#red green onyx counter top
yugioh-network · 8 months
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Wichita Wine Cellar a sizable, elegant image of a wine cellar with display racks
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jaechanartz · 2 years
Sonic & the Ninja's Daughter - Chapter 3
Before we get started, here's some fanart done by a girlfriend.
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Her name is Vaia and she made this for me~!
Anyways, back to chapter 3 of this story
TW: Violence and strong language
Chapter 3 - A Budding New Friendship
Chapter 3.1 - A Heart Warming Welcome
It had been three days since the snowy night Sonic and Emia first met. The snow had already started to thaw, leaving clumps of white and grey on road edges and in corners of various places. The outdoor temperature did not make much of a difference, except being a little less chilly than it was during the night, but clouds of cold air were still being breathed out. The sun did the best it could to provide warmth to the city and to protect the inhabitants from the starving, bitter cold. Amid the bustling, talkative crowds, a young man with obsidian bangs falling over his face paced through the streets in eagerness to meet a certain someone, hoping he would find them at his destination.
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic gazed up at the building before him. The front sign above was painted sky blue and beautifully decorated with floral patterns. The Japanese word "Kenshin" had been carefully painted out in dark green kanji characters and was made to look slightly tilted to the side. Sonic checked the business card he had gripped in his hand throughout his journey here to check if he had arrived at the right place.
Earlier that day, he had made plans to visit Emia, a girl he had rescued just a few nights ago. She had brought him over to her apartment the next morning after that event, where her family, in return for what he had done for her, treated him to breakfast. He headed to that same apartment, in hopes that he would be able to ask her out. However, when he arrived, the ninja was surprised to find that there was no sign of her in the kitchen or front room, and he asked Kanae, Emia's aunt, where she was. That was when he learnt that the girl was working at a café, and Kanae gave a business card which had the address of Emia's workplace, to where he headed to immediately. You can imagine Kanae's surprise when she turned around to see he had vanished the moment she had finished talking.
Now Sonic was at the very place he was told he would find Emia. The card in his hand confirmed that.
The last thing he remembered Kanae saying before he sped off was: "Why not pop in there? Someone there might tell you more."
"Someone at this cafe could help me, eh?" he mumbled to himself as he skimmed the card, scratching his head for a moment. "Alright then, here goes nothing."
He stuffed the card into the pocket of his jacket and walked in through the doorway next to the wide front window. To his right, upon entering, he saw a brown door with floral decorated "Welcome, we're open" sign hanging on the front. He slowly pushed it open, triggering a bell as he walked in. When the door close behind him, he was amazed by the number of people that filled the cafe. Young and old, even little bubbly children filled almost every table in the light-filled place. On top of that, the walls were a beautiful vibrant shade of yellow, the chairs the colour of ebony and the tables a simple white with lily flowers in glass vases on top. He had never been in a place so lively and full of positive energy.
He had been so absorbed by it all that he had almost forgotten where he was until he was approached by a waitress with her onyx hair tied back in a braid.
"Can I help you, sir?" she asked him.
"Huh? Oh, yeah!" he quickly blurted out, surprised by her sudden question. "I-I'm looking for someone here. Do you, uh, happen to know a girl named Emia? I was told that she worked here?"
After processing the question, the waitress smiled with a giggle and pointed over at the front counter, where black framed barroom chairs with red cushioning stood empty. What looked like cakes and treats were displayed under glass covers. Behind the counter, multiple employees wearing black and navy blue aprons over their tops and shirts were working on making the coffee and other hot drinks to complete the customers' orders.
"Of course, she should be over there." she replied. "Why don't you have a seat there? I'll go get her for you."
Sonic silently obeyed with a curt nod and sat down on the middle barroom chair. He shuffled for a moment, shuffling nervously for a moment as if he was attracting unwanted attention. He shook the feeling away and waited for Emia. While he waited, he got a good look at the cakes and breads that were displayed on the counter. He felt tempted to just swipe one and taste it, but he knew he would get into trouble if he took it without permission, and so pushed the ridiculous, childish thought aside. Instead, he shifted his attention to what was in front of him. On the shelves above the coffee machines, he saw multiple knick-knacks somewhat neatly organised. What caught his attention were the four china cups, each a different colour, standing next to each other in order of colour. They looked as if they stood out from the rest. So vibrant and bright. Something about them reminded Sonic of how he used to stick out like a sore thumb as a child. Whilst everyone else in the village was an emotionless machine, he was still like a normal child who was never afraid to open his mouth or smile at the one friend he lost nine years ago. He was never going to become a machine like the others.
'Like a china cup, standing out from all the dusty, dirty ones...'
As soon as he was about to drift and drown in his own memories, he was brought back to the present by a sweet, familiar voice.
"Hey! Welcome to Kenshin. Would you like a coffee?"
Sonic looked up, and his heart nearly skipped a beat. The girl standing behind the counter before him was...a completely different person. Her face was not covered in bruises like it was a few nights ago. Her dark wavy hair was tied back in a simple ponytail, while her bangs with the purple highlights remained out. Underneath the navy apron, she wore a pastel purple elbow-length top with dark blue leggings. Her face was restored to its natural beauty – without the band-aids she looked more like her age, no longer feeling like a child in oversized clothes. At first glance, she was unrecognisable, but those amethyst eyes and that cute smile. Sonic knew them all too well. It was her.
She smiled with a light blush, her natural cuteness shining through as ever.
"Hey, Sonic. Nice to see you again."
Chapter 3.2 - Coffee
"Here. It's one of our winter specials." Emia said as she lay down a tray of food on the counter for Sonic. There was a plate with a slice of warm apple and pear pie drizzled in honey and topped with two apple slices and a cup of latte with a snowflake shape. "It's on the house." she added in a whisper.
"Uh...thanks, I guess." the ninja said awkwardly. "By the way," he added in a mutter, "you think you could please do something about the...unwanted attention?"
He gestured towards her female colleagues, who were smirking and giggling amongst themselves. Emia knew what they were on about, and she herself was starting to dislike it.
"Sure," she said to Sonic. "Give me a moment."
She puffed up her chest a bit before walking over the group of giggling girls.
"Hey," she said trying to sound serious. "Less giggling and chit-chatting, more working, please."
The group dispersed and the dark-haired waitress hurried back to her uneased friend.
"Sorry about that." she apologized quietly. "Don't mind them. They're always like that whenever a guy talks to me."
"No, you're fine." he replied. "I just don't like eating when eyes are on me."
Before she could answer, Emia was called to carry an order to a table, and after a quick "Be right back!" to Sonic, she immediately went off to work and he started to cut into his pie.
'I hope they don't think we're dating or anything.' he thought, 'I mean, come on. We only met three days ago. They can't just assume I'm Emia's boyfriend. We're not even in love! Unless they don't know that...'
He put the first forkful of pie in his mouth, and soon he was lost the heavenly sweetness of the apple and pear.
Meanwhile, Emia looked at him from a distance, trying not to let him distract her from her. She held the circular tray she was using tighter in her hands and suddenly raised it up to her chin as if to shy away.
'Wait, what am I even doing?! I shouldn't be acting like this! It's not like I like him or anything! Well, I guess I do like him, but not in the way the others may think.'
Just then, a female colleague with short obsidian hair with a blue highlight leaned over to her ear. She was looking in the same direction toward the man with his hair tied in a topknot.
"So, who is he, Emia?" she muttered.
"Huh? Oh, Kisha-san." she said, turning her head to face her.
"Well?" Kisha asked her, then she smirked. "Is he your boyfriend?"
"What?! No!" Emia hissed, feeling her cheeks flush. "Don't be silly, Kisha-san. I only met him a few days ago! He's just a friend, okay?"
She walked off back to the counter before she was embarrassed even further. This was going to be a great day, alright. Sonic noticed her as she sighed and set her tray down.
"You okay?" he asked. "You look a little miserable."
"I'm fine." she said, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. But Sonic saw straight through the half-ass lie.
'She asked you what I think she asked you, didn't she? You can fool her but you can't fool me. Not with that kind of lame lie.'
He didn't say it aloud as he didn't want to upset her or embarrass her, so he chose to say something else to make her feel better.
"I won't lie to you, though." he said, looking at his half-eaten pie. "This apple and pear pie is pretty good."
He smiled when he saw the small, shy smile and the light blush on her face.
"Thanks." barely came out as a whisper from her lips.
"So, you're a waitress, huh? Who'd have guessed?" the ninja said, trying to use a topic to spark conversation.
"Yeah," she replied, leaning on the counter and looking down shyly. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I thought it would be embarrassing, since you know, you used to work as a bodyguard for wealthy people and all."
'Besides, a bodyguard and a waitress doesn't sound like a good match...as friends.'
"No, you're fine. I mean, it doesn't really matter." he replied, after taking a sip of his latte. "You're doing a good thing, right?"
"What? How?" Her head shot up at his words, her dark wavy bangs bouncing when she did so.
"Well, you serve people you hardly know, but doing so pleases them." he explained, before smiling when he knew she still wasn't understanding him. "You're helping people, Emia. There's bound to be someone who comes in here, exhausted from his long and hard day. Then, someone like you serves him a coffee and gives him a friendly face, and that alone can improve his day. The point is, as a waitress, all these people actually care about is the service you give them, and that includes your bright personality towards them."
"Wait, you mean...?"
"That the cute smile of a waitress can make someone's day the moment they walk in here? Yeah! The best part is that you benefit from it too. As long as everyone here is happy, then you should be happy too."
Emia flushed, hiding behind her circular tray again. If put in the way Sonic put it, being a waitress meant so much more than just serving coffee. It also included allowing her natural cuteness, something she was usually self-conscious about, shine through just one smile.
"Geez, Sonic." she muttered with a frown. "You don't have to butter me up like that."
He chuckled and rested his chin on his palm. "I'm not. I'm simply being honest. When I first met you, you acted like you had it out rough. But now, you look happy, despite everything that's going on outside of the cafe. You're improving."
'Not that I have any right to say those kind of things, but you still deserve to know that this is who you're meant to be. A cute girl who enjoys helping others.'
Again, that cute, shy smile was displayed on her face. He was right, of course. She was an emotional wreck when she first met him, but now it made him glad to see how happy she was even though she was still having slight trouble with opening up to her family and struggling to keep her relationship with her brother from breaking. But then again, it was thanks to meeting Sonic that she was slowly getting back on her feet, and she would always appreciate that. She would always be grateful for the night he saved her life.
She lowered her tray, and found herself following the gaze of his grey eyes and smiled.
"I probably don't say this enough, but...thank you. You really helped me out that night and I'm grateful for that. Thanks for everything."
He smirked and gave a shrug. "It was nothing. I was just doing my thing."
He winked at her and she laughed.
'Yeah. Sure you were.'
She lowered her tray entirely. Her face became bright and she felt more confident.
"I wouldn't mind having you pay a visit or hang around for a bit." she said to Sonic. "You're more than welcome here, so come around any time. We're always open."
Chapter 3.3 – Childish Games and Ramen
As the weeks passed, the more he visited her at Kenshin, Sonic's friendship with Emia started to blossom. She enjoyed his company, and happily served him first whenever he came in. When he wasn't sitting by the counter, he would sit by a table next to the large window, admiring the view as people walked by the cafe. Sometimes, he would sit and just watch Emia work when she wasn't paying attention. He watched her prepare drinks and take orders, smiling at customers, giving children colouring books to occupy themselves, sharing quick conversations with older female and male customers. He even overheard some of them checking in on her family, which made sense, since her uncle was a doctor and she was a waitress, both playing their part in helping others in the smallest ways. She was handling her colleagues pretty well when he was around too. Whenever a colleague, mostly a male one, tried to creep over to him to tease him, she would shoo them away and tell them to leave him alone. She would steal as much time as she could to talk with him before she had to deal with another order.
One day, he decided to stay until her shift was over. It was a Saturday afternoon just after 4:30 p.m. The weather was much better than it was as the first signs of spring slowly started to show through what remained of the winter. Emia had finished cleaning up the counter and was finally ready to leave. She took the purple scarf, strap purse and beige winter coat she had hung up on the staff's coat hanger rack, said goodbye to her colleagues, and left the cafe, wrapping the scarf around her neck. She stopped after exiting the entrance hallway the moment she saw Sonic leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, wearing a black jacket with a fur hood over his black top, which had the white logo "Nin-Nin" in kanji. She noticed he had a sword sheathed in a black scabbard secured in his belt. She had seen it a few times before.
"Hey, what are you still doing here?" she asked him.
He opened his eyes and looked at her with a smirk.
"Well, waiting on you." he replied, pretending to check his fingernails casually.
"You want to walk me home, don't you?" she said with a smile, calling his bluff.
"So what if I want to?" he snorted. "Got a problem?"
She laughed at his response. She could easily catch someone like him out.
"No, not at all." she replied quietly, clutching the strap of her purse. "I don't really mind."
He looked at her from the corner of his eye and smiled. His iron gaze fell upon the scarf she was wearing.
"That scarf really suits you, y'know. It's perfect for a cute waitress."
She chuckled shyly as she blushed. "Th-thanks. I...I guess it does."
He tilted his head, his obsidian bangs bounced slightly as he did so, his smile still registered on his face.
"So, you're probably hungry, right? You wanna grab some noodles somewhere?"
Emia's amethyst eyes lit up as she looked up at him. "Sure! I'd love to!"
He chuckled. "Okay, so what'll it be? Ramen or udon?"
She moaned in pleasure as she squeezed his arm. "Can we please get ramen? I've definitely earned it."
The shinobi smirked and raised a brow. "Ramen it is, then. Are you that tired?"
"You think I'm messing with you?" she asked as they started walking. "It's tough when you have to dance attention for everyone, especially the kids. They're always chatting non-stop. One little girl actually got up from her seat to talk to me. Then there's coffee here, coffee there. More coffee! Ugh, like give me a break already!"
She sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder. Sonic was careful not to nudge her head off as he walked.
"Yeah, sure sounds like it," he laughed, seeming amused by the girl who was usually calm and easy-going with her customers and colleagues. "But, you're okay, though, right?"
"Well, I can't really complain," she replied, with a creeping smile. "Because a certain somebody said the smile of a cute waitress can make someone's day, Mr. Speed-o'-Sound Sonic."
"Oh, sure, thanks for that!" he said, rewarding her with an elbow jab (or much rather a shove) as well as nudging her head off his shoulder. He laughed when she nearly lost her balance on the curb and had to hold on to his arm.
"Hey, easy!" she giggled. "You'll push me onto the road!"
In revenge for that, she purposefully pushed in him by pressing his arm into his side, causing him to stumble to the left. They kept this up for a short while, laughing and giggling as they playfully pushed into each other until Sonic nearly slipped on a frozen puddle, pulling Emia down with him, and they had to stop their childish game. For now, that is, since Sonic tried to pretend declaring a score to settle with her.
"I'll get you next time for that, missy!" he declared, pointing an accusing finger at her, but he couldn't keep himself from smiling because it was so hard to even pretend taking it seriously. "I, Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, heh, the ultimate ninja...will not rest until I have...!"
He couldn't even finish the pretend declaration and instead burst out laughing while he was still sitting on the ground. The whole game was entirely ridiculous from the get-go, yet he was having so much fun with her, he felt like he was a kid again. In reality, he never had the chance to enjoy this kind of fun when he was a child, but playing a game like this with Emia gave him a true feeling of what that was like. Once they had both composed themselves, Emia helped Sonic up by giving him her hand. He felt heat in his cheeks the moment his skin came into contact with hers. It felt so soft and delicate, he was afraid to squeeze her hand too tightly, but he didn't know why he felt that way.
"Are you okay?" she asked him, still giggling slightly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, smiling down so she wouldn't see he was blushing. "We should probably go and get that ramen. Your aunt will most likely kill me for keeping you out too late."
"No, she won't mind. She's super easy-going."
They found an open food stall that thankfully served really good chicken ramen, which they ordered two bowls of, and Sonic was amused by how Emia reacted the moment she stuffed the first chopstick load of ramen noodles in her mouth. She acted like it was complete bliss.
"Man, this is so good!" she told him. "I'm usually not too picky with food, but I'd give anything for the spicy flavour of ramen!"
"I can tell!" he chuckled. "You sure love your ramen."
When they were done, they paid the bill and left a tip, headed to the town centre towards Emia's apartment. After some time walking, their fingers brushed against each other. The moment they felt that, they stopped walking completely, looking from their hand to each other. Gazing into Sonic's grey eyes, Emia felt herself awkwardly blush for a moment and tried to look down before she felt Sonic's hand lift her chin up, and she saw the soft smile on his face. She averted her eyes shyly, wanting to do it, but couldn't. Sonic felt slightly braver, but was unsure on how she would feel. Regardless, he reached towards her hand and, slowly and carefully, laced his fingers through hers. The moment she felt his warmth, she was somewhat calm and brave enough to look at his face again. A strange feeling started rising inside of her as she captured every feature. The obsidian bangs... The grey eyes with the purple marking underneath...
'Hold on. Why...? Why do I feel like...like I want to kiss him? We're just friends. Aren't we?'
Just then, they heard a little boy laughing as he played with a bouncy wooden ball. They stared.
The moment wood against concrete echoed in his ears, Sonic froze in his place.
That was when the skyscraper behind them exploded.
Chapter 3.4 - Demon Threat
The moment the skyscraper exploded, time slowed down almost completely to a halt for Sonic and Emia. The vibrations from shockwaves sent tremors through the ground beneath their feet. A rapid gust of wind stung their eyes. The shattering of glass and panicked screaming echoed in their ears. Thick, black smoke rose into the atmosphere, along with a droning warning alarm. It was difficult to make sense of it all. One moment, the afternoon had been peaceful and everyone was their usual self. Next moment, all Emia could see was civilians running away from the explosion in terror. The mere sight of it caused her fears to rise. The fear of not knowing what to do. The fear of witnessing people – innocent people - die in front of her.
Confusion. Fear. Trauma. She did not want to experience this again. She was scared to allow the same thing to repeat itself.
Suddenly, Emia was brought back to reality when Sonic grabbed her hand and started to hurry with her in the opposite direction of the panic-stricken civilians. Towards the skyscraper where the explosion happened.
"Sonic, what's going on?" she asked, squeezing his arm with her free hand. "We can't go in there. We could get hurt!"
But the ninja made no response. His grey eyes glanced at the smoke rising from the explosion area before he continued to hold on to her hand and hurried in a jog.
The alarm continued to resound in Emia's ears as Sonic led her into an alleyway. He sat her down on the ground, kneeling down to her level and that was when he finally started to explain things to her.
"Listen, Emia," he told her, placing his hands on her arms, "I need you to stay right here and don't go anywhere. I'm going into that skyscraper to find this out for myself. Wait here until I come back, okay?"
Emia took hold of his sleeve, staring at him with worried, pleading eyes. "But you can't! Not on your own! It could be dangerous!"
"Emia, just trust me..."
Just then, an announcement echoed out over the alarms.
"Attention! This is an emergency announcement from the Hero Association. The threat level is Demon. Demon: all citizens please evacuate the area immediately. I repeat: all citizens please evacuate the area immediately."
"Demon...? Sonic-!"
"Don't worry," he said, "I'll find this out for myself."
"The let me come with you!" she pleaded, gripping his sleeve tighter. "You don't even know what's in there! There could be a monster up there, and you could get hurt badly. If you're going, then at least let me come with you. Please!"
"No, Emia. You either stay here or evacuate," he told her with a serious look on his face, "I'm sorry, but I don't want you risking your life just for this situation, you could get yourself hurt!"
'And besides, if you ended up getting killed, I would never be able to forgive myself, or even live with myself. I don't want to lose you...'
"Please, Sonic!" she pleaded almost tearfully, her arms now wrapped his waist as he got up to leave, "Don't do this!"
"Grr...SHUT UP!"
He shoved Emia off him with fierce yet unintentional anger. She stared at him, confused and hurt.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" he shouted at her, "I can settle this myself!"
But the moment he saw her bottom lip tremble, and her amethyst eyes become glazed with tears, he regretted what he had done. In order to keep himself from crying, he pulled Emia into a tight embrace. He could almost feel like she was going to cry from the hurt. He never meant to lash out at her like that.
"I'm sorry..." was all he whispered, before letting her go and disappearing within a heartbeat.
What was he sorry for? For lashing out? For leaving her alone? Or was he sorry for everything that happened, or for what could happen to him now? She covered her mouth with her hands to keep herself from sobbing hysterically as she slowly sank to her knees.
Her whole body trembled as she slowly broke down, forgetting about all the destruction and chaos happening around her.
. . .
When Sonic arrived at the skyscraper, he found that he had some work on his hands already. The entrance had been broken down: the glass was almost entirely shattered and one of the slider doors was...out of place, really. It looked as if it could destroy everything if it dared try to operate. But it still posed no problem for a ninja like Sonic. Thanks to his slim physique, he was able to easily through the gap between the badly damaged slider doors and gain quick and easy access to the scene.
It appeared that everyone who may have been inside the facility had already evacuated. Well, almost everyone. There were a few people who were sitting on the floor, hiding their faces behind their curled up knees or hands, refusing to look up. One male, with his white shirt open and his tie loosened, gave a Sonic a wide-eyed, frightened look as he walked past through the reception. Papers were scattered everywhere. Slider seats were overturned. Only two of the computers behind the reception desk were intact; the third computer somehow managed to get knocked off the desk and now the screen was smashed and the whole thing was completely busted.
"What happened here?" he murmured, crouching down to register the damage of the computer, "Looks like it caused one hell of a panic scene..."
He got up back on his feet and continued the investigation. As he checked each floor, all he saw was the result of chaos and panic. Overturned tables and chairs, scattered papers, smashed systems. Sonic even found a few smashed phones. Whatever went down in this facility, it was certainly an ugly scene.
"Hey! Hello?" he called as he climbed up sets of stairs, "Anyone here?"
No response. His grey eyes narrowed behind his obsidian bangs. His hand reached out behind and gripped the hilt of his ninjato sword. When he finally reached the area where the explosion occurred, his heart nearly stopped. He stared. Almost everywhere was charred black. Flames were burning off anything that was still flammable. Bits of paper that barely survived were floating and lightly brushing along the floor.
"Whoa, shit! You've gotta be kidding! What the hell?"
He ended up coughing after accidently inhaling some of the unbelievably strong scent of smoke, and he knew he had to leave before he was asphyxiated by it. He ran down the first flight of stairs, chocking and coughing when he reached the bottom. Whilst he tried to recover, he heard a scream from outside and stopped dead. That's when he knew. The mysterious being was where Emia was. How could he have been so stupid?
'Oh no...damn it!'
Within a heartbeat, he jumped out through the nearest office window and dashed along the building rooftops. What was this feeling overwhelming him? This wild hammering in his heart, the sweat from his face, the twist in his stomach. 'Am...am I scared of losing Emia?'
. . .
She was lucky to get out of there at the last moment. Had Emia stayed where she was in that alleyway, the rocks from the destroyed buildings surrounding her would have crushed her. As she ran for safety the wind from the attack blew her forwards, and she screamed at the sudden sweep off her feet. Hitting the concrete arm first, Emia grunted at the pain and got to her knees. When she lifted up her head, she gasped at the intimidating being that appeared before her. It had dark olive green skin and a muscular form, with giant tentacle-like limbs wrapped in ivy vines coming out of its back. Behind the messy onyx waves of hair was a glowering yellow eye and a wicked smirk of pointed fangs.
'A monster?'
Just then, as the monster raised its tentacle limbs to attack Emia, the sound of wailing caught both their attention. A small boy, with dirtied clothes and bruised knees, no younger than five, was crying for his mother amongst the devastation surrounding him. From the corner of her eye, Emia saw the monster about to attack, and without a moment's hesitation, she dashed and grabbed the little boy before the killing blow could be delivered, much to the mysterious being's annoyance. Without looking behind her, Emia ran along the damaged street and found the boy's mother, returning him to her.
"Thank me later," she told the mother. "Just go. Hurry!"
Immediately, the mother did what she was told and ran off with her son in her arms. Emia watched until they were out of sight, but then she sensed something wrong. Just as she turned around...CRASH! She narrowly dodged a tentacle limb, losing her balance and hitting the concrete again. She got up just in time to dodge another attack, and another, and another. At that point, she wasted no time to run and hide behind a dumpster in a nearby alleyway to catch her breath, her heart hammering against her chest as she tried to figure out what to do. Then, as she started to take off her coat, she heard the aggressive, growling voice of the monster.
"I don't know who you are, but since you interfered with my prey, you must want to die," he threatened. "Come out and face me, Kiseki Kaijin!"
While he was still speaking, Emia took out a kunai from the inside of her coat. She never thought that she would have to use it, but in this situation, it didn't seem like she had any other choice. She was dealing with a Demon-level monster here. Did she have a chance of actually defeating it? Probably not; she wasn't that much of a fighter, and even with the small amount of knowledge she had about combat, her chances were pretty much slim to none. But then again, it was the best plan she had. She knew it wasn't much, but all she could do is buy some time for Sonic to get there to help her. But what if he didn't even know? What if he was still in the skyscraper?
'No, I can't have any doubts now. I have to believe that Sonic will come back. But, I can't hide forever either. I'll have to face that thing at some point. All I can do is buy time for Sonic to get here...'
"Well? Come forth and fight me, you human bitch," the monster snarled spitefully, as she tied her coat around her waist. "Allow me to kill you and put you out of your miserable life!"
"I have no intention of letting you take my life!" she called back, trying to sound brave. "I-I may not be a hero, but that doesn't mean I can't fight you!"
"Oh, really? A mere human girl like you face off against me?" Kiseki sneered with a wicked smirk. "Don't make me laugh."
Emia glanced down at the kunai set ready between her fingers. 'Calm down, Emia. You got this. You can hold him off, just until Sonic gets here...'
"I'm willing to bet that you're only saying that because you believe that someone is going to save you."
This time, his voice was soft, yet dangerous. Emia froze. How did he figure her out? Was it that obvious?
"Well, whoever it is you're waiting for, you can forget about it." Kiseki Kaijin purred. "They're probably dead by now, but if they're still alive somehow, then I'll give them your regards."
Biting down on her lip, Emia threw one of the kunai she had on her person at Kiseki's face, scratching his left cheek. He turned, his yellow eye flashing with anger before he grinned with malice. "Found you."
With a commanding flick of his hand, one of his tentacles thrust itself into the buildings surrounding Emia's hiding place, entirely destroying half their structures, little knowing that his prey was already out.
