#refresher courses
seaskills · 1 year
This program's goal is to prepare a candidate to take the second mate test for the certificate of competency for a ship that sails abroad. It aims to meet the levels of competence outlined in section A-||/1 of the STCW 78 as modified and completes a portion of the education and training requirements under regulation ||/1. chief mate phase 1 courses, refresher courses, pscrb practical courses
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seaskills02 · 1 year
STCW Courses| Best Marine Academy Tamilnadu|Marine Certification courses.
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segernatural · 7 months
sure it was a perfect storm of a pressure cooker but i promise destiel was about destiel
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shadowtraveled · 2 months
this is a largely meaningless observation but, based on the fleki uniform demonstration comic, mithrun seems to wear the default style of the canary uniform, probably because he has no desire to personalize it or preference for how to do so, etc. when he does seem to pick his own clothes, though, they don’t look super in-line with what we’re shown of elven clothing styles in his region: high collars look like they’re fairly popular with elves in general, but out of uniform he tends to be a lot more covered up than everyone else—long sleeves, long pants, boots rather than sandals, and he dresses that way both prior to getting eaten and after the events of the series. anyway it’s kind of cute that after everything that happened to him, someone cared enough to remember what his clothing preferences used to be.
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Something I really appreciate about QSMP is the communication, and I'm not just referring to it breaking down language barriers
When streamers run into problems in or out of character, they talk it out. Instead of getting mad or not saying anything and letting things fester, they talk about it and listen to one another, and today is a perfect example of that.
In lore today, Forever and Foolish fought and Leonarda was hit. Foolish was understandably furious, but he talked it out with Leonarda and Richarlyson (who came to check on them) and he was able to calm down a bit and decide what they wanted to do. When Forever asked to talk with him, Foolish heard him out and it ended with Leonarda and Foolish forgiving him. Something that could've easily spiraled into a war motivated by hurt feelings and anger and revenge was prevented solely because Forever was willing to apologize and try to make things right, and Foolish was willing to listen. And regardless of whether or not it's a good idea, the fact that Forever wants to tell Vegetta about what happened says a lot about him. He's under a lot of stress and pressure, but he still wants to be honest and not hide from whatever consequences that might come. He makes mistakes, just like everyone else on the server, but he still has a good heart.
Out of lore, we saw some conflict between Cellbit and Forever, who set up the commercial song and hid it all over Cellbit's castle. Cellbit didn't care much about the song itself, but it was too loud and overlapping and he couldn't stop it because he couldn't find where Forever hid the videos. Cellbit messaged him and asked him to get rid of the videos since he couldn't stream like that and he wanted to work on the castle, so Forever ran over and placed the videos in areas where Cellbit COULD destroy them if he wanted to, and they had a nice little conversation before hopping back in character and shouting at each other.
I dunno -- it just felt really nice to see. As someone who likes the streamers and who likes the lore, it's really refreshing to see people who are willing to talk things out. Communication and community are what QSMP is about, and I feel like we really got to see that in action today.
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edenfire · 5 months
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good morning sheith nation💜
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lunarharp · 6 months
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juuust working out how i wanna draw them hehe
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drasticemotions · 2 months
my fav thing about this app is the trending list cause it only makes sense to have phil lester trending higher than lesbians on this app
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theflyindutchwoman · 3 months
I can't believe there's been no stills released for 6x05!! WHAT ARE THEY HIDING FROM US?? lol
Like all we got is that sneak peek of Aaron and his therapist (which still makes me think they're gonna do something romantic with them and that's gross but off topic lol)
Like nothing for 6x05 and a vague, nolan-y episode description for 6x06 has me soooo curious on what the hell this arc that's been teased is gonna be about
I KNOW, RIGHT? But at the same time, I just love this! As much as I like spoilers and sneak peeks, I'm so happy that this whole storyline has been kept under wraps. It promises to be quite emotional so it's good that we know next to nothing. Except that it's going to hurt. So much. And I'm not prepared.
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seaskills · 1 year
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ryuvnosuke · 2 months
no i can't go i need to think about akutagawa being a protector. yes its going to take me all day
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debatchery · 1 year
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A Refresher Course in Computer Safety [READ HERE]
A sequel to A Crash Course in Computer Safety by followthattardis
A year ago, Dean’s life was thrown into chaos. An email with encoded information turned him into a priceless asset, thrusting him into the world of counterintelligence - and into Cas’s path. Forbidden feelings bloomed, decisions were made, and now they’re here: Dean free of the Intersect, Cas free from the CIA. Together.
With the dust settled, it’s time to figure out what’s next.
(Read the whole Computer Safety Verse here.)
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autisticjoshrusso · 25 days
man that access hollywood interview was hard to watch... lou was clearly so nervous and the fact that the interviewers couldn't even stay on topic with the show itself and yknow, the whole entire other actor sitting right there, was just... yikes! yikes all around!
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angryanimator · 4 months
I just now finished reading dunmeshi and have so many thoughts bouncing around in my head like ping pong balls like how this manga is legit one of the most genuine representation of autism (in the form of not just one, but multiple characters!!!!) in media I've seen in... Ever, actually. There is so much rich depth in both worldbuilding and storytelling/plot. It gives you so many characters that you're sure you won't care about, for you to become attached after a couple chapters later. There is no character i wasn't at least a little interested by. This manga is also sooo uninterested in romance and gives you such a good example of an intensely interesting and powerful story without any of the characters being tied up in any (outwardly) romantic subplots. And yet - it maintains enough vagueness to hook a little suspicion over certain interactions and subtext, only to keep adding context to it as the plot moves along, allowing you to puzzle pieces together. God, i just have so much i wanna say about this story but i would literally have to write an essay and i don't have the confidence or attention span for that
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heliumcake · 2 years
no but you don’t understand will byers is everything to me i care so deeply for him that little boy has been my favorite for YEARS i literally grew up with him and it just makes me so happy to see that noah cares so much too like he speaks so well of him and really understands him and im so glad it’s him who got to Be will byers if that makes sense he’s done such an amazing job interpreting him and honestly atp i trust nobody else with this character not even the writers
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moeblob · 11 months
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Sometimes a game hands you a character catered to your hyper-specific tastes and you have to live with the call out.
(hi this is Chipie my beloved. the first time you meet him he asks you "do you like cats". he literally wants to be a cat. his abilities are pretty average all around. he's more of a normal looking guy compared to the other cast. he's just a fella who really likes cats!)
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