#red honey
thedeafprophet · 7 days
I am once again so damn curious of How the whole red honey situation went down. The Palace seemingly got into almost immediatly after the fall, so who the hell introduce them to it. When did the cage gardens get established. How did this come to be. I'm so damn curious
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capn-twitchery · 2 months
twitch's most controversial opinion is that if someone has been a red honey hive in a cage garden for a while, it would be kinder to mercy kill them than to release them
if they have no sense of who they are anymore, they'll be in debilitating pain so often and they barely remember anything they can go back to once they're out-what kind of life would that be? why would you feel heroic to let them go, into all of that?
of course they can't really bring up that point with anyone, though. they know most people would think it seems cruel, why would they ever want to deny somebody freedom like that? how could they know what's best?
it's not an argument they're exactly willing to have-not when they don't want to tell anyone why they have such strong feelings on it. after all, how could they know?
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Another fic about the Princess being the worst joins the fray, even if it's not quite as Princess-centric as some of the others. It's just that kind of weekend, I think. Also, it's a gift for @the-dye-stained-socialite because I'm horrible <3
(Also written as a way for me to get out all sorts of horrible bad things on paper (keyboard?) while trying to write something genuinely sweet, because those things Can Not Mix in this situation lmao.) (AKA, how would red honey made from someone with amnesia work, both for the user and the one who was fed on? Here's one way, perhaps.)
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bluesidrasketchbook · 2 hours
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The Captivating Princess for @thedeafprophet as part of the Fallen London Fans for Gaza event!
Thank you so much for participating, it was really fun drawing Her Messed-Up Highness
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springfallendeer · 3 months
Lethal Culinary Note: Bee Hives
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@xnanosilverx I'll be doing the bee hives first on this file, and will do a random fruit (from a random moon) on a separate one.
Ayala's Culinary Notes:
Circuit Bees. Or Red Bees, as some would call them. A semi-regular encounter that can be had on multiple planets throughout the Thistle Nebula. One which is equal parts painful and anxiety inducing, thanks to insect's elaborate means of self defense.
These hyper-aggressive bugs generate strong electrical charges, which they will use both as a means of crippling prey, and disarming perceived threats.
These electrical charges can reach a volt count numbering as high as three hundred. A human will generally die after being exposed to around 100 volts of electricity. Meaning that virtually every encounter with a hive of Circuit bees doubles as a brush with death.
There was once a time where I too felt the nauseating sense of dread pool in the pit of my stomach whenever I heard the tell-tale buzzing of these tiny creatures. But after having spent so much time learning to understand them and how they work, I have gained something of an appreciation for them. So much so that I am now able to approach most hives without fear, for the sake of collection and relocation.
Circuit bees are predatory insects which double as pollinators. They venture out in groups to gather nectar and to hunt other invertebrates; both of which are used in the creation of red honey. This honey acts as the primary food supply for the colony during times of scarcity, and as such, must be fiercely protected in order to assure the future of the hive.
They build their hives on the ground, rather than on trees. This is likely a means of preventing electrical fires, as the bees also generally prefer to build their hive a certain distance away from plant life. It would be hard to keep a colony alive if it burnt its home down every time it became agitated, now wouldn't it?
The downside to this tactic is that it leaves the hive particularly exposed to predators. Which means that the honey, and more importantly, the Queen and her brood are at regular risk of predation.
This has caused the Circuit bees to develop the most intense Napoleon Complex known to man. They will ruthlessly attack any perceived threat, no matter the size. All for the sake of protecting their food supply and their next generation of workers.
However, despite the aggressive disposition of the bees, they are surprisingly easy to domesticate - so long as you're willing to take a few risks.
The process itself is simple on paper. It requires you to take possession of a hive and completely separate it from the colony.
Once you have done this, time is of the essence. The swarm will be on the lookout for their hive, and your goal is not to completely remove it from the planet.
Your goal is relocate the hive to a more preferable location for easy access in the future. You will preferably place the hive in a more isolated location, away from water or any potentially flammable material. I would recommend putting the hive on top of a rock to reduce the risk of accidental current exposure.
Once that is done, the next step is to find the Queen (which should be easy to spot, as the only other adult bees on the hive will be the male drones) so that you can dispatch her. You must pluck her from the hive and crush her, preferably with your hands, so that you may then cover yourself in her royal pheromones.
This will reduce the colony aggression towards you for the next 72 hours, which will make them significantly easier to tame.
Once the Queen has been dispatched, immediately place some distance between yourself and the hive and wait for the colony to track it down. Then wait for the angry buzzing of the bees to dull into more of an idle hum. You will know that the colony has calmed down when you can no longer hear the tell-tale electrical discharges of their agitated state.
Once the hive is calm, slowly approach while gently waving your hands in front of your body. The swarm will set out towards you, but so long as you remain calm and do not make any sudden movements, you are unlikely to be attacked; because you smell like the now dead queen.
