mangoposts · 10 months
Nicks red 😵‍💫😵‍💫Hair😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫Im such😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫A Nick girl 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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embermay2 · 2 years
Yeah, so I'm changing my account color palette into something more fun. Idk I'm just in the mood for something religiously scary, and no, this is not satanic
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stillfrownyclownlol · 4 months
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what if I just died/pos
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ebechnasheim · 27 days
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The way you bend, the way you break
📸 annamrski
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bsaka7 · 1 year
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crossgartered · 4 days
Okay, new poll time!
In the official animatics, it seems like Odysseus is usually wearing a blue or blue-green cloak.
*I mean, clearly he's a type of blue because Athena is a type of blue, and now it seems Telemachus is also a type of blue. I see the connections here.
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lunaetis · 1 month
@minban asked :
heat runs heavy through scar's veins when his lovely, georgous, breathtaking rover no longer pulls away from him when he approaches. what has begun as an objective to his mission quickly morphs into infatuation for the woman before him who looks up at him with wariness in her eyes. she is right to do so, for scar wishes to devour her in all of her glory, tearing her into pieces with the sharp edges of his canines. but today, he takes a step back. today, he gently lifts yinyue's hand as he bows, brushing his lips softly against the back of her knuckles. today, he does not wish to scare his wonderful rover, even as his eyes flutter open to reveal heedy desire.
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「银月」─  there was something about him that drew her in.
                the ROVER didn't like to admit it even mentally to herself, but there was no denying the fact that her eyes instinctively followed him whenever he was within sight. one could argue that it was wariness, it was a reflex when a PREDATOR was close enough to strike that you became on-guard. that she was making sure she could see and know what he might be up to at all times for the SAFETY of other people including herself. a valid argument, too, given how dangerous he was as a threat not just for jinzhou but huanglong as a whole.
                was that all there is to it ?
                golden hues blinked quietly as she stared up at him now that he decided to make his presence known. his unannounced appearance had become a norm to the point that even her reflex turned from immediately reaching for her BLADE to simply side-eyeing him cautiously just in case he was going to try something. the more time she spent with him, the less guarded she got around him. of course, it'd be foolish to drop your guard in front of someone like scar, but the way she acted around him also changed over time without her realizing it.
                since when did she stop walking to see if he would catch up ? since when did she start anticipating that mad grin to fill the corner of her eyes or to hear his voice calling out her name in a manner that should be both disturbing and flattering ?
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                when his hand caught hers, delicate digits twitched instinctively but she didn't pull away from his grasp. eyes of AMBER watched him slowly lifting her hand and his lips placed the most gentle kiss upon her battle-worn knuckles. for a split second, it was as if he was a knight bowing to his princess and pledging his UNDYING LOYALTY to her. for that fraction of a second, her heart skipped a beat. how the organ in her left chest faltered for a moment as though being STOLEN by such an act so unnatural from the man capable of tearing her limbs away from her very body.
                she never understood what was going on in his head.
                even now, even when her aureate orbs met with his fiery heterochromia — and felt her very own body being ignited with a kind of sensation almost FOREIGN to her, yínyuè still couldn't tell what he was thinking and what prompted him to do what he did. even as the gloved digits of her free hand slowly reached out to caress his silver and crimson strands, or her taking a step closer to him instead of backing away. he was like a BEAST, ready to part his maw and swallow her whole, and the rover was sure that if he wanted to, he could. and the survival instinct of every living beings would tell them to run.
                and yet —
                even when every fiber of her being was telling her to pull away, she stepped closer, fingers tenderly brushed away the strands concealing parts of his scars ... the scars which covered almost half of his face, the very scars that must've earned him his NAME.
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                not a SINGLE WORD was uttered when her palm cupped his face, and she guided him down just enough to have her lips brush over his scars. it was barely a kiss, like a brush of the lightest feather, but it was real. the way her raven locks swept over the skin of his face with how CLOSE they were. it made her wonder if he could feel it. the fleeting, butterfly kiss. she leaned back, auric hues meeting his mismatch ones. daring. fearless. curious. wanting.
                if he was mad, she must be losing her mind too, wasn't she ?
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Someone has to bound up K-Mag before he starts World War 3.
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saintmichale · 2 years
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I need to see a live dissection of this hair style
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saintbarou · 4 months
lamb is tipsy
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livvyofthelake · 2 months
what are you gonna do now? run me through and steal my watch?
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ace-comet · 5 months
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Drew an OC of mine, his name's Iluka and he's a deep sea creature !!(Not sure what yet) This one has more detail i felt silly :D
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ebechnasheim · 7 months
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I wanted to dress a blade up in red with both of our necks; but I wasn’t able, and I wasn’t stable I guess | source
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Teto: I'm sorry now I'm thinking of mountain dew red and now my brain is going back to Be More Chill
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respiteresponse · 4 months
guys o m f g okay so my best friend recently completed his senior film and i provided the clothes for the main character from my closet and he wears a red vox realign shirt i cropped myself and so like because you can see their bands logo at the end of the movie his producer got in contact with them to ask if they could use their music in the directors cut and they said yes like immediately EVERYOEN JUMP AROINF AND CHEER WITH MEEEEEE MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD AND MY FAVORITE BAND IN THE WHOLE WORLD I LOVE LIFE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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i-love-def-leppard · 1 year
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