wishes without hesitation, eagerly ravishing your body as you devour him ravenously in return. 
He's fully concentrated, observing your body’s reactions to him, utterly determined on your satisfaction, his body entirely dedicated to you as he gives in to your insatiable desire for him. 
He sets a steady pace, providing deep thrusts of his broad hips onto yours, fueling the already raging fire inside you as moans of his name erupt from your throat, overlapping with his deep growls of sheer pleasure. 
You squirm and writhe beneath him while massaging your breasts, his hand traveling the distance between your chest and throbbing heat, calloused fingers rubbing your swollen clit, stimulating your sensitive body even further. 
You both chant harmonious songs of pleasure, lost in a distorted haze as he brings you to the edge and you’re both surmounted by the euphoric floods of your orgasms.  
You lay there in each other’s arms for a while as his mind wanders around the unfamiliar notion of this newfound feeling that you have given rise to. 
Your soft snores rattle him out of his thoughts and he slowly shuffles out of your embrace. 
He gathers his clothes and puts them on, looks at your sleeping form one last time before taking his inevitable leave... he knew from the start this would never work out. 
It nearly rips his heart out of his chest, but he has to... he can’t stay... for your own sake. 
He reflects on all the emotions you have invoked inside him, but he notices the deeply ingrained solitude inside him... it would never work out between you. 
He walks back home, trying to detach himself from you, your touch, your kiss, your warmth, yet unable to detangle the strings of your souls that have been woven together... he can’t help his heart that was once unreachable, but is now in your inescapable captivity. 
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cntloup · 12 hours
one-night stand There's no use fighting it
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Your heart crumbles in your chest as your arm hits the empty, cold side of the bed, “Simon?” you softly call out, but there is no response. 
You groggily walk out of bed and search everywhere, but he’s nowhere to be found... he’s left... and you wonder why. 
You decide to call him against your better judgement and it goes straight to voicemail. 
The moment you hear the beep, your mind goes blank and the words die down in your throat. 
He stares at the phone, the sound of your breathing filling his ears, until a sob escapes your lips and the line goes dead. 
He shuts his eyes and runs a hand across his face, sighing in frustration, anger bubbling up inside him until he’s unable to overcome it and grabs the glass of whiskey on the table and throws it against the wall, the sound of glass shattering blending with his blaring shout. 
He paces the room for a while, huffing and puffing in exasperation at himself. 
He crouches down to gather the pieces of glass, not caring... not even noticing the blood running through his fingers and dripping down on the ground. 
He clenches his fist, the glass cutting deeper into his skin and he sobs, feeling utterly broken now more than ever, all the pain and torment that was once locked up far away, now emerging from deep within. 
He can never be with you, fulfill your wants and wishes. He can never give you the life that you deserve. 
You deserve far better than him, not the shell of a man who’s broken beyond repair, a ghost. 
But he can’t help it... he can’t shake away the image of your heavenly beauty, the sound of your voice calling out to him, the feeling of your tender touch as your fingers softly danced over his scars, something he hadn’t felt in a long time, maybe ever. 
And he eventually gives up the futile fight. You have entirely captivated him, and you own his heart and soul. 
You open the front door upon hearing the continuous knock... at 4 a.m. 
Your eyes widen at the sight before you, his bloodshot eyes burning through you, his cheeks dampened with the tears he has cried... over you, something he never thought possible. 
You open the door wide enough for him to pass through, gesturing for him to come in. 
He sits on the couch and places his head in his hands without a word. 
“Simon?” you call out in a gentle tone, as if not to scare him away. 
He lifts his head to look at you through glossy eyes, fresh droplets of tears dripping down his face. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask, your voice laced with concern as you kneel in front of him. 
“I... I d-don't know!” he whispers in a weak and shaky voice, he’s terrified... of you... of the emotions seething inside him... of what you do to him. 
“It’s ok...” you murmur as you cradle his head against your chest, softly caressing his nape. 
“What is happening to me?” he asks in between hiccupped sobs, “What do you mean?” you question as you slightly pull away to face him. 
“You make me feel things I've never felt before!” he responds, stunned and baffled as all the blooming emotions course through him. 
You offer a soft smile, “You too, Simon! You make me feel things I've never felt before as well!” 
“Really?... what does this mean?” he asks, “This can’t happen...” he says with a shake of his head and stands to walk towards the door. 
“Where are you going?” you ask, surprised at his sudden reaction. 
You follow him as he reaches the door, “Wait!” you nearly yell, “What?” he turns to you almost angrily.
“We can work this out... I know... this is hard for you... as it’s hard for me...” you try to reason with him and make him stay. 
