#anyways. It’s ~500 words long
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felt-squirrels · 11 months
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
i saw your post with tf141 with an asthmatic s/o and i love your writing!
i was wondering if you could write the 141 with an s/o who is hard of hearing and reader wears hearing aids?
I’m gonna be honest with you, anon, I don’t know what to write for this since it will be the same in almost all cases.
Aside from Soap, none of the lads would even touch your hearing aid. Sure, Price, Gaz and Ghost will look at it from afar and point you towards it if you’re looking for it, but that’s about it. They’re well aware how expensive something like that can be, so they’d rather not be the cause for it getting broken. However, they are more than willing to buy whatever necessity you need for it to keep it properly maintained. There will always be some cotton swabs and some filters at home so you can keep your hearing aid clean. Since you’re hard of hearing, there’s a chance you might know sign language as well. There’s also a chance that one of the three of them would know BSL. Whether or not that helps in any way shape or form I’m not sure, but if you know ASL instead of BSL then they’re more than happy to learn that for you as well. As long as they get to communicate with you, they’re happy. Besides, it’s more efficient than always writing notes anyone can see. Soap would be the only one who would touch your hearing aid, as long as you allow it. But even then he’d only really do it to take a good look at it, so it’s not like it would happen very often either. I don’t think he knows sign language, but if you really insist then he’d be more than happy to learn for you as well. It does sort of feel like a secret language to him since not too many people know it, which makes it a bit cooler to him. But other than that, they are more than happy to repeat what they’ve said so you can properly understand them as many times as you need, giving you as much time as you need to make sense of their words as well. If you’re more inclined to read lips, then they’ll make sure you can see their lips always, aside from Ghost who does prefer to have his face hidden to some degree. In that case, Ghost will simply write down what he wants to say, if you don’t know sign language. If you do, then he’ll just sign it to you. If you pull the stunt where you turn off your hearing aid so you can ignore them properly then they will, for the most part, respect you, albeit a bit mad. Soap and Gaz might become more touchy and annoying though. Close your eyes so you can’t see them frantically signing at you and you’ll be left alone for a whole five minutes before they wrestle you onto the couch and make you look at whatever it is you need to see. They will not tolerate being ignored like this.
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alienaiver · 9 months
"i thought you promised me you'd stop."
you don't mean to sound as angry as you do, nor as accusatory. it's merely a statement. aizawa isn't phased by the harsh sentence, though. he knows you.
he looks up from his laptop, stopping his hands from massaging the part between scalp and neck. he looks like a deer caught in the headlights - or more accurately to him, a cat caught at a crossroad. you can't figure out if he'll try to sneak away before explaining himself. both of you know that you're not going to let him.
you sigh and slump further against the doorframe, lifting a hand to your face. what are you going to do with him? he rolls away from the desk to face you properly, "i was... but it changed..."
you know what he means. it always changes. he promised he'd quit after raising a new generation of heroes; that he just wanted to follow his class to the door as an active pro hero. that he'd become a full-time teacher and retire from being a pro hero when his last class graduated - which they did, two years ago.
and yet, aizawa's filing a report after his afternoon patrol. he'd barely been able to eat dinner, his body not able to stomach much with all the stress and medication it's being put under.
for someone who hates medication, he sure is willing to take a lot in order to overcompensate at an already oversaturated jobmarket.
the stout and strong man you fell in love with has dwindled. he argues that he hasn't diminished nearly as much as all might, and you remind him that it's not a competition. that dealing with chronic pain and then losing a leg and an eye is cause for concern for anyone; his plate is full.
but then, a prodigy came around. one you love and has taken in as your own as well, supporting them both. and although aizawa's argument is always that he does it for the kid, said kid has begged him to retire since his second year in high school.
you sigh and let your arms fall and walk over to him, defeated. you stand in front of his desk chair, in front of him, and look into his eye before you start to run your hands through his hair. you're silent together for a moment.
"i'd like to grow old together."
he hums and leans into your touch, arms reaching out towards you, holding onto the sides of your thighs.
