#but i still want thm to go off
capn-twitchery · 2 months
twitch's most controversial opinion is that if someone has been a red honey hive in a cage garden for a while, it would be kinder to mercy kill them than to release them
if they have no sense of who they are anymore, they'll be in debilitating pain so often and they barely remember anything they can go back to once they're out-what kind of life would that be? why would you feel heroic to let them go, into all of that?
of course they can't really bring up that point with anyone, though. they know most people would think it seems cruel, why would they ever want to deny somebody freedom like that? how could they know what's best?
it's not an argument they're exactly willing to have-not when they don't want to tell anyone why they have such strong feelings on it. after all, how could they know?
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rat-meat · 5 months
shout out 2 the anime boyz from thingz i dont rly care abt anymore but still lov thm...... greed... noiz...senpai... gen... just som guyz..........
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noahvivere · 10 months
my analysis of tarot in MeMe (and some other stuff) 🧵
(English is not my native language so please understand the language barrier, I did my best.)
warning: wall of text.
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The card that represents bokumkt is also the card on mikoto's shirt - The Hanged Man (upright). There is also a The Fool card, but I will leave it out for later.
Through this card, it is quite clear that bokumkt is a person who is very patient and takes a lot of pressure (including ignoring common sense, losing himself?) to achieve success. But at the same time, THM is also referred to as a person who looks at the world with an inverted mindset which means what mkt thinks is right for many people turns out to be wrong and vice versa.
In addition, THM's story is hanging up on the tree for 9 days and everyone knows mkt is 009 already. So I want to say that the meaning of these numbers seems to be relevant, as the number 9 means the forgiveness and success (what mkt wants?) But also the negative meaning is "self righteous". This is quite like Kotoko vibe but there is a difference. 9 shows the completion but not the end result like 10 as well as showing that mkt is not really sure about his right, THM is also be described as a person hangs in the middle of the other world and the other world. Furthermore in all numbers, only 9 (and 6, but i don't think Mahiru relate to this since theories is just theories) upside down is another number, i'm sure everyone understands =))
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THM is also a card that can go endlessly into (inner/spiritual world) - this is like the key connecting reality with the inner self of mkt: this includes tarot cards (The Fool and THM) and mirror. These two symbols are two things that are present in both reality and the inner world of mkt (if you pay attention to the scene where he takes off his shirt you can see behind there is a the picture of The Fool), as well as these two also appear in the album cover (broken mirror and human skeleton in The Fool card). But this article I'm only talking about tarot so I should skip the mirror.
In the inner world, the THM card is in reverse, next to the TF card, from the beginning of the mv to the end. THM in reverse refers to him working too hard, exhausted in both physically and mentally, but mkt continues to ignore himself without stopping. Even the image of the upside down THM in the mv is like being hanged (i mean suicide, idk how to explain in en). However, the THM card on the mkt shirt shows patience, waiting under pressure. Familiar right? Exactly mkt's case. Go along with the reversed THM is the TF card. I'm pretty sure if the reverse THM is bokumkt, TF is oremkt. If THM upright go with TF, they will be very positive, both are heading for a new transformation, but here it is reverse THM so it is very... The biggest difference here is that TF moves and THM is not (who is the one who kills the victim, only milgram knows, theory is still theory). The obvious thing in common is that both TF and THM see the world in a free-spirited way and don't care what other people think (honestly, it means distorted). If talking about the relationship of these two cards, it will be very long, so just understands that the bokumkt mentality is already unstable and then oremkt arises, which is even more unstable when the TF card have a friend to start the journey with but in the mv that friend in the card was replaced with a human skeleton (actually mkt's tarot deck is also abnormal with the tones are too chaotic + knives, baseball bat, the character in the cards are also a mannequin/marionette probably because it is related to mkt's work)
After reading the above paragraph, many people will probably think that oremkt is evil, but nope, since the fool's nature is still too naive and inexperienced (here may be about the way he thinks about "rightous"). TF doesn't know what's ahead of it but its only goal is to "move forward" (mkt keep on living) and, "stepping forward" (killing) is what it needs/must do to fulfill its "goal". And like I said, he's too free and probaly doesn't care what others think of its "journey" - "its goal" - "its walk". In other words, it doesn't matter right or wrong.
And why do I think TF could be oremkt (or the one who committed the crime)? Because the entire TF card is fully exposed (revealing skeletons) when the mkt's inner world turns red (crime). Many people say that TF is implying that mkt himself feels innocent, this is also true because like i said both TF and THM think they are right.
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What I like about milgram is that they don't stereotype mkt's d.i.d system (well, what i mean is both boku and ore is not good and not bad at the same time). Through this card (as well as the mv), mkt is fully aware that he (here can be ore or boku, idk) has committed some crime. But he still turned a blind eye (he even said maybe this was just a bad dream). Because he thought he couldn't change or control the situation anymore, so he decided to give up and accept the temporary benefit that the crime brought. After this since, we can saw that the inner world of the mkt switch from green to red was extremely ez and he didn't panic like before, proving that mkt didn't just commit a crime once (yeah, but I don't think he is a 'serial killer', he doesn't kill a lots like some theories) and he gradually got used to it. This card is simply signaling to me that he has committed a crime and he (probaly) accepted it, that's all.
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First of all, to talk about this spread, I am very sorry that I cannot read the whole thing. The reason is because this celtic cross spread has 4 cards lying around 2 overlapping cards in the middle, these 4 cards will change position depending on how the reader places these 4 cards, so if not the reader himself, I can't read these 4 cards. This spread confused me even more when the 2 Ace of Cups and The Wheel Of Fortune (reversed) changed positions after 2 blinks, so I'd like to skip these 4 cards, when I have time, I will learn more about it later. And this spread looks complicated, but for real it doesn't really dig into the character's inner world and it's already t2 so it's pretty predictable.
And of course, ignoring these 4 cards, it will be extremely lacking in information when these 4 cards talk about the situation and life of the questioner. But roughly speaking, I can see the friction between him and his co-workers (victims) has reached its climax, and mkt is in the position of the victim (or has such a mentality). This contradiction has not only arisen, but it can be seen that it has happened for a long time, but mkt has ignored this problem and it was only on the day of the crime that it really surfaced. That's why mkt fell into a state like the hanged man (upside down) as I said above.
But I saw in this spread that he is not only contradicting his co-workers but also with himself, I don't know how to explain it but it's like mkt is very skeptical about himself (maybe about his own actions right or wrong). But then mkt really traded everything for that favorable job (like how the hanged man hung on a tree for nine days to gain knowledge) so in the end he still chose to follow that path. Cross celtic has 10 cards, in this spread the 10th card (result card) is the devil card but in this picture we can't see it, so you have to look closely at the mv, you will see in 1 click there is a devil card. And the devil in this mv, I already analyzed above (bro really sell his soul for the devil).
In the mv there are two cross celtic spreads like this, one is this - when mkt's inner world is normal, all cards are shown in full, while the other spread - when mkt's inner world becomes red of evil, so there are only two cards are obvious in their positions (that two cards in the middle). In the first spread, the card that shows the questioner's status (the one below) is the reversed THM, and in the second, the card that shows the questioner's status is TF, my thoughts about these two cards are also above.
ok 👻 So looks like mkt really wants to reveal truth, so in the first spread he showed all the cards clearly to show the viewers how miserable he is, but unfortunately i think if he gave the morse code, maybe it's easier to solve. And after t2, the d.i.d of mkt is more obvious, but the theory The Fool is oremkt and THM is bokumkt, it's still just a theory. (this is all part 1, i wrote part 2 a few months later about the 2nd spread)
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(I'm sorry, the image was in vietnamese but it is just i named the cards)
I can't sleep, so let's figure this out, I will relieve some stress tomorrow and find out more details later 😊 (unfortunately that tomorrow never come, i'm sorry but there would be no deltail version of this 2nd speard)
⚠️The position with the order of the cards is only relative because I only watched the mv and figured it out so I don't know the accuracy, moreover, I'm just an amateur for more than a decade without touching tarot so, depends all on my luck =))
For those who are wondering what order the cards are in, I take them in the order they appear in the mv, but like I said before, this spread is up to the order of the reader:
1. The Fool
2. Page of Pentacles
3. Two swords
4. Wheel of Fortune
5. Five swords
6. Ace cup
7. King of Cups (reversed)
8. Five strokes (reversed)
9. The Chariot
10. The Death
If the first spread was about bkmkt, then I'm sure this spread is about oremkt. Ugh I don't know but I feel like the two spreads have very different meanings (sorry but idk how to translate "ngụ ý" which is Vietnamese into English, But what I want to mention is the message the reader wants to reach us through these spreads). If the first spread is the way mkt cries ugly about how distress he is to get yrs, then this spread is very umm, i think it's from oremkt's personal perspective. In general, I actually solved this one late, so in t2 it also has a lot of things already appearing here.