For the next 72 hours, you will need to keep yourself around the hive to get the current batch of workers used to your presence. The bees will come and go in search of food. They will swarm you frequently at first, but as the scent of the queen fades, this will become less frequent. And by the time that protective perfume is completely gone, the hive will have become accustomed to your presence, thus making it relatively safe for you to be around.
It will take another 10 days for you to be completely in the clear, though. That is roughly how long it will take for a new Queen to be hatched. And this new Queen, which has grown up accustomed to your presence and to your unique scent, will go on to sire a new generation of workers that will have absolutely 0 issues with you. So be sure to spend as much time as possible around your hive.
I'd recommend leaving articles of clothing around the hive whenever they need to be away. This will at least keep them familiar with your scent whenever you cannot be physically there. And because bees are incredibly reliant on scent to tell friend from foe, this will be your best shot at becoming a part of the colony in the long term.
If you have completed this process correctly, then congratulations! You now have unlimited access to your own colony of Circuit Bees! Which on its own, does not sound like much. At least until you realize that these bees, if in the right location and properly looked after, will go on to create absolutely massive hives that produce literal gallons of honey each week. Plenty of which you will be able to help yourself too (just be sure not to take too much, or else you'll risk hurting your hive).
Sounds like a lot of effort just for some honey, right?
Wrong! You also gain access to plump bee larvae; which taste a lot better than you'd think. But the honey itself really is worth the effort, as it is rich in essential electrolytes, high in sugar, and laced with a substance that I can only compare to non-caffeinated caffeine.
In other words, the honey itself is a healthy alternative to energy drinks. And when you work in a field that requires you to regularly run for your life... Yeah. That honey can be a life saver. And it tastes pretty damn good!
Anyways! Onto the recipes! That's all you really bother reading my notes for, isn't it? To see what sort of crazy shit I've gotten up to while trying to survive my frequent bouts of isolation on these hazardous rocks. And to figure out how my experiences can be of use to you.
Update: Do not attempt to eat the adult bees. Adult bees are inedible and let off an incredibly painful charge when bitten into, which will cause intense migraines and swelling of the tongue and/or throat...
Honeycomb: Ingredients: Honeycomb from a Circuit Bee hive
Quick Note: Best if taken from a mature hive which has grown to massive size (these hives can get quite large and are capable of supporting hundreds of thousands of bees).
Scour the hive in search of comb which is free of brood; the bees store their honey and their larvae in different sections of the hive.
Once you have found a section that is stocked with honey, take a sharp instrument (a sharp stone will work, but a knife works best) and carefully cut out a small section of the hive; roughly 4 x 4 inches in shape. Repeat as many times as you wish, just be mindful not to take too much, as you do not want to inhibit the bees ability to tend to their needs.
Once the honeycomb is collected, it is perfectly fine to eat as is. The honey is very sweet with fruity undertones (similar to cherries and pomegranate). It is rich in antioxidants and electrolytes, and contains a substance similar to caffeine. The comb itself has a pleasantly crisp texture, but does not have much taste in this state. As is, the raw honeycomb will make for a pleasant energy boost.
However, if you would like to bring out the hidden potential of the waxy comb, the best course of action is to cook it over an indirect flame.
If you happen to have a cookie tin or a piece of sheet metal on hand, station that a couple of feet above a low fire and allow the metal to heat up. Once the metal is good and hot (you can test it with a few drops of water. Listen for a good sizzle), carefully place your squares of honeycomb on top.
The sugar in the honeycomb will immediately begin to caramelize.
Allow the honeycomb to cook for two minutes, then flip and repeat the process; for a total cooking time of four minutes. Then remove from heat (you will preferably remove the honeycomb from the hot metal entirely).
Allow to cool for at least two minutes, and then dig in. The grilled honeycomb is best eaten while warm and gooey!
You will find that the honey has lost most of its excess moisture due to the heat, which will give it a slightly chewy, almost gummy texture. And thanks to some sort of chemical reaction from the caramelized sugars from the heat, the true flavor of the honeycomb has come out!
I find that it tastes like toasted pecans. And combined with the sweetness of the honey, this grilled honeycomb tastes almost exactly like honey roasted pecans. The only difference is the texture.
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Energy Tonic: Ingredients: Red Honey, Water
This is a very simple recipe for which I don't have any exact proportions, but I do have a general rule of thumb.
Combine 2 parts water per every 1 part Red Honey. This creates a sweet, vaguely fruity beverage that doubles as a simple energy drink.
The honey itself can be easily collected with nothing but a blunt instrument and some sort of a shallow vessel. Getting the honey into you water container might be a little messy, but honestly, it will be worth it.
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Circuit Bee Larvae: Ingredients: Circuit Bee Larvae. Preferably plump, and days away from pupating.
Alright. We're getting into the potentially disgusting territory. And honestly? As far as my culinary adventures have gone, this one has had one of the more surprisingly pleasant endings. I can definitely see why such a "recipe" might not work for everyone, but it isn't horrible and it'll get you what you need in a pinch.
Scour your Circuit Bee hive to find where the brood are stored. Then look for the largest, plumpest of the larvae. The ones that practically fill the entirety of their individual combs. They will be pale white in color, with little pink heads. Ignore any which appear to be developing a black stripe along their bodies, as these larvae are on the very brink of pupating and are currently full of feces.
