#realized i almost uploaded a picture where you could see my half-clothed reflection in the window lmao
helle-bored · 3 years
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@marzipanilla. You have have opened the floodgates. :P
If I were a different and more patient person I might have started out practicing with elmers glue and cardboard, honestly. But I jumped right in instead, and here's the stuff I use:
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Here you've got my regular sewing, gluing, and paper-cutting supplies. (Not pictured: bookcloth, fancy marbled cover paper, cardstock, an extremely scuzzy old ball peen hammer (heehee) I rummaged out of the machine-shop of random tools in various states of dubious usability we inherited from the previous owner of the house.)
Sewing a textblock uses linen thread & beeswax (for the thread), darner or chenille needles, an awl, something to punch into (cardboard), a marked paper to mark your signatures with (the white paper with notches), and a bone folder for creasing folded pages (black thing at the back). Thicker books also require (sort of a strong word, but most people seem to do it) some sort of fabric tape; I have grey twill tape that I got from Joann's.
Gluing uses flour paste for some things and a sturdier PVA glue for others. I do have a brush, but I often just use my fingers tbh.
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Before you glue it you can see the tapes when you flip between signatures -- once it's glued the pages are all nice and flush. :) The unglued one on the left is Blackbird by sixpences and the glued one on the right (and the one in most of these pictures) is Weather With You by @thewuzzy, who has kindly allowed me to flail occasionally in their direction while putting together a couple copies of their fic, lol.
I format in Word and print booklet-style from adobe pdf reader with 8.5x11 inch six-page signatures, which works out to be twenty-four 5.5x8.5 inch book-pages in a signature. This means a 360 page book only uses 90 actual full-sized pages, which is good, because I have the paper custom-cut so the grain runs in the right direction. Shipping paper isn't cheap, it turns out.
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My family is all aware of my new hobby and they think it's really neat, so they helped me build a press, which is how I glue and round the spine. Above on the right you can see the twill tapes and how I sew the signatures together; this book is about 350 pages or 100k.
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Today I was working on rounding the spine and giving it shoulders (that mushroom shape) and sewing on headbands for WWY. This copy has a dark grey-blue thread alternating with blue metallic sewn directly into the top and bottom of the spine.
Those grey boards on the sides are what the case will be made of -- but they're too short. :( There's something I could try, but I'm probably just going to end up buying new boards because I'm kind of terrified of fucking it up, lmao.
The copy with headbands is ready for covering the spine with cloth and paper. Then I need to figure out my board dilemma so I can build the case and put it in there and slap in endpapers and cry when it's a bit crooked.
So anyway. Hours and hours and hours and hours of work, and honestly it's one of the most fun things I've done in months. There's a discord I'm in and everyone is cranking out amazing stuff every day and it's just really fucking neat to see this much love for fanfiction, which is what most of us bind.
(You should bind some star wars stuff! :P lots of people in the server do star wars things.)
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sighingstarbeam · 6 years
Spies and Gods - Chapter 7
Summary: Reader wants to try and befriend Loki, but turns out he's a bit more difficult than expected.
Word Count: 3,051
A/N:  Hi starlights (that's what I'm calling you lovely people for now on lol)! Sorry for the super later update, classes have gotten busy and quite a lot of personal mishaps occurred, but don't worry! I have a lot of plans for fics including this one, I'm even going to have a schedule to try and upload at least once or twice a month until I can get stabled with my irl schedule, then I could try and go for every other week. Thanks for reading!
Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
The next day you woke up with a to-do list fresh in your head.
First, you were going to fulfill your promise to Tony by helping him with his prototypes. He’s been working on new gear the last month for the team, he wanted you to jot notes down and maybe try one of the devices that won’t blow you up.
Secondly, you wanted to try and decipher your new neighbor, find out what it was that made him so mysterious. You could go with the direct approach, but you didn’t want to seem like an idiot and bug him. Perhaps inching your way little by little into his circle you could eventually discover more about the tall, dark haired demigod.
Before you could check anything off of your list, your stomach begged for something to eat. You changed into a new set of clothes for the day while sending continuous text messages to Lilly and Maya about the deity next door. Their response was what you would’ve expected, with them wanting to meet him and if he was cute. You rolled your eyes and made your way to the kitchen for some breakfast.
