#recap podcast
betapoliwrath · 1 month
TLC's Worst Dating Show is getting a second season, so MILD Manor'd too must resume.
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The worst reality show on television has decided to rear its ugly head again, which means I must resume my sacred duty to watch the show and recap it with my mother. Join us for season 2 of the podcast, which kicks off on Wednesday, May 8th with a double episode episode covering the return of the Milves--and possibly Dilves? We're innovating this season.
Now with real show art, drawn by Me with Real Crayons.
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blueboxbanterpod · 10 months
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Welcome to Blue Box Banter! A new Doctor Who recap podcast hosted by Syd and Bee, two Canadian fans reliving their teenage Doctor Who phase, one episode at a time. Episodes release every Friday, at 2pm est on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Music
Follow us on instagram! Youtube!
Follow your hosts!
Syd: Tumblr Insta
Bee: Tumblr Insta
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immortaliteapodcast · 10 months
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Bad idea right? (Aria’s version) 🎶
Check out our podcast, That’s immortali-tea, my darlings. Launching Sept 1!
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3x10: Weddings 2 Weddings Furious
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We're back, regrettably! The holiday is over and now we have to commit to this relationship. Will is here and he's a beta cuck, but fortunately Roz Washington is here with her Bronze Damn Olympic Medal and she's roasting everybody.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
03/07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Samba Schutte; Dominic Burgess; Lindsey Cantrell; Rhys Darby; Fan Spotlight; Never Left Podcast; Cast Cards; AdoptOurCrew; SaveOFMD Crew; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
I figure we could all use some normalcy tonight so I'm going to treat tonight like every other night and bring some news in-- Love Notes are where to go for commentary/love tonight lovelies.
== David Jenkins ==
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All the photos from his Instagram Post Are listed here on Tumblr
Instagram Source
== Samba Schutte ==
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Samba BTS Videos
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 1
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 2
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 3
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 4
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 5
Rhys Wink Video - @kiwistede ty
#Crew4Life video
== Dominic Burgess ==
Being the upstanding gentleman that he is, Dominic is still out here supporting us.
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== Lindsey Cantrell ==
Getting love from Lindsey regarding our loss. Ty so much hon.
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== Rhys Darby ==
Look whose cameo is back 👀
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== Fan Spotlight ==
== Never Left Podcast ==
The Never Left Podcast has decided to throw hands and I fucking love it. Balls for days. Never Left Podcast - A Message for David Zaslav and Casey Bloys
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Art by: AmysBirdHouse
= Cast Cards =
Even with the bad news, our lovely @melvisik is still at it! More cast members to collect! Love it!
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
March 8th - Next Goal Wins!
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When:  8 pm GMT / 3 pm EST / 12 pm PST
Thank you @lamentus1 for the info! Now available to buy in the UK: £11.99 @ Apple (https://tinyurl.com/mr3p6bvm) and £9.99 or £11.99 @ Amazon https://tinyurl.com/2fwdmezz. 
(US fans can watch on Hulu, and Disney Plus)
Watch Party Hashtags:
Mar 4 - Mar 8: Wrecked Season 1
Don't have access? DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th. 
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Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. 
Saturday there will be a re-watch for those who need to catch up (time TBD) .
== Adopt Our Crew ==
A message from our dear friends at @adoptourcrew
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== Save OFMD Crew ==
Our good friends over at @saveofmdcrewmates also had a message for us.
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== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Boy. What a day it's been, huh?
Never thought the clowning/honking would stop. I have to say, I'm glad at least that David saw all our commentary about "if he thought there was no hope he'd say something" and did in fact say something.
It's a bit of a hard pill to swallow, I know. We're all going through the various stages of grief right now. Some of us are already progressing on at a quick rate, others are still at the beginning.
I know I've said some of this across the platforms so I apologize if you've heard it already, but I think it's important to hear.
Whether it was only signing the petition, or tweeting every day for a week, or just supporting your crewmates. Every little bit to every large bit you did--
You did EVERYTHING you could.
