#ref: potential fc
whispercddesires · 4 months
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writermuses · 10 days
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sorenphelps · 23 days
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he will rock you
@diamondmeadow @kaleidoscopexsighs and @hihimissamericanbi had a conversation on Discord about young Eddie Vedder as a potential fc for rockstar Sirius, so obviously I had to draw him based on the ref pics provided, sorry I’m not the one making the rules
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ocrpfinder · 20 days
(potential 🕊️!)
hello! 22nb here, looking for a 20+ y/o rp partner who'd be interested in playing out a toxic/fraught relationship (can be romantic or platonic, certainly a hot mess either way) with my oc— a transmasculine painter in their mid-20s. rakish, indulgent, and neurotic; think 'tortured artist desperately searching for their muse'. think themes of mutual obsession & toxicity, co-dependence, "I can make you worse." open to NSFW scenes & writing (including violence/gore if you wanna get freaky with it; painting with blood, cannibalism not Just as a metaphor for obsessive love but as something deeper, etc etc)
no explicit genre preferences (they're pretty adaptable— modern-day, 1920s/prohibition era, sexy vampires, etc. ; what strikes your fancy!) & pairing gender preferences, although i do love a good t4t pair of any variety. if it's important to know, my oc's a switch/vers! sexual position doesn't matter all too much to me; they'll be a freak either way.
they're a drawn oc that uses my own art + commissioned art as a fc, although i don't have a preference re: your own ref types. generally can mirror reply lengths, but i'm a multipara-lit rper on average. if you're interested at all, feel free to like this post, and i'll reach out ASAP!
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ahopkins1965 · 11 months
What is Humility?
At first sight, the ancient virtue of humility is not a particularly appealing one.
Deriving from the word humus (earth), it appears to clash with our current valuation of self-worth and self-realization.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?us_privacy=1---&client=ca-pub-6820706795814886&output=html&h=90&adk=3726366595&adf=2228399472&w=728&lmt=1698668851&rafmt=12&channel=1750616937&format=728x90&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpositivepsychology.com%2Fhumility%2F&ea=0&wgl=1&uach=WyJXaW5kb3dzIiwiMTAuMC4wIiwieDg2IiwiIiwiMTE4LjAuNTk5My4xMTgiLFtdLDAsbnVsbCwiNjQiLFtbIkNocm9taXVtIiwiMTE4LjAuNTk5My4xMTgiXSxbIkdvb2dsZSBDaHJvbWUiLCIxMTguMC41OTkzLjExOCJdLFsiTm90PUE_QnJhbmQiLCI5OS4wLjAuMCJdXSwxXQ..&dt=1699036941890&bpp=3&bdt=289&idt=348&shv=r20231101&mjsv=m202310310101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&correlator=1643053120331&frm=20&pv=2&ga_vid=1308793723.1699036942&ga_sid=1699036942&ga_hid=274650036&ga_fc=0&u_tz=-240&u_his=3&u_h=1080&u_w=1920&u_ah=1040&u_aw=1920&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=8&adx=588&ady=1063&biw=1903&bih=963&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759876%2C44759927%2C44759837%2C31079190%2C31079193%2C42532335%2C44807048%2C44807334%2C44807454%2C31078301%2C44807405%2C44806140&oid=2&pvsid=2680738279109695&tmod=1989577272&uas=0&nvt=1&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&fc=896&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1920%2C0%2C1920%2C1040%2C1920%2C963&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7CoeEbr%7C&abl=CS&pfx=0&fu=256&bc=31&psd=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDNd&ifi=1&uci=a!1&btvi=1&fsb=1&dtd=371
But humility has nothing to do with meekness or weakness. And neither does it mean being self-effacing or submissive. Humility is an attitude of spiritual modesty that comes from understanding our place in the larger order of things. It entails not taking our desires, successes, or failings too seriously.
In the past decade in particular, psychologists have rediscovered the importance of humility. They have established fascinating links between humility and our ability to learn and be effective leaders, and our readiness to engage in prosocial behavior.
Adopting a more humble mindset increases our overall psychological wellbeing and ensures our social functioning. Last but not least, humility is a perfect antidote to the self-fixated spirit of our age.
Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Strengths Exercises for free. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients realize your unique potential and create a life that feels energized and authentic.
This Article Contains:
The History of Humility
What Is Humility in Psychology?
Humility as a Character Strength
Why Is Humility Important?
5 Real-Life Examples
How to Practice Humility
5 Exercises for Fostering Humility
4 Tips for Raising a Humble Kid
Techniques for Humble Leadership and Workplace
The Importance of Humility in Relationships
2 Books on the Topic
A Take-Home Message
The History of Humility
Humility is a core value in many ancient ethical and theological frameworks. The Confucian form of humility, for example, is profoundly other oriented in spirit, consistently valuing the social good over the satisfaction of our individual aspirations. In this ancient Chinese form, humility can significantly enhance social cohesion and our sense of belonging.
