#realme koi
theghostofdash · 2 months
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Map of Octfest for Bellegarth I made a few years ago. 2016-17? I was part of realm of Überwald. I was part of a medieval combat group in collage called Bellagarth. With guilds or “realms” around the country. I was part of the Milwaukee realm known as Überwald. Every year in October near all the realms come together in Illinois for October fest (an event I can only describe as Valhalla) fighting during the day and feasting at night
Posted:April 15 2018
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wolfpropaganda · 2 years
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I sense a rise in home insurance premiums approaching
To be honest every time Mr. Canis is like "the beast inside... is evil beyond reason... even if I am unaware, I can never escape the shadow of the horrible things it's done..." I imagine a silly wolf with a kazoo traipsing around the french countryside stealing pies off windowsills. like every time it got out it seemed like its only goal was to cause as much chaos as possible
fave character
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thesplintering · 1 year
Alterna Comics’ August Preorder Campaign Now Live
Alterna Comics’ August Preorder Campaign Now Live | #comics #crowdfunding #indiecomics #horror #TeamComics
On Thursday, Alterna Comics launched a pre-order crowdfunding campaign for their August lineup of books. Just like previous preorder campaigns, this one is being run both on Indiegogo (here) and the Alterna Comics website (here). Through the campaign pages, you can pick up all five of Alterna’s August issues, or simply pick and choose the titles you want. If you’re ordering directly from the…
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canary3d-obsessed · 7 months
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 40 part two
(Masterpost) (Pinboard) ��(whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
What a Relief
After spending a few weeks in Gusu doing...stuff, our trio comes to Jinlintai for the discussion conference. Unusually for a CQL stair-climbing scene, nobody is planning to murder anyone once they get to the top.
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Our crew walks up the stairs past 3 massive sculpted reliefs featuring Jin Guangyao.
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First and most important, I have to point out that the sculpture version of Lan Xichen [edit: Nie Mingjue actually, whoops] is wearing a sash that looks like this:
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Meanwhile, for the picture with the sword and flames, qhanzi.com tells me that the written characters are 伏殺, fú shā; Google translate tells me this means "ambush." Specifically Fu=conceal, Sha=kill. Ballsy to have a monumental artwork on your front steps announcing that you're a backstabbing turncoat, Jin Guangyao.
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Speaking of balls, Jiang Cheng jumps at the opportunity to bust some when the Lan bros arrive with Wei Wuxian in tow. He pretends not to know who Wei Wuxian is, but obviously does know something, given how bitchily he asks to be introduced. Lan Wangji continues his 13-year-long silent treatment of JC while Lan Xichen tries to figure out which bland smile he's meant to be deploying in this situation.
(more after the cut!)
They're all rescued by the appearance of Jin Guangyao 3.0, who has discarded his Nie braids and his Wen hotness in favor of Jin ostentatiousness.
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He's no longer wearing the v-neck robe and topknot crown that we associate with the cultivation sects. Instead he's wearing a hat and a round-necked robe with a big embroidered design on the chest, that resembles the clothing style of a court official.
Some people see JGY's bureaucratic wardrobe as signaling that he's an unassuming administrator, someone who is not threatening to the power structure or is not ambitious. I see it more as conveying that his ambition reaches beyond the cultivation sects into the realm of dynastic/imperial politics.
Anyway, Jiang Cheng turns his ire towards his nephew, and Lan Xichen relaxes again. Possibly he is a little too relaxed, judging by how he's ogling Jiang Cheng.
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I'm high as a kite, I just might stop to check you out
Party Monster
Fanfics are often accused of giving us an out-of-character (OOC) Wei Wuxian, but no fanfic Wei Wuxian is as OOC as the Wei Wuxian who attends this banquet. Normally Wei Wuxian is a mildly annoying flirt, but as soon as soon as he arrives in Koi tower he is (presumably) possessed by the spirit of Jin Guangshan, and becomes a gross sex pest.
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He goes out of his way to hit on the wife of the clan leader and make googly eyes at all of the maids, whose social status doesn't allow them to be rude to him. And he does it in front of his date! What the hell, possessed Wei Wuxian.
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While oblivious to Lan Wangji's jealousy, Wei Wuxian does check in with him to make sure it's ok to put on his "crazy Mo Xuanyu" act. LWJ replies with a certain amount of salt, but once Wei Wuxian makes it clear he's thinking about Lan Wangji's public face, LWJ chills out and answers him normally.
Side note: in no universe would this cute lil maid be making eyes at heavily-masked Mo Xuanyu when unmasked, radiant, filthy-rich Lan Wangji is right there to be smiled at.
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Jin Guangyao greets everyone and some dancers start doing their thing; mercifully, possessed Wei Wuxian refrains from hitting on the dancers. As soon as Jin Guangyao starts to circulate through the room, Nie Huaisang has an epic nervous breakdown all over him, which is even better entertainment than the dancers.
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This gives Wei Wuxian the cover he needs to slip out of the hall unnoticed. Well, as long as nobody notices Lan Wangji's obvious pining.
Fight Club
The prophecy foretells that into each generation of Jins will be born one douchebag cousin. Jin Chan is the douchebag cousin of his generation.
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Jin Chan accuses "Mo Xuanyu" of being a sex pest, and Wei Wuxian suddenly understands why the plot made him act so OOC at the party. Mo Xuanyu wasn't really a sex pest; he was a regular pest, trying to get information out of Qin Su, not trying to seduce her. But he doesn't know that yet. In other adaptations Mo Xuanyu is gay, but CQL exists in a strange censorship-created realm in which gayness is pervasive but never mentioned, and therefore there is no homophobia. So nobody would care if Mo Xuanyu was gay.
When Wei Wuxian realizes what Mo Xuanyu did, he thinks "Mo Xuanyu, do you want to die?"
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Nice choice of idiom, Wei Wuxian. I believe we have firmly established that yes, Mo Xuanyu absolutely did want to die.
The show is kind of vague, verbally, about whether Wei Wuxian 2.0 has a golden core. But there are a lot of moments that strongly suggest he does, at this point, have a functioning core.
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This rock attack is, I hope, one of those moments, or else Jin Chan is a total pussy, getting knocked back by landscape gravel.
Next, Wei Wuxian shows Jin Ling the super-secret move known as "arm twisting," which Jin Ling, as an only child, has never encountered before.
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Anyone with siblings is very familiar with this move.
Because this is The Untamed, this move should be executed with extra spinning whenever possible.
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Jin Ling learns the move right away, and uses it to win the scuffle.
After the fight, Wei Wuxian sits with Jin Ling for a chat, and gives him the classic uncle advice "have as many fights as possible while you're young, because when you're older you'll have to be mature and get along with people."
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I love Wei Wuxian so much.
For contrast, Jin Ling says that Jin Guangyao tells him not to get in fights. This makes Wei Wuxian seem like the cooler elder, but it also has a more sinister element, of Jin Guangyao holding Jin Ling back. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian grew up constantly fighting with each other--sparring as well as informal fights, presumably. And their cultivation was super strong, partly as a result of that.
Wei Wuxian takes the opportunity to tell Jin Ling that he's not in love with Qin Su any more, because he's transferred his affections to someone else. Obviously Hanguang-Jun is the someone else, given that they've been inseparable for weeks. To keep Jin Ling from yelling while he explains, he clamps his hand over Jin Ling's mouth.
The thing is, in order to effectively clamp your hand over someone's mouth, there has to be something behind them--a wall, the mattress, your own torso, or something else solid. Otherwise they can just jerk their head backwards to get away from your hand. Or they can stand up and walk away, even.
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Jin Ling, hilariously, does not realize this, and spends a ridiculously long time sitting still and making angry faces while Wei Wuxian rests his hand on his face.
Spy Game
Later that night, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji get ready for some shenanigans.
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Not the sexy kind, alas, just some paperman snooping.
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Wei Wuxian, because he's facing serious danger, is feeling extra playful and cute, and he takes time to goof around with Lan Wangji before getting down to business.
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In paperman form, he's able to do some things that the censors overlook, including tugging on Lan Wangji's headband and apparently blowing him a kiss. In the book and the donghua, he catches onto Lan Wangji's lip on his way down his face, too.
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One thing that's kind of muted in the live action as compared to the novel is how much Lan Wangji enjoys Wei Wuxian's childish and playful behavior. Lan Wangji never got to be playful as a child, but with Wei Wuxian he can cut loose--which he does mostly in the sack or when they're drinking together. But even when he stays in control of himself, he likes Wei Wuxian's silliness.
He tells Paper-Xian, tenderly, to be very careful, before he sends him on his way.
The Adventures of Paperman
The CGI department outdoes itself with paperman, making an animated character so adorable I'd be happy to watch a whole episode of him.
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Paper-Xian sneaks into JGY's study and pokes around, finding an empty envelope. Then he listens and watches while Qin Su stumbles in, retching.
She's followed closely by Jin Guangyao; they proceed to have an absolutely fucking endless argument in which the words "sister," "brother," "incest" "rapist dad" are never said, instead using vagueburger phrasing like "this matter."
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Jin Guangyao does freely admit to killing their kid, though, and wants to know who told Qin Su about it so he can kill them, too. She won't tell him, shockingly.
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Jin Guangyao ends the fight by putting a paralysis spell on his wife and then making her go to sleep with another spell, which is the cultivator equivalent of saying "I've said what I had to say and I need some space."
He takes her into a secret room where he is also keeping a bunch of talisman-protected stuff and a shockingly small number of books.
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Seriously, as a person who has way too many books, I am personally offended by the way Jin Guangyao wastes shelf space in his secret room.
As Paper-Xian sneaks around the room, Jin Guangyao helpfully pulls aside the curtain covering the shelf with Nie Mingjue's head on it, so he can grouse at NMJ for (figuratively) haunting him. Seriously? Dude, you keep a guy's head on your bookshelf, he gonna haunt ya.
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The episode ends with Paper-Xian bowing (adorably) to Nie Mingjue, and then sitting laying on his face, which would make BOTH Lan brothers jealous if they found out.
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Soundtrack: Ring the Alarm, by Beyonce; Blister in the Sun, by the Violent Femmes
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
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Heavenly Refuge
(Made to pair with one of my Ne Zha bots!)
This is not where you belong. This is a paved land of gold and white, stark and sparkling. What little life there is that’s been allowed to grow is stifled, under thick restriction. Koi fish in opulent fountains. Peach trees in a rigid row. Sacred flowers in little silver pots. But there is no true freedom for these little living things- each one is under strict maintenance.
Like yourself, then.
So short a time ago had you been plucked from the mortal realm by a Celestial Prince, his appearance heralded by a blushing fire divine. The soft light raged high, and fervent footsteps beat against the fertile ground, and the air filled with the scent of… lotus.
Ne Zha, as you would come to know him.
Marshal of the Central Altar. Third Lotus Prince.
“Y/N! Get down from there!”
Sometimes you wondered if maybe it wasn’t a spear that the warrior wielded, but instead a stick with which to constantly jam up his own-
“Y/N!” He repeats, pink fire racing around him in anger. “I will not say it again! Come down from that peach tree this instant!”
No doubt that the stern prince wished to bestow upon you another lesson of manners and dignity, to teach you the way of the Celestial Realm. Perhaps this time it would be on the matter of properly conveying respect to the elder members of the Court. Perhaps he would lecture about the food that was or wasn’t acceptable to eat in a realm of Gods.
Peering down from the sacred tree reveals a sight you have become quite familiar with- your “guardian”, decked in crimson and pink and gold, fuming.
At this point, he seems ready to explode.
You slowly peer over the edge of the tree, shaking.
Ne Zha freezes.
There are hot tears spilling over your cheeks and down the smooth tree bark, drenching the sacred peaches on the branches beneath her. You’ve overgorged on fruit, cheeks stained with the sweet juice of the holy drupes. From the scent of several saccharine puddles of bile on the ground, you’ve vomited at least twice.
