#having to go hm would i rather read this book or play a game or watch a show cause i know
miami2k17 · 6 months
there's so much shit i want to watch and read and play but i cant because i just have no time anymore. like when i was a teenager id clap a game a week and read for hours and finish entire 10+ season tv shows and now i have to come home and say would i like to eat or talk to my friends or spend time consuming media for 2-3 hours before its time to teleport back to work tomorrow cause i only have the energy for one! i can only do one of them whats it gonna be
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jasmyluv · 1 year
[23:56] - Dan Heng - the reader is said to have hair
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It was almost midnight. You’re in your boyfriend’s room, sitting on his bed while he sits on a chair, reading a book he found in the lobby of the Astral Express.
You’re sleepy, your eyes trying its hardest to stay open. You don’t know why you wanted to stay awake. There was nothing special happening and you don’t seem to have any important tasks to be done.
So, what was the problem?
The man reading saw your tired, or otherwise, vulnerable state and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene. You almost missed the way his lips turned into a slight smile and the way the melody of his laugh is so soft that you felt like melting, right then and there. He looked so pretty laughing like that.
“[Name],” he called out, pulling you out of your daydream.
“Hm, huh? Yes, Dan Heng?” You ask, rather sleepily.
“Go to sleep. Stop forcing yourself to stay awake. Don’t wait up for me, I’ll be here for a few more hours,” he said. Oh. So that’s why you wanted to stay awake.
“Ah, but I want to,” you stubbornly retort.
“It’s obvious your body doesn’t want to,”
“But, I want to be with you when I sleep,” you shamelessly confess. It would be a lie to say Dan Heng didn’t blush so slightly at your casual confession. He didn’t get it. How could you, his partner for almost two years, still make him react like that? It was a mystery he has still yet to solve.
But until then, he might as well give in to your antics.
“How about this? I’ll be in bed with you while I read. How does that sound, [Name]?” He proposes his suggestion to which you happily nod and finally lie down on his somewhat comfortable bed.
A minute later, he’s in bed with you, your arms circled his waist, your face nuzzled in his body while he continues to read, one hand holding his book and the other, playing with your hair.
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A/n: Hii :>> Eyshahahaha this was made at like 11 pm today so it’s pretty wonky. this fic serves as an apology for quite literally ghosting this blog but also my debut for hsr content ! just a drabble of my fav man from the game :))
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tired-old-men · 2 months
Your jobs seem stressful, what do you guys do to de-stress?
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Our jobs can be really stressful especially since we are constantly on duty to keep Angel Island safe, however we do get some free time to rest and unwind. Everyone needs to rest and refresh to be on their A game including us Guardians. 
For me, I destress by spending quality time with the family when I can. As expected of people that constantly work and live together we tend to spend most of our free time independently, which is all fine and good.. but we are a family after all, and getting to share some genuine time together, watch a movie, maybe play a board game or two, sharing a big meal, just gives me a nice warm feeling and reminds us of the simple moments in life together. Slowing down and enjoying the little things. 
Sometimes when work gets really overwhelming I stop for a moment, I focus on my breath and pay subtle attention at whats around me, how things look, sound, feel, maybe taste, I notice my feelings in the moment and remind myself of those little happy moments in life. It’s helped me destress over the years and has even come in handy when my anxiety would try to get the best of me. -smiles- 
What do I do to de-stress? Besides beautiful women -smirks then clears throat-, I enjoy the occasional cigar as opposed to my usual cigarettes, I don’t drink too often but I’ll even enjoy a glass of whiskey on the rocks with my smoke. Just find a good spot to sit outside and enjoy the view and maybe some tunes, although the sounds of the Island’s wilderness is the perfect music to my ears. 
At times the best way for me to de-stress is to go out hiking and especially camping. Sometimes I’ll take my son or another one of the boys along for the trip but other times I’ll go by myself, just exploring and experiencing Angel Island’s raw beauty brings me a lot of peace and provides the space for personal reflection too. Can’t beat a walk in nature I’ll tell you that!
To say that this job is stressful would be an understatement in my opinion… I’ve tried a few things to destress but I really enjoy some quiet time along with a nice cup of tea, perhaps even a book or a good album to listen too. I’ve also found working on my garden to be quite therapeutic for me in a way. Gives me something to focus on besides work, and as much as it reminds me to take care of my plants it reminds me to take care of myself too. Originally my wife started this garden so I’d say it also holds some fond memories to reminisce about.
De-stress? Hmm.. I’d probably say meditation is my biggest guide when I feel burdened. I’ve read some of my ancestors would meditate so much they would even reach new levels of consciousness and even find greater insight into their chaos abilities. For me it keeps me focused on the present and helps organize my thoughts. I um- sometimes go out maybe into Echidnaopolis or another town on Island, just socialize a bit… Although my favorite places I go to are some of the old ruins or caves found around the Island, lots of history to uncover, it fills me with such an exciting energy I tend to forget about whatever might have been stressing me at the moment. -smiles sheepishly- 
Hm…I meditate. I read. I tend to write about my thoughts, feelings, and observations as it helps gather all my introspections and provide greater insight into them… … I’ll also swim or dive from time to time…water is rather soothing…
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docholligay · 5 months
Do you think having such a personalized and detailed headcanon makes it harder to enjoy fic about the show/game that's written by others?
I mean sure, probably.
But unfortunately things I adore, for people named Doc who are me, fall into one of two buckets:
The character work and plot in this show are incredible, I find myself turning it around in my mind like a rotisserie chicken. I constantly discover new things about the show/book/game or the characters in it. I do not read fic about this, because why would I? Every answer I search for is in the text. I want to talk about this with someone, but about what is THERE, not what could be there. Ex: The Haunting of Hill House, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Piranesi, Bioshock:Infinite, Watership Down, Yellowjackets, among others.
The concepts of this could be amazing but are handled so fucking badly so consistently, in a shocking contrast to how INCONSISTENT the character work is, that all I want to do is steal it and make it better. All i want to do is turn it into something that doesn't suck ass when you look at it too hard. So I am going to take it SO seriously, and I am going to develop the rich inner lives for these characters that they lack, with intense backstories and families and motivation for how they got to be the person we know, or know sometimes, in certain episodes or shorts. Ex: Sailor Moon and Overwatch are the biggies here obviously, this is actually not an emotion I feel very often. I don't have intense backstories and extra-textual feelings and ideas about most of the stuff I read and watch, these two are just my Spiders Georg.
So! The odds on me being into something in the correct way to make me want to Seek Treasure Elsewhere but also I have a chill enough attitude about how the characters are that Any Dream Will Do is almost nil. I do not in ANY way mean this in a shady way, but I mostly read published adult fiction for entertainment and not fanfic. I am very picky about my fanfic. So, "plus these two new red and blue girls into Starbucks" often won't work for me, because the reasons to have Haruka and Michiru meet in a coffee shop are completely different from any of the reasons Fareeha and Angela might meet in a coffee shop, and so many of those types are archtypical plug and play stuff. Honestly, I have skated the idea of making a cheat sheet of fanon archetypes of various characters and buying a typewriter to sell 100-200 word 'quick fic' at cons with my sister. That's how common it is to use these archetypes. This is not a criticism! At all!
But, to take the two couples above, I have read so much BORING SHIT about both HM and FA that I could throw up. Lesbian couples have a lot of very milquetoast writing about them, and a lot of meet-cute which isn't really my bag.
But there are authors I love! @oathkeeper-of-tarth was and is one of the best harumichi writers out there and we don't even have all the same headcanons. The rare occasions @verbforverb decides to grace me with "Jewish Mercy I don't Have To Write" I pop a can of bubbly in the tub. And on both fields of battle @keyofjetwolf has stuff I've had bookmarked for years, and there are some things even within Rei's backstory and history that we disagree on.