There you found the god of thunder drinking coffee from a mug that looked puny with his hand wrapped around it. Thor grinned ear to ear the moment he saw you walk through the doors, “Good morning, daughter of Stark!” He boomed, taking a sip from the tiny mug. “I hope you rested well.”
“Morning.” you forcefully smiled, you didn’t want to tell him of you and his brother’s awkward encounter the night before. You mentally cringed at yourself for going to Loki’s room in the first place. Speaking of which, looking around the room you didn’t see Loki, or frankly anyone else. It was just you and Thor, the god of thunder. This moment sparked an idea, since Thor grew up with Loki he could tell you everything you wanted to know about this god of mischief living next door.
“So, how are you and your brother adjusting here?” You asked, nonchalantly. You didn’t want to appear desperate.
“It’s been splendid!” Thor beamed, “I learn something new about your people’s way of life everyday. Yesterday, Stark showed me this thing called an ‘app’ on my cellular phone where I can match these small, colorful candies and they explode if I match certain ones.” The look on his face when he explained something as simple as Candy Crush made you smile, it was like watching a toddler discovering their reflection for the first time. “As for Loki, he’s taking it steadily. It has not been easy since his first visit here was… unpleasant.”
“Right, with the whole alien invasion thing. Why’s he staying here then? These people kind of did fight and defeat him.”
“Wasn’t entirely his choice,” Thor’s smile slowly descended, yet he still kept his positive vibe and attitude, “since my people have been here, Loki and I have tried our best to get them settled in and accustomed to your culture. We are no longer a kingdom, but I will still visit at the end of the month to make sure everyone is sustaining. I entrusted my good friend Heimdall to keep watch over my people while I help here. After we were done, I wasn’t sure of what to do with Loki. Obviously I couldn’t let him roam on his own, for he is technically a war criminal on this planet, yet I don’t wish to see him locked in prison for eternity. I spoke with Stark and Rogers and they both agreed to keep him here where he will be watched closely but have some freedom.”
“Yet they will still treat me as a prisoner.” A voice broke between you and Thor. There stood the god of mischief in his black and green Asgardian attire, “Pardon me if I’m interrupting your gossip about me, brother.” This was the first time you heard his voice. It was smooth with a touch of roughness when he spoke certain syllables, his accent similar to his brother’s.
“We were not gossiping, Loki, lady Y/N was simply asking about our adjustment to her society.”
Loki looked at you as if he didn’t realize you were there in the first place. His green eyes shifted up and down examining you, “The daughter of Stark. I expected something, different, when I first heard Stark had a child.” The way he spoke was almost demeaning, as if he was deliberately trying to demoralize you.
“What kind of different?” You questioned.
Loki let out a single, breathy laugh, “All mortals are pathetic, but there are few who have exceeded my expectations since my first arrival, including Stark. I would imagine that if he were to have any offspring they would live up to his degree of glory, but I was mistaken. Underwhelmed, as a matter of fact.”
Your blood started boiling in your veins. Who did he think he was to say those things to your face? Loki’s a prince, big whoop. He’s not on his planet now, you’d think that he would have a little more respect to the inhabitants, especially the one across the hall. It took every ounce of your mental and physical state to not sock this guy on the nose. Instead, you clenched your jaw and grabbed your favorite cereal from the cupboard with more force than you intended to. You didn’t care, you continued to get the bowl and spoon while you tried to calm yourself down and ignore Loki’s comments.
“Loki, remember, we are guests. There is no need for such words.” Thor tried to alleviate your anger by taking your side, except it would take a lot more than a stern talk with Loki to calm you down, “These people offered you a home when you know well they could have taken you to their authorities where you would be locked away for the rest of your life. The least you can do is be polite to lady Y/N.”
Loki slowly shook his head, giving Thor a disapproving look, “Is there a difference whether I’m in this prison or another here on Midgard? Either option I am trapped on this wretched planet.”
You paused as you opened the refrigerator, your face hidden behind the door. He really did think of Earth as a prison. But why? From what the rest of the team told you Loki was taken back to Asgard after the attack on New York to pay for his crimes. He acted as if he wanted to be back home to serve his time, or anywhere in fact. Did he feel remorse for the devastation he conflicted all those years ago? No, that couldn’t be it. Still, you thought the same thing when you were with Hydra, desperately wanting to get rid of the cause of your greatest guilt. You didn’t care if you were sent to jail, as long as you were far away from Hydra, the facility you lived in, Kilcher, or anything that was remotely tied to your past. Loki was now stuck on the planet he tried to conquer, constantly reminding him of his own past.