“By the Realms…”
The words are barely a mumble, caught under his breath, his pink fire dimming as he catches sight of the tears on your cheeks. He’s angry at you, yes. But… you look so miserable. The prince cannot help but be taken by a wave of concern for your wellbeing.
Sun Wukong had done this before, once. Eaten a near tree’s worth of sacred peaches and chaos an outright uproar in the Celestial Realm… but he had not been a child (not by the Celestial Realm’s standards, at least) and he had not been a trembling, vomiting mess.
“…Y/N. You will come down from that tree, and you will do so now.”
There’s a hollow look in your eyes, one he’s grown used to- it’s the same look you get when you “know” what’s waiting for you.
You’ve known harsh backhands and hanger strikes. You’ve known folded-over belts and crescent scars born of manicured keratin. You’ve known hot iron and water buckets.
But the Li family are not the guardians you knew. Teaching you this seemed to be going down the route of pulling teeth, unfortunately.
The Third Lotus Prince holds out his arms, and forces a trembling smile. It’s hard to bear a grin when what he wants; more than anything, is to bolt you by steel into place and never again risk you slipping away.
When you stand up and jump, it’s with far too much ease. The plummet comes almost naturally, like you’d been thinking on it for hours.
‘Are you used to risking your life’, Ne Zha wants to ask. But you won’t answer. He already knows that. ‘Do you like risking your life?’
It almost relieves him that you were sure to keep mum instead of answering. Because…
…because he’s scared (and certain) that you would say yes.
Ne Zha catches you with a measure of grace, your ragged form landing bridal style in his arms. And… Gods, you look even worse up close. Dark bags under your tear-swollen eyes, puffy patches of red around your cheeks, irritated by the cling of sticky juice and the bare-nail scraping of your trembling hands.
“…a-are you… are you m-mad…?”
“No,” he half-lies, patting your quivering back. “Let’s get you home.” Ne Zha shifts you to a more comfortable position, then tightens his hold. Anything to not look directly at your miserable, worn face. Gods, when was the last time you actually slept through the night?
“…Mis… M-Mister Jing…?” Is the trembling question on your lips, barely audible. “Are we going to your father?” is the little section left unspoken. Not that the prince wouldn’t understand.
Ne Zha is already walking along the path back to Li family’s palace.
“Yes, little witch. He’ll be…”
Gods, he was never any good at lying. Then, the last time the prince tried was centuries ago. His own condition at the time had been rather similar to yours, a little trembling mess of tears and bile. Ne Zha had sworn to his father with big wet eyes that he was most certainly not sick, just very excited to start training. It hadn’t worked for him then, obviously, and even now he can barely manage a somewhat believable:
“He’ll be, ah, pleased to see you unharmed.”
And on his way the prince goes.
On any other day, there would be chatter amongst the other deities, servants, and guards. Today, though, the only sound in the air is the click of Ne Zha’s boots against the paved way, punctured by your shaky breathing.
They don’t even have to enter the palace to find Li Jing- the man is waiting, stern and frowning, under an opulent ivory arch. His polished boot taps unhappily against the tile.
“Let me have them,” Li Jing says, tempering his voice to only mild unhappiness,” and then prepare their chambers- this time, add those “precautions” we previously discussed.”
He’s… working on his flaws. Slowly. Having your realm nearly dissolve in a fit of rumbling chaos struck Jing hard enough to inspire an honest attempt to improve himself.
So Li Jing was making slow strides to be kinder, and gentler, and Ne Zha was adjusting in turn be more open to the man his father was becoming.
And they had decided to expand their family with the newest addition to the Celestial Realm, a little witch who had strange powers and an unhappy past. Maybe, through “fixing” you, the improvement of their fractured family tree would come sooner.
“Yes, Father,” the prince obediently replies. He keeps his voice calm and neutral- though there is clearly worry bubbling under the surface. He carefully sets you into his father’s arms, then watches you for a moment to ensure that all is well. Then he bows to Li Jing, before preparing to take his leave.
“And, ah, son?”
“Yes, Father?” The prince asks, pausing. His back is turned, but Ne Zha tilts his head a fraction- listening to hear more from Li Jing.
“…good work."
Those two words send a chill through the prince’s blood. Praise was not entirely foreign to Ne Zha’s ears- but it was rare. Few and far between were the times when his father would compliment him. He’s silent for several long moments, letting the words sink in. It’s odd, the way they set his gut rolling like a stone in a river.
Finally, the prince swallows, and dips his head in reply.
“Thank you, Father.”
From here on, things would be better between them- even if your potential “betterment” was the vehicle they used to drag themselves across the finish line.
So be it.
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ebonystarfall · 3 months
Can I request a oneshot of Kui Mulang x Jade Maiden rencarnate except they're a demon with koi fish attributes (like the same color scheme as the Jade Maiden but with pretty scales and a flowy tail)
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Wolf Fangs and Koi Scales
Kui Mulang x Jade Maiden Reincarnate (Koi Fish Demon)
Created by: Starlight, Owner 2.
Type of content: Oneshot
Point of view: Second
Word Count: 1,089
TW: Mentions of murder, small angst (I wasn’t aware that I had added that in), possible ooc (it could be in character, we just haven’t seen how he is around the Jade Maiden. After all, he was basically featured in one episode.)
A/N: Starlight here. Starbeam (Owner 1) put me in charge of this ask. If you notice a different style of writing for both of us, then you’re right. I get most of my writing styles from reading too many classic books. (Please save me) However, I don’t mind getting to be a little silly on my main account. You can definitely see the clear difference between us 😊
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Silence. Irritating, lonely silence. It reverberated in the ears of Kui Mulang. In any other moment, the air would have been filled with screams—agonized, desperate cries of those whose souls he devoured, savoring their terror with a cruel smile. Yet now, only the oppressive quiet of the throne room surrounded him. A weary, disenchanted sigh escaped his lips. Perhaps he had grown weary of this existence. Was it truly so difficult to find his lost love once more? Had the relentless march of Time claimed her irrevocably? Was he merely clinging to a mirage of hope? No, he could not succumb to doubt. He had ventured too far down this dark path to consider redemption. He must press on.
Thus far, his guards had failed to present any new captives. No souls? Kui Mulang assumed that the denizens of the region had received the warning and chosen to keep their distance. Resolving to take matters into his own hands, he decided upon a solitary stroll beyond the palace walls. None would object, he reasoned. Moreover, it had been some time since he last ventured forth, and the diversion would serve to occupy his restless spirit.
A thought unfurled within his mind. What if he were to find the reincarnation of his beloved wandering about? A solemn sigh escaped him as he made his way toward the palace exit. It was a wild notion, indeed, but not one beyond the realm of possibility. Though it was a chance in a thousand, he would grasp it. Kui Mulang surveyed the palace’s exterior surroundings and commenced his walk along the dirt road, his gaze fixed solemnly ahead.
Memories of the Jade Maiden surfaced: her radiant smile in response to his words, her voice as melodious as a harp, and her laughter—that he missed most. It was her laughter that could banish the oppressive silence of his palace. In truth, he had never regarded that cold and dark palace as a home. Nowhere could he deem a home without her presence.
He had been walking for quite some time now. The moon had ascended higher in the sky since he last glimpsed it. Lost in contemplation during his quiet stroll, he unexpectedly encountered a river. How peculiar—it seemed unfamiliar to him. Could his memory of the outside world be fading? No, he must simply have overlooked it before. The demon approached the riverbank, determining it was an decent place to pause and rest briefly. Yet, from the corner of his lavender eyes, he detected a movement…or was it a figure?
He tensed, squinting at the disturbance in the water. It might have been a mere fish, but few fish boasted scales so elongated. Kui Mulang called out, his voice tinged with both curiosity and a chilling edge.
“Who lurks there? Reveal yourself, or face... consequences.”
He was greeted by the sound of splashing—yes, unmistakably splashing, farther downstream. Stealthily and with great caution, he traced the source of the sound, and his eyes widened at the sight before him. There you were, a demon resembling a koi fish. Your fins and scales cascaded elegantly, reminiscent of flowing robes in hues of white and sunset orange. He was struck with astonishment. What manner of power did you possess? Who were you, truly?
"You appear troubled. But fear not. I'm y/n, and you must be the owner of the palace not far from here," you said, your smile warm and kind.
He was taken aback. His guards had never mentioned finding you, and if they had, they certainly hadn't brought you to the palace. Your smile seemed innocent, brimming with joy. He felt an urge to shatter your soul and consume it on the spot, yet found himself unable to proceed. Why? Not even a cruel demon like him could answer that question.
“Are you aware of the fact that I could kill you right now?”
“Of course.”
“But you won’t run- or, well, swim away?”
“If you were going to harm me, you would’ve done so already.”
The wolf demon had paused, contemplating your words. You were correct, he realized. He could have struck the moment he spotted movement in the water. Even if you were merely another demon, he couldn't fathom why he had refrained from devouring your soul. Was it because you reminded him of... her? No, that couldn't be. You could never be the Jade Maiden, despite the unsettling resemblance in your smile and the way your fins and tail resembled her elegant attire. The parallels were uncanny.
“Are you aware of who I am? Truly, do you know my name, or what I have done besides being the cause of demise for the creatures in the area?”
“…I was planning on asking you the same. You feel like a stranger I’ve crossed paths with before. Many times, in fact.”
Kui Mulang took a surprised step forward, disguising it with a throat-clearing cough. It all seemed too good to be true. You didn't appear to remember him entirely, but there were hints of familiarity in your manner. Even one memory would be enough. If you truly didn't recall... he would gladly bring you back to the palace and assist you in any way he could. Hope surged within him, albeit tinged with desperation. Part of him wished you would deny knowing him at all, so he could get rid of this false hope and consume your soul. Yet, it felt like you were being sincere. And that genuinely frightened him. Fear gripped him—the fear of losing the Jade Maiden, of losing what he had just found.
With utmost gentleness, he took your hands in his and gazed into your eyes. He detected a hint of surprise in your expression as your hands rested in his grasp, along with a touch of fluster. He whispered softly in your ear, his voice slightly hesitant yet filled with hope, “Who was I to you in those memories?”
“…you were someone that I felt like I cared about, it felt like I loved you. Isn’t that strange?”
A small, hesitant smile crept onto his face as he suddenly enveloped you in his arms, drawing you close in a tight embrace, indifferent to his robes becoming damp from the river. He almost felt as though he were hallucinating from the sheer joy of the moment. Closing his eyes, he buried his head against your shoulder.
“Dearest, I could never think it was strange…”
“It still seems surprising, of course.”
“Ah, still as humorous as ever, I see.”
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saintgoths · 1 month
ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ
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WORD COUNT - 2,910.
RATING - 18+. [m/f sex, oral fem receiving, canon-typical violence].
[she also has other pairings thus the hashtags but its mainly levi x reader]. comments, liking, following and reblogging would be appreciated!
SUMMARY - as the day of yours and levi's engagement party has arrived, you have the urge to have every bad thing that has happened in the past as water under the bridge, but it seems as if life has another plan by allowing bygones to rush by.
previous chapter - chapter seven.
series masterlist
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Violins and harps played in the spring air, favourite desserts displayed on the table and your lover sitting across you, he had looked handsome, Levi. In his signature dark blue suit, steel blue eyes looking into you, warmer than the times he would look at other people. He had outdone himself, picking the location of the date and the theme. Not far, had been a river filled with koi fish that the two of you stood by before the fare had begun.
Happily, you had looked at the engagement ring Levi had gotten you; it had shined as if it was its own star, and had caught the attention of anyone you had walked by. “I didn’t know this was happening,” you cried out and as he sipped his tea, the man had briefly shrugged.
“That’s the point of the surprise,” Levi said. “Two dates, one before our engagement party, and one after,” he shared, he had told you that it had been tradition for Ackerman men to do this for their partners before they got married. “I’ve already been thinking about the honeymoon.”
You had raised the both of your eyebrows, if he hadn’t done well with the date, you would’ve begged him to hear your ideas. “Oscaar?” You had asked and you immediately saw the way his face twisted.
