#reincarnation trope ftw
cloudcountry · 1 year
familiar soul
Genre/Tropes: Reincarnated lover with memory loss. Falling in love all over again!
Summary: in the past Lilia and mc are lover Lilia want to take her hand in marriage but unfortunately because of war mc died protecting him. Lilia regret and he live in sorrow even though he covered it up since he doesn't want to worry his son until the day when he saw mc show up in front of mirror with Grim in Crowley hand and he knew that she is his past lover and this is her new reincarnation so he decide to pursue her again and this time he won't let her go again. Mc doesn't remember her past lived but whenever she saw Lilia she felt like she know him but can't remember.
Bodies wriggling on the blood soaked dirt. Fire consuming buildings and the flesh of children. The realization that he couldn’t protect them all, no matter how hard he tried, flashing through his exhausted brain. Focus on the enemy and destroy them. That’s all he had to do. Blurs of fallen soldiers and the loud booms of weaponry firing. Was the person next to him a friend or foe? The stink of blood clogged up his lungs. The adrenaline kept him going, kept him pushing, kept him slashing and fighting deeper into enemy territory.
It kept him til the eventual end of a battle.
The collection of the wounded, the tending of their injuries. The searching for friends and loved ones among the chaos. His certainty that they made it out okay.
The confusion when they weren’t among the wounded.
The adrenaline returning as he rushed out into the battlefield, eyes scanning the piles of bodies frantically.
The burst of white-hot fear in his chest when he saw a familiar arm under an enemy soldier, the limb splattered with blood and unmoving. Subconsciously moving towards the pile, throwing off bodies left and right until he reached them. Their eyes, open. A knife plunged into their chest. Their lips, parted as if seeing the sun for the first time after an endless night.
The war, glorified.
The acceptance centuries later.
The confusion now, as a familiar soul stepped out of a coffin at NRC’s orientation.
Lilia Vanrouge had seen everything. He’d been through so much to get to where he was today, and he was sure nothing else could surprise him. Maybe it was conceited of him to think so, especially when he’d seen your eyes and the secrets they held and thought that he’d seen them before.
He had.
He almost shuddered in his seat as the little cat monster threw a fit, but made no move toward you. There was no telling if you remembered him or not, and he hoped you didn’t.
Days passed by.
It was only when Leona overblotted that he really got a chance to speak with you.
“Prefect?” he placed a hand on your shoulder, tilting his head to get a better look at your face, “May I talk to you for a second?”
“Sure.” you turned around, and his suspicions were confirmed.
Nobody else in the world looked at him like that.
You were indeed them, come back from the dead to grant him peace in this world that moved far too fast.
“I must thank you for getting involved when our Housewarden was in danger. You were very brave.” he said.
Too brave.
“Malleus is precious to Briar Valley as the heir to the throne, and you stepping up to defend him has earned you my gratefulness and deepest respect,”
You got yourself killed last time.
You blinked, a bit surprised at his sudden admission before smiling.
“It’s no problem. You should be thanking Cater though, not me. He’s the one that exhausted himself with this plan. I’m just glad it all worked out.” you laughed.
Laughing in the face of hardship. Never taking credit for your achievements. Always telling Lilia you weren’t as amazing as he thought you were.
It was taking everything in him to prevent him from pulling you into his arms.
“Do...” you snapped him out of his trance, eyes narrowing, “Do I know you from somewhere?”
Lilia couldn’t stop himself from laughing, the sheer joy in knowing that you also held a part of that time in your heart overwhelming him.
“You do.” he smiled, wishing he could reach out and touch you but managing to hold himself back.
“Weird...I don’t remember you at all but I feel like I do.” you sighed, rubbing your temples, “I feel like I know your name, too. Is that weird? I’m sorry if that’s weird.”
“What’s your guess?” he chuckled.
“L...Lily? Lils? Something like that.” you answered, and he couldn’t help but beam at the clear recognition you displayed.
“Lilia. Lilia Vanrouge.” he nodded, offering you his hand, “I’m delighted that you remember. We used to be-”
“Vice Housewarden Vanrouge!” Crowley called out, “We need you to escort Kingscholar to the infirmary!”
“I don’t need to go to the infirmary. I could beat them all right here and now.” Leona grunted, shooting Crowley a glare.
Lilia sighed, patting you on the shoulder.
“I’ll tell you everything later.” he hummed, “There’s one thing you should know, though. You were important to me a while ago. Now that I have you back, I’m not going to let you go again.”
That night at Ramshackle, you quickly discovered that you couldn’t sleep. Your tossing and turning almost woke up Grim on multiple occasions, but he was quick to drift off again.
If only you could do that.
Staring at the wall, you couldn’t stop fidgeting and kicking your legs. What did Lilia mean? You two knew each other? You’d never seen him before in your life—and you’d remember someone that eccentric. Except you did remember him. But you didn’t.
Sighing, you flung your legs out of bed and threw the blankets to the side. There was no use in trying to sleep if your mind was all muddled. Sliding your feet into your slippers, you crept down the Ramshackle halls and out into the front lawn. The night air was crisp and cool, a gentle wind pricking your skin with cold air. Ignoring the shiver that wracked your body, you sat down on the front steps and stared up at the sky.
There had to be some sort of truth to the strange student’s words. You didn’t feel like you were meeting a new person entirely—it felt like meeting a friend for the first time in a while.
That didn’t sound right.
You frowned, reaching up to rub your temples. Maybe you should wait for him to explain it to you tomorrow when you could ask him your questions yourself-
“I didn’t expect you to be awake.” Lilia hummed, hanging upside down in front of you.
You yelped, jerking backward as he landed gracefully on his feet.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that expression!” he laughed, sitting down next to you, “Now, I can only imagine you have a lot of questions for me. I’ll try to answer them all. Just let me know if I’m starting to freak you out too much.”
“Um…wow, you just cut to the chase. How did you get out of your dorm this late?” you asked, furrowing your brow “I thought we weren’t supposed to leave.”
“Is anyone going to catch me around Ramshackle?” he shot back, a smug grin on his features, “We’re safe. Don’t worry.”
Well, you couldn’t really argue with that.
“You’re right.” you mumbled, turning your gaze to the ground, “...How do you know who I am?”
“You were from...my past. You’re obviously not the same person, but you’re too alike...” he shrugged, chuckling when you shot him a baffled look, “You two have the same feeling...the same soul. You have the same mannerisms and facial expressions. I would have to be an idiot to forget how you were before.”
“What were we?” you breathed, meeting his gaze once again.
“Isn’t it obvious?” he pursed his lips, tilting his head, “We were in love. You loved me so much you sacrificed your life for me. I thought I’d never see you again.”
“...What?” you shuddered, a jolt of recognition coursing through your veins.
Obviously you died.
You died in the field of battle.
You died in an attempt to stop someone from stabbing Lilia from behind.
He didn’t find you until the battle was over.
There were so many enemies he didn’t even see you fall.
Your body had been trampled, and then buried under enemies and allies alike.
You clutched your knees to your chest, overwhelmed.
Tears leaked from your eyes.
What a horrible thing to remember.
A warm arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you into Lilia’s chest. He held you tightly, pulling the shattering pieces of you back together. He rubbed comforting shoulders on your back as flashes of memories overtook you, making your head hurt so badly you thought your skull was caving in.
“I’m so sorry.” he squeezed you tighter, “I’ll never let anything like that happen again. It doesn’t matter if we end up together once again or end up apart, I will always protect you. You have my word.”