The Greek philosopher Socrates held that wisdom is, above all, knowing what we don’t know. He taught an intellectual form of humility that freely acknowledges the gaps in our knowledge and that humbly seeks to address our blind spots.
Aristotle understood humility as a moral virtue, sandwiched between the vices of arrogance and moral weakness. Like Socrates, he believed that humility must include accurate self-knowledge and a generous acknowledgment of the qualities of others that avoids distortion and extremes.
An accurate understanding of our strengths and weaknesses is still a core feature of current definitions of humility.
Christian humility is linked to self-abnegation, shame, and sin and may therefore not be to everyone’s taste. However, the ancient theologians can still help us to avoid arrogance and pretentiousness. They remind us that we are members of a species that is far from perfect and urge us to be mindful of the limited role we each have to play in the fate of humanity as a whole.
Through the centuries, the importance of humility as a moral character virtue has faded. However, psychological studies of humility have surged in the last two decades (Worthington, Davis, & Hook, 2017). This renewed interest in humility is, in no small part, a counter-reaction to what the authors of The Narcissism Epidemic, Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell (2009), have described as our “age of entitlement.”
Today, self-realization and enhancing our self-worth are our highest aspirations. Precisely because it provides an antidote to many worrying tendencies of our age, such as arrogance, greed, and self-centeredness (all of which also have devastating consequences for our democracies and our planet), humility is experiencing a much-needed revival.
What Is Humility in Psychology?
Capturing our other-orientation, it is closely related to modesty and fairness, but also our interest in wealth and other signs of status and our inclination toward self-promotion. Crucially, it also involves seeing ourselves accurately – not thinking of ourselves more highly (or, for that matter, lowly) than is appropriate.
Worthington et al. (2017) understand humility as made up of three parts:
Accurate self-perception
Modest self-portrayal
Other-oriented relational stance
They note that the recent growth in humility-focused studies coincides with the rise of positive psychology and frustration with the limitations of purely individualistic virtues. Alongside compassion, forgiveness, altruism, gratitude, and empathy, humility belongs to “a cluster of virtues that bind society together” (Worthington et al., 2017).
Worthington et al. (2017) further divide humility into general humility and more specific kinds of humility. These include intellectual humility, relating to an openness about our views, beliefs, and opinions; and cultural humility, an ability to acknowledge and learn from the achievements of other cultures (Hazlett, 2012; Davis et al., 2015).
Other sub-types of humility are political and spiritual humility.
While other-orientedness is a core interpersonal feature of humility, Tangney (2009) has identified six intrapersonal aspects of humility:
A willingness to see ourselves truthfully
An accurate perception of our place in the world
An ability to acknowledge our mistakes and limitations
Low self-focus
An appreciation of the value of all things
Hill and Laney (2016), finally, understand humility as involving a quiet ego (see also Kesebir, 2014).
Choosing humility in a self-centered age – Quincy Mix
Humility as a Character Strength
We can also understand humility as a character strength. As such, it is an essential component of moral character that is manifested in modesty, being empathetic, acknowledging and respecting others at a deeper level, and accurately understanding as well as owning our limitations (Harvey & Pauwels, 2004).
As a character strength, humility can be viewed as the opposite of pride, arrogance, and an inflated sense of our importance and talents. It is based on a fundamentally caring and compassionate attitude toward others.
Finally, we may also think of humility as a specific mindset. After all, it is a crucial aspect of what Carol Dweck (2006) has described as the “growth mindset.”
In Dweck’s framework, humility entails not just admitting our shortcomings, but actively seeking to overcome them. It is about a general readiness to learn best practices from others and learn from our failures (see also Syed, 2015).
Humility is, therefore, intricately related to learning and teachability – a way of being that embraces constant self-correction and self-improvement.
Why Is Humility Important?
A humble mindset has significant positive effects on our cognitive, interpersonal, and decision-making skills. Humility is directly related to our ability and willingness to learn. Humble people are better learners and problem solvers.
Humble students who are genuinely open to feedback often overtake their naturally more talented peers who think so highly of their own abilities that they reject all advice. Some studies have found that humility is more important as a predictive performance indicator than IQ (Owens, Johnson, & Mitchell, 2013; Krumrei-Manusco, Haggard, LaBouff, & Rowatt, 2019).
Humility in our leaders, moreover, fosters trust, engagement, creative strategic thinking, and generally boosts performance (Rego et al., 2017; Ou, Waldman, & Peterson, 2020; Cojuharenco & Karelaia, 2020). Humility is also related to a general increase in positive emotions. Moreover, humility fosters self-forgiveness (Onody et al., 2020).