Quit it, stop feeling empathetic for him. Not even a moment ago Loki mocked you, your species, your planet- now’s not the time to feel sorry for him.
Thor glared at his brother, “Brother, you may sulk all you want, but I demand that you apologize to lady Y/N.”
Loki turned his gaze on you, lips pursed in a thin line, “My apologies…” Loki’s eyes looked down before he revealed a coy smirk, “My apologies that my brother has fallen for your filth of a planet.”
The sound of Thor smashing his mug on the counter startled you, fragments of ceramic scattering everywhere. “Loki! I swear by the-”
If Loki was going to be difficult, might as well have fun with it. “It’s okay, Thor,” you reassured him, Loki gave you a puzzled yet intrigued look, “Earth might not be the greatest, and I might not be like Tony, but at least I get to leave the building whenever I want, to wherever I please.” You could see Loki’s jaw tighten, his eyes widen in anger and disbelief while he clenched his hand into a fist. You were able to leave the god of mischief with a silver tongue speechless. What you would do to get a picture of this moment.
You grabbed your bowl of cereal and headed towards the doors, not before giving a peace sign to the Norse gods while you used your foot to open the door. You couldn’t see it from the other side of the closed doors, but you knew that Loki would be throwing a fit. Then you realized you probably shouldn’t have pissed off the powerful being next door. So much for trying to be friendly with Loki.
You tried not to think about Loki or your “discussion” with him and his brother, instead you helped Tony all morning with new prototypes he’s been working on. Most of the devices were add ons for his suits, but you did get to witness a few toys for Steve’s shield like adding an extra force field like thing around it. It had a scientific name, but it was too long for you to remember even the first half of it.
Sitting on one of the worktables, you were doodling on the notepad Tony gave you to write down what happened during the tests to the prototypes. You would take notes, but everything Tony told you to write down were scientific words not even a spelling bee champion could guess to spell it right. So instead you put down words like “thingy” and “sciencey stuff” for every word you couldn’t spell and drew poorly drawn sketches of the devices as well as random patterns along the border.
You were so absorbed in one of your designs, you barely heard Tony call your name. “Hey, Y/N!” Tony snapped his fingers in front of your face, jolting your attention back to reality, “You alive? I’ve been rambling the last five minutes. Did you catch any bit of it?”
“Huh?” You let out, “Oh! Yeah, sorry. I guess I zoned out for. What time is it anyway?”
“Wanting to ditch class, can’t blame you.” Tony looked at his shining watch on his wrist, “It’s been a few hours, I guess we can break for lunch.”
Your stomach growled at the thought of food. Tony waved his hand at a few hologram monitors to turn them off, an idea sparked in your head, “Hey, if you want we could go out to eat. I know this great sandwich shop a few blocks from-”
“Sorry, can’t. I promised Pepper I’d meet with her and the wedding planner when I got the chance.” Something inside of you sank. You’d hope that you’d get to know your dad a bit better in an environment where he wasn’t fiddling with some device larger than a phone. “Okay… What about tonight then?”
Tony hissed in a breath of air, “That’s a no go either, got a meeting. Boring stuff for a mission, but it’s gotta be done.” He saw your obvious shift in mood, “But uh- We can rain check, if you want.”
You shrugged in disappointment, “Sure, rain check.”
Tony was clearly oblivious to your emotions, he winked and left as if nothing happened. You understood that he was a busy person, but he was the one who wanted to connect with you. For the past month you’ve only seen him about once every other day, every day if luck was on your side. When you did see him he was still working in his head, barely paying attention to what anyone was saying, but only chimed in with a snarky Stark remark. You wouldn’t be completely discouraged that he wasn’t paying attention to you as much as you’d hoped if the rest of the Avengers weren’t busy as well. The team either went on missions, meetings, training S.H.I.E.L.D recruits, or some sort of research. At the beginning of your stay you felt as though everyone was together, like a family. With your luck you should’ve figured there was a catch to living with the world’s mightiest heroes.
