#(the answer is probs the same as for any other kind of art
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fedoraspooky · 2 months
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(sorry for the screenshots @twilightfreefaller but I wasn't sure how else to answer submissions without like editing it and making it look like you wrote the answer too or something? .w.)
Anyway, to answer your question: The character you've drawn here (very well for mspaint i might add!) is none other than Black Ace, who belongs to @zeurelart!
The kind of tournaments you're asking about were/are known as OC Tournaments, or OCTs for short. While I may not have made Black Ace, funny enough, I was a participant in the same tournament, Escape From Nevara! Our characters never crossed paths, though. XD Here's the lil guy I entered, if you're wondering:
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Also I HAVE drawn Black Ace before, fighting Chester! (Chester wasn't in Escape From Nevara so this was purely a what-if scenario I drew for funsies.)
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....Damn, i was really cookin with my art back then, what happened? XD ;
Now Chester WAS in another tournament, though it was more an AU of himself. You see, back on dA around the same time was a huge open submission OCT going on called Samurai Duelers League, where you would enter your character (you DID have to change them to match the old samurai-era Japan setting of the tournament though if they otherwise didn't fit, hence the AU) and fight other people who entered, and it wasn't an elimination tournament so you could still fight others even if it was determined you lost.
Here's what Chester looked like for SDL:
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And while he didn't participate in the tournament as an entrant, Chester as his normal robot self was also in spectator entries as a side character in a tournament named Infractus Fatality!
As for Charlie, I sadly only made him in the last few years or so, well after the OCT scene on dA had largely died. Not to mention I left dA due to their AI bs shortly after I made him, so even if OCTs were still a thing on there I probs wouldn't have stuck around for it. ;w;
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But MAN he would've been perfect for OCTs!! I literally made him because I was inspired by watching cool stickman fight animations! And in canon he's a living weapon, he was engineered specifically for combat and blowing stuff up! If there were any characters I could have sent into a situation where they have to fight other characters for survival or a wish or what have you, it should've been him! But alas, I made him way too late.
People still run OCTs on discord and... i think twitter, these days? But idk, I don't really like being on twitter and discord is such a closed off space that discoverability is super low.
But man, I can dream...
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swollenbabyfat · 5 months
How did you come to draw and paint the way you do? What inspirations do you pull from? All of your art oozes with some strange, almost ethereal emotion I've not quite seen anywhere else, something similar to what I'd like to capture with my own works.
I’ve always had a bit of a hard time answering this bc like…I honestly think aesthetic/inspirational/taste stuff is a library you build up over your whole life, or maybe a closet that you try things on to see what does and doesn’t work for you. My biggest advice to this kinda stuff is to experiment a lot and take in a lot of media in a purposeful way, and try to actively apply things you like about said medias to your work. And don’t just consume stuff within your field, I take inspiration from a ton of stuff that isn’t art. I also recommend having somewhere to keep a kind of reserve of inspo, wether it be on tumblr or Pinterest or what have you.
So with that being said I’ll try to sum up what I can about myself.
I’m a horror lover, have been since I was (too) young. I’ve consumed a ton of horror movies, read a lot of books, and certainly have digested a lot of art about it. I am a bit of a haunted person haha, and I’ve always really attached myself to horror, and with some exception to just purely cute stuff I truly am always thinking about it with my work. I am not really aiming to make people feel comfortable with my stuff, in fact often the opposite, but many feel understood anyways which feels nice. I don’t think horror for horrors sake is always as fufilling to me, it always pulls from something internal that I’ve been wrestling with or are afraid of myself.
I am classically trained in fine art due to the kind of art program my highschool had (magnet program if that means anything to anyone), it was incredibly good and I always feel so lucky I got to go there. Bc of this I learned a lot of techniques in painting as well as the fundamental of art. I don’t think my art would be the way it is without this training, but I also think with how the internet is now you can probably do the same thing at your own pace, just have to be dedicating a decent amount of time and mental energy into it.
Bc of my highschool training I also learned about art history, which had a big impact on me, particularly renaissance, baroque, and rococo. Religious imagery as well had a huge impact on me, particularly catholic (probs cause we learned about it it the most). I would say doing master studies with these would be a huge help.
I would say it’s important to me that each “full” illustration tells a story of sorts, I can’t really help it, I’m a story teller at heart. I use a lot of symbolic imagery, I pull a lot from religious imagery but also within fruit, flowers, personal objects… I think “what am I trying to say with this work” and kind of go from there with what I choose. Make your own personal symbolism language.
There’s like this certainty digital painting aesthetic I really enjoy by niche furry artist lol, many of them really nsfw so I don’t feel comfortable linking to them. It’s like…highly detailed well rendered pieces that they make with literally one brush that is often without any kind of pen pressure, just layering things with opacity. It’s crazy and yeah idk they’re definitely up there in inspo for me.
I really really care about fashion. Lolita was my first love in terms of clothing, and I pull a ton of inspiration from it, but also a lot of other street styles and runways stuff. I like drama and frills.
I play with my art and stories in a way that I don’t know how to describe other than childlike. It’s important for me to do so in my process, but basically, I let my imagination run wild, I talk to my characters, I listen to music and think about them. A lot of my bigger pieces take a lot of time of me thinking about them ahead a time, I draw in my head a lot. Sketchbooks are a huge help in this.
I thiiiiiink that’s all I have to say for now…I could probably list a million things but this feels like a good core to start with. I hope it’s not too vague, but I’m always good to keep answering stuff like this if you wanna know about one part in depth.
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silly-comics · 2 months
I got a question or more, sorry if they is dumb it probably is, anyway
Anything New About The Comic That You Got Done Yet? Not Rushing
And that last ask got me wondering sorry if this is the dumbest question, but why do you ship killer x cross and Horror x dust? If you don't mind me asking
I have no problem with the ships they just seem off to me but that's my opinion so I just wanted to know why or your opinion on why you ship them?
Sorry if it's dumb I just wanna know
Back to the question this is the last one
What ships do you find gross or disturbing? I just want your look on things
Ik this is long I'm sorry-
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been going through one of my depressive episodes and I typically fall out of drawing for months when those happen. So I haven’t really made any progress on the comic, which is what I know yall don’t wanna hear. School should be starting back up again sometime soon though and I’ll be forced to draw so I’ll probs get back into then.
For your second question:
I ship Killer X Cross because I think their dynamic would be interesting and a bit goofy. Killer being the bastard he is goes well with Cross who would balance him out and perhaps make less bad choices. On the other hand, Killer could teach Cross how to loosen up a bit and live a little. They can also both relate on the “I was once sharing a body with Chara” thing lol. Plus, I think Cross could maybe have the same end effect that Color would have on Killer in that if they were to realize that maybe being under Nightmares power isn’t so healthy, Cross could help steer Killer towards the path of freedom?
Horror x Dust is a little more tricky to explain. I feel it came more from a place of necessity rather than genuine love for each other? They got together to stabilize each other while under Nightmare, it was a way to cope. It’s a bit toxic with Horror’s constant paranoia/distrustfulness/anger issues and Dust’s apathy/indifference and the tendency to dissociate as well as major move swings. I like to think there’s a time where they eventually work this stuff out and can actually be together, I don’t think it’s realistic. At least without another outsiders help, like shipping Horror with Farm and Dust with Fell. If it was more of a poly, the other two could help stabilize Horror and Dust I feel.
I love angst and stuff but at the same time it makes my heart ache so much 😭 so these aren’t like the only pairings I like with the group. I like the idea of it being a poly of all of them, including Nightmare, with varying levels of closeness.
For the ships I find gross/disturbing: I feel like the obvious ones do not need to be named, so just the proship ones. I’m not usually the type to go on a rant about proshipping and stuff, so I’ll leave it at that.
If you’re asking what type of ships I personally dislike though, that answer is also a little boring as I don’t really mind what other people think as long as it’s not weird. Like, I’ll occasionally see something like Nightmare X Fresh and the most I’ll do is question where that idea came from. Good art is good art so you’ll get a like from me no matter the subject (besides the obvious boundaries).
Also, guys, you gotta stop apologizing cause I love ranting and answering your questions 🥺 you guys have been very kind
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struck-by-the-rain · 4 days
haha hey you know that ask game you reblogged. what if. the prompt i gave you from it...... was all of them . grins EVILLY
UMMM!!!! TEEHEEE!!!! hi anon here's the dissertation u requested from this ask game, obviously im doing joe and sk (Ziggy) bc who else would i be able to answer 30 questions about??? i went into detail w all of these
under cut bc loooong and theres some doodles
1. What’s their love languages?
love languages are pseudoscience but as i said in a post before (and as u can see from my art and hopefully writing lmao) they're a very physically affectionate couple to me! to paraphrase my ramble from a bit ago, they're both the type of autistic person to thrive on physical touch but Joe's spent most of his life being extremely lonely and touch-starved. so I think Ziggy (whos like. a very clingy cat kinda) just loves to be rly gentle and affectionate w Joe in a way he never thought he'd ever experience or deserve. sobs a little (idk i make em v v sappy bc. comfort ship)
2. Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
i dont knowwwwwwww but if i ever end up putting tha things i wanna write/finish writing on ao3 theyd probs be tagged friends to lovers which i assume is what the question's asking? and probs also hurt/comfort kinda i guess, in both "directions" but i def think Joe has more Problems in his life than Ziggy, especially when they first meet, so it just goes that way (again, comfort ship. i project my problems onto both of them but maybe more on joe soooo)
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who’s banned from the kitchen?
Joe's a good cook I think, out of necessity (because his dad was such a terrible one) and also he takes it up as a hobby! not too sure about Ziggy, im tempted to say he sucks a bit at it n is just a bit clumsy and incompetent. 6switcher also lives with Ziggy and Joe and he's kind of like, a 3rd (platonic) member of the relationship and cooks for them all occasionally!!!
