#red is such a fun colour to work with its insane
dexalyys · 1 year
» an eye for an eye, a leg for a leg
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» a shot in the heart doesn’t make it unbreak !
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writerslittlelibrary · 9 months
I'll follow you anywhere
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summary: after the Sokovia accords, Natasha had to go on the run. what do you do when your mother figure goes on the run? follow her of course…
pairing: Natasha x teen reader
warnings: mention of a gun?
genre: fluff
words: 1540
a/n: I wrote this and I have no idea what it's about 😭 I figured I'd write something fun about the trailer in Black Widow but I had no plot and no idea where I was going with this so its super messy.... anyway, so sorry this is so terrible, enjoy😅
(the cinnamon buns from Scandinavia are out of this world though. I lived on those when I went on a vacation through Sweden-Norway-Denmark 🫣)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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It was late. Rain was falling, making a soft sound again the windows glass. You and Natasha were driving though Norway. According to her, it was the best place to hide out. Ross had no jurisdiction there, making it safer for you, she claimed. 
When Ross introduced the idea of the Sokovia accords, you were immediately against them. You refused to sign away your freedom, and so, even after the discussion you all had about it, you had made it clear you would not be signing it. Natasha had, and she begged you to sign it so you would be safe. 
She had always cared about you. Of course, the other Avengers were your family, but ever since escaping the Red Room, it was Natasha who cared about you most. 
She wanted to protect you, and if that meant signing the accords, she’d happily do so. You, however, stood your ground, telling her you didn’t want, and wouldn’t ever, be singing it. She told you she understood your decision, but she had made you promise to stay in your room.
You agreed, for a little while. You understood the world would become a little more dangerous for you in this situation. 
After all, you were a recently turned assassin. 
A big reason why you wouldn’t sign. You refused to let you newly given freedom be taken away. You refused to willingly sign you freedom away, basically just swapping the KGB with the American government. You weren’t doing that, and Natasha understood. 
When Clint came for you, you refused to go with him.
He didn’t give up very easily, but when Vision and Wanda came into the conversation, he took Wanda a left you behind. You didn’t want to have to fight your family, and you thought Clint would understand that, yet he seemed to have a hard time doing so. 
The Avengers had become your family after they saved you from the Red Room, and now they were going to be fighting each other? Over some stupid disagreement? 
You simply refused to take part in it. 
After the fight happened, you heard ‘team Cap’ was locked away in the Raft. You figured that meant Natasha was safe, yet you thought wrong. 
When the door of your room opened and Natasha came inside, she didn’t bother giving you a hug. Instead, she barely greeted you as she moved to your closet, grabbing your emergency bag.
Natasha made you pack one when you were settled with the Avengers, just in case, and as it turns out, it appeared to be very handy. 
You grabbed your backpack too, stuffing some of your important stuff in. It only consisted out of some notebooks and colour supplies, and a book you were reading. As the last item, you quickly stuffed in your stuffed animal before following Natasha, who led you out of the building safely. 
After travelling for a while, and staying in some sketchy places, you and Natasha finally arrived at you destination. 
You looked out the car window. You couldn’t see much, except for the insane amount of nature that grew around you. You saw the small trailer, and you had to admit, that even for a trailer, it didn’t look very fancy. 
Natasha ordered you to stay in the car while she went to check it out, and you agreed as you waited patiently, your own gun in your hands, just in case.
After Natasha came out, you opened your car door, grabbing your bags and waiting for Natasha to do the same. 
“It’s… cosy…” you spoke as you set you bags on the small couch, looking around the trailer. 
You heard Natasha let out a small huff of amusement, walking past you and setting her own stuff in the bedroom. 
“You should put your big bag here. There’s even a small closet,” Natasha said. You followed her, walking into the bedroom and putting your stuff on the other side. 
“What are those bedsheets…?” you asked in slight disgust, hating the typical trailer pattern. Natasha let out a small laugh, running her hand across them. “They’re bedsheets, and they’re soft,” she stated as she sat down, watching your facial expression with amusement. 
“You hilarious,” you deadpanned, putting some stuff in the small closet. 
Natasha laughed again, grabbing your waist when you where turned around, dragging you onto the bed. You let out a small squeal as you fought against her grasp, yet Natasha just laughed and pulled you close, trying to hug you. 
“The trailer is great,” she said as she settled on the bed, having you laying against her. 
You turned around in her grasp, facing her. “It’s safe,” you replied, and Natasha looked at you and nodded. 
You smiled when she leant down to give you a kiss on your forehead, laying your head on her chest. “I’m sorry you’re unsafe because of me,” Natasha suddenly spoke, resting her own head on top of yours. 
“I’m rather unsafe with you, than safe on my own,” you responded, saying it without a thought. 
Natasha smiled again, closing her eyes and letting herself fall asleep, you in her arms.
The next morning, Natasha was awake bright and early, tying up her sneakers for a run. You were still softly snoring in the bedroom. You had always hated getting up early, especially when it was for training. 
Natasha went back into the room, giving you a soft kiss on your forehead and wiping some hair from your face, admiring your sleeping form. 
She smiled softly before leaning away, leaving a note on the nightstand and getting outside, ready to run. 
You woke up a while later, finding the note and settling on taking a shower instead, wanting to wait on Natasha for breakfast, not that there was any food in the trailer. 
After the shower, which took you an embarrassingly long while to figure out the controls to heat it up, you sat on the small couch, grabbing the backpack you left there the previous night. You settled on doing some colouring, doodling in some sketchbook while you waited for Natasha to return.  
After Natasha returned, she quickly had a shower, laughing when you came to explain her the controls and failing to realise Natasha had already figured it out. 
When Natasha came out of the small bathroom, you had gone back to colouring, sitting criss-cross on the small couch. 
“I was thinking of driving into town for breakfast. Do you want to go with me?” Natasha asked as she got a fake drivers licence from the cupboard, and then a fake id for you. 
You nodded your head, closing your sketchbook and rushing to put on your shoes. Natasha chuckled at your excitement, grabbing her car keys and waiting by the door. After you had your shoes on you and Natasha walked to the car. 
You arrived into town after about an hours drive. Natasha put some gas in the car while you went inside the gas station, seeing if they had any good foods. 
You were outside pretty quickly, telling Natasha the gas station had ran out of buns. 
Natasha drove you two to a supermarket, in which you quickly found the aisle with nice buns. You picked out a cinnamon bun and another sweet treat, while Natasha picked out ‘very boring bread’, in your words.
After getting back in the car, you and Natasha had a little car picnic, in which you happily ate your sweet and sticky treats. 
It was truly a perfect breakfast, according to you.
After Natasha drove both of your back to the trailer. You two had gotten more in the grocery store then just the buns, and you were probably set for at least a few days. 
After parking the car, you helped Natasha with the groceries, being the one to close the fridge as fast as possible after Natasha carefully put the last item in there. It was pretty full to say the least, and you definitely weren’t going to be the one to open it, as everything would surely fall out. 
After spending a cosy day inside, Natasha made dinner, and now you were both settled on the small couch, a movie playing on Natasha’s computer. 
“How old is this movie?” you exclaimed after seeing only 10 minutes, claiming the movie was incredibly slow.
Natasha smiled. “It’s a good movie, give it a chance,” she told you, and you sighed and sat back against her, eating your dinner as you two watched the movie. After you finished your dinner, it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, leaning against Natasha in a uncomfortable way, your body bending in uncomfortable places, surely giving your muscles some pain. 
Natasha paused the movie, closing her laptop and carrying you to the bedroom. She put you down on the bed, grabbing your stuffed animal and placing it in your grasp, before turning off the lights and crawling into the bed herself.
It may not have been the Avengers tower, and all the luxuries she had gotten used to over the years, yet she had the biggest luxury of all. 
She had you, her unofficial child, safe, in her arms, and there was nothing else she needed. 
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @slut4johansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl
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dotieeee · 1 year
Perhaps an unusual spicy idea: a gal sets up everything for a nice evening for herself--candles, aromatherapy, a vibrator, a dildo...only to accidentally re-create some kind of ancient sex spell that summons Desire. Desire is actually amused enough that someone got it right after so many centuries that they decide to play along and help out 👀
OOOOHHH this is an interesting idea!! I haven't written Desire in such a way so I will give it a shot!!! Sorry it took so long!!
Everything had been going according to plan. This was a rare day off where you had not much else to do, so you did everything at home you could possibly do to pamper yourself: you tried on that organic hair conditioner you had been saving because it was too expensive to use on a regular day; that tightening, pore-removing face mask you had bought ages ago on impulse; you did your nails (it was abysmal work, but hey, it felt nice); you ordered in a fancy meal and capped it with a glass of that red wine that had been sitting in your fridge since the last holidays. This last bit of me-time was supposed to be a cherry on top of a great day.
Instead, you were backed into the furthest corner of your bed, wide-eyed and frozen in place in disbelief at the human that had appeared in a cloud of red smoke, sat on the edge of your mattress.
They looked insanely beautiful, that was true, but that didn't really help the fact that they somehow got into your room, and they were wearing a latex catsuit with a neckline that dipped to their toned stomach, revealing a taut chest and the most enviable collarbones a person could possess.
And they wore cat ears.
"Having fun, aren't we?"
Their voice was like honey: smooth, sweet, and slightly teasing. Behind those pretty golden eyes was a hint of devious amusement, and those lips, painted flawlessly in crimson, were curled into a smile that revealed a perfect set of teeth.
"Darling, I know I'm drop-dead gorgeous; you don't have to look so gob-smacked," they said with a lilting laugh, tucking a lock of their blonde hair behind their ear with a perfectly-manicured nail. It put yours to shame.
You managed an unintelligble stutter, but you had meant to ask "How did you get here? Who the fuck are you?"
They merely giggled at your pitiful attempt to make speech. "I just love it when they get this flustered.
"I'm Desire, darling, and you summoned me."
You summoned who, exactly?
They seemed to ignore your bewildered look in favour of your little me-time altar, set in an orderly fashion on your little nightstand. They walked over to it, their cattail swinging behind them, inspecting your...display. Candles in varying scents - vanilla, pumpkin spice -
"Jasmine..." your unexpected guest purred, picking up the candle, and toying with its flame with a slender finger.
They placed it back down and inspected a crystal you remember buying at a mall stall ages ago because of the pretty colour. The woman explained what the stone was, but honestly you had nothing but the groceey list in mind you had forgotten what it was called.
"It's called celestite, my dear," they commented in an amused tone, as if they were reading your thoughts. "You mortals, buying anything and everything just because 'it's pretty.'" They flicked their eyes to you and added, "I approve."
To your horror, they picked up something else from the table, something you had hoped they'd brush over. They twirled the egg-shaped vibrator in their hand.
"This was your main event, wasn't it, darling?"
With a giggle that startled you, they launched themselves on the bed, lading on their back, and put their legs up in the air, swishing it back and forth. They held the vibrator in the light like they were inspecting diamonds.
"I'd never thought someone would finally get it right after so many centuries!"
They continued to laugh delightedly as their eyes landed on you, still curled up on the corner of your own bed, still fucking clueless. They rolled on their stomach and propped their cheek up on their palm.
"Something tells me you have absolutely no idea what you just did."
You swallowed the lump on your throat and finally summoned the will to speak. "What exactly did I do?"
Lazily, they tapped the space beside them, urging you to lay on it. For some reason unknown to you, you did as you were told, never once taking your eyes off them. There was something off about them, but it was mesmerzing.
"अहं त्वां याचयामि, अतीव दीर्घकालं यावत् अभवत्। अद्य रात्रौ मां प्रीत्या आशीर्वादं ददात."
They spoke in a language you have not heard of before. They drew a line on your forearm, giving you goosebumps all over. You were quite disappointed when they stopped.
"That was Sanskirt, darling," they explained. "Summoning me. Tell me, before I graced your home with my presence, what was the last thing you said? Don't be shy now, I won't bite." Then they winked and flashed a toothy smile.
You felt heat creeping up your cheeks as you repeated the words, finding yourself unable to look into their eyes. "'I hope I get an orgasm from this, it has been so long.'"
A finger tilted your chin up to look into those golden eyes. That's when it hit you: they were Desire, the very thing you had asked for. You licked your lips unconsciously as you stared into theirs, noting how red they were, and how they must taste like cherries.
"That's the spell. You asked for me, so let's make it worthwhile, shall we?"
The way they whispered so close to you had your insides melting, and you could only nod, totally under the spell of the otherworldly being you had inadvertently summoned. With a hum, they made a swift move to get on top of you and captured your lips with theirs.
