#regressed dewdrop
samaellevampire · 5 months
Dew with Aether who reads him a bedtime story after a long day of work.
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bongo-ghoul · 8 months
Aether bundling regressed dew up in base layers that dont even fit the tiny kitty and than mountain putting him in the over layers, he cant even stand with his legs together or his arms to his side cause theyve bundled him up to the point hes a re-enactment of the Michelin man
To be fairdont want him to get too cold in the snow only for him to tip over the moment they set him down on his feet,
Of course thet set him down at likd the top of a hill so the moment hes tipped over hes sliding away down the hill and cant do anything but meow for help
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littlerainyghoul · 5 months
Little baby dew and little baby phantom+ tummy time!!!
They wiggle around like lil worms lol
Anon this idea is absolutely adorable - i want to write a full ficlet revolving this idea at some point but for now have this little drabble :
"Come on, Dewcifer" Copia cooed softly, as the tiny fire ghoul wiggled on his little tummy. "Come to papa!" He continued to speak, over the adorable gurgles of Dewdrop. Phantom chirped behind him, he fluttered on his floor next to Aether.
"Go on little ones, go to papa" Aether chanted supportively. Copia's gentle coaxing filled the room as Dewdrop wiggled happily, responding to the affectionate words. He wiggles into the arms of Copia.
"Good job Dew, you clever boy" Copia continued to softly coo as he hugged the tiny fire kit, clad in his cat onesie. Phantom followed quickly behind him, wiggling on the soft space blankey underneath them . He wiggled around as he reached out to his favourite toys, a colourful xylophone and a bat plushie.
Phantom's joyful chirps echoed in response to Dewdrop's playful exploration. Aether smiled, watching the endearing scene unfold. Copia, cradling Dewdrop, encouraged the tiny quintessence kit as he reached for the vibrant toys. The room filled with a delightful mix of coos, gurgles, and the soft tinkling sounds of the xylophone as Phantom discovered the colourful world around him.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 9 months
hi please feel free to ignore this but ive been having a rough time and would adore some regressor phantom hurt/comfort. maybe little guy bends too far on stage and hurts himself or something, idk just so long as their comfort ❤️
He was so desperate to impress Dew that when Dew has pointed the floor, expecting him to drop to his knees before him, he had done, no questions asked. The problem was it was outdoor venue. And it was raining. Just as he was bending backwards to get his head to hit the floor behind him, his knee slipped, causing his back to jolt. 
 Immediately he felt pain spark all the way up his spine and down to the bottom of his back. He let out a whine, hoping Dew didn’t hear him, and he gently bent himself back up into a upright position. More pain bloomed under his skin as he did, he felt it wrap around his spine and constrict. 
He played as usual, not wanting anyone to guess something was wrong. The pain was bad, each step he took make it worse. By the end of the show he’s limping, his head is spinning with the fuzzy feeling he gets when he feels small. During final bows he’s next to Rain, and he squeezes the water ghouls hand tightly, feeling like he’ll topple over if he doesn’t. Rain gives him a look, even under his mask Phantom can feel it, it’s like Rain knows. 
He lets Rain pull him off stage, whimpering as soon as they’re hidden backstage, feeling tears fall down his cheek behind his mask. 
“H-hurts, Rainy. Hurts.”
Rain pulls him into his dressing room, shutting the door behind him. 
“I know, baby. I saw what happened.” 
He undoes Phantom’s helmet, pulling off his head, cooing as he does. 
“Oh, there’s no need to tears, babyboy.”
Phantom sniffles, a new batch of tears flowing down his cheeks. 
“Hurts so badly, Rainy. I don’t-I can’t-“ 
He’s cut off by a sob wracking thought him. 
“Please help me. Make the hurt stop.” His bottom lip wobbles. 
Rain brushes the tears on his cheeks away with his thumb, rubbing gentle circles on his cheek. 
“I’ve got you, baby. Gunna look after you, make you feel better.” 
Rain very carefully peels Phantom’s shirt off. Phantom whimpers the whole time, his eyes screwing shut as he sobs out again. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, darling. But we have to get it off to help you.” 
Phantom whimpers again, his eyes still screwed shut, shaking his head. 
Rain coos at him again, finally pulling shirt off him, 
“Being so good for me, baby. So brave for me.” 
Phantom perks up a little at the praise, letting out a little chirp at the praise. 
Before any of them can say anything, the dressing room door opens and Dew walks in. He’s changed from his stage uniform, wearing black sweatpants and no shirt, his hair down from its braid, the black stage makeup still smudged around his eyes and mouth. 
“How bad is it? I saw his leg slip, it can’t be good, right?” 
“I don’t think it’s that bad.” Rain rubs at Phantom’s belly in a confronting way. “I think he’s just pulled a muscle, I don’t think there’s any bruising or swelling.” 
Dew checks over Phantom’s back, humming in agreement with Rain. 
“No swelling or bruising.” He presses carefully at a couple of different spots on Phantom’s back, making him hiss out at one particular spot at the bottom of his spine. “Hurts there, little one?” 
Phantom nods, pouting at Dew with wet eyes. 
“Hurts, Dewy.” 
Dew pouts back at him. 
“I bet, sweetheart.” He ruffles Phantom’s hair. “Do you want me and Rainy to make it better?” Phantom nods, still pouting, but the tears have slowed. Dew presses a little kiss to the bottom of his back. “Come lie down on the sofa with us, baby.”  Rain manoeuvres Phantom so he's led in between Himself and Dew, his back to Dew. Phantom buries his face in Rains neck, still whimpering slightly. Phantom let’s out a small gasp feeling Dew get increasingly more warm behind him, making both ghouls giggle at him. “You like that, little one?” Dew noses at his shoulders, his hand wiggling between Phantom and Rains belly’s to rub at Phantom's. 
Phantom gives a little wiggle and a chirp. 
“Feels nice. Warm.” 
Rain presses a kiss to the top of his head, intwining his hand with Dew’s other hand, taking one of Phantom's in his other. 
“Dewy making you feel better?” 
Phantom hums, snuggling him deeper into both of them. 
“We’ve got some time before we have to be on the bus, why don’t have a nap, baby? We’ll wake you up when it’s time to go.” Dew presses a kiss to the back of his head. 
Phantom fidgets a little, letting out another little whine. 
Rain huff a laugh, bringing the spade of his tail up to Phantom’s lips. Phantom parts his lips, accepting Rain’s in his mouth, sucking gently at the spade. 
Dew let’s out a little giggle at him. 
“That better?”
Phantom nods, his eyes finally slipping closed. 
Somehow the other two end up falling asleep, the rhythmic breathing of Phantom slowly pulling them onto a peaceful sleep. 
That’s how Copia finds them, tangled up on the dressing sofa, fast asleep. They’d been waiting on the bus for them for an hour before he set off looking for them, hoping and praying that they hadn’t left the venue on their own. 
He runs a hand through Phantom’s hair, watching as the small ghoul twitches in his sleep, his eyes slowly fluttering open. 
“Hi there, little one.” Phantom blinks bleary eyed at him, sucking on the tail that’s still in his mouth. 
Copia runs a finger down his cheek.
“What’ve you got there?” 
Phantom's eyes flicker to Rain. 
“Oh, you’ve got Rainy’s tail?” 
Phantom gives a small squeak and nod, sucking a little harder on the tail. Copia smiles sweetly down at him. 
“Yeah? That’s nice of him, hmm?” 
Phantom nods again, feeling a little more awake now. 
“Do you think you three could continue your cuddle pile on the bus? We’ve been looking for you all.” 
He tickles under Phantom's chin, making the small ghoul squeal and squirm. 
The other two wake up at the noise and motion and grin sheepishly up at Copia, hoping the man won’t be too mad at them for making them a little behind schedule. He’s not, he would never be, especially the sight of them all cuddled up is so cute. 
On the bus, Phantom forgets all about his back, especially when he’s pulled into the middle of a cuddle pile including everyone. He happily laps up all the attention and cuddles, a goofy smile of his face and a loud purr rumbling though his chest. 
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sodoshame · 9 months
Hi I’ve been seeing your regressed ghouls for a while and wanted to make a request! Could you maybe do regressed ghoul!reader and Mountain. Mountain calls reader bug! 🫶🏽
Hi anon! Absolutely! I hope this is what you’re after! I wrote this super fast on my phone so I apologise in advance lol
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Regressed Ghoul!Reader + Caregiver!Mountain
Notes: Completely SFW of course, Gender neutral reader.
You woke up feeling different this morning. You couldn’t put your finger on what it was exactly, you just knew that your head felt fuzzy. Swinging your legs over the edge of your bed, you frowned. Something didn’t feel right; your head felt fuzzy and your body felt too big and clumsy. Carefully, you stand up on wobbly legs and make your way out of your room and to the common room as you felt tears welling up in your eyes.
Looking around the common room, you could see Rain, Dew and Swiss cuddled up on the couch. You suddenly jump, feeling a hand on your shoulder; looking up, you see Mountain smiling down at you.
