#rei sakuma x you
kkuracafe · 1 year
rei sakuma x reader angst please, thank you :D
Omg seeing all these requests makes me so happy 😭 I'm trying my best to get through them. I hope this is to your liking! It's been a while since I've written angst, so I'm kind of (really) rusty.
Genre: Angst >:D
Warnings: My writing hurts more than the story
Italic paragraphs are past tense and the words in italic at the end are hints towards something..
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Good things always come to an end..
You silently sat on a bench outside of Yumenosaki Academy, letting the current rainfall drench you as you reflected back on your relationship with Rei.
You should have seen the signs. You know you were stupid for staying, but you were too blinded by your imagination to see the faults in your relationship with Rei, the self-proclaimed Vampire would always cancel your plans last minute, playing it off as Idol work coming up. There was no one to blame but you.
"Rei! Rei! Rei!" You shouted excitedly as you ran into the music club room, disturbing the poor Vampire from his slumber.
"What do you want?" He responded grumply. "Look at this pretty restaurant I found! We should go some time!" Sticking your phone in his face and shipping through the photos. Rei simply laid back down and shooed you off with an "I'm busy". The two words he says to you everytime you want to spend time with him, even if he's not busy
Flag one, he never wanted to spend time with you.
"Hey Rei! Who's the girl you're working with?" You asked curiously, seeing as this girl always took up his time. Rei scoffed, "Why are you suddenly so nosy? What I do with others is none of your business." He replied sharply before walking off without you.
Flag two, he always ditched you for a "friend"
How you wish someone would have warned you about Rei. The pain that came on your first year anniversary could have been stopped if it wasn't for your foolishness.
That day you had gotten up, ready to surprise Rei for your one year anniversary. You did your hair up extra nice for the day and backed his gift in your school bag. Happily skipping off to school for the day, since you weren't expecting to see Rei till after the day ends, you thought it'd be nice to plan a restaurant date for him too. When the day had ended, you went searching for Rei. You checked all his usual places but still unable to find him.
Disappointed you made your way outside the school only to find Rei holding Anzu close to him. Assuming they were just hugging, you made your way over to them.
"Rei! I got you a gift for our anniversary!" You raised your voice as you approached them. Rei quickly let go of Anzu and sent a glare your way. "What are you doing here, I'm kind of busy right now." He said roughly.
"But Rei, it's our one year anniversary, remember!" You said, handing him your gift and offering a soft to smile to them both. Rei simply hit your gift to the ground, "You can't take a hint, can you?" Scoffing, he grabbed Anzus hand and walked away, leaving you standing there shocked. Anzu gave you a guilty look before following Rei off somewhere.
And like that, he slipped through your fingers, leaving you in a heartbroken mess.
Silent tears ran down your cheek as you stared at Yumenosaki. Reminiscing on the past would do you no good, you knew that. That's why you were transferring to Reimei tomorrow. You could never get over Rei staying at Yumenosaki, so you did what's best for you. Leave.
As a final goodbye, you wrote Rei and the rest of UNDEAD a goodbye letter to wish them farewell after working close with them for two years. You slipped in an extra note for Anzu to, as you respected her hard work a lot. You didn't hate her for Rei leaving you, and you never will.
You left your little letter next to Rei's coffin for when he woke up. Packing your stuff, you silently closed the door and made your way home for the day. Rei, having heard you enter and exist, got up and opened the note.
You finally left. It took him four months to realize how he used you. How he couldn't live without you, but he knew it was too late to go back. How could he go back to you after breaking you, everyday he'd silently watch you from afar as you struggled to get over him. It hurt him, and he didn't know why. He never meant to love you. It was all a game, so why does he feel this way?
Snapping out of his thoughts, Rei ran after you, almost bumping into Anzu who worriedly chased after him. As the clock clicked 7 pm, Rei slowed to a stop. He was too late. Anzu stopped besides him asking him what's wrong but he didn't answer. No he couldn't answer. The only thing he could say was your name.
You were gone, and Rei was too late. The one good thing he had finally broke, like a overused doll.
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I had such a good ending but I had to re-write it cause tumblr deleted it..even though I hit save I'm sorry 😭
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hiyokuma · 1 year
Bittersweet Goodbyes | sakuma rei.
reblogs are appreciated ♡
rei sakuma x gn!reader - pov you are one of the students at the Yumenosaki sister schools abroad and well.. takes place around the time he decides to stay at Yumenosaki High.. whoopsies
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"I see.. well your things will be ready to collect by the weekend" you spoke whilst standing up from your seat.
you slowly put your brown jacket on as you watched Rei go from looking down at his hands to looking out of the window.
and as your eyes followed his red ones you so badly wished that it would rain, that it would snow, that there would be a thunderstorm anything but the bright sunny weather, anything but the reminder of all the moments that were spent together under that bright sun, the times where Rei would drag you to the fields, to simply have u sit on the plain grass and let him lay his head on your lap, all the times where you were unable to say no to him due to his pretty face being so much prettier close up, so much prettier with that bright grin of his;
how are you supposed to deal with the sun holding your first few memories, your first few kisses shared, your first "I love you" spoken, and now even your last goodbyes are being witnessed by the exact same sun? it's rather cruel, rather unfair.