Depending on the size of your hive, you may only be able to take a handful of these walnut sized grubs. But from the larger hives, you can realistically get away with taking a few dozen at a time. Especially if you're trying to keep the overall size of the hive at a reasonable level.
Once you have the larvae, you have two options.
You can eat them raw, or you can cook them. Each option comes with its ups and downs, but for the more faint of heart, I would have to strongly recommend cooking the larvae, as this vastly improves their otherwise unpleasant texture.
If you're content to brave eating the larvae raw, then do just that. There is no special preparation that must be done. Just pop them one at a time into your mouth.
The raw larvae have a texture akin to a fried mushroom; soft and squishy. They will burst in your mouth and release a rush of honey, which makes the otherwise unpleasant experience more bearable. Their bodies are also soft enough that you can just crush them with your tongue and swallow, which I find makes them easier to eat if you're eating them raw.
They don't taste bad. Their overall flavor is sweet, because they have only ever eaten honey by this point. But their texture can be gag inducing for anyone unable to tolerate something squishy, like soggy bread.
The cooked larvae have a far improved texture and admittedly a more pleasant taste.
To cook the larvae, place them on a metal sheet (like a cookie tray or some sheet metal) and grill over a low flame until their white bodies turn yellow and tighten up. There is no need for any seasoning, as the larvae themselves have been naturally seasoned by the honey inside of their bodies.
The cooked grubs take on a texture reminiscent of a fully cooked egg yolk. Thick and creamy. They strangely take on a taste similar to a fried egg as well. Which makes the fact that they also taste like honey a very peculiar, but not unpleasant experience. It is very much a flavor combination that, while unexpected... Is pretty nice. Had I access to fresh eggs, I might even be tempted to see if the honey and egg combo was any good.
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Fruit and Honey Tonic: Ingredients: Red Honey, Water, any fruit
This makes for a mildly fermented, and therefor slightly alcoholic, carbonated drink. As such, I must advise caution when drinking this. Please be responsible.
For the recipe, you will need at least half a cup of water, half a cup of honey, and one cup of the fruit (or fruits) of your choice. Or in more simpler terms, a ratio of 1:1:2 for water, honey, and fruit. Which I am clarifying because this beverage is easiest to make in large batches, to make use of available pickle jars (which you should be sure to have thoroughly cleaned by boiling them).
You can collect your honey with a blunt instrument. Scraping it directly from the hive into a prepared jar will be easiest.
Then combine the collected honey with an equal amount of water, and mix until thoroughly combined.
Take your fruit and cut it into small chunks, no larger than an inch in size. If your fruit has a tart skin, I would recommend removing it as it will add an unpleasant bitterness to the resulting drink. Naturally, you can leave the skin on if you prefer that bitter note.
Combine your fruit with the honey-water mixture, then tightly seal to prevent anything from getting inside.
Leave in a warm, dark place. At least 24 hours, and for as long as five days. Be sure to burp your vessel every 24 hours to prevent the resulting gasses from building up too much (I have learned the hard way that these glass jars can burst).
Allowing the drink to ferment for longer will allow for more alcohol to develop in the drink (and I repeat: PLEASE drink responsibly!), and the distinct flavor of the added fruit will definitely become more prominent.
Once you've decided to end the fermentation process, open your container back up and remove all of the fruit. This can be eaten if you like, but I prefer to leave it out for the bees as thanks for all that they can provide for me.
Once the fruit is removed, your drink is ready! Just add it to your drink canister and enjoy! Any extra can be kept in its current jar for storage, but should be moved to a colder environment to stop (or at least greatly slow) the fermentation process.
Your resulting drink will be pleasantly carbonated, fruity, and slightly (or moderately) alcoholic. It also doubles as an energy drink thanks to the many beneficial properties of the honey!
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Honey roasted vegetables: Ingredients: Red Honey, water, root vegetables like carrots / beets / radishes, or leafy vegetables like kale / brussels sprouts / spinach
This is sort of an all in one recipe that only really changes depending on which sort of vegetable you decide to use.
To create your basic glaze, combine 1 part honey with a half part water (1 cup and a 1/2 cup, as an example). Mix thoroughly. You will use this slightly runny honey to season your vegetables, whatever type you decide to use.
Make sure that all of your vegetables are thoroughly cleaned before you start any cooking.
If you happen to be using hardy vegetables, like carrots or beets, you must first chop them into reasonably sized pieces. You'll then want to steam these pieces for 5-10 minutes, just to soften them up a bit (if you happen to be using brussels sprouts or something similar, steam these whole). This can be easily done by pouring water onto a hot sheet of metal and covering it to prevent the steam from escaping. Just be careful not to burn yourself.
Once your vegetables have softened up a bit, you can begin the glazing process. This can be done by either directly pouring the glaze onto the vegetables, or by adding the vegetables directly to the glaze to thoroughly coat them before returning them to the heat.
