#really tho the language barrier. oof
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Monster Hunter: the movie commentary.
So I'm finally watching the Monster Hunter movie, here's my thoughts as it went on: I... I'm pretty sure boats in MH don't sail through sand??? Is physics just not a thing in MH or is this movie just off to a special start? Maybe that’s in some of the MH games I haven’t seen... Goggles girl! Ooo lol fuck diablos This is so fuckin dramatic omg Oh yeah, identify our world by the litter. What a statement piece. This is such a dramatic film. The slo-mo. Crikey. Coulda cut about half of it and got the same effect. Also wtf I don't think MH had wierdo portal magic shit? Idk tho, I've only looked at like 3 games in the series. Oo I wonder how much sand they just ate. Poor actors. Ooo more dramatic shot on the top of the dunes. I kinda like this movie. Its terrible, but I like it. Kinda. That's a surprisingly anti-military song they're singing. Guess they didn't get funded by the US army for this motion picture. Oo, wonder what bones they are o geez so dramatic oof so much sand. I wonder how many times they had to stop because of sand gettting in the eyes. lol they don't even try to make that look like burrowing under the ground Those 2 guys don't seem too bothered about the whole wierdo world with monsters lol. Very chill. lol, now its on fire and chasing you. oo dangerous. any of those bullets could have gotten her. Also it didn't seem like shooting them did a whole lot before so why was it different when they popped on its head? her teeth are so white against her grubby face lol Now that I think about it I don't recognise those bug monsters at all, especially not as prolific monsters. Maybe from one of the games I haven't seen?
oh yeah, shout at the monsters.v helpful
you did not get a spark that easy fuck off.
oo more dramatic ranged shots
I hope the whole movie isn't just this rock... I mean, its a story I guess but half the joy of MH is the community, and one dude stuck on a mountain really aint that.
lol high diablos. He like 'uh? where's my dinner -disappointed face-'
uh pointless fighting because nobody can ever do introductions. such 
unnecessary hostility.
uh really, were gonna watch them be dicks to eachother for half an hour? I mean, its on point I guess, very American - survivor in a strange land, attack the first person they see.
Seriously, this is MONSTER HUNTER why are we watching half an hour of two randos fighting eachother????? ARE THERE NO MONSTERS THEY COULD BE FIGHTING WTF.
oh they're friends now are they? Just, had enough of the ointless fight now she's realised she actually doesn't want to kill him.
Oh yeah, eat this food, which is probably so foreign to your body it'll make you super sick. Really, its great.
Really, only one big one has come out? You're kidding there are like a million spiders in there, but they just waited till the hoomins took down the first one?
It's kinda annoying that they've gone with the whole 'can't communicate with eachother due to language barrier' as a thing. I know it makes sense that they wouldn't be able to communicate since they come from different worlds, but still.
I mean, it's got some MH elements in there I guess.
Oh, now we're more towards the MH we know and love.
lol bait.
Oooo Rathy.
lol firespinning
Uh, really not enjoying the representation of the people of MH
For a guy who learned this language 'as a study' his accent is very american.
Who's keeping those fires lit.
So even though there's a whole bunch of them, he's only gonna speak in english to her. I guess the rest of them don't need words.
I mean, could they not just find a way inside the tower rather than hang about waiting for Rathy to blast 'em?
Also, saying 'its vulnerable just before it breathes fire' don't mean shit if you don't have a plan to like, take advantage of that like 3 seconds of vulnerability.
Oh look, she cut its wing or smthn. A vulnerability they could also capitlise on.
All this slow-mo.
lol face first.
Lol Rathy followed you home. Can we keep him mommy?
oh no, he's eating everything.
oof, you ain't gon win an air battle against a Rathy.
I mean, you could try for a radio or something but no, why not just go one on one against Rathy?
I mean, the attacks are straight out of MH but they look so tacky lol.  Also wtf how is that the end of the movie? That doesn't end it! Ugh. I mean fair enough though that was kinda terrible.
O, a credit scene. 
Who da fuk is that meant to be? Also Palico!
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damienthepious · 4 years
authors commentary for chapter 2 of won't break when the keep talks to damien. the line "and Damien's heart lurches with love and pain and- And the Keep grips both of his hands, squeezes very, very gently, and croons a low song." in particular hit me
[Pick a short passage from any fanfic I’ve written and send it to me, and I’ll give you the equivalent of a DVD commentary on that snippet]
y e s s s s sssssssss thank you thank you. Won’t Break.