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, who happened to be running desperately towards that area, saw the building ahead of him being destroyed, rocks flying upwards into the air like a tsunami, forcing him to skid to a halt.
"Oh, crap! GYAH!" Before he could have enough time to get out of the way, the strong gust of wind that followed blew him straight off the rooftop along with the debris. Almost at that moment, the building he had been standing on was destroyed, and as he fell to the ground, a small rock from the flying debris managed to hit him, leaving an open wound on his forehead. Thanks to his ninja abilities, he was able to land on his feet without any further injuries. Even though he had been close to death before, it clearly was nothing compared to this if he could feel his heart pounding against his ribs. Feeling his forehead, he looked down at his hand and realised he was bleeding.
'No, I haven't got the time to worry about injuries now. I need to get to Emia before that monster does!'
At that moment, he sensed an unknown presence from the direction he had been running to. 'There!' Without a second thought, he started to run again. 'Hold on, Emia. I'm coming!'
Another kunai hit Kiseki's arm, to which he turned in irritation and saw Emia, with her coat around her waist and her right hand set with kunai. He also saw the bruise on her arm and the minor grazes she had.
"Oh, so you're aren't so helpless," he sneered, "But you've only given me a couple scratches. Let's see how long you can hold out!"
Seeing the tentacles flying in her direction, Emia quickly jumped back, landing on her back. As she got up, she tossed two more kunai, which to her shock and dismay were effortlessly knocked out of the way.
'He...he just flicked them away?!'
Within the next second, a tentacle whacked her in the back, sending her forward, then a second strike to her side as she tried to get up, knocking the air out of her lungs. She hit the concrete, crying out in pain as her bruised arm hit the concrete again. This time, the pain in her side caused her to fail getting to her feet. She bit her lip, with stinging tears in her eyes.
'No, not now! I need to get up!'
But she couldn't. The pain was too much. Her back, her side and her arm were all bruised, her knees and elbows were covered in grazes, and she even had a few scratches on her face. She knew she wasn't a good fighter. She knew she would lose, but not this quickly. She couldn't die now. She had a family, and she couldn't give up on Sonic that easily. 'Oh, Sonic, where are you?!'
Kiseki Kaijin, taking a few steps towards the girl, who was struggling on her knees, and laughed spitefully. "What a weakling. You knew this would happen, didn't you? And you couldn't even cause me one serious injury. What an incompetent, weak little girl you are."
Emia made no response, instead straining to get up and failing at each attempt. With a wicked grin on his face, Kiseki raised his hand, his vine-wrapped tentacles sharpened and aimed at her.
"Die, human."
Just at that moment, as she closed her eyes shut, instead of feeling sharp tentacles penetrating her skin, Emia heard the slice of a blade and felt a strong familiar arm close around her securely as she was lifted off the ground. When she opened her eyes, her heart nearly stopped. Time instantly slowed down. The tentacles' sharp tips that should have killed her were sliced off, and the one who held her now was the one she had been waiting for. That warmth, the silky feel of his hair, the sword in his free hand. The whole thing felt so surreal she may as well be dreaming. 'S...Sonic?'
The shinobi quickly turned on his heels and skidded to a stop. As he did so, Emia shut her eyes to avoid getting anything in her eyes. Only when she heard his voice did she open them again and realise that this was not a dream.
"Hey. You okay?"
When she got a good look at his face, her eyes sparkled with sudden tears as her hands reached up and touched his face. "Sonic! You're alive! Huh?" She noticed the blood trailing down the side of his face and saw the wound on his forehead. "Sonic, you're hurt."
He laughed lightly. "Don't worry about it. I've had a lot worse. This is nothing."
At that moment, he saw the bruise on her arm and the grazes on her body, and he bit his bottom lip slightly, trying so damn hard to fight back those annoying tears. "Emia. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you..."
"No," she whispered, wrapping her arms around his torso. "I knew you would come back..."
Despite the pain from her side bruise, she was able to tough it out. Sonic was here now. It would be okay. Well, that's what she hoped, until she saw a sharpened tentacle aimed directly at Sonic's back.
"Sonic! Behind you!"
Had Emia not warned him, Sonic would not have been able to survive the attempted attack. In a heartbeat, he snatched Emia off the ground and leapt out of the way, but not before the tentacle could catch him in the arm. After they landed safely, he got a good look at the monster who attempted to kill them, and noticed that the tentacle that he had sliced at before had not yet been restored, neither had the scratches on his arm or face. 'Huh. So you use those tentacles on your back as your way of fighting, but you have no regenerative ability?'
Just as he was processing, he heard a whistle in the air as kunai flew forwards and stabbed one of the monster's vine-wrapped tentacles, and it flinched at the sudden pain as another scathed his face again, cutting slightly deeper than before. Sonic turned his head swiftly and saw that the one responsible was none other than... 'Emia?'
She seemed to have thrown the kunai with one hand, while the other was on her side. That monster must have done a number on her, but she was still standing regardless. The shinobi frowned slightly. 'She's acting tough, but I can that she's hurt badly. I can't blame her entirely though. I knew she was weak, but I left her alone anyway. Still, I never knew that she was skilled with kunai...'
Suddenly an idea came to mind. If this monster doesn't regenerate, then they could work together to take out those tentacles. If they could get enough of them taken out, the odds would turn in their favour, no doubt. Keeping Emia safe from any further harm shouldn't be an issue; he just had to make sure he kept both her and himself at a safe distance. That was the very least he could do. 'Yeah...that might just work...'
But before he could explain his plan to Emia, Kiseki Kaijin screeched in pure hatred and anger.
"Argh! That hurt, you bitch!" he growled at Emia. He used his anger to increase the length of his tentacles, making them longer and sharper. "I was going to get rid of your ninja-freak boyfriend so I could deal with you on your own, but now I think I'll kill you first!"
"Not if I'm around!" Sonic shot back, jumping in front of her and pointing his sword at the beast. "If you want her, then you'll just have to come and kill me first!"
"Fine! Have it your way then!"
With that, Kiseki shot a tentacle at the fired up ninja, who merely smirked and slipped out of the way, causing that tentacle to be stuck into the concrete. The monster's intention was to skewer Sonic's body, but when he dodged it, the tentacle went too deep into the ground. Before he could get it out again, Sonic jumped up and at unspeakable speeds sliced the vine-wrapped tentacle to bits. Emia then realised what he was trying to do.
'Ah, I see it! If he takes out the tentacles, I can hit Kiseki Kaijin with my kunai, then we can finish him off together... Sonic sure knows how to strategize...'
"You little human shit!" Kiseki hissed. "That was your plan the whole time!"
"Yep." Sonic simply replied, with a cocky smirk. "Come on, is that all you've got? Or do you have something else up your sleeve? I should warn you, though: you should never think for even a second that you'll win this fight."
Emia readied her kunai once again. Now that she knew what Sonic was planning, it was best for her to work with him. Taking a quick look at him, his nod of assurance was enough to put a smile of confidence on her face. 'We can do this. We can win.'
"You heard him," she said. "Bring it on, Kiseki Kaijin!"
Enraged, the monster gave in and chose to give it all he got. At Sonic's word, Emia ran to a safe distance whilst he attempted to keep all Kiseki Kaijin's attacks directed at him. With each dodge, the shinobi used his superhuman agility to strike, without turning down even the smallest window of opportunity, slicing one tentacle down after another, all while Emia was stabbing them with her kunai and aiming for the monster's humanoid body. It worked easily – Kiseki was only left with just five tentacles, bleeding and seething with hate.
With one last attempt, he tried to impale Sonic with two more tentacles as he jumped up to stab him in the head. At first, Kiseki thought he had won, only to realise that there was only a jacket with a fur hood torn by his tentacles. 'No! Impossible! How did he...?!'
"Hey, monster." Emia said behind him. "Forgetting something?"
Just as Kiseki turned and saw her with Sonic, without a moment's hesitation, the ninja charged forwards and thrust his sword into the monster's stomach, causing it to screech in unbearable, fatal pain. He kicked Sonic away, only to have Emia's kunai strike him in the forehead just a few seconds later. After a few moments of stumbling and limping, Kiseki Kaijin crashed down onto the concrete, dead.
Sonic and Emia both stared at the corpse, both their hearts hammering against their chests. Sonic, in particular, felt something within him he had never felt before. He was used to killing – he had been an assassin for the last nine years of his life, and yet as this monster's dead body lay before him in an ominous pool of blood, he couldn't believe what he had done. He could feel the beads of sweat, mixed with the trickling blood on his face, his heart racing, his breath shaky. On top of all that, he felt exhausted. If this was just a usual job, he wouldn't even think twice about it, but this experience would stay burned into his brain.
He instantly snapped out of it when he heard Emia moan and collapse to the ground, being able to fortunately catch her before she hit the floor, and carefully setting her on her knees.
"I'm...I'm okay..." she breathed with a weak smile. "I just can't believe that we just took down a Demon level monster. Just don't worry too much about me, okay?"
Sonic returned a smile. 'This girl...is pretty incredible.'
"I'll admit, I'm pretty impressed," he replied. "You sure know your way with a kunai, you know that?"
Once again, he found himself gazing into those amethyst eyes of hers. Now was the time to ask. "Emia. Are you a ninja, too?"
At first, she said nothing; she just looked at him like he just asked her some loaded question. But then, she shook her head and answered, "N-no. Sonic, what are you talking about?"
He thought she was messing with him, but he knew that she wasn't the type of person to lie – the sincere look in her eyes was enough to prove that. He was completely caught off guard, staring at her in surprise and shock.
"Wait, you're...you're not a ninja?"
Questions. Far too many questions. But he wouldn't have time to ask them all. The next thing he knew, Emia was resting her head on his shoulder as he cradled her in his arms, slowly succumbing to her injuries. Just holding her like this, reminded Sonic of that snowy night when he first found her, injured just as she was now, looking directly at him with those beautiful amethyst eyes. He bit his bottom lip, blinking away his stupid tears. Why was he even crying? It was nothing like him.
"Hang in there, okay? You're going to be fine," he told her softly.
She gave him a smile so warm that it was enough to make him relax his hold around her. "I know," she whispered. "I'm not worried, not when you're around. I'm fine as long as you're here, Sonic-chan..."
The last thing she remembered seeing that day was the sweet, cute smile on Sonic's face as red flashing lights surrounded them, and the last thing she remembered hearing were sirens before she heard him say, "Whatever you say, little cutie."
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quarry-asia · 11 months
From all the beautiful natural stones that you can adorn your home with, onyx stone can certainly be one of them. A precious onyx stone is formed in caves around the world and is mostly made of calcite. Depending on its quality, onyx is considered to be a precious or a semi-precious stone. For centuries, various forms of precious onyx stones have been used to create jewellery, home accessories and sculptures.
Some of the most loved slabs of our QVAC onyx stones are on display at The Quarry Gallery in rare and large sizes. This special treatment done on our onyx stone will strengthen it from within, and the result is a breath-taking collection of the largest and purest Onyx Slabs. The Quarry curates the finest collection of natural stones from 31 countries across the world in 33 amazing colours. Including Pink Onyx, Amazonite, Accendo, Onice Ivory and many more.
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The Quarry Curated QVAC Pink Onyx
We, at The Quarry Gallery, pay extra attention in delivering the best Onyx to be a highlight in your home. Each slab of our handpicked precious onyx stone is cut to the global standards of 20mm and polished by generations of Italian craftsmen in Italy. Our Onyx undergo a special treatment called QVAC, which makes it superiorly sturdier than any other Onyx that you can see. Onyx is a unique natural stone available in a varied number of colours from white, yellow, green, red, purples, browns, beiges etc. and swirling patterns.
The translucency of an onyx stone can strongly impact your interior design, making any surface look more interactive and transformative.
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The Quarry Curated Accendo non-litup
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The Quarry Curated Accendo lit up.
When it comes to using an onyx stone for large applications like home interiors, we have to be a little more careful while choosing the slab and its application. Onyx being a rare, translucent stone is also fragile in its nature. However, at The Quarry, our curators offer complete knowledge on usage, density, rarity, the origin of every slab and also provide technologies like the QVAC to strengthen every onyx stone we curate.
Onyx stone can be used for various vertical and horizontal applications like countertops, floors, wall cladding, countertops and even furniture and accessories like table-tops, lamps, bowls, vases and more.
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The Quarry Accendo Bar Counter
A precious onyx stone application looks even more breath-taking when it is backlit. Onyx stone looks wonderful when used as a highlighter or an accent feature in areas such as entrance lobbies, living rooms, bathrooms and so on.
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The Quarry - Onyx Miele Wall Highlighter
Onyx stones differ in properties from other natural stones like marble or granite. Hence, utmost care needs to be taken when you decide to select the onyx stone for a particular application. With the expertise that our Quarry Curators offer, we make sure your decision of choosing our precious onyx stone is 100% correct and fool-proof.
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The Quarry - Pink Onyx Dry Kitchen Counter
So, does a rare and precious onyx stone sound like the perfect material for your home?
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Call +91 99305 44444 to buy the best Italian marble, granite and rare onyx near you, right here in Mumbai, India.
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iwaisa · 4 years
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bnha boys crushing on someone with a cat quirk
pairings: bakugou, sero, midoriya, todoroki, and kaminari x gender neutral reader
warnings: swearing (thanks bakugou 😌👍👍)
a/n: i’d like to think that if i were in the bnha world, my character would have a quirk like the cheshire cat, so i brought it to life (๑>◡<๑) this is also supposed to be situations based off mannerisms of cats !
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part 1 | part 2
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► now shuffling...
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head pats
when you first moved to U.A., the first thing everyone noticed were your ears and tail
everyone thought it was so cute, but they should’ve been more careful
behind that cute, adorable facade was a dangerous quirk that rivaled that of the class’ resident hot-head
speaking of hot-head, bakugou hated it
especially how your tail kept swaying back and forth while you sat in front of him during class
“oi shitty cat! move your fucking tail!”
you didn't move your tail.
you kept taunting him with it and teasing him which resulted in aizawa having to ask you to move to the back of the class
sure, bakugou laughed in your face, but he would never admit out loud that he would miss those days where he could see your smile and hear your laughter echo throughout the classroom
it had been a few months since you moved seats and bakugou still couldn’t come to terms with the fact that he just simply liked you.
he kept falling deeper and deeper, attempting to crawl out of the hole until one day he just decided that he was okay with it
he was okay with the fact that he liked you
that one day was on a weekend
bakugou had just woken up and was heading to the kitchen to make some tamagoyaki until he stopped dead in his tracks from the sound of your voice
more specifically, your laughter
he felt his heart rate begin to pick up, and the nitroglycerin sweat seemed to pour from his palm, resulting in loud crackling and popping
he stepped out from around the corner to see mina, kaminari, kirishima, and sero petting you
and you… liked it??
he watched with his brows furrowed and his mouth hanging open as you seemed to push your head into their hands
your eyes were closed and you looked so at peace that he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy
why were you letting all of them touch you like that?
it pissed him off
he marched up to you and pushed kaminari and mina aside
“what the hell are you guys doing?”
mina kept squealing while explaining that since you were a cat, you really liked when people pet your head and ears
“that’s fucking weird.”
“c’mon bakubro! you gotta feel their ears man, they’re so soft!” kirishima exclaimed while going back to rub your ears
you giggled and leaned your head into his hand, making bakugou’s blood boil
“hell no! i want nothing to do with this!”
they kept teasing him until sero said something along the lines of “he just doesn’t want to pet them because it won't feel good to them. you gotta be nice and gentle, and bakugou probably wouldn’t be able to do that”
bakugou stopped in place and slowly turned around to glare at sero, “what the fuck did you say, plain face?? i can be fucking gentle!”
he stomps up to you and raises his hand
you flinch and close your eyes thinking he’s going to hit you until you feel his fingers just barely grazing the tips of your ears
you open your eyes to see bakugou using both of his hands to gently rub them
he didn’t even notice you were staring at him since he was watching as his hands played with your ears, a tint of red making its way onto his face
he watched in awe as you pushed your head into his hands, making his face even hotter - if that was possible
after a few minutes of bakugou not saying anything - and the rest of the squad staying quiet from shock that he was actually being soft - you poked his cheek with your finger
“surprisingly, you’re the softest out of all of them”
“sh-shut up shitty cat! i told you i can be gentle!”
you grinned as you watched him stomp away to the kitchen
when you turned around, the whole bakusquad was giving you these giant shit-eating grins
you just shook your head and brushed past them, making your way back to your room
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stretching / poofing tail / kneading soft things
this boy literally felt his heart explode as soon as you walked into the classroom
you were literally so??? adorable????
however, after he saw you in action, he was lowkey terrified of you
your quirk was so unique and insanely powerful that he started to doubt himself and his abilities
during a training session you watched sero spar against iida, and noticed as his signature grin seemed to fade after he lost
he slowly trailed behind the rest of the class on the way back to the classroom, but you noticed instantly
you slowed down so that you were walking right next to him
“hey, i know i just moved a few weeks ago, but i think your quirk is really cool. a-and what present mic said was wrong, your elbows aren’t freaky at all.”
oh my, i think you killed him. you didn’t think his quirk was creepy? you didn’t hate the shape of his elbows? you didn’t mind his biggest insecurity???? why couldn’t he control his heart?
he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of you so he just ran into the classroom, leaving you behind
you stood outside the class for a few minutes, a little heartbroken
you couldn’t deny that you began developing feelings for the kind, supportive, adorable boy
sero felt awful for ignoring you the rest of the day
you sat right next to him in class which didn't make the situation any better
his heart rate never slowed down, and the red never left his cheekbones
you on the other hand, were confused and all you wanted to do was talk to him
as the last bell rang, you ran to the dorms so you could hide away in your room, but mina had another idea
she suggested a class sleepover in the common room, and you had agreed, not thinking that you would be nervous because of a certain tape-dispensing up-and-coming hero
upon entering the common room with a fluffy blanket that evening, sero’s eyes instantly found yours
fortunately, he looked away quickly
unfortunately, there was only one spot left
which was right next to sero :D
you slowly sank into the couch, accidentally brushing your knee against his
his heart rate picked up again, but he tried his hardest to focus on the horror movie playing on the screen
you started getting anxious about halfway through the first movie when sero shifted in his seat, letting his knee rest on top of yours
you began kneading at your blanket and you stretched, poofing the fur on your tail out
you didn’t even notice a part of onyx eyes watching your every movement
you turned to peek at sero, but instantly snapped your head to face the screen when you made eye contact
sero was having an internal crisis
you were so adorable and for what????
you stood up, your tail still poofed out and asked if anyone wanted more popcorn
everyone nodded, their eyes not leaving the screen
you smiled and made your way to the kitchen
“hey..” you jumped and turned around upon hearing sero’s soft voice
“i’m really sorry about ignoring you, i just didn't know how to respond. no one has ever told me that my quirk is cool and i kinda freaked out. i-i think you’re really cool.” he blurted out the last bit leaving you dumbfounded
“i think you’re cool too, sero!” you smiled at him
you turned around, waiting for the popcorn to finish when you felt a slight tap on your shoulder
you turned around and watched as sero tripped over his words
“i-i think you’re really cute too… like for example when you puff your tail out when you stretch, or when you knead at things, and just all of your mannerisms. i really like you, l/n.”
you beamed at him as you returned his feelings, making his heart implode
you jumped as the popcorn machine dinged, and felt your face heat up as sero just laughed at you
no one even noticed when you walked back into the room with your hands intertwined
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wrapping your tail around his leg
it was only your first day at U.A. and a certain green-haired boy already wanted to know everything about you
said green-haired boy, named izuku midoriya, knew better than to assume anything about you
he had seen many people with surprising quirks, so he assumed yours was extremely powerful if you were accepted into U.A. near the middle of the year
he didn’t know anything about you other than you were extremely adorable
he found it intimidating
he also didn’t know what to expect when aizawa told the class they would be paired up to spar with one of their classmates
you were chosen to spar against ojiro, who was difficult to go against considering his quick attacks and strong tail
but you were strong too, countering ojiro’s attacks with your own
midoriya was even more amazed than he thought he would be
he began taking notes and started to watch your every move
how could someone go from being so innocent and kind to a terrifying fighter?
a few months later and midoriya’s notebook had at least 4 pages full of notes about you
not only were they notes about your quirk, but midoriya had began writing short poems about you
no matter what, he just couldn’t stop thinking about you and how amazing you looked during and out of training
you had walked down to the kitchen on a sunday morning in hopes of making yourself some food
you stopped when you saw midoriya cutting up some fruit to put into a smoothie
you greeted him as you walked to the fridge, and midoriya has never been so startled in his whole life
“h-h-hi l/n!”
you giggled and began making your breakfast, going to stand next to midoriya
you two were just quietly enjoying each other’s presence
until your tail had another idea
midoriya felt something soft caress the back of his calves, and stopped what he was doing, almost cutting himself with the knife
he felt your tail wrap and unwrap itself around his leg, and he turned to look at you
you, however, were very blissfully unaware of the predicament you were putting midoriya in
“u-uh, l/n?”
“y-your tail…” he pointed to where your tail was wrapped around his leg
“oh shoot sorry! i guess i just do that so many times without thinking i didn’t even realize it would make people uncomfortable. i apologize!”
you unwrapped your tail from his leg
“t-that’s cute…” he muttered under his breath
you snapped your head to stare at him, and your breath hitched when you made eye contact with him
he frantically apologized for blurting it out while covering his face with his arms, his face a very bright red
you laughed as you watched him stumble over his words as you called him cute
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winking / slow blinking
sitting next to class 1-a’s resident pretty boy was a difficult task
it was only your first day and you found yourself unable to take your eyes off the mysterious boy
however, todoroki believed the reason for your blatant staring was due to the scar sitting on his face
he turned to you during one of aizawa’s lectures and stared back, neither of you wanting to break eye contact
the bell rang, and before you could leave, todoroki had blurted out a question directed to you
“are you uncomfortable with my scar?”
you looked at him with a confused gaze
uncomfortable??? around such a beautiful man??? hell no. more like intimidated
“n-no! not at all! i just like your hair,” you refrained from telling him that the real reason was because you thought he was extremely beautiful
“oh. thank you.”
a few weeks passed since that encounter, and you had only grown closer to the half-and-half boy
you learned the real reason behind the scar, and assured him that you won’t think any different of him
he even felt a blush coat his cheeks when you called him amazing and strong
you, midoriya, uraraka, iida, and todoroki were studying in the common area, yet you weren’t focused on the textbook in front of you
you leaned your face on your cheek as you let your eyes wander over todoroki’s seemingly perfect features
todoroki looked up from his book just in time to see you wink at him
he was a bit taken aback, but shook it off as you getting some dust in your eye
he continued keeping eye contact with you and watched as you slowly blinked your eyes at him
todoroki brushed off the heat on his face and went back to writing in his notebook
he looked up again just in time to see you wink at him again
in all fairness, you didn’t even realize you were staring at him, you were a cat and it was a habit
“l/n, i appreciate the gesture, but why do you keep flirting with me?”
oh todoroki. you’re so beautiful yet so dumb.
you were a little confused since he just accused you of something you didn’t even do
“you keep winking at me and slowly closing your eyes. is that your way of flirting?”
by now, the other three were watching you two with interest
“oh! no, that’s just a habit i have since i’m a cat. when i slowly blink at you it means that i trust you. and winking means that i really like you!”
you slapped your hand over your mouth
“o-oh. you like me?”
“i-i mean as a friend of course! i trust you and i don’t feel intimidated by you, that’s all!”
todoroki failed to hide the disappointment in his voice when he hummed back
while the five of you packed your books into your backpack, todoroki waited for you to finish before he began to talk to you
“l/n,” he began
you turned to him with wide eyes, scared that he would tell you that he didn’t like you like that
“yeah, todoroki?”
the other three scurried away, leaving you and todoroki alone
“i know you meant that you just liked me as a friend, but is it weird for me to hope that you possibly meant a different way?”
you were completely blindsided by his question
“uhh, actually.. about that…”
after you explained what you truly meant and how you think he’s super interesting and cute, he smiled and returned your feelings
he walked you to your dorm and left after giving you a quick (very cold) peck on the lips
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swaying hips
of course i had to do this for this mf
as soon as you walked into the classroom he began flirting with you
you sat behind him, and whenever aizawa wasn’t looking, he would slip notes with pick-up lines on them to you
when you returned the note with another pick-up line, he just about short-circuited
unlike everyone else in the class, kaminari assumed that because you were adorable, your quirk was a soft type of quirk
boy was he so wrong
he watched with his jaw on the ground as you sprinted around, not holding back from fighting with kirishima
mineta made some dumb comment about you being sexy with those ears and that tail and that was the first time kaminari told mineta to stfu
as someone who is notorious for hitting on people, his flirting began to slow down once he realized that the reason he wanted to be around you all the time, having the sudden urge to hold you, wanting to call you his, was because he liked you
and he didn’t know what to do at all
he most DEFINITELY didn’t know what to do one particular hot summer day
the bakusquad was hanging out in the common room trying to cool yourselves down
you got up off the floor and walked past kaminari to go to the kitchen for some popsicles
you began to sway your hips as you walked, leaving a very flustered kaminari
“gross, dunce face. if you like that so damn much go chase after them. i’d like to see you try to ask them out.”
“that’s not very manly, bakubro. kaminari, if you really like them, why don’t you just tell them? i’m sure they’d understand,” kirishima gave him a thumbs up as kaminari quite literally sprinted after you
“are you aware of how much you sway your hips when you walk?”
kaminari whispered into your ear as he placed his hands on your hips
“i knew you would notice” you winked at him
his face exploded red in color and he watched you in confusion as you laughed loudly in his face
“i’m kidding. i sway my hips when i walk because i’m a cat. i’m not flirting with you dummy,” you stuck your tongue out at him
“darn, you got me”
“hey l/n?”
you turned to face him, and you yelped in surprise as he smashed his lips onto yours
very good kaminari consent is a very good thing 😀👍👍
he pulled away to study your face, only to see your wide eyes and your mouth hanging open
“uh… i’m really sorry i just-”
he was cut off when you locked lips with his again
your tail wrapped around his body, causing him to shock you
he pulled away, grinning, “sorry. you surprised me there-”
you both sheepishly apologized, watching bakugou storm away, yelling that you two were practically eating each others’ faces
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I Smell Snow
A/N: Ahhh, I’m finally writing fanfiction again! I’m a little late in posting because life got in the way, but we’ll just pretend I’m on the west coast so that I can feel like I still posted this on the 19th. So with that, here’s my first fic in the longest time, for the ShiSaku Christmas day event. I will be posting this on my AO3 soon, so keep an eye out for that later!
