#really sit down and listen
miami2k17 · 3 months
there's so much shit i want to watch and read and play but i cant because i just have no time anymore. like when i was a teenager id clap a game a week and read for hours and finish entire 10+ season tv shows and now i have to come home and say would i like to eat or talk to my friends or spend time consuming media for 2-3 hours before its time to teleport back to work tomorrow cause i only have the energy for one! i can only do one of them whats it gonna be
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fjordline · 11 months
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
"haha, are you an art gay, a science gay, or a math gay"
Actually, I find the division between art, science, and math to be a very nebulous idea and useless when you actually interact with the universe. The more you learn about the world, the more you surround yourself with art and science and math, and you'll never be able to see it any other way and it will be beautiful. When I take your hand, it won't be the science of our atoms closing the distance between us that we will experience, but the math of our fingers interlocking and the art of our bodies that we will experience. You are math and you are science and you are art, and nothing will make you any lesser💛
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booasaur · 8 months
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wtFOCK - 7x03
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variksel · 8 days
peachyville horror has done Something to my psyche and i dont know if i enjoy it only bcs its slow and painful ......... for the first time in my life im sitting here, 5 days before a new episode is coming out, and im getting excited about it being dndads tuesday soon
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luckycharms1701 · 6 months
Howdy Hon! I hope you’re having a fantastic day and just want to send all the love and holiday well wishes!
Just wondering if I might make a super duper self indulgent request? If you’re not feeling it, that’s totally ok hon. Please please take care of yourself first!
But if it’s not too much I was wondering on how you would think the boys (either Rise or Bayverse you can pick) would react to a having SO who was like “strong independent women who needs no man” AKA she’s been taking care of herself and others for so long that she doesn’t know the first thing about receiving care back. As such she gets defensive and tries to “out take care of someone”
AnYhOo, no stress no worries if you’re not in the mood. If so, I heard you like flowers? Here’s a Buttercup for you then! All the loves 🧡🌼
howdy!! thank you for the love and holiday wishes anon-chan! sending them back to you!!
i really love this request! sorry it’s taken me so long to get to it, i wanted to give it the thought it deserved and i’ve been a bit busy with real life lol
thank you so much for the buttercup! ☺️🌼 i love buttercups!! i’m starting to amass a small flower collection from y’all lol i love it
doing bayverse mostly because the thought of bay leo dealing with this cracks me up
Speaking of our boy in blue, oh does he get testy about it. He’s the type who wants to wait on his partner hand and foot, so the fact that you won’t let him? It drives him insane. What do you mean you don’t want him to do everything for you?
He pulls out a chair for you? You sit elsewhere. He asks what’s wrong when he knows you’re upset? You tell him it’s nothing. He brings you flowers? You start handing them out to his brothers?????
Leo tries to be reasonable, he does. But when he brings it up you are dismissive. This is how you’ve always operated, you don’t see the problem. What does he mean, you’re not supposed to give and give and give until there’s nothing left?
It’s driving him up a wall. So he makes a plan. If talking to you about it isn’t going to help you see the problem, then he’ll just have to show you.
Suddenly every time you try to do something for Leo he deflects or ignores or dismisses it.
You go to make his favorite tea? He pulls the box out of your hands and makes it himself. You bring him his favorite cookies, handmade? He doesn’t touch them, Mikey eats most of them. You try to give him a post-workout massage? He walks off.
You are upset and confused, until the next time he pulls out a chair for you. You almost sit elsewhere, but the resigned look on his face hits you like a ton of bricks, and you suddenly get what’s been happening.
You sit in the chair he pulled out. Later, when you’re alone, the two of you talk it out and there are many hugs and some tears. You make more of an effort to let him do things for you, and he makes more of an effort to let you do some things yourself. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
Contrary to his brother’s opinion, Raph’s brains are not in his biceps. He’s quite perceptive, and he sees what’s going on. He is not quite sure of what to do about it though. That frustrates him a bit.
Talking to you is right out. He just knows he won't get the words out right and he'll upset you somehow. Besides, he's a man of action.