Cook for an additional 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure to move your vegetables around every so often to prevent them from burning. Reapply any remaining glaze if you like. Remove the vegetables from heat once they're nice and soft. Pull a couple minutes early if you'd like a little extra firmness to them.
The caramelized honey will add a very nice sweetness to the vegetables, along with a faint smokiness.
If you're roasting leafy greens, simply toss the greens with the glaze (you can technically eat this as is, as a sort of salad. If you don't feel like cooking).
Once your greens have been thoroughly coated with their glaze, move them to your cooking surface and allow to heat up. Remove your greens once they have wilted, and enjoy! This particular dish is more about the texture than the taste, as I've personally found that leafy greens don't have a very intense flavor. Though you may find that these honeyed greens have sweet, herbal notes to them.
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Honey smoked meat: Ingredients: Red Honey, any meat of your choice (roughly 1 pound), salt (optional), any vegetable (optional)
To create your basic glaze, combine 1 part honey with a half part water (1 cup and a 1/2 cup, as an example). Mix thoroughly. You will use this slightly runny honey to season marinate your meat.
Take your portion of meat and chop it into sizeable cubes. 2 x 2 inches works best from my experience. If you happen to have salt, sprinkle the meat with salt and allow to sit for about 10 minutes so that it will work its magic.
Take your meat and your glaze and combine them in a sealable container. Store in a cold place for at least two hours, preferably overnight.
Once the marinating process is completed, remove your meat chunks and skewer them (DO NOT THROW OUT THE MARINADE YET!). Either on a sharp stick, or on a metal one if you have it. If you happen to have access to vegetable, chop them into reasonably sized pieces and skewer them along with the meat, alternating between meat and vegetable with each addition to the skewer.
Use any remaining marinade to coat your meat (and vegetables) skewers, then carefully arrange said skewers around a slow flame. Ideally a flame which is producing a lot of smoke, as the smoke amplifies the flavor of the meal.
Cook this way for 30 minutes and up to an hour, rotating the skewers every 10 minutes to make sure that everything cooks evenly on all sides.
The resulting meal with be sweet, smoky, and savory all at once. If you were able to add vegetables, they will add a nice earthy undertone to everything that is absolutely *chefs kiss*. This is one of my favorite ways to put the red honey to use, as it makes for a delicious and energizing meal.
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Honeyed Grains: Ingredients: Red Honey, any available grain, water, milk (optional)
Take your available grains and combine them with enough water to fully cover them. Be sure to use a vessel suitable for boiling, as your next step is to bring the mixture to a full boil over either a very low flame, or some very hot coals.
Allow the grain to boil until they are fully cooked. 10-15 minutes. Then carefully strain the hot water out of the grain.
You will then mix in at least 2 tablespoons of honey for every 1 cup of cooked grain that you have prepared. If you have not collected your honey before this, just bring your container of hot grains straight to the hive and scrape some honey in.
If you do not have access to milk, then the dish is done and you are ready to eat. These honeyed grains make for a pleasant meal, similar to oatmeal. You can even crush up the cooked grains if you'd like to eat something with a bit of a stickier consistency.
If you DO have access to milk, then you'll want to add around 1/2 a cup per every cup of cooked grain that you have made. If you're like me, you may also want to add a little extra honey to really amp up that sweet taste. The addition of milk makes for a creamier, better rounded meal.
If another crewmember has made this for you and they happen to have used milk, do not ask where it came from. We do not like having that conversation.
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llovelymoonn · 8 months
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my favourite faye wei wei paintings
little blue bird from the pillow flew (2020) \\ first i must clean the keys of the piano with milk (2022) \\ the black bells of a distant new mexico (2023) \\ an echo trapped forever (2023) \\ sweet velvet flower there is no time/ I ask to go back I wish you were mine (2021) \\ two butterfly lovers (2021) \\ untitled (2022) \\ nectar for honey (2021) \\ red i (2022) \\ fountain lies the sun (2017)
support this blog
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canisalbus · 8 months
hello! i've written a short little machete fic, and i wanted to share it with you as thanks for all the incredible art and generous question-answering you've been doing these last few months. i hope that if you give it a look, you enjoy it. <3 keep up all your amazing work! archiveofourown [.] org / works / 50945128
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✦ A Voi ✦
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"back off" with Jaason?
TW: patronizing man
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Scary dog privileges. That’s what Artemis called it once when she saw him in action.
Even if you were simply stopping by the corner store for some more bananas and yogurt, he was there. Anytime the sun set on Gotham and the criminals began to crawl out of the shadows, you couldn’t go anywhere without your guard dog.
At first it rubbed you the wrong way. Did he not trust you?
But then you learned quickly that it wasn’t you he didn’t trust. It was the leering monsters of Gotham who preyed on young women like you. You found solace in his presence, even if he insisted on following you the ten feet it took you from your work to your front door.
But this was the first time that Jason Todd had to go into scary dog mode during the day.