“Hey, Y/N. You okay?” He asks, his voice gentle.
You think for a minute, but you’re struggling to form words and the tears in your eyes spill over. Mountain’s smile falters and he’s immediately wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back.
“What’s wrong, honey?” He asks, his voice laced with concern.
“F-feel.. wrong. Fuzzy. B-bad.” You manage to stutter out. Your voice doesn’t come out like you want it to; you stumble over the simple words, struggling to pronounce them.
Mountain seems to catch on immediately, just from the tone of your voice. He puts his hands under your arms and lifts you up with ease, resting you on his hip as he puts one arm under you to support you.
“Oh, bug. You feelin’ small?” He asks, moving to the armchair and sitting down with you on his lap.
You bury your face into his shoulder and start sobbing, your entire body trembling.
“D-don’t like it, Mounty. F-feels weird.” You stutter in between sobs. Mountain sighs and wraps his arms around you tightly, bringing his hand up to gently stroke through your hair.
“Shh, shh, shh. You’re okay, baby bug. Can you take some deep breaths for me?” He shushes softly, continuing to hold you.
You try your best to do as he says, taking in deep breaths and then slowly exhaling. After a while, you feel yourself start to calm down and you snuggle up more into Mountain’s embrace, nuzzling your face to his neck.
“That’s it, bug. You’re doing so well.” He praises, kissing your forehead softly.
“Don’t feel right, Mounty…” You mumble against his neck.
“I know, baby bug. Your head feels fuzzy? It’s okay, bug. You feel little, huh?” He says, his voice sweet and caring.
“Mhm… feel… little. Head not working right.” You mumble, still struggling with your pronunciation. You bring your tail up to your face, putting the spade into mouth. It feels… soothing, almost.
“Well, that’s okay, bug. It happens sometimes. Nothing to be scared of, okay? You’ve seen it happen to Dew before, haven’t you? And Rain?” Mountain reassures, still running his fingers through your hair.
“Mhm… Dewy and Rainy go little? They feel like this too?” You question, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“They certainly do, baby bug. It’s nothing unusual or scary, sweetheart. It just means you need a little extra help right now, okay?” He smiles, looking down at you with a kind smile as he strokes your hair away from your face.
You nod, suckling on the spade of your tail as you look up at him with glassy eyes.
“You’re okay, bug. I’ve got you. Maybe Rain or Dew will let you play with some of their toys, huh? How does that sound?” He coos, softly stroking your cheek.
“Maybe… Not now. Want you now, Mounty.” You mumble, your tail muffling your voice.
“Got it, play later. For now, I’ll just hold you, hm?” He smiles sweetly down at you.
You nod, letting out a little happy chirp as you nuzzle your face back to his neck. Mountain chuckles and wraps his arms firmly around you, cradling you against his large frame.
“Such a sweet little thing, aren’t you, bug?” He coos, stroking your hair softly.
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ghostieagere · 6 months
this is partially inspired by @tinymoon-beam's regressed french rain ficlet (as well as all her other french rain fics !!!) so please go check those out, she's a really incredible writer <3
also just a general disclaimer that french is not my first language, i am very much still learning !!! some of the weird grammar/spelling things are to mirror the way i write the english-speaking regressed ghouls, but if you spot any other mistakes then i welcome gentle corrections <3
cw: regressed rain, regressed aeon, caregiver dewdrop, french rain, language confusion, rain not understanding english, aeon not understanding french, multilingual dew, a few tears of frustration but it's all okay in the end
“Arrête!” (Stop!) Rain’s raised voice catches Dew’s attention. He looks up from his book to see Aeon giggling as they nudge their finger against Rain’s tower of blocks. The tower wobbles as Aeon nudges it again, threatening to fall.
“Arrête, arrête!” (Stop, stop!) Rain cries again, trying to push Aeon away and save his tower.
Dew puts his book down. “Aeon, bubs?” The little quintessence ghoul looks up at the sound of their name. “I don’t think Rainy likes you messing with his tower, okay? He’s telling you to stop.”
Aeon pouts. “If I don’ un’ers’and him, how ‘m I supposed to know?” Their question prompts the both of them to look over at the little water ghoul, his gaze shifting between them, his brow furrowed in confusion.
“Je compren’ pas, Papa,” (I don't understand, papa) he says, voice small as tears well in his eyes.
Dew stands from the couch and makes his way over to the two little ghouls on the floor. He crouches in front of Rain and holds his hands out near his face, letting Rain lean into his touch on his own time. When he does, Dew smooths his thumbs over Rain’s cheeks, wiping away the single tear that fell in his confusion. “Ça va, mon cœur?” (Are you alright, my heart?)
Rain nods. “Ouais, ça va.” (Yeah, i'm okay) He sniffles as he speaks, but with Dew’s warm hands on his face wicking away the sadness, he seems to be feeling a lot better.
Across the other side of the block tower, Aeon whines. “I don’ un’ers’and, Dada.” Dew has to bite back a smile at how similar Rain and Aeon are, even if neither of them are quite aware of it at the moment.
He walks around to the other side of the tower and sits next to Aeon, holding out his hand for the little quintessence ghoul to take a hold of if they want. “You don’t have to understand, little star,” he reminds them. “You just have to–”
“I jus’ have to be kiiiiiiind,” they finish for him, drawing out the ‘i’ in ‘kind’ as they struggle to pronounce it.
Dew smiles widely. “That’s exactly right, Ae! Such a good memory you’ve got there, bub. Well done.”
Aeon grins back up at Dew, beginning to rock side to side in happiness from the praise as they turn their attention away from Dew and Rain and back to their own pile of blocks in front of them.
Once Dew is sure Aeon is completely absorbed in their play, he turns back to Rain, finding the water ghoul looking completely lost by the lack of French all over again. “Rain, t’as compris?” (Rain, did you understand?)
Rain looks over at Dew and shakes his head. “Non, j’ai pas compris. Desolé…” (No, I didn't understand. Sorry...) He looks back down at the ground, embarrassed.
“Non, non, mon cœur,” (No, no, my heart) Dew consoles him, holding his arms out in an offer for Rain to crawl over to him and be held. “C’est pas grave.” (It's not serious) They both hum happily as Rain settles himself in Dew’s lap, rubbing his cheek against the fire ghoul’s shirt and purring contentedly at the warmth of Dew’s body heat. “J’ai dit à Aeon qu’iel devait être gentil avec tu et ton tour,” (I told Aeon that they needed to be kind with you and your tower) he explains, smiling when he feels Rain smile against him as he understands the words Dew is saying. Dew continues to explain what he said to Aeon about understanding and being kind, and when he asks the same question of Rain, he gets a very enthusiastic “Je dois être gentiiiiiiil” (I need to be kiiiiiiiind) in response, the little water ghoul dragging out the ‘i’ in the exact same way as Aeon did.
“Très bien, Rainy,” (Very good, Rainy) Dew encourages. “C’était parfait!’ (That was perfect!)
Rain giggles softly and claps his hands as well as he can while he’s squished up against Dew’s chest.
“Est-ce que tu veux jouer avec Aeon maintenant? Ou tu veux rester là pour le moment?” (Do you want to play with Aeon now? Or do you want to stay here for the moment?)
Rain hums while he thinks through his choices. Dew can practically guess what the little water ghoul is thinking. If he plays with Aeon, they can make more block towers together and it’ll be tricky to understand each other, but it will still be so much fun. Or if he stays with Dew, he’ll be comfy and cosy with his Papa, but he won’t get to play with his friend. After a long while, Rain buries his face further into Dew’s shirt. “Là,” (Here) he says, voice muffled in the fabric.
“Tu restes là?” (You want to stay here?)
Rain nods.
“D’accord, bon choix, mon petit chou.” (Okay, good choice, my little darling) Dew rubs Rain’s back comfortingly as he speaks, watching Aeon over the little water ghoul’s head. They seem more than happy playing with their block and chatting away to themselves for the moment, but regardless, Dew’s glad Rain’s made the choice to stay with him because it means he’ll be able to interact with Aeon much more easily if they come to ask him something.
“Et– Et– Et après,” (And– And– And after) Rain starts, looking up at Dew with big, hopeful eyes. “Après, p– peut-être que je peux jouer avec Aeon?” (After, m– maybe I can play with Aeon?)
Dew nods down at them enthusiastically and feels his smile widen at the idea of his two little ones playing together without conflict. “Ouais, bien sûr, Rain.” (Yeah, of course, Rain)
The little water ghoul wriggles happily in his lap, letting out a very, very quiet “Youpi!” (Yippee!)
At the quiet celebration, Aeon looks up from their stack of blocks. “Wha’s happening, Dada? Why Rainy so happy?” They ask earnestly.
Dew redirects his attention to Aeon and quickly gives them a recap of the conversation in English. “Rain is going to stay here in my lap for a bit, and afterwards, he thinks he might come and play with you and the blocks again, okay?”
Aeon gasps, mouth wide open and eyes practically shining in excitement when they hear their playmate might be joining them again soon. “Rainy gonna come an’ pray again?”