but there's a reason why this goodbye is so bittersweet, because you love him, you love him so much you waited and waited for him to come back whenever he'd go back to his home country, and this time? you waited day and night, hoping for anything to come through, a message, a call, anything. anything would've sufficed, yet no words came during those months, so when all of a sudden he called you telling you he's back in town you assumed the best, you assumed he's finally back to be with you, to finally hold you tight.
but none of that happened because by the time you reached the cafè, the boy sitting infront of you had a gloomy expression all over his usual glowy face and he apologised over and over again, and that's what made this goodbye so bitter,
you love him, he loves you,
but in life, love will never be enough,
change is inevitable, whether its a personality change or a permanant school change,
goodbyes will always come, you knew this, he knew it, this goodbye is so sweet, due to how full of love it is, letting him go because you love him, him letting you stay and move on because he loves you.
love is a damned curse, because in this world everything is balanced, the more you love, the more you hurt, the more you laugh, the more you cry,
and god knows how bad this hurts, how much worse it hurt when Rei told you about how much he hated living here, how much he hated doing his job of fixing up the sister school you go to, and how you realised that you never noticed his suffering before he left to go back to Yumenosaki? it all hurt so badly, each word he spoke was followed along with an apology and you wish to hug him, to hold him, just for one last time, to kiss him and tell him that it's okay, that you'll find a way to figure this out; together, but you can't do it, you can't lie to the boy who is pouring his heart out, you can't hold him, you can't reassure him because you no longer know what the future holds, you imagined him going back to finish his studies was the only time you and him wouldn't be together, you always imagined you'd forever and always live together, after all the plan was for you to move back to Japan with him as he’d continue his idol activities there,
you always thought that watching him come home was something that you'd see everyday, cooking with him, cleaning with him, decorating the house for christmas and various other events;
you assumed that is something you'd witness everyday, every season, every year and that's always been your only wish, whenever a shooting star was seen during your stargazing dates, whenever you had to blow your birthday candles with him always next to you. you only ever wished for one thing and that was to stay with Rei forever, and yet it wasn't written in your cards, even though you love him to the point he never once questioned your love, even though he loves you to the point you happily waited months for him, you have to let him go, even if the love you hold for each other is so strong, you have to let each other go, to grow, because every bird has to leave the nest sooner or later, even if the nest was made by the bird, it has to leave it behind, no matter how much love was given and received in that nest, no matter what, 
to grow, you must let go.
and you understand that, but your tears do not,
and he understands it, but his tears do not.
and so as you walk out of the cafè you can't help but run to your car and sob.
you know this is the right choice, you trust Rei to make the right choice but that doesn't make the goodbye any less bitter, it doesn't make your heart bleed any less, you can't blame him for this being over and you can't blame yourself either, the only thing you can do is curse the universe for not writing you a happily ever after, a happily ever after that you both very much deserve.
but the universe instead chose to write a bittersweet goodbye,
bitter because he's no longer with you, you can no longer see him, hold him or kiss nor reassure him
sweet because you know how well he'll grow, how relieved he'll be once he drops all of his duties, how healthy he’ll be once he stops going from country to country every other week.
and honestly? maybe that does soothe your heartbreak more than you'd like to admit.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
a storm interrupted your peaceful evening with rei, and now that the power's out, anything can happen.
storm interrupting your evening with rei request is fulfilled ! 🫂
keep em coming babes, i got time, ideas, and a head that's super delulu 👉👈
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bl4cktourmaline · 6 months
(⺣◡⺣)♡* — UNDEAD
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : yue is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : What is your morning routine with him like?
✿ — ♯ GENRE : Fluff
✿ — ↠ NOTE : this is my surprise gift to my friend, @reikaoproducer I didn't know which one I should tag so I just went with your main instead:3 it's been a while so my memories might be a bit off but I still hope you like the surprise~ might take some requests after I make the masterlist so boi... click here for the masterlist
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : morning with him ft UNDEAD
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(っ´▽`)っ — Rei Sakuma
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ᝰ When you go to sleep first, he is usually the one who would come to your bed and will always wrap his arms around you, listening to your soft heartbeat.
ᝰ As you sleep the night away, sometimes he would kiss your forehead whenever you're having a bad dream to which you smile in your sleep.
ᝰ In the morning, you always have to find many ways of waking him up because at times, he refused to let you go and make breakfast...
You woke up to the soft morning light that managed to escape through the curtains, rubbing one of your eyes before looking down to see...
"Good morning, Rei-kun~" a soft smile plastered on your face.
"Mmm..." He didn't respond, instead he nuzzled closer to your collarbone.
"Can you let me go? I need to make breakfast soon..."
"That can wait..."
Seriously, what are you going to do with him...
⊂(・ω・*⊂) — Kaoru Hakaze
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ᝰ You always go to sleep first without ever seeing him and sometimes would catch him leaving the house when you woke up in the morning.
ᝰ Before leaving, he always gives you a goodbye kiss when you are still half asleep to wake you up which always works every time.
ᝰ On rare occasions, he just slept in mostly because he was tired from his idol work and sometimes he just needed to recharge his battery of you...
You woke up, sunlight peeking through the curtains, its warmth softly kissing your skin. blinking your eyes before slowly adjusting your vision and there you see locks of blonde hair...
