#red hat therefore mario
mysticbeaver · 1 year
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myfirstpersongame · 2 years
Super Mario Odyssey 
Super Mario Odyssey is a 2017 3D adventure game created and released by Nintendo.
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As you can see above, the games art style is cartoon and realistic simultaneously. My game has more of a cartoon art style and less realistic. The image above is of the most realistic level in the and shows New York City.
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Super Mario Odyssey has a unique mechanic that means that you can shapeshift by launching your hat at certain animals and objects. The image above shows a T-Rex that is possessed by Mario. The red hat that Mario wears could show that the player has possessed this dinosaur and the moustache is for comedic effect. I like both of these features as they are both effective. This ability that Mario has not only makes this game unique in comparison to all other platforms, but it separates this game from the others in the Super Mario franchise.
The video above shows lots of different mechanics in this game. It shows he different kinds of jumps and ground pounds that Mario can do. It also shows the climbing mechanic and this shows how Mario would travel around the level. This is not similar to my game because I cannot jump in my game. However, this is very typical for the genre of platforms. The more movement controls, the easier the environment is to traverse and therefore the smoother the game feels. This also gives more options to a level designer as there are more methods that the player can use to get around.
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lupiningwolves · 3 years
lost | remus lupin x fem!reader
summary: you went halloween with remus and your friends, but you got lost
warnings: alcohol consume, getting lost, slightly anxiety
a/n: so happy for @depressed-barnes. go check out her writing challenge
it was crazy where you ended up. absolutely crazy and you didn’t think you would. especially not with remus.
he thought it was a fun idea to go halloween. james, sirius and marlene of course fell in love with the idea immediately and dorcas, mary and lily agreed to it. but you didn’t know what to think about it. eventually, you gave in and said yes.
additionally, as if it wasn’t already enough, remus wanted to have matching costumes. though he didn’t want minnie and micky mouse - it was too classic - nor he want to go as winnie the pooh and tigger. no, what he had planned was bonnie and clyde.
you in a tight black skirt with a white sweater full of fake blood and a fake gun, he in black trouser with suspenders and a white shirt full of fake blood too. he also had a gun and a black hat that actually looked pretty good.
the evening started off good. you all gathered at james and lily‘s at first before you went to go. sirius and james dressed together as mario and luigi. it was funny that they even had baby cars in red and green along them. lily had the probably most time consuming costume: the mad hatter from alice in wonderland. therefore, she looked very good. marlene and dorcas, to your surprised because it was the one you had expected the least, went as cher and dionne from clueless. mary looked beautiful. she dressed as tiana from the princess and the frog.
you had your first drink and then took your bags - sirius and james insisted on getting sweets from every house - and walked out. you had decided to go in london, but that was probably the worst idea of all.
after walking out of the house, crowds of people, partners with their children, adults who wanted to have a fun time, were around you. int was worse i. london.
„hold my hand, yeah? don’t want you to get lost“, remus said and kissed the top of your head.
and so you did. you walked around and nearly forgot about all the strangers. all of you had a fun time and not just getting sweets, but also alcohol.
but when you parted to get something to eat and remus let go of your hand, the anchor you had the evening went away and you turned around way to often to get him back. while you did, you didn’t notice you moved your feet. so when you stopped, there people around. people you didn’t know. and the ones you knew were gone.
in your scared and stressed state you couldn’t think rationale and went to search for them instead of staying where you were. but the crowd didn’t seem to find an end and you were pulled with them.
„y/n!“ you heard distant shout of your name and froze where you were. the man you was behind you ran into you, but quickly apologised after. „y/n!“, you heard again. it was remus who shouted over and over again. you followed his voice and fell in his arms when you saw him.
„you were gone“, you mumbled. „i thought i lost you.“
he sighed relieved and stroke your hair. „no, you didn’t lose me. you will never lose me.“
„you promise?“, you chirped up.
he smiled and nodded, pulling you back in his chest. „i promise.“
you smiled warmly and relaxed at the sound of his heartbeat that seemed to calm down too. „i love you.“
„i love you more, sweetheart.“
taglist: @depressed-barnes @acciorxses @pinkcloxds @princess-jules47 @messers-moony-lupin
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Yo Soy Betty, la Fea
So about a month ago I started watching this show as a form to entertain myself, in other words, ironically.
I was introduced to this novela by the Mexican version of it. I grew up with La Fea Mas Bella and during my depressive episodes that was my go to binge show. One day I was sitting on the couch, as one does, and Betty La Fea was on. I laughed for like a solid minute because I thought that acting was so serious that it was hilarious. See I was so used to the dramatics and comedy effects of the Mexican version that I thought the original was just too serious. So as a form to mock myself and the original novela I went on a search for it. Sadly here in the states the only way to watch this show is through NBC/Telemundo and the ads are just so long and it's not even the complete, all 335 aired episodes. Also for me the NBC website crashed to frequent it just made me miserable BUT that's not the point of this.
Hey, hi, I'm a writer.
I feel the need to say this because this show has... I am extremely fascinated by the writer Fernando Gaitan. I haven't seen any of his other works but this show alone is a masterpiece and I don't mean to say this because of the tropes, the moral, or the characters themselves but the mastermind to create so much detail into three minute scenes, the directing and the acting as well just add such a lovely splash of color, of life to this already beautifully written story.
I'm new to this already well established fandom and while I have read many breakdowns of characters, mainly Marcela, I haven't seen much regarding the story itself and many things said and done that foreshadow certain events.
For example, (I'm not sure what episode I'm on because I accidently bought the bootleg version of this novela so chapters aren't titled) This episode is the one when they offer Betty a 10% commission so that she can get Armando to do business with RagTela. The scene in particular however is when Armando is laying in bed with his fiancé, Marcela.
Now this becomes almost a regular thing that I noticed between the lives out of the office between Armando and Betty. We get back to back scenes of Armando with Marcela and then scenes of Betty at home with family or her friends that it becomes almost a way for the viewer, or if this were a book, the reader, to distinguish the difference of lives these two characters have. Though one could assume one is lonely because they don't go out or have a S.O and only work or count numbers is shown in a home with loving parents that are always worried about their child and present in her life and a loving best friend that shares the burden of being outcaste by society and finding the humor in it then we get scenes of a couple always arguing and then jumping into bed. Of a man that while his S.O sleeps lays awake with unheard questions, whose best friend is constantly placing temptations and pushing him to do wrong by his S.O, and whose parents aren't really present and ever only talk about the company or his relationship with Marcela to then again Betty. However in this part of the episode it's Armando awake while Marcela is asleep while Betty writes in her diary and we hear her monologue and then they both drift into sleep.
This becomes a ritual where the viewer can tell the clear line between these two characters and their own worlds.
Why do I mention this?
Because dreams are often, in the literary world, seen as prophecies or for the reader to interpret the future or the secret desires of the character. In other words, a form of foreshadowing.
Now in this episode Armando is laying in bed with Marcela, Betty is writing in her diary and the scenes switch between the both of them until we are taken to a dream. In the dream Betty is wearing a bright red dress with long sleeves, and a red hat with Armando in a black suit(I have theories based on the clothing they wear lol) . They're both dancing to tango. While Betty isn't watching him much, more concentrated in her movements, Armando is busy watching her. We then see him dip her, where she finally stares at him and they near for a kiss, just as they are about to kiss we hear Betty's name echo and she straightens up and walks away, while Armando is left there confused and alone.
Why do I think the mention of this dream is important?
Up until this we've seen Armando go from feeling indifferent about Betty. He is a terrible boss and constantly yells and mistreats her to then being fazed by her tears, to having moments of being a good boss and defending her. We begin to see a pattern of Armando's change towards her. Even before the terrible plan to use her is set and I believe that Fernando Gaitan used these dreams to not only give a break of humor and show Betty's crush towards Armando but to give the viewers a look into an otherwise unbothered, unfazed, and mysterious character's mind. AKA Armando Mendoza's own personal feelings towards Betty.
This is solidify by the dream they both share the night that Mario tells Armando about the plan to win Betty's heart to secure the company.