Funnily enough, his campaign starts out with words. Nicknames, specifically. Princess. Babygirl. Nicknames that are cute, yes, and also suggest someone who gets taken care of rather than doing the care. He also really likes them. Unfortunately, you don't notice what he's trying to do because, again, he hasn't talked to you.
He tries taking a page from (eugghhh) his older brother's book and being gentlemanly and shit. He has about as much success. The less that's said about the time he held the door for you, the better. His frustration level is rising.
Maybe you think he can't provide or care for you? He supposes you aren't that far off when it comes to providing, unless it's protection. If being a gentleman won't work, perhaps being a bodyguard would?
Suddenly he's shadowing you all. the. time. You even catch glimpses of him when the sun is up. It's driving you a little crazy, the lack of privacy. He even follows you around in the lair. Your frustration level is rising.
It all comes to a head the day you find him in your apartment when you arrive home from work. The downstairs neighbor starts banging on the ceiling after ten minutes because of how loud the yelling is. The two of you silently agree to continue the argument in the lair.
When you get there though, Raph just pins you to his bed, and the words finally come to him. About how he wants to help you, be there for you, the way you are for him. He buries his face in your neck and lets it all out.
It doesn't fix everything. But it's the step in the right direction that the two of you need. You come out of his room stronger, together.
Donnie is glad you're self sufficient, as it means you don't mind all the time he spends in the lab. You even make sure he eats and has coffee, what more could he want?
At least, until he makes you a little something in appreciation and you smile and tell him that you're thankful but it's okay, you don't need anything from him.
He is absolutely taken aback. You don't need anything from him? At all? That can't be right. He immediately sets to figuring out this problem. After all, how can you be partners without an equal push and pull? You're supposed to be the positron to his electron.
He sees you. He sees how you give and give and give. How you not only never get anything in return, but outright refuse anything offered. This observation does not sit well with him.
He has to fix this. But how? Donnie starts spending more time out of the lab and with you, trying to figure out the best way of approaching this. You notice this change in his behavior.
It’s when you come to him, worried about his behavior of all things, that he sees an opportunity to speak to you. He tries to be as objective and logical as possible.
At least until the end of his observations. Then he hesitates, giving you a small self-deprecating smile as he tells you that he would understand, if this was your way of telling him that you didn’t think he could be an equal partner. That you think him incapable of caring for you the way you care for him.
That, if nothing else, gets your attention. You had never intended to make him feel that way, and you quickly go about assuring him of that. You ask him to help you learn how to be cared for, as you don’t know that you know how to do that. You’ll never forget the way he smiles as he threads his fingers through yours and promises to do just that.
Sweet boy. Innocent soul. Pure dumbass. He is so upset and he’s not sure what to do. He just wants to love you properly and you won’t let him! Even worse, you take care of him like he is your little brother, not your lover.
He does what he’s always done first: looks to his brothers. However, they aren’t that much help. Leo and Donnie just say to talk to you, but they aren’t exactly clear on what to say. Raph just kind of grunts and glares at him. Perhaps Mikey shouldn’t have asked mid-workout.
Okay. So he needs to talk to you. That should be easy, right? He talks to you all the time. No problem.
His first attempt leaves both of you confused and a little frustrated. He rambles on and on about caring for people and brothers and just makes no sense at all. You tell him to try again when he wants to make sense and walk away.
So for his second attempt he gets serious. Writes down a speech and everything. But when he tries to talk to you, his nerves get the better of him. He stumbles through half the speech before you stop him and just grab the paper and read it.
So now you understand the problem. Unfortunately you don’t think it’s a problem. You’re dismissive of his concerns, and that just kills Mikey. So he turns to art. He picks up his paints and pours all of his frustration, his fears, and his love into his work.
He doesn’t show you the piece. What would be the point? You’ve already dismissed him twice. But his brothers are, as always, looking out for him. Nobody messes with Mikey, especially his partner. So they show you what he’s created.
You don’t necessarily understand fully what is going on in the piece, but the emotions with which it was painted are clear. You realize that this is something that is very important to Mikey, and you dismissed it out of hand like it was nothing.
So you go to Mikey. You tell him that you’ve seen the piece, and you apologize profusely for dismissing what he had to say. You are ready to listen now.