EDIT: okay i edited this ask and now the readmore is trapped mysteriously WITHIN THE ASK and i cannot touch or delete it and i cannot add a new readmore, so. That’s fun, i guess.
[The Keep does not try to pull him again, but it hums a soothing gradient of sound, even more songlike than its usual form of communication, and it drops another vine so it can very lightly touch the backs of both of his hands.] i love my favorite giant monster structure parent so much. it’s trying really hard to communicate and comfort right now. it knows that Arum needs time, it knows that Arum’s other human is currently speaking with him and calming him, and that leaves this poor human alone, and the Keep knows by now that this particular human does not do particularly well when left alone. it is trying. mammals seem to like physical contact. it is trying.
["I'm sorry," Damien says again, quietly. "I'm sorry I have- I have made my own burning feelings a burden for him. I should have known better.] AUGHHHHHH. DAMIEN... DAMIEN. Okay so i’m inserting my headcanons for Damien before his relationship with Rilla because. I mean. look at him. This boy probably falls hard and fast and I feel like that has probably broken very bad before. Probably worse than this even. can you imagine teenager damien? feeling things so, so strongly, that teenage desperation combined with his own intensity of feeling- i imagine love as a teenager for damien was a fucking nightmare. there is NO WAY this is the first time he’s given an I-love-you too early and had it go poorly for him.
[I should not linger here, I think." He pauses, swallows, and then he attempts a weak sort of smile.] Damien is not prone to retreat, but he’s a bit kicked right now, poor thing ["Thank you for- for comforting me? If that was your intent. I could be mistaken, surely, and I would not like to assume, but- regardless of intent, I find myself… comforted. To what degree I find I can be, just at the moment."] perhaps i’m a little bit obsessed about the Keep and Damien getting the chance to interact. perhaps so. What of it? What of it? Damien is a perceptive boy, tho, and- well, he’s been comforted plenty, and he knows what that feels like, though he tries not to make assumptions about intent in creatures so different from himself. [He shakes his head. "But- of course, I should not linger. Please, Keep, I… a way back to- to Rilla's hut, please. If- if you would." Damien swallows roughly, pressing his lips together tight.] Back to Rilla’s hut, where he knows he is loved. oof.
[The Keep- pauses.] considering Arum’s instruction to obey his humans’ requests versus its instinct not to let Damien leave before Arum comes back, because it can feel that Arum is calming down, only a few rooms away. [Damien is unsure how he knows that this is what the structure is doing; there is no change in the momentary lack of song, but he knows nonetheless. Perhaps there is a new layer of stillness to the vines brushing his hands, he cannot say for sure. It sings again, after a moment, and Damien knows the hesitance its song voices.] The Keep doesn’t speak in a way that the humans can quite understand, but it certainly conveys emotion well enough. and again, Damien is perceptive
["Please," he says again. "I know… I know perfectly well when I am not wanted."] hrg. baby. no. I mean he’s fully justified because Arum very aggressively freaked out but STILL. baby nooooooooo
[Another moment of pause,] still considering. trying to think how to handle this. [and then with clear reluctance the Keep pulls a doorway from the ground, and Rilla's hut is visible through the threshold, familiar and safe, and Damien's heart lurches with love and pain and-] love, because he always feels love when he thinks about Rilla, and the hut is more his home than anywhere else. pain, because he has rarely left in such a nebulous state, his relationship so uncertain. pain, because the reason he is leaving is because Arum does not love him in return according to his reaction
[And the Keep grips both of his hands, squeezes very, very gently, and croons a low song.] my favorite parent. trying very hard. because it knows what these people mean to Arum, how much less lonely he is, how much less sad. and it cares about them, now, too. of course it does. It doesn’t want Damien to leave unhappy. It doesn’t want him to leave at all.
[Quiet, pleading, persuasive. No words, but-
Damien understands, regardless.] Perceptive boy, emotive monster.
[The Keep opened the way for him. It will not stop him, it will allow him to leave if he chooses to do so.] Choice. The Keep cares about the humans. It also respects them. And it won’t force Damien to do anything.
[But it is asking him to stay.] it cares. it wants him to be happy. it wants all three of them to be happy. and it knows that things will be better if he only stays.
[Damien hesitates, and then he squeezes the Keep's vines in return.] Sometimes your monster lover’s castle-plant-parent manages to communicate a very gentle request to you despite the massive language barrier between you. you listen when that happens.
