#really proud of that claw.
bloodmothsart · 1 year
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system-architect · 3 months
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mistwalker, revenant, and fractal savant
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slightlydensedragons · 2 months
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Taking inspiration from Batcrooks fantastic renditions, man we could have had some big clawed digger boys with digger wings. There's nothing wrong with having a small area of wings to have a secondary on (here's looking at you gaolers). Some thicker boys, with good solid digging limbs, with a tail that's not overly complicated. I'm no fantastic artist to replicate anything for FR's style but damn. Less bald with a better silouhette.
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benanazauce · 14 days
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doodles from @findmeabowlofundertale’s whiteboard!! I didn’t get to screenshot all of them AGHHHH
asteri belongs to her so PLEASE go check her blog out for more asteri content!!
felix and simon belong to @onedappercreature, go check them out too!!!! they have very neat ocs and art :DD
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unordinary-diary · 17 days
I think Keon and Kassandra might be related.
... ok hear me out.
first of all, their hair colors are similar, which is often a narrative shorthand for “these two characters are related”, especially in stuff like anime where hair colors are much more unique. Additionally, their speech bubbles are almost the exact same color.
But if you want actual evidence? Keon is the first character in the story to show suspicion of Headmaster Vaughn.
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Much much later in the story, Kassandra also shows suspicion, and launches an investigation on him.
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It’s reasonable to assume that Keon could have planted that first seed of suspicion in her head, if the two of them have some connection. This goes especially since they both work for the authorities, but Keon doesn’t work for a department that could authorize him to launch an investigation like that. Kassandra has the authority to do all the things with Vaughn that Keon is frustrated about not being able to do. If they’re related, Keon probably asked Kassandra to launch the investigation.
It would also explain Keon’s interest in Wellston, considering he used to work in or near New Bostin which is far away, if Kassandra went there.
Keon also looks like he’s old enough to be her dad. He doesn’t have to be her dad specifically, but my age estimate for Kassandra is 24 (assuming I mathed right), and Keon looks like he could be in his 50s or 60s, which is a reasonable age to have had Kassandra. (Kassandra’s age calculation is a maximum btw. She can’t be older than that unless she was held back or sm.)
So basically, it could be true.
[At the time of this prediction, the latest chapter is 345]
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man--eater · 2 months
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all of her sorrow won't fit in her chest it just burns like a fire in the pit of her chest and her heart is a bird on a spit in her chest how long, how long, how long? --anais mitchell/hadestown
Alastor and my sinner OC Daphne. He's got a lot to make up for, my poor girl ;-;
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this man does not look well
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ndntighnari · 2 months
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Can't believe this creature is over 18. Not only that but aside from some arthritis and being incredibly round (because my dad won't stop spoiling her with extra feedings) she's in almost perfect health??
Have some Ashallah pics, enjoy this screaming creature
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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My cousins made their own troll Ocs and I drew them in my style.
They were very excited about it
#my art#not my art#both#trolls#dreamworks trolls#they had a lot of fun making these#i actually really love the color palette for princess i think my cpusin did a very good job on that#claw is something else#he is a unicorn troll#neon green was an interesting choice but hey claw is an interesting guy#is it obvious idk how to draw country trolls lmao#ever since i told them i also liked trolls we have had our own little club#im their person who they can talk to about it#they will also just sit and ask me to draw tiny diamond and guy diamond over and over and over and over and over again#they really like tiny diamond#but hey i love those little guys so i draw the trolls they demand of me#they also asked me to draw poppy and branch so they could color them#i still have to finish my viva coloring page for them#the younger of the two who made princess is really good at color picking and color matching#she colored poppy without a ref and its p accurate to her colors#the older one who made claw used the ref for every color but he got pretty close when he tried to guess#the older one also misunderstood me when i said id been practicing art since i was 5 and thought i was this good since i was 5#he was very depressed for about 15 minutes#it was really funny but dw i assured him that was not the case#but like for those 15 min he did not believe me#even his sister was like 'nono you didnt hear it right' but he was already in the emo zone#he was fine later tho and continued on making his troll#and also proud teacher moment but i had taught princesses creator some art techniques off handedly#not expecting her to remember any of it but then she did and apparent shes been using it ever since#im like omg i actually taught another human bsing something its insane
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amuhav · 1 year
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     “I suppose, if you had to get stuck with one of our kind, you could do worse than me. At least the pair of us have one thing in common.”      “Oh?”      “Neither of us really has a place here.”      “Then make one.”
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northern-passage · 1 year
I saw this on another blog and thought it was a cute question 'what's a line or a scene you've written that you still think about because it makes you happy?'
i don't know if "happy" is the right word for it but i'm still pretty proud of all of the possible Duncan takedowns you can get in the fight. one of my favorites is when Lea is injured and an alchemist hunter gets to have a little wolverine moment:
He glares at you, his nostrils flaring, and he lowers his hand and charges, and you patiently wait for him to come. You drop low, darting beneath his vertical strike and swiping at his legs, your metal claws hooking around his calf and wrenching him off his feet. He slams back into the flood, and you rip your claws free with a hot spray of blood before throwing yourself on top of him. The claws retract in a burst of red sparks, slotting back into your bracer as you roughly grab at the front of Duncan's chestplate.