Whatever the fuck you did, you were damn sure you'd do all over again.
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winterchimez · 6 months
things/aesthetic you associate with your moots please!
hi anonie!! it’s been a while since i’ve done tag games like this so LETS GAUR 🤩
im doing for the ones that i talk to most often ✨
@from-izzy my soulmate 🤞🏻(who clearly SHOULD be living in my city instead), sunricyeon!!, ✌🏻level-headed and ☝🏻dum-dum, purple 💜, bunnies 🐰, raccoons 🦝, in constant denial of her love life 😒, long calls & video calls, SAUR, music 🎶, “ALLY HELP ME 🥺”, fellow believer in God, concerts, has 19374848 plans to meet up but our studies/job preventing us to do so 😞 (but we will beat them and meet irl someday SOON BCS I MANIFEST)
@sungbeam my precious lil 妹妹 🫶🏻, blue 🩵, “hear me out….but another changmin potential wip/plot 🤡”, photocards, that wet tree rat pc, if talent was a person its her, care packages 📦, fellow introverts ✌🏻, the one who convinced me to purchase my sony headphones while we were videocalling in the store 🥹, my sleep paralysis demon, “ALLY JIEJIE”, my cutie wookie little sis 😔💗, but also goes 😐 whenever i talk abt sangyeon 🙄
@aimeecarreros the unhinged and wild one in the b*****, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, twerking ✨, the best gif maker ever 😤, “so elena…pretty pwease can you gif this for moi 🥺”, BBANGJU 👅, “CORREQUE ✌🏻”, insanely hilarious and unhinged memes and text messages 24/7, the moodmaker of the group, “haysss *inserts stripping meme*”, teasing me 24/7 🙄, pinterest, fashion 😍, bridal dresses 🤍
@snowflakewhispers the SAVAGE, maknae and the demon (lovingly) in the b*****, teasing me is her everyday job atp 🙄🙄🙄, mrs jacob bae, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, spitting fire 24/7 🔥, matching sony headphones 🤍, matching macbook colours 🩶, psych & kids 💗, the sunwoo to my eric, apparently is in a messed up relationship/situationship with someone who shall not be named 🦝, the moot who lives the closest to where i am 🥹 (so faster get your ass back here after uni ends)
@daisyvisions the unnie of the b*****, NAUR, that iconic zoom selfie 😌✨, constantly being distracted at work bcs of ✨unholy thoughts✨, podcast 🎧, 1/4 of sangyeon’s whores, also joined in on the fun with elena & ophelia on teasing moi 😔, jerry lee 🤤, doggo 🐶, newnudeshot 😏📸, photoism 🎞️, spongebob memes, BIG SEXC BRAIN 🧠, late night talks while working, always judging me for some reason 🙃
@justalildumpling my dongsaeng 👧🏻, sunricyeon!!, black 🖤, ptsd from windows turning from black to bright blue, “pull a j” aka doing and leaving assignments till the very last minute 😁, “guys…..”, “yall…..”, a simp 🤓, attracted to red flags men (but not anymore 😚), FOODIE CHINGUS, malatang, “guys….can we just call for like 20 mins max…i promise it won’t take long” = a 6-7hours call, late night (or early mornings) video calls, SHE IS A BEAUTY AN ICON AND SHE IS THE MOMENT 😍
@ethereal-engene my long-lost best friend 🥹, JU HAKNYEON 🍊, anime!!, men in glasses 🔛🔝, fellow chinese friend ❤️, cny 🧧, lion dances 🦁, WOOZI (ESP IN LONG HAIR 😩😩😩), matching hakkie pottery pcs 🤍, wips brainstorming ✍️, another cutie lil 妹妹 🥺, arms….and pecs 🤓, editing 👩‍💻, convos abt our studies/work life 💗
@kimsohn kim sunwoo, pinterest, “maya….i had a dream abt sangyeon….”, “oh!”, anime!!, that smiling and then speechless meme, sangyeon drenching himself in water 😀, “so when are you gonna write this”, sunric sluts, tbosas, coriolanus snow, always talking abt being on writers block with one another but eventually gets things done (and sometimes its long af), being caring 🥺, food!!
@quaissants 1/2 of my gremlins 👹, sends me lip gloss sangyeon 24/7, my twinnie 🤞🏻, same birthday & mbti 💗, speaks in such a soft manner like hello 🥺, genshin impact!!, ragnvindr bros ❤️💙, childe 🤓, angsty angst ❤️‍🩹, constantly looking out for me 🥹, men 😃, “i have selective reading”
@sanaxo-o another 1/2 of my gremlins 👹, unhinged as a person, sabrina carpenter 💗, flirty af but then i dont return the favour 😄, sends me sangyeon content 24/7, a great listener and gives me comfort, always checking up on others, ✌🏻level-headed and ☝🏻dum-dum, “LET ME BETA YOUR FICS”, pinterest, “Als”
@stealanity my unnie 🥺💗, always looking out for everyone, the big sister of the net, amazing as a person (i admire you loads), moodboards 😍, aesthetics ✨, a field of flowers 🌹🪻🌸🌺, brave (never afraid to speak up!!), i miss you sm unnie always 🫶🏻, calls me a cutie 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
@cloverdaisies CLO MY LOVE 💚, great britian 🇬🇧, fish & chips, “you have no rights ally ive revoked them”, “you dont love me anymore 🥺” aka clo’s way of making me feel guilty that i couldn’t visit her when i was back in EU (IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY I SWEAR I WILL BE BACK 😤😤😤), writing fics for one another 💗, STRONG ASS WOMAN 💪 (who juggles between work and uni all on her own 🥹🫂), “there’s a rat in my apartment”, phone & video calls (which we havent done in a while and we should again!!)
@juyeonszn my fawnie my bubba 🥹, coffee ☕️, zeneration livestream 🙌🏻, crying tgt, unboxing albums ✨, pcs collection, puppies 🐶, anime!!, big sexc brain 🧠, sunric sluts, INSANE MAKEUP LOOKS 😩, delulu is the solulu ✨, education 📚, never-ending talks on dc (which we haven’t done in a while i miss you loads 🥺), my fellow dancer 💃, if cutie was a person its fawnie 💗
@itsbeeble my pookie 🫶🏻, kim sunwoo, another big sexc brain 🧠, taylor swift 💛, eras tour ✨, “ALLY GO TO SLEEP”, eric sohn, ateez & svt!!, memes 24/7, exposing each other’s asses 😄, biker sunwoo 😩, delulu is the solulu ✨, another coffee buddy ☕️, talks abt uni/work life, always bouncing off ideas with one another
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ashtxeman · 7 months
I promised a lot of information about why I like Glass Joe so I wrote this in an hour with no plan, no proof reading, completely improvised. If I planned this it would probably be WAY longer lol but I'll spare you all the pain of that. SO. ENJOY MY REASONING.
Glass Joe. Glass Joseph. Fragile Joey. It’s a name that’s been uttered for centuries in many different forms, given many different explanations. Critics, theorists, philosophers alike have carved away at their lives trying to solve the answer to the universe's greatest question. And that is:
Glass Joe, good why?
I can answer that, absolutely.
I swear to God this man was hand-crafted by the hands of an incomprehensible deity because HOW is he this flawless. He’s 5’10, great height honestly I’m 5’3 I don’t want to be dating a skyscraper you know. He’s a skinny bastard but that’s okay, more on that later. His hair, oh my goodness gracious, lord above, help me Jesus. HIS HAIR. IS SO GOOD. If you put that skateboard ramp ass hairstyle on literally any other character they would look like a dumbass, but here, on this man alone, it’s the most delicately poised series of ginger strands I ever did see.
His hair looks SO soft. It’s unbelievable. It’s such a lovely shade of auburn with hints of burgundy. It must smell like cinnamon. He must take great care of it. A real Head and Shoulders, coconut oil, double wash kinda guy. A real bougie kinda guy. Yeah he’s not great physically in SPORT terms but in PUBLIC terms he’s absolutely stunning and stronger than anybody else. I wanna run my fingers through his silky locks so bad it’s insane and to understand this desire I’ll have to be strapped down and operated on. DONATE MY BRAIN TO SCIENCE GO AHEAD. THEY NEED IT. 
Not to mention it is SO fun to draw. SO SO SO FUN. Maybe I’m just lucky it’s such a wacky and dynamic hairstyle it transfers quite well into my artstyle, but it’s so fun. It’s easy, it’s fast, it creates an absolutely iconic silhouette, I love colouring it because it’s so damn pretty and ginger/red is such a broad colour scheme that can be put into a gradient so well (i love doing gradients with hair cause i hate when its just a block of colour). Nobody could understand the sheer joy i get putting that dumbass ahoge between the bridge of his fringe and the rest of his hair. That little ‘ right at the top ITS SO FUN. i love him his hair is great.
His face. Carved like the works of the finest artest. He’s a canvas of quality that can rival Van Gogh, for god sake. He’s got the jawline of a man on a lifelong mewing streak, STOP IT HE’S SO GORGEOUS I CANT EVENNNN. He is seriously so good looking. His eyes, the little pink-tinted eyebags that show he doesn’t need sleep because he’s so hardcore on caffeine, his gorgeous big ol nose i wanna kiss so bad, his super dynamic chin i wanna kiss so bad, his face i wanna kiss so bad. I wanna kiss him so bad. He is genuinely such a beautiful man its stunning, im literally a lesbian but if they somehow brought glass joe into the real world looking exactly how he does in those GOD DAMN CUTSCENES OOOOO i’d be bisexual so fast it’s crazy. He’s just that great. He’s got that power. I love his nervous little grin and the little creases on his face, cause he’s OLD AND SENILE. He’s 38 for god sake he shouldn’t look this good and sure, you can see his age slipping in a little with the eyebags and the wrinkles but that only ADDS to how stupidly divine he is in appearance. Stop that handsome man officer!! He’s breaking the laws of BEAUTY. GIVE IT TO MEEEEE. MEEEE.
His fashion sense although odd (ive never actually seen anyone wearing red trousers) just works. It wouldnt work on anyone else but it works on HIM. this is a theme. THINGS DONT WORK ON OTHER PEOPLE BUT THEY WORK ON JOE HE’S SO COOL LIKE THAT. his turtleneck kills me its so good it highlights what little figure he has and it contrasts his red hair so well cause its a really deep blue. SIGH. i wish. I have a turtleneck thats exactly the same but let me tell you i dont even breath the same air of fashion that he breathes. He’s so far ahead of the game he’s on an entirely different runway. He is not gonna sashay away anytime soon. On a constant shante. Unstoppable.
Cats out of the bag, joe is a french stereotype. But. and dont quote me here. I find it very admirable HOW he is a french stereotype. Because he kind of.. Isn’t? He uses the characteristics of that stereotype sure, but he doesn’t engage with them the same way an actual french stereotype would. He likes coffee, he likes bread, he loves France like its his child, sure. But he doesnt have a twirly moustache, he doesnt wear a beret, he doesnt galavant around in black and white mime clothing. Even if that would be funny yknow it just wouldnt be as good. 
His admiration of coffee and bread is so relatable cause hell, I LIKE BREAD AND CAFES AND STUFF! He needs that coffee to keep him going you dont understand. If he misses a dose of caffeine he’ll deflate like the pyramids did in despicable me 1. He’ll be a puddle on the floor, he’ll quite literally cease to exist. Coffee is his golden idol, his hand of midas, his treasure. He has great willpower (more on that later) but coffee is that secret weapon he uses to push him just a little bit further. Plus he just thinks it tastes good and is happy to express that, you cant blame the guy for that. A good drink is a good drink. Even though i dont like coffee he’s so happy with it i respect it. He makes things i dont like respectable. Thats whats so real to me. What a goat. As for bread, bread is just great. Baguettes are yum. All the french bread i know about is usually close to white bread and autism behold thats like the only bread i can bear to eat so its alright with me man. You can go to joes house and he will have one of those fancy bread cupboards. He’ll pull out baguettes like he’s at a renaissance fair and they have a sword shortage. He’s on the case. You will NOT leave his house on an empty stomach. Like a very caring grandma, he will get you fed with the most immaculate 5 star meal you ever did eat. French food is great and theres no doubt about that, thats why he loves FOOD. I TRUST HIM. HE KNOWS WHATS GOOD. if mr glass joe turned around to me and said ‘broken glass is good food’ you bet your ass id be smashing windows and munch munch crunching all day long. 