You left the lab not too long after Tony to find something to eat in the kitchen, suddenly not feeling the urge to go out for food like you intended. Walking down the long corridor with only the sound of your footsteps echoing off the walls filled you with a sense of loneliness. Even though you knew there were people scattered around the building somewhere, there was still that empty pit somewhere deep inside that felt familiar. The last time you’ve felt this hollowness was when you were with Hydra when the rest of the children avoided you after you were thrusted with the role of executioner. Your peers stopped talking to you, sitting near you during meals, even went out of their way to not look at you as if you were a monster who would attack at any moment. They were right. The fact that you are a monster created by monsters was what isolated you, not only from the children, but from becoming someone else.
The sudden twinge in your chest slowed your footing, the memories of Hydra, of Marcus, flooding back. All of those children... You took a deep breath. You needed to find someone to get yourself out of your head.
You barely remembered arriving to the kitchen, but the moment you closed the doors you felt a
moment of relief. Until you saw who was sitting in one of the lounge sofas with a magazine in hand.
“Oh, sorry.” you told Loki, his eyes only shifting at you for a brief second before going back to his magazine, “I didn’t think anyone was here, I thought everyone was out-” his green eyes glared at you as you stopped yourself from speaking anymore. You realized what you said now and your earlier conversation, you thought it would be best to shut it entirely before making things worse. “I’ll just… get something to eat.” You shuffled away as Loki rolled his eyes, going back to the magazine.
The kitchen was usually well stocked, but your stomach couldn’t decipher what it was in the mood for. You looked through the cabinets, drawers, fridge, nothing you saw sounded good, even your favorite leftover takeout. As you searched for your lunch, you glanced to Loki who was still silently reading. You were surprised he was out here instead of cooped up in his room like you were your first week. Maybe Thor forced him out as a start to bond with the others. Speaking of which, you thought you should try to make amends. Not that you were going to apologize since he totally started it, but an act of kindness might suffice.
“Did you want anything while I’m over here?” You asked, taking out the bread, “I think I’ll make a sandwich if you want one.” He didn’t say a word or even acknowledged you, Loki continued to read. You looked closer at what magazine he had, “I didn’t take you for a Cosmopolitan guy.” Still nothing. “I’d think you’d be more of a TIME magazine type.”
“I wouldn’t be reading this garbage if this prison had a decent library,” Loki snapped, “or even an actual book or two.”
“Oh.” Don’t pay attention to his attitude, play nice. “What do you like to read?” Good, small talk, that’s a start.
Loki scoffed, “As if you actually care. Did my brother put you up to this?”
You inhaled to try and keep your cool, as Loki was making this difficult yet again, “You don’t have to be skeptical whenever someone is trying to be nice to you.”
“You call mockery kindness?” He tossed the magazine on the coffee table before standing up, finally facing you, “You have a hilarious sense of humor for whatever game you’re trying to play.”
“What are talking about?” You question with folded arms.
“Don’t act so daft. One moment you act like an innocent creature, then the next you-” Loki paused, meeting your eyes with his. You could see rage building behind them, and something else? Could it be sorrow? No, it couldn’t be. Yet again, you don’t know his full story. But you do know that he was about to call you something nasty.
“Next I what? Act like a total bitch because you’re acting like a bratty kid complaining about their life?” You took a few steps towards him. Loki stood his ground as you approached, only a couple feet away from him. “You could be in a worse situation than this you know. You could be in prison with walls barely taller than you with no magazines or your own time to get food, or even the luxury of having a conversation, even if it’s just me getting pissed off!” You stepped closer until you were face to face with the god. You could see the details of his green eyes that are now filled with distress, his face remaining stoic. The two of you ended up in a staring contest for a few moments, both of you silent which was getting on your nerves even more, “Well? Please, say something!”
Loki opened his mouth as if to speak, when you feel something in the air shift. Not tension, but something you couldn’t explain. Physical? Emotional? Whatever it was, something lifted around the two of you like a heavy weight on your shoulders. Was it all in your head, or did Loki have something to do with it?
Suddenly, a faint sound that you couldn’t tell what it was began to form underneath you. By the look on Loki’s face he heard it too. As the sound grew louder, you both realized the source was coming right beneath not just you, but Loki as well. A ring of what looked like yellow-orange sparks formed at Loki and your’s feet, “Not again.” Was the last thing you heard Loki breathe out before everything went dark and you felt yourself falling through the air.