“I can’t do this.” he shakes his head, averting his eyes from you. 
“What? You can’t just leave!” you almost cry, “I- I can’t! Please make it stop!” he pleads while shutting his eyes and sighing in frustration. 
“Why?” you ask, stepping closer to him and cupping his face in your hands, “I’m no good for you.” he says, finally opening his eyes to look into yours. 
“That’s not for you to decide!” you retort, a playful smile making its way to your lips. 
“You bloody minx! What are you doing to me?” he whispers and returns the smile while leaning in to capture your lips with his. 
“Give into it, Simon! It's futile to fight!” you state while pulling away breathless, gazing into his glinting eyes. 
He rests his forehead against yours and sighs deeply, there’s no use fighting it anymore. 
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cntloup · 18 hours
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He's had enough of your bratty attitude
"Don't make me put you over my knee!"
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cntloup · 23 hours
tired of smut tbh😩😭 send ideas pls🫣🙃 (im working on the previous ones as well dont worry😚)
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cntloup · 1 day
Thinking about Simon swaddling your waist with his muscular arm and pulling your body closer to his until you’re fully flushed against him, so he can feel all of you. Like all of a sudden sensing this urge to feel you. And he takes your jaw in his rough, calloused hand, his thumb brushing over the soft skin while his blazing gaze burns through you. And he crashes his lips onto yours, kissing you with such fiery passion, all the fierce love and devotion he holds for you in his once deemed cold, dead heart that you have melted over the years, seeping through his lips and flooding into your heart and soul. All the while holding you tightly against him to make you feel all his love, all of him. Until you’re left feeling dizzy and floaty, breathless in his arms as his eyes fixate on yours once again, taking note of the knowing look in your eyes. And you know this is his way of showing how much he loves and adores you without any words.
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cntloup · 1 day
one-night stand There's no use fighting it
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Your heart crumbles in your chest as your arm hits the empty, cold side of the bed, “Simon?” you softly call out, but there is no response. 
You groggily walk out of bed and search everywhere, but he’s nowhere to be found... he’s left... and you wonder why. 
You decide to call him against your better judgement and it goes straight to voicemail. 
The moment you hear the beep, your mind goes blank and the words die down in your throat. 
He stares at the phone, the sound of your breathing filling his ears, until a sob escapes your lips and the line goes dead. 
He shuts his eyes and runs a hand across his face, sighing in frustration, anger bubbling up inside him until he’s unable to overcome it and grabs the glass of whiskey on the table and throws it against the wall, the sound of glass shattering blending with his blaring shout. 
He paces the room for a while, huffing and puffing in exasperation at himself. 
He crouches down to gather the pieces of glass, not caring... not even noticing the blood running through his fingers and dripping down on the ground. 
He clenches his fist, the glass cutting deeper into his skin and he sobs, feeling utterly broken now more than ever, all the pain and torment that was once locked up far away, now emerging from deep within. 
He can never be with you, fulfill your wants and wishes. He can never give you the life that you deserve. 
You deserve far better than him, not the shell of a man who’s broken beyond repair, a ghost. 
But he can’t help it... he can’t shake away the image of your heavenly beauty, the sound of your voice calling out to him, the feeling of your tender touch as your fingers softly danced over his scars, something he hadn’t felt in a long time, maybe ever. 
And he eventually gives up the futile fight. You have entirely captivated him, and you own his heart and soul. 
You open the front door upon hearing the continuous knock... at 4 a.m. 
Your eyes widen at the sight before you, his bloodshot eyes burning through you, his cheeks dampened with the tears he has cried... over you, something he never thought possible. 
You open the door wide enough for him to pass through, gesturing for him to come in. 
He sits on the couch and places his head in his hands without a word. 
“Simon?” you call out in a gentle tone, as if not to scare him away. 
He lifts his head to look at you through glossy eyes, fresh droplets of tears dripping down his face. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask, your voice laced with concern as you kneel in front of him. 
“I... I d-don't know!” he whispers in a weak and shaky voice, he’s terrified... of you... of the emotions seething inside him... of what you do to him. 
“It’s ok...” you murmur as you cradle his head against your chest, softly caressing his nape. 
“What is happening to me?” he asks in between hiccupped sobs, “What do you mean?” you question as you slightly pull away to face him. 
“You make me feel things I've never felt before!” he responds, stunned and baffled as all the blooming emotions course through him. 
You offer a soft smile, “You too, Simon! You make me feel things I've never felt before as well!” 
“Really?... what does this mean?” he asks, “This can’t happen...” he says with a shake of his head and stands to walk towards the door. 
“Where are you going?” you ask, surprised at his sudden reaction. 