Maybe his admiration of his country is a little over the top to some. You know the french landmarks in the back of his cutscenes, the ‘vive le france’ and singing the national anthem. But no. i dont think its excessive, i think its passionate. This is undeniably a man that is SO passionate about his culture and the lifestyle he’s grown up around, he’s not afraid to express it to other people until they cant stand it anymore. He’ll take as many hits as he needs to in the name of france. He is an embodiment of everything endearing about being foreign, honestly. An extreme love for the things his country has: food, landmarks, fashion, language, culture. EVERYTHING IS ON HIS LIST. NOTHING IS LEFT OUT. HE LOVES FRANCE AND I LOVE HIM. YES SIR!! VIVE LE FRANCE!! YES!!! 
Also he single-handedly convinced me to start learning french. I seriously didnt care about it before but after i started to like him more and really get into punchout i downloaded duolingo and i still have a streak going AND im actually convinced to try hard in my french lessons and exams because yknow.. I want this fictional french guy to be proud of me. :] 
OHHHHHH BOY. okay right im gonna get inspirational here. Play some dramatic orchestral music or something. 
The thing about Glass Joe is that he never. Gives up. Never. There is nothing in the world you could do to this man that could possibly stop him from boxing. They call Kaiser a fighting machine but boy have they not seen Joe. once that man stepped into the ring for the first time, he’d found a second home, and i think thats evident. 100 times this man has fallen down, brushed it off and gotten right back up. He’s had hardships, ups, downs, tumbles, falls. But everytime, no matter what, he’s back on his feet and ready to try again. And there is something so admirable and inspirational about that kind of approach being written into a CHARACTER THAT IS MEANT TO BE A FRENCH STEREOTYPE. ‘GHHHH FRENCH PEOPLE ALWAYS SURRENDER ACSHUALLY’ SHUT UP!! NOT THIS ONE!! I like to think Joe’s motto is ‘never surrender’. Yes he’s a little self aware how ironic it is thats hes french and doing all this but shhh. He knows whats hes doing and he’s happy to do it. Because like ive said again and again, theres nothing that can stop him. 100 kos, 200 kos, 300, 400… you keep cranking that number up and he’ll keep cranking the punches. Keep those lights up, keep those gloves on, you knock Joe down and eventually, no matter how long it takes, he’s back for more.
Now dont misinterpret that, he’s not a masochist like aran ryan, no sir-ee. He doesnt enjoy losing, nobody does. But the thing is he pushes past that disappointment and those hardships because he knows that eventually, if he keeps on going, things are going to change. He knows that if he lays down the gloves and walks away, there’s no possibility of succeeding. You could drop Joe off on the other side of the world and just like that immortal snail, he’s gonna find a way back. Even if it takes forever. Cause he is weak but determined, he isn’t threatening but relentless, he is stoppable but unstoppable. Glass joe has the strongest will out of any character i know. Cause if any of my other favourites went through 100 whopping losses like he did, they’d retire on a tropical island and never interact with the world again. But not joe. Never joe. My king.
Come on. How can you look at his smile, his lovely little, subtle smile with those shy old eyes, and not immediately fall in love with him. He’s got some many little subtle things. Like the way his pupils dart around or his little sway back and forth when he’s knocked out or the way he bounds back and forth on his legs like an old-timey guy about to have a squabble. The way his mouth goes :0 so very subtly when he’s breathing. The way he always looks either shocked beyond repair, completely zooted or very confused. It’s all so perfect. IT’S ALL THESE THINGS THEY MAKE HIM BRILLIANT.
Im seriously looking for scraps here but i love finding meaning in otherwise meaningless things. I love analysing every detail until there is literally nothing else i could possibly say about it. He is perfect for this.
His fucking VOICE. OHHH MY GOD. it was so damn funny the very first time i heard his voice, because honestly it feels deliberate how they put his humble cutscenes before his first bit of dialogue so you expect this soft-spoken kinda light-voiced french guy only to be greeted with CHRISTIAN BERNARD’S DEEP ASS VOICE. OHHH KILL ME HE SOUNDS SO HANDSOME I WANNA SINK INTO THE FLOOR AND CRY WITH JOY. i wouldnt even mind if he was a soft-spoken light-voiced french guy but they really had to amp it up a little and give this lowly frenchman the most eloquent unnecessarily deep and silky voice ever. HE DIDNT NEED THAT. BUT THANK YOU FOR GIVING HIM THAT NINTENDO CAUSE ITS ONE OF HIS GREATEST QUALITIES. Plus french is just a really fun language to listen to. I could honestly sit listening to joe’s voicelines on repeat for hours on end and be fine with it. They’re so good. He’s so beautiful sounding. Its absolutely hilarious considering his voice in comparison to appearance. COME ON!!! AAHAHHGGHGHGHGHGHGHGHAGHGHS I LOVE CHRISTIAN BERNARDS VOICE I WISH I COULD HEAR HIM SPEAK IN ENGLISH. I NEED MORE OF HIS VOICE. AGGGGGHHHHH. 
I erm i erm i just wanna say i love joe so much. The way he’s constructed, appearance, personality, physicality, dialogue, culture inspiration, story. EVERYTHING about him is just so cool and fun to think about and in my head it all weaves perfectly together to create the best character in all of fiction. It has now been over 2 unapologetic years of me yapping on about this guy. Whether it be his canon self and the things he does or the fanon version of him thats ive sourced from other peoples awesome HC’s or forged from my own lore. Any excuse i get, i talk about joe. Because it is so utterly fun. Yeah, he’s not the only boxer i love!!! Not at all!! I have several other favourites persay, but on the punch-out tier list joe is so good he has his own category thats about 4 ranks higher than what S rank is. And that is deserved. 
He loves his culture, he never gives up, he’s arguably a weakling and an absolute screwup but he never lets that get in his way because of her persistent he is, he’s gorgeous, he’s cool, he’d be a great friend, dad, boyfriend, husband, EVERYTHING. He’s got a weird hairstyle and weird fashion sense but somehow he looks great with it. He beat NICK BRUISER CANONICALLY?!?! He’s french, he’s ginger, which in a joking sense makes him the worst but against all odds he is the best. The french are lucky to be represented by him because he’s so utterly and unapologetically awesome and cool and fun and nice and inspiring and all that jazz. There is not a single thing that could stray me away from the path of Joe. my lore for him is SO deep. My admiration for him is INFINITE. Ive read through his wiki a pagillion times. Ive beaten him over 80 times in-game simple because i like seeing him so much and.
Well. i have entire shrine dedicated to him. let me know if you wanna see that....
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gamequeenanya · 1 year
Security Breach: The Collab Fic! - Violet’s Version (Part 2)
Summary: After capturing Pocket and her friends, Moon is on the loose in the Pizzaplex! Can he be stopped? Can the birthday party be saved…?
Roxy laughed. This was a lot of fun!
Her fans giggled as she poked their sides and hips. Chica noticed her from across the raceway. Beside her, Scott was nudging her, urging her to go talk to her.
“Gosh, I don’t know. What will I say?”
Scott thought for a minute.
“Uhh, just try- Gah!”
At that moment, another animatronic peeked around the corner. Its white face and black eye sockets would only be recognizable to long time fans of the franchise. Unfortunately, Scott was not a fan. Jumping with fear, he ran for it.
Chica looked confused. The animatronic was smaller than her, but it didn’t look all that threatening. She could probably take it in a fight. It looked like a marionette, with a black body with white stripes on the arms and legs. There was a permanent smile on its face, but tear tracks were drawn falling down. Chica thought it could resemble the people who worked at Freddy’s, always smiling yet distressed. People like Scott.
The marionette tipped its head, unsure of where it was. It seemed as though the character had woken up for the first time in 40 years. Cautiously, Chica approached.
“Hey there, who are you?”
From far away, Pocket’s friend Insanity called out.
“Hey! That’s my friend Mari!” they said, running over to hug the animatronic. “Sorry she scared your friend!”
“It’s okay,” Chica said. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it.”
There was another person with them called Mimi, who brought out Foxy.
“Hey, guess what? I found him in a box!”
“Y’arr!” Foxy said, his voice box staticy but still working.
“Hm,” Mimi said. “Maybe we can fix that.”
Meanwhile Moon had run all the way to the party room. His captives still had big smiles on their faces as they caught their breath.
He set down Pocket, Bee, and Rain at the party tables. The rest of Pocket’s friends came to join them. Glamrock Freddy caught up to them and checked up on her. Map Bot had heard of the party from far off, and came in with Juno.
“Wow, what a big party!”
“It’s for Pocket!” Freddy said.
There were all sorts of classic looking FNAF decorations and a banner that said, “Let’s celebrate!”
Seeing as the room was brightly lit, Moon turned back into Sun. The Sun’s rays came back and his outfit went back to red and yellow.
“Huh?” He said, looking around. “Moon! What did you doooo!”
“Don’t panic,” Rain said. “He just tickled us and then brought us over here!”
“Yeah,” Pocket said with a smile. “It was fun!”
“Oh! T-that’s good…” Sun said uncertainly.
“Guess what!” Aenz chipped in. “It’s her birthday!”
“It is?! Well that’s great!” He smiled in enthusiasm. “If it’s a birthday party, I’m here to help!” He looked around. “Okay, well first off: who’s in charge of the food here?”
Roxy jumped, remembering something.
“The party!” She spotted Chica and ran over. “Chica, there’s a birthday party today! We need to show up with the refreshments!”
Chica nodded. “But what about him?” She pointed to her human friend Scott, who was hiding behind a cutout of Roxy.
“Hey you!” She called out. “Want to join the party?”
Seeing Roxy, he nodded hesitantly.
“T-there’s a party?”
So the others were taken to the party, the kids being carried by their favourite animatronic. Chica was careful with Scott, knowing the last thing he probably wanted was to be carried by an animatronic at top speed. She got a Go-Kart for him, and ran alongside him. It was an unusual situation, but she hoped to accommodate her guest as best she could.
Roxy was in the lead, grinning. She was looking forward to surprising whoever had a birthday today!
Meanwhile, Sun had looked around in the kitchen to find the cake and had discovered it. Sadly it was completely blank, just vanilla icing coated. He shook his head.
“Oh no, no! This won’t do at all!”
So he took out various icing colours. He walked out to ask Pocket what her favourite colour was, but in the time it took for him to come back, the others were gone.
“Guys?” he said, confused.
Suddenly he was tapped in the middle of the back.
“Eeeeee!” he jumped. And turned around. “Don’t scare me like that!”
Pocket giggled. “Sorry! It was just too fun to pass up.”
Sun laughed. “Oh, you like surprises huh?”
And he went to scoop her up, just like the way Moon did. But his fans were too quick for him. He got loads of tickles all over his body. Joker got his neck, Ash got his armpits, Aenz got his ribs, Bee got his tummy, Rain got his sides, and Rando, Insanity, Mizuki got his hips, legs, and feet.
“Pink,” Pocket replied. “Just like tickle-me-pink!” She giggled.
“HAHAAHAHAAAA! UNFAHAHAAHAIR!” Sun was laughing a lot, but he made sure to store that information in his memory banks. “HAHAAHAHAHAHAAAA!”
Inside the Daycare Attendant body, Moon felt everything. He wanted to get revenge, but knew it wasn’t his time yet. He’d just have to suffer this fate for now.
That was when Roxy showed up. Behind her was Marionette and Foxy. And finally Chica and Scott.
“We’re not late, are we?” Roxy wondered.
Some of the guests ran over to hug them.
“No, you’re not late,” said Rando. “You’re just in time!”
“Sun is still preparing cake!” Fluff explained.
They found a table and sat down. Roxy laughed at the scene of Sun still being tickled by his fans.
“That’s a funny way of preparing cake!”
Now feeling more grounded, Scott looked around himself. He realized that Foxy was there. Seeing Foxy turn to look at him, he waved nervously.
“H-hi Foxy!”
“Y’arr…” Foxy said. “No hard feelings me boy. Don’t ye worry about a thing.”
Hesitantly, Scott came closer and gently petted Foxy on the head. Foxy tipped his head to the side, realizing this man had always been an odd fellow. He didn’t know how to respond but then decided to pat Scott on the head as well, deciding it was the best way to greet him.
Scott giggled. “Hehe! It’s nice to see you again.”
Foxy tickled him playfully, wanting to hear more of that adorable laugh.
“Heheheheheeeheheeehehee!” With a wide grin, Scott hopped up and down and pushed him away. “Hehehe! Don’t tickle me! Tickle her!”
Spotting Mimi, Foxy grinned a pirate’s grin. “If ye don’t mind, me lassie…?”
She giggled. “Of course not!”
And Foxy tickled her in every bad spot, making her laugh adorably.