Basically, like I said last time about oremkt being The Fool, this spread shows that quite clearly. It is quite extravagant and its perception of right and wrong is 0, just zero. The only thing he cares about is that mkt agreed and tolerated what he did 🗿 this guy is very saviour complex, so true to the song t2 trailer. He thinks he's the one needed for mkt to be successful, the one who will change his life and he will do anything to achieve it 😊 well and he seems to be satisfied, and yes, be proud. And still, the reason for letting it do that is still stress with the ambition of mkt's work forever (it is too common right? I feel like i don't need to talk about it anymore)
And in the end, oremkt is like a new door for a mkt's life, from deadlock and stress to dead end ️=)) (well but I'm still not sure which is ore and which is boku in this mv so it's up to you, let's see who the murderer is, but first of all i think they're both worst🗿). Anyway, before The Death is The Hanged Man card that I say represents that bokumkt so in my understanding, it is from the stress, ambition, and pressure of The Hanged Man that it led to The Death and gave birth to The Fool - a completely new mkt to solve the problem.
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chut-je-dors · 1 year
gotta say, I sometimes wonder if I should delete my tumblr and disappear, in a way that I'd still be on tumblr, just without anyone knowing it's good ole Chut. Still be writing and such, but... quietly. It's the weight of knowing there are a ton of people waiting for the next chapter of my fics, and I can't shake the... pressure I get from all of that. God, I love everyone's comments and kudos as much as any writer, and writing stories that so many seem to love, but there's just so much pressure in it as well. If I post a new fic, people will go "oh Chut posted something new, it's gonna be goooood" and with that presumption I can't write anything but good. Over and over again I seem to manage to create something people praise, without really seeing the greatness myself. I guess it's part impostor syndrome - I'm still waiting for when people realise I really am not that good a writer, even though I'm gradually learning to ignore the perfectionist in me.
All in all, sometimes I think it would be easier to shake off the follower count, and just blog for myself. I've learnt the hard way to not share much of my opinions here, since it'll get noticed. I love receiving asks, but i often forget answering them straight away and then there are 300 of them and then I feel bad for not answering them - and if Chut didn't have a tumblr (that people know about), I couldn't disappoint anyone in that way. Does that make any sense?
Chut-je-dors is a name that's known by most who read mclennon fics (?) and it's just, it's a lot. I also sometimes wonder what would happen if I wrote under a different pseudonym. The fic wouldn't probably get that many hits, since I'm pretty sure half of the hits in my fics are because I'm a "popular" writer. It would be liberating I think - no pressure of delivering anything that fits the "Chut-je-dors" box. I miss the days of writing the Hot Mechanic, with no rules, no pressure over the quality of writing or storytelling - just plain wackiness with no predecessor. Now, when I'm writing The Hot Spot, it has to live up to the other entries in the Hot Series. There's a lack of freedom in it - the text has to be funny, whereas before it was funny because I was completely unhinged, and had an absolute blast, and had absolutely no plans. No one knew me, and didn't base their opinions of THM on how I've "once again" delivered "such an amazing fic" etc. People like THM because of the fic itself.
The more popular and "good" fics I write, the more the pressure to deliver what people expect from my fics grows.
(And don't get me wrong, I want to write good and deliver good stuff, for my own sake as well. I love writing, and I love writing stuff I can read a year after and go "ahh this is good stuff". But the pressure of writing well for other people's sake overshadows the desire to write just for myself.)
(A part of all this is the language gap, cos my god, I write good in English but I write so much better in Finnish, and I'm always aware of what my text is lacking in English. Maybe I should write the fics in Finnish and translate them to English afterwards but lads, imagine the Work)
(After I lost my home in a house fire in 2020, and suffered a burnout and depression etc. all that stuff, the quality of my writing understandably dipped, and someone immediately noticed it and commented on it. Well, I've struggled with writing ever since. Always second-guessing whether what I'm writing is good, because I don't want to - or can - let my readers down. And now, I rarely write anymore, partly due to not having enough time, partly because I never feel like I'm doing good enough. I can take criticism, it's not about that - it's a comment that hit me hard at a point where I was just trying to produce text, any text, despite how hard it was, struggling with the trauma left by me losing all of my belongings, and knowing the writing wasn't probably good enough, but deciding to post still just to give people something, and then that comment - it hit right in the spot of insecurity that then manifested fully, and now whatever I write I feel it doesn't live up to, say 2019 writings. And thus I can't write at all, crippled by that insecurity.)
So yeah. Sounds probably silly, me whining away that "I'm too popular as a writer" but... well. Well. It's been 10 years since THM came out. Ten fucken years! It was the second fic I wrote under Chut-je-dors (the first being ThighGHGHGS, an absolute Legend of a fic written by an unhinged 15 year old) and I'm still partly trying to live up to it. THM cemented me as a popular mclennon author in this fandom, and I've had to live up to that mantel ever since with everything I write. Ten years!
(There's no point in any of this, no set resolution, I'm just rambling some thoughts away into the tumblr void)
(Don't get me wrong: I love each and every comment I receive and I'm so thankful people like my fics. These are issues that live inside my head, and they don't affect the gratitude I have that people still, after all these years, love my fics. That's all an author could ask for. Perhaps that is the core of the issue; I love making you guys happy with my fics, so much that I can't bear the thought of giving you something below my usual level of writing. Hm, a double-edged sword)
Anyway. That's some thoughts for now!
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bbyeeti · 1 year
character analysis anon (I've got to shorten this to something)
You see I'm actually the devil tempting you with sweet sweet character analysis
(Also if you saw errors in my analysis, no you didn't.)
You hit on three other topics that I wanted to address about Sunghoon but wasn't sure how to include in the post: Sunghoon's reckless behavior, metaphorical and literal deaths, and Sunghoon's selfishness.
Sunghoon's selfishness in particular is such a fun thing to discuss because he's selfless in his love for those he cares about but outside of them his empathy is noticeably lower. Honestly, this aspect of him really makes me think of our vampire brothers. The two main scenes that makes me think of parallels between them. The first is when Sunghoon stands by Jake knowing that he (nearly) murdered Sunoo and murdered Kai which remind me of Heeseung's relationship with Jay. The second is when Sunghoon uses Heeseung's vulnerability to steal the card back which makes me think of Niki? Niki mainly in taking advantage of trust given but I think that could also apply to Jay.
There's also another topic that I included but wished I went more indepth in: Sunghoon's romantic relationships. As much as I adore JayHoon they're a concerning IRL couple. They do genuinely care about each other now and cleared some of the secrets between thm at least. (And Hajoon was Hajoon.) I don't have enough data to establish a pattern but I can defintely draw out some examples of Sunghoon (unconsciously/consciously) seeking unhealthy romantic relationships.
I also want to mention that I think that by the time we meet Sunghoon he's already found some stable footing which is why his boundaries aren't extremely unhealthy but he still has some unhealthy tendencies. Unfortunately, you can't just untraumatize yourself and making progress takes time. Unlearning bad habits and thinking patterns is difficult on its own, without having to deal the supernatural absurdity. (Meeting the vampires definitely made him backslide)
Thanks for expanding on why Sunghoon is drawn to danger! I had some inklings toward the notion but I couldn't narrow down the exact reason why Sunghoon kept going back.
Despite the numerous times Sunghoon has or has called himself weal or a coward, I've never truly considered him either? He's not the strongest physically or smartest but the fact that he's still standing despite everything (past and present) leaves me in awe. Being able to pick yourself up and rebuild your world from the ground up is strength. I really do love his character.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun to write :)
I loved the long response! Hearing more about the characters and what parts I've gotten right and missed is always fun to know!
(I'd probably only be able to do character analysis for Jay and Heeseung at this point! I feel like I have the most insight into what's going on with them due to their prevalence in the plot currently)
I fell for it😔
I've always found people who are wholly selfless a little bit alien, so there was no way Sunghoon would have been made this way. Why would you care about people who are not close to you T^T altruism, eh?