And you do. He is so hesitant at first that it breaks your heart, but as you continue to listen and encourage him he gains confidence. The two of you work together to come up with ways to resolve this issue. And when you’re done, you have your crazy, silly, loving Mikey back.
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birdkittenn · 8 months
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so. oracion
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sidneycarter · 2 months
love the idea that post The Situation thomas is just increasingly obtuse when it comes to jimmy's feelings.
so when one day mrs hughes mentions in passing at how much easier it is to handle james now he's settled down, thomas is incredibly confused. and a little bit heartbroken too of course.
it gets even stranger when on valentine's day alfred sulkily asks jimmy how many cards he's sent that year and jimmy merely shrugs and smirks. mrs patmore chastises them for gossiping and announces that surely, jimmy's only got one to be sending.
then one night, most of the staff are enjoying a rare night off in the pub. as usual, a host of pretty girls surround jimmy, and one particularly brave one asks jimmy if he's got any plans on one of his half days. jimmy throws her a cheeky wink and says "sorry, darling, but i'm spoken for."
thomas starts feeling really rather hurt. he's known all along that this would happen eventually - that jimmy would eventually move on and find a nice village lass, but it still stings to hear it. somehow, it hurts even more knowing that clearly jimmy has fallen for someone but he hasn't even told thomas.
thomas puts on a brave face and elbows daisy in the side. "d'ya hear that? jimmy's kept that quiet 'asn't he?"
daisy looks at him with a frown and cocks her head to the side. "well, not really--" but before she can say anything else she's swept up into the rowdy conversation of the table.
a few weeks later, thomas and jimmy are alone in the servants hall, with thomas reading the paper in his rocking chair and jimmy tapping out melodies on the piano. the tune he's playing is sweet and gentle, and thomas finds himself swaying his head along. as the song draws to a close, a gentle round of applause sounds from the doorway.
baxter stands smiling. "let me call you sweetheart is one of my favourites. it was beautiful, jimmy."
jimmy blushes prettily and stands, closing the piano lid. "thank you, mrs baxter. good night."
after he's gone from the room, baxter enters to fill herself a glass of water. she smiles fondly at thomas. "he's so smitten you know. head over heels." she rolls her eyes affectionately.
it takes months until thomas finally figures out the truth of what's going on. well, to say he figures it out is somewhat generous.
he's in the servants hall again, this time feeling a little despondent with a cup of tea. jimmy had gone to the pictures with alfred of all people, their friendship seemingly improved since jimmy's given up on chasing ivy's skirt. thomas is resolutely not waiting up to make sure jimmy gets home safe. anna is the only other person still up, and she sits opposite thomas stitching one of lady mary's hemlines in companionable silence.
thomas dwells on his own thoughts for a while, until anna rests her sewing on the table and fixes him with a worried look. "are you quite alright, mr barrow?"
"hm? oh, yes anna, i'm very well thank you." he takes a sip of his tea to hide his moue.
anna looks unconvinced. "thomas," she says seriously, "is it-- have you and jimmy had a falling out?"
that genuinely surprises thomas. for all his worry and sadness over jimmy's as yet unknown love interest, they'd never fallen out. "no, no, of course not. he's just busy, that's all, which is to be expected now he's, you know," thomas waves his cup vaguely in the air, "courting the mystery lady."
anna chokes on a laugh. "the mystery lady?"
"yes. he's-- he's courting someone, isn't he? everyone keeps saying that he's... or suggesting that he's taken with someone." Thomas adds somewhat bitterly, "seems quite serious if you ask me. not that he's told me anything about it of course."
anna stops giggling and looks at him oddly. "thomas you-- you can't mean--"
"-- do you know who she is, anna?" thomas interrupts a little desperately. he's becoming tired of it all and he just wants to know-- how bad it is, for how long he's going to have to tend to his broken heart.
"thomas. thomas, jimmy's sweetheart is-- well, it's you."
"me?" thomas has a brief, sickening memory of his feelings before, and how miss o'brien toyed with them so badly. but he knows in his gut, that anna would never, and could never do that. he knows she's being honest, as confusing and terrifying as the statement may be.