Then Scott got up and went to help Sun in the kitchen. He pulled the poor animatronic away from the kids, and got together everything they needed for the cake.
Sun got the icing pipe and expertly placed the light pink icing frills on the edges of the cake. He added flowers and multi-coloured balloons in the corners. Then he wrote in light blue icing, “Happy Birthday Pocket!”
When he came out with the cake, everyone started singing Happy Birthday.
Setting the cake down on her table, Sun smiled at Pocket. Pocket made a wish and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered.
Marionette helped Foxy get the plates and passed them around. Pocket sliced the cake, and then Sun served pieces to everyone. Scott went back to check up on Chica, who was hungry for some cake herself. Roxy had apologized to Chica for being so distant, and Chica forgave her. Now they were smiling and laughing about some weird jokes they’d overheard from the guests.
And then Pocket opened presents. There were a lot! It was so much fun seeing all the smiles in the room. Some of the presents Pocket got were: some Mario and Luigi plushie keychains, a daisy patterned bucket hat, a new watch with the FNAF “6 AM” design, a Glamrock Freddy plush, a specialty nightguard plush, some “Pocky” earrings, and a bunch of holographic stickers.
She grinned and went over to hug all her friends. After thanking everyone and passing around hugs, another tickle fight broke out!
Juno tickled Map Bot, who broke out into cute robotic laughter and beeps. Everyone went in for Sun again, and he laughed, quietly accepting his fate. Glamrock Freddy got tickled by Pocket again, soon joined by Ray, Nova, and Fluff. And Roxy went in for Sofia again. Scott assured Glamrock Chica that he was okay with tickles, and so she tickled him gently with little tapping motions. He laughed adorably and barely fought back. Everyone’s laughter echoed through the party room.
All of the animatronics knew how to tickle softly, yet effectively. Even the older animatronics such as Puppet and Foxy knew how. Perhaps William or Henry had a playful side? In any case, the animatronics were all having fun tickling their favourite humans.
And then the tables turned, as they always do.
Sun managed to get the upper hand, and tickled all the lees around him. Freddy got revenge on Pocket, poking her sides and belly. Chica tickled Roxy, happily chirping teases as she did so. And then Scott helped Roxy tickle Chica back! Nicole joined in to tickle Roxy, who howled with laughter. Foxy tickled Mimi, chuckling as he did so.
And soon it was a full on tickle war! Some people gave up, some animatronics gave up, and some people were stubborn enough to stay in the game, even though they knew they’d lose.
After a few minutes, there was a truce and the tickle war came to a close. Everyone caught their breath. The winner of said tickle war? Well, that’s up to you, dear reader!
People shook hands, and thanked Pocket for the great party.
Friendships were rebuilt, new friendships were formed, old friendships were made stronger. All in all, it was a fun day.
The End.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Costume Meta 6x08
Sorry everyone that this is super late - I had to set up Christmas at my place of work and it literally ate up all of my time so I’ve only just ben able to get this finished and posted! Thankfully Christmas is now up and running so I have my life back!
In other news I also hit a follower milestone just before 6x08 aired - I’m not really someone who celebrates these things and I can’t offer anything to you all in thanks as I’m not really creative in that way, but Thank you to all of you following me I love you all and I cannot tell you how much joy I’ve got from being in this fandom with you all. It truly means a lot to me that so many of you have embraced my costume ramblings, and that you seem to enjoy them! lets get on with the meta shall we!
You know I said in my 6x07 meta how 6x08 was probably going to be a fairly heavy costume episode because 6x07 was fairly lightweight - well sometimes  i don’t like being right - especially when its insanely busy at work and I therefore have less time to write! 
There were a lot of costumes for our mains this week, and some interesting developments - choices have been made my friends - choices have been made!
Oh hello there Chimney wearing Red!!! its not a colour we see on Chim very often at all - he is far more of a - blacks, greys, dark greens and blues kind of guy, but this red basket weave shirt is a fun choice for him. We could apply the red flag theory her and say that the house hunting isn’t going to go well based on this shirt alone. I also love that he’s got a bit dressed up to go house hunting. I also love that this shirt is made up of both red and white - the passion (red and representing his love for Maddie) and purity (white - essentially Jee) - something we get to see further played out in the next shirt choice
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the next shirt being this white tee which I really loved to see in this scene - white is a colour of purity and its perfect for this moment - Chim is full of naïve hope that turning the dining room into a bedroom for Jee will work out for them as a solution until they can find a suitable 2 bed house
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Then we have Chim in a navy/black v necked long sleeve tee and a knit hoodie in the same colour. I think they’re both black (in the blue black spectrum rather than the brown black spectrum) but I can’t be 100% as the lighting in both scenes makes it tricky to be sure. Either way to go from white to black is emblematic of how the change isn’t working - its the whole going from light to dark - hope to despair!!
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the final Buckley-Han scene shows Chim in maroon - still a colour we see the men of 911 in fairly often when they are in a parental role (and generally speaking - happy in this role), its not a completely accurate theme for this colour, as we see it used at other points as well, but in this scene it fits the theme perfectly.
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Maddie in the same blazer we saw in 6x04 when Maddie visits the little girl she was on the phone with when her abusive father almost killed her mother. Its an interesting choice for a repeat item of costume - the two scenes don’t seem to connect in any obvious way on the surface, except the little girl and her mother are free and moving on/forward with their lives - they no longer have to hide in a small apartment, they can now move on to something better - thats what is happening with Maddie, Chim and Jee - they are looking to move on and forward and into a new apartment. Of course the plaid shirt is very much telling us that this i not going to end well and I even think it might be foreshadowing what ever is going to go down with the house Chimney finds in 6x09!
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We’re sticking with Maddie’s outfit theme of tee, blazer and false front hoodie as well as her Jee-Jun heart necklace (which I’ve started calling that as she only started wearing it after Jee was born) very much enjoying Maddie wearing a tee with a keyhole and a slogan that says ‘love dreamers’ on it in an episode called whats your fantasy! I think its a very interesting choice for this scene - where Maddie and Chim have had to compromise on their dream (for the time being) and the new arrangement quickly goes wrong. 
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Green plaid I see you!!! I can’t decide at this point if they’re trying to make it look like Maddie is wearing Chim’s shirts or not. its plaid which is fitting with the check theory, and we see Maddie (and Chim) struggling with Jee and their tiny apartment. While the theory fits in with what we see in this episode, its also part of the wider foreshadowing for their apartment search - this is the second plaid item we see Maddie in this episode - not something we tend to see her in often, so we should definitely keep an eye on things realting to the house hunt going forward (especially with the synopsis for 6x09!)  The other thing is the green getting brighter and darker as Maddie settles back into her life as a Mother and partner - hence the darker jewel green hoodie in the final scene - when the three of them are together as a family.
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Athena & Bobby
I’m combining them this week because Bobby didn’t have a lot going on costume wise this week - as has been the case for a few episodes now and to be honest its making me a bit queasy - because I’m becoming increasingly convinced they’re doing it deliberately to hide something from us - we’re getting nothing form his clothes - like at all. And I know they are very much in keeping with Bobbys style and colour ways, but I’m suspicious by nature and the change from 5b bobby costumes to 6a bobby costumes in their complete lack of anything interesting beyond his cruise Hawaiian shirt is telling.
(ok so I typed the above and then the 6x09 synopsis dropped and now I feel like my suspicions were founded - I think we might see some more interesting shirt choices on Bobby in 6x09)
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Athena’s outfits are very much typical Athena outfits - we get her in a dark plum cardigan with some sparkle. The most notable thing though is that necklace -  this is a new one for Athena - it looks to me to be a guardian angel -  continuing the foreshadowing of the mama bear necklace from the last episode.
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Then we have this very typical Athena in army green trousers and black top combo - with another new necklace
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I can’t get a good enough close up to figure out what it is at the moment - I’m sure one of you out there might have more luck than I - if you do drop me an ask 😎 
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Athenas final outfit - is this fab yellow ochre cardigan (I really love this colour on Athena) and the pelican necklace has returned!
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The thing with this shade of yellow ochre, is that we’ve only seen Athena and Buck wearing it with any regularity (Hen has worn the same shade a couple of times but nowhere near as much as Athena and Buck), and interestingly enough it tends to be connected with the idea of communicating a change in family dynamic for both of them (and Hen as well - the most obvious example being when she talks to her mom about having to give Nia back to her biological mother) I find it very intriguing that they are choosing to parallel the two (three if we include Hen) of them in this way, on top of all the other parallels we’ve seen between Athena and Buck in the past.
4x12 - Treasure hunt (she has a yellow ochre top on underneath the jacket as well). This one is a slightly brighter shade of yellow, and we see more of a shift in the firefam dynamic than the Grant-Nash family dynamic, but actually thats just as relevant - its a build in to the shooting (both Eddie and Bobby), and ties most closely with the two shirts Buck wears in 4x11 & 14. 
Its also building into all of the happenings for the Grant-Nash family in season 5 - its very telling that this is the moment they chose to put Athena in yellow ochre for the first time because the storyline from this episode chimes back in with the conversation Athena and Hen have - about money and winning the lottery in this episode, which directly connects to 2x17 - the episode where Shanon dies - wearing the same yellow ochre!! All 3 episodes are similarly titled in that they are playing on the theme of fantasy - ‘Careful what you wish for’, ‘Treasure hunt’ and ‘Whats your fantasy’ and the interconnection of them the use of this colour is something I need to think on a bit more because what the costumes are doing here is interconnecting seemingly unconnected story arcs and I can’t be coherent about it right now!
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5x05 - when Athena smacks Harry - for running away and acting out
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5x07 - a conversation with Bobby about Harry and his acting out in the aftermath of being kidnaped by Jeffery Hudson
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5x08 - Defend in pace - when Michael announces he’s leaving to support David in Haiti.
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5x14 - conversation with Bobby about Harry having the same shoes as the boy hit by a car
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As you can see all of the subsequent times Athena is in yellow ochre we see the Grant-Nash dynamics shift in some way, so the colour is indicating to our (the viewer) subconcious that things are about to shift or change.
I ran out of images so you’ll have to go look these up yourself, but as I mentioned in my mini Buck bts meta we see Buck in the shade in 3x06 and then the same top in 4x04/5. 
In season 4 we also see him wearing ochre in episodes 2, 3, 11 and then at the end of 14 - during the will reveal and Eddie’s welcome home party and Like I said above, this is a slightly brighter shade, than the other others. 
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4x11 (this is the one that most closely ties in with the Athena jacket from 4x12 in terms of shade, and interestingly they are both about the wider firefam - in this case Sue Blevins and her hit and run)
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4x14 This isn’t the best picture to see that the colour is brighter than the other yellow ochres we see Buck wear, but it is I promise!
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In season 5 episodes 3 and 4 - both in scenes connected to Maddie and her departure from LA because of her PPD. As you can see all of Bucks wearing Yellow ochre also connects in with changing family dynamics - from 3x06 where Buck is getting back with his firefam in the post lawsuit world (interesting that both Athena and Buck wear it for the first time in a firefam moment rather than a scene connected to their actual family), to Maddie’s pregnancy and the change in family dynamics that brings, all the way through to her needing to leave to get herself well again and the elephant in the room that is the Will and Buck becoming a part of another family - his own family.
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I want to talk about these two costumes in parallel, because they are two sides of the same coin. Here we have May dressed in a youthful way - a way of connecting the scene to her past - the fact she is bringing home the boy she dated in high school - a time when she was ‘innocent’ but then we revert to the more mature May - one who is more sophisticated and wiser - hence the black fitted dress. the connecting thing is the trainers - she wears the same pair of trainers with all 3 of her main outfits (we don’t see her shoes in the dark green Tennis jumper from the last scene, but she’s probably wearing them then as well) its a thread that connects all the different versions of May we get in this episode. 
Conversely, Darius dresses in the opposite direction - he’s more formally dressed when he’s at the Grant-Nash house, and more comfortably dressed when at his frat house - an interesting choice considering May is very dressed up by comparrison, but it shows how they are in two different places at this point - Darius is dressed in keeping with all his housemates and Mays outfit places her on the outside of them - she has more life experience (and it therefore more mature). 
In many ways neither of these outfits really represent the May we’ve seen on our screens for the last 5+ years, unlike the two later outfits we see her in, which are far more typically May.