Besides, there are indications that humility strengthens various social functions and bonds. As a consequence of experiencing less stress and fewer negative experiences with others, humility might be related not just to better mental health, but also better physical health (Worthington et al., 2017, p. 7).
Last but not least, a lack of cultural humility is associated with xenophobia, the fear and hatred of foreigners. Humility, by contrast, is associated with xenophilia, an attraction to foreign cultures.
Those of us who lack cultural humility are more prone to make assumptions about others, feel superior to them, and dramatically overvalue our knowledge and talents in comparison to others (Hook, Davis, Owen, Worthington, & Utsey, 2013; Barbarino & Stürmer, 2016).
5 Real-Life Examples
A famous trio of truly humble people are Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa. All of them heroically dedicated their energies and time to serving their ideals and tirelessly working to improve the living conditions for other people.
Yet they remained modest and unpretentious about their astounding achievements and never tied them to their own personalities. They humbly served not their egos, but instead a greater external cause.
We can see many examples of personalities who lack humility by turning to the world of fiction and television. For instance, you might remember the spoiled and over-indulged Veruca Salt from the famous tale of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?us_privacy=1---&client=ca-pub-6820706795814886&output=html&h=250&adk=373895788&adf=1028438189&w=300&lmt=1698668851&rafmt=12&channel=1750616937&format=300x250&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpositivepsychology.com%2Fhumility%2F&ea=0&wgl=1&uach=WyJXaW5kb3dzIiwiMTAuMC4wIiwieDg2IiwiIiwiMTE4LjAuNTk5My4xMTgiLFtdLDAsbnVsbCwiNjQiLFtbIkNocm9taXVtIiwiMTE4LjAuNTk5My4xMTgiXSxbIkdvb2dsZSBDaHJvbWUiLCIxMTguMC41OTkzLjExOCJdLFsiTm90PUE_QnJhbmQiLCI5OS4wLjAuMCJdXSwxXQ..&dt=1699036941893&bpp=1&bdt=291&idt=386&shv=r20231101&mjsv=m202310310101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D9f88c7f002971e28-22e174c3bfe7007e%3AT%3D1699036942%3ART%3D1699036988%3AS%3DALNI_MY_5jGhKUQ7W8r-sXjoge9k8H5vqA&gpic=UID%3D00000a3e77907b8c%3AT%3D1699036942%3ART%3D1699036942%3AS%3DALNI_Mbr-refLHBRgaB3ohI3-6IBKwsz1w&prev_fmts=728x90&correlator=1643053120331&pv_ch=1750616937%2B&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=1308793723.1699036942&ga_sid=1699036942&ga_hid=274650036&ga_fc=1&u_tz=-240&u_his=3&u_h=1080&u_w=1920&u_ah=1040&u_aw=1920&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=8&adx=802&ady=12346&biw=1903&bih=963&scr_x=0&scr_y=8523&eid=44759876%2C44759927%2C44759837%2C31079190%2C31079193%2C42532335%2C44807048%2C44807334%2C44807454%2C31078301%2C44807405%2C44806140&oid=2&psts=AOrYGsn48kAl4j2P97xHYnMQ6RLCkIq4mQPqtwyIQv5CX9Bk7kG_drTS9_6fl5TSbaG91u8mE3c1lw8OcAZTvQ7sx7jdKQ&pvsid=2680738279109695&tmod=1623499166&uas=1&nvt=1&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&fc=896&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1920%2C0%2C1920%2C1040%2C1920%2C963&vis=1&rsz=%7Co%7CeEbr%7C&abl=NS&pfx=0&fu=256&bc=31&psd=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDNd&ifi=2&uci=a!2&btvi=2&fsb=1&dtd=53546
The child of affluent parents, Salt stands in stark contrast to the story’s protagonist, believing she is without fault and entitled to anything she wants. This lack of humility comes at a price when she is whisked away down a garbage chute that judges her to be a “bad egg.”
Another example is Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones. The character of Joffrey is known for his narcissistic entitlement, vastly inflated sense of his talents, and desire to dominate–all traits negatively correlated with humility (Worthington et al., 2017, p. 7).
Joffrey shows little sympathy or concern for other characters throughout the story, including his own wife, Sansa, whom he treats with severe cruelty. It is little wonder audiences around the world celebrated when he was poisoned and died in Season 4, putting an end to his reign of tyranny.
How to Practice Humility
We need to begin by developing an accurate understanding of our strengths and weaknesses.
Then we must own our imperfections. When we do, we no longer have to waste our energy hiding them from others, but can instead seek to learn to live with them productively or even to overcome them.
Paradoxically, a stubbornly low opinion of ourselves is also in contradiction to a humble view of ourselves. Extremely low self-esteem, just as a narcissistic overvaluation of our talents, lacks accuracy. It is just an inverted form of self-obsession, another way of fixating on ourselves rather than directing our attention toward others.
