#redacted gabby
itsdaifuku · 1 year
my amazing artist mutual @terrazaurio (check out their part, it's suuuper adorablleleleleel) and me did an art trade and here's my part:
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gabby casually taking a photo of the chaos... the dadvids probably shifted into their wolf forms out of shock
Tag List:
@sojutsu , @riverflowsanywherebuthere , @dormienschas , @shellssstuff , @darlin-collins , @angelcactus , @suniani , @verrverii , @ashtonsdrumstixs , @annahhopee , @teaseat , @lumpiya , @haradasaya , @ekko-loves-echo , @floofdeloop , @anthrokiaera
bonus meme:
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annahxredaxted · 2 years
Thanks @itsdaifuku for the request!
Also thanks @angelcactus for the Shaw kid’s name!
Genre: fluff
Pairs: Angel/David and lil baby Shaw
“Daddy,” no response “,Daddy?” Gabby asked again
“In here!” David yelled from the office
Gabby waddle her way into his office, latching on to her bear uncle Asher gave her, slowly opening the door and peeking through
“Daddy?” She whispered
“Yes ?” He whispered back with a shadow of a smile
“Can you get me some milk please I can’t reach it..” gabby asked looking awkward swaying around in the doorway.
David slowly stood up and walked over to gabby, and held out a finger for her to grab, she grabbed it with a full hand
Tiny ass hand and big ass fingers
“Okay gabs come on.” He said hunched over while gabby led him to the kitchen.
Once they got in there, he could tell that it was evident that gabby attempted to pour her own glass but, needless to say failed.
“Ah gabby..” David looked at the split milk on the floor, dripping off the counter, and the broken glass on the floor and the stool, by the cupboard.
“I sorry daddy, I was firsty..”
“Thirsty.” David corrected, he thought correct grammar was important even if she was only three years old.
“It’s alright honey, I’ll clean it up then grab you a cup of milk, but hey,” he paused waiting for her to make eye contact “,just ask for help next time okay?”
She nodded and giggled
“Oh, oh daddy!” He shot his head around
“Yes ?” He asked
“Look at this bear uncle Asher gave me!” She held up the bear, it was brown, with black button eyes and about half the size of gabby.
Even though gabby had already shown her dad the bear probably more times then David’s age, he still acted surprised
“Oh wow it’s a great bear honey, be sure to tell uncle Asher thank you.”
She nodded in agreement
David lifted gabby up and sat her on a counter that wasn’t drenched in milk and walked over to the drawer with the towels in them and started to clean.
“Daddy..” gabby asked
“When’s mommy/Daddy, getting home?”
“Soon. Why?” He asked looking up from the counter he was wiping
“There’s a car outside, maybe it’s them.” She said pointing out the window to a car that sure enough was angels.
He smiled, it was a Saturday and angel only had to run a few errands so now he could spend time with his entire family all together.
“Yeah it is, now here,” he let her down from the counter “,go wait by the front door.”
“Oki!” She waddled off to the door to wait for angel.
David was still tidying the mess gabby made, but he didn’t mind.
He wiped up the milk and swept up the glass, when he heard the door knob click
“Mommy!/Daddy!” He heard gabby yell from the other room.
“Hi nugget!” Angel said picking gabby up and swinging her around.
Gabby chuckled hysterically while angel held her.
David walked in on the two and smiled, angel was good with kids. Fuck angel was great with kids.
“Welcome home angel..” David said walking towards the two, and hugged both of them, he gave Angel a quick kiss on the lips and gabby stiffened her face
“Ewwwww” she said and made a fake gaging sound
Angel chuckled and started kissing gabby all over her face.
“Aww Ewww” angel said mockingly and laughing
“Alright Alright you two knock it off.” David said taking gabby from angels arms
“Did you still want a glass of milk or you wanna help me make lunch?” He asked ruffling her hair.
“Both!” She yelled putting her hands up in victory
He chuckled
“Okay princess let’s go.”
They walked toward the kitchen whilst gabby chanted
“Milk, Milk,Milk,Milk!”
“I’ll be right there I need to get changed.” Angel said signaling to their shared bedroom.
David nodded, and continued to walk to the kitchen
“Alright Princess what do you think we should have for lunch?”
He asked setting her on the counter she was previously on.