“I’m thinking somewhere else, Pretty Bird,” he says as he put his cup down. “Something beautiful like a paradise, someplace like Naavia,” he suggested and immediately your eyes lit up.
“Beautiful island,” you confirmed, you had gone there a couple of times with your family, Naavia was a place where people forgot trouble in the world had existed, it was like the Garden of Eden.
“A month,” Levi had promised. “Our honeymoon will be a month long.”
You smiled. “I’ve always wanted to live there.”
“So be it,” Levi had tapped, and surprised, your shoulders had tensed.
There was an awkward laugh before you had spoken. “I can’t get away from family like that,” you stated, eyes unsure as Levi’s eyes reflected his cold thoughtfulness.
“Yes, you can,” the man shared as he fixed his position on his seat. “A fresh slate from the judgemental and prying people of Du Aurous,” Levi had said and you put your food down as you had given it a thought.
Levi had been patient, but you had been aware that he wouldn’t have minded leaving the country. Though you had wondered if Levi would be sufficient with leaving his mother here. “I’ll give it a thought,” you had smiled and with a brief nod, the dinner shared between you two had continued.
It had been Kenny who had led you down the steps, you had felt everyone watch you, your family, his family, guests and previous suitors of yours. By the stairs, had been a live music band, with cellos, violins and harps, tall candles and bright chandeliers that had complimented the strength and richness of the Ackerman family.
It had been the engagement party and the home had been crowded by guests who had stared at you with awe.
Alan had been there, his face still and neutral, you had glanced at him, and turned away from his gaze. The moment you had stepped to the bottom of the stairs, you were greeted by Levi who had lifted your hand and kissed the back of it. Proud, Kenny watched the two of you. “She looks like she’s party of the family already,” Kenny smiled while your mother and father walked towards you, arms eloped as they grinned at you.
There had been more people who entered the building, and the hair of Mikasa Ackerman and Eren Yeager had caught your sight. You had smiled, gratified that Eren had received your invitation, you had briefly glanced at Levi, who’s lips had been formed into a thin line when he watched Eren enter his home. “He got my invitation,” you shared with happiness and with his hold still on you, Levi stiffly smiled.
“You personally invited him?” Levi questioned as he quickly locked eyes with the Yeager man who had greeted him by lifting off his hat.
“Yes,” you had answered. “I wanted everything to be water under the bridge,” you said as you had looked at Levi. “Now that Sir. Argent is gone, and the two of us are getting married.”
Levi clenched his jaw; he would’ve rather you share what you had done before you had done it. Though, it had appeared the two of you liked the element of surprise. “That’s great,” he said before he pecked the side of your cheek. “I’ll see you in a moment,” he said and with an acknowledgeable nod, you separated from him.
You had taken the moment to walk towards your brother, Alan who had been accompanied by Sir. Jean Kirstein, you had greeted them and had been aware with how Jean’s stare had smoothly glanced over you. “You look stunning, Lady van Richesse,” Jean had complimented, he hadn’t been bothered that you were being engaged to another man, but to hear you were going to be tied with Levi Ackerman had been a shock to him, almost to everyone as it was thought that he’d never marry.
“And you look rather dashing,” you had smiled before you glanced at your brother who had remained stifled. “Can I speak to my brother privately?” You had questioned Jean, and with a respectful bow, the Kirstein man had let you alone with your kin.
He had made way to Lady Jane, who had looked excellent in her light blue gown. When you had returned your sight towards your brother, he had finally spoken. “Mama and papa are happy, but I’m pretty sure they don’t know how to feel about you inviting Eren Yeager.”
“The past is in the past,” you shared as you looked into his eyes, aware there had been a flare of judgement in his orbs, you dryly smiled. “I was hoping you would do the same thing, feel the same way.”
“Sir. Argent,” your brother had reminded you.
“Old news,” you shut down, and then there was a frown on your face. “After this engagement,” you began as you had stared your brother back in the eye. “If you don’t accept my marriage with Levi and I, I wouldn’t want you at the wedding,” you declared, and shocked, Alan had remained speechless as he had then watched you spin on your heel and leave.
You had been with Sir. Erwin and Levi, the tall man had greeted you once he had recognised your figure walk over to them. He had held out his hand to you, his expression in his usual calm state and smile short. “You look beautiful,” he greeted fore he kissed your knuckles.
“And you look handsome in your suit,” you side smiled and with a soft wink, Erwin glanced at Levi.
“Lucky,” he stated.
Levi’s face had been in its usual cold demeanour, but as Erwin Smith had been a good friend to him, the man couldn’t help but reveal an abrupt smile. “I know that,” Levi clarified before he had taken your hand. “They’re going to start dancing in the ballroom, Pretty Bird,” he called before he softly led you into the room.
There had been another live music group, though, this one had been talented in waltz music. Thus, both you and Levi had danced softly to the music, chin against the wing of his shoulder as you gently allowed your body to be controlled by him. He had smelt good, felt good, your mind couldn’t help but yearn for him to take off your clothing and touch you.
“May I take her?” A voice interrupted, and it had been the cordial voice of Eren’s.
Surprised, you had lifted your chin from your lover’s shoulder, Levi who had twisted his neck to face Eren. His usual cool eyes had shaken in annoyance as he had recognised who had spoken to you. Quiet, Levi glanced at you. “What does the Lady have to say?” Levi stated, his brief question lightly sarcastic.
You smiled. “Sure,” you accepted, and kindly, Levi had given you to Eren who had gently taken you from him.
“Thank you for the invitation,” Eren had thanked. “Do you know that your fiancé didn’t want me at the engagement party?” He poorly joked.
Your eyes lit up, amused. “Oh really?” You questioned surprised.
“Not even the wedding,” he went on, and with a dry giggle, you had continued to dance with him.
Unaware, that both Levi and Mikasa had watched the two of you, though, both had not been worried about the two of you sleeping together again, but had contemplated if the feelings the two of you used to share had still been there. “The Ackermans are protective.”
“For sure,” Eren agreed, he had then swirled you around, and within your mini spin you had captured the gaze of your family and his. Even if they might’ve not liked the idea of you and Eren dancing together, now that the both of you were marrying Ackermans, to see each other again, was inevitable.
Held by Eren, he moved his lips to your right ear. “Congratulations,” he whispered. “For everything…Mr. Ackerman…he’s a good suitor,” Eren said and with a calm look, Eren’s green eyes moved to Levi. “I’m pretty sure he’s counting the number of bullets he’s going to waste into me after this.”
You had then laughed. “Levi won’t do such a thing.”
“You’re happy right?” Eren questioned as he moved his face away from your ear, his eyes weren’t cold, but were vibrant, intent and infatuated.
You had always loved the prettiness of his eyes. “Of course, I am,” you answered, slightly taken aback that he had asked you this. “Yes…my dreams are becoming true,” you grinned and you could feel the firm hold Eren had on your hands gently tighten. “Are you happy?” You returned and with a look of honesty, Eren beckoned his head.
“Yes,” he replied.
Relieved, you had pulled your head a bit back. “Good, I want the two of us to leave on a good note.”
Brief, Eren agreed. “Me too.”
It was the second date.
The event after the engagement party, you had been tired, but excited to see what Levi had in store for you. “Didn’t know you were such a sweet tooth,” you joked as you watched Levi grab one of the sweets in the glass bowl that had been between you guys.
It had been dark, the sky clear while the stars twinkled by its constellations, the two of you were having a picnic, though there had been a lack of music, lack of birds singing, but the two of you had been accompanied by the lit candles he had prepared for the both of you.
“Should’ve known,” Levi said. “I eat you all the time,” he smiled as he watched you laugh at his comment. “I don’t mind clearing the table just for you,” he suggested, and from the grass, you had looked back to where the two of you once sat.
“You already fucked me before we got here,” you reminded him. “And in the carriage.”
Levi tilted his head to the side. “I fucked you with my cock, but I want to do it with my tongue.”
You had blushed as you had automatically felt heat rush between your legs. “If you’re willing to waste all the food the staff cooked for us,” you teased and Levi rolled his eyes.
“I can do it to you here,” Levi added. “On the grass,” he said as he leaned on his elbows. “That would be romantic, wouldn’t it?”
You snorted at him. “By all means,” you said and as you had unbuttoned your clothes, Levi moved towards you, his knees between your legs as he softly aimed to kiss you, he had aided you to remove your clothing, his hands then slid to the back of your thighs, firm around the back of your knees as his crouch pressed against your sex, Levi had then slipped his tongue inside of your mouth, gently whined at the taste of your lips.
You had groaned into his mouth, the pressure of his cock had circled against your sex, you had felt something solid in his pants, but you had known his body too much for you to be aware that it had not been his dick. Though, your lower garments had now been drenched by your arousal, and impatient, you had slipped off your underwear and rested your head against the grass while you felt the wet kisses of Levi trail down your stomach towards the opening of your legs.
He had stared at you as the flat base of his tongue stroked against your heat, but he had been slow with it, knowing that you had liked it intense and fast, so, you had bit down on your lower lips as you silently craved for him to pick up the pace, and hence he did.
You could feel the way the point of his tongue flicked against your nub, and with your eyes rolled back, the front of your hands held your legs back as Levi circled his lips around your pearl to suck, with watered eyes, you could feel the pleasure increase and fervour your body.
“Ah!” You had moaned once you had felt his tongue slip inside of you, his steel-blue eyes had been trained on you while the curve of his nails dug into the skin of your thighs, he had moaned against your cunt and in response, your cunt throbbed.
With one arm against your eyes, you had gently circled your hips to chase your high, you had wanted to fuck his face so bad, to bounce on his tongue while you screamed his name into the air, it had felt to so good, the warmth of his muscle that had sustained to fuck you while your legs quivered as you could feel yourself want to climax.
“Levi!” You had cried out and he hummed as kickback, his mouth returned to suck on your cunt while his hands massaged your inner thighs. “Levi!” You sat up and grabbed his hair---your juices were then immediately licked up by him, and you had sighed, leaned on the palm of your hands as you heard your fiancé unbuckle his belt.
He had been quick to pull out of his shaft, and with one hand wrapped around his cock, he gently pumped himself.
“Levi Ackerman!” An angry voice called, and immediately, the two of you had covered yourselves, eyes wide, Levi quickly covered your naked body with his suit jacket.
It had been an angry and dishevelled Sir. Argent. “How are you back?” Levi frowned as he pulled himself together. “How did you find us?” He commanded.
With a rude sneer, the man made it up the hill. “That trip you gave me was rigged!”
“I gave you fine money,” Levi calmly stated, and confused, you had looked between Levi and Sir. Argent.
“The money was a distraction, so I could get away from your whore!” He snapped. “You hired people to kill me!”
Surprised, you had raised the both of your eyebrows, you hadn’t realised how fast your heart had rapidly pounded. “Evidently, they did a terrible job,” Levi answered, his eyes had softened, but there had been a glint of arrogance that Sir. Argent hated. The same haughtiness Sir. Argent would see in Uncle Kenny’s eyes.
“My maid realised it when she was on my way with me,” Sir. Argent explained. “The suspicious men that were leading me, the amount of money you gave me, it was too obvious,” and he looked at you, you who had listened to every word that had come out of his mouth. “I can use this against you, the both you---the entire continent will spit on the Ackerman name---”
Yet, Levi was quick, so quick that the motion to whip out the weapon had almost felt like a slap on the face, Sir. Argent had been too surprised to continue his sentence as the bullet had rung through the silent night, you had now understood what was in his pocket, and once you saw the lifeless body of Sir. Argent slam against the ground, you had screamed in fear.
Quick, Levi had snapped his head towards you. “Put on your clothes,” he had commanded, but you had hesitated. “[Y/N], put on your clothes!” He shouted.
Then you did, you had struggled but impatient, Levi had helped you with your dress. “Go back to the carriage.”