Although we are the subject in our world, we must remember that we are an object in everybody else’s. We are not the center of the universe. This includes adjusting our perspective. Our woes and desires become ever more insignificant the more we step back from them and consider the bigger picture. Our time on this planet is limited. Our works and achievements are transient.
We are all parts of structures that are larger than ourselves – couples, families, communities, nations, the organizations for which we work, the human species. We should never forget the many teams of which we are a part – small and large. Sometimes, it is apt to privilege the needs of our teams over our individual desires.
We must stay curious and open to learning. We can learn from anyone and everything at all times. We can learn from friends and family, our children, and people who master specific skills.
We have much to learn from other cultures and our ancestors. We can learn precious lessons from animals and even plants.
Humor is a powerful tool. We can all benefit from laughing more about ourselves and our imperfections.
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magnigeeks · 11 months
Empowering E-Commerce Success: A Closer Look at Magnigeeks
In the rapidly evolving world of E-Commerce, businesses are continuously seeking innovative solutions to drive growth, boost online visibility, and enhance customer experiences. Enter Magnigeeks, a dynamic and customer-centric E-Commerce services provider that's making waves in the industry. Let's delve into what sets Magnigeeks apart and why it's becoming the go-to partner for businesses seeking to excel in the digital marketplace.
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The rise of E-Commerce has reshaped the way consumers shop and businesses operate. The convenience of online transactions, the vast array of products and services, and the ease of global reach have altered the business landscape. As a result, staying competitive in this digital realm requires a strategic approach to E-Commerce services, and this is where Magnigeeks shines.
Unveiling the Magnigeeks Advantage
1. Comprehensive Solutions: Magnigeeks offers a holistic array of E-Commerce services, from website development and design to payment gateway integration, inventory management, and digital marketing. Their all-in-one approach streamlines the E-Commerce journey for businesses, regardless of their size.
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3. User-Centric Design: User experience is paramount in the digital marketplace, and Magnigeeks understands this. They prioritize the creation of user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing websites, which result in higher conversion rates and greater customer satisfaction.
4. Security and Trust: As cybersecurity threats continue to proliferate, Magnigeeks places a premium on data security and payment protection. They ensure that their E-Commerce platforms are fortified against potential threats, establishing trust with both businesses and their customers.
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In Conclusion
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My thoughts on Benyahia getting an extension is the same actually as Dumornay getting a contract and Joseph/Mendy being promoted to the pro team: we don’t have time to develop a player’s potential.
Lyon plays too many big games to really be able to afford developing young players. I’m really lukewarm about all of the players I just cited.
Like, look, they’re good, they’re talented. Definitely not arguing the contrary. But we have absolutely no idea how these players will perform on the big stage, and that’s something that puts me enormously on the back foot.
Will Dumornay keep her cool in front of a super hostile crowd of 30,000 people and a ref who can’t control the game? We don’t know. Why should Lyon be the one who has to find out? What happens if we’re in a Paris FC type game with players intentionally committing dirty fouls? Teams play differently against Lyon than they do against Stade de Reims. Also, can Dumornay keep her ego in check? Again, we don’t know, and it’s not fair that Lyon is the one tasked with finding out.
The same goes for Joseph. She is lighting it up right now and I want this to be very clear - if she wasn’t a Lyon youth player I would be sweating nervously at what her club will be able to accomplish with her. But the same issues with Dumornay can be found with Joseph: what is she going to do when playing in a large stadium with a super hostile crowd? What happens when she plays against a team who parks the bus? How will she deal with dirty fouls?
Does Benyahia have potential? Sure. But she doesn’t have the composure, and she doesn’t have the physicality (yet?) to really impose herself in the midfield. Physically, in some ways, she reminds me of van de Donk, but what van de Donk lacks in physical presence she makes up for in intensity / aggression. Benyahia has neither van de Donk’s playmaking nor intensity / aggression. For a team who relied on their midfield as much as Lyon does, it’s an immediate red flag for me.
I absolutely hate the argument “they have shown interesting things and we deserve to see more of it.” I hate it. When you’re a team with Lyon’s ambitions, it’s not enough to have “shown interesting things.” I don’t give a fuck about flashes of brilliance. I just want to know that you can step up when the team’s back is against the wall. I don’t want it to be a question. I want to know my player will deliver. And I can only know that when they already have delivered. Champions League winning teams don’t deal with “what ifs”.
