#red dragon is the BEST one
jaratedeguadalupe · 2 years
Virgil, remus and janus are mystery and thriller LOVERS I will NOT accept any doubt 
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yhwcomeback · 2 months
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The Master of Fire.
poster on redbubble
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
purple hawke who, at malcolm's death, lost not only a father, a mentor, the single most stable and safe point in their world up until this moment. but also the only person in their life who would consistently, gleefully 'yes, and — ' them. the loss, in one fell swoop, of both a beloved parent and your sole willing — no, not only willing, enthusiastic — improv partner. truly, the most unkindest cut of all that the maker could have seen fit to deal. (there's always so much less laughter in the house, after malcolm's gone.)
and then after all the horrors of the blight and trying to make a new life in the shithole turned shithome of kirkwall....... they meet varric. and something that's been slumbering deep within their soul dries a tear of relief and joy and whispers 'oh we are so back'. and they are so right
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acupofqueercoffee · 2 months
She did not always care for me, but…for what she gave me in the end, I’m grateful.
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mo-ok · 1 month
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would you like a red boy? hold out your hand i'll give you a red boy 🥰
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scarlettriot · 1 year
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• Pairing: Kirishima X f!Reader (in time)
• Warnings: Talks of Murder and Assassination, Assault, Persecution. Smut will occur later so if you’re under the age of 18 or a blank/ageless blog DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS SERIES! If I missed anything, please let me know!
• Contents: Fantasy Setting, Dragon Kirishima, Chubby Librarian Reader. All characters are aged up to late 20s-early 30s. Part One is told mostly from Bakugo’s POV, Reader is the Librarian he meets.
• A/N: Made myself finish this chapter as a bday gift to myself. I know I have a lot of other chapter fics I really need to wrap up but this has been the only thing living in my head right now. I’ve drawn some inspiration from Yuzuya’s Fantasy series as well but this story is entirely different. If you haven’t checked out their audio series, seriously please do! I hope you all enjoy the first chapter of this adventure ♥︎
• Word Count: 3,200ish
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The city of Spirefall stood tall on the horizon. To most people it was the shining gem of the entire country. But, to Katsuki, the place filled him to dread and anger as it loomed before them. He really didn’t want to get any closer, that was why he insisted on camping a few miles out, where they still had the forest for cover.
“I still don’t like this,” The Dragon Kin Prince grumbled his opinion for the umpteenth time since they woke up less than an hour ago. Most of his breakfast was still sizzling on his plate, untouched since he had no desire to take even a single bite.
“Yeah, but, we don’t have a better plan either.” Izuku brought up, “The library is at the city center. I’m certain they’ll have some useful information for us there.”
“Your stupid library didn’t…” Katsuki quipped right back.
Izuku just narrowed his eyes at one of his oldest friends. “My very small and woefully short supplied library doesn’t hold records and journals from ages past.” He had to remind the heir yet again.
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From the time he was able to read, Izuku adored going to the small little library that was established just on the outskirts of his town. He’d go with his mother and come back with piles and piles of books and then go back the next day to do it all over again. As soon as he was old enough to seek an apprenticeship there, he had, and now he’d worked up to being a senior librarian, one of the highest titles someone could achieve.
“But, why couldn’t we have just put in a request to have the books sent to us like we have before!”
“Haven’t we been over this like 10 times since last night!”
The group looked over towards the irritable metallic dragon, lounging while he finished his second helping of food. The remark caused him to be whacked by a faded black to crimson wing belonging to the dragon he called brother.
“What Ei! You know I’m right!”
Eijiro shook his head and explained to the Prince, “You know how long it took us to walk here. It would’ve taken them twice that time to get the texts to us, and even then, we can only request so many at a time. We’ve been looking for the Opals for so damn long now. Just go into the city, hope to the Ancients they have some knowledge we don’t, and then get out.”
Even with all of the logic they placed in front of him, Prince Katsuki still hated going to the city that was responsible for slaughtering so many dragons, so many dragonkin too. He was just supposed to walk into their immaculate city and act like they weren’t a lot of murderers?
It’ll be fine, Katsuki.
Eijiro sent the words through their bond just for him to hear. It’d been a trick they could do ever since they took the oath and had their skin marked at the ages of 18. Beautiful swirls and designs in ink marked the journey they’ve taken together so far. It linked them to each other, a sworn promise to always protect and stand beside the other.
Mental communication wasn’t the only benefit to the marks though. They could also sense the other’s emotions, feel what they were feeling even when they were miles apart. And if they were miles apart, lost on their own, the bond always would lead them back to each other. So long as the other lived, they’d be tied together.
“Fine. C’mon, let’s get this over with.”
