#redwall matthias
applecarrotbread · 1 year
They invented love your honor!
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badgerwithagun · 2 years
Redwall, the one with Matthias.
Constance the badger is honestly one of my favourite characters in the book. She's just so freaking blood thirsty! Abbot Mortimer is all "Now now, young Matthias, the days of war are other, we don't need warriors like Martin anymore" but Constance at every moment is wanting to commit violence.
"Father Abbot, Cluny insulted your clothing, do you want me to tear his head off and bring it to you as a trophy?"
"Do I wha-no!!!"
She freaking catches the slinging weapons the rats shoot and throws it back at them, then later works together with some random beaver to set up a ballista to snipe Cluny in his tent.
When the fox tries to sell the abbey information Constance goes outside, kills a rat she randomly declared was her arch enemy, stole the plans and threw fox lady in a ditch.
Constance woke up and chose violence.
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eleanorose123 · 5 months
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who says i am dead, knows not at all i am that is two mice within redwall
(redbubble - matthias - martin - warrior) (ko-fi)
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Matthias, looking at the new bruise that he has no clue how he got: I shall name you Jeremy Cornflower: I am literally begging you to go to therapy
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thesablequear · 4 months
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Beginning my little personal sketch project
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stearleart · 2 months
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Standing his ground
Digital illustration depicting Matthias, from Brian Jacques' Redwall, standing his ground against some villain or other.
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king-there0f · 4 months
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Breaking my tumblr hiatus and realizing I never posted my final piece for @gw2-zine woopss
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redwalltournaments · 1 month
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Is Matthias from Redwall here yet?
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Matthias from Redwall is Christian!
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applecarrotbread · 2 years
shout out redwall fans
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love this little guy
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Just the warrior family, casually ending villains’ careers!
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moonybadger · 2 years
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🐭♥️🐭 Redwall Mouse love 🐭♥️🐭
I was planning to do more Redwall pairings before posting, but I got impatient lol
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I honestly don’t think there’s a single character death in all the thousands of books I’ve read that affects me as much as Rose. I want to cry every time. It just shreds me 💔 poor Martin. Every time I hear this song, every time I think of her death or read about it, it breaks me all over again and I feel as sad as if she was someone real…
You will find me at Noonvale on the side of a hill When the summer is peaceful and high, There where streamlets meander the valley is still, ‘Neath the blue of a calm cloudless sky …
Look for me at the dawning when the earth is asleep. Till each dewdrop is kissing by the day, ‘Neath the rowan and alder a vigil I’ll keep, Every moment that you are away …
The old earth gently turns as the seasons change slowly. All the flowers and leaves born to wane. Hear my song o’er the lea, like the wind soft and lowly. Oh, please come back to Noonvale again.
—Martin the Warrior
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eleanorose123 · 17 days
a little Redwall Reanimated for funsies lol
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Matthias: But what about Basil? Jess: Don't worry about him. Jess: I once saw him fall down five flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his scone like nothing happened.
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