4. What’s their favorite sleeping/cuddling positions?
again they're like velcro around each other so i think they always hold each other when sleeping,, its v. comforting for both of them!!! i went thru my art tag and ive literally drawn them snoozing like 9 quintillion times and kinda similar each time,,,, the comfy cozies,,,
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also really liking the hc that space kickers are kinda catlike in some ways so maybe sometimes Joe wakes up and like. his arms numb because Ziggy's curled up like a cat and is lying on it or Ziggy's sprawled out in the most bizarre sleeping position possible.
5. Who does what chores?
They have a cat (remix 9) that was also originally Joe's so he probably looks after that side of things, and as I said Joe also does the majority of the cooking I think!!! Other than that I can't really see them particularly dividing things out in a special way, maybe bc they r both autistic they have sensory hangups around certain things and the other takes charge! and again 6switcher lives w them so does some of it
6. Do they go out often or prefer to stay indoors?
When they first meet Joe is still living in the basement and they meet behind Senior's back, so they pretty much have to spend all their time out and about! which they both enjoy. When they move in together I still think they do a lot of fun things together out and about :) especially bc I imagine Ziggy's place is in the middle of a big city w lots of stuff to do!! and they also play for the same football team! but I think they're both good at looking at each other and deciding to skip a plan/social gathering
7. Who is the more romantic one?
i dont knowwwwwwwwwwwwww they are literally just. so sappy to each other. maybe I'd say Ziggy - they call Joe a bunch of really sappy petnames and gives him physical affection a loooot
8. Do they have any favorite activities to do together?
football :)))) Ziggy teaches Joe how to play, Joe teaches Ziggy to be happy w/ doing the sport for fun and not professionally (Zig had 2 retire early when he was young)! I think they also like to watch football games together (either at the stadium or on tv)!! also I think there's a market (like a night market!!) near where they live so they visit there quite often. ohhh and stargazing sniffle
9. Baths or showers together? Do they like elaborate ones with bubbles and flower petals?
probably not - Ziggy likes 2 take really cold baths/showers while Joe likes 2 take really hot ones bc in my mind palace space kickers are adapted to colder temperatures than humans! maybe they tried a few times but it didn't work out bc they kept arguing! but I think they'd both be fans of really long fancy baths n run them for each other
10. Who drives and who picks out the music?
Ziggy drives a silly little stereotypical ufo, Joe picks out the music (usually the rockers)
11. What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
as much as Ziggy isn't a huge fan of the rockers (Joe is), "that one song" (the rockers 2 song,,, enjoy my shitty in universe name) is their song because they had their first kiss/got together as a couple at the battle of the bands!!! so that 1 ig
12. Who gets up the earliest? Who has the worst sleep schedule? Who is the sleepiest?
Another hc I've thought already abt before is they have different sleep schedules, partially because they're different species! Ziggy goes to sleep later/wakes up earlier than Joe and also spends time awake in the night/napping, a bit like a cat kind of! they should maybe consider getting seperate beds but they are wayyyy too clingy w each other to consider that dfjkdjdjd. Joe's the sleepier one I think, especially before they move in w/ each other and he's overtired from training so much and probably has a bit of an unhealthy habit of denying himself sleep. he's the kind of guy to say "oh i'm fine, i'm tired but i don't need to sleep now!" and then Ziggy will play with his (remaining) hair for 2 minutes while they're watching tv together and he'll be like honk shoo honk shoo. i think in general he struggles to sleep normally but doesn't when Ziggy is there :')
13. What’s their opinions on PDA?
hypocritical,,, they both tend to be annoyed by others doing it, but are very pda-y themselves
14. Who does fashion shows after a mall trip and who watches and compliments them?
Ziggy is a v. fashionable guy and considers buying/modifying/making clothes a hobby, and probably even gets suuuper into it and likes to do lil mock fashion shows for Joe (like walking up and down the room as if it's the catwalk).
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He also likes to buy Joe clothes n stuff, at first he buys Joe kinda fancy fashion-y things (wiimix7 outfit!!!) and then learns what he acc likes to wear (rly comfy cozy sweaters n stuff).
15. Do they go on vacations together? Where is their favorite place to visit?
they visit Joe's home planet quite often because he gets homesick and also ends up with earthling family other than senior. and they probs go to the beach there too or smth :)
16. What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
Joe has a growing collection of earthling plants (part of their apartment is slowly turning into a jungle) to feel more at home, and they love looking after them together, and Ziggy loves to listen to Joe talk about the different plants and how he's making sure they're all happy!!!
17. What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
very cliche but they cuddle up (under a blanket if its cold) and watch TV every night until one of them (usually Joe) starts falling asleep... Usually things like football games or like, shows/movies from their respective planets which they feel is important to introduce the other to. idk its just a mega important part of their routine to both of them :)
18. What does a date night out look like for them?
uhhhhhh idk Ziggy takes fuckin forever to get ready and pick an outfit and stuff a lot of the time! I think they live in a big city on Ziggy's planet w a lot of stuff to do so they have p varied date nights,,, stuff like going for nice dinners or concerts or watching the space/cosmic dance together! but tbf i think their fav date nights r like,, just stargazing together on a quiet hillside or something. i think if they're at a concert or a restaurant or whatever they often end up stargazing together anyway bc they both get overwhelmed easily n go and sit outside to chill for a bit
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
when Joe was still living in the basement, letters! they communicated mainly by post during that period of their relationship and I think they'd just,,, include little inside jokes or send each other little heart candies n stuff. when theyre together i think theyd do things like subtly holding/touching hands or one holding on to the others coat or whatever,,, like idk theyre just always holding on to each other whether subtly or not
20. What clothes/accessories do they steal from each other?
Ziggy steals all of Joe's sweaters, even the ones he buys for Joe as a gift, bc they're oversized and really comfy and just like,,, feel like a big hug to him!!! Joe also lends him a pink rockers t-shirt one day so they can match at the battle of the bands and it becomes Ziggy's fav pyjamas! idk if Joe steals any of Ziggy's extensive wardrobe bc a lot of it isn't his style, though i could see him taking a liking to Ziggy's scarves :)
21. Which of their friends/family pokes fun at them for them getting flustered/affectionate?
6switcher basically bullies them 24/7, and Ziggy likes to playfully make fun of Joe for getting super flustered, often after doing something intentionally to make him flustered
22. How do they apologize after arguments?
I think Joe overapologises and overexplains a lot (now im thinkin Ziggy would do the same as well. but especially Joe), but he'd also default to baking something for them. I think Ziggy would just come and wrap their arms around Joe after they've had an argument
23. Do they like pick up lines?
They both see pick up lines as kind of cringe and would use them as a joke/bit! I think they both don't get why anyone would use those kind of things unironically
24. What are their favorite places to kiss on their partner(s)? What are their favorite types of kisses?
Zig likes to kiss Joe all over,,, but their fave is the very tip of Joe's nose, like it just makes him completely melt every time. I like to draw/imagine them also kissing him on the forehead n cheeks a lot. I hc space kickers as having patterns on their skin, I think Joe finds Ziggy's really really pretty so he likes kissing each of the lil spots and stuff on his shoulders and arms and stuff sniffle... ye
25. What is their dream home? Do they buy a place together? Who plans the decorations and who does the heavy lifting?
When they first meet and are long distance they both dream of living like,, anywhere together. I think they're pretty happy in Ziggy's little apartment, but eventually I imagine them moving to Joe's planet (because he missed it a lot) in a lil house and maybe running a kids football academy or smth! Idk exaactly what the interior decor is like but probs like,, cozy and full of plants n sunlight (projecting my dream home dreams onto them lmfao)
26. Do they have any pets or kids?
They have a cat and a fuck tonne of plants
27. Who would propose? What would their wedding be like?
im so unsure of which 1 would propose to the point where im considering the sappy gay relationship trope where they both propose at the same time!!! Whoever proposes, I think they'd do it outside live house ogu where they had their first kiss for sentimental reasons... I think Joe especially would want to get married bcs he has like,, no family or anything after running away from the basement (before he reunites w his mum), and he'd see getting married as a big part of leaving his past behind him and also becoming part of Ziggy's family! I think their wedding would have a mix of both earthling and sk traditions (whatever they are), space gramps would officiate it, 6switcher would be the best man and idk. gay space marriage (old art below)
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28. What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
before they live together i think they know where each others planets in the night sky are and they look out for them every night, and probably also swap clothes so they can feel closer to each other! Joe has an old film camera that his dad stored in the basement and he takes pictures of em as lil mementos :)
29. What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
They spend a lot of time deliberating about whether to move back to Joe's home planet and maybe disagreeing on that! Joe misses it sometimes and has family/friends there, while Ziggy's job/football team/friends/family are on their planet. They compromise by makin lots of visits before/after they move I think, idk. I also think they never agree on like, how hot the room should be bc theyre adapted to diff temperatures lol
30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
im SOOOO normal about them they make me ILL!!!! and ive learned like 90000000 art things just to draw better pics of them!!!!!!! and they bring me so much genuine comfort!!!!!!! as an extra thing I think they'd speak mix of each other's languages to each other
thanks for reading this far and thank you anon for enabling me
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ghost-drfizz-au · 6 months
Welcome to the Ghost!Dr. Fizz ask blog !!!
This pinned is made to explain the rules for questions , the general story of the au , some general info abt Fizz himself , and general info related to this ask blog !!
Info about Dr. Fizz
Pronouns : He/It/They/She , all in order of most preferred to least preferred .
Gender : Trans Man
Sexuality + Romantic Attraction : Omnisexual (Pref. For Men) + Nebularomantic
Age : Adult . Prob in his 30s or so .
Any other information will be given as more questions are asked !
The General "Story"
(I put story in quotes bc there's not rlly much story wise)
This takes place a couple of weeks after the events of Box's Exit interview , which caused Dr. Fizz to die permanently after blowing his top from anger . He now currently lives in the attic of Purgatory Mansion , found a phone while he was looking around and just decided to use tumblr ask blogs to avoid going insane from a lack of social interaction . That's about it .
Rules !!!