You follow him as he reaches the door, “Wait!” you nearly yell, “What?” he turns to you almost angrily.
“We can work this out... I know... this is hard for you... as it’s hard for me...” you try to reason with him and make him stay. 
“I can’t do this.” he shakes his head, averting his eyes from you. 
“What? You can’t just leave!” you almost cry, “I- I can’t! Please make it stop!” he pleads while shutting his eyes and sighing in frustration. 
“Why?” you ask, stepping closer to him and cupping his face in your hands, “I’m no good for you.” he says, finally opening his eyes to look into yours. 
“That’s not for you to decide!” you retort, a playful smile making its way to your lips. 
“You bloody minx! What are you doing to me?” he whispers and returns the smile while leaning in to capture your lips with his. 
“Give into it, Simon! It's futile to fight!” you state while pulling away breathless, gazing into his glinting eyes. 
He rests his forehead against yours and sighs deeply, there’s no use fighting it anymore. 
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cntloup · 2 days
one-night stand Simon can't help the inevitable
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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‘What are you doing to me?’ you think to yourself as you reach and grab your phone from the counter for the hundredth time, grappling with the thought of calling him or not. 
You stare at the screen for a few minutes and decide to finally dial his number. 
“Hey.” his deep voice reaches your ear after four rings, “Hey, Simon!” you say a bit too excited, then mentally slap yourself for sounding too eager. 
“Sorry to bother you. Just wanted to ask... if you... umm... would want to go out for dinner... together... on Saturday?” you ramble and shake your head and let out a quiet sigh, ‘Why the fuck am I being so weird?’ you think. 
“ ‘s no bother at all. Yeah, I'd like that.” he responds and you sigh in relief, a wide grin forming on your lips. 
“Great. See you then!”, “See you, dove.”  
You almost melt on the spot when you hear the nickname. 
He arrives at your place and the moment he walks inside, you’re all over each other, dinner long forgotten. 
Your hands roam around his body, exploring the expanse of his scarred skin, evoking soft moans, almost whimpers from his parted lips while he sloppily, desperately kisses your eager lips. 
The feeling of your skin softly, yet passionately caressing his, your warmth surrounding him and seeping through his soul invokes the emerging of a foreign, obscure sensation from deep within his heart, a feeling he only now realizes he’s always longed for. 
He can barely contain himself anymore as the warm tingling feeling in his core only increases by the second. 
You both quickly and desperately get rid of the confines of each other’s clothes and throw them somewhere on the ground.
His arms wrap around your waist and lift you up only to place you down on the bed before he climbs on top of you. 
A rough hand seeks the plush of your hips until it finds shelter on the soft flesh, extending his palm over your skin and grasping tightly while the other rests beside your head to support his weight above you. 
His eyes are fixated on yours, burning with the seething flames of desire and it is as though time stops, his rough and rugged, scar-adorned features portrayed in the faint, soft moonlight, the pale light delicately caressing his skin. 
“You’re beautiful, Si!” you confess in all honesty, your heart nearly bursting out of your ribcage at his sight. 
His cheeks heat up and his breath hitches in his throat, “Don’t be mistaken, dove. You are the beauty... and I'm the beast.” he states in his deep, gravelly voice, making the ever-increasing heat in your core abruptly rise up to the point of being almost unbearable. 
You're completely trapped under his bulky weight and fully exposed before him and you happily surrender to him in that moment. 
“Take me now, Simon!” you breathe out while pulling him in to kiss his lips with the fervent passion roaring in your heart. 
And he accommodates your wishes without hesitation, eagerly ravishing your body as you devour him ravenously in return. 
He's fully concentrated, observing your body’s reactions to him, utterly determined on your satisfaction, his body entirely dedicated to you as he gives in to your insatiable desire for him. 
He sets a steady pace, providing deep thrusts of his broad hips onto yours, fueling the already raging fire inside you as moans of his name erupt from your throat, overlapping with his deep growls of sheer pleasure. 
You squirm and writhe beneath him while massaging your breasts, his hand traveling the distance between your chest and throbbing heat, calloused fingers rubbing your swollen clit, stimulating your sensitive body even further. 
You both chant harmonious songs of pleasure, lost in a distorted haze as he brings you to the edge and you’re both surmounted by the euphoric floods of your orgasms.  
You lay there in each other’s arms for a while as his mind wanders around the unfamiliar notion of this newfound feeling that you have given rise to. 
Your soft snores rattle him out of his thoughts and he slowly shuffles out of your embrace. 
He gathers his clothes and puts them on, looks at your sleeping form one last time before taking his inevitable leave... he knew from the start this would never work out. 
