#really sweet and i kinda wanted it to be a metaphor about being a person you know
okkotsuus · 2 years
jjk + domestic acts !
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featuring: yuuji i. megumi f. nobara k. yuuta o. maki z. toge i. satoru g. suguru g. toji f. kento n. sukuna r. choso k.
contents: short head canons. fluff. established relationship. 900 words.
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yuuji cooks for you. whether it be making you dinner when you come over for a date or making your lunch for school. he would be the type to make super cute bentos with the pictures made with seaweed. he also cuts everything into the sizes you like. he always waits to take the first bite so he can better see your reaction when you do. the smile and glow in your eyes fill him more than any meal could
megumi walks to the side where cars come from. whether it be walking on the side of the sidewalk closer to the road, closer to the middle lane in a parking lot, or walking between you and oncoming traffic when crossing the road. he always has a hand on you too just in case, usually, he prefers to rest it on the small of your back, but he also wraps his arm around your waist.
nobara buys things you like or she'll think you like them whenever she goes anywhere. she loves bringing the spoils of her travels back to you, a metaphorical tail wagging. she also gets things that remind her of you, like something from a show you watched together, or the candy she saw you eating before she left. like a crow who collects shiny things to bring back to the nest.
yuuta waits up for you when you get home late. if it's you coming back late from a mission, he'll be in the common area. if it's you coming back from a home visit, he'll be on the porch to help you with your bags. if it's you coming back from class and he gets back first, he's waiting outside your room. if he knows that you'll be gone overnight he sleeps in your room, not very peacefully, but it allows him to at least get a few hours.
maki orders for you. whether its placing reservations, ordering your food, or making a complaint for you, she's got it handled. she knows that these things can make people nervous and she doesn't every want you to feel like that if she can prevent it. whenever you go out as a class and she can't, she makes panda or yuuta order for you. because toge kinda can't.
toge leaves you notes. he leaves them on your bag, on your pillow, on your door, anywhere you have to look. usually they're a little compliment (ex. "your hair looks really pretty today") and a little doodle of him, you, or some random thing. he writes them on these little note cards that have onigiri designs along the border. it's how he makes up for not being able to say sweet nothings to you.
satoru carries your things for you. unless it's a cursed tool or something that you may need in a moments notice, it's in his hands. when you go shopping he is happily trailing behind you with all of you things. if you're going on a trip he carries both of your suitcases, he tries to carry all carry-ons as well but if he can't he'll give you the lightest one(s). he carries all the groceries in one trip too.
suguru always drives. if you need to go anywhere he's got his blacked-out benz's keys twirling idly around his finger. he puts his arm behind your headrest so he can turn around fully when backing out. puts his arm in front of you if he has to suddenly break. keeps his hand on the center console so you can hold hands. you get the aux, he likes your music.
toji doesn't pay attention to anybody but you. whether it's some random person flirting with him from across the room, he doesn't spare them a second thought unless you bring it up. sometimes he doesn't even notice cause he's too busy watching how the amber glow of the dying sun highlights your face and makes your eyes sparkle when you turn to him.
kento does the mundane things for you. if you're complaining about needing to fill your tank, he'll do it and pay for it. he starts you coffee for you so that when you wake up it's already made and cooled down. he starts the bath for you when you get home. he lays out your keys, purse, and other things on the table for you before he leaves.
sukuna scares away any and all danger. curses, humans, sorcerers, you name it; none of them with bad intentions dare to even look at you with him around. if they think you're alone and try to take advantage, he's already behind them. sometimes he disposes of him while you look away from him, he's back intact by the time you've turned around, a small splat of red on his cheek? its surely just the jam from the crepe you bought him.
choso listens to everything you say. he listens intently, his eyes never leave you except to briefly blink or if he sees motion. he looks at you like you're preaching when you're talking about this cloud that you saw that looked like a turd. nods intently and lets out soft 'mhm's while his elbows rest on his knees. leaned towards you like plants lean towards the sun.
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okotsuus 23
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keeksybee · 3 months
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Just watched ‘Fear no Mort’ and wow was it a gut punch, I mean ooft “You’re irreplaceable” being the thing to tip him off, but that’s already been done to death, I’m personally more fascinated with Morty’s subconscious interpretation of his Grandmother, IMO it was a curious direction for the writers to take her, she’s a little too much like Rick for my taste, her her being intellectual definitely tracks, I doubt Rick would have married stupid but I always imagined she’d be…gentler, kinder, Rick’s grounding point.
They were happy when they were married, he loved her, there’s no reason for her to be a drinker or cruel or have that mean streak like Rick does because he didn’t really do those things before her lost her, she was the catalyst for his self sabotaging behaviours, I can see her being witty, knowing how to reel Rick back but I never thought she’d be like him, then I realised this *wasn’t* Diane it was Morty’s subconscious creating what he thought his Grandmother was like and since he’s never had any other reference for Diane except Rick’s anecdotes, nor seen Rick when he was healthy it makes sense he assumes Diane had to be like Rick for them to have been compatible.
He can’t actually fathom that Rick might have married a perfectly normal, intelligent woman and stayed in their small Washington town, raising their daughter in their little suburb, in their little nuclear family and he would have been content with that, because Rick can’t be content, he’s always chasing the next physical or metaphorical high, the exceptional, something he (Morty) is not, as Rick takes great relish in reminding him, I found it kinda sad that he sees Diane as competition for his Grampa’s affection rather than a new figure to create a relationship with, this is his Grandmother whom he’s never gotten to meet, that most children would be ecstatic to get to know a long lost family member, especially one held so dear by another close to them, but he doesn’t seem to want to get to know her because she takes Rick away, and let’s be honest Morty doesn’t have anyone else, his life is intrinsically tied to his Grandfather, he doesn’t have friends that we can see, his family either treat him like a burden or ignore him completely so the only person to give him attention, positive or negative is just Rick, they’re parasitically codependent to the point he is nothing without Rick. He’s more competent than he ever was and yet he still doesn’t get half the care or consideration that a fake simulation of his Grandmother gets.
I honestly interpret this version of Diane as not canonically how she was as much as this version is what Morty’s jealousy over Rick never moving on from her manifests as, he’s jealous that Diane got normal, family man Rick, that there was a time when he was decent and good and selfless that he’ll never get to experience, Rick won’t even help with his damn homework and he’s just willing to die for HER, she doesn’t even EXIST, Rick who never gives up, never accepts failure, will happily walk like lamb to the slaughter for HER, he’ll just stay in the hole until it consumes him. Why isn’t Morty good enough? He deals with all Rick’s Bullshit ALL the time, he’s the one losing limbs, he’s the one Rick leaves at the drop of a hat for two crows, he’s the one that he trusts less than Summer, he’s the one taking the blame for too many of Rick’s fuck ups to count and he won’t LEAVE THE DAMN HOLE.
He doesn’t see himself as important enough to leave the hole for, he makes Diane mean and selfish because it makes her easier to resent, because if she was sweet and loving and considerate she’d be so much harder to despise so he makes her selfish and compatible with the Rick *he* knows so he’s not forced to think about who Rick would chose if push really came to shove because he has a nauseating feeling it wouldn’t be him, that Rick wouldn’t hesitate.
I wonder what Rick would think if I’d he’d gotten to see just what his Grandson thought of himself.
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skullsandcorals · 9 months
1. Holy shit I am so happy I found another person who gets how smart Percy is, and gets that every instance of Percy looking/getting called stupid is due to his dyslexia or people not telling him anything.
2. Which book/chapter is this from? I need to bookmark it ASAP and start shouting it from the metaphorical tumblr hills.
3. We really don't talk about how good a mom Sally is? Like yeah she's badass and gentle but like. She respects Percy. When the school system failed Percy, she's the one who still not only believed that he was smart but still acted like it and probably taught him too. Queen mom Sally Jackson right there.
1.) YEAHH EXACTLY. Or his ADHD 😭 It drives me NUTS whenever Percy is treated as the dumb + comedic guy. Like I get what they're saying and why they're saying it, but sometimes his character gets reduced to JUST that and it hurts my soul. I get that he's funny as a narrator and as a character and sometimes he can be a little "clueless" but it just feels like some people like to think of that as either all he is or a huge part of who he is. I believe I've also seen Leo get this treatment despite literally being insanely smart at such a young age so. that's...fun. They can be funny and smart too 😞
2.) It's from the 10th Anniversary edition of The Lightning Thief! It's Rick's cover letter for the first readers of the manuscript & a note from the narrator. I don't have a copy of that edition myself, but I've seen some pictures of it on Rick's blog and someone posted one of the pages on Reddit (where I got it from).
Here's the full page from Reddit (source) & the picture from Rick's blog where the page is visible (source):
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3.) YEEEAHHHH I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! What I would do to get adopted by her rn. The way she talks to him makes me kinda teary-eyed because she's just so...you can just tell how much she loves Percy and that she would do anything to make sure he grew up resilient and kind in a world that's always out to get him. She believes in him so much that it just makes me lose my mind a little. It's just so sweet and I can't help but feel so moved by it.
I'm not sure if you've read Chalice of the Gods, but there's this scene where (spoilers, kinda) Sally talks to Percy after the whole thing with Hebe and honestly this scene makes me want to sob and cry and weep
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“You are a lot of things, Percy. But helpless isn't one of them.”
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yorshie · 8 months
YOU! *waddles into your inbox and t posts threateningly* I've got a bone to pick with you.
*starts pacing as I proceed to rant* There's a small theme that y'all keep low-key mentioning that I wanted to pick your brain (affectionately) about if that's alright with you.
And that theme is the importance of being soft in special regards to the turtle boys.
I wanted to ask why you think that's important to them? Why is being “soft” considered important? What does it even mean to be soft?
As a lady myself, I've personally always struggled with appreciating and accepting the so called soft parts of myself because I live in a very…intense family where I feel like I have to fight for my voice to be heard. And softness while it isn't necessarily considered a weakness in my home, it isn't exactly a celebrated strength either.
I personally struggle with that because I feel like we need more tenderness in this world. In fact, I will fight hand tooth and nail to defend and encourage the right of others to be soft (especially men) but I feel like that's privilege I can't indulge in because then I would not be taken seriously as an individual and therefore make my argument or statements noid.
So when I read your works about “soft and sweetness being desired” it literally had me stop and think because it was just so surprising me. Like “People want this? People appreciate this?” I was just so intrigued about this line of thought, that I'd very much like to hear your insights in this regard if your up for a physcological anon conversation.
If not, no worries, just know that your work makes me stop and reconsider and I'm very grateful for that! 🧡🙏🏼
Ok. Ok. I'm gonna preemptively tag @desceros and @luckycharms1701 cuz I feel like this ask is aimed at more than just me, but if you guys wanna add your two cents feel free please. Also, I'm gonna stick this underneath a read more tag just cuz it's gonna get long, I can already tell.
first off, I want to say I'm sorry you feel like you wouldn't be taken seriously as a person or judged for being soft. I hope that you can reach a point (if you wish) where you are more comfortable expressing yourself. I agree that we need more tenderness in the world, regardless of the gender of the person expressing it.
Ok, now to delve into "softness" and the turtles especially. I guess I'll start this off by saying a lot of the times when I go on about "soft turtles" or "being soft for them" I don't mean literally. But I do think as humans we are in general soft compared to them. Our skin is softer, we have no shell, no scales, we're a lot more breakable compared to them. We probably feel like little hairy marshmallows to the turtles.
Metaphorically however, is a lot of what I play with when mentioning softness. (Desceros said it perfectly as a metaphor for comfort). But these turtles have had to shun a lot of social interaction. They don't have anyone to really open up to, be that in a platonic fashion or a romantic fashion, and so I personally project a lot of what i desire for them onto them. I want them to have that tenderness, I want them to be able to have someone they can let their guard down around, and so that's why I fixate so much on using my writing to give them that opportunity. They don't get a lot of someone just being nice to them to be nice to them.