You leer down at him, and you hit him once, twice, three times, dark blood spilling down his fancy armor, your own knuckles splitting against his teeth, his head snapping back unnaturally as he pathetically grabs at your arm, digging his nails into the gash on your forearm - but you ignore the pain, the black blood oozing through your sleeve, instead just hitting him again, and again, and again, dark shadows flickering around you in anticipation.
"I expected more from you," you mock, before shoving him beneath the flood waters.
Your hands fumble for a moment, pressing against his face, his throat, his own hands thrashing wildly, still digging into the cut in your arm, but you just shove him deeper into the water.
The runes of his armor are flashing frantically, glowing beneath the water, illuminating the ghastly look on Duncan's face, his blood catching the light and casting long, red shadows all around you.
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kitkatnerds3 · 28 days
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I think she should be more insane, actually.
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iftitah · 6 months
i think im getting better at living in the moment
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shtish · 10 months
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I hit 50 books!
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captain-crowfish · 1 year
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an experimental drawing from like, December. This is the character in my icon! their name is Kyya (or 'Skipper') and I've been drawing him since I was 12 or something. I've wrestled with what story/settings sound good for him since he's supposed to be somewhat of a vengeful exiled God. But no matter the changes, they've always maintained the creepy teeth, hyena physique, three (3) notches in either ear and the stripy hair.
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
I dont care about majima x sagawa btw but i care a lot about their relationship regardless because i want them to have the most toxic dealings and skewed power dynamics with each other as possible and i them both to have increasingly warped perceptions of each other (worlds most incorrect uncle-nephew relationship)
#Listen to my problems#sagawas like majima chan i bought pudding for you since chewing is hard right now and majimas like (muffled) can you kill yourself . and#sagawa is like (laughs) keep up that tone and ill break your jaw again#like obviously sagawa isnt doing charity work putting majima back on his feet because majima has to pull his own weight too but over time#majima became less of an ‘investment’ and more like his hotheaded young apprentice / nephew who is really smart (sagawas very proud of him)#but also doesnt know anything good for himself because hes an idiot and sagawa needs to do everything for him sometimes or he’ll pull the#most ASININE stunts imaginable. like kid i do Good by you and you do the same for me as long as you keep your head down and run the grand.#he cannot fathom why majima wants to claw his way back into the tojo because sagawa Knows shimano and he Knows that shimano is bad news and#will definitely send majima into the jaws of death over and over and seriously what a WASTE of good talent !!! unfortunately majima is the#same type of stupid as his oath brother but it doesnt mean he wants to see the kid get himself killed (wise words from a man who got himself#killed) | and majima ... it was not difficult to start going crazy about sagawa at first sight because he just came out of a very violent#place where every touch meant more torture and pain then suddenly hes being put in the capable hands of a man whos like a fucking angel#sagawa feeds clothes and bathes him and majima cant help but act like being cared for is the worst thing thats ever happened to him theres#too much touching and hes completely dependent on sagawa who checks his weight daily and changes his bandages and cleans his leaky infected#eye and he wants nothing more than to be left alone but he cant do anything by himself and hes too devastated to be grateful. its gross !!#and whenever he inevitably breaks the hell down sagawa is always there to hold and comfort him and what the hell else can he do but seek#comfort in the only person that ‘cares’ about him when sagawa is so good at pretending ... is he pretending ? who gives a fuck anymore man#sagawas punishment and comfort all in one ... hes a means to an end .. hes majimas caretaker and his gaoler. the guy who knows everything#about him and the one who’ll use every last bit of it against him oh god wait#this is just isabelle and emma damnit damnit im gonna go read purromised neverland again
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casekt · 9 months
#audio#putting my head through a wall saturday#this song makes me think about a few things but rn I'm thinking about LR on top of n beating the shit out of FP (their illegitimate father)#maybe he'd even be interested to know that his child has his explosive violent anger despite them never having met#maybe he'd be proud#it would at least make him smile#LR would be so fucking angry. they're 22 n he's 58 so it's a possibility they could win if he couldn't reach his gun#which he usually carries in a holster the front of his pants so if they're sat on top of him he can't reach it#idk if it would be a blind rage of punching him till he stops moving or a screaming crying spitting clawing thing#probably depends on His reaction#if he says anything. like in the middle of the violence he goes ''you really are my kid'' LR would likely start crying#and get sloppy so if FP really cared to live through that situation he could probably throw them off#but frankly I think he'd find it pretty fitting his adult child he never knew existed would be the one to catch up to him#and he's lived a satisfying life by his standards#this would all be solved if he gave a shit n gave them a hug though lmfao#but he doesn't care#beyond the brief entertainment they could bring him. esp since he could hold power over them#eugh what a guy#love my characters they're personifications of my issues lmfao#and the fact that they have identical eye colors and very similar eye shapes. sheesh.#like looking into your own eyes
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