Prompts used: First Snowfall & Café AU
Title: I Smell Snow
Rating: General
“I smell snow,” Sakura said, glittering green eyes wide with excitement as Shisui poured her a steaming cup of coffee into a to-go cup.
“It’s not even below freezing yet,” Shisui pointed out, onyx eyes teasing as he untied the apron around his waist and made his way out from behind the counter.
Sakura glanced at his form briefly, admiring the snug red flannel shirt and dark fitted jeans he was wearing today. She coughed and took a sip when Shisui noticed and smirked at her, and she hoped she wasn’t blushing.
“Just you wait,” Sakura said, stopping as Shisui gave her a heart-stopping grin before he looked around the café for his cousin who actually owned the shop. Spotting him, Shisui put his folded apron on the countertop before putting his hands around his mouth.
“Sasuke!” Shisui called, staring down Sasuke at the other side of the café. “Come manage your coffee shop. Just because I’m here doesn’t mean I’ll do your job for you.”
Sasuke merely flipped him off and rolled his eyes as he stepped behind the counter, grabbing his notebook to take orders from waiting customers.
“I don’t know how you guys always stay busy all the time, especially with his attitude,” Sakura laughed, giving Shisui a cheeky grin as she linked her free arm with his. She tried not to shiver at the warmth his body gave off, but she couldn’t help but indulge herself as she leaned into his side.
“Sasuke’s a pretty boy, that’s why,” Shisui said, lips turned down into a pout. Sakura laughed and patted his arm.
“Don’t worry, Shisui, you’re pretty too,” Sakura said, bringing up her coffee to take another sip. She missed the light blush across the tops of his cheeks as she focused on her coffee, and for that, Shisui was glad she loved coffee so much.
As they stepped out of the café and into the cold air, Shisui prayed to the heavens it would snow, and soon, if only so Sakura would stay snuggled against him for the rest of the day.
“Why are you so happy, Forehead?” Ino asked, taking a sip of her cold brew that she sweetened with her own personal stash of lavender-vanilla flavored creamer. Sakura glared at Ino’s drink, wondering how she could drink that monstrosity in such cold weather.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sakura said.
“You’ve been glowing since you and Shisui arrived,” Ino pointed out, eyebrows raised as she looked behind Sakura at Shisui, who was ordering their drinks at the counter. “Together, I might add,” she continued, making a suggestive gesture at Sakura, which Sakura ignored, looking out the window of the café.
“It’s going to snow tonight,” Sakura said. She avoided looking behind her.
“Uh, huh,” Ino said, cocking her head to the side with a smirk. She looked behind Sakura and saw that Shisui was heading back towards them. “You sure it’s not because of the company?”
At this, Sakura couldn’t hide her blush, and Ino did a tiny fist pump in satisfaction.
“I knew it!” Ino said, grin so wide Sakura was afraid it’d crack her face. “You are totally crushing on Shisui!” Ino looked behind Sakura and her heart jumped. Shushing Ino, Sakura finally looked behind her, releasing a breath when she saw Shisui was held up at the condiment bar.
“Shhh,” Sakura said, double checking to see Shisui thankfully still at the condiment bar, probably fixing her coffee the way she liked it. He was so sweet. She took a breath. “Look,” she started, but Ino interrupted her.
“How long have you liked him?” she asked, and Sakura sighed.
“Too long, probably,” Sakura revealed, and Ino leaned closer across the table, wanting to know more. Before she could say anything else, Shisui plopped down next to Sakura, placing a cup in front of himself and handing one to Sakura.
“Your coffee, you addict,” Shisui said with a grin, and as she took her coffee from him, their fingers touched. “Yikes, woman, your hands are ice cold. Where are your gloves?”
“I left them at home,” Sakura said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Gimme,” Shisui said, and before she could understand what he meant, Shisui was grabbing her hands and rubbing them in between his own. Sakura held her breath, and couldn’t help but stare as Shisui tried to warm her hands up.
“Shisui, stop, you don’t have to,” Sakura finally stuttered out, face warm. She could feel Ino’s eyes on them, but she didn’t dare look at her for fear of revealing herself to Shisui.
“You need to remember your gloves,” Shisui only said, face concentrating as he continued holding her hands, bringing them close to his mouth as he blew hot air on them. Sakura knew her cheeks were red but was glad Shisui wasn’t looking at her face.
Ino coughed and cleared her throat, and Sakura finally looked at her, glaring her into silence before Ino could say anything.
Shisui, finally noticing the quiet, looked up and noticed the slight tension between the two.
“What?” he asked, finally dropping Sakura’s hands. Wrapping them around her cup, Sakura tried to keep her face neutral as she struggled to say something to distract him. Ino beat her to the punch.
“Nothing,” Ino said, eyebrows raised at Sakura. “You guys are just too fucking adorable.”
Shisui tilted his head at her comment, eyes looking towards Sakura, but Sakura just smiled and shrugged, hiding behind her coffee as she took a drink.
Later that day, Sakura was with Naruto and Sasuke eating lunch like they had planned to do the week before. Shisui had promised to meet her later to meet up for a late dinner before the outdoor movie night the town threw once a week, and Sakura couldn’t help but wonder if it’d start snowing during the movie or after. She hoped it would be after just so she had a reason to stay snuggled up against him during the movie before the snow eventually chased everyone inside. Naruto’s question brought her out of her thoughts and into the current conversation.
“Where’s Shisui?” Naruto asked, as usual, stuffing his face with ramen. Sasuke almost snorted, and Sakura’s mouth gaped open at his uncharacteristic display of emotion, chopsticks hanging in front of her mouth as she opened and closed her mouth.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she said, putting her chopsticks down and frowning.
“Just that you and my cousin are always together,” Sasuke said.
“I’m not always with Shisui,” Sakura said. “Besides, even if I were, that’s what friends do, especially when they enjoy each other’s company.”
“Hey, what about us. We rarely see you anymore,” Naruto whined. He’s finally not slurping noodles, and Sakura notices it’s because all that’s left is broth, which he’s slowly sipping.
“That’s because our schedules are so different, Naruto,” Sakura laughed. In a teasing tone, she continued, “Plus, even if I do want to hang out with you two, I have to kick you out of my place because you two never want to leave.”
“I resent that,” Sasuke said. “Naruto never lets us leave.”
“Hey,” Naruto said, bowl finally empty. Sakura laughed and Naruto could only smile. “But seriously, Sakura-chan, when are you two idiots going to finally get together?”
“Huh?” Sakura said, tapping her nails against the table. “What do you mean?”
Naruto and Sasuke just looked at her.
“Please, it’s obvious,” Sasuke finally said.
Sakura brought a hand up to run through her rose locks. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before opening them and chuckling in resignation.
“Is it that obvious?” Sakura asked with a laugh.
“To everyone but Shisui,” Sasuke said with a smirk.
“Just tell him how you feel,” Naruto chimed, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
“I don’t know, I’m scared,” Sakura said, wringing her hands. “When would I even do it?”
Sasuke clicked his tongue with an eye roll and Naruto merely snorted.
“Tonight, at the town’s weekly outdoor movie night,” Naruto said. Sasuke nodded while Sakura gasped.
“But that’s so soon,” she gulped, reaching forward and taking a sip from her water glass.
“If not tonight, then when?” Sasuke pointed out with a tilt of his head, and Sakura slumped in her chair, knowing he was right.
“Trust me, everything will work out,” Naruto soothed, reaching over and placing a hand on her shoulder.
Sakura nodded her head and looked down, wondering if she would be able to gather the courage to finally tell Shisui how she felt.
Shisui thought back to the lunch he had with Itachi as he made his way to meet Sakura for a late dinner before they headed to the outdoor movie. It was a little bit later than he had initially planned, but Shisui had to stall due to him freaking out about making the decision to finally tell Sakura how he felt.
Shisui had been pacing back and forth as Itachi calmly stated all the reasons why Sakura wouldn’t reject him, and, in fact, would probably confess her own feelings. Shisui didn’t stop pacing though until Itachi forcibly grabbed him the shoulders and pushed him to sit down on the couch.
“Shisui, Sakura-chan is most definitely in love with you, just as you are with her,” Itachi said, dark eyes cool and collected unlike his probably own wide eyes.
“But how do you know?” Shisui asked, sucking in a breath and bringing a hand up to tug at his curls.
“Trust me,” Itachi said. “Anyone would have to be blind to not see the way she looks at you.”
Itachi’s advice ringing in his ears like echoing church bells, Shisui took a deep breath of the icy cold air as he arrived outside of Sakura’s place. It seemed like Sakura was right and would get her snow tonight. He’d never tell her that though.
Reaching forward, Shisui pressed the doorbell and stepped back to wait as he heard shuffling behind her front door. Door opening, Shisui felt his throat catch at the sight of Sakura in a belted wrap coat, its color deep red and striking against her rose hair and viridian eyes. A matching scarf wrapped around her neck and tall heeled boots completed the outfit. His dark eyes trailed over her figure, and Sakura felt herself shiver despite all her layers. Shisui hoped she wasn’t too warm so that she’d still cuddle into him during the movie.
“Hey,” she said sweetly, cheeks pink and probably matching his. Shisui couldn’t help his own smile in return.
“Hi,” he breathed. Shisui offered his free hand to her, the other holding a blanket for the movie. “Sorry I’m late. You ready?”
“Always,” Sakura said, smiling and taking his hand.
Walking down the street, Shisui and Sakura made small conversation about what they were up to since they parted, both feeling a sense of completeness, wondering if the other felt it too.
“Is this a new blanket?” Sakura asked, reaching over and brushing her fingers along the plush fabric of the blanket Shisui held. He draped the blanket over his shoulders, as if it were a very a large scarf so she could reach it better.
“Yeah, I checked the weather and it’s getting colder,” Shisui said, smirking at Sakura’s little huff.
“Getting colder, huh?” Sakura teased, arching a brow and exhaling loudly and tilting her head towards the stream of air that was now visible.
“Yeah,” Shisui said, unwilling to give in to Sakura’s antics.
“Just admit it, Shisui, I was right,” Sakura stated triumphantly. “It’s going to snow tonight, just you wait and see.”
“I guess I’ll wait then,” Shisui said, laughing when Sakura gasped and hit him in retaliation.
“You’re a jerk,” Sakura said, the crinkled corners of her eyes giving away her mirth.
“But you love me anyway,” Shisui said, heart jumping as he said the nerve-wracking four letter word.
Sakura paused, and Shisui held his breath as he waited for her answer. They’d stopped walking, and Sakura had turned her face away from him. Finally, she looked up, and Shisui’s heart began to pound at the look he saw in her eyes.
“So what if I do, huh?” she whispered, looking up at him. Suddenly, a white snowflake landed on her nose. Gasping, she looked up and squealed as more snow started falling from the sky. Stepping away from him, Shisui internally wept at the loss of her warmth, but soon didn’t mind as he watched as she twirled around in a circle, radiating pure joy as the snow drifted down around her.
Shisui knew he’d never seen anything more beautiful.
Laughing as she came back up to him, Sakura tugged at his hand and begged him to join her.
“I was right!” Sakura said, the biggest smile on her face.
“So you were,” Shisui said, pulling her in close to him. Sakura looked up at him as he gazed down at her, brushing a loose strand of her rosette hair out of her eyes.
“Shisui?” she breathed, eyes wide as he pulled her closer than he’d ever done before.
Shisui decided to dive off the cliff. “I’m in love with you, Sakura,” Shisui said, eyes creasing as he smiled down at her. He brought up his right hand and caressed her cheek, cold from the snow, but just as soft as he’d imagined.
Sakura stilled at his touch, but she quickly leaned into his hand as she sighed. Looking up into his obsidian eyes, she saw nothing but warmth, and hoped he saw the same in hers.
“Yeah?” she said, reaching up and pressing her left hand into his hand on her cheek, holding his hand there.
Shisui smiled at her actions and felt his heart burst at the reciprocation in her eyes.
“Yeah,” he finally said, bringing his other hand up to tilt her chin up as he leaned down.
“Good,” Sakura said, before he captured her lips in his, warmth flowing through him at the feeling of her against him.
Finally, they both thought, lost in each other as the first snowfall of the season floated down around them.
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twoscoopsblog · 3 years
Strixhaven Previews
Oh boy oh boy. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am for Strixhaven to be coming. As someone who grew up reading two main book series, Harry Potter and the Forgotten Realms novels (mostly Drizzt and the books where Kelemvor became a god), I am totally stoked for Strixhaven and the D&D set.
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So let’s look at what we know about Strixhaven, shall we? This is the Multiverse’s best wizarding school (take that, Tolarian Academy!) and it had five colleges. 
Lorehold is in Red and White, and is focused on history, artifacts and understanding the magic of artifice. 
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Just look at that artwork. An owl student shooting magic. A dwarf student with a GATLING SCROLL!? And those effects - Make a 3/2 token? Make all creatures stronger and indestructible and fast? A lightning helix? A blood divination? And I get TWO OF THEM!? A 3/2 with a free Blood Divination is totally worth 5 mana! And it’s even more modular! I love it!
Then we have the college of dirt, decay and life, Witherbloom.
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I love the tusky troll dude. I love the green miasma. Land recursion with mill? Permanent removal? Creature debuffing? Life drain? It’s pretty nice.
Prismari is the art college, full of elemental magics, song and dance. So my wife’s school and my best friend’s school, but not my college.
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Look at this. Burn. Rummaging. Treasures. Artifact destruction. This is the school of heavy metal and rock opera, the school of drumlines and dance troops, the school that’ll make you know you just got served. Amazing.
But if you’re more into STEM, maybe Quandrix is where you’ll be.
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For only 3 mana, you get two of - a bounce, a counter, a permanent buff, or mill insurance? Yes please, I’ll do math for that! (This would be my sister’s college, btw). 
This one we even know an associated teacher - Kasmina! Remember her, the wizard teacher planeswalker from War of the Spark? We all knew she was from Strixhaven, and it sure is good to be right.
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So much cooler than Professor Trelawney, Kasmina can summon fractal owls, and just her being there makes your other planeswalkers have more abilities because she’s a wizard teacher, and she teaches them how. She even lets you tutor and free cast a spell of any color of a sufficiently loyal planeswalker you control. You can keep your Uncommon Walkers from WAR around longer now! I would totally be that guy to use Teyo to Wrath of God you or Angrath to pull a Star of Extinction. It’s just how I am. (Don’t use it with X spells though, because it’ll set X to 0.)
And finally, my college of choice, Silverquill. I wasn’t sure about them at first - they came off like the Slytherins to me, but their black mana isn’t from “Wizard Supremacy” or being literal wizard Nazis, but instead from healthy competition. Compete within the group to get stronger, and your group itself is now stronger. Then you are all better to face your enemies. They’re the school of constructive criticisms and biting witticisms. The writers. And they have ink magic they’re so cool!
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Their Command gives you so much fun. An angel buff! Graveyard draw! A deal with the devil! Forcing a death! And the ink! Look at the ink!!!
Man they’re so cool. And we’re pretty sure we know one of their teachers now.
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Look, I haven’t had a 2D crush since Sailor Mercury when I was 11, but hot damn. I think I’m hot for teacher. Like I never got the “step on me” jokes, but like, I get it now. As I said on Twitter when someone said “Everyone thirsting for Professor Onyx  is a bottom,” - even if you’re a top, sometimes you have to make an exception. 
Like, Liliana was always attractive. She traded her soul for eternal youth and beauty. But now that’s she’s trying to be good, and on a redemption arc, she’s got a certain je ne sais quoi.
And in that outfit, I suddenly have a lot of feelings I’m not used to, and I don’t want them to stop. 
Like I shipped Lili and Gideon hard for a while, but to quote the sketch Ice Cream Parade “Oh... he’s dead now. Welp, here we go!” Like there’s people on Magic TikTok thirsting for Gids, and I suddenly get it. 
Just... holy fuck, I started this post to try to convince people to play Strixhaven, and now I’m just ready to turn this page into a 100% Liliana Thirst Blog. 
Anyway, I’m going to not shut up about Strixhaven. Come for the non-transphobic wizarding school, stay for the insanely attractive faculty, like holy fuck is this allowed, how in the name of Ugin is this allowed.
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hentaimommi · 3 years
ʀᴏʏᴀʟ ᴀᴘᴀᴛʜʏ | ʟᴇᴠɪ ᴀᴄᴋᴇʀᴍᴀɴ (x fem! reader)
Warnings: trauma, death, monarchy, abuse of power (?)
Summery: After her father's death, the new queen is sworn in. Her new personal knight is assigned to guard her at nighttime. Quickly she learns he is not just any night, nor is she just any queen.
[A/N]: I really hate the damsel in destress type queen/knight stories, so I tried to change up the arch type a little. fantasy au :) sorry if it felt rushed!
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[R O Y A L A P A T H Y]
"The death of King (D/N) will forever be a greatest tragedy to our kingdom," My fathers best friend, who was also the earl, had been lecturing for what felt like sentinels by now. Sorcerer Hanji Zoe was at their witts end by now, clearly bored. I also tapped my food below the ballgown I'd been fitted and forced into this morning.
"I have new hope in the shadowing horizon of his beloved daughter, she will lead us to many victories. Let's hope the dragon guards love her!" He clinked the tall tankard with the barbarian man next to him, finalizing the speech. Many people laughed in fancy, but all I found myself wanting to do was visit the garden.
I excused myself, standing up and begging the well known path to the sanctuary. My heels clicked across the cobblestone like a smooth stone on a lake top, all the way until I had been met with the large doors. Built by the Elvish and designed by my mother, the garden was the most sacred room in the kingdom.
Guarded by two large stone gargoyles, watched over by the eye of luck, and cursed beyond point of entry if not completing the ritual. I took two fingers on each hand, palating the tongue of both gargoyle. Then, the eye above the door that was imprinted into the stone began to glow. "Who are you here under?" The entity I spoke frequently to requested. "(F/N) (L/N)." I responded, fingers still on the tounges. "Ah, the soon to be queen. You may enter."
The doors cascaded open, revealing the garden of most beautiful stature. Reds, greens, blues, purples- as far as the eye could see. I only wish I could stay, actually enter and be here. Duty called below, though. The bells were ringing and it was almost evening. The doors closed at lack of entry when I walked away.
Arriving in the meeting room was my next step. Many people of all races and stature were sitting around the discussion table, all watching me as soon as I entered. "Your majesty," The small frog woman, Ymir, hopped from her seat over to me. I raised my brow, indicating her to answer. "We have someone for you to meet, and hopefully show around if you would be so kind." Her voice was rough, you could tell she was of frog decent from a mile away. "Okay."
The room went silent as I turned to face the door, red dress swaying round. The fact attire was picked by my mothers personal designer, Historia. A sweet lady, but boy did she enjoy flowy gowns. The doors opened, revealing two men. One, a tall blonde man, and the next a shorter raven haired man. His gaze was cold, piercing even. "Your grace," The tall one spoke, his voice was deep and unforgiving. Like he'd seen a thousand lifetimes. "I am here to serve you your personal knight, who will serve you endlessly till death."
I looked over to the onyx haired man, who looked as if he was being tortured. "I appreciate your offer so much, thank you sir..?" He looked to me, kneeling on one knee and holding his hand to his heart for all to see. "Erwin. This is sir Levi, your guard." I nodded, walking up to the kneeling men and pressing a light hand on both of their shoulders. "Thank you, you are dismissed."
As the day continued I grew very weary, ready for any point of sleep I could obtain. Before the death if my father, every night I would stop by the sorcerers library. Instead I opted to go to my room this night, absolutely restless from the long and treacherous day. Upon arrival of my room, though, the same man from earlier stood flat out in front of it.
"You're Levi, correct?" I asked, looking into his tone cold eyes. They were so brash, clearly full of pained stories of a lifetime. "Yes, my queen." He moved aside. "You don't have to call me that. You can call me (F/N), and, come inside. It's cold in the halls." His blush was clear as day, nevertheless he followed me as told. I pointed to an empty plush bench for him to take a seat on.
"So, Levi, tell me about your life." I said, walking into my restroom to peel off the dress and change into my nightwear. He hesitated for a moment, clear by the cough let out. "Well, I was raised in a brothel. My mother worked as a lady of the night. She passed at a very young age, my uncle- who was also a knight- taking me in. He would soon leave, too, making me fend for myself. It's tragic and pitiful, I know, but it taught me many things."
"It's not pitiful." I returned changed with my hair graciously braided down to one side, smiling at the man before me. He was handsome, I had to admit. Dark hair offsetting his pale skin in all the right ways, rough appearance only making him that much more attractive. "If anything, you're nobel." He looked up, setting his sword aside, the sighing. "I suppose so. I always wondered what it would be like to guard a queen," He drifted off, eyeing the walls. "I always thought they'd be cold and distant, but it paid well so I didn't mind to take the job. You aren't like that."
I smiled. "Glad you think so, sir Levi. I think you're one of the most brave, and handsome damned men to walk these halls. I bid you a safe night, hope to see you in the morning." I then climbed under the large canopy that cascaded over my bed. It was made of the finest material, soft and warm. The night was cold, leaving me tossing and turning into the daylight unlike I had wanted.
Rising up from my half-slumber, I was met with the vision of Levi sitting exactly how he was before, restless, staring at the wall again. I didn't believe this was lazy- so I rose from my bed and put on the large robe that had been set aside by my maids. "Morn, Levi. How was your night?" I asked, walking over to him. He didn't respond, eyebags heavily present.
I walked closer, lightly touching his scarred face with my soft hand. He was so cold. I took off the robe, laying it over his shoulders. "What's..what are you going my lady?" He asked, thumbing the material that was new on his body. I smiled, standing up. "You were cold. Where do you live?" I asked, undoing the braid in my hair.
He hesitated as he did the night before, only to look away once more. "A- um, hut. Down in the village. I live in it by myself." He proclaimed, rising from his seat. I nodded, "Sleep in my quarters for the day. I insist. The bed is nice and I will have maids deliver a warm outfit to my door." His eyes darted to me, "You can't be serious- I'm not-"
My hand wavered in front of him. "I insist. Keep the bed warm for me, would you?" He nodded. I took the robe, tying it around myself once more. Levi ridded himself of the metal plates, leaving me to see just how muscular he really is. I avoided it, going to my dressing room where all of my dressing ladies already were.
The day passed as before, but this time I had been able to go the library, wanting to give the knight more time to rest up. The bookshelves were dusty, place so empty you would think no one works here.
"Hello? Hanji?" I asked, looking around. Noises came loudly from the behind the counter, making me back away. They were inconspicuous, that was, until the person stood from behind. An Elvin boy named Armin my tropes had picked up. He'd been stranded, left for dead on a battle field. "Oh, hello Armin!" I smiled, lying the book I had picked up on the counter.
"Hello my lady! How are you?" He asked, ears fluttering. How cute. "I'm okay! I've gotten a new knight, I left him to rest in my room for the day." Armin looked at me in a questioning manner. "And his name?" I rested my elbow on the table, looking over to the door through which I had came. "Levi-"
"Levi Ackerman?" He asked, clearly disheveled. I nodded, eyebrow arching as if to question him. "He's a famous knight! So smart and strong. They say during his last battle he suffered life threatening injuries, though, making him tired and worn." Armin gushed, smiling brightly and blushing as I listened.
When returning to my room, he was still asleep. I didn't think I needed him for the night; so I slipped into my dressing room and changed into another beautiful nightgown. Braiding my hair once more, I returned into my room to find him still sleeping. I remembered what Armin had said. He sustained horrible injuries, scars were probably all over his body. I couldn't imagine. Lifting up the edge of the curtain like material, I found him in the clothes my ladies had brought for him. He looked nice, and calm.
Instead of waking him up- interrupting him from his sleep, I decided to sleep next to him. Surely he wouldn't mind if I stayed a distance away, and slept under a different duvet. As I slipped in, his warmth had consumed the whole bed. It was warm in places he hadn't even been in. I tried to rest easy, only being woken up once when he accidentally kicked me; but I didn't mind.
The next morning I would wake up with him completely wrapped around me. His leg over both of my own, his arms around my waist and chest. This made me laugh, pushing his arm around a little to wake up. As I did, his entire body jolted in a gasp. "Where am I? (F/N)? What time of day is it?" He asked, then analyzing how close he was to me. "You slept with- me? I LEFT YOU ALONE?" I chuckled at his worries, him trying to get out of the bed. Swiftly, I gently grabbed his wrist. "Levi, don't worry about it. Just, rest, okay? You've done enough."
Reluctantly, he nodded. I pushed my hands into his hair as he scooted back into me to be the little spoon.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
A Dash of Cream and Sugar
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Emi Fukukado, Shota Aizawa
Emi hunched over the counter, fist digging into her cheek with her lips pursed as she sourly fixated on the corner of the coffeeshop. Bent over a laptop, fingers smoothly gliding over the keyboard, the handsomest man she’d ever clapped eyes on diligently attended to his work. Onyx-black eyes lidded as they fixed on the computer screen, wavy brown-black hair tied in a loose bun behind his head, and a white dress shirt clinging to his lean but muscular frame, local prosecutor Shota Aizawa sure was a mouthwatering sight— and a frequent one. The man practically lived on coffee, and thus was a regular figure in the mom-and-pop coffee shop where Emi worked as a barista. 
He’s so attractive that it’s a crime, she moped, slumping further into the counter as her longing mounted. She released a dreamy sigh, hearts practically beating in her eyes while she watched him take a languid sip of his black coffee. How can he walk around looking that fine when he’s a prosecutor? Talk about hypocritical! She giggled at her own joke, drawing the attention of her coworker Yu. 
“Ahhh, daydreaming about life with our local sleep-deprived filthy rich prosecutor, are we, Emi?” the blonde woman crooned as she bopped Emi atop the head with an empty coffee cup. The other woman frowned and rubbed the top of her hair, turning to look at her friend with pursed lips. 
“Not so loud!” 
“Relax. The only one who’s unaware of your affections is the object of your affections,” Yu teased. Emi puffed out her cheeks angrily, but said nothing, because she was right. Despite Emi’s most valiant attempts at flirting— batting her eyelashes, fleeting touches, and even bending over the counter to give a great shot of her endowments— had failed miserably. The man was just oblivious. Stone-faced, he’d just take his coffee with a simple “thank you” and shamble off to his corner to attend to his paperwork. 