He cast his plate of food aside and pretended not to notice when Tetsu’s silver claws snatched it right up. Izuku shoveled the last of his breakfast into his mouth while gathering up his pack because Katsuki was already heading out of the glen, and Izuku would be left behind if he didn’t get a move on.
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“What kind of city doesn’t allow weapons?” Katsuki grumbled as they walked past the checkpoint. He felt naked without his swords at his side. Luckily, if they really needed it, he could still use hand to hand or magic but that really wasn’t allowed here either.
“I know it doesn’t make sense to you, but the center of Spire has always been this way.” Izuku couldn’t go on too long of a history lesson because he knew the Prince would merely tune him out. “Out in the residential areas, people are allowed to use them with restrictions to protect their property but within the center, the city guards are expected to protect the market and the people here.”
“You mean those guards?”
Izuku looked off in the direction of the blonde’s scowl. Two guards were at the mouth of an alley, playing a dice game on a stack of crates, not paying a single bit of attention to what was going on around them.
All Izuku could do was shake his head and nudge Katsuki in the right direction. “Let’s just go, the library is this way.”
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, the city itself wasn’t bad. There were people selling food out of small stalls and he knew the dragon’s would be losing their minds if they were here, visiting each and every one of them. But, there were plenty of other shops around too, ones for reagents and gear, metal working, some jewelers, and so many clothing stores that he lost count!
Still, that bead of hate in his chest remained… a city that took so much from his people thrived this much and that made him feel ill.
Before he knew it though, they were walking up a massive set of marble stairs and through grand doors with golden swirled inlays. “So, where the hell do we start?”
“Well, the books written about the Opals themselves would probably be just in your generic information sections–”
“Yeah, but, we don’t need the generic shit. We got plenty of that information already.”
Izuku just rolled his eyes and went on. “Which is why I believe we should start in the lower levels where the personal records are stored.” He tapped his own notebook where he’d been gathering information about travelers and researchers who might have spotted them. “We’ve got a couple names, with any luck, a few of their journals might’ve found their way here.”
“Great, let's hurry it up.”
Together the two of them headed straight for the stairs only to be stopped before they could actually reach them. “Excuse me,” A woman grabbed their attention, “I’m sorry but you’re not able to go into the archives without an appointment and prior authorization from a senior librarian. Do you have an appointment?”
Katsuki went to open his mouth but Izuku spoke first. “We don’t but I do have this.” He pulled out his own credentials and hoped they’d do the trick.
“Oh, you’re from a sister branch! And not a close one either.”
He chuckled softly. “No, not close at all. I wasn’t aware you needed to make appointments at the main branch.”
“It’s just because we tend to get busy and sometimes we don’t have enough staff to escort people.” She looked around, “But, since it’s a slow day, I’m happy to help a fellow senior!” She led the way, beckoning them both to follow her down.
“So, what exactly are the two of you looking for? I assume it’s something specific since you’ve traveled such a long way.”
“We’re looking for information on some dragons.” Izuku answered bluntly.
There were quite a few different ways this stranger could’ve reacted but, considering the city they were in, neither Izuku or Katsuki expected her to spin around with narrowed brows and question, “Why?”
“None of your damn business.” Katsuki retorted. “We need information on the Opal Clan. Do you got it or not?”
Her arms folded in front of her and Izuku almost took a step back. “I asked, ‘why’. Tell me and I’ll let you know what, if any, information I possess.”
Katsuki could feel his blood beginning to boil and he started pushing up his sleeves before he thought better of it. He had another remark ready to go, right on the tip of his tongue, when the woman turned back around with a curt, “fine,” and led the pair further into the belly of the library.
Both men quickly realized they wouldn’t have gotten far at all with this woman’s help anyway. This library had far more security measures than Izuku’s. Magic in place around every corner.
It was quiet as she used a wand to dispel charms and wards to get them where they needed to go but finally, they reached a room that only bathed itself in light upon entering it. “Hopefully we can find what you need in here.”
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The Prince’s eyes were bleary from looking at so many journals and scrolls. He swore the dark ink on well worn pages was blurring together even though the librarian and Izuku seemed to be having no trouble at all keeping on.
“Your glasses are in my bag.” Izuku gently reminded him after noticing the way he pushed the heel of his palm further into his eye socket. But, he merely grumbled something about not needing them and held up yet another journal.
He didn’t get very far though before the scratching of quill to paper had his eyes glancing up at the librarian. She’d been busy like this since they’d told her exactly what they were looking for. He still couldn’t figure out what made her change her mind but he wasn’t about to complain. Not when she’d laid out a handful of nesting locations they could check as well as drew them maps detailing how to get to each of them.
“How do you know all about this stuff?” He asked after watching her outline a mountain range.
“I read.” Her answers had been short ever since he’d snapped at her and if he was being honest, he was getting more than a little sick of it.