Actually, to that point what I like is good writing. You can write me into believing nearly anything. There are things I believe about Amelie when I'm reading @lemon-embalmer's stuff that when I go back to my own world, aren't true, but when I'm in her world who the fuck cares, I'm having a great time. EVEN MORE to the point, I read @moonlight-frittata's stupid sun and moon lesbian League of Legends shit and I would rather shoot myslef than know ANYTHING about the game, but unfortunately she has a beautiful turn of phrase and plot flow to her work that I just....read anyway, because it is good. Fucking @tallangrycockatiel had me like 25 pages or so into a story before I was like, "OH SHIT, IS THIS SLASH??? WAIT I DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT BOYS' LOVE!! NO!!" *hits next page* And I still could not care less about that podcast and would never listen to it, and if I did I would be massively disappointed because to my mind, her John and Arthur are the actual article, and whatever the fuck is going on in the source material can eat my dick.
So, yes, I DO think that having a very particular point of view is going to mean I back out of a story where like, "Lena stepped out of her Chelsea flat, custom leather high heels clicking against the step" sometimes, or, you know, "Haruka put down her copy of War and Peace, each meticulous note codified by a color-coded tab. Blue was for historical references to research, green for character analysis, yellow for themes, blah blah blah*" But I am actually shockingly open minded in what I will read, often to the point that I'm reading stuff from SHIT I DO NOT LIKE OR CARE ABOUT, because the quality of the writing is excellent. So, also no.
*I met someone who read books like this and I suddenly realized what the literary equivalent of 'knowing someone is a serial killer' was.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
OC questionnaire
Thanks to @illarian-rambling here, @saltysupercomputer here, @the-golden-comet here and here, @drchenquill here, @cwritesfiction here,
@elsie-writes here, and @mk-writes-stuff here!
I've actually been tagged in this a lot more (I love you guys and I love this game but oh my God), but I'll put those in a different post otherwise it would be twice as long. Let's cap it off at eight like I did last time.
Rules: answer the given questions in the POV of an OC!
Past questionnaires:
Round one masterpost
Round two Tyler, Gwen, Liam, Noelle, Akash, Robbie, Sam, Ewan
Keep reading for Jazlyn, Carla, Wade, Rose, Maddie, Xitlali, Jedi, and Lexi!
#1- Jazlyn
What is one job you'd never take, no matter how good the pay is?
“Ughhh anything that involves sitting at a desk all day! Something with so much structure and rules it drives me insane. I have to be active, y'know? Something challenging. If I had a job that was too easy, I'd just about die.”
Did you have a favorite childhood toy?
“Aw, now you're having me remember my Monster High collection. I thought I was so edgy, too. I was too young when they first came out, but when I was... I dunno, seven-ish I found the web series and became obsessed.”
Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
“Too hot. I can keep myself warm, but then my powers are weakened when I do that. Hot I can handle with no side effects.”
Other Jazlyn: questionnaire one, interview
#2- Carla
Do you like caffinated beverages? If so, which ones?
“Oh, Alium has multiple caffeinated beverages that I love! I am quite fond of many kinds of tea, like chammomint or lemonder. Tyler recently introduced me to a Ceteri energy beverage called Red Bull. It was certainly interesting, and unlike anything we have here.”
What is a piece of media that you hold very dear and/or that is very important to you?
“Oh, that's easy, The Storm Riders! It's my favorite book of all time. It got me through the times George was gone to work.”
Do you hold grudges? How long?
“I try not to remain in the past. I try to look forward. It's hard sometimes... I don't know how long I hold grudges... I'm not even sure if I have a 'grudge' against those who caused me pain, and I... I don't know. Sorry if this was a rambling answer.”
Other Carla: OC in three, two truths and a lie, bingo, questionnaire one
#3- Wade
Are you a dog person or a cat person?
“Dog person. I have a lovely girl named K'Ehleyr. She is the sweetest thing you'll ever see. Wanna see some pictures?? I have so many pictures, come look. Here she is with me. Here she is with Teo. Here she is with me and Teo. Here she is with Parker...”
How far do you think you can throw a hand-sized rock?
“Further than most. I play football, which isn't the same thing, but I'm in decent shape and have a good throwing arm. I've chucked some of Gabriel's rocks before, so I have practice. Am curious to see the results, though.”
Who is the one person who you can trust to keep a secret?
“I could trust both Teo and Parker. Some may not understand the latter, but he's actually very respectful of others' secrets even if he doesn't understand them.”
Other Wade: two truths and a lie, interview, questionnaire one, kiss Picrew
#4- Rose
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
“Introvert. But if Lexi isn't there, I seem to do the group introductions.”
As a gift, do you prefer flowers or jewelry?
“Jewelry. I can pair them with clothes, and I like doing that.”
If you could swich life with someone, who and why?
“... I wanted to switch lives with Lexi for a while. It seemed like she had everything. Now I'm unsure.”
Other Rose: questionnaire one, OC in three
#5- Maddie
Is life going the way that you hoped it would?
“Hm. I'm not sure. I don't think ahead often to hope for things. I guess life is fine. I like my powers, I like being in the robotics club. Yeah, it's good.”
What is in your pocket right now? Why?
“Wilfredo. Kelsey made him for me.”
If you could relive a single minute of your past, what minute would you pick?
“I dunno. Hm. Maybe... The trip to Six Flags was fun.”
Other Maddie: OC in three, OC in fifteen, two truths and a lie, questionnaire one, bingo, Picrew, interview, bag, origin
#6- Xitlali
What type of music do you like to listen to?
“Nothing you'd be familiar with. I listen exclusively to Alii music, especially stuff by Inutilia artists that advocate for our rights. Cheung An's stuff is really good.”
What's an unpopular opinion you have?
“*scoffs* That Inutilia should have rights is one that shouldn't be unpopular but apparently is. But even amongst people like me, here's a hard pill to swallow: Atsila McLain SUCKED. You think she actually legitimately cared about us? She had no idea what we went through, what we STILL go through. Raissa Kamanzi may have ruined our reputation, but Atsila McLain just made it easier for bigots to hate us. McLain did nothing to help us. She had no reform ideas. She was a power-hungry bitch, and the amount of Inutilia that fell for her lies is disgusting.”
What are your thoughts on cheese?
“Cowyote cheese is overrated. Llamybara cheese is underrated. I'd argue more about it, but that last question pissed me off, so I don't feel like it.”
Other Xitlali: questionnaire one
#7- Jedi
What’s the worst insult you’ve ever been given?
“I do not wish to repeat it, but it is the slur targeting Inutilia such as myself.”
How would you react if someone catcalled you?
“Forgive me if I do not understand the term - it is not something we have in Alium - but if I am correct in its definition, I do not know how I would react. It has not happened to me, although I suppose I would not like it. I frankly do not understand why it happens in the first place.”
If you suddenly appeared in an unknown city, what would you do/look for first?
“I would first try to figure out where I am. A quick study of the architecture may tell me exactly where I am. However, I am sure I could ask someone. Unlike in Ceteri, here it is normal to randomly appear in an unknown city due to teleportation. So no one would question why I am asking. I believe I would like to look around and observe, but if I tire, I would locate a library. I do love spending time there.”
Other Jedi: OC in three, questionnaire one, Picrew, smash or pass (acearo version)
#8- Lexi
What is your favorite dessert?
“Oh, this is so hard! I dunno, cake? That might be too generic, but I love cake! All kinds of cake! I'm not picky at all about that. Maybe it's my love of parties and I just associate cake with that. But come on, why do we only have to have cake at parties!”
Would you rather take a vacation in a hot climate or a cold climate?
“Ugh, both sound awful depending on how hot and how cold. I guess I'm more used to a warm, humid climate. So let's go with that.”
Do you exercise? What does your regime look like?
“Well, I do training like everyone else in the Aequales. I do ride my bike, does that count? I like going on my bike through the neighborhood. It's nice being outside and I get to see a lot of my classmates!”