Yes , this ask blog obviously comes with rules . Basic stuff you gotta follow if you want to ask questions . Any questions that do not follow these rules will be ignored and blocked .
NO NSFW QUESTIONS While Dr. Fizz in this au may be an adult , the runner of this account is a minor . This means no NSFW questions or comments of any kind . ("I want you" jokes and whatnot are fine though because I find them funny .)
NO SPAMMING YOUR QUESTION No one wants to deal with notifs blowing up because you want your question asked . Please send one at a time and wait for yours to be answered .
PLEASE KEEP QUESTIONS IN UNIVERSE Some questions may be things that Fizz in this au doesn't really know about (or know about yet) so please try to keep questions related to things that can be answered with stuff other than just "What ?" because it gets annoying after a while . Also I likely won't be taking questions ooc unless it's just small notes .
NO MAGIC ANONS / ROLEPLAYS Magic anons are asks that transform the character or change something about the ask blog for a certain amount of asks (ex : "__ Is now a cat for 5 asks" "The floor is lava for 2 asks .") As fun as these are , I do not know how to currently make this work in the au and therefore will not be taking them . This reason is the same with roleplays and hugging too . I'm sorry but y'all are just a bunch of people in a phone he found you cannot hug him . You'd phase right through him anyways .
General Info For the Blog !
Most questions will not have drawings . However , if I so wish to do so , some questions may have art accompany them (Don't expect any art for the background as I'm too lazy to do that .)
As I said before , I most of the time will not be answering questions ooc . BUT , if you do have a question / concern I feel should be answered ooc , I will do so .
This ask blog is inspired by a lot of tumblr ask blogs I've seen in 2019 and whatnot , but the main inspiration is ask-ii-drfizz's ask blog ! I would highly recommend checking their account out if you wish to ask the canon ver of Fizz questions !
Finally , here's a reference for Ghost!Dr. Fizz !
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With that , Have fun asking !!!!
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morganpdf · 9 months
U kno what. Go ham and answer all (or as many of the questions as you want/are relevant) for uhhhhhh Robin and/or Fig (idr if Fig is your OC or Justice’s OC so I’ll leave it up to you)
damb!!!!!!!!!! an excuse to talk too much about robin lets go!!!!!!! (fig is @saltylenpai's and he's not feeling 2 well so i dont wanna bombard him w messages rn dsfds but if i know something for them ill answer it)
also warning for ~mature themes~ or w/e bc this is about robin and she fucks. sorry (nothing graphic just the acknowledgement that she does)
also just for clarity's sake, when i say 'connect 4' thats just the name juice & i use for august/piper/robin/felix bc thats easier than naming them one by one dsfds. on w the show
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
god ngl i can't really, remember, justice might have named her?? like. that's the most likely scenario :sob: he's named so many of my ocs when we were doing back-and-forths trying to figure out the vibes of guys. robin was fun tho bc she didnt have a name when i first posted her bc i really liked her design and wanted to post it despite not having. u know. a name for her yet. also just checked her og post and it has 69 notes. its what she would want
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
when i first made her, robin was 25! now its sort of just a nebulous mid-to-late 20s depending on when art of her takes place tbh! i'd say she's 24/5-ish around the start of that story (so, like, when she finally breaks it off 100% w zoey [her shitty ex that she started dating in highschool], piper moves in w her, potential one night stand w felix, etc etc). maybe a little younger but also not by much. by the time she's got shit more figured out (ie felix has moved in, she & piper have started dating, getting help for her various neuroses etc) would be like 28-29, probs in her 30s by the time they ALL move in together imo. i could be off w that tho but its fine dsbhfs their story is always changing and growing so who knows!
okay wait i just came back to this like 3 hours after starting to write these & sitting on it and. i think robin is roughly 23 when zoey breaks up w her and piper moves in. august is in her senior year of undergrad when she meets piper (again) and she's younger than robin. i think piper is the youngest?? okay wait. ok. robin is 23 when piper moves in, who is 21 at the time. august is 22 & felix is like 21 and a half. or something. at the very beginning. or maybe robin is 22 and piper is 20 and they dont encounter august for another year or so??? idk. ill figure this out eventually. where i draw her most is her late 20s when shes happy w everyone HSDVSFV thats what matters
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
yeas :3 felix is their partner/fiancé (they dont get married for a long time even after getting engaged bc robin just, really likes calling them her fiancé. it's really special to her) and piper is her girlfriend!! it took a long time for robin to realize she was worth loving tbh but all of connect 4 are out here trying to remind her whenever they can (even august. begrudgingly.) (also just to clarify, august is piper's wife) (and felix's gym buddy/bestie/fuck buddy) (she and robin have some sort of fwb thing going on. enemies with benefits. they pretend to hate each other but dont be fooled. theyre besties) (august just isnt romantically involved w anyone But piper) (same w felix & robin)
also fig is dating wren! however i have no current art of them :sob: he's a sweetheart printmaking major who meets fig in school. fig is a fine arts type major who minors in, like, photography, & also tries to work w as many mediums as possible. wren is kind of infatuated w them but tries to hide it bc he's... a dork. he's a dork who does NOT know how to talk to people. and takes to doodling fig in their sketchbook & making prints abt the nebulous Feelings they give him. fig is Aware of it but is Very Autistic abt it all & cant place their own feelings for a while. it all comes to a head when they're. like. hanging out together in the studio and fig just drops a description of how theyve been feeling around wren and wren is like. um. ummmm. did they just fucking. confess to me. and then it's another week before wren is like heeyyyyyyyyyy. would you. like to go on a date. and fig is like. ok :) anyways theyre very in love.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
is coffee a food. i think robin would live off of it if she could. felix is like, the main reason she starts actually Eating Food Normally bc they wont let her drink 5 iced coffees & call it a day. but to tell u the truth ive never really thought abt her fav food! it's probably something really simple, tho, like one of her dad's pasta recipes. comfort foods to the max.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
robin works as a barista at the coffee shop below her apartment (let me have this fantasy). ive said it once and i'll say it again: robin is the epitome of coffee shop au (derogatory). she doesnt Hate it bc so much free coffee & all her coworkers are some kind of queer but shes also like. not exactly a social butterfly & if anyone's ever a jackass to her she will Not take it (let me have this fantasy also). she's llike 5' even but if anyone yells at any of her coworkers. even ones she doesnt like. she's up to bat so fast. u wanna speak to the manager? ok speak to me. ill kill you
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
YEAS robin likes to sew & make clothes/costumes in her spare time. zoey used to make fun of her abt it so she kind of fell off of it for a while, but when piper moved in w her & showed interest in it, robin picked it back up! didn't get fully back into it for a while, but she's out here making clothes for connect 4 as a labor of love (esp felix bc. theyre fucking huge & have trouble finding things in their size sometimes. especially in the arms). also i specify costumes bc she absolutely drags all of them 2 conventions w her in themed cosplays that, like, none of them but robin understand dvgfsdgv. she also sometimes tag-teams w ellis (august's old college roomie) bc xe's actually really into cosplay & nerd shit but can't sew. however xe CAN work w robin to add cool practical effects to costumes and as much as they bully each other . ngl their cosplays always fuck. OH ALSO robin has a tattoo gun . she gives herself tattoos sometimes. when she's feeling it. sometimes the others get in on it dsfds
🎯 -What do they do best?
bitch and moan and be a hater. fuck nasty lesbian style. etc etc
jokes aside tbh . i dont want to boil her down to "barista" but she IS, like, good at what she does. the shit she makes slaps. one of those bitches who has as many fancy coffee gadgets around the apartment as she can afford (and some she cant). no one's complaining tho bc. despite all the bitching she does. she really likes doing things 4 the people she loves and has everyones morning favs down pat
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
once more. bitch and moan and be a hater & fuck nasty lesbian style. dsvbhgfvbsdh. this is only half a joke tbh robin can be hypersexual & genuinely really enjoys sex so like. yeah. she loves to bone down w any mix of connect 4 and it's a blessing that there's 3 other people bc sometimes i dont think any one of them could keep up. lmao. other than that she enjoys, like, reading indie comics & also manga tbh. loves to cuddle up w felix in bed while they read bc they have sleeping trouble & she knows she helps sometimes. loves to plan dates & hangouts even if she complains the whole time. loves spending any & all time she can w her loved ones now that she lets herself Connect on an emotional level as for shit she hates 2 do. working closers @ opening back to back (happens often). not a fan of cooking. hates going to the gym but will do it to watch felix & august work out. thinks most chores are a sisyphean task that she, personally, has been burdened with (enjoys doing laundry tho). hates talking abt her feelings but gets better abt it
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
the first christmas she spent w felix was. ngl. life changing for her. even if shit broke bad shortly after :sob: (they get it worked out but it gets messy for a hot second). genuinely one of the first times she feels Loved for who she is & like she could deserve it someday. which scares the hell out of her in the moment but. despite everything she still thinks abt it fondly also. when she proposes to felix is up there. not necessarily the proposal (that was slapdash & embarrassing and she kind of wants 2 crawl into the dirt) (after weeks of planning & getting cold feet Once Already, she just drops it on felix while they're driving & they nearly crash bc thats nothing they would have ever expected robin 2 say. and robin ends up so embarrassed she nearly has a panic attack trying to backtrack bc what was she doing what was she saying this was the worst obviously youre going to say no im so sorry please ignore everything ive said in the past 5 minutes--) (felix has to pull over on the side of the road to help robin Chill)but the aftermath, when she's calmed down enough that felix is able to be like, hey, hey, baby. look at me. you can take it back if you really want but the answer would be yes either way ok? and they have a Moment and end up making out w robin sat up on the guard rail while the sun sets around them. very romantic save for all the honking they get
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
most anything involving her ex and highschool. tbh. that's all kind of a blur for her but it's not like she Wants to remember any of it. zoey has always preyed on her insecurities & kind of molded her into the bitter cunt she pictures herself as so. it's kind of all bad. she wasn't a good person when she was with zoey & she knows it & feels guilty abt it. other contenders include: when she lied to her dads abt going to college in LA (she went for a semester and dropped out) specifically to be w zoey, knowing they wouldnt have Let Her Go had they known zoey was involved (they did not like zoey). any memory involving holidays spent alone (or worse: w zoey) when she would ignore calls from her dads. another contender for worst is the memory of seeing felix for the first time after their initial break up because ough ouch oof owie that sucked shit.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
nope! she was originally a splatoon octoling :^] still very similar vibes tho!
