#rebecca reads books
ryebecca · 6 months
About 30% into Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage and the male main character - older brother's best friend, Luke Brooks - has already sported these two looks (down to the muscle tee and the backward baseball cap) so he's pretty much Rhett Abbott/Lew kthxbye.
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I mean -
Complicated relationship with family, but a niece he adores? ✅ A man who only wants to be loved? ✅ Did I mention the muscle tees and backward cap? Yes, fine, so this is more Lew, but I never said my points made 100% sense. ✅
Okay, but this - this bit solidified it for me:
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EDIT: um, so in the time since I first drafted this post…this morning before I left for work, I might add, I not only finished the book but have firmly decided that Lew should first play Charlie Lastra in Book Lovers and then play Luke. Okay? Okay.
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torpublishinggroup · 1 month
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Celebrate Pride with Tor Publishing Group!
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Rakesfall by @adamantine
They met as children in the middle of the Sri Lankan civil war. Later, in a demon-haunted wood, an act of violence linked them and propelled their souls on a journey through the ages. As they reincarnate ever deeper into the future, a truth emerges: Some stories take more than one lifetime to tell.
Running Close to the Wind by @ariaste
In this queer pirate fantasy, Avra Helvaçi has accidentally stolen the single most expensive secret in the world. To avoid capture, he flees to the open sea, where only his on-again, off-again ex aka pirate Captain Teveri az-Ḥaffār can help him survive, profit, and become a legend.
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Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin
Something evil is buried deep in the desert. It wants your body and wears your skin. Welcome to Camp Resolution, a queer conversion center where everyone leaves a different person. In 1995, seven queer teens were abandoned here by their parents, but survived. Sixteen years later, they’re scarred and broken, but back to face an evil that threatens the world. 
Kinning by Nisi Shawl
In this alternate history where barkcloth airships soar and former colonies claim freedom from imperialist tyrants, the identity of the island of Everfair still wavers. Victorious in the wake of the Great War, a new threat looms. Can Everfair continue to serve as a symbol of hope for anticolonial movements around the world, or will it fall to forces within and without? 
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Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by @rebeccathornewrites
Can one of the Queen’s private guard and the most powerful mage in existence leave their lives behind to settle down in their new bookshop that serves tea? This cozy fantasy is steeped in sapphic romance and nestled on the edge of dragon country. 
The Fragile Threads of Power by V. E. Schwab
Once there were four worlds, nestled like pages in a book, each pulsing with fantastical power and connected by a single city: London. After a desperate attempt to prevent corruption and ruin in the four Londons, there are only three. Now the worlds are going to collide anew—brought to a dangerous precipice by the discoveries of three remarkable magicians.
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The Archive Undying by @emcandon
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The Bell in the Fog by Lev AC Rosen
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hidiustd · 1 year
hi i brought some memes based on fourth wing
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and i also created a playlist:
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thatbookwhore · 5 months
***Iron Flame SPOILERS****
I am so incredibly disappointed with what everyone is choosing to talk about with this book. Everyone is concentrating on what happens with Xaden but you know what to me was the absolute most gut wrenching storyline in the whole book? General Lilith Fucking Sorrengail.
From the moment we see her again in the beginning of the book she is nothing but supportive and proud of her daughter. Yes, she absolutely made the wrong decision where she stands in the war, and what she did to Xaden was absolutely inexcusable. (Although I do think if she hadn’t done that they would have killed all the marked ones.) But she made all those decisions for her children. Because she did what she needed to to keep them safe. You can’t convince me that even after Violet leaves, that even after Mira leaves, that she wasn’t incredibly thankful for the fact they were together and with Xaden who would never let something happen to Violet.
Lilith went into the dungeons to get her daughter out of there and I am not unconvinced that had Violet not already been mid rescue the General wouldn’t have turned traitor right there to get her out. The scene when Brennen reveals himself to her?? She’s cracking and can hardly hold herself together and my heart felt so sorry for her in that moment. It made me mad at Brennan because he threw it in her face like ammo when Violet spent all of fourth wing describing how his death ruined their mother.