He had left the table the two of you were occupying so he could go help a woman outside who appeared to be struggling to juggle her grocery bags and her cane. You loved your kindhearted man and savored the sight of the way the corner of his eyes crinkled with his laughter. He took her bags in one of his big, strong hands and offered her his arm which she gladly took. Jason glanced at you through the window and jerked his head towards the left before holding up four fingers. 
He wouldn’t be gone long so you could hold down the fort for a bit.
The humid Gotham air caused condensation to gather on the surface of your travel mug and you absentmindedly drew your finger through the droplets as you thumbed through some paperwork that Bruce asked you to take a look at. For Wayne Enterprises, that is. Not the night job.
The Bowery wasn’t just Jason’s territory. You pulled the marionette strings for the daytime practices. As he cleaned up the mob, you focused on filling in the power vacuums left behind by various murders and arrests. Job training programs, continuing education, supporting schools, that was your thing. So when Bruce approached Jason about building a new library in the Bowery, your boyfriend directed his father to you.
You were so engrossed in the details of the building plan that you didn’t look up when the chair across from you pulled away. You assumed it was Jason, of course.
“Did you know your dad wants the entire first floor to be for children and teens while also supplying a social worker program on the second floor for the unhoused?” you mused. When your question went unanswered, you raised your head to find a man who was decidedly not your boyfriend leering at you.
“Can I help you?” you sighed.
“Hi. I’m Mark. I was working over in the corner and noticed that you were really focused. Can I ask what you’re working on?”
“No, but you can fuck off,” you said as politely as your sharp words would allow. “If you saw me sitting here, then you saw my boyfriend seated here too.”
He raised his hands in surrender. “Hey, I was just looking to make polite conversation but you’re over here jumping to conclusions. Can’t a guy just come say hello?”
You clasped your hands in front of you on the table and leaned forward. “Alright, Mark. What were your intentions when you came over here? Especially since you waited until my boyfriend was gone. That doesn’t seem to be polite conversation but predatory behavior.”
You flashed him a fake smile and batted your lashes. His lips screwed up tightly and he scoffed. “All of you females are the same. I mean, you really thought that I would want to hit on you? How arrogant can you be? Here’s a tip: learn to respect men an-”
He was cut off by a hand curling around the collar of his shirt. Jason yanked Mark up and out of the chair and pulled him in close, his lips peeling back in a sneer.
“Here’s a tip: you see any girl, but especially my girl, and you learn to back off before I break your arm off and shove it down your fucking throat,” Jason growled. You blinked up at the two men and then grinned, leaning your head on your hand and watching as your guard dog went into attack mode.
“Hey man, I was just trying to be friendly,” Mark gasped out. There was no way he could take on the over six foot tall tank that was Jason Todd. Your boyfriend’s jaw clenched and a vein throbbed under his skin, which you really shouldn’t find so hot. 
“Yeah? I wasn’t. You should be glad I’m feeling charitable today. Now, you’re gonna pack your shit up and get out of my fucking sight.”
He let go of the weasel and stepped back so his thigh brushed against your shoulder. Jason crossed his arms over his chest, accentuating his already massive form with the bulge of his biceps. Mark raised his hands as he scooched around the mountainous man and darted back to his table.
“Sorry, Mallory,” Jason called to the owner of your favorite cafe. She merely waved him off and shot you a wink. You leaned your head against Jason and raised your hand to settle on his waist but he didn’t relax until Mark was out of the store, the bell ringing behind him as the door slammed shut on his ass.
“He didn’t touch you, right?” Jason asked. His voice still held that sharp edge to it but it softened when he turned to face you. One of his hands came up to cup your cheek and you smiled at his touch.
“No, baby. I wouldn’t let him touch me even if he tried.”
“Good.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before he rounded the table and settled back in his seat. One of his hands remained clasped over yours as he gazed at you from across the table.
“Guess what your dad wants to do on the first floor?” you asked as you waved the building plans in front of his face.
“Tell me,” he hummed. Jason Todd might be your guard dog, but you never saw his fangs directed at you. Despite his size and stature, he was just a little puppy when it came to you.
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valtianan · 5 months
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"i think we deserve a soft epilogue."
queen bee honey flower (queenie) belongs to @mermianar
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ghostwnby · 4 months
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thedeafprophet · 7 days
Do you ever think about how there's just like. People. Working in the palace cage gardens. Tending the flowers. Like how the fuck do you end up having that as a job???
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 months
He’s So Nasty 🫣😮‍💨
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*Old author's note: Wrote this awhile back while I was on my flo so I was a horny monster lol!*
*New author's note: Old work from my deleted blog but once again sooooooo hype that I found it again cause the He's So...Series was a banger and I never finished it but now that I found it I definitely have too lol*
This is the One Piece Hunks as some nasty men! I’m listing lots of warnings so don’t come for me saying it’s gross keep going scroll to the next one please ! Some messy kinks up ahead lol 😂
Part 2 of the “He’s So…” Mini series I’m doing
Part 1 “He’s So Mean”
⚠️18+! MINORS DO NOT ENTER! 18+!⚠️
Spit Kink (first section)
Cum Kink (section 2) daddy kink! Mating! Breeding kink! Mating season Drake!! Hybrid sex! Misuse of d.f. Powers ! Biting kink! Slight blood kink!