“Yeah, bubba!” Dew responds, grinning. “Rainy might come and play with you soon!”
“Yippee!” Aeon shouts, giggling and smiling widely. “I like prayin’ wif Rainy.”
Dew watches them play for a few more moments before turning back down to the little water ghoul in his lap. “Tu as entendu ça, Rainy?” (Did you hear that, Rainy?) Dew asks, leaning down to talk directly into Rain’s ear. “Iel aime bien jouer avec toi.” (They really like playing with you)
It takes a while for Rain to reply, which makes Dew think he might be close to falling asleep if he hasn’t already, but eventually, Rain responds very quietly, his sleep-laced words muffled against Dew’s shirt. “J'aime bien jouer avec toi aussi, Aeon…” (I really like playing with you too, Aeon...)
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mac-and-thefox · 8 months
Some soft regressed ghoul comfort for @sphylor. This is my first time attempting writing regression, I hope its okay 💙
Aether and Swiss caring for a regressed Dew and Mountain during a thunderstorm, a little bit of angst but mostly comfort.
CW: fear of storms, regressed ghouls, non-verbal regression
Comforts of Home
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A clap of thunder rang through Aether's room and woke him with a start. The sky was dark, with huge, roiling clouds overtaking the sky. A cold wind blew through the room, bringing the damp promise of an autumn storm with it.
A sudden flash of lightning, followed by another massive jolt of thunder filled Aether's senses as the old stone building shook under the wrath of the storm. The smell of Ozone filled his nose.
Aether removed the book laying face down on his chest and glanced at the clock. Just past 4:30 in the afternoon. He must have dozed off while reading. He swung his legs off the bed and made his way to the window to close it.
As the latch clicked shut and the sound of howling wind muted, Aether's ears twitched at a distressed, high pitch whine coming from down the hallway. His tail tensed, coiling up tight as the smell of charred wood filtered into the room.
More thunder boomed through the abbey, followed by another frightened cry, this time accompanied by the distressed scent of mildew and wood rot.
Aether padded to the door and stepped out into the hallway. The two distinct scents were stronger there, as were the cries and whines. His ears drooped against his head at the sound; he needed to check on Dewdrop, as he knew the fire ghoul could regress quite small when frightened, especially at a time like this. As he made his way down the hallway, a door opened and Swiss poked his head out.
“I’m going to check on Dew,” Aether said, wincing at the booming crash of more thunder.
Swiss nodded and walked in the direction Aether had come from, slipping through the door with the distinct earth symbol.
Aether stood in front of Dew’s door and knocked quietly.
“Dew? Are you alright?”
He was met with a whine and an overwhelming wall of distress and charred wood.
Aether opened the door softly and stepped inside. The room was dark and cold, the fire in the hearth burned out. A flash of lightning cracked across the sky, illuminating the room and revealing a small, shaking figure curled up in a ball on the floor.
Aether approached the ball slowly to see Dew cowering on the carpet, curled around a teddy bear that was almost the same size as him.
“Hi Bug, everything is gonna be okay. Can I come closer?” Aether spoke softly, crouching slowly down to Dew’s level.
Dew hesitantly unwound himself from the teddy bear, peering at Aether with big, wet eyes. His lower lip quivered and he whimpered quietly as he reached out for Aether, making little grabby hands in his direction.
Aether scooched over to him, sitting on the floor next to the fire ghoul and leaning up against the bed.
Dew crawled into his lap, tucking his head under Aether’s chin and curling up against his chest.
Aether rubbed Dew’s back in small circles, humming and purring softly.
Another peal of thunder caused Dew to jump and curl further into himself, whining quietly, clapping his hands over his ears and burying his head into Aether’s chest, eyes screwed tightly shut.
“Aef…m’scared…is to’loud..”
Dew was too small to understand what was happening. He couldn’t understand that he was still safe, despite the storm raging outside the window.
Aether brought a hand to Dew’s head, running his fingers through his hair and massaging his scalp, holding the fire ghoul close to him.
“Oh love, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You are safe and warm right here in my arms.”
Dew looked up at him through wet lashes, sniffling. His tail curled around his own arm and Dew rubbed his cheek against the spade in an attempt at self-soothing.
“Don’ like da t’under…fell outa bed. Arm is ouchie…”
Aether took Dew’s slender arm in his hand, examining it. It was nothing more than a bruised elbow, but Aether let his quintessence gently reach out and wick away the soreness. He gave the offending elbow a soft kiss to seal the deal.
“There we go, Bug. All better now, hmm?”
Dew nodded into Aether’s chest, suckling softly on the spade that had wandered its way into his mouth.
Aether held Dew close to his chest, rocking the little ghoul slowly back and forth, purring in his chest. He placed a finger under Dew’s chin, lifting his head gently to look at him.
“Tell you what, Bug, why don’t we go down the hallway and join Swiss and Mounty, hmm? We can all snuggle together in Mounty’s big bed. Would you like that?”
Dew nodded, eyes still big, but shaking subsided.
“Uhuhh...wanna be with Swissy an’ Mounty..can we, pwetty p’ease?” He mumbled around the spade in his mouth.
Aether leaned in and gave the fire ghoul a kiss on the forehead.
“Of course, love. Hold on tight, okay?”
Aether stood slowly, allowing Dew to wrap himself around Aether’s torso koala style. Dew laid his head on Aether’s shoulder, still suckling quietly on his tail as the two made their way down the hallway and into Mountain’s room.
The room was awash with the glow from the fire lit in the hearth. They found the two ghouls in Mountain’s bed. The Earth giant was curled up with his head on Swiss’ chest while the Multi ghoul held him close, singing a song quietly in Spanish. Their heads turned towards the sound of Aether and Dew entering the room.
Mountain, seeing Dew cradled in Aether’s arms, squeaked out a sad whine and reached out towards him, eyes big and a little spacey.
Aether set Dew gently on the bed. The little ghoul crawled over to Mountain, curling up together with him. The two rubbed noses, bumping horns together softly before burrowing underneath the warm soft furs, chirping quietly to each other.
Aether laid down on the other side of them, looking over at Swiss.
“He’s still non-verbal. This storm really scared him bad,” Swiss whispered, not wanting to disturb the two ghouls curled around each other between him and Aether.
Aether nodded, looking out the window at the courtyard below. The branches on the trees were being shaken every which way, leaves scattering everywhere as the wind howled on.
Another jolt of lightning, followed by the subsequent boom sent Mountain and Dew deep under the covers, whimpering out small mewls and cries as the shaking recommenced.
Aether rose from the bed and walked to the window, closing the heavy drapes, muffling the sound and hiding the flashes of light outside.
Swiss leaned over and slowly uncovered the two. Mountain and Dew peered up at him, tears in their eyes. Mountain whimpered, lower lip quivering.
“Swissy…make da soun’ stop… is scary..” Dew cried, trying to burrow under Mountain’s arm as the two tried to curl as close to each other as possible.
Aether laid back down next to Dew. He and Swiss exchanged looks and silent words before scooching in as close as they could to the two frightened ghouls in the middle. They wrapped their arms and tails around the two, providing a grounding touch as they began purring deep in their chests.
Swiss rubbed Mountain’s back, channeling some of his fire into the now formed pile, warming the group in an effort at comfort.
“I know these sounds and flashes are scary, I'm so sorry, my loves. You and Mounty are being such brave ghouls right now. We are so proud of you.”
Aether leaned in and gave Dew a kiss to the back of his head.
“We can stay here and cuddle as long as you two like. We don’t have to go anywhere or do anything that you don’t want to.”
Dew turned into Aether’s arms, nuzzling under his chin. Aether’s arms were always the safest place in the world to him. Even though he was little, and even though he was scared, he knew that Aether would always protect him no matter what.
Swiss drew Mountain back against his chest, holding the earth ghoul gently in his embrace.
“We would never let anything happen to you, Sapling,” he murmured into Mountain’s chestnut waves.
Mountain wound his tail around Swiss’ hand, snuffling with the beginnings of a tentative purr as he burrowed deeper into Swiss’ arms, closing his eyes.
They laid that way for a time, taking comfort in each other's warmth and presence. Slowly, the distressed smell of charred wood and mildew was replaced with warm cinnamon apples and dewey pine.
A gurgle rose up from the middle of the pile. Dew raised his head, a slight frown on his small face.
“Aef…me an Moun’y are gettin’ kinda hungwy..”
Mountain peaked over Dew’s shoulder, nodding with a slight chirp.
Aether smiled, sitting up slightly.
“Are my two ghouls hungry? I can hear your rumbly bellies from over here,”
Dew ducked his head and giggled as Aether gave him a nuzzle on his cheek.
Mountain touched Dew softly on the arm, chittering quietly into his ear before snuggling back into Swiss’ protective embrace.
“Moun’y saids he wan’s some’a dat soup dat Cum’lus made,” Dew declared as Mountain nodded solemnly over his shoulder in agreement.