"me too."
a chuckle turns into a sigh for you before you give him a stern look. you understand him; this is his dream after all. this is everything he worked towards. the challenges he faces on a day to day basis are tough; but so is he.
you hold onto his face with your hands, your thumbs dragging over his cheeks, "can you take fewer shifts at least?"
he considers for a moment before his arms travel up to join yours, "i'll try."
that is all you can ask of him, really. and you won't try for more; after all, this is also a part of him you fell in love with. this is also a part you chose to live with when you accepted the ring on your finger. he pulls gently at your hand to kiss said ring while maintaining eye contact and you huff out a breath before you smile.
"i'll hound you about this in another six month's time." you warn and he laughs, low and scratchy, before he nods, "and i'll be there to listen."
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suddencolds · 7 months
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almost done... 🙏
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lethalhoopla · 2 years
I am once again losing my mind.
This time: I went to look up references of Varric, and just typed "Varric Tethras" into the search bar. I was going to just tab over immediately to the images section, eyes barely glancing over the obvious top-result fandom wiki, then (more entertainingly, but still expected) Wikipedia link-
but. but the next one.
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.... There's absolutely no tongue-in-cheek in the entry either.
(of course I immediately clicked on it who do you think I am)
There are 3 quotes from him relating to storytelling, both from 2 and Inquisition, as well as a book attribution:
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The Dragon Age Novel Edition of Hard in Hightown.
with Mary Kirby*~
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Absolutely unblinkingly written summary/bio.
I love this with my whole heart. Varric you beautiful bastard -- and DA writers/editors (Mary Kirby very much most importantly included) you even more beautiful, dorky, wonderful bastards.
*if you're not in the know, Mary Kirby is a cornerstone of the DA writing team, including being the one who was in charge of Varric (and Merrill!). To say she's his "trusted human confidante" is certainly putting it one (delightful) way.
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Writing for me atm be like this:
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and this
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and also this
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Oh and can't forget this!
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Yeah writing has been going great recently......
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voluptuarian · 9 days
At least once every 6 months I become convinced I just literally cannot write fiction anymore. Considering that's a thing that actually happened with my poetry writing and my drawing ability it's a somewhat concerning idea. Currently in one of these phases now.
#I've found writing difficult ever since I hit my 20s#not only the never finishing anything and anything I do write taking an incredibly long time to actually produce#but like#just not knowing how to write a scene#I'll have huge blanks in the stream of a series of scenes where I just don't know how to describe people like#turning around#crossing a street#sitting down#and often I'll have thought the words to describe a scene out in my head and it's fine and then I go to write them down#and half of it's gone or somehow the quality has completely degraded and there's nothing worthwhile to put down#it's ridiculous#and like I don't know what to do about it and like actual Writing advice seems to not exist#like there's style advice and how to get yourself writing#and specific stuff like 'show don't tell' don't say 'feel' etc#but like nothing for like how to actually just Write#not that I even have a way to describe my problem in searchable terms anyway#writing exercises never help because they're always little mini scenes-- i.e. exactly what my attempts to write stories#tend to turn into disconnected collections of anyway#(this only applies to fiction because god forbid I be able to write anything for Myself)#(meanwhile 5000 pages of college bullshit come out fine)#(just like what happened with my artistic ability-- draw for the assignment: fine; draw for yourself? complete shit)#there's probably some way to get help somewhere hidden behind 500 paywalls that I'll never be able to access#sometimes I think eventually I'll just be unable to put two words together any longer and then I'll die
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moinsbienquekaworu · 17 days
Translated almost 4k words today 🎉🎉
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the-merry-otter · 1 year
hello! i just love your outfit from the festival i saw earlier! the one with the shawl! do you think it’s possible to live everyday life in historical clothing like that? it’s something that’s been on my mind lately but i’m a bit worried about it not being practical or not good with extreme temps or getting the weird looks from people around me. it definitely looks more comfortable and stylish than jeans do tho! and much easier to wear, too!
Hey! So first of, it would absolutely be possible, and I even have a friend working on doing that right now. It would take a bit of time to collect all the pieces needed, as they are either very expensive to buy, or you’ll need to put time and energy into making them. There’s a vastly different feel to a proper recreation of a historical garment, and a costume piece.
I find historical clothing, especially early medieval stuff like the outfit you refer to, extremely comfortable and practical. Working class clothing has always needed to allow the wearer to do a range of activities, meaning it tends to be well suited to everyday wear. Where medieval clothing gets impractical is the late-period high class clothing that was specifically designed to say “look how much I Don’t Have To Do”.
