sosa-royals · 2 years
Do you have an aesthetic for your Sims?
Hi friend!
Thank for the ask (and sorry for taking ages!)
Yes! My sims have a 'general' aesthetic which I use to influence the way they dress, although sometimes they can deviate from their usual aesthetic depending on the season/mood/occassion, etc.
Anyway, Jackie's aesthetic is generally soft-girl. I think that's all there is to it lol. She occasionally goes cottagecore but she's more of a soft-girl.
Frankie's aesthetic is a mix between streetwear (dominant) and grunge. She's like 95% streetwear and 5% grunge.
As for Jules, I normally just dress her up in whatever I think looks cute (lol). But if I had to tie her to any aesthetic it would probably be light academia (I think).
This was fun! Thanks!
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wubjellie · 2 years
In the Portal
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a-s-levynn · 11 days
Do any of you remember this post, where i cutesified @lifemod17 's horny idea? I de-cutesified it slightly.
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crocodilenjoyer · 7 months
nami should be the next straw hat to develop conqueror’s haki. both because she deserves it but also because she’d take to being a ruler like fish to water. she’d absolutely abuse the shit out of it but she should get it as a treat
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tittyinfinity · 1 year
I wish I knew a single person who experiences these "dream flashbacks" like I do.... my therapist can't even tell me what tf is going on with those
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vixlenxe · 6 months
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"................... Ay, why are my ears ringing?"
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thrushppelt · 1 year
Why do I have so much beef w people giving these cats actual haircuts
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starshiprangerash · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped has dropped on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and it's Wednesday. So either Wrapped is coming out today sometime, or tomorrow, or not for another week. HOW CAN I SLEEP KNOWING AT ANY MOMENT THE WRAPPED IS DROPPING.
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grox · 3 months
I have come to tge realiztion that, I am never going to go to pride. And zj dont care. Everg year I just so manage to, something gets in tge way. And everg year I say sour grapes
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svnaaaaaa · 10 months
Monte Carlo : Charles Leclerc AU (Epilogue)
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pairing : charles leclerc x fem reader
summary : the married life went well. so is the pregnancy?
warning(s) : another domestic!charles, progress of pregnancy (i literally have nothing to write now), pictures from pinterest
previous : part seven
next : -
author's note : in honour of attack on titan's final episode aired, i presented a long epilogue just like how attack on titan ended its series *sobsob*. i had fun doing this series but i realized of how short the story is because i just don't know how to elaborate the story long but long stories can be boring (with my writing) at the end of the day so i decided to end it before it became nonsense lol. thank you for the support that you guys gave me, i hope you guys enjoy it from the first part till now.
tagging : (if you want to be tagged in, let me know)
recap :
"ready to be a daddy, papa?" y/n whispered as she stroked back charles' front hair to the back. "as ready as i ever be maman." charles replied, taking y/n's hand and kissed it.
10 weeks into pregnancy, y/n realized that her body is going through some changes and that being her emotions as well. her abdomen is getting a slight bloated as if she was overeating things. just a small bloating, nothing more or less. and since charles have a week off from racing, he decides to bring y/n back home in nice, france for some healing time. lately, charles noticed that his wife is having mood swings moments, where himself was afraid that something might trigger her which he assumed that his wife was stressed while he wasn't home.
"honey, you might want to slow down on those wings. it giving you a bloating tummy already." beau reprimanded as he saw his daughter savouring the chicken wings. which has been y/n's craving lately where she craved chicken wings with spicy honey glazed sauce on it. y/n who felt realiztion hits her hard, she put down the de-boned wing back on her plate and placed the plate on the coffee table in front of her as her eyes were getting tear up. charles comes in the living room and he heard his wife was getting to sob. he immediately went to her side and rub his wife's arms. "y/n sweetheart, what's wrong, tell me." charles hushed as the sobbing is getting louder.
"i'm fat!" y/n exclaimed. "which makes me ugly!" y/n continued and the crying comes in. charles sighed silently as he pulled his wife into his arms and hugged her gently, rubbing her back. "you're not fat and ugly my sweetheart, it just your body is going through some phases as you are pregnant now." charles tried to rationalized which makes beau hit with gulit. "i'm sorry baby, i know being pregnant makes you want to eat everything you want but i am just want you to be aware of what you eat. that's all, nothing harm." beau explained. y/n pulled away from charles' arms and glared at beau, which causing him to stutter and carefully walk away from the living room. y/n starting to sob again and once again, charles pulled her to his shoulder, swaying them left and right.
charles thought of how many weeks more for the mood swings to past by.