MENSTRUAL SEX! (For section 3 & 4) Oral Sex While on MENSTRUAL! Serious Blood Kink! Fingering! Bathtub Sex! Pet names! Praise Kink! Degradation! Dom/Sub! Spit Kink!
PISS PLAY!!! IN THE BOTTOM SECTION!! Femdom!! Nasty boy Barto!! Voyeur Kink! Pet play ! Collar kink! Dom/sub!
Characters: Bartolomeo! Monkey D. Luffy! Doflamingo! Shanks! Zoro! Eustass Kid! X Drake! Marco! Gol D. Roger!
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Drooling on Him
They all think you look so pretty when you’re a drooling whimpering shell of yourself.
“So messy.” They’d say looking down at you with a big grin so full of pride.
They love seeing you slobber on their cocks, the look of shock when they’re cumming deep down your throat without warning. The feeling so good and the tears you give them as you choke was such a rewarding experience for them.
They were more than mean, they were nasty.
Finding pleasure in the tears that sprung to your eyes from the coughing fit and deep gag your throat gave at the force.
Drool, tears and his spilled seed flowed down your cheeks beautifully, it was like artwork.
🤍Bartolomeo basked at the cum seeping from your lips making him lick his own before smashing them into yours. Tongues and teeth clashing as he forced his seed down your throat. Saliva creating a cocktail that he couldn’t get enough of.
Hands ripping at your panties so he could get ready to have you hop on for the main event. Barto was a sucker for overstimulating and with how good you looked he needed it right now.
“Spit on my cock again.”
🤍 Doflamingo’s hand caressed your cheek in what almost seemed like love for such a deranged man. Stopping when he got to your lips, thumb opening your mouth without resistance. “Mmm.” Doffy would hum at your pathetic attempts to swallow his privileged semen.
“I think you know what this means don’t you.” He was calm, too calm before suddenly long fingers shoved down your throat gagging you. Other hand shoving his long fingers in your wet pussy to start a brutal pace. “Mhmph! Do~ffy ”Your moan would break due to the long appendages, eyes rolling from the brush of his thumb on your clit.
“Sorry what was that whore? I couldn’t hear you with that filthy mouth of yours so full.” Doflamingo gave a laugh that sent chills down your spine, pussy squeezing his fingers shamelessly as your eyes rolled back. “Maybe you should’ve swallowed like you were told.”
🤍 “Aye~ Mami~ you’re making a mess.” Luffy would taunt as he’d shove the dripping cum and spit back into your already full mouth. His wide smile looking anything but joyful as you gagged around his fingers. Spit and cum falling more for your wicked Captain who pulled you into his lap.
“If your mouth can’t handle it maybe we should try down here instead.” Luffy’s smirk that you loved so much made you whimper around his fingers. Cock pressing the wet spot on your drenched panties causing him to groan with his head back.
One hand quickly moving your panties to the side with an impatient huff. Luffy moved the fingers from your mouth to rub at your cunt getting you ready for his already hard cock. It was practically bouncing to get inside your tight dripping pussy. He couldn’t help but whine at the feel, “I love how wet both your lips get mami~”
🤍“Sorry baby guess I couldn’t help myself.” Shanks would smirk at your wrecked expression, petting your head gently as he stood up to tower over your kneeled form.
“Don’t worry I’ll make it up to’ya. Get on the bed baby and I’ll show ya.” Outstretching his hand with a wink you gulped when you noticed his cock twitch. “So… are you ready to be on bed rest tomorrow?”
Taking his hand with a loud laugh and an eye roll he lifted you up. “Okay, big fella! Just cause you wrecked my face, doesn’t mean you can destroy this pussy.” Slapping you on the ass with a light chuckle, “That sounds like a challenge to me doll!”
🤍“Open your mouth.” Zoro would growl to see the evidence and scuff at your lack of success. Leaning down to spit in your open mouth making you whimper.
“Wasted it. Now you can do it again.” He’d hiss out making your pussy tingle as his hand stroked his thick cock. “Better not waste this batch. Got it!”
He wasn’t looking for an answer by the way he gripped your hair to push your lips back on his growing length. “Swallow everything this time. You should know when I’m gonna come by now. Guess you’re my dummy cock slut, huh?”
X Drake
🤍“W-wow you actually look pretty cute like this.” Drake would stutter out as his giant hand cupped your face wiping your tears.
“Think you can go again for me?” He’d question crouching down to nip at your ear gently causing you to shiver. “No one else can do it like you baby. You know I like it sloppy.”
“You look like a total cum slut right now! It’s insane…but fuck- it’s so hot!” Kidd would laugh at you making you squirm on your legs uncomfortably until he scooped you up.
Winking at your cute shocked expression before he tossed you on the bed like a ruined rag doll. “Okay! Time to mess that pussy up!” Your eyes nearly popped out as he literally jumped on you causing you to shriek, “Eustass-!”
“Fuck yeah baby! Say my name!”