None of this is your fault. None of this is David or the Cast's fault, and certainly none of it is the fans fault. You did everything you could, and even if it feels like it it was all for nothing, it meant so very very much.
Every Cast and Crew member got to see how much they meant to you. Smaller cast members like our friends Wendy Anderson, and Damien Gerard, and Dominic Burgess have all gotten to feel so much love from us. They've come in and participated with us in our various fuckeries, and we've gotten to know them better because of it!
Every single streaming service we targeted got to see just how much queer media means to us. So many new fans got to join us on this journey because we were loud, polite menaces, and we made a safe space for them to join us. Not just streaming services and new fans, but products, and groups too! Fucking Astroglide did watch parties with us, squishables got involved! Q+ and Pink News!
News Media ALL OVER THE DAMN PLANET looked at us and commiserated and shared their distaste for our loss.
If ONE streaming service picks up a true queer show (not just queer bait) because they saw our engagement, it was worth every single tear lost.
If ONE queer kid, years from now, gets a show where they feel represented because we fought for our silly little pirate show, it was worth EVERY SINGLE EFFORT.
IF ONE of your crew-mates felt included and decided to stick around on this planet a little longer because of it, IT WAS WORTH IT.
It already matters so much, to all of us. I get to spend every day, feeling hope in humanity because of this fandom. Every single day I come online and I see just how creative, and kind, and accepting you all are, and it gives me so much hope for the future. I feel loved again, for me, not who I pretend to be in my day to day life.
We raised money for SO MANY charities. We made LITERAL differences in people's lives. People we don't know, and who don't know us. Do you know how incredibly powerful that is?
Do you know just how much those tiny ripples cascade over this entire earth? Kindness is one of the most powerful driving forces in this world. It is not quantifiable in any way, and yet it makes such an impact.
We have some of the most amazingly talented, and resourceful, and brilliant people on the planet in this crew. That's all of you. You are absolute treasures, every single one of you.
And you know what? You didn't fucking deserve this.
You deserved your show back. You fought hard for it, and you are allowed to be angry about it. You are allowed to cry, or scream, or lie on the floor and not get up for a while. You are allowed to grieve.
Some of you haven't got there yet. Some of you are still fighting the good fight, or trying to support others, and just know lovelies, we will all be there when you struggle too.
I've said it before, but grief isn't linear, it comes in waves, and no matter how each of us proceeds tomorrow, it's going to continue to take time to heal from.
Whatever YOU NEED to cope, do it.
Do you wanna "Fuck it we ball" and keep fighting? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go cry in a corner and take a week off? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go hug a fellow crew-mate and tell them a goofy ass joke so they laugh? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go read fanfiction til you pass out? Make sure to drink some water, but go fucking do it.
Do you wanna draw, or sing, or write something that gets some of this awful energy out? Well? You guessed it--Go fucking do it.
BUT a gentle reminder lovelies:
Don't go hurt anyone, they don't deserve it.
Don't hurt yourself, YOU don't deserve it.
We've got discords, and tumblr, and twitter, and dm's galore. If you need support, reach out. I know so many of your crew are reaching out to each other to send love and support, and dole out all the hugs.
Lean on each other.
We are in this together.
We still have each other, and we will continue to.
This is not the end for OFMD. Whether it gets renewed in 10 years, or gets a movie, or graphic novels, or some other medium. This is not the end. It's certainly not the end of any of the cast & crew's careers. We will have so much to support them in going forward.
This fandom, these friends, don't end with this.
Keep making your fanfiction-- write and draw your own s3! Share it! Take this wonderful piece of queer art and joy that means so much to us and keep extending its infinite universes. Write meta and discuss and laugh and cry about it. We have lost the potential for s3, but we haven't lost what we already have, which is a glorious piece of media.
We have the cast & crew who continue to support and send love, and share our artwork and stories.
We have each other.
Now I'm gonna go mama bear on you and ask you to consider some things:
Have you had any water lately? Have you had anything to eat? Have you slept? Have you gone to the bathroom lately? Have you been outside, even for a moment?