Other Lexi: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, questionnaire one, bag, origin, bingo
Woo! Let's tag @sarahlizziewrites @reininginthefirewriting @cherrybombfangirlwrites @mysticstarlightduck @chauceryfairytales
Your questions: 1) What is your stance on lying? 2) Do you enjoy people watching? 3) What is the best decision you ever made?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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lukesaprince · 29 days
Honestly i could write a lot more but it would probably become unbearable haha
“Then I want to strip you naked and watch you bounce on my cock. Forwards… backwards.” (I fucking love it when you use italics)
You nodded eagerly, loving the sound of all of it. “Uhuh. All of it…” you inhaled a sharp breath, loving the feeling of his hands moving to knead at your inner thighs, “There is one thing though. Something I want.”(inlove when they tell each other the things they want before doing it)
Then he did something unexpected. With a shit-eating grin on his face he pulled up the chair he kicked away earlier and sat on it, shuffling close to the table like he was getting ready to eat a three-course meal. You were going to make fun of him for it, but you didn’t really get a chance when he slung your legs over his shoulder and nuzzled his nose right into the crotch of your underwear. (Speechless.id love to see more banter between them)
“Hey. Look at me.” He nudged, not happy with your lack of response.(okay daddy! Although maybe they dobt have a dom sub daddy dynamic maybe once she lets it slip and they play it out for once to experiment and jtd be hot as an experiment cuz shes calling smn younger than her daddy yk?)-(obviosly im not trying to tell you how to write your story clearly i love it just the way you’re writing it its just that im getting carried away haha its too good so im sorry for that!)
“Y/n, I’d worship you and this pretty pussy”-(oh yeah.i like the concept of respecting and worshipping going on in this story.it is what is drawing me to the story most.)
“Oh, you’re such a good little slut letting me spank you like this. Right over your little clit too, hm? Who knew such a pretty girl would like such dirty things.”(sorry he has the best of the best dirty talk game)
This chemistry with you… it was otherworldly. Supernatural almost. A compelling pull like his cells were trying to fuse with yours. (Insane writing babe you’re on a roll)
Harry didn’t quite realise when you said you liked dirty talk that you liked it both ways, but he rather enjoyed the filth spilling from your mouth. He found it cute that you could barely string words together when he was pleasuring you, but like this? It was the biggest fucking turn-on.(two sided dirty talk is thee best)
Sorry some of the details in the smut i just want to point that had me fainting but its going to get too awkward for me and you that way honestly ik you will think im exaggerating but this is some of the best smut (top 3 id say )ive ever read in both the fanfic and romance book world and trust me ive read a lot of that.
“Say it, baby. Tell me how I’m doing, hm?”(oh the guts on this man to be this hot)
You were slightly shaky in his arms, sensitive as he placed you gently on the floor in front of his bed. He broke the kiss to look at you for a moment, panting heavily while brushing his nose against yours. There was something about the look in his eyes that had you crumbling inside. They were soft and almost loving; so full of yearning and desire that you were almost scared to look back. It was overwhelming.(this bit made me cry. We all deserve dirty gentle loving looks and want and longing and romance and sex)
Honestly i could comment on every single sentence of this piece of smut cuz it has so many layers to it but ill spare you haha
“You’re a vision.”
“So are you.” (We all deserve love and romance that loves us back as much if not more)
Because it wasn’t just the pleasure. It was the chemistry. The eye contact. The fact you two had a laugh about him thrusting against your ass cheek instead of inside of you because his table couldn’t handle the pressure. The way you could have that laugh just minutes ago and be back to this. The firey eye contact and his trembling thighs underneath your palms. (Cant tell you how much i love imperfect sex.and even more to read about it)
Coming down was all open-mouthed kisses and laboured breaths and this distinct feeling that everything had changed. You two could never go back to casual and you most certainly couldn't look at yourself or your husband the same way ever again.(just wow writing.just wow.)
Honestly you not olny outdid yourself but you outdid alot of writing standards with this.like wow.stunning piece.The type of shit id read and swoon over if it was a romance book and harry wasnt even a character in it.
And you wrote such an endearing romance.the respect,the love already blooming,so gentle,so considerate,so much passion.we all deserve it.thank you for this piece.this masterpiece.truly.thank you.
(Pls excuse all my mistakes I was rushing to get my thoughts out as soon as I read a paragraph )
1. I LOVE ITALICS!!! IM AN ITALICS LOVER ILL ALWAYS USE THEM!! I feel like it conveys tone so much better and you can read each paragraph better knowing what's been emphasised.
2. I'll def include some more banter between them because I love them and the way they interact so much!!!
3. (okay daddy! Although maybe they dobt have a dom sub daddy dynamic maybe once she lets it slip and they play it out for once to experiment and jtd be hot as an experiment cuz shes calling smn younger than her daddy yk?) REAL!! He definitely takes a natural dominant position in the dynamic because it's what they both like! I'm sure a daddy kink will come up at some point you know I'm a sucker for it and he for sure will give her a little bit of teasing because he's younger. Like just imagine the dirty talk 🤭
4. you're so right about everyone deserving soft loving looks during sex because I think it's so important! imperfect sex is fun to write too because it does happen and more often than not something will happen. Sex isn't choreographed so I'm so happy you liked those bits of the smut! (and the dirty talk hehe it's my fav to write)
[this is some of the best smut (top 3 id say )ive ever read in both the fanfic and romance book world and trust me ive read a lot of that.
Honestly you not olny outdid yourself but you outdid alot of writing standards with this.like wow.stunning piece.
And you wrote such an endearing romance.the respect,the love already blooming,so gentle,so considerate,so much passion.we all deserve it.] - these comments honestly have me screaming like genuinely thank you so much idk what else to say 😭 I have so much self-doubt when writing it's crazy so hearing such nice compliments and such extensive feedback means the world I'm so appreciative 🙏
thank you so much for reading my work and writing this and I you enjoy what I post next 😭 ❤️
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clairedelune-13 · 4 months
I feel like one of the few book fans who has absolutely ZERO qualms with the games.
If I do have issues, its purely technical (i.e. finicky controls, clunky Bioware-esque animation) but when it comes to adapting the universe…A lot of love went into them.
Also, if not for the Witcher 3, I wouldn’t even know the books existed. So…
Any minor changes made were necessary sacrifices to make for an enjoyable interactive experience.
Besides, most of the complaints I’ve seen are straight up NITPICKY AS FUCK.
“Geralt would never wear a beard!”
Honey, he may find it irritating to have fuzz on his face, but if you read between the lines, the man does a lot of nomadic-like wandering searching for his next job. I bet you dollars to donuts he rarely has a 100% cleanshaven face.
“They erased Ciri and Yen’s relationship!”
I see this one a lot.
In a game that’s from Geralt’s POV, how the fuck are we supposed to see Ciri and Yen interacting?!?! Hm? For that to happen, we’d either need to be playing as Ciri or Yen. We’re not.
So shut up, already. They DID put in Ciri/Yen interactions. It’s just your job as the player to put in the effort and find the easter eggs.
“Ciri would never trust Avallach”
-sigh- I swear, these people read the books twice and figured that was good enough.
Her relationship/interactions with Avallach in LotL is… interesting, to say the least.
Also, a lot clearly happened that we - the player - don’t get to see. So, brace yourself, you gotta use your imagination, headcanon a little. There’s plenty of room to do so.
“Ciri would never go to Nilfgaard!”
-bigger sigh- The game is REALLY VAGUE about the Empress ending. Not only is it narrated by Dandelion, the world’s most unreliable narrator but you ever think Ciri has her own plans? It never actually says she succeeds the throne. Once again, imagination is your best friend.
So, who knows who’s on her hitlist. 😉
“Geralt never mentions his Hansa!”
Tell me something, if you got close to a group of people who followed you to the ends of the Earth, only to lose them in the most devastating way, would you jump to always talking about them? Or would you rather not cuz its still a sore subject?
The games aren’t perfect but they’re good enough for me cuz I get to interact with the world and it’s characters.
And at least CDPR cares.
The same can’t be said of Netflix…
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 3
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
Liam: Hey, Kate. Want to go on a date with me? Right now.
Kate: A date…?
Liam: Yup. Shall we get going? Let’s hold hands so we won't get split up.
Kate: Wah…!
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Liam: You haven't come to the kitchen before, right? This is where our meals are prepared.
Liam made some hand gestures to the chefs who were stirring the pot.
(Oh… it’s sign language.)
Everyone working at Crown’s castle was deaf, most likely to “protect one another”.
Anyone can work here, as long as they won’t be able to find out about Crown’s secrets.
Liam: Fufu, I asked to have freshly baked bread for dinner. Of course, you’ll have some too.
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Liam: You haven't been to the palace, right? Come on, Kate.
Kate: Uh. … Liam?
