#realistically i wouldn't think it was spencer
tommyboweinabowtie · 5 months
Tommy Bowe Roast in the Smosh the Sitcom Live - After-Show
"I'm Tommy Bowe and the one time I smoked weed I kissed one of my fellow cast members at a party. Now that we had a Smosh marriage, there's room for new speculation and ships. Please include me!"
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snarkylinda · 2 years
The true criminal mind was the person (s) that said "hey let's have Spencer have the sweetest relationship with kids, downright admit he wants his own....and then say no 💜"
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strawberrytoki · 1 year
Closer than anticipated
(Spencer Reid x Reader)
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Summary: You and Spencer visit the unsub's suspected place of hiding to investigate, but his unexpected return forces the both of you into a cramped closet. The forced proximity then leads to an...accident.
Content: mentions of arousal, descriptions of murder
Word count: 1,247
a/n: I heavily imagined early seasons Reid for this one (specifically s2) Also this is heavily inspired from that one scene in teen wolf.
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The clock's slender hands couldn't have been moving any slower, and the BAU's members couldn't have been more stiff with tension and anxiety.
The team had decided to send you and Spencer to Cedric Marlin's hideout, since you were both the BAU's most observant members, and the team needed every last bit of evidence to finally catch the criminal. He was the prolific eye-gouging unsub that the BAU was finally able to zero-in on after months of meticulous investigation. The team didn't want to make any arrests just yet, since they wanted a solid case, so you and Spencer were in charge of gathering as much evidence as you can.
The parameter was under surveillance by your fellow team members, and you and Spencer were treading lightly, slowly preparing yourself for whatever was inside this man's place.
You entered the premises, Spencer cautiously following suit. You immediately noticed that the house was dingy and damp, suiting its inhabitant. The stench of what you could only assume was rotting human flesh wafted throughout the house, causing both you and Spencer to physically recoil.
"We'll definitely find all the incriminating evidence we need in here." Spencer started making his way down the hallway, following the increasingly strong stench. He stopped at the entrance of the last room on the left and adjusted his glasses, mouth agape with a mixture of curiosity and shock.
You caught up to him, only to eventually mimic his reaction yourself.
"This must be where he keeps all his souvenirs." He inched closer to the stacked mason jars, filled with a preserving liquid and what you both concluded were the eyeballs of his unfortunate victims.
"unmatched depravity..." Spencer walked around the room in an attempt to find more evidence.
"Anything catch your eye?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Ha Ha." He sarcastically chuckled, a playful smile sneaking up on his face afterwards.
The investigation felt like a twisted game, each time one of you found a piece of evidence, the other would somehow find something to one-up the previous discovery in terms of depravity.
After what seemed to be hours of probing into this psychopath's lair, you and Spencer figured that you'd gotten everything you needed, and were about to head out. Just then, the sound of a cacophonous creak in the door sent a quick chill through both your spines. You knew it wasn't any of your teammates, since they wouldn't break protocol like that, and they didn't need to.
If there's anything this line of work has taught you, it's to always assume the worst case scenario. You were a realist, this was no gust of wind. It was him, and you both knew it.
You slowly craned your neck to Spencer, who appeared just as perplexed as you were. His mouth was agape and by the calculative look on his face, his mind was probably running at about a thousand thoughts per minute, trying to figure out a way to get both of you out of this mess unscathed.
You stealthily maneuvered around the room to get a proper perspective on the unsub, and Spencer was right behind you, his calm breath landing near your ear.
He slinged his plastic bag, that you did not want to know the contents of, on the kitchen counter. He had a leather eyepatch covering his left eye, and his clothes were covered in grime and reeked of filth.
Much to your horror, the unsub started making his way towards your location, and you needed to think fast if you didn't want your eye sockets to be what remains in your casket.
"We need to find somewhere to hide before he gets any closer." You faced spencer and slowly started backing away, a worrisome expression on your face. Spencer nodded and carefully followed suit.
You frantically looked around, knowing that the time you had to spare was decreasing by the millisecond. Finally, your eyes landed on a small closet near the corner of the room. The door looked like it was on it's last leg, but beggars can't be choosers. You quickly held Spencer by the wrist, yanking him forward. Both of you then squeezed into the cramped closet, and were facing each other. Neither of you dared let out a sound.
Spencer didn't seem all that uncomfortable, but you still tried to maintain as much space between the two of you, since you knew how he felt about physical touch.
Through the cracks of the closet door, Spencer saw the unsub pack a larger ice pick than what he usually used to disfigure his victims, and a bunch of other weapons. "This is a drastic change in MO, he's either evolving or this is his endgame..." you tried to fully process what he just said as you nodded in agreement, but the proximity was simply too distracting. However, you admired how observant he was even in times of stress.
A few minutes passed as the two of you were observing the unsub, just then, you felt something relatively hard poking you, and as the realization that Spencer had an erection dawned upon you, you felt the color leave your face.
You slowly lifted your face to face Spencer, and it looked like he'd rather be anywhere on earth but here. Even though the confined space was dark, you could tell his flustered face was as red as a tomato, and he was bent on avoiding eye contact.
"I'm...so sorry-" he blurted out.
"It's alright." you interrupted him. You tried to ease the tension by reminding yourself that he had no control over it, but that only did so much. "I'll just turn around." You then shuffled around the very limited space to face the front, with your back to him. At least then, you wouldn't have to face him.
"Uh...that's not helping." You both scratched your heads in frustration and confusion. This was clearly not the time and place for such a bodily reaction and you both knew it, but you couldn't help but get flustered over it as well.
You then realize that the unsub must've been hard of hearing, as there's no way he would've heard all the shuffling and not done a thing if he wasn't.
Just then, you felt your radio device turn on and couldn't be more relieved. It was Hotch trying to get an update, and you readily filled him in. It was only a matter of time before they entered the premises with the S.W.A.T team.
You then heard the door being broken off its rusty hinges, probably courtesy to Morgan, and judging by the altercation near the door, you concluded that the arrest has been made. You then felt yourself letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding, and pushed open the closet's door, feeling a welcoming, slight breeze of air.
Spencer then reluctantly faced you, his cheeks stained with an adorable shade of pink.
You decided to help him out a bit and break the ice.
"This wasn't how I imagined this investigation would go..." you awkwardly chuckled as you both made your way outside.
"No...me neither." He looked up to the sky, his eyes slightly squinting. He was probably just glad this was all over, for more reasons than one.
You, on the other hand, weren't planning on letting this go that easily, and were definitely planning on taunting him by bringing this incident up in case he ever got smug with you.
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multi-fan-girlie · 6 months
hotch and angry seeeex would be sooo nice
Bratty behaviour
Authors note: this is my first time writing proper smut which is probably very obvious - I'm not sure if its any good please tell me and suggestions are open!!
genre: fem! reader x Aaron hotchner smut
warnings: rough sex, use of 'slut' semi bad writing (idk)
summary: hotch is having Angry sex with you since you where being a Brat
word count: 304
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Aaron was hovering over you. The sounds of your moans were like music to his ears.