Then finally, going with one last thing. This song helped me a lot today. Maybe it'll give you some love today too.
Just Begun by WILD
Not your vibe? Are you angry? @celluloidbroomcloset reminded me of this gem today:
This isn't the end crew.
This fandom is our home. We've just begun.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I realize the vibe might be off for these gifs but you deserve dopamine inducing gifs, you can fight me about it later.
Rhys gif: @ofmd-ann / Taika Gif: @dallonismysavior
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tkachuktkaching · 9 months
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Matthew on the Cam & Strick Podcast
A few things he said
He loves being in Florida & it was his preference out of all the places to go when the trade was going down.
Recapped the trade & how he found out about Johnny Gaudreau's trade just as he got back from his family vacation in Greece.
He gave big praise to brother Brady (unsurprisingly) & his sister for her skills too. He talked and he & Brady got recognised when out in a bar when visiting their sister recently.
He praised Barkov's talent & ability bigtime, his close friend Robert Thomas came in for huge praise as well & he was high on Brandon Montour when he was mentioned by the hosts they interviewed him recently.
His two dreams are to win the Stanley Cup & play with Brady for USA & win Gold together.
If he and Brady were ever to play together it would have to be for team USA or if Brady ever came to Florida because he's not going up there! (to Ottawa) but Brady's a few years from making any decisions about any move but Brady's like a god up there on Ottawa & he (Brady)loves it there.
He said It's sad & a big shame so many of top players haven't played in world cups or Olympics due to lack of opportunities & hopes to be able play in a few in his career.
He's not got his winter clothes from Calgary anymore.
He's looking forward to returning to Calgary when the schedule gives him three days there this next year in January to visit his favourite places for coffee & show off his favourite restaurants.
He's returning to Florida on Friday but he's not driving all that way he's having his car shipped back to Florida.
Big praise for Bill Zito & giving his players everything they need to succeed & for Paul Maurice for helping him become so much a better player & giving him his trust which means a lot to him.
He loves hosting his family & friends at his Florida home.
He tried to not to overstep when he first arrived last year & go with the flow as the new guy but his team mates pushed him to be in a leadership role right away.
Praised everyone, team mates & everyone for helping him settle in so well & feels he's known everyone for 20 years. He's so comfortable in Florida & says he met everyone gradually as they came back in small groups a couple at a time.
He recapped the playoffs and talk about the belief in the room even when they were down v Boston.
He talked about how bad his feet were hurting after the 4x overtime win over Carolina in the playoffs.
Lots of praise for his teammates talking about being surrounding by so much talent in Florida.
He watches practically every game of Brady's, he loves to watch the big games and likes to study certain players mentioning Kucherov.
He's learned he needs to be on the ice & is more valuable on the ice than off & feels he's evolved as a player.
This summer he's worked on PT & Strength & Conditioning & done way more cardio than ever before after recovering after his injury.
He says he's back to 100%
He went to 4 weddings in the off season he was invited to 6 but couldn't go to them all some overlapped with things he had to do.
Talked about the videos of Brady signing Mr Brightside shirtless and the videos that were sneakily taken going viral on SM. Says it's not a true reflection on Brady.
Mentions Brady got more attention than him in the playoffs at Calgary & his dad did last time round!
Talked about his dads 'soft' comments he was more bothered by the timing & being more bothered by how his team were playing at such a vital time with the playoffs on the line. He wasn't upset with his dad & he didn't get a bad reaction from his team. Admits his father was probably right though.
When he got hurt he thought he done his collarbone at first, he stiffened up when being forced to go through concussion protocol. The ovation he got when he came back on the ice, he thought was amazing & meant a lot to him & expresses his appreciation for that.
After the game with his injury he couldn't even wash his body, next day he texted his brother to get him out of bed he was the only one he had at his house at that moment, he even couldn't lift his head due to the pain.
After the game despite the injury. He drove himself home with his sling on! Admitting he knows he probably shouldn't have!!