“Oh what happened little dove~?” His deep voice cooed in your ear when he crouched down like a tempting song bird, “Can’t handle the medicine your doctor gives you?”
Words of silk wrapping your dirty form made you whimper only for him to shush you sweetly. Finger pressing against your cum stained lips keeping you quiet.
“It’s alright baby bird I gotcha. You did well but I think it’s time for my snack. Don’t you think?”
Gol D Roger
“Aye sorry lass. Could ya blame a guy though?” A boisterous laugh made you glare up with a pout that he only found cute. Hoisting you into his arms for a deep kiss to forgive him. Nearly taking your breath away as his large hands groped at your breast and anywhere he could. Fingers twirling and twisting your sensitive nipples till you were shaking.
“It’s just so hard seeing you get all enthusiastic about it! A man can’t help but get a little carried away with a throat that good.” Laying down on his back he pushed you toward his face with with wink, “Its okay you can get some pay back dear and don’t go easy on me.”
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Marco, X Drake & Luffy
The Feral Ones that need to breed you because it’s in their zoan dna. Pulling your hips back to meet every powerful thrust of their thick cock in your tight pussy.
Mark your skin with love bites and playful nips, “Can’t stop baby~ fuck~ you feel so good.” The deep moan they let out made your pussy quiver, moans of your own pleasure following behind. Nails like claws keeping your body in place, legs pushed back for mating. “Have to fill you!”
“Need to fill you.” They practically growl as they bite into your neck. “Yes yes yes! Please cum in me!” They’ll have you screaming out for their potent load. Whether it’s in you or covering your body like a piece of art, you beg for it. “You belong to me-every inch of you.”
Load after load they’re filling your slutty pussy like their own personal cum dumps, no care in the world.
For the ones that can shift… trust me they’ll shift for sure.
Marco would use his heat to burn your clothes, talons to hold you down or his wings to shield you from public touches. Smirking as you sit on his lap wrapped in wings of fire, “She’s just cold.” He would say smoothly, not an ounce of wavering.
Really he just couldn’t contain the need to breed your cunt every chance he got. Especially with his brothers flirting with you just to make him jealous. They thought it didn’t work because of his casual expression, but your creaming pussy behind his shield like wings would beg to differ. “Better keep it down, yoi~”
Marco knew his deep voice sent chills down your spine, further playing into the cold scenario. Forcing him to pull you further down onto his girthy cock, wings wrapping tighter like heating pads. When he’s painting the inside of your cunt white, he warms you inside and out making you whine.
Taking the little noise you let out as an opportunity he will taunt you even more, “Awe~ must have a fever birdie~. I should take you to the infirmary and give you a proper check up.”
Drake using you as his custom little fleshlight during his mating season leaving you like jelly. “Fuck you’re pussy’s all mine! All mine! I’ll fuck you so full you’ll have no choice but to carry my kids.”
Teeth sharper than a humans biting at your neck drawing small drops of blood. Hushing your whimpers away as he sucked on the mark, kissing it softly after. “Shhh~ I know you can be a good mate for me~ take daddy’s cock like a good girl okay.”
Your cunt stretching along with his body growing, no choice but to take the monstrous cock for breeding. “Such a good breeding hole baby~” Drake can definitely get carried away when it comes to his cum, filling your belly till it bulges.
Rearranging your insides with his girth till your body went numb covered in spit and cum just how he liked you. Different positions till he has your legs thrown over his huge arms with your back against his scaly chest. Lifting you like a pocket pussy onto his cock till he had you squirting again.
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Zoro, Eustass Kidd & Doflamingo
When bloodlust calls and they need to see their hands stained with blood that’s from something other than death. Your pussy sensitive, dripping from your monthly & mixing with your cum.
“Red looks good on you.” Their taunting voice rings in your ears, but you’re to far gone to care. Bolts of ecstasy shooting throughout your body from where his fingers curled into your soaked sex.
“Oh fuck!” You scream out arching your back, your breast pressing against his rock hard chest. Hovering above you like a powerful lion waiting to devour you.
Slowly descending down your body leaving you a shocked yet turned on mess. “W-what are you doing !?”
“Just trying to drink some red wine.”
The smug grin he gives before diving into your red ocean has you panting but ready for his wicked assault. “Shit~ Now that I’ve had you I’ll never get enough.” Moaning into your messy cunt making your shiver and scream. “Mmm~my messy girl~ fuck!” The vibrations of his deep voice against sensitive pussy had you cumming with a loud moan.
“G-gonna cum!” You cry out to them but the lust for your mixed cocktail is to much. The taste so different and intoxicating they have no choice but to make you cum multiple times more after that.
“Can’t get enough of my dirty girl~” His voice a teasing coo as he leaves a stained kiss on your thigh. Fingers dipping into your pussy for extra pleasure to join in on the fun.
You were so overstimulated and he was to pussy drunk to care about the mess. But oh well that’s what soap and water is for you can just burn the sheets you or toss’em no biggy.
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Shanks & Gol D. Roger
The ones that just wanna help ease the pain by fucking you nice and slow. The loud squish of your extra lubricated pussy and the bath water making you flush from the lewdness.