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of his peaceful sleeping face, how can one be so precious?
"Kao-kun, it's time to get up" You said softly, patting his head.
"Mmn~ 5 more minutes..." He groaned, tightening his grip on you.
"Oh come on, you're going to be late"
"But it's so nice being here..."
Okay, maybe 5 more minutes won't hurt after all...
(づ◡﹏◡)づ — Koga Oogami
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ᝰ Though he doesn't like to admit it but he likes coming home to be greeted by your sweet sleeping face, sometimes he would get embarrassed when he heard you call out his name in your sleep.
ᝰ The little things you do always wash his fatigue away when he sees your smile after he brushes your bangs away from your face.
ᝰ Only in the morning, where you get to see his more honest and clingy side, it's rare to see him being so openly affectionate without getting embarrassed so easily...
Waking up from the land of dreams, you could feel strong arms wrapped around your waist and a source of warmth pressing against your back...
"Mmm...Kou-kun?" You called out to him softly, blinking slowly.
"Morning..." He mumbled sleepily, pressing his nose against the nape of your neck.
"Hey...stop that, it's tickles...!"
"Can't help it, you smell nice..."
At times like this, he becomes so sweet ...
(*´ -`)(´- `*) — Adonis Otogari
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ᝰ When he came home, you were always found snoozing the night away and often with the blanket being pushed to the edge of the bed, you hugging a pillow in one arm.
ᝰ Before getting onto the bed, he makes sure the pillows are comfy and places the blanket over you up until your shoulders so you won't get a cold when you wake up.
ᝰ Whenever he is next to you in bed, you would roll over and into his arms before going back to let out soft snoozes, he can't help but smile at your cuteness...
When you wake up, gentle strokes through your hair are the first thing you feel and when you open your sleepily eyes slowly...
"Good morning... sleep well?" His kind eyes look at you with so much love in them.
"Adon-kun..." Nuzzling against his chest, seeking for his warmth.
"Still tired?"
"Mmm...let me stay like this for a bit..."
Waking up next to the love of your life is so sweet…
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yellowyani · 7 months
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ok fuck ok. this is all i got.
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ventiaoo · 2 years
;Where to read Enstars! Mainstory/Events/Scouts stories
Because I am a bit bored today and doesn't have the motivation to get back writing, I decided to share this a little information where you can read the Ensemble stars english translations that were taken down due to some copy-right and shit. I am fully aware that some of you must be absolutely devasted as hell, especially the newcomers who is still new to Ensemble stars. You will be grateful for the assistance I am about to give you, saving you the time it would take to search Enstars english translation, Anyhow- shall we get started fellas?
(1) Okay, In order to find the English translations, you must first search "Wayback Machine" this is where you are going to be able to read the translations (You can also read Enstars!! here, however the translations hasn't been finished because it got removed)
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(2) Once you are on the website, the next step is you should do is search for "Ensemble stars wiki fandom" the english one okay? not that one from japanese one etc. Ehem- after you've done the search, the next thing you got to do is copy the link
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(3) After that, you simply need to paste the link into to the search bar like in the image above. Then, for obvious reasons, you must click "Browse History."
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(4) The moment you click it, you will be directed to this. It will display the years, months, and days that the Enstars fans updated the English wiki, along with any translations.
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Step Five: Click the year 2021
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(5) Scroll down to August, after that. the next thing you have to do click is day 18.
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(6) Once you click the day 18, you will see this. then the next thing you have to click again is- 00:33:08. Please click the top option, okay??
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(7) Blah, Blah, Blah. Once you've clicked '00:33:08' this will appear on your screen, click story, then click Ensemle stars(!) or Ensemble Strars(!!) Then it will show the mainstory, Event & Scout story and so forth. At that point, you could read the entire english translation of Enstars! with your heart contents, there is no need to struggle and hurriedly seek the translations on Google, pretty neat :DD
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It will show you this when you clicked the Main Story
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And then it will show you this if you clicked the Event & Scout story, all events and scouts are complete in Ensemble Stars! I think? Oh and btw you can read the Reminiscence event or scout in "Timeline"
(Note): That's all I have for now. I hope this was helpful and that I was able to explain it well. Let me know if you have any more questions. Please feel free to enquire in my blog. Goodbye!
(Edited Note): In all honesty, you don't need to follow all of these steps considering that I've provided the Link, Lmao. How stupid of me~ By the way, when you have a poor wifi connection, Way Back Machine frequently takes a long time to load. therefore I advise you that you need to have a high-speed internet connection.
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nagislemontea · 1 year
— Headcanons.
Having the hereditary condition your brothers do as well, you got sent to the same school as them so that they could keep an eye on you. 
Congrats you’re the favourite sibling— Ritsu doesn’t dislike you, in fact, he approaches you often to either sleep on your lap, or invite you to the Tea Club. Rei equally adores both you and Ritsu, but since you don’t ignore him, you’re typically the one experiencing his doting behaviour. 
Rei‘s usual absence during his second year and before affected you as well. You had guessed his intentions, but that didn’t stop the overwhelming loneliness you’d feel at times. You and Ritsu grew even closer in that period of time, being each other’s pillars of support. 