"charles, y/n, i'm sorry."
as charles making chicken pasta for dinner, y/n who is finished showering, entered their bedroom while patting dry her body until she saw the full body mirror in the room. y/n noticed something different on her body and went closer to the mirror. y/n gasped. "charles!" y/n called. "charles, come quick!" y/n called once again and as fast as a lightning, there charles was, gasping for air as he leaned onto the door frame. "what is it sweetheart, are you hurt?" charles asked, making y/n chuckled. "no silly, look!" y/n exclaimed as she referred to her abdomen, making charles look at it as well. when realization kicks in, charles' eyes enlarged as he approached to his wife's way and saw a small bump. a bump that resides in his baby.
their baby.
"you can touch it you know." y/n chuckled as charles placed his hands at the side of his wife's bloating tummy, carassing it. getting his eyes tearing up, he thought on how he can't wait to meet with the baby soon enough. "hello there little angel, papa can't wait to see you soon. i hope you are as beautiful as your maman." charles said and end it with a kiss on his wife's abdomen.
25 weeks into the pregnancy, y/n's abdomen became a bit larger than the last time she realized she had the tummy. this afternoon, pascale invited charles and y/n to her house for a lunch date. as charles went bonding with his brothers at the front yard, y/n, charlotte and pascale were in the kitchen, prepping things before cooking. since charles and y/n were the only leclerc couple that will be having a child soon, lorenzo and charlotte were more than happy to babysit the future baby before deciding to have their own baby, in order to gain some experience. "how's pregnancy treating you y/n?" charlotte asked y/n as she was washing some apples before handing to y/n to slice it up. y/n sat at the island table stool, rubbing her lower tummy looking at charlotte. "it was like a rollercoaster ride to be honest, sometimes i am okay sometimes i am not. and poor charles had to attend to all my ridiculousness." y/n replied as she chuckled at the thought of charles had to find a rabbit meat for y/n to eat it with a sriracha sauce, where charles had to made an order through amazon for the sriracha sauce.
charlotte chuckled as well. "well, he had to since he's also helping making the baby right?" charlotte asked and y/n nodded at the question. "he had to, if he doesn't want our baby to drooling once it was born." y/n said, had a thought of where her mother used to tell a story of a baby that keeps on drooling because the father wasn't able to fulfill the mother's pregnancy craving. once she told the story to charles, at first he thought it was kinda weird and dumb but the thought of having his own baby might be experience with drooling in its toddling years, he couldn't bear to risk it so he just fulfilled everything that y/n craved.
"is it really a thing?" charlotte asked and y/n shrugged. "it can be real, it cannot but neither of us want to risk." y/n replied while cutting off watermelon this time. pascale chuckled. "i also don't want you two to risk anything bad to my grandchildren." pascale informed, stirring her cookings on the stove. both charlotte and y/n looked at each other, just smiling. "will do pascale." charlotte replied. "maman, arthur's here with carla." lorenzo informed as both arthur and carla entered the kitchen and kissing pascale's cheek, carla holding something in her arms. "here i brought some desserts from patisserie riviera." carla informed, placing a box of desserts on the dining table.
y/n gasped as she holding her lower abdomen, alerting everyone in the house. "y/n, are you okay?" charles asked, rushing in to y/n's side and placed his hands on y/n's. "i-i'm fine, i guess." y/n replied in confusion. "it just, i felt something like cramp but it wasn't that hard or painful." y/n continued as she placed charles' hands on where y/n felt the flutter against her abdomen. charles' eyes brighten up at the feel of the small kicks.
"wait, the baby kicked because of patisserie riviera?" arthur asked.
amélie was assigned to be the planner of the baby shower and she planned it to be an all-girls party at a venue where charles and y/n held their wedding at. amélie also invited kika, carmen, kelly, rebecca, lily, and basically all formula one drivers' partners. the theme of the party is pastel purple because everyone doesn't know the gender of the baby. the baby gender reveal will be held at the end of the party where the men will be invited right after the party ends.
theme and cake
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invitation card
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dining table
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"okay everyone, gather around here as we are going to play our first game." amélie announced as she stood on a podium with backdrop that she designed specially for her future niece/nephew. the ladies started to stood in front of amélie as y/n took place next to amélie as she linked her arm around amélie's.