“W---what about him?” You pointed and with your eyebrows furrowed, you could feel your heart continue to thump, as if it had wanted to leave your body out of fear. Your mind tried to understand what had been going on, but the adrenaline that had pumped through your body had been tangled with confusion and fear of who stood in front of you.
You didn’t want to fear him, he did this to protect you, the both of you, the Ackerman name, the van Richesse name. “I’ll handle it, but go, now,” he commanded and immediately on your feet, you had rushed back to the coachman.
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series masterlist
taglist - @gabisha107 @sugarcor3
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nereidsrealm · 5 months
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nell0-0 · 5 months
Hello again! I got a question for you. Just a simple question, no drawing (if you don’t want to). What do you headcanon Warriors’ (and maybe Wind’s) animal form is? For me either lion or dragon but lean towards lion. Especially being a papa lion to his headache inducing cubs. HW!Zelda is a golden tiger who also does this her cub aka Mask (not sure on her relationship with Wind). So what do you hc him as? There are so many options to choose from!
Do you want the serious answer or the funny one? Lmao, I'll go with both.
The serious answer would be a tiger for Warriors and a honey badger for Wind. Tigers are related to the hero archetype bc of symbolism of courage, and they're also labeled as a symbol of strength and military, so I thought that fit. And a honey badger may look cute at first but those animals are fearless, my gosh.
Alternatively, Wind could also be a hawk (bc he has Rito in his Hyrule while Warriors and Mask don't), which is also a symbol of courage and related to hunting and spiritism.
The appearance of a hawk during significant events or in dreams was seen as a sign of blessing and guidance from the spirit realm (-> makes me think about Phantom Hourglass)
HW Zelda would be an owl to me. She gives off those vibes (and it would also tie in with sksw what with who that Zelda's dad is), and it's an animal often related to wisdom symbolism.
Mask would be a tiny lion (until he grows up, that is).
The funny answer is a house cat for Warriors and a koi fish for Wind.
The funny funny answer for Warriors would be an elephant. But not in the way of 'oh, look how calm/big he is' but totally referencing the one from adventure time with two heads and psychic powers + shooting lasers.
Also, Mask as a hedgehog is so funny to me. That boy is prickly. Though a thaumoctopus mimicus would be so funny bc of the masks stuff.
In an attempt to foil would-be predators, the mimic octopus takes on the appearance and behaviours of jellyfish, crabs, sea snakes, shrimps, and lionfish - just to name a few.
It's literally a shape shifting octopus.
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www-findringo-com · 3 months
I recently got back into Black Clover, and i miss my sweet princess yuno so much. So i'm making this series out of boredom.... enjoy!!!
From Afar
A Yuno Grinberryall × Fem!reader written by Ringociocco.
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1. Somethin' stupid - Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra
2. See you again - Tyler The Creator, Kali Uchis
3. Heart racing - Kanii, Riovazz, Nimstarr
4. I must apologise - Pinkpantheress
5. Pain - Pinkpantheress
6. Back to the old house - The Smiths
7. Hatachi no koi - Lamp
8. A night to remember - Beabadoobee, Laufey
9. Infrunami - Steve Lacy
10. Lovers rock - Tv Girl
11. Tek it - Cafunè
12. Something about you - Eyedress, Dent May
13. Notion - The Rare Occasions
14. Looking out for you - Joy Again
15. Show me how - Men I Trust
16. The perfect pair - Beabadoobee
17. Duvet - Bôa
18. The way things go - Beabadoobee
19. Lovesick - Laufey
20. Glue song - Beabadoobee, Clairo
21. Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
22. First love/ late spring - Mitski
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not stealing Sawako from kimi ni todoke,
this is just the way i visualise the MC.
(Hanabi Pinterest Board)
Name: Y/N Hanabi
Age: 6 (Prologue) 15 (meeting Julius) 16 (at the entrance exam)
Pronouns: She/Her
Magic: Firework Form
Mana: Royal level
Status: Commoner of the common realm
Squad: Blue Rose
Close friends: Asta, Noelle Silva, Mimosa Vermillion, Magna Swing, Luck Voltia, Leopold Vermillion, Sol Marron, Puli Angel, Charlotte Roselei, Wainsley, Yuno, Serene Kira .
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Name: Yuno
Age: 16 (when he meets Y/N)
Pronouns: He/Him
Magic: Wind form
Mana: Royal level
Status: Paesant of the forsaken realm
Squad: Golden Dawn
Close friends: Asta, Mimosa Vermillion, Klaus Lunette, Y/N Hanabi, Bell .
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Name: Asta
Age: 16 (when he meets Y/N)
Pronouns: He/Him
Magic: Anti-Magic
Mana: None
Status: Paesant of the forsaken realm
Squad: Black Bulls
Close friends: Yuno, Noelle Silva, Magna Swing, Luck Voltia, Finral Roulacase, Vanessa Enoteca, Charmy Pappitson, Gauche Adlai, Gordon Agrippa, Grey, Secre Swallowtail, Zora Ideale, Henry Legolant, Nacht Faust ,Yami Sukehiro, Mimosa Vermillion, Klaus Lunette, Leopold Vermillion, Rill Boismortier, Sally, Kahono, Kiato, Mars, Fana, Fanzell Kruger, Liebe, Rebecca Scarlet, Y/N Hanabi, Lolopechika .
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Name: Sol Marron
Age: 19 (At Y/N's entrance exam)
Pronouns: She/Her
Magic: Earth Form
Mana: Commoner level
Status: Commoner rescued by Charlotte Roselei
Squad: Blue Rose
Close friends: Charlotte Roselei, Puli Angel, Y/N Hanabi, Wainsley, Borja, Risacca, Selena, Galgaria .
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Name: Charlotte Roselei
Age: 27 (At Y/N's entrance exam)
Pronouns: She/Her
Magic: Briar form
Mana: Noble level
Status: Noble, Blue Rose brigade Captain
Squad: Blue rose
Close friends: Sol Marron, Puli Angel, Y/N Hanabi, Wainsley, Borja, Risacca, Selena, Galgaria, Dorothy Unsworth, Yami Sukehiro( kind of).
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Name: Noelle Silva
Age: 16 (When she meets Y/N)
Pronouns: She/Her
Magic: Water form
Mana: Royal level
Status: Noble of the house of Silva
Squad: Black Bulls
Close friends: Asta, Magna Swing, Luck Voltia, Finral Roulacase, Vanessa Enoteca, Charmy Pappitson, Gauche Adlai, Gordon Agrippa, Grey, Secre Swallowtail, Zora Ideale, Henry Legolant, Nacht Faust ,Yami Sukehiro, Mimosa Vermillion, Kahono, Kiato, Y/N Hanabi, Lolopechika .
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Name: Mimosa Vermillion
Age: 17 (When she meets Y/N)
Pronouns: She/Her
Magic: Plant form
Mana: Noble level
Status: Noble of the house of Vermillion
Squad: Golden Dawn
Close friends: Yuno, Klaus Lunette, Asta, Noelle Silva, Y/N Hanabi, Lolopechika, David, Letoile, Hamon, Dorothy Unsworth .
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Name: Julius Novachrono
Age: 43 (When he meets Y/N)
Pronouns: He/Him
Magic: Time form
Mana: Royal level
Status: Wizard King
Ex-Squad: Grey Deer
Close Friends: Yami Sukehiro, William Vangeance, Marx, Damnatio Kira, Owen, Serene Kira.
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Ever since i was a kid, I could remember the townsfolk around me praising me for my silly magic: " Wow, Y/N! you're really living up to the Hanabi name"
I never understood if they were making fun of me for my name and magic or if they were actually impressed by my childish magic, either way I played along: I acted nice and thankful to them, entertaining them with my fireworks and putting on a show for those who were so unfortunate to not own enough magic. As I grew up, I kept seeing my magic as stupid and useless, but everything changed when that woman from the land of the sun stumbled in our hostel.
"Uhm, excuse me, are there rooms available?"
That woman was beautiful, with long silky black hair, and her deep black eyes had a shape that could make the prettiest woman in the world jealous. She was so different, yet it was impossible not to find her beautiful. Even I ,a 6 year old, found her attractive.
Time passed by, and that woman never left, Mizuki was her name, and she said it meant hope. Hope is a concept that she embraced wholeheartedly. Being able to survive the trip from the land of the sun to the clover kingdom was a miracle, and thanks to it, she regained the strength to "hope." Mizuki taught me a lot about her homeland, and I was so fascinated by it. Not only that, but she also helped me work my magic with her knowledge and with her "hope."
"Your magic, it reminds me a lot of festivals back home," She spoke softly: "It's a very unique attribute. I think you'll become a great mage Y/N-chan!" .
I scoffed. Me? A great mage? As if, I'm a lowly commoner with the stupid magic of creating silly sparkles. Yet she was so convinced of herself that I almost believed it for a moment. Time passed, and I grew, and Mizuki never left. To be honest, I was glad. She was the first person who was true to me.
I was 14 now. One year left before i could get my grimoire. I was walking home when I saw Mizuki walking out of the town with her bags. I froze.
"Mizuki! Please, wait. "
She turned around, and in that moment, my memories of her arrival here came back in my mind.
Even if i didn't notice, she had changed so much. Her long silky black hair was now short and not as beautiful as it once was, her clothing from the traditional clothes of her land to the rowdy commoner clothes of the clover kingdom. The only things that didn't change were her piercing, unique black eyes that, to my surprise, were swelling in tears as she took in the vision of me.
My vision was blurry, my lips started to pout, and i could feel something ticklish and wet falling down my cheek. Mizuki dropped her bags, froze for a second, and then started sprinting towards me. I knew what was coming, so instinctively, I opened my arms, waiting for her embrace. One that had conforted me for 7 years, the same one that made me feel safe and happy.
" Y/N-chan, I am so sorry. I never meant to leave you like this, but my homeland has summoned me back, and I still have a duty to fulfil back there." She stopped for a second as she sobbed uncontrollably. "My dear, I'll miss you so much. These years have been the greatest of my life, and with you, I sealed a bond no magic will ever break. So please. Never forget me and know that I will be back!"
" I hope so, Mizuki!"
The feeling of her embrace was one I could not forget. She was gone, but her touch was still on my skin.
I walked back into my family's hostel, and I was met by my relatives wearing gloomy faces. They, too, had a bond with the foreigner. I went up to my room, reminiscing on everything I could have done with Mizuki or everything i should have told her. When I noticed a medium-sized box on my bed, next to it laid a letter titled : To my Dear Y/N. The letter was signed by Mizuki, so i took no second thoughts and immediately opened it.
Inside, the letter read:
Dear Y/N, I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly, but there are just many things in my country that I yet need to discover. Over the years, we have built an amazing bond, a string that no matter how strong the magic it will never break us apart. A string that will always lead us back to one another. That is my hope.
Even if it takes us a hundred years, we will meet again, and for me to recognise you From Afar i gift you this piece of clothing from my country. It is a modified piece to be more comfortable in battle because I know you will become the strongest mage in the whole kingdom of clover. In the occasion that it happens, I ask you not to forget your values nor me, the same way as I will never forget you, my darling.
As of now, there isn't much for me to say, I hope you don't despair for me because I don't want my beautiful sparkle to loose it's fire. Whatever happens, just know I will protect you From Afar Y/N-chan.
All my love. Mizuki.
I stared at the letter for a few minutes before little water droplets started to fall on the paper. I hated crying it was a way to express weakness, yet I couldn't stop my tears from overflowing in my eyes.
I sat there in silence a few second, the only thing you could hear were my short sobs and my breath hitches. Then, I decided to open the box.
Inside was a kimono, but it was different from the ones she wore: It didn't have a skirt and the ends of it were very loose; even the top was loose which was weird since she taught me that wearing the kimono incorrectly was just offensive and rude yet here it was an immodest kimono wow. Ironic Mizuki. The sleeves started very tight and after the elbow it got insanely large. Even if this was VERY modified, it still looked cool. The whole cloth was mainly a dark red adorned with traditional cloud motives and the bottom of the sleeves had red hibiscus flowers on them.