Now I know what you're going to say: "bro, look at Lyon's veteran players. None of them answered those questions in the beginning and you were never hyperventilating into your tea over them." True. But let's also not time warp either. Amandine Henry wasn't Amandine Henry when she first signed with Lyon. True. But Lyon wasn't Lyon either. Their pedigree looked vastly different in 2007 than it does in 2023. No one heard of Wendie Renard in 2006, and the only person who had Olympique Lyonnais on their radar was Jean-Michel Aulas. You can't really compare those veteran players with the youngsters now, because Lyon's ambitions aren't the same. Lyon wanted to rule the European stage in 2006. Today, they just want their crown back.
Young players have growing pains. All of Lyon’s young players have gone through them - Carpenter and the incredibly dumb red against Juventus and the mistake in the first leg against Chelsea; Damaris and the red card against PSG in the Coupe de France; Bacha and the entirely of the 2020-2021 season; Becho in the return leg against Chelsea.
Young players fuck up. It’s a part of life. They will do the wrong thing at the wrong time and it most likely will be costly. I’m not holding young players accountable for that. It sucks, it happens, and that’s just the way it is with young players.
I am however asking why Lyon should have to be the one paying the price for that accountability.
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markwatkinsreviews · 2 years
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Saturday 10 December, 2022
2pm Kick-off
A freezing cold afternoon in the Thames Valley saw two mid-table teams provide little entertainment for a “15,000″ crowd. Either side showed some potential  to win but narrowly, as indeed Reading did 1-0, although a low scoring draw would have been about right with neither team really providing much goal mouth action for all the chattering teeth sitting in the exposed-to-the-elements stands as some surprising sunshine thawed the icicles above.
Andy Carroll, as usual and to his credit, as with Shane Long, a late 2nd half like-for-like sub, put their muscle about a bit but nothing much shifted after The Royals took the lead thanks to a quick-thinking assist from McIntyre (replacing Holmes “early doors” because of a head injury) leaving 20-year-old Mbengue head in his first goal on 57 minutes.
Coventry City played some neat passing football throughout, but strangely even 1-0 down, did nothing much to improve the urgency of (then) needing an equalizer, until midfielder Kasey Palmer came on to invigorate the Sky Blues, but by then it was too little, too late tactically.
The ref maintained good control throughout, and in true (current World Cup fashion) added six minutes of additional time at the end of both halves. The second half was slightly better than the first, but that’s not saying much.
Still 3 points is 3 points as Reading climb to 8th in the Championship, just a couple of points off the play-offs.
Reading: Lumley, Hoilett, Yiadom, Holmes (McIntyre), Mbengue, Baba (Sarr), Hendrick, Fornah (Loum), Ince, Meite (Joao), Carroll (Long). Unused subs: Bouzanis, Guinness-Walker.
Coventry City: Wilson, Panzo, Doyle, Rose, Allen (Kane), O'Hare (Waghorn), Sheaf (Palmer), Gyokeres, Bidwell (Burroughs), Eccles, Hamer. Unused Subs: Moore, Kelly, Tavares.
Attendance: 15,213 
Entertainment value: 6/10
MOTM:  Carroll (Reading ) & Palmer (Coventry City)
Mark Watkins, Sunday 11 December, 2022.
Photo credits with thanks: Press Association & Reading FC website.
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cyphershield2022 · 2 years
KIOS Smart Contract Passes Audit
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The KnownSec blockchain security team tested the KIOS smart contract. They then published their report, and as of their report, the KIOS smart contract passed with flying colors. Audits in the smart contract space are becoming more and more important. However, not all projects are audited, which is why auditing is important. Here are some other reasons why a smart contract audit is important.
Helps Identify Potential Problems
For those looking for a project to participate in, an audit is always important. It shows that those behind the project are serious about protecting project participants. The KIOS project's smart contract audit demonstrates how committed the team is to safeguarding the interests of its users.
In recent months, several smart contracts have been breached and tokens have been stolen from hundreds of thousands of participants. Therefore, it is always advisable to address any security issues before they occur.
Shows that the project is serious about launching
A project that was built as a scam would not bother to invest in a security research team to verify its smart contract.