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ambersky0319 · 5 years
Amber Rambles about a Story-
So I wanna ramble about an original story, the ideas I have for it, the characters, the world in general and the one person in my house that would listen and give good feedback or ideas and knows the basics of what I have planned is currently asleep so
There's a lot here oof-
So to start off I wanna scratch the surface that is the world before I delve into the characters
The story(from what I have planned it'll take place over 11 books) takes place mainly on an alternate-earth that is more dystopian/sci-fi ish and an original fantasy world I've been calling Fandahli. The first part of the first book takes place in Fandahli, and the second and third parts on this alternate-earth.
The earth is basically unified, most people speaking a new language just known as Emor(basically English under a different name). Technological advances have come to a stop, or so it would seem. The world is pretty much American culture having taken over media, erasing other cultures, etc. They now call themselves Emorians. Not a good place to be.
They had created an organization about twenty-five years before the story takes place, at the time called Prosper, but later it renamed itself as Tempest. The organization was less of that and more like a government experiment, combining animal genes into the genes of humans in a certain way to create the 'ultimate human'. Originally, the Emorians created them to keep everyone in line. These humans were trained to be assassins without the government's knowing however and it wasn't long before Emorian officials began to disappear.
Now Fandahli! Fandahli is a world that's very similar to Earth, but is held together by magic(in this universe, Earth also technically has magic but it's very little/very weak and has been dormant for so long it's been forgotten). It was created by four Cinomeds, powerful beings that have powers no one still on Fandahli has. These four are: Rikki, Angel, Serranidae, and Aki.
Along with that, the most two important continents on Fandahli are Vola and Tione.
After the War of Cinomeds, where Angel rebelled against her companions, the land was pretty much destroyed. But portals to other worlds remained open and the land healed. Humans then arrived after discovering one of the portals, but soon after the portals all closed once more, trapping them there. The humans adapted, gaining magic to help them survive, and changed their name to Dalis.
The Dalis split over the different continents, and then into different kingdoms, and grew from there. The main kingdom focused on is Tongyi, located within Vola. It remains spring there no matter the time of year.
The powers of the Dalis vary, but usuaily end up being one of these:
Barrier creation and weapon creation can sometimes occur within the same Dali, though it isn't too common- but it's not rare either
Aside from Dalis, there are also Dragons. The dragon species vary on where on Tione they come from, or if they come from a different part of Fandahli. I'm still designing some of them.
And then there are the werewolves. Most werewolf villages are peaceful, and are respected by all Dali. It's believed to be a great dishonor to fight any werewolf village. I'm still developing the werewolves as well, I just know they play important roles within the story itself later on.
Back to Cinomeds cause I forgot an important detail!
After the War of Cinomeds(thought to be a war of gods by the Dali, they're also thought to just be legends), Angel was forcefully split apart. Her soul was torn and although Rikki(the one who defeated her) believed that she was gone for good, it seemed that she would just be reincarnated into two other people(Dalis for a long while, later encompassing both Fandahlian species and Humans) that when together could possibly turn into her. It was rare that any of the reincarnates actually met.
The other Cinomeds fell into a deep slumber until the portals would be reopened.
I feel I've rambled long enough about the world 😅 how about my babies next?
Evanna Mays
Evanna is a force to be reckoned with
The youngest queen to ever rule Tongyi, taking the throne soon after her (quite hated)mother's death. She took the throne midway through a war with another kingdom
Evanna herself is loved among her subjects, though many often try to tell her to do or not do certain things. Try to give her restrictions
Like don't fight on the front lines, have an heir if you're gonna do that, just stay on your throne, don't go to other kingdoms it's too dangerous
Each person fails
Especially whenever they bring up an heir, cause it's not like she doesn't like kids she just never wants to have a biological one
And she refuses to marry someone with a kid so they'd become her heir
She's Aro/Ace if ya didn't catch on
Her family all has bright red hair and pastel blue eyes. They're the only ones in all of Vola with these traits and are quite recognizeable.