“There was so much blood.” you whispered, clinging to his jacket with all your might, “How…? How did we end up fighting? What happened?”
“I was one of the royal guards. I had to. You never should have gotten mixed up in it. You were strong, but if I’d known…if I’d had a little less faith in you…” he laughed, the sound more bitter than it was before, “You were just too strong. I thought you were ready. I’m so sorry for letting you go out there.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” you sniffled, pulling away from him, “I don’t blame you, so don’t blame yourself.”
“You’re a saint.” he said, shaking his head, “But no. I can’t accept your forgiveness. I should have been more aware.”
“But I’m here now, aren’t I?” you tried to smile, shaking away the thoughts from your head, “I…don’t want to think about dying anymore. It’s…strange. Almost paradoxical. It makes me feel everything I felt before I passed and I’m not sure why but it’s a horrific feeling.”
“You’re dealing with it well. You’re just as strong as I remember.” Lilia said, lacing your fingers together.
“Well…I’ve gotten used to strange things happening. I kinda don’t…care as much anymore.” you shrugged, “It’s not like I’m chill with me dying, but I’ve gotten quick at coping with things.”
“You shouldn’t have to be.”
“But I am.”
“But you shouldn’t have to be. I spent centuries mourning you after you passed.”
You flinched, and he winced.
“Sorry. No talking about your death.”
“It’s fine. I…I know we’re connected somehow, and maybe you’re the entire reason I was brought here in the first place, but…” you bit your bottom lip thoughtfully, ���I don’t want to just go back to how things were back then, you know? I mean, I remember you, but I’ve mostly forgotten.”
“Don’t worry. I know.” he let go of your hand, turning his gaze back towards the starry sky, “I’m going to let you get to know me again. I’m going to help you through however many headaches and emotional breakdowns you get from remembering. You’re never under an obligation to spend time with me or feel the same way you did centuries ago. I’m content knowing that you’re safe, and if your fate in this life is finding someone else then I’ll live with that. But please, whatever you do, just let me protect you.”
“Of course.” you answered immediately, confident in your response, “I don’t know you at all, but something inside me knows I can trust you.”
He grinned, locking eyes with you again.
“And that’s all I need.”
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 years
i was tagged by both @lena221bee and @qglas! 🥰
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia// fantasy au or AND modern au // mutual pining or AND domestic bliss // smut or AND fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death  // one-shot or AND multi-chapter  // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbors or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
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keldae · 4 years
Writer’s Month 2020: Day Five
Fate, or the Force, or whatever one wanted to call it, had its own ways of bringing souls together. And death was not the hindrance that one might have thought it was. Souls that were meant to be always found each other, through the ages, and the Force had its hand in everything, even after one fiery Jedi Master and the clever, sarcastic spy she loved had both passed on.
It had its hand decades later in the Jedi with bright green eyes being assigned to protect the handsome young Senator from a Mid-Rim world, whose snarky words and lack of impulse control over his tongue had gotten him on the wrong side of more than a few of his less scrupulous colleagues. That tongue of his got her into trouble too, for different reasons entirely -- but it was a trouble she couldn't complain much about, even after more than one stern lecture about attachments. Within three years, the Senator had learned tact and diplomacy in a way his studies had never taught him, and the Jedi had chosen to remain with him, as far more than a guard and an advisor.
A generation later, the Force drew the amber eyes of one dockhand in an Outer-Rim spaceport to the cute redhaired spacer who had just landed her ship in one of the docking bays he worked in. For all that she liked to flirt, the spacer couldn't convince herself that the dockhand was just a cute boy to charm, and found herself surprised when she asked him, despite her fierce sense of independence, if he would leave with her. And he surprised himself by accepting without a second thought, despite never having left his homeworld before. A lifetime spent charting starmaps and hyperspace lanes with her felt far more perfect than anything he could have dreamed of.
A century later, it was a princess whose green eyes kept coming back to the rogueish mercenary captain her father had hired to deal with his rivals. She couldn’t convince herself that it was just the scandalous appeal of clandestine trysts, of frantic kisses and of soft moans kept quiet as skirts were hiked up in dark corridors by deft, surprisingly-gentle fingers. Slipping away from the palace in the dead of night to go with the amber-eyed merc, perhaps the first to treat her as a person and not just a highborn bargaining chip of a lady, was far more preferable to being an item bartered away in a political marriage. She had no need for romance novels anymore, not when she had a love story that surpassed any she had ever read. 
And then it was the bounty hunter, trying to not be taken in by the amber eyes of her target, no matter how attractive he was. Except, he really didn't deserve to have this hit out on him, and the client was a jerk who had insulted her already… She tried to convince herself that it was only the credits he'd offered her that let him go freely… but that didn't explain why she'd felt compelled to protect him against the next hunters sent after him, to stay with him for years after abandoning her hunt. 
Decades later, this time he was the Jedi, sent to broker a peace between two warring star systems -- and it was hard to say if the process was helped or hindered by how his amber eyes kept going back to the militia captain with bright red hair. He wound up requesting a permanent transfer to the system -- to “keep the peace”, he told the Council, and if he neglected to mention that the captain was the only reason he stayed, well... that was a minor, trifling detail.
After that, it was an arranged marriage between the heirs of two relatively-minor houses on Alderaan. For all that she did not approve of being wed to a stranger, she felt herself being inexplicably drawn to her new husband’s amber eyes. They had never met before, but somehow, his kisses felt so warm and familiar, like she had always known him.
Millenia later, the Force whispered in the mind of the Stormtrooper tasked with executing one of the hated Rebels after her capture and interrogation. Even with his blaster to her forehead, and his finger on the trigger… he couldn't do it, not after staring into those bright green eyes filled with defiance, and bravery, and suppressed fear, and something else that he couldn't name. He fired the blaster past her ear and warned her to never come back; she disobeyed and crept back a couple of nights later to help him slip out of the base and defect from the Empire.
A wise woman, in the later years of the First Order, said that those who lived long enough saw the same eyes in different people. Not even she had lived long enough to know all the lives of the green-eyed Jedi and the spy with amber eyes. But if someone who had known them in their first lives had somehow lived until the fall of Darth Sidious, they would have seen Xaja Taerich and Theron Shan’s eyes, over and over again… and without fail, inevitably together in the end.
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recs on recs on recs
Yaoi/Manga I’m reading/have read. Please support the artists on official websites. If you have recs or want to chat about any of these get in my messages right the fuck now my dudes. Also spoilers, also this probably doesn’t make sense to anyone but me, also I think I’m funny sorry in advance.
Dangerous Convenience Store
Tags: Ongoing, self aware lead for the most part, gangs, smut, love triangle, possessive, not rapey, seme is like the fucking hulk compared to uke, college, age gap, good art, muscular bodies, seme is adorable/romantic in sp chapters, sexual awakening, meeting the gang (in two ways!), FAINTS OF CUTENESS/HOTNESS, the memes after every chapter got me gagged, HAHE hahahahahahahahahaha, OMG DO I GET SOME CNC?! (update: short lived), we stan a vocal man (Ahjussi), thigh fucking, my mans be like my thighs hurt fuck my ass instead DECEASED, ass smacking, these memes are so good god damnit, rimming
8/10, I live for Ahjussi (Am I spelling this wrong..)