When we're learning to be good story tellers we're told that when writing you writer for yourself. The first draft is a huge info dump. While editing you take out all the unimportant factors and scenes, no matter how much you love that scene if it doesn't help with the plot, character development, or pushing the story forward, it's to be taken out of the story. Therefore most things are written with the intention to mean something. The cuts between Armando and Betty before we see this dream signify that it was both of them having the same dream.
I believe that this was the moment we start seeing the bend between their own worlds outside of the office.
Now, I'd love to have more cohesive analyses of the episodes because this is as if a book came to life. A lot of people in the fandom believe that Armando wouldn't had ever fallen in love with Betty had it not been for Mario who told Armando to make Betty fall in love with him to secure the company, a lot of small details in the character development and the story say otherwise and I have no one to talk to about these small details so maybe this blog might change from being a writers blog to the occasional fandom reblog to now being an analytical commenter of Yo Soy Betty, La Fea.
Even if no one ends up reading this, I need to get it out of my system so until next time.
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futuresmashmemes · 4 years
You're called Future Smash memes-- can you see into the future of my universe? We just had 6 more character slots announced for our game, meaning there are 6 we dont know who they'll be! Do you have any insight? Or at least a prediction o'wise one?
Hmm. You know, I’ve been told that your timeline is the “main” one, and therefore is very tricky to predict and deal with. It may not be much, but I guess I’ll give my two cents on who I think the final six DLC slots for this timeline will be.
First of all, it’s important to remember that these choices were made by Nintendo, not Sakurai. I think that’s the reason why we got Sans and Cuphead miis in this timeline rather than full on fighters: for one reason or another, Nintendo didn’t want them (or at least, didn’t want them as much as the chosen fighters). Sakurai has said that he’s an avid fan of Undertale and Cuphead, so this makes sense. Then again, he’s also an avid Persona fan and I still don’t get why Nintendo would’ve chosen it of all franchises. Don’t get me wrong, Persona looks great and all (never played it myself), but it’s not very…Nintendo, y’know?
With that in mind, I think it’s safe to say that we won’t be getting an indie rep. Nintendo currently doesn’t seem to be very open to the idea of full on indie reps, so that means that characters like Hat Kid probably won’t get in (maybe as a mii costume, though aHiT isn’t as well known for its music as undertale and cuphead are, so I don’t think it would be a deluxe costume). Really, the only indie reps I see getting in are either Reimu or (as much as I hate to say it) Steve. Touhou is the poster child for popular indie projects, even if it isn’t as big over here as it is in Japan. ZUN is also open to the idea of Reimu in smash. The main things that go against Reimu is the fact that she isn’t very well known outside of Japan (and those who do know her often associate her with loli culture, which might be a problem) and because the way the franchise is set up, legalities with Touhou would either be really easy or really, really hard. Steve, on the other hand, has sort of transcended being an indie character. Minecraft recently overtook Tetris as the best selling game of all time, and has become a household name around the world. Maybe I’m just projecting (I’m probably the only person from my generation that doesn’t like Minecraft), but I don’t think Steve is getting in either. First of all, legality with Microsoft would probably be an issue as they would certainly demand more money for Steve than Banjo, who, while a treasured character worthy of his spot, comes from a dead IP who wasn’t had a new game since 2008. Also, similar to former best seller Tetris, I just don’t think that Minecraft’s blocky, pixelated art style and rigid player animations would be a good fit for smash. Again, totally me projecting, but that’s just what I think. I do expect to get Steve over mii swordfighter, though. That makes sense.
Now with my little indie rant out of the way, I’ll do a bullet-point list for characters that I’ve posted memes about on the blog before and what I think of their chances of getting in:
First of all, I think it’s obvious that Raz isn’t going to be one of the DLC characters. Yes, Psychonauts 2 is coming out later this year and the first game is one of my favorite video games of all time and he would fit in perfectly, but let’s be real. The franchise is a cult classic that has never been released on a Nintendo system in any way and probably sold horribly in Japan. Double Fine was also recently bought out by Microsoft which really killed any small chance he had of making it in. Sir Daniel is in a similar position
First/second party characters like Bandana Dee and Impa I think are deconfirmed because most of them are represented by Spirits, and I don’t think that they would “double dip.” And because of the scope of spirits mode, I think it’s unlikely that we’ll get any older characters from prexisting franchises (I say older so people won’t hound me with “WELL BYLETH GOT IN SO”).
We are not getting another FE rep lol. Rip red head merchant waifu.
Shooter characters are in a really weird spot since these games tend to not be made for kids (it’s easy to forget in all the hype and speculation that smash is first and foremost meant for kids), yet have made such a big cultural impact on the gaming scene that it’s hard to deny their “worthiness” to be in smash. Master Chief in particular is tricky to place since I definitely think he has much more character than most other shooter reps (cough cough Doomguy) and could have a more varied moveset than just “gun.” But that being said, he’s once again a character owned by Microsoft and comes from a franchise that up until very recently was Xbox exclusive and (as far as I’m aware, has never been released on a Nintendo system). It’s also important to remember that the original Xbox sold miserably in Japan, so I doubt that he’s getting in either.
On a similar note, I’ve seen people throw around ideas for a TF2 rep. This makes a lot more sense to me than Halo or Doom; the playable characters have much more personality and the cartoony aesthetic of the game fits in way better than most other shooters (cough cough Doom). I don’t know which character would be chosen though. Heavy probably? I think their main problem is that Valve would probably be picky about licensing and whatnot (I don’t think we’d be getting Gordon Freeman or Chell for the same reason). Additionally, I struggle to imagine TF2 without it’s signature dark humor which would most likely be cut for smash
Due to recent events, I do not think we will be getting an Overwatch or any other Blizzard rep.
If there’s one character I’d be willing to bet money on getting in, it’s Crash. While he’s never really been all that popular in Japan, it just feels right to me. He fits in perfectly, he has some history with Nintendo (even if he is more synonymous with PlayStation), and I mean…he just feels right. I know that sounds shitty after having just denied a bunch of other characters in an articulate manner, but I don’t know what else to say. I’m not even that big of a Crash fan. The only thing I can see hurting his chances is Activision potentially asking for money than Nintendo is willing to give (this is why he didn’t get into Pl’ystation Allst’rs)
Similarly, I think Spyro has a good chance of getting into smash, but not as well as Crash. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I always thought that Crash just had more of a cultural impact than Spyro did. I do think Spyro has a good chance of getting in though. Maybe some Skylanders/amiibo crosspromotion? Probably not.
Given how stingy they were with Hero (when compared to other DLC reps) and _especially _Cloud, I don’t think we’re getting another Square Enix rep, be it Sephiroth, a Black Mage, or Geno. That being said, it could’ve all been a long con and the FF7 remake will release alongside Sephiroth DLC with the actual fucking spirit battles that we should’ve gotten. Probably not though.
Dante I think has a pretty good chance at getting in. I think that he stands at a similar position to Bayonetta when it comes to censorship, so I think he could work. God knows that he would be broken if he did get in though.
I’ve been a big advocate for a Puyo Puyo rep in smash, and if we were to get one I think it would be Arle (maybe with other characters on her alts like Koopalings/Heroes). People have already theorized how her moveset could work, and I agree with that speculation wholeheartedly. Puyo Puyo unfortunately isn’t very well known outside of Japan since in the past it was usually released under a different brand (Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Kirby Avalanche, etc). I do think that we absolutely need more puzzle reps than fucking Doctor Mario though, and Puyo Puyo seems perfect.
Professor Layton has unfortunately not had a new game in a long time (at least not one where he has a staring role), and outside of his swordsmanship, which is seen very rarely throughout the series, I don’t think that there’s much of a moveset to be made for him.
I love Ace Attorney, but I don’t think that Phoenix Wright is getting in. I don’t think that Sakurai would realistically just copy and paste his MvC3 moveset to smash and I don’t know what else you could do with him. Also, we haven’t gotten a new international release for Ace Attorney since 2016.
I know next to nothing about No More Heroes but I know a couple of people who will have a fit if I don’t mention Travis. I know there’s a sequel on the horizon but similar to Psychonauts, I don’t see it really happening. It feels to much like a cult classic to me. Once again, I know next to nothing about No More Heroes, so take that with a grain of salt.