YOU CAN'T JUST UNTRAUMATISE YOURSELF, it's such a great sentence that I snorted
I don't know if Sunghoon seeks unhealthy relationships, but for sure jayhoon are not ahemmm *cough cough* very healthy. Since the beginning I knew there would be problems getting them on the right path and well, even though - as you've mentioned - they explained to each other a lot, there's still c: a lot they don't know. They don't have the greatest *base* but now I can at least say that they want their *narrows eyes* relationship to work out. Yeah, they're not boyfriends, but.
From Jay's pov, after his ehehe little ritual failed the second time, he thought about getting rid of Sunghoon for good (I mean, breaking off things with him), but he couldn't because he started liking him, and he grew to be grateful that the bonding thing work out. So, at least Jay's been genuine for some time now.
Still, Heeseung would probably be the best option, so if Jungwon didn't die, Jaywon were together, and Heeseung didn't have any deals this psycho vampire guy, maybe they would actually be together. If Jakehoon weren't dating. 'Cause it's probable they would by the end of college.
Oooohoo it was fun to read, but I feel like I've already told you this xD
(you should take care of hajoon. if it's not the most interesting character in the whole fic then i'm not sure who is🙄)
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khoarwhore69 · 2 years
why ur wrong: zais secrt plan
good morning whorelings. i retrn wth another installmnt of why ur wrong. today we r going 2 b talking abt zai. zai was evil all along. dont blieve me? let me walk u through it.
remmber how zai was introdced? zai litrally made a mstake and fell out of a tree. zai had been secrtly following debbie and if zai had not fallen thn he prbbly would have continued 2 secrtly follow the party. the only reason zai had 2 introdce himself was bcause of falling. now we also know tht zais dad was evil and was 1 of the bbeg. the genral assumption of mny is tht zai was going aftr his dad 2 stop him but if u really thnk abt it tht feels wrong.
so aftr analysis wht i blieve is tht zai did not have good intntions and was there bcause of ulterior mtives. think abt the times zai just left to get ahead of the group. think abt how zai stole the imprtant possessions tht the party needed to travel. so zai was going aftr his dad yes but not bcause he wantd 2 stop him but bcause he wanted 2 join him.
zai had plans 2 go aftr his dad and help when he found out he left. zai wanted 2 b infamous 2 if his dad was going to b. on his way 2 catch up wth his dad though is when he found debbie and overheard her talking 2 hona abt bing summoned 4 an important mssion. zai followed debbie and learned abt the mission she was going on and decided tht in order 2 help his dad he was going 2 throw ppl off of his trail. zai then sabotges the group and leaves thm multple times 2 try 2 catch up 2 his dad. now u may b saying oh but wise empress why would zais dad kill him then? well newflsh dummy zais dad is still evil 2. zai prbbly was sneaking and caught up 2 his dad and ended up scaring him on accdent and getting stbbed. tht or the main bbeg didnt want anmore people traveling with them and just killed zai himself.
so there it is. zai was evil all along and all ths evdence was under our noses the whole tme.
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bllsbailey · 5 months
The Morning Briefing: The Joe Biden Traveling Senility Circus Is Tedious and Tyrannical
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Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Vallythra was determined to take the monthly Craft Brew and Crochet Convocation into a doily-focused direction when she became president. 
Here's a bit of a potpourri offering today that's been a couple of days in the making. 
This has been kicking around in my head since I read this from my friend and colleague Sam J. over at Twitchy on Sunday morning. It was the first thing I saw when I opened the THM News app while having coffee and I immediately knew that there would be no way that I could avoid Biden's latest public meltdown trainwreck. 
It's another one of those, "Why do his handlers keep letting him out in public?" Biden moments. OK, they all are now. He's ranting about Trump and, when the spit really starts flying, he seems to claim that his son Beau died at Normandy. 
Yeah, that Normandy. 
My buddy Matt Vespa noticed it too and had this to say about Biden's latest perversion of his son's memory: 
Joe isn’t a Gold Star parent, though he tries to impersonate one to score political points.
This is what really gets to me about these repeated lies about Beau Biden: 
Even if the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media wanted to cut Biden some slack because he's riddled with dementia, these incidents are still newsworthy and are worth pointing out. His press corps/fan club has opted to ignore something that would get any other citizen raked across the coals. 
From now until the election, any time I see one of the leftmedia hacks fact-checking Trump, I'm bringing up Biden's stolen Gold Star parent valor to them. Will it change anything? No. That doesn't mean we should let it go though. 
Of course, the possibility exists that the mentally unfit POTUS actually has no idea where or how his son died. Robert asks in a recent headline of his, "Does Old Joe Biden Even Know That He's President?" 
That question from any of us just a year or so ago would have been a mean-spirited (but deserved) partisan dig. Now it's a legitimate one that the Democrats should be forced to answer. Better yet, put it directly to Biden and see what his English-optional slur-fest of a response will be. 
Robert goes over a couple of recent Grandpa gaffes and the subsequent fixing of them by the kids who post transcripts of Biden's babbling on WhiteHouse.gov. Here's one of them: 
Old Joe continued: “Lemme tell you who else is noticing that: Donald Trump.” The Trump-hating crowd, which moments before this had been howling “Loser Donald Trump” at Biden’s mention of the left’s current Emmanuel Goldstein figure, lapped this up and erupted into gales of appreciative laughter.   This encouraged Joe, who meandered on: “Did you see what he recently said about, the wes— um, k— k—, that wants to, that he wants to see the economy crash this year? A sitting president. As they say in my faith, 'Bless me, Father, for…'” He trailed off as he began to make the sign of the cross, and then added: “I mean, come on, man,” which set the assembled leftists off into new laughing fits. 
I have no problem believing that, in that moment, Biden went full glitch and thought that Donald Trump was still president. Even though he isn't in the Delaware basement anymore, it has to be difficult for what is left of his brain to differentiate between the 2020 campaign and this one. Once he gets wound up to froth about Trump, the years must get blurry. 
For quite some time after he got into the White House, charting Biden's mental decline wasn't that easy, largely because he's never been bright or coherent. Then the slurring started. His medical staff finally hit a point where they could no longer pump Biden with enough Adderall to keep him from sounding like a town drunk from a 1950s western. 
In a recent VIP, Matt Margolis examines some of the ways in which the Left is attempting to pretend that all is well with Biden. 
They can spin all they want, but everybody has the internet. My colleague Nick Arama has some video over at our sister site RedState that showcases the real Biden. He was doing his "I was born a poor black child" (Google it) shtick again. The deer in headlights look on Biden's face in the last vid in the post truly makes him look like he not only doesn't know where he is, but maybe who he is as well. 
America doesn't deserve this, not even after unleashing Megan Rapinoe on the world for so many years. The sad thing is that the people who are enabling Biden don't grasp that they're ruining things for themselves and their children just as much as they are for those of us who are sane. They believe that they're going to have some exalted seat at the Permanent Majority table, but all they're going to get are general admission tickets to World War III. 
Click the button below to get the Morning Briefing emailed to you every weekday. Have your coffee with me, people. It's free and it supports conservative media!  
The Mailbag of Magnificence contributions can be sent to [email protected].
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peeporoons-notes · 7 months
back —— next [GLD] [PGL] [THM]
MSQ 1.0 [Ul'dah] — Close to Home
⚫ Close to Home
📖 Description — Lv. 1 Momodi, the proprietress of the Quicksand, wants you to perform three tasks that will help you learn the fundamentals of adventuring.
Momodi "Before you go chargin' off to find your fortune, I've a few basic tasks I'd like you to perform so as to help you get to know the place.
First of all, I want you to visit the aetheryte plaza. To get there, head west from here till you reach Emerald Avenue, then look to the north. You should see a giant, floatin' crystal called an aetheryte.
If it weren't for aetherytes, travelin' around Eorzea would be a damn sight more troublesome than it is. 'Course, you still need to attune with 'em before you can use 'em, so be sure to do that with the one in the plaza. You ever attuned with an aetheryte before, FN? If not, just lay your hand on the thing and you'll see what I mean.
* If playing Gladiator starting class: "When you've done that, I want you to pay a visit to the Gladiators' Guild, over at the Coliseum."
Assumin' that [sword/scepter/those hora] ain't just for show, you might consider trainin' there.
And finally, I want you to visit the Sapphire Avenue Exchange, over on the Steps of Thal.
Goods from all across Eorzea and beyond turn up there every day. You'll have no trouble findin' armor, weapons, or anythin' else a fledglin' adventurer like yourself might need.