The New Employee 
-love love love
Tags: ongoing, we stan supportive boyfriends, healthy relationship, boss/employee, smut, office setting, good art, 10/10 will re-read, muscular bodies
Love Shuttle
Tags: completed, ABO, enemies to lovers, possessive, coworkers, fake relationship, strong omega, the art sucks but I like the story, art gets better after the 1st season, alphas eyes change colors when happy/anxious, muscular bodies, 7/10, update 10/10 art is meh but fml this storyline is basic af in the best way and it’s the fluff/smut I need, when you’re caught by the folks *cringe*
Hold Me Tight
Tags: ongoing, boss/employee, bodyguard, gio can’t feel heat until felix comes along, uke is strong af, horny bastards, smut, possessive, tragic childhood, moving in together right away, rich seme, felix in a bunny costume though *heart eyes*, dialogue is great, rape in a technical sense but the vibe is written like both characters are all good after? Ex. hospital scene…dub con, ART IS GREAT, hand holding during sex, 10/10 will re-read, muscular bodies
Yours to Claim 
Tags: ongoing, love triangle, Dom/sub dynamics, smut, main is big switch energy, reincarnation, jealousy, manipulative, possessive, self aware lead for the most part, toxic af, GREAT ART, college, rich semes, 10/10 will re-read and not even finished, SONOFABITCH that cliff hanger!! Season 3 come thruuuu (I have to wait until November? *cries* BUT MAH LOVE TRIANGLE!!, I want a THROUPLE GOD DAMN IT
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Tags: obsessed with this story, will the incense burner scenes make it?? No tags because I'll never forget this one haha wangxian 5ever, send me all fanfics/fan art you have about this story, love Dark Wangji, Jadecest, ABO/omegaverse, Bottom Wangji/Top Wei Ying, and honestly anything regarding this fandom
Bj Alex
Tags: completed, great art, 11/10 will re-read, cam boy, fanboy, seme is an asshole, uke is so sexy, jealously, rich seme, enemies to lovers kind of?, CHANWOO IS MY BOY FOR LIFE, Chanwoo MD supremacy, BDSM (like really really), fuck I love Chanwoo, college students, rich seme, emotional rollercoaster, uke soft body, mean seme, college life, that one nosy bitch ass guy trying to expose my boys needs to fuck right off, seme split/fake personality, dub con 
Anti PT
Tags: ongoing, 11/10 re-readable, porn with feelings, love triangle, jealousy, attempted non-con, personal training wink wink, main love interest is actually the best, second male lead is a god damn creep, first time, smut, great art, sex addict/constantly horny uke, I WANT A HWI, 
Related: https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/anti-pt/recommendations 
Tags: ongoing, both are psychopaths tbh, revenge, gangs, uke sells himself to seme, violent seme, entertainment industry, brunette supremacy, what this motherfucker gonna do? hehe , great art, muscular bodies, dead dove do not eat, my mans must be GOOD looking/animal magnetism cause everyone losing their fucking minds, okay this is a comedy I’m dying, he tried to scare him with wanting to be a top but my psycho said REVERSEUNO BITCH I’M A VERSE (wait jk apparently *sigh*), anonymous masked sex (sad n’ kinky)
My Suha
Tags: ongoing, wow this gets dark, possessive af like holy shit, terrible people all around uke, rape, boss/employee, office politics/family politics, smut, characters that are punchable, dead dove do not eat, *velociraptor noises*, avoided this for a while but I’m back because nothing can be more emotionally devastating than Banana Fish, TIE HIM UP, FUCK HIS FACE ALKSJD:ASKD, FUCK SUHA UR SO HOT that dirty talk though YAS, glad I picked this back up lmao, GOD DAMN IT just when the package arrived then this red head fucker *screams*
Shame Application aka Dirty Vibration
Tags: completed, friends to lovers, model seme, cute af uke, love triangle, entertainment industry, smut, kink, all kinds of sex everywhere, realized feelings, mutual pining, jealousy, rich seme, blonde seme, big brother 1984 always watching, 10/10 would re-read, porn with plot, they were roommates!, ~straight~ seme, first times, great art, remembering some cringe but considering the story it’s par for the course
Will You Subscribe
Tags: ongoing, season 1 completed, enemies to lovers, cam boy, office politics, boss/employee, hiding a secret, public sex, stalkers/creepy men, emotionally stunted characters, mutual pining, idiots in lust, lingerie company, slut shaming, jealousy/possessiveness, season 2 bebeh, HOLDING HANDS *velociraptor noises*, LMAO okay my mans is not THAT old how tf does he not know netflix and chill, BUNNY COSTUME (quickly becoming my new fav trope in manga, A+ gang), oh we stan a good boy, wtf is wrong with wanting to do cam work, ‘I wish my marks could become permanent’ *omegaverse wink*, *works for lingerie company* *doesn’t understand where bf gets sexy costumes* like wut kind of fuckery…, cross dressing ftw, roleplay, classic BL miscommunication trope
Tags: completed, high school crush, unrequited love, mutual pining, smut, quickie (short story), class reunion, apparently furry with the extra chapter turning my man into a bunny but c'est la vie! https://myreadingmanga.info/korean-bl-animation-hyperventilation-engsub/ this is the animation of the same story, different endings but same in tone (this site is spammy AF but the English subs are so hard to find for this) 8/10 
Unmei no tsugai ga omae da nante
Tags: only one bed, ABO, office setting. Coworkers, enemies to lovers, competitive, equality in the omegaverse, dubcon, real dicks and not lightsabers, fated pair, art is cute af 8/10
K’s Secret
Tags: buckle up buttercup, dead dove do not eat, angst, pining, somnophilia, dub con, non con, boss/employee, manipulative, stalking, forced relationship, tragic childhood background, weird art but gets better,  uke: don’t threaten me with a good time but seriously stop threatening me, possessive & obsessive, seme is like the fucking hulk compared to uke, wow were going full psycho stalker hm?, dating a narcissist is all fun and (mind)games, con non con… ? honestly who tf knows, domestic!, OW MY HEART, the t/n WAP note sent me, ch 51 translated by gen z, do special ep= furry? Wait there’s a maid costume, bunny costume, directors friends keeping it real, rough translations 8/10
Tags: ongoing, dead dove do not eat, uke buys seme, masc boys, muscular bodies, fight club, master/slave, rich uke, revenge, real dicks not lightsabers, rough sex, cuckholding, daddy issues, suicide, wow the end of ch 5 punched a hole in my heart, penile implant life,  rough translations makes the storyline wonky, nvm back to lightsabers *star wars noises*, HAD ME FEELING SOME TYPE OF WAY I CAN NOT, shibari, possessive, wait this is cute *velociraptor noises*, angst, no kithes for you “bestie”, OBSESSED, honestly choke him pupper, STAY THE NIGHT ALKSDJA:SLDKJAS:LKDJA:SLDKj, problematic but I’m riding for these two, 
Ichimai Goshi Fetish
Tags: completed, short, fetishes DO start in childhood don’t they *ruminates*, author: describes ML as a beautiful 2D character meanwhile: ML IS 2D character, fellas is it gay to kiss the homies?, “real dudes don’t interest me” is a MOOD, comedy, jealousy, college setting, dialogue is A+, not lightsabers but not dicks either, first time, when you’re fucked so good you think you’ve died, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4uEq5Nx6ko, hero/villain roleplay. Fluff n smut 10/10
My Purrfect Boss