I don’t think that any assist trophy characters will be “promoted” to playable through DLC.
And that’s about it. I know that sounded really pessimistic, but that’s honestly because I haven’t the foggiest idea about who’s going to get in. Everyone I want in in this timeline is either an assist trophy/spirit or a niche western/indie pick that I doubt has a chance. That sucks, but it’s just life. As long as we don’t get Goku or Fortnite though, I’ll be happy with whoever.
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Pink Bubbles of Impending Romantic Doom
Author: Nimmy_
Year: 2008
Rating: PG
Characters: Naboo, Bollo, Chav Shaman, The Hitcher
Naboo shifted uneasily in the moonlit alleyway, glancing furtively left and right. Bollo’s reassuring presence was tangible just behind him as always, though his nerves still were as taut as stretched cheesewire. This was a shady operation; if he was found out the board would revoke his powers or worse. “What time is it, Bollo?” The tiny shaman rasped in his slightly worried monotone. “Ughh. Quarter to one,” the familiar answered, glancing at an imaginary timepiece. “We’ve been here over an hour! I don’t believe this, where is he?” “Cool ya boots, Naboo – I’s ere, innit?” Naboo’s little heart almost popped right out of his chest as the shady black-market shaman appeared. “About bloody time, where’ve you been? We’ve been waiting ages!” “Aright, chill, yeah? Lost track of time, me an’ Deebo were playin’ Mario Galaxy on ‘is Wii and I was well givin’ im beatin’s!” Naboo’s dark eyes smouldered quietly. “Do you like Mario Galaxy, Naboo?” “I dunno. I haven’t got any computer games,” he paused. “Well actually, Bollo’s got a gameboy. I’m good at Pac man.” Bollo grunted his agreement. “He better than me. I no can get past ghosts.” “Pac man? Dat’s well borin’, you gotta get one of dem Wii fings, dey’re the shit, yeah?” Naboo pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look, have you got the stuff?” “Yeah, you got money?” the shady shaman looked left and right theatrically. Naboo held aloft a roll of notes that amounted to no less than two thousand Euros. “Now we is talkin’,” the shaman took the notes and tucked the roll down his pants. Naboo grimaced. Next, the shaman produced a blue plastic flask from inside his Adidas shamanic tunic. Naboo’s expression melted from tense anticipation to flat disbelief. “What the hell’s that, you jerkoff? I just paid you two thousand Euros for a Thermos of coffee?” “Chill, yeah! Me mum’s washing out all dem mystical-lookin’ glass bottles, dey all had crusty shit at the bottoms. This is all I ‘ad, bruv. It’ll do, yeah?” he extended the flask to the grouchy little shaman, who snatched it from his grasp, quick as a cobra. “I’ve probably got a spare phial to put it in back at the shop,” Naboo conceded with a mutter. “Yeah, sorted!” the shaman looked to the left for a second, scratching his head through his turban. “When you’ve done that den, yeah, can I ‘ave the flask back Naboo? It’s me dad’s, he does a nightshift at the factory and he’ll kick off if he finds out I’ve nicked it.” Naboo rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’ll bring it with me next time,” he started to walk away. “Come on, Bollo.” The shifty shaman grinned after him with his shimmering gold face. “Cheers Naboo. Laters.” * Naboo arrived home at the flat unannounced, and heard heavy, running footsteps as he ascended the stairs. “What’s going on?” he called, reaching the top of the staircase to see just a flash of little blue knickers and silver go-go boots disappear behind a hastily slammed-shut door. There were satsumas all over the floor. After an impressively short amount of time, Vince appeared from the same door, fully dressed in a superb outfit that was an inspired amalgamation of New Romantic and Beatnik. “Alright!” he grinned, exuding sunshine and fluffy pink candyfloss. Naboo ignored the breezy greeting. “You making a mess in my flat again?” “No,” Vince said, subtly kicking a satsuma under the settee. At this point Howard emerged from the doorway. “Naboo! How’s it going? Did you get your shaman squash?” Naboo frowned at the jazz maverick. “Shaman juice,” he whipped out the flask and brandished it. Vince grinned, sniggering. “Looks like a flask of Nescafe to me.” “He didn’t have a shamanic magic phial, all right? I’m gonna change it,” he snatched the flask back and marched into the kitchen area on his little legs. “So what’s this one do, Naboo?” Vince asked, following him. “Is it like the one last time, does it give you really mental powers? That last one was genius, despite the episode with the horrible fox with shitty breath.” Naboo unscrewed the flask and began to pour the glittering pink liquid into a beautiful rounded jar of red tinted glass. “Nah, it’s nothing like the last one. This one is a cure for hangovers – just one drop will take away the worst hangover. If you’re off your face on speed, one sip will bring you back down instantly.” “Wow!” Vince laughed. “Good for you shamans then, you’re always getting wasted. You’re well hardcore.” Naboo corked the jar and put it in the fridge. “Well, we’re charged with protecting the world from evil and magical menace. That’s a pretty big responsibility. It’s good for us to let our hair down now and again.” “Now and again? You’re a load of crackheads!” A warning glare from Naboo’s direction quieted Vince. “Right, me and Bollo are going in my room to work on Shaman stuff. Keep it down, will you?” “Yeah yeah.” Howard waited until Naboo’s door was shut before hissing at Vince. “You said he wouldn’t be back tonight!” “Yeah, well I could’ve sworn he said he was staying at Pete’s…” Vince shrugged, averting his gaze. Howard wasn’t placated. “The satsuma game isn’t for anyone else to see, it’s just for you and me at night, when we’re on our own!” “Cool it Howard, he didn’t see anything,” Vince brushed off the admonition, taking Naboo’s potion out of the fridge. “Wow, check this out. It’s all pink and sparkly, like a Flirtini. Genius!” “No, come on, Vince – don’t be touching Naboo’s potions. It’ll only end up in disaster-” “It’s only a glorified high-strength Resolve, Howard – what’s it gonna do, cure your headache? Ooh!” He gestured with his hands in mock-terror. “Even so, little man – you can never be too careful. Even Howard Moon, man of action, shows the proper caution when dealing with substances of unknown origin. Oh yes, there have been some close shaves with a particularly lethal magic cocktail in the past. But there was no need to fear, for Howard Moon was there to set all to rights. They call me the maveri- Vince, what are you doing?” “This stuff’s great, it goes all frothy when you shake it up a bit. You can blow bubbles with it. Genius!” Howard watched in disbelief as Vince dipped the little plastic hoop from his bubble-blower into the potion and blew a couple of large bubbles from it. “Vince! You really don’t listen to anything I say, do you?” “It makes big pink glittery bubbles! Look at ‘em, they’re sparkling like psychedelic Fairy liquid disco balls!” Vince giggled as he danced among the bubbles, revelling in the pinky glitteriness. “What were you on about, Howard?” “Nothing. Truly, nothing,” Howard grumbled and flopped onto the settee. Vince went over to the window and opened it. “Check this out. Shoreditch is gettin’ some of these glitter bubbles!” “Fascinating.” Swishing the little plastic hoop around in the shimmering pink potion, Vince took a huge deep breath and created an explosion of glittery pink bubbles from the window. The wind carried them away in all directions and filled the night sky with tinselly orbs of pink. “That’ll cheer everyone up,” Vince laughed, stepping away from the window. He bounced over to Howard and sat next to him. “Howard?” Silence. “Howard.” “…” “Howard, Howard,” Vince pressed. Howard studied his nails. “Howard, Howard? Howard. Howard. Howard! Howard! Howard? Howard. Howard, Howard!” Howard swung his head around to face Vince to give him a sharp reprimand, only to receive a mouthful (and indeed, a faceful) of pink glitter bubbles. Howard spluttered and cursed as Vince just laughed himself silly and blew more bubbles at Howard, hitting him in the hat and the moustache. “Hohohh, aw Howard. Sorry. I couldn’t help it.” Nothing. “Come on, Howard. Don’t get your y-fronts all twisted. It was just a prank to cheer you up.” Howard just grabbed the potion from Vince, looked at him, then splashed him in the face with the jar. Vince gasped in shock and horror. “Howard, you ballbag, look what you’ve done to me hair!” Howard simply found the cork, plugged the jar and put it back in the fridge before storming off to his room. Vince was fuming. He threw himself towards the nearest mirror to inspect the damage. It had completely soaked, and therefore flattened, the front of his hair. His entire fringe. He wiped the pink glittery wetness from his face with the back of his hand and licked it from his lips. It tasted remarkably like Pink. If each colour had one definitive taste, this is what Pink would taste like. It was rather nice, actually. He