It's probably my own love language of being tender to show affection bleeding through as well, but whenever you see my flailing about soft turtles, this is what I mean. I'm just talking about them finally getting to express affection and have it returned, not actually craving something literally "soft". And... well... softness itself is a nice feeling. If you have a really soft blanket, do you like it cuz it's soft? or cuz its comfortable and warm? Kinda just tangles back on itself over and over.
So if I wrote the line about “Raph pressed his beak against your temple, and with a soft sigh you tilted your head upwards to chase the sensation” that’s. So soft. But beyond just being physically soft and tender, there’s the emotional release of leaning against someone (metaphorically or physically) and having them lean back. Having them turn into the comfort. Accepting it.
Yea. That’s what goes through my head. That’s why I’m so obsessed with writing the turtles giving affection and having it received full heartedly. They lead ugly, silent lives. They need a little bit of affection.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
hi! I was wondering if I could request a comfort fic? I had recently discovered I was being cheated on, and I really, really loved this person (we were together for two years). I’m really pissed off about it and absolutely distraught. Is there anyway I could ask you to write a Donnie x Reader? He’s a huge comfort character for me, haha— thank you so much :)
Inside of My Heart 💜
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author’s note: im so sorry that happened anon, im no therapist but lemme just shout to the world that cheaters are the most despicable people EVER, truly sweet anon you deserve better, and i hope this Donnie fic will keep your spirits up <3
warnings: hmm fluff? and yeah more fluff, maybe one curse word?
It wasn’t everyday that Donnie thought of something he wasn’t good at. But lately he noticed a reoccurring problem. He was more than good at math, science, technology, engineering, (all self-taught btw) and not to mention he had great qualities like being responsible, intelligent, and honest.. most of the time!
But seriously! It was becoming quite obvious that he couldn’t carry a sentence when you were around. He was lacking in the social skills area, if you weren’t asking him for the wifi password or a yes or no question, he’d have a hard time finding the words. His brain would short circuit like it was a literal machine and he’d have to give nonverbal cues or depend on his brothers to pick up his slack.
What frustrated him the most was he had practiced last time! Yes, he had a heads up on when you were coming next, and practiced for days on what you could possibly ask, and he made a spreadsheet for all the responses he would need. It seemed he had poorly guessed what you would talk about, because that day you’d had some issues with a boy to which fried up Dee’s brain completely. He wanted to just throw his brain in the trash like he would with any piece of tech that was destroyed beyond repair.
After you had left that day, he had rushed to his lab. He groaned tearing up his spreadsheet into little pieces and quickly throwing them all into the trash. There that was metaphorically his brain, ripped to shreds and thrown away. He slumped into his swivel chair, dramatically putting his head down, hiding his face from view, arms shielding himself in. You were so nice about it too. You never made him feel weird, or awkward. You’d just smile warmly, like you knew he was trying his best. Which only made him try that much harder, which then led to him failing miserably. He huffed not seeing a clear solution in sight.
“Knock knock,” Mikey chirped from outside the lab. Donnie banged his head once on the table underneath him and then sat up. “Its open,” Mikey scampered in, “heyy Don, wanna do something?” Donnie swiveled in his chair to turn and face his younger brother. Giving him a questionable look so Mikey continued. “Well I was texting Y/n, and they wanna go to this Comic-Con thingy” Donnie’s mouth dropped open. You were interested in that? He wondered if you were going to dress up? “You don’t remember? They were talking about it today but that guy had bailed or something,” Mikey shrugged because he hadn’t really been listening all that much.
Classic Mikey, but Donnie couldn’t believe he had zoned out for that part of the conversation! He would’ve readily volunteered to go with you! But as soon as you had mentioned the other guy… well everyone knows, Donnie clammed up and stopped talking or thinking altogether! He sighed and Mikey looked at his brother, “what’s wrong Donnie? You don’t wanna go??” Now Donnie’s eyebrows were raising, “Mikey what are you talking about they texted you, not me.” He said that with little enthusiasm as he was more than a little jealous but understood why. You probably thought he had ignored you all day…well he kinda had.. unintentionally!
“But I told them that I couldn’t go and that you were already going!” Donnie’s eyes widened, “you said what?!” Mikey re-explained, “I said ‘I’m not going but Donnie already has a ticket, I’m sure you guys can go together’ and then I hit send.” Donnie blinked at his younger brother. “I have a ticket???” Mikey held up a ticket, “now you do!” he was smiling wickedly at his older brother now and Donnie saw it all connect. Mikey was setting him up, on purpose. “But, with them by myself?” Donnie started having self doubts. What if you had no fun with just him there? What if it became awkward? What if he couldn’t say anything?! “Donnie you gotta relax,” Mikey took in a deep breath and then released, motioning his hands at his purple clad brother for him to follow suit. So Donnie did, and as he took deep breaths his fear cleared.
“Feel better?” Mikey smiled brightly, and Donnie smirked, “yeah okay thanks little brother I’ll do my best,” Mikey fist bumped the air, “Alright! Mission set-up is a go!” He was skipping all the way out of the lab. Donnie’s immediate thought was to start making another spreadsheet. But as he looked down at the trash can he knew that wasn’t going to work. What he needed to do was text you. Which he found to be significantly easier to do than talk, it allowed him to get his thoughts out and rethink if need be.
‘Hey Y/n it’s Donatello, Mikey told me you were going to cc?’ -Dee👾
‘Hey! Yes I am, would you like to go together?’ -you ✨
‘sounds good to me, sorry i hadn’t really thought about asking when you were here..’ -Dee👾
‘No worries, I know that sometimes ppl like to go and do their own thing’ -you ✨
‘well i think I’d enjoy it more with your company :)’ -Dee 👾
At this message Donnie almost threw his phone across the lab. Instead he gently placed it on the table and took a lap. He couldn’t look, it was so cheesy, but that’s how he truly felt! AGH! He hoped you took it the right way, he hoped it wasn’t weird, he hoped he hoped he hoped!
‘aww! i feel the same way Donnie! I can’t wait, we’re gonna have so much fun c:’ -you ✨
“Yes!” Donnie said aloud, spinning around and around in his chair as he read and reread your message. You were so cute. Your messages made him feel all funny inside. He stopped spinning and got serious, ready to message you back.
‘i have marked my calendar! are you planning on cosplaying? or do you have certain places you were interested in checking out?’ -Dee 👾
‘so this’ll be my first time! should I dress up?’ -you✨
Donnie felt a little pressure. This was your first comic con and you were going with him?! It felt really special suddenly, even more special than his initial reaction. He wanted you to have the best time because in his humble opinion, comic con was a really fun time and it was one of the few places that a teenage mutant ninja turtle could go to and somehow fit in!
‘well since it’s your first time I recommend doing it all. Dressing up is part of the fun, do you have any characters in mind?’ Dee 👾
The two of you texted nonstop that night. Mikey had returned just before bed to check in and left the lab with a satisfied smile on his face. “They’re totally hitting it off!” He said to Leo who couldn’t help a cheshire grin, “what’d I tell ya! they both like each other but are soooo shy it hurts” Leo had recruited Mikey on his master plan to get you and his twin brother actually talking. “So what’s next on the master plan??” Mikey said jumping up and down with excitement, “Now” Leo said, “we wait!” And he resumed reading his Jupiter Jim comic. “Boringggg!” Mikey booed, shoulders slumping. “Our work will pay off dear brother, don’t you worry,” Leo said with so much confidence that Mikey knew it must be true.
[7 months later]
“Okay they may need more of a push,” Leo admitted. Mikey pulled on his bandana ends, “ya think?!”
The comic con date had went smoothly. The two of you had a blast and Donnie kept the picture the both of you had taken on his bedside. You were definitely closer to Donnie and he to you, yet nothing progressed past the friendship. Donnie was just happy to be able to talk to you normally, that had been a big step to him. So he didn’t want to push his luck any further. Every time the two of you were in the same room he’d be on cloud nine, though it wasn’t exactly written on his face. So if he felt that way just by proximity, just imagine how he felt when you spoke to him. Over the moon, up into the stars and way high in the galaxy. That’s how he felt. It was a regular movie night at the lair, everyone present, April sat on the far end, then you, then Donnie, then Raph. All on the couch. While Mikey and Leo occupied bean bags on the floor.
Leo and Mikey had been whispering the entire Lou Jitsu movie. Donnie twitched with aggravation every time you looked down and noticed his two idiotic brothers who would not stop talking! For Galileo’s sake it was one of Mikey’s favorites and Leo had freaking picked it out. Donnie wanted to yank at their bandanas but with you sitting right next to him, you’d definitely notice and he didn’t want that. No he’d suffer through ten more movies like this one if he had to. Raph had the remote and paused, “restroom break!” He announced with a surprising amount of dignity as he left the living room. Donnie looked over at you, and you turned facing him. He smiled and immediately looked away. Gosh you were so cute.
“Hey, Y/n” Leo said tapping on your knees with one of his fingers, “yes?” you said looking down at his twin. “Could you do me a favor?” Leo smiled charmingly and Donnie’s face twisted, rolling his eyes. “Depends..” you grinned back. Was this what flirting looked like? The thought came and went and slapped Donnie in the face. Where had that come from?! Was it because Leo was touching you and he never touched you before? Or was it because you had graced his brother with a smile? Or was it the combination of those things?? “Can you walk me to my room, I think I’m done with the movie” and that had Donnie glaring. It made no sense at all as to why you would do that and why Leo would even ask. He was up to something devious Donnie just knew it. “Uh?” You looked over at April who was holding back a laugh, “walk you to your room?” You questioned seeing just how ridiculous the request was. “Yeah I’ve gotta show you something before ya head back up,” and as Leo talked he rose to his feet, seemingly serious about this whole ordeal. Not laughing and saying just kidding like Donnie had hoped.
“Really Leo?” Donnie gritted out. Leo looked over at his twin, “what?” He smiled smugly. “What’re you doing??” The purple clad turtle seethed. “Just trying to show my friend something,” Leo emphasized the word friend dramatically. “C’mon” he reached out and grabbed your hand, half dragging you behind him. You were sputtering looking back to Donnie and that had him up on his feet. “Leo stop it.” He said and immediately his brother let go of your hand. “Oh sorry, I got a little carried away huh?” He smiled but didn’t look sorry at all. And when he leaned down towards your ear, and Donnie watched as you flushed, he had had enough!
He rushed forward, grabbing your hand and wordlessly pulled you out of the living room, into his lab and bolted the door shut. He hadn’t let go of your hand the entire time, it really wasn’t on his mind actually. What was, was Leo leaning down, getting wayyy too close and your reaction! It had him dropping your hand and he couldn’t even turn to face you. Why had he just dragged you here? “Donnie?” you whispered cautiously. “Do you like him?” He might as well get it over with. Rip the bandaid off the wound. “What?!” You exclaimed and Donnie finally turned to face you. “Do you like Leo?” Each word being raised with his voice until he was shouting his brothers name. “No!” You shouted back defensively, crossing your arms.
“Sure looked like it,” he muttered. And you flushed embarrassed again, but it wasn’t the feel-y good kind, it was the angry kind. “Believe what you want Donatello, I’m telling you no.” You huffed and tried to push past him to leave. He stood in your way. “Move Donnie!” You said exasperated until your hands shot out reaching for the bolt to unlock the door and he moved in front of it. Your hands landing on his plastron and he stiffened. You flushed again, “sorry” you muttered knowing he didn’t like to be touched but still being too angry to feel badly. He had done it to himself anyways.