"we are going to play our first game, which i call 'play dough babies', where each of you will be given a cup of play dough and the rule is easy." amélie started as she pulled a trolley that have cups of colourful play dough. "each of you need to create the perfect play dough baby where our mother to-be here, will decide the winner." amélie finished and starts handing out the play dough cups. "also help yourself with props in the trolley there to add some bonus points!" amélie added. the ladies in the hall starts to get excited as the trolley were pushed into the middle of the hall and they saw things that they can get creative with.
"okay ladies, you only have 15 minutes to create the most perfect yet creative play dough baby." amélie said as she pulled out a stop watch. "your 15 minutes start, now!" amélie announced as she clicked on the timer and the ladies started to rolling out play dough according to their own ways. "so y/n, who do you think will be the winner?" amélie asked leisurely as she tried not to make things focus on the game. y/n hummed as she looked at the contestants making their babies eagerly. she eyed on kika's play dough baby. "i had my eyes on someone's but i can't tell who." y/n replied as she giggled. "oh-kay then, ladies your time have five more minutes left." amélie announced and she walked around, eyeing the babies.
"time's up! so y/n, please choose your winner mommy!" amélie announced and y/n walked around to evaluate the babies.
y/n smiled genuinely. "without bias, the winner for this round is ... carla!" y/n announced as carla jumped happily and went to hug y/n at her arm as she doesn't want to cause trouble to y/n.
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five games later, at party is now almost at the end and the men now have arrived. y/n's eyes lighten up as charles showed in her sight. charles saw y/n and walked his way to her. y/n smiled at charles and grabbed his arm, hugging it. charles chuckled at his wife's attitude, stroking his wife's arms around his right arm. "alright, now that everyone is here. now is the time for the gender reveal!" amélie announced and brought in a white frosted cake on her hands.
the guests there were starting to clapping their hands, feeling excited at the reveal of baby leclerc. including the new leclercs, where both charles and y/n is fine with the gender of the baby, as long as the baby is healthy and happy. charles gripped on y/n's hand where he pulled it to his mouth and kissed on it, making y/n smiled at her husband's gesture.
"ladies and gentlemen, may i here invite the leclercs to the podium here and cut the cake to present the reveal of their baby's gender." amélie announced and then both charles and y/n went to the front, onto the small podium that amélie made, hand in hand. amélie smiled at the couple and stood a bit away from where the couple stood. "are you guys feeling excited?" amélie asked, being the great host she is. "are you expecting a boy or a girl?" amélie added. "well..." charles started, as he getting nervous for no specific reason. "we were hoping to get both boy and girl but since there is only one baby here," charles placed his hand on his wife's belly, "we are fine with any of it as long as the baby's fine and y/n have a safe labour soon." charles said as the crowd were awed at charles' reply.
"okay, it's time to cut the cake! which gender will the new baby leclerc will be!" amélie said as both charles and y/n cut the cake and the gender has been revealed, which caused joy among the guests there.
38 weeks passed by so quickly and it is time for y/n to be admitting into her labour ward since the baby can arrive soon enough. also she has been feeling mild contractions. right now, charles went off to registering his wife after they got in their ward room.
"have you thought about the name yet?" one of the nurses asked as she was inserting iv drip on y/n's arm while y/n make herself comfortable on a bed that she has been admitted. "yea, we had few names listed but the right one will comes right in when we see the baby's face." y/n told the nurse. the nurse smiled at the excitement of a new mother. this was the first time for the nurse to see new mothers being calm, despite within 24 hours, they had to push a baby out of their uterus.
"all done, if there's any discomfort or problems, please press the button here okay?" the nurse asked and y/n nodded her head yes. making sure that y/n is fine once again, she left the ward room, followed with charles entering. y/n letting out a huge huff of breath. "another contraction?" charles asked and y/n nodded her head yes. "but still, the water isn't broke yet. is it normal?" y/n asked worriedly, making charles nervous and worried as well.
he was a small child when his mother gave birth to arthur and y/n was the younger child in her siblings. none of them experience with childbirth before.