You might say that everythin's for sale here in Ul'dah—as long as you've got the gil. Just make sure as you don't pay more than you ought, FN.
There's plenty as won't scruple to swindle unsuspectin' foreigners like yourself, 'specially if they think no one's lookin' out for their best interests.
Which is why I'm givin' you this letter. When you visit the exchange, find a gentleman named Seseroga and give it to him. He'll be happy to tell you about the markets once he's read it."
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Momodi "In short, then: visit the aetheryte plaza, the Gladiators' Guild, and the Sapphire Avenue Exchange. Simple.
Oh, but before you go, a word of advice: while there're more than a few unsavory characters out there who'll try to take advantage of you, there are also some with honest-to-goodness problems who you should consider offerin' a helpin' hand to.
A lot of folk are lured to this city by the promise of wealth and power. What many of 'em fail to realize is that instead of chasin' after gil the moment they get here, they ought to be makin' friends.
Let it be known that you're willin' to give as much as you get, and opportunities will come your way.
Speakin' of which, you should speak with the Smith over yonder—those lads always have some good advice for up-and-comin' adventurers. Otherwise, that's about it from me. It's past time you got goin'. Oh, and let me know when you've finished, will you? That way, I won't spend my days worryin' that you're down to your smallclothes without a gil to your name."
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Quest Accepted
* Note: At this point, other player characters become visible to you, and the instance no longer bars you from the rest of the city.
💬 What the Smith has to say (new player guidance) 💬 Flavor text inside the quicksand (post-tutorial) 💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald from East to West
🟠Sidequest: Due Diligence — Wymond
◾* Attune yourself to the aetheryte found inside the city.
* Walking along the wide, curved street, though your attention may be drawn aside by shouting merchants, it is hard to miss the recessed entrance to the aetheryte. It glows vibrant and blue in the center of its dim underground plaza.
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* Reaching out to it, a beam of blue light sings between you and the crystal. You can feel your aether synchronizing with it, until you're sure a sort of equilibrium has been reached. It's then that a voice calls out behind you.
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Nenebaru "Hail, adventurer! Might you have come at the behest of Miss Momodi of the Quicksand?
* You nod.
Nenebaru "Excellent. Which brings us to the matter of the attunement fee—that will be one hundred thousand gil, if you please, [sir/madam].
* You step back with a start. He is dressed in the Brass Blades' uniform, after all...
Nenebaru "...AHAHAHAHAHA! Apologies, but I do so relish the opportunity to make that jest. The look on your face was absolutely priceless! Ah, but the fact that you were so easily deceived suggests to me that you are unfamiliar with the use of aetherytes. Allow me to explain.
These crystalline agglomerations tap into aetherial energies, and are primarily used as a means to travel swiftly from one place to another.
Perchance you have heard of Return and Teleport? Well, these transportation spells make direct use of the aetherytes and their connection to the flow of aether.
Given that there is an aetheryte in almost every corner of Eorzea, any adventurer with a mind to explore the realm will wish to seek out and attune himself to each and every one!
But even if you have no intention of wandering beyond the sultanate's borders, it would be prudent for you to attune yourself to any aetherytes you encounter from now on.
I pray you found that informative. Should you wish to learn more about aetherytes or transportation magic, I should be happy to answer your questions."
💬 Flavor text: More about Aetheryte 💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald - Emerald Avenue and Westward
back —— next◾* Visit your class's guild. [Gladiator] [Pugilist] [Thaumaturge]
💬 Flavor text in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal
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starredeclipse · 1 year
Hard Beginnings pt 3
Kalypso sat up when she was more awake and looked at little Pandora before a clump of fur caught her eye "Did you…remove the fur off of that Tree Rat?" Kalypso said a bit puzzled and Pandora stopped and looked at her.
"Fir yuk" The hatchling replied but it honestly just made the mother raptor laugh a bit "You don't like fur?" She asked her child "Nooooooo" little Pandora said trying to be over dramatic as she ran over and nose booped her mom "Fir yuk" she repeated before she went back to running around the cave being silly.
Kalypso smiled but eventually the mother had to go out to hunt again, she hadn't eaten since yesterday and the hunger was taking its toll, so she put Pandora back in the carrier and set out…only this time little Pandora didn't want to be in the egg carrier! She squirmed trying to get out and finally when Kalypso crouched down after spotting something, Pandora plopped out and ran circles around her mom scaring away the prey in a instant.
"Pandora get back in the carrier" Kalypso told her sternly as she tried to pick her daughter up but Pandora kept running away "No!" The hatchling said with a stomp, she was tired of carrier! She wanted to run around outside of cave!
Eventually little Pandora tired her mother out and they both ended up at the river where Pandora played in the shallow parts of the stream while Kalypso laid on its bank, too tired to be mad at her daughter and to hungry to necessarily stay awake as she drifted off to sleep.
When Kalypso woke up it was dark and she was groggy, her night vision allowed her to see a few fish was next to her and Pandora was playing with her mothers tail, must have been what woke her up. "Did you…catch these?" The fish were honestly too big for Pandora to even try to catch and it left Kalypso confused.
"No Mr catch thm" Pandora babbled as she played with moms tail, this however alerted Kalypso to her feet "What do you mean Mr caught them?!" The fear was obvious in the mother as she inspected her child yet she found no injurys.
"Mr that livs here! I say you tird an hungry so he catch fishy fish." Pandora said more in a complaining manner as she got inspected.
The mother raptor looked out into the forest around her and smelled the scents. She caught the scent of the Mr in question, he had been here a while ago from the smell of it which made Kalypso very uncomfortable. She looked at the fish, she was starving! It looks like Pandora had been nibbling on one but it proved too big for her, the mother raptor felt she had no choice but to eat the fish. She needed her strength again, normally when someone smells another raptor they either run away or eagerly go to search for them but Kalypso was beyond hesitant. After what happened with her 'Mate' she had no interest in being around males ever again!
Kalypso thought she could avoid this male forever, the cave was well hidden even though Pandora no longer allowed herself to be picked up let alone put in the carrier. So now Pandora just ran after her mom or hid when mom was close to prey, unfortunately over the coming weeks she kept running into the male raptor. It was always small gestures with him like "Hey I caught too many fish, wanna share some?" Or "Hey what kind of flowers do you like?" Each time Kalypso tried to ignore him, make it obvious she wasn't interested though the more he seemed to pop into her life because of this.
Pandora had grown over time but she was still little, Kalypso was trying to teach her what different scents were, luckily the hatchling had a good sense of smell though she wouldn't be ready to do a actual hunt until she was much older. So for now learning scents was all she was learning, the hatchling found it exciting though and each time she found a new scent she would wiggle her little tail and squeak with glee.
One day little Pandora hopped on the rocks of the stream "Mom, Mr Fwether is real nice, he can be new dady?" The hatchling asked innocently, such a innocent question yet it made Kalypso mad "No he is not new daddy, you don't have a father" the mother said with a hiss which made Little Pandora freeze "but…I want a dady…" the hatchling said more sad which only made her mother sigh "Yeah well…momma doesn't want a stranger in her life…" Kalypso didn't know how to go about this conversation with her daughter nor did she want to have this conversation with her daughter but as Pandora stomped she could tell her daughter was about to have a tantrum.
"Then be his friend! So you not strangers then and I can have a dady! You're so mean! You're mean to him when he nice! He giv fish! He giv flowers! He nice!" Pandora stomped and threw a fit being a typical hatchling. "Its not that simple" Kalypso said trying to keep her cool and nudge her daughter along so they could get back to the cave for a nap but Pandora refused and instead bit her moms snout "YES IT IS SIMPLE!" She Squawked before she ran off before Kalypso could stop her.
Kalypso made a sound of pain, darn those hatchling teeth were sharp! "PANDORA GET BACK HERE YOUNG LADY!" The mother raptor said turning more mad as her daughter ran off, Kalypso had to give chase after her daughter but the hatchling managed to give her the slip which made anger turn to fear and worry when Pandora couldn't be found now.
"Pandora!" The mother called and called until she heard laughing and rushed towards the sound, she pushed a bush out of her way and saw Pandora was laughing at one of Feathers dumb jokes. "Tell that one again! It's funny!" The little raptor said while running around the male raptor.
"No I think that's enough" Feathers told Pandora before he lifted his head and saw Kalypso "Oh hey you missing something?" He said with a playful tease. She sighed "She threw a tantrum and ran away…" Kalypso explained briefly before Pandora held onto Feathers leg more determinedly. "Oh a tantrum huh? Hey what I say about tantrums, you're mom works very hard to keep you safe and fed, all you got to do is be good" Feathers told the little one but she just huffed and mom had to peel her off of Feathers.