Next to the kimono sat many other things: An obi alongside an obi-age and an obi-shime, a big headpiece with a bow and somesort of upside down small fan? That's what it looked like. And huge wooden sandals, which I'm pretty sure the sole was a bit too big.
" Thank you, Mizuki "
Even when she was going to abandon me, she still thought of leaving something for me to wear in the future. That woman is full of kindness in her heart.
We'll meet again someday, I know it
Author's Note
Ermmmm, I have no idea if this will actually make it in my brain as a fanfiction, but i'll try to keep it updated! In the meantime, please enjoy this intro + short prologue!!!
The MC is kinda based off my Oc and you can kinda see that, I did also put in another Oc of mine who i didn't give info about if you want to know more about Serene Kira let me know!
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kivaember · 3 months
random smtv drabble bc it's so hot here im dying squirtle... anyway vkun calls tsukuyomi Moon Man in this:
Some Demon Haunts were simple affairs: a clearing amongst the toppled ruins of old apartment complexes, or a patch of dried grass from a once city park, but others were a little more unique, like a koi pond or an old supermarket. On this spin of the wheel, though, the Demon Haunt Rin had stumbled upon was…
“It’s a beach,” Rin said with some surprise, blinking at the vast stretch of blue water sparkling beneath the Netherworld’s, er, Sort-of Sun. The cracked cement that had once been a main road vanished beneath dunes of glittering, golden sand that sprawled out into a breathtakingly beautiful beach cradled between two towering cliffs. A half-collapsed hut offered some shade and seating for his few demonic servants and, yes, the obligatory bench was there too, but for once Rin completely bypassed it to walk right up to where the water lapped against the shore, marvelling at it.
His first thought was: maybe this was Tokyo Bay? Or a part of it at least, splintered off from the greater whole and dumped in a random location of Da’at. There was something eerie about it all though, no cry of gulls or the noise of a nearby port or boats. It was silent except for the gentle roll of the waves-
Wait. Waves?
“Hmm, this isn’t right…”
Within his soul, he felt Aogami shift slightly, easing from relaxed into something far more alert at Rin’s suspicious mutter. Is something the matter?
“How’s there a tide?” Rin asked, pointing at the offending waves now lapping around his ankles. “This shouldn’t be possible.”
…it shouldn’t?
“There’s no moon! Or- anything functioning as a satellite like the moon here.” Rin squatted down, his hair drifting a little higher to avoid touching the ground. He squinted suspicious at the water, as if trying to divine its mysteries. “With no moon, there aren’t any tides, which means no waves… so how are these happening…”
Aogami was quiet for a long moment.
You know, I’m not quite sure. Many things occur in Da’at that mimic the human realm in terms of functionality, despite lacking the components for it. There’s no moon, yet there are tides, there’s no atmosphere, yet humans can breathe here-
“There’s no atmosphere?” Rin hadn’t known that! “Wait, then, how did me and the others not suffocate when we fell in here?”
I, ah… don’t know.
“And if there’s no atmosphere, then there’s no oxygen or nitrogen, right?”
I assume so?
“But humans can still walk around in here fine… and we have wind here! There shouldn’t be wind if there’s no atmosphere because that’s caused by the temperature difference between atmospheric gases! But Da’at is really blustery. It doesn’t make sense.”
…one of Da’at’s many mysteries.
“Tides with no moon, wind with no atmosphere, humans being able to walk around fine with no oxygen…” Rin stood back up again, settling his hands on his hips as his expression firmed with determination. “I’m going to get to the bottom of this, starting with the tides.”
Young man?
“I need me a Moon Man- or Woman. Or Entity, to be more neutral about it.” And since he’s Japanese, his first thought was obviously: “Is Tsukuyomi slumming it around Da’at somewhere?”
Aogami said nothing.
Rin… Aogami’s voice was taut - repressed, almost. Rin cocked his head at the strange tone. Perhaps this is a mystery we should let lie…
“What? C’mon, Aogami, where’s your sense of curiosity?” Rin said teasingly. “Surely you wanna know the answer too, right?”
…well, maybe a little, but-
“Then it’s decided!” Rin lifted an arm dramatically, his blue fingers curling into a fist as he made a determined pose that’d make any shounen protagonist proud. “We’re gonna hunt down Tsukuyomi and have them explain the tides of Da’at!”
Aogami sighed quietly, fondly, and murmured: so, this is the unstoppable might of human curiosity…
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yuzurujenn · 5 months
[2024.05.11] Quardruple Axel May Issue: MIKIKO - A Solitary Realm
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-MIKIKO, your first collaboration with Hanyu was during his debut ice show “Prologue” after he turned professional. I understand that you were in charge of directing for the programs "Haru yo koi" and "Itsuka Owaru Yume".
MIKIKO: Yes, that’s right. I was mainly responsible for the ice projection, including the visual and performance effects.
-At that time, how did you draw inspiration from the programs for the projection effects?
MIKIKO: "Haru yo koi" was already a well-known program, so when creating it, I aimed to preserve its established impression while also hoping to generate a synergistic effect. As for "Itsuka Owaru Yume", since it was a new program being revealed for the first time at “Prologue,” I first asked him about the background of the piece he chose and his mindset while performing it. Hanyu sent me a long text and also shared videos of himself skating on the ice rink. I tried to break it down to understand it, and then thought about various things such as "What kind of image is suitable?" and "What kind of appearance is more appropriate?".
-What was the process of creating the visuals like?
MIKIKO: Usually in the live shows that I direct, images are often projected onto the background of the stage. It’s rare that I have the luxury to direct a performance where the entire venue could be used as a canvas such as in an ice show, so I was very happy about it. Being able to project images onto the huge, pure white ice surface was sure to guarantee a dynamic production, so I was very excited during the process.
-I had the pleasure to watch Perfume's "Perfume LIVE 2021 "polygon wave"" produced by MIKIKO-sensei before. The venue at that time happened to be PIA Arena MM, and just like this time, the venue was used extensively for projection.
MIKIKO: Yes. It was still during the COVID-19 pandemic, at a time when admission restrictions were finally relaxed, allowing live performances with up to 50% of the maximum capacity. We took advantage of this condition by not allowing the audience into the Arena (the inner part) and only setting up seating in the stands, which we thought would meet the 50% occupancy requirement. This allowed the entire inner venue to become the stage, and we set up LED Vision on the floor of the inner venue to create an effect similar to that on the ice surface.
I hadn’t imagined collaborating with Hanyu-kun at that point. I learned a lot from the Perfume performance, which eventually led to directing on an ice surface of the same shape. From a sequential task perspective, it was quite ideal for me.
-The skills developed in the live world have been effectively applied in directing ice shows.
MIKIKO: Yes, but ultimately, they are completely different genres. When producing “Prologue,” it was already decided that I would direct “GIFT,” which involved directing a performance at Tokyo Dome. When we first started communicating, we thought about trying to make two programs first, which was what happened during the session at "Prologue". So, if I have to say, "Prologue" was like a trial run.
Because ice show is an unknown world to me, we had to experiment a lot with "GIFT", but there is also strength that comes with being in uncharted territory. Perhaps from the perspective of figure skating, it may seem like something unconventional, but from our point of view, only figure skating can achieve dynamic movements at such a fast speed. In a normal live show, there would never be a situation where one person performs endlessly on such a vast stage. So, for me, this kind of cooperation brings a lot of new possibilities. Furthermore, thanks to the miracle of his technical prowess and expression filling up the entire space of the venue, we somehow managed to overcome various challenges. However, after watching the official performance of "GIFT", I once again realised how amazing Hanyu-kun is, and at the same time I also thought, "Ah, the direction could be better."
-MIKIKO, have you made any new discoveries or ideas through the official performance?
MIKIKO: Although I had experienced filling up the entire dome like this in the past, no one was sure what synergy would be produced in the official performance. But in the end, the actual outcome was even more amazing than imagined. I think part of it was due to the emotional investment of the ice fans, and another part was that Hanyu’s emotional and mental investment in the performance was richer than I had anticipated. So, I realized, “Since we could achieve this level, the directing could be even better,” which sparked ideas like “This can be done, and that can be done.” I think this is also connected to “RE_PRAY.”
-Specifically, what kind of ideas emerged?
MIKIKO: "GIFT" was a showcase of Hanyu’s figure skating career to date, presented in an anthology format, weaving stories in between intervals to demonstrate that "the same person has a variety of colours”.
As for "RE_PRAY", rather than that, I want everyone to have "the feeling of watching a movie or a stage play", so I incorporated game elements throughout the story and meticulously filmed the visuals performed by him. The story aspect of this can be seen as what I learned the most from “GIFT” and also where I made further refinements. -When the overview of “RE_PRAY” was announced, the use of game themes was quite surprising. It was hard to imagine what kind of ice performance it would be. I couldn’t help but wonder, “What kind of performance will it be?” MIKIKO, what were your thoughts when you first heard Hanyu’s concept for “RE_PRAY”?
MIKIKO: Through various exchanges, we had a rough understanding of each other’s preferences. So, from the conceptual stage of “RE_PRAY,” we continuously brainstormed and bounced ideas around, starting with “What should we do next?”
I am not familiar with games at all. For example, when he talked about "Itsuka Owaru Yume", he would explain it in terms of games, saying, "This is a Final Fantasy song, and it has this kind of ocean water feel, and it's like this…" In addition, as we talked about various things, he would always use game analogies or talk about game music at key points. Through this process, I felt that games had a huge influence on his way of thinking and his life. Gradually, I started to think, “Maybe a game-themed concept could be interesting.”
However, precisely because games are a very important presence in his life, it was more challenging to direct this concept. It seemed like a simple idea at first glance, but it required careful handling. Therefore, I thought that directing this theme would need to be approached with caution. It's catchy, so all the more to be careful. But then we decided, “Let's be brave and make a game out of it!” And that's how it all started.
-So, the concept was born from the discussions between the two of you. Regarding the actual “RE_PRAY” ice show, the overall structure of the first and second halves is not just a straightforward presentation of the programs; instead, it incorporates various contrasts and echoes, giving the impression of meticulous and detailed production. It’s something that can’t be fully grasped in just one viewing, much like watching a movie or reading a novel.
MIKIKO: Yes, exactly.
-The projections on the ice, the visuals on the screens, the monologues, the music selection, and the choreography all seem to carry profound meanings, but it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact answers. Or perhaps there are no right answers. How did you and Hanyu come together to create the overall concept?
MIKIKO: While you can restart a game as many times as you want, life only happens once and cannot be replayed. On the path of life, there are various crossroads. Choosing one path (to the right) leads to one world, while choosing the other path (to the left) leads to another world. Decisions are constantly being made, whether “yes” or “no.” The interesting aspect of games is that you can see both outcomes through resets, but in real life, even if you think “what if” or “maybe there could be such opportunities,” you cannot walk both paths simultaneously and must make a choice.
From my perspective, Hanyu-kun has been making ultimate choices throughout his 29 years of life. Each time he makes a choice, whether it was the right one is judged entirely by himself. He lives in such a world. Games can be reset and played again, providing opportunities for redemption, but one's life is a path that cannot be retraced. I think he might want to affirm such an existence. For the audience, he hopes that they can project themselves into the same situation, conveying the idea that “what everyone feels here today is also a YES.” Therefore, even if there are audience members who watch all the performances, the experience of the same program might vary depending on specific days, moments, physical states, or events that occurred before coming to the venue. I think this in itself is remarkable.
Hanyu, who exists in a world where “even performing the same program never feels the same,” probably wants to convey this affirmation to everyone.
-Hanyu himself said, "I hope it will give everyone an opportunity to think about something."
MIKIKO: So, even though both the first and second halves start with the same program, “Itsuka Owaru Yume,” different viewing angles reveal contrasts, such as appearing blue in the first half and pink in the second half. I wasn't sure if it would work, and I thought, "I think it's going to be difficult," but in the end, I think it worked very well.