“Da soup wiv…wiv…duno the word Aef,”
Aether tilted his head, smiling softly at the two ghouls in the middle of the pile.
“You mean the….Butternut Squash soup?”
Dew’s eyes light up in recognition.
“Yeah! Dat soup,”
Aether pulled the covers back and climbed out of Mountain’s bed. He stood, facing the three remaining ghouls before putting his hands on his hips and scowling slightly in mock seriousness.
“Okay you two, I will go get us some dinner. We can eat in here, but you have to promise to be very careful. No spills, okay?”
He was met with enthusiastic nods and chirps. Swiss grinned from behind the two Littles.
“I’ve got the two terrors, go forth and bring us sustenance, Aeth.”
“Not terrors, Swissy!! We’re good ghouls, righ’ Moun’y?”
Aether closed the door softly, trying like hell to conceal his laughter as Dew squawked his indignation at the Multi ghoul.
He made his way to the kitchen, loading up a tray with four bowls of the rich, spiced soup, along with four slices of warm, home-baked bread.
Upon his return to Mountain’s room, Aether was met with a sight that melted his heart. Mountain and Dew were wrapped up in each other’s arms, fast asleep. Their tails twined together and they rubbed their horns together in their slumber as they snuffled softly. Their faces finally smooth and peaceful, awash with the warm glow from the fire.
Swiss looked up from his phone at the sound of Aether quietly clicking the door shut.
“They zonked out while you were gone. I say we let them sleep, they both need the rest.”
Aether placed the tray on Mountain’s desk and climbed back into bed behind the lightly snoring fire ghoul, snuggling in close as Swiss settled back in behind Mountain.
It was still early, dinner could wait.
@ghuleh-recs @jimothybarnes @dewedup @rainyhoursinhell @jesusbutbetterrr @littlemoon-beam
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littlehypnone · 2 months
pet regressing and shape-shifting ghouls had taken over my brain and i had to scribble something little. have some otter rainy!
(tag for @sphylor as promised :3)
Dewdrop haven't seen Rain much that day, busy with chores that piled had up. He promised him earlier that they’d spend a nice, peaceful evening together, relaxing after the long day.
When Dewdrop is finishing up his work he sends a few texts to Rain, informing him of the fact and asking where they should meet and if there was anything specific he’d like to do.
No answer comes, though. Dewdrop shrugs, it means nothing. Rain probably busied himself with something or his phone simply died. It happens quite often.
Soon enough his chores are finished and he makes his way back to the den. He checks Rain’s room first, but it’s empty and there’s no fresh scent that would indicate he was in there recently. Dewdrop leaves and goes to his own room, hoping to find his mate there.
He opens the door and it does smell like Rain is in there—fresh smell of petrichor hanging in the air—but he can’t see him anywhere. The fire ghoul looks around and notices a pile of clothes (definitely not his own) at the top of his bed, by his pillows. Dewdrop furrows his brows.
“Rainy?” he calls out.
A little squeak reaches his ears and the pile of clothes moves slightly. Dewdrop sighs—realizing—but not in disappointment. He only hopes nothing bad had happened that would make Rain regress.
The fire ghoul closes the door and walks to the bed, crawling up onto it. Rain must feel him, because as soon as Dewdrop settles against the headboard, the pile moves again and the head of a little otter pokes out, squeaking. “Well, hello, little thing.”
Rain squeaks again, but doesn’t move to crawl into Dewdrop’s lap. That’s unusual, so the fire ghoul reaches for the hoodie and peaks inside.
“Awww,” he coos quietly, smiling. Rain must’ve grabbed his axolotl plushie when he was still in his big ghoul body and put it under his hoodie, because now the little otter is cuddled around the small, pink stuffie, refusing to let it go. “Come here, baby.”
Rain squeaks some more—happily—as Dewdrop picks him up. The fire ghoul scoots down to lay, more than sit, and puts the little otter on his chest. Rain wiggles until he ends up on his back, sprawled out with the axolotl plushie still clutched tightly in his little paws.
Dewdrop giggles, never able to help himself when Rain is like this. He is happy and content so the fire ghoul doesn’t worry. If something bad caused him to drop they’d talk about it later. For now the little otter needs entertainment, and Dewdrop is happy to provide.
He puts a hand under Rain’s chin and starts scratching. The little otter immediately starts squeaking louder, making all kinds of happy noises and pushing further into Dewdrop’s touch. “I’ve got you, little thing.”
For a while it’s just like that—the fire ghoul petting Rain and him enjoying it, glued to Dewdrop’s plushie. He doesn’t know what changes but at some point Rain wiggles again and turns to his front. He stares at the other intently, squeaking some more.
“Whaddya need?” Dewdrop asks, but he—of course—doesn’t get a proper answer. Only some more squeaks. “Hm, what about your marbles? Do you want to play? Maybe a snack?”
Rain’s next squeak sounds more like a grumble, so Dewdrop supposes he doesn’t want any of those options. He thinks for a moment, but the otter seems to get impatient. He squirms and wiggles up until he’s nestled just under Dewdrop’s chin, basically on his neck, and reaches out with his little paw. He puts it on the fire ghoul’s lips and the other one ends up in his own mouth.
Dewdrop is confused for a moment, but then he remembers otter customs.
“Oh, you want us to take a nap!” he laughs and Rain squeaks approvingly. “Alright, alright, little thing, we can take a nap.”
The fire ghoul pulls up a blanket and gets himself settled, holding onto a wiggling Rain. Even once Dewdrop stops moving, Rain doesn’t—obviously displeased with his current position. Thankfully Dewdrop has had enough practice with the water ghoul regressed like this to know what it is that the little otter, most likely, wants.
He pulls the axolotl plushie from his paws and Rain does not like it, at first, but the fire ghoul shoves it under his shirt and Rain immediately follows, squirming his way into it through Dewdrop’s collar. The sleek fur scratches his skin as Rain curls around the stuffie again and settles properly on Dewdrop’s chest.
“Comfy?” he asks and Rain’s little face peeks out from the collar of his shirt. He squeaks happily, voicing his contentment. Dewdrop scratches at the top of his head and the little otter’s eyes close. His whiskers tickle Dewdrop a bit, but he’d never complain. He adores Rain more than anything; big or small, otter or ghoul. He sighs, smiling, “You are the cutest little thing, you know that?”
Rain squeaks again. He does know it.
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samaellevampire · 6 months
Dewdrop when he gets too angry, upset or overwelmed. (regressed or not)
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everybodyshusband · 10 months
I hurt my ankle ;( could i possibly request for Regressed Dew getting comforted with his hurt ankle via swiss and mountain?
of course you can request that ! i'm sorry this took a while to write, dear anon. i hope your ankle is starting to feel better, love <3
It starts with a thud. The quiet noise of a certain fire ghoul falling onto the soft, wet grass, followed almost immediately by quiet sobs that Dewdrop is clearly doing his best to stifle. Mountain hears him first, the glass of the greenhouse thankfully allowing sound to pass through.
The earth ghoul's ear twitches in the direction of the distressed noises and he makes the decision to set down his trowel and investigate. He brushes the dirt from his hands onto his gardening apron, making sure to take if off and hang it up on its proper hook before walking out of the greenhouse and setting his eyes on Dewdrop.
The little ghoul is sitting on the ground, one leg drawn up close to his body, the other laying out straight in front of him, the ankle already beginning to swell. He's crying, which isn't always out of character for the fire ghoul depending on the situations he finds himself in, but the little hiccups he's letting out after every sob that escapes him can only mean one thing.
"Little one?" Dewdrop looks up when Mountain speaks, tears tracking down his cheeks. "Oh, my darling, are you hurt?" Mountain rushes over to Dewdrop and reaches a hand out, swiping his thumbs over the little ghoul's cheeks to rid his face of tears. It's a pointless effort (his tear ducts immediate work to replace any tears Mountain brushes away) but the way Dewdrop leans into Mountain's touch and closes his eyes signals to the earth ghoul that the little ghoul seems to appreciate the gesture.
"I- I wanted to say hi at you, so I runned," he tries to explain through his sobs. "But I falled over and ankle hurt..."
"Oh, love," Mountain sighs, pulling Dewdrop into a hug, careful to not jolt his injured ankle. "Should we take you up to the infirmary? Get you all fixed up?"
Dewdrop shakes his head emphatically through his hiccups. "No! Wanna Swissy cuddle," he pouts, wrapping his arms around himself to emphasise his point.
"You want to see Swiss?"
"Uh huh. Wanna Mountain and Swissy cuddle."
Mountain can't help the way his face splits into a genuine smile at Dewdrop's admission of wanting to be wrapped up in his hugs. "Well, sundew," (Dewdrop chirps happily at the nickname despite the fat tears still rolling down his cheeks) "how about I carry you back to the commons and we can wait for Swiss to meet us on the couch for cuddles, hmm?"
"Yeah!" The fire ghoul nods excitedly and claps his hands at Mountain's suggestion. The earth ghoul lifts him up as carefully as he can, purposefully avoiding contact with Dewdrop's sore ankle and slowly makes his way up the hill towards the ghouls' commons.