He murmurs softly, "This is what you get for being a brat," and begins to kiss your forehead and trail open-mouthed kisses down your body. His nails pierce your side as he roughly jerks his hips into you. After you made a few flirty remarks to Spencer and bratty replies to Aaron, he quickly dragged you to the car, where he drove you home and stripped you down to your bra since you were acting like a brat and wouldn't put on panties.
“a-Aaron i-im sorry” you whimper out barely a whisper “i…im gonna c..” before you can even
Get your words out he clamps his hand over your mouth. 
“Nuh uh you're a little brat. You don't get to cum till i give you permission” he grunts slamming his hips into you as your moans and groans fill the room as he chokes you a slight bit “your such a little slut flirting with spencer like that, thinking i won’t get jealous”
Realistically you were being a brat to get pinned down your sex life with aaron has been quite vanilla recently and you knew flirting with spencer and being a brat would get you exactly what you wanted 
“mk..im sorry aaron let…let me cum..please” you groan softly as he places his palm down on your lower stomach
“Be a good girl and cum for me” he practically hisses chasing his own high while helping you reach yours as your walls tighten around him causing his own release soon.
“Thats it…good girl” he huffs quietly as he cleans you up gently taking care of you placing soft gentle kisses on your cheeks
“I forgive you baby” he speaks softly making you feel warm and cuddly
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sofiareidings · 1 year
Falling For You
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Summary: Spencer is completely oblivious to how madly in love you are. That's it. Warnings: fluff and swearing.
A/N: I feel like this idea has been done before, so if I subconsciously copied a fic, let me know!! Also, I didn't mean to do it, but this story is technically spencerxgn!reader so. Also, i'm back!! Another story is coming out at 9pm EST, so be ready!!!
Word Count: 0.9k
Song Suggestions: Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
You two clicked immediately. It was strange, you were both so opposite. I guess that's what made it work. What he lacked you made up for and reversed. Not many other people knew much about your personal life except for him. Your favourite thing about him was his words. Everytime he rambled about the most random times you could listen forever.
Whenever he looked at you, you melted. When he smiled your face burned from blushing. And whenever he talked you just wanted to kiss him. But you had no clue if he felt the same. For a genius he was quite oblivious to your flirting and comments. If he liked you he definitely had a good way of hiding it.
There was only one issue.
The movie was about halfway through and you made sure to turn the couch into a bed, Spencer had come over to watch it with you. If someone asked you tomorrow morning what the movie was about you wouldn't be able to say, he'd been talking the whole time.
"...That actually isn't correct," He started, moving his hands around for emphasis. "In the wild, there are two formally recognised lion subspecies. The African lion is found in Africa, south of the Sahara desert. The Asiatic lion exists in one small population around Gir Forest National Park in western India. Wild lions in the west and central Africa are more closely related to these Asiatic lions in India than to those found in southern and east Africa. So realistically the characters would be..."
Listening to him talk was like heaven, but at the same time it was hell. He just looked so huggable.
No, kissable. The butterflies in your stomach made you giggle, he paused and frowned. Looking like a lost puppy.
"What? Did I say something wrong?" Stumbling over the words as he spoke, you stopped laughing and grabbed his hands while smiling.
"No, no you didn't. It was just…cute." You muttered.
"Thank you?" A confused look on his face when he responded. Your heart shattered a little, that was obvious wasn't it? Did his feelings not reciprocate? "Oh! Also, manes on male lions tell a story. Male lions grow impressive manes the older they get. These manes grow up to 16 cm long and are a sign of dominance. The older they get, the darker their manes go. As well as attracting females, their manes may also protect…"
His words trailed off again and he stared at you. "You keep being weird. You're all red. Did I say something wrong? I know that sometimes I speak for too long and I go on and on, which annoys people-" He sighed, "And I'm doing it now. I'm sorry."
"No, please. I love when you talk. It's calming." Grinning, you continued, "So what about protection?"
"Oh, um…manes can also protect their neck and head from injuries during a fight." He slowed down his speaking, like he was a little self-conscious about his words now. When he stopped talking everything was silent, except for the sound of the movie quietly playing on the TV in front of you.
"Spence? What's wrong?" Tilting your head and looking at him, he was staring at the TV but he didn't seem to be watching it. Just thinking, his eyebrows furrowed like they normally did while he was deep in thought. "What are you thinking about?"
"Have you been flirting with me?" He blurted out, looking back up and at you. You almost jumped, not expecting that question.
"What?" Still in shock it took you a minute to respond. Letting the silence fill the air again, he didn't speak. He just stared, waiting for an answer. "I-What would you think if I was?"
"I would've wished I'd noticed sooner." He sighed, making that puppy-dog face you loved. Neither of you really knew what to do and sat there for what you would believe could've been hours.
"Fuck it." You breathed out and as if he knew what you were thinking as well he leaned in at the same time as you, kissing you softly. After a couple seconds you felt his hands wrap around your face, holding it as he kissed more.
Your hands didn't know where to go, after a couple more seconds they finally found their place, one around the back of his neck and the other tucked around his waist. Pulling you closer to him.
A couple seconds later you both moved away from each other, only long enough to catch your breaths and muttering random words. Before you knew it the both of you were back to kissing, to make up for how long you guys spent not kissing.
The longer it went the closer to each other you got, his one hand started to slide down your neck and then your waist when suddenly your hand hit a button and the movie that was still playing turned up to full volume.
Both scrambling for the remote he managed to shut the TV off, surrounding you both in the darkness of the night.
The two of you continued to kiss every once in a while but it didn't take long for the darkness to make you both sleepy and you ended up just cuddling. You fell asleep with your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. He had one hand holding you close to him, as if someone was coming to steal you away. The other hand tracing up and down your back until he too, drifted off to sleep.
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pathologicalreid · 2 months
„i'm trying to come to terms with the fact that people will not like how this part goes…“
Excuse me? What is there to dislike?
So first of all I‘m so happy that this kind of confrontation finally happened and Reader being able to, rightfully, throw their feelings at Spencer!
Also I really liked Spencer first coming up with JJ being married and her children instead of not wanting someone else than Reader because I do believe that it’s just plain realistic, even if it hurts hearing that as the first reasons to why he wouldn’t go after JJ.
I truly believe him that he doesn‘t want JJ though!
Also really love how considerate Reader is, not using the word crazy, reassuring him he‘s not a violent person, it just makes it all so raw
Now he still hasn’t answered what his truth would have been and I have several ideas but one is more hurtful than the other and I‘m just excited to see what you‘ll make out of it, if it is brought up again ofc!
So he finally proposed and wanted to do so for a year, now I hope that’s true and not some lie, even though I think he wouldn’t lie to Reader especially after that confrontation but you never know.