Tags: completed, tooth rotting fluff because blondie is so FUCKING cute little sensitive soul, golden retriever boyfriend, pure comedy, DECEASED, MY MAN JUST DID THE SLOW BLINK, office setting, boss/employee, ~wasted~ (red dead redemption meme),  FFS SO CUTE, he put a ring on it right away beyonce would be proud af, he protecc he attack but most importantly he hit it from the back, jealousy, honeymoon phase of dating, the ex is a snake (update: oh wow literally), I’m picking up abuse/PTSD vibes based on how Kang reacts to his ex :(, classic BL miscommunication plot, immediately no meme audio (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6XWSGfYnps) ,  I WILL STRAIGHT UP MURDER CHA WTF!!!!!!, gang rape, spiked with drugs that force heat, me rn:*screaming/rage*, psychotic ex/abuser, HE PROTECCC, actual relief after that scene jesus fuck, okay YES kings I see you, okay this is giving me cuteness aggression, hi yes I’d like to adopt a cat and a dog please 9/10
Following Namsoo to the Bathhouse
Tags: completed, same author as, “My Purrfect Boss”, A+ comedy once again, JUNIOR, gay awakening, “fap myself to death” DEAD, facial expressions are ridic, my minds telling me no but my body, my bodyyyy’s telling me yaaaaa, ya boy is literally losing his mind over this, actual lightsabers lmao, FLUFF, permasmile, 6969, THINKS THEY’RE GOING TO EAT RAMEN, dense gay, own your skin wtf okay hannibal calm down, everyone is officially cray,  ah I also am barfy when drunk, denial really is something hm, classic BL miscommunication plot, when people pleasing too far, happy ending 🥺🥰, side story: our crazy gets his very own crazy (ashton Kutcher from spread vibes), public sex, sex sparkle 9/10
Alien in my Closet
Tags: ongoing (maybe completed but def ongoing on the site I use), not rapey at all?? You’d think it’s impossible in this medium ffs, anti pt vibes, cute art, fluff ‘n smut, red head!!, they were roomates!, sex toys, bsdm, D/s (brat)dynamic or maybe owner/pet, bondage, *tiffany hadish voice* this is noiceeee, con humiliation/degradtion, SANTA CLAUS, edging, marking, one lotus please (he’s clearly read the 4 agreements and karma sutra), con non con, exhibitionism, the wrist thing stays on people, Katoptronophilia,  roleplay, is it stalking when you bring your friends?, lotus: welcome home cheater, the chin on the head thing gives me cuteness aggression, the twins are my favs, when ur crush vanilla af 😭, haesung: experiment on me daddy, no dick until halfway through/fingering supremacy, bedroom sessions has me gagged, voyeurism, wait they haven’t kissed this whole time I forgot (audio: https://www.tiktok.com/@ryley/video/6976701880277748997?lang=en), sunbae is sus, YES FINALLY A FUCKING SWITCH COUPLE AKJSDHALKSJDHASKLJDHALS KJDALKSJD (update: sort of), there’s a missed opportunity for an anal probe joke, damn it okay maybe sunbae is chill, 3 musketeers, my heart*implodes*, *velociraptor noises*, 12/10 would re-read such fluff my heart 
On Doorstep
Tags: completed, age gap, reese has ptsd, jimmy going from 0 to 100, jimmy really got down on his knees at work, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) deepest part you say, real dicks, ride him like a rodeo, quickie/short story, porn with plot
Gorani Jeon
Tags: ongoing, omegaverse, no alpha though, animal hybrid, art is beautiful like it's drawn on paper not a screen, 40 inch weave yours came in a pack, historical (non-modern), lord send me a sexy man pls, the memes after each chapter are golden, taking the phrase licking wounds literally, is that an eggplant or are you just happy to see me hehe, ahhh so inhibitors do exist here, vertical 69, here lays Bau fucked to death by Ran, WHY HE TOUCHING MY MAN, these chickens are dope, stomp on his dick, that’s what I call a happy meal, fucked right out the front door I’M DEAD, mpreg, i need a tiger+mountain god spin off (whoops dad/son my bad), slice of life, cute fluff 8/10
Room to room
Tags: completed, college setting, A+ dialogue, absurd size difference, unrequited love,  sexsomina, dubcon, angst, death by a thousand cuts emotionally, insecurity, body envy, pining, friends to lovers, they were roommates!, homophobia, sexual assault, PTSD, gays in denial, the tattoo 🥺 ow my heart, truly this is 90% smut, “going from unrequited love to fwbs is shittier than I expected”, dowan *bad blood by t swift* when he sees garam, ch 22garam reminds me of my ex and that’s not a compliment, I’m not gay but my boyfriend is vibes, triflers need not apply, spanking, 😭😭😭😭😭 my heart hurts, is anyone getting a bit of a puppy play vibe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vni9ZWmDXis, handcuffs, lots of head we stan, dowan’s gotta a touch of a foot thing or maybe body worship thing, asdlfgkjs ;dlkfgjsd;flkgj;sdflkgj;sdlfgjs;d/gkdf SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEE, roleplay. They broke the bed no use of crying over spilled milk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), side stories delivering man in uniform and sex toys AND puppy, asdlkjaslfkasdjfl;askdfjasdf the shirt thing is so hot, watersports, I take it back this is 98% smut 9/10
Mistake Lover
Tags: completed, when ur bff is back on their BS, love triangle, coworkers, i swear all these ukes look the same to me at this point (which is very cute), GE!!!! (wangxian flashbacks), wait no smut?.... Paused
Yagi to ookami no hatsujou jijou
Tags: completed, quickie/short story, literally on my reading list because a comment said “nice cock 10/10”hahahaha, animal hybrids, scifi/aliens, me during chapter one: am I a furry? No. Am I? Relevant audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noJNIqvDfoo, hotties when human GOD DAMN, bi king, okay I stan this girl changing gears take your opportunities honey!, does blondie have a tinder or how is this happening? (update: called it), feminization, dubcon/noncon, marking, heats, idk about 10/10 cock but not lightsabers, translation is ruff (get it?), a yankee hahaha, literal wound licking, googles chimera, *claps* yes king selfish call his ass out, tail holding caaaayoooot, not that isn’t usually copious amounts of cum but really this is a lot 8/10
Make Me Bark
Tags: completed, $250 a month rent?? *cries in Californian*, god damn it these grey haired 2D men are really hot fml, “next months rent is a looming concern but I hope it’ll get better” followed by apartment on fire is how I feel about reality, rare characters that smile way more than they frown, sex toys, kink, puppy play, owner/pet dynamic, sugar daddy/baby, college setting, harness, muzzle, leash, tail plug, shirt thing!!, soaked briefs, playing barbie IRL, omg meet cute at the adult store, intercrural sex, possessive/jealousy, ah fuck yes I saw this panel on IG but it didn’t have the source but now hehe, whipping, choking, spanking, *bookmarks*, simp city, childhood friends, side couple cute af, yeonsoo: sorry I’m an anti romantic, size queen, mens lingerie, domestic, mutual pining,  these bestie pairings are *chefs kiss*, skinny but muscular bodies/no ridiculous size differences, “does he have a big dick?” “probably” “well tell him to come” GAGGED AJKSDHALSKDJHA this dialogue pure comedy, exhibitionism, human auction, maid costume, men in heels, topping in a dress, girl at the bus stop HAHAHA, ffs this is so cute, side stories: it’s a small world afterall, dynamic role reversal, pink haired boy is guru, SCREAMING AKDJA:SLDKJA:LKDJA:LSDKJLAKDJA:LDJAL:SKDJASLKDJA:SLKDJLAKSDJLASDJ:LASJD:ALSKDJASL:DJ:ASLJDPUTARINGONIT!!!! 11/10 