Emi was at the end of her rope. She wasn’t getting any younger, and dammit, she wanted this man. 
“What do I do, Yu?” she warbled miserably while turning to plank against Yu’s chest. The woman cooed and patted Emi’s back encouragingly, prompting the green-hand woman to seek further solace in her bosom. Buried in her pillowy chest, Emi’s words were muffled as she groaned, “I just want him to notice me…” 
“Alas, my dear Emi, men are dense sometimes,” Yu tutted and patted Emi atop her head. “However, we women must persevere to win the hearts of men, however blockheaded they may be! It’s clear we have to take drastic measures.” 
“Drastic measures?” Emi echoed, turning up her chin to peer at Yu with pursed lips and a few of her sea-green hair sticking up from her friend’s comforting caresses. 
“That’s right!” Yu asserted and clapped her hands down on Emi’s shoulders, making her jump a little. “You have to lay it on so thick that he can’t possibly think you’re doing anything but flirting. Listen carefully, dear Emi, and we’ll net your man for sure!” Emi straightened up and Yu leaned in close to whisper fervently in her ear, both their gazes flickering to the unsuspecting man sitting quietly in his corner and type-type-typing away… 
That’s how Emi found herself sauntering up to the small round table with a fresh coffee in hand, an exaggerated sashay in her hips and a pleasant smile on her freshly-glossed lips (courtesy of her savior Yu). She called cheerily to Shota, adding a delighted wave to play up the cute and endearing act, and her heart skipped a beat when his lidded black eyes slid in her direction. His eyebrows quirked up his forehead when he noticed the steaming cup of coffee in her hand, her seafoam green acrylic nails a stark contrast to the white paper cup. 
“What do we have here?” he smirked, straightening in his chair. Emi’s knees nearly turned to jelly when he stretched his arms above his head, part of his dress shirt coming untucked from the waistband of his slate gray slacks and revealing a bit of his chiseled abdominals. She wobbled in her heels, legs stumbling in front of each other, but thankfully he had his eyes closed as he popped his aching vertebrae. It gave her just enough time to stagger up to the table and catch herself with the edge— and greet him with a million-dollar smile when he cracked his eyes open. 
“You’ve been here for a while, hard at work,” she explained, setting the fresh coffee down. “I thought it was high time for a fresh cup.” 
“Much appreciated, Emi.” Her nerves sang as he used her name, just like every time; with how often he was here, he was on a first-name basis with all the baristas, especially Emi since she worked full-time to supplement her income as a part-time standup comedian. He took the cup and brought it to his lips, sampling it with a teasingly raised eyebrow. He then smiled at her, and she wanted to do a happy somersault when she saw the pleased twinkle in his onyx eyes. “Perfect. I would be disappointed if you didn’t have my order memorized.” 
“The strongest brew of the day with a dash of cream and sugar and an extra two shots of espresso, or as I like to call it, Liquid Death,” Emi joked with a waggle of her finger. “Of course I know it, since I make it almost every day.” Her heart thrummed when his smirk twitched into an amused smile. 
“And yet, it’s not on the menu.”
“The management believes that it may unnerve our normal customers,” Emi purred with a playful wink. A chuckle rumbled in his chest, throaty in deep, and she melted against the table as her knees once again melted at the devilish attractiveness of this man. I’ll die before I even get to ask him out! She thought, resisting the urge to fan her slowly-flushing face. 
“What a shame,” he tutted and took another sip. Emi watched him with an intense stare— more specifically, the writing in permanent marker on the cup he’d yet to notice, as it was currently hidden underneath his thumb. Would her and Yu’s carefully-constructed plan fall to pieces all due to unfortunate physics? Her heart pounded against his ribcage as she just watched him sip at the coffee, her brows furrowing more and more with each passing second. 
Please notice me… I’m right here! she pleaded silently, nearly reduced to tears with frustration. Her heartbeat rose in pitch with each thump, until it thundered in her ears at near-deafening intensity. 
“Emi? Emi. Emi.” 
“O-oh!” she stammered when Shota’s voice finally reached her. She jerked violently and fluttered her eyelashes as she came back to reality; it took her a few moments to register that he was holding out some bills to her and looking at her in concern. 
“You all right?” 
“H-huh! Oh, yes. I just got lost in thought!” she evaded with a light-hearted laugh. She looked down at the offered bills, then waved a hand dismissively with a smile. “Oh, don’t worry about the coffee! I used my daily free drink.” 
Shota raised an eyebrow questioningly, his hand falling a little. 
“Well, that leaves you without a drink, now doesn’t it?” 
“Bahhh, don’t sweat it!” she insisted with another fluttery wave, using her other hand to rub the back of her neck. “I don’t feel like drinking coffee today.” Shota looked unconvinced, but obediently tucked the bills back into his wallet. He picked up the coffee and sipped at it thoughtfully, once again failing to see the writing scrawled on the white surface. Emi wanted to fall over and throw a tantrum, it was so infuriating how the world hated her so!
“Still, I feel like I should repay you some way…” 
“Really, it’s not ne—” 
“If not monetary reimbursement, then perhaps a date?” 
Emi almost spit all over him with the completely flabbergasted sound that came out of her mouth. Shota actually chuckled a little at the way her mouth fell open and she just stared unresponsively, dumbstruck. 
“While you were staring off into space, I read your little love note,” he revealed, turning the coffee cup around and giving it a shake. Emi had written the poem “Roses are red, violets are blue, if it’s not too much trouble, can I go out with you? <3” in black permanent marker in the white space of the cup. “Quite original, I must say. Much more enjoyable than your phone number, though I suppose I’ll need it,” he said with a wolfish grin and a saucy wink that had Emi almost faint. 
“O-okay,” she said breathily, submitting to the urge to fan her face as a blush blazed across her face. She retrieved her trusty permanent marker and the empty coffee cup, lifting it up with trembling hands to write down her number. Her quivering hands made the numbers jerky and twitchy, but thankfully still legible. When she handed it back to Shota, he appraised it with a hum, and then set it down. 
“Thank you. What time do you get off tonight?” 
“T-tonight?” she wheezed. Though this was everything she’d ever wanted, suddenly it felt like it was all happening too fast. Somehow, she remained steadfast and squeaked out, “Ei-eight…” 
“All right then, Emi,” Shota smiled and leaned back in his chair. “I’ll see you for dinner, then. Now, you and I both should probably get back to work,” he said, motioning to the coffee bar with his chin. She looked back to see Yu struggling to man the front herself and casting desperate glances at Emi. 
“O-okay!” she said breezily, wobbling as the situation finally began to dawn on her. Still, her friend needed her, so she staggered back to her workspace to replace Yu at the register and fumble through the orders with a hazy mind. She kept thinking how much Shota’s coffee order fit him— though he seemed dark and brooding, just like pure espresso, but there was a hint of sweetness, a dash of cream and sugar, swirling within. She couldn’t wait until their date, when she could really get a taste of her new favorite brew…
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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korpuskat · 4 years
Christmas with Michael, Thomas, and Danny 🔪💘
Merry Christmas @harlequince @knifeknifebaby !!
Michael [PG | WC: 826]
You fidget on the couch, already anxious. You really wanted to share something nice with him, but now you were worried if he’d care at all. Michael sits next to you, staring blankly at the flat little box, all wrapped up in shiny red paper and tied with green ribbon. He hadn’t reacted at all as you placed it on his lap, barely lifted his eyes to meet yours at your meek “Merry Christmas.” 
Now he stares at the gift box and you wonder if he even remembers what Christmas is. You know so little about his life inside Smith’s Grove, had they ever tried to celebrate with him? Were you… bringing back unwanted memories? You bite at your lip, wonder if maybe you could defuse this before it happens. 
“If you don’t…” You start, but pause as you watch Michael’s finger slip under the satiny ribbon. He pulls the bow out, slow and measured despite the lack of interest on his face. He picks through paper and reveals the plain, thin cardboard beneath it. You can’t suppress your smile, you know you got a good gift for him--
And Michael lifts the flimsy lid. You watch his eyebrows lift minutely, the only hint at what’s going on his mind and your grin becomes obnoxious. Inside, pillowed in white tissue paper, is an obscene amount of candy- mostly a variety of little hard caramels in shiny foil wraps, but in the center was a hefty chunk of saran-wrapped handmade chocolate bark.
Michael picks it up and peels back the plastic wrap to reveal the multicolored chocolate in all its glory. “It’s salted caramel,” You say and you’re much too giddy, too proud of your creation. “With pecans. I thought you’d like that. There’s more in the kitchen.” 
He lifts the chocolate bark and so delicately bites off the corner of the chunk. It snaps satisfyingly and you’re filled with excitement- you’d tempered the chocolate well and as Michael lowered the chocolate a long string of the semi-soft caramel stretched between his mouth and his hand. Michael swipes off the caramel with one finger and if you weren’t already vibrating with innocent Christmas joy, you might’ve thought to blush- he sucks the sweet string off his finger and immediately goes to break off another piece of the bark. 
“You like it?” You venture and are rewarded with Michael’s swift nod. “Good.” You smile- and with Michael fully distracted with his gift, you lean forward, nearly have to get up on your knees just to reach him, and press a kiss to his stubbly cheek. “Merry Christmas, Michael.” 
He does not kiss you back, but he also does not reject you as you press against warm his side and pick up the remote. “So,” You start and flick over to the TV guide, “I’m going to guess you haven’t seen many Christmas specials.” Another snap of the chocolate, you hadn’t expected a real response anyway. 
“Did you ever read How the Grinch Stole Christmas?” Michael stills for a moment, you watch his eyes shoot up to the screen and read the description on the guide. You really hope you weren’t pushing your luck, but as Michael went back to nibbling appreciatively, you figured you were in the clear. 
You select it and settle in closer to Michael’s side and let him adjust so his arm rests behind you. 
In the morning, one lazy stretch of your arm confirms the sheets on Michael’s side of the bed are cool and unoccupied; he must not have slept very well. Too bad; you’d hoped for warm morning touches, of any variety. You sweep your hand over his side and- 
You blink the sleep from your eyes and sit up. Your room is empty, the door to your bedroom left ajar. On Michael’s side of the bed, amongst the ruffled sheets, is a soft, gray blanket still folded up, a fake white ribbon held on with velcro holds the tag in place. The ribbon is slightly rumpled, a peculiar pink tinge dotted over where the lines criss-crossed, as though it had been carried by the ribbon. You can’t help but smile and touch the fabric, you sigh and stroke at the plush fibers. 
You carry the folded-up blanket into the kitchen- and find Michael standing in front of the container that had once been full of chocolate bark. From how far he has to dip his fingers into get another piece, he’s made quite a dent already. You might just have to make more. 
You snip off the tag and leave the fake velcro ribbons on the counter. Michael does not turn towards you to watch as you drape the blanket over your shoulders. When you lay a hand on his shoulder and rise as high as you can on your toes, he does duck his head just enough to let you press another kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Michael.” 
Thomas [PG | WC: 665]
“Do you like it?” You ask, eyes flitting between Thomas’s half-concealed face and the gift he held in his hands. The box was large enough to be uncomfortable to set on your lap, but in his rough hands it looks dainty. Dark eyes scan the red lettering and though you worry he can’t read everything the box advertises, he surely recognizes the large image front and center. “It’s a sewing machine,” You say and look at the little arrows on the box emphasizing the powerful motor, “for leatherwork.”
His eyebrows raise slowly, his face lifting to stare at you. He nods, first contained and then energetically, his dark curls bouncing in his excitement. You grin- and barely manage to set down your cocoa before Thomas is pulling you into a bear hug, pushing the sewing machine off his lap and onto the couch so he can hold you closer. You laugh and it’s the best sound Thomas has ever heard; his fingers dive into your hair, strong forearm wrapping around your waist to keep next to him. You curl your arms around his broad shoulders and press your cheek to his jaw. “You’re welcome, Tommy.” 
He lets you go after a minute, those huge hands coming to settle at your hips. You don’t go far, still perched on his lap. “So, where’s my gift, handsome?” A pink tinge sneaks above the edge of his mask and Thomas looks askance. You think it’s just from the pet name- but then he picks at your shirt hem and won’t meet your eyes. 
You stroke at his hair, draw the dark strands away from his face. One gnarled scar peeks up above the edge of the leather, slithers across his skin up to the edge of his ear. You touch it softly- and Thomas shivers, his eyes falling closed. “Tommy?”
He finally looks at you again and you want to fall into his big, dark eyes that shine so beautifully, you want to smother his skin in kisses until the fear and vulnerability are washed from his face forever. He doesn’t need to speak for you to be able to read his deeply expressive face. He’s worried- ashamed. “It’s okay if you didn’t get me anything.” You say and stroke over that scar again. 
One huge hand covers yours, holds your palm to his masked cheek as he shakes his head. With the other he reaches into his pants pocket. If the sewing machine’s box was dainty in his hands, this tiny thing was hardly more than a trinket. It’s just a little cardboard thing, unwrapped and plain. You catch Thomas’s eyes before taking the box into your hands, your heart already racing. A box this small, there’s only a handful of things that could fit inside.
Thomas’s eyes bore into you, his breath coming in short, anxious puffs, his hands- now back at your hips- stroke at your sides, though you don’t know if it’s supposed to be soothing you or him. You lift the tiny lid- and gasp. Tommy’s eyebrows jump as you breathe out, “Oh my god,” 
In the box, among white tissue paper, is a ring. A simple little thing; one faux-antiqued band with three round-cut stones set side by side, onyx set in the center, flanked on either side by moonstone. You pick up the tiny thing and stare at it, turning it in the light and watching how the reflection slides across the gems’ well polished faces. 
“Like it?” Thomas echoes you, his voice is low and rough, breathy in his worry. 
You nod, can’t help the grin that splits your cheeks. You slide the ring on and find it just a touch loose. You don’t ask where he found it. “I love it, Tommy.” You watch as teeth appear under the mask, his eyes crinkling as he smiles. You lunge forward, wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in his hair just over his ear. “Thank you.” 
Danny [Mature | WC: 714] [CW: knife, violence]
“I wasn’t sure what to get you.” You preface the gift, grimacing at the shiny paper. You hand him the strange-looking object-- a wide square base with a smaller square on top. He was so damn hard to shop for, his gift was the one you had dreaded picking out all month. You figured if nothing else- 
One dark eyebrow arches up. “Am I really that difficult?” He turns the gift in his hands and listens as something inside it shifts.
“Yes.” You groan and it only makes Danny’s hazel eyes shine brighter.
His fingernails cut through the paper neatly, pulling apart your wrapping and revealing the contents. It was not one gift, but rather five you had sneakily taped together to at least hope to make him guess. The bottom is made up of four boxes of film rolls, fresh and ready for his photography. 
One corner of Danny’s lips lifts as he looks at the box- it’s the brand he uses, you know it is. He isn’t the only one who can snoop. Not that it was really snooping; he’d left the empty boxes on his desk. “Thanks, doll.”
Not very fun, but least he appreciated it, you know he’ll use them. “Keep going.” 
The smaller box on top is black and nondescript. The perfect size for a ring. He looks up to you, a playful, silent question on his tongue. He thumbs open the lid- and you nearly laugh at the way his face twists. His eyebrows raise comically high as he peers down at the gift. 
“I thought I might need a map. In case I forgot.” You grin and Danny actually laughs. The barbell is tiny in his fingers and he brings it up close to his eyes to stare at the tiny writing. “There’s actually a whole twelve pack, but I thought you’d enjoy that one most.” 
“Oh? What was your second choice?” 
“I swallow.”
Danny snorts. “I’m glad we have the same idea about Christmas gifts.” He offers you a simple rectangular box with black, glossy paper and a red ribbon tied in a bow, then sticks his tongue out and begins loosening the simple black stud he had in. 
Same idea? You frown at the box; it’s a little short to be a dildo and Danny was more into restraints and canes than something to fuck you with when he could do it himself. With his mouth occupied, his knowing smile has migrated to his eyes, a dark glitter about them as you work off the crimson ribbon. Could be a bullet vibe- asshole would probably love to stick that in you while you’re working-
You lift the lid. You frown, tip your head. “You switch up some presents, Danny?”
He’s just finished tightening the new stud and you watch as he moves his tongue about, feeling the new texture. “Of course not.” 
In black tissue paper, the spring-assisted knife is already extended, the anodized blade having bit through the thin layers of paper. You pick it up; the grip is a textured matte black, little holes punched out so you can see the metal of the tang. It’s sharp and the urge to press your thumb to the edge just to see if it would cut is strong. “How’s this the same idea?”
Oof- your head cracks against the floor and the world spins; weight on your chest knocks the air from your lungs and you strain to inhale, to writhe under the assault- and something slams your hand to the hardwood. You choke out some startled noise and drop the knife. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” You blink and realize Danny is perched on your chest, his knee digging into your left arm- in his hands he turns the knife. It flashes dangerously, but not nearly as dangerous as the heated, predatory look in Danny’s hazel eyes, as the slowly growing grin with too much teeth. “We both got something we wanted.” 
And Danny’s tongue slips out, his new stud clicking against his teeth as your gift stares you down. It and the blade were your only clues to what, exactly, Danny had in mind. He laughs, cool and amused at the heat spreading over your cheeks. On his tongue, a half-flat stud reads cum here.
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
The Flame and the Dragon Ch13
Chapter 13: The Cursed Castle
The staircase led to the first floor and Kai was back in the front hallway. The enormous locked doors to the front mocked him as he passed by. He snorted and growled trying to navigate his way through the labyrinth of chambers. His stomach refused to silence. He turned down another hallway but every corridor appeared the same. They were made of stone and lit with candles, but each was decorated in a different manner. This only made it more difficult to decide where to go.
Two oak doors blocked the end of the hallway.
A light leaking from the bottom caught Kai's attention. He turned the handles and shoved the doors open a crack, preventing any noise. His eyes widened as he scanned the enormous dining room Even in the darkness, the room was stunning. A smooth, green carpet covered the floor, while a red carpet stretched from the entrance, up too small steps, and to a large platform where a gold and silver table sat. Matching chairs in a similar fashion lined the walls opposite the ends of the table.
Behind the table, three windows covered almost the entire wall, shaped like the top of an octagon.
They were lined with maroon curtains tied with a gold cord. The darkness outside told him it was still night. A crystal chandelier lit with many candles hung from the ceiling on a thick chain, while candle holders lit with cream-colored candles rested on the oak tables. A huge fireplace framed with black stone rested in the opposite wall where a huge mirror rested above the mantelpiece. There was no ceiling. Instead, there was a balcony. Kai recognized as one of the ones he'd traveled when Cole showed him to his room, branched from one wall to the other.
Kai shivered to wonder what the room must have looked like during the day, with light spilling in from the windows.
In the far corner, lights danced behind another door, diverting his attention. He slowly approached the door and gently pushed it open. A short stone hallway lit by orange and yellow lights led to the kitchen where he could hear voices. Caution and curious, Kai pressed his back against the opposite wall, keeping himself in the safety of the shadows, before silently sliding towards the kitchen entrance. He carefully leaned over to peer inside. The kitchen was full of bright lights though he could only see a few candles and enormous wheel-shaped chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.
In the corner was an enormous brick structure that Kai could've mistaken for an alter if not for the black smoke pouring out the brick tower.
There was blazing yellow and orange fire burning wildly within it. The kitchen was huge. It was an entire room made of stone and glass and the floor was made of a sandy-gold stone. The fire pit, contained by the enormous brick stove, rested in the far corner embedded in the wall. A line of black tools hung from the wall around the stove, so they were within easy reach. A tall man, taller than Kai with short black hair and ghostly pale skin stood before the fire pit.
With a wave of his arms, the fires roared to life, before calming with the flick of the man's wrist.
He carried jars of spices from the mess upon the huge wooden table in the middle of the room and rearranged them in the towering spice cabinet next to the stove. Servants moved about, two he recognized as the man and woman in the tower, scurried about the kitchen carrying plates of little cakes, baskets of apple and fruits, and trays covered with silver tins. They placed them all on a huge wooden table in the middle. The table was full of knives and cutting boards and overcrowded with apples, peppers, carrots, and other vegetables.
The servants gathered them all in baskets before relocating them in either the huge icebox in the corner of the enormous pantry, so large it covered almost the entire wall.
Over a large silver sink, Neuro scrubbed pots beneath a faucet of running water. Steam rose when the hot water touched the cool, gray water. Nelson was sat on one of the countertops drying plates. Tox and Ronin who Kai recognized from the tower were carrying large pots, struggling with large towers of plates and cauldrons of water. The two placed the objects on the table before a flash of turquoise and green surrounding them. A green naga and a short troll stood in their place.
They then relocated the dishes from the countertops to the cupboards above the counters.
They were carved from wood but each one had a glass window so people could see where each one went. The raven-haired man in the corner turned around, barking orders, revealing his true face. He had a few inches on Kai and pale, almost grey, skin and onyx-colored eyes. A strong hand wiped the sweat from his brow. He wore black gloves and a sleeveless black vest with silver shoulder braces, a silver wolf symbol with red eyes, and in front of a blue area on the chest.
His legs were designed with gray pants and black boots.
His white cooking apron was blotched with soot and stained red. Kai ducked behind the wall hoping he wasn't seen. His heart hammered in his chest in confusion and excitement, as he pondered who, or rather what, they were.
"UGH! I can't believe this! I slave all day over a hot stove, quite literally and what!? It all goes to waste!" He hollered as he raised his hands in protest. The other servants and the boy on the counter jumped. The only one unafraid of the cook's temper was Neuro, who was still doing dishes.
"Oh, stop your grousing! It's been a long night for all of us!" Neuro told him. Shade rolled his eyes but said nothing else. Not a moment later Jay, who Kai also recognized from the tower, bulldozed into the room through the opposite door, panting heavily. Echo ran beside him, looking just as exhausted as Jay.
"Sorry guys," Jay panted, before glowing in a dark blue light. A blue fox took his place. Kai's eyes almost bulged out of his skull. He couldn't look away as Echo closed his eyes and in a flash of gold, only a brown centaur remained. They had intended to continue their search for Kai, but they noticed how much work the others had to do since dinner was canceled and it wasn't like Kai could leave the castle. Wasting no time, Jay, in the form of a Raijū, grabbed a stack of plates clearly too heavy for him.
The tiny creature struggled to use his powers to float but managed to lift it and made his way towards the pantry.
"Jay let me help you," Echo begged his companion.
"I got it," Jay grunted until finally, he faltered as his body fell, sending plates scattering around him. Without thinking Kai dove and slid across the floor to catch the falling creature in his arms. Plates rained around him, as Kai pulled the shaking fox in his arms. Everyone, who had moved for the same reason, froze and stared at the boy on the floor. Kai blinked in surprise until his eyes widened in remembrance.
"Oh, you're there," Jay said. "Echo and I wondered where you disappeared too." He smiled. Kai reacted quickly. His entire body jumped and he fell backward until he was in a half-sitting, half-lying position. His eyes were wide with shock and awe. The action sent Jay flying into the air, forcing him to use his powers to float. The cook crossed his arms and smirked at the teen on the floor. Jay rubbed his head with a paw before blinking at his savor.
He smiled brightly and extended a paw to Kai, who stared at him with a mixture of shock, confusion, and amazement.
"I'm Jay, please to meet you."
"Uh, hello," Kai replied as he shook Jay's paw with two fingers.
"I apologize about this," Neuro said as he leaned forward slightly so his eyes met Kia's bewildered ones. "My name is Neuro, and before you ask, no you are not in any way mad, and I do hope our presence didn't shock you; we didn't expect to meet you formally until tomorrow, otherwise we would've made your acquaintance already but now that you're here, we'd like to welcome you, Master... Kai, is it?" He asked. Kai nodded, still shocked.
"Sorry about before." Tox hissed as she slithered over. "We didn't get to introduce ourselves, the name's Tox." She smiled before there was a flash of green. When it faded again a green-haired woman landed on her heels and offered a hand to Kai.
"Hello," Kai replied, a bit breathlessly, and shook the offered hand. Tox took the opportunity to pull him to his feet.
"Sorry, about earlier." Echo smiled sadly before reappearing as the brunette boy with gold eyes a moment later. "I hope all of our transforming back and forth didn't scare you." He smiled sincerely.
"It's alright, I don't mind." Kai smiled. "I'm assuming these are your cursed forms?" He asked gesturing to Jay's fox form.
"Only if we want, it's just exhausting to stay human and easier for us to move like this," Jay explained.
"But the Dragon Lord is a mix of man and creature, so how come none of you are?" He asked, wondering why they were suddenly switching between their human forms and the monstrous forms he recognized from the fairy tale. They all shared uncomfortable looks so Kai thought it'd be best to drop the subject.
"I'm Ronin." The troll smiled from the counter. Kai nodded with a small smile.
"Easy there, lads, you don't wanna shock the boy anymore than he already has been shocked tonight." Shade teased before narrowing his eyes to the teen in front of him. Kai stayed still as Shade's hard eyes, void of emotion and impossible to read, scanned him over critically. "The boys told me you're the reason the Master was throwing a fit this afternoon, is that true?" He asked and Kai raised an eyebrow.
"If he threw a tantrum because I refused to obey him then that is no one's fault but his own; I made myself perfectly clear when I said I refused to become another one of his servants just because we made a deal." He answered. Everyone froze for a bit, then Shade did the last thing anyone expected, he laughed.
"You got guts, it about time someone deflated the oversized ego of Cole's! He needs to learn to lighten up a bit." The cook laughed in such a way, Kai wasn't sure if it was good or bad until the noirette smirked. "Welcome to the hellhole, I'm Shade, the cook here and Neuro's husband, at your service."
"My name's Nelson." The boy he'd seen earlier jumped from the counter to greet him with a bright smile on his face. "You've already met Jay." He said and gestured to the blue fox floating in the air, knocking Ronin off the counter. The troll growled and began a chase. Kai ducked and moved, hoping to avoid the crossfire. Soon Tox and Echo both returned to their human forms and joined in the play.
"Don't mind them." Neuro chuckled. "They're always eager to see a new face; now, if there is anything at all we can do to make your stay more comfortable, please do not hesitate to ask."
"Yeah, we haven't had any guests here in ages!" Jay smiled, stopping in the air, causing the other three creatures to crash into him.