She later adopts and people get off her case about having an heir because he is her son just not her biological son but that changes nothing cause she loves him and will fight anyone who thinks he's not fit for the throne
Dani Mays
The adopted son
He's just like Evanna, rushing into battle, and citizens of Tongyi just panic because oh fuck he's gonna die he's more reckless than her-
Very social but people treat him so differently cause he's the prince that he can't seem to make any friends and he h a t e s that
Then two humans come into his life and he is very very bi
Queue a whole love-triangle subplot that goes well
Dani adores reading and learning overall, spending hours in Evanna's old study
Becomes King far sooner than he had wanted
Life goes to hell not long after coronation and he suffers from depression and nothing's good for anyone during this time
Does he get a happy ending? Who knows
He doesn't
Oh also he's a biromantic asexual boi and proud
Leona Carter
Young woman with a troubled past, Leona is a very stubborn and apathetic human
Is a high-ranking member of Tempest
It was a last resort in a difficult situation and she's just glad her heart is still beating
Is pretty well-off so long as she follows orders
But if course she later joins a rebellion after becoming very gay for one of her targets that she now refuses to kill for other reasons
Slow burn subplot ensues
She nearly dies many times
95% of the time she does not care if she dies
Just wants a peaceful life
Does she ever get it?
Eventually, after losing something really important though
Marie Sydney
Marie had a decent life, great parents and an awesome protective older brother, and his new daughter
Yeah that all shattered after something happened to her and she was left to cope by herself cause she wasn't sure what to do about the situation
She just adopted a fifteen year old btw who has no idea about her situation
Then she meets Leona
She thinks Leona's great, but there's something off about this news reporter
And then Leona reveals her actual job and the original reason she ever asked Marie out and she's sobbing and a gun is in her hand but she's placing it in Marie's and begging for Marie to pull the trigger
Turns out Marie was a target but Leona just can't kill Marie, not knowing what's happened to Marie nor what could happen now that the two grew close. But Leona's incapable of taking her own life
Marie doesn't pull the trigger
Life somehow gets worse as she's tangled up in this whole Tempest bullshit
Falls for Leona in the process and is very conflicted about it
Taylor Sydney
Adopted by Marie at 15
Her life's pretty normal until a portal is discovered and when she's a high school senior her class is forced to learn about Vola and Tongyi specifically. They eventually go to Tongyi through the portal
Turns out her Mom and Leona know the queen of Tongyi cause things have happened
Meets Dani and Jeremiah
They find out they can form Angel and that's when shit really goes down
Things happen, love confessions made, near death experiences, loves drifting apart, etc. etc.
Doesn't have a happy ending
Jeremiah Canales
My trans boi
I love him, he gets mistaken for Evanna's son quite a lot, usually by humans
He identifies as pan, and doesn't experience dysphoria. Oh and he was a Tempest Engineer for awhile
His family was pretty accepting of him once he reconnected with them(originally drifted apart cause of reasons I have yet to create)
Is pretty much the only braincell Angel has when formed
He feels really, really guilty that weapons he created were used to kill dozens of people and somehow equates that to him killing them even if he was forced to make the weapons
Oh and Deathstriker(highest ranking member of Tempest) uses his Tempest name and despite being absolutely awful in every way refuses to deadname or misgender him
It's the one thing he'll ever appreciate Deathstriker doing
This ain't even all the characters(obviously). There's still Kord Sydney, Chloe Jansen, and Neva Sydney, all of whom are still being developed. Deathstriker, and all the Cinomeds. Past Angels that will be relevant at different parts of the story. And many other characters that I've never even mentioned in the past.
Anywho fair warning, the series does not end quite that happily. I'm hoping to make the last chapter(an epilogue) to have a bittersweet feeling but idk I'm debating it.
Anyway if you got this far....
Thanks? I think? Idk I've never had anyone get this far I think in any original thing I've ever made- if you got this far tho here's some hearts cause I love you for taking some sort of interest in my personal creations 😅
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yedumb · 6 years
Hii~~ Ygtb asks!! 11, 14 +17 ^^
hi hi hi bb :3 thanks for sending the ask!!!
11. you can only choose one song covered by the trainees to listen to for the next 24 hours. which cover do you choose?
THIS. A:LSFD MY BRAIN IMMEDIATELY YELLED ‘REALLY’ by yedam+keita so i guess there it is. ‘oh yeah’ was really close too sldkfjjasd
14. your favorite duo?
hajeongwoo by FAR i love them so much. i love that they met recently and got SO close even tho haruto and jeongwoo have a small language barrier. their voices are polar opposites and the fact that they’re a rapper and a singer?? wow yg pls. make them be a unit one day a girl can dream
17. pick a trainee to go grocery shopping with.
yunseo so we can make that vongole pasta oof xDDD
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bluebutnotsad · 6 years
Lol ok so that guy in the last post? He’s gross. Lol. I was rly happy at the time but there’s no denying he was a total rebound, and not even a good looking one. I said he was cute and beautiful but tbh I was feeling rly insecure at the time anyways so I really would’ve got with anyone.