“Raman!” She said
His eyes shocked and he sighed.
“Mom/Dad, taught you that didn’t they?” He said rubbing the bridge of his nose
“Yup!” She hugged her teddy bear again.
“Okay okay fine. But we’re not making those nasty two minute ones, if I’m eating Raman we’re having the real deal.” He said
“Peek a boo!” Angel said from behind gabby and David
“Mama!/Dada!” Gabby exclaimed at the sight of their not-so-favorite parent.
“Hi baby!” They pinched gabby nose and kissed it.
David chucked again.
“So big daddio. Raman? I hear?” They grinned
He sighed but it turned into a chuckle.
“Yes angel, I’m making Raman, but my style
They did a little victory dance.
Gabby clapped and laughed
And David smiled
One big happy family
The End
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angelcactus · 2 years
Tiny Handprints
Moral of the story its just David being a dad featuring toddler gabby at a meeting!
Pack meetings were always interesting when David brought his 2 year old daughter, Gabby, with him. She was always bright and energetic, gaining all the attention from the rest of the pack. Sometimes she was in cute onesies and those days were always the best. Her favorite spot was in David’s seat, unfortunately that was David's favorite spot too.
If Angel was there she would sit in their lap and play with their fingers. Today was no different. David walked into the den, Gabby on one arm and Angel holding onto his other. Angel took Gabby and kissed her face, making her giggle and squeal.
“You ok to set up by yourself Davey?” They said, setting Gabby on their hip. David nodded and kissed their cheek.
“I'll be ok, everyone will be here soon anyways.” He hummed setting papers on the meeting table “Make sure her coloring pictures are ready for the meeting.” He said looking back at Angel who was sitting on the den’s couch. Angel nodded and smiled, poking Gabby’s stomach making the girl squeal and giggle.
Once everyone started to pile in and they were around the table in their respective spots. David started the meeting. Gabby was in Angel's lap, doodling away on a piece of blank paper with a blue crayon. David continued talking, something about jobs that were up for grabs or finance, who knows.
Gabby slid out of Angel’s lap, holding onto her now finished picture. It was just scribbles, but it was just enough to make out a drawing. Angel looked at Gabby, raising a brow at her.
“What are you doing Gabs?” They whispered, helping her to the floor. Gabby held onto the leg of the table for support, she could walk alone but she stumbled and tripped a lot so support was good.
Gabby shuffled quietly to David's chair tugging on his pant leg gently.
“If anyone is open on- Oh hi pumpkin.” David said, kneeling down to her height. “What do you need?” He smiled at her. Gabby giggled and handed him the picture. He gently took the picture and looked at it. It was a drawing of 3 stick figures, they were distinctive from the heights. The tallest one was obviously David, the second tallest was Angel and the smallest one was Gabby.
David smiled and kissed her cheek, “Thank you pumpkin.” He picked her up and set her drawing on the table. “Anyways if anyone is open on Thursday there is a job open.” David kept talking and Gabby rested her head on his shoulder. She yawned, earning a few aws from the rest on the pack. David rubbed her back, and swayed slowly. Gabby nuzzled in close and fell asleep.
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fazcinatingblog · 11 months
the 8th netball team is apparently going to be based in south east melbourne, awesome!!!! i know a great place they can play home games ((((dales park))))
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discoconcept · 2 years
this is such an evil part of the quarter im in no way exaggerating when i say i have 20 things to do rn
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totallynuwonhere · 9 days
- Is it not obvious my obsession for David yet?
(PSA: None of this is meant to imply any specific aspect of the listen in question)
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Gabriella Shaw (Gabby)🫶🏻
* Angel carbon copy
* Loves to roller skate, Angel takes her and Kelcee (Asher and Baabe’s daughter) to roller rinks
*Took over as Alpha as regardless of not taking control of the security company. But she does help out on the logistical side.
*Plays the acoustic guitar
Callum Grey Shaw 🌱
*Named after Caelum, cuz I headcanon when the twins were born David caught a glimpse of Caelum suddenly
* Inherited David’s resting bitch face
* Loves movies and just watching shows in general. He’s memorized each Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode BY TITLE.
*He adores getting taken by David to work, hence taking over the Security company.