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I am in love with this outfit and Corrine looks incredible in it - its glorious, but it also plays into a couple of different themes for May - it is far more in keeping with May’s wardrobe than the previous outfits, blocked and bright jewel colours in modern and stylishly youthful designs, then we have the red/blue theme of the emergency services (a colour theme that 911 have been playing with since season 1 just not overly often in clothing its been more set and lighting!), but the blue cardigan/jacket is also the same colour as May’s dispatcher shirts, and that is very much intentional - its a call back to her past as a dispatcher, but the choice to use it in a jacket rather than the tee (because they could have had her in a blue tee which would’ve more closely resembled the dispatcher top) is symbolic of her putting that persona back on - how many times have we seen it done in film and tv (especially in superhero based stories) where a character either steps into or steps back into something and we see them putting on a jacket as a visual symbol of that change in mentality? this outfit is a visual support to the script - it shows us just how good of a dispatcher May is, and that what she learnt from working there is going to stand her in good stead for her life going forward.
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There is a whole lot going on with this outfit!! The leopard print is becoming a bit of a theme for Hen - we’re seeing her wearing clothes incorporating it an increasing amount, and both her outfits for this episode make use of it. This is especially pertinent as the use of leopard print on woman's clothing is considered to be a symbol of independence, confidence, non conformity and sexuality! It’s all tied to Hen being in a place of happiness - we saw her in it at her vow renewal, at the end of s5, but then we don’t see it again until after she has decided to give up on being a doctor. 
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The other outfit we have Hen in is this brown and black plaid shirt with leopard print pockets with violet trousers. We have to have a conversation about this jacket and this scene because its a super important and a doozy - Hen’s jacket is pretty similar to bucks at equestrian centre, and in many ways the scene pays out in a not dis-similar fashion. 
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It’s an interesting choice because it directly parallels their positions in those story arcs - buck being there and being supportive of Eddie and now Hen filling the same role for Buck. 
I think it’s actually an important direction the show is taking this. Yes of course we all desperately want Eddie to be there for Buck - and I’m sure he will be down the line, but, actually someone other than Eddie being there for Buck - especially if we start to get buck exploring his sexuality and his feelings for Eddie as a part of the sperm donor arc, is really important. Hen is the perfect person here for Buck to confide in - she can be supportive in all aspects of his journey, a position Eddie cannot fill at this moment because neither of them are ready (in the same way that the shooting was brought up at the equestrian centre by Buck, but then not talked about because they weren’t ready then) and Eddie is too close to the centre of everything Buck is going through a especially when you consider that there is a fairly large part of bucks saying yes to being a sperm donor that stems from being a guardian not a father - a reaffirmation if you will of bucks internal monologue that says he’s always the back up plan (which stems from the Daniel of it all not from the will of it all) and so being asked to be a donor just solidifies his thinking there.
It’s really clever writing and costuming from the show and in fact just adds further proof to the Buddie is going canon arguement. Because that scene more generally was a parallel to the equestrian centre scene from s5, even bucks green shirt places him in the same position as Eddie in their respective scenes. It’s starting to make me wonder if we’ve actually in the middle of bucks ‘breakdown’ rather than waiting for it to happen and his is going to unfold in more of a gentle but bumpy descent rather than Eddie’s more explosive one 
Christophers suit - a really interesting one for me - the implication being that they did in fact buy a suit for and attend the christening of Ana’s niece (or whoever it was) but that things have changed - the addition of the subtle check patterning (I mean I’m sure Gavin has also grown a fair amount in the last year) so a new suit would have been needed anyway, but they could have got a plain one - meaning the addition of the check is important. It fits in with my check theory and is suggestive of Chris being in danger in the future, but it could also serve as a form of reminder that Eddie’s previously chosen path (Ana) was the dangerous one (hence there being the reference to ‘the last time you wore it’) if we take that concept then it’s yet another subtle hint that for Eddie the heteronormative lifestyle that he tried to create was nothing more than a fantasy that was dangerous in reality (ending up in hospital having a panic attack and then later having a breakdown)
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I’m also very interested in the fact that we’ve only really seen Chris wearing blue and grey so far this season (with the green and blue pj ‘s being the only exception to the rule and even they had blue in them!). We do see Chris in a fairly large amount of grey, but there is usually an even balance of other brighter colours along side the grey.  I’ve been looking at his costumes more widely and its actually kind of interesting - the grey tends to be worn in scenes where Christopher isn’t the one we should be focusing on in the scene - when whomever he’s with is actually the focus (think equestrian centre or suit shopping or the slippery slope pyjamas from 5x10) 
Blue shirted Eddie my beloved!! I adore this shirt - because of the way its been designed to look a bit worn around the edges - it says so so much about Eddie and where he’s at.
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Its of course easy to draw a comparison with the dream sequence in 5x14 when Eddie is in a lighter blue shirt, which has longer sleeves and a pocket - this was a fantasy turned nightmare, it wasn’t really Eddie at all.
By comparison, the tee from 6x08 being darker and blending in very nicely with the bed spread and the carpet stripes. but the main thing is the difference in fit to the two tees - the one from 5x14 is much looser in fit on Eddie - whereas the one from 6x08 fits him like a glove. The ‘designer’ wearing along the seams and edges in this instance just adds to the idea that Eddie is comfortable in himself - Eddie is in a good place - the shade of blue tells us this - its a brighter navy - a colour of confidence and security and the conversation with Carla about keeping fantasies to oneself because talking about them makes them true is only further emphasised by the use of this colour for this.
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I’m starting to think I’m going to have to name this jacket the Dad mode jacket - we’ve only seen him wear it when in a scene with Carla, and when something happens that is significant for both Eddie and Christopher equally - the parents evening when Eddie meets Ana for the first time, 5x10 when Chris has a nightmare that pushes Eddie into deciding that he needs to leave active firefighting and the 118 and now this scene - where Chris goes to his first school dance, but Eddie is contemplating the fact that reality can be better than fantasy. Its a real full circle moment as well - from beginning an arc where Eddie tries to force himself to move on (in a school related environment no less), to a mid-point where he starts his breakdown and finally to a moment where he is in a good place and actually ready to move forward - its in someways a moment where this arc is tied up for Eddie (to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if we actually didn’t see this jacket again) because we actively see him letting Christopher go - he’s no longer hiding behind being a father and we now get to essentially begin a new one with him - exploring who he is (without Chris) anyone??  The olive green top is also a nice touch - because not only does it play into army Eddie and carry on his costume theme, its darker - theres more growth and it gives us a brown/green combination - growth and stability essentially. Eddie is happy and its a glorious thing to see 😍
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More vertical stripes on Buck!!! they really are going all in on this theme this season! the fun thing is that this shirt ties in with the one from the end of 6x01 - yes this has grey rather than blue stripes, but the idea that I mentioned in my 6x01 meta about Buck beginning to figure things out and understand himself better holds true here. The 6x01 scene was about Buck moving forward - the moving of the arm chair a symbol of that, but one that is also not really all its cracked up to be (its hopeful, but also lonely and representative of how buck has closed himself off even to his family), this scene is, again, showing us a Buck moving forward - this time we see him move on from donating sperm by being Uncle Buck (the very thing he will essentially be reduced to if the donation is successful) so its key here that we see him being run ragged by his niece - that babysitting her isn’t actually as fun as the fantasy Buck probably envisioned it being in his head - the narrowing of the stripes are giant red flag on how the sperm donor story is going to go because the 6x01 shirt is before he’s asked to be a donor - this one comes after the donation has been made. I think we need to keep an eye out for Buck wearing cream and vertical stripes in the coming episodes because I think it will give us a good few clues about where Buck is at - if the stripes stay narrow or if we see them beginning to widen out again!
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I found Bucks maroon hoodie an interesting choice for this scene (although not sure tucking it into ones jeans is necessarily a vilid fashion choice!). As we know, Buck has an interesting relationship with wearing maroon specifically t-shirts and hoodies and its very much connected with his family - in season 2 we see him wearing it in connection to big talks with Maddie - about Maddie staying and about Abby, before we see him wearing it in connection with Eddie and Chris in episode 10 for the first time. 
After that the - tees become about the Diaz boys while the hoodies connect in with Maddie (and more widely the Buckley-Hans) Buck wearing a maroon hoodie in this scene only further confirms the theory. 
Then there is the watch still there on his wrist. I’m brining it up for this costume because its a pointed choice to have it on the outside of a longer sleeve. This season we haven’t seen buck without his watch once (other than where he’s wearing turnouts and you can’t see) which is unusual for Buck - up to this point he’s always worn his watch while in uniform, but in civvies, its been about 50:50 on if he’s been wearing it or not and when he’s in long sleeves we see him wearing it less. this makes Bucks watch wearing super important - and we’ve seen it focused on several times this season so far - this is just the latest moment (because that watch is reflecting light of the face even when Buck is in the darkness and moving towards the light!)
The white high tops are back and looking a little less than their usual pristine which is interesting - because its suggestive that Bucks journey towards happiness and building a family is less pure than before - this to me is very much a good thing - Buck has a tendency to be idealistic and the shoes have reflected this in the fact they’ve been so clean, the fact we’re now seeing them looking a bit more lived in (and in this episode) suggests that Bucks learning that dreams don’t have to be perfect, and actually the ones that are a little lived in are better than the shiny idealistic ones! 
Why his trousers are so short I will never know - its not something we’ve seen to quite this extreme on him before - I’m working with the theory it was something he did while moving the cute little pink bed! 
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Firstly - I am living for the fact that this shirt is so see-through you can fully see the vest he has on underneath it 😂 but in all seriousness - I made a mini meta about the bts we got of Buck in his preppy outfit and spoke about how I thought we might see Buck progressing through increasingly darker green shades as the sperm donor storyline unfolds - now he’s made his donation. this shirt is so far proving the theory (only 1 shirt in, so it could all go wrong from here, but right now I’m winning!), its one I really like because its a double whammy of showing growth - both through the use of green , but also through it becoming increasingly dark - think about how the leaves on trees are always a much more bright and lighter green in spring and they darken up over the course of summer. same thing with these shirts. I also love the transparency of the shirt - it ties back into the whole arc of Buck hiding his feelings from others - and that he’s a bit more transparent than he perhaps thinks he is.
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How I managed to sneak 40 pictures into this post I’ll never know, but I did it!!! 
If you’ve made it to the end then I thank you - have a cookie on me 🍪🍪🍪
I hope you’ve enjoyed my deep dive ramblings on costume for 6x08 - drop me a reblog or a comment to let me see your thoughts - I love reading them!!
As always tagged people below
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @buckscurls @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @name-code-black-widow @callanee @calyssmarviss @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes @piningpettyeddie @bi-moonlight @spotsandsocks  @livingwherethesidewalkends  @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @jordxnhennessy @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @dickley-buddie  @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz @gossamerglob @ktinastrikesback @adamrparrrish @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherat @moniquekatie @wanderingwomanwondering  @trickster-archangel @outrunningthedark @asharadaine @ajunerose  @talespinner230 @pop-kam @swiftiebuckleys @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx​
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Things I Noticed While Writing Light The Fuse: Part 2, Episode 1
And here's more of episode 1 starting off strong with my favourite scene ever /)w(\ I noticed so much stuff crammed into here that I had to make this its own part, I wanna join them on the river so damn bad ;w;
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I've seen this damn scene so many times they've created a pavlovian response within me, now whenever I watch it or think about it I gotta doubeltap whatever I'm nearest to, once for Betty and once for Uncle Lug
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Johnson saying they're more than Brawlers and he means it! He also motions towards the jacket on time to the music and I must also do the same now, I'm a sucker for timing and this is so simple but cute 🥰 also love how they're just saying this assuming we're Ethan in this moment following them to get his tattoo
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This is the old caution room a lot of stuff happens in, you can see it better in the promo image, as well as the fact that some Pinups are hanging out in there too
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Matty reading the paper while it gets sewn 😭 I actually thought they went into town for this but nope it's all Agnes and she's doing it in house. I also had no idea what Johnson was doing at first, maybe just being silly, but on the transition you can actually see that he's adjusting his sleeves cause he's about to fix Ethan's collar I'm sobbing again
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See 😭 I'm also very convinced they dressed him in canon since Ethan did not dress like this before coming down here and you can't convince me otherwise, they went on a shopping trip just like in my fic and that's the truth. Also I swear to god they share shirts cause sometimes it really looks like they've switched and that makes me insane. I also went ahead and counted how many shirts Ethan wears over the season so I knew how many they'd buy him in my fic lol turns out he's got a bunch!
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This is the shot from the promo images!
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I love getting to see inside the trailer, I wonder what they keep in those bins back there?