It was Teddy the head of equipment guy that tied his laces for him ahead of the game he tried to play.
He talked about the Jonathan Quick incident that led to his 2 game suspension refuses to make excuses for his actions but admitted he gets pissed off about goalies bumping into players then losing their minds when players do it back to them. But chalked it up to frustration that boiled over at the end of the game.
His favourite thing to do off ice is play golf & anything he can do that involves being outside he loves & in Calgary he couldn't do anything!
The Elbow Room club also got quite a few mentions, he likes to go out to eat & mentions water skiing but he's still not a boat guy.
Says he used to hate going to the beach when he was younger but now he loves it.
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oscarpiastriwdc · 2 months
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augustfiction · 1 month
"I think its like, once you start seeing them interact you know its going to be slightly different. It's like, you know, the way they've left each other was so dramatic. And so, to me, it's like, "how are they interacting? What are they giving-- what are they, like, revealing of each other or themselves, which is very little. And then that 'thaw' we continue to talk about, and we kept referring to it as like, getting back into bed with each other... That is what it feels like. It feels like a-- a chess match, like a seduction dance. There's something about it where they still do want to be with each other, they're not willing to admit it."
Lucia Aniello, Hacks Season 3 Podcast, Episode 1
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marvelousmawn · 3 months
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i entered into a fugue state and suddenly an hour and 36 minutes passed
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liamlawsonlesbian · 1 month
No the motorsport education system makes me sick as an educator. Like so many didnt finish high school and a lot barely even started (even ones you would think did like GR dropped out at 14)
it's horrific! like i think it's really easy for them to slip through the cracks because they move around so much and are absent so often, but that's not an excuse for the way things are
the analog I always think of for motorsport kids is child actors, but there have actually been protections for child actor education in place for a LONG time, at least in the US and the UK (not that they always work)
and like...you can say "it worked out fine for them" about the current grid all you want, but what about the kids who were on the same path but can't make a living from racing as an adult/get injured/etc?
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hungerpunch · 1 year
"ART teammates Jules Bianchi and Valtteri Bottas attempted to chase Ricciardo down towards the end of the race..." ouch :'(
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motziedapul · 15 days
I forgot about this interaction between Donner and Murphy in Episode 13: Bangkay (Corpse), and I'm crying I love them:
DONNER: Oh, hey. Didn’t take you for a jewelry guy. MURPHY: Oh, this? [chuckling] Ash gave it to me. Trying out that whole blessing thing Mari did. Right now he’s at the “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” stage of his dabbling in the arcane arts or whatever. He even made this nasty tea he said would soothe my humours or something. [Audible shudder] [Some quiet] DONNER: Did you drink the tea- MURPHY: Of course I drank the tea. DONNER: Right, because when I tell you you should look after your dietary health, you look at me like I’m crazy, but when your fake-real magic conman boyfriend says drink the weird tea- MURPHY: Oh sir, no need to be jealous. You still hold a special place in my heart. DONNER: Not jealous, just finally accepting that Ashvin might actually be able to do real magic if he’s got you downing something that tastes that rank. [Silence, Murphy giving Donner a pointed look] MURPHY: [Loud breath in, as if to say something] DONNER: Okay, alright, I walked right into that one. No need to rub it in. MURPHY: Oh man, you’re on a roll tonight. [Pause]
Nothing brings Richard (Dick Jokes) Murphy more joy than when Donner makes an accidental innuendo (or two)
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hinaypod · 6 days
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Since we've gotten pretty plot-heavy, we wanted to make sure everyone can follow along! Act 2 recaps coming soon.
Listen on Spotify!
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unopenablebox · 24 days
the thing about more civilized age is that natalie is simply not bringing it for me. she has never been bringing it for me. from the first moment she revealed her incredibly heterosexual mode of unreconstructed kylo ren fondness i knew she couldnt bring it and shes been continuing to not bring it ever since then
fortunately ali and austin are both there to be fujo representation/representation of people who know or remember information about star wars, allowing me to enjoy the podcast even now, when it finally starts getting into the inexplicable kalluzeb shipping part of rebels
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
04/23/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Vico Ortiz; Astroglide; Articles; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; OFMD Colouring Pages; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad popped out to send some love and support today!