Gurume no fukurami
Tags: completed, quickie/short story, food fetish, feeding fetish, age gap, throuple-eqsue? There’s 3 people involved, paused ch 1 pg 30
Under the Green Light
Tags: ongoing, thank you IG for rec’ing this, brunette supremacy, neurodivergent?, lmao @hag, this statue is everything I wonder if it’s based on a real piece?, we went from talking art to being pinned to the ground REAL quick, translations rough but not as rough as my mans here, draw me like one of your french girls vibe, sass master, these dicks are ridiculously huge which is saying something for this genre, i love a verse/switch, “first time he’s asked someone to stop so his self-esteem is hurt” HAHAHAHA, stealing bae’s shirt, facials galore, car sex/public sex, jin not into praise kink clearly, sort of slut shaming jealousy, marking
Walk on Water
Tags: completed, for being about porn it’s not that smutty (i take it back), “don’t even think about running away” got me like https://giphy.com/gifs/VABbCpX94WCfS, actual dicks (lightsabers later must be the cleaners not the OG), muscular bodies, blonde seme, brunette uke, k mcqueen is everything, honestly haven’t loved a couple this much since chanwoo x MD and I LOVE THEM, jealousy, orgasm denial, the angles/frames of the art in this are insane (11/10), emotional intimacy CUTENESS HASIHDLASKDHJLAKSJDH, i wanna lick lick lick you from your head to your toes, dirty talk A+, bestie you turned out to be Judas you judgy fuck how dare you touch my man, Ryan is 50 shades of fucked up bb needs therapy, Chang and yeowoons sexual tension is *chefs kiss*, I ship it/all my ships sailing, woof non con but expected tbh, YEAH BABY YEAH *Austin powers voice*, fml I don’t want this story to end, meeting the Hets ™ would make me nervous too, spiderman kith, mirror sex sjkadfhasldjkfh, 34+35, JOI but with a partner? Not D/s, promises are made to broken hehe, that feeling when you understand the title, omg the fan art is so cool!! 15/10 would re-read seriously I can’t explain how well the artist used angles/how she portrayed the scenes was fucking MASTERFUL
Woof Wolf
Tags: that's my best friend (saweetie), red heads, werewolf au, college setting, students, shoot a shot in your mouth while I'm riding, facials, marking
Sexual Awakening of an Ex Delinquent 
Tags: completed, quickie/short story, sexual coercion/non con/dub con, tiddies, bondage, nipple play, edging/orgasm denial, candy in ass wow, food kink, kink in general, rich seme working class uke, lightsabers,  big dick Jesus fuck, exhibitionism, public sex, men's lingerie, Blondie is a sweet baby angel, self hatred/homophobia, sexual narrating that has me like oof 😣 that's not how this works but okay, the sweet spots thing is a great line, man is a slave to the sweets, lmao at the meme at the end of ch 9 fucking facts, kidnapping plot, rapey guys all around this story, tattoo/back story reveal has me like *nods head yes*, my throats broken has me gagged, crazy amount of sfx noises that distract from the art (I really appreciate cleaners I realize), first times, rushed ending feels,  would rate 6/10 not terrible but probably won't read again.  
With Your Tail Yes
Tags: ongoing, IG rec, quickie/short story, on man brunette looks EXACTLY like a different character by another artist like for real duplicate, home boy pulled Elle Wood’s Bend n Snap and we are HERE FOR IT, lingerie/cross dressing, okay compilation of short stories, great artwork but wtf these are far too short (maybe uploaded wrong..?), *immediately makes deal with the devil because yum*, ah okay previews THEN stories, human animal hybrid situation, lightsabers, fucking imagine your crush delivery the sex toy you ordered online HAHA *dies*, buys toys because men ain’t shit is a VIBE, you know he’s always wearing matching sets because he’s 100% that bitch, dub con/non con, knotting (unexpected), exhibitionism, public sex, good ol’ fashion blackmail to get your lover to stay with you trope, sexual assault/attempted rape, victim blaming, shibari, leashes, D/brat dynamic sort of, copious amounts of cum, lube? What lube?, marathon sex, first time, 75 hours?? Immediately no meme, 7/10 mostly for art/concepts but not execution
Heat and Run
Tags: ongoing, IG rec, omegaverse, friends to enemies to lovers, multiple couples as main to sides then sides to mains, my heart dropped because I thought the first sex scene was incest but then realized I’m mixing up all the characters derp, dense gays, this is america (the shooting comment WOOF reality feels bad man), blondes have more fun, real dicks, dubcon/CNC dealers choice, mutual pining, idiots in love, big alpha energy BDE, there are moments I feel Hayoung on a spiritual level and not sure that’s a compliment hahaha, orgasm denial/edging, istg if he bonded without Hayoung permission *jenna marbles BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII YOU BETTAH NOT*, also I was hoping the idol was him but realizing it’s probs his sis, *deep sigh*, BDIRL, wow racism, oh no oh no no no no no meme audio, listen everyone needs to get into therapy to break that generational trauma is all I’m saying (not excusing abuse at all, trauma isn’t a free pass), NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY A GAME WITHOUT KNOWING THE RULES :ALKSDHJALKSDJA:SLKDJTRUE, matthew singing bo burnham: I’m problematic *background singers ‘he’s a problem!’*, i ship it yolo, JAEHO STAN (no means no!), mpreg, god damn it I am so worried about him getting roofie and the party scene hasn’t even started ABO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TOO ME, OH THANK JAEHO, dayummmm that clapback was real fuck him UP, me clapping: MARK HIM MARK HIM, GOD DAMN IT WITH THESE ONGOING FUCKING CLIFF HANGERS FML, marked via knotting? Okay that’s new, but also like normal marking I think, fucking til bottom pees trope
Heaven Officials Blessing
Animated series season 1 complete. Live action currently filming (same director as Untamed too UGH SO HAPPY)
Tags: ongoing, same author as my fav ever MDZS, just finished season 1 animated on netflix and can no longer avoid this because I LOVE THEM, all the memes on IG make sense now, Prince voice: Dearly Beloved (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXJhDltzYVQ) we are gathered here today to dive deeper into a fandom I will never escape, ART IS AMAZING (https://tenor.com/view/incredible-talented-lady-brilliant-gaga-gif-14857187), group chats are always chaotic tbh, wait a minute meme audio: bride = bottom? How tf did I not get that the first time round *sigh* always hoping for a verse couple, the asst. Boys I ship hard, the sass, fuck this is going to just be pure angst isn’t it *straps in, has fluffy manga queued*, even if no smut 11/10 gege porn, not subtle, god FUCK this ART IS SO FUCKING GOOD THE TALENT skjas;ldkfja;, 🥺, traumatic cliff moment *mdzs flashbacks*, HC smirk is my new favorite thing, no fucking but lots of touching, size difference, horror, gore, wuxia, great side characters, my ear feels tingly too lmao, SOMEONE BETTER GET THESE MF SNAKES ON THIS MF PLANE (cliff), umbrella moments got me uwu, gimme at least didi pleaseandthankyou, FUCK I LOVE THIS ARTIST she keeping us WELL fed with these extras DAYUM, wind/earth master ship please sail, CALL ME DADDY IM DEAD, HC has LWJ energy like you are not qualified to talk to me LOL, WAIT this totally counts as there was only one bed trope, also I’m already excited about omegaverse ff (send me recs please please please)