“Y/n,” Donnie started and then stopped. Hands going up and then falling back down. It was returning, he couldn’t think of any words! He felt helpless and it was so overwhelming that it showed on his face. Your guard went down swiftly, “hey I’m really sorry Donnie, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,”
and that was what he had been trying to think of, been trying to say. He smiled weakly, “that’s what I wanted to tell you.. but sometimes it’s hard to think of the right words,” he blew out a breath. “happens to us all,” you reassured him. There you went, he thought to himself, making him feel ten times better, like he wasn’t a complete failure. “…Y/n, honestly I don’t know what came over me, I guess I got jealous,” Donnie hung his head as he admitted his emotions. He felt more vulnerable now than he ever did without a battle shell. “Jealous? Of Leo?” Your eyes widened at the idea. “Donnie!” You chided, and he felt sheepish, “he was leaning over you and touching you and,” his hand went up flailing around as if that explained it all.
“Donnie, I don’t like Leo,” he nodded, “yeah I know you said that,” he sighed, “I like you.” You said blushing furiously and Donnie sighed again not hearing you, “yeah I know,” his hand went up to his face, completely missing your previous statement. But as he looked into your eyes and saw you staring at him with blushing cheeks, he replayed the whole statement over. “Wait,” he said as his brain exploded. “Me??” Donnie said softly. And you nodded. “Yes you Othello Von Ryan,” and it was his turn for his skin to darken. “Oh,” was the only word that would come out, and you giggled. He laughed too and quickly said, “I like you too!” finally finding the words. “I’d been hoping so,” and the smile you graced him with was beauty beyond compare. He swooned, and couldn’t believe what was happening. It was like every secret longing that he had hoped for and kept stowed away in his heart was finally set free.
“Y/n, I like you a lot,” he gushed unable to stop the flood of emotions. “Donnie you’re gonna turn me into a tomato!” You said hiding your face in your hands because you could just feel how hot your face felt. “I think you look absolutely adorable,” and the compliment only made you blush deeper! “Donnie!” And he laughed happily, slowly taking your hands away from your face and finding the courage to go even a step further. He placed a chaste kiss to your knuckles, “I mean it Y/n.” He spoke seriously with his handsome smile. “Me too,” you confirmed and the moment couldn’t be anymore perfect.
“I KNEW IT!” Mikey called out from behind the lab door. “No, I think I called it from the beginning,” Leo’s voice could be heard farther away. “Don’t you guys act like I didn’t tip you off to begin with!” April hollered for her credit.
Yes, moment totally perfect, and the two of you burst into laughter.
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keepyourpantsongohan · 2 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Sasaki and Miyano S1
I am watching this entirely because I was recommended a YouTube compilation on this show and I watched a few seconds of it before I decided to see for myself what's up. The little I saw gave me Haruhi and Tamaki energy
"As that senpai strode forward, I admired him in secret." Alright, I'll bite, where is this going?
"Dial it back several notches. Or I'll have this made into slash art." INSANE threat, Miyano, please continue
What's with all these little manga fans calling other people normies?
Recommending things to people with fifteen disclaimers is so relatable. Me about Bridgerton LMAO
"Despite all the hard stuff the protagonist went through, he resolved himself in a really cool way and moved through his burdens. I really liked that story." I've only had Sasaki for 4 minutes but I love him already for his review of this Gay Detective Manga
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On one hand, I do appreciate how obvious Sasaki is about his feelings (the nickname, the physical affection, the dropping off cookies to class), but I'm right with you Miyano, in your position (being gay in high school) I would probably refuse to interrogate it any further on the off chance I am incorrect
"I saw you, you know. Chatting away happily with the boy on the basketball team from class 1-A, with the refreshing, lovely smile." So caught was I in the fact this show is called Sasaki and Miyano that I didn't consider for a second Miyano might like some other guy (Hirano)
I do love the interesting little dynamic they're setting up between Sasaki, Miyano and Hirano
"But he's a guy. He has such a cute face though. I feel kinda anxious." Oh Sasaki, you're in it now
The chronology of these scenes is a little confusing, it only becomes clear midway through the scene if it's the past or the present
"Everything is too much." JKGKJHG the implication that Sasaki is like, ready to die aftering getting beat up (moderately inconvenienced). The Sasuke of it all. Also, me too, baby
"You're so cute, Mya-chan. Wanna go out?" Oh, so he's been OBVIOUS obvious
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"You try standing in front of a BL shelf with another guy! You'll just end up fodder for everyone's conversations!" "You sure about that?" "Yes, I am." "Then I'll stand at a different shelf." There's something so sweet about this. Something something understanding and boundary-respecting
"If there's someone I like, I want to know them." Giggling and kicking my feet over everything Sasaki says
"He's gonna be misinterpreted." Oh, I think he's gonna be correctly interpreted, Miyano
HAHAHAHA background conversation of "When [Miyano] blushes, could you mistake him for a girl?" "What? No way! He's a dude." "Yeah, I wouldn't either." Implying one of Miyano's classmates also thinks he's cute LOL he is a menace to heterosexuality
Not Sasaki challenging Miyano to Gay Chicken via Pocky and immediately forfeiting cause he was embarrassed hahahaha
Why is it MEN's Pocky?? Which I've just googled and is a real thing??? For what lmao!!
Why do they keep cutting away to the cat, is it a metaphor for something
I appreciate the homie straight up just being like "Are you dating?" without any teasing, just wondering about their situation
"Sasaki-senpai is a good person. Remember when I got beat-up before summer break?" OHHHHH I see how it loops back into the friend group
"Those two have gotten pretty close. I guess I should take that as a good thing." I thiiink Hirano likes Miyano but his vibes are a little hard to read so it could easily be Sasaki or neither. In any case, I do like his Minato hair
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"Thirty-six. Who the hell went first?" Awwww poor Sasaki, experiencing his first bout of jealousy after hearing about all the chocolates Miyano got from his classmates.
"In that case, Mya-chan, ya wanna find out [whether I'm a clumsy kisser]?" Sasaki said: I will not pass up an opportunity to ask Miyano to kiss
Miyano said: I will simply not read into this, I pretend it was a joke
Miyano also said: So caught was I in how Sasaki embarrasses me in public every two seconds with the sincerity of his feelings that I forgot for a second he's also cool
Of the two girlfriends that have been mentioned so far, both Sasaki's friend and Miyano's friend have girlfriends who seem to be fujosh*s and let me tell you, I don't think this show is ever in danger of passing the Bechdel test
Awwwww, Miyano broke Sasaki by giving him a White Day present
"What do I do? My heart won't stop." "Good. You'd be dead if it did." "It's pounding." "You out of shape or something?" Hirano's patent refusal to romanticize life makes me happy
I also like Hirano's hair being black, what can I say, I love a switch-up. Also I just like black hair
"Do you let your roommate touch [your hair]?" "Yeah, he's the one who told me it's damaged." Miyano said: Oh my god they were roommates
"He might be treating you as BL material like my girlfriend, you know." [Turns to Miyano] "Are you?" "Huh? Come to think of it, I've never done that with you." "That's news to me. Give him the same treatment." Not Hirano complaining that Sasaki ISN'T being objectified for BL purposes LMAOOOOO
Also Sasaki extremely willing to abandon his friend Ogasawara in his hour of need for his crush jkjhgkjhg. Not the best move, but understandable
Every time there is a line of uncaptioned, silent dialogue, I always assume it's that they're saying "I love you" (shout-out that one JJK scene LOL):
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"If senpai only saw me as a kohai, would he, in that quiet tone, here on the train, (when I wasn't even awake!) say that?" "I like you." Oh I love the immediate reveal, we appreciate a romance that doesn't beat around the bush
KJHKJGHKJH none of their classmates overhearing or caring about how they're discussing if Hirano would top or bottom. My god, this school
Also also also. I've been thinking this for a while, in part because I truly think too many people are TOO possessed of topping and bottoming as personality traits, does no one in these shows believe in versing LMAO?
Setting all that aside, it is very sweet how flustered they keep getting whenever they're close
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"I like girls, not guys." I've been wondering about this as well. In Miyano's little brain, these things (liking gay manga and projecting BL onto his classmates) are two things that have nothing to do with his orientation. And while that can be true. YOU GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY*
*As a general term, I'm not saying he can't like women LOL
You know, I'm so glad I knew I was bi before I started watching so many gay shows because that could cause some confusion for sure
Miyano imagining himself literally on top of Sasaki: Which could mean nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I just miss it earlier or did they wait until ep 4 to give Tashiro (blond friend who asked if Sasaki and Miyano were dating) and Kuresawa (nice but stoic friend who got beat up and loves his girlfriend) names
"I read every manga she's got. But I found one about a... slime? And a delinquent. And now I have no idea what to do anymore. I can't understand what she wants." I love Ogasawara actually. The act of reading every BL manga to understand his girlfriend is a love language for sure
"You don't do that because he's your boyfriend?" "You're mistaken! We're not in a relationship." Everyone at this school thinks has Miyano and Sasaki clocked but Miyano LOL
"I thought you also liked guys." Ogasawara no. 1 wingman for Sasaki:
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"Not that it matters anyway. And it ain't my business." Also very true. I love everything about this interaction, Ogasawara
"In middle school, I had a crush on a girl. So I know I don't." I see your confusion, Miyano. Google bisexuality and circle back. If that doesn't work, try comphet
"I like you, Miyano. What I said in the summer, I'm not taking that back." "Um, I, uh..." I can wait... You don't have to answer right away. I'd be happy if you gave it some thought." This is slowly becoming my favourite trope
I don't know what the hell kind of cheerleading uniform Hirano's outfit is supposed to be, but I dig it:
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"What if a Committee Member is violating the dress code?" "Like who?" "A certain blond individual." "Oh, me." I think Hirano might actually be my favourite character. I love the contradiction of him being a delinquent on the Discipline Committee
This show has been so delightful so far, I beg of you not to make it weird with this school nap
It was borderline, but it seems like we narrowly escaped
"Wait 'confessed?' Should you be telling me?" said Hirano, before immediately tossing his phone at Sasaki with Miyano pre-dialed and proving why he was a good person to tell
Also. Also. WHAT YEAR IS IT LMAO. The flip phone kjhgkjhg
"I like you a lot. for more than your face. That's all. See ya. And take care." "Sasaki, go let Miyano punch you. Actually, can I just punch you?" Hirano ACTUAL NO. 1 Wingman for Miyano
"Is it serious?" "Yeah." "You know what? Nope. Forget all of this. This is creeping me out!" ["Just don't do anything careless.] "Same." ["I won't.] The serious discussion of feelings followed by the disgruntled dialogue and sincere exchange in the subtext.... WAH 😭😭😭 I love Hirano and Sasaki
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"Some scenes can make you feel embarassed." This conversation about BL anime feels a little self-referential, but okay
Do we think the sucker worked for Sasaki because he probably has them while studying and had that whole sense memory thing going on? Or was it just the encouragement of his crush giving him a birthday present? Or was it, in fact, Hirano's study cards? Probably the last one
"Take Miyano. Even with his cute face, he's a guy." Tashiro has to tell Miyano he's cute like once a day, at least
"I just mean people are more than their looks." "So you were saying my girlfriend likes me for my looks and for who I am. Thanks, Tashiro." "That's some self-confidence you've got, Kuresawa." I also do appreciate Kuresawa's level of delusional self-confidence
You truly have to wonder what Miyano's friends think is going on if not an intricate flirting ritual. Do they just patently ignore Miyano's claims?
"Do you happen to like guys?" "I don't think so. Why?" We'll unpack this conversation and trope at another time Sasaki, but let's focus on the 'WHY?' WHY DO YOU THINK HE'S ASKING? YOU CONFESSED TO HIM, A GUY!