I dread the confrontation between JJ and Reader a little more, it could end well, it could end bad all I know it‘ll hurt real good!
Anyways sorry for yapping what I wanted to say is that every chapter is truly written so so good and I love this series a lot! Thought about this concept from time to time but never really found it written until you and I love it so so much, thank you for sharing this with us!! <3
i keep getting called out for my author's note on that part and i think my problem was i had just been staring at it for so long that i started to despise it + i genuinely didn't realize that many people actually read my author's notes so thats on me
i'm bored at work so let's break this down!
i'm glad you liked the confrontation! at first, this part wasnt going to even exist! i was going to go straight from "awakenings" to the next part but i knew how i wanted the story to end and i knew i wouldn't get there if i didn't let reader speak her mind
i feel like the first thing people think of when it comes to cheating is the other person, so it's not necessarily a case of that's the first thing he thought of it's more of a case of oh, her poor husband type of thing
it would have been so easy for reader to call spencer crazy/insane and just ignore his feelings after the police showed up but i like to think the fact that she took a step back and made sure he was alright really speaks to the love the two of them have for each other
we'll find out his truth soon! i think a lot of people are leaning toward thinking the worst of him and that's not it. it's more akin to reader's truth and less "yeah actually i am in love with your sister" because 1. i am jeid's biggest hater and 2. you will never catch me breaking up the lamontagne family
the confrontation between the sisters is so good. i'm so excited for people to read it.
don't apologize for yapping!!! i love a good yap sesh, my inbox is always open for a chat!! i <33
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aliteralsemicolon · 2 months
Hey there,
I totally get where you're coming from about Spencer being a fictional character open to interpretation. Fiction gives us the freedom to explore characters in new and unique ways, and it's part of what makes writing fanfiction so fun and fulfilling.
The beauty of fanfiction is that it allows us to explore different facets of a character that we don't always get to see on screen. That said, I do believe there’s a line between creative interpretation and taking a character so far from their established traits that they become unrecognizable.
Yes, the show has inconsistencies, and no character is written perfectly at all times, but there’s a difference between exploring new dimensions of a character and ignoring their fundamental nature. Just like any well-crafted character, Spencer has a set of core traits that make him who he is, and deviating too far from those can sometimes feel off-putting for readers who love him for those exact reasons.
Writers should absolutely have the freedom to explore and reinterpret characters, but it’s also fair for readers to expect some level of consistency with the established canon, especially with such a well-defined character like Spencer Reid.
Hi lovely, while I agree with you to a certain extent I think you also have to keep in mind and be honest to yourself about what those traits are. Here are Reid's canon established traits that don't change throughout the show and a long ramble (let me know if I missed anything):
IQ of 187
eidetic memory
can read 20 000 words per minute
carries a brown satchel everywhere
loves: reading, play chess, excessive sugar in coffee
can count cards (banned from ever casino in Vegas)
tendency to ramble / go on tangents
socially awkward (this decreases as the show progresses, also circumstantial to the situation he's in)
germaphobe (inconsistent, Mathew shakes hands on camera when Reid normally wouldn't. also changes slightly after the prison arc)
Fear of being perceived as mentally ill, having schizophrenia especially.
Those are the one's I can think of right now, but the list for established (as in set in stone, these traits don't change at all throughout the show) traits is pretty short. Anything else you associate to him changes throughout the show and depends on the season.
They're not very defining in terms of Reid as a whole human being, because like I said, people are complex. The traits above do not explain how he would behave in every aspect of his life.
For example: I get anxious in social settings with large groups even when everybody in that group is my friend but I'm very confident when the friend groups become smaller. And I don't behave the same way with any partner I have as I do with my friends. A lot of the traits my friends associate with me aren't there when I'm with my partner.
Anything traits outside of those mentioned traits (minus a couple I may have missed) can't be counted as "established" traits because they're either fan associated or change with the season of Reid (S2 and S5 Reid are not the same). Expect consistency, by all means, but also be realistic about your expectations for that character.
The conversation here is about the random hate and unhelpful criticism towards fanfic writers because certain readers don't agree with the writer's portrayal. It's unnecessary and a waste of everyone's time when they could just not read that writers work. And really entitled behaviour considering this is content they're getting for free.
Now I'm not going to go and reply to every single reblog on the original post I made (every single one had such a valid point and I agree with them all), but I will quote the genius @/lavenderspence (she takes after our husband Reid, look at those stats)
"As of today, there are 4497 fics under the Spencer Reid/Reader tag on AO3, 1509 fics under the Aaron Hotchner/Reader tag, and ONLY 236 fics under the Derek Morgan/Reader tag. There's more than enough fanfics out there for you all to find the right one FOR YOU, without BASHING SOMEONE ELSE'S representation of the character."
That's it from me about this topic, I think I've said everything I've needed to.
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resizura · 8 months
hi, i am putting this on anonymous because i am shy. what are some themes you would like/wish the remakes to expand on?
I'm answering this late I am very sorry
SO this is a lot for me to think about and hopefully i can keep it concise because I tend to ramble
Put under a 'Read More' because this will be super long
To start, I think that I just wish Capcom wouldn't be so lukewarm with its themes. This is probably the biggest problem because (to me, at least) it can't focus on what it wants to tell the audiences.
They are obviously trying to make the series way more "serious" and yet they completely tone down its foundational messages. Sure some of that has to do with the more actiony tone it took after RE4, but let's just back up to the original trilogy.
RE1, RE2, and RE3 were essentially a three-part and yet self contained story that followed a small cast of police officers (save claire and carlos) during the zombie apocalypse. An apocalypse that was caused by corporate greed and the need to capitalize and profit off of scientific research for militarization purposes. While a little silly and outlandish in the final product, the three games (especially 2, IMO) have great storytelling and execution of its themes. Umbrella and Raccoon City Police are corrupt, and there are terrible ethics surrounding BOWs.
Now compare that to the remakes. Now, RE1make is my favorite remake because it kept the original feel and look to the game, kept the story relatively the same, and improved on it in terms of voice lines, graphics, and gameplay. The only major change is adding Lisa Trevor, who I think is a great addition because we get to follow the Trevor family through the game and get a look at how Umbrella exploited them and made them into monsters, a personal touch on something hard for us to comprehend.
RE2make and RE3make on the other hand.... well now we have around 20 extra years of Resident Evil to influence these and if you're familiar with my blog, you'll know that story wise, I do not like these games (especially RE2make). These games changed so much of the original story to make them more "realistic" and in the process, sort of lost the plot. Too many times in the modern remakes, things happen that hint to something from the original games but overall? It's not there.