"yes." anna smiles. "he's like a little puppy when he's with you. surely you've noticed? he gazes at you with stars in his eyes. he wants to do everything you do, and it seems like every other conversation is all about what you've been telling him this week. he only ever plays love songs on the piano when you're in the room. he laughs at all your jokes and he's not even glanced in the direction of a girl since last year." anna shakes her head. "i thought you knew and were just letting him get used to it."
"no i didn't -- i didn't know, i thought," thomas can feel himself blushing, "i don't know what i thought."
anna stands with a stifled yawn. "you make each other very happy. if you really didn't know, i think you ought to talk to him. good night, mr barrow."
"good night anna. and thank you."
thomas is left in the still and quiet of the room, watching the steam spiral up from his cup. a private and hopeful smile spreads across his face. yes, he thinks, nodding his head, perhaps we should talk.
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Hello there, I have a question for you!
Do you have any songs that reminds you of the lovely Laughingstock? I’m trying to make a playlist for them, so it’d be very appreciated!
Also it would be a lot nicer if it’s from 60s-70s, thank you! :-))
(I’m in love your art by the way, what’s your most favourite dragon oc of yours?)
*pulls up my own playlist* uhhhh a Few so far but when it comes to music i don't like... Actively Listen? no wait no - what i mean is i don't pay attention to shit like genre and what decade its made in. i hear a song, if i like it i add it to the main playlist - and a side playlist if it reminds me of something Specific. and i haven't really heard anything that is Strongly Laughingstock so far! i don't actively look!
but uhhhh rn i have: I Want You To Want Me by Cheap Trick strikes me as a them song, as well as Mr. Loverman by Ricky Montgomery, Strawberry Mentos by Leanna Firestone, To Noise Making (Sing) by Hozier, and Fair by The Amazing Devil.
as for my favorite dragon of mine! well that honor would of course have to go to my dearest darling Rogers! she's my special gal <3
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Five] One Last Push!
Y'ALL THIS ONE HAD ME SCREAMING. I admittedly played around with the contexts of my original playthroughs of these convos: they all happened at the dinner party, not throughout the night. But when Daniel went and apologized to Julien, the Attractiveness Alerts were through the roof, and he seemed to be barely capable of handling himself! He was so struck by the thought of kissing this absolute cherub of a man that it popped up as a Whim and in his Grab Bag of socials!
Also yes I am biased but it is incredibly hot when he flattens his voice to make a point. 🫣
And with that, we are finally at the end of the Dinner Party's one-on-ones! Hopefully with this peek into their interactions, we'll all understand the decisions Daniel makes at the upcoming Rose Ceremony... Stay tuned! We'll check in with our Bachelor just after this!
[ Part 28/30 ] 🌹
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sciderman · 10 months
I did not know you wrote fics I’m truly living here
my fics are so delicious, you are SO lucky you get to experience them all for the very first time anon
#spideycablepool fic incoming... im devoting my ENTIRE saturday to finishing her. will not be thinking of anything else.#it's fuckigng. its freaking. 12k+ words. i don't know how it happened.#i never write fics that long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i just had a lot to say about nathan summers.#which is hilarious because nathan summers himself doesn't have a lot to say.#but he says some things. and i feel a lot about him actually.#i kind of really want to hold 9319 nathan summers in my hands and kiss his forehead. he's a nice boy. people don't know he's a nice boy.#he is pretty shitty too (all cables have to be) but he's a nice boy. and he loves a whole lot.#i hope people get as attached to 9319 nathan as i have suddenly become. i love him. i love him.#feeling a lot about him. like a lot. feeling a lot about his and peter's differences and similarities.#him and peter have a lot to talk about. like a lot.#i really really want all three of them to lie down and sit under the stars and have a soul-searching conversation.#obviously wade would dominate the convo and talk about very strange nonsense that doesn't make any sense.#so maybe peter and nate should distract him with a shiny toy of some kind so that peter and nathan can actually have a profound conversatio#but of course they'd both just love to listen to wade babble about nonsense . they love him. they love his voice. they love his weird ways.#what a simp circle. wade surrounded by two boys who just have Heart Eyes for him#and he acts so oblivious. like these guys aren't falling over themselves in love with him.