continued licking around his mouth and cleaned the smears off the back of his hand with his pink-stained tongue. ** Far away now, the pink bubbles rode the currents of the wind like little men riding magical horses of cheese. The winds tossed them far and wide. One of them passed directly over the house of the shady black-market Shaman. The one with the Gold Face. We don’t know his name, really. Let’s call him Francis. Francis was just mopping the last of the tomato sauce from his plate with a soggy toast soldier when a thought occurred to him. After meeting Naboo, he had just returned his potions to their freshly washed phials, to discover that he had one hangover-cure too many in his stock cupboard. Thinking this just a jammy mistake on his potion-dealer’s part, he’d continued to munch down his spaghetti hoops without concern. But now, as he chewed on the sauce-smeared soldier, he decided he should check his stock. He left his plate for his mum to find and wash, heading to his room. * He looked at each carefully labelled jar, and checked them against his hand-written stock-sheet. “Two bottles of Nympho juice, ‘free bottles of sex-reverse potion, two bottles of owl-beak cream…” There was certainly a theme ongoing in the majority of Francis’ stock, due to the majority of demands. “… one jar of Goff salve, three jars of fut’cha peanuts… shit, where’s me bottle of Lov’ Juice?” Francis searched frantically through the cupboard. It was starting to make sense. He had one extra jar of hangover-cure, and he was missing one bottle of Love Juice. And he’d just sold Naboo what was supposed to be… Francis gulped. “Friggin’ ell.” ** In the faraway reaches of London’s east end… ** “What’s for tea?” “Toad-in-the-hole.” “Toad in the fuckin’ ‘ole? What ‘ave I told ya, boy? I’m fuckin’ lactose intolerant. Cheese plays merry ‘ell wiv my stomach you onion. What ‘appened to that pie you ‘ad in the oven?” “It got burnt!” “You burnt me pie? Then go out and get anuvver one, you slag!” “Yes boss. I’m a cockney, I’m a cockney…” The Hitcher shook his head in disbelief as the door shut behind Stu. “Useless, that boy…” he muttered to himself. “I need a slash.” Stepping out into the cool night air, The Hitcher unzipped his fly and began to relieve himself right there in the garden. Toilets were for nonces. As the yellow stuff arced from him to make a shimmering frothy pool on the moonlit grass, the Hitcher tilted his head skywards with a groan of relief. “Ohhh, that’s good,” his voice quivered. His eyes closed in rapture, he didn’t see the pink bubble zooming towards his face even as he opened his mouth to make yet another exclamation of bliss. “Fuckin’ ell!” he choked, grasping at his throat. “What the fuck was that?” His eyes were streaming from the coughing fit, and he dabbed his powerful peeper with a grubby handkerchief. “Dear oh dear…” he groaned. Regaining his composure, he tucked away his little green man and zipped his trousers back up. “Fuckin’ insects flying into me gob… hmm. Tasted… pink. Extraordinary.” He went back inside, the little puddle of yellow slowly sinking down into the soil.
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tiozambia · 5 years
UEFA Champions League final: Tottenham v Liverpool
Madrid is the venue for the second all-English UEFA Champions League final as Tottenham Hotspur, at this stage for the first time in their history, take on a Liverpool side bidding to put aside the pain of their defeat by Real Madrid in the 2018 showpiece.  RELATED ARTICLES Origi and Wanyama put Kenya on Champions League map Tottenham and Liverpool chase biggest win of all to drop loser tag for good Liverpool's Robertson feels no sense of entitlement Time for Tottenham to be brave to sustain UCL success Selection dilemmas face Klopp and Pochettino for final Both teams mounted spectacular semi-final comebacks to reach the Estadio Metropolitano, home ground of Atlético Madrid, each recovering from three goals down. While Liverpool won 4-0 in their second leg against Barcelona at Anfield to progress 4-3 on aggregate, Lucas Moura's second-half hat-trick at the Johan Cruijff ArenA gave Spurs a 3-2 victory at Ajax, and an away-goals success. Liverpool are seeking their sixth European Cup – and second UEFA Champions League triumph, following their memorable comeback against AC Milan in 2005 – while Tottenham have never previously appeared in the final. Indeed, their sole semi-final before this season came in 1961/62, while their best previous UEFA Champions League campaign, in 2010/11, ended in the last eight. There have been six previous UEFA Champions League finals between clubs from the same country, all since 2000. Real Madrid were victorious in all-Spanish affairs in 2000 (Valencia), 2014 and 2016 (both Atlético) while AC Milan beat fellow Italian side Juventus on penalties in 2003 and Bayern München overcame Borussia Dortmund in the 2013 all-German final. The only previous all-English final took place at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium in 2008, Manchester United beating Chelsea 6-5 on penalties after a 1-1 draw. Tottenham will be the eighth English club to appear in a European Cup final, more than any other country; Italy and Germany are next on the list with six each. This is the fifth European Cup final to take place in Madrid, after those of 1957, 1969, 1980 and 2010 – all of which were played at Real Madrid's Santiago Bernabéu home – and the eighth in Spain. PREVIOUS MEETINGS The sides have been paired together only once previously in UEFA competition, in the 1972/73 UEFA Cup semifinals, won on away goals by Liverpool after a 2-2 aggregate draw. Alec Lindsay gave Liverpool a first-leg advantage at Anfield and Steve Heighway's goal in the White Hart Lane return, in between a Martin Peters double for the holders Spurs, proved decisive. Liverpool went on to win the trophy. In total Tottenham and Liverpool have met 170 times in all competitions, the Reds winning 79 to Spurs' 48; there have been 43 draws. Liverpool have lost just one of the teams' last 14 meetings dating back to the start of 2013, winning nine. The Reds prevailed 2-1 in both this season's Premier League encounters, most recently at Anfield on 31 March, when Toby Alderweireld put through his own net in the last minute. Roberto Firmino had opened the scoring in the first half only for Lucas Moura to level in the second. Firmino had scored the winner when the teams met at Wembley on 15 September, adding to Georginio Wijnaldum's first-half strike; Erik Lamela's last-minute response came too late for Spurs. The sides' only previous final meeting came in the 1982 League Cup at Wembley, when Liverpool came from behind to win 3-1 after extra time, Ronnie Whelan (2) and Ian Rush getting the goals after Steve Archibald had put Spurs in front. FINAL PEDIGREE TOTTENHAM Spurs are the 40th club to reach the European Cup final, and the first newcomers since Chelsea in 2008. Spurs could become the 23rd side to win the European Cup, and the first new name on the trophy since Chelsea's 2012 triumph. This is Tottenham's fifth UEFA final, and a second against English opposition. They beat Wolves 3-2 on aggregate in the inaugural UEFA Cup final of 1971/72 (2-1 away, 1-1 home). Spurs also overcame Atlético Madrid 5-1 in the 1963 European Cup Winners' Cup final, becoming the first English club to lift a European trophy, and Anderlecht 4-3 on penalties in the UEFA Cup in 1984. Their sole final defeat came in the 1973/74 UEFA Cup, Feyenoord winning on 4-2 aggregate. Tottenham could therefore become the sixth club – after Juventus, Ajax, Bayern München, Chelsea and Manchester United – to win all three major UEFA club trophies. Toby Alderweireld came on as a first-half replacement for Atlético in the 2014 UEFA Champions League final, a 4-1 extra-time defeat by Real Madrid. Fernando Llorente was a late substitute as Juventus lost 3-1 to Barcelona in the 2015 UEFA Champions League final. Davinson Sánchez played 90 minutes as Ajax went down 2-0 to Manchester United in the 2017 UEFA Europa League final. LIVERPOOL The Reds have won five of their eight previous European Cup finals: 1976/77: Liverpool 3-1 Borussia Monchengladbach 1977/78: Liverpool 1-0 Club Brugge 1980/81: Liverpool 1-0 Real Madrid 1983/84: Liverpool 1-1 Roma (aet; Liverpool win 4-2 on penalties) 1984/85: Juventus 1-0 Liverpool 2004/05: Liverpool 3-3 AC Milan (aet; Liverpool win 3-2 on penalties) 2006/07: AC Milan 2-1 Liverpool 2017/18: Real Madrid 3-1 Liverpool This is the third time Liverpool have reached successive European Cup finals. Only Juventus (1997, 1998) and Valencia (2000, 2001) have lost the fixture in consecutive years. This is Liverpool's 21st UEFA final. In addition to their eight European Cup appearances, they are three-time winners of the UEFA Cup/UEFA Europa League (1973, 1976, 2001), losing the 2016 final, and won the UEFA Super Cup in 1977, 2001 and 2005, losing in 1978 and 1984. They also lost in the 1965/66 European Cup Winners' Cup final, and the 1981 and 1984 European/South American Cup. Their overall record in UEFA finals is therefore