The walk isn't a long one, but with a squirming ghoul on his back with an ankle that shouldn't be moved about too much, the journey ends up taking almost double the time Mountain usually walks it in. The earth ghoul is mostly quiet, occasionally encouraging Dewdrop in his nonsensical babbling to ensure the little ghoul stays distracted from his pain, but he mostly stays quiet, content to focus on keeping Dewdrop's leg and ankle straight as he holds him.
"Mounty," Dewdrop starts, the earth ghoul immediately tuning back in. "Wossa 'commons'? You sayed 'commons' wossat mean?"
"You want to know what 'commons' means, love?" Mountain clarifies.
"Uh huh."
"It's a fast way to say 'common room'," he explains. "You know the room with the couches outside all of our bedrooms?" He elaborates once Dewdrop is silent for just a bit too long for him to have properly understood what Mountain originally meant.
"Ohh, the big room?"
"Yes, that's right, little one!" Mountain encourages. "The big room."
Dewdrop hums. "I like the big room. 'S warm. And Swissy gonna be there too!"
"Yes, he will." Mountain sends an anti-prayer to whatever lower power is listening that for Dewdrop's sake, Swiss will already be in the common room when he and the little ghoul arrive.
As luck would have it—or maybe that prayer really did work after all—Swiss is laying sideways over one of the armchairs, legs dangling over the one of the arms of the chair, his back resting against the other. "Hey, uh, Mount? I think you have a limpet stuck to your back," he teases, grinning.
"Swissy, 'm not a limpet!" Dewdrop protests as indignantly as he can manage. "Imma ghoul."
The multi ghoul smiles at Dewdrop's voice. "Oh, of course! How could I forget!" He rolls off of the armchair landing purposefully onto the floor with a loud thump, making Dewdrop giggle, the fire ghoul's entire body vibrating against Mountain's own.
"Swissy you're silly!" He laughs. "Mounty can you let me down p'ease? I wanna Swissy-Mounty cuddle now."
Mountain lowers Dewdrop onto one of the couches slowly, careful not to let anything bump his sore ankle before seating himself at Dewdrop's side and letting the little ghoul curl into his side. Dewdrop reaches an arm out and makes grabby hands in Swiss' general direction, encouraging him to join the mini ghoul pile.
The multi ghoul gladly approaches, but stops short once he catches sight of Dewdrop's ankle. "What happened, Dewy?"
Dewdrop glances down at his ankle and Mountain has to rub his back softly as the fire ghoul begins to tear up all over again. "Falled over..." he mumbles quietly.
"Awh, baby, you poor thing." Swiss kneels on the floor in front of the little ghoul and cradles his face in his hands. "D'you want me to try and make it feel a bit better now, or do you want to wait for Aether to help you later?"
"Mmm, I dunno..." Dewdrop has begun to twist his shirt in his hands as he does his best to answer Swiss' question. "Maybe... Aefer?"
"Good choice, love," Mountain mutters into Dewdrop's hair.
Swiss nods in agreement. "I'm sure it still hurts a lot, but Aeth'll patch you up in no time, little guy. Plus," he adds, whispering conspiratorially, "if you're really well-behaved when he fixes your ankle, he might have a couple stickers to spare for you, hmm? How does that sound, baby?"
"Stickers?" Dewdrop asks, mouth agape in surprise. "Want stickers!"
"Well then it's a very good thing you're such a good, well-behaved boy, isn't it, love?" Mountain strokes Dewdrop's hair as he speaks, sharing a soft smile with Swiss as the little ghoul begins purring and wriggling further into his hold. He inclines his head to Dewdrop's other side, glad when Swiss takes the hint to move from the couch to wrap his arms around the little ghoul. Dewdrop's purring kicks up a notch as Swiss joins him and Mountain on the couch, loudly reverberating against the two ghouls he's sandwiched between.
It may have started with the thud of Dewdrop falling over and injuring himself, but it ends with a happy fire ghoul purring, sandwiched in between two of his loving packmates, their arms wrapped tightly around him as they calm him down.
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littlerainyghoul · 6 months
some tiny/regressed dew!? 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Of course <333
I added some caregiver Aether too, if you don't mind :>>
When It Rains It Pours
Summary: A bad thunderstorm wakes Dewdrop in the middle of the night, and finds Aether half asleep on the couch in the ghoul common room.
Words: 600
Pairings: Regressed Dewdrop and Caregiver Aether
CW: mentions of a thunderstorm
Dewdrop rose with his heart pounding, a sickening cold chill seeping down his spine  as the roaring thunder echoed loudly in his room. The sound of laborous rain pounded on his bedroom window. He tried to breathe, to calm himself but any efforts proved to be futile, as the storm barked ferociously, like a lion hunting its prey.
He stepped outside his bedroom, and tiptoed himself into the ghouls common room, where he was met with Aether, who was sprawled on the couch, deep in the transcendence between sleep and wakefulness. Dew turned on a soft light, careful to not startle the ghoul on the couch.
His hands shaky, he held onto his pajamas, as he anxiously pranced on the spot, wiggling his knees and flapping his elbows. He hesitated for a moment, before softly speaking
Aether roused awake, concern raging in his eyes, as they fell upon the ghoul standing anxiously in front of him. He sighed, as he gestured for Dew to join him on the couch, seemingly notice the change.
"Are you...feeling small right now, Dew?" Aether asked, and a quick nod was all it took to confirm.
"I'm...scared, Aeae, can...I stay with you for a bit?"
"Hey, little droplet" Aether whispered, his voice flourishing with softness and comfort "you can stay here all you want"
"It's just a storm. We're safe here. You can be as small as you need to be right now."
He started to draw circles with his quintessence on Dew's palm, as he felt Dew relax slightly with his touch.
"Yeah, of course, droplet" Aether lies down on the couch, as he lets Dewdrop rest his head against him, letting him listen to his heartbeat and the way his chest moved up and down.  Dewdrop, finding comfort in the cadence, closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the storm outside blend with the soothing presence beside him.
Aether gently stroked Dew's hair, his fingers moving in a rhythmic pattern, a gesture that attempted to calm the anxious ghoul down. The fire continued to dance, casting shadows that painted a serene tableau in the common room.
As Dewdrop rested, he still raised his head with every flash of light that filled the room, only to be gently guided back to Aether's chest as he had words whispered into his ear "breathe, little one, breathe, we'll weather any storm together, droplet."
"Aethy?" Dewdrop voiced himself, as he grabbed Aether's shirt
"Thankies, Aethy, I love you"
"I love you too, darling" was Aether's response.
"Can you...tuck me in bed? I want...sleepy"
"Yes of course, darling" Aether's voice carried a delicate tone. He gently took Dew's hand and guided him to his room, he  lightly laid him on his bed. He covered the little ghoul with his favourite blankies, and planted a kiss on his forehead. The storm still rumbled on, but he felt a lot safer with the quintessence ghoul around him.
"...paci" Dew mewed, as he snuggled warm in the blankets.
"You want your dummy, firefly?"
Aether nodded, smiling gently. "Alright, let me grab it for you." He fetched Dewdrop's pacifier and handed it to him, his eyes glimmered as he noticed Dew gingerly flap  his hands with delight.
"Sleep well, little one."
Dewdrop nodded, his eyes heavy with drowsiness. "G'night, Aethy."
As Aether left the room, he glanced back one more time, ensuring Dew was settled. The storm continued its symphony outside, but within those walls, a quiet warmth enveloped the room.
Aether sighed, and turned around. He crawled into the bedsheets, snuggling Dew against his chest, as Dewdrop filled the room with light purring, which transitioned into an eloquent snore. Aether held Dewdrop close, their silhouettes faintly visible in the soft glow of the room.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 8 months
little dew? 🙏🙏
cw: age regression, regressed ghouls.
Dew’s off the bus and in Aether’s arms before the bus even came to a stop. He runs straight into him, knowing Aether will catch him, he always does. He jumps into him, wrapping his legs around Aether’s hips and rubs his cheek against Aether’s, a purr already rumbling Through his chest. 
“Missed me, firefly?” Aether hums, rubbing his cheek against Dew’s.
“No.” Dew buries his face into Aether’s neck, nosing along his scent gland, inhaling the rich, sweet plum-like scent he’s missed so much. 
Aether smiles at him, running a hand through Dew’s hair, letting the strands fall through his fingers like water. 
“I missed you too.” He presses a kiss to the side of Dew’s head. “So much, you have no idea.”
Dew feels the edges of his mind start to go fuzzy, the feeling of being safe back in Aether’s arms and the sweet comforting scent of him clouded his brain. 
He pulls away from Aether’s neck.  “A-aeth..!” His voice is slow and thick, a look of panic crosses over his face. 
Aether knows that voice, know that slight wobble and the look on his face. 
“Oh, my baby.” He runs his fingers through Dew’s  hair again. “Are you dropping already?” 