(Are we really allowed to enter without permission?)
Liam: Don’t worry. Only a few people in the palace know about Crown.
Liam: But as “guests of the Queen’s aide”, we have special access to the palace.
Liam: I’m sure you’ll be treated the same way as we are.
Kate: … I see.
Liam: When we’re communicating with people from the palace, we use our official job titles.
Kate: For example, you’re Liam the stage actor… and the others are—
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Liam: Ah, I haven't told you about those yet. At this hour… follow me, Kate.
(Is this the palace’s library? Wow… there's so many books here.)
The tall shelves filled with books prevented any natural light from reaching this place, thus making it look like morning never comes.
Liam: Ah, there he is. Harry!
Harrison: Hm?
Harrison: Do you need something?
Harrison was surrounded by books and held a bundle of what looked like some manuscripts in his hand.
Liam: Apart from carrying out our duties in Crown, all of us are free to have our own occupations.
Liam: Will and Sir El are noblemen, so they govern their respective territories and manage their assets…
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Liam: Harrison works as a proofreader for a publishing company. Isn’t that amazing?
Harrison: Goodness, what are you so proud of it for?
Their exchange sounded so much like that of a pair of good friends that were comfortable with each other, watching them brought a smile to my face.
Kate: Why does everyone have jobs outside of being members of Crown?
Harrison: Hm?
Kate: I’ve only known you all for a few days, but it seems to me that Crown’s missions can get both physically and mentally challenging.
Kate: Therefore, I’m wondering why you would want to spend your spare time working other jobs.
Harrison: Why, you ask? Well, everyone has their own reasons, but as for me—
Harrison: I don't want to lose myself in the darkness. Another reason would be that I enjoy reading books.
(... Lose himself in the darkness?)
I felt moved to hear one of them tell me his values as a person, instead of as a member of Crown.
Kate: … It’s great to hear from you. Thank you, Harrison.
Liam: …
Afterwards, Liam continued taking me around and telling me all about Crown.
When night fell, we returned to Crown’s castle—
Alfons: Good day, Liam. You too, Kate.
Liam: Hey, Al. It’s already getting rather late, and you’re still heading out?
Alfons: Indeed. Do you want to come with me again? I might be able to satisfy your bothersome curiosity.
Kate: … Bothersome curiosity?
Liam: I haven't told you about it yet, huh. There's this very bothersome side effect that comes with having the curse of a cat—
Alfons: You have three options. Which one of them is the aforementioned bothersome side effect?
Alfons: Option one, he hits on anyone and everyone.
Alfons: Option two, he can’t eat hot food. And option three, he’s extremely weak for pleasure.
Kate: Option one, he hits on everyone… is that it?
Liam: Are you saying that I successfully hit on you?
Kate: T-That’s not what I meant.
Liam: Al, don’t say anything unnecessary. Kate, none of the three options are correct, okay?
Kate: Huh?
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Alfons: Pardon me. I only wanted to see the troubled look on her face.
Liam: Be quiet for a minute, Al. That bothersome trait is actually — episodes.
Kate: What happens when… you get an episode?
Liam: Hmm… it’s a little troublesome and worrying. Ah, but it won't kill me.
Liam: Therefore, I have to periodically satisfy my “curiosity” before I get an episode.
Alfons: Liam. I don't think Kate fully understands what you just said.
Liam: You’re right. Alright, put it this way. Kate, imagine yourself being very hungry.
Liam: What would you do if there's food right in front of you?
Kate: I’ll definitely eat it without a second thought. The hungrier I am, the more I’ll eat.
Liam: Yeah, it's exactly that. The stronger your desires are, the stronger your impulses.
Kate: So, in order to avoid having impulses that are too strong, you have to satisfy your curiosity?
Liam: Yup, you’re correct. That’s my Kate.
Liam: Al plays a very important part in keeping this bothersome trait in check.
Alfons: We’re a pair of unhinged friends who will play all sorts of crazy games together to satisfy curiosity. It's insane.
Kate: … And what on earth does “insane games” mean?
Alfons: You can join us if you’re interested. You’ll always be welcome to.
(... I don’t know why, but that doesn't sound like a very good idea.)
I nodded to show that I appreciate the sentiment, and Alfons suddenly spoke up again.
Alfons: Ah, I almost forgot to mention. There has been a strange person hanging around the palace lately.
Liam: … Strange person?
Alfons: Yes. They always wear a hood that covers their eyes.
Alfons: It’s not easy to enter the palace or Crown’s castle, so you don't have to worry too much about that.
Alfons: Be warned that they might be a crazily obsessed fan of Liam.
With that, Alfons vanished as if he had melted into the darkness.
Liam: Wow, this beef stew is amazing.
Kate: I agree! And the freshly baked bread you requested for is so fluffy and delicious!
Liam: Fufu, eating delicious food will give you lots of energy for tomorrow.
Liam: I hope you’ll have an even better day tomorrow.
The things he said about “tomorrow” reminded me of what I told him before.
That night, I told Liam that I would eat so that I would have the strength to face tomorrow.
(Is he having dinner with me because he remembers what I said?)
Today started out as a date with Liam, but it turned into a day of him teaching me all sorts of things.
I’m confident that I’ll be able to do my job as a fairytale writer now.
(And have an easier time living here.)
I set down the utensils in my hands and turned to Liam, who was seated next to me.
Kate: … Thanks for all your help, Liam.
Liam didn't accept or refuse my thanks, he only gave me a small smile.
Kate: We’ve only just met, so why are you being so nice to me?
Liam: Hmm… maybe I have an ulterior motive?
Liam: What if I say that I want to take advantage of you, while you have your guard down around me?
This time, it was me who only responded with a smile.
To me, Liam’s kindness wasn’t the type that could simply be dismissed as such a thing.
Liam looked troubled for a moment before muttering hesitantly.
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Liam: I just thought that you needed me.
Liam: … Have I done something wrong?
Kate: … No, you haven't.
Liam: Ahaha, thank goodness.
I was once again captivated by his carefree and affable smile.
The closer we became, the more aware I was of Liam’s charms.
(He was flamboyant, good at gaining people's trust, and like a bright star twinkling in the sky.)
(Anyone around Liam would grow fond of him.)
Kate: Thanks to you, I’m looking forward to writing my report today.
Liam: … I see.
Liam: Ah, right. Kate, the day after tomorrow, can you save your night for me?
Kate: The day after tomorrow? I don't have anything on, so it should be fine, but…
Liam: Yay! In that case, be in your room at 1800hrs that night.
Liam put his index finger on my lip right when I was about to ask “what are you planning to do?”.
Liam: You’ll find out when the time comes. … Alright?
I started on my report as a fairytale writer that night. And in the blink of an eye, the night we had promised to meet arrived.
(Liam told me to be here at 1800hrs…)
I immediately stood up the moment I heard a knock on my door.
(Oh, is it Liam?)
Kate: Yes, coming. …!?
The people I saw standing in my doorway when I opened my door were not who I was expecting.
It was the maids.
When I inclined my head in confusion, they smiled in response.
Afterwards, they pulled me by the arm and made me sit on a chair — they then removed my blouse.
Kate: H-Huh!?
I was surprised to see the rose coloured dress one of them was putting me in.
Another maid styled my hair with skillful hands.
(I might get in the way of their work if I move.)
After approximately 30 minutes—
When I looked into my full length mirror, I saw a reflection so different that I couldn't believe it was me.
Kate: Thank you very much. But wha…
(I can’t communicate with her verbally. I should write it down—)
I was about to pick up a pen, but a maid gently placed something in my hand.
— It was a first class ticket to a play.
== Flashback Start ==
Liam: Come on, close your eyes. Imagine…
Liam: How about I invite you to have a first class seat at a play? I can help dress you up for that.
== Flashback End ==
(I see. … Liam prepared all this for me.)
I felt my lips curling into a smile when I imagined the satisfied smile on Liam’s face.
The maid giggled and pushed my back, towards the door—
She urged me to get onto a carriage that was waiting for me outside Crown’s castle.
Kate: Do I ride in this?
When the door closed, the coachman tugged on the reins and the carriage set off.