"Thinking about all of this, BL gets more and more confusing.... And when you said you liked my face... Though my face is feminine, I'm a guy so.... And I might be taller than you in the future!" Sasaki trying not to giggle as Miyano stream of consciousness processes his feelings aloud <3
"And when I'm 50, I may look totally different than I do now..." I love that Miyano, after one (1) confession, in high school, is like WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME WHEN I'M 50?
"Senpai, I want to consider it a little longer!" Awww, he got there!
"You might grow taller than me one day, and your face might change completely. But I think I'll still like you, Mya-chan. So take as long as you need to answer." They are SOOOOO SWEET
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"Our cultural day festival will have a cross-dressing competition." I feel like we're moving past this too quickly. Admittedly, I've seen this trope several times before, but usually it's a play where they're cast in a cross-dressing role. It's not the sole purpose. Is cross-dressing a standard cultural activity for high school festivals? If not, why did you just say that like it's supposed to be?
"The Cultural Festival Committee revealed their tastes when they wrested permission to hold it from the Student Council." Ahh, so it was not standard, it is a preference of this school LOL
"I'm down. I bet my girlfriend would love [me cross-dressing]." Kuresawa unmatched security and affection. We love
Wjkhkjh the Chairman seems like a total menace to his Committee members, I do enjoy that
"I wanna see the person I like." [Miyano runs into the staff room yelling about the room key] [Sasaki laughing in the background] Sasaki said: New flirting dynamic unlocked
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Gjkhkjhk Makimura not seeing Miyano for two full years and immedately objectifying him for art reasons. At least he gets some romantic closure about her
"It's not about gender. I don't want to be rough with someone I like." Ohhhh Sasaki
New Sasaki lore unlocked: He is the son of bakers
I really am curious about the girlfriend in the hospital storyline with Kuresawa. Is it leading anywhere
The way I thought for a second Miyano might be worried about Sasaki buying the manga because it would disrupt the borrowing dynamic they've created but he was actually so excited that Sasaki shared his interest and was outwardly engaging with it!!
"Hirano, aren't they a little too close?" "I-I don't know. Don't ask me," said Hirano, though he did know, in fact, and was actively involved
"Well, fudanshi, is it?" JKHKJGHG the way Ogasawara (Jiro) just calls Miyano fudanshi while seeking advice and he responds to it
[Jiro, seriously] "I don't move on a woman I have no intention of marrying." "I think that's the kind of thing she likes about you." [Jiro, upset] "That I'll let her wear the pants?" PLS he is so silly
"I cross-dressed and Tashiro mistook me for a girl. But our love story failed to take off." HAHAHAHA this is the funniest way to phrase what happened
Sasaki asking Miyano to put his bangs down bc it makes him nervous. Sweet boy
I actually do appreciate that they followed through on giving Miyano a less overtly feminine outfit to begin with
"Chairman, what do you think it means to like someone?" Oh, Miyano, you are SO in it
"You looked like a girl, but the difference wasn't as big as with Kuresawa." "Thanks. Complicated thanks." Adding 'Complicated Thanks' to my vocab immediately
"I wouldn't like it if a guy took pics of my girlfriend, so scratch that." Lmaooooo so that settles it, they are patently ignoring Miyano's claims this is platonic (also this is truly the most drastic their height difference has ever looked):
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"You'll just let your classmates pressure you?" I can't tell where exactly Sasaki's upset is coming from, and perhaps neither can he
"I'm gonna say something inconsiderate. If I asked you not to compete, would you drop out?" Because he's hot, or because he's reluctant, or because of a third secret thing like Sasaki having to re-evaluate the circumstances of his attraction?
I appreciate how even when Miyano has said nothing about his situation, Kuresawa is still trying to help him via manga store visit
"I made the decision to compete myself. So I want to follow through with it." "Okay. Good luck. I'm happy you told me how you feel." Ohhhhh this
"If possible, would you like to see the festival together?" Hee hee, good for Miyano
"Arranging a date?" "We're not going out, but I guess it's a date." Not Hirano politely eavesdropping on this whole exchange
I fucking love the concept of a Hooligan Cafe, and Hirano as Chief Hooligan, 10 bajillion/10zo
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I am going to ignore Chairman Hanzawa's self-fortune and focus instead on his helpful advice to Miyano about building confidence
"He had ten more minutes though." "It's just ten minutes." Hirano letting Sasaki off early for his lunch date <3 That's my hooligan, no. 1 wingman
"Can you support Miyano appearing in a cross-dressing competition like this?" "How much do you know?" "He hasn't told me anything. I got a distinct impression, though." HAHAHA I love this exchange. Sasaki said: Who told you we're almost dating? To which Kuresawa said: I have eyes
"Well, that makes sense. I never did hide it." LOL Sasaki, u right
The 'what about when I'm 50' belatedly hitting Sasaki HEE HEE
Colour me cliche, I do fucking love a fireworks trope
"Could you... wait just a little longer for my answer? It feels irresponsible to give it right now." Believe it or not, Miyano, this is also kind of an answer
"I wanted him to hug me then. I wanted to take care of him. Do I like him the same way he likes me?" Yeah Miyano, you do, catch up!
Holding hands with him during the fireworks while blushing and leaning into him is ALSO also kind of an answer, but I do appreciate your sense of romantic responsibility, Miyano
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"Even though I don't know, I want to tell him I like him... Why is that?" Welcome to your first love, Miyano
[Text overlay] 'Delinquent, motherly, blond, Discipline Committee, handsome, Vice-chairman, strong fighter, trusted by teachers, etc.' "He packs together a lot of tropes." HAHAHAH that's also part of why I like Hirano, Miyano
I like that Sasaki makes Miyano forget his anxieties about other people perceiving their date
"If these feelings aren't the real deal, what is?" It took Miyano two full dates and ten full episodes, but he got there!
Oh thank GOD Hanzawa has a gay brother with whom he has a complicated relationship, when he started whispering "niisan" I got nervous about the direction it was taking
"I thought he was finally dating Sasaki-senpai." Tashiro said: I refuse to engage in allusions, when is the hard launch?
I love that Hanzawa's older brother came out and his little brother was immediately like ditto. I will not lie though, in my life I do appreciate my brother for repping the future grandkid issue
Also the way that Sasaki was just about to kiss Miyano in the hallway after school and Miyano's immediate reaction was 'Well, alright!' They have no sense of self-control LOL:
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"You still don't have each other's number?" Hirano said, ENOUGH, HOMOSEXUALS
"And people will ask things they'd never ask an opposite-sex couple. I guess they can't help but focus on it, even if it's irrelevant to the discussion." THANK YOU MASATO HANZAWA
"Sasaki, you forgot stuff at school. Get your butt back here." [...] "What did he leave here?" "I lied. this way, he'll run into Miyano." Hirano for World's Least Enthusiastic Matchmaker HAHAHA
Sasaki weaving a tale about how he is a horror to society for trying to kiss his almost-boyfriend while Miyano is thinking about how much he loves Sasaki
"I like you, Sasaki-senpai!" GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!!!!
[Sasaki, immediately crying] "Sorry. No, I mean, you can think about it some more. No rush." BABY
"I feel like words aren't enough to get this across. But he won't know if I don't tell him." YEAHHHHHHH MIYANOOOO
I get so distracted by enjoying the show that liveblogging becomes an afterthought, but just now, Miyano had a very good and clear confession
I do, as always, love a park bench romance:
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"Sasaki-senpai, I like you! Be my boyfriend." Miyano said: There will be no ambiguity in this return confession!!!
The little callback to 'Wanna go out' and the crouched kiss and the exchange of numbers!! <3 Worth the wait
"We're dating." "Oh... That's great... Dammit. Look I'm not great that at this." "I know." Hehe it is only right that No. 1 Wingman Hirano is looped in right away
"Um, well... We started going out." "What? Really. So I was right." "Yeah, yeah." HAHAHA lmao @ Kuresawa deciding Tashiro gets to know
Double LMAO @ Ogasawara being the only one unaware of what they are all pleased about
"You're not going out with Miyano, right?" Again the chronology of this OVA is a little confusing. I know the ep title is A Tiny Episode Before He Realized His Feelings, but they talked about this at the festival. So this is post-festival but pre-confession?
This keychain search has me wondering beyond the romantic, how much Miyano lets manga run his thought processes
[Jiro, ominously] "Did ya lose something?" [Miyano, startled] "You scared me." [Sasaki, even more ominously] "Ogasawara. Don't scare Mya-chan." This is what happens when you date a delinquent LOL
"Animals love him. I knew Ogasawara-senpai was a good person." HAHAHAHA the kittens getting interested in Ogasawara's bell in his bag and Miyano reading this as a Disney Princess-like affinity for wildlife. Romanticize your friends:
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Are we finally about to meet Hirano's little background boyfriend? I can't wait
"I bet he remembered something he had to do. I'm sure he'll text us." Oh, I take Sasaki's sweatdrop as confirmation this is situationship-related
OHHHHHHHHH it's Kagi, the guy who Hirano offered to get a drink on festival day
"But I saw you and I couldn't help but grab you." "Are you a dog chasing a ball or something?" "Want me to be your pet?" GOOD LORD, I NO LONGER BLAME MIYANO FOR THINKING SOMETHING IS GOING ON BETWEEN HIRANO AND KAGI, IT IS ENITRELY MERITED
"I want to stay here with you a little longer." Kagi said: I gotta take up the mantle of Obviously Pining Guy since Sasaki's feelings are now requited
They waited until the very last episode to start putting Hirano in romantic situations. Also worth the wait:
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"You see, the Student Council President sometimes secretly feeds the cats. Thanks to that, several cats have settled here at the school." I didn't expect for them to actually have an explanation for the cat cutaways, but there you go
I love this episode dedicated to getting to know the Discipline Committee more
Bonus: Sasaki and Miyano (Graduation Film)
I will not lie I did like skim-read the whole Hirano to Kagiura manga before this film so I am not as surprised by the roommate dynamic as I was one (1) episode ago
"Earrings... I can't get up if you don't put them in." Still, stroking your roommate's ear IS a bold choice first thing in the morning
I won't lie, I would ALSO fall in love with Hirano if he woke me up every morning and ate the veggies I didn't like and helped me in school and gave me cookies he'd personally made
"The walls have fundashi ears." Bold way to bring Miyano back into this story, but okay
"If I get married, I hope it's to someone frank like you, Kagi-kun." What a thing to say to your roommate, Hirano!
I won't lie, I am 100% sold on the roommate romance, I both love the trope and I can't believe they described their ideal partners as each other:
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Gjgkjgljglj @ Miyano giving his boyfriend a Good Luck Gay Manga for his college entrance exams
HAHAHAHAH Tashiro looking for Miyano and Kuresawa to give him relationship guidance and them just both responding that they do with their boyfriend/girlfriend, "The Normal Stuff."
"Hirano keeps saying, 'Passing isn't the finish line.' He's kept up his studies the whole time. It's really cool." I love Sasaki and Hirano's dynamic as always
"If it's long, I can run my fingers through it, which is fun... But if it's short, I can see your face better, which makes me happy." Miyano is still shocked when Sasaki flirts even though they are literally dating
"Until I pass my exams, I won't touch him more than this." [Tiktok audio voice] It's like a reward
Sasaki having a smart phone while Miyano has a flip phone truly does make me confused about the era. Is it now, where we've circled back to some flip phones being popular? Or is it 2010, when some people had smart phones, and some had flip phones, and both were normal?
Take a shot every time someone in this anime gets sick from overstudying LMAO
"Do you want some... affection?" [Both pause and blush] "Yeah." Awwww Miyano asking but both them immediately getting embarrassed. Also are they doing a mask kiss? That's sweet!
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Oh, they did do a masked kiss! We love a follow-through
"I've heard that some boys give girls chocolates [for Valentine's Day] these days. How nice! Make some for me sometime too, okay?" "A-Actually, the person I want to give them to is a guy." Are we coming out to mum right now, Miyano?