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
juice & i wanted to make splat ocs that were salmon runners! her og lore is that she worked salmon run shifts over night & coffee shop shifts during the day. no time to sleep she needs to make money. now she just has the coffee shop job but she's still just as cranky and mean. FELIX HOWEVER has changed so much. i know this isn't abt felix but its still wild thinking abt just how much they've mellowed out compared to like, og felix.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
slice of life :^] same as august and piper. there's a post going around abt, like, coming of age stories for adults where. u know. people over 25 or whatever are finally coming into their own & if that was a Genre id absolutely smack robin into it. she grows A Lot from her 20s into her 30s. continues to grow from there, too. haven't thought too much abt, like, Older Connect 4 bc i have some Neuroses around that, but shhh
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
robin is cis </3 but a lesbian! <3 fsdfds (august is also cis and a lesbian. piper and felix are the partners w the genders) (piper is a trans lesbian & felix is. genderfluid? queer? has something going on. & bisexual. like. fuck men as a man, fucks women as a woman, etc) (u only technically asked abt robin but shh)
fig is (wavy hand motion) and demi :^] juice is still playing around w their gender, when i asked it was like. some variation of nonbinary or agender leaning on towards transfem. gender simply does not matter to them
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
both robin and fig are only children!
robin feels Guilty abt that often bc she feels like she's kind of a fuck up and that her dads deserved a better daughter (they love her dearly and would never think she's a failure or a burden) (but robin has Neuroses)
fig is. tbh. very much a spoiled only child. theyre very sweet and kind tbh but they were (and are) Very Protected From Everything & their parents can and will do anything for them at any given moment. money is no object. they use this power for good as often as they can tho
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
ope didnt realize this was the next question dsvfgsd so. uh. oopies. i will add on that like. robins dads went the surrogacy route w her. her godmom was the gestational carrier & is pretty good friends w her dads so she shows up to family functions a lot dsfsd. ive yet to design her tho (very double income no kids lesbian aunt vibes from her) (i need to flesh her out more actually) (juice and i half designed robins dads once but didnt settle on anything. need to do that again)
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
i like that robin grows and heals w time, and even though she fucks up she still ends up happy w her friends and family. she has a support system of people who love her. despite going through deep shit & dealing w a lot of mental health issues, she's happy and safe and loved & has learned how to cope w things & is on her way to forgiving herself. she doesnt want to die anymore. she finally looks forward to the future. im normal. dont look too much into this. anyways
as for fig . my fav thing abt them is how in love w the world they are. they never get tired of how beautiful everything is, from sunsets to grass growing in cracks in the sidewalk to the patterns that gnats follow. its part of the reason they get into art tbh. they want to translate that beauty into their work. why they dabble in every medium they can. i love fig so much
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
robin is easily my most drawn oc (followed shortly by jo, but mostly bc jo was like. my only oc for a while & they were directly connected to a special interest at the time) BUT EVEN THEN. I DONT DRAW HER ANYWHERE NEAR ENOUGH 😭😭😭 rip to all my ocs who arent my comfort characters that no one fucking Knows about because i never draw them. BIGGER rip to the OCs who dont even have toyhouse pages bc i only drew them once years ago and have since redesigned in my mind but havent drawn yet. looking @ ellis & atlas & wren & graham especially. sorry to my boys (and ellis) i just never draw guys ever :sob: (posts that made me realize its literally like. all my guy ocs - and ellis - who i havent uploaded yet 😭😭😭)
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
lmao no absolutely not robin is going to live forever. all my ocs are immortal (<- guy who has Intense Neuroses & Anxieties revolving around death and is not in a place where he can unpack that shit yet)
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
i dont think robin has any ACTUAL phobias (like., defined ones. you know what i mean??) (like arachnophobia or agorophobia or w/e), but for the longest time she was terrified of showing anyone that she cares bc she didn't want to get used again. that's why the initial break-up? w felix happens (she admits she loves them during sex & then immediately panics and kicks felix out & runs away to her dads house for a month w/o telling anyone & purges all her socials. she's normal and makes totally rational decisions). she also has a pretty big Fear that zoey is going to dredge up old shit and start shit and make the rest of connect 4 leave her (which. like. zoey DOES try after a couple of years) (bc shes a petty motherfucker who is upset that robin's doing well) (it obviously. doesn't work) (piper writes a. quite frankly. scathing ass message to zoey) (august swears if she were a few years younger & stupider she would have gone out and started a Fight) (felix just holds her so tight) (anyways)
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
fig is absolutely incapable of having an arch-nemesis or rival. like. thats not something that could exist 4 them. they love everyone too much and just assume good intentions. its a problem sometimes.
also robin has several rivals tbqh. the peppy gay barista at work who is too much of a ray of sunshine. she is going to get him to crack. ellis is a rival bc xe hates everyone august has ever slept with (barring piper) (i dont think xe realizes she slept w felix though bc . those two had . a lot of risky hookups in public places i dont think they really ever boned at the apartment LMAO). august is her BIGGEST rival (said lovingly). their relationship is very (robin voice) shut up august im gonna go fuck your wife now. and august bullies her so hard. relentlessly. also full disclosure they also fuck sometimes but its specifically (i warned everyone abt sexual themes or whatever so i can say this) really rough nasty stuff bc august doesnt mind getting rougher w her and robin lives for it. lmao. very hatesex type shit where they're constantly butting heads while robin is tied to the bed. we have fun here
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
i posted robin for the first time on sept 7 2020!! which is the same day as justice's bday which is fun. so! she'll be 4 this year :^] wild as shit tbh it still feels like she's a new oc to me.
fig also looks like they have a 2020 bday, just earlier in the year! wild!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
me sitting here like. okay how much pain am i gonna be in acknowledging how old i was in 2020. okay lets see. ok. robin was a week before my birthday which means i was. oh my god. i was 24. i wasnt even 25 yet. oh my god. ohghh my god. time comes for us all. i made robin older than me when i made her im gonna throw up. im gonna become an oyster. im gona
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I have stopped by to say hello :D
Also I have come bringing a question that has been on my mind for a while and only tired me has the courage(or lack of sense) for this kind of human interaction. Also feel free to ignore this ask if you don't wish to answer.
How did you find me? Why are you following me? I am asking in the most genuine and curious way because like-
You just appeared one day and started to like my posts-
And you seem cool (HOLY SHIT YOUR ART IS🤌✨)
So yea. My curiosity took over.
I am glad tired you is brave (/lacks sense) because tired me is the same
I found your account (it was probs suggested because of the tags or other accounts I follow or something) and I checked what you post and I found that our interests are very similar so I followed you. (If we were in the same class, I bet we'd be friends)
So, you have to know that I hand pick everyone I follow. And the special one I really like get asked for drawing ideas (hope I already asked you because you're one of them)
In short: I find you awesome! :)
And: Yay, you like my art! (Happy sparkles)
(last but not least, you should have expected this:) Tell me what to draw next (still have one thing on my list but after that)
Ps. The thing about me suddenly appearing may be because I've only been on here for a bit over a month -either that or I'm secretly a magician ;)
Pps. I almost sent this but then I noticed that autocorrect betrayed me by writing "I'm short" instead of "in short" - so sorry for any mistakes I may have missed (it's way past my bedtime)
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vegalocity · 2 years
Hello. I hope you don’t mind me asking but I was wondering something about the Tyrant Prince Oblivion au. You see there was a recent ask from @unseelie-robynx about Syntax in that au and in it it was mentioned that her for of “wifed-up” design was being thought up and it got me wondering if there where other interesting things about the other characters who will be “wife-ified”. So can you tell us anything? Also I’m asking you since you did Wife Red’s design so…yeah
I will say first off both me AND @unseelie-robynx are making the Tyrant Prince AU, we're mostly fleshing it out via an extended rp between us, so you can ask either of us and we'll have roughly the same answers about this kind of thing give or take a bad end or a differing timeline one of us came up with on our own (the Red Wakes Up Bad End was almost entirely Robynx's for instance and I've been plotting out one I like to call The Cavalry Falls)
But in relation to the question, i will say we do have a couple of 'Wife' setups depending on the timeline, and all of them have specific Vibes and Aesthetics that are brought to the table.
So obviously there's Red, and his 'wife' look is very... 50's traditional i suppose you could say, very 'summer home in Stepford' as we call it
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But you all already knew that, Wife Red is one of the main visual draws for this AU lmao
Huntsman is another person that got wife-ified, and he and Red are the only two that are always put in this position no matter the TP Timeline. (since Huntsman 'willingly' went into things to get the rebellion access to the music for an eventual reverse to be made and then getting left there for too long on Spider Queen's call to call off the rescue to avoid detection is kind of the real reason why any PLOT can happen at all after a certain point)
But Huntsman's design is based mostly on the fact that Xiaotian is still decently arachnophobic, and from his bias it lead to Red's bias, and thus they directed Huntsman toward looks that 'covered him up' so to speak. we settled on a 'gothic lolita' type aesthetic and... ngl when i was drawing it out...
he honestly kills it
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(though my own art style might have some part in that since my artistic influences have a lot of Shoujo in them so my character art tends to come out a fair bit softer)
In the Bad End where Syntax gets wife-ified just by getting caught, we went for something kind of 'victorian' since, as Robynx has said, the Court (mainly Xiaojiao and Xiaotian, but Red's not innocent in this either) kind of took a lot of frustration out on him for how much of a troublesome prisoner he was, thus he'd be specifically put in stuff that purpousefully gives him some constant low level misery.