* Great listener, Gabby has always been more of the talker, if couldn’t already tell 👍
-Despite being David’s kitchen assistants ever since they could pick up a spoon, none of them are able to cook more than stir fry
-Green thumb pookies. I’m talking flower beds, hanging orchids, David is very proud of it.
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realmyths · 5 months
writing - Are there any rules you find difficult, grammatically speaking? characters - What is your preferences in characters? multimuse blogs - Who is your favorite muse, and why?
Definitely knowing where to put commas. haha! I feel I either put too many or too few.
I don't feel I have a character type exactly, though I do love idealists who are also a bit morally grey. (Thirteenth Doctor, Daenerys, etc.)
It's hard to pick a favorite muse, tbh. I love all of my muses to pieces. But at the moment I'd say these are my favorites of my OCs & canons:
OCs: Persephone, Victoria, Alex, Hope, Farryn, Esme, Hoa, Anastasia, Daxa, Aphrodite,Alanna, Diana, V, Gabby, The [Redacted] Doctor
Canons: The Thirteenth Doctor, Ciri, Eloise, Benedict, Kate, Caitlyn, Raelle, Tally, Daenerys, Arya, Ann, Laura
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tournament-of-x · 8 months
okay so we know both lauras are alive and we know fang is alive and logan but my only question is gabby kinney (scout)still alive after the hellfire gala
It’s likely. If she was at the Gala, she probably either escaped or ended up in the [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS] with most of the other mutants.
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rokhal · 1 year
As a chronic sufferer of Daddy Issues™ with a side of REDACTED, I’ve been watching Buddy Daddies, which has managed to include wholesome father-daughter bonding without making me cry. Nice!
But what would Robbie and Eli think of it. If someone in the know (currently nobody’s in the know except Johnny and maybe probably Gabe, so...conceivably Lisa? would have enough spare time to become aware of semi-obscure anime?) sat him down and had him watch a couple episodes.
I think Robbie would hate it on principle, because it paints hitmen in a sympathetic light. But after forcing himself to watch longer (in the hope that Eli might contract a touch of empathy?) Robbie might change his tone, because Kazuki and Rei are trying to do their best for Miri despite their trauma and despite having no goddamn clue how parenting is even supposed to work, and nobody has done this for Robbie since his parents disappeared. Or, rather, Robbie has been let down so many times that he’s forced himself to believe he never needed anyone’s support in the first place, and now he’s watching Miri yell for Papa Rei to come save her from the policeman and he’s crying
Also, Robbie would probably find Kazuki and Rei’s struggles with the logistics of caring for Miri intensely relatable.
I could see Eli’s reaction going in several possible directions. The most obvious being, that the whole conceit of the show relies on de-fanging a bloody and necessary business; it’s ludicrous for two hitmen to adopt a child when they could simply sell her to a human trafficker and save themselves the trouble. On the other hand, I don’t think Eli’s childhood was much better than Robbie’s (based on the fact that Alberto Reyes was so trauma-bonded to his little brother that he didn’t notice he was dangerous until he’d actually tried to kill Juliana and their unborn child). I think witnessing clueless parents doing their bizarre best for Miri might spark at least a little jealousy in Eli, a little Why couldn’t I have had that? Of course, what Eli would say to Robbie was, See, you should let me hang with Gabbie. It’d be good for him!
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absentia-if · 2 years
sorry if this has been asked or answered before, but how did K and Gabby meet? was it before or after the MC was kidnapped? and what is Gabby's job?
K and Gabby met at [redacted].
They didn’t know one another before you went missing, but it’s possible they saw one another as that happens sometimes in cities.
Gabby is a Firefighter.
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itsdaifuku · 1 year
david likes to tell gabby about his childhood stories before she goes to sleep (ft wolfie, a knitted wolf plushie by mama shaw):
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it's one of gabby's favourite times of the day because she can listen to her dad talk about pawpaw gabe and her nana, the shenanigans of uncle asher and uncle milo... however she is most excited to listen to david talking about gabe bc in her words 'daddy has the biggest smile when talking about pawpaw'
for the lovely @haradasaya (i SAW those rb hashtags hehhee)
Tag List:
@sojutsu, @riverflowsanywherebuthere, @dormienschas, @shellssstuff , @darlin-collins, @angelcactus , @suniani , @verrverii , @ashtonsdrumstixs , @annahhopee , @teaseat , @lumpiya , @haradasaya , @ekko-loves-echo , @kimiko-the-angel
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annahxredaxted · 2 years
Hush little baby don’t say a word~
Characters: David/angel gabby shawwww
Tw: nightmares
Genre: fluff☁️
@badwolf52 made a post about this prompt so her it is!