"i guess so, want to take a walk?" charles offered. y/n nodded her head yes.
the leclerc couple walked down the hallway of the ward, waiting for water to break and also for dilation. dragging along the iv drip along. "can you believe it char, less than 24 hours we get to see our little baby!" y/n said excitedly even in the midst of contraction. charles smiled at his wife's excitement and admired at how strong a woman is even if she is in labour. this makes charles respect women even more, especially his mum and wife. "we have been waiting long enough now, please hurry up little fella." charles said while rubbing his wife's stomach, causing y/n groaned silently not wanting to create chaos. charles noticed it and pulled his hand away and immediately hold onto his wife's shoulders, fearing that she might fell down or something along the way. charles looked at y/n worriedly, which y/n saw and smiled a bit. "i'm fine, it just the baby can't wait to meet you too." y/n said slowly.
and their walk ended right there, as to the dilation went from 2 cm to 9 cm. that fast huh.
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charles_leclerc Presenting René Jules Valentin Leclerc. I love you my boy, just like how I love your mother ❤️
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yourusername rené jules valentin leclerc, reborn youthful and healthy
Comments are off.
a/n : the end! i didn't know how to end it so i ended it this way. thank you to all who have been supporting this series from the beginning until now. for now i would like to take a rest from writing because i have been in writer's block mode for a while now, hence the ending. if any of you have any suggestions or request, feel free to inbox me and i will try my best to make it a reality! once again, thank for the support and if you don't mind, feel free to follow me so that you will known what will i write next hehe 🩵
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lower-management · 6 months
Next time my court fuckz up big time I'm replacing random everyday objectz around the office with thoze hyper-realiztic cakez the humanz make without zaying anything and waiting to watch the chaos unfold.
Thiz iz both a threat and a warning.
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amethystamanda · 3 months
1894, Part 1
Virginia takes after her dad.
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Blowouts are not pretty. Why did they want children again?
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Virginia has reached her third birthday, and it's time for new clothes.
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They had a wonderful community garden party for Victoria Day. They played games, had a grilled lunch, watched speeches, and generally had a grand time.
Lydia's friend Alma and her husband were behaving scandalously in public. At least it was between a married couple?
Miss Bellefleur was off to the side on her own, as she generally chose to be. She preferred her own company.
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Sadly, Lydia received word that her father had passed away.
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And then Laurence's father stayed out in the hot sun too long and joined Charles. Mary, his mother, was not well enough to attend the funeral.
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He was followed by Maggie, Lydia's mother, who was laid to rest next to her husband. Their graves were some of the first in the new section of the Forgotten Hollow Cemetery. They hope the saying that deaths come in threes is true and it's the end.
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Virginia loves watching her mama.
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Grim really likes our Jezebel butterfly.
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This year's Labour Day was fun, including with public debates and speeches.
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Virginia's new cc under the cut, and also changes to my plans for the save.
Kit's Christmas Shoes by @historicalfictionsims https://historicalfictionsims.tumblr.com/post/707557167404826624/kits-christmas-shoes-conversion-bgc
Vintage Ringlets by @the-melancholy-maiden https://www.patreon.com/posts/vintage-ringlets-66568675
Lio Toddler Hair by @birksche https://birkschessimsblog.wordpress.com/2021/08/23/lio-toddlerhair/
Ruffled Dress with Pinafore https://plumbobteasociety.tumblr.com/post/160912278923/teanmoons-tea-party-birthday-set-to-celebrate
1897 TF dress by @vintagesimstress https://www.patreon.com/posts/1897-tf-dress-29516735
1890s coats converted for toddler girls V2 by Vintage Simstres https://www.patreon.com/posts/1890s-coats-for-38462411
ESTHER DRESS CONVERSION (V1) by @historicalfictionsims https://historicalfictionsims.tumblr.com/post/712179410339610624/esther-dress-conversion-v1-bgc
1895 Toddler Female dress for colder days by Vintage Simstress https://www.patreon.com/posts/1895-toddler-for-29935924
1820′S TODDLER DRESS by @peebsplays https://peebsplays.tumblr.com/post/633164679774109696/simblreen-2020-treat-2-1820s-toddler-dress-a
Elsie Apron by @chere-indolante https://chere-indolente.tumblr.com/post/668838073891782657/decades-of-aprons-part-1
GUIDRY BOATER by @jewishsimming https://jewishsimming.tumblr.com/post/657374879649333253/guidry-boater-for-kids-toddlers-i-converted-my
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I'm not doing 2 full years of mourning clothes. That's a LOT of black.