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thegodthief · 6 months
Dreamt I was sitting out under a clear night sky. The card deck that [that one entity] wanted me to get was in my hands. I noted that despite the theme of the deck, there was only an artistic connection to the visible stars. As I idly shuffled the deck, I would stop at random moments to see which card was on top. I noticed that [a particular card] kept reappearing and realized that the card was also a repeat shower in the waking as well. [That one entity] had already made it clear that I was not to use any already established system of card reading with this deck, so I had no context with which to frame this card's appearance.
Adiutor was sitting quietly on my shoulder in her doll form. So quietly in fact, that when she spoke up, she startled me. How I did not fling her into the abyss of night, I am not sure.
"Still don't know what to do with this deck?"
"Not one bit."
"Well, you know you're dreaming, so why not ask the card that keeps showing up?"
"That makes sense, Adiutor. Too much sense. It means engaging with a whole new class of spirits that I am not equipped to understand."
"You engage with humans at your work that you are not equipped to understand. What's the difference?"
I turned my head to stare at her while her form's blank face radiated barely tolerable smugness. "There's a difference between Willfully Ignorant and Willfully Not Human. The former can be herded. The latter can herd me. I'd rather not be a pawn in someone else's game again."
Despite my rebuttal, I picked up the card and studied it. In the dreamscape it was identical to the physical card on my desk. I held the card out and looked up to the night sky. "Well, if I'm supposed to be making contact with you, it would help if I knew more about you."
The card vibrated in my hand. I looked back at it and examined the printed figure. The head of the figure suddenly turned to face me squarely. It winked and smiled a little and then turned back to the static image as before. But in that wink, it relayed some understanding.
"Ah, fuck."
"What's wrong, Master?"
"I can't do this."
"Can't do what, Master?"
"Don't you start playing Little Miss Naive with me. This is the start of something new, something unique, something that I won't be able to find in a book."
"Isn't that the point, Master? I do recall you bragging about how you can't be found in any book."
"It wasn't bragging, you little shit, it was lamenting. If I were twenty years younger, yea, I would take this as a challenge. But I'm not twenty years younger. I can't handle anything new like this. I can barely handle myself right now."
I closed my eyes to the card but I couldn't forget what I was told no matter how hard I tried. Useless. What good is giving me something that will never be put to use and can't be passed on to someone who can?
I'm so tired.
"... Hm."
"If you can't handle anything, does that mean you don't want to change? Because if your life is going to get better, then it will change from how it is now. Are you saying that you don't want that?"
"... Adiutor, the only reason I'm not throwing your doll body into a fire is because I know I'm dreaming, and I don't want to piss off the entity that gave you to me. That's bullshit reasoning, and you fucking know it, you manipulative little fuck!"
"Of course, I'm being manipulative. I would worry if you didn't see that. But, the challenge still remains. Are you so content with how your life is now, that you don't feel it is worthwhile to change it?"
"There's a difference between what this deck is offering and trying to improve my situation."
She laid down on my shoulder in a way that made me wonder if she wasn't part cat. "Please tell me, oh wise and all-knowing Master, all the ways that your life can change in an instant and why it isn't worth trying to make the best of any of those possibilities."
"Adiutor, I have so many projects and works in progress. I can only attempt to finish one thing if I am willing to abandon five others. I'm stretched to my limit. I can't handle One More Thing. I don't have the time or the access to research this. I don't have the time to set aside just to entertain this. I can barely keep my head above water and shit like this makes me wonder why I haven't given up and drowned already? Or did no one tell you what happened when I moved here. When it was revealed that a significant engrossing matter that I was engaged in was really just a stage play to keep me from cutting my throat back then? How many times am I going to be something else's entertainment? I'M FUCKING TIRED, BITCH! I'm so tired. And what this card is offering, I can't accept. I don't have any room for one more new thing."
She slid off my shoulder and scrambled down my arm. "Yes, you are very tired, Master. It is good that I am your adiutor. My name is a Latin word, if you forgot, it means 'helper', among other things." She pulled the playing card easily from my fingers and held it in front of her as if to study the artwork. The regular sized playing card was a massive poster to her.
"So, I know some of what this is about. And while the presentation is new, the subject is not. You just never had a clear way of connecting to this before." She laid the card in my hand and pointed to the value in the corner. "This is a King, so you know this represents a ruler or controller of an area, situation, or pathway. And the suit is Clubs, which you already associate with [certain things]. Therefore, this card is representative of the ruler or lord of [certain things]. And I am willing to bet my stitches that you made contact with a spirit representing your personal King of Clubs, and that now that this contact is made, there is a call to complete the court."
There was no spite or smugness in her words, which surprised me. There was only a soft gentleness that I was not used to coming from her. "Yea. That's what happened. Just all in a blink of an eye, but yea. I thought I was just peeking through the keyhole when the door was snatched open, and so much came through that I was just overwhelmed. But now that you've laid it out, it doesn't sound so daunting. ... It's still a lot though."
She nodded and settled herself in the palm of my free hand. "It is, and it isn't. This is you picking up what has always been yours, but you were never taught how to do it. So you're learning the hard way, and hard things are hard, but new things are necessary if you are going to make your life better."
"... I guess."
"I know, Master."
Together we looked up to the clear night sky. Nothing else happened, so I allowed myself to slip away into a deeper sleep.
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Hello! Could I get a romantic matchup for twst? I understand that there might be a ton of other requests, so take all the time you need :))
I'm an INFJ 1w9, Libra! I tend to change the way I act depending on the person I'm talking to, and I have this bad habit of saying what others want to hear instead of saying my own opinion,, I'm also quiet reserved most of the time. (my friends' first impression of me was that I was intimidating?? 😭) I try to keep up a good image most of the time, but I'm naturally very clumsy so my efforts are futile 😔 with the people I'm comfortable with, I'm a lot more enthusiastic! I end up being the one rambling about my interests to them and apparently I joke a lot with them. During school breaks I prefer staying in my room hanging out by myself. I get very tired of interacting with people (not that I don't like them, i just get tired!) and I need time to recover. I'm also a pretty hard worker and people say I push myself too hard sometimes 😅 I'm generally someone who's calm and not very prone to anger, but once I do get angry everything just starts to spill out.
In my free time, I like making art and do creative writing! . And if I'm not doing that, then I'm probably busy reading a book, playing RPG/Rhythm games or watching anime :) I also like to indulge myself in new knowledge? For example if I don't know much about Chinese mythology I'd end up just researching and learning more about it for hoursssss until I get a good grasp of it I really like well-written stories, RPG + rhythm games, all kinds of animals, coffee, art supplies, museums, aquariums, libraries/bookstores and shopping <3 I dislike overwhelming situations (like a loud party or fireworks) and people who are rude and inconsiderate for no reason,,
As for a partner, I'd like someone who's wits can keep up with mine, have a great sense of humor, and is willing to listen to me and understand me without judgement either— A sense of security would be nice. My love language is gift giving + words of affirmation, while I'd prefer to receive quality time and acts of service!
I'm so sorry for writing so much 😭 thank you in advance!
I match you with...
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What a shocker, hm? I chose Idia for you because of your shared interests and characteristics. I would've chosen Lilia, except I wondered if you'd prefer a more quiet company (who isn't surrounded by figures like those in Diasomnia). However, I did have a hard time, as Idia is pretty hardcore when it comes to his shut-in-ness.
Despite Idia saying that he'd want nothing to do with romance, we'll just say that he was a little bit emotional due to what happened in the ghost bride event, and ignore this.
Idia is the type of guy to not interact with others, and prefer to stay in his room, and since you enjoy spending time in your room, you could possibly stay in the same room and recharge together, but that's just an idea.
Gaming? RPGs? Anime? Sign him right up. Expect to go on anime binges with him, or spend the night playing games with him. While you might not be as hardcore as he is when it comes to these things, spending time with him will be satisfying, even if he would get rather embarrassed.
In the start of the relationship, it might not come as a surprise if Idia can barely look you in the eyes. I mean, someone like you with someone like him? He wouldn't be able to understand it. However, once further along in the relationship, it would be much easier to have a conversation with him.
Idia, when in the zone, can be a great conversationalist, taking some inspiration from the dating sims he plays, he'll try to do some "cringy romance stuff" if that's something you'd want, but please don't expect too much from this poor shut-in.