Ever since then the same thing just kept happening, didn't matter if Kalypso was hunting, drinking water, or just sleeping. She would always find Pandora has run off and ended up with Feathers one way or another.
Eventually the hatchling made Kalypso give in because the mother couldn't sleep or eat without her running off so she was exhausted and hungry now to the point she just gave in and let Feathers be apart of there lives. He hunted, hatchling sat, and found fresh bedding for there sleeping nest, he gave her flowers and played games with Pandora. Feathers didn't butter her up with nice words or flirtatious advances like her 'mate' did so maybe he was okay?
But Kalypso was still cautious and wasn't so quick to trust him just because he seemed to be a good father figure, it could all be a act and Kalypso waited for him to give up the act.
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gayspock · 1 year
okay i
i feel like my experience of bsg has been constantly being edged. but not even just bc theyre not, like, "exploring the things i want thm to explore" bc sometimes i feel like theyre not even in the vicinity of CONSIDERING such deeply interesting elements like... theres so much underutilised substance here and unfounded potential and its, like, not even as if the writers are AWARE of it sometimes like
im still kinda. irritated. by how the cylons have turned out bc ultimately they COULD have been a very interesting race to explore.... but frankly you could just replace them with people at some point - just people that can be reborn. and i dont necessarily MIND that! its kind of, like, a bit of a waste in some respects BUT i'd be like... okay with it if they rlly DID want to lean hard into the oh the differences between us are just purely arbitrary ... we really are just people... BUT TBH IT SOMETIMES DOESNT EVEN RLLY FEEL LIKE THAT is the case, like it so rarely even feels intentional, just... FEELS LIKE THEY DONT RLLY THINK ABOUT THE IMOACT SOME OF THE CHOICES THEY MADE WOULD HAVE, bc deven then thand i feel like god theyre just....
like it just constantly feels like we're kind of skimming the surface of a lot of shit (waves vaguely) but NOT really going into them, just sort of briskly going through ideas... even the ones at the heart of the show like faith and religion and so forth AND ITS LIKE... SO bizarre to watch, bcITS NOT THAT THEY DONT DO ANYTHING GOOD, OR IN DEPTH EITHER is the thing its just like....
i think they do rlly well at portraying certain crises. i know they do that well. and theres these moments that are so insanely good... i think gaius baltar has genuinely been a spectacular portrayal of a fucking egotistical git, and that his rise to power was honestly a very realistic ddepiction of WHAT people would vote for etc. and theres other moments like that and the pegasus and a lot of s3's ending that are sooo good and tense and impactful but the rest of it is so weird its like. it feels like i keep going "OK COOL. AND?" just rxpecting there to be more stewing in things but theres not and
part of me maybe just feels like thats the style of it but god im also so sick of it when we spend 10 million FRACKING YEARS on some shit lee is up to like i fucking careeeee when we could have spent that time developing some other big important ideas that genuinly. could matter here. i dont know i dont know man im really angry about dualla right now for real and im kind of . like im TRYINGGG TO CHILL bc im too close to the end to stop but that has actually pissed me off a lot bc i feel like if we WANTED a final five contender she'd have been such a good fucking shout frankly annd i dont kniw god. i was half expecting the ball to drop and for her to somehow be one of them right there but no god they .
they seriously just fucking killed her and for what. like no im serious like. i think thats the first thing thats really PISSED me off in the show bc you canttt just fucking drag a character - who had GOOD potential, that was stolen from her repeatedly - along for seasons and do nothing with her to then just. try to milk her for fucking shock value and sympathy points and no doubt to try and fucking . develop lee soon which im seething about prematurely which i kno w is unfair but thats literally... ohh im pissedddd. oh im pissed. my point is its so fucking lazy and annoying and i think the other problem is like
they have characters where its like . my god. im so glad you actually had the integrity to follow through with them and have them make shitty decisions instead of being so caught up on trying to craft some very specific construct of a guy here. i think tigh is done brilliantly for example. ive mentioned baltar - for all he is loathsome, he is so well done (although slacking a bit later). but then you have characters like lee... and to some externt kara... where im just kind of sick of them man bc its like. they dont even feel like characters to me. ium just sick of their fucking faces bc i feel like the show bends around them to do whatever the fuck they want and they get justified and rewarded and its so fucking tiring to watxh sometimes like i dont.. ugh... bc like ive said with lee countless times he isnt even a character to me bc he has no fucking agency. hes a fucking lamp that they carry around and tell it what a good job its doing. so what man . and then it does some speech to save the day LIKE WHOOOO CARRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS UGHHH SHUT UP
meanwhile again dualla. cally. to some extent sam but i hope hes getting more work put into him now. like ppl on the peripheray here which just literally get DROPPED or reset at the end ofepisode or ignored and forgotten and its like i dont know man can we fucking stop . going on about kara and lee for two seconds because i dont fucking care about him. at least kara i feel like you can kinda lean into it bc its a part of her character- with lee i just feel annoyed but i. HWATEVER. I DIGRESS. I DONT KNOW
MY WHOLE POINT IS IM LIKE. GOD. WHAT THE FUCK MAN. bc i feel myself kinda burnt out + in fairness i have no time to watch rn bc im so tired but its also like... i dont know i dont feel that intrigued by the man plot bc i just feel like theres a lack of depth to the show in such a weird prticular way i can never put m finger on and its just lik. it feels like theres no stakes fo me. and now theyre at earth and i dont know if i even cared like... huh wtf
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hazbinextgeneration · 2 years
Safe Haven’s Angel Book1 Ch41
So....Let me get this straight. You basically survived a desperate mafia attack with a helicopter and missiles, got kidnapped from the hospital, and now your cut magically vanished?....And all this happened within one day?"
Juliet slightly winced when Victor Practically laid out her entire day. When said out loud, it sounded like a bad sci-fi movie script Marx had to deal with. But Nope. That actually happened. She had actually survived an attack between two mafia gangs, and her body had somehow healed itself within that time without any medicine, stitches, or magic. Her mind was still having trouble processing this whole thing. Her nervous dragon of a husband was now sitting at his desk, rubbing his already tired looking face and didn't really say much after explaining their entire day to the younger dragon.She couldn't really blame him about being worried like he was. (Not to mention all the work piled on him with this whole big movie premeire being weighed down on him) His coat was still wrapped around her (how on earth it didn't tear when she stretched it over her giant wings she never knew) and it made her feel somewhat more comfortable having something familiar around her. "T-This is....s-strange." The purple haired dragon turned to the only female in the office with a sympathetic look. "W-What are you going to do?" She froze in thought...before shaking her head. "I don't know. I just hope everyone's ok."
They both knew she was talking about the hospital. It was just her nature to worry about those around her even if they were 'questionable' or if she barely even knew them. It was one of her sweetest qualities but it was also one of her biggest weaknesses. Proven with her encounter with Baltimore. Marx placed a hand on her arm in an attempt to comfort his wife. "Honey, Im sure the professionals are taking care of if....But right now we should focus on OUR problems first-" "Especially since your both going to be reported missing by the hospital when everything's sorted out." Silence. Marx had frozen at Victor's words and stared at them like a deer in headlights. He eventually swallowed the lump in his throat he didn't know he had and unconsciously grabbed around Juliet's forearm....He didn't even think about that! Well, no. That wasn't true. He knew about the idea of that some could notice them taking the girls, but he guessed it really didn't sink in until now. And now that it did, a new wave of terror washed over him like a land slide. Exactly how many people saw them?! Did anyone catch thm-? Oh, sh*t! Would that PeaceKeeper notice them gone?! And what about those nutty priests?! He had a bad feeling about all this- "Sweetheart. You're hurting my arm." He blinked and managed to look at Juliet. She was giving him a patient but pained look and glanced at her arm. Getting the hint, he slowly loosened his grip on her. She gave off a sigh and smiled. "Thank you, Sweetie. But maybe next time if you want to use me for stress relief...wait until we get home.~" Victor gave off a snort beside them which made Marx look at him in confusion. They could practically hear the wheels turning in his head before it finally clicked. His face turned red as a cherry and a cross between a sqwuak and a squeak came out. Causing Victor to snort more into his hand, making his boss's face heat up more. "Oh! SHUT UP! L-Like you and Strawberry don't do the s-same things!," he shouted. He felt like his face would melt off from the heat he gave off, "D-Did you make sure Quivor got those scripts?" He tried changing the subject. Victor nodded still giggling. "I...*a-hem* gave them to her this morning.'' He nodded his head. "Good...Speaking of morning-'' He turned around in his chair to face the window. The Sun had already set and darkness had set in. "....It's late, I had a long day, I'm tired, and I don't feel like dealing with anymore sh*t tonight." He looked back at Victor. "Ms. Strawberry's probably wondering where you are. Go finish your work and go home." "Yes, Sir....Will you two be ok?" "As long as she keeps that coat on and our mouths stay shut." Victor was the first to leave. Followed by the couple after a few minutes to make sure everything was set for tomorrow. Marx made sure to lock the door Behind them to keep any unwanted guests out. The two hurried down the hall with Marx encouraging her to walk faster. She still wobbled a bit, not used to the sudden twenty- five pounds added to her back, but thankfully she was held up somewhat by Marx. Also thankfully, there wasn't many people around after hours and they got to the front doors quickly. Though they didn't see the suspicious blue eyes watching them from the shadows.