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Img Src: David Jenkins Twitter
= Taika Waititi =
Well, Taika broke the internet today with his Belvedere commercial. Directed and starred in it. Be sure to open a window because it is hot.
= Samba Schutte =
Samba has started up a new T Shirt campaign to benefit the charity @everymomcounts that helps to make pregnancy and childbirth, safe and equitable! You can either buy a #CrewForLife t-shirt, or sign up for one of his baking classes/meet and greets!
Our Merch Means Death on Stands
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Delicious Chaos with Samba Schutte
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico starred in a short called Fire F*cking Fire and great news it's headed to the Tribeca Film Festival in June!
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Img Src: Vico Ortiz IG
== Astroglide ==
Our besties over at @astroglideofficial put out a word search today with a few words/phrases you'll recognise!
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Img Src: Astroglide Twitter
== Articles ==
Warner Bros. Stock Has Had a Rough Year. Why This Analyst Thinks It Will Get Even Worse.
Mark Indelicato Frustrated With Queer Shows Constantly Cancelled
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Our fabulous @melvisik has another cast card for us! Tonight's is another one of the bourgeousie that Frenchie and Olu manageed to include in their Pyramid Scheme! They are the one that Olu told to "Go Away"!
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Img Src: @melvisik's Twitter
== Never Left Podcast ==
Next episode of the podcast Never Left is out! This one is Beautiful Princess Disorder Part 5!
Never Left Instagram
Never Left Linktr.ee
== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More colouring pages from the fantastic @patchworkpiratebear ! Visit their tumblr for more!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey there Lovelies. Happy Taika Tuesday! Did you have a good day today?
Dad's comments today brought out a lot of folks sharing their stories on therapy and I wanted to chat about it for a moment.
First of all, if you're delving out for the first time (or trying again after years of not going)-- just know, you're being really brave. Depending on where you come from and your background, mental health may not have been something that your family prioritized (or maybe it was but therapy was never an option). It can be pretty scary to talk to someone you don't know about your inner most worries. You're taking a big step, and I'm proud of you for that.
You've looked at your situation, whatever tough things you're experiencing, and you've decided to prioritize you and your mental health-- and that's amazing. It's a hard decision to make sometimes, and as simple as it should be, it's not that easy. I'm so happy that mental health is talked about and therapy is so much more accepted now a days. Growing up I was in a situation where we "didn't talk about ourselves to other people" and that can be so very lonely when you are feeling really down.
I wanted to mention a couple things that I didn't know going into therapy-- in case they help at all, but obviously every experience is different, so feel free to take or leave the advice :)
Firstly, therapy doesn't solve things overnight. Sometimes it'll take weeks, or months, or years to unpack some of the things you really need to work through. It'll take time. When I went to therapy for the first time, for some reason I thought I'd just be able to dump all my problems out on a table and the therapist would pick one and we'd work on it. Instead it was a gradual thing, where they got to know me, I got to know them, and the more we talked the more we were able to unravel. I just don't want you to get discouraged if it takes longer than you planned, it's definitely a process.
Secondly, something to remember, is not all therapists are going to vibe with you. It took me a few tries before I found a therapist that really worked well with me. If you don't feel like it's helping, consider looking into a different therapist, sometimes it's not the therapy that you're struggling with, but just a mismatched vibe with your therapist. If you can help it-- don't give up right away, try another, I was really grateful that I did.
Thirdly, and if you're like me, this is a tough one. Remember to advocate for yourself. Sometimes a therapist may want to try certain therapies, or exercises, and it's something you've tried and just isn't working for you, or they want to go a medication route and you dont, or maybe they're saying something you disagree with. Remember you're your own advocate here, and they're here to help you, not hinder you from getting to where you want to be. Speak up for yourself if you can.