W11 L9. Trent Alexander-Arnold, Dejan Lovren, Virgil van Dijk, Andrew Robertson, James Milner, Jordan Henderson, Georginio Wijnaldum, Mohamed Salah, Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mané all started as Jürgen Klopp's Liverpool lost to Real Madrid 12 months ago; Adam Lallana was a first-half replacement for the injured Salah, with Simon Mignolet and Alberto Moreno unused substitutes. Mignolet, Lovren, Moreno, Milner, Lallana, Firmino and goalscorer Daniel Sturridge all started Liverpool's 3-1 defeat by Sevilla in the 2016 UEFA Europa League final at St. Jakob-Park, Basel with Divock Origi coming on as a late substitute; Henderson stayed on the bench for Klopp's side. Having got Liverpool's goal against Madrid in Kyiv last year, Mané could become the eighth player to score in more than one UEFA Champions League final, after Gareth Bale, Samuel Eto'o, Lionel Messi, Sergio Ramos, Raúl González, Mario Mandžukic and Cristiano Ronaldo, who is the only player to find the net in three. FORM GUIDE TOTTENHAM Tottenham have drawn two of their previous three games in Madrid, losing the other – all three fixtures against Real Madrid.Spurs have never won in Spain, where their overall record is D3 L3. They last visited on matchday six this season, a 1-1 draw at Barcelona that secured their place in the round of 16. The Lilywhites became only the second team in UEFA Champions League history to recover from losing the home first leg in a semi-final, turning round a 1-0 defeat by Ajax in north London with a 3-2 success in the Netherlands – Lucas Moura scoring a second-half hat-trick after Ajax had led 2-0 at the interval. That gave Spurs a second successive away goals victory following their quarter-final triumph against Manchester City (1-0 home, 3-4 away). They beat Borussia Dortmund home (3-0) and away (1-0) in the round of 16 having picked up eight points in finishing second to Barcelona in Group B. Spurs' record in this season's competition is therefore W6 D2 L4. Tottenham have won four of their eight matches against fellow English sides in UEFA competition (D1 L3). The City tie in this season's quarter-finals marked their first such fixtures in 46 years, since that 1973 UEFA Cup semi-final against Liverpool. Tottenham's record in three UEFA penalty shoot-outs is W1 L2: 4-3 v Anderlecht, 1983/84 UEFA Cup final 5-6 v PSV Eindhoven, 2007/08 UEFA Cup round of 16 1-4 v Basel, 2012/13 UEFA Europa League quarter-final LIVERPOOL Liverpool's record in Madrid is W1 D1 L2, those two defeats coming in their last two trips – to Real Madrid in the 2014/15 UEFA Champions League group stage and Atlético in the 2009/10 UEFA Europa League semi-finals, both 0-1. Defeat at Barcelona in the first leg of their semi-final means the Reds have lost on four of their last five trips to Spain, where their record overall is W7 D5 L6. Liverpool are unbeaten in their last five European games against English clubs (W3 D2), beating Manchester City home (3-0) and away (2-1) in last season's UEFA Champions League quarter-finals. They have won seven of their 20 matches against domestic rivals in UEFA competition (D8 L5). This season Klopp's side became the third team to win a European Cup semi-final after a 3-0 defeat in the first leg, Origi and Georginio Wijnaldum both scoring twice in the second game at Anfield to get the better of Barcelona. Liverpool lost three of their first five games in this season's competition – all away from home – before reaching the round of 16 with a 1-0 home defeat of Napoli. In the knockout stages they beat Bayern München 3-1 on aggregate (0-0 home, 3-1 away) and Porto 6-1 over two legs (2-0 home, 4-1 away) before eliminating Barça. The Reds have lost six of their last 14 European matches, all those defeats coming outside England, although the semi-final first leg defeat in Barcelona is the sole reverse in their last seven matches (W5 D1). Liverpool's record in four UEFA penalty shoot-outs is W3 L1: 4-2 v Roma, 1983/84 European Champion Clubs' Cup final 3-2 v AC Milan, 2004/05 UEFA Champions League final 4-1 v Chelsea, 2006/07 UEFA Champions League semi-final 4-5 v Besiktas, 2014/15 UEFA Europa League round of 32 LATEST NEWS TOTTENHAM Lucas Moura made his 50th appearance in UEFA club competition in the semi-final second leg; Harry Kane is one game away from reaching the same mark. Tottenham finished the Premier League season in fourth place, concluding their campaign with a 2-2 draw at home to Everton on 12 May. They won one of their last five league matches in 2018/19 (D1 L3). The 3-2 win at Ajax in the semi-final second leg is Spurs' only success in their last five matches in all competitions (D1 L3); they have won only six of their last 17 matches, losing nine. Spurs have drawn only five of their 57 games in 2018/19 in all competitions (W33 L19). Mauricio Pochettino's side have kept seven clean sheets in their last 25 fixtures, and none in the last five. Tottenham have lost 19 games in all competitions this season, their most since 2008/09 when they suffered the same number of defeats. Jan Vertonghen suffered an ankle injury in the second leg at Ajax, while Dele Alli was taken off at half-time against Everton due to a muscular problem. Danny Rose did not feature against Everton and has a hamstring problem while Davinson Sánchez, who has a thigh injury, last played as nine-man Spurs lost 1-0 at Bournemouth on 4 May. Kane was taken off in the quarter-final first leg against Manchester City with what Spurs described as "a significant lateral ligament injury" to his left ankle and has not played since. Harry Winks has also not featured since the first leg of the City tie due to a groin problem. Serge Aurier has not played since suffering a hamstring injury in Ivory Coast's 3-0 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying win against Rwanda on 23 March. He was an unused substitute against Everton. Erik Lamela returned as a late substitute at Ajax, his first appearance since the round of 16 second leg at Borussia Dortmund on 5 March due to a hamstring injury. LIVERPOOL Virgil van Dijk made his 50th appearance in UEFA club competition in the semi-final second leg; Xherdan Shaqiri will reach the same mark when he next features. Liverpool ended the season second in the Premier League after winning their last nine matches, beating Wolves 2-0 at Anfield on the final day. Jürgen Klopp's side finished a point behind Manchester City having lost just one match. The defeat at the Camp Nou in the semi-final first leg ended Liverpool's 19-match unbeaten run in all competitions (W14 D5), and was their first loss since a 2-1 FA Cup reverse at Wolves on 7 January. That loss at Barcelona is the only one of Liverpool's last 14 matches they have failed to win. Sadio Mané has 13 goals in Liverpool's last 16 matches. Mané and Mohamed Salah finished as joint top scorers alongside Arsenal's Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang in this season's Premier League with 22 goals apiece. Naby Keïta scored after 15 seconds in a 5-0 win against Huddersfield on 26 April, Liverpool's fastest Premier League goal. Trent Alexander-Arnold finished the 2018/19 Premier League with 12 assists, a new record for a defender; Andrew Robertson provided 11, equalling the old record held by Andy Hinchcliffe (1994/95) and Leighton Baines (2010/11). The Reds had kept five successive clean sheets before the 4-2 win against Burnley at Anfield on 10 March; having not managed one for five games before the quarter-final first leg with Porto, they have now kept six in the last nine. Keïta went off midway through the first half at Barcelona with a hip injury. Roberto Firmino has a groin injury and has not played since a brief substitute appearance at Barcelona. Robertson went off at half-time against Barcelona at Anfield with a calf problem, and was withdrawn late on against Wolves due to the same injury. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain returned as a second-half substitute against Huddersfield on 26 April, having not played since suffering a serious knee injury in last season's UEFA Champions League semi-final first leg against Roma on 24 April 2018. He also came on against Wolves on the Premier League's final day. Adam Lallana, who has not played since 17 March, has been carrying a muscle injury. Liverpool had four representatives in the Professional Footballers' Association Team of the Year 2018/19: Alexander-Arnold, Van Dijk, Robertson and Mané. On 28 April Van Dijk was named PFA Players' Player of the Year; Mané was also included in the six-man shortlist. Liverpool will play Manchester City in the FA Community Shield at Wembley in early August. Read the full article
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It is more than a style icon: Princess Diana
It is more than a style icon: Princess Diana
It is more than a style icon: Princess Diana
Creating a style is a whole pack. Princess Diana has become iconic not only through her clothes and accessories, but also through her refinement, simplicity, modesty, nobility, elegance, helpfulness and sensitivity.