@angelcactus thanks for letting me use your Shaw pack baby names! Luv u!
A loud cry was heard from the nursery down the hall, it Repeated for at least three minutes before angel sighed.
“Alright then.” They said under their breath in an attempt to not wake their sleepy husband
“No.., Angel where you goin?” He asked eyes closed, tired and confused
“Gabby’s crying.” They said to him,
“I’ll get her.”
“No it’s fine davey I got it.” They said to him, they lived their husband- more than life itself, but he needed rest he got home late, and had a very early morning, he was visibly tired. No exhausted.
“Angel.” He said also wanting his mate to sleep
“Davey.” They said back
He growled, “stop let me.”
“No your tired ” Angel retorted, smiling
Somehow they slipped out of his sleepy, grasp and waddled away to gabbys room- proud of themselves for finally winning a fight against Mr Alpha Shaw himself.
They peered through the cracked door, seeing gabby standing in her crib, holing on to the railing awaiting her parents to give her attention, much needed but noisy attention- but nevertheless she succeeded
“Hey gabs..” Angel whispered, picking her up from under her armpits, softly spoken, they hated when gabby cried, it hurt their heart to see their little girl cry..
“What wrong sweet baby?” They asked their crying girl, who was currently burying her face into their neck- just wanting her daddy/mommy to hold her and comfort her, and nurture her so caught up In helping gabby that they hadn’t even noticed David walking in the room
“Awh.” They mumbled, softly smiling at the sleepy baby resting on their chest, much calmer no that their favorite parent was holding her now.
“You guys are cute.” Said a deep voice- who was supposed to be fast asleep in bed but for some god awful reason he was awake.
David they grimaced
“Your supposed to be in bed davey.” They said snapping their head around to their very much awake husband- no shirt- no pants- just boxers- heh they mused
“As are you.” He retorted also wanting his mate to get rest- their severely overworked but also severely underpaid.
He walked behind his two favorite people in the world, bringing them both into a hug, inhaling and exhaling deeply, soaking up this moment of them on his presence.
“I love you guys.” He said out of the blue- kindly
“And we love you too davey.” Angel stated quickly.
“Now. Back to bed please .” He sternly said picking the two of them up, bridal style no less
they let out a yelp as he grabbed them.
“Show off.”
“Trouble maker.”
They laughed, as did he but not as much.
He got so whiny when he was tired, it was kinda cute, but they were to tired to say anything that even remotely would have gotten on his nerves.
The little family laying in bed angel on David’s chest and gabby on angels. All fast asleep, enjoying eachothers presence.
Till David slowly woke up, his alarm for 5:30am went off
“Fuck.” He muttered, not wanting to leave them- but he was the alpha so he had to there wasn’t a choice involved so he had to get up.
He slowly and careful to not wake them up set them on the other side of the bed, went to shower, get dressed, and sadly for him, leave.
Before he left though he snuck a few extra kisses on angels cheek, but as he was doing so they turned their head- obviously awake- and kissed him.
He laughed
“Trouble maker.”
“Luv u davey..” they sleepily said
“Love you too,” he paused and bent down
“,and you too, princess..”
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angelcactus · 2 years
Here's some redacted fan kid content for you starving children. NOTE! Alot of these takes are when the kids are older.
-Gabby has the BIGGEST girl crush on Allison, she took her to prom and she moved in with her when they went to damn together. Allison is Gabby's mate, hook line sinker.
-How Jordan got his powers is he got mugged, he was so afraid that he shifted and ran away.
-Lorelei and Grayson are the babies of the group and they are best freinds.
-Jakob once beat a guy up for touching Allison after she repeatedly told him to stop at a school dance.
-Jakob and Jordan are dating two twins who are a water and a fire elemental. Their names are River and Ashley.
-Lorelei's favorite person is Marie Greer.
-Grayson's favorite person is Milo.