He’d expected Dew to drop at some point during their reunion, although he’d thought it would have happened a little later in the day, but he can’t complain about it, anytime he got to spend with Dew he’ll treasure. 
“I don’t-I’m sorry, Aeth. I ruined it, I’m sorry.” There are tears already welling in his eyes. 
Aether holds Dew closer to him, guiding Dew’s head so it’s resting on his shoulder.  “Oh, babyboy. You haven’t ruined anything, I promise.” 
Dew sniffles into his shoulder.  “But-but I wanted- we could-we.” His words start to slur the longer he goes on. 
Aether turns and heads towards the ghouls den, towards his room. 
“Don’t you worry about that, my darling. You just do what you need to do, I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.” 
Dew hums, all fight drained from his body as he allows that fuzzy feeling to take over his brain. He lets Aether carry him through the abbey, clinging to him as he slips his thumb into his mouth. 
“That’s it, there we go.” Aether kisses the top of his head. “I think there’s a pacifier and a blankie of yours hidden in my room somewhere.” 
“B-blankie?” Dew mumbles around his thumb.
“Yeah that’s right, baby. We’ll get you nice a wrapped up. Nice a snuggly.” 
Dew hums, playing with Aether’s hair, twisting a few stands of hair around his finger. 
Aether makes it back to his room fast and lays Dew down gently on his bed. Dew gives a little wiggle, getting comfy in Aether’s bed sheets. 
Aether rummages around in the bottom of his closet looking for Dew’s collection of little things. He finds the box easily, exactly where he left it last time before Dew went off on tour, and pulls out the things he’ll need. He grimaces a little as he pulls out the blanket, blue with multicoloured fish all over it. That wasn’t Dew’s blanket. 
He hold up the blanket for Dew to see.  “Okay, so, it might not be your blankie but I’m sure Rain won’t mind you using his.” 
Dew eyes it suspiciously before breaking out into a smile around his thumb and making grabby hands towards the blanket. 
“Rainy.” He mumbled.
“Yeah that’s right, it’s Rains.”  Aether feels relief wash over him that Dew didn’t kick off and throw a tantrum over it not being his blanket. He’s very particular with his blankets. 
Aether carefully pulls the clothes Dew has been travelling in off and replaces them with a soft fleece hoodie of his -one without a hood because Dew hates the feeling it touching the back of his neck- and some pyjama pants that once belong to Cumulus. They’re a little big on Dew, but they’re his favourite. 
“Okay, ready to get all wrapped up? Get nice and snuggly in your blankie.” 
Dew doesn’t respond, just suck at his thumb, looking up at Aether with big eyes.
Aether quickly wraps Dew up in the Blanket, pulling his thumb from his mouth and replacing it with his pacifier. He can tell Dew is fighting regressing further, he can see the fight in his eyes and hopes that getting him feeling safe and secure will get him to let go fully. 
Once he has Dew fully swaddled and secure he picks him up so he can sit down on his bed where Dew was just laying. He cradles Dew close to him, making sure to support his head on his arm. Dew let’s out a sigh before the tiniest little purr starts to rumble through his chest, kneading biscuits into the inside of the blanket. 
At some point Dew must have fallen asleep because the next thing he remembers is waking up still in Aether’s arms. His head is still fuzzy, if not even fuzzier now. He lets out a little whine, rubbing his cheeks against Aether’s chest. 
“Oh, hi sleepy boy.” Aether coos down at him, brushing some stray hairs from his face. Dew sucks on the pacifier that’s still in his mouth, looking up at Aether with still sleep heavy eyes. 
“Did you have a good sleep, baby? Was that what you needed, hmm?” Aether knows that Dew won’t respond to him, he’s too little for words right now, but not talking to the little ghoul felt wrong. 
Dew blinks you at him and stifles a yawn around his pacifier, leaning to rest his head back on Aether’s chest. 
Aether chuckles at him, running his thumb on Dew’s chin, wiping away some of the drool that had spilled from Dew’s mouth. 
“Oh yeah, that was a good nap, hmm. You were knocked out for nearly two hours, baby.” 
As expected Dew doesn’t say anything, the only sound coming from him is the sound of him sucking on the pacifier. 
Aether presses a kiss to Dew cheek making the smaller ghoul go crosseyed as he tried to look at Aether when he’s so close to his face. 
“I missed this so much, you know? I missed you so much.” He kisses his cheek again. “My bed feels too big and too cold without my little spitfire taking up all the space and keeping me warm.” 
Aether sends a quick text off the Mountain, the ding of the notification he gets back immediately makes Dew jump.  “Oh, was that too loud for you, babyboy? I’m sorry darling.” 
He flicks his phone on silent, just incase anyone else messages him.  “When you’re big again you can tell me all about your, I can’t wait to hear all your stories.” 
Aether wipes more drool from Dew’s chin, wiping it into his own shirt. “I know you got up to all kinds of mischief.” 
The door to Aether’s bedroom opens and Mountain shyly ducks his way into the room holding a bottle filled with warm milk. 
“Look what Mountain got for you, baby.” Aether gives Dew a gentle nudge and his unfocused eyes skim around the room, setting on Mountain.
Mountain smiles sweetly at him as he takes a seat next to Aether on his bed.  “Hi, little baba.” 
He passes the bottle to Aether who takes it from him and shakes it front of Dew.  “You want this, baby? Want to get your little belly nice and full?”
Mountain removes the pacifier from Dew’s mouth Making the smaller ghoul whine and cry out in destress. Mountain rubs at his cheek with his thumb.  “Oh, babyboy, there’s no need for that. Look what Aether has for you.” 
Dew cries out again, trying to chase Mountain’s thumb into his mouth. Aether taps the rubber nipple against Dew’s bottom lip letting a few drops of milk drip into his mouth. Dew squeaks, opening his mouth wider to allow the rubber into his mouth. 
“There we go, that’s  much better, hmm?” Aether coos him as Dew starts sucking and drinking the milk down. 
Mountain rubs at Dew’s belly through the blanket. “That tasty, little one? I put some honey in it for you, I know you like it a little sweeter.”  Dew sighs out of his nose, letting out a contented hum. 
“Such a good boy, aren’t you? Drink it all down, get your belly all warm and full.” 
Aether tips the bottle back a little further allowing Dew to suckle a little easier. 
Dew hums again, purring in between swallows. He gets just over halfway through before he can feel his eyes dropping, the feeling of his belly getting fuller and fuller with each passing second making his eyes feel heavy. The quiet conversation Aether and Mountain are having over him comforts him even more, their hushed voices making the tiredness in his eyes feel even heavier. He falls back asleep just like that, still sucking at the half finished bottle in his mouth while Mountain and Aether coo and fuss over him. 
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sodoshame · 8 months
please please PLEASE write something with regressed!phantom being seen by dew for the first time. maybe it’s during the time that dew is mean to phantom because he took aethers place? something like that
thanks shadow! always love ur fics
Hello sweet anon! Sorry this took so long, I’m working my way through requests :) I hope this is what you are after!
Requests are still open if anyone wants anything, I’ll get to it when I can :)
Regressed!Phantom & Dewdrop.
A/N: SFW like all my agere fics of course! Dew is a little mean at first but he gets nicer I swear. I also wrote this really fast on my phone so I apologise in advance!
Dewdrop was the only one up this late; the rumbling of the tour bus wasn’t lulling him to sleep like it usually did, so he gave up on trying to sleep and got out of his bunk to go and sit on the couch in the main area of the bus.
The ghoul had been sitting on the couch for almost an hour now, watching the TV at a low volume so it didn’t disturb anyone else. Upon hearing the door to the bunk area click open, Dew looked over, trying to make out who the figure in the doorway was. He squinted slightly, trying to adjust his eyes to the dark. The figure stepped forwards, the light from the TV illuminating him.
“Phantom? What do you want?” Dewdrop asked, his tone unnecessarily harsh. The young ghoul squeaked out a response, too quiet to hear.
“Fuck’s sake, speak up would you!?” Dew snapped, clenching his jaw.
Phantom stepped forwards again, allowing Dew to see him properly. The quintessence ghoul had the spade of his tail in his mouth, gently suckling on it. His hair was sticking up all over the place and he had tear tracks on his cheeks. He’d been crying.
Dewdrop sighs irritably, not quite yet realising the state of the poor ghoul.
“Speak, would you? Or go bother someone else.” Dew mutters, turning his attention back to the TV. He hears a little whimper from Phantom; he groans and looks back at him.
“Satanas, what is wrong with you?!” Dew snaps again.
That does it. Phantom bursts into tears.
“I- I had b-bad dream. Swissy i-is sleeping.” Phantom manages to stutter out between his sobs. His vocabulary is limited and his voice is muffled around his tail that is still in his mouth.
Immediately, Dew’s eyes widen. He hadn’t realised the state that the younger ghoul was in; Phantom was regressed and Dew had just yelled at him, making him burst into tears. The older ghoul sighs, standing up from the couch.