https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-3299480144108086&output=html&h=200&slotname=1734311313&adk=3145400342&adf=1973925414&pi=t.ma~as.1734311313&w=1200&fwrn=4&lmt=1667293382&rafmt=11&format=1200x200&url=https%3A%2F%2Fes.bitcoinethereumnews.com%2Ftechnology%2Fkios-smart-contract-passes-audit-%25E2%258B%2586-zycrypto%2F&wgl=1&uach=WyJXaW5kb3dzIiwiMTAuMC4wIiwieDg2IiwiIiwiMTA2LjAuNTI0OS4xMTkiLFtdLGZhbHNlLG51bGwsIjY0IixbWyJDaHJvbWl1bSIsIjEwNi4wLjUyNDkuMTE5Il0sWyJHb29nbGUgQ2hyb21lIiwiMTA2LjAuNTI0OS4xMTkiXSxbIk5vdDtBPUJyYW5kIiwiOTkuMC4wLjAiXV0sZmFsc2Vd&dt=1667293381664&bpp=4&bdt=4835&idt=391&shv=r20221027&mjsv=m202210250101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D54bbc90bae064519-22e4f8876fd7008a%3AT%3D1666331834%3ART%3D1666331834%3AS%3DALNI_MZjartc37j7JA8CY3GPORRIn0qDtQ&gpic=UID%3D00000b6844dda5df%3AT%3D1666331834%3ART%3D1666331834%3AS%3DALNI_MZh01scEU_0USUT4B7ciEqFPdXQxg&prev_fmts=0x0&nras=1&correlator=6539050886047&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=644781621.1666332032&ga_sid=1667293382&ga_hid=449889261&ga_fc=1&rplot=4&u_tz=330&u_his=1&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=8&adx=75&ady=1713&biw=1349&bih=600&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759842%2C42531705%2C44775016&oid=2&pvsid=257082803812659&tmod=1863643896&uas=0&nvt=1&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&eae=0&fc=1920&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1366%2C0%2C1366%2C728%2C1366%2C600&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7CEebr%7C&abl=CS&pfx=0&fu=128&bc=31&ifi=2&uci=a!2&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=KuHOqEk56p&p=https%3A//es.bitcoinethereumnews.com&dtd=413 Instead, they would focus most of their attention on trying to get as many people as possible to join with as few resources spent. For a project to spend valuable resources on an audit shows that they are serious about the final release.
Gives participants the opportunity to study the audit
While a security audit is often thorough, there is always a risk that an issue will be missed. By publishing an audit report, KIOS allows potential participants to verify the audit themselves. If you find any problems, the KIOS team is open to suggestions.
They will carefully analyze the problem with their team of experts and correct any loopholes that may exist. An audit shows that a project is open and willing to be corrected by its participants.
Ensures everything works as described
In some cases, there may not be any security issues with the smart contract. However, a project may claim to have certain capabilities that it cannot offer. Through an audit, it helps confirm that all advertised capabilities can be achieved.
Auditing a smart contract typically involves rigorous testing before the smart contract goes live. These tests verify all aspects described in the project to ensure that it works. If a problem is found, it can be corrected quickly to avoid frustrating participants with promised functionality that doesn't exist.
Helps eliminate errors
 While some bugs may not pose a security threat, they can make a smart contract slower than intended. On top of that, they can make it difficult to integrate with some platforms. A smart contract audit helps ensure there are no bugs that could impede the functionality of a project.
KIOS commissioned a full audit of its smart contract and then published the report. From the report, the participants will find that it passed the audit successfully. No issues were found and participants can rest assured of the security of their tokens.
The total supply of KIO is 600 million; the total supply of KIS is 3 billion. Later we will be listed on JustSwap as well as other exchanges. Join our community now and stay tuned!
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whispercddesires · 8 months
✨️Tag Dump Post✨️
Random tags for the blog 🩵
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pajorko · 2 years
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The new Frauen Bundesliga promo is the most unintentionally funny thing
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writermuses · 25 days
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My top 7 Arsenal wfc players, aka the whole team because they're all my children and you can't chose between children
(And they're not many more than seven anyways)
Beth Mead: a wizard on the wong and the original crot queen. She may not have had the best season this year but shes still managed to play an important part in the team and has conquered many hearts in the process. If she has to retire early because of all the hits she receives during matches then she's got a bright future ahead of her as a cringey tiktok star or, if that fails, a career as a HSM impersonator on cruise ships
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Cailtin Foord: there were mixed opinions when she was first announced as a new signing, but she almost immediately became one more member of the arsenal family amongst players and supporters alike. Before Covid struck shes already stamped her mark on the club with her skill and made her way onto the scoresheet, and now shes also made her way into Lia's house and infected the squad with the chaotic tiktok bug
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Dan Carter: literally a gooner through and through having played for arsenal for practically all her life and pulling through in the big moments. Heartbreak and injury have been her middle names for over the past year having sustained two ACL injuries in 14 months. Even if she hasnt had as much of an impact on the pitch shes still been a large part of injury fc, with her and her diary always being a source of sarcasm and banter through it all.