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irrfahrer · 2 years
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“Hello? Is anyone there? Does anyone hear me? Transmitting on all open canals, at least I think I kriffing am? Answer please?  Am I transmitting?” With the commlink against her cheek there was a tiered grin spreading over Zivs furred face- it felt wrong and the muscles of her mimic felt numb, almost aching: “I know my beautiful voice can´t be overheard and my personality is absolutely mesmerizing to expierence it makes everyone swallow their krififng tounge, but if you hear me, can you answer, please?””
 Her quiet  giggle hurted in her throat and the young woman hasty swallowed hard so she would not start to cough. The small storeroom was dusty, dirty and its wall seem to come so close to her like cruel arms reaching for to crush her if Ziv dared to open her eyes, that it was hard to breath so she did not wanted to waste too much air through coughing. Or let alone be heard. So she kept her eyes shut and the commlink right to her face until it pressed into the bloody dirt sticking the fur of her cheek together like one would keep a old plushie close when nightmares were plagueing oneself. Yet while the Tynnan could easily block her eyesight by keeping her eyes closed and block her sense of hearing with the commlink held close to her cheek, she could not block out her keen sense of scent: She still smelled the blood and dirt- the blood sticking to her when she had had no time to clean it off her clothes and fur after the patients that had dragged themself into her sickbay had died bleeding from their eyes and mouths and every pour of their body, screaming and crying, holding to her in their last seconds of life as if they couldn´t let go of life; the blood on the walls of the sickbay she had tried to lock down when the corpses had rose again going after her and the other Medics like rabid dogs; the blood on the streets of the small starharbour when the locked doors of the sickbay had broken down to unleash the wave of bloody, dead, hungry flesh on those who had been in the harbour, drowning everyone.
The silence from the commlink made the Tynnans furred ears flick and for the first time that felt like hours the young woman sat up a little straighter- she thought about those things past the storageroom she had hid in, she thought about the number of people who had been in the starharbour before the sick patients had been brought to the sickbay, she thought about how long it would need to go from her hidingplace to the hangar to go to a ship, she thought about all those long streets that were stinking of blood littered with dead bodies and all those shadowy corners where the (dead) sick could hide, waiting for her. Without her wanting to as she had spend her whole life to never allow her to do so, Ziv suddenly felt very small, very tiered and the pendant with the Murakami Orchid hanging around her neck and laying on her chest felt very heavy. The (dead) SIck had stopped screaming a few hours ago, so the young woman had opned the commlink-canal, to drown the anxious, panicky noise of her own breathing.
“If anyone is listening and still alive, I have a plan to get us out,-” Ziv had been often told that she was a very good liar, but usually this had been told to her by people who were used to interacting with Humanoids and the Tynnan with her alien facial muscles was simply hard to read for those people who were not used to a alien mimic. She had no Plan. But she couldn´t be the only one left alive. She had no Plan. But when there were others left, she (hoped, was desperate for, begged her brain to) was sure she would be able to come up with something to bring thm all away from here alive, so she lied fluently and promptly felt the bristled fur, the restless tail, the nervouse twitching of her whiskers, but also her calm face and voice that came along with the knowledge that the other could not see her and read those little ticks that were so obvious for someone used to her alien mimic: “So just answer. I am here. I am alive. I can kriffing help. Is anyone listening? Am I transmitting?”
 The (dead) sick had started to scream again- loud shrieking noises that did not sounded right and  that only barely sounded like the people they had been only a day ago before the virus had bit through their body and devoured their minds like an hungry animal, soaking in any memory and feeling and only now starting to learn to coordinate the body and even now only learning how to let his body scream to communicate with the other (dead) sick. The screams were still far away enough, yet clearly hearable for her alien ears and automatically Ziv held the commlink closer to the side of her face and her ears as if it was a talisman to drown out the distant noises of those who tried to scream but had yet not learned enough to let it sound natural: “Hey so, if you are hearing me, how are we going to end the night than? My suggestions would be- Either you are starting to tell me what you are wearing or not wearing for that matter, I am not kriffing picky;  or you sing me a lullaby. I am open for both, unless you have any suggestions my kriffing amazing brain had not come up with yet? Any suggestions from your side? Just- is there anybody who hears me? Am I transmitting? Is anyone listening? Anyone?”
The Tynnan could not bring herself to smile again, even after her terrible attempt to make a joke. Her word fell into the narrowspacearound her like a stone into a dark, deep well where it was swallowed by shadows before ever hitting water:
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spottedenchants · 2 years
How about Family +Kingsley
This one got away from me a bit but tada xD
24. family (Essek + Kingsley)
“I can hear you pacing out there, you know.”
“I haven’t even knocked yet!”
“You weren’t going to, King. Come in before you wear through the hull.” The door to Essek’s small quarters gives its minor protest. Open, closed. Footsteps, socked- a little rushed, perhaps.
There’s a weighty thmp paired with a quieter thm-thm, likely Kingsley’s heels against the wall as he settles in. Then, silence, as much as a ship in motion allows. Essek continues writing while Kingsley, presumably, still thinks. A few minutes, and the quiet breaks. “You have blood, Twinkle Toes.” What a start to whatever this conversation may be. 
Essek doesn’t bother looking up from his writing desk, turning to the next page of his primer.
“Things with beating hearts tend to.”
“I meant the relative kind. Family.”
“In that case, yes, but it doesn’t tell you much about connections.”
“Maybe not, but blood’s pretty powerful. I would know.”
And Essek grants him a chuckle.
“I suppose you would, hm?” The air quiets to Essek’s pages, faint creaks of wood, fainter sloshes of water. “My brother looked just like me- what about yours?” Ah, that quieted tone clarifies what brought Kingsley here tonight. Though, really, nothing else has before.
And, well, if anything, Essek is capable of providing distraction from dreams. Without looking, he crafts a minor illusion of Verin’s face, even angling it upside down for King’s benefit.
Kingsley whistles. Essek snipes a bland chide over his shoulder.
“Don’t you start with that. I doubt you’d be of interest regardless.”
“Hey now, no need to be mean.”
Seems Essek’s guess was true- were he instead right-side up on the room’s little couch, Kingsley would be wearing the largest of frowns. Essek glints a fang back.
“You seem to get a kick out of it.”
Kingsley sticks out his tongue between still-grinning teeth.
“Read for filth. Carry on.” “He’s…”
Essek gives his brother’s visage, now righted and softly smiling, a last glance before disappearing it with a flick of his fingers.
“I believe the phrase in Common is ‘married to one’s work’.”
“Work’s family then, kind of. Seems like it on the ship, at least.”
“Where we are from, ‘family’ is work as well as given. A… hm. A collective… commitment, so to speak. Blood itself matters less than communal intent of affiliation.”
“And following that line of phrasing, are we family?”
Now Essek raises an amused, if questioning, brow.
“Would you care to be?” King blinks, red eyes wide; his expression reminds Essek of Veth’s child upon learning seagulls do not, in fact, hatch from bagels.
“Easy as that?”
Settled sideways in his seat, Essek shrugs.
“It doesn’t have to be complicated. Now, the formal recognition and induction process, and the documentation of such, well. To be concise, there is an entire branch of the Queen’s court solely dedicated to keeping track of familial ties.”
“Quite. Are you intending to sleep or do you actually want me to detail it to the extent of my, frankly, cursory knowledge until you’re bored enough to?”