As an example, I want to go over specifically how the police chief Brian Irons is portrayed. In the original game, the player learns little bits about him through files. We know he's dangerous, violent, and has been taking bribes from Umbrella. The bribes are to help him have control over the city. He was highly influential in the Spencer Mansion cover up, where his main role was shutting down STARS so they wouldn't be able to investigate the incident. He worked directly with William and Annette Birkin and took bribes to prevent police from investigating the sewers so their lab work was undisturbed. In RE2, we see him spiraling because "Umbrella destroyed his beautiful town." He traps and kills police officers and innocent civilians, basically rants to Claire about how power hungry he is and he is the one who gets to choose who lives and dies in his police station. Basically, we see point blank that Irons is egotistical and wants nothing more than to keep that power for himself. A corrupt police chief who shows how money and power twist a person for the worse.
In RE2make, he is reduced to just a sick man who physically beats up the young female characters and just wants to torture people. While the bribes are still (briefly) mentioned in this game most of Irons' character is now "Look at how sick this guy is! Isn't he scary? Wow! He's so scary isn't he?" There's nothing about his need and desire for power and control over his city and police station (hell, he leaves the police station 3 seconds after he's introduced!). Sure, you could argue it's implied, but this is a perfect example of Capcom not really committing to something it strongly depicted in the past.
Looking at RE4 Remake, a similar issue occurs! The original game was vehemently anti-American. The file "Our Mission" is the most explicit you can get. Yet the remake tiptoes around it and honestly ends up more patriotic! Leon's role as a government agent is glorified, Ashley wants to be an agent, Krauser gets told off by Leon for not trusting the American government, and the lack of Saddler appearances all contribute to this! Death Island and Infinite Darkness had similar problems of Capcom calling out the American government but then backtracking at the last second. I want them to just stick to a theme for once! Not alluding to one or tiptoeing around it. Say it!
Next on the list is one that I've stated before but the actual ethics and humanity that organizations like Umbrella toy with. A lot of the BOWs feel just like monsters you fight when a lot of them were real people with their lives taken from them. This is also why I liked Lisa Trevor from the first game's remake since she was a human experimented on and we got taken through her and her parent's journeys. OG William Birkin and Remake William Birkin are also perfect examples of this. In the original game you feel like you're fighting Birkin, but in the remake it just feels like a depersonalized monster.
Similarly, I do wish some of the themes were done more tastefully, such as the whole eugenics stuff with Spencer and the Wesker projects. I don't think it should be completely scrapped but I feel like you can't just throw that into your games and barely talk about what it means lmao
This is not really a theme but better perspectives on the female characters. This is purely a personal opinion but I think horror with female protagonists is way cooler than ones with male protagonists, and weirdly enough I think this shift happened when RE4 came out. Jill and Claire were more fleshed out and important characters than Leon and Chris when the OG trilogy came out, but now their roles have been greatly reduced to practically nothing. And why was RE6, a game where a creepy man cloned Ada Wong more about Leon, Chris, and Jake than it was about Ada herself? Also, I wish we could've had either of RE7 or RE8 actually have Mia be the protagonist instead of Ethan because I think either of those games from her perspective would be super cool to experience.
Now that I think about this, I blame this purely on the action shift because even for the male characters, I greatly prefer OG2 Leon, OG2/CVX Chris, CVX Steve than OG4 Leon, OG5 Chris, and DSC Steve (although Remake Carlos is definitely above OG3 Carlos). I want to learn more about Jill, and Claire, and Ada, and Rebecca, and Mia, and pretty much most of the female characters, and I'm so sick of seeing the male characters who are only there because they're cool action heroes.
I wish RE focused more on small communities and small isolated things. I think RE is too big now. Like starting out in a small suburban town affected by murders and experimentation and now like we've gone to multiple parts of the globe and now there's a mold baby with mold superpowers in the future and that mold is actually what started everything (totally not retconned)?? Like let's dial it back.
For the last thing I'll mention is that I wish the remakes focused on the themes of horror rather than just the aesthetics of it. Like yeah, the games are a bit darker and scarier, but they're still more action games now. I loved RE7 because of this, because the Bakers were a good horrific family both in the looks and what they represented!
I think all in all I have a lot of wishes for the franchise and I know it's completely unrealistic to wish about them and sorry for bombarding everyone with this huge wall of text! I have a lot to say lmao
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I'm so relieved to see people feel the same way, it just seemed like there was an increasing emphasis on the sexual pushiness of the relationship (maybe I misread some ppl?) and I just personally hoped not to see that as a focus.
I do think Lu would be trying to experiment in normality maybe and it is realistic to show that sometimes we sacrifice things about ourselves in pursuit of that - BUT I think if he were too bad, her character and life experience would see right through that shit?
Lu is not an infant at this point, she's a goddamn officer, a veteran of a world war, a survivor, on top of being intelligent and kind and I do feel like the Spencer thing wouldn't last too long due to that? Enough time for her to doubt herself and spiral a little and the bloody trinity to have a phone call rant about it for sure, which is too long if her self worth had been healthy and strong. Like maybe she returns to her family for a visit and the closeness of her heritage and the journey she has been on recalls to her, her self worth and pride and she realizes then that this loser is not worth her sacred time and energy. Afterwards, when she reunites with Benny and remembers what it is like to know a man who is kind, and respectful and good the contrast is so strong and its like a lightbulb in her heart
The little smutty scenario you gave us with her coming home to him cooking (literally pulled straight out of my daydreams, thanks) and the phone calls to Ida and Maureen and Gale with her deliriously happy - that's what I want for her
This molded in drafts with no need?! Sorry babes. But anyway, I wasn’t sure if I was imagining the vibe or not, or if it had unintentionally slipped in as I don’t think most of the anons at least want that. Or perhaps my dialogue misled the way, that’s likely 😆 your wording of “scratching parts of ourselves in pursuit”… is so beautiful and true and the ways that can look are vast and varied and it’s so complicated because when someone takes advantage of that, the guilt gets all mixed up inside because we know we wanted it. Although somewhere along the way it doesn’t feel right or what we wanted in the first place anymore. So, for all those reasons and as you mentioned above, about her maturity, I do see it being the subtle erosion. That’s my preference for her.
Also loving that returning to her roots has been suggested by yourself a few others, because that’s so dear to me and makes such sense. The war took and identity her. The trauma did. College did. Everyone telling the who she is. It’s high time she learned herself.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
The mall that I visited today has two streetwear stores. One is the "trashy" store with bootleg hoodies. The other is the "bougie" store that has bootleg merchandise everywhere, but it also sells suits, ties, cufflinks and high-end dudebro merchandise for guys who think they're in their Joker arc.
Forget about Rick Sanchez smoking weed: the trashy store had a whole wall of cartoon characters smoking weed.
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I've posted the first design before, but the show's name appearing twice on one shirt is new. When you watch Rick and Morty, you've gotta let the world know about it!
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Morty smoking the fattest blunt I've ever seen. (Pretty sure that was originally a beer can.)
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Anyway, I'd walked past the bougie store before but never entered, thinking that I wouldn't find anything. But how could I question whether a store full of Joker shirts would have Rick and Morty merchandise for Rick and Morty bros?