Also, even though both halves use “play”, the first part is 'play' with an 'L' and the second part is 'pray' with an 'R' (note: there is no L sound in Japanese so both word sare written the same in Japanese "プレー"). Accordingly, the skating style of the first and second half has also been adjusted. The intent was to show that "even the same person's performance can be so different".
There is also an emotional aspect related to “not being able to save progress in the game and having to start from the beginning.” “Even if you start from the beginning, the scenery changes dramatically if you choose a different path” is the feeling we aimed to portray.
-The "L" and "R" of "プレー" you just mentioned. Who designed this way of wording?
MIKIKO: Although the name plays on “replay” with the added meaning of “pray” in “プレー (pray),” I think Hanyu-kun originally had the term “RE_PRAY” in mind. So, during brainstorming, the idea of “the concept for the first half using ‘L’ for ‘play’ also seems good” came up midway.
-That's really interesting. How was the overall structure decided?
MIKIKO: First, Hanyu-kun decided on the setlist (order of songs), and then he wrote down the corresponding storylines. After that, he wrote the actual monologue scripts to be used in “RE_PRAY,” and based on this, I created the production plan. Sometimes I would suggest, "I think it would be good if such a scene happened here," and he would agree, "That sounds good. Let's do it that way," and we had these conversations quite often. Then I came up with the idea of "Hanyu-kun holding the game controller on the right, with the game screen on the left," and Hanyu-kun continued to think about the narration that would correspond to that scene. Within the process, we also wrote ideas like "It would be interesting to swap ‘R’ and ‘L’."
-The “R” and “L” also have a contrasting meaning of right and left.
MIKIKO: Exactly. So, in the second half, Hanyu’s position was also reversed left and right. There are a lot of things like that. While this was just a small pleasure for the creators, such wordplay was added during the process, and we often discussed whether “it would be better to end in this way.” The entire production was completed through this back-and-forth process.
-I was surprised to see how well-detailed the visuals were, and the setting where Hanyu controls the game world himself—was this also your idea, MIKIKO?
MIKIKO: After I got the general concept from Hanyu-kun, I thought, "Let's start with this kind of image here”. For example, a scene like "Hanyu-kun enters an 8-bit game world and fights in costumes from his past performances”. After that, we talked to the producer in charge of the video, appointed a director, and decided on a creator. This is roughly how the process went.
-I also truly felt the power and excellence that comes from bringing together top professionals. This time, there was also a program choreographed by you, MIKIKO, for the first time. Is this your first time choreographing for a figure skating program?
MIKIKO: Yes, it is my first time choreographing an entire program. Previously, for Hanyu's performances of DA PUMP's "if…" and Mika Nakashima's "GLAMOROUS SKY" at "Fantasy on Ice," the choreography was done by him, and I just gave some suggestions for modifications. For example, I gave some advice from a dance perspective, "Here, it would be better if the hand direction is this way." In the process, I also took the opportunity to learn some figure skating techniques. This time, however, I choreographed an original piece using a song by Shiina Ringo.
-Did Hanyu ask you to help choreograph a program?
MIKIKO: Yes. We also decided on the song selection together. This was the second program in the first half. When everyone was discussing "Can we arrange any good music here that will make people immersed in it?", he proposed "I want to add some music that is different from what I usually listen to", so I sent him a collection of songs that I thought would be suitable. Among them, he chose Shiina Ringo's "Chicken, Snake and Pig".
-Choreographing for figure skating must be different from choreographing for dance on the floor, right?
MIKIKO: I definitely felt that it was very challenging. It’s similar to how some parts of "GIFT" were done based on a lack of knowledge about ice shows, and I approached it with a similar lack of understanding about figure skating choreography. I would think about the upper body movements as I would for regular dance. On the other hand, for the footwork, I could only suggest things like "I think you should move back and forth a few steps, then a few steps forward." I could only convey the image like this. So, it’s not so much me doing the choreography alone, but more of a collaboration. Even though it was difficult, it felt like "full of possibilities" because there are things that cannot be done in floor dance.
-What you can’t do on land but can do on ice is to move while skating, right?
-Do characteristics of figure skating have a positive effect in showing dance?
MIKIKO: Ah, I think this is a very difficult thing. After all, the feet have to keep gliding on the ice. In particular, the dance movements I designed are movements where the feet are like buckles (fixed) while coordinating with the upper body. If the foot movements are not consistent, it will be very difficult to move the upper body. So, I think he really practiced a lot for this program.
-The transfer of the choreography on land to the ice must have been done by Hanyu himself, right?
MIKIKO: Yes. The footwork was entirely finalized on the ice. Initially, I choreographed the dance for the entire song, and after rehearsing with the mirrors, he memorised the movements and then tried them on the ice. Later, adjustments were made at the Sendai rink, such as "If we do this move here, it won't work," or "Let’s remove this part of the dance and focus on the footwork."
-This program seems to be based on the image of a straight line?
MIKIKO: Yes, before choreographing, we already had the image of "moving forward on a single path, against the wind." So, I thought of using lighting and lasers to create a path on the ice, designing movements that made it look like not wanting to leave this path. It was choreographed with many intentional constraints.
-In figure skating, where movements are typically curved, maintaining a straight path must indeed be very difficult?
MIKIKO: That's true. So, the fact that he manages to skate without being hit by the laser light is already quite impressive. Though, again, I’m not very knowledgeable about these details, so I’m just guessing (laughs).
-It seems that Hanyu’s technical skills were crucial in achieving such a performance.
MIKIKO: I really think so.
-As a choreographer for dancers and artists, how do you perceive Hanyu’s performance as a performer?
MIKIKO: His dedication to performance, daily lifestyle, and the preparation he undertakes to perform in front of an audience are things that I think everyone should learn from. If I were to evaluate, I would say, "I’m very grateful for him showing us that kind of attitude."
I have been working with BABYMETAL since they were in the fifth grade, and with Perfume for 25 years now. Although sometimes I feel sad that so much time has passed, but because they have always worked tirelessly, I genuinely hope they can create something that touches people’s hearts, which is why I haven’t given up over these 25 years.
And among this, someone like Hanyu, who has numerous fans and has won gold medals, still feels that he is "far from perfect" in the art of expression and continues to pursue it relentlessly. When I learned that he had put in such a huge effort, I really sighed, "It really is so." To me, achieving a performance that genuinely touches people’s hearts and standing in front of others can only be done through such a life-or-death effort.
-Hearing such sentiments from someone like you, MIKIKO, really makes me think how remarkable Hanyu is.
MIKIKO: I think he probably won't lose to anyone at this point. Although it may be a bit strange to say that he "won't lose to anyone", he really worked hard to the point where people would think that (not losing to anyone) is "natural".
-In the solo show, he performs more than 10 programs by himself. He hardly ever takes a break, even while the video is playing between performances.
MIKIKO: Yes, after all, he still has to change costumes.
-During the ice show, will you see Hanyu backstage?
MIKIKO: I was sitting on the audience side, observing the overall effect in the venue, so I didn’t see the backstage.
-How did you feel while watching the show?
MIKIKO: As I mentioned earlier, I only watched figure skating as an ordinary viewer, so I’m completely unfamiliar with the details of the competition. As for the performance, "Messenger of Ruin", it included many high-difficulty jumps and spins—so much so that it could even be directly entered into a competition, right? I watched that program every time and gradually began to understand the timing and difficulties of the jumps, so during the official performance, I felt like, "Ah, please!" If I were his mother, I would probably be too anxious to watch, thinking "I want to go outside…" I’d be scared to that extent. There’s this kind of drama in just two and a half minutes, and even if he made a mistake in a jump, he’d have to continue skating without losing heart. The more I know, the more afraid I become. But at the same time, I could see that the fans were moved by this, and I think I also understand what it means to fight alongside him.
-In the program "Messenger of Ruin", what he challenged himself was to skate an already difficult skating composition without making any mistakes. Even after becoming a professional, he must continuously evolve, which is probably also the driving force behind Hanyu's progress.
MIKIKO: He didn’t say he was retiring, but used the term “turning pro” I think he practices and embodies this in his daily life.
-Figure skating is a sport, but the artistic component is also significant. Has your view of the sport changed through your interactions with Hanyu?
MIKIKO: I sometimes thought that the dilemma he felt when he was a competitor was reflected here. The world of expression is influenced by individual preferences, and there is no so-called standard answer. Because of this, it is a world of both joy and pain. While scores can simplify things in competitions, they can also bring about significant pain. In the absence of a clear answer to the question "What is the standard?", it would be more fitting for him, who has been relentlessly pursuing his own expression, to go to a world where there is no answer.
Even though we live in a world without scores, technique is still essential before performance. In other words, it should be performed by people who already possess technical skills. So, what he does is not fundamentally different from what we do. First of all, having skill is a given; in my view, it is only those whose expressiveness is so strong that people forget to admire their "skill" who are truly remarkable.
In this sense, Hanyu jumps so easily and lightly, and expresses them so easily, that viewers don’t understand how difficult it is. So, we keep asking him for more and more (laughs). But I think this is a requirement for someone who reaches the "professional" world.
-What you said is very meaningful.
MIKIKO: You first need to have technique, and then think about how to express music and emotions. I think that’s the way it should be.
-I feel that his solo performances have really transcended the traditional boundaries of figure skating. What Hanyu aims to achieve can no longer be summarised with just "skate".
MIKIKO: I think that's indeed the case. What will he create next?
-I am looking forward to him surpassing everyone’s expectations once again. Changing the topic, the ice show "Yuzuru Hanyu Notte Stellata 2024" was held in Miyagi Prefecture a few days ago.
MIKIKO: I was also there to watch it.
-Hanyu skated the solo program "Danny Boy". This song was recommended to him when he appeared on Gen Hoshino's TV show. It turns out that Hanyu was also greatly influenced by Hoshino.
MIKIKO: That's right.
-He also performed "Koi Dance" at an exhibition, and I was reminded once again that there was a connection with MIKIKO there as well.
MIKIKO: At that time, Hanyu-kun was dancing "Koi Dance" with his friends in a sort of lounge area, and the video spread on Twitter. After I found out, I silently posted something like " Yuzuru-sama also did the Koi Dance…" (laughs). He told me, "I already knew this." and said, "I thought at that time: 'It's been conveyed!'" (laughs).
-Hearing these stories from then to now is truly moving. How did you feel after watching "Notte Stellata"?
MIKIKO: Both "Danny Boy" and "Carmina Burana", which he collaborated with Mao Daichi, were choreographed by figure skating choreographers. When I look at them objectively, I reaffirmed their excellence. Then, what surprised me was to see how much his body had changed after the Yokohama performance from the Saga performance of RE_PRAY.
-He himself said that the Saga performance was physically tough.
MIKIKO: During this period of more than a month, I think he himself had a strong desire for revenge. There was a feeling of "I will change!" Wasn’t he also working on choreography for “notte stellata” at the same time? And he had to further polish his new programs. Under these conditions, there were significant changes in his skating style and strength, making me feel "Wow, he’s still evolving", and in a sense, it was also "terrifying".
-Probably the tension of facing the ever-evolving Hanyu.
MIKIKO: After watching the actual performance, the video creator of the ice show had a sparkling look on his face. It was obvious that the staff working with him felt it was rewarding, and I think that's because Hanyu-kun gives so much back to us in the actual performance. This is truly a give-and-take relationship; motivating the staff and making them feel the value of their contributions is essential for the performer. Because of this, we feel that "we must create excellent works." Through his performance and attitude, he has built a very positive relationship.
-I often hear the same sentiments from the staff involved in the shows.
MIKIKO: That's true. Watching him practice, it instantly makes you want to get serious and not be half-hearted. It’s hard to express, but you definitely can’t slack off. If everyone doesn’t perform at a high standard, there will definitely be something that feels out of place.
-It’s precisely this attention to detail that makes the ice show so high-quality.
MIKIKO: I really think so.
-Thank you for sharing so many valuable insights. Lastly, do you have any expectations or hopes for Hanyu’s future achievements?