“Fuck- I mean shit- damn it! Okay, alright… Phantom?” Dew mumbles as he slowly approaches Phantom. The young ghoul backs away slightly, still sobbing.
“Hey, come on. I’m not gonna hurt you, quint.” Dew says, his voice softening. He holds his arms out to Phantom, offering him to come closer.
As Phantom toddled over to Dew, the fire ghoul realised just how little Phantom was; he was wobbly on his feet, sucking on the spade of his tail like a pacifier. Even the way he’s crying. He was regressed much younger than Dew had seen any of the other ghouls be.
“Oh, you’re really little right now, aren’t you?” Dew coos softly. Once Phantom is close enough, Dewdrop wraps him in a gentle hug and softly rubs his back.
Phantom says nothing, but allows himself to be wrapped in Dew’s arms. His crying has calmed down a little, but there are still tears running down his cheeks and his breathing is shaky.
“I’m sorry, little quint. I didn’t mean to shout at you, I didn’t realise that you’re-”
Dewdrop pauses and sighs.
“I shouldn’t have shouted at you, end of.” He mumbles.
The fire ghoul leads Phantom to the couch, getting him to sit down. Dew wraps his arms around the young ghoul, pulling him to his chest.
Phantom lets out a little whimper as he cries, burying his face into Dew’s shoulder.
“Shh, shh, shh. Don’t cry, honey. You’re okay. You’re safe.” He brings his hand up to run his fingers through Phantom’s messy hair, keeping one arm wrapped around him. The young ghoul brings his tail back to his mouth, suckling on it once again; Dew frowns as he watches him.
“Hey, quint, don’t do that please. It’s not good for your your tail, you’ll end up hurting it.” Dew says softly, trying to pull the tail out of the quintessence ghouls mouth. Phantom whines and looks up at Dew with big watery eyes. Dewdrop sighs, then fumbles about in his back pocket.
“Can you try this for me? It’s Mountain’s, but I’m sure he won’t mind you borrowing it.” He says, pulling a pacifier from his pocket and offering it to the young ghoul.
Phantom lets his tail drop out of his mouth and cautiously leans his face closer to the pacifier. Dew gently pushes it against his lips, encouraging him to take it. Phantom does, taking it into his mouth hesitantly. After a few minutes, he looks up at the older ghoul, grinning around the pacifier.
“You like the paci, bug?” Dew questions, stroking his fingers through Phantom’s hair. Phantom nods, softly sucking on the pacifier as he looks up at Dew.
“Maybe we’ll have to get you your own, huh? That sounds like a good idea?”
Phantom nods excitedly and starts shuffling around on couch, eventually planting himself on Dew’s lap. He curls up against him and nuzzles his face into the fire ghoul’s chest. Dewdrop watches him with a raised eyebrow and lets out a slight chuckle as Phantom settles himself in his lap.
“Oh, just gettin’ comfy, hm?” Dew coos softly, wrapping his arms back around Phantom’s body.
The quintessence ghoul hums quietly in response, already closing his eyes. He mumbles something into Dew’s chest.
“T’ank you, Dewy.”
Dewdrop all but feels his heart melt; he places a soft kiss to the top of Phantom’s head and cradles him to his chest.
“You’re welcome, baby bug.” Dew mumbles into Phantom’s hair.
Maybe he should give the new quintessence ghoul more of a chance. Maybe he shouldn’t take his anger about Aether on Phantom.
From that night on, Dewdrop vowed to himself that he wouldn’t ever hurt the young ghoul again; nor would he let anyone else.
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ghostieagere · 7 months
Lil idea;
Phantom wakes up from nightmares on tour, and goes small because he's scared. He got stuck rooming with Dew though who still isn't too keen on the new ghoul yet
Does Phantom wake him up for comfort? Does Dew let him come have a cuddle? How does Dew react to the other being small?
No pressure to fulfill if you don't want 🫶
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oooh i love this idea, anons !! hopefully this is what you were hoping for <3 oh, and i've used the name phantom since that's what was in your requests :D (this one didn't quite turn out how i was expecting, but i hope it's still okay !!)
cw: nightmare, brief mention of (imagined) blood, some wonky descriptions of what's actually happening because of reality confusion, hot chocolate fixes everything, they/them phantom
Phantom doesn't really know what's going on. Everything about their movements feels almost soupy, as if they're walking through jelly or wading through the water of the Abbey's lake. They can't be in the lake though. Everything's hot, too hot. It reminds them of their summoning, choking on the ash that swirled around them, catching it in their lungs until it made a home in the alveoli there and altered their breathing permanently. It's not until they hear the echo of Sister Imperator's voice through the smoke and fog swirling around them that they realise it doesn't just remind them of their summoning, it is their summoning.
Immediately, they panic. They've already lived through this, it shouldn't be happening again! Did they get sent back to Hell? Is it because they weren't good enough? Why are they being summoned again? Why would anyone summon them again if they were such a failure? Why does everything feel so fuzzy? Why can't they breathe?
The quintessence ghoul jolts awake breathing heavily, completely and utterly confused, panicking internally. Wherever they are now, it's as dark as their summoning and they still can't breath, but at least they don't feel quite so soupy anymore and the air around them doesn't seem to be filled with smoke either. It's not quite so hot either. Well, everywhere except their cheeks, that is. When they go to touch the heat searing their cheeks, their hand comes back wet. Immediately, they panic again. It's too dark to see the liquid on their fingers but it must be blood, they must be bleeding. Maybe that's why they can't see, their eyes are bleeding and stopping them from being able to see what's happening around them.
A soft snore to their right makes them whimper in fright and wrap their blanket more tightly around themselves. Someone is in the room with them. It sounds... a little bit like Dewdrop, they think. Phantom doesn't know how to feel about that.
They'd never admit it out loud, but Dewdrop is scary. He liked Aether a lot, and because Phantom's taken his place, Dewdrop doesn't really like them very much. At least, that's what Phantom thinks. They don't think it's because Dewdrop's shy like they are, so the next logical step is that he mustn't like the quintessence ghoul very much. Another snore from Dewdrop makes Phantom flinch and whine again. Every new noise they hear has them wondering if they're still in their dream—they can still feel the ash in their lungs and the heat of the fire on their face—and they want comfort from it, but they don't think they're quite brave enough to walk to Swiss' room and ask for help. Come to think of it, they don't even remember which hotel room Swiss was assigned this afternoon anyway. Even if they could, they're all staying in some kind of bed and breakfast, so the doors don't have numbers on them.
They take a shaky breath and look over at Dewdrop's sleeping form. He's facing away from Phantom but the little quintessence ghoul can see his back rising and falling slowly with every breath he takes. If Phantom wants help, they're going to have to ask Dewdrop. Going to have to call up all that bravery Swiss says they have deep inside their chest and wake Dewdrop up to ask for his help.
Phantom takes as big of a breath as they can manage to psych themselves up before they throw off their blankets—keeping one wrapped around their shoulders to keep themselves warm—and makes their way over to Dewdrop's bed on shaking, wobbly legs.
"Dewd'op. Psst, Dewd'op you godda wait up."
Dew groans and rolls over, eyes still closed, barely processing what's happening around him except for an incessant shaking of his shoulder.
"Dewd'op I– I hadded nigh'mare. Wad sca'y. You godda wait uuuuup Dewd'op!"
Slowly, Dew opens his eyes and takes in the sight before him. Phantom standing over him, a blanket wrapped around their shoulders, hair sticking up in every direction and tears running down their cheeks. Even though Dew's eyes are now open, Phantom doesn't stop shaking his shoulders or begging him to wake up.
When he sits up, Phantom gasps and tries to jump backwards but their foot catches on the blanket dragging on the floor behind them and they trip. The little quintessence ghoul lands on the floor with a thump and after a few seconds of delay, starts sobbing in earnest.
Dew immediately jumps out of bed and crouches down next to Phantom, cradling the little ghoul's head in his hands. "Baby bug, are you okay?"
Phantom hiccups and shakes their head sadly.
Dew hesitates and hopes it doesn't show on his face. He's so out of his depth here, not just with taking care of a little—in situations like this, Dew is usually the one being taken care of—but with taking care of Phantom. Dew's been doing his best to keep some level of distance between him and the quintessence ghoul this whole tour. He's been telling himself it's because he hates Aether's replacement and doesn't want anything to do with them, but deep down he knows that's not it. He knows that as soon as he spends genuine time with them, he won't be able to resist their wide-eyed charm and innocent and will end up—Sathanas forbid—caring for them. He knows this because it's exactly what happened with Aurora. "Do... Do you want to talk about it?"
The little ghoul just cries harder. "You won' un'ers'and me," they whine helplessly, wriggling their body and flapping their arms in frustration. "Bad at talkin' when 'm liddol!"
The fire ghoul rushes to shush them. "Baby bat, I can understand you perfectly, I promise. Okay?" He waits until they nod slowly, still sobbing and wriggling around as much as they can under Dew's gentle grip on them. "Now, how about we hop back up onto my bed and we talk about what happened in your dream, yeah? I'll keep you nice and toasty warm while you talk, bub. Promise. Does that sound good?"