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These shirts almost look official, but the designs are juuuust a little off (like the font on the first one), suggesting that they're also bootleg merchandise. But no one tells guys in their Joker arc what to do!
I doubted Spencer's because I didn't find anything new at their other location last week--but as usual, Spencer's proved me wrong. And this merchandise was a little odd.
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Tumblers for Tumblr!
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I've posted the front of this chain wallet before, but I checked out the artwork on the back this time. The artist did a great job.
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Socks! Peace among worlds!
This is where it got a little strange. Squanchy merchandise is rare to begin with, but...realistic Squanchy? That's pretty out there.
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This one in particular threw me. I was like "...wait, is that Rick?" I had to study it for a couple of minutes. No idea who else is on this pin besides Morty. (Maybe Mr. Meeseeks on the left?)
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I prefer cute merchandise, but nothing wrong with trying something different. Also, it's nice when Adult Swim gives artists exposure instead of reusing those season one graphics yet again.
This one was also strange:
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I feel like unique merchandise like this is worth your money more than the items with generic promo images. They're collectors' items!
Still, I wish they'd branch out more and hire artists from "our" side of the fandom. Who wants a shirt with Rick wearing a maid dress on it? I do! 🙋‍♀️
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halamet-chalamet · 1 year
Helloo!!! I saw you do the mgg/dpencer reid ship, and said Why not give it a go?
I am 5'3, short fluffy brunette hair kind of gal. My friends tell me my eyes are the "dead eye" shape. They are the color Green Tail btw.
I wouldn't say I am skinny, but I am in the middle, curvy maybe, but not skinny or mid-size.
I am an extrovert, always seeking for adventure and making new friends. I am loud and energetic most of the time. I can be very dramatic, but also fairly realistic. I am like the mom friend, always talking for others and taking care. I am sarcastic and try to put humor in things. Its just how I cope. I also have anxiety, but it is not that bad now, it used to eat me alive, but now it only catches me when there is something very stressful.
My hobbies are drawing and painting. Gifted child moment here. I also play the guitar and sing. Reading is also something I like to do.
But fairly, i HATE maths and physics, also the heat.
I adore animals, I havw a big ol cat myself. I like the rain, binge warching shows and definitely sleeping..
My mom would call my style sometimes boyish and sometimes classy. I love wearing baggy clothes but I also love wearing tight clothes. Bright colors ans mute colors..
Thats all ig, I hope you have a nice day and I send you all my ❤️
Thank you for sending me all your ❤️ I’m having a nice day :) you sound awesome by the way! I’m going to do you and Spence <3
Alright sis
You gotta drag Spence a little bit out of his comfort zone to do some adventurous things with you
Let’s be fair he is in the FBI and loves the adrenaline rush
But he’s also always on the lookout being really cautious
So you gotta help him be a tad more carefree to go on adventures with you!!!
When you and Spencer get together Morgan starts calling you both mom and dad
It’s clear you’re the mom friend which just makes Spencer honorary dad friend (besides Hotch ofc ofc)
It takes Spence a little while to get used to your sarcasm but he does eventually and you guys can go back and forth forever!
Especially after all our boys trauma he needs some coping humor
He’s so proud of you for overcoming some of your anxiety
You guys can help each other!
When you’re overly stressed he’ll do a great job of calming you and your anxieties down
And it goes the other way around
You sound super caring so I’m sure you would provide great comfort for Spence after a bad case or seeing/ thinking of his parents.
Art datessssss
He wants to paint with you
Man’s wants to draw with you
He’s better at drawing because his line work is really good :)
Wants to hear you sing and play guitar!!
Gives you books he wants you to read! And loves to see your monthly book picks!
Let’s be honest here
He doesn’t understand your hate for math
“It’s vital to our very existence!” Is what he likes to tell you when you complain about math (because math sucks)
He for real hits you with random math facts at some point just to see you get slightly annoyed. He thinks it’s cute
I stand by this next statement no matter what
He is a cat person
Looooves them
He loves your cat!! And tries to pick it up and gives you cute cat facts! *cue awwww track*
Spencer will almost never pick a show unless it’s Star Trek or Dr Who
So he sits and binges with you whatever show you’re watching at the moment
He also analyzes the characters and can predict what’s going to happen sooo easy
But he doesn’t spoil it if you don’t want him to
He’s down for your eclectic fashion
And honestly always gets a little excited to see what you’re wearing this time
Sometimes he even tries to find an outfit to match the colors you’re wearing that day
Cute couples stuff I hope you enjoy <33 you sound like a fun person!!
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steamberrystudio · 2 years
I was just randomly hanging out on tumblr and an even more random question popped into my head for the Changeling boys + Nora, Spencer, and Ally if you can- (Because I have yet to play Gilded Shadows) I'm curious- Do they have a favorite type of flower? If so, do they prefer a specific type of color over the others?
I don't really have favourite flowers for them (realistically most of them probably know nothing about flowers and would awkwardly say they like daisies.)
I always have mixed feelings about how to approach asks about random trivia (such as favourites like this).
Sometimes I have obscure trivia about characters (like favourite ice cream or flowers) but if I'm being realistic - a lot of times I just don't. It's not relevant to the story and most of my character development focus is in regards to what I need to develop for story purposes. With certain characters - like Ewan - I can surmise that he probably has an innate love for some kind of Faerie flower - like bluebells.
And Nora probably likes something like snowdrops. Marc seems like a 'rose' kind of guy.
But for characters like Elliot or Danny, anything you come up with is just as valid as whatever I come up with (and even if I made up an answer on the spot right now I wouldn't remember it later ha ha). I mean, Elliot probably would awkwardly say 'daisies' because it's the only flower he can think of on the spot. 🤣🤣 I don't think it's really his favourite though.
It's probably not a satisfactory answer but at some point I realised it's more honest of me to encourage people to head canon these things for themselves rather than make something up on the spot and randomly declare it as canon. 💖💖
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Today was so good day. It gave me a lot to think about. I slept better. Still pretty intense dreams but these ones were at least pleasant.
I got up a little later then I planned. But I still had plenty of time to get dressed and head out.
It was a little cooler today then I expected. But I was pretty cozy still. I decided to go to the North Ave McDonald's with the incredibly nice woman at the drive-thru. Which didn't take long but then I got stuck getting out of the parking lot and had to take a weird way through Penn station to get to 83. But I made it to the highway. And I got to camp exactly at 930.
Elizabeth and Alexi were pulling up at the same time. It was nice to see them.
I spent the first hour or so talking to Elizabeth about the plans for making the new training videos. She printed me the new lesson plans. We talked through all the dates through the summer. Some ideas about the different field trips. It was fun.
The conversation came up again about me being there full time. Elizabeth asked me if I would give up my other jobs. And I said I would think about it. Later me and Heather would talk about it a little more. And it is a lot more realistic then I think I thought. And like it's scary. And I'm so afraid of letting people down so having to break away from my other jobs is super hard for me to think about. But like. This could be really good?? I don't have details and nothing is set in stone. But it's for sure becoming more of a conversation. And that's pretty cool.