Danielle Van De Donk: she probably described herself best when she said she was a feisty puppy who wants to ball. A woman who takes no prisoners during matches, opponents refs and the back of nets all fear her. Off the pitch though shes a real softie who radiates chaotic energy and yet has developed over the years into quite the leader (even if she still follows beth around on her tiktok adventures)
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Jennifer Beattie: a friendly giant who quietly puts in all the work at the back, being an absolute unit as a last line of defense which was sorely missed during her injury. She came back from City because arsenal is home and that's beautiful. Talking about beautiful, her and Chloe. That's it, nothing more needs to be elaborated on. Pretty underrated although shes been getting more attention lately, she makes Kim company as the quiet Scottish duo who are lethal on the pitch
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Jill Roord: despite her love hate relationship with goal posts, shes still made her mark at arsenal this year especially thanks to the fact that she has remained injury free this year (dont worry I touched wood when I typed that) and hopefully next year when shes settled in even more to the team and the league then she'll be able to show what she's truly made of. That is, if she lasts that long before the team kick her out for being too annoying. A woman who likes the two extremes, Frozen and Olaf as well as blonde tattooed players and famous thirst traps, she epitomises this soft yet hard personality dichotomy too
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Jordan Nobbs: calm, composed, skillful, professional, dynamic and with the capacity of being able to astutely read the game, she's the personification of arsenal in a player. Having been at the club for a whole decade now she's practically lived it all and yet she continues on hungry for better and more. With the way she acts on the pitch you would never guess her forgetful, dorky, awkward nature off it. The woman with both the longest nando's order ever and the shortest attention span.
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Katie McCabe: the Irish devil, the arsenal player founder of the tucked in shirt, member of the love to hate her girlfriend club. Her almost permanent move to left back this season has reaped bountiful benefits for her, a flexible player who always finds freedom on the wing shes proved herself as lethal as both a defender and a finisher. In Jordan's words, she talks about her biceps all the time, but so would I if I was that stacked. That being said, Ruesha always finds a way to beat her which is probably payback for her scoring against West Ham in the cup
Katrine Veje: another player lost to injury this season, although lockdown has treated her well (that makes one of us) and she's apparently fully fit again. Shes been sorely missed as a fullback for most of her season, her explosiveness and crosses in particular. As it is shes used her time to get in some spectacular photoshoots and just be and just be a source of clownery as a veteran at injury fc
Kim Little: as silent as Kim and as deadly as Kim should be new british sayings at this point. Quick on her feet with nerves of steel shes an impressive player to watch and is sometimes the glue in the midfield that keeps arsenal together. Her professionalism both on and off the pitch is as big as her dislike of cameras
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Leah Williamson: the face of arsenal and not because of her looks, rather because of her insane talent and her embodiment of all things arsenal. From the moment she was born arsenal was pumping through her veins. One of the best up and coming CBs with long range passes for days she has been a crucial part of the arsenal squad for so long you forget she's just 23. What she lacks in some of her fashion choices she makes up in her bright and nerdy personality and her never ending stream of insults directed at Jordan
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Leonie Maier: she recently said that she has never regretted the decision to move to arsenal and that has been because shes been able to shine in defense mainly alongside Leah, each playing off each other's strengths and developing herself as a player in a new league which is never an easy transition. Dont let her banana bread making trick you into thinking shes the mum in the group, shes proved herself to be as chaotic as the rest of them.
Lia Walti: arguably the best thing to come out of Switzerland since toblerone (much better than swiss cheese though). Like a lot of arsenal players, it sometimes seems like she would be better off playing in bubble wrap so she wouldnt sustain as many injuries. She's an intelligent player, one of the best qualities to have as a midfielder, with skill coming out of her ears and unfulfilled potential still to come. Her sunshine-like looks can be deceiving though because she leaves her brain cells in the changing room, as is becoming an arsenal tradition.
Lisa Evans: another alround players who, as a winger-cum-fullback, has thrived in her position this year. Her defensive position yet forward thinking mentality has proved deadly and when shes been given space to roam the wing too shes provided goals and assists a plenty. Her unpredictability on the pitch translates into her chaotic tendencies off it and a love for the arsenal anthem “we've got McCabe, Katie McCabe”. Sometimes she likes to pretend that she's a seal (exhibit A attached below)
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Louise Quinn: it would be stereotypical to say that it's natural that shes so good at headers due to her height, but stereotypes exist for a reason and her tower-like build makes her a match for any Millie Bright in the heading department. She's a consistent, sturdy player who is great at starting up play from the back in many cases providing that vital first past (sometimes with her head because she's tall). Her pastimes include drinking a lot of coffee, understandable that she needs to refuel considering her height, and making fun on her teammates so that they dont make fun of her accent and her 183 cm length. Have I mentioned that she's tall?
Manuela Zinsberger: an extremely talented goalkeeper although sometimes people can excusably confuse her with being arsenal's eleventh outfield player. Another bayern recruit she's been key this season making some great saves and causing a few heart attacks in the process (west ham's penalty box free kick anyone?). She may look tough but she's just as much a clown as the rest of them
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Pauline Peyraud-Magnin: the second proud member of the goalkeepers union. Shes not called the Hulk for no reason, racking up some great saves and skills with her feet even as Joe's second choice. What she lacks in command of the english language she makes up in utter chaos including hand gestures, shouting and eratic dancing, well as staging photoshoots at arsenal's gym.