Historical people experienced extreme temperatures as well! In medieval Europe the main overgarment material was wool, which is fantastic for warmth. Still too cold? Put another wool garment on! Turn yourself into a wool burrito!! (Like legit I’m probably gonna be wearing my wool a lot this winter in preference over my normal clothes). On the other end of the scale, linen was commonly used for undergarments, and in hotter climates (eg in Australia, where I live), reenactors often use it for overgarments as well, as linen is light and breathable.
Out of all of these, weird looks is the hardest to answer. When I first started wearing more unconventional outfits into my normal life, I was convinced that everyone was staring at me and judging me. To my continued experience though, this isn’t true at all - most people don’t actually care, and those that do often complement the clothing. A couple of times people have mistaken me for Amish, which I personally think is hilarious. YMMV on this though, and there are ways you can avoid those impressions (I’ve usually been wearing my 14th century female garb, including full veil. The covered head tends to make people think it’s more a religious thing, whereas when I wear male garb like in that picture, people assume it’s cosplay or LARP). Having no idea where you come from, I cannot give you any more specific advice than this, but hopefully it’s helpful.
Anyway, if dressing in historical clothing will bring you joy, then I wholeheartedly support you in it!! I recommend looking at a few different periods/cultures to see what you like (technically if you’re just doing it for fun, there’s no reason you can’t mix and match even!), and then starting to find resources on how that clothing was constructed. It could also be worth checking out if there are any reenactment groups around you, as they can have good resources and advice for newbies.
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phosphorus-noodles · 1 month
2.3k words in and the second protagonist just barely entered the scene, this is gonna be a long fic
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frodo-in-a-fez · 2 months
y’all i’ve hit a novel’s length worth of fanfiction posted which is just. so insane to me??? thank you all so much for all your support over the years!!!! feedback is legit what keeps people going and y’all are just incredible. i am so so so happy i made it this far and if u told little baby me who started writing fic over three years ago (good lord) they wouldn’t have believed u. sorry to ramble but i’m giddy and here’s to more fic!!!!!!
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hey-scully-itsme · 2 months
said i would write an essay for a zine and i am hating this so so so much. it does not have to be good - i know it doesn’t have to be good. it has to be decent and mostly coherent. but also i want it to be good. and i need it done by tomorrow evening. god help me.
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roylustang · 5 months
I have finally started writing the next chapter of my fic 🙌🏻
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aeide-thea · 1 year
have been reading fic & thinking abt my relationship to fic, which is of course also among other things a mirror of my relationship to my own psyche, and like—i think all the discourse abt its being ~internalized misogyny~ to mostly/entirely read m/m is not ultimately, whatever the truth of it, all that helpful, either to readers or to Women! but of course that doesn't stop me from feeling weird guilt abt the fact that i don't read more f/f than i do, because if there's anything i love to do, it's feel unhelpfully bad abt myself on the slimmest of pretexts…
however! i did end up reading some f/f earlier, specifically transfem f/f, and it got me thinking—basically what i'm usually mostly reading fic for is the romance/sex, right? like, don't get me wrong, i love when a fic gives me a gorgeous double helix of, like, casefic and romance twisted together, that's ideal, but fundamentally most of the time the feeling up is what i sat down at the table to eat. so in a complex aegosexual way it's a fantasy i'm—not projecting onto, exactly, i don't want to be one of the people in it; but, like, lurking in the wings of with eyes big love-crumbs, to steal a phrase from a relevantly-named poet. :) and so it's no wonder that mostly i don't want to read cisfemme4cisfemme stuff, because that's not a dynamic that feels like it has any room for me, or even like i'm particularly welcome in the room. but like. if it's trans women? i'm there, i love that for them and for me. if there's a butch? i might get tripped up by our differing lenses on gender feelings and stub my toe a little but even so i'm probably here for it. (thinking here abt that one butch/femme geraskier ~cisswap which is, like, a gorgeous bruise i keep periodically pressing. <3)