"Well, I am a little hungry."
"You hear that? He's hungry!" Neuro instantly beamed as he turned to Shade.
"Start the fire!" Shade smiled as he spun around and waved his hand. The oven erupted in flames. "Pull out the spices, break out the china!" He ordered and not a moment later, everyone did as commanded. The spice cabinet flew open and various jars of different colored herbs were removed and drawers opened, revealing the forks, spoons, and knives.
"Wait!" Tox countered. "Didn't the Master say-"
"Until I die, not a soul in this castle is going to bed hungry!" He declared, boldly. Kai almost blushed at the attention.
"Really, you don't have to-"
"Shut it!" Shade cut him off he dropped the two huge pots he'd been carrying on top of the roaring stove. Before Kai could blink Shade flew in front of him making him jump and stumble backward. Shade circled him, scanning him up and down then pinched his arm making Kai growl, and snatch his arm away
"What the hell are you doing!" He demanded angrily but Shade didn't seem to hear him.
"I've got my work cut out for me." The chef shook his head both in disappointment and in excitement at the new challenge. "Not to worry, when I'm done with you you'll never eat again! You need it, you're way too thin for a normal seventeen—"
"That's even worse! Do you ever eat?! You're nothing but skin and bones!" Shade gasped in horror. Before Kai could answer, Shade started running around the room gathering ingredients. "We are going to need chickens, chestnuts, and broth for stuffing and plenty of hazelnuts!" He started shouting randomly, grabbing a basket of apples from the pantry, and began slicing through each one like butter. "Three cups of flour, six eggs, and a quarter of milk… MOVE IT!" He roared.
The servants scurried throughout the kitchen as the dook randomly shouted what he needed.
The chef darted from the icebox to the pantry or the table. He was grabbing, slicing, and throwing food over his shoulder into pots, on pans, or plates. The whole process was so quick and complex, Kai suddenly felt dizzy watching him work.
"HERE!" The naga answered while Shade placed a tray of sliced cheeses and crackers and assorted fruits in her hands.
"Bring that to the dining hall and don't spill a single one or I'll skin you alive!"
"GOT IT!" She replied, before jumping off the counter and dashing towards the dining room. When Kai felt something pull on his sleeve, he looked down and found Nelson tugging on his sleeve.
"You'll love it, Shade's a great cook." He reassured the brunette. Smiling, Kai scooped the small boy into his arms, making him yelp, and walked towards the dining room. He shoved the doors open, so Tox and Ronin could get in and place the food on the table. He gently placed Nelson on the table and turned around just in time to see Jay fly in. The blue fox struggled to carry a huge bowl of gravy on his head as he panted exhaustedly. Taking pity on him, when Jay started to slowly fall to the ground, Kai took the pot of Jay's head and carried it to the table.
"Hey! That's our job!" Jay moaned in annoyance. Kai chuckled at the pout on the fox's face.
"What? So now I'm not even allowed to help? Fuck that! Listen, guys, I appreciate all this, really, but I can take care of myself, I really can't stand being waited on all the time." He insisted. The servants just nodded and retreated back to the kitchen before coming back with more food, putting up no resistance whenever Kai offered to help. When Shade finished, all things delicious and imaginable were spread across the table. Kai noticed they'd only set one plate for him, but looking at the display before him, he knew there was no way he could ever hope to eat all the food.
A basket full of ripe, red apples arranged next to a basket of bread and rolls that sat next to a plate of butter.
The centerpiece was a huge chicken stuffed with chestnut stuffing, next to a bowl of hot, buttery gravy. Wheel-shaped plates of cheese and crackers that were hemmed by pieces of ham and beef served as appetizers. A single, large golden goblet was filled with rich, burgundy wine. For dessert, there were plates of fruits. There were strawberries smoothed with cream and dusted with brown sugar, raspberries coated in chocolate, hazelnuts dipped in honey, and over a dozen tiny cakes filled with cream with light pink frosting.
Kai couldn't say anything as his mouth began to water at the sight of all that delicious food.
"I take pride in my work," Shade smirked, before gently shoving Kai into the dining room. He turned to leave but Kai stopped him.
"Aren't you having any?" He asked. Shade paused and raised an eyebrow, before remembering this was only Kai's first night here.
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"I literally can't, I can't leave the kitchen, I'm bound to it." He replied, sounding angry and almost sad. The noirette didn't give Kai time to answer and turned to leave again, but Kai jumped in front of him. He blocked the door before turning to the rest of the confused staff.
"You guys can't expect me to eat all that by myself, right? I assumed you were making enough for everyone?" He asked and Shade blinked. Kai's determination refused to falter. Again the cook smirked and crossed his arms.
"You got a good heart, but even though we can, we don't need to eat; it's part of our curse."
"When was the last time any of you actually enjoyed your own cooking?"
"Over a hundred years ago." He answered flatly. He resisted the urge to urge to snort at the stunned look on Kai's face. Instead of questioning him, Kai strolled back to the table and sat down at the table.
"Come on, the food looks delicious, and I already know there's a possible way I can finish all this by myself, so feel free; I'd don't mind, I like company."
"Sure." Jay shrugged as he hopped onto the table and grabbed a cake before plopping it in his mouth. Shade plucked the blue fox by his tail.
"At least have the decency to wait, I didn't go through all the trouble of cooking just so you could eat it all in five minutes." He scolded, while everyone else either grabbed a chair or followed Jay's example and took a seat on the table. Shade dropped Jay next to Nelson and leaned against the table, before grabbing one of the cakes and took a bite. "So, Kai, what would you like?" He asked. Kai's eyes scanned the mountains of food again, already feeling his stomach begging.
"I'll just have a bit of everything." He finally said. Kai had never cared much for the laws of physics, but whoever said the matter couldn't be created or destroyed clearly never met Jay or Ronin before. In the span of a few short seconds, the two creatures had devoured over half the food that was leftover, after everyone claimed their meal. They made all that food vanish in less than a few seconds. Kai could only stare at them in shock.
"Don't think about it." Someone suddenly said. Kai jumped and turned to Echo, who was standing next to him, munching on a cake and a strawberry. "Ronin and Jay are eating machines, Shade says the day he leaves either one of them in the kitchen unattended is the day he lets us all starve to death." The centare laughed before eating his strawberry. Shade nodded at this, sinking his unusually long canine into an apple. Kai chuckled before stealing another cake, while the two boys fought over the last of the cream-filled sweets.
He couldn't believe how much he was enjoying himself.
Everything unhappy and frustrating about the previous evening just seemed like a bad dream. Once everyone had eaten their choice of food, they'd began bombarding Kai with questions about himself, each one of them curious to learn everything about their new guest. He'd given up trying to persuade them not to call him Master Kai and decided it was just something he'd have to get used to. The younger staff and Nelson were all careful to avoid anything that related to his siblings, which he was grateful for.
Despite his unusual happiness, the ache of never seeing his family again left a heavy hollow weight in his chest.
"So, you like books?" Nelson asked, sipping a glass of orange juice.
"Lloyd and I used to spend all our time in the bookstore whenever we got a chance." He nodded. Jay perked up and let go of the cake he'd been holding, sending Ronin, who was trying to take the cake, flying backward and almost off the table.
"We should show you the library then, right Tox?" He asked, turning to the naga, who was busy licking the last of the chicken off a drumstick.
"Of course, it's on the second floor."
"You have a library? Where is it?" Kai asked, excited.
"We'll show you tomorrow, we've gone through the whole day already." Echo replied. Kai blinked before looking around for some form of a clock in the room. An antique grandfather clock in the hallway, chimed to life, alerting the staff it was already 9 o'clock.
"Wow, I guess time really does fly when you're having fun." He chuckled and continued to socialize with the younger staff. Tox, Jay, and Nelson all asked Kai questions about himself, especially when he let it slip that he liked to write. It rather surprised everyone else. It was almost too impossible to believe this guy was the same rebellious and feisty teen who'd all but sent their Master into a fury the night before. Ronin suddenly stopped eating and jumped from the table.
In a flash of turquoise, he returned to his human form and grabbed a large tray, and began piling it with enough food for at least two people.
He clenched the silver handles and turned to the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Kai asked curiously.
"The Master didn't come down for dinner, so he must be hungry." He answered flatly. A sudden rage filled Kai and he snorted, remembering the argument they'd had earlier. Ronin turned to the new guest and offered a small smile.
"He's really not bad, except when he's in a mood, but really, he's not bad; you'll forgive him when you get to know him and until then, have a good night." He smiled before exiting the room and strolling up the staircase Kai hadn't noticed before. Kai's ever narrowed but he said nothing.
"You'll have to forgive him, Kai." Neuro sighed. "It's just been so long, and he hasn't really interacted with people for quite some time; sometimes he forgets what it's like to be kind and I'm sure you can understand, haven't you ever felt so out of place it was like everyone was against you for reasons you could not understand?" He asked and Kai almost choked on the wine he'd been drinking. He couldn't answer, but Neuro's words echoed in his mind like a guilty conscious smacking him for an act of stupidity.
He didn't answer and instead just looked at the floor.
For a moment he wondered if it was Cole or him Neuro had been talking about. The last chapter of the fairy tale repeated in his head, and for the first time in two days, he had to remind himself it wasn't just a fairy tale, but a true story. A true story about a hundred years of isolation. He shook his head and tried to dispel the thoughts. He didn't want to think about that right now. He didn't want to spoil his good mood with those thoughts. He didn't regret his and Cole's argument earlier.
Tragedy or not, he reacted the way anyone would, he told himself.
Kai sighed and stood from his chair, causing everyone in the room to stare.
"I'm going to head to bed if that's alright." He said with a small smile.
"We'll go with you." Jay volunteered, floating up and resting on Kai's shoulder. Kai chuckled before offering an arm to Nelson. Nelson took advantage of the gesture and took hold of Kai's hand.
"Are you three coming?" He asked, Shade, Echo, Neuro, and Tox.
"No thank you," Tox replied.
"We should clean this up, and don't you dare volunteer to help, this is the only time of the night Shade and I get to be alone." Neuro smiled, teasingly, though the smirk on Shade's face suggested a few not so innocent intentions. Kai shuddered, before turning to Echo.
"I have to help the others; the rest of the staff will want to meet you tomorrow." He replied and Kai nodded, before leaving the room, and asking his new friends the quickest way to the East Wing. No one noticed the shadow standing on the balcony overlooking the dining hall, or the green eyes transfixed on the smiling form of their new guest and the equally laughing faces of his staff. He retreated to the safety of the shadows hoping to let them have their moment of happiness, undisturbed...
No one but Ronin noticed the flash of black retreating towards the West Wing. Ronin stopped outside a familiar door of dark wood, engraved with the stunning carving of a dragon. It stood tall and proud as beautiful as it was dangerous, powerful wings twice its length flexed to its full length empowering the border of the doors. Ronin shifted the weight of the tray to one hand and used his free one to knock the silver door knockers. Without an answer, the doors unlocked themselves with a loud click and the shifting of gears like a clock.
Swiftly, but gently, Ronin turned the doorknob and gently pushed the large doors open.
He was met with darkness, lit only by the crack of light from the hallway.
"Master?" He called gently, before entering the room and carefully closing it behind him. Only the bright glow of a large red candle in the corner lit the room. Shredded tapestries hung from the walls, and tattered orange curtains covered the glass doors leading to a balcony. A table covered in white cloth sat on the raised platform. On the table sat the Master's most treasured items, which Ronin dared not touch. The once-grand room was caked with dust and cobwebs.
The only thing untouched by the dust was the huge canopy bed in the corner.
The frame made from iron and the comforter and pillows were shades of black, red, and amber. The curtains around it were tattered and faded with age, but they'd done their job keeping age from touching the bed. The curtain was open and Ronin could see his master sitting there, wrapped in his enormous wings.
"Master? It's time for dinner." He called again. The Dragon Lord finally acknowledged his presents and opened his wings. Ronin gave him a small smile, before setting the tray down on of the broken tables. Of all the servants in the castle, Ronin was one of the only two allowed such familiarity with their Master. He wasn't sure if it was because he'd been there the longest, or if it was because Cole was the one who brought him there and offered him sanctuary.
Ronin accepted that gift with pride.
He made no effort to take advantage of it. Cole smiled and rose from his seat.
"Shouldn't you be making sure our guest doesn't get lost?" He teased.
"Don't worry, Nelson is with him; I'm not foolish enough to leave him alone with Jay, even you wouldn't do something that cruel."
"You put too much faith in me, all of you do." He chuckled lightly. "Anyone else would have, should have, given up on me long ago; I'd have already given up on myself by now."
"Don't say that!" Ronin said, too outspokenly, but it was too late to stop himself. "You don't have enough faith in yourself, you're one of the strongest people I've ever met! I refuse to believe that man who saved me can't be saved himself." He finally choked out, though it hardly measured up to what he wanted to say.
"You really think I don't want to believe that?" Cole asked rhetorically. "Do you really think, I hadn't thought of that when three strangers literally dropped on my doorstep? I hope and I pray and yet instead of an angel I get this brazen, obnoxious boy who can't hold his tongue or keep his temper." Cole chuckled, but Ronin knew it wasn't humorous. "I'm done and I won't pretend to be anything other than what I am." He sighed. Ronin opened his mouth to protest but Cole just smiled.
"Go to bed, I'm sure Kai would enjoy the company." He said and Ronin didn't argue. He just nodded and before leaving his master alone. When the troll was gone, Cole turned to the tray on the table, and with the weave of his arm, it crashed against the wall with the loud clang of metal and silver. He scowled to himself. They all placed too much faith in him. It would only be disappointing when he failed. He growled with disgust at himself before turning to the table in front of the balcony and gazed at the crimson red candle as the bright purple flame flickered back and forth.
One hand braced the rim of the table, the other covering his face with his black scaled paw.
The peace was married to the memory of those who'd given up everything for him. The ones he had lost. The ones he failed to protect.
"It's hopeless."...
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Marble Granite & Natural Stone
Marble Granite and Natural Stones to Create Positive Aesthetics and Happy Moods!
Why Bhandari Marble World
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Welcome to Bhandari Marble World, the hub of Marble Granite & Natural Stone which provides you all kinds of marble and granite at a reasonable price range and best quality. We at Bhandari Marble World know the value of money and time of each and every person and also the value of our company goodwill. We always recommended good quality material to homeowners and all kinds of c
Marble is one of the most luxurious stones and is highly preferred because of its natural grain patterns and high luster which infuses a rich and elegant look. Marble can be broadly classified into Italian marble which is quarried from Northern Italy and Indian marble which is primarily quarried from the Indian state of Rajasthan. If you are confused between these two options then this guide will tell you whether Indian or Italian marble is more suitable for your home.
Makrana Marble: Makrana is the source of the marble used in the Taj Mahal. It is situated at a distance of 60 km from Kishangarh and falls in the Nagaur district of Rajasthan. The region has various mining ranges, mainly Doongri, Devi, Ulodi, Saabwali, Gulabi, Kumari, Neharkhan, Matabhar, Matabhar Kumari, Chuck Doongri, Chosira, and Pahar Kua amongst others.
Rajnagar Marble: World’s largest marble-producing area, with over 2,000 gang saw units located in the nearby town of Udaipur to process the material produced. Agaria is a variety of this area, with numerous other varieties and patterns, primarily in white base. The marble is dolomitic and often has quartz intrusions.
Andhi Marble: Located near the capital city of the state of Jaipur (also known as the ‘Pink City’), it is dolomitic marble with intrusions of tremolite, and is commonly known by the name of pista (pistachio) marble, because of the green-colored tremolite against an off-white background. One of the famous varieties of this area was known as Indo-Italian, owing to its resemblance with Statuario Marble. Most of the mining of this famous field is now banned by the Supreme Court of India because of the vicinity of the area to the Sariska Tiger Reserve.
Slumber Marble: Also known as Onyx Marble, it has thick bands of green and pink hint. A resemblance to Onyx Marble from Pakistan gives it this name. This is also highly dolomitic.
Yellow Marble: Jaisalmer stone is found in the Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan. Though not been metamorphosed and hence is still a limestone, it is known as Yellow Marble in trade circles. It is mined in the Jaisalmer District.
Bidasar: These are ultra-basic rocks in shades of brown and green color found in Rajasthan. The crisscross linear pattern gave it a remarkable resemblance to a photograph of dense forest. These are also known as forest green/brown or fancy green/brown.
Gujarat – AmbaJi White Marble: It can be compared with Makrana Marble. It is highly calcic and is produced in a town called AmbaJi (famous for its temple of Durga Devi). The marble has a very soft and waxy look and is often used by sculptors.
Rajasthan – Abu Black: This is one of the rare Black textured marble available. Only produced in the mines of Abu road, this black textured stone is a decorative marble used in temples and sculptures.
Madhya Pradesh – Katni Range: It is famous for its beige-colored marble which is dolomitic but highly crystalline, with very fine grain size and some quartz intrusions. The marble accepts polish. Another variety of the same range is red/maroon-colored marble.
Indian Green Marble: It is found in Rajasthan India, Indian Green Marble’s most quarries are situated in Kesariyaji it is 60 km far from Udaipur Rajasthan India. This Indian green marble is known by name all over the world. In Europe, people know Indian green marble as a Verde Guatemala. Many varieties are available in Indian green marble. Indian Green Marble is exported to Africa, Europe, Australia, Middle East, and many Asian countries. It is found in the Rishabh town of Udaipur District state Rajasthan of India.
Exclusive Indian Marbles range
Makrana Brown Albeta Marbles. Rs 100/ Square Feet and Above
White Statuario Marble. Rs 75/ Square Feet and Above
Exclusive White Marble. Rs 120/ Square Feet and Above
Banswara White Marble. Rs 50/ Square Feet and Above
Rust Fantasy Marble. Rs 25/ Square Feet and Above
Makrana Marble. Rs 100/ Square Feet and Above
Italian marble has a luxurious crystal-like appearance and a high lustrous sheen while Indian marble has a medium luster.
Both these types of natural marble are available in a wide variety of color options and natural grain patterns.
Strength and Durability
Indian marble is available in a thickness of about 30mm while the thickness of Italian marble ranges between 18 to 20 mm.
While the latter is much softer, it may develop small hairline cracks over a period of time.
A thin nylon sheet is used as a backing for this type of marble so that it can provide extra reinforcement.
Also, Italian marble has to be treated with epoxy resins and matching pigments to increase its strength, hence one side of the Italian marble is always pre-polished so that it can hide the chemical resins.
Italian and Indian marble have the tendency to lose their luster after a few years. Therefore both should be periodically polished to retain their original shine. Marble polishing can be done by using carborundum stone and tin oxide.
All the liquid spills on the marble should be cleaned immediately.
The routine cleaning of both these types of marble involves cleaning with a mild detergent or with mild cleaners which are specially formulated for cleaning marble.
Since marble is a delicate stone, it should never be scrubbed. Italian marble and Indian marble should be sealed with impregnating sealers which create a protective and stain-resistant surface.
Exclusive Indian Granite range
Black Granites- ₹80-450 / Square Feet. …
Brown Granite- ₹80-150 / Square Feet. …
Gold Granites- ₹68 – 250/ Square Feet. …
Green Granites- ₹75 – 225 / Square Feet. …
Grey Granite- ₹65 – 150/ Square Feet. …
Red Granites- ₹85 – 250 / Square Feet. …
White Granites- ₹55 – 100 / Square Feet. …
Nowadays Granite becomes the material of choice for homeowners for remodeling their houses, kitchen, and many more. Being an Emerged Marble Manufacturer and Exporter here we are going to introduce you to the Granite and its Properties for all the homeowners in order to choose the right kind of material for their application.
So here is the complete guide on the introduction of granite and its characteristics, its specification, and its uses that will help to satisfy your curiosity while choosing the material for your home Space. Granite is a natural stone that is formed under extreme heat and pressure.
It has one more advantage over the other natural stones its color not gets fade under sun exposure.  Granite has the property of high durability so can be utilized as a part of counters, washrooms, backsplashes, or floors. granite slabs and tiles are used to make the kitchen countertops, tile floors, stairs, and many other design products.
Varieties of Granite
If you are looking for a tough and high-efficiency tile to give the stylish look to your design space, then you can go for granite. This stone comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns in the form of slabs to make it adjustable to any space. Here is the variety of Granite that can help you with your granite countertop needs.
1Black GranitesRs. 75-250 per sq. ft.
2Red GranitesRs. 85-250 per sq. ft.
3Brown GranitesRs. 65-150 per sq. ft.
4Grey GranitesRs. 75-250 per sq. ft.
5White GranitesRs. 55-150 per sq. ft.
6Gold GranitesRs. 95- per sq. ft.
7Blue GranitesRs. 70-450 per sq. ft.
8Pink GranitesRs. 60-350 per sq. ft.
9Green GranitesRs. 40-180 per sq. ft.
Granite Benefits
Granite is comprising of many different characteristics that give it’s every slab a unique and classy appearance with strength and Durability. It is one of the hardest, strongest, and beautiful natural stone comes in numerous color and patterns.
Granite gives the natural beauty which makes it different as compare to the other natural stone. There are many different characteristics of granite that make it ideal for a kitchen countertop, pathway, bathroom vanity tops, cladding, and flooring, etc.
Heat Resistant:
Granite is highly resistant to heat as it does not get melts when exposed to heat. Granite countertops are one of the most preferable heat-resistant countertops. It is resistant to heat in the range of between 150 ˚C and 200˚C temperatures.
Granite has high durability which makes it the perfect choice to make the kitchen countertops and bathroom vanity tops it has the property of fire-resistant, scratch/abrasion-resistant, and water-resistant once the sealer is applied.
Scratch Resistant:
Granite is one of the Scratch Proof stones available. It cannot be scratched even cut on things such as knife, blades, and other appliances. It is one of the hardest stones is available. It does not lose its shine like other stones.
One of the most important characteristics of the granite countertop is it requires low and easy maintenance. Mostly stone requires cleaner to remove the stains from the countertop surface but granite countertops surface is considered to be easy maintenance countertop surface as all it requires clean the surface is a rag, lukewarm water.
People are using granite for thousands of years. It can be used as a construction material, as a dimension stone, an architectural stone, for home décor purposes,s and also it is used to manufacture a wide variety of products. Each and every smooth surface made up of a natural stone whether it is marble, granite, or some other stone.
The most likely Granite stone surface is used to make kitchen countertops and bathroom vanity tops. It is the best stone for countertop surfaces that is the r reason granite has many uses due to its unique and useful properties that are quite different from other stones.
Building Monuments
Bathroom & Kitchen Countertop
Granite is the hardest and toughest natural stone is used to make Long lasting structures like temples, gravestones, or monuments.
Granite tiles can be used for flooring as they can last a long time and also it is both scratch and stain-proof. It adds great value to your home space.
Granite is used to building a fireplace or remodels existing ones. It can be used to frame the flames with a beautiful surround. It gives a luxurious appearance to your design space, It is also fire resistant which makes it safe to use.
It is one of the most popular choices for countertops or worktops whether it is a kitchen countertop or bathroom countertop. It is an ideal choice to make kitchen countertops and bathroom vanity tops as it is waterproof, stain-resistant, and heat resistant.
For more, you can call us at +91-9784593721
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wildefiction · 5 years
Thistle & Crow
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PAIRING: Sam x Reader
SUMMARY: In an attempt to escape her old life, reader packs her things and moves to a remote mountain town where she stumbles upon the town’s oldest bookshop. Soon odd things begin happening, things she can’t even hope to explain. 
WARNINGS: Deja Vu, Swearing, Occult Reference, Witchcraft {Mentioned}, Mild Flirting, Minor Injuries
A/N: This was originally written for a follower contest hosted by @frejaiswritingthistime. My prompt was ‘Sam x Reader Bookshop AU’
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It was perfect. Staring over the steering wheel at the small town unfolding before you, it was suddenly clear just how much you needed this.
Packing your worldly possessions into the hatchback of the Volkswagen had been a spur of the moment decision last week. You told yourself this would be a fresh start, a new life - and you were determined to make it work. 
The jaunty electric green car sputtered to a stop just outside the lone cafe in town. A large bell tied to the door jingled overhead as you moved towards a corner booth, thanking the waitress when she slid a plastic covered menu to you from behind the counter. “You new in town?” Looking up into her kind, brown eyes, you felt strangely comfortable. Or, rather, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to answer the woman honestly. “Is it that obvious?” The wry smile didn’t quite reach your eyes and the woman -Beth- (according to her name tag) filled your cup. The steaming coffee was unremarkable, but still, it soothed the sudden nerves prickling your skin. Could you really pull this off? 
After devouring what was possibly the best pancakes on the planet, you said goodbye to the middle-aged woman and wandered out the front door. If Ravencrest was going to be your new home, you may as well start getting to know the small mountain town.
Shoving hands into the shallow pockets of your jeans helped deter the chilly Autumn wind as it carried summer leaves through the quiet streets. Here and there you’d see someone walking their dog or chatting with a friend. Unlike in the city, people here seemed unconcerned with mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds until their battery ran out. The thought brought a smile to your face. 
The fragrant smell of lavender drew your attention to a small shop squished between a hardware store and a pharmacy, the two substantial buildings looked to be fairly new and dwarfed the older business. Peering up at the ornate carved support beams, the shop name was spelled out in neat black script ‘Thistle & Crow.’ Intrigued, you reached forward, wrapping one hand around the brass handle while rising up on tiptoes to peer inside the glass paneled door.  Unable to see much aside from the glow of flames framed in a stone fireplace, you pressed the lever and let yourself into the small building. More chimes tinkled above you and you wondered if every business in this town employed a similar set-up. Immediately the pleasant aroma of burning sage invaded your senses and although it was only mid-afternoon you waited as your eyes adjusted to the dim interior.
Rich mahogany shelves lined every available surface, where thousands of books waited invitingly. Impressed, you turned to find a wide matching countertop stretched along the length of the nearest wall,where a grizzled, old cat napped at one end. The mottled cream and grey fur stuck up at odd angles and crooked, haphazard whiskers twitched in his sleep. 
“His name is Thistle.” Startled, you turned to find an elderly woman hobbling towards you, most of her weight supported on a thick, gnarled walking stick. Long grey hair was piled atop her head, streaks of platinum interspersed throughout. Aside from the fact that she had seemingly appeared out of thin air, you didn’t feel threatened. For a moment, the two of you merely looked at each other, the silence hanging in the air held a palpable tension. 