"Mom, I really like being around this senpai, and I want to keep being with him. I-I like-like him." "Lovely. It's wonderful to like someone. I know, 'cause I like your dad." AWWWW this is a really lovely response, good job Mama Miyano
"I'll get good enough to make your sweets by myself next year." [Sasaki, internally] "Next year?" The way Miyano is always thinking about his future with Sasaki, without even being aware of it
The way that Miyano is smiling and thinking about the people in his life not caring that he's dating a man <3 We love shows devoid of homophobia
Now that we're about halfway through the ep, it is funny that they dedicated the first ten minutes to Hirano and Kagiura and then the next twenty to Miyano and Sasaki because you'd think if they were going to involve both it would be more alternating scenes
"Are you dating him for real?" "That's none of your business, Ogasawara." HAHAHA Sasaki said: We're not THAT close, Jiro
"Which role are you? Nope! Never mind, I don't actually want to hear stuff like that about a friend." "And I don't want to tell you." Hanzawa foreshadowed Sasaki being asked this question, though I did not anticipate it coming from Ogasawara
They really are making some bold choices, both anatomically and in the kissing in the third year classroom
"I'm fine with either. Whatever Miyano wants." Realistic discussion of sexual interests? In anime? Shocking!!
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"How could I do that at school?" That was also my question, Miyano!
"You've got it wrong. We're dating." You know, I like that they're establishing this, but the translations in this show are so indirect. What Sasaki says is "kōhai ja nai," which is specifically the strong refusal of the term kōhai, which I feel like they could subtitle as, "He's not my kōhai." But they translate it back without using that word, instead as, "You've got it wrong," I guess to avoid repetition? I don't know that much Japanese, but I've noticed a lot of translations like that with this show, how they drop a number of nouns in the subtitles to interpet more broadly. I talk about captioning in every show ever, but this is the first time there was a noticeable difference in subtitles from Japanese for me. Weird!
Also, I made the no homophobia call too early I guess LOL
"The thing is, I can't be too pushy with my sister. In middle school, I injured her." "Did you two fight?" "Not really... but I pushed her over and she got hurt. It left a scar. That's when I understood that I was bigger than other kids." Having a sibling much bigger than you really do be that way, eventually it becomes dangerous
"Senpai, your sister is important to you, huh?" "Eh... medium-important." HAHAH this is such a brother answer to give
"For me to respond with 'why?'... It's because you like each other. I'm very sorry." "It's all right. People change how they think about things over time." Sasaki's sister said: I went for a walk, I can accept gay couples now
"You're a cool guy, Miyano-kun. I think I might get why Shumei fell for you." Both Sasaki and Big Sister's Boyfriend coming to interrupt because of this compliment is very funny:
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"Shumei-san." "Why is that the part you remember?" "Maybe I'll call you Yoshikazu." "You could." I will never tire of the first name to last name transition in media, it is my favourite
Hirano grabbing Sasaki by the back of the neck like he's a misbehaving cat when he looks at his boyfriend during the graduation rehearsal is so cute
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"Would you be the jealous type, Miyano?" Everything Hanzawa says is foreshadowing
"Drop it! It's got nothing to do with you." Hirano said: DO NOT gossip about why Sasaki would sprint after his favourite second-year to explain the (fake) lipstick mark on his cheek, and the other Third Years said: That's fair, not my business!
"How can my heart be so small?" said Miyano, as if jealousy were not a normal human emotion to feel, especially at 17
"If you're going to gush to me about him, be careful what you say. My girlfriend will find out." "Have a long and happy relationship." HAHA the friend group designating them as Relationship Status Official
Hirano said: I know we haven't talked about my situationship with my roommate for forty minutes, but I promise, it's still going on
Hkjhkhkjh Sasaki offering Miyano his school blazer for "when he gets taller." I don't think he will, but the faith is nice!
Awwwwwww Miyano copying Sasaki's embarrassed gesture of laying his face down!! <3 <3 <3
The flashbacks to their different moments across the school are getting me. I am just a sentimental bitch at heart
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This was a lovely show, highly recommend, very sweet and likeable cast, relatively unembarrassing given the initial premise, friends to lovers, mutual pining, not a single person at their all-boys school giving them a hard time for their relationship, good friendships, beautiful animation, no real complaints on my part
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frenchgremlim1808 · 7 months
Quick question: what do you think about Maple??
(she deserved so much more tbh)
(thanks for the ask, reminder my askbox is always open please ask me questions)
So what do i think of maple ? A lot of things! If we think of maple more the character herself, i think she is really a cutie patootie.
maple is a simple character, she is a cheerful happy and go lucky girl, she is in love with midori, and that's it. Usually in other characters i dislike the character being one note, but with maple it just make sense. Maple is not a very developped ai, she was meant to be a confident and an obstructor. We can make a clear difference betwen an ai like hers and the one from rio or the dummies. I would say her ai is barebones, not because they didn't put time into her, but because they only made her to be an obstructor not a really a person.
Maple is kinda like a child, she never had contact with real people outside of the death game, her only goal to her existence is being the discussion doll and killing midori. I truly believe that if maple let say escaped and tried to live a normal life she would evolve and develop more of herself. I feel like maple is kinda like a bird trapped in a cage who never got the chance to grow.
but the most important part of maple for me is the very not subtle metaphor.....
MAPLE IS SHIN. Like she IS shin, at least him when he was younger. She does not actually love midori, she knows he actually hurts her and that he isn't good for her,but she can't live without him, i mean think about it, midori was the first time she felt "love". Maple is naive and acts childishly, midori doesn't actually care about her and only views her like his object. That one cg where we can see him just dragging her on the ground like she was trash fuels me with rage.
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And despite realising that midori was bad she wasn't able to kill him, her mind told her that she had to but her heart was stopping her. She got distrated and because of that she died. She is one of the many victims of midori.
Maple is just like a time capsule of shin younger, a naive kid who just wanted to feel loved but got manipulated by a narcissistic asshole. Which is why the fact that they have zero interactions makes me so mad! Maple is a sweet girl and i think she deserved to open her wings and fly alone for at least a single moment. But sadly this death game is cruel to the kind and vulnerable and because of her nature has an ai, they would have never given freedom.
Maple deserved better
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
Love of My Life
LOML closes out Harry's House, it's a sad song about realising someone is the love of his life after he had lost them. Harry has spoken about an albums start and end, Harry's House starts with Sushi, imploring his muse to let love in and asking himself if just a taste of love is enough. LOML is about loss of that person and realisation that they were the love of his life. To Zane Lowe Harry said:
"Love of my life, I’ve always wanted to write a song about like home and loving England and all that kind of stuff. And it’s always kinda hard to do without being like ‘went to the chippy and I did this thing’ and to me Love of My Life was the most terrifying song for a long time because it is so bare, it's so sparse." He went on to say: "And in the spirit of what Harry's House is about, I think it started as an idea that was very literal, on the nose, [...] As I started making the album it wasn't about the geographical location it was much more of an internal thing."
So, what he said was that it is about his home and England is a metaphor. Home is common theme in Harry's work, most notably in Sweet Creature but even in 1D it has meant more than a place to him. The notebook also has a quote 'your mother is my home'. Taylor has also used home or homeland to refer to Harry, WomanExile has a great post on their usage of home as a metaphor for each other.
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The Lyric Video has roses, which Harry and Taylor Swift also use to refer to each other:
Since 1989, all rose and thorn lyrics are about Harry
Harry 's rose Tattoo is from 11 September 2013, when they started dating again after the VMAs.
Roses have been in videos, outfits, social media posts about each other, a list is here.
In the NY ONO show Harry said he wrote it in Rob Stringers' (Sony CEO) house and that the phone ringing in it is his. As it Was was recorded in the same session, and in part, has a similar meaning. This places it in the first half of 2021. After the rest of the album, California. Also after Folk/evermore which are about communicating and endings respectively. Harry had seen Taylor in March at the 2021 Grammy's. At the time it was written Taylor was still dating Joe. Harry had been dating Olivia for a few months.
California in particular refers to 'summers death left to breathe' indicating that there may have been an ending of sorts in 2020 before he returned to England and drove to Italy over the time Folklore was released.
Though not lyrically addressed, to me LOML is a 'yes' to Question..?'s "Did you realize out of time, she was on your mind?" Question was written in the same time period, after the Grammy's interaction but was released 6 months later.
Tracklisting, release and length
Love of My Life is Harry's only track 13, Taylor's number. It was released on her birthday. It is 3:12 long, or March, 31 2012 - the date they met.
Live shows
Harry said to Zane Lowe he thought he would close the show with it. And he did up until March 25 2023 when it was replaced by Fine Line in the last leg. Later that same week Taylor Swift replaced Invisible String with The 1 and announced her split from Joe Alwyn. It only returned for the 3 Wembley shows.
It was missing for 30 shows and is one of the least played Harry’s House songs, only above Boyfriends and Grapejuice which was added for the last leg.
Baby, you were the love of my life, woah Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it
The first verse is a turn on the phrase “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” he reconnected with his love and found she is the 1 but it is past tense, he still lost her. This is similar to the Clean secret message, which also appeared in the OOTW video “She lost him but she found herself and somehow that was everything.” And the cyclical nature of this relationship.
Take a walk on Sunday through the afternoon We can always find somethin' for us to do We don't really like what's on the news, but it's on all the time
The second verse to me is remembering good times with this person, when he felt at home, with shared experiences and comfort. The Central Park walk with Taylor was on a Sunday.
I take you with me every time I go away In a hotel, usin' someone else's name I remember back at Jonny's place, it's not the same anymore
To me, I take you with me everytime I go away refers to what Harry said about an internal feeling, no matter where he is in the world his love is ever-present even when they are not.
In the Dublin show on the 22nd June 2023 Harry confirmed this refers to his childhood friend is Jonathan Harvey. This speaks to Harry’s concept of home as the feeling that you are loved and belong. To me this reference is to when Harry took Taylor on a tour of his home in England, to the lakes, where he grew up and she may have met Jonny in 2012. She said that was her best birthday, sharing his home with her was important to him. To me, this line means their relationship is different now to it was then. As it was is also similar with with an external view of how others would see them and their place in life.
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It's unfortunate, ooh Just coordinates, ooh
It’s unfortunate, just coordinates sounds to me like he’s reflecting on how they got from the Lakes trip to their current state. This applies to his feelings about love and home. The impact touring has had on his life, what is home and his relationships.
I don't know you half as well as all my friends I won't pretend that I've been doin' everything I can To get to know your creases and your ends Are they the same?
Knowing his love is a theme, in Sunflower Harry sang “Let me inside, I wanna get to know you” and in Fine Line “Spreading you open Is the only way of knowing you” to explore the idea of intimacy co-existing with distance with the same person.
He also sings about not knowing his love in Trouble “And I don’t even know you / But I feel like I do sometimes”. Interestingly in If I could fly he feels like she knows him “Now you know me / for you eyes only”.
The “are they the same” speaks to once knowing all the creases and ends but not now. “Super Pretty” has a similar theme of distant intimacy and vulnerability “do you still feel the same about me”.
Baby, you were the love of my life, woah Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it It's not what I wanted, to leave you behind Don't know where you'll land when you fly But, baby, you were the love of my life
The final chorus adds “don’t know where you’ll land when you fly” which confirms he is singing to a person not a country. Specifically a person with a private jet who can fly without the destination known. For that person every mystery take off is relentlessly tracked by an instagram account. How alienating it must be to someone who loves and wants her to see that and not know.