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I'm in love with him
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I love how this entire scene is Ethan doing all the work while Matty and Johnson shop, I love them so much like the matching HATS DUDE IN THEIR COLOURS and Matty trying to get Johnson back on track and then stopping to look at something else on the way out I would die for them. I also love the detail of every bag going out being red and everyone coming in being yellow, they probably switch between those two every weeks.
This is also the shop where Matty buys Johnson his books in Melt With Me ;w;
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💗😭💗 he likes being a Phoenix guys this is all he needs he's happy doing this I'm gunna cry again
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Was there any reason to look this hot while opening a trailer, seriously
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I'm so goddamn in love with him it's not even funny
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This one isn't even an observation I just really wanna have a drink with them they're having so much fun 🥺🙏 why is Ethan is small between them lol and why is that not me
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There's so much I love about this shot. Ethan just collapsing. Johnson drinking away in the background. Johnson still being the one to urgently wake him up after a sleep so deep he didn't even move. The fact that they either visit this place multiple times or this was a very long night before Matty gave up the bed and let Ethan rest because it appears again when they're watching tv. The fact that there is only ONE BED in this room and you can see that when they leave and in the bts with Matty. Also the bonus second take making it in lmao he bounced so hard in that one
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Again, he could either be talking to us, and so the wink is for us, or he just straight up looked like that to Ethan. I don't know about you guys but... 🙄
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They are the hottest men I've ever seen. Hand shot from Matty just for me. His lip curled over the cigarette. Johnson staring directly into the camera. The smoke they both just blow out so casually. I need to participate in one (1) sloppy makeout with these two stat plEASE
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I love him I need to have a car ride with him just to hear whatever he's so passionate about. Plus it looks like Johnson is leaning on the back of his seat to listen and that's just plain adorable
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They didn't have to do this 😭 I'm so in love with Ethan being so sleepy that he falls asleep on Johnson, and Matty just stealing the whole entire bed for himself (which again there is only one of!) and funnily enough since Johnson's wearing the same shirt as the other scene (obviously because they filmed all this at once but I'm thinking in world hehe) Ethan took his shirt off before bed and put it back on again lmao I'm also completely ignoring how normal I am about this rare glimpse of Johnson chest 😀
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Johnson likes to sing! Matty clapping away for him all proud and cheering him on!! Ethan smiling in the background until he joins in!!! These boys make me cry I swear to go- Anyway he's gotta be good, I need to go back in time and get into this scene
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This made me laugh when I first saw it, just Matty being so expressive and energetic that he straight up stops driving and Ethan has to take over with such an unimpressed look lmao I doubt he's even listening
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Based on his sleeve being rolled up, that's Matty telling him to come on and I think that's so cute ;w; Ethan is so spaced out, nice of them to let him have a sit before it was time to go. In my fic I wrote them as carrying around their own duffle bags with their clothes but it actually looks like Johnson's holding a suitcase, so Matty might be too. I like them having just an excess of duffles though lol I can't see Matty taking the time to pack a suitcase every morning it would be so messy
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Literally the three hottest men on the planet and I love them all, I'm so incredibly happy I got into this show
And that's it for this scene! Episode 1 will be wrapped up for real tomorrow, there was just too much to look at here 🥰💙❤️💛
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avianii · 1 year
I would just like to say… that your use of colour in your work is absolutely insane!! Every time I look at your drawings and I see your colour-use my mind starts to go into overdrive. As someone who struggles with colour and colour palettes I’m so jealous in like the best way possible
Do you plan your colour palettes before hand (if so how do you go about doing that) or does it just sorta happen?
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I love ur art! <33
omg thank you so much for this ask, I absolutely love talking about the more technical side of art!
Believe it or not I actually really struggle with color too, it kinda feels like I have to wrestle the piece into looking cohesive while also having interesting and fun colors. I don't typically plan out a color palette before I start coloring since it feels too restrictive to me so I'll just have a rough idea of what the lighting and background is going to be and then I'll choose a base color that I paint everything on top of. I'll use these two [1] [2] as an example
My process for adding color is more or less just adding the base layer that I build everything else on top of, adding solid colors and shading with multiply and then throwing on some glow dodge and then adding on some details.
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and these set the undertones and lighting for everything else that goes on top. it's a bit like painting in gouache if you've ever done that before. whatever is beneath everything doesn't just act as a background but will show through to the layers on top
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Then its just blocking out the simple colors using a brush at half opacity. I don't think I ever actually choose their clothes beforehand and I kinda just go with whatever I think is gonna look the best or makes the most sense. So like with Ice and Goose in the second one, I wanted them to have contrast with each other so they would be easier to see who's who, and ended up with Ice in blue and Goose in warmer bright colors.
From there it's just a matter of using a mix of purple and blue to shade and adding in reds and oranges to make skin look less lifeless and then adding details and using different blending modes like glow dodge to add effects
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But sometimes even after the 500 adjustment layers there's still some things that I still feel like messing with like making sure the lineart blends into the piece and environmental lighting such as the lighter blue reflections in the shadows here because of the water
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but yeah this process isn't the same for everyone and it's just what feels right for me. I'd recommend taking something simple and figuring out what you like the most! My process changes from drawing to drawing, especially if it's more focused on the background like that one of Mav and Rooster arguing in the forest. and I tend to draw a lot of warm lighting like sunsets or blues and purples just because I like them but I rarely have a solid idea of what the final colored version will look like and instead I just start out with a general feeling I want the final to give off
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 7 months
Tyyy @arendaes for the tag!
Last Song: God's gonna cut you down by Johnny Cash!
Currently Watching: im still like halfway through Stone Ocean but i struggle with having the time and energy to watch so i just read the manga [Twice!] i cannot pay attention to videos.
Three Ships: Uh. been rereading marvel comics so BuckyNat. throw in some SteveSharon bc i forgot how fun they are in CA 2005. on a comics roll so The Authorities Jenny Sparks/Angie/Shen <- insane yuri
Favorite Colour: i love a nice deep red, but turquoise has my heart forever even if its not a colour i wear much. tbh i love all colours its hard to pick a fav
Currently Reading: Captain America 2005, Sleeper [original and season two] and Jojolion.
Currently Consuming: Sesame Snaps<3
First Ship: Mariette and Adrian? i have vague memories of watching miraculous ladybug and getting annoyed at the love square if that counts.
Place of Birth: Earth [Unless?]
Current Location: my desk! sat down after a long ass bus ride and a deceptively hectic three hours
Relationship Status: Single.
Last Movie: UHH. again i suck at watching video entertainment so last film might still be attack the block.
Currently Working On: So many wips! my report and illustrations for boring stuff, then the Conficcare gets beat up fic, a long ass doc about the fucked up hierarchy & gender politics Celia n co navigate through and are affected by, a mega doc of Celia and cos backstories and overall timeline, all the lovely asks in my ask box, some Dulce drawings, and a Tesoro ref sheet!
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bondsmagii · 2 years
I've got a treat for you
okay so right off the bat I am colorblind. I just realized this alone might give away who I am to some of the people following your blog. eh, fuck it. we balling.
I have protanopia. my color wheel is a strong assortment of green, brown, yellow, and blue. everything else I cant see. no purples, no reds. none of that shit.
double homicide right here is the fact that I draw and do art. ouch.
I pretty much sat down and forced myself to memorize the location of colors on a color wheel in order to figure out what colors I need and where. turns out, sometimes I try to make a color more prominent by taking the colors I cant see and making them more intense.
I have, for the longest time, been getting CW on my works for color warnings. I never know why. like its like CW: Color. and I never understood.
until now.
turns out, when I overcompensate my missing colors, I end up making them WAY too bright, and creates a heavy eyestrain.
oh my GOD lmao. this is absolutely brilliant. I remember hearing a story once about somebody getting asked about their interesting colour choices for their art, assuming it was a conscious artistic choice, but then they were like "what do you mean?" because it looked fine to them but guess what. colourblind. they thought they were using green but they were not.
colour vision is honestly one of those things that absolutely fascinates me because there is such variation. I wonder how the world looks through other people's eyes a lot, because I have insane colour vision and I'm out here seeing shrimp colours, and I do wonder what the world looks like to others. especially as I'm a photographer, so when I fiddle around with my camera's settings in order to make it more accurately represent what I see with the naked eye, I wonder if it looks weird or over-saturated to somebody with more average colour vision.
fun fact about this is that even in the dead of night I never see black, just varying shades of indigo, so I'm a good person to follow in a haunted house or whatever. trust me. follow me unquestioningly.
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mcloren · 2 years
11, 17, and 19 for book asks!
17. top 5 children’s books?
i'm answering this one separately because i was so so desperate for someone to ask so it's going to be so long and i absolutely will be answering this through the lens of being an early years professional so! also if you have young family members absolutely do take this as a shopping list i am correct about all of these
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson (also The Gruffalo's Child): it is SO fun for such a wide age range of kids and they all love it so much. so much rhyme and repetition, its so easy for even littler ones to be able to guess what the next animal you're going to see is! helps children learn about nature (i have done a gruffalo hunt at work with my preschoolers and it is SO fun) and different animals and where they live, and also about how to describe the way we look (knobbly knees and turned out toes!!! alliteration is SO essential for teaching children how to read). It also has a lot of touch and feel companion books which are so good and fun to read!
We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen: once again perfect for such a wide age range! we did it as our book of the week and then went on a nature walk where we went on a bear hunt! teaches words like "over" and "under" and "through"!!! good perfect excellent timeless beautiful pictures! all about perseverance and working together!!
The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas: perfect for learning about and discussing emotions! the colour monster changes colour depending on how he is feeling!! yellow is happy red is angry!! really good for helping children talk about the way they feel but also recognising how other people are feeling!!
Horrible Histories Series by Terry Deary: books i genuinely believe every child over the age of 6 should read/have read to them. i read them because i always loved history but i have kids in our out of school club who have discovered a love of history through these books. they show the fun and gross bits of history and it is fun! nothing will get 8 year old boys more interested in history than a timeline of people throwing shit through their window. also one of the rare instances of a tv show inspired by books being good
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by the man the myth the legend Eric Carle: one of the most perfect books in existence i think. so good and fun and teaches so much! life cycles, where food comes from!!! so many fun things you can do after reading this book! go on bug hunts, get a butterfly farm, start growing vegetables, let children join in when you cook!!
apologies for the insane response x pls talk to me about children's books :)
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : ryōmen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors, swearing and mentions of injuries, blood and death.
| form : imagine
| word count : 1574
| published : 18 november
| request : Aaaa,, I really love your Sukuna imagines! Can I request an Imagine where it’s related to ‘kind hearted’, the reader gets hurt and sukuna gets upset? Thank you so much! Keep up with the great work!! 💞🦦
| barista’s notes : let me admit this, i’m not confident with this imagine ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ i tried changing it a few times but i was really doubting myself every time and this was the result of it, so i’m so sorry if you don’t like it ʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔ also i’m not really good with fight scenes so if there are any advices that can be given to me, thank you so much ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ i hope you love your classic cup of black coffee and come again soon!
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To say that you were screwed was more than an understatement. 
Right now wasn’t the ideal situation to be in for any jujutsu sorcerer that wasn’t Gojo’s level.
At this moment and time, standing in front of you was a special grade curse.
What made the situation worse was that Kugisaki was separated from the whole group making the mission more complicated than it needed to be.
“Itadori! Fushiguro! Go find Kugisaki and find the exit to the building, I’ll keep the curse in place!” you demanded, as you knew you didn’t have much time to explain the risky plan you came up with.
“Are you crazy? It’s a special grade there is no way you could defeat it right now!” Fushiguro shouted, trying to know what was going on in your head, thinking that you were utterly crazy for what you just stated to him and his classmate.
“I don’t care! Look, it’s having fun and underestimating us meaning it will use weaker attacks on me, buying time shouldn’t be too hard, just give me a signal when you and Itadori are safe, okay?”
Looking at you with widen eyes, Fushiguro continued to look at you like you had gone completely insane before closing them to clear his mind. What you were saying had much sense in it. Compared to the remaining people in the room, you were the one that had the most potential to defeat the special grade curse if you could, even when you and him were both grade two sorcerers. 
“Okay,” Fushiguro muttered quietly - still reluctant to leave you - before turning around and grabbing Itadori to go along with your plan, leaving you completely alone to defend yourself.
Turning back around to look at your opponent, you reached to the side of your hip to grip on the halt of your katana before slowly pulling the sword out from its sheath. From what you could observe, this special grade wasn’t a normal special grade, there was no way it could be deemed one yet it was. From what was going on around you, the curse hadn’t been able to construct a complete Domain Expansion, more of an Innate Domain at best making you come to the conclusion that it must have eaten a cursed object at best to become as powerful as it is - most likely Sukuna’s finger for one example.