-Gabby got into a fight because she wanted to defend a girl, she ended up getting suspended for it.
-Allison is very timid which is ok because her friends are loud and they take all the attention off of her.
That's all I can think of for now!
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shattered-catalyst · 1 year
Catalyst with a guy pinned to a chair knife out: tell us what we want to know or *redacted redacted redacted banned by the internet for gore redacted censored for your eyes redacted*
Gabby sipping a soda calmly: Subtlety is a thing....
Catalyst: do you mean subtitles?? I can make cue cards for him. * looks at the man* do you need cue cards?
Gabby starts playing candy crush because he will figure it out eventually.
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gabbylovetime · 20 days
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so I decided to make another AU called "Horror Dream AU" the main character is Celeste a possessed creature that was possessed by a young teen named "Kiara" this AU will be released in after July
Real name: none
Age: 12-13 (forever)
Species: Possessed creature (doll)
Personality: peaceful calm quiet
Created: 2000s
Caused of death: was burned by Matthew after he created him and after he betrayed her
Gender: gender fluid
Sexuality: single (not attracted to anybody)
Pronouns: he/they/she/it
Voice claim: Circus Baby (SL:FNAF)
- eating discords
- father issues
- mother issues
- nightmares
- 13+ 19+
- sexualizing
- disrespecting
- emotional abuse
- family issues
- possessed dolls
- talking back
- bloody themes
- creepy drawing images
- throwing up
- abuse
- 14+ 16+ 18+ 15+
- flashbacks
- creepy masks
- scamming
- car accidents
- deaths
- dying wish
- death wish
- glitching
- angst
- fake friends
- ex - friends
- depression
- mild depression
- dark themes
- dark humor
- deaths
- 19+ 20+
- crying
- tears
- dark Childhood
- Humiliation
- embarrassment
- Drugs
- Drinking
- Car Crashing
- menaces
- Spoilers
"horror dream AU is about a 15-16 year old teenager named Kiara who is always talking back to their parents because they never want them to make their own decisions when they were 18-19 or 19-20 Kiara never listened to them they usually talk back to them and gets disciplined of that in 2004 Kiara was found dead by a doll creater named Matthew a 73-74 year old man who created and makes dolls Matthew created Celeste in the 2000s and then Kiara now possesses Celeste and now things have to go back to normal"
Kiara Stephanie Williams
Kiara is a nonbinary teen who lives in • Vill Pill • Kiara is a somber attentional and is pretty unpopular they used to be kind and sweet as a kid but ended dealing with drugs and beer when they were 13-14 Kiara is quietly rude and hot - headed but acts gentle and pretty petty and kinda picky
Tiffany Gabby Williams
Tiffany is the mother of Kiara she is a transfeminine and straight woman who was never accepted by her parents when she 18-19 Tiffany could have probably moved on but still feel the same about something Tiffany never care about Arthur and wants to protect Kiara but after the death of Kiara she decided to be a abusive woman and became a disgusting cheater
Arthur Sammy Williams
Arthur is a caring father but after the death of Kiara Arthur was devastated that Tiffany kept cheating on him Arthur hates Tiffany and now wants her to be gone for good and only wants to be with his daughter at heaven Arthur never cares about Tiffany but cares about Kiara for sure
Matthew Timmy Turner's
Matthew is a 73-74 year old man who creates dolls in the 90s Matthew doesn't like children when he was a child he wants to be doll creater since he's a adult he hates kids/minors/children Matthew always wants to have attention in the teenage years he used to date a teenage girl but he always treated him like crap and kept sexualizing her and he never understand her
Celeste possessed the teenage girl Kiara in the 2000s Celeste was the 1st doll that was created by Matthew Celeste was never evil they was a peaceful and gentle doll but seem to always have 2 sides of it Celeste doesn't have a middle name or last name but their middle and last name is "Sydney" "Jones"
Sydney is his middle name and Jones is her last name Celeste never understand about humanity due to their species but now understanding it it never shown themselves to anybody in the VHS tapes Celeste went to a small house alone seeing their fake friends (except Thomas) all dead he sit all the couch looking at the screen all emotionless showing no emotion but then got up saw a piece of dry cake on the ground she pick it up opening it up and started crying remembering all the normal memories it have Celeste and the other dolls and experiments now Celeste stuffer the most and now staring to have C - PTSD