Since then though, I’ve made out with 6 guys LOL. 4 in one night, 2 in another. :| Tbh, 4/6 were pretty attractive, whilst the other 2 were a bit meh. I went on a date with one and he was super rich, yet he had such a trashy, hoodrat personality. He was just rly weird the whole night tbh.
Also, 3/6 of those guys are Asian, which was big for me since I had previously only ever been with white guys before. Some were really cute too, but they were all really shy haha.
There’s one emo looking guy who I gave my number to and we texted for like 5 days. He’s not even from London (idk if I mentioned that before but yeah I’m in London) but he’s actually from Wales and was only visiting for a few days. Idk as I started messaging and snapping him more and more, I got less and less attracted to him until I eventually just told him I didn’t want a relationship or anything. I even said I didn’t wanna be friends cuz I’d feel too weird lol.
I do really find Asian guys attractive (so far I’ve only met Chinese guys) and they are usually nice but the whole language barrier thing can get in the way sometimes and make things awkward when there is a lack of understanding about what’s being said. I really need to learn a new language tbh. I recently went on a date with a Chinese guy and he was pretty cute and had really cool style. However, the conversation between us was a bit lacking at times, and tbh a bit boring.
Tbh I’ve rejected a few guys recently and now I’m kinda sad that no guys are talking to me rn. Lol. Just gotta meet more!!
I made my first gay male friend in London!! Lol. I have a few from back home but all the ones I’ve met here have either been into me or I’ve been into them (or both). So it’s really refreshing meeting someone like him and he’s rly nice and funny and we get on pretty well. I actually went clubbing with him and a few others yesterday and that was the first time in a while that I had fun with just my friends and no boys (excluding my friend) at a club.
I’ve made so many friends this year tbh, which is great and all but idk i just don’t feel super close to any of them. Idk. I wanna try to be though with at least one!! But I can’t force anything I knowww.
I wanna cry loads all the time but I just can’t. Sometimes I just feel really sad but not sad enough to cry. Idk why, there’s just a lot of things. Even with all these friends, I can still feel kinda lonely. I don’t like talking about this stuff to my friends though cuz then I’ll look weird or I’ll be known as that sad/depressed guy and then they’ll wanna talk to me less. I don’t want that :(
I got an iPhone XR recently and OOF I am THRIVING!!
Nah tho tbh, I think I’m ok rn. My ex still lives with me and will for like 5 more months. He can be so annoying at times and sometimes I just get really annoyed and upset at the fact that he’s still here. When he moves out I never wanna see him again. I’ve tried to be nice to him but my god he has so many fucking problems and at this point, I really don’t give a fuck about his well-being. I just want him gone. Like 3 weeks ago he came home really high on coke and ket and tried to make out with me and was being really disgusting. I fucking hate him and his drugs being near me. It gives me such bad anxiety and bad flashbacks to when we were dating.
Next week is looking a bit tough since I have a computer lab report to do 🤢 However, I’m gonna visit my school friends in Newcastle so I’m pretty excited to see them and go out there.
Anyways, Blue is signing out once again.
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softjun · 6 years
Hi mei!! 1/9/13/25 for the ask game
1. are you currently crushing on someone?
9. when was the last time someone broke your heart?
eh i’ve never really had my heart broken in a romantic context… like the closest thing was ig seeing a crush date someone else but like. that’s not rlly super heart breaking lmao it just burns a lil
13. do you have a crush on the person you last kissed?
they’re cool but nah
25. if you could date a celebrity, who would it be?
oOF I DON’T KNOW… realistically i wouldn’t actually be able to communicate with jun at this particular moment in time lmao since i’m still at the beginner mandarin level so uh i guess i’d say shua? tho this isn’t exactly a realistic question to begin with so if we say language is no barrier then idk if i’d even choose junhui tbh… a massive betrayal but honestly seunkwan or hoshi are more in line with my ideal type lmaooo which kind of aligns with that one text post where the person pointed out that peoples’ biases tend to be more like themselves whereas their bias wreckers tend to be closest to their ideal type
romantic asks
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