Corsets that are always a bit TOO tight and press the implant against his spine, big poofy skirts that are super NOT Good texture and he's the only one we agreed would be put in heels (since Red probs rarely wears shoes at all and Huntsman would more likely be in Mary Janes for The AestheticTM) all specifically to restrict his movement and make life as baseline miserable as possible but in ways that people wouldn't notice.
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but he IS more protected in the Red Wakes Up ending since these freaks do still consider themselves heroes and thus would probably honor the deal Huntsman struck with Red to come quietly in exchange for Syntax's general wellbeing
as such I think they'd probably put him in something softer, less specifically put together to hurt, though I personally do still like the 'period peice' concept for like irony's sake, so personally i'm fond of like, a 'turn of the century Gibson Girl' type look in that particular ending
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Robynx already told y'all our general ideas on what would happen to Spindrax in either of the ends that she appears in, but in a few of them she doesn't really show up at all, and in THOSE timelines we do have an alternate wife for Xiaojiao with her own aesthetic niche
She's a fully OC character named Shuyin, we've mentioned every so often that in the Tyrant Prince world there IS a growing cult full of people that know that Xiaotian is brainwashing people and are doing so to themselves willingly, and one thing lead to another until they were convinced that 'the court' was in fact a 'Pantheon' instead. and they became a real fucking Cult.
Shuyin was made as a way to examine the cult from the inside, but we accidentally got attached to her and so did Xiaojiao so in timelines where the court are made fully aware of the cult and as such are made fully aware of the whole 'brainwashing' thing (but since the cult is very good at recruiting people they tend to be able to get them On Board with the whole thing so now whoever discovered it goes from unknowing pawn to willing accomplice) Shuyin gets that 'coveted' title of 'Xiaojiao's Wife' first due to her worship of her making the idea of 'owning' someone particularly alluring.
But since she didn't catch Xiaojiao's attention by being a pain turned obsession and also has a physical disability Xiaojiao is far softer to her than she is to Spindrax in other worlds. And as such has a softer aesthetic to go with it. Specifically Xiaojiao likes elegant looks on Shuyin, long flowing peices that show off her height and such. Shuyin is CONSIDERABLY taller than Xiaojiao and it makes for a fun visual.
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After a certain point Shuyin also starts regularly wearing Xiaojiao's classic varsity jacket since in this AU she tends to wear her armor more often she doesn't wear it herself much anymore
Thats it for all the Main characters that get 'Wife'-ified though, there are a few minor characters that play out the 'husband and wife' dichotomy that are in the cult, but there's only a FEW people where you're horrified but also looking at them like 'they're killing it in that look tho'
and i will say that there ARE others that get OWNED that don't get Wife'd of course. any given bad end has Macaque getting Little Brother'd of course and there is someone else in a Bad End we haven't made public yet, but it's fine it's fine
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mylifeasmills · 9 months
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If you wanna be somebody..
I hope that all the people close to me got here. I hope that all the people who support and admire my views came through as well. To get straight to it, Im a new nigga (person). I say this because Im separating myself from all things that serve me no positive purpose in life. And this time Im standing on it. Why? Its bigger than me now. I been fighting for years to get some kind of understanding. So many times I wanted to blame everybody else for my own storm of shit. I wondered so many nights what the problem was. Im not sure how it never dawned on me walking past the mirror. Whole time I’ve been my own worst enemy. Subconsciously answering all of my own questions, just to ignore them and make the mistake I could’ve avoided. For years, Ive surrounded myself with people that were spiraling just like myself. Maybe different situations, but the same attitudes. Ive listened to peoples problems and walked away knowing that they were to blame. But I never had the gall to tell them so. Instead I was enabling them which makes me realize that this sword has two edges. Im just as good for them as they are for me. Ive been lost. But its almost like Ive chosen to be. I sat around and drank my early 30’s away, when I shoulda been BECOMING. All yall out there that told me yall believed in me.. told me I was destined to be a star.. Yall were fucking right. But when cant nobody stop you, guess who can stop you. I owe an apology to my devoted supporters. I took your words, your well wishes, your money.. and I invested it into failure. Whats making a couple hundred dollars off your art if you just gon blow tha shit on Liquor. Whats sitting through a conversation about your greatness, If the words are only fuel for you to belittle others. You aint shit.. just yet. Sometimes it takes going to the rock bottom.. and I mean ROCK BOTTOM to begin to realize that nothing was ever guaranteed. Our greats didn’t become great just because they were good at what they did. They became great because they realized early that they had to protect their dreams. They learned to sacrifice. They learned patience. You think Mike (any one of em) was sittin around gettin fucked up 24/7 when they were chasing their dreams? Denzel? Spike Lee? Na. Its been a long hard fight with self doubt, alcoholism, and fornication. Alcoholism being tha demon that held them all together. It cant have me no more. Im not sure what God has in store for me. Im not sure if Ive f**ked it up yet. But I am sure that I won’t allow that toxicity to keep me away from what’s coming my way movin forward. Im grateful to be here to tell you about some of what Ive been learning from experience these last couple years. And I hope that I inspire you in some kind of way. That part of my journey is complete and Im happy to be stepping into a brighter space. If I ever did anything to offend any of you in these past couple Years, take it light on me. I was prob drunk. Wont happen again.
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meruz · 3 years
i was gonna draw tonight but i dropped my tablet pen and the barrel of the pen broke off and flew somewhere underneath (??) my bed (?) and now i cant find it so I’m just gonna answer asks before bed instead. just some art asks and more mentions of infinity train LOL
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What program and brushes do you use when making your art?
@ravki hi! part of this is in my FAQ but i’ll say it again anyways LOL: I use photoshop CC and have used photoshop for pretty much....my whole art career. I’ve dabbled in clip and paint tool sai in the past but photoshop is my true wife, we eloped away from her awful father adobe many years ago and are very happy together. 
as for brushes... I should prob put this info in my FAQ too lol,... my default brush set is actually free to download here! Tho I will say I also use steve ahn’s storyboarding brush sometimes and lately i’ve been using shiyoon kim’s brushes A TON. Shiyoon’s cost a couple bucks but they’re super worth it imo
How do you choose colors?
This is kind of a difficult one to describe from scratch but hmm.... I’ll put it this way. Generally when I go into coloring or painting something I already have some colors in mind. Like for a certain piece I know I want a bright green, or a magenta, or a dark blue in certain areas. A lot of the time I know a mood I want. So I’ll start with that core color tone and build around it. I’ll use an example from a recent piece
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So you can see here that the first color I accessed was that bright cyan. So I start with that bright cyan and then bring in its “friends” in the form of analogous colors (shown below on the far left)
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greens greys etc. THEN I know I want the characters to stand out against all the blue so I start laying down warm contrasting colors for them (middle group). the mat under them is orange, skin tones are warm, ryans flannel is red etc. then to get them to work together I work more cool colors into the shadows and slightly warmer (not too warm because its a cool img overall so in this case, greener LOL) colors into highlights. 
hope that makes sense? for me choosing colors is a lot about story and composition. If you know what you want to say, the mood you want to create, where you want to go, the path to get there becomes a lot clearer imo.
Have you ever considered making an art book?
I have! But I don’t think I currently have enough...original illustrations for one LOL? Not that an art book has to be all original work but if I were putting fanart in an art book...at that point I’d just make a fanzine. I’m making more original work lately though so maybe this year....? Who knows. For now, I do have a sketchbook up on gumroad. Hoping to do one of those next year too.
Any tips for keeping background drawings from getting super stiff, especially since things like interiors have a lot of straight lines?
This is a really interesting ask. Really great question that I don’t think gets asked enough - forgive me if I get a bit art school here but I drew up some examples.
First I think we have to investigate the assumption that straight lines make things stiff. That seems true on an instinctual level and certainly proves to be true very often But I don’t think its actually the straight lines themselves but the sort of arrangements and compositions they tend to dictate. Take this for instance.
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pretty big difference, right? there’s a couple things that make a composition feel stiff and one of the most significant is lines that are perpendicular and parallel to the frame. it feels locked in and solid, like bricks. but the moment you shift these angles even a little the composition instantly becomes more dynamic because our innate senses of weight, gravity, and directionality can sense movement.
But it’s not just diagonals let’s take this one step further
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when lines meet and terminate together those tangents can flatten and lock space so the best way to solve this is with overlap and complete intersection, forms continuing past or behind each other feel more layered and less like a flat mosaic... again, even in the simplest line drawings. So how do we apply this to a background?
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ok I drew this really fast so its potentially not the best example but I think the idea is there. This space isn’t even particularly deep, it’s basically a room, a doorway, and a hallway behind it, and we’re not seeing that much of any of those things LOL. but when you draw an environmental object like a doorway in a way that lines up with the perpendicular and parallel lines of the canvas you’re automatically flattening it and making it look rigid.
and when you create tangents with objects and characters you flatten the space around them and make it difficult to tell what is actually in front or behind or if they’re on the same plane.
GOD I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE. Anyways. avoid those things and you’ll instantly have less stiff bgs no matter what kind of bg you’re depicting.
I wanna mention however that this isn’t to say a stiff bg with flat space doesn’t have its purposes.
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sometimes you want to create parallels and tangents. it can make characters feel closed in, trapped, regimented, part of a routine, etc. it’s also great for making a composition look ornamental (especially combined with symmetry).
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directors like wes anderson can even use these compositional elements to make images feel uncanny or harrowing! its very versatile. I think the important thing is to just be aware of when you are making something rigid and when that’s the last thing you want to do. conscious choices.
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Can you speak Tagalog?
@lemuelzero101​ I can! BUT NOT VERY WELL LOL ;;; both my parents are from Visayas! but they met and had me in the states lol so I’m pretty American born and raised. We go back to visit family on occasion but not regularly. My tagalog is mostly absorbed from listening to relatives at parties lol and my parents speak bisaya at home so I’m marginally better at that. Sorry to any filipinos out there hoping I’d be better educated, I’m like a little baby...