The unmistakable sound of ruffled feathers distracted you from the woman’s scrutinization as a solid weight settled on your left shoulder. Palms tingling with anxiety, you looked through your peripheral vision at the oversized crow who’d found you to be a convenient perch. Wide, glassy eyes flicked back to the woman standing next to you. “Let me guess…this is Crow?” For a moment, she didn’t speak, her pale green eyes darting between you and the bird. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, her brows unfurrowed and she waved a hand around in acceptance; a motley cluster of bangles clinking together. “Really? This one?” A soft chuff from Crow had the woman nodding in acquiescement. “Fine.” “Come now love, I’ll put the kettle on.” “Names’ Agatha, though most youngin’s call me Aggie..not that I’ve any idea why…” The last was muttered under her breath, her head shaking in disappointment or perhaps incredulity as she wandered into the next room and set about preparing the afternoon tea.
Four-hundred and sixty-eight miles away, two men sat slumped in oak chairs; teetering piles of books stacked around them. The eldest of the brothers rubbed at tired, red-rimmed eyes before leaning forward to rest his head on the cool parchment he had been pretending to read. “Dude, Sammy, how do you do this? We have no idea what we’re even looking for.”
His brother shoved a hand through the auburn mane that fell around his face, “I dunno…but there has to be some kind of lore that can help us. The Men of Letters were nothing if not thorough in their collection of obscure texts.” Sighing heavily, he continued “But you’re right, I haven’t come across anything here either.” The grating of chair legs across the wooden floor made Sam cringe when Dean pushed back from the table and stood, stretching long arms over his head. “Beer?” Not waiting for an answer,  Dean shuffled into the next room, selecting two bottles from an otherwise empty refrigerator. 
Walking back into the adjacent room, Dean set the second bottle in front of his brother,  beads of condensation already starting to form. “Thanks.” Prying the aluminum cap off and taking a long swallow, Sam’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared at something on his laptop. “Dean…” Spinning the computer towards him, Sam pointed his bottle at the news article. 
‘Violent Attack Leaves Three Dead and Two In Critical Condition’
The older brother shot a skeptic look to the younger man. “Really? This doesn’t even smell like our kinda thing..grasping at straws are we?” The corner of Sam’s lip twitched in amusement. “Maybe you’re right, maybe we should just keep going through these books…there’s got–“ “Be ready in ten.” In three long strides Dean was at the base of the stairs leading to the garage. If there was one thing he disliked more than going on a wild goose chase, it was research. Grabbing his green and blue flannel from the back of a chair, Sam followed Dean upstairs.
The crinkling of newspaper filled the car as Sam read through the full article. The headline had gone on to state that the attack had happened in the mountains of Montana; unsure what kind of connectivity he’d have being surrounded by trees, he’d picked up the paper during their initial stop for food and gas.
“Any idea what we’re dealing with?” Though Dean’s eyes were focused mostly on the road, he fumbled with an AC/DC mix tape, shoving the cassette into the dash of the Impala and cranking the volume. Sam had to shout to be heard, and even then, he wasn’t sure his brother had understood him. “What?!” A ridiculous grin covered Dean’s face at the look of annoyance Sam passed him. “It’s really nothing I’ve heard of before, but the park rangers are guessing it’s some kind of animal attack. Guess the bodies are tore up pretty bad. So get this…they had to use dental records to identify the three who died.” Dean’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline, his grip tightening on the steering wheel as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up.
A week passed and you’d settled into a fairly regular routine. Agatha had offered to let you stay in the one-room apartment situated above the bookshop in exchange for a few hours of work each week and you’d happily accepted. It hadn’t taken long to meet most everyone in town, the population being roughly that of your high-school back home.
Most days consisted of making tea and running errands for Agatha and closing up shop each evening. The elderly woman had begun teaching you how to catalog and organize the shelves of books, making it easier to replace ones borrowed from the regular patrons. You enjoyed the simple task and often found yourself reclined in front of the ever-burning fireplace, devouring text after text as the days wore on. Towards the end of your second week in Ravencrest, you turned from locking up; looking forward to a quiet night in when you saw it. The glossy black car didn’t belong to anyone in town, that much you were sure of. Shrugging, you began climbing the narrow wooden stairs leading to your home, the squeaking protests of the ancient wood echoing around you. Halfway to the top you slowed, glancing back over your shoulder at the car. It was beautiful. Most folks here drove rust-dotted farm trucks that had seen better days. Those that didn’t either rode their horses into town or simply walked everywhere. There just wasn’t a need for anything fancier, and you’d realized, rather quickly, that a simple life came with simple possessions. It wouldn’t hurt to get a closer look, right? Whoever owned the car was likely just passing through anyhow. 
As you approached the car, you tentatively reached out, fingertips brushing along the polished chrome and onyx paint. “Hey!” Startled, you spun around, your [Y/H/C] hair fanning out behind you as your eyes landed on the man who was approaching. Jogging the last few feet, his eyes were hard as he regarded you. Holding your hands up in defense you took a couple steps back, “Sorry, I was just admiring the view. I assume she’s yours?” A curt nod his only acknowledgement to your question, you continued “Don’t get to see many classic cars roll through town, or at least none that are this beautifully restored. ‘67 Impala right?” You could see some of the rigidity leave the man’s posture as he nodded, a slow smile replacing his stoic expression. “Yeah..she’s my baby.” Smiling softly you nodded “Well, it looks like you take great care of her. Have a good night.” With a wave, you crossed the street and let yourself into your apartment, closing the door behind you.
“Who was that?” Sam walked up behind his brother, several styrofoam containers stacked in his hands. “Dunno. Came out of Beth’s and she was standing here, touching my baby.” Sam shook his head, shoving one of the food containers towards his brother. “You’ve got problems man, pretty sure you’d marry that car if you could…” Dean opened his mouth to argue, thought better of it and simply shrugged, firing up the engine and pulling out onto the main road.
The following day, you arrived to find a hastily scribbled note on the front counter; 
“Back in a few days, be a dear and look after the boys will you? Don’t forget the tea! 
Your mouth dropped open at the thick tome resting under the slip of paper. Straps bound the leather book, and you took a moment to blow the layer of dust from it’s cover. Elegant maroon text shimmered across the surface, the transcribed runes spelling out a name you instantly recognized as an authority on mythology. A certain giddiness flooded your senses and you were just about to crack open the book when Thistle ambled over and demanded food, his milky blue eyes glaring up at you in indignation. 
Twenty minutes later you were so engrossed in the hefty anthology, you failed to notice the sound of the door opening. “Bit of light reading?” Devouring the last two lines on the page, you nodded absentmindedly before lifting your eyes to the patron. The man standing at the counter was tall, your gaze level with his broad, flannel covered chest. 
As your eyes traveled up to meet his, a chill spread through your limbs. Long, chestnut hair curled just above the neckline of the sage green tee layered beneath the flannel. His eyes were the color of honey with a kaleidoscope of green and blue,  a beautiful combination that sparkled with warmth. “Hi, I’m Sam.” You took his outstretched hand, and, realizing you were probably staring at him, tried your best to control the tone of your voice.
“[Y/F/N]” How can I help you?!” 
“I’m uh,” Sam cleared his throat - “interesting name for a book shop.”
“Yeah, I … suppose it is…” This was awkward.  
“Well, feel free to have a look around, and uh…let me know if I can help you find anything.”
Wandering through the rows of bookshelves, Sam took a moment to look over his shoulder at the woman sitting behind the counter. She was entirely engrossed in her book. It was endearing. He didn’t know what it was about the girl, but he was inexplicably drawn to her. For some reason, she seemed familiar.
Shifting uncomfortably, he turned again and scanned the books - never seeing the large bird approaching him..
A deep yelp of surprise caught your attention and the chair behind you toppled over as you hurried into the adjacent room. Sam stood there, his large body rigid; chest heaving, eyes trained on Crow; happily perched on the man’s head. 
Blanching, you hurried over and removed the offending animal, profusely apologizing the entire time. “CROW!?” “I’m soooo sorry, he never does this! Or..well..almost never.” “Again, so sorry.” Hurrying out of the room with the blasted bird under your arm, you placed him on a gnarled tree that twisted along the wall.
Leaning against the trunk, your hand wiped at the perspiration that dotted your head. Clearly Sam wasn’t from around here, you only hoped he wouldn’t sue. Agatha had left you alone for two days and her crazy bird had decided to roost in his hair. Steeling yourself, you square your shoulders and stride back into the library, intent on convincing Sam to…well..you weren’t quite sure. Though, somewhere in your mind, you knew you weren’t above pleading. Bribery? Bribery might work too. 
“Sam, listen….” “Sam?”
The small bookstore was empty.
“And then…a crow flew across the room and landed on my head.” Dean looked across the table at his brother, a handful of fries midway to his mouth. “Keep telling you to cut your hair man.” He shrugged “Looks like a nest to me.”
Sam scoffed at his brother, “Any leads on the case?” Dean shook his head, “I don’t know if this is our thing at all.” “Nobody seems to have any information. Not even the cops.” Sam was back to scanning his newspaper.
“Well, clearly we’re missing something.” 
Looking around at their immediate surroundings, Sam tilted his head - watching the people around him going about their day. Either the citizens of Ravencrest were blissfully ignorant of the danger they were in or…
The youngest Winchester stood, intent on asking every person in town about the newspaper article if need be. Someone had to know something, and his gut led him in the direction of that quirky little bookstore. Whether he knew it or not, the woman behind the counter was about to change his life.
A few minutes later, Sam was jogging up to the front of the book store, and his heart sank when he saw the darkened windows. Shaking the sleeve back from his wrist, he noted the time - 6:12pm.
Glancing at the door, where the business’ hours were detailed in the same matching script as the name of the shop, he noted that they’d closed early. They were supposed to be open for another forty-five minutes. Hesitantly, he reached forward - surprised when he found the store unlocked. As the old wooden door creaked forward, Sam stuck his head around the corner. “Hello? Uh..[Y/F/N]? Anyone home?” Advancing through the dim entryway, he stopped short at the sound of voices filtering in from the back room. “Please child, it’ll keep you safe.” Sam didn’t recognize the voice, though the urgency with which the woman spoke was obvious. “Agatha, what are you talking about?” “Safe from what, exactly?!” 
[Y/F/N]’s voice was a barely contained whisper, fear bled into her mind; pupils dilating, her body deciding whether to fight or flee. Sam inched closer, the pistol he’d drawn firm in his grip. 
An unmistakable sound of ruffling feathers was accompanied by an indignant huff of impatience from the room ahead. “Stop trying to be sneaky Sam Winchester, you’re not very good at it.” The hunter narrowed his eyes as he stepped through the door frame, coming to face both [Y/F/N] and the woman he assumed to be Agatha. “How do you know my name?” Sam was wary, his hazel eyes laced with confusion as he tried to decide who in the room to focus on. “Son, I know a great deal more about you than your name. And put that blasted weapon away, you’ll shoot your eye out!”
You were thoroughly confused, and admittedly a little scared. Agatha had come barreling through the shop an hour ago, slamming the door so hard, dust had filtered down from the rafters. Immediately she poured a strong cup of the tea that she insisted be readily available and gulped at the liquid feverishly. As the minutes ticked by, she became visibly calmer. Now she was trying to shove the same concoction into your hands, along with some sort of pendant. The macrame-braided stone appeared rather drab, though, turned at the correct angle vivid bursts of color danced across its surface. Hesitantly, you took the necklace and tied it around your neck, still unsure what it was supposed to protect you from. “Drink! Drink the tea girl!” As you lifted the delicate china cup to your lips, Sam inched into the room, gun drawn. His gaze flicked to you, and then to Agatha “What’s going on?”
“It’s a Tezaur.” Sam lowered his weapon.  “A what?!” Racking his brain, he couldn’t remember ever hearing of anything by that name,  let alone seeing one. The elderly woman hobbled into the main room, the steady clack, clack, clack of her walking stick echoing around her. A couple minutes later she returned, the massive mythology book tucked under her free arm. With a heavy thud, it landed on the table just inside the doorway. Agatha spent several minutes rifling through the pages and muttering under her breath until she found the entry she’d been searching for. Turning her pale eyes towards Sam, she gestured to the yellowing pages. Several charcoal drawings of a medium sized creature were littered around the parchment. One drawing looked very similar to a modern hyena, while another was more reptilian in nature; great leathery wings folded neatly as it sat staring at whomever had gotten close enough to capture its likeness. A third sketch was similar to some member of the ape family, though with highly exaggerated proportions. Long arms dragged the ground, the digits oversized and callused. Short, fine hair covered all major areas, leaving only the wedge-shaped muzzle and eye area bare. Although each drawing showed a different species, there were several key similarities: perfectly round globe-like eyes, raptor-esque talons sprouting from both the fore and back feet and a bi-colored appearance. Scanning the short excerpts of text, all hastily written in a dark brown ink, Sam was able to understand that the creature was a malevolent forest spirit. Originally hailing from Romania, the author of the large compendium of text surmised that the Tezaur could change its appearance at will, shifting into something or someone important to their victim. They also often hoard shiny objects, much like a dragon might. “Huh, it says here ‘Tezaur spirits also enjoy the company of beautiful women and will squirrel them away to their den to compliment their hoard of treasures, where they will…’”  Blushing, Sam looked up at you before clearing his throat  “Ugh, well…that’s something I didn’t know I never wanted to see.” Pinching the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb, the hunter shook his head; his hair falling over his eyes while he rubbed at his temples. 
The entire time Sam was reading, Agatha was insisting you drink tea. Meanwhile, you had no idea what was going on and you began to wonder if moving to the sticks had been such a good idea after all. 
“Now, what that book doesn’t mention is that Tezaur fancy themselves chivalrous, only taking what they perceive to be fair game.  While nobody, to my knowledge, has written a book on that subject it appears that true soul mates are immune to their charms and they strongly dislike the smell of lavender.”
Looking down at the drink in your hands, you noticed for the first time the small purple flowers floating in the tea. 
“Great, so what does all of this have to do with me?!” You turned to face the woman who’d gone silent and was staring intently at her feet, her long skirts flowing around her legs. It took a few minutes, but Agatha finally raised her eyes to yours, the light irises shining with unshed tears. “Agatha? Agatha why are you crying?!” Studying the woman, you wondered what had happened to make her this afraid. For a moment she cupped your cheek in her cool hand, a sad smile spreading across her face. Sniffling, she quickly shook her head, the back of one hand dashing away the wetness threatening to spill over her lids. “Never-mind me dears, you’re both safe now.”
The concern for Agatha’s tear-stained face etched into Sam’s features appeared genuine. You might’ve looked a little too long at the gorgeous man in front of you. As soon as he realized you were watching him, you hastily looked away; heat coloring your cheeks. What was wrong with you? You’d only met Sam once before but your skin was flushed and you couldn’t seem to concentrate properly. 
Unbeknownst to you, Sam was wondering the same thing. He didn’t believe he had a Soul Mate, this just wasn’t the kind of life where lasting relationships seemed possible, let alone plausible. Still, he had to admit -if to no one but himself- that there was something about you…he’d still yet to figure out where he’d seen you before.
Clearing his throat, he turned back to the book “It doesn’t say how to kill them.” Agatha sighed, “That’s because you can’t.  Or I’ve never heard of it happening. Mostly you just have to placate it and hope it decides to migrate elsewhere.” “I haven’t seen one in twenty years, so they’re not terribly common. I’m not even sure how it got here if we’re being honest.” The woman laid a gentle hand on Sam’s shoulder, and she seemed resigned to the idea that this critter would haunt the small town forever. “This Tezaur appears to be especially aggressive if it is the predator that has been killing people. Luckily, we don’t have a town newspaper and few people have internet, so the news hasn’t spread. Yet.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure…” Sam’s tone was stoic as he pulled the folded newspaper article from his back pocket and handed it to Agatha. “Apparently someone out there knows about what’s happening. Unfortunately, this seems to be anonymously written, which doesn’t help at all.” 
You started pacing the small room. A lighter path of worn boards showed that you hadn’t been the first and likely wouldn’t be the last person to fret over worrisome things. Before today you had never stopped to consider the myths and legends you so avidly studied could be real. Maybe you were in shock, maybe you were just desensitized to the idea of a world filled with monsters and other supernatural entities, but you remained calm. With a resigned sigh, you walked back into the adjacent room, pulling a stack of books from the wooden shelves that flanked the fireplace. Lowering yourself into the seat, you set the books on the nearby end table, lifting the first one and placing it in your lap. Thistle & Crow had a collection unlike anything you’d seen before and if there was anything to be done about this shapeshifting hoarder, you were confident you’d find something here.
The heavy sound of boots announced Sam’s arrival and his eyebrows shot up as he read some of the titles. “Wow. When this is all over, remind me to come take a closer look at these, they seem fascinating.” The Winchester hunter placed a hand on your shoulder as he looked at what you were reading. The warmth spreading from his touch was distracting. “Well, I’m going to go touch base with my brother, see if he’s found anything. If not, maybe someone in our contacts will have an idea for us.” With a gentle squeeze of reassurance, Sam stepped back, the echo of his footsteps ringing in your mind as the front door opened and then shut behind him. The numbing feeling left behind when the hunter left had to be coincidence, Sam wasn’t your soulmate. He couldn’t be. Besides, you’d never believed in such a thing.
Two days later, Sam and Dean had just finished lunch at Beth’s. In low voices, the brothers sat hunched in their booth, trying to work out a game plan. So far, they hadn’t found much more information than the tidbits from the mythology book across the street at Thistle & Crow. When he’d first returned and described the creature they were looking for, Dean had laughed. Maybe he’d pictured its appearance in his mind, and for some reason whatever he saw had been amusing. Now, however the eldest brother had become frustrated. “We’re no closer to finding this damned shapeshifter, we still don’t know how -or if- it can be killed and our only defense against the damn thing when we DO find it is god damned flower crowns and a tea party?!” Sam sat staring out the window; a light autumn drizzle painting the glass in streaks and dots.
He wondered what [Y/F/N] was doing right then. Had she found any new information? What if she’d been trying to get ahold of him? Why hadn’t he left his phone number when he’d last seen her the other night?
“Sam…SAM!” With several clicks of his fingers, Dean was able to regain his brother’s attention. “Your phone is ringing, genius.” With a sigh, he fished the ancient brick of a flip-phone from his front pocket. Lifting the device to his ear, Sam cleared his throat, “Bobby! Got anything?” 
Dean watched from across the booth. Several nods, a few clarifying questions and an affirmation later the man snapped the phone closed. “Bobby spoke to some of his hunter friends that frequent this area. This particular Tezaur has been around for years. They said that regardless of the lore we read, it isn’t overly aggressive unless provoked. Protective sure, and with a lewd streak a mile wide, but not an indiscriminate killer.” “Which means…either something or someone is poking the proverbial bear here or..”
“Or what?” Dean snapped.
“Or, whatever is murdering the citizens of Ravencrest isn’t a Tezaur.”
“Great, that’s utterly…perfect.” “So we’re back at square one?” The whine in Dean’s voice might’ve been funny if it hadn’t been so warranted. Sam simply nodded.
Another three days passed. Having flipped through a number of books in the library, you were at your wits’ end. When you weren’t pouring over the stories, your mind was on Sam. It’d been nearly a week since he’d been in. Sleep had been futile, your muscles consistently wound so tight that any attempt at relaxation had been fruitless. Agatha had disappeared again and frankly, you were beginning to worry. You needed a break. Deciding some fresh air might do you good, you locked the shop and started to walk. With no particular destination in mind, you let your mind wander, figuring if you stuck to the sidewalk you’d be fine.
An hour later after passing every business in town you were nearing the edge of the city limits. Fewer houses dotted the tree lined road that had transitioned from asphalt, to gravel and was now simply dusty earth. The sun had set and, deciding being out out in the woods alone at night - when people were turning up dead - was probably not the best idea, you turned and started back the way you had come. Unfortunately for you, the fresh air had done nothing to clear your mind of the tall, broad-shouldered man who called himself Winchester. You needed to find him. Suddenly, the sound of twigs snapping to your left stopped you in your tracks; the squeal of some dying rodent high pitched in the relatively still night. “You're  fine [Y/F/N], just keep walking, this is fine.” The pep talk didn’t calm your nerves but repeating the mantra over and over distracted you well enough that the quiet evening started to relax you. As the town lights became visible, a shudder ran the length of your spine sending shock-waves of chills spreading through your upper body. Blinding lights and a high-pitched screaming flashed behind your eyes before the world went dark.
The treeline was just in front of you, evergreen branches swaying in the autumn breeze. Somewhere nearby wooden shutters slammed against the siding of a house; vaguely you thought about securing them. A storm was coming. With a jolt your vision twisted. You stood at the edge of a ravine, a creek gurgling happily as it twisted its way through the forest. Sliding along the embankment, loose rocks followed your descent into the shallow water. Vaguely your brows furrowed at your own lack of concern for the new boots you had on. Traipsing around in the water couldn’t be good for the leather. Steadying yourself as a flash of black and white seared through your mind, you stood in front of Aggie. The woman was unconscious. Hands and feet were bound by willow reeds, deep cuts biting into the skin from where she’d tried to break free. Her waist-length platinum hair was disheveled, the ends stirring as the breeze danced around her. Dried blood crusted around the edge of a gash on her forehead, you could feel the metallic tang of it in the back of your throat. Faint voices echoed along the edges of your mind, becoming louder by the minute. Shaking your head to try and clear the impending fog, you reached for the woman only to have your hand pass directly through hers. Twitching, the woman’s pale eyes fluttered open, terror plain in her wide pupils. “[Y/F/N]..?”
Burning air rushed through your lungs as your body heaved forward. Fighting against the strong grip of hands on your shoulders, it took several minutes for your vision to clear enough to take in your surroundings. “Aggie!” “Quick, she’s awake.” The voices were the last thing to become clear, Sam calling out for the woman you’d come to care for over the last several weeks. As Agatha’s face swam into view, you reached out, smiling, thankful she was okay.
For the first time, you noticed everyone crowded around the threadbare hotel mattress you sat on. Pushing the sweat-soaked hair back from your forehead you noted their look of concern. A pool of dread started to expand in your gut even as the question took form, “what happened?”
Dean moved into view, answering for Sam who was looking to Agatha for support. “You passed out, Sam and I had just come looking for you when Agatha told us you had gone missing. You’re lucky we found you before something else did.” A look of irritation was etched into the creases of his forehead. Crossing his arms over his chest, the eldest Winchester brother continued, “Mind telling us what you were thinking? You didn’t tell anyone where you were going.” Sam came to stand next to you, his proximity comforting. As if the man could read your mind he introduced you to your interrogator; “[Y/F/N], this is my brother, Dean. Dean, this is [Y/F/N].” Comprehension dawned on you. Of course they were brothers, you had guessed correctly when assuming he didn’t live in town. “We’ve met. Still love your car, by the way.” Dean’s irritation abated a bit with your compliment. Switching gears, he went about explaining what had happened after they’d found you. In turn, you told them about the dream you’d experienced, “It felt like I was there.” A residual chill ran through your body as you relived the details.
“Has this happened before?” Sam’s expression settled into one of concern.
Should you tell them it had? That you’d moved here after one such dream? “No, I don’t think so.” Yes, you’d blatantly lied to Sam..and Dean..and even Agatha, but you figured that one problem at a time was enough. Sam’s expression turned stoic, his mouth set in a firm line while his hard stare flicked to Agatha. It was obvious they didn’t believe you, though, wisely they remained quiet.
The following morning you grimaced as you woke. Every muscle in your body ached from the stiff position you’d fallen asleep in. Rolling to your left side, your [Y/E/C] eyes widened in terror, a surprised yelp sounding as you threw yourself away from the person next to you. About to roll off the bed in your haste, a strong hand snaked out and caught your waist, toting you back to the middle of the lumpy mattress. One bleary, hazel eye cracked open, Sam’s fingers lingering a little too long on the sliver of warm skin that edged the waistband of your jeans. “Hey, hey it’s okay, you’re okay.” His voice was deeper than usual; quiet and laced with sleep. “You passed out in my bed, figured there was enough room for both of us.” Looking at the man sprawled out next to you, you noted his black cotton scrub bottoms that doubled as sleepwear, a clean, white t-shirt clinging to his chest. “Uh, what uh..did we..?” A flush colored your cheeks at the thought of touching Sam, but he was quick to assure you that you’d shared nothing but the bed. “Besides, if you ever wake up not remembering time we spent together, clearly I didn’t do my job.” A smirk pulled at the right side of his face, mirth shining in his half-open eyes. Your mouth opened in an “oh" of surprise as a deep rumbling laugh bubbled up from Sam’s chest, a slow wink fanning the sudden fire that blossomed in your core. Rolling off the side of the mattress, Sam stood just as the door opened. Balancing three cups of coffee in his hands, Dean thankfully didn’t notice your expression. Unfortunately, even if he had, the somber look in his own green eyes made them appear more dim than you knew them to be. “Dean?” The concern in Sam’s voice spoke volumes. “There’s been another attack.” Your blood ran cold at the thought, hoping against hope that your dream had indeed been only a dream. Dean’s eyes flicked to yours as you rose slowly into a seated position, the nearly imperceptible shake of his head all the confirmation you needed as he handed you one of the large paper cups. “I’m sorry [Y/F/N], but it looks like Agatha may be involved, she’s gone missing again.”
Ten minutes passed and finally you blinked, the smell of leather and the roar of an engine bringing you back to the present. Sitting in the back of the Impala, your thoughts were far away as the car crept to a stop just outside of town.
“[Y/F/N], can you take us to the place from your dream? Maybe Agatha will be there.” Sam’s great hand covered one of your own and your eyes dropped to the sudden contact, a warmth spreading through you that helped ground your runaway thoughts. Nodding slowly, you slid across the seat and stepped from the beautiful black car. Though you had no idea exactly where the dream had taken place, it was obviously somewhere in these woods. 
Straining your ears, you were just able to make out the sound of running water.  Setting off in that direction, you figured it was the best place to start. While you walked, the Winchester brothers trailed close behind, guns drawn and ready should anything be watching. After approximately fifteen minutes of your mind buzzing with the worst case scenario, you stopped. Sam collided with your back and Dean narrowly avoided doing the same. “Shh, do you hear that?” Both men focused, hearing nothing but the faint sound of the creek in the distance.