“Were the dragon’s your area of study to get your senior title?” She nodded her head when Izuku asked. “I see. Mine covered the various sources of magic.”
“So, I’m assuming you did a fair amount of draconic research too.”
“I did.” Izuku smiled broadly. “Obviously not as detailed as you. I just know where a few clans can typically be found but the magic they possess I’m pretty well versed in.”
The two went back and forth. Sharing little bits of information they’d gathered over their years of study. Katsuki sat back and observed. Learned what personal details she let slip about herself.
She’s never left the city of Spirefall, she was raised in the library, everything she’s learned has been from the books and people who drop them off. Woman must’ve been like a damn sponge to retain this much information… even more so than Izuku himself.
He let Izuku do damn near all the talking with her but, eventually, he couldn’t keep the singular question in any longer. “Why?” He breathed.
“Why?” This time it had a little more acid to it. “Spirefall… this place you call home, is responsible for so much murder and destruction of dragon kind. So, why study them? Why do you care? Are you feeding information to the hunters? Because we’re not them! We’re not gonna take this information and–”
“Kacchan!” Izuku finally cut him off, “I’m so sorry–”
The librarian just held up a hand. “If I thought you were going to do anything to harm the dragons, I wouldn’t have allowed you down here in the first place.”
“So, you’re just that trusting then, huh?”
“Absolutely not.” She shook her head up then glanced at his arm that was still covered. “I saw what you’re hiding under that sleeve. I’ve never seen one in person but I’ve seen plenty of drawings to know what a life bond looks like when I see one. Your intent must be pure or you wouldn’t have it in the first place.” Her eyes met his then, “you were also smart enough not to bring them into the city with you. That alone shows me how much you care and it is why you’re here rather than thrown out on your ass.”
Izuku’s eyes went wide, his mouth opening and closing trying to figure out something he could say to calm what he was sure would be an irate Katsuki but the blonde was just as stupefied. His friends were the only people able to get away with speaking to him so candidly and even then they usually got an earful but right now, Katsuki was stunned silent.
“I suppose just because you are friends with a librarian doesn’t mean you understand what it means to actually be one, so, allow me to explain it clearly for you: We uphold history and truth, we are protectors of knowledge, and always seek to learn more and expand what we already know.” Her voice dropped to a whisper even though there was no one else in the room to hear her words. “We keep history that certain Emperors would see destroyed if it ever saw the light of day. We are few though, our voices are silenced if we ever try sharing what we know. So, we keep history safe, until there is a day when the truth will actually be heard and believed rather than dismissed by small minded men filled with generations of hate.”
Katsuki didn’t know what to say. Words were trapped in his throat.
“Does that mean proof of the rogue dragon faction really does exist?” Izuku asked just as quietly. “If it does, dragon kind could be exonerated of all these horrible accusations. The Obsidians would no longer be blamed for the slaughter of the original royal–”
“It wouldn’t matter.” Katsuki said quietly when he found his voice again.
“What?! It would prove their innocence. They could fly without fear!”
“Keep your damn voice down.” He hissed and smacked the back of his friend's head. “You know as well as I do the dragon’s tried clearing themselves ages ago when the assassination first happened and plenty of people and places believed them. There are cities and nations where they’re safe. Just not within the lands the Flame Emperor rules… He built his empire on rage and it runs on revenge. It’s rooted so deep that he’d rather destroy proof of innocence than admit he was wrong.”
The librarian nodded her head and Katsuki understood then that she too knew what it was like to live with a truth that no one wanted to hear let alone believe.
“It’s safe here though, yes? Whatever this proof is?” He asked her.
For the first time, she gave him a small smile, “I never said it was here but, yes, it’s safe.”
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Katsuki thought a lot about that librarian even after they’d left the city with Izuku’s bag now teeming with new information.
He was quiet the whole way back to camp wondering how many people have tried getting information about the dragons and how many of them she kicked out on their asses, as she so kindly put it. He still didn’t really trust her and he hated Spirefall and the Emperor who called it home. But, it was refreshing to know there was at least someone they could turn to in the city if needed.
She welcomed them back any time, so long as their dragon comrades never stepped foot in the city, and he assured her that would never happen. And, technically, it hadn’t.
When he’d returned to the city later that night in hopes of gaining more information regarding some other clans Katsuki never expected he’d find you cornered by a group of hunters. Just outside the library, belongings scattered on the floor while they pulled and tore at your clothing, not a guard in sight, big surprise.
Having his sword would’ve been ideal but he’d been in a brawl or two, and he had no trouble showing these useless skin sacks what sparring with dragons on a regular basis taught him.