After me and Elizabeth talked I would drive up to the arts building. It was icy raining! It was interesting to see out in the woods.
I had some trouble getting my key in the lock. Like it wouldn't fit?? But I got it and started unloading the car. I also found 4 fill boxes of art supplies. Apparently Camp Spencer is no more and so they had gone to their location and got a whole bunch of supplies. So that was exciting.
Once I got everything I side I spent a little bit of time organizing the back of the car. Getting stuff in the storage box and shaking out some of the mats. Felt nice to make the car a little more put together.
Then I attacked the art building. It's to early to put things out but at least things are more manageable and it was nice to sweep and see my supplies. I also went through my storage box of personal stuff and found a little pill box I have been looking for so that was exciting for me.
It was still raining a bit. I decided to take a little walk to go to the lodge to use the bathroom. And on my walk back I stopped at the Ad-ahi, which is the small single cabin I want to take over. Basically my idea is that it would be where I would stay this summer and also be my office for field trips stuff. Kieran, the counselor, has been using it for a while but he didn't sleep at camp most nights last year. Heather and Alexi said it can be a conversation about me taking it from him. And like I won't be heartbroken but I would be excited to have the space. Fingers crossed.
I would spend some time writing out a script for the videos and thinking about supplies. And then I headed back to the office to talk to Heather about some supply ideas and she had me write out all the supplies we would need to buy for the Native American feild trips. It was good. Productive.
I talked to Elizabeth about some unreality/fiction stories I had been reading. And then Jessica called me. She asked if I was free to come to the museum today to cover the desk. I asked her to check with someone else first but if no one could I could rush there. Thankfully I didn't need to when Becca said she could do it.
I had my meeting with Alexi next. And I told her about the issues form last summer. Mostly stealing and weird selfish behavior. Also just the food stuff. Food made me so upset last year. But overall I was able to talk about a lot of positives. And showed her my lesson ideas and we talked about my thoughts about training and taking over the Ad-ahi. And a little about this fall. But that was not the focus. It felt good to talk about the positives but also get out my guilty feelings. About taking breaks and stuff. And Alexi made me feel a lot more secure. Saying she knows how good I am at my job and that's why so many places want me to work with them and I should create balance for myself. No one thinks I'm not working hard. Mad me feel good.
Once I was done talking to Alexi, I checked in with Heather and Elizabeth about coming back on Monday. And then I was out.
I decided I wanted a pretzel. The GPS took me to an Auntie Anne's inside of a Walmart. I didn't love this. I haven't been in a Walmart in like a decade. I don't like the lighting and it makes me uncomfy. Feels like being in a warehouse.
But I got in and found the Auntie Anne's which was inside of a subway inside of the Walmart.
And this is where I got very frustrated. Because I was behind a woman paying. There was another woman in line behind me. And right when I was about to order a guy stepped in front of me and started ordering. I pointed at him and just said no! It's my turn! And he glared at me!! Like dude. There is a line!! You don't get to just jump in wherever you want. It pissed me off so bad. I was extra nice to the cashier. And headed out.
I texted Jess and told her how much I hate Walmart. But it was fine. I was ready to go home.
I had a nice drive back. I decided to listen to the first episode of knowledge fight which was fascinating. And I had a good drive.
I got back here and brought everything I had in. James wouldn't be home for a little while. And while I was alone I had some candy and worked on an embroidery project and figured out setting up a background check tomorrow. I also sorted some stuff and it was a good day. I also got some eggs in the hardboil machine. And chilled on the couch.
James got home and I was happy to see them. We talked about Tex Mex for dinner l. And I worked on my embroidery for a little more. Eventually I got in bed to be cozy.
I tried doing some drawing on my tablet but I didn't feel inspired at all. I will keep trying but it was just uninspired by everything. I'll keep trying but at least I was doing something.
James had dnd tonight. And I would eventually take a shower. And get in bed. I have wet hair still. And now James is in bed too. But I am going to get up and dry my hair a bit and get ready for bed.
Tomorrow I have three needles programs at the musuem and I am training two people and I'm thrilled. I love training. I hope the group is great. And after I will go get a background check. Fingers crossed it goes easy and quick.
I hope you all have a good night tonight. Take care of each other. Sleep well!!
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directory + faq
organizing my blog a little bit <3
q: why don't you like being reffered to with pronouns?
a: i don't like being referred to as anything other than my name (charlie) and i perceive pronouns as just another name. it's not a super big deal, but you'll see in my writing i refer to myself with she/her pronouns. this isn't because i'm comfortable with them, but because i'm neurotic and need my writing to be as realistic as possible, and i know most people perceive me as a girl
q: are you comfortable sharing your f/o's?
a: yes, totally!
q: why do you sometimes post canon x canon ships?
a: a lot of my f/o's are in canon x canon relationships, and i love to support them in that ! just because they love me doesn't mean they can't love other people <3
q: why are some of your s/i underage? (tw: mentions of csa)
a: i started self shipping when i was very young, and only got into the community when i was ~15. alot of my ship dynamics are very dear to me, and a way of my self dealing with my sexual abuse as a child. this isn't a reflection of what i think my f/o's would actually do: none of them are p3dos and i don't want them to be read like that, but self shipping was a way for me to take control of relationships dynamics i had been forced into irl. i keep them underage even though im an adult now because i sometimes still feel like that child. you'll notice that most self inserts are in current canon around my age, but there are some exceptions. i understand if this makes u uncomfortable, you don't have to engage if you don't want to.
related q: are you a proshipper?
a: no, i'm not. my situation is very personal and i almost never post about it explicitly. i am living out fantasies of myself being the victim of csa where i have control, and i'm not subjecting any 'fictional child' onto those fantasies. i don't self ship with any children since i've turned 18. i wouldn't call myself an 'anti' because the topic is very triggering for me so i try not to engage with it at all, but i don't align with proshippers and will almost never post about the topic. i totally understand if you choose not to interact with me on this basis as it may be uncomfortable especially to other victims of csa who want to leave it entirely behind them.
submit any other questions you have and i'll answer the best i can ! no question is too dumb, i promise, don't be afraid to ask i love taking about anything.
aesthetic/vibe tag: #charliecore🔪
nsft/18+: #horndog central
f/o tags
(most frequently used)
gerry keay - #f/o: you’re dead and i’m punching eldritch gods
wade wilson and vanessa carlysle - #f/o: 3 piece puzzle
jason todd - #f/o: we're dying to feel something
dabi - #f/o: keep me warm in these concrete walls
spencer reid - #f/o: hyperfixate on me baby
s/i tags
the witcher - #s/i: khar the green witch✨🌿
bnha - #s/i: bloody riot 🦷🩸
marvel: #s/i: kid universe🌌🌟
lotr: #s/i: victim of faenapping🧚🏻‍♂️🪺
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#1 Fan [Part 1/2]
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Summary: Spencer knows he’s seen his new neighbor somewhere before.