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wander---woman · 8 years
Santiago –> Lima –> Quito –> Cotopaxi –> Baños de Agua Santa –> Quito –> Bogotá –> Cartagena –> Santa Marta –> Cartagena –> Bogotá –> Mexico City –> DFW Texas
12 Jan. 2017
Here’s something that can’t be Instagrammed or Facebooked: I feel so comfortable in my own skin. On this packed van chugging along the Ecuadorian countryside, next to an artist and an actuary from Cape Town, I’m happy. This is what I love about travelling – stripped of your own cultural clothing, you’re forced to look inward, to inhabit yourself fully. Here is where my home is. I think it’s something I think we all carry with us, but we can’t always tap into it. Moments like these are all the more precious for that reason.
3:09 pm
Me: So what did you think of the waterfall?
Tom: It was a bit underwhelming, honestly. I’ve seen so many now it’s hard to be impressed. But it’s not really ever about the waterfall, is it? I like walking in the mountains and jungle and feeling the lichen and moss and everything.
Me: And getting your ass muddy.
Tom: And that. That’s it, isn’t it?
And that is it – getting outside, meeting new people, falling flat on your ass. What else is there?
Travel tip: Secret Garden Cotopaxi is worth the extra money if you find yourself in Ecuador.
I just saw snow-covered Cotopaxi in the moonlight under the stars. I was awestruck. Struck dumb with awe. I tried to take a photo, which, of course, didn’t turn out well. Somehow, the inability to capture the moment on film felt right. To recognize the ephemeral nature of one’s own existence on this planet and to be filled with gratitude is a deeply personal experience that can’t be translated or shared with others.
But I’m going to try anyway… [Cotopaxi in the early morning]
13 Jan. 2017
Hiked to Pasochoa (alt. over 4,200 mts above sea level). It was rainy and muddy and jungle-y at times, but a nice hike overall. We could see Cotopaxi from the summit. A dog who came with us from the hostel got lost, so some folks stayed up there to look for him.
A nice Canadian couple and I took turns carrying the other dog through the jungle part because he was scared.
I love people. I love how the Canadian guy spoke so humbly about his musical abilities and then played beautifully and effortlessly. I love how Tom and Patrik hiked back up a mountain to save a little dog. I love how Caitlin showed me how to play ukulele and was so happy when I got the chords right. I want to pick up some instrumental abilities, but I also want to do what they do with music, with words. If I could describe the feeling I had when I saw Cotopaxi – the neck of the moon – under the stars, it would be like finally touching the thing I’ve been grasping for for my whole life.
How do you craft accessible, poignant fiction? I don’t know yet, but I think it might be like singing in the car until you get better. I guess I’m okay with writing shit until that shit-to-decent ratio improves.
14 Jan. 2017
Blissful harmony with humanity cut short. Misanthropic cloud has appeared.
On the way to our Cotopaxi hike, the Europeans said our local guide, Carlos, was too fat to climb the volcano. They said overweight people can’t hike. Fuck that. PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT SHAPES AND SIZES CAN DO ALL THE THINGS.
Turns out Carlos has been a tour guide for over 20 years and has summited the volcano countless times. He just had a bike accident and had to get 26 pins in his knee, which is why he’s slower walking at the moment. And yet he still goes to 4,800 mts altitude almost daily.
I asked Carlos what he thinks about tourism in Cotopaxi and how it affects the local community. He said it’s good to earn money and share Cotopaxi with people, but having a hostel or tour agency that belonged just to the community instead of being contracted by big businesses would be ideal. As of now, he only earns 25 % of the price the hostel charges us. This strikes me as largely unfair, given that he’s the expert. I wish I could do something to help, even as a backpacking tourist with no money.
15 Jan. 2017
“Psychology of the twenty-first century crowd: people like to capture the spectacle, own it. Call it a side effect of late capitalism, call it an attempt to stave off the ineffable transience of life.”
Is that what I am doing by taking pictures of my travels? Furthermore, is uploading photos, posting, and sharing on social media our collective attempt to stave off the transience of life? The inevitability of death?
Unrelated: Hice la wea más turistica de mi vida. I just did the most touristy thing of my life. I took one of those obnoxious tour buses blasting bachata and reggaeton that stops every 15 minutes to get people to buy things. I hated it. But I did get to see some waterfalls, like the Pailon del Diablo, the most famous one.