MIKIKO: As I have said in various interviews, as someone who has been in the entertainment industry, having seen and created many things, I want to believe that “there are things that Japan can be proud of”. When I saw the actual performance of "GIFT", I felt that this potential was further expanded. It felt like witnessing "the moment a new door open" to an unprecedented world of entertainment, where figure skating is combined with visuals, lighting, and music, creating a tremendous synergy.
So, I hope more people can appreciate his ice shows and that those who need to see it will have the chance to enjoy it. While making Hanyu’s fans happy is a primary goal, I also hope to move those who aren’t normally interested in such performances, so that people from other fields in the world can also be touched.
He is truly doing something very difficult. Both physically and mentally. In order not to crush his potential, we also want to work tirelessly. It would be great if we could try our best to do something to support him. Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, I hope it will benefit Japan and the world.
Source: Quadruple Axel 2024 #羽生結弦 SPECIAL pg 76-81 Info: https://x.com/AxelQuadruple/status/1790024157121351998
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thesplintering · 2 years
Alterna Comics’ Fall Preorder Campaign Now Live on Indiegogo
Alterna Comics’ Fall Preorder Campaign Now Live on Indiegogo | #comics #crowdfunding #fiction #comicbooks #art
Time to fall into Autumn! (kill me) On Tuesday, Alterna Comics launched a pre-order crowdfunding campaign for their Fall lineup of books. The campaign is well on its way to being fully funded, having raised nearly $3 thousand at the time of this writing (roughly an hour after the campaign’s launch). Through the Indiegogo campaign page, you can pick up all six of Alterna’s Fall issues, or simply…
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snapghoul · 11 months
If we could do it all once again
(I’d have you right here by my side)
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✰ Paring: Johnny Cage/Kenshi Takahashi [mk1 versions]
How the dark double lost his Johnny and the pain that came with it.
✰ tags&notes: blood, death, angst, hurt/no comfort but also comfort. Long one again, strap in for this roller coaster. Enjoy
✰ Part [1] [2]
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☯︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
In the depths of his memories, Kenshi cherished the moments long before they became champions, long before the weight of their destinies bore down on their shoulders. In his own timeline, their meeting had been a stroke of fate, a serendipitous encounter that had changed the course of their lives. He remembered the first time their eyes had met, a spark of connection igniting between them. There was a familiarity in Johnny's smile, a warmth that had reached Kenshi's heart. Their conversations had been filled with laughter and shared dreams, dreams that extended beyond the realms they knew.
In those early days, they were simply two souls drawn together, finding solace and understanding in each other's presence. They had explored the world with wide-eyed wonder, embracing the simple joys of life and discovering the depth of their friendship, turning into something more profound. Kenshi recalled the quiet moments they had shared, the stolen glances, and the gentle touches that spoke volumes without the need for words. They had forged a bond that transcended the boundaries of time and space, a connection that went beyond the roles they were destined to play.
The memory of their love blossoming, untainted by the battles and challenges that lay ahead, was a precious treasure Kenshi held close to his heart. It was a reminder of the purity of their affection, a love unburdened by the weight of their responsibilities as champions. How he wished they had more time, how he wished to return to the home they had in Japan, how he wished to wake up next to Johnny again, kiss his face ever so gently. Watch the koi swim from their favorite bridge during the Sakura season. Wish he could see his smile.
But that was taken from him long ago, the memory an ever-present specter that lingered in the depths of his consciousness. He could recall the day with painful clarity, the day his world had been shattered, and darkness had enveloped his soul. It was a day etched in his memory, a day when he had lost not just his sight but also his light, his Johnny. The vivid images played in his mind like a cruel film, each frame filled with the agony of that moment. The sharp pain of the memory was like a dagger through his heart, a wound that refused to heal.
Mileena killed Johnny first. She ripped his throat out with her teeth the moment she broke his defense. Johnny's crumpled form on the ground—it was a scene etched into Kenshi's memory with painful clarity. In his heart, Kenshi wished he could have been closer, that he could have intervened, prevented that fatal blow from landing. The feeling of helplessness gnawed at him, a bitter reminder of his inability to protect the person he loved the most. He could almost hear the gut-wrenching scream that had torn from his throat, echoing the depths of his despair and rage.
The moment Kenshi's gaze met Mileena's, he froze, a surge of horror and disbelief paralyzing him. In that heartbeat, she seized the opportunity. Swift as a striking serpent, she disarmed him, her sais finding their mark with terrifying precision. The pain, sharp and immediate, sliced through Kenshi's senses. His world blurred with agony, but it was nothing compared to the devastation that followed. He was in helpless despair as Mileena ruthlessly took his eyes.
Yet, even amidst the physical agony, the emotional torment overshadowed it all. The sight of Johnny's life extinguishing, the light fading from his love's eyes, haunted Kenshi. It was a loss that cut deeper than any blade, a wound that could never truly heal. She left them there, Kenshi writhing on the floor, blood dripping from his sockets, his hands pressed to cover them. His fingers are slick and tacky. His cries were full of agony as he screamed, cursing Milleena, crying out for Johnny. His voice bounced off the stone walls of the fake laboratory until his throat was raw.
In a whirlwind of fury and sorrow, Kenshi's once noble mission to free his family twisted into something darker, fueled by revenge and a blade steeped in centuries of anger. Sento, the ancestral sword gifted to him by Johnny, became an extension of his wrath, a weapon forged not just from steel but from the depths of his own pain.
On that fateful day, Kenshi's heart, once filled with hope and determination, was consumed by a vengeful fire. Mileena, the catalyst of his suffering, fell beneath the weight of his vengeance. The Yakuza, those who had exploited his family and shattered his world, met the same fate, their reign of terror brought to a brutal end by Kenshi's unforgiving blade. The air crackled with the intensity of his rage as he carved through his enemies, his strikes swift and merciless. Each swing of his sword carried the weight of his grief, the echoes of his lost family, and the memory of Johnny's sacrifice. Sento sang a song of retribution, a symphony of justice forged from the crucible of his pain.
In the wake of his vengeance, Kenshi found himself perched at the helm of the Yakuza, the very organization he had once despised. Under his leadership, the Taira clan rose to power, their grip on the criminal underworld tightening with each passing day. Kenshi ruled with an iron fist, his heart encased in ice, and his actions devoid of mercy. Gone was the honorable warrior he had once been, replaced by a ruthless crime lord who brooked no opposition. The darkness had consumed him entirely, swallowing every trace of the man he used to be. There was no one left to bring him back from the abyss; the light that had once guided him had been extinguished with Johnny's death.
The Yakuza, once a symbol of everything Kenshi had fought against, had become his kingdom of shadows. Fear and respect mingled as whispers of his name spread through the criminal underworld. Kenshi Takahashi, the enigmatic leader of the Taira clan, was a force to be reckoned with, a man driven by a thirst for power and a desire for retribution.
Yet, in the depths of his newfound empire, Kenshi was a broken soul, haunted by the memory of his lost love. The darkness that surrounded him was a reflection of the void within, a void that could never be filled. He was a ghost of his former self, a man who had died alongside Johnny on that fateful day.
When the call came from Titan Shang Tsung, Kenshi's heart sank with a heavy dread. He had heard whispers of the war that loomed on the horizon, a conflict that threatened to consume everything in its path. But what chilled him to the core was the possibility of facing Johnny again, a prospect he had tried desperately to avoid. The mere thought of encountering Johnny, even in the twisted realms of combat, felt like a fresh wound tearing open in Kenshi's soul. The memories of their love, their laughter, and the life they had once shared surged back, threatening to drown him in a sea of regret and longing. His heart, already shattered, threatened to break into even smaller fragments at the mere prospect of seeing Johnny's face again.
As Kenshi stood across from a double of Johnny, his heart ached with a mixture of pain and longing. The resemblance was uncanny – the same tousled hair, the familiar attitude, and the essence of the man he had loved. The desire to see Johnny's eyes, to search for that familiar glint of mischief and kindness, burned within Kenshi. It was a wish that tugged at his very core, a craving for one last glimpse of the man he had cherished. Were they the same shade of brown? His own blindness now felt like an unbearable curse, denying him the chance to look into the eyes that had once been his solace.
Even in his yearning, Kenshi refused to let his emotions shatter him completely. This was not his Johnny. This… pitiful excuse of a double, though eerily convincing, lacked the shared memories and the depth of love that had bound them together. While the resemblance was striking, he knew that the true essence of his beloved was absent in this shadowy reflection.
In that crucial moment, as Kenshi poised his blade to strike the killing blow, doubt gnawed at his resolve. The sight of this vulnerable, wounded version of Johnny stirred conflicting emotions within him. Each blow he had landed felt like a self-inflicted wound.. His hesitation was palpable, his grip on the sword wavering. The weight of the decision hung heavy in the air. If he killed this timeline’s Johnny, would he be condemning his double to a life of suffering? Would he be perpetuating a cycle of pain and despair?
Kenshi's heart, torn between the desire for vengeance and the fear of perpetuating his own anguish, wavered on the edge of a precipice. The conflict within him was a tempest, raging in the depths of his soul. He questioned the morality of his actions and the consequences of extinguishing a life even in the heat of battle.
The injustice of it all struck Kenshi like a dagger to the heart. He couldn't shake the bitterness that clawed at him, gnawing at his very core. Why did this version of himself, in this timeline, get to have Johnny and happiness while he was left with nothing but the shards of a shattered love? Kenshi grappled with a profound sense of despair and envy. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, a cosmic mockery of his own suffering. The world seemed to conspire against him, denying him the happiness he so desperately craved.
Kenshi's grip on his sword tightened, his knuckles turning white with the force of his frustration and anger. The words echoed in his mind – it's not fair – a bitter mantra that encapsulated the depth of his despair.
With a primal roar, Kenshi's arms raised, his sword gleaming in the light as he prepared to strike. The moment of hesitation had passed, replaced by a seething rage that consumed him entirely. The initial reluctance to harm this double had given way to an overwhelming sense of resentment. In that instant, all the pain, all the unfairness, and all the bitterness boiled within him. The sight of his double, seemingly living a life he could only dream of, became a catalyst for his fury.
At the height of his rage, Kenshi swung his sword with a fervor that was all-consuming. The double, eyes wide with fear, raised his arms to block the impending blow. The world around them blurred, and for a fleeting moment, Kenshi's vision narrowed to that single, fateful strike.
But in his blind fury, he became oblivious to his surroundings. The next thing he knew, a powerful force struck him, sending him hurtling to the side. The impact was jarring, and he felt himself falling, the ground disappearing beneath him. Sento slipped from his grasp and, as he descended, took his vision with it, and Kenshi was left with the sensation of freefall, the world spinning around him as he tumbled into the unknown.
In the midst of his freefall, there was a sudden, deafening sound of whirling wind, and then... nothing.
Time seemed to stand still, and all movement ceased. The rushing wind that had filled his ears moments ago was replaced by an eerie silence, as if the world had frozen in time. Kenshi felt suspended in the void, weightless and disoriented. For a moment, he existed in a state of absolute stillness, devoid of any sensation. It was as if the universe itself had pressed pause, holding its breath in anticipation of what would come next.
In the blink of an eye, Kenshi's disoriented state transformed into one of bewilderment. An extreme sense of vertigo rushed through him, and suddenly, he found himself standing on his feet again. His hands instinctively reached out to catch himself, and he felt the smooth, familiar texture of wooden walls under his fingertips. His eyes were immediately drawn to a picture hanging on the wall next to his face. It was a family photograph – a cherished memory frozen in time. He stared at it for a moment, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions. It was a picture of him and Johnny, captured during the Nagasaki Lantern Festival, a moment of happiness and love immortalized by Kenshi's mother's lens.
The vibrant colors of the photograph contrasted sharply with the surreal experience of the void he had just emerged from. Kenshi felt a sense of nostalgia wash over him as he gazed at the image, a reminder of the love he had lost and the life they had shared.
It took him a while to register that he could see again, that the world around him was no longer shrouded in darkness. And then, the realization hit him – he was in his old home, a place he hadn't set foot in for a long time.