I do love meeting and talking to other filipinos online though, I grew up in an area that was relatively diverse but the asian population was small and the filipino population basically non-existent. I was like one of maybe 2 filipino kids in my highschool of 2000.
Apart from infinity train what shows are you watching now? Have you seen jujitsu kaisen?
Man this is gonna sound so boring but I haven’t watched a lot of tv lately.  It’s not really part of my daily routine. Let’s see... I was sort of watching Amphibia, Craig of the Creek, and the new Digimon Adventure 2020 but I keep falling off watching those for one reason or another. Also there’s a lot of episodes, it doesn’t feel like something I can just binge and be done with.
The last thing I binged was Succession. I want that show and Euphoria back so bad, when I’m done forcing all my friends to watch Infinity Train im cancelling my HBO subscription until Succession and Euphoria return so they know exactly what I’m on their list for LOL. 
I have not watched jujitsu kaisen but I’ve kept up with some of the sakuga news (I keep up with anime industry news and production info like x5 the amt i keep up with actual anime) for it and their compositing/editing looks dope. I’ve read the manga actually LOL or at least part of the beginning. I wasn’t super keen on the whole finger eating thing. Also to be honest I kinda feel like its the new Bleach and I never particularly cared about Bleach. Characters look nice enough tho. I wholeheartedly support jjk fans.
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Thank you! Thank you @keznodzieja​! <3
And thank you anons who don’t watch infinity train LOL...it’s always nice to hear when people enjoy my fanart despite not knowing the source material because it lifts a little bit of the “oh god am I being annoying???” fear off my chest. But also I think you should watch infinity train because it’s really good I have no reservations recommending it.
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mewberii · 3 years
Streamer!Scaramouche AU
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i feel like he’d be one of the biggest streamers on his platform- probably one of those that everyone has heard of even if they’re not into watching livestreams and all
but between those who do know who he is, they either love him or hate him. no in-between
it’s kind of understandable because his attitude is not suited/can be handled by anyone
he’s brutally honest even when his opinion may be seen as rude (to him he’s just saying the truth so he doesn’t mind if people get offended)
of course he doesn’t try to be rude on purpose but i mean it as in he’ll say what he thinks
imagine he’s playing a game and he doesn’t like a certain mechanic, or he isn’t enjoying the story;
he won’t say the game is bad but he’ll openly say he doesn’t like it/it’s not for him. it makes him seem strict but tbh he’s not that hard to please and even when he complains about one or two things he still enjoys the game
he usually gives every game a chance even when from what he’s seen it doesn’t sound like a game he’ll like. if he turns out to be right he just won’t play it again and if he’s wrong he’s a little too prideful to admit he spoke a little too fast but in the end he will admit the game is good or he’s having fun
probably the kind that just knows so much about all games and all the creators and all the game-making engines and is up to date with every single news of everything video-game + streaming-related,,, how does he do it, i don’t know,,,,
and also since he’s so popular he probably gets packages from game developers with limited edition stuff or merch from different games soooo often
and he placed the ones from his favorite games in his setup room and it looks INCREDIBLE he has so much stuff
he did a room tour stream once talking about all he has, where he got everything, from his monitor to every complement of his computer and like,,,,, the cost of his setup,,,,,,, some people already know they’ll never be able to afford that in their entire life
and he already had a great setup before he even became big as a streamer so people can already guess he’s fairly rich 
also i feel like he would have started his career as a streamer without using a facecam and even like that, he already managed to get very popular because of his professional commentary of game dynamics/playability + you can tell that he’s passionate about this and also he’s very funny without even trying??
he says some stuff so casually that he doesn’t realise how funny it is
probs showed his face after he hit a very important milestone
he never considered showing his face that important but he understood why people would want to see his reactions when playing games (even tho he warned them he’s not the most expressive/dramatique person in the world and they know by now) and would want to put a face to the person who entertains them so much with his streams
and when he does show his face people go absolutely cRAZY BECAUSE he is crazy good looking (if you don’t think he’s good looking i’m sorry for your eyesight. jk i’m sorry in general i just really love him)
some people who didn’t watch his streams will even check them out because of that but literally if you come for the visuals only you won’t stay for long because as i said not anyone can handle his personality
if he sees people being superficial about him too much instead of paying attention to what’s happening in the stream, he will immediately turn the subs mode on in the chat (if he didn’t have it on already)
being rude, being disrespectful/saying discriminating stuff or anything of that sort won’t be tolerated and anyone who does it will be banned instantly
without even interrupting what he was saying before he saw the comment, he’ll just type the ban to whoever said that and go on
and his mods do the exact same. they are just as strict as him
if it ever got too much of course he wouldn’t be afraid to speak up about it and tell his chat to stop that behaviour or else, as they should already know, he won’t be afraid of banning them even if they’ve been subscribed for months or years
why do i feel like he has a super organised chat— as in instead of spamming 5 emotes per comment they all send just one and it looks so tidy and perfect
literally other streamers would be jealous of how not-messy his chat is even when he has thousands and thousands and thousands of viewers all the time
also i have this idea that maybe any of his fans would have designed him as a genshin character (which would be the design of the scaramouche we know (?))
and the little pop-ups (i don’t know the name in english rIP) thingies that show up to notify when someone subscribed or donated would be lil chibi art of that design
it’d be really cool
and since i also doodled what a stream of his could look like (i’ll show it in the future when i’m done!!) i thought that way it’d be more recognisable that the streamer is scaramouche
99% of the people who have seen him irl found him too intimidating to go ask him for a picture or tell him anything
he’s not a huge fan of taking pictures anyway + is more on the introverted/reserved side but he wouldn’t mind if someone went up to him (if he’s not busy with something) to tell him something or say they enjoy his streams
i feel like in a couple occasions he would have played a game with some subscribers and he’d like to tease them speaking with his usual tone and face (in case they’re watching the stream as they talk) so they think he’s serious
“did you watch my 12 hour stream the other day?”  -scaramouche
“ah,,,, i-” -the sub
“think well of what you’re going to answer.” -scaramouche
“i-i couldn’t watch the whole thing,,,” -the sub
“ah, is that so…?” -scaramouche 
he’ll pretend to sound disappointed but at one point he just can’t help but smirk and hold in a chuckle before telling them he’s not serious
(he literally doesn’t know how the hell he survived that stream himself because he isn’t one to stream for that long)
i feel like deep inside people who know him would know he wouldn’t say such things seriously/wouldn’t be disappointed in anyone for not watching every single minute of his streams or not even all his streams
but he says all that so seriously that it’s,,, intimidating and they’re lowkey like “god but what if he’s not joking-”
he’d play games with the other streamers sometimes but i feel like most of the type he’d play more single-player games
it’d be so funny if he plays among us with others and for example one of those others it’s childe
both of them would always be suspecting of the other first/bickering, especially scaramouche
and if one game turns out they’re both the impostors… people would know right away
like, if any of them tried to defend the other, everyone else would be like “!?! what is this? scaramouche and childe defending each other? scary”
they’d vote one of them (maybe scaramouche) out because they started guessing + saying proof of how both of them could be the impostors (but the biggest proof is them not coming for each other’s throats sNKJFNGKJS)
scaramouche would have to resist the urge to S C R E A M
needless to say he doesn’t like when he has to be impostor with childe
and unfortunately for him, fate makes it happen considerably often
i feel like at least one time scaramouche would kill next to childe and then report it and literally blame childe
and childe would be like ?!?!?!?!?? WHAT- NO- (struggles bc his brain instinct is to say ‘it was you!’ but they’re both the impostors??? how-)
and then they’d eject childe,,, and then people wouldn’t suspect of scaramouche for most of the game because ? why would he- blame his partner---
well he did it with no regrets and at the end when they all found out they found it very funny (except for childe, but even he ended up laughing in the end because what a mean strategy sjkfhdsgkj)
i have this feeling that even though they bicker so much and for any strangers it’d seem like they hate each other, when scaramouche does play online games, many times it’d be with childe?
ik they aren’t supposed to get along but for the sake of it being a modern au i don’t want bad vibes between any of the characters pls-
and everyone enjoys their dynamic and those streams always get a ton of viewers sjfhdsgkj and i’m sure both their chats would be good friends (most likely one’s fans would also be a fan of the other too)
very very very rarely (because he prefers just playing and talking while playing) he’d do streams where he doesn’t play anything but just talks with the chat, watches videos that they send him, looks at the fanart they make, just talks about games,,,,
it’d be super chill and the perfect streams for people to be doing homework/work/play games/draw or do basically anything while they listen to his stream in the background
he’d also be answering some of people’s questions about him or about his favorite games, or if he’s playing this new game that came out earlier this week,,,
“will you play ‘it takes two’ with childe?” -someone in the chat
“absolutely not. i won’t play a co-op game with him”
not even 5 days later, tweet from childe saying “streaming in 30 minutes! Scaramouche and I will be playing It Takes Two on my ch---”
anyways this will be all!! (for now?) i obviously knew genshin before this but, yesterday i could finally start playing it myself! so i feel like if not now, soon i will also write headcanons of him playing genshin! i don’t take requests but if you guys have any ideas or anything you want to say about this AU, send me an ask!! i’d love to talk about this and about genshin in general!
also, i was very inspired to write this by @baeshijima​ ! so thank you very much to her for her wonderful streamer AUs and if anyone reading this hasn’t read hers already, go check them out!! they’re amazing!!