4 week lovers
Tags: ongoing because apparently I want to torture myself, mutual pining/”unrequited love”, college life, friends to lovers, blackmail ur crush into sex trope, public sex, I was going to tag possessive body language but possessive in a general sense apparently (starting strong yessss), sure jan @unrequited love dialogue, THEY WERE ROOMMATES *cackles*, sus haha, rough translation, pure comedy, shirt thing!, casual abuse :( (back story, traumatic childhood), I’m getting TharnType vibes (but not quite…), that note is precious, cry during/after sex, great angles, dialogue A+ 
Burlesque Night
Tags: completed, quickie/short story, stripper/body guard, coworkers, lust at first sight, magic mike vibes, fridays = getting fucked on stage O-O, well that was traumatizing af, took a bullet, real dicks, LDR, CUTE, I’m not in love with you… sure jan, OH WOW MASTER dlksaj;alsdkja;lsdkja;sld, gay awakening/first time, the art detail is *chefs kiss*, disappointed but not surprised :( :( :(, we stan a yes and lover, shirt thing, still not sure wtf the vertical anus thing is but full circle moment haha, you know what fuck it I’d re-read this 9/10
My one and only cat
Tags: ongoing, cat hybrids, god damn it I’m totally in furrydom ffs, ah well here we go, idol hot = loneliness wahhh /s, so hot he literally transforms other beings, omg a cat cafe CUTE, fuck that cat is cute *so fluffy*, stalker status, comedy, real dicks, I think the uncle would be supportive/jealous even I hope they talk about it I’m dying to know his thoughts, big tiddies, if this ain’t the cutest shit FLUFF/SMUT, copious amounts of cum, ate it with the panties on, CAKE, xmas, his milkshakes bring all the boy(cats) to the yard, trifling bitch
Imitation Mate
Tags: completed, omegaverse, alpha x alpha. Class rivals YAS, childhood frans, enemies to lovers omg this is all the shit I want, manipulation 1000 but yolo I ship it
Mr. 100% Perfect
Tags: ongoing, so relatable, OCD?, hoarder, when I read the title I thought mental illness and I was right, masks ugh RELATABLE, getting back together w ex, woof sibling drama/manipulation, suicide attempt, omg their communication regarding the psycho is REFRESHING, OMG JEJU ISLAND I see it in every fucking kdrama ever but this is the first time I’ve seen it mentioned in a manga *hm* interesting, furry furry everywhere, eye contact, finished reading season 1 pause for an omergaverse cause, okay I’m back and season 2 starting STRONG #1 men are gross #2 mans just went right to a blowie while mf was trying to pee lmao i can NOT the germs barf, fuckboi extraordinaire stressing over a textback is *great*, that istg face is perfect, HYUNGGGG, hand on his heart OW MY HEART, vibe check LOL, here for this plot dev, END OF SEASON2 NOOOOOOOimnotready. Head bonks CUTE
The origin of species
Tags: ongoing, omegaverse, sex tape, blackmail, i already don’t like this teacher, size difference, ‘JUST DIE’ hahahahahaha, I’m in love with noona, wait Ahjussi means uncle/mister? Dangerous convenience store has a new meaning to me now, DECEASED @they won’t, copious amounts of cum, alcohol to have intimacy *sighs in early 20s*, also WTF THEY ARE FUCKING AND THERE’S NO PHERMONE STUFF! What’s the point of being ABO without smell *swaggy p meme???*, wait okay ch 11 it begins, stockholm syndrome but since childhood I’m fairly certain *looking at you teacher I don’t trust these mfs*, dubcon obviously, also the can’t be knotted thing has me *cardi b meme that’s weird that’s sus* obvs poor bb about to get preg af, five word horror story: I won’t hurt you again *why tf you lyinggggg why u always lyinggg meme*, white collar crime, what’s the point of a contract when there’s no actual choice
How to Chase an Alpha
Tags: ongoing, lowkey been avoiding this one not because I think it’ll be bad I just..idk the brain is a weird thing, page 2 and I love mains attitude fucking gagged sass me bb, starting with rough translation but it be that way sometimes, GROUNDS HIMSELF BY TOUCHING HIS BLACK CARD I CANTTT, pheromone city fuck it UP, MC is a MOOD, mutual pining, when u and bae both hire PI’s to get info on each other, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, shirt thing, fucking chuffed about the rival fucking bring it, funny art, cheated on ugh mah heart I saw it coming and it still hurt, pure comedy this airport scene is so funny to me wtf, LDR, good ol murica fuckboi, LOVE HIM RIDE FOR UR MAN/MORALS, liams a little rapey rapist hm? No one’s ever said no… well being flooded with pheromones isn’t consent my dude, istg liam = I love it when they struggle, obvs jealousy/possessive tag but such is ABO, cat suit, BUNNY suit, sexy costumes, god damn it I love them that proposal/mpreg so cute, imprinting AW, ugh baes fam is so cute I needed that bc I wanna strangle wooyoungs dad, THE SECETARY is my fucking fav never stops being A+, SEC+LIAM?? Here for it *i ship it*, FUCK SO CUTE 12/10 re-read, fluff n smut, excited for how to chase an omegaside story hyung needs love!, JINI is mood, sales king I’m dying, that collar is ~hot~ btw
Tags: completed (because jesus I can’t with ongoing, theheartbreakTM), UPDATE FML THE HEART BREAK IS REAL also no smut, omegaverse, hey stepbro, starts with rape, possessive/jealousy (isn’t all ABO?), age difference (6years, alpha is younger *can I get hyung plz lord*), HYUNG, woof this dad SUCKS, child abuse, rape culture *sigh*, I wanna get jacked like rick and summer and beat tf out of the dad, me n my cat, TELL EM HONEY I love this MC, traitor indeed, beta x omega btw, fated pair, coercive sex, didi going to be his own demise, BREAKUP/TIME SKIP NO this is BL hell, the rona is mentioned in this, ALL I WANT IS TO HEAR YOUR STORY WAHHHHHHHHHH also YES MY SHIP IS GOING TO SAIL I CAN FEEL IT, okay honestly frustrating a bit but also liked it yah 7-8/10, won’t re-read unless I’m looking for hurt though cause the comfort is BRIEF
Yarichin bitch bu
Tags: ongoing, reading because I watched this anime after seeing it mentioned in the comment section of -im-being-harassed-by-the-sexiest-man-of-the-year, anime was 2 eps a fucking wild the way this is uploaded SUCKS, no reality porn what plot rape-y ridiculous and now I need to read the source apparently haha, I need to know much more about yuri and blue hair guy ASAP (they have the spin off*adds to list*), high school setting, smut, studentsxstudents/teachers, photography club my ass, sex toys, kinky, crossdressing, gay awakening, unrequited love, jealousy, fake relationship, two faced people, OCD, COMEDY, rich people problems, hoarder, inferiority complex, one bed, toono is a dumbass in this love triangle or denial might be a better word, they are cousins my dude stop shipping it (I say to both toono and myself LOL), I wanna see Yuri’s face laksdjf;aldskf, vibrator #18 line is fucking iconic, yaguchi is about to get real interesting (BPD?), lies/manipulation, oh toono you sweet summer child, YURI i can’t wit chu, wait did he just punch the student because he won’t kiss him or???, dubcon/noncon obvs, finally my verse couple but they’re not a couple (yuri/tamu), they all care about each other is a weird way awwww, love confessions to pet vibrator scene are ICONIC MY DUDES I CAN NOTTT, lowkey living for Yuri’s drooling at this point, Jimi gives me such bad second hand embarrassment, Yuri the switch verse bb I’ve been looking for need more!, internalized homophobia, blackmail, MIDDLE FINGER IN THE AIR YAS KING, the heartbreak of ongoing/hasn’t been updated in years