One of the most heart breaking quotes in the whole book is at the beginning of chapter 65:
“Most generals dream of dying in service to their kingdom. But you know me better than that, my love. When I fall, it will be for one reason only: to protect our children.”
General Sorrengail didn’t support the war, she didn’t fight for Navarre she made it clear fron the beginning that she was just a mom protecting her kids, and she did so without second thought. Without hesitation. She didn’t do what she did for the war effort, or even to help everyone on the battlefield. She did it for Brennen, and Violet, and Mira.
Lilith Sorrengail was just a desperate mother and everyone glossing over her sacrifice is bullshit.
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Okay but can we talk about how protective Tairn is??? Everytime he calls Andarna as the "golden one" my heart just melts! It's so adorable sighhh
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endlesspoetsblog · 5 months
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Xaden Riorson x Violet Sorrengail 🖤
(Artist: @ dudledudlesss / @ ai art)
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super-oddity · 7 months
IRON FLAME SPOILERS theories & shit
okay violet’s second signet!! ry confirmed that it did manifest in this book… theories I’ve seen:
andarna’s linked to the gods, meaning her capabilities and violet’s signet defy established norms.
communicating with or resurrecting the dead. stems from her conversation with liam, though ry did say in an interview that liam was, in fact, just a hallucination. others theorize that even if that were the case, maybe sawyer was truly beyond saving had violet not intervened.
soul mender/something to do with healing venin. from the emphasis on “balance”; violet can both destroy and save the venin.
amplifier for other signets. mira’s shield, rhi pulling the dagger through a wall, dain seeing specific memories…
foresight. seeing the future; the way andarna was sure they would bond before she even hatched
time travel. linked to andarna’s power to stop time as a feathertail, the idea is that violet will ultimately go back and influence characters in the past
truth-sayer. “The only signet more terrifying than an inntinnsic is a truth-sayer.” Violet has an incessant need for the truth, and Xaden says he will always answer honestly so long as she asks the right questions.
more theories!! bc i need to consolidate these somewhere:
naolin turned venin and is still alive (poor brennan & tairn); it’s never says explicitly that he dies, just that saving Brennan “cost him everything”— much like Lyra’s words when talking about sharing the knowledge and protection of the wards
xaden’s mom turned venin and is still alive
violet’s dad turned venin before Violet was born/conceived
if resurrection/communicating with the dead is gonna come into play, burning a person’s belongings severs any potential connection/makes it impossible
either Violet and Xaden have been having the same nightmares and were both targets or one of them is seeing the other’s dreams
“recovered correspondence” could simply mean that it was recovered from a destroyed location, or that it was for a time believed to be lost… i’m more worried about the seemingly static ranks…
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melodysbookhaven · 8 months
“My favorite season is autumn, because my mum and I both believed that’s the only time when magic can be tasted in the air.”
Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals
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lepra-art · 7 months
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Xaden and Violet from “Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros
My Roman empire❤️‍🩹
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ardent-reflections · 11 months
I disappeared into books when I was very young, disappeared into them like someone running into the woods.
Rebecca Solnit
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annoyingbird22 · 4 days
dragon riders are the horse girls of fantasy
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thebookwormsara · 10 months
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Alexa, play Timeless (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)
I would've read your love letters every single night
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discoursets · 4 months
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day at the flea market! 🩶
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xadenviolct · 3 months
Oh, and the very moment I heard the title, my only thought (that kept going on repeat in my head all day) was--
ONYX is the word RY uses all the time to describe Xaden's eyes! And considering how Iron Flame ended...
And of course, since all the other titles were said word-for-word in the book-- Fourth Wing (their wing at Basgiath) and Iron Flame (in the wardstone)-- I am desperately curious how the words "Onyx Storm" will be written.
Never before have I wanted 10-ish months to go by so fast!
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freckles-and-books · 1 year
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I had big plans for my weekend, but I think I just want to read.
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appleinducedsleep · 4 months
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17-02-2024: saturday
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