Even after death we still know the icon Princess Diana.
Always a fashion icon, Princess Diana’s flair is as relevant today as it was when she first stepped into her famous outfits.
Diana – Princess of Fashion: How did she create a timeless and elegant style?
  Princess Diana
  Princess Diana, also known as Diana Spencer, came from a noble family and was in close contact with the royal family because of her family.
Princess Diana (as she was called) was the wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. What millions felt like a fairytale marriage became a public scandal and then a divorce, and much of the public accepted it as the “princess of the people.” She was the mother of Prince William, who is currently standing in for a throne after his father, Diane, is a former husband and prince of Harry. She was also known for her charity work and fashion image.
Princess Diana Style 90s …
  Lady Diana Frances Spencer was also known as Lady Diana and Lady Di. She lived from July 1, 1961 to August 31, 1997. Her actual title during the marriage was Diana, Princess of Wales, and not Princess Diana, although the latter knows her as she is known around the world.
Your life story
She was born on July 1, 1961 in Sandringham, a private property of the Queen, and spent her childhood there. Diana’s father was said to have worked for the royal family for a while. Her mother had left her as a child, and Diana had an introverted childhood. Her brother, Earl Spencer, remembered that even as a young girl, she was “incredibly brave.”
As a child, Diana read her aunt’s storybooks and was completely immersed in her life and never sent anyone into her private life. So she decided to hide for the marriage because she was sure she would marry someone who was important.
At school, the future princess failed all her O levels twice. Diana, however, felt she was meant for something important. “I knew something profound was coming,” she said in the documentary. “I just stepped on water and waited for it.” Diana, in her own words …
Princess Diana on the red carpet
  Diana’s parents divorced in 1969. Her mother ran away with a wealthy heir, and her father gained custody of the children. Later he married Raine Legge, whose mother was Barbara Cartland, a novelist.
Diana was the third of four children. Her sister Lady Sarah Spencer married Neil McCorquodale; Before she married, Sarah and Prince Charles dated. Diana’s sister Lady Jane married Robert Fellowes, a deputy secretary to Queen Elizabeth II. Her brother Charles Spencer, Earl Spencer, was a godson of Queen Elizabeth II.
She renewed her contacts with the royal family, and her friendship with Charles grew in 1980. On February 24, 1981, her engagement was announced, and on July 29, 1981, they were married in a worldwide televised ceremony by an audience that entered the Hundreds of millions are counted. Her first child, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales, was born on June 21, 1982, and her second, Prince Henry (“Harry”) Charles Albert David, on September 15, 1984. Marriage problems led to a split between Diana and Charles in 1992, although they continued to perform their royal duties and participate together in the education of their two children. They divorced on August 28, 1996, with Diana getting a significant deal.
Prince Charles and Princess Diana
  Diana’s unprecedented popularity as a member of the royal family in both the UK and around the world has garnered much media attention and has become one of the most photographed women in the world. Although she has been using these celebrities to great success in promoting their charitable work, the media (especially the aggressive freelance photographers known as paparazzi) has often been intrusive. In an attempt to avoid journalists, Diana was killed in a car accident in a tunnel under the streets of Paris in 1997, along with her companion Dodi Fayed and her driver Henri Paul.
Although the photographers were initially blamed for causing the accident, a French judge denounced them for any wrongdoing in 1999. Instead, he owed Paul, who at the time of the crash had a blood alcohol level above the legal limit, had prescription drugs that were not compatible with alcohol. In 2006, Scotland Yard’s investigation into the incident also concluded that the driver was at fault. In April 2008, however, a British investigative jury ruled that both the driver and the paparazzi had been found guilty of unlawful killing due to grossly negligent driving. However, she found no sign of a conspiracy to kill Diana or Fayed, a charge that Fayed’s father has long made
Her death and burial led to unprecedented public grief, testifying to her tremendous influence on the British national psyche. The picture of Prince William, then 15 years old, and Prince Harry, then 12 years old, walked solemnly with her father behind Diana’s casket in her burial place, became iconic.
People’s Princess …
After the divorce, Diana maintained her high profile and continued many of the activities she had previously undertaken on behalf of charities, and supported such diverse concerns as art, children and AIDS patients. She was also involved in efforts to ban landmines. To ensure that William and Harry “understand people’s emotions, their insecurities, the plight of people and their hopes and dreams,” Diana brought her sons to hospitals, homeless shelters, and orphanages. To introduce her to the world beyond the royal privilege, she brought her to fast-food restaurants and public transportation. Their compassion, personal warmth, humility and accessibility brought them to the premise of the “People’s Princess” …
Princess Diana caught the world’s attention as a royal trendsetter, but during her time in public, she also became a prominent philanthropic force. Diana worked tirelessly on behalf of charities around the world, drawing her attention to a number of important humanitarian issues. Twenty years after her death, Diana will always be remembered as a “folk princess”.
She changed the face of the British monarchy
In her charity work, Diana highlighted how the Princess, once known for her constipation, was in contact with the public. In her 1995 interview with the BBC Panorama, she said, “I would like to have a monarchy that has more contact with their people.” This statement became a personal mission for the princess. Diana was a patron of over 100 charities. During her many visits to hospitals, schools and fundraising galas, she was known to spend hours talking to people and listening to their stories. Although she felt that the media’s intrusion into her personal life was “unbearable,” Diana found a way to get people’s attention and the causes they most needed.
She regularly visited homeless centers
Although she had given up most of her charitable purposes after her divorce from Prince Charles in 1996, she became the patron of Centrepoint in 1992 and remained in the role until her death in 1997. Both William and Harry were used by the princess to see the help offered at the University of California charity shelters, and at age 23 William followed in his mom’s footsteps as he became patron. At that time he told The Telegraph: “My mother introduced me to such a place a long time ago. It was a true eye-opener and I am very glad that she did it. It’s something I’ve had close to for a long time. ”
She reached children
Diana showed a great affinity for young people and became champion for some of the weakest. As a patron of the Royal Marsden Hospital, known for treating childhood cancer, and the Great Ormand Street Hospital for Children, she has often been portrayed as a comforting child and has made a personal connection with many. On her work with the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, she said, “I travel at least three times a week and spend up to four hours with patients who hold their hands and speak with them. Some of them will live and others will die, but they must be loved while they are here. I try to be there for you. ”
Princess Diana and her sons Prince William and Prince Harry
    How did Princess Diana become a fashion icon?
Although we are aware of the kindness and compassion that Diana, Princess of Wales, has spread around the world, her personal style was the first thing that impressed (and in some cases scandalized) the public. From her beginnings as a young, shy assistant teacher to her public life and her glamorous life as a queen, Diana’s style has left a lasting mark on the fashion world.