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gibbearish · 8 months
kinda frustrating how we've spent the last few months acknowledging how a lot of well intentioned but guilt trippy social justice posts are like specifically designed to worm into ocd ppls brains and then now every single post abt palestine is "i dont care how bad your mental health is, i dont care how bad looking at all this makes you feel, if you don't read every single post you see on this topic in full you are a horrible person and directly contributing to their deaths. 'waaaah my mental health' well at least youre not being bombed, did you think about that??" and its like. i absolutely get where youre coming from but you dont get to complain that guilt tripping is bad then turn around and use it anyways because you think the cause youre using it for is worthwhile. like. everyone thinks the cause theyre using it for is worthwhile, thats why theyre using it. but its still a shit way to do it
#like when you make a tumblr post to your tumblr blog youre not guilt tripping people who disagree with you#youre guilt tripping your followers who if theyre still following you probably already agree with what youre saying#and esp on a topic with so much brutality involved like. yeah OBVIOUSLY theres people who have to look away#like. yall know a bunch of these posts and articles and videos show graphic injuries in them right?#like i physically cant watch news videos abt this bc i will spend days with my brain making me imagine#peoples deaths in graphic detail specifically because it knows that will upset me. and i would prefer not to do that#in fact me doing that helps palestinians exactly as much as finishing my brussel sprouts helps starving kids#by which i mean none. its just a cheap guilt trip to get you to do something you don't want to#which when it's brussel sprouts thats whatever but when its 'deliberately expose yourself to extremely triggering#things otherwise youre a bad person'. not so much#idk i feel like maybe its due to ppl feeling. agitated abt not being able to do anything abt it#like the government isnt listening and we're a world away so physically /all/ we can do really is sit and watch#so i can understand a) wanting to find someone to lash out at to alleviate that feeling#like if you cant stop the actual problem at the very least you can shout down the people supporting it right?#and b) seeing 'not watching' or even just 'not watching as closely as i am' as a transgression#bc well its all we can do so if youre not even doing that you must be bad#and its like. i really do get it. but the whole world is watching right now‚ like this is THE big news thing happening rn#so a few people choosing to avoid to subject will not make a single iota of difference#idk. i guess what im saying is if youre feeling the urge to yell at someone for not looking close enough#just donate some money to a support fund instead itll do a lot more
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hi hi okay imagine. stede wants to brush out ed's hair the way izzy always does. maybe izzy is busy on deck taking note of damages after a raid. maybe they had an infestation and he's going over ration spoilage and inventory with roach. ed is tired and cranky and absentmindedly separating sections of curls and tugging them apart at the bottom where they get stuck together in knots. stede offers to help with the tangles, says he would love to give it a go and help ed relax
izzy walks in a few minutes later and immediately comes up and tells stede he's doing it all wrong but also gently takes the brush from him and shows him the right way - where to hold the hair, how to start at the bottom with little sections and work his way up, when to start with his fingers instead of the brush. neither of them can see it but ed is smiling so much his face might actually burst
#ofmd hc#steddyhands#izzy hands#edward teach#stede bonnet#listen. you really think stede knows how to do hair#no way did he have an intimate enough connection with mary to do this for her#and alma's hair looks fairly thin and straight so even if he did give the occasional brush before bedtime long curly hair is so different#especially out in the ocean air?? that is not a ten second process to undo let me tell you#yes I'm strongly in club izzy-did-jeff's-hair but even if he didn't then I think it would have been ed#stede simply doesn't have the experience and know-how - yet#izzy on the other hand. i like to think this is something of a ritual that they have#ed sitting back with his leg stretched out at the end of a long day and izzy behind him first working out the tangles slowly bit by bit#then once all the tangles are gone just brushing from the top of his scalp down the full length of his hair in long and gentle strokes#izzy would have him practically purring and when he's done ed would be ready to fall asleep right then and there#izzy nudging ed to get into bed because he might not care now but he'll care in the morning if sleeping here fucks up his knee or back#(because no one is more of an expert at taking care of ed than izzy)#maybe their ritual can change to involve izzy starting on each section and undoing the worst of the knots with his fingers#then stede following it up with brushing out each section#stede doing the post-tangle brushing until ed's hair is as soft as it can be while izzy lies next to ed with his head in ed's lap#bonus: ed now gets to run his hands through izzy's hair too can you imagine#ANYWAY i'm here for this very soft tender stizzy moment of izzy teaching stede to properly care for ed#just a little post