so really it's just like. shocker: i'm not personally moved by fantasies abt romance which feature conventionally feminine cis women whom i don't personally find relatable or sexually desirable! and when i put it like that, it really instantly dissolves the weird useless discourse-induced guiltgunk. like. give me a woman who's, idk, tall and charismatic and strong and clever and talented at something (though honestly it's like that siken revised tweet, a lot of those characteristics are ultimately negotiable!), like women i've historically crushed on irl, and then give me a pairing for her that's like. another woman who's also enough of those things, or a man who's—honestly the kind of m/f i'm open to would be its own whole post bc holy shit am i fussy, it very much does exist but for now let's just stick a pin in that one—or somebody nonbinary, which… idk that i've ever actually seen nb/f in fic? i'm sure it exists! but i'm not sure it exists in any fandoms i've been into. pondering the question did get me really thirsty for a good 'farmgirl (of the luke skywalker variety) is absolutely stunned-and-ringing-like-a-struck-bell captivated by confident flamboyantly genderqueer love interest (example wanted)' dynamic, though…
#(this is entirely unrelated to the actual topic but every time i use a possessive to modify a gerund bc it's a verbal noun it's like#pls hold‚ time 2 decide whether i'd rather do the esoteric thing—'its being'—and have most ppl think i'm getting it wrong#or do the demotic thing—'it being'—and *know* in my own secret heart i'm getting it wrong#and both scenarios feel Bad! so it really is just lose-lose every time it comes up… a sad situation for a gerund lover like yrs truly. 😔)#(also yes what is 'wrong' when it comes 2 language anyway but like. you know what itches your ears and i know what itches mine.#…& obvs what itches mine somehow does NOT include (mis)using 'itch' as a transitive verb for comedically colloquial effect. shrug emoji!!)#anyway none of this is remotely groundbreaking or even unusual but. soothing 2 me to lay it out like this.#fannish things#i guess also#aut fieri uolo aut futuere#and no‚ the world definitely did not need >500 words retreading the same ground many other ppl have already trodden#however. what is a blog for if not to house long-winded unnecessary posts no one but the author (if that) really needed.#in conclusion anything i say abt My Relationship 2 Fic is really always a diptych with that anecdote abt the woman who called up queer bars#just to know there was a space out there where freedom and joy existed‚ and brush the edge of it‚ just a little#like am i personally embodying/visible as much of what i'm deeply emotionally bound up with? no.#is it nonetheless/therefore hugely important to me to see those possibilities stretched out before me like a far green field? sure is!!
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dashiellqvverty · 1 year
this got away from me so it’s going under a cut but lately i’ve been thinking about how i wish black sails like. discussed colonial violence (and the hypocrisy surrounding it) in a more specific way.
because idk everytime flint and everyone talks about “england paints us as monsters etc etc” especially in the first seasons i find myself thinking... yes his points hold about like society needing someone to vilify, how he and other pirates were not allowed to exist in society due to perceived transgressions long before they became pirates, how what was done to thomas was violence in its own right... but also i feel like it sometimes carries the connotation of like “theyve turned us into monsters for nothing” even though we are SHOWN the brutality committed by many of the pirates. we see what they do to max, we see what characters like ned low do.
but of course the root of the hypocrisy and cruelty of england’s crusade against them is that england has done all of that and worse in the name of the crown. and for all they dance around this, with white pirates talking about how civilization is a prison and colonial rule keeps them in chains and blah blah blah but no one ever talks about colonial violence and the hypocrisy of it. bc without context, without it being characters we know and sympathize with, there is something dissonant about the pirates saying it is unjust to punish them for the things that they do. and it would be so, so easy to just say “look at england, doing the same things and acting like their hands are clean” but no one quite takes it to the finish line. sure miranda says that what ashe did to her, james, and thomas is crueler than anything they have done, and maybe thats true, but they only ever want to talk about the quiet violence that exists within polite society.
all the while we see a world that runs on slave labor, we eventually see storylines from the perspectives of enslaved characters to a certain degree, but never once do any of the pirates treat the violence of slavery and colonization as part of the case against england, or compare (or i guess contrast) it to their own actions in a way that i feel should be so, so obvious. i think the closest we get is max’s monolgoue about being a child and looking into the plantation house and ugliness being necessary for the beautiful parts of society to exist, or madi’s speech to rogers about how nothing could convince her to give up her war because of what colonial powers have done to her people but i just. feel like ultimately there is a larger connection missing (and of course it’s only the black characters who generally make these points at all). and maybe i look like the idiot here and actually its obvious and the whole point is that we’re supposed to make that connection in our minds. but i think that considering the amount of intense, profound, in-depth, and specific conversations that happen on the show, it feels very odd that this particular connection is never directly drawn.
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