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the-words-we-sung · 8 months
The songs of Young Royals - S2 E1
Here we go for season 2!! More songs so hopefully even more interesting stuff to analyze ^^
Brainfreeze, XVOTO
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When I die ... All the voices in my head Tell them how it went and tell them not to miss me much ... Live forever ... Is it God that you see?
The song starts when Wilhelm is in Erik's room, while he burns the picture of his brother and August. It's fitting that the lyrics are partly about death, about telling people not to miss the dead person. Wilhelm misses Erik so much though. This is a good choice for a season that is going to be a lot about grieving. And the "Is it God that you see?" when we get to August sending messages to Wilhelm asking him to forgive him: yeah, will there be a redemption for you?
Aldrig igen, Omar Rudberg (Cherrie & Stormzy)
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Being alone, I'm the strongest It's never happening again ... Because I don't wanna feel like this I don't wanna feel like this I don't wanna feel like this Who would wanna feel like this ... It won't happen again
So I discovered during this analysis that it is not a little snippet of a song that Simon created but the cover of an actual Swedish song ^^ He sings it while Marcus is listening in his back. The song reflects completely what Simon is feeling: the break up happened just before the Christmas break, so not that long ago, and he's still feeling so heartbroken. But he doesn't want to keep feeling that way, he doesn't want this painful situation to happen again (seems fateful that it is when Marcus enters the picture: Simon says it there, he will not fall in love and get his heart broken again, so too bad for you Marcus, but you will not get a love story here! Simon will say it himself later on in the season "why can't I fall in love with him?"). The entire song is actually super interesting lyrics-wise because it's about getting over a break up, feeling betrayed by someone who lied, and deciding that you actually deserve better. "Please stop stressing me, I need to breathe... First you wanna leave, now you wanna stay?": it's really about an ex who doesn't know what he wants and keeps changing his mind, changing the rules. Which is what Wilhelm is kinda doing (saying it's not him in the video to the world but then coming to Simon to ask to keep things going, and the the whole beginning of this season where he's gonna try to get Simon's back even though his situation hasn't changed). So yeah these 2 first songs of the season are really fitting to both characters and a very good idea of what the season is gonna be about : angry and grieving Wilhelm vs heartbroken, betrayed (but trying to find his boundaries) Simon
Bang, Cat Clark & Mega
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We ain't never stepping down ... I'ma run laps round all you rats
Pretty fitting for Sara finally entering the privileged life of Hillerska. With all these students from rich family who will never "step down", who will keep the status quo, keep looking down on people who are not from their world.
Ripe, Flavia
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No need to go to work unless I'm working on your body Hold you up, lay you down, staying up 'til the morning Working hard in the sheets, we could stay here for a week No need to go to work 'less I'm working on your body
A song with very suggestive lyrics, which less very little to the imagination about what the students are gonna get up to at this party ^^' "Ripe for the picking even when I'm not in season": can we also talk about Sara getting her initiation and being thrown into this classist privileged Hillerska life while still being an outsider? There lyrics feel like some kind of metaphor for her wanting so badly to be integrated, to feel ready for that. Or to think she's ready for that, while the reality might not be the same.
Love isn't love, Carola
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Stranger, you came into my life Touched me with sweet sensation ... And stranger, you cut me like a knife ... It isn't right It isn't real at all It's just illusion A dream that will tumble and fall
The infamous karaoke "date". I like that the first sentences are sung by Marcus, because yes he got immediately interested in Simon after meeting him. But then he passes the mic to Simon who has to sing "cut me like a knife" and, he doesn't know it yet, but Marcus is quite toxic in the end. He is not gonna treat him well at all, not gonna respect him and his boundaries. Their "relationship" is not gonna help him or heal him at all, it's just gonna hurt him. And we cannot ignore the very (NOT) subtle lyrics when Wilhelm watches the Insta story of them singing: "it's not real". Because it's not. It's not a date. It's not love. It's nothing. And yeah, he's gonna be under the "illusion" of them being together and happy, but it's nothing more than that, an illusion. (And special mention to Wilhelm going feral and threatening the whole monarchy because his ex-boyfriend is on a date: Wilhelm baby, I love you so much!)
Seize the power, Yonaka
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Woke up this morning I feel so fucking important I look in the mirror I'm different I finally made a decision ... They hurt you and make you feel helpless They're not brave like you They're too scared to do Anything that's different Anything that's new I don't need lessons I do what I want it's refreshing ... Hey there how you've been? I'm the voice in your head And I know you've been aching When you find me let me in I got power in my hands and it's yours for the taking
So this song is for the end credits of the episode but it's an amazing one and so important! We just saw Wilhelm yell at his mother and threaten the Courts because he doesn't want to be Crown Prince, doesn't want the responsibilities, doesn't want to be a puppet to them, doesn't want to sacrifice Simon and their relationship. And the first lyrics feel fitting: he's mad (and the lights in this bedroom are red and twisty: what better image to represent the rage coiling inside of him at this moment?), he "woke up" after being faced with the reality of the consequences of his lying about the sex tape. With the reality that Simon is on a date with someone else. And gosh yeah, these people, your own mother, they hurt you so badly and made you feel helpless. Making you follow their orders with not agency of your own. But you're gonna be so brave, and different, and strong! I love the chorus "I'm the voice in your head" because he's angry and screaming and threatening but nothing is very effective in the end (we'll see that next episode). He doesn't seem to have power yet. But if he listens to the little voice inside, if he takes the time to do that (and he will! Thanks to Boris for helping him doing some introspection and realizing things), he will realize that the power is here, deep inside him. That the strenght to do what's right for him, for Simon, well he has it. He just needs to close his eyes, reach inside and "take it"
The songs of Young Royals - part 1 The songs of Young Royals - part 2 The songs of Young Royals - part 3 The songs of Young Royals - part 4
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 2 years
The Cullens as song's // HC
Song's I think the Cullens would be, based off of their personalities and their backstories. I couldn't find a song to fit Emmett, I've been searching for the last hour :/ Sorry to all Emmett lovers, he shall not be in this little HC. I hope you enjoy reading the rest though, please do let me know what you think the Cullen's would be as songs <3
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Rosalie - Black Dahlia // Hollywood Undead
I think this song fits Rose the best because of everything she went through prior to being turned.
Like the apparent love of her life, future husband, using and manipulating her ??
He took everything from her, let others do things to her.
He's a lil bitch :)
The lyrics "and I've been abused, I feel so used because of you."
"The future that we both drew and all the shit we've been through. Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew."
Really sound's like something Edward would hear Rose think to herself whenever he would listen to her thoughts.
Her revenge was worth it though, she finally got to take something from him, like he had done to her.
"You just lay without a sound, seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest."
Major 'Lol I killed my stupid husband' vibes
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Edward - Parasite Eve // Bring Me The Horizon
Okay not to be one of those people, but considering Eddie boy over here was around during the Spanish influenza and almost dying from it; I kinda found this song fitting ??
'Parasite Eve' is about Covid, and both illnesses are similar; too similar in fact.
The lyrics "I've got a fever, don't breathe on me." and "Leave your flowers and grieve." Really scream Edward for me ??
We were all scared of big man Covid but imagine how terrified he must've been when he had the Spanish influenza.
Like he's just vibing one minute and then, boom, he's literally lying on his death bed.
Edward would probably really relate to this song, even if he's into classical; 'Parasite Eve' would be an exception.
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Jasper - Forest // Twenty One Pilots
Okay, I know what you're thinking but hear me out.
Lyrics "I don't know why I feed on emotion, there's a stomach inside my brain."
Signifies Jasper's gift of empathy and control of emotions.
"My brain has given up, white flags are hoisted."
White Flags were used during the Civil War to end it, a way to show they have surrendered.
Not only does those lyrics signify the Civil War, it could also be a metaphor for Jasper; he's given up that part of his life.
He doesn't want to let it corrupt him any further because he's guilty for playing a part in taking so many lives.
So, in turn, he's put up white flags to surrender and hope to start over; become a better person, vampire.
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Alice - Can You Feel My Heart // Bring Me The Horizon
Sweet little fairy.
Didn't deserve to be locked away in an asylum.
I think, in some way, this song is fitting for Alice.
Lyrics "Forgive me father, I love you Mother."
Make me feel like she would've said this a lot, thinking she was a disappointment to her parents for her gift.
"I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone."
Definitely was something Alice had felt prior and post-vampirism, scared if she got too close to someone she could predict their fate.
But also being scared she would end up alone because people would be so weirded out by her gift.
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Carlisle - Put Your Head On My Shoulder // Paul Anka
Absolute sweetheart !
This song is just Carlisle to Esme, 100%
He's such a gentleman, even though his father was like a BIG priest dude who killed the supernatural and he caused Carlisle to turn ??
He's just full of love, no one can tell me different !!
Secretly, Carlisle is Paul Anka and wrote this song for Esme
So sorry it's short, Dr. Cullen is just an angel and didn't really have much corruption in his life ngl.
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Esme - Brick By Boring Brick // Paramore
For some reason I feel like this song definitely reminds me of Esme because of the meaning behind the song.
"The song Brick by Boring Brick is a story about a girl who escaped reality through pictures and fairy tales and anything that wasn’t the real story. This way, she’d look perfect to everyone else and we’d all think that she’s got it together. But being that it was all for show, it couldn’t last"
"Esme was born in 1895 in Columbus, Ohio, where she was treated at the age of 16 by Carlisle after breaking her leg when climbing a tree. She married Charles Evenson, but he abused her. After finding out she was pregnant, she ran away and gave birth to a son, who subsequently died a few days later."
Brick By Boring Brick resembles Esme's tough life from a young age, she was still only a child when she was to be married to Evenson, she didn't want to continue with the abuse she suffered.
So, she ran, she created a life where she would be happy, even though; if you looked a bit closer, there were cracks in her reality.
All she wanted was to be happy, but she also ended up losing her son in the process of freeing herself from the shackles of her abusive husband.
The lyrics "Well, you built up a world of magic, because your real life is tragic." Truly speaks on so many different levels how Esme presents herself to the world and everyone around, even though how she want's to be perceived is fake and in reality Esme has suffered a lot.
Not only with losing her baby but also she will never be able to have those years of her life back, it'll forever remind her of how badly she was treated. Just like Rose.
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arcadekitten · 10 months
Hello! this might be kinda a weird ask to get, but I just wanted to thank you for making The Semi-Aquatic Circus. My boyfriend is intersex and autistic, and sees a lot of himself in Capella and her story, and he's never really seen a story that conveys that experience before, let alone that accurately to him. It means a lot to him, so I just wanted to say thanks, and that we both love your work :) I hope you have a great day!!!!!
This is not weird at all, it is incredibly sweet! ♡
Truth be told, when conceptualizing Capella and her story, I began to draw some parallels to her story potentially being a metaphor for being intersex. I definitely leaned into it, but I didn't want to say anything about it for sure, though, without consulting actual intersex people first in case they saw the experience differently. I am overjoyed to know that at least one person is able to connect with it in that way!
Thank you so much for telling me, this means a lot ♡ ♡ ♡
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nightowl33art · 3 months
So I totally forgot to post a bit. Apologies lol it's been a tough June I've got some more Monologue for y'all!
Minor infodump time:
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Marshall McCoy, born sometime in the 19th century! A jack-of-all-trades who lived simple. He was mainly known for being a wrangler and farmhand. When the chupacabra killed off most of the town's livestock, people were forced to hunt the beast down. Marshall heroically volunteered to use his acquired skills to join the hunt.
Along the way, he made a terrible mistake, fell off a cliff, and became mortally wounded. It's said he found the chupacabra, but nobody can really be sure. Its reign of terror ended in the following weeks. After his body was recovered, they buried him. That's where he lay for over a century.
Eventually The Substance seeped into his resting place, becoming one with his disturbed corpse, breathing new life into it. He made his way to the cesspit. He lives in the shadows and keeps to himself. The mysterious cowboy is often viewed as an outsider. He knows how he looks to others and prefers it that way.