He most likely won't go on outings with you, but he'll gladly send Ortho with you if you need the company. You'll likely end up spending quite a lot of time with Ortho when you go outside. You'll need to accommodate for Idia's agoraphobia, but all in all, it should be a fulfilling relationship if you don't mind going into the family business with him.
Thank you for the request!! Sorry it's a tad short, I hope you enjoyed it!
Other character(s) considered: Lilia, Silver
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yurisorcerer · 7 months
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So! Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection, huh? Took me five years to get to it. I do not know what I expected. This was not nearly as bad as I feared but also not as good as I hoped. I guess I'd say it's good as a movie for huge Code Geass fans, but it also kind of walks back some of the core ideas of Code Geass as a series, so Hm.
Like, ok, let's just start with the premise. The very idea of Lelouch coming back to life after the end of the series (or rather the alternate continuity to the series as presented by the Lelouch of the Rebellion compilation movies), is already a bit wonky. If Code Geass works on any level *thematically,* it's because Lelouch, as the 99th Emperor Britannia, dies. He dies not because it's necessarily the right thing to happen to him *morally,* but because he knows he has so much blood on his hands that he can't live with himself. It's suicide-by-Suzaku. That's how the original series ends.
Here, of course, he is just back. In of itself, that would be fine, but everyone is SO accepting of it SO quickly. There's a couple quick scenes of Kallen crying over him and Suzaku beating the ever-loving shit out of him (he deserves worse honestly), but for the most part everyone is completely happy to start taking orders from History's Greatest Monster again. With some of these people, like Cornelia and even his own sister Nunally, this kind of strains credulity. Especially with how the latter goes out of her way to exonerate Lelouch of any wrongdoing and blames herself for not truly understanding her brother's motives. I'm sorry, like, I've seen the show. That's just kind of bullshit. Lelouch's motives were *extremely* selfish and the fact that he never told Nunnally what he was up to was kind of the whole point, he didn't respect her as an equal, and just thought of her as someone he needed to protect. Due to, you know, pick one; misogyny, a generally privileged upbringing that may have rubbed some concept of noblesse oblige into him, ableism, the fact that he's a smug bastard who assumes he knows better than everyone, etc.
The unfortunate thing about the movie, though, is that Lelouch Lamperouge is cool as shit and it's really fun to watch him do anything.
Where it gets brought back, at least for me, in spite of all these flaws, is that I do just pop when Lelouch is on-screen Doing His Thing. C.C. has a fantastic little exchange with him when he gets discouraged late in the film where she talks about how she wants to see the arrogant, unwavering Lelouch. That's a good moment and it's pretty in keeping with their relationship, but it's also a sly nod toward the fourth wall I'm pretty sure. Unfortunately, to some extent, I will just watch this fucking bastard with his fucking hair and his fucking cloak and mask and his fucking violet shoujo manga-ass eyes and his fucking fruity little hand gestures whenever he talks, play everyone like a fiddle yet again while making grand pronouncements and saying "checkmate" unironically when he's got someone cornered even though no one has ever played a game of chess on-screen in Code Geass that made a lick of sense.
There are certain characters that just have such unreal amounts of charisma that watching them do basically anything is fun. (The voice acting in this thing is magnificent, of course, and helps sell that. I'd listen to Fukuyama Jun read a phone book.) Lelouch is one of those. If I'm any Code Geass character in spirit, it's Tamaki. Any time Lelouch puts on the Zero mask I scream and point at the screen and go "that's my man right there!!" like we're close personal friends or something. It's a disease, and I have to live with it. God forbid I ever get super into UC Gundam, I don't know WHAT I'd do if I ended up being like this about Char.
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Everyone else returning from Code Geass proper has at least one really good moment, too. Kallen, Suzaku, and C.C. predictably get the best of them and the new characters that are introduced as their antagonists are, at least, very strong. The way the middle east is portrayed in this movie is WILD problematic, but a side effect of how Code Geass tends to write its antagonists is that at the very least the antagonist characters here have actual, like, human motives, and Lelouch's opposite number Shamna is a worthy foe; he does of course beat her but it's really down to the wire. Lot of good mecha fights in here, too, with Kallen and Suzaku both getting a lot of good screentime doing what they do best. There's more CGI than I'd like (CGI can work very well in a mecha anime IF the mecha are designed for it, but Code Geass' largely were not and you can tell), but not enough that it saps the movie of its dynamism, so, full marks there.
And then there's the ending of the movie which, hmmm. Basically, indirectly, the film makes C.C. x Lelouch canon, and in the postscript they seem to have formed a Geass Master power couple (complete with a very sharp gothic lolita look for C.C. that is absolutely fabulous. Lelouch's new outfit in that sequence is pretty snazzy too). I know Suzululu was always the more popular pairing (at least I've always gotten that impression), but I think this actually mostly makes sense, and I think they look good together. OTOH, Lelouch---sorry, he's going by L.L. now---seems like the sort of person who has a lot of different people in his life without necessarily being *totally* bound to any one of them. Maybe that's my own polyamory coloring the text, but it didn't feel exclusionary to me.
Anyway, yeah. Kind of betrays the spirit of the original a little bit but as far as being essentially a fun fanservice movie it was pretty good. They're making more, I'll probably watch those, too, especially if Lelouch continues to be cunty in them.
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1tsjusty0u · 5 months
hm. random things wreath likes perhaps
pre cal. not much!! he likes fiction books and sweet foods but other than that he cant think of anything. he probably does like more things though its just a deep-seated issue for him. for specifics: they always like pumpkin pie its his favorite, and. yeah. finnish desserts they also make due to hateno and he’d also like those a lot! piparkakku and pannukakku (gingerbread and pancakes) he likes as well. uhm. i should note i am not finnish so any finlanders out there if i butcher anything. im sorry…. anyways! fiction books arent just legends of past games for clarification he’d like ones that really dont have anything to do with tloz. if chicory a colorful tale was an ip/book in this universe they’d like it a bit!! also horse fact magazines and cookbooks. he loves those and never reads them after he gets them <3
post cal ..!! you know if this was like. my interpretation of normal botw i’d say the issue from the above paragraph would get better! but uh!! here it actually gets worse. they still love pumpkin pie and food and horse facts however. its getting harder and harder for him to remember what he does genuinely like, + things he Would like start to get stale or dont feel fun anymore like. for example horse facts again. he’ll always like food but other than that he’d have trouble naming most other things. it all just Exists to him. unfortunately going outside does Not fix him no matter how beautiful and wondrous it is
however i shant leave it at that….. while he might not be able to list it he still does like things sort of. he doesnt get excited about these but theyre just Nice to him and nothing more (also realistically he wouldnt care too much about these however pretend this is a parallel universe where this issue doesnt exist and he Would like these!! he still would in this one he just has problems anyways); seeing foxes!! he likes to greet them by spooking them. hes a fan of cooking ingredients and as much as totk sucks i Do like koyins quest (ignoring the romantic implications and the butchering of her character) i think he’d really Really like trading in nuts for milk and collecting them for the cow guy. he’d probably do it even with no milk incentive but thats just the cherry on top. also koyin and him could be slight friends a lot later into the story!! also he likes acorns and seeds and tries to break into them. also i made a whole list of sounds: clippity clops, footsteps on brick pavement, wood chopping board noises, WHEELS ON BRICK PAVEMENT, knife getting stuck in wood or swords etc, clinks of figurines (not hollow and probably like. made up of a gem rather than stone. Heavy clinks), pencil on thin paper on desk. more likes the feel rather than sound. and gear sounds/clicking like guardians. ALSO KEYBOARD NOISES. like the chunky ones i can get a video. zelda also likes these just more mechanical ones rather than soft thonks. also cooking pot noises we cannot forget about those. cutting paper super smoothly by just dragging scissors or a knife feels good and also knife tearing through fabric or specifically a bed mattress also feels good! the sound varies however. alsoalso this made me make a list for zelda because i think she’d more actively like sensory things
if they had a preference for weapons he’d love lynel weapons due to the sheer damage he just would never use them as to not break them. same with robbies ancient sword and other weapons that look cool or have ties to the champions. otherwise he just likes standard one handed sword weapons. pre cal him would honestly like lynel swords More and be really miffed about the master sword only doing 30 damage despite it being a holy sword and people regarding it as this great thing. like it has trouble defeating monsters ganon is going to kill him. i need to play sksw honestly i think he would like fi i just know next to nothing about her besides her being the sword. also he cant hear her Anyways!!