Ritsu would confide in you, as you do with him. He does little things, such as patting your head in approval; take you to a shaded area if the sun got too much; letting you borrow his sleeping masks; taking you to see his unitmates, so that you can have more older siblings to look after you. 
With that, you’d hung around the Knights quite a lot, growing close with the members, especially Arashi, who seems adamant on acting as an elder sister for you. There are times where she’d take you shopping for new clothes (During a cold, sunset evening preferably). You guys would drag Ritsu with you if given the chance too as well. 
You had grown close with Koga during Rei’s absence as well, you’d eventually found out that Rei had personally asked him to take care of you during his leaves. You’d confided in Koga at some point about Rei, now he teaches you plenty of card games to beat Rei in as a form of revenge. 
Now, when Rei came back, you didn’t ignore him, but you did tell him how you felt. He dotes on you more in his own way as a result; letting you beat him in those card games; taking you on walks in the gardens to chat with him; letting you use his coffin with the air conditioner; hugging you everytime he sees you, and a lot more. He’s doing his best to make up for what you’ve missed out on for the past year. 
You act as a bridge to connect your two brothers, no matter how awkward it may be. You know Ritsu doesn’t truly loathe Rei, but more so has lost trust in him from his promise to care for them yet left abroad majority of the time. You also understand that’s part of the reason Rei had become more doting than ever. So, with the free time you have, you often try to arrange sibling bonding times to help them out a bit. 
There had been a time that you three were on a train on the way home; you fell asleep on Ritsu’s shoulder; Rei fell asleep on yours; Ritsu surprisingly stayed awake to watch over you two. Though nothing was said at that moment, both Rei and Ritsu were incredibly thankful that you, their youngest sibling, cared for them as much as they cared for you. 
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mariondeux · 2 years
I came at the speed of light. Ahem I really enjoy your writing!! I would like to request a lil drabble or hcs if you prefer of Nsfw w dom Rei using aphrodisiacs on his darling (gn please!) Thank you for your time !!
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— SYNOPSIS ; Rei invites you for tea, and at first you think nothing of it! Until you start feeling.. weird.
CW ; NSFW, Dub-con, Aphrodisiacs, biting, blood
PAIRING ; Rei Sakuma x GN!Reader
A/N ; lowkey procrastinated on this I’ll admit, but it’s done!!
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You two had been chatting away for the last hour, enjoying yourselves quite a bit. Rei was a man that always knew how to use his words, and he definitely did so during your time together.
You never really questioned his insistence that you consume more of the prepared tea even though he had barely drunk any of it himself. Yes, the tea was wonderful, but it didn't feel right to be the only one sipping it.
You had no idea how you were able to drink three cups of tea in under an hour, and now here you are facing the consequences of it.
“When did it get hotter?” You complained while fanning yourself with your hand. Not only was the air surrounding you different, but a feeling had also started to develop in your private area.
Rei had fallen silent, he leaned back in his seat and squinted right at you. His slow, upward and downward eye movements gave the impression that he was almost eyefucking you.
“Look at you…” He put his palm on his chin and tilted his head just enough to have a good look at you with a sly grin on his face., “You’re practically burning up. And, I assume you’re also feeling rather..”
Rei got up from his chair, made his way over to you, and put his hands on the arm rests.
Then, that’s when you realized it.
Why Rei had urged you to drink so much tea. It was because he put aphrodisiacs in your tea. What a sneaky vampire!
“Asshole..” You cursed under your breath.
Rei tsk’d, grabbing your chin, “If you act like that then I won’t help you out with your problem. I doubt your hand or just a few toys would be enough to satisfy you.”
And now, here you were getting fucked against the wall. You were moaning like a whore as your hips bounced off of Rei's cock. Your eyes were closed and focused on the pleasure alone, as much as you could anyway. Rei was grunting obscenities in your ear, his fangs teasing the areas on your neck and collarbone. The way his fangs teased you almost sent you over the brink, even though you vowed to yourself that the effects of the aphrodisiacs were the only thing causing you to think this way.
“What would you do without me?” You began sobbing as Rei purred into your ear and gave you a particularly harsh thrust. "Playing with yourself for hours on end while lying in bed by yourself and not feeling any sense of release."
His hand groped and massaged your body before making it’s way down to your private area, rubbing at it to stimulate you further.
“What a truly pathetic state of mind you would have been in. It’s only been just a few minutes and now you’re finding yourself on the brink, aren’t you? ,” Rei pressed his face into your neck and briefly breathed in your scent before sinking his fangs into your skin. "I can tell just by the way you're reacting to my cock ravaging you," he said. Little blood drops could be seen coming out from between his fangs as he applied additional pressure, which caused his teeth to rip your skin more viciously.
Before you knew it, you were pulling at Rei's hair while tightening your legs around his waist. You came all over him, not like he minded, he thought the sight of you losing yourself to him was utterly heavenly.
“Ah.. You never seem to amaze me,” Rei licked the bits of blood off your neck, and despite the fact that you had already come his thrusts hadn’t ceased.
“But I haven’t come yet, Darling. Looks like you’ll be here longer than anticipated.”
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knightofconcordia · 1 year
Sakuma Rei NSFW Headcannons
I’m thinking of the old man vampire tonight lmao
Gn pronouns, no mention of reader’s genitals, vibrator, overstimulation
NSFW under the cut! Minors DNI
The man’s definitely gonna make you wear a vibrator during the day, i’m sorry if you’re his s/o
It’s gonna be one of those remote control ones - only the best for his precious producer!