Shining dresses, elegant suits and bold mini dresses of the late Princess Diana can be seen in Kensington Palace marking the 20th anniversary of her death. The exhibition shows her evolving style.
In 1997, the influential fashion photographer Mario Testino photographed a series of images of Princess Diana, which Gianni Versace wore for the magazine Vanity Fair. These photographs determine the look and glamor of a woman who has become an important fashion icon of the twentieth century. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the interest of the media in their image remained unbroken.
Lady Diana and her family
  From that moment on, the princess became an international figure, photographed and documented wherever she went, and she became a global fashion icon.
Diana loved clothes. They were a personal passion, but also a prerequisite for their new public life. As one of the key members of the British royal family, their wardrobe requirements were set in a world that required ball gowns and matching hats, shoes, and handbags – elements that were not typical of young women in the early ’80s.
It is therefore not surprising that in the early years of her marriage she was led to established British fashion designers such as Murray Arbeid, Belville Sassoon and Gini Fratini, whose traditions of classic cutting for daytime and romantic evening wear date back fifty years. Diana, however, was determined to give this public and formal personality a modern and youthful personal style, and Catherine Walker, more than any other British designer, helped her develop an elegant, bespoke look that became her own.
In the two decades since her death, Princess Diana has joined the ranks of the best-dressed women in history, holding her status not only as the royal family’s first celebrity worldwide, but also as the ultimate fashion icon.
With the glitter of style and music, she rubbed her elbows, including her close friend Gianni Versace, who would wear her for many of her most luxurious performances (and who was tragically killed less than two months before her death). And though she has taken even more fashion risks later in her life, once she has fallen into the hands of the royal family, she has shown a deep sense of style in her earliest images.
Princess Diana’s aesthetic sensibilities cemented her from the British lady to the glamorous international personality to a modern style icon.
Even as a young girl Diana showed a strong understanding of fashion. This photo, taken at the age of 10 in 1971, shows that Diana was above the emerging trends of the decade, including floppy hats that would become the trademark of the prairie look:
Lady Diana-1971
  On her honeymoon with Prince Charles in Scotland, Diana began to bring otherwise brave British fashion pegs like Tweed into a casual silhouette that suggests the 1980s:
Lady Diana-1981
  Just two months before the birth of her first son, Prince William, Diana shows that she has begun to adopt the aesthetics of the decade: a well-shouldered, deconstructed coat and ruffled blouse that would have a lasting look for the 1980s businesswoman:
Lady Diana-1982
  Photo: 1985: By the middle of the decade, Diana had settled in her public life and began to experiment with the styles of the time. Dresses such as this golden and silver piece of clothing by designer Bruce Oldfield earned her the nickname “Dynasty Di”.
Lady Diana-1985
  Photo: 1987: Compared to their dazzling mid-80s look, this dress proved that Princess Diana was a style chameleon who could strike the line between elegant and risque. She wore the same dress two years ago for an official White House event, where she danced with John Travolta.
Lady Diana-1987
  Although designer Catherine Walker said that the silhouette of this bolero was inspired by Elizabethan neck collars, the press commented on this Diana’s “Elvis dress”:
Lady Diana-1989
  Diana, who is seen here at a wedding with a young prince Harry, proves that matching clothes and accessories can look very chic:
Lady Diana and her son Harry-1992
  Diana’s off-duty style was as fashionable as her formal look. She was sporty and classic – a look often reflected by her daughter-in-law Kate Middleton:
Lady Diana-1994
  In the meantime Diana had been separated from Charles and from the clutches of the royal family. Her style started a riskier and sexier way:
Lady Diana-1994_2
  For a concert in Italy, Diana wore a slinky white mini dress designed by her friend Gianni Versace.
Lady Diana-1995 Diana visits the Met Costume Institute Gala in a lingerie-inspired design from John Galliano’s first collection for Christian Dior:
Lady Diana-1996
  When she officially divorced Prince Charles, Diana embraced the fundamental body-con look of the 1990s and favored short, figure-hugging dresses with a lower neckline:
Lady Diana-1997
  Diana Elegance Fashion Helpfulness of her life stories like Princess Diana a fashion icon is now making a statement of nobleness Princes Diana on the red carpet princess Princess Diana’s aesthetic sensibility sensitivity style
The post She is more than a style icon: Princess Diana appeared first on Best Hairstyle.
It is more than a style icon: Princess Diana
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Charlotte Simone Popsicle Fox Fur Colorblock Scarf, Black/Green
Charlotte Simone "Popsicle" colorblock scarf in dyed fox fur (China).
Pull-through slit for hands-free use.
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DesignerAbout Charlotte Simone:In the world of Charlotte Simone, accessories take center stage. Inspired by the effortless style of Parisian women, the label's founder, Britain-based Charlotte Beecham, set out to reinvent the scarf. Her answer to the tired standard: furry statement pieces in playful hues. Hats and caps complement the playful assortment.
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Designer Hosiery
Cashmere Headbands
Fur In Accessories
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Rosie Sugden Classic Cashmere Head Turban, Rose
Bagatelle Open-Front Suede Long Vest, Tan/Pink
Gorski Rabbit-Trim Paisley Cashmere Stole, Gray
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Eileen Fisher Silk Kantha Borders Scarf
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Alexander McQueen Skull-Print Chiffon Scarf
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Chloe Faye Leather Wallet-on-a-Strap, Light Pink
Prada Robot Zip-Around Continental Wallet, Black (Nero)
Valentino Rockstud Key-Ring Pouch, Black
Haute Hippie Sleeveless Laced Crepe Cloak, Black
Stella McCartney Falabella Bag Keychain, Black
Bone Large Linen Pouch
Givenchy Pandora Zip-Around Wallet, Red
Gucci Square Silk-Twill Condor Scarf, Ivory/Green
Loro Piana Te'A Bombay Cashmere & Silk Paisley Stole, Dark Cloud
Wolford Velour Leggings, Black
St. Piece Bogart Grey Silk Tree Scarf, Ivory
St. Piece Daphne Floral Silk Scarf, Pink
Alexander McQueen Floral Tile Voile Shawl, Black/Red
Salvatore Ferragamo Gancio Clasp Saffiano French Wallet, Nero
kate spade new york champagne bottle keychain, rose golden
Wolford Lace-Up Footless Tights, Black
Sofia Cashmere Ombre Paisley Cashmere Cape, Taupe
Gucci Crystal Interlocking G-Buckle Belt, Black
Jennifer Behr Celestial Swarovski® Crystal Coronet Headband
THE ROW Rongar Mink Fur Poncho, Pastel
Burberry Ombre Washed Check Silk Scarf, Brown/Black
Sabira Paisley Jacquard Weave Silk Shawl, Black/White
Gorski Cashmere Cape with Fox Fur Trim, Anthracite
Philip Treacy Perforated Structured Wave Hat, Black
Givenchy Shark Stud Calfskin Wristlet Bag, Black
Anna Coroneo High-Heels-Print Umbrella, Rouge
Loro Piana Crystal Drops Cashmere Opera Stole, Gray
Burberry Thomas Trench Teddy Bear Charm for Handbag, Camel
kate spade new york glitter cat iPhone 6/6s case, gold glitter
Brunello Cucinelli Metallic Leather Monili Clutch Bag/Wallet on Strap, Silver
Gigi Burris Alchemia Silk Flower Headband, Copper
Surell Striped Mink Fur Key Chain, Multicolor
Lafayette 148 New York Gilded Garden Floral-Print Silk Scarf, Green Tea Multi
Eugenia Kim Mimi Knit Hat with Fur Pom Poms, Cream/Pink
Eileen Fisher Silk Jamdani Steps Scarf, Black
L. Erickson Grab & Go Pony Tube
THE ROW Drudin Mink-Fur Vest, Black
Valentino Rockstud Zip-Around Wallet
UGG Croft Quilted Shearling Fur Scarf, Chocolate
Prada Saffiano Metal Oro Travel Wallet, White (Talco)
Balenciaga Edge Goatskin Money Wallet, Light Blue
The North Face Mossbud Swirl Fleece & Taffeta Reversible Vest, White
Gucci Guccissima Card Case, Black
Belle Fare Mink Fur Rainbow Butterfly Bag Charm, Multicolor
Charlotte Simone Rainbow Twist Fox Fur Scarf, Multicolor
Burberry Elmore House Check Derby Wallet, Brown Ochre
MCM Reversible Coated Canvas Logo Belt, White
Il Borgo Cashmere Tassel-Knit Scarf, Beige
Eileen Fisher Silk-Cashmere Ombre Scarf
Anya Hindmarch Girlie Stuff Nylon Washbag, Black
0 notes
Rag & Bone Braided Leather Belt
Rag & Bone belt in braided leather with silvertone hardware at tapered end.