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qworflordking · 2 years
Hey! Just to tell you I loved your critique against that Achilles Song book and I agree with you that I hate how Greek (and at lesser or more degree Roman or Egyptian) classics are changed in a nonsense way just to please the modern reader and give them a progressive agenda to the characters.
Just for curiosity, what do you think about fantasy media that is inspired in ancient Greek myths and legends like Percy Jackson books or Saint Seiya?
Dunno, those were my faves when I was a kid (but I have not checked them since at least 10 years ago, lol), but, seeing how the Percy Jackson fans try to portrait themselves as all knowing about Greek culture, while actually not engaging in the classics and refusing to know about Ancient Greek history and culture. The Saint Seiya guys seem more normal, but I'm not sure if Greek people just saw the anime as a gross cultural appropiation like Hercules from Disney or they actually did not mind it.
An interesting ask to receive, thanks! And hm... I don't really know? I haven't read Percy Jackson or Saint Seiya so I can't comment. It all depends on the media in question - it's nice to see so many people like it, but our ancient legacy is kind of all Greece has right now. The economic depression, the ecological impact on the islands that's been happening, the fact that it's mainly considered a tourist destination for wealthier Europeans and the bitter state of the modern Greek youth - and yet we have this legacy we feel so connected to despite all the years between, lmao.
My family is from Sparta - a small rural village just outside it, actually - and so when the movie 300 came out the hype was unreal. Like King Leonidas is a cultural hero, there's still a monument to him in Sparta - they were making a movie about our guy! I saw it with twenty Greeks, all Spartans... and they hated it. They were yelling at the screen, they were so upset, and none of them knew what a Frank Miller comic book was. I recently tried to rewatch it and had to turn it off at the scene with the ephors and the oracle. Don't get me started on Troy, lol.
Otoh, I recently enjoyed Hades (the game) though I avoided it for a while. It's bright and colorful, the gods are strange and erratic, and it's tons of fun. Demeter grief-stricken at the loss of her daughter, Persephone avoiding Hades and Hades being angry and bitter - that was great. (I could go into a whole tangent about how people are actually erasing the voices and pain of ancient women when they woke-ify Hades and Persephone, but.)
The essential thing is this: the ancient Greeks were capable of criticizing their own culture. We invented philosophy: the art of sitting around talking about what's wrong with society and how we might fix it. They wrote plays - plays that won awards, that were preserved unto this day! - that served as a feminist critique of their classic heroic myths. Going back to the 300 film, while it's true oracles were often sexually abused, they noticed that was a problem and made changes to prevent that. There's this attitude people take to ancient cultures a lot where they think people were just... stupid, and wholly swallowed everything, and then they're gonna write their critique of their problematic beliefs without considering the humanity and knowledge of people who lived thousands of years ago.
You don't need to completely change the themes and meaning and significance of our stories, but what you can do is humanize them. Rather than hole them up in some white-walled Ivory Tower of Academia bring them out as they were - intended to be funny, intended to make you think - while preserving the historical context. I have dreams of making an Odyssey film (that some EU arts fund needs to give me a billion dollars to make. also, i am a legendary respected filmmaker in this fantasy) that would bring economic prosperity to the Greek islands and also make it /funny/, showing that Odysseus was a trickster figure who fit ancient heroic definitions of being a wild celebrity figure rather than a Hollywood Hero. Making it clear that his wife was just as smart as him and they were a love-match and making Athena buff as hell and swapping into a man's body, even making Odysseus black - none of that would be modernizing the story to suit our woke tastes. It would piss the hell off a lot of supposed "Classics" fans.
Ultimately, though, having fun with the mythos isn't actually harmful. What is harmful, what genuinely upsets me on a fundamental level, is how Le Classics have been incorporated into this great ideal of Western Civilization and then been appropriated by white supremacists. Here's a great blog doing the good work going into it in detail, but twisting ancient culture to fit your own modern ideals is just.... not good for anyone, lol.
EDIT: ...In my last post I was like "why is tumblr recommending me eurofash propaganda" and I just realized. Liking ancient greek culture and the classics is probably why 0__0
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7, 8, 17, 23, 31, 35, 47, 52, 57, and 70 for the fic writer ask game!
Ooooh thank you so much!!
Ask Game for Fic Writers
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
Technically it was this 5-page-long, super shitty fic in the Terfy Wizard Fandom that I wrote when I was 10 or 11. But we're not gonna talk about that.
My first fanfic that I wrote with the knowledge of it being fanfic, and posted on AO3, was an X-Men fic featuring an OC named Mira Hart. The plot basically just walked through the events of First Class and DOFP with Mira included (and in a semi-tumultuous relationship with Hank McCoy), and I had plans to eventually include Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix, and some original plotlines as well (though that hasn't happened, and I kinda doubt it will. Maybe maybe one of the original ideas but I'm not sure)
Given it was my first fic, I think some of the ideas still do hold up, though the writing does make me cringe a little lol. I think it would be cool to rewrite/revamp it and give Mira the love she really deserves, but on the other hand I have a much more interesting idea to write between Hank and a new OC that I think I'd rather focus on first. Not to say I can't write both eventually, but... Delphi is really fucking cool dude you'd love her.
8. what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
Hm... that's a tough one. I'm used to seeking out and receiving feedback thanks to theatre and FX work and all that (though the RSD is brutal sometimes and I hate that), but unsolicited feedback is one of my biggest pet peeves. I can take feedback pretty well when I'm expecting it, but when it comes out of the blue then my brain just will not let go of it and it leaves me feeling insecure and awful.
When it comes to fic writing, I don't usually seek out constructive criticism. I'm posting my fics for free, for fun, and to relax, I don't need people picking them apart (unless it's to point out what they enjoyed!)
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Answered previously, but I also can never decide lmao
23. how do you deal with writers block?
In the short term, I try to switch to a different task to give my brain a break. I'll walk my dogs, play a video game, practice guitar or draw a couple sketches, whatever I feel like that doesn't require the same type of concentration. It helps unstick the gears a little.
In the longer term, I'll pick up a few new books or reread some old favorites. I call it "recharging my words", it's something I've done since I started writing and it really helps! I do still love to read even when I'm not under writer's block, but making a targeted effort to notice the author's voice and style can sometimes help me get back to my own author's voice.
31. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
QUINN!!! Holy shit she's SO fun dude you have no idea!! Sometimes writing her is fun because it's cathartic, since some of her experiences with disability, counterculture, and gender are reflections of my own, and sometimes it's just fun because it's fun - she's so sassy and just a total ball of chaos, there's never a dull moment!
35. tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
All my OCs tend to reflect me in some way or another, even if that's just a single trait or interest of theirs, but I think the one that's the least similar to me is probably Eris. I'm not a violent or angry person in the slightest, and their experiences are vastly different from my own, but he has just such an interesting view on the world and I love her to the ends of the earth.
47. what story are you most proud of?
Oh man... all of them? In their own ways? They each accomplish something a little different, and it's hard to compare them directly.
But if I had to pick one... Heartstrings. I love the dynamic between Jasper and Kyle, I think there's a lot of emotional depth to it, and we're at the point in the story where the plot is starting to pick up a little speed.
52. how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
Oh man... I think I'm running at 7 simultaneous longfics (Smoke and Mirrors, Catch and Release, Who Waits Forever Anyway?, Heartstrings, Taking Flight, Heart in Your Hands, and Desert Song) at the moment, plus... I don't even know how many separate pieces. Let's see...
