#red string corkboard
geneticcatalyst · 9 months
unwieldy venn diagram of favorite cmedia guys that im too lazy to make but it looks like
llh, mcs: lying to all their old friends and enemies about being a completely different guy
nhs, jby: architecting major political power plays under cover of being the least competent guy you know
jby, mcs: actually usually three steps ahead of the game, plots laid well in advance
nhs, llh: somehow keep getting away with this despite improvising all kinds of bullshit last minute
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dimensionzero · 1 year
all the implications of the different earths in atsv having different art styles are going to drive me insane. why do some people, like miles and peni and hobie, keep their own art styles wherever they go? why do some people, like gwen, adjust to other universes' art styles instead of keeping their own? is it automatic? do they know that this is happening? do they choose whether or not to keep their own styles in other universes? is it a conscious choice? subconscious? if it's a choice then why do items from other universes, like hobie's watch, keep their original styles? I'm going to start crawling up my wall
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egophiliac · 10 months
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messing around with techniques! I...like the foxman and the catboy a lot okay
also, a couple of quickies that honestly don't deserve any more effort than I've already given them:
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ghostofchaos-past · 2 months
hold on. hold on.
we have no way of knowing that there wasnt some parellel universe fuckery that made them not be teenagers when they died. also sam said they seemed about the right age.
they died 20 years ago. the institute burned down 20 years ago.
and a cycling accident and a "heart thing" could very well be made up accidents to cover up their deaths
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popfizzles · 3 months
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boba's lost like weeks worth of sleep over this, okay
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thatmightyheart · 2 years
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p5s yusuke is so good and funny (nonsense comic)
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avnasace · 6 months
something about bobby going underwater to lift athena so she can breath even at the possible expense of his life
and eddie running up a wet metal ladder untethered during a lightning storm next to a active hoseline, to try to pull bucks deadweight up to him until he physically has to lower him instead
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august-racoone · 2 months
dipper is a tma fan, i will fight anyone who disagrees
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reanimatedgh0ul · 1 year
thinking how i said jazz's dynamic w vlad would her wanting to study him like bug and how if she managed to compile THIS much research on jack than i can only imagine what her research on vlad would look like
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doloneia · 1 month
odydio and boar parallels
good morning evening and night folks i have been pondering THIS for 12 hours straight and after writing what. appears to be a beautiful essay in my words doc i’ve just decided to throw all my thoughts at the wall instead. love that essay but it is becoming so very well-written academic work and i am so deeply unserious online.
anyways. on the subject of odysseus and diomedes and their shared boar vibes. the thing i kept coming back to was how boars were fucking TERRIFYING in ancient greece. to the point where the calydonian boar hunt (essentially just 30 dudes rocking up to kill a divine pig*) is a whole Event its a whole Heroic Tale. because you think 30 dudes can get that boar without a scratch WRONG two guys die and peleus stabs some other dude in the confusion. boars are ruthless and frankly overpowered as fuck little bastards in ancient greece and of the four i can think of with names at least TWO of them had divine origins somehow (calydonian and crommyonian).
and honestly? ruthless, terrifying as fuck, difficult for a horde of men to stop let alone some guy? got some nebulous relationship to the gods that give you strength? holy shit thats tydeus right there babey. he kills like 49 guys and sends the other one home as a warning. he literally gets married off of Boar Vibes dude. its his whole personality.
and so obviously diomedes, whose entire job for ten years is Bring Honor To Dead Father, is like well shit! time to adopt the whole boar vibe! i mean he’s literally compared to a boar in book V with unending strength truly he is the boar guy junior. he fights hordes of thebans/calydonians/trojans without resting, he cuts down hundreds of men without mercy, he gets athenas favor and despite how well he plays the part he is so tired. he’s ruthless, but does he want to be? he’s skilled in battle, but has he known anything else? he’s favored by the gods, but did he ever have a choice in that?
meanwhile odysseus. odysseus who is scarred by the boar he hunted as a child on his thigh. escaped what is otherwise certain death. marked so deeply by an animal so connected to divine rage that it transcends even athena’s disguise. it is this scar, that proved him equal in combat to that boar, that identifies him to his friends and family. that helps him retake his house and throne. just. the scar itself cements odysseus’ mortality but it also transcends any attempt at concealing who he is.
anyways putting all these thoughts together. i think that for diomedes the boar symbolism is something that doesn’t quite fit. its something that stretches and aches, like an old shirt thats too tight, because its not indicative of him its indicative of tydeus. but tydeus died at thebes, and diomedes has to live up to his legacy, so he tries regardless and it never quite feels right. meanwhile odysseus fights tooth and nail to survive, even when he’s surrounded like a boar by hunters and their dogs. sacks cities and kills hundreds of men and for all the help he gets from the immortal gods, odysseus remains wholly mortal. maybe the real disguise is how diomedes is the one scarred and odysseus is the boar, but neither of them look it.
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hermitcrimes · 7 months
xB's crimes of episode 2
Grand theft equine
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god-tier-bastard · 4 months
thinking about brennan and false prophecies. he rly channeled the wizard steel when he gave adaine the vision of fabian's birthday/election day. we rly should have seen oisin coming, he was being played by brennan "it's so easy to show an oracle a fake vision" lee mulligan
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carlyraejepsans · 6 months
i wish i had more energy to draw and plot lately i NEED to make the insane daemoverse flowisk situationship real. i need you guys to see my vision
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buzzfella · 7 months
grian's descent into madness is SO season 8 core im normal.
"is the moon big..." (11:32)
"the ocean wants too much from me" (25:27)
"only one of them is real [...] i feel like im in a fever dream :(" (26:29)
plus the moonbig skin. and blaming his woes on a personified force of nature (the sea). ask and the ocean shall provide??? sounds.. familiar..
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sarcki · 13 days
Just imagining Stanford being born in the 2000s just in time to become obsessed with fnaf as a kid
That man would go feral over the lore
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No matter the timeline this man can’t escape motherfuckers named William driving him insane
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adamsvanrhijn · 11 months
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1.08 ▹ Tucked Up in Newport 2.02 ▹ Some Sort of Trick THE GILDED AGE (2022–)
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