Kingsley’s eyes narrow as he chews the inside of his cheek, his tail flicks side to side. The dreams must have been particularly disconcerting this time if he is genuinely considering such a lecture. Then King flips feet first off the couch, beginning to pad over.
“Can I have the blanket?” If there’s one thing Essek has come to admire about Kingsley, it’s the way he unabashedly seeks out help once he decides he wants it. The second, how he seems to rapidly determine exactly what it is that he wants, and without a drop of doubt. Having lived alongside Jester and Fjord for the near entirety of his conscious life, it’s really not much of a surprise. Even so. Summoning his chest from its place in the ether, Essek rolls his eyes more for the display rather than out of any sincere annoyance as he bends to retrieve King’s request.
“You really should ask Jester for your own.”
“I’ll get around to it when you’re not. How’re the wooing plans, by the by?” With a soft scoff and the heavy blanket, Essek pushes King’s snooping self away from the open book on the desk. There’s no chance he can actually read it.
“This is nothing of the sort and none of your concern besides.”
He dismisses his chest and Kingsley.
“Rest well.” “I can certainly try.”
Taking the blanket and few paces to Essek’s mostly unused bunk, Kingsley throws a wink as toothless as his smirk is toothy.
Essek turns his attention back to his work as Kingsley shuffles behind him. 
“Try anything funny and you can sleep with the fish instead.” A cackle fills the room and chisels at Essek’s comfortably cold chest.
“Terrible, terrible. Amazing job.”
Essek manages to keep the pride from his voice.
“Sleep. I’m busy.” Chuckles still bubble.
“G’night, Essek.” “Goodnight, King.” Ship’s silence eventually settles again, and this time, it seems lasting. With a fond sigh and shake of his head, Essek resumes his practice at parsing Zemnian.
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Hey Kan ...i love ur blogs...💜💜
I asked more bloggers abt this bt none one thm seems to reply or acknowledge this moment I think....i want to talk to u about a small moment...which may b nt big fr most of the people but fr me...IT IS....
It's really a cute nd beautiful moment....
M talking abt when BTS covered d song "FIX you" ....in tht video at d very end of d song... jungkook turns to looked at jimin nd even waited fr him to look back at him in his eyes ...it's jst may b a 5 sec moment but fr me it's precious nd telling....bcz this song is sooo loving nd emotional....nd it makes me think tht d first thing tht comes to jk's mind at d end of song to looked at jimin nd waited fr him to look back...even if there r 5 more people sitting beside jk's left side in d line...he can look at any one of them if his stare dsnt mean anything abt love or commitment... after such an emotional song...but he still chose to look at jimin....ONLY jimin... bcz there there is no one sitting beside jm....it's a very small moment...nd may b it's nt that important....bt fr me it is....
Pls share ur opinion abt this little moment bcz it's beautiful fr me....
Thanku nd sry fr my bad English....it's nt my first language....💜💜💜💜💜
Hey anon. Wow, what a long time it took me to get to your ask, and my apology for that.
Fix you. What a beautiful cover BTS did to this amazing song.
Yeah anon, this moment, right?
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JK turns to JM, waits for him to look at him, nods and turns back.
JK is looking for JM's attention, his approval that it went well perhaps? I feel that this was an important one for them, and JK was clearly nervous prior to the performance, and even during the performance (note how at some point he almost, just almost, mixes up the timing).
We also had this in the behind:
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JM is looking to calm JK down, then perhaps remembers the cameras and backs off?
So, maybe it's the emotional aspect of the song itself or the enormity of performing a Coldplay song and maybe the two mixed together. But it did seem JK was nervous, and that cute soft moment at the end of the performance, turning to JM didn't go unnoticed by me either anon.
It's something they both tend to do, turn to each other before, during and after performances and also when either of them is speaking. They look to each other for approval, they look to each other just to say "go on" or "good job" or "enjoyed that".
Also, JM is JK's person. I've said this many a times. JM is his anchor, his safe place, the person he turns to when he's feeling a little insecure or nervous or happy or proud. And that's exactly what he did here too, JK, turn to JM, make eye contact, head nod and all is well.
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thesunshinebunny · 3 years
It’s Show Time
I made this request several months ago and I had many comments wanting a second part with the song More (K/ DA) and since the problem with the publications is now fixed, I think it’s a good time to write it once and for all before returning to the orders.
In this second part, reader is fused with Evelynn and Seraphine, you’ll understand what I mean.
I hope you enjoy.
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Days, weeks without the leaders knowing anything about your new singing career. Since you got off the stage that beautiful day, dozens of record producers, even audiovisual managers were at your feet asking, imploring you, to give them a chance in their agencies. After long days and millions of messages per hour, which they played as background music in Mr. Trein's classes, you decided to give this new career a chance in a completely different world from the one you were used to.
Weeks since you last told them about a new song that was being produced with three more members, it seems you were going to be part of a group band, but you didn’t delve much on the subject for confidentiality reasons. The only thing you could tell them is that, in a couple of weeks, and the famous day finally coming, a music video with the respective band was going to be released.
Leona and Riddle weren't very excited. Let's see, don't get me wrong, Leona was very proud with all the little act you put on on stage, you even made Vil himself shut his mouth, 1000 for the effort, not just anyone does it. But he wasn’t very "into" in your music career. Yes, he was happy that you found something to distract you from all these catastrophic events at school, but other than that ... nothing more. Instead, Riddle… he doesn't know much about this whole world, he had an idea, and he was happy that you could meet other people outside of school. Perhaps he would be more excited by the time he waych the music video.
And like I said before… the famous music video release day had arrived.
The leaders were having a routine meeting, almost nothing interesting and very little to report, maybe a few complaints from the cafeteria or flight classes, but as I just said, nothing important. The mirror chamber was on the verge of being clear, faces of exhaustion and disinterest poured out of the doorway when a whirlwind of five multi-colored heads arrived to collapse the seven dormitory leaders.
"Care to explain what this outrageous come for?" Riddle was about to turn his trademark color as he saw his two residents sprawled on the floor after colliding with Kalim and Idia's tablet.
"Wooow, that happened so fast, my head hurts" Azul held out his hand to the white haired boy and helped him stand up, while the tablet flew off and floated in the middle of the room as usual.
Leona and Vil looked at the scene with contemptuous looks, just as their irritation was clearly evident at being pushed by their residents. As for Malleus, who hallelujah had been notified at once about the leaders' meeting, he simply deigned to observe the scene in a mocking way, but never disrespecting his classmates; a little giggle and he was composed again.
"It's out!!" Ace and Deuce jumped off the floor and faced the crosshairs of their dorm leaders. Ace continued to take out his cell phone and enter the conversation he had with you, clicking on the link you sent him a few minutes ago.
"What went out?" Azul, intrigued by his comment, approached the redhead, except that he ended up being dragged out of the room. Each freshman grabbed the arm of their respective leader and led thm into a classroom with audiovisual projectors ... except for Sebek, he simply asked his young master to follow him. In all this tumult, Ace connected his cell phone to a projector, revealing a black screen on a white canvas in the middle of the classroom. The seven leaders were completely lost, some even wondered why they had followed them, ahem… Leona more than anyone.
Now, with the cell phone connected, the speakers at full volume and each participant sitting in a chair, trying to be as comfortable as possible in their pompous suits, and with the lights off, Ace gave play and music began to reverberate throughout room. Multiple vibrant colors invaded the vision of everyone present, shapes, figures and objects began to come out of nowhere and a voice dislodged them all.
Akali that girl, 'kali go grr 'Kali don't stop,' kali don't skrrt 'Kali got a job,' Kali go to work 뜨거워 언제나, don't get burnt
The first to appear on the screen, the origin of that unknown voice was a girl with an incredible blonde hair, long and in a ponytail, which if were loose, it would’ve reach the floor. The faces of most of the boys showed confusion, it was obvious that they didn’t know her, much less had you talked about her in one of those short conversations about the video clip. The only ones who knew who this girl with violet eyes was, which matched her purplish top with sparkling blues and a shorts that barely covered her butt, were Vil, Idia and surprisingly Ace.
Without giving many explanations, avoiding distracting others from the girl's movements, Vil commented aloud, seeing Kalim's face when he didn’t understand why he wasn’t seeing one of his great friends first and foremost in the video clip, that the girl was from a female-only academy, much like NRC.