Lastly, therapy, especially the first few, don't always end in happy feelings. Think of it like a muscle in your leg that you haven't been using for years...and it's atrophied. You have to build that muscle back up, and it can really hurt occasionally during that time. You might leave therapy feeling worse once or twice because you're finally letting out some of that vitriol you've been holding onto for so long. It should feel better later.. maybe the next day, but it may not feel great the same day. That's a perfectly reasonable experience to have, and if you feel awesome, that is too!
Anyway lovelies, not sure if that helps, but I wanted to share it just in case it helped someone.
Whether you're going to therapy tomorrow, or soon, or ever, or never, I am really proud of you. You're doing what you need for you, and that's the most important thing. You deserve good things, and healthy thoughts and positive feelings. You really do. You got this <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is hats <3 Taika Gif Courtesy of the phenomenal @ofmd-ann, Darby gif Courtesy of the lovely @funforahermit
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tkachuktkaching · 9 months
Matthew and Brady on @ The Rink Podcast
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Most of what they said bits of it has already come out in previous articles a few weeks back
Brady discussed his summer wedding, his excitement going into the season, the growth of his team and what he learned watching Matthew and the Panthers go on their run to the Stanley Cup Final last season.
Brady : "Just to see the every-day grind of taking care of himself, making sure he's ready for the game, and just as a leader too, taking care of yourself so you're able to demand from the rest because you're doing it right," he said. "I'm definitely ready and hopefully it'll be me in the playoffs soon.
"Seeing what he did created a lot of motivation for me over the summer."
Matthew discussed the broken sternum he sustained during the Stanley Cup Final and the pain he was in, the help he got from his brother at that time, Brady's bachelor party in Miami, and feeling a different vibe in the South Florida market after last season.
"Very different," Matthew said. "A lot more buzz. There's a lot of buzz around every sports team. It's turning into a sports crazy town and that makes it fun. [Soccer star Lionel] Messi coming in makes that much more buzz. The past few years the Dolphins have been great. What us and the Heat did last year really gave a lot of traction for us as a hockey team. So it's pretty cool." via NHL.COM
Listen to Brady from 16.04 Matthew from 40.30
A few added things from Matthew's interview on the podcast some of which we've already heard & posted previously but included here for anyone that missed it first time round.
His injury allowed him to work on his strength & conditioning.
He wishes there was no social media after all the wedding stuff posted online, his family like to have a good time at weddings and doesn't know where people get this stuff (footage that goes viral).
Things Brady is better at than him: a better shot, video games & being a all round better human being than him (but he'll work on that!), Matthew says he himself is a ball buster, Matthew takes the bragging rights when it comes to Golf though he says his Dad is better at chirping and more witty & more funny than him & thinks his dad's game was underappreciated & underrated at the time he played, people realise from Matthew & Brady's game style how good & valuable he was and his dad gets belated recognition which he appreciates.
Says Brady's bachelor party in Miami took a few years off his life!
His summer consisted of the trip to Nashville for the player Awards, laying around in the hotel doing nothing, Bachelor parties, four weddings, and a trip to Montana in August, though he hasn't really done much of anything over the last month.
The Blood vessels and stuff were the the scary part of his injury at the time and half his body felt like it was out here, he knew something wasn't right, he didn't know what it was at the time, until they did his tests the next day. He was in the most pain after winning game three the overtime win. But now he's all good.
It was doctors who gave him the go ahead to do what he could to play just one last game. Despite the serious nature of his injury he would do it all over again if he had the chance.
He's excited to get going for camp & the new season though mentions the missing guys until around Christmas will be a tough ask (Montour & Ekblad) he feels The Panthers have more depth especially with the D this year.
Calls Alex Lyon The Lyon King & Big praise for his (Lyon) & Bob's heroics. How they had to play with only six D & two Goalies with Knight's absence last year.
The goal is to again make the playoffs, and be in the mix he wants to get of to a good start and how it sucks to have to chase for a spot like they had last year.
The Allstar was a good jump start because the Panthers weren't doing well as a team at that point which created a buzz that carried on leading on the cup run.
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