If you have the misfortune of pissing him off or even flirt during work, oh you’re gonna get it
Or you know what? He might just save the energy until evening and just instead turn up the vibrator and watch with a smirk as your thighs clench together over the toy and you bend over for him, trying not to let moans slip past your lips - those lips he loves to kiss and even bite so much
Bonus points if there’s multiple people in the room and your face flushes as you glare at him silently and he smiles back innocently, without a care in the world
He also knows you well enough to know when you’re about to cum. And will he let you? Absolutely not.
When you’re about to reach your high, he’s going to turn it almost all the way down, if not completely off. Because you won’t be allowed to cum until he gets his hands on you himself
As soon as night falls he’s taking you to the bedroom himself - and he won’t let you go till morning
When did your clothes get on the floor? Oh well, it’ll be the least of your worries when Rei’s face is between your thighs, eating you out like a starving man on his last meal
It doesn’t matter if you try to push him off or close your legs, he’s much stronger: he’ll pin your hands above your head with one hand while the other holds your thigh in place
He’ll definitely leave bite marks all over - on your neck, shoulders, chest, the insides of your legs - everywhere
We all know he gets more energetic at night… he’ll get you overstimulated, body shaking, saliva and cum staining the sheets
He’s not a monster though; while his aftercare might not be god-tier, he knows how to treat you after sex- the comforting words with the soft voice he knows you love, the soft touches while he tucks you in, the food and drinks he prepares for you beforehand - he loves you too much to let you go uncared for
In the meantime though before the aftercare is the sex soooo….. until morning comes or his stamina runs out, good luck
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i absolutely love how you wrote the adonis fic 😭😭 <33 ur writing is just so *chef's kiss*
can i req undead hcs with a s/o who has the same illness as rei?
as always keep up da good work and have an amazing day/night ^^
» u r very sweet as always haha, tysm!! im not sure what rei has in canon, but i wrote this with anemia in mind! enjoy ur day as well & may these headcanons be to ur liking, h4kaze!! ☆
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prompt: an s/o that has the same illness as rei
character(s): rei sakuma, kaoru hakaze, adonis otogari, koga oogami
pairing(s): UNDEAD x gn!reader
warnings: N/A, fluff
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☆ — REi SAKUMA !!
rei is obviously no stranger to this. he's 'been there done that', as they say, and therefore knows how to take care of you quite well, as well as offering advice.
alongside that, you two often help each other out depending on the situation. since you have to deal with it anyway, you might as well do it together.
he usually brings two of everything he needs. for example, during summer, he brings two umbrellas if you or him had to go outside for longer periods.
he makes sure you take breaks often, too. he doesn't want you to overwork yourself, especially if you wear out easily.
rei has apologized to you multiple times if he's ever "too invasive", due to constantly being around you and trying to help you out with everything. he would rather not have you experience the same things he did, even though that was pretty dramatic.
nevertheless, he is a very kind individual and makes sure to show his love in his own ways.
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kaoru wasn't exactly the best at taking care of others, especially someone with such a specific condition. still, you could tell he was trying his best.
he hasn't exactly done much research into it at all, but he probably wouldn't either. he loved you, but unless you sat him down and did it with him, he'd likely get distracted and forget about it completely.
kaoru's known to panic a little when you ask him for help. chances are, he wouldn't know what to do and you'd probably have to explain it to him, even if you're on your last dying breath. not that he wouldn't try to help before that, too.
he regularly carries you around places. it's a lot faster and he has less to worry about if you're with him the whole time. most notably, he often takes you to the infirmary with him.
kaoru uses your condition as an excuse to be around you more often. as your partner, he cares about you and he does insist on spending time with you as often as possible. and he doesn't mind having to help you every so often.
at some point he starts bringing extra money so he can buy you whatever you'd like that'd help you. specifically food and water, but you're known for buying other things, too.
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adonis already knows what to do. he's done enough research before, even going as far as to ask rei a bunch of questions to help him figure out what to do.
he also asks you questions, too, everytime he thinks of a scenario that could happen, he goes to you in order to know what to do in the future.
he's known to carry you around places, too, because he feels bad leaving you all by yourself, even if you're going to be okay.
if it's a particularly hot day, adonis will likely bring water and an umbrella along, though after making sure that it's what you need and won't just be an extra inconvenience (not that he'd mind either way).
he takes great care to be around you at all times. he wants nothing more than to make sure you're safe, because you are his top priority as his significant other.
adonis sends you letters sometimes. he's not good with tech, and although he's very determined to keep learning, he has settled on checking up on you through letters. you don't need to respond, they're just small reminder to take care of yourself and not do anything stupid.