I reached Wednesday, and realized that I would never have a teen in the 1890s, or a marriage, or anything, and decided to change how I'm playing it. One generation per decade, the same as some people play decades anyway. I want to experience the decade, for most if not all life stages, and I can't do that with any kind of realiztic years. Decades will change when the heir gets married. In some ways decades will be longer (heir from birth to older teen or YA) and in some ways they will be shorter (shorter life overall, actually). The 1890s years are going to be a bit off, even by how I'm going to measure time (heir's marriage until next heir is born is year 0, then years proportionate to the heir's age, with year 9 being when the heir is eligible to marry).
The immediate differences are that Virginia will be the last toddler to have two completely different sets of clothes, and I will be changing aging. Instead of:
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It will now be (with animal lifespans doubled from normal game lifespans):
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That's not the cause of the first two deaths, but it is the cause of the third.
Thank you to @simverses for fixing the bucket override you can see in the background of at least one of the Victoria Day pictures, so I don't have to pick between DX11 and blue plastic in the middle of my 1894 party (or making my own override, because hers is the only one I know of, and I would probably have just made my own if I couldn't use that).
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voidzphere · 6 months
hey, if u dont mind can u give me some Kustard headcannons please
ABZOLUTELYYY i love kuztard :3
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i really like the aspect of them touching more on realiztic relationshipz; couch cuddling, tv watching, going out to buy groceriez together and juzt bein lazy together in general.
there is the angzty, hurt + comfort side of it though !!! becauze theyve both gone through similar experiencez with timelinez and resetz, brotherz and the player,, and BECAUZE theyve gone through similar stuff, they comfort each other if either of them start to remember or panic about it.
i know for a FACT they be flirty as fuck but itz moztly juzt fell 80% of the time and the other 20% is sans. whenever bro actually flirtz back fell getz FLUZTERED truzt
fell iz a dog perzon while sanz iz a cat perzon .. yet they both know they arent rezponzible enough for that 💔💔
i definitely zee them bein more of a married couple than a long term relationzhip type of thing
they prorbably infodump to each other about zciencve ztuff like NERDZ becauze they both uzed to help out gazter n ztuff
THEY PRBLY TALK ABT THAT TOO, the fact gazter disappeared n allat. or they wouldnt talk abt it AT ALL.
i think sanz would either be inzecure with his body or not give a fuck, but the inzecurity iz often added when wantin to touch more on the angzt azpect of it. zo i can definitely zee fell comforting him over that and tellin him he doeznt care about his body and lovez him either way.
their zimilaritiez bring each other clozer, dezpite how different they are from each other x]
ztyle wize ?? pretty different i would zay, until theyre like, ztayin at home bein lazy and doin nothin but laying around. THEN itz juzt t-zhirtz and zhortz (or nothing at all if theyre feelin extra lazy 💀)
fell was the one to confess AND propoze :P
i think he definitely letz his guard around sanz and ONLY sanz, he makez him feel zafe <3 he'z not uzed to havin zomeone not be aggrezzive towardz him and be zupportive of him no matter what, so sometimez he feelz guilty that he cant be az zweet n caring az sanz, becauze he waz taught & grown to learn that violence iz the only way to protect yourzelf, so he definitely usez aggrezzion and bein mean az affection
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solanuuma · 1 year
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woah no im not gonna call it like that
anyway i've come to the slow realiztion (with horror) that several of my colleagues who work here for 15+ years don't really understand how ball valves work and just memorized where every lever on every machine and pipe has to point to do certain tasks
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excessive-moisture · 10 months
North, are the Enot submissions for Down closed-
They aren't, although I already have way more enots in my inbox than i'll realiztically be able to use :'D
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williamstrother · 8 months
The toxic state of the Star Wars fandom
Even the best of us fans can be corrupted like how Anakin became Darth Vader. By watching this video, It opened my eyes. We can't keep attacking each other like this or we'd end up being no better than what ruined the franchise for a lot of people. Even I was on the verge of turning out like that. So I post this to express my realiztion. I don't want to embrace the toxity the fandom is now facing. I realize i'm not saving the franchise that way, only becoming the very thing I don't want to be. So from here on out, I'll be more supportive for what the future holds. Whatever it is. Thank you and god bless you.
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