-He refuses to open up or share personal information with many. if you try to interact with him, he'll silently stare, perhaps mutter a response. You need to slowly work your way into the sweet spot where he'll start talking. When he's engrossed in a conversation, more of his personality shows.
-Monologue is ambidexterous. He prefers his right hand for more tasks, and often hides any left-handedness, since back in his day, left-handedness was ostracized. A bit self conscious when he realizes he's using his left hand in front of others.
-His design heavily takes off of elements of his demise.
-He's mixed race! Haven't fully decided what's in his blood, but I'm currently thinking at least Black and Hispanic heritage.
-Cares about how he looks. Knows he's a cool, distant mystery and has always liked others to view him so. A lone wolf who sticks to his guns, literally and metaphorically. He'd much rather be a background perplexity than the center stage.
-Very determined once he's set to a task. Back in living days he'd neglect his usually maintained appearance to further himself in work.
I gotta post more of my toxicsonas-- you get this for now. I should say though that he does have connections to some of them!
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Good luck making sense of all this lol. The second image is kinda incomplete but I don't really care. I look forward to sharing more eventually. In the meantime I'll tide you over with brief descriptions on bonds with others.
-Vivi: I don't know what they are now and they probably don't know either! But whatever they have, it's positive. Vivi with her outgoing nature wants Mono to feel comfortable and appreciated, seeing his place in the cesspit. To her, he's mysterious and charming! His inner thoughts on her aren't known at this time.
-Hex: These two have lots of synergy. They work well together and get along. Mono has opened up to Hex a bit.
-Phee: Monologue may be clever, but he's not always the smartest. To him, Phee is a strangely social but pretty girl. She's been flirtatious with him and it has flustered the guy. While he's noticed her fixation on money, he hasn't pieced together that she only flirts with him for fun and is gold digging. She's not going to look his way nearly as much as she does now when she finds out there's no cash.
-Wattson: Interested in Monologue, feeling there are things they could learn from and about him.. especially pertaining to his death. Mono is neutral- not really caring about Watts but not enough to dislike him.
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fictionfordays · 1 year
Maedhros HC
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CW: Mentions of anxiety, but otherwise no real warnings here!
A/N: I started these a while ago, just wanted to throw together some of my personal hc for dear Maitimo<3 as a side note, these are all in Valinor!
Back to Main Masterlist | Tolkien Masterlist
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❀ This boy has a sweet tooth. Fruit, sweet cream, cookies, cakes, you name it
❀ He is so nurturing !!! He helped his parents raise all of his brothers and was even the go-to babysitter to watch all of his cousins as well. He loves spending time with kids and seeing their imaginations unfold
❀ The go-to for story time. He loves telling stories and reading books
❀ Tall boy. The first tall boy of all his cousins. If anyone needed help hiding something high up, getting something down, or hanging something on the wall, they called him
❀ He is unrealistically pretty. Dark, curly red hair, pale emerald eyes, a few freckles speckled across his cheeks and nose, well built from all of the combat training and athletic events he participates in (despite the sweets he’s constantly sneaking and all the wine he drinks out of frustration of his family’s bickering)
❀ I like the headcanon that he’s artistic, enjoying making sculptures with his amme and creating beautiful paintings. He probably enjoys painting landscapes of his family’s garden the most, having a collection of paintings he’s done of almost every inch of the garden so far! He struggles the most with moving water, the water fountain being the only thing in the garden he hasn’t captured on canvas yet.
❀ He is very anxious about the possibility of inheriting the throne. He takes it all in stride and he knows he’s prepared and has all of the tools necessary to be successful but… he really does NOT want that responsibility. He would rather have a simple life: painting and gardening, spending time with his s/o, raising a couple of kids…
❀ I feel like he does like debating. Debating and arguing. If he ever needs to practice, he turns to Celegorm and Caranthir. Celegorm is really stubborn and hard to argue with. Caranthir is an excellent haggler and also hard to argue with. To be fair, ALL of his brothers are stubborn and have silver tongues, but these two are the hardest to win over in debates.
❀ Nerdanel gives really good advice, but in like a roundabout sensei kinda way yk? Like, gives advice but it doesn’t sound like advice until days later when it finally clicks. Maitimo appreciates this very much and strives to do the same. Unfortunately, his metaphors and life lessons tend to go right over everyone’s heads so he resorts to speaking plainly or directing their questions to his mother (or Maglor, he usually has pretty words to spare)
❀ He tends to be the organizer of the family. I love the hc of Feanorian Game Night!!! (I believe that was @unipork22 !) He’s the one that puts it together. He picks out the game, makes sure his brothers (ALL OF THEM) and his parents are there, (and little Celebrimbor when he’s old enough). It gets pretty rowdy
❀ Horseback riding is one of his favourite activities. He usually goes alone and uses this time to really relax. He usually packs a snack or two, an empty flask, and a book that he’s been meaning to read. He’ll ride to a top secret spot near the freshwater creek. The sound of the trickling water is so calming, plus the birds overhead. The air is fresh, the sun is warm… He may even fall asleep laying in the grass before he gets the chance to read a chapter of his book!
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Tags: @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @wandererindreams @asianbutnotjapanese @nanamis-wifey-reye
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2023.  
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 8 months
so i finally got my hands on a copy of Grimm's fairy tales again and The Frog Prince is still so fun and baffling to me:
just a reminder that it starts with the coolest opening line of all time: "In den alten Zeiten, wo das Wünschen noch geholfen hat..." (In the olden times, where wishes could still aid...)
confusingly, the focal character of this fairy tale is not the frog* but the princess, which is an underrated fact (and another thing that made me feral about Neverafter because Gerard giving up his name for Elody's is actually the ideal reasoning for why this story seemingly just refuses to have the obvious protagonist be the protagonist)
there's a theme going on where the princess AND the person-turned-frog* are both very childlike outside the castle and then framed as much more marriage age and/or sex-aware age inside: the princess is playing with a toy and cries loudly over losing it and the frog expressly asks to be her "Geselle und Spielkamerad" (companion and playmate!) at the well, not her husband or bedmate or anything
(the appendix mentions an earlier version where he demands to be the "Schätzchen" (sweetheart) of whatever princess comes to the well right out the gate)
but then inside the castle the princess is expected to be responsible and true to her word like an adult and also reacts with a lot of disgust specifically to the idea of the frog* being in her bed and soiling her clean sheets (they're really going in on those sheets), and rates this as far worse than having him eat out of the same bowl of soup as her.
and the frog* demands to specifically sleep in her bed with her
There's an interpretation that this fairy tale is a metaphor for the princess's sexual awakening and how she has to come to terms with herself as a sexual entity (i paraphrased this kinda poorly from memory, for more info see here in the German wikipedia entry of the fairy tale), and so far all of this would work for that.
The whole nature/culture split is a big deal in German lit of the time, so that's also an angle to look at it.
But then once they're alone the frog* says he wants to sleep in the bed simply because he wants to sleep "as well as she does"? It's really hard to say if this even is a metaphor for sex on his part or if he genuinely just wants to have her life for a bit?
Completely unrelated to any of this but the frog takes a full day to make it from the well to the door of the dining hall, which is deeply tragic and very funny
The frog* is kind of dick. He's also a fucking snitch: "Take me into your bed or I will tell your father!" (direct quote)
She doesn't just throw him against a wall. She throws him against a wall "aus allen Kräften" (with all her might) and says "Nun wirst du Ruhe haben, du garstiger Frosch" (Now you'll have your rest, you disgusting frog!). She straight up tries to murder this frog*.
Upon which he's immediately transformed not just into any prince, but specifically a prince with "schönen und freundlichen Augen" (beautiful and kind eyes)? i'm pretty sure that was never in the more modern versions and it should be
Also, yes he immediately becomes her husband/betrothed "nach ihres Vaters Willen" (as per her father's wish), which is very funny because it does read very "listen kid I would really prefer if you married the handsome young stranger I made you take into your bed with you. I really think we'd both look bad if you didn't."
i am however surprisingly touched by the insta-marriage part because it is SO soft for a Grimm fairy tale actually? He doesn't just become her husband, he becomes her "lieber Geselle und Gemahl" (dear companion and husband), which is? actually very sweet? Because I really do get friendship-based marriage from that.
Post wedding a whole 1.5 lines (which is kind of a lot of real estate for a fairy tale, and just as long as the info we get on them getting married!) is devoted to them just falling asleep together and being woken by the sun the next morning?
Iron Henry remains both so touching and so confusing to me. Touching because a) this dude just loves his young master so much. He probably raised this kid! He was devastated to see him gone! He's so fucking happy for him! b) Heinrich's inclusion is actually, in tandem with the "kind eyes" part, really interesting in regards to the princess. Because both of that screams, this man is a great choice for you. He is kind. Even his subordinates love him so much that his misery nearly killed them.
Confusing because yes, I know why**, but it is still a hilarious unending mystery to me why the guy who was this upset about his master getting cursed wouldn't just, you know. Hang out with him by the well?? And give that kid some fucking company???
* I had a little ramble in the tags at some point about how weird it was that the English translation makes him a frog prince instead of the Froschkönig, frog king - because if he's a king, he's probably an orphan. If he's a prince, his father (and possibly living mother) are just the worst parents? Iron Henry knows that his master was turned into a frog (which is wild, see above), but then he would have told the king! They must have known what happened to him! Don't they have a well at their castle?** This spawned a top-five throwaway line of parental abandonment on D20 (and that is saying something!): "Yeah, they haven't looked for me that hard. I've been missing." Like yeah! In a world where a prince can make his whole kingdom look for a woman whose shoe he found, you'd think the world would be on the lookout for a missing prince???
Anyway the confusing reveal from the og Grimm's version is... it's... both? The title says Froschkönig, but then after the frog collides with a castle wall there appears a "Königssohn" (literally king's son, a prince) with kind eyes? But then when Henry comes with the carriage to take The Man Formerly Known As Frog and his new wife to his realm, he is referred to only as the young king? Listen, this is not new. These stories do not give a flying fuck about internal cohesion, but in this specific case there are so many implications to it and it will never stop making the wheels in my brain go brrrr.
** I knooow this is a fairy tale, and they don't work like that and I'm looking too hard at a thing I should accept as given. He was cursed to live as a frog in a well until x event breaks his curse. Chances are this curse included "you must be an anonymous frog in a well, basically dead to all your subordinates and loved ones and removed from all your luxuries". I still think this is fascinating and i rotate this in my head at all times.
good luck trying to figure out what the trigger for breaking the curse was btw! "until you have enraged a young woman by being too forward"? "until a woman is so disgusted by you she attempts manslaughter/frogslaughter"? Just "until a princess throws you against a wall"? He does even say "sie allein" (she alone) could have broken his curse, which opens up more questions. She alone as in, a woman who now (inexplicably) loves him? That doesn't work because she definitely did not love him when she threw him against the wall. She alone because she was the closest princess? Or she alone as in, this specific princess and nobody else? Because she is so beautiful it surprises the sun every time it shines on her face (verbatim quote)? Because no other woman could have thrown him that hard??? We'll never know and I think that's hilarious, actually.
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im-not-here-im-dead · 2 years
perhaps.... flowey and/or undyne?