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☆ — KOGA OOGAMi !!
i'll prefix this by saying that koga isn't too sure what he's doing either, but he's mostly following your instructions.
that being said, he likely wouldn't do anything for you if you didn't ask it directly. he cares, but he isn't sure what help is necessary or at all wanted. he'll only step up if he notices you're actively harming yourself.
he did not like asking for help from rei in order to understand what was going on, and he didn't want to embarrass himself around you, either, which is why he went on online forums instead.
that being said, he has been of great help. with how quickly he comes to your aid and how, albeit gradually, learns to understand you and how to help you.
koga has accepted that, even though he enjoys being outside, going out on dates with you is better kept inside, at least during summer. he was bummed out for the first two months and then finally accepted it after you told him that he doesn't have to hang out with you in order to be outside.
he thinks it's funny to call rei infectious because of how similar your condition is, even if he knows that's absolutely not the case.
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windblume-wishes · 2 years
Rei Sakuma x FEM!S/O - Let Me Bite You
**TW: Mentions of Neck nibbles, mild blood mention and vampire-like behaviour
𝕃𝕖𝕥’𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨, 𝕀 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖...
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Rei absolutely adores you, even more now that you agreed to take part in Resurrection Sunday’s blood ritual. After Kaoru had his turn a few years ago you wanted to be in that very spot, in the arms of your favourite vampire as he nibbled your neck, sucking your blood. You lay limply in his arms like a doll, awaiting his next move, blindfolded and unable to see him.
A click could be heard and you feel cold metal around your wrists- he had handcuffed you, of course he did. Even though you promised you would not run, this was just an extra precaution he had in place.
One could never be too prepared now could he?
You could only shudder as his thin, gentle fingers slid down your bare arm, his warm breath tickling your neck as he leaned in. He was so close, you could smell his sweet cologne which smelled almost of wood spice. You could feel his nose nuzzling into your neck, sending goosebumps all across your body. The body Rei absolutely adored, the body he thirsted for every second he saw you, that’s what he had the honour of sinking his fangs into tonight.
“(Y/N)-Chan, hold still now, I’m going to begin~” he whispered sweetly into your ear, his breath tickling your ear, sending you into a blushing fit.
“A-Alright…” Was all you could say, after all, you as his prey had little room to speak in protest- especially now that you practically volunteered as tribute.
“Good girl, now, let’s begin.”
He leaned into your neck, chanting something softly, you had no idea what and nor did you care- after all, this was just Rei being Rei, right? Suddenly you could feel sharp fangs dig into your skin, nibbling away almost playfully at your neck.
“R-Rei?!” You squeal with a slight laugh as his bangs tickle your flesh.
“Hmm~? Can’t I enjoy a little nibble fest, sweet (Y/N)~?” He asked with a smirk, knowing full well that you would say yes to his antics.
He began to move towards your collarbone, nibbling away at your collarbone area, placing kisses all over you and all you could do was lay back in his arms and enjoy your beloved vampire idol leaving his mark on your skin.
“Mmm~ you taste exquisite my dear, sweet, (Y/N)~ certainly a prize for me. Now, I wonder where else I could nibble on your beautiful body~?”
With those words you knew you were in for one heck of an evening, as I concluded this tale, my only words of encouragement will be; good luck, dear traveler, you may need it…. Kufufufu~
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haru-natsuka · 1 year
Eccentric Party Night (Rei Sakuma x Reader)
I know most of the stories I post are about Twisted Wonderland but in truth I used to love Ensemble Star a lot and even watched their anime and searched about their story further as it is actually based on a game. I have always been in denial that Ensemble Star will post a MV for Eccentric Five as the unit just produces a song and their unit is actually no longer around after the bad things Eichi had done to them. But, guess what guyssss! Ensemble Star recently did post the Eccentric Five MV and I cried in happiness. Now, their happy faces are even stuck in my head and the only remedy for this is for me to write a story about them. As my all time favourite is Rei so I would write a story specific for him.
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It was not a shock anymore how talented Yumenosaki students actually were. Their talent was beyond reach as every student held a unique skill that only they could master. You would never stop to be amazed every time you see them perform since the first time Rei showed you their live concerts. It was truly remarkable to watch and at that time you felt the urge to fly back to Japan and witness all of it with your own pair of eyes instead of watching them just on a flat screen. 
'Rei, please bring me there when we go back to Japan. You better promise me'
'This beautiful lady seems excited hmm?'
As some misfortunes happened, Rei needed to go back to Japan first and left you here abroad so you can continue to help with Rei's task in resolving conflicts in Yumenosaki's sister schools. After one year of having a long distance relationship, you managed to return back to Japan and met with Rei again. However, Rei was not the same as the last time you saw him. You actually did notice the change in his demeanour when both of you were talking and texting but you never raised the question to him. You assumed he was being fine as this was Rei we were talking about. The very person everyone is seeking help from because of his skills in solving every problem. You never knew the damage Eichi had caused on him, how Keito used him did truly change your man.
You felt guilty to not really help him during his low so when you enrolled as one of the producers in Yumenosaki Academy, you did all your best to support him and all of the ex-members of Eccentric Five which your boyfriend treasured so much although it no longer exists. You knew the reason behind one of the top units suddenly disbanding as Rei did tell you what happened.
You did not know how but after today you did believe in a miracle. The Eccentric Five showed back on the stage performing their one and only song Eccentric Part Night. Their members shone as what they used to be. No it was brighter today as you could see everyone jumping around and actually giving their best on the stage. Even your old man who used to not really do his best to move around a stage was jumping with Shu. You could see the happiness radiating from their faces. The true brotherhood they held on after all of these years.