I hitched a ride down from La Casa del Arbol with some Ecuadorians who were super nice and we talked about everything from travel to family to work. It was nice to connect with people using Spanish. The woman’s niece, whom we met, was kidnapped and held for ransom in Venezuela. I am so fortunate to have always lived in countries where that isn’t commonplace. I feel incredibly grateful.
16 Jan. 2017
I am constantly astounded and humbled by the beauty of nature. I am so sad to be missing out on rafting and canyoning today, but I’m resting my ankle (sprained it at La Casa del Arbol) so I can go full throttle in the jungle tomorrow.
Turns out reading in a hammock under the sun for hours and talking with Jimmy (works at the hostel) wasn’t half bad. It’s given me a chance to reflect on the important things. Jimmy is 30 but looks about 20. I asked him what his secret was and he said laughing a lot and enjoying every minute of life.
My new architect friend, David, also gave me some good life tips.
Me: Tell me something about architecture.
David: When people design their own homes, they always forget to include a place where happenstance is possible, where they can just be. When you get home and take a moment to decompress and take off your jacket. An interstitial space, it’s called – where you can run into someone you haven’t seen in a while. You always need a place to just be.
Me: That’s beautiful.
David: I guess it is.
I went to buy fruit with David and we made awesome fruit salads with dragon fruit and uvillas. Then we went to the hot springs at La Virgin de Agua Santa. I liked them – I met tons of people and there was a gorgeous waterfall. David and I made guacamole and now I’m having a great conversation with some Argentinians about sexism in music and its effect on society.
17 Jan. 2017
Went to the jungle today. First we stopped at an animal rehabilitation center and saw pumas, toucans, monkeys, leopards and jaguars. Then we went in a canoe down the river into the jungle and hiked to a waterfall. Actually, before that, we went on a swing in a gorge very reminiscent of the Tarzan movie. Our guide, Gary, who is from Amazonia, gave us mud masks. The waterfall was breathtaking – and I caught a glimpse of a rainbow peeking through. I swam under it even though my ankle still hurts. After some lunch, we went to a kichwa community. A girl painted some symbols on my face (a boa) and we tried shooting traditional sedative blow darts. I was noticeably the worst – surely a sign from the universe that I’m not meant to be sedating or killing anything. I’ll stick to my plantains, thank you.
We drank the traditional chicha drink in a welcome ceremony and were encouraged to buy artisanal jewelry made from seeds collected in the jungle and beaded into necklaces and bracelets. It was fascinating (if somewhat sad) to see the effect capitalism has had on the Amazonian communities. I can only hope tourism (especially my visit) hasn’t had a negative impact on traditional cultures. But I’d be kidding myself to think otherwise. In any case, I loved hearing the kichwa language and seeing at least some traditions, even if they were only the ones sanctioned and commodified for tourists.
18 Jan. 2017
I’m on the bus from Baños to Quito. I’m looking forward to having 3 and a half hours to read and reflect on my travels thus far. Before I left the hostel, the owner and staff hugged me and took photos with me, saying they would miss me. I appreciated that. Elba made the comment that I’m going back to the US, back to reality, soon. It dawned on me that I’ll be leaving Latin America. I’m not sure how I feel about that.
I’ve always been a planner, a long-term goal-oriented person. That’s worked to my advantage (academics, work), but it’s also caused me to sidestep/overlook/not take advantage of otherwise gratifying short-term opportunities that pop up on the road. What does failure look like to me? What does success look like? I think those are good starting points to work some of this out.
I went up Ichimbia and met a cool British guy and his husky on the way. Ichimbia was basically the San Cristobal of Quito. The views were nice, but paled in comparison to Cotopaxi. It made me realize I really like the campo.
Second Mercado Central run went well – red bell pepper, a ton of granadilla and pitahaya, and a weird alfalfa-guanabana juice acquired. Success.
Then I met a friendly veterinarian who lives near Vilcabamba. We navigated the public transportation together. That man sure seemed to have his shit together. Conversations like that and the one I had with Iralda from the hostel are what make traveling so worthwhile.
Flying Solo: Muddy Asses and the Overwhelming Joy of Ephemeral Existence in Ecuador Santiago --> Lima --> Quito --> Cotopaxi --> Baños de Agua Santa --> Quito --> Bogotá --> Cartagena --> Santa Marta --> Cartagena --> Bogotá --> Mexico City --> DFW Texas…
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