Phantom sniffles and nods, doing their best to wipe at some of the tears in their eyes. "Da's good," they repeat shakily, holding their arms out hopefully and making a grabbing gesture in the fire ghoul's direction.
He tilts his head at them, evaluating. "You want me to help you up?"
"Uh huh. Uppies," they state simply. Well, Dew can't argue with that. He leans further towards them and lets the little quintessence ghoul to wrap their arms around his neck.
He lifts them up and walks the few steps backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed. Phantom lets out a surprised squeal and and buries their face in Dew's neck when Dew sits both of them down on the mattress by letting his knees give out under him without warning. The fire ghoul makes sure to kick his internal temperature up a notch or two now that he and Phantom are sat down as he scoots back to lean against the headboard and wraps the little quintessence ghoul's blanket more tightly around them to keep them warm.
"What was your dream about, baby bat?" He bounces the little quintessence ghoul on his knee as best as he can from how he's sat up on the bed. A small giggle bubbles up from beneath Phantom's tears.
"Uhm," they start nervously. "Gotted summ'ned... Wad hot an' fire an' didn' breev." Despite Dew's gentle stroking of their shoulder in an effort to calm them down, Phantom is beginning to hyperventilate again. "Wad sca'y, Dewd'op! So so sca'y!" They finish their statement with a terrified cry and bury their face into Dew's shoulder all over again, sobbing quietly.
Dew holds them tightly against his chest, nuzzling his cheek against the top of their head sympathetically. Their summoning was much like his own elemental transformation in a way—full of fire, ash and searing pain—so he likes to think he has at least some idea of the nightmares the little quintessence ghoul has been suffering from.
"Well," he starts, having taken note of the way Phantom had only grown more upset when talking about their nightmare, despite their insistence that it would help. "I think we need to find a nice distraction for you, hmm? What do you think about that, bug?"
The little quintessence ghoul nods slowly against Dew's chest, their breathing gradually evening out as they zone in on the sound of the fire ghoul's heartbeat through his pyjamas.
Dew smiles down at them softly in a way he knows he'll deny later on if they ask him about it and bounces them gently in his arms. "I think hot chocolate always helps with nightmares," he declares, standing up again with Phantom still tucked up in their blanket in his arms. "Should we go down to the little kitchen and make some, baby bat?"
He's already carrying them out of the door by the time the question leaves his mouth, but Phantom doesn't need to know that. Besides, their enthusiastic nodding lets Dew know that the little quintessence ghoul holds no objection to a bit of late-night comfort snacking.
He makes his way down the rickety staircase to the small kitchen area and sets Phantom down on one of the kitchen chairs as he does his best to navigate the kitchen in search of a milk frother and milk that's actually within its use-by-date. He finds fresh milk in the fridge, and although he can't locate a frother, he does manage to find a coffee machine hidden away in a cupboard with milk frothing attachments. It's not perfect, but it'll do. Especially at this hour of the night when Phantom's already almost falling back asleep in their chair.
To ensure he won't have to locate a first aid kit after a sleep related, falling out of their chair incident, Dew keeps talking as he potters about the kitchen, finding the hot chocolate powder, mugs and spoons in the unfamiliar kitchen. He'd overheard Phantom and Rain watching an episode of some kind of kids television programme, so he asks them all about that while he works. The little quintessence ghoul perks up immediately, waving their arms around in the air, blanket slipping off their shoulders as they talk excitedly about a dog called Bluey and the adventures she gets up to with her sister.
They've barely made it halfway through their jumbled-up retelling of the episode before Dew is draping their blanket back around their shivering shoulders and pressing the warm mug of hot chocolate into their hands. They gape up at him when they see the marshmallows floating in their drink.
Dew grins and presses a finger to his lips. The pack usually avoid giving sugar to Phantom when they're dropped, for no reason other than they tend to get a little hyperactive from a combination of excitement and the accompanying sugar rush. Dew doesn't mind having to deal with their high later on though. Besides, he thinks they deserve a little treat after the terrible night they've had.
He takes a seat next to them after he's sure the little quintessence ghoul is as comfy as they can be in the straight-backed wooden chair they're sitting in and wraps his hands around his own mug of hot chocolate. As soon as Dew has sat down, Phantom launches into their episode recap once again, now struggling to wrap their words around a mouthful of fluid; Dew has to remind them to swallow before they run the chance of making a sticky, hot chocolatey mess all over their comfort blanket.
At the rate the little quintessence ghoul is talking and the first signs of early morning light peeking over the tops of the curtains in the kitchen window, there's a fair chance that Phantom won't get back to sleep until well after their ritual tonight, but Dew finds himself unbothered. As long as they're contented, warm and relatively unbothered by their nightmare right now, the fire ghoul is just happy that they're happy. If they really need it later on, the two of them can curl up for a nap in the back of the tour bus, but for now, they're content to sip their hot chocolates in peace while Phantom recounts their favourite episodes of this show they're clearly obsessed with and pulls their blanket a little more tightly around their shoulders, not a trace of worry visible on their face in the slightest.
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comets-0rbit · 4 months
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Little ghouls!
I finally have the energy to go into lil ghouls so I might as well!:D
here’s a idea of the ages I see when they regress from oldest to youngest!
-swiss: 9 to maybe 11
-aurora: 8 to 9 something like that (I’m very rough on this idea so this might change)
mountain: 6 to 7
-rain: 6 to 4
-phantom: 3 maybe 4
-dew: like six months to one year
maybe aether regresses haven’t thought much into it yet
Okay time to ramble
Swiss doesn’t regress a lot Aurora doesn’t either. phantom and rain are little a lot more then Swiss and Aurora but rain is often the one to take care off phantom and aether takes care of Swiss when he does regress all tho it’s more off just making sure he doesn’t get himself in trouble he’s pretty good by himself. Aurora likes to be around Ifrit but mostly cumulus and cirrus and sunshine they give her girls nights and it’s so cute! Rain likes to have dew take care of him. And mountain likes to stay with dew when he’s little. Swiss takes care of phantom a lot too. Aether and mountain are dews main caregivers
I can go more into it with hcs and maybe lil ficlets but writing isn’t my thing so well see
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littlehypnone · 3 months
I cooked up a little thing as a part 2/companion piece to @tinymoon-beam's ficlet on swissalps and baby dew watching lotr. I started using elvish as my ghoulish, but here it actually is just elvish, so yeah. its silly and cute, hope you like it :3
It was Dewdrop who woke up again first, Swiss and Mountain following when he started squirming in the earth ghoul’s lap. The TV was still on, paused at a point not long after Mountain remembered falling asleep. Must’ve meant someone was there to do it.
The little ghoul was babbling to himself when Mountain and Swiss were properly waking up, soon getting a bit annoyed at the frozen screen.
“I guess there’s no harm in continuing,” the multi ghoul mumbled before a big yawn broke its way free. Mountain giggled and patted around for the remote. It took him surprisingly long to notice Dewdrop was munching on it, apparently having lost his soother when they were all asleep.
“You little monster, give it back,” he laughed at his little rumble when the remote was taken from him. Swiss dug up the soother in the meantime, though, so Dewdrop wasn’t complaining for long.
“Uvanimo,” he giggled just before taking it into his mouth. Mountain and Swiss looked at each other confusedly, not recognizing the word. (Monster.)
“Where did he get that from?”
“No idea but he knows about thousand languages, so…”
“Good point.” With that Mountain turned the movie back on, smiling at Swiss—also grinning—at how happy Dewdrop was watching the Lord of the Rings.
Minutes passed, two big ghouls cuddled up together with a nerd of a baby between them, pointing excitedly at the screen every time a moment he liked came up and babbling around his soother. Mountain and Swiss giggled at each of his happy little moments, such a fan even little like this. Especially little like this.
At some point the soother fell out of his mouth and Swiss reached for it, but before he could give it back to Dewdrop, the little ghoul spoke again, “Pendraid!” (Ladders.)
“Did he just–” Swiss and Mountain stared each other down again, not believing their ears. They were at the battle of Helm’s Deep in the movie, and Aragorn had just shouted a command that sounded like... The earth ghoul grabbed the remote and moved the movie back a little bit to make sure.
“Mountain, my love…” Swiss started, a smile pulling at his lips. “Please tell me this little gremlin did not learn elvish.”
“He could’ve just repeated it, but…” Mountain chuckled.
“He learned elvish,” the multi ghoul burst out laughing, amusing Dewdrop. He giggled and clapped his hands happily.
“Herenya!” (Happy.)
“I’ve no idea what that means, little gremlin,” Swiss laughed so hard there were tears in his eyes. Mountain was no better, wheezing with a hand clapped over his mouth. “But you are too clever for your own good.”
Dewdrop only smiled proudly, and poked Swiss’ chest with a finger, “Anor.” (Sun.)
He turned to Mountain and repeated the gesture, “Onod.” (Ent.)
“Whatever you say, fire lily.”
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