A/N: This was a blurb request from my sideblog that got completely out of hand so here she is as a full fic! (We’re gonna pretend like I know how OnlyFans works)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff & Smut 
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sexual acts, masturbation (male & female), voyeurism(?), please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed!
Word count: 2.9k
Request: “Blurb about basically the same fic as the other one except she just moved in and he recognizes her as the person he subs to on OF. She’s describing her hot neighbor- and yeah” from @thatsonezesty13​
Read Part 2 Here
The first time Spencer sees her in the lobby grabbing her mail he thinks he’s in a dream. Or maybe he’s seeing things. For a second he’s terrified that he’s having a hyper-realistic, yet somehow mundane, wet dream.
He’s been subscribed to her for a while. To be honest once he’d found her account he didn’t have much of a need to subscribe to anyone else. She was almost tailor made for him, it was sort of scary.
So when he saw her that day, and she smiled at him, giving him a small wave as she passed him in the hall, his heart all but stopped.
That night he checked her page. He compared the pictures of the sweet girl in the hall with the ones in front of him. The photos where she was wearing next to nothing, or sometimes nothing at all. The ones where she had her fingers inside of her panties, or her mouth.
He ended up spiraling that evening, partially forgetting why he was even looking in the first place. Until he was watching videos of her, fucking into herself with a toy until she was squirting onto her bedsheets.
The following morning when he woke up he tried to convince himself that it wasn’t her. How could it be? And if it was, would he have to stop looking? Something felt a bit perverted about that.
So he pushed the thoughts from his head. And that lasted all of 10 seconds because there was a knock on his front door. When he opened it up it was her standing there, the girl from the mailboxes, and the girl from the videos. He knew they were one and the same, who was he kidding?
“Hi!” She sticks out her hand to introduce herself, “I think I saw you the other day, I’ve just moved into the building, Y/N.”
He knows her name already, well he knows her first name, and part of him’s a little surprised it’s not fake.
He takes a moment to consider her hand, he wouldn’t usually shake a strangers hand like this but for some reason he didn’t feel like she was a stranger. The real reason her didn’t want to shake her hand was because of all the things he’d pictured her doing with them. Touching herself, touching him.
But he’s hesitated for too long, so he takes her hand, shaking it gently, “Spencer, Dr. Spencer Reid. Nice to— uh, meet you” he has to force his breaths out or they might not come. Looking at her up close, in person, she was too beautiful. And he already thought that about her pictures.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, I always like to know the folks in my building. And especially you if we’re gonna be neighbors”
“Neighbors?” He tries to stop his eyes from popping out of his head but she doesn’t seem to notice. She just nods happily.
“Yup, I’m right on the other side of that wall” she points to her right and giggles, “knock if you need me” she jokes but Spencer’s breathing stops entirely and he can only nod.
“So um, if you wanted to hang out or anything you know where to find me” she smiles at him and starts to head back to her apartment.
He’s not sure what’s come over him, but it feels like adrenaline is coursing through his entire body as he speaks.
“I’m free right now if you’re not busy?” He asks before she can get too far away but she shakes her head.
“I’ve actually gotta head out for a bit but if you’re free tomorrow do you wanna come over and see my place. I’m sure it’s probably the exact same as yours but—”
“Yes!— I mean, um, yeah, that sounds nice, cool” she laughs at him a little, probably at his eagerness, or maybe at the way he’s blushing, he can feel the heat radiating from his cheeks.
“See you then Spencer, Dr. Spencer Reid” she giggles and he’s smitten already.
— —
He’s pretty much counting down the seconds until the following evening. His mind is completely restless, he’s got no idea what to wear or how to act, or what to say.
She was just so pretty, he could barely have a 2 minute conversation with her in the hallway. How was he supposed to hang out with her for an evening.
She slips a note under his door the following afternoon:
I’m on my way out but I should be back around 8! See you then x
He wishes he didn’t stare at the little ‘x’ on the note for quite so long but he couldn’t help it. Even her handwriting was cute.
He doesn’t want to think about why he knows her already but he can’t help it. He decides that he’s not going to look at her page again, taking a cold shower as part of his preparation for that evening before agonizing over what to wear.
He settles on a purple sweater and he already feels like he’s made the wrong call somehow as he’s knocking on her door at 8pm on the dot.
“Well aren’t you punctual” she smiles at him as she pulls open the door. His stomach drops when he realizes that he recognizes the little dress she’s wearing. He’s seen her take it off before. He tries to steady his breathing but it doesn’t work super well so he just waves hello as she ushers him inside.
“I guess you got my note then” she smiles and he smiles back.
“Yeah, your— um— handwriting is really nice” he wants to slap himself in the face. What kind of complement was that?
“Thank you?” she giggles at him, “no ones ever said that before, you’re a bit of an oddball” she points him to the sofa so he sits.
When she comes to sit next to him she’s holding a bottle of wine and two glasses and he has to stop his eyes from bulging out of his head.
“Would you like a glass?” She asks and he nods his head, it probably wasn’t a great idea, but neither was any of this. She hands him a glass of wine and takes the seat next to him on the couch, turning to face him as she tucks her legs up under herself.
“So Spencer Reid, what kind of doctor are you?” she asks as she takes a sip from her own glass.
“I’m—um— I work at the FBI actually, I— I’m a profiler” he’s already conscious that he doesn’t want to bore her by harping on about work, or by rambling like he does right before people usually roll their eyes. But she doesn’t, she leans in.
“That’s so cool, well it sounds like it is anyway? Does that mean you read people or something?” her eyes look like they're after lighting up and she's smiling at him encouraging.
“Y-Yeah? It’s sort of like reading people I guess. We catch killers by getting inside their heads in a way, trying to figure out why they’re doing what they’re doing, and hopefully what they’re gonna do next so that we can stop it. It’s a little more complicated than that, but that’s the gist” he’s smiling now too, the way she’s looking at him makes him feel like he’s actually doing a sort of good job not embarrassing himself.
“So you said my handwriting was nice” she says, gears clearly turning, “Can you read anything about me from that?” she looks like she's challenging him, if he didn’t know better he might call it flirting.
“Well actually graphology—sorry— handwriting analysis has been deemed a pseudoscience by most, the validity of handwriting as evidence in court has always been dubious and many of the techniques used today are the same as those employed in Renaissance England.” he rambles but she’s still engaged when he stops speaking.
“So you’re smart smart, huh?” she smiles at him, and he nods.
“I don’t believe intelligence can be neatly quantified but I do have an IQ of 187” he feels paradoxically stupid saying that, it feels like bragging or something and he already wants to take it back.