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thenon-fictiondays · 3 years
you want ships, i'll give you ships
starting with something basic - asoryuu
*kisses u platonically* fuck yeah lets goooo
(spoilers for both games)
when I started shipping it if I did: oh boy probably literally from like. the very beginning. As in, the first time I watched case 1 way back in 2016 (whew has it really been 5 years :') )
my thoughts: I have spent the past 5 years having thoughts about them but in summary: hehe they touched swords
my thoughts (srs): bless Nuri Kazuya for drawing an excessive amount of official art of the two of them 🙏
What makes me happy about them: I'm such a sucker for friends to lovers, they just have such warm energy, honestly even without romantic context you can just feel the love and trust and respect they have for each other and its beautiful ;A; it blows my mind that they've only known each other for like a year before canon bc they are such an important part of each others' lives and like. Even after not seeing him for almost a year, even though he seems to be a completely different person and Ryuu has no idea wtf is going on, he still calls Kazuma his best friend in the world 😭 They carry a piece of each others' heart, they're so special to each other and it makes me so emotional 🥺💖
What makes me sad about them: Well, obviously, the fact that they end up on opposite ends of the world, for one :( also, I was so upset about how little they actually got to talk to each other in DGS2. The last case was ofc super emotionally impactful for both of them and I wanted so much for them to talk more about it one on one but they just didn't. I wrote more about this in a post that I can't find on my blog (thanks tumblr) but Kazuma brought Ryuu to England because he trusted him, and because he relied on him. Because he was about to go through the hardest thing he was ever going to have to face, and he wanted him by his side while he did it. And unfortunately, the way things played out, Ryuu had to go through a lot of traumatic and emotionally stressful stuff as well, but he kept his head held high and fought til the end for the truth just like Kazuma taught him. And idk I felt like they both just kind of...didn't acknowledge it that much? I still don't really know how to put it into words...but I'll stop for now bc this became an essay 😅
things done in fanfic that annoys me: TBH I haven't read all that much fic for them bc I just can't read anymore idk. I guess my biggest qualm is when writers make Ryuu completely clueless and act like Kazuma's the suave one that takes the lead in the relationship when in fact Kazuma actually sucks at dealing with emotions and Ryuu is probably the more emotionally intelligent one out of the two of them (and let's not forget, he's also quite witty/sarcastic and does roast Kazuma in canon)
things I look for in fanfic: same as with any other ships or fandoms, good writing, solid characterization, interesting plot, etc!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Tbh...nobody. I know that seems prude-ish but there weren't any other characters that I felt had any kind of romantic connection with either of them :/
My happily ever after for them: I want them to end up in Japan together reforming the legal system (and making trips to London to visit the squad lol)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: This is the only thing I don't have an immediate answer to lol probs switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: all evidence points to helping each other defend themselves in the supreme court of Japan (but other than that? probs making hotpot and bantering)
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magioffire · 3 years
🍵 body representation !
get yer salt get yer salt ; accepting
alright ive got Thoughts about this. both inside and outside the rpc and tumblr in general. but lets start with the rpc for one.
ive been on tumblr a long ass time, since like....idk 2013? maybe even 2012 idk its easy to lose track of time LOL and ive seen both this website and the rp community go through a lot of different discourse, on all things, but specifically in this case, body representation and positivity, and like a lot of tumblr discourse, i think a lot of people particularly in fandom spaces are very....preformative in their support of people of different body types, particularly bigger body types. like yeah, its easy to say you support fat characters in media, but are you actually taking the time to draw fanart of fat characters, or making your own fat ocs? are you taking the time to actually learn how to draw different body types properly? are you giving characters of different body types the same time of day as other characters? and the answer is often a no for most people. and its not cuz they hate fat people usually or anything like that, though i have encountered a few like that, its more than society has really beaten it into us this idea that conventional attractiveness is the only kind of attractiveness worth admiring.
like alright, ive always had a hard time correcting artists who drew valeriu skinny in the past. because not only was i was like, scared i was coming across as unappreciative, or knocking their art, but also scared that i was going to give the implication that i was telling them they couldn't draw. but over time, particularly in the case of art i am commissioning (where i am much more proactive in making sure if theres any issues of vali's weight not being represented properly, they dont go past the sketch stage, and also making sure the artists i commission *can* actually draw fat people in the first place) because its so disheartening when you pay money for a commission, and youre too un-assertive that you just grit your teeth about it or you dont push hard enough to have it fixed because youre scared of being pushy and unappreciative. but now i know better. i know my character and people like me deserve to be represented properly.
theres also this overwhelmingly trope where fat characters, particularly fat male/masculine characters, are shown as slobs, as being just gross and uncultured people, people with no self control when it comes to food, and comic relief, usually relating to food comic relief, which is a very harmful stereotype of fat people. i really aim to subvert these ideas with vali, who is a very beautiful, eloquent person. also ive noticed in the lgbt community, theres a lot of fatphobia. and theres even less fat representation of lgbt fat people, often because i think in order for straight audiences to view lgbt relationships as 'acceptable', they have to be conventionally attractive queer people, queer people that are sexy but not too risque as too scare the cishets. but its also coming from inside the lgbt community (i repeat, the fatphobia is coming from inside the house). i dont know how many times ive seen jokes or actual examples of cis white gay dudes having "no fats, no femmes/trans, no colors" on their grindr profiles. like imagine the typical media representation of a queer man. youre probs thinking of a conventionally attractive, tall, muscular, white guy with short cropped hair and an otherwise unchallenging, unthreatening gay man, who is nonthreatening not only to straight people, but also gay men who have these cissexist, racist and fatphobic ideas. and this bleeds into fandom. fat characters and fat headcanons of lgbt characters are overwhelmingly less popular and sometimes even ostracized by the fandom at large. its seen as 'gross' and 'disrespectful' to make characters who are skinny in the canon material fat, when there is nothing inherently gross or disrespectful about making a canonly skinny character fat (not talking about fetish art, fat chasers are a whole new ball game and give actual fat creators trying to create serious fat characters a bad name).
and just lastly.....ive seen people try to beat around the bush about vali being overweight. whether its in drawings, or in rps, people as a whole seem to be reluctant to accept the fact valeriu is fat. and lmfao this isnt about anyone specific, particularly my rp partners you all have been amazing, but its just a...general *vibe* i get. that people would *prefer* if vali *wasnt* fat. and im like well. fuck you. hes fat and hes beautiful and hes proud. deal with it. i think people need to come to terms with the fact that fat people can not only be just as attractive as skinny people, but even sometimes *more* attractive in the eyes of some. beauty after all is in the eye of the beholder. and let me say, vali hasnt always been a fat character. and lets just say he got a lot more ship interest when he was skinner. which, im not complaining in the slightest, i would rather have a smaller selection of rp partners that are actually rping and shipping with my character for the love of him, and not just because they like his face.
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warriorlid14 · 4 years
So Rose's career:
I always imagined Rose as very much being a Gifted Child like her mother. Unlike her mother, however, she doesn't have the same passion for academics or learning. Oh, she cares about her grades and is quite competitive over them, but she's not going to spend weeks studying in advance for an exam or pouring over library books when she doesn't have to. (The way I kind of picture it is: Hermione will get an assignment then go through many many books that cover the topic and then write like three extra pages answering the prompt and adding in a bunch of other info. Rose will get the assignment, check the rubric, and then draft her essay to make sure that she hits everything on the rubric. It's well, thought out, but within the page limit and uses two sources instead of Hermione's seven. They both get O's.)
So Rose is plenty competent in a lot of subjects, but doesn't really have anything that particularly calls to her or that she's passionate about. (Unlike Hugo who's had a facination with muggle things and how they interact with magic since he was a kid. Hugo is very much a scientist and researcher and even went and got himself a PhD and loves his area of research. His biggest concern is that this area of study is practically nonexistant. In Europe, there's like four other people covering this vast topic, and he only likes two of them: a muggle-born witch who graduated from Beauxbaton and her muggle brother who spends half his time cursing wizarding research practices. How is he supposed to get his papers peer-reviewed if he has no peers?? But I'll stop talking about Hugo because this is about Rose.) When the time comes for Rose to choose a career, she has no idea what to do. She has various options that she could potentially be good at, but there's nothing that catches her eye. She ends up taking a variety of NEWT level classes to see if she finds anything. She does enjoy transfiguration more than the others, but doesn't know what to do with it and when someone suggests being a transfiguration professor, she laughs.
This is actually a super stressful time for her. She's genuinely terrified she'll find nothing that she's passionate about. Ron reassures her that no matter what she picks, she can always change her mind later on. After all, he spent years in the aurors before he found something else he enjoyed more. (Rose nods along to this, but worries that she'll be stuck in an infinite loop of job after job that she hates.) Eventually, she ends up taking an entry-level position at the ministry that her mother had told her about. It has a decent salary and could lead to a good career.
Hermione is over the moon that her baby is following in her steps. She tries to hide just how excited she is, but she secretly maps out her entire career in her mind. Her Rosie is super intelligent and talented and could end up leading any department she wanted. Her and her baby bringing an era of political change to the wizarding world? Yes, please. She will teach her all the Politics. She makes an effort to have lunch with her as often as she can and introduces her to everyone and is always like "how was your day? Did you make any new friends? Is there anything you need clarification on? Please tell me if you need anything". She has all the best intentions. But like... Rose is very much not excited about this. And she stays at the ministry for months after she had wanted to quit because she knows her mum is excited to have her there.
So this is the part where it gets super specific and I pretty much pulled a career for her out of my ass: at some point, and I haven't planned out how this happens exactly, but Rose stumbles upon a particular opportunity within a very difficult area of transfiguration, which let's call Animation as I have no other name for it right now. So imagine if we put on a play about Toy Story. Now imagine if instead of using actors, we used the actual toys. And recreated the entire movie, but using magic to bring the toys to life (... like, not actually bringing them to life. But like, puppets to the extreme. You get my point. I mean, I know they don't have movies and stuff, but they have magic. They need other entertainment other than Quidditch. And plays using all inanimate objects is my solution. They probs adopted it from muggles at some point. ANYWAY.)