Yarichin bitch bu dj wa
Tags: not completed I think, years old though, see above you know what it is, so cute omg, FIRST KISS AW, degradation kink?, MY VERSE COUPLE I’ve finally found you, biting, choking, rough sex, sex toys, they had fun together for another two hours DECEASED
Fucked by my Best Friend
Tags: ongoing, friends to lovers, body swap, Porn what plot, cannon threesomes in past maybe??(MFF for sure but MMF??), beach life, revenge, he became a HOT woman so honestly get over it, sloppy seconds, first off you’re both sluts second lmao this is going to be wild hm?, fellas is it gay if you kiss the homies, classic did you cum guy jfc, that’s how you get preg dumbass, ah the joys of being a woman /s assault in der clrub, *DEEP SIGH* @ you almost being raped turns me on, YES TURNING BACK DYING, gender has nothing to do with this LOL but true. Also yes cannon threesomes/orgies, googles frotting, mans like narrating playtime, intecurial sex public sex, lingerie, this is the closest thing to straight manga I’ve read hahaha, THE SCIENCE OMG FUCKING RIDIC :you need a mass amount of semen within you SURE JAN, possessive. Objectification, she trying to fuck without Shion LMAO, 34+35, do you think he’s on r/nofap, dry orgasm honestly impressed with mans rn ngl, spit as lube, anal fingering, just helping the homies find their prostate, bottom shaming (disappointed but not surprised), bis/gays in denial smh, question if he has a wet dream will he turn into a woman?, shirt thing, lol at female orgasm =anal in switcharoos mind, paging doc perv, shion is enjoying dressing up hm? Same dude, biggest reality gap is believing shion got admitted to a college HAHA, bad anatomy all over the place dude, rui is a dedicated exhibitionist, HE SO TIGHT BECAUSE THERES NO LUBE team no lube over here apparently not even a courtesy spit, yandere territory sort of?, Mayu with the dick wet comment is *chefs kiss*, THE HEARTBREAK OF ONGOING WAHHH I can’t believe I read all this but I can? 8/10 problematic possessive porn
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thelittlefanpire · 3 years
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100 days of writing // day 36-48!
thanks to @the-wip-project for putting this idea together. tagging @kinetic-elaboration @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @hopskipaway and @dylanobrienisbatman.
I meant to post this last night….Wow, the days really fly by, huh? Almost halfway through this project and I have not written a single thing!! Soooo time to switch to a totally new project! Thanks to @troped-fanfic-challenge for a brand new story idea! I’ve been working on the moodboards for this event for quite some time but I hadn’t allowed myself to think about it personally…until now!
Going to use some previous questions to guide this post!
How do you start a new story?
First Brainstorm the Prompt.
I used to want to write different Movie/TV AUs constantly and now I mostly function through trope prompts! So for this particular WIP, the prompt is a visual moodboard, and it has strong Harry Potter AU vibes. I looked through my HP folder for some ideas because I really, really want to write the Bonus Character but I don’t actually have an full-fledged HP plot ideas in my t100 arsenal. My only HP ideas are all about gritty, dark modern witch hunts with hidden magic AUs or Dramione AUs. Those did lead to an idea and then the Bonus Character led to another. I slept on it and eventually my brain started to roll a plot around.
Next make a Moodboard. See below*
Then come up with a Title. I have a running list I like to pick through and it’s usually pretty easy for me to mold my new ideas into one of them.
Write a Summary.
And BAM! New Story!!! I’ve got an opening image in my head so I need to write that down sooner rather than later.
Make a new moodboard.
Just a piece of the rework I did on the TROPED: VISUAL Round 1 Moodboard. Not shown is the other character in this pairing/dynamic and the main setting! I am a very visual person so I really love creating moodboards for my fics! This HP one has the coolest vibes. Sorta Spoilers below the cut!
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What’s an an old idea that you've discarded?
I loved reading @kinetic-elaboration’s answer to this. And I totally AGREE!! I never completely discard an old idea. When I switched fandoms after a 7 year hiatus, I began converting any leftover WIPs to my new fandom.
A lot of ideas move places frequently on the writing counter. New ideas are quickly chopped up into moodboards, titles, and possible summaries. Prompt ideas with a deadline get seasoned with outlines and notes. Most pressing WIPs are put on the front burners to be cooked up and ones I don’t have interest in go on the back burners. Sometimes things get returned to the pantry? (Aye, a Chopped Metaphor, ftw!)
Back Burner WIPs:
Soulmate Wedding Dress AU
Sweet Home Alabama AU
Sea Mechanic Selkie AU
Chopped 1.0 Final Fic
Octavia Reincarnation fic
Pantry WIPs:
College AU - 6k
Band AU - 5k
Infidelity fic - 7k+
BBB19 fic - 4k
+ a few under 1-2k
All of my ideas are stored in a list in a Google Doc and the only ones I’ve actively discarded were vague TROPED ideas like, a Canon Spec Ring Fic and a Space Opera R+J Bellarke AU. One had a moodboard but I recently deleted it because I don’t actually want to write it any more. Most of my ideas I believe I’ll write in time and I would never want to get rid of them. Just in case. I’m waiting on that inspiration and motivation.
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bellakitse · 5 years
tagged by @adrianintown (Thanks hon!! 😘)
I’m going to answer these with Tarlos in mind.
1. Slowburn or Love at First Sight (both though, for real BOTH)
2. Fake Dating or Secretly Dating
3. Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers (Think of the pining, think of the flutters in the stomach)
4. “Oh no, there’s Only One Bed,” or Long-Distance Correspondence (Pillows down the middle of the bed, waking up wrapped up in each other’s arm)
5. Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
6. Fantasy AU or Modern AU
7. Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss
8. Smut or Fluff ( I am the fluff queen and I wear my crown with honor)
9. Canon-Compliant/Missing Scenes or Fix-It (canon can usually suck it, Fix-it fic FTW)
10. Alternate Universe or Future Fic (Coffee shop AU’s, College AU’, Models AU, Royalty AU’s!)
11. One Shot or Multi-chapter
12. Kid Fic or Road trip Fic
13. Reincarnation or Character Death
14. Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage
15. High School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance (I might already have an outline for a Tarlos High school AU 😏😏)
16. Time Travel or Isolated Together
17. Neighbors or Roommates
18. Sci Fi AU or Magic AU
19. Body swap or Genderbend
20. Angst or Crack
21. Apocalyptic or Mundane
@insidious-intent @lilascosmic @chamblerstara @pottercastleminds @gra-sonas @alexxmichael @beka1820 @andrea-lyn @unbreakablejemmasimmons
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boundinshallows · 5 years
Tagged by the wonderful @marsza and @twobrokenwyngs! 
Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone because, again, why not.
slow burn or love at first sight. 