“Wow, a doctor with an IQ of 187” she takes a second to mull it over, “What are you doing hanging out with the likes of me?” she jokes, but his eyebrows knit together, he had no idea what she did, other than that thing he knew she did.
“I wouldn't sell yourself short like that, what do you do?” he asks her, at the very least it’ll stop him from spiraling.
“I work in a vintage bookstore, the one two blocks over?” She motions behind her as she tells him, and he knows it well, in fact he spends so much time there that he’s shocked he’d never seen her before.
“You work there? I’m there all the time, how have I never noticed you before?” she chuckles at him.
“I’ve only just started, I just moved in, remember?” and he wants to slap himself again, something about being around such a pretty face slashed that impressive IQ in half.
They spend another while and the rest of the bottle of wine getting to know each other before Spencer has to call it a night. Part of him wished that she was boring, or rude, or hated him, then maybe he’d be able to quell his infatuation. But this just made it worse, now that he knew her, now that he had spoken to her and she was so sweet, so smart, so funny, and still so damn pretty. He was absolutely fucked.
— —
He swears to himself that the wont look at her page again. Now that he knew her and he liked her more than he even did before, it felt like a real invasion. Part of him still felt bad about it in general, like he should've told her right away, been up front. But the moment for that had already passed so this was his next best plan.
Until he returns home the following Friday. He’s exhausted when he crawls into bed but he’s still somehow restless, the gears still turning in is brain. So he does what he always does when he wants to forget about everything else in the world.
His muscle memory opens it up, and he’s on her page before he even realizes he's done it. And she’s posted a few new videos this week. He wishes he had better willpower, or any willpower at all, but he can’t seem to stop himself from clicking on one.
It begins with her kneeling on her bed, wearing lingerie he’d seen before, it was baby pink and it was one of his favorites. She starts by dipping her fingers into her panties, teasing herself as little moans toppled from her lips. Then she started talking.
“I’m gonna tell you guys about a little dream I had last night, well, I’ve been having it all week really” she continues to tease herself a little, her other hand coming up to grab her breast over her soft pink bra as she speaks. Her voice is smooth and perfect, if he only had the audio he’d still be turned on right now.
“It goes like this. I’m lying in this bed right here, doing something a little like this, when there’s a knock at my front door. When I get up to answer it he’s there, with his shaggy brown hair, and his huge doe eyes, and he’s got these lips that are just so fuckin’ pink. I want them all over me. He comes inside and he grabs me with those huge hands of his and he pulls me right into him before he kisses me.” she moans a little as her fingers brush right up against her clit, but Spencer’s vision has almost gone blurry.
He’s not sure he’s even breathing when she starts talking again. “Then I lead him to my bedroom, and I get him out of those clothes. He dresses like an english teacher and I wish I didn’t find it so fuckin’ hot. Sometimes in the fantasy I take his cock in my mouth, I suck him off until he’s whimpering. Other times I can’t wait, I just need him to fuck me right away.” she takes off her panties then, leaving them to one side, while she grabs a toy from her bedside table.
“I like to fuck myself with this, but all week I’ve just been imagining that it’s him. He’s just so pretty, I know his cock has to be too. I want to know what it feels like when he’s buried inside me, so fuckin’ deep” she continues to fuck herself with the toy, and he’s tuned back in now, he’s achingly hard without even noticing, his hand wrapping around his cock as he pictures the other side of that fantasy.
It doesn’t take long before he's releasing, spilling all over his hand in tandem with the video. She takes a moment to relax, steadying out her breathing before she speaks to the camera again.
“I think I have a crush guys” she gasps out, “I moved, and I think I’ve got a crush on my fuckin’ neighbor already”
Not that he needed any more confirmation, but those words hit him like a fucking train.
It’s already midnight, it’s not so late that he couldn’t go over there, but it sort of is late enough that he shouldn’t. He really can’t bring himself to care though, getting out of bed and cleaning himself up he decides to ride this uncharacteristically confident wave as far as it’ll take him.
He’s knocking on her door before he’s had a chance to second guess himself. When she answers she’s in a little robe, it’s ivory and satin, and he recognizes it too. He doesn’t say anything, neither does she. They just look at each other for a little too long, eyes taking each other in. He wants to lean in and kiss her, just like in her fantasy, but he’s not that guy.
“Hi” he breathes out instead, “I know it’s late, sorry, I shouldn’t be here—but I— I just wanna say” he pauses to take in a labored breath, “I like you a lot and I think you’re really pretty and funny and smart and would you wanna go out sometime? With me? Maybe?” he doesn't realize he’s closed this eyes until he’s got to pry them back open.
“Well that’s not how the fantasy was supposed to go” she giggles, her eyelashes fluttering as she looks up at him and the blush that’s steadily spreading up his face and neck.
“What do you— I don’t— what?” he’s stammering, doing a god awful job of playing dumb.
“In my video, you were just supposed to kiss me. This isn’t as sexy but it is a hell of a lot better”
“I don’t— I’m not—” he can’t get a sentence out, he’s got no idea what’s happening right now.
“It’s alright Dr. 187, I know it’s you” some part of him genuinely wants to throw up. Why did he think that would be an innocuous username. He was the stupidest genius alive.
“I’m sorry, I should've told you. I had no idea how, I just never thought— how could I have known you’d move in next door to me? And that you’d be even prettier in person but you’d be so cool too” he’s got to cut himself off before he really starts apologetically rambling.
“Spencer stop. It’s fine. I make that content for people to enjoy, you’ve got nothing to feel guilty about. I made that video because I wanted you to see it, that was intentional.” she reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder, and it’s more comforting than it has any right to be.
“Was that—your fantasy—the uh the video—were you telling the truth?” he can feel his heart absolutely racing in his chest as he waits for the answer. And she breaks out in a huge smile, nodding up at him.
“Every word.” he doesn’t let himself overthink it this time, he just leans right in, pressing his lips to hers. It’s soft and gentle, a sweet kiss rather than a heated one, it’s not just infatuation, there are feelings behind it now. He can feel her lips smiling against his own and his heart’s fit to burst now.
When they break apart she looks giddy with excitement, her hands come down to the little bow that holds her robe closed, toying with the ends of the tie. “I’m actually about to make a video now if you’d like to see behind the scenes?” she asks and his breath gets stuck in his throat.
“Fuck” he rasps, “You’ve got no idea how much I want to do that” he pauses, scolding himself in his head already, “But I think I wanna take you to dinner first, if you still want that?”
She’s grinning at him again, “I still really want that, tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night.”
-- --
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petpsycho · 2 years
Be honest: would you rather play truth or dare with Carlos, Tracy and Spencer or play seven minutes in heaven with them?
"I honestly don't know how fun I'd be at truth or dare, considering a lot of things I wouldn't be able to answer in the truth bit." All the same, it probably would be fun to learn about them through those means. "I realistically don't think that group would ever do seven minutes in heaven." John paused a moment, blushing. "But it'd definitely be an... interesting way to pass the time."
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