So Rose, who's discovered this apprenticeship and is growing tired of her job at the ministry that she doesn't find stimulating in the slightest, decides to quit and take the apprenticeship... which is kind of the equivalent of dropping out of college to join a band. Hermione is not amused. A huge fight ensues, the biggest fight between Hermione and Rose thus far, with Hermione telling her to reconsider and that she's making a mistake and that she's jeopardizing her future. And Rose is screaming back that she can't control her life. Even Ron (after the fight and trying to calm them both down) is like "are you sure? But are you sure?" Like I said, this is a very difficult art, and very few people succeed, and unless you succeed, you will not be making a lot of money. (Ron very much does not want either of his kids struggling with money like he did). Rose dismisses their concerns. The tension between Rose and her mum is palpable for weeks afterwards.
Now Rose very much loves her new apprenticeship. As she sees what others can do and the beauty of the art and the talent behind every move makes her fall in love with it all. BUT. Here's the thing: it's a very, very difficult field of magic. She knew this, of course. In the same way she knew that getting ten OWLS was difficult, but she did it anyway (with only some effort). For the first time in her life, she struggles at simply being adequate, let alone excellent. She stays up for hours every night practicing, sometimes with little results. And after months of this, and one too many nights of crying because she's falling behind, she talks to her dad and tells him she wants to quit. That she made a mistake. That she wanted her ministry internship back, or a temporary job at the shop, or anything else really. Ron, who hates seeing his daughter struggling, agrees. (He's a little hesitant, but is like "well, if you really, really hate it")
So Rose tells Hermione that she's quitting and that she wants the job back if it's still available to her. And Hermione says no. She's not getting the internship back. Or the job at the shop. Or anything else. And she's not quitting her apprenticeship either. She's seen the way Rose's eyes light up when she talks about what she's learning. And the concentration on her face when she's practicing. And the way she looks on in awe whenever she's taken her parents to some of the shows. And she's not going to let Rose give up on doing the thing she loves.
(After some years of her apprenticeship and then trying to get her name known, Rose does indeed become super successful.)
(Meanwhile Hugo is like, a nanosecond away from breaking the statute of liberty to get some decent research funding)
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
A3 actors! Art in bloom
Type: One shot
Pairing: Miyoshi Kazunari x Reader
Theme: Passion / Art / Clash
Contrary to what many people and even classmates of yours thought, being an art student was not something you should chose to do lightly.
Sure, it seemed enjoyable, cute even. But no one ever talked about how many hours you would spend with a single portrait, drafting about abstract concepts or trying to discern at two in the morning whether a sculpture should turn more sideways or look at the ground to create a deeper perspective. 
Art was wild.
But you loved it and, why not admit it, you took it pretty seriously. Maybe a tiny bit more than most people.
That’s why you had always liked how Kazunari Miyoshi, although being the loud person he was, frequently went on and on with you discussing ideas when there was some debate in class. That brain of his was something else. His works and usual approach when mixing modern and traditional Japanese culture fascinated you. It really did.
But that had been changing lately, and it angered you.
Up until this year you hadn't really cared about it. Everyone had their right to live however they wanted after all.
However, without being able to tell when it began, you started casually observing him. You watched him talk to your other classmates as soon as the lecture, frowned as he concentrated on the draft they had one hour and a half to finish or taking selfies and live videos of the works you all were demanded to do. You even discovered yourself staring and how the sun caressed his profile first hour in the morning.
He had a nice profile.
By that point, something inside you was getting frustrated. He participated in class and attended to the lectures, but at the same time…? you felt he was starting prioritising social media over art, or looking for people for one of his popular mixers, like so many of your other classmates, who had most likely entered this major without much thought, did.
You would understand if he would have a part-time job, but the thought of him being able to do so much more and deciding to stop midway left you speechless.
You wished for him to take more things seriously. 
“Miyoshi, were you able to clean all the supplies from last class?" you called him out between the break. Everyone in class traded places to carry the main boxes with brushes, paints and whatever main source they had to work with each week "Our teacher told me to take some clay from there. I'm planning to use them for my final project, but I can't seem to find the key in the secretary office”
The university student lifted his head from his mobile and tipped on his chin, trying to remember "Supplies from...? Oh man, THAT is why I had them in my working space!” He palped his jeans looking for it “My bad, I was totes in a hurry and just closed as soon as we were done!” 
You contained an exasperated groan “Why would you get the key unless it was to clean the practice room?” 
Kazunari laughed nervously under your intimidating glare “True, true! It's just that I was talking with some friends over the phone and they were in a hurry so…” he showed you the key taking it out of his pocket, maybe to show that at least he hadn’t lost it “Do you need them now? I could go clean for you” 
The vein you had tried so hard to maintain calm popped altogether. Not wanting to keep talking, you rapidly grabbed the key from his hand and headed to take the supplies. God grief how you hated that carefree attitude. 
“No prob, dude! Next time just hit me up with a DM and I’ll come running to your uni here! In exchange, I’ll need your help to finish the flyers so…” 
Recognizing the flashy voice, you slowly looked behind, witnessing the blond with another person. Was he meeting with people to play around here too? 
You couldn’t believe it. You all had your final projects deadlines almost spitting in your faces! That’s why you had to come to this other university to ask for permission to use a kiln for your final, as you didn’t have lectures prepared today and your university didn’t have any. Didn’t look like it was Kazunari’s case. 
“Uh? No way, Y/N-pyon!” he waved at you with both hands, confirming it was you indeed, as he got closer “Looking fleek today too! What are you doing here in Yosei?” the person walking next to him whispered something “They’re a friend from my major Tsuzuroon, I told you about them, dude!” 
You mentally scoffed. Without returning his greet and turning on your heels, you headed for the teacher’s office.
 “You said friend but…” Tsuzuru squinted his eyes, watching you leave “…It doesn't look like they like you very much” 
“No worries! Nowadays they are always like that. But their works are so lit! Y/N-pyon is the ultimate remix of you, Ten-ten and Yukki!” 
“That’s… not a good thing, Miyoshi-san”
“Y/N-pyon, about-”
“Miyoshi, sorry. I am on my way to Yosei University to finish my work and unlike your usual approach of work to play, I actually don’t have time to waste”
“Uh? My works are…”
“Are what? I’ve been seeing you doing half-assed things all over the semester. This last week you didn’t even come at the afternoon lectures” you were pretty sure this was just you venting at this point “You’re amazing Miyoshi, I honestly think that, so why? If… If you only put more of yourself into it, your art would be even more unbelievable!”
He went quiet, a rare sight.
“Art it’s not something you just do for laughs; I thought you were one of the few people here that felt the same and-” the phone in your bag started ringing. Head  teacher. Inhaling deeply, you answered it “Yes?”
“Y/N-san? I am so sorry. Could you come to Josey university?” 
Losing the eye contact you had been maintaining with the blond boy, your heart sank as you heard the words ‘kiln’ and ‘malfunction’. “…Please tell me my final project is ok” 
You stood in silence, looking at the mess when you heard a knock at the door.
“I know I shouldn’t have followed and am expecting you throw me out the door but…” you didn’t move an inch so Kazunari took that as a free pass.
Just as the teacher told you, the electricity in the small building had had an issue and there had been a combustion, meaning, the sculpture you had kept here while working for weeks was now cracked and in shreds. You sniffed, brushing away the tears that were trying to come out from your eyes. All your hard work. All the time spent, had been for nothing.
“The Kiln is burnt. I don’t have anything good to save” you felt emotionally exhausted “Damn, I should have used air dry clay since the beginning… or not tried to sculpt anything” your vision became blurry again “I don’t know why do I make everything more difficult that it is”
Kazunari contemplated the situation, studying the seemingly full cracked sculpture from afar.
“Teach probably told you she would wait for you to turn on the work, right?” He saw you vaguely nodding you head “You got this!” he put his hand on your shoulder, you barely glancing at him “Look, If you still wanna use this base I’ll go ask for some moisturize and clean water to mix. Then I will maintain the upper part as you work down there, not bad idea right?”
You stared at him, finally grasping that he had come all the way here and was now trying to help “Why are you here? I… was being a busybody telling you how to work in our major” you had realized you had crossed the line back then.
Kazunari laughed, shaking his head “You were not saying anything that was a lie though, I don't want to admit it, but it’s true I've been a mess for a while”
“I guess parties require a lot of work” you bite your tongue hard. He was being a decent person trying to help and you couldn’t stop for two seconds to pick on him? You wanted to punch yourself.
“Mmm? Ah, our theatre troupe is almost opening for performance and the next troupe is on practices so flyers and scripts are running at full gas”
You stopped looking at your sculpture. What did he just say about a theatre?
“You’ve never come, Y/N-pyon? Mankai company is the best theatre in Veludo way! You totes should come, I’ll even send you the tickets for our new performance!” before you knew it, he had already DM you what you imagined was all the background information.
The moment you unlocked it, you almost dropped the phone. The photos and drawings of the posters were amazing, and you just knew who it had done “You… never said you had a job”
Kazunari considered what you pointed out. Mankai had managed to recover from what they needed to pay but they still didn't have enough founds “I’ve never thought about our acts as a job thought”
Your mind was a mess. Being an actor and doing publicity didn’t count for him as he studied? No wonder he usually left early! Now you felt even worst. You had behaved like a… “Uh, are these original templates?” you browsed over the performances’ posters, each one more astonishing than the other “This is… wow and this one?” 
He blinked, noticing how the tone of your voice was now more soothing. You had somewhat calm down. He would high-key enjoy hearing you talk to him like that more often “Hey, enough about me. We have work to do”
You agreed, putting away your phone “You’re right but again I… I am sorry, Miyoshi. And thanks, for staying” 
“No prob, Y/N-pyon!” 
“Would you tell me what I could do so you stopped calling me that?” 
“Eeeeeeh why? I think it fits! It's super-duper cute, like you!” 
No. You told yourself.
Coming back to your senses you told yourself the warm you felt in your cheeks was due to summer starting earlier. It definitely wasn’t because of Kazunari smile directed at you, helped you or how the sun reflected on his perfect profile as you both started working on your work. 
Art was wild… but it was also an evocative of feelings.
This one has been a difficult one! I wanted Reader to kind of clash with his mindset
Hope you guys enjoy it. Have a wonderful day! 💕
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