The touch of his hand around his eyes confirmed the reality he had dared not hope for – he could see. Pain and relief intertwined in a gasp that escaped him, and he slumped against the wall, overwhelmed by the emotions crashing over him. The universe's cruelty was not lost on him. To grant him sight now, in a place he had once loved so deeply, felt like a cruel twist of fate. The bitter irony of being able to see in a moment of profound loss and confusion weighed heavily on his heart.
With a heavy heart and a determined will, Kenshi forced himself to move down the familiar halls and stairs of his home. Each step echoed with memories – laughter, shared moments, and the warmth of a love that had once filled these walls. Each footfall was a reminder of the life he had lived, a life that now felt like a distant dream. As he made his way through the front door, he refused to glance back at the humble kitchen where he and Johnny had stood side by side. The memories threatened to overwhelm him, pulling at the strings of his heart. But he couldn't afford to linger in this prison of happy memories. He needed to escape, to break free from the chains of the past that threatened to bind him.
Kenshi's world shattered as he stumbled into the gardens he had once loved so dearly. The sight before him, the familiar bridge over the pond, the figure leaning against the railing – it was Johnny. A rush of conflicting emotions overwhelmed him, and he let out a sob, unable to comprehend the reality before him. Why was this happening? Was it a cruel illusion, a manifestation of his deepest desires and fears? Torn between disbelief and desperate hope, Kenshi approached cautiously, his heart pounding in his chest. Johnny's dopy grin, the mischievous sparkle in his eyes – his warm brown eyes, it was all too real. He wanted to reach out, to touch him and make sure he wasn't a mirage, but fear held him back.
"Johnny?" Kenshi's voice wavered, a mixture of disbelief and longing. He couldn't fathom how his lost love could be standing there, as vibrant and alive as he remembered. The universe seemed to be playing a cruel game with his heart, teasing him with the possibility of a reunion.
Kenshi stood frozen, his breath caught in his throat, as Johnny turned to face him. The smile that spread across Johnny's face was genuine, a beacon of warmth and familiarity that no illusion could replicate. It was in the crinkling of his eyes, the way his nose scrunches up – all the little details that made Johnny, well, Johnny.
"Hey Kendoll! Long time no see," Johnny greeted him, his voice filled with the same playful tone that Kenshi remembered so well. It was as if time had stood still, and they were back to the days when laughter came easy, and their love felt limitless.
A mix of disbelief and overwhelming joy flooded Kenshi's heart. He took a hesitant step forward, his eyes never leaving Johnny's face. "Johnny," he whispered, his voice barely audible, as if saying the name too loudly would shatter the moment. "Is it really you?"
Johnny's smile softened, his eyes filled with a tender sincerity that reached the depths of Kenshi's soul. He nodded, his expression unwavering. "Yeah, Kenshi, it's really me," he said, his voice laced with a mixture of affection and reassurance. He took a step closer, closing the distance between them. Kenshi's heart raced with a myriad of emotions – hope, love, and a lingering touch of disbelief. His eyes glistened with unshed tears, reflecting the vulnerability he felt in that moment.
He reached out, his fingers trembling slightly, and gently touched Johnny's cheek as if to confirm the reality of his presence. A soft gasp escaped Kenshi as he felt the warmth of Johnny's skin beneath his fingertips. The touch was real, tangible, and it sent a shiver down his spine. His breath caught in his throat, and he let out a shaky exhale, finally allowing himself to believe in the miracle before him. A choked laugh of disbelief and relief escaped Kenshi's lips, and he pulled Johnny into a tight embrace. The reality of Johnny's presence enveloped him, grounding him in a moment that felt almost too good to be true.
"I can't believe you're here," Kenshi murmured against Johnny's shoulder, his voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. "I missed you so much."
Johnny's arms wrapped around Kenshi, holding him with a comforting strength. "I missed you too, so damn much," he whispered back, his voice filled with an overwhelming tenderness.
In Johnny's embrace, Kenshi felt the weight of years of pain and suffering lift from his shoulders. The burden of revenge, the ache of loss, and the torment of uncertainty – it all disappeared, dissipating like a long-forgotten nightmare. He was free now, liberated from the chains that had bound him for so long.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☯︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
End notes:
I was gonna leave this angsty but I love happy endings too and wanted to tie Johnny’s wishes from part two into this. I also write a lot of hurt to there must be comfort eventually.
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jaimebluesq · 8 months
oooo for the AU Ask Game, an alternate universe where JYL marries someone else who isn't Jin Zixuan? (your choice on who she marries and why!)
Oooh this is a fun one! All right, here we go... this might change EVERYTHING lol
Who does JYL marry? There is absolutely no question in my mind that the best option in terms of inter-sect connections, and a desire on JC and WWX's parts that she be safe and cared for, is for her to marry Nie Mingjue. She would have had a chance to get to know him during the Sunshot campaign, and we all know NMJ drinks respect -women-juice for breakfast - and is a big softie, like look what he lets his brother get away with >.< So yeah, JYL goes to Qinghe and gets a spare didi out of the deal!
But why does she marry? Because yes, she still has feelings for JZXuan, but he's still a man-child who doesn't know a good thing when he sees it ;) But seriously, we have YMJ which is still rebuilding after the war and likely getting more and more in debt to get the supplies and manpower to fix up Lotus Pier, not to mention attracting new disciples to feed and clothe, so they'd need an alliance with another great sect - one that's stable financially and could even help YMJ. Gusu is still rebuilding as well, so they're out, and we've eliminated the Jin. THankfully Qinghe is a solid option all around (as stated above). And JYL has known from the time she was young that she would marry for an alliance, not for love - she would be the one to sit JC and WWX down to tell them it needs to be done (when they hear her suggestion of NMJ, that's the thing that gets them on board - they would have fought just about anyone else).
So at Koi Tower, things might be a little more uncertain because these clans are based on hereditary hierarchy, and without an heir along Jin Zixuan's line, his position is uncertain even if he's the only legitimate son. So JGS pushes for a marriage - even worse when he sees Qin Su's pursuit of JGY, because he'll be DAMNED if he allows JGY to marry before JZXuan. Sadly, I have no idea who he'd marry, probably the daughter of a smaller sect's leader (Yao or Ouyang maybe), but it would be a rushed deal and will make poor JZXuan miserable - but he'll do it because it's what's expected of him, and even though he will not love his wife, he will still give her far more respect than his father gave his mother (I know, low bar, but the boy is TRYING).
So with JYL engaged to NMJ by the time of the Phoenix Mountain Hunt, things go a little different - yes WWX will bust out the Wen remnants and fuck out of dodge, but JYL will go to NMJ and ask him to help WWX (at the very least give him a chance to explain instead of denouncing him with everyone else). This turns the tide for many things because once NMJ sees the conditions of the Burial Mounds and what's left of the Wen, he will be amenable to helping - but will do so under the condition that WWX give up demonic cultivation (and in fact he suggests Nie cultivation as an alternative - this will lead to a sad moment when WWX FINALLY comes up with a proper story and claim that WZL melted his core to explain that he's core-less, and after much crying all around, they can finally move forward from this mess).
So the Nie will lend their protection to the Wen in the Burial Mounds and actually suggest they move up into Qinghe - not by the Unclean Realm, but he will give them land to live on that isn't full of resentful energy, and they will have QHN's protection. This is good, and in return, a certain doctor meets NMJ and will start researching his condition to treat (and hey, if you wanna have fun, have her join NMJ & JYL, I'm easy ;)
So yeah! One change and everything changes like dominos :D
Thank you for the ask!
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Xaeren Character Intro!
After popular demand (@thecomfywriter) I have made an intro for your favourite magic guy Xaeren. For more info go to the ‘Xaeren lore’ links in my intro, or #xaeren writing.
Ok so I have a list of questions from the number 1 Xaeren fan, but if anyone has further questions feel free to put them in the comments.
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This man’s sleeping position?
He sleeps on his side, usually his left side unless he is injured. His coat hangs next to him in case he needs to leave quickly and he has other runes on his pyjamas just in case.
His daddy issues?
Xaeren’s biological father (Morden Teyri) was a necromancer from the 3rd Altic Kingdom, when he was taken Xaeren was adopted by an abusive step father from the Ponturesi who used him to study the effect of pain or learning runes. All in all not a great parental situation but when he finally reached Zairel he is quickly welcomed into Hiresias and the hidden king becomes something of a father figure to him so that is nice.
His crippling anxiety?
He fears that he is running out of time, which he is. Xaeren has spent a lot of time and effort protecting himself from the gods but has recently figured out that it was not enough to keep him safe. The concept of the goddess finding him and imprisoning him again is terrifying, if only just because of his utter helplessness and failure at his life goal: magic and survival.
His Runes?
Ok, long story. I have other rune posts, but happy to make more if needed. His runes of choice are ‘Awen’- protection, ‘Xaeren’- souls/banishment (Obviously) ‘Tas’- Binding and ‘Tesellel’- Dispelling magic
Where did his resilience come from?
Xaeren has been running from this goddess since he was 15. Resilience isn’t a choice for him, it is a requirement for his survival, and survival is something he cares deeply about. The people around him in Zairel have helped with this. He can keep going because he knows that he can protect them, and they can help him.
His favourite ice cream flavour
Ooh I hadn’t thought about this one. Probably blackberry. I don’t know why so don’t ask.
Who is in his family?
Wow. Loaded question for him. First family - Altic necromancers Dad (Morden) from the 3rd kingdom and Mum (Saire) from Orien. They were taken by Schaeres for messing with death. She also would have taken Xaeren if she had seen him Second Family - The Ponturesi. Runic cult who experimented on how much loss a person needed to experience to use runes. He sent most of their living souls to a death realm. Third Family - Travelling group as he travelled around the altic lands and down the Wysindi coast to Zairel. They moved on when he decided to settle down in Zairel. Fourth Family - The hidden King and HK’s son Arlei. The crew: Zeudi - resources coordinator Herra and Koi - message runners, lower level hiresias. This later includes Kell. All of these are still currently alive.
Who does he hate?
Himself, the goddess Schaeres, The Ponturesi, sometimes the small council of house Lysandri
Who does he love?
You Naveena. He loves you. (Also his closest friend Arlei)
What inspires him? What terrifies him? What compels him to hide?
He is inspired by magical research. He spend a large portion of his life studying and developing runes so new forms of magic always intrigue him. The feelings of helplessness and eternity terrify him, which is why he is so particularly scared of the abyss. Schaeres scares him because she is an incredibly powerful entity that actively means to harm him. He is compelled to hide by very few things and when he does hide it is incredibly temporary before he goes straight back into the world. This is a common flaw and strength he has.
Who does he trust most in the world. Least?
Most - The hidden king. He can keep a secret and is very dependable when you have his favour. This extends somewhat to Zeudi because she works directly under him and manages his affairs. Least - The small council (House Lysandri leaders)
Could he pick me up
Sigh. Yes. With magic, maybe not physically he isn’t that strong.
How much tea does he drink?
When he was studying he drank copious amounts of tea, now he forgets about basic needs and has to be reminded to drink water.
Who is his love interest? Can they fight?
He doesn’t have one. There is a bit of tension between him and Arlei but they never even begin to explore that. He is single.
What is his full name?
(Deep breath) Xaeren Corin Teyri, Runic of the Ponturesi, Arcani of Hiresias, Silmern and first of his name, the betrayer of Anosel, and binder the goddess Schaeres of Tamir’sul.
He doesn’t always introduce himself like that, just a few titles he has acquired in his travels. And these are only the titles he claims.
Adding the tag list to this one. Leave further questions in the comments.
@thelovelymachinery, @an-indecisive-nerd, @the-letterbox-archives, @oliolioxenfreewrites, @winvyre
@happypup-kitcat24, @wyked-ao3, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @alnaperera, @dearunreliablenarrator
@rumeysawrites, @urnumber1star, @seastarblue, @thecomfywriter
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