It nearly rips his heart out of his chest, but he has to... he can’t stay... for your own sake. 
He reflects on all the emotions you have invoked inside him, but he notices the deeply ingrained solitude inside him... it would never work out between you. 
He walks back home, trying to detach himself from you, your touch, your kiss, your warmth, yet unable to detangle the strings of your souls that have been woven together... he can’t help his heart that was once unreachable, but is now in your inescapable captivity. 
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cntloup · 2 days
18+ MDNI
Ghost punishing you for being a bad bad girl and not listening to him... idk man whatever
He's pulled your panties aside and hovers above you, slapping your slick, wet pussy.
"What did I tell you? Huh?!" he snarls, grabbing your jaw to make you look into his eyes which are flaming with rage and lust, "I'm... I'm so s-sorry, Si!" you say in a breathy voice.
You'd blush and shy away at the sound, the heavy impact of his big palm against your soaked cunt... if you weren't too far gone.
"P-please, Si!" you whine pathetically, not knowing if you're pleading for him to stop or already stuff your desperate, begging pussy.
The sound of your whiny pleas blend with the wet smack of his hand on your pussy while you nearly drool and lose your mind over the aching pleasure.
"You like this, don't you? Huh?! You dirty, dirty girl! You like it when I slap your pussy, yeah?!" he chuckles at your dazed state, "Y-yeah!" you gasp as another harsh spank is delivered to your soaking wet folds and he rubs his palm on your cunt in a somewhat soothing manner to calm the soreness.
He can't take it anymore, almost cumming at the mere sight of you, plush thighs spread open and your pretty pussy sopping wet with your desperate arousal.
He takes his throbbing cock out of his sweatpants and strokes the leaking tip over your waiting folds before slowly, teasingly easing into you.
His thick cock effortlessly slides into your warm, welcoming walls, taking him in and enfolding him entirely.
You both moan as the warm sweet sensation floods through your bodies.
His fat veiny cock fills you up real nice, stretching you out to your absolute limit.
And he doesn't even hesitate to pound into you mercilessly from the get-go.
He fucks you with such force and vigor that you think you're gonna pass out from the razing mix of pain and pleasure.
You're a whimpering, drooling mess beneath his bulky weight as his meaty cock jams into your slick cunt, his husky groans floating beside your ear.
"Come on, love. You gonna cum f'me?" he rasps out while your moans get higher in pitch paired with your squelchy walls tightly clasping down on him.
The tingling feeling pooling up in your belly, soon ruptures into all-consuming flames that wash over your whole body.
And his gravelly growl of absolute euphoria fills your ears as he fills up your needy womb with his warm cum.
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cntloup · 2 days
Simon saves you from some creeps
Price's version
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Simon would not hesitate to beat them up right on the spot.
Usually he would shield your eyes and take you away from the scene of violence if you ever come to face one.
But the moment he sets eyes on some creep getting too close and making you uncomfortable, he sees red.
He drags him away from you and throws him on the ground, then crouches down and starts beating the shit out of him.
You sob and wail, begging him to stop, but not for the sake of the fucking loser who made the mistake of touching Simon Riley's princess, to hell with him.
But for Simon's sake. Even though you know deep down this is nothing to him. He's done far worse than this.
But you still wouldn't want him to go into all that trouble or hurt himself for you.
Amidst the sound of throwing punches mixed with your yells, when the bloody prick is nearly unconscious, Simon finally comes to his senses by the sound of your voice.
He gets up and grabs the car keys from his pocket, then hands them to you and tells you to go sit in the car and wait for him to take care of the mess.
And you take them with shaky hands, looking at him through glossy and dazed eyes, 'ok' you breathe out and turn to leave, feeling dizzy and light-headed from all that happened before your eyes.
Simon walks back and grabs the creep's bloody jaw and makes him beg for mercy, shouting and spitting in his face.
And of course the fucking creep starts begging right after his whole life flashes before his eyes.
But there is no mercy from Simon's wrath, his bloodshot eyes throwing flaming daggers at the poor bastard as he knocks him the fuck off with one final brutal punch to the face.
And he comes back to you after he thoroughly cleans up his hands, not wanting to touch you with the dirty blood still lingering on his skin.
'You ok, dove?' he asks, sitting on the driver's seat and taking your hand in his.
'I-I'm fine. Are you... ok?' you ask, always holding a deep concern for his well-being as he does for yours.
'Yeah' he responds with a light chuckle, 'I'm alright, love. No need to worry about me.'
And he holds your hand all throughout the drive back home while reassuring you and promising that he will always protect his girl.