Viki Schnaderbeck: shes been able to mostly avoid injury fc this season after a long stint there last year and her hardwork has paid off to establish her as a mainstay here as a skilled defensive player. Shes been loud and proud recently on social media and I am loudly and proudly here to support it
Vivianne Miedema: in Katie's own words “the goat”. Absolutely lethal as a center-forward, calm collected and composed in front of the goal, and also crucial in providing build up play and assists. She can both hold off opponents and reach an unmatched maximum speed with surprising ambidexterity and complete nonchalantness. The only player who is actively lazy and is able to get away with it. She puts up with a lot of chaos but is not unknown to add to it too, mainly providing subtle humor and sarcastic wit. Not a personality for the faint hearted.
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Hey everyone! I'm part of a D&D 5e Fight Club Discord server, and I figured I'd advertise it here in case anyone is interested.
Awakened in a world not your own; A town of heroes and gods under the everlasting shade of a dark tower; A promise of reaching your ultimate potential. You may have been an adventurer, but you are now a fighter for the lords, trapped forever inside our realm until you heed our call.
Welcome to 5e Fight Club.
The 5e Fight Club is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition play-by-post game based on a unique player-versus-player advancement system with an optional, yet relevant, roleplay aspect heavily inspired by the sandbox style of a West Marches campaign. Players can enter FC with characters of their own and fight other characters in a multitude of configurations to gain experience points and gold in order to grow more experienced both as the characters and the players themselves. When coming in, players must realize that FC is not a traditional D&D game in the slightest, and the way it functions is very much different from any other game you might participate in. Still, FC is a great place to learn the 5th Edition system and character design from both a mechanics and storytelling standpoint.
Combat occurs in a random environment with optional settings overseen by a Ref who acts as the DM. You can also join group events such as Battle Royales, Raids, and Tournaments. We frequently use homebrew content created by our official homebrewer as well as a wide array of outside material, most of it playtested before approval. And lastly, RP includes plenty of interesting characters, a unique world to experience and countless anecdotes that you will learn about both in and out of character.
In summary, FC is a community of players and DMs who collaborate together to create a unique D&D experience and just like with any other D&D game, you’ll be sure to meet some amazing people.
Welcome aboard:
Hope to see you there!
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double-fake-royalty · 5 years
NWSL Teams ranked based on how much I like them:
1. Utah Royals
2. Portland Thorns
3. Laura Harvey’s Seattle Reign with Kim Little
4. Chicago Red Stars
5. Here lies Orlando Pride’s potential
6. Reign FC
7. Sky Blue FC
[7 & 8 flip flop fairly often depending on how annoyed I am at them]
8. Houston Dash
9. The actual Orlando Pride
10. Washington Spirit (I don’t dislike them, I’m just indifferent)
11. The ghost of Boston Breakers
12. The ghost of FCKC
13. Weather Delays
14. The commentators
15. The various streaming platforms
16. Refs
17. North Carolina Courage
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wosogreat · 5 years
Utah Royals FC at Orlando Pride Preview
Utah Royals FC (5) travel down to Florida to meet Orlando Pride (9) on Saturday, August 17th at 7:30pm ET on Yahoo Sports.
Saturday turned sour as what should have been a happy game for Orlando Pride celebrating Ashlyn Harris’s 100th game in the NWSL ended with a 1-0 loss against Houston Dash and two players being ejected from the game.
Overall, Orlando’s defense is looking tighter, and they are creating interesting opportunities including one that nearly had Ali Krieger tipping in a goal, but calls by the refs made tensions run high. Julie King, on her first appearance back in the NWSL since 2017, was given the first red card in the 61st minute after a bad foul on Dash player Kristie Mewis. In the 84th minute Marta was given a red card after an altercation with a Dash player. She will be out for this game too.
In Tacoma, Utah had a much better time as they took a 3-1 victory over Reign FC. Katie Stengel opened up the scoring in the 3rd minute by tapping in a ball that had bounced off of a post and another player. Reign tied it up going into halftime, but the Royals answered back in the second half. Lo’eau LaBonta scored in the 59th minute and Amy Rodriguez in the 67th.
Those looking to see Rodriguez and Christen Press work together saw potential in this game with Rodriguez feeding a ball through to Press in the 71st minute before an offside was called. Press attempted to return the favor in the 88th minute, but the header by Rodriguez was saved by Reign Goalkeeper Casey Murphy.
With Marta out this game, it could be time for USWNT forward Alex Morgan to step back into club play, but there is no word yet on whether she or fellow USWNT member and Utah Royals defender Kelley O’Hara will play.
The game can be streamed on Yahoo Sports starting at 7:30pm ET/ 4:30pm PT.
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