Looking at Sam, who shrugged and then at you, Dean grimaced “I don’t hear anything.” Forests were never completely silent like this. There were no birds, no twigs snapping as deer stepped through low hanging branches…nothing. “Exactly.” “These woods should be teeming with life.” You looked pointedly at both brothers waiting for the idea to sink in.
A quarter mile further into the trees had your group standing with toes at the edge of a short cliff. A landslide had moved the earth and created the winding body of water that now snaked through the valley.
As in your dream, you stepped over the edge, hurriedly sliding down the somewhat steep embankment; loose gravel trailing behind you to land in the water with little splashes.
A low-pitched whine echoed around the three of you, Sam and Dean immediately turning their backs to press against yours; guns raised from their sides and gripped tightly. Everyone was on high alert with the new sound. It’d been so eerily quiet thus far, this seemed deafening.
A heavy splash turned your attention to the left and your eyes widened in disbelief. “Agatha?” Rushing forward, you caught the woman as she fell into your arms. Her walking stick seemed to be missing, and she didn’t appear to have any outstanding injuries. Sam waded through the water to your side just as the woman’s eyes shifted from her usual pale hue to a glowing sickly green color, a slow, malicious smile curling over her face. The hand gripping your back grew claws; long, black talons ending in a curved point. The last thing you remembered as your vision faded to black was Sam’s face, his expression horrified as tears gathered in the corners of his eyes; Dean holding him back as the taller man lunged for your hand.
Sam could only watch as Dean drug him from [Y/F/N]’s now unconscious body. “Dean! Dean! No!” When he finally broke free of Dean’s grip, Sam fell almost face-first into the freezing water.  Reaching out for [Y/F/N] and aiming his gun at the creature who guarded her possessively, he squeezed the trigger, the explosive sound of gunfire deafening. The bullet ricocheted off a pile of rocks, flying into the underbrush. A deep, rumbling growl leaked from the Tezaur’s black lips, “miiiiinnneee.” Agatha’s body seemed to shiver as the animal changed into a large beast resembling some crude mixture of a variety of apex predators. Curling itself around [Y/F/N], the thing snapped slavering jaws and then disappeared in a haze, taking you with it…
Your eyes shot open, sweat beading your forehead, the sheets tangled around your ankles. As your heartbeat slowly calmed, you pushed a shaking hand through your hair and took several deep gulps of air into your heaving lungs. Closing your eyes, you concentrated on your breathing…in….out..in….out.
The dream had been so intense, almost as if you’d been there, almost as if the Winchesters had been real people. You could almost feel the warmth of Sam’s skin. You’d moved to the wilds of Montana to escape this. Over the course of the last few years, they had become increasingly more complex, more vivid. It had gotten to where you couldn’t always distinguish the difference between what was real and what lived only in your subconscious. Your boyfriend of seven years had initially been supportive, your family too. Over time however, they’d all become less tolerant. Last week, they’d decided to stage an ‘intervention.’ They thought you were crazy. Had handed out pamphlets to a place called Lavender Hills. Encouraged you to check yourself in for awhile. You’d immediately packed all of your meager possessions into the back seat of your rusty green bug and taken off. That’s how you had come to find Ravencrest and the quirky little bookstore named for a blind old cat and an eccentric woman.
Blowing the steam from your cup of hot tea, you lifted the cover of an old book on Cryptozoology. Animals had always fascinated you, and so had anything remotely supernatural. It only made sense that mixing the two would garner your undivided attention. Diving into the large leather tome you began to read, just as the set of bells hanging over the front door chimed. Assuming it was Betty returning the cookbook she’d checked out last week you scanned the last few words written along the bottom of the first page. “Welcome to Thistle & Crow, feel free to ta–“ Looking up from your book, the racket in your ribcage started up again as a tall, broad shouldered man approached the counter, his long auburn hair settling around his collar. You’d know those gorgeous hazel eyes anywhere.
TAGS: @jaredsunflowergoddess @arses21434 @jamielea81 @wings-of-a-raven
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staygoldsunshine · 6 years
Lumen: Under the Hollow Hill
(Yeah, so as I promised, here’s a snippet from Lumen since I now finally have a chapter one!)
Chapter One
    It was a cold autumn night when Mary Kate Forsythe drove into the town of Hollow Hill, a cloud of despair and anxiety hanging over her blue Volkswagen Beetle that crawled along that winding, forest road. The pine trees leaned in to watch her pass, and Mary Kate felt their presence pressing in. She was acutely aware that she did not belong here.
    Then again, few people could truly claim that they belonged within the tenuous limits of Hollow Hill. With a population of barely a thousand, Hollow Hill was tucked into those dark pines like a well-kept secret. And Mary Kate was an invader. So maybe that’s why a deer stepped into her path that fateful night, turning its shining eyes towards her.
    The car swerved to avoid the creature with the black antlers glistening in headlights, and Mary Kate crashed into the ditch running alongside the road. It was a sudden burst of noise and then silence. Aside from the crackle of her car radio, Clarke Keller on the local station talking about the unexpected power outage last Thursday, the forest fell into perfect quiet as it held its breath. The deer wandered over to the wheezing machine where Mary Kate was slumped against her steering wheel. It seemed curious as to whether the monster would come back to life.
    And if it had not been for another emergency happening somewhere else in the small town of Hollow Hill, Mary Kate might’ve stayed there for the rest of the night. But a speeding truck just so happened to drive by that way on its way to the Hollow Hill Clinic, and the driver, Alexander Smoak, saw the crashed car smoking in the ditch. Coincidences like that aren’t rare in Hollow Hill. The rare, in fact, can be quite common.
    There are, however, a few interesting rules that apply to this little, forgotten place. Namely one unspoken rule that most residents have believed for all their lives: strangers do not come here without serious consequences. So Mary Kate was already on borrowed time, an invader in enemy territory. But Mr. Smoak had other things to worry about that night than just the strange laws of his hometown. Somewhere else his son was dying.
    It started earlier that very same evening. A pink sun set on an increasingly dark blue horizon as twilight descended and the heat of the day lifted like a sweater from the shoulders of the city. Liam Smoak was on his way to everyone’s favorite local joint, the Limen Lime. The little chrome diner sat not far from the railroad tracks which Liam would follow back into town from the Barrow Woods each afternoon. Fresh rain shimmered and reflected the green neon sign in pools.
    Garra Price, owner of the Limen Lime and the entire town’s unofficial “Aunt Garra,” treated Liam to his favorite. A bacon cheddar burger with pickles, easy on the mayo. Things seemed normal as Liam cleaned his short sword. “How was the hunting today, honey?”
    Liam looked up at Garra and smiled. He was nothing if not charming and polite, just as his mother had raised him. “It was great, Garra.”
    “Too bad you’ll be off to school again soon. The boys will miss having you around, I’m sure.” Then, seeing the look of subtle dread on his face, she amended herself. “Just a minute, darling, and I’ll be out with some coffee for you.” Garra turned on her heel and disappeared back into the greasy kitchen, and Liam went with shaking hands to choose a song on the jukebox in one corner of the restaurant.
The jukebox was, as always, pristine, just about the only thing in the diner that wasn’t perpetually covered in the stickiness or the smell of Liminal Lime’s signature barbeque. Liam was pretty sure, as most residents were, that there was something more to that machine, especially since it would sometimes mysteriously crackle to life and sing a medley of its favorite tunes if ignored for too long by any patrons present. For some reason, it was oddly partial to “What’s New Pussycat.”
           Liam then took a seat at one of the bright red, faux leather booths to wait on the other Knights to show up. With a sigh, he leaned his head back and shut his eyes to relax for a moment, letting the scents from the kitchen and the anticipation of his favorite meal wash away the day’s problems. Melancholy, however, settled into the pit of his stomach against his will. An unwanted shadow cast over his evening.
When Liam opened his eyes again, unsure of whether he actually fell asleep or not, the sun was good and gone. A few stars were gleaming through the thinning clouds that framed little windows into the night sky, and everything was still, for a brief moment anyway.
Just then, Bailey and Nash burst in through the door, barely able to get inside before Garra was already on top of them asking for their orders. Since the Knights made the Limen Lime their Round Table of sorts while shoveling down barbeque and drinking grape sodas and listening to Bob Dylan, Garra had to stay on her toes to churn out enough food to satisfy the raucous gang.
           “Four hellhounds all in one afternoon,” Nash said with a distinct curl to his garish red lips framed in a shadow of sparse facial hair. “Beat that, Golden Boy.”
    There was a growing crowd of young men filing into the cramped diner by that time, all jockeying for attention or lining up quarters along the edge of the jukebox’s face, and while they kept at a semi-respectful distance from his table, Liam noticed several of them leaning towards him in anticipation for what his response to Nash’s challenge would be.
Meanwhile, Bailey, a large and mostly silent young man the size of a small minotaur, picked the best of what was left of that day’s cherry pie from the display at the counter and dropped it onto an empty plate. Heath and Jerry were already about their nightly arm-wrestling ritual. Pop was asleep in a booth with his baseball cap drawn down over his eyes. Liam felt a sort of warmth settle in his chest as he leaned back with a sigh. To him, this was home.
“Try a Black Stag,” he grunted finally, once Bailey was again in ear-shot. Liam then pulled the severed antlers from a leather satchel at his side, dropping them onto the table between him and Nash.
           The antlers gleamed a deep onyx in the warm light of the diner as Nash leaned his long nose forward to enviously inspect the dark prize. He was about to say something snide when Bailey pulled up a chair, set down his plate, and expertly speared a maraschino cherry the color of blood. “Kill that on your own now?”
But as Liam was about to launch into his grand tale of taking down the Black Stag, something else caught his attention. A slight movement in the corner of his eye seemed out of place. Studying the darkness more closely, he could pick out the disheveled, beastly form of an Obscura. It turned the corner of the last house at the end of the road and lifted its head in the direction of the restaurant. Liam stood. His mouth fell wide open in shock as the beast lumbered down the street and sniffed at the ground where Liam had been walking mere minutes ago. It was tracking him.
The other boys crowded around to look out the windows, and gasps and worried whispers wove between their heads as Liam’s heart pounded out a steadily quickening beat. When Garra came back with a full pot of black coffee, Liam snatched up his sword, planted a quick kiss on her cheek, and ran out of the diner. “Sorry, Aunt Garra, I’ll pay you back later!” He vaulted over the railing to the diner’s small front porch and stopped dead when his feet hit the pavement.
This was impossible. Gooseflesh covered his arms as he drew his sword, the metal on metal sound of it raising the hairs on the back of his neck. Obscura didn’t just walk into town. The Knights had kept them confined to the Barrow Woods on the eastern side of the city for over a century since Lumen was founded, and never once in the town’s collective memory, had one of them crossed the threshold.
Until now.
The creature turned its hulking body toward Liam and stood up on its hind legs to a staggering height of at least seven feet. It’s face was a mask of exposed bone, like the skin had been peeled away. Black fur was littered with twisted tree limbs that grew out from its spine, and curling thorns glinted red in the streetlights that flickered to life. Liam twirled his sword in his hand. The light from the moon swept over him as a passing cloud pulled away from the silver eye looking on. And then the creature charged.
On all fours, it galloped towards Liam headlong, and the young Knight braced himself, hoping that his friends would jump in soon. Or else.
It was less than an hour later that Alexander Smoak received the call that changed Hollow Hill forever--Liam was bleeding out after an Obscura attack, but Mr. Smoak didn’t come to the hospital alone. He’d brought another surprise with him: one slightly damaged Mary Kate Forsythe.
29 notes · View notes
livingcorner · 3 years
Hands Down, These Are the Best 43 Colors to Use In Your Kitchen
Every item on this page was hand-picked by a House Beautiful editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.
Seriously, your kitchen doesn’t have to be white.
You're reading: Hands Down, These Are the Best 43 Colors to Use In Your Kitchen
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Jul 23, 2020
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James Merrell
Adding color is the best way to change things up in the kitchen—no renovation, no construction, just paint and a brush. Whether you’re a greige kind of person or someone who loves a pop of anything vibrant, we rounded up over 30 kitchens with gorgeous paint colors to help you get started. Punch up your cabinets with bright blues and reds, or ground a large space with a soothing gray or green… No matter what your color preference—or if you’re totally stumped for inspiration—we’ve got fresh kitchen paint color ideas, designer examples, and shopping tips to guide you. More of a white paint person? Head here for our favorite shades.
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You love finding new design tricks. So do we . Let us share the best of them.
1 of 43
In this striking London kitchen, design Rita Konig opted for cabinets from her own colorful line for Plain English in a shade of purple dubbed Burnt Toast. Calacatta Viola, a mauve-streaked marble, brings out the inky eggplant.
Shop a similar shade of cabinets below:
BUY NOW Rita Konig Burnt Toast cabinets
2 of 43
Pale Green
A pale green blends seamlessly between the kitchen and dining area of this “jungalow,” by Justina Blakeney, especially when paired with the Moroccan clay tile backsplash and ombre dining bar stools in the living room.
Shop a similar lacquer finish below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Cooking Apple Green, $110
3 of 43
In this DeVol kitchen, the warm marigold paint is grounded by cool gray cabinets. The floor tiles speak to the gray tones while the gold hardware complements the yellow for a cohesive whole. For a similar feel, opt for a yellow paint that’s clean and bright but also rich enough to be warming.
Shop a similar shade of yellow paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Babouche No. 223, $110
4 of 43
Peach Lacquer
This showstopping kitchen by by Michelle Nussbaumer is not afraid to play with color. The blush pink/peach and deep aqua lacquered cabinets are reflective, which means they make the space feel large (like the classic mirror trick, but colorful!).
Shop a similar lacquer finish below:
BUY NOW Fine Paints of Europe Hollandac Brilliant, $155
5 of 43
This kitchen is unique yet timeless, glamorous yet grounded. The lavender swirls of paint on a buttercream backdrop complement the elaborate blue chandelier, too. Then the classic, neutral cabinets and island ground the space.
Shop a similar shade of purple paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Violet Shimmer, $23
6 of 43
Cobalt Blue
In his Brooklyn apartment, Crosby Studios designer Harry Nuriev powder-coated the surfaces in a cobalt blue for a bold, durable finish.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Behr Dark Cobalt Blue, $16
7 of 43
Dark Navy
Designed by Heidi Caillier, this kitchen is a moody masterpiece thanks to the inky, emotive shade of dark blue. The wooden counters and backsplash keep the space warm and casual while the deep, almost dark paint makes for an intimate and cozy atmosphere. In certain light, it can look totally blue, while in others, it almost looks black.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
Read more: What is the origin and meaning of the phrase “all day” when used in a commercial kitchen?
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Stiffkey Blue, $110
8 of 43
Feeling adventurous? Take a cue from this kitchen. Interior designer Michelle Nussbaumer chose a warm color palette and packs plenty of texture-rich materials into the small space to make it feel less stark. The red anchor brings a full and sultry feel to the room.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Incarnadine, $110
9 of 43
Marine Blue
An inky, marine blue will ground a kitchen in an open space and feel more formal than a light color without being as moody and as dark as black. We also love the idea of painting the interior cabinets a color that corresponds with an accent piece in the room, like this orange cabinet designed by Arent & Pyke to match the carpet.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball De Nimes, $110
10 of 43
This coral pink kitchen is like being on vacation all year long. With rattan and bamboo elements and a fresh coat of cheerful pink paint, it’s quirky, upbeat, and unique without being too over-the-top.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Coral Silk, $22
11 of 43
Baby Blue
In this kitchen designed by 2LG Studio, the cabinets are soothing baby blue hue. The inverted circular cabinet pulls add to the gentle, sweet personality.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Blue Ice Age, $17
12 of 43
High-Shine Yellow
If you want a super shiny statement in your kitchen but don’t want to paint the whole room, opt for a glossy lacquered backsplash or back-painted glass, as seen in this kitchen by Danielle Colding Design. A pop of yellow never fails to cheer up a room.
Shop a similar shade of yellow paint below:
BUY NOW Fine Paints of Europe Hollandac Brilliant, $155
13 of 43
Matte Black
There’s nothing sexier than matte black when it comes to kitchen paint colors. Expect, that is, when you cover the bottom of the overhead cabinets a gold mirrored material.
Shop a similar shade of black paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Onyx Black, $22
14 of 43
Pale Yellow
Take note from this space designed by Leanne Ford Interiors and paint your kitchen a subtly sunny hue, like buttercream yellow. Then lay down an area rug with pops of coral for a fresh, bold anchor. The large drum pendant in white and gold speaks to the pretty paint color, too. Delicate and delightful.
Shop a similar shade of yellow paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Pale Hound, $100
15 of 43
Sage Green
Instead of painting all of the cabinets or walls, experiment with color on a statement wall. This sage green pop in a kitchen designed by Studio DB adds the perfect amount of personality. Green glass shelves and a large green bowl tie back to the unexpected color.
Shop a similar shade of green paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Sea Glass Green, $23
16 of 43
Wine Red
Go glam with a high-gloss deep red reminiscent of wine. The robust, full color adds so much depth and glamour. Proof? This kitchen by Nick Olsen, where geometric tiles pump things up to the next level.
Shop a similar shade of red paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Brinjal, $110
17 of 43
If white feels too stark for you, opt for a creamer shade. It’ll still feel light and bright, but the warmer undertones will help your kitchen feel more inviting. We love how it softens the industrial elements of this kitchen designed by Elizabeth Roberts Architecture & Design.
Shop a similar shade of cream paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Wimborne White, $110
18 of 43
Blush Pink
A light, delicate pink that provides just a touch of oomph looks surprisingly good when paired with more modern, streamlined, geometric pieces. In this kitchen designed by GRT Architects, the modern lines and tonal palette feel fresh and modern while the pink color makes it feel open and bright.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Middleton Pink, $110
19 of 43
Gold Leaf
There’s nothing quite like metallic to make your interiors pop. Opt for a brushed gold finish on the kitchen cabinets and introduce more down to earth materials like jute to make sure it isn’t too flashy, like in this Arent & Pyke-designed kitchen.
Shop a similar shade of gold paint below:
BUY NOW PPG Gilded Gold, $48
20 of 43
Bright Blue
Paint the lower cabinets an eye-catching sky blue and then soften things up with a super light pistachio tile for the walls, like designer Regan Baker did in this kitchen.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball St Giles Blue, $110
21 of 43
Light Taupe
Read more: Why Do I Have Ants in My Kitchen?
A sandy beige keeps things neutral but stands out a little more than a cream or super light gray. We’re really digging the alternating black and gray stained wood cabinets in this deVOL kitchen, too. The varied tones (plus texture) add interest to a neutral space.
Shop a similar shade of taupe paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Dimity, $110
22 of 43
Designed by Catherine Kwong, this kitchen is a contemporary classic that will age gracefully. The steel gray cabinets contrast just a touch with the dark navy-gray kitchen island and cream ceilings for a balanced whole.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Lulworth Blue, $110
23 of 43
Flamingo Pink
Can’t decide on just one paint color? deVOL Kitchens’ new NYC showroom proves that you don’t have to. Choose one color for the walls and another for the lower cabinets and then use a backsplash that incorporates both. Then paint the trimmings on the upper cabinets something fun.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Benjamin Moore Pink Starburst, $43
24 of 43
Super Pale Blue
You don’t have to cover the entire kitchen in a bright color to add a little pop of personality. When space is limited, designate a small corner wall for your accent color. Here, interior designer Danielle Colding added a powder blue accent wall and a sculpture but kept everything else glistening and white.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Cabbage White, $110
25 of 43
Gray Green
It’s light enough to function like a neutral, especially if you choose a blue with gray undertones. The exposed wood beams and natural light wood stools in this deVOL kitchen make it a soft, inviting place.
Shop a similar shade of green paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Pale Pistachio, $23
26 of 43
The juxtaposition between the lilac cabinets and marigold oven in this eye-catching kitchen by designer Penelope August proves that opposites attract. The fun terrazzo backsplash connects the two for a seamless whole.
Shop a similar shade of purple paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Calluna, $110
27 of 43
Bright White
There’s nothing wrong with an all-white kitchen. This design trend, as mastered by Romanek Design Studio here, is particularly well-suited for the room where cleanliness is essential. Just warm it up with some bronze light fixtures and blond wood finishes, and introduce some sharpening contrast with inky black window treatments and artwork.
Shop a similar white paint below:
BUY NOW Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace, $43
28 of 43
Baby Pink
This retro-inspired deVOL kitchen is a beautiful blend of classic English design with contemporary functionality. The glass cabinet customized to fit right into the corner and looks beautiful with the baby pink paint and Kelly green backsplash.
Shop a similar shade of pink paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Cinder Rose, $110
29 of 43
Pale Mint Green
A bistro table in the kitchen is so much more interesting than a classic island. And it’s even fresher when you paint your bar stools a crisp mint green hue and hang a copper pendant light overhead.
Shop a similar shade of green paint below:
BUY NOW Glidden Tranquil Light Green, $35
30 of 43
Midnight Blue
If blue and white seems too coastal for you, opt for deep midnight blue or super dark navy. These rich tones will ground the entire space and look super warm with reclaimed wood, exposed beams, stone floors, brass hardware, and copper cookware.
Shop a similar shade of blue paint below:
BUY NOW Farrow & Ball Hague Blue, $110
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Hadley Mendelsohn Senior Editor Hadley Mendelsohn is House Beautiful’s senior editor, and when she’s not busy obsessing over all things decor-related, you can find her scouring vintage stores, reading, or stumbling about because she probably lost her glasses again.
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Kitchen
source https://livingcorner.com.au/hands-down-these-are-the-best-43-colors-to-use-in-your-kitchen/
1 note · View note
zblackiez · 6 years
♪ Going through hell, while looking at heaven ♪
Phone in hand, scrolling through the intricate web—the world that fits right in her pocket.
♪ Found an answer looking for a
question ♪
Chatter, encompassing her like doves swirling through the low skies.
♪ How many turns ‘til I find me? ♪
She sat at the front counter, dressed in a modest tank-top of black with a navy-blue skirt and dress shoes as dark as a raven. Her frame thin, slender, she had skin of a fair complexion; soft, like a newborn’s. Faint freckles dotted her cheeks, a few below her eyes, whose irises howled in divine violet. Harmonizing with it, straight hair of vibrant orange fell gracefully to her neck’s tip, just barely concealing her ears.
All around her, groups lolling in booths talked up a storm: retells of a memory here; struggles of comedy there. Laughs all around, their smiles glistening with phenomenal genuineness.
She took her eyes off her pocket-sized universe and looked to the radio that sang near the wall.
“Hey, Mister,” she said, “what song is that?”
He gave her the face of a raised eyebrow, the aged man who wiped glass cups with a rag from the opposite side of the counter. Behind him, upon shelves of oak, showed the collection of exotic bottles and snacks.
“You don’t know?” he asked. “But this one’s a goodun.”
The girl shrugged, apologetic.
“Jess Glynne,” the man enlightened her. “No Rights No Wrongs.” He smiled. “Brings some joy to my heart every time I hear it.”
The girl gazed at the radio, the tunes washing over her mind.
♪ And oh, no rights, no wrongs, take it from me ♪
♪ ‘Cause the answers are living indefinitely ♪
She had her own lips curve sweetly.
“I like it,” she said softly.
“I told ya,” the old man said, “this one’s a goodun.”
The young girl pocketed her phone, then laid her hands out on the wood before her.
The old man picked up another glass.
“By the way, Little Miss,” he said, “you’ve been here for thirty minutes now. Ya waitin’ for someone?”
“Something like that,” the girl said.
“Well, I’ll tell ya what’s up: if it’s one of your girlfriends you’re holdin’ up for, I’d recommend ya stay here as long as ya like, but if it’s a boy you’re waitin’ on, it’d be better if ya just skip out. Been way too long.”
“It’s only been half an hour. He’ll show up eventually.”
“Only half an hour?” The aged man sighed. “This generation is way too forgiving. Back in my day, if ya were even two minutes late, ya’d be in big trouble. Heck, if ya weren’t early, ya’d be eatin’ dirt. I mean, if ya don’t care about the time, who’s to say ya even care about the person?”
The girl only let the words bounce from ear to ear, never in.
She gave a smile of assurance. “It’ll be okay.”
Besides, she thought, this isn’t even the worst I’ve had. One time, I waited two whole hours. Obsidia told me he flaked out, but really, he may have just overslept. Granted, it was seven at night, but still!
The aged man just gave another sigh.
“Well,” he said, “as long as ya ain’t getting’ hurt, I suppose it ain’t so bad.”
The girl curved her lips. “Thanks, Mister.”
He returned with a smile of his own.
From across the restaurant, a ring broke loose, accompanied by the door swinging open. And when the girl sent her gaze that way, she caught sight of him—the boy who had appeared on her Catchr notifications. His black and brown mohawk appeared the same just as his profile picture. His tattoos, even more vivid in person.
The girl smiled and said softly, “Speak of the angel.”
The aged man just sighed.
Eyelids, heavy. Bones, unwieldy, as if waves of lead pooled within them. Fatigue curled around her neck, clinging to her like a forbidden lover.
Slowly, sluggishly, she opened her eyes, letting the violet irises meet the light of the room. From the farthest wall, a sizable window greeted her, which allowed the morning rays of the sun to spill inward.
Morning already? she wondered.
Slipping her arms away from her blanket, she stretched from head to toe, loosening the muscles and spreading better the warmth of her blood.
A yawn.
The call surfaced from her side, and when she looked its way, she spotted the adorable cat of gray fur and eyes as blue as Neptune. It rested upon her other pillow, gazing at the girl quite lovingly.
Then, a strike.
Its speed swift, the feline leaned forward and licked its owner right on the nose.
The girl shined a small smile.
“Happy sunshine, Charlotte,” she said softly.
Meow! the feline cried.
The sleepyhead looked to the clock at her side, reading the digital text, 8:38 AM. She then sent her gaze to the ceiling.
That’s right, she thought. I have to meet with Obsidia today.
The young lady gently pushed the blanket off herself, then rose to her feet, as lazy as a zombie. Snuggling her toes kindly was the fuzzy carpet below.
The feline watched as the newly awoken trudged to the bathroom in her pajamas. Every step seemed like a chore, and when she finally made it to the front of her mirror, she felt like she had cleared a mountainous journey.
The girl gave her reflection a glance, but only in that instance. As she brushed her teeth, as she washed her face, she couldn’t bring herself to gaze into her own eyes.
The cat watched.