All the hardships they went through had flashed in your mind which felt more like a nightmare than reality. The corner of your lips quivered as you tried to control yourself from sobbing while everyone was enjoying the show excitedly. Everyone was ecstatic with their performance but here you were rubbing all the tears that kept on pouring out of your eyes with the back of your hands. The make up you applied for this special occasion must be ruined already. It wan not like you cry out of grieve but more actually on the contempt feeling spread in your heart. As one of the audience who sitted on the front line, Rei did notice your state but before he could miscalculated your emotion, you mouth at him, 
I'm so happy for you
Immediately, when the performance came to an end you want to meet with Rei in the backstage who were laughing with the other Eccentric Five members. Everyone congratulated one another with their achievement tonight and even Shu acknowledged the perfection for the performance. You wanted Rei to be around his friends and let him enjoy his time with them more so you tried to be as unnoticeable as you can in the corner of the place. As you were just about to have a seat on the ground, a pair of shoes stopped in front of you and when you raised your face, Rei's smile greeted you. He crouched down to maintain the same eye level with yours before his thumbs caressed your leftover tears on your face. 
"How did I do, my lovely Y/N. Is it that bad until you cried?"
"This is the best I had ever seen, Rei. It feels so right to watch the five of you on stage again"
"It's thanks for your hard work Y/N. You make this possible. Thanks for always supporting me" He placed his forehead on yours and stared straight into your eyes lovingly. He slowly cupped both of your cheeks in his hand as he brought his lips closer into yours and shared a gentle kiss with you. In the background, you could hear some disgusted comments from the boys and Hibiki loudly shouted amazing as he usually would.
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hiyoriddle · 1 year
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[ ibara saegusa x gn!reader — socmed au ]
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13: just how much do i love you?
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A/N 𖦹 i hate!! school!!!! but there’s the ibara event so-
TAGLIST 𖦹 @deucebox @eichiburger @sun-rays9 @fyushia @s3r4t0n1n @r4miskss @hugs4shizu @thathowling @gabirii @reivity @inu1gf @starkinnies @ttsukipi @koingks @jellyfishfont @wisteriarain @taruruchi @mellowknightcolorfarm @yuusishi @yellowdialover @transblender @moonlightgallery @luluuu-s @bluestbluejay @k444zuha @makur0 @runa1602 @afoxesgreed @valeriele3 @saikisolosgoku @exhokai @noctesimpsalot @dexocore
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kairiscorner · 11 months
oh, how lucky you were, to be caught by rei sakuma's wandering eyes as you looked for a book you liked in the library. he found this as the perfect opportunity to suggest a book that he thought you'd like, a book that reminded him of... a certain someone, or certain someones who are deeply in love.
library date with rei sakuma request is fulfilled ! 🫂
keep em coming babes, i got time, ideas, and a head that's super delulu 👉👈
(i suggest you describe the story first to him and have him follow along, asking him who the story reminds him of ends the chat right there and then tbh :' D but yes)
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nazukisser · 2 years
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✧ SYNOPSIS | trailing kisses from your lover's lips to their neck + rei
✧ TAGS | fluff drabble, established relationship
✧ WARNINGS | no warnings
✧ READER | gender neutral reader
✧ NOTES | from the kissing prompts list. {status :: all slots filled}
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One word at a time, paired with a kiss. Rei couldn't help it anymore, he loved you more than he could ever detail. He's loved you for so long that he wouldn't want- or need- to remember what had happened in his life before you had stepped into it.
Foreheads together, his breath tingling your skin, and likely yours on his too. His confession of love wasn't lengthy in the slightest, yet not short of majestic in the slightest- and as soon as you had accepted his love and an invitation to a kiss or few, his lips had crashed onto yours, his arm around you pulling you closer.
He too was breathless, at how amazing it felt to be able to love you so freely, as he placed his lips onto your skin, over and over again, telling you between each kiss a word of his second declaration of love, among many more to come.
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✧ WORD COUNT | 238 words
✧ NOTES | hi!! if you liked this, please reblog this post <3 it’d mean so much to me.
✧ TAGLIST |  @yumetokashite @engurishu @yuezhong @rosuuu @knights-escort @narushhii @shirokururu @nyakaze
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herri-writes · 1 year
Ritsu Sakuma x Reader
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Note: Another day, another short fic. Goddamnit. I can rant on how the heck I imagined a certain someone irl attempting to bite my hands (Well that happened after teasing him ofc with a small tickling and pinching session. My hands and arms became red afterwards HSHSHSHSHSHSHS)
Warning: Swearing. It's been a year. I am not supposed to swear a lot this year and I'm still trying not to swearTT
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You dashed your way towards Knights' practice room. You were practically wobbling as you ran. You tried to stay awake by slapping your cheeks, jumping, and running yet it worked a little but your sleepy mind wanted you to rest. You shook your head as you felt your eyelids get heavier as you reached the practice room. You opened the door to see if anyone's here but to your surprise, no one is in here, not even a single person.
You groaned as you sat on the floor and leaned your back on the wall of the practice room. Things had gone busier when your schedule is occupied for a week and you barely had time to rest due to producer work. You sighed in distress and closed your eyes as you felt the exhaustion running through your system.