Lifting your sword in front of you, you aimed the pointed tip at your opponent before tilting your head to the side to see what else you could observe from your distance.
“Would cutting your head off look best or would cutting both of your arms first be more sufficient?”
Of course, the curse couldn’t reply to you leaving it to only physically answered you with an immense amount of curse energy forming within the palm of its hand, ready to throw it at you.
“Looks like your arms are the first thing I gotta get rid of,” you answered yourself, as you quickly dodging the attack, only to suddenly appear in front of your opponent, leaving yourself enough space to swing your sword down to fully slash its left arm off as you then went ahead and spun behind its body to slice off the other off before pulling yourself back to gain some distance away from the curse.
However, what you had completely forgotten was that special grade curses were able their curse energy to heal themselves, as the curse’s arms suddenly regenerated as if you didn’t cut them off seconds before.
“Damn, I should have gotten your head first ha?” you rhetorically questioned, before using your free hand to pull a long black chain out of your pocket and attaching one end to the hilt of your katana. “Let’s see how fast you can catch,” you commented, as you then threw your katana while aiming for it’s head, using your curse energy to increase the speed it was going at. However, much to your dismay the curse unexpectantly grabbed onto the metal blade, leaving you no choice but to let your curse energy slowly flow through the chain all the way up to the blade causing a large red orb form at the end, quickly exploding before the curse could even react to stop it.
Swiftly, you pulled the chain back so you could retrieve your sword only to then suddenly see the smoke clearing and a large wave of curse energy coming towards your direction.
In sheer panic, you use your feet to push yourself to the right to move away from the blast before your whole vision was concealed by the rubble and dust. 
Pain. That was all you felt. Pure pain. 
Were you going to die? Wasn’t you expecting that once you told both your classmates to find Kugisaki and run? You couldn’t lie to yourself, it was too painful to think about death right now. You couldn’t think straight at all.
Once the smoked cleared, all that the special curse could see was your standing figure panting heavily with your left sleeve completely gone due to the blast as blood gushed down your left arm. You had barely managed to get yourself out of the hands of instant death and luckily nothing of your body was disintegrated, just some burns and cuts here and there - to say it was surprising to see you standing was an understatement.
“From our battle so far, you lack the form of curse technique, but you still can pack a punch, ah it hurts,”
The blood loss was getting to you. Yes, having no limbs was not the better option but you could still live with that. What humans couldn’t do was stay alive with no blood and here you were quickly losing your live source the flowed in your body. You couldn’t even cover the wound as there was nothing you could cover it with and even if you did, the wound was too large to be covered. 
You were losing the strength to stand.
You were losing your balance.
You were losing consciousness.
Suddenly, you heard a loud sound of a howl from a distance. Instantly, you knew that Fushiguro and Itadori were able to find Kugisaki and get out. It was his signal. 
However, you weren’t so lucky in that factor, from the state that you were in, there was no way in hell you were able to escape now - but you were okay with that. If the other’s were safe, that was better than not knowing if they made it out alive. Slowly, you were starting to lose the feeling in your legs, causing you to completely losing your balance.
‘Damn,’ you thought, as you felt your whole body suddenly dropping leaving you no strength left to even brace for the impact, leaving you to close your eyes and admitting defeat.
However, just as you were able to fall to the ground, you suddenly felt a pair of arms catching you before you were quickly lifted up bridal style and pulled into a warm embrace surprising you completely from the sudden comfort of what you thought was your lonely end. Who was still in the building? You thought everyone got out, so who was carrying you right now?
From your limited sight, you could slowly make out someone in a dark uniform similar to the colour you wore, meaning it had to be someone from the team. However, the extreme pressure of curse energy that was somewhat suffocating you determined otherwise - no one within the area right now had this much power, no one at all. Unless…..
“Were you the one that caused this?”
All you could hear right now a shaking tone as well as the couple droplets of water that was within the Innate Domain that surrounded you.
“For a grade two sorcerer, she really blew half of your body up with that little curse technique she used on you, I’m quite proud of my little one,” Sukuna uncharacteristically complimented you, as he gently pressed a little kiss on top of your head before gently smiling at you - knowing you won’t be able to see this rare expression on his face.
“You see, I’ve grown fond of this little human in my arms right now, and for you to do this much damage to her body, really weirdly angers me,” Sukuna stated before he turned around and began to walk away. “Wait there for a quick second would you? I need to take care of this one right now,” Sukuna commented, before gently placing you down at a safe spot to which he then started to use his curse energy to quickly heal your wound once he sat you up straight. 
Brushing away some of the hairs that were in your face, Sukuna placed one last light lingering kiss on your forehead before saying, “I’m proud of you, just wait a little longer, I’ll be back,”.
What was going on?
This had to be a hallucination. There was no question about that. There was no way Sukuna could have saved you let alone kissed you in any way. This was all a hallucination. Wasn’t it?
However, you didn’t have the power to stay awake any longer, resulting you to surrender to the tiredness that was taking over you, letting the darkness invade your whole surroundings, but not before letting out a little mutter under your breath.
‘Proud ha?’
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Is there any chance youd write a part 2 in the future? Its absolutely cool if you dont want to but WOW this concept? Solid gold (no pun intended)
I honestly love how people reacted to this story. It was so fun to write and became my most popular story to date. I'm such a sucker for the gods and mortals forbidden romance trope is just chefs kiss. Also, puns are always intended. Hand em over.
This chapter doesn't really involve the reader much, it's kinda more of a filler but I want this story to become a series, which means shorter chapters to separate the story. This is just simply a lore filler chapter.
TW: Mention of amnesia, memories being altered
Send me a message via inbox if you wanna be added to a general or series tag list. Make sure to turn off anon, please.
Mortal of Gold (Yandere!C!Techno x GN!Shy!Reader x Yandere!C!Philza) Part 2
It was quiet, for once, but there was a soft wind blowing through the curtain-covered doorway that prevented most light from seeping through. Two figures stood in the other corner of the room, staring into the bronze bowl filled with liquid, watching the destruction they caused spread across the village of L'Manberg with darkened eyes narrowed into glares.
"They deserved it..." Philza murmured, likely to Chat who was resting on his striped hat, giving the odd little squawk or chirp every so often. He gave a sigh and popped a piece of bread he tore off into his mouth, giving a small piece to his whining bird afterwards.
"I don't think the mortals have ever seen you lash out at them in person... Usually, you just send your crows to destroy their crops when they annoy you." Techno chuckled softly as he stole a piece of bread from Philza which caused him to give an annoyed scoff and bat his hand away, "But-"
"YOU SUMMONED 10 WITHERS?" A voice boomed through the palace, causing Phil and Techno to sigh and back away from the dish displaying their destruction proudly, "AND KIDNAPPED A MORTAL?"
The blond rubbed his face and Techno took off his glasses while they both walked out the door. Walking down the polished quartz stairs, the two gods quickly came into eye contact with the source of the voice, as well as a few other visitors.
"You're just mad because we tried to kill your high priest, XD, don't pretend like you follow the rules either." Technoblade sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before putting his glasses back on, "And the mortal is none of your concern. We just did something about it, unlike you fawning from a distance over your mushroom boy."
Despite the cracked mask covering the god's face, everyone around him knew he was irked from Techno's statement. The three other gods behind him snickered into their hands until DreamXD snapped his head in their direction, the thin golden ring halos around his head gained a red glow to them.
The two brunets behind him immediately snapped their mouths shut, but the blond kept snickering away to himself, causing him to get smacked upside the head by one of XD's floating hands before he turned and stormed out the door.
"Ow! Bloody dickhead!" The blond groaned and rubbed the side of his head. The God of Mischief and Determination, Tommyinnit, scowled in the direction of the maniacal god before turning back to his father and Techno, "Ay Dad. Didn't take you for the destructive type! I hear you pulled a Techno and wiped out a village with Withers!"
"Yeah! The explosions shook the entire Upperlands!" Tubbo, the God of Bees and Chess, cheered a bit as his bee buzzed around him, getting specs of pollen in his fluffy hair and decorating his small horns.
Chuckling to himself, the God of Music and Insanity looked behind him at the sandy ground covered in a faint black fog, "XD was throwin' a tantrum. It was honestly the funniest thing to watch," Wilbur adjusted with the guitar on his back, "So where's the little mortal you kidnapped?"
"They're under a sleeping spell at the moment while the amnesia spell sets in," Phil gave each of his sons a brief hug as a greeting, "Then we'll have to alter their memory so they don't panic, but they'll have to stay up here permanently, their mind could be shattered if they do return to the mortal world."
"Shattered?" Tommy repeated, reeling back slightly as Wilbur summoned a leather book in his hand, opening it and scanning through the words, "That sounds like a pretty violent backlash..."
Phil and Techno avoided Wilbur's suspicious glare as subtly as possible, pretending not to see it, "Well... Remember, they're a mortal. Plus the strain of their home being destroyed, getting robbed, then getting kidnapped by gods and being brought to the Upperlands... Who wouldn't go absolutely mental? Then if they see the remains of their old village, it could undo all the magic that was placed upon them."
"Makes sense to me!" Tubbo chirped, his small goat ears wiggling as he held Chat in his hands, "Can we at least see them now and visit them when they wake up?"
Techno tensed up a bit but realized quickly that two of the three of the gods visiting them were too young to consider dating, and the third one was married to a human that he was trying to turn into a merling. "I... Suppose so. Just don't be too loud or the spell will break."
Tommy rolled his eyes dramatically, but the feathers behind his ears ruffled slightly to give away his excitement. Although, he was much better at hiding it than Chat, Tubbo's bee TC (Twitch Chat if you're wondering), and Tubbo, despite the fact that Chat actively visited (Y/n). Wilbur didn't seem to care much, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Or that was his insanity kicking in.
The avian nodded and began leading his biological and adopted sons through Techno's palace, Chat chirping away in his mind. 'Gods, that bird doesn't shut up...' Phil rolled his eyes up to the sky for a moment before smiling a bit to himself, 'Better than everything being dead silent I suppose...'
"In here. Now shut up. The spell won't work twice in a row." Techno hissed quietly before moving aside the crimson satin curtains to allow his old friend's sons into his rarely touched bedroom. The quartz room was kept dark via similarly coloured curtains blocking the majority of the light from coming into the room, while still allowing enough so they could see. A canopy bed stood proudly in the center of the room with golden posts and pure white chiffon silk curtains swaying lightly with the blowing winds.
Phil and Techno couldn't help but smile softly to themselves at the thought of seeing you again, even if you were asleep and, at the moment, void of memories and personality. Techno led the way inside and gently hooked his fingers around the fabric and moved it aside to let the younger gods see the mortal they had saved from the cruelties of the Earth.
The three gods carefully took their time studying you, trying to find what had their father and the anarchist totally entranced. Their eyes carefully took the time to study your soft (h/l) (h/c) hair, your beautiful (s/t) skin, and your silk robes that were ombre from red to white, accented with the very golden accessories that the high priest had tried to steal. (They used magic to put you in the new outfit. They're yanderes not creeps.)
"Oh... They truly are stunning. Are you sure they're a mortal?" Tubbo frowned for a moment, straightening up and pulling Chat away from your motionless figure so the crow would stop trying to peck at your jewellery.
"What do you mean?" Wilbur frowned at the younger god, his adopted brother. This had also caught the attention of the other gods
"I mean... Don't think they're a mortal, or at least they weren't born one..."
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girlgrouptrash101 · 4 years
Lisa (Blackpink) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “HEADCANON’s are my thing. Can I request Lisa as your girlfriend, please?”
A/N: lovesick girls SOTY,,, that’s all i have to say
- C
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Get ready to be treated like royalty,, miss manoban won’t settle for anything less when it comes to her baby
Lisa is always romantic, whether its taking you our for a candle-lit, romantic dinner or just staying at home and slow dancing around the living room together
Your guys’ apartment would be the perfect blend of both your tastes, with a gorgeous, retro, red jukebox in the living room that you and Lisa play music from whenever you’re at home
You have a big photograph wall in your room of all the memories you’ve had together,, with most of the pictures being taken by your very own personal photographer Lisa hehe
her camera goes everywhere with her, and she has millions of photos of you that you’ve never even seen, as Lisa loves to keep them to herself so she can look through them when she’s away and misses you
the rest of the pinks are basically your best friends, and they basically knew you before they even met you, thanks to Lisa’s constant gushing over how amazing you are and how lucky she is to be with you :’]
you’re always invited to their shows and concerts,,, and the absolute joy you get seeing all Lisa’s fans scream for her knowing she all yours at the end of the day simply cannot be put into words
on long days before comebacks, you often find yourself heading to Blackpink’s practice room with snacks in hand, reminding the girls to stop overworking themselves and put their health first!