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dearmrsawyer · 2 months
on the loose live my beloved
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waywardsalt · 1 year
everything about bellumbeck makes me go insane. i don’t even know how to express half of it. the way everyone is in mortal danger during that fight. linebeck is forced to try and kill link right after saving his life. the one time he’s actually taking part in a boss battle with link he’s the boss he’s fighting. the way bellum seems to take his time grabbing him. the fact that bellumbeck never really pays any attention to ciela and bellum just grabs and restrains her instead of putting her out of commission or straight up killing her. one of his attacks is a spin attack much like link’s and we can assume that linebeck has probably seen link do a spin attack at some point. the way bellumbeck’s helmet is designed to look vaguely similar to linebeck. if bellumbeck kills you when you have a purple potion it plays the same sting as when a phantom catches and attacks you. this is the second time this link has had a sword fight with another human as his final battle but this time he is effectively fighting alone. of the main cast linebeck is the most detached from the rest of the group and is the only one to be an enemy. bellumbeck’s helmet opens after some attacks and right before he’s defeated. linebeck’s character theme utilizes harpsichord and excludes piano and bellum’s boss theme utilizes piano and excludes harpsichord. bellumbeck’s theme includes both and for the first half and near the end of the song they play the exact same melody at the same time. linebeck is suggested to be unable to fight or properly protect himself in battle for the entire game and then in the final boss in a twisted, awful way he finally gets a chance to be a competent fighter capable of defending himself.     does any of this make sense
#there is no central thesis to any of this im just frothing at the mouth about bellumbeck#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#linebeck#bellum#bellumbeck#salty talks#btw. re-fought bellumbeck for this. which is more of a chore for me than it sounds.#on my 100% ph file i never take the save before bellumbeck so that i can do all of the three bellum fights over and over so uh.#had to speed through the temple of the ocean king lol#but it also allowed me to sit down and listen to bellum's boss theme a few times through#hi when i figured out that for most of bellumbeck's theme the piano and the harpsichord were basically playing the same thing it was. bro#i felt like id come across something really cool. idk#i love bellumbeck's theme so much despite being a musician im not good with aural skills or picking up on little musical things#screaming crying throwing up etc etc#i almost said a thing abt the instruments playing linebeck's theme in the final boss theme are not heard in bellum or linebecks themes#but the brass that plays it once i believe is similar enough to the brass in linebeck's theme that it kills that statement#bc of the lack of extra info abt bellum or linebeck i like to lean into drawing comparisons or parallels between them#most of the stuff i didnt say relies heavily on my specific interpretations of characters and plot and headcanons so i left it out#i cant say anything about the key of bellumbeck's theme since i cant find reliable sheet music and my aural skills are dogshit#correct me if im wrong (probably am) based on the piano sheet music you can find on ninsheetmusic linebeck's theme is in g minor#its in g minor in one i found on another site too#or something. i hate minor keys#bellum's battle theme and bellumbecks theme arent there but. linebeck's theme is in some kind of g minor key#PROBABLY take this with a fucking grain of salt despite being a fucking musician i had to find my major scale cheat sheet to check this#after some extra research (for like five minutes) cant find sheet music for the final boss but from the little i could find#i thiiiiiink bellum's battle theme is c major#this means nothing i just had fun applying what little music theory knowledge i have
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emile-hides · 4 months
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I was looking directly at a reference while drawing these and I still somehow convinced myself he had long hair. Whatever, he's pretty.
A-Z Isekai'd Cress deign by @acfan120 really got me in some kinda way and I couldn't help wanting to draw him. I also have thoughts on story for him but I'm not gonna be annoying with that rn. Maybe someday.
Bonus my warmup doodle:
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