Silvertone square buckle with leather keeper strap.
Made in UK of Italian material.
DesignerAbout Rag & Bone:Evoking the image of a turn-of-the-century peddler, Rag & Bone was founded in 2001 with a focus on fundamentals in design and fabrication. Their denim-centric collection abounds with utilitarian-yet-elegant silhouettes in neutral shades that echo those in classic work wear. A deep commitment to history and the skills of generations of artisans has kept their operation entirely based in the US, ensuring their vision of the American marketplace.
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Rerate Posts
Hats Gloves In Accessories
Wallets Wristlets
Designer Scarves Silk
Capes Ponchos Vests
Fur In Accessories
Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Draped Superfine Mesh Cashmere Hooded Vest
Rockins Lips Paisley Super Skinny Silk Scarf, Black
Portolano Plaid Cashmere-Back Leather Gloves
Smythson Panama Mini Cuff Link Box, Black
Anna Coroneo Cherry-Print Umbrella, Pink/Blue
Tory Burch Robinson Saffiano Chain Wallet, Pale Apricot
Missoni Wide Stretch Waist Belt, Black/White
Balenciaga Edge Goatskin Money Wallet, Light Blue
Loro Piana Baby Cashmere® Fur-Trim Courchevel Collar, Black
MICHAEL Michael Kors Jet Set Travel Continental Wallet
Sofia Cashmere Venetian Paisley Cashmere Cape, Rust Combo
Burberry Giant-Check Cashmere Scarf
The Finest Accessories Grab & Go Pony Tube
Saint Laurent Monogram Sequined Wallet-on-Chain, Gold
Roberto Cavalli Square Voile Voodoo Scarf, Black
Lafayette 148 New York Punto Milano Zip-Front Vest, Black, Plus Size
Philip Treacy Straw Hat w/ Pansies, Purple
Tory Burch Perry Saffiano Continental Passport Wallet, French Gray
Gucci Guccissima Card Case, Black
Christian Louboutin Panettone Spiked Coin Purse, Black/Gunmetal
Il Borgo Braided-Trim Cashmere Beanie Hat, Multicolor
Valentino Rockstud Wallet-on-Chain, Black
Gucci Crystal Interlocking G-Buckle Belt, Black
Sofia Cashmere Fur-Trim Cashmere Cable-Knit Snood, Gray
Tasha Tarno Short-Sleeve Boxy Fox Fur Jacket, Multicolor
Glamourpuss NYC Rabbit Fur/Knit Mittens, Black
Fendi Prism Square Fur Monster Charm, Black
Bottega Veneta Extra Large Flat Cosmetics Bag, Black
Rockins Shark Super Skinny Silk Scarf, Metal
Tory Burch Fleming Mini Flap Wallet, Black
Wolford Lace-Up Footless Tights, Black
Smythson Panama Medium Continental Wallet, Black
Deborah Drattell Lucia Stretch Belt w/Jeweled Feather Pin
Wolford Estella Faux-Leather Leggings, Black
Balenciaga Metallic Edge Zip-Around Wallet, Black
Rag & Bone Panama Straw Hat, White
Sofia Cashmere Open-Front Red Fox Fur Vest
Eileen Fisher Whisper Silk Scarf, Jasper
Burberry Sheer Mega Check Scarf, Rose Check
Fendi Strap You Inlaid Floral Shoulder Strap for Handbag
MICHAEL Michael Kors Bedford Large Double-Zip Wristlet, Mocha/Bisque
Eileen Fisher Fisher Project Silk Cashmere-Blend Infinity Scarf
Moschino Python Logo Belt, Pink
Gucci Arabesque Canvas Chain Wallet, Brown/Black
Burberry Metallic Gauze Giant Check Scarf, Stone/Silver
Rockins Paisley Lips Super Skinny Silk Scarf, Ivory
Mario Portolano Leather Gloves w/ Fur Pompoms, Black/White
Anna Coroneo Spiral Max Modal Square Scarf, Purple
Rag & Bone Braided Leather Belt
MICHAEL Michael Kors Illustrations Fly Away Large Zip Clutch Bag
Missoni Long Asymmetric Zigzag Scarf, Multicolor
Belle Fare Structured Mink Fur Beret Hat, Brown
Gucci Tiger Buckle Web Belt, Green/Red
Rockins Feathers Super Skinny Silk Scarf, Black
Faliero Sarti Chantilly Beaded Cashmere & Silk Scarf, Black
Moschino Floral Leather Baseball Cap, White/Multicolor
Spanx Luxe Sheer Tights
Burberry Medium Zip-Top Check Pouch Bag, Plum
Burberry Giant Check Sequin Heart Cashmere Scarf, Camel/Black
Prada Saffiano Flap Travel Wallet, Red (Fuoco)
UGG Wool-Blend Gloves, Beanie & Scarf, Black
Surell Mink Fur Beanie Hat, Brown/White
Brunello Cucinelli Metallic Leather Crossbody City Wallet, Beige
Bottega Veneta Intrecciato Leather Card Case, Black
Pologeorgis Colorblock Shearling Vest, Gray
B&O BeoPlay A2 Speaker
Etro Fringe-Trim Printed Tweed Vest, Multi
kate spade new york glitter cat iPhone 6/6s case, gold glitter
Sabira Paisley Jacquard Weave Shawl, Pink Floral
Burberry Charlotte Check Cashmere & Leather Gloves, Charcoal
Anna Coroneo Floral Voile Square Scarf, Pink/Navy
Moncler Eles Long Combo Vest, Black
Portolano Floral Cashmere Beanie Hat, Black/Multicolor
Falke Cozy Plush House Shoes, Gray
Salvatore Ferragamo Nilde Floral Square Silk Scarf, Multicolor
Pologeorgis Layered Fox Fur Scarf, Blue/Black
Spanx Look-at-Me-Now™ Seamless Leggings, Black
Prada Textured Leather Continental Wallet, Black (Nero)
Burberry Scalloped Wool-Blend Check Scarf, Light Pink
Rebecca Minkoff Dome-Stud Flat Strap Leather Belt, Black
TOM FORD Double-Strap Lace-Up Velvet Hip Belt, Black
Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Fringed Cashmere Shawl w/ Chain Detail
Joie Hatice Tweed Cowl-Neck Tunic Sweater
Commando Ultimate Opaque Tight
Balenciaga Metallic Edge Zip-Around Wallet, Black
Belle Fare Knitted Mink Fur Fringe Poncho, Red
Gucci Guccissima Card Case, Red
Salvatore Ferragamo Nuggy Silk Square Beach Scarf, Marine
Deborah Drattell Adriana Rhinestone-Leaf Leather Belt, Black
Eileen Fisher Lustrous Metallic Wool-Blend Wrap
Fendi Karlito Mini Charm for Handbag w/Comb, White
Halston Heritage Cape-Sleeve Silk Georgette Coverup
Roberto Cavalli Floral Silk & Cashmere Square Peacock Scarf, Pink/Multicolor
Burberry Cashmere Heart and Check Print Scarf, Brown/Red
Anya Hindmarch Allover Wink Zip-Top Pouch, Silver
Faliero Sarti Fiorangela Gauze Scarf w/Crochet, Light Purple
Inverni Straw Leather-Trim Baseball Cap
WOLF Roadster Double Watch Winder
MICHAEL Michael Kors Saffiano Leather Folio iPhone 7 Case
Inverni Fur & Cashmere Beanie Hat, Brown
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