Slow burn definitely, though I’m game for lust at first sight
fake dating or secret dating. 
Both are good, but the fake dating trope is *chef’s kiss*. 
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers 
God give me a good hatefuck fic any day of the week tbh.
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence 
This is a fandom classic, and I’m not even a little bit ashamed to be a total slut for it.
hurt/comfort or amnesia 
Break my babies and try to put them back together again
fantasy au or modern au 
I have a lot of fantasy/sci-fi fandoms, so modern au ftw
mutual pining or domestic bliss 
I love a little pining, don’t get me wrong, but I love curtain fic. GIVE ME ALL THE CURTAIN FIC
smut or fluff 
Fluff is fine if done well and in character, but nothing excites me more than an M or E rating, mkay?
canon compliant (missing scenes) or fix-it fic
My ships always fucking sink or are so left field that they’ll never happen. Clearly this was a very poor choice on the creator’s part and must be remedied. 
alternate universe or future fic
Both are good, but lately I’ve been living for AUs. I blame Arthur/Eames fandom entirely for this turn of events. 
one-shot or multi-chapter
I don’t like delayed gratification XD  Give me a self-contained story all at once and do a follow-up if you want to carry on.
kid fic or roadtrip fic 
I. Love. Kid!Fic. A decade in fandom, and this has remained consistent. 
reincarnation or character death
No interest in either. Sorry, not sorry.
arranged marriage or accidental marriage 
This is another where both have their appeals, but arranged marriage has more potential for angst and enemies to lovers.
high school romance or middle aged romance 
I need my ships to consist of broken characters, battered to death by life. So yeah, middle-aged romance plz and thx.
time travel or isolated together 
See also: smut
neighbours or roommates 
There is just so much more potential for slow-burn, sexual situations with roommates.
sci-fi au or magic au
Neither do much for me, but I will give magic aus a try quicker than sci-fi ones
bodyswap or genderbend 
Zero interest in bodyswap, but a gender bend au is where it’s at. I have two specifically that I want to write. 
angst or crack
I hate crack!fic. It’s nearly always OOC and gives me awful secondhand embarrassment. I’ve sold my soul to the devil for angst.
apocalyptic or mundane
I think this is meant to get at everyday life/scenarios (like curtain!fic), so I’m going with mundane here. 
Tagging @tinypinetrees @justanothershelby @whentommymetalfie @mintjamsblog @vamillepudding @queuebird @weeo @comebackjessica @laboratorioautoral @meseob and anyone else who would like to give this a try! 
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anysin · 5 years
Fic trope games
Tagged by @flo-nelja!
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone because, again, why not.
slow burn or love at first sight – I loooooooooove a slow burn, but I do have a soft spot for love at first sight too.
fake dating or secret dating – Not a big fan of either, but fake dating can occasionally be fun.
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers – Both are good but enemies to lovers is my jam.
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence – Gotta go with bed-sharing!
hurt/comfort or amnesia – Hurt/comfort is one of my ultimate jams so that easily. Amnesia stuff is a hit or miss to me.
fantasy au or modern au – I like both, but if I have to choose I guess I’ll go with a fantasy AU.
mutual pining or domestic bliss – Pining is goooooood.
smut or fluff – I have my needs, okay?
canon compliant or fix-it-fic – I love both, but I’m a canon’s girl in the end.
alternate universe or future fic – Another super-hard choice! I like both but maybe AUs in the end, although i’m picky about what kind of AUs I like. (I don’t go for mundane/no powers AUs for instance.)
one-shot or multi-chapter – My attention span loves the oneshot.
kid fic or road trip fic – Easily road trip, I’m not into kid stuff.
reincarnation or character death – Neither is my favorite trope but I will go with character death. Reincarnation can be beautiful in right hands though.
arranged marriage or accidental marriage – I love an arranged marriage sometimes, so that.
high school romance or middle-aged romance – Older people ftw.
time travel or isolated together – I love isolation stuff so that, although I also enjoy time traveling.
neighbors or roommates – Roommate stuff makes me kind of uncomfortable due to personal issues, so rather neighbors.
sci-fi au or magic au – I love both but gimme the magic.
body swap or genderbend – Body swaps ftw, though genderbends can be good!
angst or crack – Both are fun but I’m an angster at heart.
apocalyptic or mundane – I do like mundane stuff in canonical context, but I do also love an apocalypse so going with that.
Anyone who wants to do this can do this, just tag me back!
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severusdefender · 5 years
So uh cont on the plethora of AU i keep sending: Sev dies as per canon, but gets reincarnated into an Alt!verse where Magic has been known for a very long time but mages are typically controlled or conscripted into armies (aerial mages ftw, watch a clip on Youtube rlly cool) or something similar to the Youjo Senki anime. But Sev & an Alt!Lily are conscripted as Child Mage Soldiers in a WW3 or something. Sev's thoughts on his Sorta2ndChance in an Altverse being a 'War Is Hell' trope w/ Alt!Lily?
yes! he’s in a different war where there’s more than psychological pressure, there’s the risk of getting killed or horribly injured so yeah he has his friend lily again but the world is terrible. i actually think he would try to find a way out like getting purposefully injured so he’d get sent home but the healing magic is far more advanced than his original universe so he is back fighting immediately. maybe he tries to present himself as better as a spy which was horrible on his mental health but it’s better than fighting a war
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antivanruffles · 7 years
For the fanfic meme: 10 and 32!
10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic?
Generally: that sweet, sweet pining and (supposedly) unrequited feelings with a dash of “I’m not good enough for them.”
Also always a fan of when a heated argument or disagreement turns into a declaration of love because that’s some good shit. 
Redemption is good. Hi, entire S/S fandom. 
Though, I think lots of times I like certain scenarios for certain pairings, rather than it being a catch-all for every pairing. But really I’m just a simple girl with simple needs... which translates to medium angst with a happy ending.
32. Favorite AU tropes?
Again it’s hard because certain pairings fit certain tropes better. Like with Senshi/Shitennou it’s really easy to explore a lot of different worlds and lives and fit them into those roles, because it’s kinda part and parcel for the fandom. Reincarnation ftw.
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tobythewise · 5 years
Tagged by @mansikkaomenabanaani and @lieselfh Thank you lovelies!
copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone because, again, why not.
1. slow burn or love at first sight
2. fake dating or secret dating  
3. enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
4. oh no there’s only one bed or long distance with correspondence
5. hurt/comfort or amnesia -I have a secret love of amnesia fics but I also adore hurt/comfort (as long as there’s not too much angst heh heh)
6. fantasy au or modern au (BOTH! Depends on what the mood for the night is)
7. mutual pining or domestic bliss
8. smut or fluff (FLUFFY SMUT FTW)
9. canon compliant (missing scenes) or fix-it fic
10. alternate universe or future fic
11. one-shot or multi-chapter (You can’t possibly expect me to choose)
12. kid fic or road trip fic
13. reincarnation or character death (MCD?? WE DON”T KNOW HER)
14. arranged marriage or accidental marriage
15. high school romance or middle-aged romance
16. time travel or isolated together
17. neighbours or roommates (I LOVE both of these but I tend to write more roommate aus *shrugs*)
18. sci-fi au or magic au
19. body swap or gender-bend
20. angst or crack
21. apocalyptic or mundane (Again... one of my secret favorite tropes is post apocalyptic au’s)
Tagging: @foxymoley @spnhell @ladyofthursday @ladyoxymoron
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