“You feeling okay baby?” They’ll ask you softly with lips kissing along the side of your neck, fingers massaging your tender breasts.
“Yes! Please don’t stop~ it feels so good~” You whine out as you push yourself back onto his cock. Water from the tub warming your exterior with his cock heating you inside.
“Oh baby girl I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Strong hips fucking up into your cunt making you moan loudly, “Yes right there!” Eyes rolling back as the hot water and skilled fingers worked away the soreness.
Rubbing your lower back and hips till you were moaning with pleasure. Moving down to open your legs to make room to play with your clit. “No mess you make can ever be as bad as what I’ve seen love. You’re perfect doll~ so be good and cum for me.”
You scream out their name like a wonderful siren, drawing them further into your enchanting trap. “Thank you thank you~”
“My pleasure my lovely queen of the Red Sea.” Though they treated you like royalty during your monthly you weren’t completely safe from their teasing. Making you flustered beyond belief but that was life with a pirate like them.
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Bartolomeo !!
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The nastiest of them all, the one so pussy drunk he doesn’t want you to stop riding his massive cock. The one obsessed with the degradation you give him when he begs for it. Begs to be showered in your yellow liquids.
“E-ewe that’s so dirty! Just lemme get up real quick! I’ll be right back.” You say in disbelief trying to stand up from your cowgirl.
The look in his eyes is nothing but hungry lust, frenzied as he claws at your hips, “Yes! Yes Y/N! Fuck! I’m so dirty! Please! Please baby!”
You can’t lie, the relief you got from peeing was rather refreshing. The reward was good too when he picked you up in those strong arms of his to carry you to the bathroom. Fucking you senselessly in the shower till you were sobbing.
“Such a good nasty boy for me! So ~So good!”
“The best! Fuck! Only for you baby.” His sharp teeth pulled back in a wide grin that made your pussy clench. Biting into your neck and moaning when you squirt all over him.
Or !!!!!
When he walked in on you peeing and instantly got a hard on. With a man his size there was no covering up the reaction he had seeing you tickling away. Swallowing hard and slowly sinking to his knees like some kind of dog crawling towards you.
“P-please keep going…I wanna watch.” The puppy dog eyes he gave you had you biting your lip in contemplation. A pleading expressive look in his eyes for a front row seat of your private show. “Please Y/N~”
You swallowed hard and started to pee when his words caught you off guard again. “Open your legs a bit more baby.” His hand coming to gently rub your knee in reassurance.
Opening them a bit more slowly, you kept peeing, sighing at the relief you finally got from holding it. “Shit-that’s it baby.”
Long tongue coming to lick at his sharp teeth in hunger, “Fuck!” He cursed shakily when you finished. His eyes practically sparkled when he looked up at you with excitement.
“C-can I watch you again later?” With his position kneeling on the floor before you you couldn’t help but think he’d make a cute puppy.
That little spark inside you flared up and you couldn’t help but lean towards him. “Maybe I should get you a leash since you beg like a little puppy. Wanna be my little bitch boy and watch me pee again?” You smirked as he let out a moan.
The hand that gripped your knee clutched tightly as he spoke, “Watch it baby~ don’t make promises you can’t keep. You know I like it nasty.” He finished with that wicked toothy grin you loved so much.
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theseulgis · 5 months
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620 notes · View notes
maddiericciardostroll · 7 months
Slut! | DR3 / LS2
in which the first race happens and boy does it happen
warnings- images show reader to fit stereotypical female beauty standards!!! kind provocative pictures…
a/n - i don’t like this one very much but i hope you guys love it… also sorry i left you guys hanging for 3 days!!!
part 1 part 2
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liked by lancestroll , christianhorner, and 948,926 others
danielricciardo got lovesick all over my bed 💌
username @/logansargeant i think you should see these pics because you aren’t ever gonna see it irl again
liked by danielricciardo
your.username AHH !
username im so in love with y/n
username this weekend is gonna be so juicy i can just feel it
lando jpg y/n better come say hi to the mclaren garage
liked by your.username
danielricciardo don’t worry she says she will
username somebody come get daniel before something bad happens
your.username you guys i got lovesick all over his bed too!!!
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liked by formulaone , redbullracing , and 1,348,723 others
your.username in a world of boys he’s a gentle man . ( he beat up my ex 🤭)
username y/n isn’t real
danielricciardo and i’d do it again, love you sm baby <3
your.username i love you too bub ☺️
username im getting blackout drunk rn because of this comment
username logan has been real quiet
logansargeant i mean can i really say anything
danielricciardo JUMPSCARE!
username she got her happy ending , daniel is so good for her
estebanocon i’ve got the video for whoever wants to see it
liked by your.username
danielricciardo estie bestie i want it
formulaone we can’t condone this behavior please don’t spread a video or there will be fiscal repercussions (send it to admin please this office gets boring)
604 notes · View notes
oxygenpdf · 1 month
“What’s one duo no one talks about?” Let me introduce you to Carlos and Daniel;
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