Lisa always teaches you her new dances, even if you have two left feet lol
she loves watching you learn, and after a few months she’s really helped you improve - even if most of you lessons end up to you and her dancing to crazy frog around the practice room like maniacs
the most fun dates!! Like one time you and Lisa went to every single ice cream parlour in your city and reviewed each one to find out which one had the best ice cream around
like YES you were both stuffed and couldn’t touch ice cream for about a month after because you hadn’t recovered... but it was still worth it
the two of you also love to pack a picnic and a blanket, taking a drive out to the big fields in the country side
there’s nothing else around you for miles, just you, Lisa and the sound of birds as they fly by and nest in trees, the two of you just enjoying the blissful break from city life
Plus you get to make daisy chains and talk about the most random things as you lounge on the blanket you packed, completely at ease with life and with one another
you love talking to Lisa so much; your conversation can honestly range from questioning the creation of humanity to talking about your favourite flavour of ice cream (mint choco team rise up)
she always does that little thing with her thumb when she holds your hand, rubbing her thumb ever so softly across the back of your hand and it makes your heart go dsfjksskl
gives the BESTEST hugs ever omg
her head rests on top of yours as she loops her arms around her waist and yours drape around her shoulders, your head against her chest or on her shoulder as she holds you tight against her
also gives A+ cuddles too, she’s like your own personal teddy bear that you can just never pull away from,,, she’s too warm and soft,, you always end up spending hours in her arms whenever you can
rumour has it you almost broke your knees trying to beat Lisa at the rasputin dance - spoiler alert, she still won like she always does jndsfdklds
shopping dates!! which are actually really fun,, Lisa always picks out something for the both of you that’s absolutely ABSURD, and when you go and try it on the two of you end up cracking up with laughter
don’t tell anyone but half the time when Lisa buys clothes for herself she goes for things that you would like in hopes that you borrow them off her... because YOU... in HER CLOTHES... she might just cry uwu
dating Lisa and accidentally becoming a parent to all FOUR of her cats.. good luck i guess xoxo
she loves taking you to Thailand to meet her family, and bringing you to all her favourite spots as a child, wanting to make new memories there with you by her side
she’s also one to show up on your doorstep with two plane tickets and a suitcase packed for you - she doesn’t even tell you where you’re going, but she always has a plan and brings you on the most memorable and life changing trips around the world
she just wants to make so many memories with you and switch things up when you least expect; Lisa loves to keep you on your toes
plus,,,, more memories = more stories to tell your kids when you get to that milestone in the future
which Lisa definitely sees happening, she’s never, ever leaving you behind, it would be a crime to lose a love as strong as yours.
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NSFW From Here:
kind of a service top tbh,,, like this girl just wants her baby to be feeling good and satisfied
will have her way with you any time any place though,, like she always catches you so off guard - you could be just cooking dinner and then all of a sudden she’s crept up behind you and her hand is down your pants
“and I’ll do it again” - Lisa after eating you out on the kitchen counter top x
It drives her fucking insane when you moan out her name, and it only spurs her on to fuck you harder and faster, listening to each heavenly scream spill from your lips
less into sending you nudes and more into sending you steamy choreographies that she’d been practicing just for you
Lisa feels the best when she’s dancing, and she knows just how worked up you get when you watch her dancing to something sexy, so she never hesitates to invite you to the practice room when she knows she’s going to be putting on a show
which usually ends up with you against the practice room mirror, begging for Lisa to go harder and harder - probably scaring away everyone else in the YG building </3
definitely has a rainbow coloured strap on because gay rights 
tbh you couldn’t care less what colour it is - you don’t even know anything except Lisa’s name when she’s using it, each thrust driving you closer and closer to that glorious edge
Lisa absolutely LOVES when you take care of her too, especially after a long day of schedules when she just gets to come home and ride your face until she crashes from tiredness
her favourite thing in the world is getting eaten out, her long legs wrapping around your head to keep her close to her core while her head is thrown back in pleasure
i could definitely see her being into wax play too, mainly because she think its so gorgeous,, the hot wax melting onto your skin and creating a beautiful picture on her favourite canvas
Lisa in thigh high boots......... and deep red lingerie........... thinking so many thoughts
absolutely LOVES receiving/sending nudes, and she saves every single one in a locked folder for her to look back on when she’s busy on tour and missing your touch 
and don’t be surprised if you get a facetime call in the middle of the night, filled with Lisa’s whines and moans as she touches herself over the phone, driving you crazy knowing you can’t be there to please her the way she so clearly desires
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sweetiejunie · 3 years
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Summary: You get jealous that he was ‘flirting’ with another idol
Genre: fluff, smut «dont read if you dislike this, you have been warned»
Yeonjun x reader
💕request by anon: Hi! May I request jealous sex with Yeonjun? In which case the reader get's jealous of another idol being too close with Yeonjun?
A/n: havent wrote a smut in a while, hope you liked this!
You were ignoring him. Was it petty? Yes. Was it necessary? Well, to you it was. Did he deserve it? That was debatable, but to you it was a hell yeah he did.
So, what exactly did he do that made you this mad? Some may say it was harmless. Some may say you were overreacting. But he was flirting with another girl! Right in front of you! Another idol to be exact.
Okay sure, technically the both of you weren’t in a relationship. And yes, he had free will do what he wanted. The relationship between the two of you could have been described as... complicated. It was painfully obvious that the two of you liked each other. I mean, every-time you passed each other, yeonjun would either blow you a kiss or wink at you playfully. And you loved to tease him every now and then. Throwing him random complements that added to his — already— overinflated ego and then breaking it down again and vice versa. It was all in good fun, of course. And he knew that. It was just how your dynamic worked with him. It had been months since it first started, and you practically already acted like a couple, with all the hand holding, kissing and things that were better left to the imagination. You just never made it official, but everyone who knew you, knew the both of you were off limits.
Long story short, that’s how yeonjun ended up in you apartment. You hadn’t expected him to show up so soon. You left shortly after you witnessed the whole... ordeal... take place. You had just taken a shower, wrapping yourself in your thin silk robe when your door bell rang. And here he was.
“Come on y/n, I’ve already apologised.” He tried for what was most likely the tenth time.
You didn’t budge. Frankly speaking, you’ve already forgiven him, maybe after his second apology or so. But seeing his attempts to gain your forgiveness was just too cute to pass on. You were sure he had figured that out by now and was simply playing alone.
“Y/n, please? I’m sorry.” He pouted this time, trying to catch you glance. Giving you puppy dog eyes the entire time. “I was just kidding. You know i would never hit on anyone other than you.”
You didn’t reply, trying your hardest not to let a smile break your, slowly but surely, shattering demeanour .
“Y/nnnnn,” he whined again, poking your cheek. “I swear i was just having a conversation.”
Gosh, why did this boy had to be so darn cute all the time.
You let giggled escape this time. By the time you caught yourself, he’d already noticed. And he took that opportunity to hook an arm around your waist, tugging you closer to him. Sealing your back against his chest.
Something pulled at his lips, “i really am sorry.” A short pause before he continued. “Were you really that jealous?” You weren’t even facing him, but you hear the smug grin that was plastered on his face.
His question caught you off guard. “I- I was not jealous.” Never have you wanted to crawl under the table as much as you did in this moment.
Interest sparked in his eyes. “Is that so?” His hands rubbing gentle circles against your sides. “My mistake, then. But i have to admit,” he leaned in closer to your ear to whisper, “that knowledge actually made me extremely turned on.”
Your cheeks coloured at his confession. How were you supposed to reply to that?
“Baby... let me make it up to you,” he murmured.
He placed his hand on your shoulders, spinning you to face him as he leaned towards you. His lips were soft yet unrelentingly firm. Wasting no time to make your thoughts go blurry with nothing but the idea of him. He let his hand slide down your thighs, over the robe you wore. Lifting you to your toes then hire, he wrapped your legs around his waist. The lower half of the robe parted as the upper half rolled of your shoulders.
Yeonjun’s growing hardness pressed into you, and your body answered on its own accord, moving against him, dragging a grunt out from him. You weren’t sure if it was his hand kneading at your rear, feeling of him between your thighs or the intensity of the kiss that drove you closer to the edge. Perhaps it was a combination of everything. Everything about this man drove you insane.
“Bedroom?” His chest rising heavily against yours.
You nodded and his lips were back on yours as he walked you both to your room. Not having to look where he was going, he knew your entire apartment by muscle memory.
After several moments, one of his arms folded over your waist, his other in your hair as he lowered you onto the bed. The back of head rested on your pillows as his hand eased from underneath you. You opened your eyes when you felt the bed dip with his weight. His hands on either side of your head as he hovered over you.
Noticing that the robe had now slipped even further, you wanted to cover yourself. But you didn’t move. The swells of your breasts were now visible, and an entire leg was out, all the way to you hip. You simply shifted your gaze to his.
Neither of you spoke as his chests rose and fell, his breathing as uneven as yours. His lips parted, but no words came out. His muscles rigid as he held him up before he ducked his to neck. Kissing a trail along your jaw, down to your collar bones. Your breath hitched as you burned more.
“Y/n...” there was an abundance of need in that one word, your name. “Let me make it up to you the only way i know how.”
His hand drifted over you stomach, where your skin had been exposed. You could barely breathe or think as his lips brushed against the neckline of the robe. You felt the warm glide of his tongue through the fabric. You gasped, shocked by the act and rush that it brought you. His gaze lifted to you as his mouth closed over the tip of your breast. He sucked deep and long, and your gasp quickly turned into a cry. You felt his hand move closer to where you needed him the most, pressing down against your bundle of nerves.
“Fuck,” you sighed.
“Mmm.” His lips shifted back to your neck. “You like that, baby?”
There was no point replying. He already knew the answer, and he did it again, causing you to whimper more.
“You’re very wet, y/n.” He breathed against your jaw. “I like that.” A pause. “I also like how you react to my touch.”
Without another word, yeonjun turned you to the side, away from him. Confused, you looked back to him as he stretched out behind you. He rested on his elbow and met your eyes.
“I’ll take care of you,” he hummed, pulling you into the cradle of his hip.
Your robe had slipped and now there was nothing but the jeans he wore between your bare rear and the hard length of him. You bit your lip as he trailed down you side and lifted your leg, sliding one of his between. His hand drew along your body before meeting with your wetness. His touch remaining light, almost featherlike, as he slid a finger across your center, causing your entire body to twitch. He continued this motion for what felt like eternity, and then he sank that finger in. You kicked your head back against his chest, letting out a breathy moan.
“You’re the only one for me,” he grunted. “You know that.” He pulled his finger almost completely out of you before inching it back in again.
You couldn’t respond as fire sparked inside of you with each thrust of his finger. He angled his hand so that his thumb could brush against your sensitive nerves. Each motion taking more breathe out of you. His worked his other arm around you, and across your chest. Palming and squeezing your breast as he worked in a second finger.
“Yeonjun.” You managed, your hips still moving.
And you could tell he was loosing his composure when he replied. “Ah fuck.” He sucked in a breath. “Just ride my fingers.”
You cried out, rubbing harder against his hand, against him. His breaths hitched in his throat as you did this. Looking back, you saw him watching hand, watching you grind and clench around them. Right then, you couldn’t even remember what you had been jealous about. Was it some bitch? Well, she wasn’t the one here with yeonjun now. Your stomach tightened as you continued to ride his fingers, riding his length that pressed against you behind.
He started to move so there was space between your bodies. Instead, you reached for his hip, nails digging into his skin as a silent demand.
And yeonjun obeyed.
He stilled, cursing as his plunged his fingers faster, rubbing your clit harder. You rocked against him, the feeling in your lower stomach becoming too much. With a final thrust, you moaned out when you came. You shuddered around his fingers and he shuddered against you, still moving his digits, exploiting every sensation from you until you went limb in his arms.
You stayed there, both your breathing slowly steadying. He eased out of you and you turned your head to face him. You expected to see that cocky grin of his. But you caught the red hue that tinted his cheeks instead. And slowly you became aware of the dampness at your lower back. You eyes widened when you realised.
“Sorry,” a sheepish smirk appearing, pulling your robe back to its original state. “Only you could do this to me.”
Now it was your turn for your lips to twitch. “I guess i should get jealous more often, huh?”
“So you were jealous~” he sang.
“Shut up.”
What was this 😀 i think ive been reading too much
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