(very tempted to ask about asgore but)
hi! this is several months late! i apologize!
ask game
anyways, i’ll start with flowey
first impression
not too different from most of the fandom’s impression of him. little more than a weird two-dimensional villain character. i didn’t even realize that he is not a separate person from asriel for a good while. like, come on. there was a whole dramatic twist and everything. it should not have taken me as long as it did. (the fandom didn’t exactly help though -_-)
impression now
he is my favoritest boy in the whole entire world and, in my opinion, the best character in the game (though chara is still my personal favorite). it’s sad to see him get watered down to just “evil flower” and “poor little goat kid”, cause there’s so much more to him. he’s a fantastic character and he means so much to me.
favorite moment
i can’t chose between these:
“…why are you being……so nice to me? I just can’t understand…”
“I’m not ready for this to end. I’m not ready for you to leave. I’m not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again…”
in the true route you don’t have to forgive him, but you can still comfort him
when he talks to “chara” when you try to reset after the true ending, showing that he truly cares about frisk and the others and that he’s grown as a person and that he’s ready to say goodbye to his lost sibling
when he takes care of toriel in the ruins
matching red scarves
idea for a story
sometimes i wonder what would happen if he ended up being the sole surviving dreemurr and the king of the underground… hmm.
on a more lighthearted note, i would really like to see him form a sibling bond with undyne as well as frisk. it would absolutely melt my metaphorical heart. big sister undyne my beloved <3
unpopular opinion
flowey is NOT emotionless! where the heck did people get that idea???
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hello???? he is THE MOST emotional character in the game!!
him staying a flower isn’t a bad ending for him. and not being able to feel love doesn’t make him any worse or less of a person. he doesn’t need to be ‘fixed’. he needs support and guidance. the only thing i think could happen if he suddenly returned to his original form is cause him to panic because he’s not ready to let anyone else (especially his parents) know who he is. i don’t think either ending is worse exactly. they both have a lot of potential that often sadly falls by the wayside because of common perceptions of ‘flowey’ and ‘asriel’ that wouldn’t be so pervasive if people had a better understanding of his character. so anyways, yes. it is okay that flowey doesn’t feel love. —signed, a real life loveless person
i think the loss of his soul and him being reincarnated as a golden flower is a metaphor for how his grief/trauma/actions/etc. have changed him as a person rather than him. literally being a different person. others have said it better than me, but, like, the only time he kinda separates himself from his past identity is in the true route, and i think he does it mostly out of shame. he wanted ‘asriel’ to be remembered fondly and put to rest because he can never again be that same sweet, innocent, loving, little boy everyone knew him as. if his parents found out who he was and what he had done, surely they’d be devastated and disgusted with him. if chara was alive to see what a disappointment of a friend and brother he was, surely they would be too. why would they not? he can never redeem himself. he can never be worthy of mercy. (he just can’t understand). so he plays the villain, the sinner, the good-for-nothing, the miserable creature, the one who came back wrong, because he just can’t reconcile himself with the fact that he’s still that same person, just changed and evolved over timelines. frisk has seen who he is. the good, the bad, and the ugly. and yet they still see him as a person, worthy of mercy and a second chance at life, despite everything (it’s still you)
favorite relationship
i’d say the ‘relationship’ between him and the player (aka: me specifically because flowey is already supposed to mirror the protagonist, but he and i have so much in common it’s scary so that makes things really interesting) but i dunno if that counts, so i’ll say his friendship with papyrus.
favorite headcanon
one of my favorite flowey headcanons is that the first soul rebellion in the omega flowey battle was staged. it just adds a whole nother layer to fight.
also the headcanon that he needs glasses. the world needs more pictures of flowey wearing glasses.
now undyneeeeeeee
first impression
i always thought she was cool, though i wasn’t as invested in her character because i was more focused on other characters (papyrus and chara to be exact)
impression now
she is totally awesome and definitely one of the coolest characters in the game, but i’m starting to realize and appreciate more and more that she is not larger than life. she has her own flaws and insecurities that make her complex and real. it took me while for me to get a feel for her character, but this fic series certainly helped a lot. it’s one of my all time favorites and i highly recommend it (heed the warnings though. it gets pretty rough)
favorite moment
ah. this is. another really hard choice.
that moment of cognitive dissonance when frisk gives her water after she collapses from the heat
the scene where frisk visits her house and she slowly begins to realize that she might be wrong about them and lets her guard down and opens up to them
at the end of the undying battle when she’s on the verge of death but still smiling triumphantly
those are just the ones off the top of my head. there’s probably more that i’m forgetting. she’s got a lot of great moments
“Don’t ask me what a grooty is!”
idea for a story
i really want to know her origin story. where did she come from? who were her parents? what was her childhood like? i am putting my hands on her shoulders and i am shaking her like a rag doll. i want to know. everything.
unpopular opinion
she absolutely should have been the fan favorite instead of sans. i don’t know what happened but i am very confused as to how she isn’t way more popular than him. no hate to sans by the way. he’s a great character and he deserves to be popular. undyne is still outrageously underrated and i will never not be mad about her getting overshadowed and watered down by the fandom at large.
favorite relationship
man i dunno. i’m stuck between papyrus, alphys, and asgore (i also think her and toriel’s dynamic has so much underutilized potential).
favorite headcanon
my favorite headcanon about her is that she’s autistic. because she is. so autistic. and you cannot convince me otherwise.
yes thank you i am grateful for any excuse to talk about asgore
first impression
i didn’t really think about him all that much, but it always made me sad when i saw people hating on him or treating him like a joke. i knew he wasn’t the greatest person, but he wasn’t a bad person either. i always liked his design too. very nice and fluffy.
impression now
………this man has been plaguing my adhd-ridden mind for the past year and BY GOLLY has it been a miserable experience for all parties involved. if i’m being completely honest here, out of all of the characters from undertale and deltarune, asgore has had the most emotional impact on me. haha. you’d THINK it’d be chara, or flowey, or… hell, even berdly! BUT NOOOO, KING FLUFFYBOY HAD TO CAUSE ME MORE EMOTIONAL DAMAGE THAN ANY OTHER FICTIONAL CHARACTER BARRING GOD HIMSELF. and, yes, most of that emotional damage was because of that one scene from that one neutral route (which i’m still not sure if i’m ready to talk about directly), but also because of literally everything else. literally everything about this guy makes me want to burst into tears. and part of what makes his story so painful for me is that i relate so many of his struggles. i’ll spare you the details, but i just see SO MUCH of myself in him, and it means so much to me to know that he gets better. pain and suffering aside, i just think he’s a really fascinating character and i care about him a lot.
favorite moment
okay, at first i thought of the moment where he destroys the mercy button (which is still a phenomenal moment) but, then i took a good look at another scene.
in his regular battle, he bows his head, hiding his face in shadow, resolved to kill or be killed, but giving frisk every chance he can think of to ensure that they are not the one who is killed.
but in his lost soul battle, frisk looks him in the eyes and promises him that they won’t hurt him. no matter what. that moment shakes me to my very core.
idea for a story
i really want to explore what would happen if frisk were to absorb his soul and cross the barrier to find a way free monsterkind peacefully.
unpopular opinion
asgore is not a Hawaiian-pattern shirt guy. he is a floral-pattern shirt guy.
favorite relationship
him and chara!! (him and frisk is a very close second) i LIVE for the parallels.
favorite headcanon
i like to think that he became king at a really young age basically right after the war happened and his parents left huge shoes to fill. i mean, his tendency to laud his children as the hope for everyone’s future when they weren’t ready for the responsibility had to have come from somewhere, right?
(i don’t think he was a child king, but i can’t see him having been more than a young adult when he was coronated. old enough that it would have been legal, but young enough that he was still grossly underprepared and largely depended on others for guidance in executive decisions. writing laws and giving orders had never been his forte. his strengths lied more in giving speeches, helping with manual tasks, providing moral support/comfort/encouragement, connecting with his people personally. he was always very good at being part of a community, but he was never an excellent ruler)
okay i’m tired byeeeeee
i really want to explore what would happen if frisk was to absorb his soul and go to the surface in search for a way to unite humans and monsters and break the barrier. i have a whole bunch of ideas for this, but unfortunately i have so many other works in progress that starting on this now will just add to the ever-growing pile
Unpopular opinion
asgore is not a hawaiian pattern shirt guy. he is a floral pattern shirt guy. i said what i said. feel free to unfollow me for this /joking
Favorite relationship
him and chara (him and frisk is a very close second). i live for the parallels
Favorite headcanon
i like to think that he was became king at a young age pretty much right after monsters had been imprisoned underground and his parents left huge shoes to fill. i don’t think he was a child king, but i can’t see him being more than 18 or 19 when it happened. i mean, his habit of lauding his children as the hope for everyone’s future when they weren’t ready for the responsibility couldn’t have come from nowhere, could it?
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 3 months
Oh shit there’s a new one okay. I thought the most recent was liek a week ago. Imma watch that rq
Okay I watched it I’m going feral I’m just gonna yell my opinions in yr inbox rq don’t mind me
Did they actually kill all of the fucking council memebers. They wouldn’t right. There’s no way <in denial. But no literally I will sob if they’re all dead. It looks like Mel is dead from mommy abassarda (🤤) seeking revenge and stuff. Would they kill golden boy and viktor tho? Unlikely. I’m also assuming Caitlyn’s mom is dead for that trauma
“you finally got the name right” I’m going to vomit
I know this is not an original opinion at all but I really hate the outfit 😭. Why does she look like that. What happened to my vi with her good outfits. Maybe it’s supposed to be symbolic that it doesn’t fit her but like
Istg if jinx dies I’m cutting off every riot persons heads
I’m a little mad they’re cutting it off at 2 seasons but it makes sense ig :/ I’m just like my lesbians. Why
YES! omg. i absolutely dont mind at all 😭. i was losing my mind!!! literally just WHAT.
i dont know if they did or not to be honest?? i remember seeing people discuss about them killing the members, and they debated about them killing champions. i dont think jayce is dead?? hes a champion. and if arcane is canon to LoL lore then like he wouldnt be?? not too sure about everyone else but i dont think the champions are dead or will die. cassandra however- i think fandom kinda considered her dead for a good majority of time. i dont know league lore so dont take me seriously 😭. BUT- i dont believe jayce is dead. idfk if viktor is, mel potentially. hmm... IM SURE like someone survived... they wouldnt do that to caitlyn... come on... kill her mom and then her childhood friend...? thats... ykw kinda on brand for the emotional turmoil.. BUT COME ON.
again- dont think they killed any champions but everyone else... yeah... probably rip. :(.
wondering how this is going to affect caitlyn tbh too. how is she going to handle herself. is vi going to comfort her?? uh... WILL WE FINALLY FUCKING GET A KISS?? istg anyway.
the "my sister is gone" had me like wanting to literally go insane because OUCH!!! someone please save vi from this turmoil 😭. shes gonna be put through it and IM not ready.
the red jacket was HER :(. i think its kinda a metaphor too like u mentioned about her not belonging on the team and feeling uncomfortable but then again the LoL players *were* clowning on the discourse of people being upset over vi being a cop. I DO LIKE THE GOGGLES THO. those r sick. but the outfit? girl what did they do to my favorite lesbian. who is she.
dont think jinx is gonna die thoughhhhh.... i mean... why would she... die... they wouldnt... right? ...right??
please i just NEED them all to be okay i cant do this!!! /lh but also /srs. i do need them to be okay. IK I SIGNED UP FOR THIS BUT OW.
honestly im a little shocked about it being just 2 seasons too but i think its good just because of how long it took between 1-2. i have maaaad respect for the people working on it. swear as long as we get a physical release of the season season too ill be down. first we had news about s1 getting a physical TO A FUCKING TRAILER... we are eating SO good this week.
short and sweet though. tbh im sure theyll be able to tell what they need to cause 45 min per an ep. doesn't seem that surprising. but still 2 seasons is crazy. AS LONG AS THERES NO CLIFFHANGERS ILL BE FINE.
i justttt need caitvi in s2. i need them to kiss. i am not asking for a lot. need them to kiss and for literally jinx, and several people to NOT die.
anyway whoops. thanks for sending me your thoughts aaaaa
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