Rosa is the 2nd doll who was created by Matthew Turners she was the most loved doll back in 2003 while Celeste was created in the 2000s Rosa possessed a little girl named Laura a 5-6 year old little girl who was missing in day 6 Rosa was the sweetest dolls of them all however Rosa was unfortunately navie and completed Rosa thinks Celeste was the one who killed the others but it wasn't Rosa hates Celeste in the presence Rosa never liked Celeste in the past to begin with Rosa betrayed Celeste and acts vengeful to her because she thinks Celeste was the real villain while the real villain was Matthew
coffee is the 3rd doll that wasn't created by Matthew she (gender: bisexual she/her/he/him) was created by Matthews EX - wife Sofia coffee is the oldest of the "Charming Dolls" coffee was possessed by a young college student named Timmy a 21-22 year old college student who graduated college from the early - 2000s after Matthew created Celeste coffee never hated Celeste coffee doesn't like him at the end coffee used to be a kind generous and child - like doll but now become a insecure horrid and mature doll who acts grown even tho he is the oldest coffee suffer from PTSD while Celeste suffer from C - PTSD
Moon is 4th doll that was created by Matthew moon is agender that means no gender moon is the youngest of The "Charming Dolls" moon isn't possessed by someone moon is control by a puppet moon is barely unstable and easily manipulated someone moon is a sweetheart but has the ability to make people feel bad for moon moon was the only one who became a psycho after thinking Matthew was the one who took The Charming Dolls except moon moon goes crazy and start to become innocent when others doesn't mind that the fact moon became a crazy doll
Thomas is the 5th doll to be created by Matthew Thomas was the only one who closely trust Celeste Thomas is Celeste close friend he suddenly treats Celeste like a younger sister Thomas is possessed by a toddler named Kyle Thomas nearly shown respect to Celeste and the others unlike the others Thomas sacrifice himself and wants to move on instead but Thomas is always there for Celeste Thomas was completely alone forever and begin to be sad after everybody left him Matthew betrayed Celeste Thomas knows Matthew was the real traitor and after all these things Thomas is gotta get revenge on Matthew
chip is the last doll to be created by Matthew chip was the most youngest of the Charming Dolls chip was possessed by a young baby named sal a young baby who died in a car crash by his drunk mother chip was a happy and positive doll baby chip was not killed but was hurt the most he was left by moon and ended getting abused by Matthew chip never ever want to be with Matthew chip was everyone most least hated because how annoying he is chip started became emotional and started crying every day chip had to take care of himself of protect from danger but now since Celeste found him perfectly he have to protect chip no matter what it takes
If your sensitive to this kind of stuff then don't like it you been warned ok?
"I'm so sorry"
Release date: August 1st 2023
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realmyths · 3 months
Sauriel: Farryn, Hope, Esme, The Creator, Anastasia, Daxa, Camille, Lydia, V, Di, The [Redacted] Doctor, The (Thirteenth) Doctor,
Thomas: Victoria, Alex, Erika, Hope, Farryn, Esme, The Creator, Ula/Meribella, Anastasia, Daxa, Alanna, Camille, Lydia, Di, The [Redacted] Doctor, The Thirteenth Doctor
Fiete: Victoria, Alex, Erika, Hope, Farryn, Esme, Ula/Meribella, Cascadia/Christina, Anastasia, Daxa, Alanna, Di, Camille, Lydia, V, The [Redacted] Doctor, The Thirteenth Doctor
Angelus/Connor: Persephone, Victoria, Hope, Farryn, Esme, Hoa, Anastasia, Daxa, Joanna, Alanna, Di, Camille, Lydia, The [Redacted] Doctor, The (Thirteenth) Doctor
Austin: Persephone, Victoria, Alex,Erika, Hope, Farryn, Esme, Ula/Meribella, Cascadia/Christina, Hoa, Anastasia, Daxa, Alanna, Jayla, Di, Camille, Lydia, Gabby, The [Redacted] Doctor, The (Thirteenth) Doctor
Michael: Hope, Farryn, Esme, The Creator, Persephone, Hoa, Joanna, Alanna, Jayla, Di, Diana, V, Ashley, Gabby, The [Redacted] Doctor, The (Thirteenth) Doctor
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