After readying her clothing—a baby-blue hoodie with black shorts—the girl sat near the front door to put on her sneakers. And once she completed her outfit, she lovingly rubbed her pet’s head.
“I’ll be back, Charlotte,” she said.
The cat smiled. Meow!
With that, the girl headed out into the world.
A sigh slipped past her lips, into the air of her bubble—her space that reeked of light depression.
At the circular table she sat, one arm lying on the metal, which she laid her head down upon. Meanwhile, the other hand held snugly a cup of white hot chocolate.
“Tired . . .” she groaned.
From across her relaxed another girl, her skin white like clouds and smooth like marble. With slender limbs and a beautiful smile, she carried the ideal image of a teenager. A vibrant leaf-green glowed in her irises, while onyx hair tied in a braided ponytail drooped down her neck.
She pushed her glasses up the ridge of her nose.
“Are you okay, Kirium?” she asked.
“Yeah, yeah,” the girl of orange hair and poor posture answered. “I’m fine.”
“You say that, but you’ve been sitting with your head down for twenty minutes. The ‘hot’ in your hot chocolate is gonna die.”
“It won’t be the only thing dying . . .” A limp body, till the very end.
The girl of glasses just sighed. “Is this about your date last night?”
“Date?” Defeat crept into the broken girl’s voice like a sickness. “With the failures that happened, I don’t think that event can even be called a ‘date.’ Catastrophe, maybe.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No, thanks. I’ll just be reminded of how stupid I am.”
The bespectacled angel rubbed her hand against her friend’s arm.
“They say that when you open up with your problems, you feel better about them,” she claimed.
Finally, the girl of orange hair, Kirium, turned her head, meeting her companion’s gaze.
“You sure?” she asked. “It is quite the horror story.”
The girl of emerald eyes curved her lips sweetly. “Lucky for you, I’m a horror junkie.”
Kirium cracked a weak smile. “Thank you, Obsidia.”
Obsidia straightened her posture.
“So,” she said, “what happened?”
Kirium sat up as well.
“Everything that could possibly go wrong,” she answered.
“How so?”
The girl smiled and said softly, “Speak of the angel.”
The aged man just sighed.
Excitement pulsing through her veins, the girl rose from her seat to approach her expected company.
The boy of the mohawk scanned the room and met her eyes,
just as she tripped on her own feet.
Thump! her body went as it crashed onto the wooden floorboards. Many conversations died, the focus of the room darting to the fallen human.
“You fell?” Obsidia asked.
“Hard,” Kirium confirmed. She slammed her face against her palm. “But that’s not even the worst part.”
“Ow,” the girl groaned in a whisper. Then, to the general public: “I’m okay. I’m okay.”
But the attendees did not seem convinced. Nonetheless, their reluctance high, they shifted back to business-as-usual.
The girl kept her smile alive, despite the strange look her date shot at her. When she reached him, she held out her hand. “You must be Arschloch, right? I’m Kirium. Kirium Nedio.”
He didn’t bother with the pleasantries.
“You . . . You look different in person,” he said.
As red as a ladybug, her cheeks became.
“You think so?” Kirium asked shyly.
Arschloch kept a straight face. “You look more average.”
By a bit, the smile withered, but stayed strong.
“Well, you know,” she said, “I guess profile pics can be a bit different from the actual person.”
The lovely girl pinched her skirt.
Obsidia narrowed her eyes.
“You let him say what to you?” she growled.
“Everyone has their opinions,” Kirium argued. “Besides, I kinda am just average.”
“Kirium . . .” Obsidia bit her tongue, her next words slamming against the walls of her teeth. “What happened next?”
The girl of orange hair rubbed her eyes. “Oh, boy . . .”
Within the booth, they sat across one another, menus spread out before them.
Her heart fluttered, rapid like a lion’s sprint. And as she followed the lines of text with her fingertip, she couldn’t shake the focus away from the light sweat dribbling down her forehead.
“What, um, what are you planning on getting?” Kirium asked.
“Dunno,” Arschloch replied. “Gimme a sec.”
“Right? Like, obviously you aren’t gonna be able to pick something right away. Clearly, you need some time. Plus, there’s a lot of good things here. I’ve actually been to this place a few times. I usually get—“
“Hey”—Arschloch glared—“would you quit yapping for two seconds?”
Lips, locked.
“Sorry,” the sweet girl whispered.
The companion with glasses clenched her fist. “Kirium . . .”
Kirium looked to her lap. “I know, I know: I talk too much. It’s just that when I get nervous, I start talking up a storm, then my tongue gets tied, then I start saying anything, then—”
“That’s not why I’m upset.”
Kirium raised her eyebrows.
“Just, keep going,” Obsidia urged.
As the clock swiveled, as time soared like a flock of crows, the pair indulged in their meals: Kirium ate delicately a burger, while Arschloch scarfed down a pair of massive burritos.
No words passed between the two, as if syllables had grown extinct.
Once their stomachs had their fill, and once the wonderful girl had covered the bill, the two stepped to the world of night just outside the front door. A zephyr blew from the West, kissing Kirium’s skin like a loved one.
“That was good,” she said, her smile wide. “So, what do you want to do now?”
“Actually,” Arschloch replied, “I’m done for the night.”
Again, the smile withered, but stayed alive.
Just by a thread.
“Oh. Okay. Then, maybe—”
“Nah, I’m good.”
Hanging on.
Arschloch looked her dead in the eyes.
“It’s just, I don’t think you’re my type, after all.”
Just by a thread.
Once more, Kirium lay face-down on the table. By now, the wisps of steam had stopped rising from her cup of lukewarm chocolate.
“I guess I rushed it,” she said. “Should’ve called the date off myself at that point. I’m too impatient with these things.”
Sorrow, in a mist, clouded her companion’s eyes.
“You really think it’s your fault, huh?” Obsidia asked.
“Of course. With the flaws I have, how couldn’t it be?”
Obsidia said nothing, instead delivering her hand to the top of her misguided friend’s head. A warm touch, one that could transfer the red of one’s heart to another.
As quick as lightning, Kirium shot her head back up, her eyes dazzling like diamonds.
“It’ll be okay!” she cheered, beaming. “I have another chance at love!”
Perplexity washed over Obsidia’s face. “How so?” However, the gears of her mind did not take long to commence their grind. “Another date?”
Kirium nodded. “Mm! Tonight, nonetheless!”
The girl of glasses furrowed her brow. “Not with that same guy, is it?”
The amazing girl shook her head.
“A new one,” she said. “I linked with him on Catchr on the way over here.”
Obsidia sighed. “You really need to stop using that app.”
“Never in my life. How else am I supposed to find the love of my life?”
“Why do you even want a boyfriend to begin with?”
Kirium looked to her friend like she had a negative IQ.
“Because that’s how someone becomes happy,” she answered. “When you’re in a relationship, it’s the best feeling in the world. There’s no other emotion that compares. Honestly, Obsidia, I don’t understand how you can’t want a boyfriend.”
Obsidia sent her gaze out the window, to a sky smiling above a crowd—a collection of mindless bodies that only ever stared at their pocket-sized realities.
“I suppose,” she said, “I’m just not into that. I mean, I’m feeling pretty content at the moment.” When she looked back to Kirium, she offered a light smile. “Then again, I still have some things I need to figure out.”
Kirium puckered her lips like she was trying to keep a pencil mustache in place.
“Like how you’re gonna keep your new book away from me?” she guessed.
Obsidia giggled. “As if I’d ever do that.”
She reached into her satchel at her side to fish out a fairly thick novel. With a cover shaded white, it had The Gifted: Armageddon etched at the top with red lettering.
When given to her, Kirium held it like it was the greatest treasure in the universe.
“The last of the trilogy,” she whispered. “Time to see how Jeremy and Ruby’s love blooms.”
“I think you’ll be quite surprised,” Obsidia said.
Stars, breathing in the night sky, right next to their favorite mother—the glistening moon.
Kirium stood before the movie theater, the glow of the lit-up posters bouncing lightly off her skin. Her outfit consisted of a button-up shirt colored white with a skirt and low boots, both black. She waited patiently with her hands at her front, watching as the crowd bled out from the front doors.
I hope I don’t get tongue-tied again, the adorable girl prayed. That would be less than ideal.
As she idled, her mind played the tape of earlier—the scene which housed her best friend’s delicate warning.
“Kirium,” she had said, “it’s okay to chase after love, but just make sure you pay attention to yourself, okay?”
Don’t worry, Obsidia, Kirium thought. I’ll be a-okay!
Just then, a voice rolled beside the sweet girl.
“Excuse me,” it said. A male’s tone.
Kirium turned to it to spot a tall teenage boy standing beside her. Dressed in nice, fancy attire, he had combed hair shaded like spruce.
Just like the profile picture, only cuter.
“H-Hi,” the girl said, her heart skipping beats.
The boy smiled. “You must be Kirium. Nice to meet you.” He held out his hand. “I’m Lestin.”
Her fingers trembling, Kirium connected her palm with his. “N-Nice to meet you.” Cheeks, burning.
Without a single hint, the pristine boy wrapped his arm around Kirium’s shoulder, sending his warmth her way.
The girl felt the dizziness approach, like an army advancing.
So close!
“Let us go, Kirium,” Lestin urged. “We have a movie to catch.”
He led her to the glass doors of the theater, looking back out to the parking lot.
They strolled through the lobby, through the thin herd of movie-goers, before arriving at the entrance of their designated area. Above the doorframe hung a lighted sign which read, Avengers: End Game.
Still, Lestin kept his skin close to Kirium, and still, he looked around.
Once the pair entered, they took seats in the middle section. And before long, the masterpiece began playing on the ginormous screen. Through it all, Kirium couldn’t keep her breathing stable, couldn’t focus on the film. Like mad her bones quivered.
Oh my goodness, she thought, he’s so amazing! How can he not already have a girlfriend?
Lestin only looked around. At one point, however, he did casually lay his hand atop Kirium’s, only furthering her rapidrapidrapid heart.
This is going so well! her mind cheered. I think I’ve finally made a hit. She could smell the love swirling in the air, embracing her nostrils. She smiled from cheek to cheek.
After three solid hours of beautiful action, the patrons began to melt away from the dim room, with only a handful waiting for the credits to finish up.
Kirium and Lestin found their way back to the lobby.
“Man, that was amazing!” she said happily. “I’m really happy about how they portrayed the villain. He had great balance! What did you think of it, Lestin?”
He gave no answer, his eyes glued only to his front.
Kirium aligned her sight with his, where she saw a beautiful teenage girl marching towards them. With slender limbs, golden hair, and eyes pink like lotuses, she added definition to the word perfection.
Something I could never be.
When the mysterious girl reached them, she halted and glared.
“Lestin,” she barked, “what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“What do you mean, Hestium?” the boy countered. “I’m just hanging out with my date here.”
Kirium gave no smile to his label.
The new arrival, Hestium, eyed the girl of orange hair.
“Talk about a downgrade,” she spat. “This is who you slump down to?”
“Hey, don’t be a jerk,” Lestin growled back. “Kirium here is awesome!”
The wings of the heart swayed.
“Yeah?” Hestium asked. “More awesome than me?”
Kirium set her eyes on her date, noticing his tongue-tiedness.
“Um . . .” she said, as soft as a mouse.
“You think I wanted you out of my life?” Lestin asked. “You were everything to me.”
Instantly, the venom of Hestium evaporated. “I . . . I was?”
Slowly, Lestin nodded. “I loved you more than anything.”
The wings of the heart
The boy approached his former love. “What do you say we try again?”
Hestium gazed into his eyes, forcing her breaths to grow short.
“Yeah,” she said. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Kirium clenched her fist.
Lestin turned around to face her, then bowed.
“I’m sorry, Kirium,” he said. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to use you like this. It’s just that, I loved Hestium so much, and I didn’t know how else to get her back.”
Despite her soul cracking, the phenomenal girl put on a brave smile.
“Don’t be sorry,” she said. “You’d do anything for your love, right? I completely understand.”
The boy smiled. “Thank you, Kirium. Thank you so much. You’re really a great girl, judging by your Catchr profile. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
The awkwardness followed like a cloud of stink.
“W-Well . . . um . . .” Face flushed, the fantastic girl turned to head out the theater. “Have fun, I guess.”
And as she reentered the plain beneath the night sky, her smile fractured just a bit.
Atop her bed she lay, within the darkness that nested between the walls of her bedroom. Lethargy streamed in her bones like new marrow, and she could do nothing more than stare at her ceiling. Outside her window, the moon’s glow weakened, and no matter how much they yearned, the bright stars could not bring about a revival.
“Aw, man.” A weak voice. “I wish Obsidia was free right now.” She squeezed the phone she held. “I guess it can’t be helped. She does have that signing, after all.” A deep breath. “Well, it’s okay. It’s not like what happened was important, anyway.”
She draped her arm over her eyes.
“It’s not like I’m important, anyway.”
The girl felt something small and warm press against her skin.
She didn’t bother looking.
“Hello, Charlotte,” she said weakly. “Happy moonlight.”
Deep breath.
The events flooded her mind, polluting her ocean of memories with vile ink.
“Hey, Charlotte,” the girl said, “mind if I talk to you? I’d ask Obsidia, but she’s a bit busy at the moment.”
Meow . . .
She cracked a tiny smile. “I’ll take that as a yes.” A pause. “Why . . . Why do I keep failing? No matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, I just can’t get a boyfriend. I can’t get someone to like me. It’s like I’m in some comedy movie. You know, the girl who just can’t score.”
She giggled softly.
But as the moments passed, so did the tears, trickling down her cheeks one droplet at a time. Her muscles tensed. Her face writhed.
“Why can’t I have love?” she cried. “I just want someone to love me.”
The brokenness finally seeped from her blood, pouring into the place of shadows.
Once more, she felt the soft paw kiss her skin.
“Child . . .”
Widened eyes.
For a moment, the cruelty of reality slipped from the girl’s focus, and she lifted her arm to meet the feline’s eyes.
The furry guardian gazed lovingly.
Despite the wetness of her face, the sorrow of her soul, the girl chuckled a little.
“What’s wrong with me?” she asked. “First, I can’t get someone to accept me. Now, I’m going so crazy that I’m hearing voices.”
The paw gave a kind rub.
“Child . . .” the voice repeated.
“Fine, fine,” the girl said, her voice feeble, “I’ll go along. I’m as strange as is, anyway.”
The voice continued. “Does it hurt, child?”
“Does it hurt?” The girl clenched her fist. “Of course it hurts. It hurts every second that I breathe. No matter what I do, I can’t find that special someone. It’s like the universe is telling me to be alone.” Another tear. “I don’t want to be alone. I want to be loved.”
Then: “Tell me, child: who do you love?”
“Who do I love?” the girl asked.
“Yes, who do you love?”
The child considered the inquiry.
“Obsidia,” she answered. “She’s been with me through thick and thin, through the good times and the bad ones. I know I can always count on her.
“I love my mom and my dad. I know they work a lot, but they can’t help it. They have to do what they can to support the three of us. I appreciate all the hard work they do.
“There’s also Ms. Diamond. She always helps me in class, even though I’m more on the slow side. She’s patient and understands my struggles. She’s like a second mom in some ways.
“Then there’s—”
“Now let me ask you this,” the voice interrupted. “How long until you were going to say ‘myself?’”
As her lips stayed sewed tight, the realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. Her lips quivered, and she sobbed even harder.
“I have witnessed the paradigm of your life, child,” the voice said. “You run around, tired as can be, searching for a source of affection; yet, the one person you are unwilling to meet eyes with is yourself.
“You starve for love, yet you won’t turn to the one individual who holds an unlimited supply.”
“How am I supposed to even look at myself in the mirror?” the girl wept. “How am I supposed to see myself as anything more than a disgusting abomination? You’ve seen me, right? You know who I am. I’m worthless. Annoying. A waste of space.”
“If you’re a waste of space, then why does Obsidia bother!?” the voice growled.
Ever so slightly, the girl’s jaw hung.
“If you’re annoying, why does Ms. Diamond care for you?” the voice continued. “If you’re worthless, why do your mother and father see you as a princess?”
No answer.
The guardian angel lowered its tone.
“Because you’re you, Kirium,” it said. “You’re not worthless. You’re not annoying. You’re anything but a waste of space. You are Kirium Nedio, and for the world, that’s good enough.
“If you long for affection, then you must look within before you can gaze out. You must be willing to be kind to yourself. After all, how are you supposed to love someone if you can’t even love yourself?”
Kirium clenched her teeth, the truth of the words spiraling in her mind, in her sanctum of emotions.
“It’s just hard,” she whispered. “It’s hard being okay being me.”
The warm paw tapped her cheek.
“I know,” the voice said, “but it is not impossible. You are one of the brightest girls this universe has witnessed, and you have much to show for. In time, you will come to realize that. Just don’t sell yourself short, because you are undeserving of such ridicule.”
The girl gave only an answer of silence, her body unmoving. Even so, she never let that message stray far from her now-redder heart.
She awoke at the rise of morning, slumbering past the moon that recovered its glow and the stars that beamed with joy.
Morning already? she wondered, looking to the sky of fresh blue.
Before her senses could truly come alive, she felt something moist brush against her nose.
“Happy sunshine, Charlotte,” the girl said, admiring the cat of gray fur and Neptune eyes. “I see you’re up early.”
Meow! the feline cheered.
Leaving her bed a mess, the girl departed from her bedroom to the bathroom, where the accursed mirror grinned at her with wickedness.
But she did back down.
Not again.
As she brushed her teeth, as the odd memories of last night popped into her mind, she stared at the reflection head-on, despite how much her skin crawled.
even as the image shook pain all throughout, she cracked the tiniest of smiles, noticing, if only by a little, the genuine wonder that the girl in the mirror shined.
The splendid human.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
FEATURE: 3 Anime Cookies for the Holiday Season
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  It’s December, which means new anime soon (yay!) and cookies –– lots of them. As a food writer and recipe developer (you can find some of my other recipes on NYT Cooking, The Kitchn and Food52, the holidays usually involve a lot of sugar for me. This year is no exception! 
  In honor of the holiday season, here are three anime-inspired cookie recipes that capture the spirit of the characters or settings from some of my favorite shows: Matcha Crinkle Cookies that riff of Dr. Stone’s cracks, Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies that nod toward Onyx Equinox’s Mesoamerican history, and Naruto’s Naruto cookies because: ramen.
  Dr. Stone Matcha Crinkle Cookies
Being transformed back to a human from stone means getting a few cracks, especially if it’s been several thousand years like Senku Ishigami. These matcha crinkle cookies are cracked along the surface just like the characters in Dr. Stone. The green tea powder plays on Senku's hair, but really it’s the science behind the recipe that gives it a delicious taste and texture!
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      Matcha Crinkle Cookies Recipe
  Yields: 24 cookies, Time: 30 mins, plus 1 hour chilling
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 Tablespoons matcha green tea powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick), room temperature
1 cup granulated white sugar
1 large egg, room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup powdered sugar
Step 1
In a medium bowl, sift together matcha, flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk together and set aside.
  Step 2
Combine butter and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer (or a large bowl if mixing by hand or with an electric hand mixer), and cream together until fluffy in texture, about 2 minutes. Scrape down sides with a rubber spatula. Then add the egg and vanilla. Mix on medium until fully combined. 
  Step 3
Using a wooden spoon, gradually add the dry ingredients into the wet ones until just incorporated. Be sure to not overmix, otherwise you may get tough cookies!
  Step 4
Cover and refrigerate dough for 1 hour. While chilling, heat oven to 350°F degrees. 
  Step 5
Place powdered sugar in a small, shallow bowl. Use a tablespoon to generously scoop out cookies, each ball of dough should be around the size of a ping pong ball. Roll between your hands until smooth. Toss the cookie dough balls into the powdered sugar and heavily coat all sides.
  Step 6
On two parchment-lined baking sheets, place cookies 3 inches apart to avoid crowding. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes, or until the outside edges are crisp and there are deep cracks along the surfaces. Let cool on the pan for 10 minutes, and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
  Onyx Equinox Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies
Thousands of years ago, Mesoamerican women began fermenting and roasting cacao beans, a critical step in chocolate making that’s still used today. These Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies are a triple-chocolate threat with cocoa powder in the dough, chocolate chips throughout, and finished with even more melted chocolate. They’re inspired by today’s version of Mexican hot chocolate which is commonly spiced with cinnamon and vanilla. And, of course, they’re deeply influenced by the rich Mesoamerican story and character design in the Crunchyroll Original Onyx Equinox!
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      Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies Recipe
  Yield: 28 cookies | Time: 30 minutes, plus cooling
  Dough Ingredients:
1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup Dutch-processed cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter butter (1 stick), room temperature
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated white sugar
1 large egg, room temperature 
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup dark chocolate chips
  Chocolate Dip Ingredients (optional):
1 cup dark chocolate chips
Red chili powder
Step 1
Heat oven to 350°F degrees. In a medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa, cinnamon, baking soda and salt. Whisk together and set aside.
  Step 2
Combine butter, brown sugar and white sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer (or a large bowl if mixing by hand or with an electric hand mixer), and cream together until fluffy in texture, about 2 minutes. Scrape down sides with a rubber spatula. Then add the egg and vanilla. Mix on medium until fully combined. 
  Step 3
Using a wooden spoon, gradually add the dry ingredients into the wet ones until just incorporated. Add 1 cup chocolate chips and finish mixing.
  Step 4
Use a tablespoon to generously scoop out cookies, each ball of dough should be around the size of a ping pong ball. On two parchment-lined baking sheets, place cookies 3 inches apart to avoid crowding. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the edges are crisp and your kitchen smells very chocolatey.
  Step 5
Remove from oven. Gently tap the baking sheets on a counter to create cracks along the cookie surfaces. Let cool on the pan for 10 minutes, and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Set aside baking sheets and reserve parchment paper.
  Step 6
Heat 1 cup chocolate chips in the microwave in 15-second increments until fully melted. Working with one cookie at a time, dip half of it into the chocolate until the front is 50% coated with a distinct line in the center. While still wet, lightly sprinkle red chili powder. Using the same parchment-lined baking sheets, place freshly dipped cookies on them to set. If your home is cool, they should be set within about 10 minutes, but you can chill them in the refrigerator to speed up the process. 
  Naruto Narutomaki Sugar Cookies
There are few things Naruto loves more than ramen. In fact, he’s named after narutomaki, the white and pink fishcakes that are often nestled in noodle-packed bowls. These Narutomaki Sugar Cookies are the dessert version of the ramen staple. Dehydrated strawberries give the pink dough a subtle Pop-Tart-like flavor in the best way possible, but if you can’t find them, the pink dye will work on its own. The sugar coating gives every cookie a subtle iridescence that’s sure to catch even Kakashi’s eye. These cookies are a bit of a project, but well worth the effort!
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      Narutomaki Sugar Cookies | Naruto 
  Yields: About 25 cookies | Time: 30 minutes, plus 2 hours chilling
1/3 cup dehydrated strawberries 
3/4 cup unsalted butter (1 1/2 sticks), room temperature
1/2 cup plus 1/3 cup granulated white sugar
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 egg yolks, room temperature 
3/4 teaspoon almond extract
2 cups all-purpose flour 
1/4 teaspoon salt
4-6 drops pink food dye
Step 1
Place dehydrated strawberries into a food processor and blend until it’s a fine powder. Set aside. 
  Step 2
Combine butter, 1/2 cup white sugar and brown sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer (or a large bowl if mixing by hand or with an electric hand mixer), and cream together until fluffy in texture, about 2 minutes. Scrape down sides with a rubber spatula. Then add the yolks and almond extract. Mix on medium until fully combined. 
  Step 3
Using a wooden spoon, gradually add the flour and salt into the wet ingredients until incorporated. Divide dough into thirds and set aside 2/3 into a separate medium bowl.
  Step 4
With the 1/3 dough remaining, attach the original bowl back to the stand mixer. Add powdered dehydrated strawberries and 4 to 6 drops pink food dye (or until desired pink color). Mix until fully combined.
  Step 5
Place a 10-inch sheet of parchment paper on the kitchen counter and put the strawberry dough in the center. Using a rolling pin, roll dough out into a rectangular shape that’s about 8 inches long, 5 inches wide and 1/4-inch thick. Carefully slide it onto a baking sheet or plate, and set aside.
  Step 6
Place a new 10-inch sheet of parchment paper on the kitchen counter and put the almond dough in the center. Using a rolling pin, roll dough out into a square shape that’s about 8 inches long, 8 inches wide and 1/4-inch thick. Carefully slide it onto a baking sheet or plate, and set aside.
  Step 7
Chill both doughs in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. This will help prevent tearing, but over refrigerating will cause cracks –– so stick to 10 minutes if you can!
  Step 8
Take the almond dough out with the parchment paper still attached and place it on the counter. Carefully slide the strawberry dough on top of the almond dough, aligning the 8-inch sides together. The opposite side of the almond dough should be about 4 inches longer than the end of the strawberry dough.
  Step 9
Cut a thin strip off of edges where the strawberry and almond dough meet. This will help create a more distinct swirl pattern once it’s rolled.
  Step 10
Starting with the freshly cut edge, carefully lift up the parchment paper to help you roll the dough lengthwise. As you roll, gently apply pressure to make sure both layers are enclosed. Continue until you have a log shape.
  Step 11
Wrap cookie dough log in plastic wrap and gently roll again to make any uneven edges as circular as possible. Refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours. Dough may also be made up to 2 days in advance.
  Step 12
Once dough has chilled, heat oven to 350°F degrees. Line one baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  Step 13
Remove cookie dough log from refrigerator and place on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut into 1/4-inch slices. If the first and last slices aren’t perfect, you can press them together and bake anyway for a quick snack.
  Step 14
Working with one cookie at a time, take a 3-inch wavy edged cookie cutter (you can also use a bigger size, but smaller will not work) and cut along the edges of every cookie to create the iconic narutomaki look. Try to cut as little as possible away from the edges to keep the design intact. Like in the previous step, pressed together any cookie dough scraps to make small snacking cookies.
  Step 15
Place 1/3 white sugar in a small, shallow bowl. Gently coat each cookie in the sugar. Place 2 inches on the parchment-lined baking sheet.
  Step 16
Bake for 12 to 14 minutes or until the bottoms are lightly golden. Remove from oven, and let cool on the pan for 10 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
  Hope you have a cookie- and anime-filled holiday season. Let us know which ones you want to try first in the comments!
  By: Kiera Wright-Ruiz
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