All I'll ever know is life up on a throne 시작 하면 끝 을 보는 거야 You want More
Everyone turned to see the others, even Leona raised his ears when he heard your voice appear for a fraction of seconds, to end up combining with the voice from another girl. This second girl was one of tall build, pale skin with red eyes and bicolor white and blue hair; Unlike the first, she was already known within the music industry but she had never recorded a video clip with another person.
In the middle of the shots of her, Deuce saw your profile hiding behind a mural, even some shots of your hands playing or ... moving your fingers in the air. With the chorus appearing on the screen, tension began to build in the environment. Why weren't you showing up? The directors gave you the ugly eye and left you behind? Why weren't you dancing with the other members?
During the chorus, no matter how high it was, the guys could hear your voice. It was there, it was in complete harmony with the other voices, but at the same time, you weren’t there. For some it was going to sound a bit embarrassing to admit, that they could discriminate your voice from any other, even in the midst of a crowd of people. Azul and Idia had found a video of your little recital and had downloaded it for…the great seven know for what; perhaps to have it in loop for hours. Even Malleus was getting impatient not seeing you on screen, not seeing you enjoying yourself like the other members were showing it.
When I go, it's for gold Yeah, they cool, but I'm cold I don't fit in the mold I'm a rebel
The video now showed Neige walking down a large red carpet, having people asking for photos and autographs, aside from reporters and paparazzi taking photos. And besides, couldn’t miss the bodyguards, scaring off every crazy fan who threw themselves on him. Throughout that walk, Neige was dedicated to signing autographs left and right, never stopping to look at people. Perhaps the aesthetic they wanted to give him was from a famous and megastar, but seeing this brunette so ... carefree made Vil tense.
As much as the events of the NRC’show have remained in the past, one doesn’t simply forget their rivalry, and much less now that he had to see how his greatest rival, both in modeling and now in music, was part of his first video clip with the person who refused to participate in his musical group. Yes, Vil was dealing with serious problems of guilt and regret.
What's higher than the top? That's me Come take a look before falling at my feet
Again, the only thing the camera showed was your profile, hiding and appearing behind murals. For the last time you came out behind a marble figure, the camera made a 180 ° turn, starting from your back, but it didn’t end on your chest, it was in a downward movement, until it ended at your feet, just at that your sentence ended and your body was left squatting on the reflective floor.
At this point you could see the despair of Kalim and Riddle in their eyes. They were both sitting in their chairs and leaning forward, hoping that they could see your appearance more clearly, but each time your profile appeared, the camera would turn to another objective. Both boys had their hands fisted over the edges of their seats, while their body jerked back involuntarily when their expectations were not met.
All I'll ever know is life up on a throne
Again, the camera avoided having a complete shot of your body. This time, what looked like an aerial view of the studio, or whatever that black room was with blue, light blue and purple lights, began to spin on itself, without turning on your body, at the same time each time it approached your back. At the moment of collapse, you made an almost imperceptible movement, turning around and hitting the camera with your open hand and sending it flying into another space, again changing the perspective and the person as the center of attention.
Jack was wagging his tail at all times, he was undoubtedly enjoying the video clip, both the aesthetics and the melody. Obviously, he wanted to see you even more on screen, but inside he knew that at some point you were going to appear, even to blow up the whole video.
Again the chorus appeared, like the first time, you didn’t appear, no matter how many changes of perspective there were. It is as if the most famous people, or at least with the greatest recognition, were predisposed to have more camera time. Even Malleus was beginning to grow impatient. He had seen you happy weeks ago and he could see the excitement in your eyes when you told him about the video clip when the idea was still starting. He wanted to see you more, just like everyone.
The screen went black, and in a moment of great tension, doubt and nerves, the boys thought the clip was over. Ace and Deuce were about to bolt, ready to beat up and kill the record company that had "hired" and duped you, but a little glint and a hand hovering over a window stopped them in their tracks.
Way out 感觉 犹如 海浪, on the wave now 不断 往前 遨游, never weighed down This is how I do it every day, wow, wow
And finally… finally, you appeared in your great splendor. Your hand lightly decorated with a blue ring chained to your wrist was the starting point for a great sequence shot towards your body, revealing your arm covered with a semi-transparent black mesh jacket with purple and light blue highlights, and ending in a black top, purplish with pink and sky blue iridescent patterns. And your face… woow, your face made up like a rising star, cold-toned glitters and shadows, silver pearls around your eyes, and shiny pink lips.
Everyone, absolutely everyone was stumped. Your way of singing, the movements that enchanted the camera, the warm tones that came from your lips; your simple presence blended with the aesthetics of the video. Even singing in Chinese was a nice touch to throw off anyone hearing and / or watching this show.
Kalim, finally seeing you, let out a cry of joy and clapped as he had never done it before at one of his parties. Riddle was proud and couldn't help but smile to see you shine. Leona smirked when no one was looking at him, watching as your head fell into contact with a bed and your whole body merged with the objects and the predominant aesthetic.
More Know I got it, so here you go You look like you could use some more Know I got it and never runnin' low
Your walk towards a large illuminated door, ending up turning around and appearing in the middle of a room with the other members to give the last chorus, left everyone excited. They had already seen your movements and the way your body moved to the rhythm of the music, as if you didn’t have a skeleton, but watching you dance on the big screen, with a musical group, having better and closer shots was another different experience completely. 
Let's say also, there was a bit of jealousy on the part of the boys when they saw some shots showing you with the other members, interacting and being very touchy. Your smile, as beautiful as it was, that someone else, outside of NRC, was responsible, made the boys' blood run hot.
Never givin 'less and that's how it'll stay You know I got it like all day, all the time
The room was silent for a few seconds, ending in cheers and applause from the first years. Ace disconnected his cell phone and was ready to make a video call when a message notification echoed off the walls. The guys gathered around the device and read the message, your message.
"Get ready, I'll get more;)"
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WHERE can i find yanos backstory
when i get home i can give you the original japanese text if you can read japanese but unfortunately its untranslated at the moment (aside from like… you can put it through deepL and try deciphering it there but its messy because its written entirely im rhymes so) so if you cant ill try to sum it up under the cut major tw for child abuse and ptsd and abusive relationships and drug addiction + like typical yakuza shit also i am notoriously bad at keeping things concise so good luck reading this lol
basically it all starts with yano who grew up in shitty conditions like his mom left idk if she died or she was just like okay bye when he was little then he was left in the care of his incredibly shitty dad whod regularly do awful shit to him and this led to yanos ENTIRE back being covered with horrible cigarette burns <- to this day he cant handle the mentions of cigarettes rigt so and then one day when yano was 15 and just totally sick of everything so he took a knife and tried killing his dad but before he could the yakuza boss actually took him in and saved him from his situation and made sure his dad could never contact him again
so he like actually gave yano his own place to live like he did with odokawa but yano literally had no records of his existence because of the cutting contact thing so he couldnt get a job or go to school so from the ages of 15-20 he was left totally alone in an apartment basically fucking fighting for his life just barely surviving in the WORST state ever until he was allowed to finally actually join the yakuza and was appointed to work under dobu his new big brother/aniki type mentor figure
so dobu took care of him he learned him how to use chopsticks <- ya his life was so bad he didnt even learn how to do that and he bought the suit he wears today and he gave him good advice but he also purposefully triggered yanos ptsd a lot by mentioning his past a bunch and told him that one day hell be grateful for his parents and this bothered yano but he was still really attached to him to the point of wanting to kill his gf which is rlly funny but anyways so this all stopped one day when yano after going kind of independent recieved a letter from dobu and the letter contained his dads fucking address and nothing else so now he hates dobus guts for potentially putting him in a lot of danger and thats kind of where his hatred of him started even if he felt really uncomfortable around him prior to this its a whole thing i can elaborate later but basically
moving on to non backstory information found in the story around this time yano also met sekiguchi and they began working together yano also became severely addicted to prescription drugs and most likely stimulants in general (its implied dobu was his dealer and thats why dobu exclusively dates nurses <- thing we find out in one of yanos songs) but anyways and then one time sekiguchi and yano were chilling they had to go to an office to do yakuza stuffbut in the office they found YAMAMOTO and they didnt know who he was and yamamoto didnt know who they were and yamamoto was like wait holy shit are you guys from the yakuza idk anything about this i hate you stupid scum of the earth im just renting this office for my idol management stuff etc etc pissing thm both off then yano while being high on every drug in the universe almost slit yamamotos throat with a knife until sekiguchi stopped him and thats how they met up with yamamoto so thats one main story thing explained in the short story ^_^ and like ya
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