Eris (oneshot series, got 3 upcoming ideas)
Nikoletta (oneshot series, got 2 upcoming ideas)
Gia (oneshot series, need to start writing out her main story, no idea how many fics that'll end up being)
2 upcoming ArchAegis oneshots
Vivienne's story (probably a longfic but I need to start writing it)
Spider's story (also probably a longfic, albeit a shorter one, still needs an outline and a full OC bio and everything else)
Plus my writing ideas masterlist has 43 other ideas, in various stages of complexity and readiness, that I haven't even begun to start writing yet
57. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
HAHA okay
"friends singing to marcel"
Context: mentioned it as a throwaway detail in the new chapter of Heartstrings, I was pretty sure the song was The Lion Sleeps Tonight but was just uncertain enough that I had to check
70. are you very critical of your own writing? how much do you find yourself editing (either during the writing or after the fact)?
I used to be very critical of my own writing, but now as I've gotten more comfortable with my style and voice, I'm a little more comfortable with it. I don't do a ton of editing, honestly: each writing session starts with me rereading what I wrote last time and making some minor tweaks as needed, followed by one more quick scan as I'm in the process of posting the finished piece/chapter, but I don't do a lot of intense editing.
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nightcall99 · 6 months
Conversations from 27.3.24
SM: Where am I today? KN: *shrugs*
moments pass
KN: Do you need tethering? SM: Yes. But what is there to tether to? KN: That's the question.
NM: I'm going down to the beach for Easter KN: Oh, nice. Will it be good weather? NM: Yes! 28-29 degrees! KN: Good thing we're having this weirdly warm Autumn huh? *NM agrees and walks away* SM: Global warming? KN: Hm. I don't know about that. SM: Just testing what your beliefs are KN: I don't have any beliefs SM: Well, except for the mist (being an essence) thing? KN: That's not even a belief. It's an is-ness. SM: Just factual
KN: So what are you doing for your birthday? SM: Oh, we remember that now do we? *proceeds to recite my birthday* KN: Can you not? SM: You know the other day, TC was joking around saying that he knows everything. I asked him, So what's Kath's birthday then? He was stumped. KN: If you ever tell anyone I'll hunt you down SM: Really? KN: Actually no, I won't do anything. I'll just be really disappointed. I'd give you my look (of death). SM: I'd rather die. SN (the boss's daughter, overhearing our conversation): *laughs* You know who else was really private? Mohammed. KN: I respected that though. He didn't give a fuck. SN: *makes a face* KN: I mean, some people just go to work, to work and then go home again, that's it. That's them. SN: I dunno but he gave us nothing. I didn't know who he was and I was pretty intimidated by it. Remember how his roommate worked here a couple of times? KN: Yeah, I prodded that guy. He didn't know anything about Mohammed either. Mo was a nice guy though. He was just solid. Did his own thing. SN: I remember he got AL and I gifts for our birthdays. And he bought us food. KN: Yup, he went out of his way on JY's last day to come here on his day off, just to say goodbye to her SN: Yeah, he was a nice guy.
SN: (we're talking about the book Normal People) I didn't like the ending though. KN: (SM is staring at me from across the room, amused that I'm having an NPC conversation. I look at him once and maintain eye contact with SN. It's not an NPC conversation). Yeah neither did I. What did it mean? That she's okay with letting him go? SN: I don't know. But that book really affected me. I feel changed by it. KN: I feel changed too. SN: After I read that book, the feeling stayed with me for days *touches her heart* KN: Me too. But what is that feeling? SN: Emptiness KN: It was more than that though. A type of yearning? For something we don't know? (SM walks past, listening)
SM: My aunt just called me KN: The one you're having lunch with on your birthday? SM: Yeah, just making sure everything's set KN: She's alright, your aunt. Isn't she? Like you're not completely dreading it? SM: She's nice. KN: I'm sure you'd rather be doing what you want to do on your birthday but at least you like her. SM: I'd rather be at home playing Hogwarts Legacy [It very quickly gets awkward as fuck. I used to watch his streams on Twitch and we would chat whilst he played. But I cut him off and we stopped] KN: Oh. Haha... Um... you're still playing that right? Wait, you already told me you are. Um... So.. you're going to finish it, are you? SM: I think I'm going to push through KN: You should tell me when (he is waiting)... you should tell me when (he wants me to say something else)... when you learn the Avada Kedavra curse (milestone in game) SM: I will
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rottenbrainstuff · 11 months
BG3 playthrough: Githyanki creche
I only just realized it - this monastery is the one that you can accidentally explode and get Astarion throwing the temper tantrum about, can’t wait!
At the beginning of the game, I was totally fine with Shadowheart being a worshiper of Shar. Yeah fine, dark and forbidden gods, I’m down with that, goth girls, beauty in the darkness peace in the shadows all of that, 100% I am here for it. But as the game goes on and I read more things about what the Shar worshippers and dark justiciars actually do, hahahahahaaaa yanno I don’t think I’m so down with that anymore, actually. We will have to stage an intervention with this girl sometime soon here I think.
Everyone in the party: “oh yikes, be sure not to use magic on those gremishka!”
Me, blasting spells in anyways: “Maybe I LIKE the pretty panthers”
I’m sad you can’t talk to the kobolds though? They look hilarious. I forgot about the fire warning and had Lae’zel attack with her flaming sword and blew up the whole platform. Oops. Hilariously, even after I killed them all, I was still getting the drinking and burping ambient noises. It seems like the noises were spawning from *the wine barrels themselves* rather the kobolds that were supposed to be doing the drinking??? (or… hm. Were there kobolds INSIDE those barrels? Like the goblins at the siege? I popped all those barrels into my barrel stash, are they just going to sit there forever pickling in the firewine now?)
Eagles vs blue jay - I love little flavour things like this, the blue jay whining that the eagles took his nest… I just wish there was a way to go back and tell him that I’m not helping after all, because it’s clear that he didn’t build that giant nest on top of the roof, and he seems so blase about how he himself stole a nest from a different bird. I clearly just don’t understand bird morality at all, so I’m not going to even get involved. The eagles were quite funny.
YOUTH VARRL. Youth Varrl omg. This kid. What a sweetheart. I’m glad there were options where he doesn’t have to die: sometimes there aren’t ways to save NPCs (like that poor little gnome that got yeeted into the lava). God I wish I could bring him with me, what a funny little sweetheart that guy is. I wanted to read that Orpheus book (well, disc) he was talking about, and as a bard I got the option to say that if he gave it to me, I would write an amazing song about it. He got excited and said he would write his own song too, then started singing his own little theme song, aaah my god what a precious guy. I’ve already got Barcus hanging out at my camp, there’s room for one more! God I wish I could bring this kid with me. I can’t remember ever playing a game like this where I enjoyed the NPCs as much. I feel a bit bad taking his book because he liked it so much, but I wanted to read it and I didn’t see an option to like… “hey let me borrow that for a sec then give it back to you.” Initially I tried to buy it off him in a trade, paid him money, we’re all good, just like I do for lots of characters… and then I noticed the dialogue options were implying that I STOLE it?? Excuse me?? I gave him gold and he passed it over? Does the game consider all non-dialogue triggered trading to be stealing??? Cause I’ve been buying tons of books from people this way??? Oh well, the song option was hilarious so I went with that.
Yanno, I can’t help but feel like I’m playing this game wrong. Or at least very differently from everyone else. Yeah yeah I know, no wrong way to play, you play the way that makes you happy. But like. I dunno! I’m looking at my 8 gigs worth of save slots that I’ve organized like the gallery of an otome game, so that I can go back and rerun any important cut scene that I really liked at any time… I’m looking at my totally full map and journal and hearing everyone talk about how there’s so much replay value in the game cause they totally missed X or Y the first run and I’m like… can’t relate cause I have done all of that already. Thoroughly. I feel like maybe I should have been leaving things to do later. I feel like I was supposed to raise everyone’s approval slower, get through these areas faster. Oh well.
I think it would have been neat if the main story was actually a bit smaller, and more modular. I think it would have been interesting if certain choices actually locked you down certain paths and locked you out of some things, necessitating a replay if you want to see all of it. Like, you really do have to choose between the Underdark route and the mountain pass, and you can’t go back and do both. Or maybe, choosing to help the tieflings with their goblin issues means you run out of time to do things at the creche, something like that. I feel like maybe there was a plan at one point to do this, but in the end they chickened out and left everything open.
Up next - gotta figure out how my anti-authoritarian Tav is going to diplomatically deal with Vlaakith and not get his ass fried into drow crisps.
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