Your mind woke up as you heard footsteps in the practice room. Your eyes remained closed but you could almost recognize the voice around you.
"Uchuu~ Producer, we're here!"
"Leo, don't disturb the producer."
"Knights' practice is cancelled because we're late searching for Leo."
"Hmm... we should put the producer on one of the makeshift beds we prepared for Ritsu. The coffin bed is also here isn't it?"
"Put the producer there and they'll be my pillow while they're asleep."
"I think it's best for her to sleep at the infirmary."
You felt a weight in your lap but your eyes are too tired to open. "Meh. Too late, Secchan." Your heart rate quickened when you recognize that voice too easily. Even though you're sound asleep, you can feel the blood rushing up to your cheeks and warmed up.
'Wake up, sleepyhead!' You told yourself and tried to move your arm to rub your eyes awake but exhaustion completely invaded your system. 'Curses... of all things Ritsu could do to me is just sleep on my lap? I am awake but my body isn't. Am I dead?'
"Should we leave them...?" Arashi asked the others and Izumi nodded. "I don't think we could." Tsukasa said as he pointed the ginger on the floor, lying on his belly, composing a song with the music sheets and was now scattered on the floor.
"Ahahahaha! Inspiration! Inspiration is overflowing! Hehehehe..." Leo exclaimed as he continued to write the melody from his head. Izumi facepalmed when he knew the reason: You and Ritsu napping the day away.
You scrunched your nose while you mentally scold yourself, making it seem like you're stirred yourself awake. Ritsu noticed this and wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his face on your belly. He felt your body moved a little. He smirked when he remembered that you're ticklish.
'Ritsu, what the heck are you doing?!' You mentally sweatdropped when you suddenly became his pillow. 'Mao, please get me. I am begging!'
"Ritsu, if you don't want them to leave, you can just put them on one of the makeshift beds." Izumi pointed out the beds on the back corners of the practice room and continued, "Don't give them a hard time. Soooo annoying~"
Ritsu shifted himself to face the others and gave Izumi a smug look. "Secchan, producer will be fine here. Don't be bitter." He turned back to face you and continued to nap.
'Really? He's not bitter you bloodsucking sloth. He just want you to give me space.' You thought and tried to flick his forehead but it was nearly impossible for you because of your sleeping companion.
Minutes had passed which it felt like hours, you finally able to flutter your eyes open. You stretched yourself awake and forgot what you just heard earlier when your brain is active in your sleep. Just as you were about to stand up, you felt a weight on your legs.
'I almost forgot that this little devil here is sleeping on my lap.' You look down to see Ritsu sleeping. You sighed in relief because he was just sleeping on you but the gods above was never in your side today.
You closed your eyes and waited for him to leave. At the same time, he opened his eyes and began nuzzling his face to your belly. "Ha—" You exclaimed and you went into a fit of laughter when he laid his hands to your waist.
"Ritsu, please—!" Your words cut off with your laughs. This little shit never showed mercy to your pleas whenever he has an attempt to make fun of you and to tease you.
"What's going on? Ritsu, stop teasing the producer. Soooo annoying~" Izumi groaned as he heard you laughing. Ritsu clicked his tongue when he heard Izumi groaned and whined at his moment with you but that didn't stop him there.
Ritsu didn't stop tickling you until you felt your body lying down to the ground. He knew that you're about to surrender at the torture and rise up from his lying position. Now, your whole body on the floor as Ritsu tickled you.
Unknown to you two, Arashi recorded the whole tickle session that Ritsu gave you. She quietly giggled as she recorded everything.
"Ritsu... please— Aha! Stop!" You yelled and he let you go from the torture. You panted for air while that stupid smile remained on your face. Your eyes half-lidded and face red from laughter. Your felt dizzy and nauseous. You sighed in relief and looked at the vampire on you. Your face went even more red when you realized the position you two are in. Your eyes widen when you know all too well that it didn't end there.
Ritsu lied down and faced you as he wrapped himself all over you, making you as his body pillow. He took your hand and brought it to his mouth and began kissing it. You jolted at the sudden contact of his lips to your hand. You felt chills on your spine when his teeth grazed on the back of your hand. You suppressed the whimpers in your throat as he playfully nibbled your fingertips. You nearly yelped when you felt him licking the side of your hand.
You irked and pinched his arm that held your hand but he didn't flinch. Instead, he bit it, leaving a mark. You glared at Ritsu who is currently smirking behind your hand. You finally remember why he acted clingy towards you.
You look up to see Arashi and her phone's camera facing you and Ritsu. Red began to creep towards your face and she put her phone down. She gestured you to stay quiet and you nodded in return. Leo jumped up from his lying position and laughed out loud. He ran out of the practice room to look for more inspiration which that made you sigh. You felt Ritsu move and your attention went to him as he spoke.
"Now you understand why you shouldn't ignore me for the whole day. You're facing the consequences, producer." Ritsu said and he hugged you tight. "And don't overwork yourself. I'm forcing you to rest. So nap with me..." Soft snores took place from his drowsy words. You sighed and patted his head and hummed, lulling him to sleep.
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Curse Little Romance for sending me ideas. Okay this is the last fic I PROMISE. I WILL CONTINUE WITH MY STUDIES PLS LEO GET OUT OF ME— *INCOHERENT SCREECHING*
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