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cntloup · 3 days
Price saves you from some creeps
Simon's version
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thinking about Price taking you on a drive after he picks you up from some shady bar to keep your mind off the creeps.
when you called him in a panic, uncontrollable sobs and hiccups escaping you while you tried to explain what happened, he felt his blood boil with pure rage.
"I'm on my way, sweetheart." he said to you and he was there in about 10 minutes, then found your shaking figure hiding in the bathroom.
"Shh, baby. It's ok. You're safe now. I'm here." he coos softly in your ear while holding your trembling body in his arms.
he calls the lads to get in there and teach them a lesson while he takes care of you.
he'd be more than happy to do it himself, knocking their asses off for daring to touch his princess.
but he needs to take care of you. you're his priority. he has to take you away from there asap.
"Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" he asks, "I-I'm f-fine... I got in here to hide as quickly as I could." you respond through sobs and gasps for air.
"Good girl." he praises and kisses your forehead before placing a hand on your back to guide you to his car.
he takes you to your favorite places after roaming around the city for a while, "I'll take care of it, baby. Don't you worry about it one bit." he promises, his hand gently caressing your thigh, his touch warm and comforting.
he tells you funny stories and sings along to some old tunes and plays your favorite songs to distract you.
and when that gorgeous smile of yours finally returns, painting your beautiful face, he smiles proudly and reaches over to gently trace his fingers along your chin and jawbone, cooing softly "There's my girl!"
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cntloup · 3 days
🌙BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 🌙
HIIII THANK YOU LUVIE AHH YOU'RE SO SWEET😭💋🫂 take care baby luv ya🩷🌸
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cntloup · 3 days
This is so random but like I'm not native in English and before I knew of Ghost, I didn't knew the word balaclava. And so my brain always ' corrected ' it to Baklava 😭 (and it still does)
Anyways, here are some flowers and imaginary hugs for this nice pookie here (you) 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵️💐💮🪷🪻🤭
hello hellooo my love thank you so much baby here are some virtual hugs and kisses to you🫂💋♥️💋🫂
also SAMEEE it's always been baklava in my mind too baby dw you're not alone🤭😭🤣
ilysm pookie take care💋💋💋♥️♥️♥️🫂🫂🫂
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cntloup · 3 days
Simon meets a pregnant woman whose bf dumped her
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
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cntloup · 3 days
Simon saves you from some creeps
Price's version
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Simon would not hesitate to beat them up right on the spot.
Usually he would shield your eyes and take you away from the scene of violence if you ever come to face one.
But the moment he sets eyes on some creep getting too close and making you uncomfortable, he sees red.
He drags him away from you and throws him on the ground, then crouches down and starts beating the shit out of him.
You sob and wail, begging him to stop, but not for the sake of the fucking loser who made the mistake of touching Simon Riley's princess, to hell with him.
But for Simon's sake. Even though you know deep down this is nothing to him. He's done far worse than this.
But you still wouldn't want him to go into all that trouble or hurt himself for you.
Amidst the sound of throwing punches mixed with your yells, when the bloody prick is nearly unconscious, Simon finally comes to his senses by the sound of your voice.
He gets up and grabs the car keys from his pocket, then hands them to you and tells you to go sit in the car and wait for him to take care of the mess.
And you take them with shaky hands, looking at him through glossy and dazed eyes, 'ok' you breathe out and turn to leave, feeling dizzy and light-headed from all that happened before your eyes.
Simon walks back and grabs the creep's bloody jaw and makes him beg for mercy, shouting and spitting in his face.
And of course the fucking creep starts begging right after his whole life flashes before his eyes.
But there is no mercy from Simon's wrath, his bloodshot eyes throwing flaming daggers at the poor bastard as he knocks him the fuck off with one final brutal punch to the face.
And he comes back to you after he thoroughly cleans up his hands, not wanting to touch you with the dirty blood still lingering on his skin.
'You ok, dove?' he asks, sitting on the driver's seat and taking your hand in his.
'I-I'm fine. Are you... ok?' you ask, always holding a deep concern for his well-being as he does for yours.
'Yeah' he responds with a light chuckle, 'I'm alright, love. No need to worry about me.'
And he holds your hand all throughout the drive back home while reassuring you and promising that he will always protect his girl.
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cntloup · 3 days
My favorite fics of yours:
1. Are you really ok?
2. do you remember?
3. together at last
4. super angsty blurb
(my taste is so obvious damn)
ah i see... i see... another angsty heart... me too bbygurl me too😭💔
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cntloup · 3 days
so... umm... what's your fav fic of mine?👀🤭🙃
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cntloup · 4 days
one-night stand
First date
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