He had one by the hood of his cloak, yanking him backwards hard and fast, tripping him to the ground and elbowing his brow before he could stand back up. One of his comrades turned but Katsuki ducked low and simply flipped them over his shoulder and stomped on their chest for good measure, grabbing your arm before the third fully realized what the hell was going on. Of course, when they did, they only screamed for the guards who suddenly came running.
“Why the hells are they chasing us! You were the one getting attacked!”
“Hunters are basically honorary guards here. They’re well respected. It’ll be my word against theirs and mine will lose!” She explained while running alongside him, “You need to leave before you’re captured.”
He felt her try and pull away but his grip was too strong as he pulled her along. “What will happen to you?”
“Don’t worry about that!”
That answer wasn’t good enough for Katsuki though.
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The fire was still going but everyone else at camp was calming down for the night, Eijiro included. He’d been laying out his bed roll when the baby hairs on the back of his neck rose and he felt a wave of panic throughout his whole body.
“It’s Kacchan, isn’t it?” Izuku noticed the redhead go deathly still.
“He’s in trouble… everyone needs to get in the forest, now, I’m going after him!” He was already yanking his shirt over his head.
“Eijiro! Let one of us go!”
“You won’t get there fast enough!” And neither would he unless he transformed.
Any plan would’ve been smarter than him transforming and flying to the city that would have him killed on sight. Even Tet or Mina would’ve stood a better chance but they wouldn’t be able to locate Katsuki like he could. He couldn’t risk it.
He let his wings unfurl and shook the trees around him as he took off, sailing low for the time being and trusting Katsuki would find a way to get to his location. The water was calm and he was thankful no one was on it. He waited silently until he heard explosions and yelling from the city above and then he shot himself upward just as Katsuki flung himself over the cliffside with someone he didn’t know. He felt them both land and then took off faster than he’d ever flown as projectiles were hurled at them.
Katsuki let his own magic fly along with colorful swears and he felt the other body clinging to his spines for dear life. But less than a minute later, they were well out of range. Out of sight too. Safe for now.
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A/N: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed part one! If you want to be tagged in future updates comment below. You must have your age in your profile to be added to the tag list! Thank you ♥︎♥︎♥︎
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driftwoodthrone · 2 years
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HIGH TIDE (A Velaryon Family Modern!AU)
Corlys and Rhaenys are thrown into the fight of their lives when an old Valeryon foe returns to tear apart everything they've built. It's a race against time to gather their children before the Triarchy hunts them down. Can they trust their oldest allies, or must they stand alone?
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weneededthat · 16 days
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My first cosplay at Dragon Con!
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stinkrascal · 3 months
it is so sad that ive played each dragon age game multiple times like at least 60 hours in each game and over 400+ hours in inquisition and i still have like an elementary grasp on the lore
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cupophrogs · 1 year
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blujaydoodles · 7 months
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you KNOW when I saw this template I had to do it
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friarvelune · 1 year
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Some day you will grow up and learn to lie / just like your daddy did when he told you no one ever really dies
I hope that I'm not there when you realize / that those with their nose in the air will never look you in the eye
(toe to toe, streetlight manifesto)
[Image description: two photos of the same drawing, the first one just the inked sketch and the second with color from colored pencils, of Lord Sterling Whitetower from Inn Between. He is a man with an athletic build, slightly pointed ears, medium brown skin, and short, curly, dark brown hair. He is wearing silver plate armor with a blue cloth wrap and a belt with a scabbard around his waist, and is holding a simple broadsword and a shield with the symbol of St. Cuthbert. His eyes are closed. The color drawing has a silver D&D dice on each corner of the page. End of image description.]
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quibbs126 · 1 year
You know, Passion Fruit would be the perfect name for a hollytaya kid, considering it’s a tropical fruit like Pitaya, and it’s literally got passion in the name, which is Hollyberry’s whole thing with her Light of Passion
The only snag is the colors don’t really match up
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kurozu501 · 7 months
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As much as Toriyama handles his female characters terribly this chapter was still pretty cute to reread. I love how Goku just instantly accepts living with her and just wants to know her name. Even when he remembers her and realizes the marriage proposal was a misunderstanding he's just like welp, i gotta keep my promises. Such a good boy.
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waterghostype · 7 months
a lot of ppl donk on sora’s (old) minifig hair bc of how it’s not accurate to the show, which i totally get bc i also prefer the show hair, butttt
i think it’s nice that they specifically chose to recolor mei lmk’s hairpiece, instead of just choosing another ponytail one. bc mei’s hair was made specifically for her to have a dragon-like silhouette, with the buns being horns and the back spiking out to be like the beard
so even if it’s far from accurate, im very cheesed they decided to go with this hairpiece specifically
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chaosordoffl · 3 months
mentally facepalmed at first when I realized then started giggling and paired them up bc it definitely seems like a Targ thing to do 🤭
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